

VW50125-聚酰胺6 汽车内部组装部件材料要求-2004-2

VW50125-聚酰胺6 汽车内部组装部件材料要求-2004-2
5.6 热特性 热存放人工时效试验按照 DIN 53 497,B 法至少在一个完整的成品件上进行,放置时间 (22+2)小时,如果在图纸上或认可未作其他规定,存放温度(90±1)°C,对于例如在 仪表板或门扶手和车身侧板衬里上经受增强阳光辐射的汽车内饰件,存放温度则为 (120±1)°C。
5.7 低温特性 至少有一个完整的成品件在(-40±1)°C 的温度下在空气中存放,放置时间(22+2)小 时。
成品件在低温下仍完全保持其功能和不受损伤。成品件不仅在低温下而且在加热至+23°C 时不允许显示出裂纹或其他损伤。
曝光的表面相对于供货状态不准有改变,例如颜色的变化,白垩化或裂纹形成。 灰色标准样板等级≥4DIN EN 20105-A02
的件) 曝光周期数按 照图纸 17 抗刮伤强度按照 PV 3952 (在平置表面的可见范围中检验) 17.1 在 受 载 荷 5N ∆L 时 17.2 在受载荷 10N ∆L 时 18 燃烧性能 US- 规 范 571.302
3.2 特性 成品件的表面及内部不得有诸如流线、缩孔、裂纹和类似的缺陷位置和制造缺陷。在肋 条、加筋和连接管的伸出部分范围内不允许有缩孔(凹陷)。用玻璃纤维填充的材料无 论是从触觉上还是从外观上都必须具有无可指摘的表面。在部件中玻璃纤维的分布必须 是均匀的,甚至在一个成品件的三个不同的位置上取下的试样其互相之间玻璃纤维成分 的差别不得超过 1.0%。
5.3 布氏硬度 测量必须至少在三个(20×20)mm 大的试样上(最小厚度 4mm)进行(每个试样测定 2 次)。 对于由一面进行粒面处理的成品件加工出来的试样,必须借助于一台平面磨机 去除粒化。测量在磨光在那一面上进行。
5.4 聚合物的粘度值 溶剂:硫酸,试验温度(40±0.1)°C。



Maße von Proben von Flacherzeugnissen (Form H)
12,5 20
Diese Grenzabmaße und Formtoleranzen gelten, wenn mit dem Anfangsquerschnitt (S0) als Nennwert gerechnet wird und nicht mit dem aus gemessenen Maßen berechneten Wert. Maximale Abweichung der Messungen eines bestimmten Querschnittsmaßes voneinander über die gesamte Versuchslänge (Lc) der Probe.
DIN 50125:2004-01
Zugprobe Form A
Legende d0 d1 h Probendurchmesser Kopfdurchmesser (≈1,2 d0) Kopfhöhe L0 Lc Lt Anfangsmesslänge (L0 = 5 d0) Versuchslänge (Lc ≥ L0 + d0) Gesamtlänge
ANMERKUNG Die in dieser Norm festgelegten Zugproben sind Beispiele, die den in DIN EN 10002-1 genormten Rahmenbedingungen entsprechen. Von DIN 50125 abweichende Zugproben sind, sofern sie die Angaben in DIN EN 10002-1 erfüllen, selbstverständlich ebenfalls normgerecht.

VW 50123

VW 50123

更改 与大众标准VW 50123,2005-04对比:做了如下更改:
─ 段落 "低硬度类型" 修改
2.1 热塑弹性体 (TPE)
这些弹性体为多段材料,包含硬段和软段来作为主链中的嵌段,或者硬段接枝为柔性链的侧链。软段形成 活动区域来提供橡胶的弹性。这些材料的交联区域通过受热相对容易分离,因此限制了在高温下的橡胶弹 性特点。TPE 热致可逆的交联可进行热塑类型的加工。
性能 工作流体中老化后 见 6.4 媒质见图纸 发动机油按照 TL 52185 润滑油按照 TL726 油脂按照 TL735 和 TL745 汽油 FAM 2 按照 VW2.8.1 柴油燃料按照 DIN ISO 1817-F 菜油甲酯按照 DIN EN 14214 制动液按照 TL766 冷却剂 TL 774 媒质按照图纸 撕裂传播强度 按照 DIN ISO 34-1 切口冲击强度 按照 DIN EN ISO 179-1 在+23℃ 关于曲轴箱气的行为, 按照 PV 3936
N/mm2 >30 N/mm2 >30
N/mm2 >25 N/mm2 >25 N/mm2 >25 N/mm2 >20 N/mm2 >25 N/mm2 >25 N/mm2 >25 N/mm2 >25 N/mm2 >25


序号 4.3

VW 50123热塑性弹性体质量要求12

VW 50123热塑性弹性体质量要求12

4.5.2 热解重量分析法
参见 6.1 条 必须标明:挥发性的、聚合物挥发的以及不挥发的组分。
4.5.3 差示扫描量热法(DSC)
参见 6.2 条 必须标明:熔化热函,熔化范围(用 Tm 表示熔化开始,没有最大峰值), 第 1 升温曲线,,第 2 升温曲线,第 2 结晶曲线。
4.5.4 热成形稳定性,按 DIN EN ISO 306,标准方法 B
变速箱油,按 TL 726
D 级肖氏硬度
润滑脂按 TL 735 和 TL 745 D 级肖氏硬度
D 级肖氏硬度
FAM2 按 VW 2.8.1
柴油机燃料,按 DIN ISO
D 级肖氏硬度
±5 ±5 ±5 0~-15
N/ mm2
FAM2 按 VW 2.8.1
柴油按 DIN ISO 1817- F
N/ mm2
N/ mm2
按 DIN EN 14214
制动液按 TL 766
N/ mm2
冷却液按 TL 774
N/ mm2
N/ mm2
断裂延伸率按 DIN 53504
VW 50 123
共9页 第 6 页
4.3.7 4.3.8 4.3.9 5
按 DIN EN 14214 制动液按 TL 766 冷却液按 TL 774 介质按图纸 延伸拉断抗力,按 DIN ISO 34-1 切口冲击韧性 按 DIN EN ISO 179-1,23℃ 对比曲轴箱热气性状按



连接器壳体的安装插入力应当小于100 N.
标准适用时, 不考虑端子的具体数量. 如果必要, 应当综合使用各种适宜的辅助工具, 例如滑快和杠杆等. 插拔时, 必须在连接器的壳体上施加力.
2.9.1 接插错误 为避免接插错误,应当对连接器的保护套进行外形编码。
2.9.2 引导
插座壁外形必须稳定,即使在机械压力和受热的条件下仍保持不变。 连接器接插之前,必须确保其壳体上有可靠的相互导引部件。 增加插座(与接插件导筋或其他筋连接的插座)壁厚以避免由于偶然或蓄意插错插孔而损坏连接器元 件。
Page 5 VW 80106: Issue 2008-5
必须设计保护措施(例如,添加衬隔材料,增加保护套高度)以防止由于接触(甚至匹配性连接)挤 压而造成零件变形。
下列引用文件是本标准应用的必要组成部分。本部分中使用的专业术语也许和原始文件使用的术 语不同。
VW 01155
GQL-PE/7 Jürgen Schneck
Anton Lehner
Tel.: +49-5361-9-29894 Tel.: +49-841-89-33155
Standards EKTC/4 Olaf Guse Tel.: +49-5361-9-32438
Page 1 of 5
EKTC Manfred Terlinden



