

高二英语Unit18全套课件 新课标 人教版

高二英语Unit18全套课件 新课标 人教版

1. be tired of 2. break away from 3. allow for 4. exchange …for 5. get stuck in
Grammar: Attributive clause
1. A desktop computer is a computer which is designed for use on a desk.
A. it B. that C. which D. he
10. The weather turned out to be
very good, ___ was more than we could expect.
A. what B. which C. that
D. it
Word Study
trial application – connect – produce – fail – possible – inspiration – deep – awareness
try apply connection productive failure possibility inspire depth aware
Exercises 1.
1. 1. The hotel, _____ you are thinking, is a bit too expensive, I am afraid. A. that B. which C. in which D. of which
2. Is there a restaurant from _____ I can have something to eat? A. that B. what C. which D. where
8. There is a mountain ____ the top is always covered with snow.


是().A.肺炎球菌性肺炎B.寒战、高热C.呼吸衰竭D.病变在右肺上叶E.肺实变 [单选]无线列调中,移动台之间的通话必须以()相互通信A.单工B.半双工C.双工 [单选,A1型题]不属于促进慢性肾炎恶化因素的是()A.肾脏基础病变活动B.高脂血症C.高蛋白质饮食D.高血压E.遗传因素 [问答题,简答题]ST型缓冲器的组成? [单选]客运专线预制梁混凝土灌筑时,模板温度宜在()A、3~40B、5~35C、6~45 [单选]正常成人妇女的乳房(不包括胸壁和肌肉)在超声断面图上,主要分为几部分()。A.3部分B.4部分C.5部分D.6部分E.7部分 [单选]女,21岁,2周前感冒,持续发热37.8~38.5℃,10天前出现情绪不稳定,打人毁物,胡言乱语,自语自笑。曾抽搐一次,大小便失禁。入院体检:T38℃,P100次/分,BP140/90mmHg,下肢肌张力增高,可疑病理征,CSF:潘氏阳性。EEG:弥漫性e波以额颞为主,伴阵发尖波。最不应当忽 [单选]若图样上机件的线性尺寸是实际机件相应的线性尺寸的2倍,则在标题栏中的比例标注应是:A.2:1B.1比2C.1:2D.2比1 [单选]下列哪项不是常用的经皮吸收促进剂()A.烃类物质B.角质保湿与软化剂C.樟脑D.丙二醇E.表面活性剂 [单选]论文中对公式的要求是:()A、应居中B、靠左边C、靠右边 [判断题]油温发生变化有可能会引起汽轮机组振动。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]下列哪些因素不是癔症的发病原因()。A.遗传因素B.个性特征C.精神因素D.幼年的创伤性经历E.受教育程度 [单选]下列关于隧道衬砌裂缝病害防治的说法错误的是()。A.设计时应根据围岩级别选取衬砌形式及衬砌厚度B.钢筋保护层必须保证不小于3cmC.混凝土宜采用较大的水灰比,降低骨灰比D.混凝土温度的变化速度不宜大于5°C/h [单选,A型题]能在无生命培养基上繁殖的最小生物是()A.病毒B.衣原体C.支原体D.立克次体E.螺旋体 [单选]多发的T期膀胱癌,治疗后多次复发并且恶性程度增高,应选择()A.经尿道肿瘤切除B.经膀胱肿瘤切除C.膀胱部分切除D.膀胱全切除术E.膀胱灌注抗癌药 [单选]按照完好机泵标准,离心泵应达到铭牌能力的()A.A.70%B.B.80%C.C.90% [单选]污染物在环境自净中发生的化学反应,不包括A.氧化B.还原C.分解D.电解E.中和 [单选,A型题]不属于嗜铬细胞瘤的影像表现是()A.圆形中等密度病灶B.发生在皮质C.增强明显强化D.T2WI呈高信号E.腹膜后可有淋巴结增大 [单选]原发单纯疱疹的特征性临床表现是()A.神经痛B.水疱C.大疱D.群集性小水疱E.局部淋巴结肿大 [单选]胎盘基本形成的时间约在().A.孕4周B.孕8周C.孕12周D.孕14周E.孕18周 [单选]Q-开关激光治疗后发性白内障,主要是利用了激光的()A.光化学效应B.光热效应C.弱刺激效应D.光致聚合效应E.光致压强电离作用 [名词解释]中药 [问答题,论述题]试述电动液压推杆松闸器的组成、工作原理及使用中常见故障。 [填空题]妊娠5~6周时超声探测可发现______。 [填空题]质量文化主要由()、制度文化层和精神文化层三个层次构成。精神文化层是质量文化的核心层。 [单选]下列哪项不属于高级心肺复苏的措施()A.人工呼吸B.气管插管C.电除颤D.建立静脉通路,维持循环E.药物 [单选]产后恢复排卵时间为()A.不哺乳产妇恢复排卵时间平均为产后12周B.哺乳产妇恢复排卵时间平均为产后8周C.哺乳产妇恢复排卵时间平均为产后6~8个月D.哺乳产妇恢复排卵时间平均为产后2~4个月E.以上都不是 [问答题,简答题]防护镜、防护面罩的应用指征 [单选]尽管新的生产要素能够提高农业产量,但在现实中往往能看到许多传统农民拒绝接受和采用这种包含着新的技术变化的许多生产要素。这是因为()A.传统农民是保守的B.传统农民懒惰C.传统农民不愿进行过多的劳动D.农民对风险的承受能力差 [单选]借记回执信息最长返回时间不得小于基准时间,不得超过()个法定工作日,借记回执信息最长返回时间内遇法定节假日和小额支付系统停运日顺延。A.2B.3C.4D.5 [单选]三(四)等水准测量时,尺子的两面都要读数,读数次序为后前前后或()。A.前后前后B.前前后后C.后前后前D.后后前前 [问答题,简答题]如遇分离机漏母液现象如何操作? [单选]下列胎儿脑积水超声的表现,哪一项不正确A.胎儿双顶径较同孕周胎儿增大B.胎儿头围明显大于腹围C.胎儿头颅绝大部分显示为无回声区D.彩色多普勒检查侧脑室无回声区内见丰富血流E.大脑镰呈"飘带状" [单选]仪表专业中,以下字母表示流量的是()。A、FB、EC、PD、S [多选]基坑施工时的安全技术要求有()。A.基坑坡度或围护结构的确定方法应科学B.尽量减少基坑顶边的堆载C.基坑顶边不得行驶载重车辆D.做好降水措施,确保基坑开挖期间的稳定E.严格按设计要求开挖和支撑 [单选]患者,男,54岁,工人,吞咽时困难1个月,查体发现左锁骨上淋巴结肿大,如蚕豆大小.质硬,食管钡餐造影显示食管中段管壁僵硬,有充盈缺损,下列措施哪一项最合理()A.胸部CT检查B.纤维食管镜检查C.带网气囊食管脱落细胞检查D.同位素31P检查E.颈部淋巴结检查 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]中华人民共和国卫生部颁布的《医务人员医德规范及实施办法》这一文献的基本精神是()。A.对患者一视同仁B.文明礼貌服务C.廉洁行医D.为患者保守医密E.实行社会主义人道主义 [单选,A1型题]人体消灭结核杆菌主要依靠的细胞是()A.中性粒细胞B.嗜酸性粒细胞C.浆细胞D.B淋巴细胞E.巨噬细胞 [单选]SLE患者首选的治疗方法是()。A.休息、加强支持B.环磷酰胺C.雷公藤D.糖皮质激素E.硫唑嘌呤 [单选]关于保单现金价值理解正确的是()A.现金价值是风险保费B.现金价值是储蓄保费C.现金价值就是投标人所缴的保费D.一般第三年退保现金价值是所缴保险费的一半左右



