Complement Component 4 Copy Number Variation and
Devk900118 100 SAP事务码1.MMBE:查看IM层物料库存信息2.LS24:查看WM层物料库存信息3.SE11:查看表定义4.SE16(N):查看表记录5.SE37 :查看BAPI程序6.SE38 :查看BAPI报表7.SM35:Batch Input Monitoring#8.ME21:创建采购订单9.ME22:更改采购订单#10.ME23:显示采购订单11.ME24:采购订单补充12.MB01:按采购订单收货13.MB31:成品收货(入库)14.MB23:显示预留15.MB24:保留清单库存管理16.MB21:创建预留17.LT01~25:01:创建转储单02:按转储单清除库存21:显示TO 24:查看TOLT01 Create Transfer Order 创建转储单LT02 Create TO for Inventory Difference 创建库存差额转储单LT03 Create TO from Delivery Note 按交货单创建转储单LT04 Create TO from TR 按转储要求创建转储单LT05 Process Posting Change Notice 处理记帐改变通知LT06 Create TO for Material Document 创建物料凭证的转储单LT07 Create TO for mixed storage unit 创建混和存储单位的转储单LT08 Manual addition to storage unit 人工增加仓储单位LT09 ID point function for storage units 仓储单位的标识点功能LT0A Pre-plan storage units 预先计划仓储单位LT0B Stock Placement of Shipping Units 发运单位的入库LT0C Stock Removal of Shipping Units 发运单位的出库LT0D Stock Transfer of Shipping Units 装运单元的库存转储LT0E Create Removal TO for 2-Step Picking 为两步领货创建移动TOLT10 Create Transfer Order from List 创建自清单的划帐委托LT11 Confirm Transfer Order Item 确认转储单项目LT12 Confirm Transfer Order 确认转储单LT13 Confirm TO for storage unit 确认仓储单位的转储单LT14 Confirm preplanned TO item 确认预计划的转储单项目LT15 Cancelling transfer order 取消转储单LT16 Cancelling TO for storage unit 取消仓储单位的转储单(TO)LT17 Single Entry of Actual Data 实际数据的单个条目LT1A Change Transfer Order 改变划帐委托LT21 Display Transfer Order 显示转储单LT22 Display Transfer Order / Stor. Type 显示转储单/仓储类型LT23 Display Transfer Orders by Numbers 按号码显示转储单LT24 Display Transfer Order / Material 显示转储单/物料LT25 Display Transfer Order / Reference 显示划帐委托/参考LT26 Transfer orders for storage bin 仓位转储单LT27 Transfer order for storage unit 仓储单位用的转储单LT28 Display Transfer Order / Reference 显示划帐委托/参考LT31 Print TO Manually 手工打印转储单LT32 Print transfer order for stor.unit 打印仓储单位转储单LT41 Prepare TRs for Multiple Processing 准备多重处理的转储单LT42 Create TOs by Multiple Processing 按多处理创建转储单LT43 Forming groups for deliveries 形成交货组LT44 Release for Multiple Processing 批准重复处理LT45 Evaluation of reference numbers 参考号评估LT51 Maintain Missing Stock 保持遗漏原料LT63 Control: Single Entry of Actual Data 控制:实际数据的单个条目LT64 Single Entry of Actual Data 实际数据的单个条目LT72 Determine 2-step relevance 确定两步相关LT73 Display 2-step 显示两步18.MM01~03:创建、编辑、显示物料20.ME11:创建信息记录#23.MB1B:转储24.MB1A:输入发货25.MB1C:其它收货26.MB11:转储27.MB51(N):查看物料凭证清单28.MBST:取消物料凭证29.MB03:显示物料凭证30.MCBR:批次分析31.XK01:创建供应商32.ME01:维护物料供应商33.ME5A:采购申请的清单显示34.ME55:采购申请的集中批准35.ME57:分配并处理采购申请37.ME28:批准备采购订单38.ME9F:39.ME2L:每个供应商的采购订单40.ME31:创建框架协议41.MD03:42.MD04:显示库存/需求清单43.MRKO:寄售和管道结算44.MELB:45.ME47:报价46.MI3147.MI22:显示物料的库存盘点凭证48.MI24:库存盘点清单49.MI03:显示库存的盘点凭证50.MI04:输入库存清点51.MI20:库存差异清单52.MI07:过帐库存差异53.MI02:更改库存盘点凭证54.ME2O:提供给供应商的SC库存监视55.MB5L:库存值清单:余额56.MB5B:库存按过帐日期57.MB58:58.MB5860.MB5S61.MB31:按订单收货62.MM60:物料清单63.MB52:显示现有仓库物料库存64.CO01~15:生产订单65.IW13:物料反查清单以上只是可能会用到的TCode,在实际开发中如果遇到新的TCode我们会即是时提供给您,同时请提供目前所有流程中所用到的所有TCode。