Group StandardVW 501232007-10Class. No.: 55124Descriptors:TPE, TPU, TPO, TPS, TPC, TPA, thermoplastic, elastomer, Santoprene, Sarlink, Thermoplast K, Hytrel, ArnitelCheck standard for current issue prior to usage.The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies the German version shall govern. Numerical notation acc. to ISO practice.Page 1 of 9This electronically generated standard is authentic and valid without signature.Technical responsibilityStandards departmentK-GQS-1/4 Peter Schulz Tel.: +49-5361-9-24365K-GQL-1/4 Dr. Lutz Wohlfarth Tel.: +49-5361-9-26049 K-GQL-1Dr. Thomas SchillingEKTC/4 Ute Hager-SüßTel.: +49-5361-9-49035EKTCManfred TerlindenConfidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without the prior permission of a Standards department within the Volkswagen Group. Contract partners shall obtain the standard only through the B2B supplier platform .© VOLKSWAGEN AG vwnorm-2007-07Thermoplastic Elastomers Quality RequirementsPrevious issues 2000-10, 2005-04ChangesThe following changes have been made as compared to Volkswagen standard VW 50123, 2005-04:─Section "Types of low hardness" modified1ScopeThis standard contains quality requirements for materials on the basis of thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) for motor vehicle components. 2 Definitions2.1Thermoplastic elastomers (TPE)Thermoplastic elastomers are elastomers that have a flow transition at temperatures above the application range.These elastomers are multi-phase materials that contain hard and soft segments as blocks in the main chain or hard segments grafted as side chains on flexible base chains. The soft segments form the movable areas necessary for the rubber elasticity. The cross-linked areas of these materials are relatively easy to split by means of heat and thus limit the characteristic rubber elastic application at higher temperatures. The thermoreversible cross-linkage of the TPE allows for thermoplastic-like processing.Page 2VW 50123: 2007-102.2 Type groups2.2.1 Types of low hardnessHardness range ≤ 65 Shore A and hardness range > 65 Shore A.Material markings no longer permitted for new designs Material markings valid for new designs (acc. to DIN EN ISO 18064)Description examples:Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPE-U) > PUR < Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU)> TPU-ARES < (aromatic hard segments / soft ester segments)> TPU-ARET < (aromatic hard segments / soft ether segments)Thermoplastic EPDM/PP elastomer (TPE-O/V)> EPDM+PP < Thermoplastic EPDM/PP elastomer(TPO / TPV)> TPO-(EPDM+PP) < for elastomer phases that are not cross-linked> TPV-(EPDM+PP) < for cross-linked elastomer phasesThermoplastic styrene block copolymer (TPE-S)> PS/PE/PB < Thermoplastic styrene block copolymer (TPS) > TPS-SBS <2.2.2 Types of high hardnessHardness range 40 to 50 Shore D.Material markings no longer permitted fornew designsMaterial markings valid for new designsThermoplastic copolyetherester elastomer (TPE-E)> TEEE < Thermoplastic copolyetherester elastomer (TPC)> TPC-EE <Thermoplastic polyether block amide elastomer (TPE-A)> PEBA < Thermoplastic polyether block amide elastomer (TPA)> TPA-ES <3 DescriptionDescription example for a black, light-resistant Santoprene®with a preferred hardness of 60 Shore A and a density of 1,04 g/cm3.TPO-(EPDM+PP) acc. to VW 50123 – 60 Shore A, black, 1,04 g/cm3, light-resistant4 Requirements4.1 General requirementsApproval of first supply and changes acc. to Volkswagen standard VW 01155.Avoidance of hazardous substances acc. to VW 91101.TPE quality is preferably tested on components, component sections or, in exceptional cases, on test plates.Page 3VW 50123: 2007-10 On principle, samples shall be delivered with an indication of the manufacturer’s qualitydesignation.The number of parts required for laboratory tests must be agreed upon with the responsible material laboratory.During the manufacture of plate material, anisotropic effects (= orientation of macromolecules during manufacture) can be expected as a result of the plastic injection process. This leads to differences in the mechanical characteristic values for strength and elongation depending on the direction of the orientations. This must be taken into consideration during testing.To do this, corresponding specimens shall be taken from the plate material in longitudinal and crosswise direction and torn apart. Generally, the specimens taken crosswise to the direction of orientation of the macromolecules exhibit lower strength and elongation values.The specimens to be used for laboratory testing acc. to this standard shall be taken crosswise to the orientation of the macromolecules.4.2 Evaluation of the measuring resultsThe required numerical values apply to each individual measurement.Parts whose grades cannot be classified on the basis of this standard require a separate Technical Supply Specification or notes in the drawing.4.3 Color in as-received conditionAccording to drawing.4.4 AppearanceNo visible flaws, inclusions, etc.4.5 Material identification4.5.1 IR, PY-GC/MS couplingPyrolysis GC/MS acc. to Test Specification PV 3935.4.5.2 ThermogravimetrySee Section 6.1.Volatile, polymer and nonvolatile portions shall be specified.4.5.3 DSCSee Section 6.2.The following shall be specified: Enthalpy of fusion, melt range (beginning of melt applies as T m, not the maximum peak), curves for 1st heating, 1st crystallization, 2nd heating and 2nd crystallization.Page 4VW 50123: 2007-104.5.4 Dimensional stability under heat acc. to DIN EN ISO 306, method BOnly if required in the drawing, acc. to released sample.4.5.5 Density acc. to DIN EN ISO 1183Specification acc. to drawing.4.6 Hardness4.6.1 Shore AHardness range 55 to 80 Shore A for TPE that are subjected primarily to daytime light and weather factors (e.g. TPO, TPV like Santoprene®, Sarlink®, Thermoplast K®).4.6.2 Shore DHardness range 40 to 50 Shore D for TPE that can also come into contact with operating fluids, such as oils, greases, fuels, crankcase gases (limited resistance) (e.g. TPC such as Hytrel®, Arnitel®).4.7 Low-temperature elasticity after 22 h aging at -40 °C4.7.1 GeneralNo cracks or fracture under manual bending stress.4.7.2 Freeze temperature T GAccording to drawing.4.8 Ozone resistance acc. to VW 2.8.1, mounted similar to installed conditionFree of cracks.4.9 Burning behavior acc. to Technical Supply Specification TL 1010According to drawing.4.10 Lightfastness acc. to VW 2.8.1No changes compared to as-received condition, e.g. discoloring, embrittlement, decomposition, cracks. Only required if "lightfastness" is specified additionally in the drawing.4.11 Emission behavior according to VW 50180According to drawing.Page 5VW 50123: 2007-105 PropertiesHardness range Shore A, see Table 1.Hardness range Shore D, see Table 2.Table 1 – Hardness range Shore ANo. Property Unit Requirement1 Hardness acc. to DIN 535051.1 As-received condition (preferredhardness)Shore A Acc. to sample1.2 Change as compared to as-received condition1.2.1 After aging at elevated temperature,see Section 6.3Shore A 0 to +31.2.2 After aging in operating fluidssee Section 6.4,medium according to drawing Shore A Only if required in the drawing. Limit values to be specified.2 Weight change after aging in operatingfluids,see Section 6.4,medium according to drawing % Only if required in the drawing. Limit values to be specified.3 Tensile strength acc. to DIN 535043.1 As-received condition N/mm23.2 After aging at elevated temperature,see Section 6.3 N/mm2> 6 for as-received harnesses ≤ 65Shore A,> 12 for as-received harnesses > 65Shore A3.3 After aging in operating fluids,see Section 6.4,medium according to drawing N/mm2Only if required in the drawing. Limit values to be specified.4 Elongation at tear acc. to DIN 535044.1 As-received condition %4.2 After aging at elevated temperature,see Section 6.3% > 2504.3 After aging in operating fluidssee Section 6.4,medium according to drawing % Only if required in the drawing. Limit values to be specified.5 Tear propagation strength according toDIN ISO 34-1, method A,as-received conditionN/mm > 86 Permanent deformation acc. to PV 3307 % Acc. to drawing7 Rebound resilience acc. to DIN 53512 % Only if required in the drawing. Limitvalues to be specified.Table 2 – Hardness range Shore DNo. Property Unit Requirement1 Hardness acc. to DIN 535051.1 As-received condition (preferredhardness)Shore D 55 ±31.2 Change as compared to as-received conditionPage 6VW 50123: 2007-10No. Property Unit RequirementShore D 0 to +31.2.1 After aging at elevated temperature,see Section After aging in operating fluids,see Section 6.4,medium according to drawing1.2.2.1 Engine oil acc. to TL 52185 Shore D ± Transmission oil acc. to TL 726 Shore D ± Grease acc. to TL 735 and TL 745 Shore D ± Gasoline FAM 2 acc. to VW 2.8.1 Shore D 0 to - Diesel fuel acc. to DIN ISO 1817 – F Shore D 0 to -15Shore D 0 to - Vegetable oil methyl ester acc. toDIN EN 142141.2.2.7 Brake fluid acc. to TL 766 Shore D Acc. to drawing Coolant acc. to TL 774 Shore D Acc. to drawing1.2.2.9 Medium acc. to drawing Shore D Acc. to drawing2 Weight change after aging in operating fluids,see Section 6.4,medium according to drawing2.1 Engine oil acc. to TL 52185 % ± 52.2 Transmission oil acc. to TL 726 % ± 52.3 Grease acc. to TL 735 and TL 745 % ± 52.4 Gasoline FAM 2 acc. to VW 2.8.1 % 0 to +302.5 Diesel fuel acc. to DIN ISO 1817 – F % 0 to +15% 0 to +152.6 Vegetable oil methyl ester acc. toDIN EN 142142.7 Brake fluid acc. to TL 766 % ± 52.8 Coolant acc. to TL 774 % ± 52.9 Medium acc. to drawing % ± 53 Tensile strength acc. to DIN 535043.1 As-received condition N/mm2> 30N/mm2> 303.2 After aging at elevated temperature,see Section 6.33.3 After aging in operating fluids,see Section 6.4,medium according to drawing3.3.1 Engine oil acc. to TL 52185 N/mm2> 253.3.2 Transmission oil acc. to TL 726 N/mm2> 253.3.3 Grease acc. to TL 735 and TL 745 N/mm2> 253.3.4 Gasoline FAM 2 acc. to VW 2.8.1 N/mm2> 203.3.5 Diesel fuel acc. to DIN ISO 1817 – F N/mm2> 253.3.6 Vegetable oil methyl ester acc. toN/mm2> 25 DIN EN 142143.3.7 Brake fluid acc. to TL 766 N/mm2> 253.3.8 Coolant acc. to TL 774 N/mm2> 253.3.9 Medium acc. to drawing N/mm2> 254 Elongation at break acc. to DIN 535044.1 As-received condition % > 4504.2 After aging at elevated temperature,% > 450 see Section 6.3Page 7VW 50123: 2007-10 No. Property Unit Requirement4.3 After aging in operating fluidssee Section 6.4medium according to drawing4.3.1 Engine oil acc. to TL 52185 % > 4504.3.2 Transmission oil acc. to TL 726 % > 4504.3.3 Grease acc. to TL 735 and TL 745 % > 4504.3.4 Gasoline FAM 2 acc. to VW 2.8.1 % > 3004.3.5 Diesel fuel acc. to DIN ISO 1817 – F % > 3004.3.6 Vegetable oil methyl ester acc. toDIN EN 14214% > 3004.3.7 Brake fluid acc. to TL 766 % > 4504.3.8 Coolant acc. to TL 774 % > 4504.3.9 Medium acc. to drawing % > 4505 Tear propagation strength acc. toDIN ISO 34-1N/mm > 406 Notched impact strength acc. toDIN EN ISO 179-1 at +23 °C kJ/m2Acc. to sample; only if required in the drawing.7 Behavior with respect to crankcase gasesacc. to PV 3936 Acc. to sample; only if required in the drawing.6 Notes on testing6.1 ThermogravimetryE.g. Perking Elmer’s test equipment DSC7 may be used as testing device.A finished part section weighing approx. 10 mg, which has been chopped into pieces with an edge length of ≤ 1 mm by means of an appropriate tool, serves as a specimen.The specimen is heated under nitrogen from +50 °C t o +700 °C at a heating rate of 20 °C/min and then cooled under nitrogen to +400 °C at 20 °C/min.Subsequently, the nitrogen atmosphere is replaced by oxygen. The specimen is now heated from +400 °C to +800 °C at a heating rate of 40 °C/min. The final temperature is maintained for 15 min. The flow rate of the test gases is 70 ml/min. At least 3 specimens removed from different areas of the finished part shall be tested.6.2 DSCE.g. Perking Elmer’s test equipment DSC7 may be used as testing device.A plane parallel finished part section of a weight of approx. 10 mg serves as specimen.The specimen is heated from +50 °C to +310 °C at a heating rate of 10 °C/min. Subsequently, the specimen is cooled down to +150 °C at 5 °C/min and then heated again to +310 °C at a heating rate of 10 °C/min. The test is carried out in norma l atmosphere.To evaluate the enthalpy of fusion of the polymer, the residue determined in the thermogravimetry must be subtracted from the real specimen weight.6.3 Aging at elevated temperatureAging in the mechanical circulation oven acc. to DIN 53508. Aging durations and temperatures shall be agreed upon. Measurements to be taken after cooling to room temperature (23 ± 2) °C.Page 8VW 50123: 2007-106.4 Aging in operating fluids6.4.1 GasolineThe specimens are aged in FAM test fluid acc. to DIN 51604-2 (FAM 2).Composition:─84,5 volume percent FAM test fluid acc. to DIN 51604-1 (FAM 1),─15,0 volume percent methanol,─0,5 volume percent water.Other test fluids may be used if required (deviations acc. to drawing).168 h aging (other aging durations acc. to drawing) at room temperature (23 ± 2) °C; the specimen shall be dabbed off with filter paper (black band) after aging; evaluation shall begin after 1 minute (in justified cases, which must be agreed upon, evaluation may also begin 15 minutes after removal).6.4.2 Diesel fuel, fatty acid methyl ester (FAME)168 h aging at room temperature (23 ± 2) °C. In jus tified cases, other aging durations and test temperatures can be agreed upon. For aging in diesel fuel, the test fluid acc. to DIN ISO 1817-F (old designation: A20/NP II standard diesel fuel by Haltermann comp.) with a proportion of fatty acid methyl ester of 5 volume percent acc. to DIN EN 14214 shall be used.6.4.3 Engine oil, transmission oil and grease96 h aging duration. In justified cases, other aging times and test temperatures can be agreed upon.6.4.4 CoolantS3A standard specimens are aged in an autoclave in test fluid consisting of 50 volume parts de-ionized water and 50 volume parts coolant additive acc. to TL 774-D at 135 °C. Test durations are subject to agreement. The fluid volume must be 150 to 180 times the specimen volume. Subsequently the specimens are cooled down to (23 ± 2) °C in the test fluid within 2 hours and measured.6.4.5 Brake fluidThe specimens are aged in 75 ml brake fluid for 70 h at +120 °C. To do this, tightly closable glass containers with approx. 250 ml volume and 50 mm diameter shall be used. After the test is over, the elastomer parts are conditioned in the container at (23 ± 2)°C for 60 min to 90 min. Subsequently, the specimens are removed from the liquid, rinsed briefly (max. 10 s) in isopropyl alcohol and dried with a clean, fiber-free cloth. The measurements shall be performed within 60 min after the specimens have been rinsed in alcohol.Page 9VW 50123: 2007-107 Referenced standardsThe following documents cited in this standard are necessary for application. In this Section, terminological inconsistencies may occur as the original titles are used.PV 3307 Elastomer Components; Plastic and Elastic DeformabilityPV 3935 Plastics and Elastomers; Pyrolytic Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry PV 3936 Polymer Material; Resistance Test to Components of Blow-By GasesTL 726 Transmission Oil API GL 4 SAE 75W / SAE 80W; Lubricant RequirementsTL 735 Multi-Purpose Grease; Lubricant RequirementsTL 745 Multi-Purpose Low-Temperature Grease; Lubricant RequirementsTL 766 Brake Fluid; Material RequirementsTL 774 Ethylene Glycol-Based Coolant Additive; Material RequirementsTL 1010 Materials for Vehicle Interiors; Flammability, Material RequirementsTL 52185 Reference Engine Oil SAE 5W-30; Testing of Compatibility with Respect to Elastomer Materials; Lubricant RequirementsVW 2.8.1 Elastomers; Material Requirements and TestingVW 01155 Vehicle Supply Parts; Approval of First Supply and ChangesVW 50180 Components in Passenger Compartment; Emission BehaviorVW 91101 Environmental Standard for Vehicles; Vehicle Parts, Materials, Operating Fluids; Avoidance of Hazardous SubstancesDIN 51604-1 FAM Testing Fluid for Polymer Materials; Composition and RequirementsDIN 51604-2 Methanolic FAM Testing Fluid for Polymer Materials; Composition and RequirementsDIN 53504 Testing of Rubber – Determination of Tensile Strength at Break, Tensile Stress at Yield, Elongation at Break and Stress Values in a Tensile TestDIN 53505 Testing of Rubber – Shore A and Shore D Hardness TestDIN 53508 Testing of Rubber – Accelerated AgeingDIN 53512 Testing of Rubber – Determination of Rebound Resilience (Schob pendulum) DIN EN 14214 Automotive Fuels; Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) for Diesel Engines;Requirements and Test MethodsDIN EN ISO 179-1 Plastics; Determination of Charpy Impact Properties – Part 1: Non-Instrumented Impact TestDIN EN ISO 306 Plastics – Thermoplastic Materials – Determination of Vicat Softening Temperature (VST)DIN EN ISO 18064 Thermoplastic Elastomers; Nomenclature and Abbreviated TermsDIN EN ISO 1183-1 Plastics – Methods for Determining the Density of Non-Cellular Plastics – Part1 – Immersion Method, Liquid Pyknometer Method and Titration MethodDIN ISO 34-1 Rubber, Vulcanized or Thermoplastic – Determination of Tear Strength - Part 1: Trouser, Angle and Crescent Test PiecesDIN ISO 1817 Rubber, Vulcanized – Determination of the Effect of Liquids。