适用精选文件资料分享高二英 Unit 18主要和用法Unit. 181. get a patent for获得⋯利patent office利局a patent office 利 , hold a patent on⋯ 有利2. allow for及/⋯做好准allow doing sth允做某事allow sb to sth允某人做某事The problem allows of only one solution 容 /得Has everything allowed for in your plan考到 , make / let / have sb do sth使某人做某事get / cause / force sb to do sth使某人做某事3. get stuck遇到困/陷去get about开/走get inwith巴get rid of除掉get at认识/明, get sb down使⋯绝望 get through完成get through to弄理解get together聚会4. break away from脱/走开break down打破/坏掉/分解break into / in pieces成碎片, break in打断break into = burst into破而入burst into a laugh哄堂大笑break off折断 / 中断 , break out 爆 break through 突 break up 破裂 / 打开 break with 戒除5. in connection with与⋯有关系/关于6. be aware of 知道 / 意到 be afraid of 惧怕 be short of 缺少 be sure of ⋯有掌握 be fond of 喜 be full of = be filled with be proud of 以⋯豪7. trail and error频频/不停研究8. after all竟 above all = most important of all最重要的是 all alone独自 all along 始 all at once = all of a sudden = suddenly忽然 all but 几乎 all in all的来 go all out 竭尽全力 all over所有 all the same尽管这样 /依旧 all through整个⋯期 all together一道儿 all up底完蛋 for all尽管once for all一永逸 in all = altogether = in total共 all the way 一路上 / 径直 first of all= at first第一 all the time 是9. keep track of保持系lose track of失掉系track andfield 田径 off the track偏离主, on the track正中主cover up one's track匿行踪10. throw away抛弃throw up呕吐throw oneself into⋯极从事 throw off throw light赶忙脱掉on 使清楚 //抛掉俗 , throw doubt on⋯ 生疑供给索 throw out 扔出 , throw aside扔在一11. be tired out = give out of⋯ 精疲力竭be tired from / with因⋯而累 be tired12. come up with = put forward 提出⋯ come up 走 come up against 受到 come up to 切合 come out 第一版 / 表13. have much in common有多共同之of common 异乎常 , the common people common sense 常 out 一般人 in common with与⋯一14. think about 考 think up真考想出 think ofthinkout 想到精心想出 think over仔15. a matter of life and death 存亡攸关之事 , as a matter of fact 事上 , in the matter of在⋯方面上 , for the matter一步来16. bring to one's knowledge knowledge 到某人耳里某人知道 come to one' s have a good knowledge of⋯熟习17. move toward向⋯move in乔迁move on前/move out 搬出去 , move about / round 到走 move off去/走掉be moved with受⋯感离18. as with = as to = as for就⋯而言19. attempt to do = attempt doing = make an attempt to do = make an attempt at doing = try to do = seek to do⋯做⋯20. be similar to与⋯相似21. now that既然。


[判断题]灭火时,水与泡沫能同时使用.A.正确B.错误 [单选,配伍题]属于躁狂症是()。A.童样痴呆B.情感高涨C.睡眠障碍D.强制性哭笑E.情感倒错 [单选]()是衡量一个测验正确性的重要指标,即一个测验能够测量出所要测量的东西的程度。A.信度B.效度C.难度D.区分度 [多选]按目标市场划分,数字出版产业可分为()。A.手机出版B.网络游戏出版C.数字大众出版D.数字学术出版E.数字教育出版 [单选]家畜体温的一般估计公式是()。(T为平均温度,Tr为直肠温度,Ts为皮肤温度)A、T=0.9Tr+0.1TsB、T=0.7Tr+0.3TsC、T=0.6Tr+0.4TsD、T=0.8Tr+0.2Ts [配伍题,B型题]上述哪项是培养全面、合格的医学人才的重要手段()</br>上述哪项是对医疗单位和医务人员行为进行善恶、美丑判断的方式()A.医德教育B.医德修养C.医德评价D.医德实践E.医德情操 [单选]男性,65岁。慢性发作性咳嗽、咳痰20余年,近年来动则气急。患者要求明确有无肺气肿。体检时下列哪项体征最有帮助()A.肋间隙增宽B.辅助肌参与呼吸运动C.桶状胸和肺下界降低、移动度变小D.心脏相对浊音界缩小E.叩诊过清 [问答题,简答题]何谓双功能催化剂? [单选]低血容量性休克是指()A.失血性休克B.过敏性休克C.心源性休克D.神经性休克E.感染性休克 [单选,A1型题]以下关于调配工序质量指标描述正确的是()A.配方成方率≥96%B.配方、复核准确率≥99.5%C.包装发出合格率≥99%D.供药及时率≥99%E.分贴准确率≥98%