18 19 20 21 22 23
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83
Creepage distance 爬电距离 Volume resistance 体积电阻 Time to chopping 截断时间 波前时间,视在波前时间 Time to crest, virtual front time Time to half value of crest 半峰值时间 Peak value(crest value) 峰值 有效值 Root-mean-square value 标么值 Per unit value Nominal value 标称值 Admittance 导电率 Conductance, conductivity 电导 Dielectric loss 介质损耗率 Loss tangent 介损角的正切值 Corona discharge 电晕放电 Flashover 闪络 External (internal )insulation 内(外)绝缘 Insulation resistance 绝缘电阻 Absorption ratio of insulation resistance(R60/R15) 绝缘电阻吸收比 Surge arrestor 避雷器 Residual (discharge )voltage of an arrestor 避雷器的残压 Temperature class of insulation (A,B,F, H) 绝缘材料耐温等级 Induced overvoltage withstand test 感应耐压试验 Short –circuit test (突发)短路试验 Burden of an instrument transformer 互感器的负荷 额定负荷(互感器) Rated burden (of an instrument transformer) Accuracy class 标准级次 Current (voltage)error 电流(电压)误差 Phase displacement (instrument transformer) 相角差(互感器) Composite error 复合误差 Transient characteristics(error) 暂态特性(误差) Rated short thermal current 额定短时热电流 Rated continuous thermal current 额定连续热电流 Rated dynamic current 额定动稳态电流 Rated instrument security current 额定仪表保安电流
SEQ_NUM NUMBER 当日序序列号(非工作日为空)
表名: bom.bom_calendar_exceptions
表名: bom.cst_cost_types
说明: 成本类型表
92 纵坐标 Ordinate (Y-axis)
93 复数,实数部分/虚数部分 Complex number (a+jb), real component imaginary component
94 正(负)数 Positive (negative) number
29 放电 Discharge
30 局部放电 Partial discharge
31 破坏性放电 Disruptive discharge
32 局部放电起始电压 Partial discharge inception voltage
33 局部放电终止电压 Partial discharge extinction voltage
107 幂 Exponent, exponential
108 微分 Differential, differentiation
109 积分 Integrate, integration
110 成正比(反比) Proportional (inversely proportional) to...
9 附加损耗 Additional losses
10 杂散损耗 Stray losses
11 阻抗电压 Impedance voltage
12 电阻电压 Resistance voltage
13 电抗电压 Reactance voltage
14 电压调整率 Voltage regulation
101 余角 Complement angle
102 平行 Parallel
103 垂直 Perpendicular
2DExchahge|二维转换2DManikin|2D虚拟3D|三维AaaemblySepuencing|装配次序Abort|中止Absolute|绝对Absolutecoordinatesystem|绝对坐标系Accuracy|精度Action|操作Active|活动的Activeview|激活视图Add|增加Addacomponents|添加一个组件AddExistingComponent|加入已存的组件Addexistingpart|加入已存的部件AddViewtoDrawing|在图纸中增加视图Addingaviewdistance|添加一个视图的距离Addinganorthographicview|添加一个正投影视图Addingentries|添加记录Addingmemberstoassembly|添加成员到装配体中Addingpoles|添加极点Additional|附加的Adjacency|相邻AdjacentEdgesDevuation|相邻边偏差Adjust|调整Adrisor|顾问AdvancedLights|高级光Advantagesoverinterpartexpressions|超出部件间表达式的优点Align|对齐Aligncurve|对准曲线AlignView|对齐视图Aligningdrawingviews|对准图纸视图Alignment|对准Alignmentmethods|对准方法Alignmentoptions