Vertragspartner erhalten die Norm nur über die zuständige Beschaffungsabteilung.Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without the prior written permission of the Volkswagen Group, EZTN, Standard Department.Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the responsible procurement department.VOLKSWAGEN AGF o r m F E 41 - 10.99T h e E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n i s b e l i e v e d t o b e a c c u r a t e . I n c a s e o f d i s c r e p a n c i e s t h e G e r m a n v e r s i o n s h a l l g o v e r n .Page 2VW 501 85: 2000-104 RequirementsSpecifications4.1 BasicPrior to application of this standard, the user must ensure that the current version of the docu-mentation is used. This can be obtained from NOLIS or the author.4.1.1 Additional Resistance to Open Air WeatheringThe additional requirement of 2 years resistance to open air weathering applies to the following components/materials:─Paint (exterior)─Front headlights (lenses)The following also applies on principle: after 2 years open-air weathering, no complaints such as material disintegration, detachment (delamination), cracks, fractures or holes may occur, which noticeably impair the function of the component or cause its failure.4.2 ValidityThe requirement "resistance to open air weathering per VW 501 85: no complaints" applies to drawings and technical supply specifications of all─Components─Textiles─Fiber materials─Sandwich structures─Coatings (protective and/or decorative)─Films─Foamed plastics─etc.of metals, polymers or natural materials (e.g., wood, leather).Components of the engine compartment are excepted because their function must be sufficiently ensured by environmental cycle tests and corrosion tests.4.3 Documentation of Resistance to Open Air WeatheringDocumentation shall be provided in the course of open-air weathering of the assemblies (ASSY) and the components in as-installed condition on vehicles at the open-air weathering proving grounds used by the VW Group.Prior to an open-air weathering test by the VW Group, a risk assessment by means of the short-term test methods listed in Table 1 is required of the supplier in all cases, in particular with the use of new materials and/or new production methods and locations.For new systems not yet in use in the Group, the fulfillment of the 2-year simulation cycle per PV 3929 and PV 3930 must be checked.It is permissible to perform the risk assessment in the non-installed condition per section 5.2.2“Components and Material Samples”, for example on complete components/assemblies.Page 3VW 501 85: 2000-105 TestGrounds5.1 ProvingThe VW Group currently uses the following grounds for aging: Kalahari (dry heat), Arizona (dry heat) and Florida (humid heat).Data5.1.1 WeatherThe operator of the proving grounds must continually record and document the weather data. The weather data must be made available to users of the grounds (VW intranet, CD-ROM, or in paper form). The data are archived in digital form.Weather data that must be recorded:─Air temperature─Global irradiation─UV radiation─Duration of sunshine─Wind velocity─Wind direction─Amount of precipitation─Wet time─Relative humidity5.2 Aging the Test Objects5.2.1 VehiclesTo determine the critical case, the darkest possible (preferably black) body colors should be se-lected. All closable air vents and windows must be kept closed during the test duration.Page 4VW 501 85: 2000- Surface──Asphalt (dry heat)The purpose of the grass is to increase the effect of the humidity. The asphalt is used to increase the thermal stress on the vehicle. The asphalt can be replaced with black gravel with documenta-tion of its suitability.The vehicle storage areas shall be set up so that the vehicles are not in standing water for long periods in case of hard rains. Orientation of the Vehicleshemisphere, the front of the vehicles should face southward and in the southern hemisphere northward. Other orientations must be agreed upon between the client and the proving grounds. Unusual Aspects of Specific Parts─Sun visors: front passenger side folded down, driver’s side up on the roofliner, 3rd sun visor ina vehicle folded down, in the rest of the vehicle up.─Headrests: front passenger side pushed inward, driver’s side pulled out at front and rear.─Center arm rest: folded down.─Steering wheel: adjusted to highest position.─Ventilation: all vents closed.─Cargo area shade: rolled up in the vehicle, operated 1x per week, also pulled out without oper-ating in the break out box (alternatively in another vehicle).─Window shades: see cargo area shade.─Glass roof: inside cover (blind) closed halfway.─Folding table (e.g., Multivan T4): folded up 1 x per week from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.─Cupholder in window ledge (e.g., Multivan T4): see folding table.Note: All other cupholders are on principle folded in for testing. Special Case: Cabrio Top1st week:1st day:open and close after 1 h between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm2nd day:open 8:00 am, close 6:00 pm,3rd - 6th day:top closed7th day:top closed, dry cleaning with soft brush2nd - 3rd week:same as 1st week4th week:same as 1st week, after cleaning with brush, also wet cleaning withwater and soft brushIn case of wind panel: test pulled in.Page 5VW 501 85: 2000-10 5.2.2 Components and Material Samples5.2.2.1 ShelvesClosed shelves (90° and 5° to the horizontal) are available for standard aging tests. The shelves are for open-air weathering of skin and add-on parts. The aging type for components and material samples should be selected such that the radiation and temperature load is comparable to the situation on the vehicle (possibly by insulating the bottom of the component). This must be ensured by means of comparative temperature measurements.Surface: grass (humid heat), sand (dry heat).The surface may only be changed with documentation of suitability and in consultation with K-QS-31.Orientation: according to section─90° shelves: wheel trim elements, radiator grilles, front and rear emblems, side turn signal lamps─5° shelves: plastic fenders, headlights, taillamp assemblies, windshield wipersNotes:Components with high thermal load such as drip moldings, protective side moldings or water box covers should only be tested in the vehicle (test vehicles) since the thermal load is too low in shelf aging. Glassed-In Test BoxThe glassed-in test boxes are used for open-air testing of components of the vehicle interior. The aging type for components and material samples should be selected such that the radiation and temperature load is comparable to the situation in the vehicle. This must be ensured by means of comparative temperature measurements.Surface: grass (humid heat), sand (dry heat).The surface may only be changed with documentation of suitability and in consultation with K-QS-31.Orientation: according to section of different dimensions and glazings are available (see Table 2).Table 2: Dimensions and Glazings of Test Boxes (in mm)Type Width Depth Height 1Height 2Glazing AnglePassenger car1,65062546082030°standard 1Passenger car1,9001,1008001,60036°standard 2 (e.g.,New Beetle, AudiA2)MPV1,6508506501,14030°Commercial1,9008505501,40045°trucksStandard glazings:- Single-pane glass, clear (3.1 mm thick),- compound glass, clear (4.9 mm thick).Use of other glazings in consultation with the proving grounds. In the Arizona Proving Grounds, tempered safety glass and compound glass are also available for glazing as tinted glass (green glass).Page 6VW 501 85: 2000-10Figure 1: Spectral luminous transmittance of the standard glazingscompound glass, clear and tempered safety glass, clearA Luminous transmittance in %S Data from PPG Industries D tempered safety glassF compound glassG Wavelength in nmThe test boxes are tried and tested for the standard aging of instrument panels, steering wheels, load compartment covers and rear shelves.Notes:Interior parts made of sensitive materials for high-quality equipment versions (wood decor, Alcan-tara, etc.) must be tested in the vehicle since in most cases the load in the glassed-in box is too high (exception: rear shelf and instrument panel).6 Cleaning the Test ObjectsVehicles:Skin:Wet cleaning 1x per week, preferably with high-pressure cleaner,otherwise with soft sponge; stuck-on foreign matter soaked offwith water.Interior:Vacuum 1x per month, wet cleaning 1x per month with water andhand soap, removal of fog residue with a mixture of isopropyl al-cohol and water.Test boxes:Windows:Wet cleaning inside and out 1x per week, specimen as needed(as in vehicle interior)Shelves:Wet cleaning of the test objects 1x per week (as vehicle)The wet cleaning is performed with tap water (drinking water).Page 7VW 501 85: 2000-107 EvaluationThe test objects (vehicles, assemblies, components and material samples) must be evaluated only by persons who have been specially trained at the open-air weathering proving grounds. The evaluation is performed only on washed, dry test objects with suitable weathering.Note:Cracks in anodized moldings visible only in direct sunlight and at maximum component tempera-ture.The complaints are to be characterized by:─the specification for the component─the type of damage─the evaluation of the damage according to the current Group standard (see Table 3).The test objects are evaluated according to the standard every 2 months by proving grounds per-sonnel. Deviations must be agreed upon between the client and the proving grounds.Note:Prior to aging the test objects (particularly the vehicles) their initial condition must be recorded by the client in writing.8 Documentation of the Test ResultsEach client receives a report from the specific proving grounds, which documents the complaints with text and pictures. The damage evaluation according to the current Group standard must be stated as well.The documentation can be provided in paper or digital form.9 Returning the Test ObjectsAfter completion of the open air weathering test, the aged test objects are returned to the client.Page 8VW 501 85: 2000-10Table 3: ABC Evaluation KeyComplaint category A Complaint B Complaint C Complaint Complaint points1009070605040302010Complaint evalua-tionSafety risk,unsaleablevehicle, tow-inUnacceptable, certain tocause customer complaintsExtreme surface complaintUnpleasant, disruptive,complaints can also be expectedfrom average customer,low level of qualityNeeds improve-ment,complaint can beexpected from de-mandingcustomers,quality requirementis not metIf frequent,complaints can be ex-pected fromdemanding customersEffect on customers Vehicle notavailable Vehicle requires unex-pected repairsCustomer will make complaint atnext scheduledmaintenanceCustomer mayexpect correctionof complaintCustomer complains aboutlevel of qualityDetectable By all customersBy the average customerBy demanding customers and trained auditors taking into consideration the internal quality standardsCorrection of the complaint Complaint must be corrected, ensure that no vehicle with this complaint reaches the customerCorrective meas-ures in standard production Introduction of measures to correct the cause so that the complaint does not oc-cur againIf the complaint is frequent, intro-duce remedial measuresWatch, pre-vent fromworsening Note: Points assigned in multiples of ten。