高二英语Unit 18(全)(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)Ⅰ.Brief Statements Based on the UnitThis unit provides the students good English language materials.Their interest in creating something useful will be aroused.In the first period,we’ll begin with how the students come to school.Then problems such as flat tyre will come up.In order to solve the problem,we’ll see a new type of bicycle and other new inventions.While talking about them,the students’ speaking ability will be improved.Listening is about two men,who want patents.After listening to it,the students will improve their listening ability.And students will practise how to express and support an opinion in the speaking part.In the second period,the tex t will be dealt with.The students’ interest of creation will be greatly aroused.Students will improve their reading ability as well as master the useful words and expressions.In the third period,some useful words and expressions will be mastered by the students after they finish the exercises.Also,the Attributive clause is reviewed in this period.In the last period,students will learn some useful words and expressions from the reading passage.And the students are asked to write an article describing a computer to improve their writing ability.After Ss study the whole unit,their abilities to listen,speak,read and write will be improved.Ⅱ.Teaching Goals1.Talk about inventions.2.Practise expressing and supporting an opinion.3.Review the Attributive Clause.4.Write a process essay.Ⅲ.Background Information1.Practical Computer EnglishCannot open list file(不能打开清单文件)Cannot open run file(不能打开运行文件) Compare process ended(比较处理结束)Compare more files(Y/N)(还作文件比较吗?)Copy complete(拷贝完成)Copy another(Y/N)(还要拷贝另一个吗?)Under finded line number(未定义行号)Directory entries adjusted(目录页已调整)Disk boot failure(磁盘自举失败)Disk not compatible(磁盘不兼容)Data record too large(数据记录太大)Entry error(登记项错误)Error loading operating system(装入操作系统的错误) File sharing conflict(文件共享的冲突)Files are different sizes(文件大小不同)Files compare OK(文件比较成功)Incorrect parameter(参数不正确)Insufficient disk space(磁盘空间不足)Insufficient memory(内存空间不足)Can’t continue(不可能继续)Device fault(设备故障)Device I/O error(I/O设备错)Device timeout(设备超时)Disk full(磁盘满)Disk write protect(磁盘写保护)Disk not ready(磁盘没准备好)Division by zero(除数为零)Duplicate definition(重复定义)File already exists(文件已经存在)File already open(文件已打开)File not found(文件没找到)FOR without NEXT(For语句中没有对应的next语句)Illegal direct(非法的直接使用)Illegal function call(非法函数调用)Incorrect DOS version(不正确的DOS版本)Internal error(内部错误)out of data(数据不够)out of memory(超内存)out of paper(打印纸不够)overflow(溢出)Path not found(路径没找到)String too long(字符串过长)Subscript out of range(下标范围不够)Syntax error(句法错误)Too many files(文件过多)Type mismatch(类型不匹配)Access denied(存取被拒绝)Backup file sequence error(后备文件顺序错误)Bad or missing command interpreter(非法的或缺少命令解释程序)Bad partition table(非法的区分表)Bad unit(非法的装置)Batch file missing(批处理文件丢失)Cannot execute FORMAT(不能执行FORMAT)Cannot find system files(找不到系统文件)Cannot open overlay(不能打开覆盖段) of the FutureWhere is television going from here?T elevision,the box itself and what it does,is changing greatly.While nobody is really surewhat it’s going to look like,TV and the Internet are coming silently together.In the old days of broadcasting,people used to say that the real miracle(奇迹)of television was turning air into money.The television miracle of the future is interactive(相互影响的).“The Internet is the most significant change in creating what becomes the next mass media that I think any of us will experience in our lifetime,”says Tom Frank,a network ing unused lines in the TV spectrum(范围),broadcasters are learning how to put brand-new interactivity into TV programs.There will be a little instrument that will indicate that interactivity is present and possible.Then,just will a standard remote control like this you would be able to press one button and say,start that interactivity.A menu would appear,similar to the one on a web site,that would let you interact with the program as it was being broadcast.If you are watching a cooking show,for example,you can print the recipe(烹饪法)or even pause the show and buy the ingredients.Many web sites do exist now where you can actually get your food shopping done for yourself and delivered to your house.So you can order the very ingredients for the dish you are watching the chef make on TV.And it will bring the right quantity of things directly to your house.You could also interact with TV commercials.While you’re watching a commercial,you have the choice to buy the clothes the actors are wearing.Of course,the more you interact with this new sort of TV,the more you leave a digital record,and the more advertisers learn about your shopping habits.In fact,TV ads might be targeted at this special group of people who share a common interest.In the future,almost anything might be possible.Even news programs like World News Tonight could be improved.Youcould have the choice of changing camera angles.If you wanted,you could pause what a reporter is saying and go back to World News Tonight to watch the next story,or skip to the last story in the show,or perhaps go deeper into a topic and view an interview prepared for Nightline later on.In the near future,you’re expected to see television develop to become more like the Internet,meaning more choice,the ability to do the sorts of things you want to do at the moment you wish to do them.Ⅳ.Teaching Time:Five periodsThe First PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Improve the students’ listening ability.2.Talk about some topics about inventions and practise supporting an opinion.3.Learn and master some useful words and expressions.Teaching Important Point:Train the students’ listening and speaking abilities by talking about and listening to some materials.Teaching Difficult Points:1.How to help students to improve their listening ability.2.How to help the students to learn to express and support an opinion.Teaching Methods:1.Discussion to make students talk about inventions.2.Individual or pair work to make students practise their speaking ability.3.Listening practice to improve the students’ listening ability.Teaching Aids:1.the multimedia2.the blackboard3.some cardsTeaching Procedures:Step Ⅰ GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step Ⅱ Warmin g-up and DiscussionT:(Walk to one student.)How do you come to school every day,Wang Jing?S:I come to school on foot every day.My home is quite near.It only takes me about ten minutes.T:That’s quite convenient.You’re lucky.And,Li Fang,how about you?S:I come to school by bike.It takes me about 15 minutes to get to our school.T:You must be careful on your way to and from school.There must be many people on the road.Do you think it convenient?S:Most of the time it is,but sometimes my bike has a flat tyre.I have to get it repaired and therefore I’ll be late for school.OnceI even lost my bike.When I went to get it,it was gone.I had to takea taxi to go home and buy another bike.T:I’m sorry to hear that.But suppose a new type of bike has been invented,what do you want it to be like?S:I think the new type of bike can be folded up and carried about so that it will not be stolen.T:Good idea.But this is not very convenient.It’s not easy for you to carry a bike around,is it?S:No,it isn’t.What should it look li ke then?Please tell us.T:OK.Let’s watch the short video.(Play the video for explaining how an inflatable bicycle works.)T:That’s the new type of bike.It’s a kind of inflatable bicycle.Who can tell us the advantages of it?S:Let me have a try.We’ll not h ave to worry about having our bikes stolen again.Because we can let the air out and put the bike in bag.It’s very convenient to be carried around since it is not heavy.T:Very good.I think I’ll buy one when it is on sale.We know that inventions can make ou r life easier and better.Today we’ll talk about some inventions.(Stick the pictures of electric shoes,inflatable bicycle,edible chopsticks and nose-top computer on the blackboard and then mark one,two,three and four.)① ②③ ④T:Look at these pictures,please.Do you know what they are?Li Jie,will you have a try?S:I think the second invention is the inflatable bike that we’ve just talked about.In the third picture,the man is eating the chopsticks after his meal.I guess these chopsticks are edible ones.I’m no t sure about the others.T:Good.You’re right.The second one is the inflatable bicycle.(Bb:inflatable bicycle)and the third are edible chopsticks.(Bb:edible chopsticks)They’re delicious and environmentally friendly. We can save some trees and have a snack at the same time.They come in five different flavours. You will never need to wash chopsticks again.Isn’t this wonderful?S:Yes,it’s great.But,Miss Guo,maybe we could invent edible plates,bowls,cups and so on.T:Oh,you’re great!I’m sure you have got a wonde rful idea.Maybe one day you can invent such things.Study hard andyou’ll be an inventor in the future.Now,let’s look at the first picture.Who knows what it is?S:I think it is a special kind of shoe which can make electricity.If we wear such shoes,we can see the road in dark places.We needn’t take a flashlight with us any more.S:I don’t quite agree with you.Maybe this shoe can make you feel warm using the electricity it makes.T:You both are very clever.This is called the electric shoe.(Bb:electric shoe)The heel of this shoe is a machine that makes electricity with every step you take.You will never need batteries again.But maybe you have better ideas about how to make use of the electricity it makes.If you like,you could have a try to make your own inventi on in your spare time.Now,let’s look at the fourth picture.Does anybody have an idea?S:It looks like a computer which is fixed onto the man’s nose.And the keyboard is on his vest.I can’t believe it.T:Yes,you’re quite right.This is called the nose-top computer.(Bb:nose-top computer)This new nose-top computer weighs less than a pair of glasses.It fits comfortably on your nose.When you want to type something you can use the keyboard vest.You will never have to carry a heavy laptop computer.These inventions are all wonderful.But which of them do you think would be useful?Please have a discussion in groups of four and tell us why you think so.(Ss have their discussions in groups of four for about five minutes.Teacher may ask one group to act out their discussion or report their results.)Sample dialogue:A:I think the inflatable bicycle would be useful.Because it’s convenient to carry and we needn’t worry about having ourbikes stolen.B:That’s quite true,but I think the edible chopsticks are useful.Because it not only saves trees but also saves water.It is very important to save our natural resources and protect our earth.C:You’re quite right,but I have a different opinion.I think the nose-top computer is useful.Because the computer is used more and more widel y.It’s convenient to carry such a computer around when doing business.…Step Ⅲ Preparation for ListeningT:We know that when someone has invented something,usually he will go to a patent officer to apply for a patent.Now,let’s listen to two dialogues.In these two dialogues,Mr Dean and Mr Scoles both have invented something.They’re trying to get the patent for their inventions from the patent officer.Before we listen to the tape,go through the questions on Page 15 by yourselves,and see what we should do after listening.Step Ⅳ ListeningT:(A few minutes later.)Are you ready?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Listen carefully and answer the questions first on your own and then check your answers with your partner.(Play the tape twice for students to listen to and then answer the questions.Play it a third time for students to check their answers.Allow the students a few minutes to check their answers in pairs.At last,check the answers with the whole class.) Step ⅤSpeakingT:Well done.Now,you’ve known how to apply for apatent.Let’s play a game.Each of you will be given a role card.Work in groups of five:four inventors and one patent officer.Each inventor should explain how the invention works and why it is useful.The patent officers should ask questions and decide if each inventio n is a good idea or not.And I’ll show you some useful expressions to help you.(Hand out the role cards and show the useful expressions on the multimedia.)Useful Expressions:This invention can help people…What does it look like?What’s it made of?This is a new way of…How does it work?How would people use it?This new invention will make it possible for people to…(Students work in groups of five and have a discussion for about five minutes.Then the teacher may ask some groups to act out their discussion.)Sample dialogue:(A-Inventor A;B-Inventor B;C-Inventor C;D-Inventor D;P-Patent officer)P:Now,please explain how your inventions work and why they are useful.Your invention is a car that uses water instead of petrol,isn’t it?A:Yes,that’s right.P:What does it look like?A:It looks like an ordinary car.Here’s the picture.Please have a look.P:Oh,it looks beautiful.What’s it made of?A:It’s made of a new kind of alloy,which is much lighter.P:Does it cost more?A:A little bit.But it can save much more energy,so lots of money is saved.Besides,there is something even more important.It is good for our environment.It doesn’t pollute the air.P:Sounds great.Thank you.And what’s your invention,sir?B:My invention is a flying bicycle.P:A flying bicycle?How would people use it?B:People can ride it on the road and when there are too many bicycles,people can fly it.Just push one button on the handle,the bicycle will fly.P:How does it work?B:It works like a small plane.It has a special engine.P:This is a new way to improve our traffic condition.Thank you.