草案 VW 011 05-1:2006-01 1适用范围下面的这些基本规则以从较低到高的机械化程度的经验、试验结果以及公开的标准和技术框架,例如 DVS-规则 2902-1、 -2、 -3作为基础。


本标准的应用范围包括:板材厚度比≦ 5 : 1的,板材厚度范围从 0.5 至 4 mm的单边切口点焊连接的电阻点焊(根据 DIN EN ISO 4063,系数为 21,以及单点连接和多点连接的质量特征。



依据 DIN EN 10139标准的钢板的最大可焊厚度应为 3.0 mm 。

镀锌板,比如依据 DIN EN 10142或者 DIN EN 10292标准,和高硬度及超高硬度的钢铁,必须使用较大的电极头和电极轴直径(16 mm或 20 mm。



(电阻点焊连接的其它要求包括:— VW 011 05-2铝材,— VW 011 05-4多板连接;两层或多层点焊连接。

对于焊点的质量 -Audit(奥迪特已在 PV 6702和 PV 6717检验标准中的流程中给出。




在这过程中以点状,更确切的说是核状物所产生的熔核焊接连接被称为点焊(图 27,其将部件在焊接冲击区域统一起来(图6。


2.2热影响区域 WEZ焊接过程中固定保留的母材,由于点焊带来的热能的影响而产生组织变化的区域。





VW503.00:本规范有2大重点,一是“加长换油周期”,可以1万5千公里一换,二是S4、RS4、TT、S3等输出超出180HP之性能引擎, 依其特殊润滑需求制定的特殊规范。

(市面上5-40的灰喜力为SL级的.只通过了VW502和505的认证,是非长效机油) VW503.01:除了503.00所涵盖的规范之外,加强了V8、W12等多气缸、大排量引擎需求的润滑等级。








VW 50180中英文版

VW 50180中英文版

VOlKSWAGENGroup standard VW50180Issue2019-04 Class.No.:55104Descriptors:component chamber,condensate,emission,formaldehyde,interior, luggage compartment,odor test,vehicle interior描述:组件室,冷凝水,散发,甲醛,内部,行李厢,气味测试,汽车内饰Components,Semi-Finished Products,and Materials in the Vehicle Interior Emission Behavior汽车内饰零部件、半成品和材料释放性能Previous issuesVW50180:1996-05,2000-07,2007-12,2015-05之前的版本VW50180:1996-05,2000-07,2007-12,2015-05Changes变化The following changes have been made to VW50180:2015-05:对VW50180:2015-05进行了以下更改:---Standard title changed---标准标题更改---Technical responsibility updated---技术职责更新---Section1"Scope"expanded(use matrix added)---第1节“范围”扩大(增加使用矩阵)---Section2"Definitions"added---增加了第2节“定义”---Section5.2"Minimum component size requiring emission tests":Sizes changed---第5.2节“要求散发试验的最小部件尺寸”:尺寸改变---Section5.4"Age of specimens/packaging/storage"added---增加了第5.4节“试样的年龄/包装/储存”---Limits and footnotes in table2,table3,table4,and table5changed---表2、表3、表4和表5中的限制和脚注发生了变化---Table2and Table3:"Displays"added---表2和表3:添加了“显示”---Section5.5.1"Special considerations for body seals(door seals,tailgate/trunk lid seals,sliding sunroof seals)"added---增加第5.5.1节“车身密封(车门密封、尾盖/后备箱盖密封、天窗滑动密封)的特殊考虑”---Section5.5.2"Special considerations for process materials and cable jackets"added ---增加了第5.5.2节“工艺材料和电缆护套的特殊考虑”---Section5.6"Sampling"changed---第5.6节“采样”更改---Section6"Evaluation of the emissions in the1-m3component chamber(as per PV 3942)":Scope revised---第6节“1-m3组件室中散发的评估(根据PV3942)”---Section6.2"Component Requirements":Limit tables combined and limits changed ---第6.2节“部件要求”:组合限值表并更改限值---Section7"Substance limitations"revised and Table5"Limits for substances with CLP classification or individual substances which are classified as critical by V olkswagen"added---修订第7节“物质限制”和增加了表5“CLP类物质或被大众汽车归类为关键的个别物质的限制”。



共36页第 1 页关键词:焊接,点焊,电阻点焊,焊接点,板材,钢,钢板前言本标准中概述包括术进步的过程中,将在相应章节中专门说明。

计算例证在本标准的副篇各种不同的简要说明适用12变更 相对于VW 011 05-1:2003-05有如下更改处:-第4.3.1节公差一章增加较小的点焊直径和松动的焊接点内容。

先前版本 1977-05;1993-12;2003-051应用范围 下列基本原则是以少批量到大批量机械化点焊程度和研究结果的经验为基础,以及公开发表的标准和技术规则,例如DVS-规则2902-1,-2,-3。


本标准应用范围包括接口点焊连接上的(电阻)点焊(特性因数21按照DIN EN ISO 4063),其在无涂层的板材上的板材厚度比例,板材厚度从0.5~4 mm,以及有关单点和多点焊接的过程保证的质量特征。


按照DIN EN 10 139使用的板材其厚度最多只能够是3.0 mm 。

引进镀锌板材,例如按照DIN EN 10 142或DIN EN 10 292, 和高和高硬度钢的部件要求具备直径较大的电极罩和电极套筒(16 mm 及 20 mm)。



另外有关(电阻)点焊连接的要求包括:VW 011 05-2(铝材料)VW 011 05-4(多板材连接;两层和多层接口的点焊连接)有关点焊连接的质量评审是检验标准PV 6702和PV 6717中给出的方法。

 2 定义 2.1点焊 进行(电阻)点焊连接时,在所连接部分之间的焊接区域,通过电阻加热的方法借助于同时作用的焊条对零件的压力,加热直至其熔化。




3 要求
第4页 草案 VW 011 05-1:2006-01
为了在点焊连接加工时,在足够的安全性和最优的成本质量比的结构设计目标方面,实现尽可能高的 结构强度,每个点焊结构必须“正确的焊接”,也就是说,在预开发时必须考虑点焊设备中的尺寸、 电极需要的空间和工件的可操作性。
— 焊接特性(母材)
为了估算焊接参数,建议如下进行焊接时间和电流值选择,在 或者 和 限曲线之间产生一个电流差:
— 当电阻点焊设备带有头铣削机构时,△≧1.2 kA。
— 当电阻点焊设备带有头铣削机构时,△≧1.5kA。
在加工中和结构设计中必须注意的,材料影响的因素越少(参见 DVS 2902-2),则在一个材料组内的 该材料的焊接特性越好。
计算示例在本标准的附件 1 中。
相对于 VW011 05-1:2003-11 做了如下修订: — 第 1 条:为带有涂层板块的安装了薄板厚度比例 — 第 3.1 条:在第一调节点附近补充了图 2 同时电流差降到 1.2 kA — 第 条, 表 1:补充了法兰宽度,新建了表 2 — 更新了参考文献 — 点数计算移放进了附件 1 内
早期版本 1977-05; 1993-12; 2003-05; 2003-06; 2003-11
翻译: 肖磊、徐倩民
日期: 2006 年 5 月 29 日
校对: 张新伟
日期: 2006 年 5 月 29 日
打字: 谷京晶
后续 2 至 28 页
日期: 2006 年 5 月 29 日
第2页 草案 VW 011 05-1:2006-01



材料 热变形温度试验
ASTMASTM D648D6480707
物理 物理 物理 物理 物理 物理 物理 物理 物理 物理
材料 材料 材料 维卡软化点试验 材料 材料 材料 低温脆化温度 材料 材料 材料 透光率试验 材料 材料
ISO 75-2:2004 GB/T 1634.2-2004 ASTM D1525-09 ISO 306:2004 GB/T 1633-2000 ASTM D746-07 ISO 974-2000 GB/T 5470-2008 ASTM D1003-07e1 Method A GB/T 2410-2008 Method A ASTM D1003-07e1 Method A GB/T 2410-2008 Method A ASTM D2457-08 镜面光泽度实验 ASTM D523-08 GB/T 8807-88 ASTM D570-98(2010) 吸水率实验 ISO 62-2008 GB/T 1034-2008 ASTM D543-06 方法A (浸泡法) 耐化学试剂试验 ISO 175-2010(浸泡法) GB/T 11547-2008(浸泡 法) DBL 5404-2010 耐环境应力开裂试验 7.13
实验类别 物理
实验领域 材料 材料 材料
试验项目 密度测试试验 塑料熔融指数测试 冷凝组分测定 光度实验 挥分实验 甲醛发散测定 雾化实验 挥发性实验 玻纤含量实验 雾度实验 气味性实验 燃烧残余 镀层厚度 阻燃试验 冲击性能测试(缺口、 无缺口冲击) 密度测试实验 色差 划格试验
试验标准 DIN 53479/DIN EN ISO 1183-1 DIN EN ISO 1133 PV3015 操作指导书 GBT2577-2005 PV3925 VW 50125 VW 50125 VW 50125 VW 50125 VW 50125 DIN EN ISO 1172 TL 528 TL1010、GB 8410 DIN EN ISO 179 DIN 53479 VW 50190 ISO 2409



Group standardVW 50180Issue 2015-05Class. No.:55104Descriptors:emission, odor test, vehicle interior, interior, formaldehyde, condensate, component chamber, luggage compartmentComponents in the Vehicle Interior Emission BehaviorPrevious issuesVW 50180: 1996-05, 2000-07, 2007-12ChangesThe following changes have been made to VW 50180: 2007-12:–Standard completely revised –VW 50179 incorporated ScopeThis standard contains evaluation criteria for use of low-emission materials and components in the vehicle interior and luggage compartment as well as for parts that come into contact with air flow‐ing into the vehicle interior.The vehicle interior includes all components and materials which are installed below the metal skin,inside the passenger compartment or luggage compartment.DesignationThe following entry is mandatory in all technical documentation for the scope described in section 1:Emission behavior as per VW 5018012Always use the latest version of this standard.This electronically generated standard is authentic and valid without signature.The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling.Page 1 of 17All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent of one of the Volkswagen Group’s Standards departments.© Volkswagen AktiengesellschaftVWNORM-2014-06a-patch5Q U E L L E : N O L I SPage 2VW 50180: 2015-05Basic requirementsApproval of first supply and changes as per Volkswagen standard VW 01155Avoidance of hazardous substances as per VW 91101.Only materials that meet the minimum requirements must be used for new developments. Failure of the emission values to meet the requirements is sufficient reason to reject the sample.Fulfillment of the requirements must be verified during the initial sample inspection using the re‐sults of a laboratory that has been authorized to perform the respective test by the Volkswagen Group at this time.If new materials or component designs are used, fulfillment of the requirements must be verified with the build sample approval using the results of a laboratory that has been authorized to perform the respective test by the Volkswagen Group at this time.–Start–Information –Divisions–Quality Assurance–Emission measurementRequirementsThe following limits are minimum requirements, which must be fulfilled by components as per section 1 (new developments).Requirements for materials and components in the vehicle interior, luggage compartment, and air-conveying parts used in vehicles of the Volkswagen Group are specified in table 1 to table 3 of this standard.Banned substances as per section 6 must be observed.Only in justified exceptions are deviations from the requirements listed in table 1 to table 4 permis‐sible, and only after written approval from the Volkswagen Materials Engineering (Wolfsburg), Audi Laboratory (Ingolstadt), or departments within the Group authorized by these laboratories.The Volkswagen Materials Engineering department in Wolfsburg and the Audi Laboratory in Ingol‐stadt can be contacted to answer any questions.Test method to be used1.Condensible constituents as per Test Specification PV 3015.2.Emissions of organic compounds as per PV 3341.3.Odor test as per PV 3900 (variants A2, A3, B2, B3, C2, C3 only).4.Formaldehyde content as per PV 3925.5.Component chamber procedure as per PV 3942.3 44.1Page 3VW 50180: 2015-05Minimum component size requiring emission testsThe requirements for the emission behavior apply to all components affected by this standard, irre‐spective of their size or weight.Verification by submitted measurement reports must be performed if:1.the weight of a component or assembly (ASSY) is greater than 10 g 2.for painted components, the weight of a component is greater than 1 g3.for components made of POM, for individual parts, the weight is greater than 1 g (onlyPV 3925, otherwise as in 1.).Exterior parts in contact with the vehicle interiorFor exterior parts in contact with the vehicle interior, e.g., the trunk lid, the limits for the correspond‐ing material listed in table 1 are doubled for the tests as per PV 3015, PV 3341 and PV 3925. The limit for the test as per PV 3900 remains the same.LimitsTable 1 applies to all materials and components in the vehicle interior, luggage compartment, and air-conveying parts used in Volkswagen Group vehicles.Table footnotes a) to j) must be observed.4.2 4.34.4Page 4VW 50180: 2015-05T a b l e 1 – L i m i t s f o r t e s t s o f P V 3341, P V 3015, P V 3900, a n d P V 3925Page 5 VW 50180: 2015-05Page 6VW 50180: 2015-05Page 7 VW 50180: 2015-05Page 8VW 50180: 2015-05Page 9VW 50180: 2015-05a )I f t h e c o m p o n e n t o r m a t e r i a l c o n t a i n s a d d i t i v e s r e l e v a n t t o f o g g i n g , a l i m i t o f 0.5 m g a p p l i e s a s p e r P V 3015.b )A t e s t a s p e r v a r i a n t 2 i s n o t r e q u i r e d . H u m i d i t y i s n o t e x p e c t e d t o h a v e a n i n f l u e n c e o n o d o r c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s . I f t h e c o m p o n e n t c o n t a i n s a d d i t i v e s s u s c e p t i b l e t o h u m i d i t y , a l i m i t o f 3.0 a p p l i e s t o t h e o d o r t e s t , a s p e r v a r i a n t 2.c )O d o r g r a d e "4" a t 80 °C a p p l i e s o n l y t e m p o r a r i l y . A s s o o n a s t h e e f f o r t s t o c r e a t e a m a t e r i a l w i t h b e t t e r o d o r c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a r e c o m p l e t e d , g r a d e "3.5" w i l l b e r e q u i r e d a g a i n . F o r o d o r t e s t s a s p e r v a r i a n t 2 (a g i n g a t 40 °C ), g r a d e 3.0 m u s t s t i l l b e a c h i e v e d .d )I f t h e p a r t c o n t a i n s f o r m a l d e h y d e -e m i t t i n g a d d i t i v e s , a l i m i t o f 3 m g /k g a p p l i e s , a s p e r P V 3925.e )F o r t h e t e s t a s p e r P V 3341, 50 c m 2 o f t h e c o a t i n g m a t e r i a l p e r 10 m l c o n t a i n e r v o l u m e i s w e i g h e d , i n s t e a d o f 1 g p e r 10 m l c o n t a i n e r v o l u m e . T h e l i m i t r e t a i n s t h e s a m e n u m e r i c a l v a l u e , b u t i t r e f e r s t o 50 c m 2 r a t h e r t h a n t h e w e i g h t . F o r t h e t e s t a s p e r P V 3925, 40 c m 2 o f t h e c o a t e d m e t a l i s e x a m i n e d . T h e l i m i t r e t a i n s t h e s a m e n u m e r i c a l v a l u e , b u t i t r e f e r s t o 40 c m 2 r a t h e r t h a n t h e w e i g h t . T h e t e s t s a s p e r P V 3015 a n d P V 3900 a r e p e r f o r m e d w i t h o u t a n y c h a n g e s .f )M a t e r i a l t e s t s s u c h a s t h o s e i n c l u d e d i n V W 50180 o f t e n p r o d u c e s k e w e d r e s u l t s f o r v a r i o u s c o m p o n e n t s d u e t o t h e p r e p a r a t i o n o f t h e s a m p l e s . T h e r e f o r e , i n s t e a d o f t h e s e m a t e r i a l t e s t s , a t e s t a s p e r P V 3942 (c o m p o n e n t c h a m b e r t e s t ) m u s t b e c a r r i e d o u t o n c o m p l e t e c o m p o n e n t s d u r i n g t h e i n i t i a l s a m p l e i n s p e c t i o n ; t h e s e t e s t s m u s t b e d o c u m e n t e d b y a l a b o r a t o r y r e p o r t . T h e p a r a m e t e r s g i v e n i n s e c t i o n 5 m u s t b e d e t e r m i n e d a n d t h e l i s t e d r e q u i r e m e n t s m u s t b e m e t .g )F o r t h e t e s t s a s p e r P V 3015, P V 3900 a n d P V 3925, a n d d e v i a t i n g f r o m t h e s t a n d a r d , a n i n i t i a l w e i g h t o f 1 g o f g r e a s e i s u s e d i n e a c h c a s e .h )F o r t h e t e s t s , m a k e a f r e e a d h e s i v e f i l m i n t h e t h i c k n e s s t h a t i s u s e d i n t h e a c t u a l a p p l i c a t i o n . I f t h i s i s n o t p o s s i b l e , t h e a d h e s i v e m u s t b e a p p l i e d i n t h i s t h i c k n e s s o n a l u m i n u m f o i l , a n d t h e f o i l w i t h t h e a d h e s i v e c o a t m u s t b e e x a m i n e d . T h e a d h e s i v e m u s t h a v e f u l l y c u r e d f o r t h e t e s t . T h e a d h e s i v e m u s t b e s c r a p e d o f f a g a i n f o r P V 3341. F o r c o m p a r i s o n p u r p o s e s , 500 c m 2 o f t h e u n t r e a t e d a l u m i n u m f o i l m u s t a l s o b e s u p p l i e d . I n i t i a l w e i g h t i n o d o r t e s t : 0.5 g p e r l i t e r o f c o n t a i n e r v o l u m e ; a l w a y s v a r i a n t 3 = 80 °C i )F o r l e a t h e r , t h e o d o r t e s t p r o c e d u r e d e v i a t e s f r o m P V 3900:T h e o d o r t e s t o f t h e l e a t h e r i s p e r f o r m e d a f t e r a g i n g f o r 2 h a t 50 °C , i n a d r y s t a t e , a n d 24 h a t 50 °C a b o v e 50 m l o f w a t e r .G r a d e s a r e n o t g i v e n t o a l l v a r i a n t s i n t h e e v a l u a t i o n . O n l y a "l e a t h e r -t y p i c a l " o r "l e a t h e r -a t y p i c a l " e v a l u a t i o n i s g i v e n . "L e a t h e r -t y p i c a l " m e a n s : r e q u i r e m e n t m e t . I n c o r r e c t o d o r s a r e r e c o r d e d a n d t h e l e a t h e r i s r e j e c t e d .j )O n l y o p t i m i z e d P O M t y p e s m u s t b e u s e d f o r c o m p o n e n t s i n t h e v e h i c l e i n t e r i o r , i n t h e l u g g a g e c o m p a r t m e n t , a n d f o r a i r -c o n v e y i n g p a r t s , d u e t o f o r m a l d e h y d e e m i s s i o n s .Page 10VW 50180: 2015-05— :The test is not applicable. (Observe footnotes!)Sampling1.Sampling is performed on representative points on the component. If inhomogeneities are ex‐pected within the component, at least 2 samples must be taken and examined.2.If the individual materials/parts can be separated from one another without difficulty, they must be examined separately. They may also be tested separately prior to the assembly of the fin‐ished part. In each case, the requirements for the respective individual materials apply.3.If an ASSY or component made of several layers is tested, which cannot be separated, the specimen must be representative in terms of composition, surface of the individual component or layer of the component.4.If sampling is unclear, the appropriate laboratory must be consulted.Process materials specimen preparation Background1.Clean, fresh aluminum foil placed on a sheet; to fasten, bend the edge of the aluminum foil around the sheet.2.Size of the sheet: for example (30 × 50) cm 2 depending on the size of the forced-air oven for aging.3.May also be applied to the original sheet. The sizes of the sheets must be matched to the re‐quirements of the test specifications.Application of the material to be testedMaterial to be applied in strands (e.g., anti-flutter adhesive, window glass adhesive)1.Apply several beads, 12 mm wide and 8 mm high.2.Total length:– 100 cm for fogging test (for covering an area of 100 cm 2)– 20 cm for emission test (to obtain at least 5 g)– 100 cm for odor test (to obtain at least 50 cm 3)– 250 cm for formaldehyde test (for covering an area of 240 cm 2)Bulky material to be applied flat (e.g., insulating compound, PVC seam sealing)1.Apply material in a thickness of 5 mm.2.Total areas:– 200 cm 2 for fogging test (to be able to cut out two discs with a diameter of8 cm)– 50 cm 2 for emission test (to obtain at least 5 g)– 200 cm 2 for odor test (to obtain 50 cm 3)– 250 cm 2 for formaldehyde test (for covering an area of 240 cm 2)4.5 4.6 4.6.1 4.6.2 to be applied flat and thin (< 1 mm thick) (e.g., epoxy resin adhesive)1.Apply the substance in the same thickness as the original application, make a note of the layer thicknesses.2.Total areas:– 200 cm 2 for fogging test; the fogging test is not applicable if the base sur‐face of the original application is sheet metal, painted sheet metal, or glass (to be able to cut out two disks with a diameter of 8 cm).