(To C)Would you please explain your new invention to me?C:My invention is a machine that makes it possible for people to know the future.P:How would people use it?C:People just input their date of birth,hobbies,dislikes and anything about themselves,and then press the button,wait for a moment,and they will see the result on the screen.P:That’s interesting.Thank you.(To D)What’s your invention,please?D:It’s a pen that can automatically translate what you wri te into a foreign language.P:Good.It can help people communicate freely with foreign friends.People needn’t study foreign languages hard any more.But,maybe it will make it more difficult for people to communicate orally.They will have to write down what they wantto say.This is not convenient. For the flying bicycle,what if there was something wrong with it when it was flying in the air?I think it would be rather dangerous for the people walking on the ground.Maybe the bike would fall onto them and cause an accident.Of course the rider would be in danger,too.For the machine that makes people know the future,I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to know our future too early.I think the most useful invention is the car that uses water instead of petrol.So I will give the inventor of this new car a patent.A:Thank you,sir.Step Ⅵ Summary and HomeworkT:Today we’ve learnt how to express and support an opinion.And we’ve learnt how to apply for a patent when you have made an invention.Many of you have wonderful ideas about new inventions.Study hard now and I believe you’ll make your own inventions in the future.In the next period,we’ll read about how to be creative and how to be an inventor.It’ll be very useful for you.Preview the reading part carefully after class,please.OK.That’s all for today.See you tomorrow!Ss:See you tomorrow!Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 18 InventionsThe First Period① ②electric shoe inflatable bicycle③ ④edible chopsticks nose-top computerThe second periodⅠ Teaching Aims:Learn and master some new and important language points;Improve the Ss’ reading ability by reading and comprehending the text;Get the Ss to learn how to be creative.Ⅱ Teaching Focuses:The main idea of the text.Finish all the reading comprehension exercises.The four thinking strategies.Ⅲ Teaching Methods:Question-and-answer activity. Some games.Group work, pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.Ⅳ Teaching Aids:1.A multi-media computer 2.A tape recorder and a tape.Ⅴ Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead - inShow a picture of a bulb to the students. Ask: Who invented it?Then show the portrait of Edison to the students. Ask: Do you know anything about his childhood? If they don’t, tell them sth. about his schooling, and then say: People are not born creative, and you don’t have to be very intelligent to be an inventor. We can learn to be creative. Today we’ll learn how to be creative.Step 2 Pre-readingScan the title and the four sub-titles, and guess what’s the text about?A. how to become a great thinkerB. how to improve your IQC. how to become more creativeStep 3 Fast-reading1.What’s creative thinking?It is one of skills and habits.2.How do people come up with ideas for new inventions? In how many ways?By good thinking strategies.Step 4 Careful-readingT: well, now let’s read the text carefully by listening to and reading after the tape one paragragh after another. You are required to finish off all the comprehension tasks for each part.Part 1: general idea.Part 2: What is to “think outside the box”?To think outside the box is to try new ways to solve a problem.To rephrase a problem to allow for creative solutions and also try “impossible” or “crazy”solutions.To make a conscious effort to break away from old thought patterns.Game 1: How do you connect all the dots with only four straight lines?Game 2:Mike’s father is a policeman. Why did Mike recognize him among his workmates though they were all in uniform?Who never goes to see a doctor,even when he is ill ?It is leaking( 漏水 ) everywhere in the office on a rainy day, why nobody has got wet?The plane crashed, but there were nobody injured. Why?Why a river richer than a bank?Part 3: Take another look at ita change in perceptionto look at a problem in as many way as possibleEach new way of looking at a situation improves ourunderstanding and makes it easier to discover new possibilities.Game 3:Can you only see a pot? Pay attention to the dark!Two faces!Part 4: Make connectionstry to combine new and old ideas in as many different ways as possibletry to make connections that may seem strange at firstthink of new applications and solutionsPart 5: Keep tryingdevelop new ideas even when they were tired or did not feel inspiredFor each new invention that works, there are at least ten that do not.Step 5 Post-reading1. Match the examples with the right titles:Example 1: think outside the box.Examples 2&3: keep tryingExample 4: take another look at it.Example5: make connections.2. T or F exercises.1) Most inventors have high IQs.2) The things we know can sometimes make it more difficult for us to understand.3) It’s impossible to learn how to be creative.4) The best way to find a good solution is to look for one good answer.5) Inventors try to avoid failure.6) The more ways we have of looking at a problem, the more likely it is that we can find a solution.7) Most good ideas are the result of a long process of trial and error.3.Reading comprehension.1) We can get the conclusion from the fifth paragraph that ____ A. to be clever can lead to success B. he who laughs last laughs bestC. failure is the mother of successD. never too old to learn2). The sentence “ good ideas are no accident” means the following except that ____A. Good ideas never come by chance.B. The accident is not caused by good ideas.C. To be successful needs many trials and errors.D. Failures can also help us move towards a better solution.3). Another proper title for the text is probably ____A.CreativityB.Great thinkersC. How to solve problemsD. ConnectionStep 6 Discussion (Groupwork):1. How do you understand the title of the passage?If we want to be creative, we should follow these rules---think outside the box, take another look at it, make connections and keep trying. These rules also work when we solve a problem .2. What other rules should you have if we want to be creative?3. Of all the rules discussed above, which one do you think is the most important? Why?Step 7: HomeworkP 61 Exx 1 & 2.P 131 Exx 1, 2&3.Ⅵ Bb writingOn slides. No writing on the BbThe Third PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Review the useful expressions learnt in this unit.2.Learn the derivatives of some words.3.Review the Attributive Clause.Teaching Important Points:1.The useful expressions learnt in this unit.2.Review the Attributive Clause.Teaching Difficult Point:How to help students master the Attributive Clause.Teaching Methods:1.Review method to consolidate the useful expressions learnt in the last two periods.2.Practise to help students master the derivatives of some words.3.Different kinds of practice to help students master the Attributive Clause.4.Pair work and individual work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1.the multimedia2.the blackboard3.some pictures and cardsTeaching Procedures:Step Ⅰ GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step Ⅱ GrammarT:Today we’ll play a game first.(Stick some pictures of famous people on the blackboard.Cf:The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard.)Look at the blackboard,please.These are pictures of some famous people.Do you know them?Maybe you’re familiar with some of them,but maybe others are strangeto you.Don’t worry.I’ll give you some cards.There’s one sentence on each card.The sentence describes a famous person.Guess the name of the person first and then match the card with the picture.Do you understand?Ss:Yes.(Teacher hands out some cards on which are the sentences in Word puzzle.)T:Now,please have a short discussion to find out who the person is and then match the card with the picture.When you find out the answer,please come to the blackboard,stick the card and write the name below the picture.(Students prepare for a moment and then they begin to match the cards with the pictures.)T:Have they matched the cards with the pictures correctly and got the correct names?Ss:Yes.(If there’re any mistakes,teacher may ask some students to correct them.)T:OK.Now,fill in the word puzzle using the names of the people that you’ve just found out.(Stick on the blackboard a piece of paper with the word puzzle on it.)(A moment later,ask several students to write down their answers.Cf:The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard.) T:Do you agree with them?Ss:Yes,they’re quite right.T:Good.These people are all famous people.Look at the sentences on the cards.What do you find?S:I find that there is an Attributive Clause in each sentence,restrictive or non-restrictive.T:Yes,you’re a careful girl.This game is also for you to review the Attributive Clause.Read these sentences again and find out the Attributive Clause in each sentence.(A moment later,ask some students to say their answers.)Suggested answers:Across:1.…,whose name is always linked with his cartoon characters,such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.2.…,who was born in Germany but spent his last years in the USA.3.…,among whose big inventions are electric lighting and the motion picture camera.4.…,whose many great films were City Lights and Modern Times.5.…,who died in a plane crash in 1997.6.…,whose famous songs include Blowing In The Wind.7.…,who discovered the Law of Gravity.Down:1.…,who lived in China before the Liberation.2.…,who fought for the freedom of slaves in the USA.3.…,who was Adam’s wife.4.…,whose ideas about the future have often b ecome reality,…5.…,who later bravely fought against the British invasion and saved her country and people.T:We’ve learnt a lot about the Attributive Clause before.We know that it is a very important grammar item,so let’s do some more exercises to consolidate it.Turn to Page 61,and finish Exercise 2 in Grammar part.(Allow the students a few minutes to finish it and then checkthe answers.)Suggested answers:1.The wires with which the machines were connected were very old.2.Leonardo da Vinci,who was interested in both literature and science,painted the famous“Smiling Mona Lisa”.3.The pilot with whom we had dinner told us stories about his travels.4.The four ancient Chinese inventions,which we are proud of,have remained important in human history for thousands of years.5.Mozart,whose music is well liked by people all over the world,showed his talent in music at a very young age.6.The photos are kept in that cupboard in which/where we found our parents’ old photos.7.The country from which this news report is coming is on the other side of the world.8.One of the first inventions of human beings was the wheel,which we don’t know who first invented.T:In this unit,we have learnt a lot about new inventions and famous inventors.Now,let’s do an exercise using what we’ve learnt in this unit to review the Attributive Clause.Turn to Page 61 and finish Exercise 1 in Grammar part,please.Finish them first by yourselves and then you may discuss your answers in pairs.(A few minutes later,ask some students to read out their answers.Students may have various answers.)Suggested answers:1.…can be used at home or in an office.2.…it is not convenient to use a desktop computer.3.…businesses are busy.4.…you can obtain a patent for your invention.5.…we need something mor e useful or more convenient to satisfy the needs of people.6.…invents things.7.…are both delicious and environmentally friendly./can be eaten.Step Ⅲ Word StudyT:As you know,there are a lot of useful expressions in this unit.Let’s do some exercises to review them.(Show the following on the multimedia and allow the students a couple of minutes to finish it.)Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions.1.I’m tired__________washing clothes by hand.I’ll buy a washing machine tomorrow.2.You’ve got to bre ak away__________old thought patterns in order to develop creative thinking.3.She was telling us about her sick mother when she suddenly broke__________tears.4.The students like physics classes because the way their teacher teaches allows__________creativity.5.I don’t want to keep the hen any more;I’ll exchange it__________twenty eggs.6.During a test,it’s always wise to move on when you get stuck__________a difficult problem and come back to it later.(A moment later,ask some students to say their answers and then check them with the whole class.Give some explanations when necessary.)Suggested answers:1.of(be tired of doing sth.)2.from(break away from…)3.into(break into tears/a house)4.for(allow for…)5.for(exchange A for B)6.by(get stuck by…)T:Well done!After class you should read these sentences more to master the use of the phrases in them.Now,let’s do another practice.(Show the following on the multimedia.)Change the form of the following words.trial→__________(v.)application→__________(v.)produce→__________(adj.)fail→__________(n.)involvement→__________(v.)eraser→__________(v.)inspiration→__________(v.)possible→__________(n.)deep→__________(v.)awareness→__________(adj.)Suggested answers:trial→try(v.)application→apply(v.)produce→productive(adj.)fail→failure(n.)involvement→involve(v.)eraser→erase(v.)inspiration→inspire(v.)possible→possibility(n.)deep→deepen(v.)awareness→aware(adj.)。