– 50 cm 2 for emission test; the emission test is not applicable if the base surface of the original application is sheet metal, painted sheet metal, or glass (to obtain at least 5 g).FoamsStructural foams 1.Apply 10 units of foam weighing 5 g to 10 g to the aluminum foil [the amount for the odor test is comprised from these uncut units (mainly variant B = 20 g)].2.Other emission tests are only performed in individual cases.Hard and soft foams 1.Apply the foam in the thickness used in the vehicle.2.If necessary, produce units of 50 cm 3 and test them whole.3.For the other emission tests: Sampling is performed by cutting the units.4.When foam units are specified, use the specified units.Adhesive tapes (paper, linen, film adhesive tapes)1.Bond the film or a side of the adhesive tape to the aluminum foil (does not apply to the emis‐sion test)2.Total areas:– 200 cm 2 for the fogging test– 200 cm 2 for the odor test– 250 cm 2 for the formaldehyde test3.The following procedure applies to the emission test:– When adhesive is only applied to one side, bond two adhesive tapes together using the side with adhesive; creating a surface of 50 cm 2 to obtain a specimen of at least 5 g.– When adhesive is applied on both sides, roll up the tape and weigh the required quantity as one. Cover the outer side additionally with aluminum foil.Specimen conditioningSpecimens attached to the body sheet in the body-in-whiteAging the same as the original application:The exact time of application, aging period, and ambient conditions (temperature and humidity)must be noted during ventilation and the curing process. 4.6.3 in a forced-air oven: 20 min at 200 °C.2.Cool the specimen to room temperature for at least 1 h and for a maximum of 24 h at roomtemperature.3.Aging in a forced-air oven: 1 h at 165 °C.4.Cool down to room temperature for 1 h.5.Immediately wrap the specimens in two layers of aluminum foil.Specimens applied after cathodic electrocoatingAging the same as the original application:The exact time of application, aging period, and ambient conditions (temperature and humidity)must be noted during ventilation and the curing process.Example:1.Aging in a forced-air oven: 15 min at 145 °C.2.Cool the specimen to room temperature for at least 1 h and for a maximum of 24 h at roomtemperature.3.Aging in a forced-air oven: 30 min at 160 °C.4.Cool down to room temperature for 1 h.5.Immediately wrap the specimens in two layers of aluminum foil.Specimens applied after painting or to unpainted parts1.Aging the same as the original application:The exact time of application, aging period, and ambient conditions (temperature and humidi‐ty) must be noted during ventilation and the curing process. Further processing only takes place after curing is complete (this is important, for example, for moisture-curing systems)Examples of curing periods:– Moisture-curing, one-component window glass adhesive: 14 days – Glass primer: 1 day2.Immediately after aging, wrap the specimens in two layers of aluminum foil.Initial weight specimenProvided that nothing else is specified during specimen preparation or was agreed with the appro‐priate laboratory:1.For the emission test as per PV 3341, separate the material to be examined from the alumi‐num foil directly before weighing.2.For the fogging test, formaldehyde test, and odor test, leave the material on the aluminum foiland measure with the aluminum foil.Paint filmsFor material tests, an original substrate (same material as for the application) is used, with a thick‐ness of (2 ± 0.2) mm, which has been coated with the paint in the specified thickness.The application process and drying process must be identical to those used in the original applica‐tion. emission behavior of the prepared part is examined. In order to determine the proportion of the paint film in the test result, the measured value of the substrate must be subtracted from that of the whole part.For this purpose, an unpainted substrate part of the same thickness is measured, which has been subjected to the same conditions as the painted part (the drying process in particular).For the odor test as per PV 3900, only the painted component is evaluated.Emission evaluation in the 1-m 3 component chamber Scope1.The component chamber measurement is usually performed on large components (table 3). It is also performed on components which have unrealistic results in the material tests due to the component design (table 2). The requirements and limits specified in table 2 to table 4 must be adhered to.2.For components listed in table 2, the component chamber test replaces the tests PV 3900,PV 3925, PV 3341 and PV 3015. This particularly concerns components made of multiple lay‐ers, heterogeneous material compounds, or inseparable individual components.3.For components listed in table 3, the component chamber test is performed in addition by de‐partments within the Volkswagen Group. The appropriate laboratory decides whether a test must actually be performed.Component requirements1.As part of this examination, a volatile organic compounds (VOC) screening test is performed by means of Tenax tube sampling followed by thermal desorption/a gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. Furthermore, determination of the carbonyl content (di‐nitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) derivatization, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)analysis), an estimation of the total quantity of the organic compounds emitted using a flame ionization detector (FID) value, and finally an odor test of the chamber air are included. In indi‐vidual cases, additional material-specific analyses must be performed (e.g., amines, nitrosa‐mines, etc.)2.The components in the chamber are also evaluated in terms of odor. The evaluation, based on PV 3900, is performed immediately after opening the chamber door, at this opening by 3 per‐sons in quick succession. The component must be evaluated with an odor grade lower than "4.0" in the chamber test.3.In table 2 and table 3, the test scope and the cumulative carbon compound values, measured with a FID, are assigned to the components and assemblies. The FID value displayed after a test duration of 4 h is corrected by the chamber value prior to inserting the specimen. To deter‐mine the emission value standardized to kg, any metal portions are subtracted from the speci‐men weight.4.In addition to the minimum requirements listed in section 3 for examinations in the emission chamber as per PV 3942, the emission limits for individual compounds and compound groups specified in table 4 must not be exceeded in the examination. To determine the emission value standardized to kg, any metal portions are subtracted from the specimen weight.5.Banned substances are defined in section 6.5 5.1 5.2Table 2 – Components for which the component chamber test is mandatorya)Absolute value in ppm.Table 3 – Components for which a component chamber test may be performed in addi‐tionComponent/component group Test scope/quantity FID limit (ppm/kg) Load compartment cover (station wag‐on/Avant)1 part3Driver side storage compartment 1 part3 Damping/sound insulation 1 m23 Tailgate/trunk lid trim 1 part3Glove compartment (front passengerside)1 part3 Headliner 1 part3Rear shelf (sedan) 1 part2 Dashboard 1 complete part2HVAC unit Complete, including parts in the ple‐num panel2Luggage compartment floor (sedan) 1 part3 Luggage compartment cargo panel(station wagon/Avant)1 part3 Center console 1 part2 Pillar trims 1 complete set3 Seat system, leather 1 trim cover5 Seat system, textile 1 trim cover3Carpet ¼ of area(driver's footwell)2Door/rear side trim panel 1 part4 Luggage compartment trim 1 part3 Luggage compartment mat 1 part3 Additional floor mats½ set3Component/component group Test scope/quantity FID limit (ppm/kg) Semi-finished product (leather, textile,etc.)1 m²4Other "large parts" 1 part or 1 m23The majority of the FIDs available specify the value in "ppm". The conversion factor from ppm to mg C/m3 is 1.49, based on propane as the reference gas.Table 4 – Emission limits for individual materials and material compoundsChemical compound Emission limit µg/(m3 × kg)Benzene 5 or 10* Toluene 1 000 Xylene 1 000 Ethylbenzene 1 000 C1 – C4 alkylbenzenes 2 000Styrene200 C9 – C14 alkanes (n-alkanes, iso-alkanes, cy‐clic alkanes)5 000 Cyclohexane 1 000 Bicyclic terpenes (e.g., a-pinene, b-pinene, 3-carene, etc.)500 Monocyclic terpenes (e.g., limonene, etc.)500 N-methyl pyrrolidone50* Siloxane D5500 Cumulative value of phosphate organic com‐pounds (TCEP, TCPP, TBP, TBEP, TEHP,TPP)50 Cumulative value of halogenated compounds100 Cumulative value of acrylates500 Cumulative value of glycol ether/glycol ester 1 000 Cumulative value of amines 1 500 Cumulative value of siloxanes 4 000 Formaldehyde100** Acetaldehyde100** Acrolein50*/** Total of aldehydes C2 – C6500**Values marked with * are absolute values (component related, not weight related).With the exception of compounds marked with **, the specified concentration is in toluene equiva‐lents.Banned substancesThe legally binding German and European standards and laws must be observed. General require‐ments in the Volkswagen Group are governed in environmental standard VW 91101, supple‐ment 1. Furthermore, the following specifications and restrictions must also be adhered to. The most up-to-date version of the tables from the given sources apply, without the need for this stand‐ard to be changed or updated:1.Substances which appear on the "Substances of very high concern (SVHC)" candidate list arebanned for new developments (E i = 0 µg/g ). The affected substances must be replaced by suitable substances while adhering to all specifications listed in this standard.2.For all substances in the Global Automotive Declarable Substance List (GADSL) which aremarked with "P" (Prohibited), (E i = 0 µg/g ) applies.3.For all substances in the maximum workplace concentrations (MAK) list of the Deutsche For‐schungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) which are classified as carcino‐genic industrial substances 1, 2 or 3 or as pregnancy risk group A or B, (E i = 0 µg/g ) applies.An up-to-date "List of MAK and BAT Values" is published annually by DFG.If substances are listed in several of the cited sources, the most stringent specification applies.Applicable documentsThe following documents cited in this standard are necessary to its application.Some of the cited documents are translations from the German original. The translations of Ger‐man terms in such documents may differ from those used in this standard, resulting in terminologi‐cal inconsistency.Standards whose titles are given in German may be available only in German. Editions in other languages may be available from the institution issuing the standard.PV 3015Non-Metallic Materials for Interior Trim; Determining Condensable Con‐stituents (G)PV 3341Non-Metallic Materials in Automotive Interior Trim; Determination of Emission of Organic CompoundsPV 3900Components in Passenger Compartment; Odor Test67PV 3925Polymer Materials; Measuring Emissions of FormaldehydePV 3942Determining Organic Emissions from Components for the PassengerCompartment of Motor Vehicles; Emission TestVW 01155Vehicle Parts; Approval of First Supply and ChangesVW 91101Environmental Standard for Vehicles; Vehicle Parts, Materials, Operat‐ing Fluids; Avoidance of Hazardous Substances。