××××教案Tonghua Normal UniversityTeaching Plan外语系:0×级授课人×××Course Unit 18 InventionsTeaching planUnit 18 Inventions1.教学内容Speaking Work in groups. Use the role cards below to prepare a groupdiscussion. Each inventor should explain how the invention works and why it isuseful. The patent officer should ask questions and decide whether each invention isa good idea or not.Useful expressionsThis invention can help people…. This is a new way of…..Wh at does it look like…? How does it work?What’s it made of…? How would people use it…?This new invention will make it possible for people to…2.教材处理本课为高二第18单元的speaking 部分。


就speaking 部分而言,教材中提供的内容是四个虚构的发明者向专利局官员描述各自发明而希望获得专利的情景。



人教版英语 高二下英语新教材Unit_18_some_phrases

人教版英语 高二下英语新教材Unit_18_some_phrases

Unit 18 some phrases1. 扔掉throw away2.吃点心have a snack3.发电make electricity4.厌烦be tired of5.沉重的笔记本电脑a heavy laptop computer6.不及眼镜重weigh less than a pair of glasses7.放出空气let the air out8.给某人专利give sb a patent9.纵观历史throughout history10.提出观点come up with ideas11.有很多共同之处have much in common12.有很高的智商have a high IQ13. 通过思考by thinking about14.练习做practise doing15.框外思维think outside the box16.考虑那些有创造性的解决办法allow for creative solutions17.为某人提供provide sb with18.被困住get stuck19.摆脱掉旧的思维模式break away from old thought patterns20.用尽可能多的方in as many ways as possible21.仍然不可见remain invisible22.正如……一样as with23.一系列不同的尝a series of different attempts24.与……相连be connected to25.了解到be aware of26.反复试验的结a long process of trial and error27.强迫某人做force sb to do28.试用思维策略try using the thinking strategies29.努力避免失败try to avoid failure 30.相对论Theory of Relativity31.手工地by hand32.把……换成exchange … for33.被难题困住get stuck in a difficult problem34.台式电脑 a desktop computer35.掌上电脑 a palmtop computer36.中国古代四大发明the four ancient Chinese inventions37.在音乐方面展示才华show his talent for music38.伟大的卡通制片人a great cartoon film maker39.著名的物理教授a famous professor of physics40.著名的喜剧作家 a famous comedian41.圣经中的人物 a figure in the Bible42.假如给我三天光明Three days to see43.越……越the more…, the more…44.数码相机digital camera45.据说我们生活在信息时代we’re said to be living in the Information Age.46.处理,对付do with47.与……相似be similar to48.储存信息keep information in its memory49.明显不同于be clearly different from50.毕竟,终究after all51.既然now that52.快速地at such a high space53.将来in the future54.科学的暗喻scientific metaphors55.把……比作compare… to…56.被用来学英语be sued to study English57.犯错误make mistakes58.知道,追踪keep track of59.从中学习learn from60.把……翻译成translate…into…。


听声音似曾相识,一时辨别不清是谁。我爬起穿衣,走到户外,看见村民小来宝来我家装厕所便池。他的三轮车上装载着少许没有加水的黄沙和水泥,还有几个便 池,以及塑料管和做活儿的器械。bbin 小来宝拿了一把地缆线给我,我插在自己家插线盒子里。尔后一边理好电揽,回到他的面前。他试了试手中的电镐,电镐啪啪啪啪在石块上敲打起来,这说明电镐通上电源了。
昨天傍晚,村干部已经派来抓泥机,将厕所后面的三个作为化粪池的坑塘挖完,并将三个大水泥管丢进了坑塘。小来宝来到这里,只要将坐便器安放妥当,接上三连通,再用水泥砂浆封闭一下,就 算大功告成。
喔,却原来还有这样的规定,男女两个坐便器,只能够安装一个。我拿起手机,与去虚沟女儿家的妻子通了电话,说明道理与原委,我转告小来宝说:“你在这儿干着吧,我去街上,买一个更好些 的坐便器来,给你帮助装上。”

高二英语unit18 lnventions课件 人教

高二英语unit18 lnventions课件 人教
If you put the bags into a large bucket of water. The bags will float and you won’t have to carry them.
The patent officer won’t give the man a patent because his idea doesn’t work--- you would still have to carry the large buckets
Warming up
A Edible chopsticks B Nose-top computer C Electric Shoes D Inflatable bicycle
1 2 3 4

apply for a patent patent right The Patent Office patent marking patent number give sb a patent get / obtain a patent for/on an invention
novel (新颖的), creative practical …
Post-listening :
Discuss: What should a new thing be like in order to be given a patent?
Useful expressions This invention can help people … What does it look like? What’s it made for? This is a new way of … How does it work? How would people use it? This new invention will make it possible for people to …

人教版高二unit 18 Mainly revision

人教版高二unit 18 Mainly revision

Unit 18I. Teaching aims and demands1. Words and expressions: fly, in order that, shout at, waiter, by accident, cigar, announcement, track, charge, extremely, determine, stupid, permit, prison, couple, district.2. Daily English: Revise the daily English from Unit 13-17Identifying peopleIntentions & wishesFarewells & good wishesWishesPrediction, conjecture & belief3. Grammar Revise the grammars from 13-17Noun clausesAttributive clauses by/in whichPast participle as Attributive, AdverbialEllipsisNoun Clause as AppositiveII. Main and difficult points:1. Reading comprehension.2. Cultivate the ability and virtue of living alone.III. Allocation of time: 6Period 1 (Lesson 69 of Unit 18)I.Aims and demands:Learning the dialogue and get the students to play on words:II.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Revision1.Check the diary.2.Revise Daily English for each unit.(1) What do you know about Albert Einstein?(2) What do you call something that goes round and round the earth?(3) What did the young la dy’s uncle keep in his metal chest?(4) Where is the saltiest lake in the world?(5) Which is the second saltiest lake in the world?(6) What were Jenny and Me Ge talking about at work?Step 2 PresentationLay the table, play on words,Step 3 Dialogue1.Read the dialogue in pairs.2.Listen to the tape and follow.3.Show the key points:Step 4 PracticeHave you got chicken’s legs?I only laid the table.How did you find the fish?Ask students to practice the dialogue with the structure above. Step 5 WorkbookDo exercises 1-3 in class.Homework:1.Play on words.2.Finish reading the two copies of the close test3.Have a good preview of L70.Blackboard Design:Have you got chicken’s legs?I only laid the table.How did you find the fish?Ask students to practice the dialogue with the structure above.Period 2 ( Lesson 70 of Unit 18)I.Aims and demands:1.To improve the reading ability of the students and help them understand the text wholly.2.To enrich the students' imagination and encourage them to talk.3.To improve the students' ability of communication in English.II.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Revision1. Translate some sentences into English.在英语里,有数以千计的“双关语”的笑话。



手机游戏下载 https://www.d7ol4h换算为非肠道用药的等效镇痛剂量为。A.12mgq8hB.5mgq4hC.10mgq4hD.4mgq6hE.2mgq8h 保证零部件互换性,允许加工的误差称为A.配合B.公差C.形位公差D.偏差 一次能源、二次能源的定义及其种类? 房地产经纪机构和人员不得采取等不正当手段承揽房地产经纪业务。A.恶意降低佣金标准B.诋毁其他房地产经纪机构C.胁迫D.诋毁其他房地产经纪人员E.赚取差价 下列关于同居的说法,错误的是。A.有配偶者与他人同居,是指有配偶者与婚外异性不以夫妻名义,持续、稳定地共同居住B.同居又叫姘居C.同居则为非婚同居关系D.姘居不是非婚同居关系 促进乳房发育成熟的主要激素是A.雌激素B.孕酮C.肾上腺皮质激素D.催乳素E.生长素 按胸部虚里,按之动数而时有一止者,属A.宗气不守B.虚损劳瘵C.外感热邪D.饮停心包E.心阳不足 对中度以上营养不良患者每日应保证供应蛋白质的量为。A.1.5g/kgB.2.5g/kgC.3.5g/kgD.4.5g/kgE.5g/kg 上肢止血带的压力应控制在。A.100~150mmHgB.150~200mmHgC.200~250mmHgD.250~300mmHgE.300~350mmHg 下列不是肺结核的化学治疗原则的是A.早期B.联合C.规律D.足量E.全程 脂肪在体内的功能不包括。A.提供能量B.提供必需脂肪酸C.协助水溶性维生素的吸收D.防止散热E.机械的保护作用 胆固醇结石多见于A.胆囊B.肝外胆管内C.肝内胆管内D.胆总管壶腹内E.肝内、肝外胆管内 治疗营养性缺铁性贫血,口服铁剂的最佳时间是。A.餐前B.餐后C.两餐之间D.空腹E.睡前 珍贵资料、证书着火应选首择灭火。A.水B.泡沫灭火器C.干粉D.二氧化碳 上下牙弓牙面接触最广,牙尖相互交错位置不是.A.牙尖交错位B.牙位C.正中关系位D.最广泛接触位E.正中位 平衡催化剂 本次感染直接与上次住院有关,亦属于。 导电性、导热性、可加工性是所有金属的,。A、通性B、属性C、共性D、特性 申请期货公司营业部负责人的任职资格,应当具有从事期货业务年以上经验。A.5B.3C.2D.4 胆汁性肝硬化的组织学特点是A.结节大小较一致,纤维间隔薄而均匀B.肝脏变小、变硬、深绿色C.结节大小不一,纤维间隔厚薄不均D.胆管周围有纤维结缔组织,将肝脏分隔为结节状E.肝脏淤血,纤维组织增生,分隔肝小叶 下列护理内容属于直接护理项目的是A.处理医嘱B.输液前准备C.交接班D.晨间护理E.书写护理记录 假定患者血容量为4000mL,输注血小板6袋,每袋含血小板5.0×1010,输入6袋后血小板增加2.5×1010,则血小板回收率为。A.20%B.30%C.50%D.70%E.90% 不同的病变需要优选最适宜的检查方法。观察小儿发育情况,需摄取A.腕关节正位B.腕关节侧位C.双腕关节斜位D.双腕关节正位E.双腕关节侧位 来自上皮组织恶变,称为()A.肉瘤B.瘤C.癌D.母细胞瘤E.腺癌 信息的特征主要包括A、传递性B、共享性C、价值相对性D、时效性 区间通过信号机应在进、出站信号机位置确定后开始设置。A.正确B.错误 适合做DSA检查的情况是A.碘过敏B.严重的心、肝、肾功能不全C.严重的凝血功能障碍,有明显出血倾向D.血管手术后随访E.恶性甲状腺功能亢进、骨髓瘤 在工厂化养殖中,对动物产生直接影响得因素有A、土壤重金属元素B、光照C、气温D、气湿E、饲料 李某是17周岁的高中生,经常利用课余时间打工挣零用钱。根据《中华人民共和国民法通则》,李某。A.属于完全民事行为能力人B.应被视为完全民事行为能力人C.属于限制民事行为能力人D.属于无民事行为能力人 下列不属于口头沟通特点的是.A、费时少,迅速交换意见B、可随时提问和解答C、方便,便于准备D、具有可追索性 船舶随遇平衡的主要特征是。A.稳心与重心重合,复原力矩为零B.重心与漂心重合,复原力矩为零C.重心与浮心重合,复原力矩为零D.稳心与浮心重合,复原力矩为零 下列哪项不是外周血造血干细胞移植的特点。A.移植后植入几率高,重建造血和发挥免疫功能快B.外周血含量随昼夜波动,以上午9时最高C.外周血受肿瘤细胞污染少D.外周血干细胞移植发生感染的风险较骨髓移植小E.外周血干细胞移植发生GVHD的几率较骨髓移植小 电偶感温组件利用受热后来测量温度。A.电阻值变化B.电势值变化C.电极体积变化D.电流变化 早期乳癌肿块切除和放射治疗后,最常见的复发部位为A.乳腺其他象限B.乳腺内原病变区C.腋窝淋巴结D.锁骨上淋巴结E.内乳淋巴结 项目利益相关者就是积极参与项目,或其利益因项目的实施或完成而受到积极或消极影响的个人或组织,他们还会对项目的目标和结果施加影响。在项目阶段应充分考虑项目利益相关者。A.定义B.开发C.实施D.收尾 在对进度计划进行计划目标与施工能力的适应性审査时,应重点审査。A.施工总工期的安排应符合合同工期B.主要骨干人员及施工队伍的进场日期已经落实C.各项施工方案和施工方法应与施工经验和技术水平相适应D.所需主要材料和设备的运送日期已有保证 挖坑作业应符合下列安全要求? 直接反映HBV复制能力的指标是A.HBsAgB.抗HBcC.HBeAgD.HBcAgE.HBV-DNA 根据《境外投资管理办法》的规定,境内企业自领取《企业境外投资证书》之日起一定期限内未在境外开展投资的,该证书自动失效,该期限是。A.90日B.180日C.1年D.2年 顶吹转炉的热源来自和。

高二英语 Unit18 Inventions(第二课时)教案 人教版

高二英语 Unit18 Inventions(第二课时)教案 人教版

The Second PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Learn the text and train the students’ reading ability.2.Learn some useful words and expressions.3.Help the students to learn to be more creative.Teaching Important Points:1.Get the students to grasp the main idea of the passage and help them understand the passage better.2.Learn and master the important words and phrases in this period.Teaching Difficult Points:1.How to help the students improve their reading ability and understand the passage better.2.How to master the language points in the passage.Teaching Methods:1.Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.2.Careful reading and discussion to help the students understand the passage better.3.Explanation to help the students master some language points.Teaching Aids:1.the multimedia2.the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step Ⅰ GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step Ⅱ Lead-in and Pre-readingT:In the last period,we talked about some new inventions.We know that inventionscan make people’s life easier and better.They will do a lot of good to people.But how do people e up with ideas for new inventions?Do you have to be very intelligent to be an inventor?Are some people born creative,or is it possible to learn how to be creative?If you want to be an inventor yourself,you must have a lot of questions.Now,read the passage quickly to find the answers to these questions on Page 59.Step Ⅲ Reading and Understanding(Allow the students a few minutes to find he answers to the questions.)T:Have you finished?Ss:Yes.T:Good.Now,have a discussion with your partner.If you don’t agree with each other,read the passage again to check your answers.A moment later,I’ll ask some of you to tell us your answers.(A moment later.)T:Well.Now,Xiao Hui,tell your answer to the first question,please.S:I think some people are born creative.T:Do you agree with her,Li Ling?S:I’m afraid not.I think it is possible to learn how to be creative.T:Can you tell us why?S:Because creative thinking is a matter of habits.By thinking about how we think and practising good thinking strategies,we can bee more creative.T:Good.Please sit down.Now,who’d like to answer the second question?S:I’d like to have a try.I don’t think people have to be very intelligent to be an inventor.Because only some of the thinkers did well in school.And creativity is not about getting high test scores,having a high IQ or being smart.T:Does anybody have a different opinion?Or do you agree with her?Ss:We agree with her.T:OK.Now,the last question.Who knows the answer?S:I want to have a try.I think people should try new ways to solve a problem,and break away from old thought patterns.T:Good.Who has anything else to say?S:I think people should look at a problem in as many ways as possible.T:Anything else?S:People should try to bine new with old ideas in as many different ways as possible.By paring and connecting ideas and objects in new ways,people may think of new applications and solutions.S:I have something else to say.Good ideas are no accident.They are the result of a long process of trial and error.T:Well done!You’ve all got the main idea of the passage.Now,please read the passage carefully again to check some detailed information.Look at the sentences on the screen and tick the sentences that are true according to the text and correct the false ones.(The multimedia shows the following sentences.)7.( )Most good ideas are the result of a long process of trial and error.(A moment later,ask some students to say their answers and check them with the whole class.)Suggested answers:1.(×)Most inventors don ’t necessarily have high IQs.2.(√)3.(×)It ’s possible to learn how to be creative.4.(×)The best way to find a good solution is not to look for one good answer only.Partial solutions and even failures give us more information and clues that help us move towards a better solution.5.(×)Inventors all know that for each new invention that works,there are at least ten that don ’t.6.(√)7.(√)Step Ⅳ ExplanationT:Good job.In order to help you understand the passage better,I ’ll explain some useful words and expressions to you.Look at the screen and listen carefully.(The following is shown on the screen.) Language Points:1.be born+adj./n.e.g.He was born ⎩⎨⎧singer. a blind. 2.e up withe.g.Scientists will e up with new ways of increasing the world ’s food supply.3.allow fore.g.We must allow for the bus being late —it always is.4.get stucke.g.The car got stuck in the mud.5.break away frome.g.The prisoner broke away from his guards.A province has broken away to form a new state.6.be aware of/thate.g.Are you aware of the time?She became aware that something was burning.(Explain the language points and write the phrases on the blackboard:be born+adj./n.,e up with,allow for,get stuck,break away from,be aware of/that…) Step Ⅴ DiscussionT:Look at the examples on the screen.They have been mixed up.Read the passage carefully again and place them in the right paragraph.You may have a short discussion with your partner.(Show the following on the screen and allow the students to read the passage again and discuss in pairs.)1.According to Leonardo da Vinci,problems which had seemed impossible could be solved if he changed the way he described the problem.2.Thomas Edison made a rule saying that he had to make an invention every ten days.3.Mozart,who lived in Austria,wrote more than 600 pieces of music.4.Einstein,who changed the world of physics forever with his Theory of Relativity,preferred images to numbers.5.Samuel Morse,the man who invented the telegraph,got his idea by watching a rider exchange a tired horse for a new one.(A moment later,ask some students to say their answers.If they have different opinions,allow them a few minutes to have another discussion.)Suggested answers:1.→Think outside the box2.→Keep trying3.→Keep trying4.→Take another look at it5.→Make connectionsStep Ⅵ Listening and ReadingT:Good.You’ve understood the passage well.Now,let’s listen to the tape.The first time I play it for you,you should listen carefully and the second time,you can read after it.Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.(Play the tape twice for students to listen and repeat.And then if time permits,ask some students to read the passage.One student,one paragraph.Help students with their pronunciation.)Step Ⅶ Summary and HomeworkT:Today,we’ve read a passage about how to be more creative.And also we’ve learnt some useful phrases.After class,you should read the text again and again to understand it better.Try to use the new phrases more to master them better.Remember to preview the next two parts:Language study and Grammar.So much for today.Class is over.See you tomorrow!Ss:See you tomorrow!Step Ⅷ The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 18 InventionsThe Second Period1.be born+adj./n.2.e up with3.allow for4.get stuck5.break away from6.be aware of/that…Step Ⅸ Record after Teaching。