PA6-GF10 PA6-GF15 PA6-GF20 PA6-GF25 PA6-GF30 PA6-GF35 PA6-GF40 PA6-GF50 PA6-GF30 PA6-GF10- P5
1.1 Stabilization
heatstabilized and impact resistant modified
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en 50125相关的标准

en 50125相关的标准

en 50125相关的标准
EN 50125是一个欧洲标准,主要涉及铁路行业的电气设备和系统。



EN 50125标准还规定了电气设备和系统的设计和制造应遵循的安全要求,包括接地、过流保护、短路保护、防电击等。

此外,EN 50125标准还规定了电气设备和系统的性能要求,包括电源适应性、电磁兼容性、耐压性等。


总之,EN 50125标准是一个非常详细和全面的标准,旨在确保铁路行业的电气设备和系统的可靠性、安全性和有效性。




TL52452 2010
GMW14444 Material Related Interior Part Performance-2006
VDA 260-2007-04



Foamed Leatherette Material RequirementsPrefaceThis Standard supersedes Technical Supply Specifications TL 52028, TL 52061, and TL 52478. The information contained in these TLs has been adopted as per Table 2.ScopeThis Standard defines the material requirements for foamed leatherette along with the grades and applications in Table 1.Table 1GradeApplicationVW 50132-ANon-laminated foamed leatherette for, e.g., seat base leather and uphol‐stery material for back of the seat and backrest area without abrasion-resistant finish (BK., BA., BP.).VW 50132-BLaminated foamed leatherette with 1,0-mm polyester PUR foam, for, e.g.,seat base leather and upholstery material for back of the seat and backrest area without abrasion-resistant finish (BK., BA., BP.).VW 50132-CLaminated foamed leatherette with 3,0-mm polyester PUR foam, for, e.g.,seat base leather and upholstery material for back of the seat and backrest areas without abrasion-resistant finish (BK., BA., BP.).VW 50132-DNon-laminated foamed leatherette on a polyester/cotton blend-knit fabric substrate for, e.g., upholstery cover for seat and backrest areas with abra‐sion-resistant finish (BS.)VW 50132-EFoamed leatherette on a polyester/cotton blend-knit fabric substrate with 1,0-mm polyester PUR foam lamination for, e.g., upholstery cover for seatand backrest areas with abrasion-resistant finish (BS.)1Group StandardVW 50132Issue 2011-05Class. No.:55270DDescriptors:leatherette, upholstery cover, foamed leatherette, seat, backrest leather, blend-knit fabric, seat base leatherVerify that you have the latest issue of the Standard before relying on it.This electronically generated Standard is authentic and valid without signature.The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling.Page 1 of 13Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent of the Standards Department of a Volkswagen Group member.This Standard is available to contracting parties solely via the B2B supplier platform .© Volkswagen AktiengesellschaftVWNORM-2010-08f-patch1Page 2VW 50132: 2011-05DGrade ApplicationVW 50132-F Foamed leatherette on a polyester/cotton blend-knit fabric substrate with3,0-mm polyester PUR foam lamination for, e.g., upholstery cover for seatand backrest areas with abrasion-resistant finish (BS.)VW 50132-G Non-laminated foamed leatherette on a polyester/cotton blend-knit fabricsubstrate with highly abrasion-resistant PUR paint for, e.g., upholsterycover for seat and backrest areas (BM.)VW 50132-H Foamed leatherette on a polyester/cotton blend-knit fabric substrate withhighly abrasion-resistant PUR paint and with 1,0-mm polyester PUR foamlamination for, e.g., upholstery cover for seat and backrest areas (BM.) VW 50132-J Foamed leatherette on a polyester/cotton blend-knit fabric substrate withhighly abrasion-resistant PUR paint and with 3,0-mm polyester PUR foamlamination for, e.g., upholstery cover for seat and backrest areas (BM.) VW 50132-K Foamed leatherette on a polyester/cotton blend-knit fabric substrate with4,5-mm polyester PUR foam lamination, perforated, for, e.g., seat andcenter of backrest (BD.). Perforation as per original sample.VW 50132-L Foamed leatherette on a polyester/cotton blend-knit fabric substrate with3,0-mm polyester PUR foam lamination, perforated, for, e.g., seat andcenter of backrest (BD.). Perforation as per original sample.VW 50132-M Foamed leatherette on a polyester/cotton blend-knit fabric substrate with4,5-mm polyester PUR foam lamination, climate control perforation, for,e.g., seat and center of backrest (BB.). Perforation as per original sample. VW 50132-N Foamed leatherette on a polyester/cotton blend-knit fabric substrate with3,0-mm polyester PUR foam lamination, climate control perforation, for,e.g., seat and center of backrest (BB.). Perforation as per original sample.Table 2TL type Grade TL 52028-E VW 50132-E TL 52028-FVW 50132-Fa)Was already no longer approved for new designs in the respective TL.DescriptionDescription example for grade A:Foamed leatherette as per VW 50132-ASymbols and abbreviationsBK., BA., BP.Rugged leatherette for back of seat and backrest area/seat base; for surfaces that are not sat upon; without abrasion-resistant finishBS.Leatherette for complete leatherette seat; upholstery cover for seats and backrests; with abrasion-resistant finishBM.Leatherette for complete leatherette seat; upholstery cover for seats and backrests; with highly abrasion-resistant finishBD.Leatherette for complete leatherette seat; upholstery cover for seats and backrests; with abrasion-resistant finish; perforated, perforation as per origi‐nal sampleBB.Leatherette for complete leatherette seat; upholstery cover for seats and backrests; with abrasion-resistant finish; perforated, perforation as per origi‐nal sample (climate control perforation SD 024)Requirements General requirementsApproval of first supply and changes as per Volkswagen Standard VW 01155.Emission behavior as per VW 50180.Colorimetric evaluation as per VW 50190.Avoidance of hazardous substances as per VW 91101.At least 2 m 2 of roll stock is required for complete testing.Human compatibilityThe laminated woven fabric must be physiologically harmless, i.e., it must not contain substances that induce skin irritation.Substances that are emitted at elevated temperature, such as softening agent applications and sta‐bilizers, must be toxicologically safe.The material must not contain any substances causing objectionable odors.2 34 4.14.2Page 3VW 50132: 2011-05DAppearance and processing behaviorThe grain and color pattern must be uniform. The foamed leatherette must be free of foreign matter or substances that could negatively impact the high-frequency weldability or the weld adhesion. The open-cell PUR foam must flame-laminate to the foamed leatherette properly. A color change must not occur on the leatherette when it is tensioned. In addition, the material must not exhibit any dis‐tortion after unrolling. It must be possible to process it properly, i.e., according to the assembly working conditions. In addition, the upper side must not exhibit any writing effects (according to the original sample).The laminating devices for the leatherette knit fabric and the laminate backing must not run in opposite directions.Evaluating the measurement resultsThe required numerical values apply to each individual measurement.ConditioningPrior to testing, the specimens must be conditioned in an ISO 554 – 23/50 standard climate for at least 48 h.Stabilization of the leatherette against volatile aminesTest according to Test Specification PV 3944.The color pigments in the leatherette must be sufficiently stabilized against reacting with volatile amines in the passenger compartment.Requirement: No visible red discoloration may appear on the leatherette. The color difference be‐tween the specimen and the starting condition Δa* ≤ 2 as per VW 50190, or ≤ 3,5 with the light colors.Material and structureSurface, color, and grain as per the original sample.Grade A–Foamed PVC with compact PVC cover layer –On textured polyester knit fabric substrateGrades B and C (substrate material grade A)–Foamed PVC with compact PVC cover layer–Laminated on a polyester knit fabric substrate and flame-laminated with a polyester PUR foam –Backing made of 100% polyester circular-knitted fabric/charmeuseGrade D–Foamed PVC with compact PVC cover layer–On a polyester/cotton blend-knit fabric substrate (65:35)–PVC/acrylic paint (if required in the drawing and/or release) 4.7.2 4.7.3 Page 4VW 50132: 2011-05DGrades E, F (substrate material grade D)–Foamed PVC with compact PVC cover layer –Laminated with polyester PUR foam–On polyester/cotton blend-knit fabric substrate (65:35) with polyester PUR foam lamination with polyester circular-knitted fabric as backingGrade G–Foamed PVC with compact PVC cover layer and PUR paint on visible side –On a polyester/cotton blend-knit fabric substrate (65:35)–PVC/acrylic paint (if required in the drawing and/or release)Grades H, J (substrate material grade G)–Foamed PVC with compact PVC cover layer –Laminated with polyester PUR foam–On polyester/cotton blend-knit fabric substrate (65:35) with polyester PUR foam lamination with polyester circular-knitted fabric as backingGrades K, L (substrate material grade D)–Foamed PVC with compact PVC cover layer –Laminated with polyester PUR foam–On polyester/cotton blend-knit fabric substrate (65:35), perforated, with polyester PUR foam lamination with polyester circular-knitted fabric as backingGrades M, N (substrate material grade D)–Foamed PVC with compact PVC cover layer –Laminated with polyester PUR foam–On polyester/cotton blend-knit fabric substrate (65:35), climate control perforation, with polyester PUR foam lamination with polyester circular-knitted fabric as backingPropertiesSee Table 4.7.5 4.7.6 4.7.7 4.7.8 4.8Page 5VW 50132: 2011-05DT a b l e 3Page 6VW 50132: 2011-05DPage 7 VW 50132: 2011-05DPage 8VW 50132: 2011-05 DPage 9 VW 50132: 2011-05Da )T e s t e d w i t h o u t l a m i n a t i o nb )≥ 2,5 f o r l i g h t c o l o r sPage 10VW 50132: 2011-05DNotes on testing Cover layerMeasurement of the thickness with a reflected light microscope at 30 x to 40 x magnification.Mass per unit areaAt least three 100 cm 2 specimens are taken from different points along the entire width of the roll.The specimens are weighed and their weight is calculated for 1 m 2.The same specimens that were used to determine the weight of the total structure are now used to determine the individual structure weights.The PVC coating on the three specimens is removed from the substrate. The knit fabrics are cleaned with acetone followed by tetrahydrofurane to remove any adhering residues. After at least 24 h, the knit fabrics are dried for 2 h at +70 °C in recirculated air. After at least 24 h aging in the ISO 554 -23/50 standard climate, the weight is determined. When converting to 1 m 2, the surface size (100 cm 2) cut out prior to separating the PVC must be used.Maximum tensile strengthDetermination of the maximum tensile strength in the strip tensile test (50-mm sample width, 180-mm sample length, 100-mm/min traverse speed, 100-mm free clamping length) on a minimum of three specimens taken along a mesh of the fabric. The specimens must be taken over the total width of the roll. DUTs that tear at the clamps are not to be evaluated if the result falls below the lowest standard individual value of a DUT.High-temperature testDIN A4-sized specimens must be taken parallel to the threads in lengthwise and crosswise directions.After that, both broad sides of the DUTs are punched by a double punch with four holes spaced approximately 25 mm from the edge. These holes are used to hold the hooks welded to the round bars.A 6-mm Ø round bar, with a weight of approx. 80 g, is attached to the bottom side of each DUT. This is done to weigh down the sections that are hanging vertically.Next, the specimens are aged for 168 h at +120 °C with recirculated air at a distance of 50 mm to each other. After the high-temperature test and subsequent conditioning as per ISO 554, the tearing and bending specimens are removed from the sections.AdhesionWhen evaluating, not only the peak values but also the entire separating force scatter range is recorded.Kink testA round specimen of 100 cm 2 is kinked 180° on the knit side through the center of the specimen and the bending edge is fixed in this condition using wire stitches. The bending edge is then evaluated.55.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Page 11VW 50132: 2011-05DFilter paper testA (50 x 50)-mm specimen is wetted with approx. 2-cm 3 deionized water, placed between filter paper (Schleicher & Schüll, Blauband 5893) and glass plates, and loaded with 50 N for one hour. The filter paper bleeding is evaluated using the gray-scale level as per DIN EN 20105-A03.Schopper rotary abrasion test Abrasion test on 100-cm 2, round specimen of the leatherette against ECE cotton fabric as per DIN EN ISO 105-X12.Specimen curvature: 5 mm.Abrasion surface: 50 cm 2.Specimen size of nettle cloth: about (280 × 95) mmThe ECE cotton fabric is clamped into the retaining fixture on the test machine together with an equally sized backing of wool felt as per TL 380.The cotton fabric bleeding is evaluated using the gray-scale level as per DIN EN 20105-A03.Other applicable documentsThe following documents cited in this Standard are necessary to its application.Some of the cited documents are translations from the German original. The translations of German terms in such documents may differ from those used in this Standard, resulting in terminological inconsistency.Standards whose titles are given in German may be available only in German. Editions in other languages may be available from the institution issuing the standard.PV 1303Non-Metallic Materials; Exposure Test of Passenger Compartment Com‐ponents PV 3905Organic Materials; Ball Drop Test PV 3909Non-Metallic Planar Materials; Measurement of Static and Permanent Elongation PV 3944PVC Sun Visors ; Amine Discoloration TL 1010Materials for Vehicle Interiors; Burning Behavior; Material Requirements TL 380Wool Felt for Testing Purposes; Material Requirements VW 01155Vehicle Supply Parts; Approval of First Supply and Changes VW 50180Components in Passenger Compartment; Emission Behavior VW 50190Interior Trim Components; Metrological Evaluation of Color and Gloss Level; Visual Evaluation of Chrome Surfaces VW 91101Environmental Standard for Vehicles; Vehicle Parts, Materials, Operating Fluids; Avoidance of Hazardous Substances DIN 53356Testing of artificial leather and similar sheet materials; tear growth test DIN 53357Testing of plastics sheets; adhesion test5.7 5.8 6 Page 12VW 50132: 2011-05DPage 13VW 50132: 2011-05D DIN EN 20105-A02Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part A02: Grey scale for assessingchange in colourDIN EN 20105-A03Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part A03: Grey scale for assessingstainingDIN EN ISO 105-X12Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part X12: Colour fastness to rubbing DIN EN ISO 23910Leather - Physical and mechanical tests - Measurement of stitch tear re‐sistanceISO 554Standard atmospheres for conditioning and/or testing; Specifications VDA 230-206 Part 1Examination of the Stick-Slip Behavior of Material Pairs; General Part VDA 230-206 Part 2Examination of the Stick-Slip Behavior of Material Pairs - Specific Section:Leather - Leather against LeatherVDA 230-206 Part 3Analyses of the Stick-Slip Performance of material parts - Specific section- Plastic web against plastic webVDA 230-211Abrasion test on leather - Determination of the abrasion resistance ofleather surfaces using the Martindale abrasion testing apparatus and a ballplate。