• The wheels of the car got stuck in the mud and we could not go on.
• 4.break away from • (1)逃走;逃脱 • The robbery suspect broke away
from the lockup. • 抢劫嫌疑犯从拘留所逃脱了。
• 现代音乐如爵士乐摆脱了旧的传统规 则。
• Modern music like jazz has broken away from the old traditional rules.
• (2)断裂;开裂 • 一大块冰从整个大冰块上断裂开来。
• A large piece of ice broke away from the main block.
• 5.be aware of .知道,意识到, • 知道的明白的
• 我没有意识到火。
• I was not aware of the fire. • We were quite aware (of) how
you would respond to our terms. • 我们十分清楚你们对我们提出的条 件肯定会有什么反应。
We rejected the old records.
• 3.get stuck
• I got stuck when I spelt a word in a crossword puzzle.
• 我在拼写一个纵横字谜中的词时卡 住了.
• 车轮陷入泥里,我们不能前进了。
Word study Language points Exercises


[单选]再生中继站所用的中继方式是().A.直接中继B.外差中继C.基带中继 [多选]铝土矿的类型有()。A、三水铝石型B、一水软铝石型C、一水硬铝石型D、混合型 [单选]农村集体经济审计是基于我国农村()而产生的一种特殊的审计形式。A.集体所有制B.全民所有制C.股份合作制D.双层经营体制 [名词解释]初始铅 [单选]()是注册消防工程师职业道德的基础和核心,是其职业道德建设所倡导的首要规范。A.团结互助B.遵纪守法C.文明礼貌D.爱岗敬业 [单选,A1型题]下列哪项不是白矾的功能()A.解毒杀虫B.燥湿止痒C.活血散结D.止泻止血E.清热化痰 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]病理大体标本制作中对实质性器官的取材,下面的方法正确的是()。A.肝脏,用长刀沿肝脏短轴切成均匀的若干片,厚约5cmB.肝脏,用长刀沿肝脏短轴切成均匀的若干片,厚1~2cmC.肝脏,用长刀沿肝脏长轴均匀切成若干片,厚1~2cmD.肝脏,用长刀沿肝脏长轴均匀 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]FAB分型中,AML-M1骨髓中原始细胞应占非红系细胞的().A.&ge;30%B.&ge;40%C.&ge;50%D.&ge;70%E.&ge;90% [单选]颅中窝骨折脑脊液耳漏时,禁忌外耳道堵塞和冲洗的目的是()A.预防颅内血肿B.降低颅内压力C.避免脑疝形成D.减少脑脊液外漏E.预防颅内感染 [单选]青春期甲状腺肿时首选治疗方法是()A.口服硫氧嘧啶类药物B.行甲状腺大部切除术C.口服甲状腺素片D.行同位素碘治疗E.多食营养丰富食物 [填空题]乙炔装置AR418分析仪的测量池温度是()。 [单选]在信托业务中,为了一定目的将其财产以信托的方式委托给受托人经营的人指的是()。A.委托人B.受托人C.第三方D.受益人 [单选,A1型题]肾损伤非手术治疗应除外(



擼擼的症状()A.患者不能闭口B.前牙反,下中线偏向健侧C.后牙早接触D.言语不清E.唾液外流,面下1/3变长 毒热重证水痘疱疹的特点是A.晶亮如露珠B.赤痘C.疱浆澄清D.疱浆浑浊E.分布稀疏 新课程强调课程内容要密切关注学生兴趣和生活经验,并不意味着可以忽略间接经验的学习。A.正确B.错误 能润肠通便,利水消肿的药物是A.香薷B.郁李仁C.麻黄D.火麻仁E.决明子 在数据处理过程中,人们常用“四舍五入”法取得近似值。对于统计大量正数的平均值而言,从统计意义上说,“四舍五入”对于计算平均值A.不会产生统计偏差B.产生略有偏高的统计偏差C.产生略有偏低的统计偏差D.产生忽高忽低结果,不存在统计规律 前端设备包含从天线到分配系统的所有部件,它是系统的心脏,主要由等组成。A.放大器B.均衡器C.衰减器D.混合器 教师在授课中遵循学生的认识规律,循序渐进,突出重点,分散难点,详略恰当。这体现了讲授式教学的要求。A.科学性B.系统性C.艺术性D.量力性 肾结核早期唯一重要的阳性发现为A.大量血尿和脓尿B.尿常规检查中有较多的红细胞、白细胞C.全身慢性消耗症状D.肾区疼痛E.发热 与违反药品管理法有关的罪名是。A.投毒B.制造毒品C.违反规定造成病菌、毒种扩散D.生产劣药罪E.非法携带毒品原植物幼苗罪 2005年8月启动的邮政体制改革的基本思路是:实行政企分开,加强政府监管,完善市场机制,从而从机制和制度上保障,确保通信安全。A.邮政普遍服务和特殊服务B.邮政专营权C.邮政企业的利益D.邮政专用权 在改扩建管道施工图中,粗实线代表管子。A.新设B.原有C.预设D.遮蔽 关于对原始土地登记资料的查询,下列表述正确的是。A.土地登记代理机构可以查询所有登记资料B.土地权利人有权查询其土地权利范围内的土地登记资料C.国家安全机关可以查询所有土地原始登记资料D.纪检部门有权查询所有土地原始登记资料 拨备前利润是银行常用的财务指标,是银行在经营中已经构成的作出的准备。A.收入和支出B.贷款和存款C.成本和利润D.风险和损失 视网膜上的细胞对光刺激的编码是全或无的数字化过程.A.视杆B.视锥C.水平D.神经节 高度正球面镜片可使物像放大A.5%~20%B.10%~25%C.10%~20%D.20%~35%E.25%~40% 恶心与呕吐病史采集要点。 [不定项选择]火灾自动报警系统一般由组成。A、触发器件B、火灾报警装置C、火灾警报装置D、电源 哪一种方法不属于袖套测压法()A.搏动显示法B.听诊法C.心动记波法D.电子血压表E.触诊法 下列哪一药物较适用于癫痫持续状态()A.巴比妥B.阿米妥C.苯妥英钠D.三聚乙醛E.安定 在学校体育中加强培养学生社会适应能力的基本要求有A、营造民主的体育氛围,建立融洽的师生关系B、优化学校体育环境,创造良好的体育锻炼空间C、组织丰富多彩的课外体育活动,提高社会适应能力D、广泛开展学校体育竞赛,培养竞争与协助意识 下列关于音像制品与书、报、刊等出版物主要区别的表述中,错误的是。A.表达内容的手段不同B.物质载体不同C.复制方式不同D.发行方式不同 [配伍题,B1型题]“五脏六腑之大主”是。</br>“气血生化之源”是。A.肝B.心C.脾D.肺E.肾 关于颞下颌关节强直的描述哪项是正确的()A.颞下颌关节强直常常突然发生B.关节及关节周围组织器质性病变造成开口困难或完全不能开口C.颞下颌关节内强直是关节内骨性黏连D.颞下颌关节外强直是关节外纤维黏连E.混合性下关节强直是指关节内,外强直同时发生,又称颌间挛缩 渤海海域发现的石油属高蜡低硫石蜡基石油,其含硫为。A、0.01%~0.02%B、0.05%~0.35%C、0.5%~0.8%D、0.02%~0.04% 关于张力性气胸,正确的是A.胸膜腔具有负压B.常见于肺或支气管裂伤C.左侧较右侧更为危险D.可见面色苍白、气促、紫绀E.所造成的生理障碍不大 下列规定符合企业所得税中关于企业发生的手续费及佣金支出税前扣除政策的是。A.财产保险企业按当年全部保费收入扣除退保金后余额的10%计算限额B.电信企业拓展业务过程中向经纪人、代办商支付手续费及佣金,不超过企业当年收入总额15%的部分,准予在企业所得税前据实扣除C.保险代理 上清肺润燥,中清胃生津,下滋阴降火的药物是A.知母B.芦根C.石膏D.竹叶E.夏枯草 目前对物流的兴趣,一方面来自对运输经济学和交通管理的关注;另一方面,概念的深入普及也是重要的原因之一。A.战略管理B.市场营销C.库存管理D.销售 在中,①代表的技术通过对网络数据的封包和加密传输,在公网上传输私有数据、达到私有网络的安全级别;②代表的技术把所有传输的数据进行加密,可以代替Telnet,可以为FTP提供一个安全的"通道";③代表的协议让持有证书的Internet浏览器软件和WWW服务器之间构造安全通道传输数据, 患者男性,26岁,因车祸造成面部外伤,耳、鼻出血。检查见面部两侧不对称,右侧下睑肿胀、淤血,右侧后牙早接触,并有脑脊液耳漏。脑脊液耳漏对以下哪类脑损伤具有诊断意义()A.脑震荡B.脑挫裂伤C.硬膜外血肿D.颅前窝骨折E.颅中窝骨折 车轮定位中,可通过改变横拉杆的长度来调整。A、主销后倾B、主销内倾C、前轮外倾D、前轮前束 若加工物本身的缺陷给物流需求方或第三人的人身、财产造成损失的,物流企业应当承担责任,这种责任属于。 非典型增生是指A.恶性肿瘤在发展过程中的一种形态B.良性上皮肿瘤恶变时的一种过渡C.黏膜上皮因异常增生而出现一定程度的异型性,有的可发展为癌D.黏膜上皮增生时转化成其他类型的组织E.上皮组织在增生修复过程中出现形态的改变现象 狂犬病的主要传染源是A.病人或携带者B.蚊C.鼠D.猪E.狗 下列关于LayeredShader的描述中,正确的是。A、层材质之间不可作叠加处理B、Transparency属性控制当前选择层的透明度C、层之间位置不可互换D、Anisotropic材质不可用于层材质 ___年在美国宾夕法尼亚大学出现了第一台电子计算机,它的名字叫ENIAC。A.1947B.1956C.1946D.1949 证券组合追求基本收益(即利息、股息收益)的最大化。A.避税型B.收入型C.增长型D.混合型 代谢性酸中毒常见的原因是A.肺气肿、哮喘B.肠瘘、肠梗阻C.低钾血症D.急性胃扩张E.持续胃肠减压 某公司从本年度起每年年初存入银行一笔固定金额的款项,若按复利计息,用最简便算法计算第n年年末可以从银行取出的本利和,则应选用的时间价值系数是()。A、复利终值系数B、复利现值系数C、普通年金终值系数D、普通年金现值系数 财政的主体是,是为实现政府职能服务的。A.社会B.政府(或者说国家)C.货币D.银行

高二英语下学期英语Unit18课件 人教版

高二英语下学期英语Unit18课件 人教版

Get out of your box!
Come out of the box and you may get the star in the sky.
This is a successful TV commercial for a cold medicine.
☺ Good solutions and new ideas are often the result of a change in perception. (观念,认识)
A plane
This is an invention which can help people in the streets, especially in the big cities. 20 Sometimes, it looks like a tree standing beside the street. 15 It directs cars & trucks at crossing.10 It has colored lights; red means stop; Traffic green means go. lights 5
highly valued skills in society, is a matter of habits. By thinking about the way we think and practising good thinking strategies, we can become more creative.
子曰:“温故而知 新,可以为师矣。”
Confucius(孔夫子) says, by reviewing the old knowledge, one can gain new ideas.
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××××教案Tonghua Normal UniversityTeaching Plan外语系:0×级授课人×××Course Unit 18 InventionsTeaching planUnit 18 Inventions1.教学内容Speaking Work in groups. Use the role cards below to prepare a groupdiscussion. Each inventor should explain how the invention works and why it isuseful. The patent officer should ask questions and decide whether each invention isa good idea or not.Useful expressionsThis invention can help people…. This is a new way of…..Wh at does it look like…? How does it work?What’s it made of…? How would people use it…?This new invention will make it possible for people to…2.教材处理本课为高二第18单元的speaking 部分。


就speaking 部分而言,教材中提供的内容是四个虚构的发明者向专利局官员描述各自发明而希望获得专利的情景。




3. 教学目标1) 学习教材中要求的关于描述发明的常用语言;2) 增加语言输入量,提高语言表达能力;3) 培养学生对发明创造的兴趣、提高科学意识;4) 让学生在小组互动中提高自主、合作和探究的意识。

4. 教学重点与难点1) 熟练掌握要求的描述发明的语言;2) 鼓励学生综合、活化新旧知识和语言阐述对象;3) 学生能通过讨论和合作提出一个发明想法并介绍给他人。

5. 教学辅助材料本次采用多媒体辅助教学,适当利用板书,在课堂上分发给学生的有:(1)每四人小组一张写有一项发明的纸条(各组不同);(2)每四人一张专利申请表(各组相同)。







2.教学过程Step 1 Lead-inActivity 1: Flash some pictures of famous inventors like Edison, Cai Lun on the screen twice for Ss to guess who they are and ask:What do they have in common?What do inventors have in common?[设计说明]教师快速闪现一些发明家的图片除了为本课话题做准备以外,更重要的是在第一时间抓住学生的注意力,以便开展接下来的活动。


Step 2 DefinitionActivity 2: Ask Ss to tell the definition of invention.[设计说明]本单元的话题是发明,简单地解释它很有必要,而一直以来人们对发明的定义莫衷一是,学生可以通过自查字典或其他方式了解它的不同定义,而教师只提供众多定义中的一种而已:An invention is something produced for the first time through the use of imagination or ingenious thinking and experimentation.Step 3 General TaskDiscussion: Ask Ss to discuss in pairs about what steps should be followed when making a new invention and then share their opinions with the whole class.[设计说明]从这一步开始就进入了整堂课的大任务阶段。




2. Learning About Inventors and InventionsActivity 1: Show Ss six big numbers on the screen and each number is linked with somestatements which describe an inventor or invention with four sentences. Ss are divided into four groups to have a competition to guess what/who it is.[设计说明]要想做出一项发明,应该有一定的知识积累,有效的方法之一是学习发明家和他们的发明。









1)(难度最低,猜中得分最低)•It’s made of metal. (呈现这句话让学生猜,猜出答案可得相应分数)50•This invention looks like a bird. 40•It makes it possible for people to fly to different places in the world. 30•It is powered by an engine and is flown by a pilot. 20•Airplane2)•This invention can help people in the street. 60•It looks like a tree standing beside the street. 50•It directs cars and trucks (40)•…by using colored lights. Red means stop, green means go. 30•Traffic light 本题通过听力形式给出信息3)•He was a world-famous inventor. 70•Here is one of his photo. 60•He was a Swedish. 50•He invented dynamite (炸药) 40•Alfred Nobel4)•The invention looks like a chair. 80•It has a pipe through which the waste can go. 70•People use it to eliminate their bodies waste material. 60•It is usually made of china these years. 50•Toilet5)•No one knows the exact inventor of it. 90•The invention can help people open and close things by locking•little hinges together. 80•It’s made of met al or plastic. 70•It’s usually on coats and backpacks, sometimes sweaters. 60•Zipper6)(难度最高,猜中分数最高)•This is a new way of keeping money. 100•You press a button to open the drawer in which you can put the money. 90•It makes it possible for people to record the amount of money received. 80•It is mostly used in stores or supermarket. 70•Cash RegisterActivity 2: Ask each group to describe an inventor or invention in the similar way and letothers guess according to the information given.[设计说明]学生的语言输入以后,设计的输出活动是:一部分学生描述,其他猜测。