大众实验要求VW80101 中

大众实验要求VW80101 中

汽车中的电气和电子组件通用试验条件关键词:组件,电气组件,电子组件,试验条件目录1 适用范围2 概述2.1 规则和试验顺序2.2 定义2.3 汽车部件的要求范围和其对车辆的要求方式2.4 材料要求2.5 工作方式2.6 功能状态2.7 通用试验条件3 电气要求3.1 工作电压3.2 反馈3.3 电平:高-低端配置3.4 过压和电压不足下的功能3.5 静态电流记录3.6 工作电流3.7 防电极反接3.8 过流耐抗性3.9 长时过载耐抗性3.10 短时过载耐抗性3.11 叠加的交变电压3.12 供电电压的缓慢降低和升高3.13 电压中断情况下的复位性能3.14 短接耐抗性3.15 击穿耐抗性3.16 绝缘电阻3.17 断路3.18 电降压3.19 电磁兼容性(EMV)4 机械要求4.1 振动4.2 机械振动4.3 落体试验4.4 卡接和插接4.5 车辆中电气和电子组件的插接接头5 气候方面的要求5.1 恒定温度下的试验5.2 交变温度下的试验5.3 大气曝晒试验耐抗性5.4 环境耐抗性5.5 温度突变6 化学要求6.1 试剂耐抗性6.2 发动机清洁剂耐抗性7 耐久性试验7.1 零件耐久试验7.2 电气和电子系统/部件耐久性试验7.3 电气机械系统/组件耐久性试验8 表格9 参考资料更改:对VW 801 01:2003-05的版本作了如下更改:-章节2.3,车辆的要求范围和要求方式图1:第8部分增加了“中间隧道”。

-表格2要求范围和其要求方式防尘和防喷溅水密封性的要求中对于前部区域(内/外),发动机舱,发动机附件,水箱,底盘,车顶,前盖外板附件,变速器附件和已脱落进气管的保护方式改为IP 5K9K。


如果试件可以在水下直立,就使用防护方式IP 68(如门和盖罩,脚踏空间,水箱,被子架,抽屉内侧)。

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7 Density
g/cm3 1.13 ± 0.02 1.12 ± 0.02 1.18 ± 0.02 1.23 ± 0.02 1.27 ± 0.02 1.32 ± 0.02 1.35 ± 0.02 1.35 ± 0.02 1.39 ± 0.02 1.35 ± 0.02 1.39 ± 0.02 1.45 ± 0.02 1.55 ± 0.02
PA6-GF10 PA6-GF15 PA6-GF20 PA6-GF25 PA6-GF30 PA6-GF35 PA6-GF40 PA6-GF50 PA6-GF30 PA6-GF10- PA6-GF15-
1.1 Stabilization
heatstabilized and impact resistant modified
10 Breaking stress
acc. to DIN EN ISO 527-1
≥ 140 ≥ 85 acc. to sample
≥ 75 ≥ 45
≥ 100 ≥ 55
≥ 55 ≥ 25
≥ 150 ≥ 95
≥ 85 ≥ 55
≥ 160 ≥ 100
≥ 115 ≥ 70
Example of designation for type with 10% glass fiber reinforcement: PA6-GF10 according to VW 501 25-PA6-003 or example of designation for type with 10% glass fiber reinforcement and 20% mineral reinforcement: PA6-GF10-MD20 according to VW 501 25-PA6-012
(GF10+MD2 (GF10+MD2
3 Glass fiber content % acc. to DIN EN ISO 1172
10 ± 1
15 ± 1
20 ± 2
25 ± 2
30 ± 2
35 ± 2
40 ± 2
50 ± 2
30 ± 2
10 ± 2
2 Identification according to VDA 260
>PA6- >PA6GF25< GF30<
Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without the prior written permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group. Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the responsible procurement department.
Klass.-Nr. 55 11 2
Polyamide 6 Finished Parts in the Passenger Compartment
Material Requirements
Konzernnorm Descriptors: inner door handle, interior part, polyamide 6, PA6, door handle
3.6 Conditioning The specimens shall be conditioned prior to testing for a minimum of 48 h in the DIN 50014 − 23/50-2 standard climate at (23 ± 2) °C and (50 + 6)% relative humidity. Both unconditioned and conditioned components shall be tested. These requirements will reveal whether a component can be used even if it is not conditioned.
≥ 170 ≥ 105
≥ 125 ≥ 80
≥ 180 ≥ 110
≥ 200 ≥ 120
acc. to sample
≥ 130 ≥ 90
≥ 140 ≥ 95
≥ 230 ≥ 150
≥ 150 ≥ 100
≥ 240 ≥ 155
≥ 160 ≥ 110
≥ 280 ≥ 190
≥ 180 ≥ 130
≥ 175 ≥ 115
Form FE 41 - 01.03
Tel: 28120
பைடு நூலகம்
Page 1 of 6
Normung/Standards (EZTD, 1733)
Frau Krenz Tel: +49-5361-948869
at +23 °C dry moist
12 Notched impact strength acc. to DIN EN ISO 179-1eA
May 2004
VW 501 25
This standard defines the material requirements for inner door handles and other parts in the vehicle interior that are made from PA6 with different levels of glass fiber content or glass fiber and mineral mixtures.
3.2 Appearance
The surface and interior of the finished parts shall be free of flaws and processing defects, such as flow lines, voids, cracks or similar faults. Sink marks at the base of ribs, reinforcements and pipe unions are not permitted. Materials containing glass fibers must exhibit a surface that is free of imperfections both to the eye and the touch. The distribution of glass fibers throughout the component must be sufficiently uniform so that three specimens taken from different points on a finished part do not differ in glass fiber content by more than 1.0%.
acc. to
DIN 53479 method A
8 Ball indentation hardness acc. to DIN EN ISO 2039-1, see Section 3.3
9 Viscosity number of cm3/g
polymer acc. to DIN EN ISO 307, see Section 3.4
15 ± 2
4 Mineral reinforcement %
20 ± 2
25 ± 2
5 Color
according to drawing
6 Moisture content, see Section 3.2
0.7 to 3.0 0.7 to 2.7 0.7 to 2.7 0.7 to 2.7 0.7 to 2.3 0.7 to 2.3 0.7 to 1.9 0.7 to 1.9 0.7 to 1.5 0.7 to 1.5 0.7 to 1.5 0.7 to 2.0 0.7 to 1.5
3.7 Validity of requirements The specified numerical values apply to each individual measurement and each point on the finished part.
Page 3 VW 501 25: 2004-05