|对准选项All|全部Allow|允许Allowsubstitution|允许替换Allowance|余量Along|沿着Alongcurve|沿曲线Alongdirection|沿某一方向Alongdrivernormals|沿驱动的法向Alongfacenormals|沿表面的法向Alongfixedvector|沿固定矢量方向Alongvector|沿矢量方向Alternate|可变的AlternateSolution|另解Alternates|替换Analysis|分析AnalysisandReportingFunctions|分析和报告功能AnalysisDataSetFunctions|分析数据集功能AnalysisFunctions|分析功能AnalysisToolbar|分析工具条Analysistype|分析类型AnalysisViewsEdgeHighlight|分析视图边界高亮显示AnalyzeShape|分析外形AnalyzeShapeToolbar|分析成形工具条Analyzing|分析Anchorandorientationpoint|锚点和方位点Anchorpoint|锚点Angle|角度Angletolerande|角度公差Angledextensions|角度延伸Angular|角度Angulardimensions|角度尺寸Angularlaw|角度规律Animate|动画模似Animation|动画Anisotropicmaterial|各向异性材料annotation|注释Annotationeditor|注释编辑器AnnotationPreferences|注释预设置Annotations|注释AnsyssolveAnsys|解算器Antialiasing|反锯齿Any|任何Apex|顶点Apexstring|顶点线串Apparent|外观Apparentintersectionpoint|表观交点Append|附加Appended|组件Appendedtextcontrols|附加文本控制Application|应用程序Applicationcontext|应用的上下文ApplicationToolbar|应用程序工具条Applications|应用ApplicationsofW A VE|WA VE的应用Apply|应用ApplyFilter|应用过滤器Approx|近似Approximate|近似ApproximateRho|近似的Rho值Arc|弧ArcCenter|圆心ArcLength|弧长Arclength|弧长Area|面积Arealaw|面积规律array|阵列Arrow|箭头Arrowlinedisplay|箭头线显示Arrowsegment|箭头段ArtisticImage|艺术图像ASCII|美国信息交换标准码AspectRatio|纵横比AssembleAsGroup|装配为组AssembleStep|装配步骤Assemblies|装配AssembliesClearance|装配间隙Assembly|装配Assemblyanalysis|装配体分析AssemblyHiddenLineRemoval|装配消隐线移去AssemblyModeling|装配建模AssemblyNavigator|装配导航器AssemblyNavigatorTool|装配导航工具Assemblypart|装配部件Assemblypreferences|装配参数预设置AssemblySepuencing|装配导航器Assemblyviews|装配视图AssemblyZone|装配区域AssenblySequences|装配次序Assign|指定Assignment|分派Associate|关联Associated|相关联的Associative|关联Associativeoffsets|相关偏置AssociativeViewScale|相关视图比例Associativity|相关性Associativityofutilitysymbols|实用符号的相关性Atangletovector|与矢量方向成角度AtTimestamp|按时间标记Attachment|附着Attachmentmethods|附着方式Attribute|属性Attributeeditor|属性编辑器Attributes|属性Attributeshierarchy|属性优先级别Auto|自动Autodimension|自动尺寸标注Autoballon|自动注释Automatic|自动Auxiliary|辅助AuxiliaryView|辅助视图axis|轴Axisymmetric|轴对称Axisymmetricanalysis|轴对称分析Axisymmetricloading|轴对称加载相关回复admin (2006-9-25 10:41:41)Back|下一个Background|背景Bad|坏的Baffle|隔片Balance|平衡Ball|球Bandwidth|带宽Bar|栏BaseDiameter|底部直径Basepart|基础部件Basepoint|基点Basic|基本BasiccomceptsofGeometricTolerancing|几何公差的基本概念BasicCurves|基本曲线BasicLights|基本光BatchProcessing|批处理正在进行Bead|筋Bend|折弯Bendsegment|折弯段Bendsequencetable|弯曲顺序表Bezierspline|贝塞尔样条BinderRing|压边圈Blank|隐藏Blend|倒圆Blendsolidedge|倒圆实体边缘Blendtypes|倒圆类型Blendingfunction|倒圆功能Block|块Body|体BodyDesign|体设计Bodyextents|(物)体范围Bodyofrevolution|旋转体BodyTaper|体拔模Bold|粗的Bookmark|书签BooleanFacePropertiesFrom|布尔运算面属性Booleanoperation|布尔运算Border|边界Borders|边界Boss|园台Both|两者Bottom|底部Boundbyobjects|用对象定视图边界boundary|边界Boundarypoint|边界点Boundarytypes|边界类型BoundedPlane|有界平面BoundedPlanes|有界平面Bounding|边界Box|盒子Bracket|支架Break|打断Bridge|桥接BridgeCurve|桥接曲线BridgeDepth|桥接深度BridgeSkew|桥接扭曲BrokenLinks|断开的链接BrokenView|断开剖Build|生成Bundle|捆But|除Bycorners|按拐角分段Byequalsegments|按等长分段ByEquation|按方程式Byinputarclengthsegments|按输入的弧长分段Byknotpointsegments|按节点分段Bylawcurve|按规律曲线Bypoints|通过点Bypoles|通过极点Bysegments|按段数Bytolerance|按公差admin (2006-9-25 10:42:13) Calculatorcapabilities|计算器功能Callouts|零件明细表序号CameraSetp|摄像机步长Cancel|取消Cannedlayout|储存的布局Cannedview|储存的视图Cartesian|笛卡尔(直角坐标系)Catalog|目录Categorise|分类Category|类别Cavity|型腔Cells|单元Center|中心centerline|中心线CGM|CGM格式文件Chain|链接Chaining|成链Chamfer|倒角Chamferedges|边缘倒角Changedegree|改变阶次Changeedge|改变边缘Changestiffness|改变刚度ChangeWCSXCDirection|改变坐标系XC方向ChangeWCSYCDirection|改变坐标系YC方向Changeweights|改变权值Character|字符Characteristic|特性Check|检查CheckClearances|间隙分析Checkforoverlaps|重叠部分检查Checkingtheformat|检查格式Children|子Circle|圆Circlearray|圆形阵列Circular|圆形Circularboundary|圆形边界Circularextension|圆形延伸CL|刀位CLfile|刀位文件CLpoint|刀位点Class|分类ClassSelection|分类选择Classselectionsubfuction|分类选择子功能Classselectiontools|分类选择工具Classifcation|分类Classification|分类Clear|清除Clearance|间隙Clearanceanalysis|间隙分析Clearancezone|间隙区域Click|单击Cliff|陡峭Cliffedges|陡峭边缘Clone|克隆Cloneassembly|克隆装配Cloning|克隆CloningAssemblies|克隆装配CloseGaps|封闭间隙Closed|封闭Closedbodies|封闭体ClosedCurve|封闭曲线Closeddefiningpoints|封闭的定义点ClosedinU|U向封闭ClosedinV|V向封闭Closs|关闭Coarse|粗糙Code|代码Codeset|代码集Coincident|重合Collaborate|协作CollapseAll|全部折叠Collinear|共线Color|颜色Colorlegend|颜色图标Color,fontandwidthoption|颜色、字型和宽度选项Column|列Columndegree|列的阶次Combined|组合Combinedcurveprojections|组合曲线的投射CombinedProjection|组合投影Common|普通Commontools|通用工具Compare|比较ComplementArc|补弧Complete|完成Component|组件Componentmembers|组件成员Componentobject|组件对象Components|组件ComponentsArrays|组件阵列ComponentsFilters|组件过滤器ComponentsOperations|组件操作CompositeFeaturecontrol|Frame复合特征控制框架Compress|压缩Computed|计算Computedcurves|计算的曲线Concentric|同心的ConcentricCircle|同心圆Concepts|概念Concurrent|并行ConcurrentEngineering|并行工程Conditionalannotation|条件注释Conduit|沟渠Cone|圆锥Conedirection|圆锥方向Coneorigin|圆锥底面圆心Configuration|配置ConfirmUponApply|应用时确认Confirmation|确认Conic|二次曲线ConicRho|二次曲线Rho值ConnectedFaces|相连的面Connection|连接ConponentsSets|组件集Constant|常量Constrain|约束ConstrainFace|约束面Constrainoptions|约束选项Constraint|约束Constraints|约束Constructed|构造Constructedcurves|构造的曲线Construction|构造ConstructionPoints|构造点Contactmesh|接触网格Containment|包容ContainmentInterference|包容干涉Contiguous|邻近的Continuity|连续性ContinuityChecks|连续性检查Continuitymethod|连续方式Continuitytype|连续性类型Contour|轮廓ContourCurve|轮廓曲线Contourlines|轮廓线Contourplot|轮廓图control|控制Controlby|受控于ControlPoint|控制点ControlPolygon|控制多边形Controlstructure|控制结构Controlvertex|控制顶点Controll|控制Controlled|控制(的)controls|控制Controlt|控制Convert|转换Convertdependency|转换依附性Coordinate|坐标Coordinatesystem|坐标系统Copy|拷贝Copycomponent|拷贝组件Copygeometry|拷贝几何体Copymethod|拷贝方法CopyObject|复制对象CopytoLayer|拷贝至层Copyingdrawingviews|拷贝图视图Core|型芯Corner|拐角Count|数量Counterclockwise|逆时针Course|课程Courseobjectives|课程目的Create|创建Createanimatiom|创建动画CreateComponentArray|生成组件陈列CreateExplosion|生成爆炸CreateFilter|建立过滤器CreateGeometry|创建几何体Createlinkedpart|创建链接部件CreateMethod|创建方法CreateNewComponent|创建新的组件Createnewlevel|创建新的一级CreateOperation|创建操作CreateProgram|创建程序组CreateSepuence|生成序列CreateTool|创建刀具组CreatingaComponentsArrays|创建组件阵列Creatingacylindricalcenterline|创建圆柱体的中心线Creatingahalfsectionview|创建一个半剖视图CreatingaHeilcalSpline|创建一个螺旋样条线Creatingalinearcenterline|创建一条线型中心线Creatinganewdrawing|创建一个新的图纸Creatingarevolvedsectionview|创建一个旋转剖视图Creatingasimplesectionview|创建一个简单剖视图Creatinganoffsetcenterpoint|创建一个偏置的中心点Creatinganunfoldedsectioncut|创建一个展开的剖视图CreatingandEditingAssemblies|创建和编辑装配CreatingDimensions|创建尺寸Creatingexploedviews|创建爆炸视图Creatingfamilymembers|创建家庭成员CreatingIDSymbols|创建ID符号Creatingpatterndata|创建图样数据CreatingSectionViews|创建剖视图Creatingtextwithaleader|创建带引线的文本CreatingUtilitySymblos|创建实用符号Creation|创建Cross|交叉Crosssection|横截面CrossSplines|交叉样线条Crossstrings|交叉线串Crosshairs|十字线Crosshatch|段面线CrosshatchBoundary|断面线边界Crosshatching|剖面线Crosshatchingadjacencytolerance|剖面线邻近公差Crossover|交叉CSYS|坐标系Cteatedinanassembly|在一个装配中创建Cubic|三次的Cubicfitsurface|三次拟合曲面Current|当前的CurrentLayout|当前布局Currentparameters|当前参数Currentview|当前视图Currently|当前Cursorlocation|光标位置Curvature|曲率Curvatureanalysis|曲率分析Curvaturecomb|曲率梳Curvaturemethod|曲率方法curve|曲线Curveanalysisdisplay|曲线分析显示CurveChamfer|曲线倒角Curvecreation|曲线建立Curvedividecurve|用曲线分割曲线Curveextension|曲线延伸Curvefitcreationmethods|曲线拟合的建立方法Curvefitwithtemplate|使用模板来拟合曲线Curvemesh|曲线网格CurveonSurface|曲面上的曲线Curvetofaceoption|曲线到表面的选项CurveToolbar|曲线工具条Custom|定制Custommenubar|客户化菜单条CustomSymbol|定制符号Cut|剖切CutAngle|剖切角Cutline|剖切线CutObject|剪切对象Cutsegment|剖切段Cuts|细缝Cycle|周期,循环Cylinder|圆柱体cylindrical|圆柱的admin (2006-9-25 10:44:38)Darker|较暗Dart|筋Dash|虚线DataBase|数据库DataModel|数据模型DataPoints|数据点集Database|数据库Datum|基准Datumaxis|基准轴DatumCSYS|基准坐标系DatumEditor|基准编辑器Datumplane|基准平面DecimalPlaces|小数点位数Define|定义Defining|定义DefiningaUGExpressiontable|定义一个UG表达式表DefiningFace|定义表面Definingpoints|定义点集DefiningtheAssemblyStructure|定义装配结构Definingthedatumorigin|定义基准原点Definingtheplotter|定义绘图仪Definingthesectionviewdisplay|定义剖视图显示Definition|定义Deform|变形DeformSheet|曲面变形Deg|度Degree|阶次Degreegreaterthanmaximum|阶次大于最大值Degreelessthanminimum|阶次小于最小值Delay|延迟Delayinterpartupdates|延迟部件间更新Delayed|延迟Delayedupdate|延迟更新DelayedUpdateonEdit|编辑时延迟的更新Delete|删除Deletealledits|删除所有编辑DeleteDrawingSheet|删除图纸页面DeleteExplosion|删除爆炸图DeleteObject|删除对象Deletepositioningdimention|删除定位尺寸Deleteselectededits|删除选择的编辑Deleteselectederasures|删除选择的擦除DeleteToolpath|删除刀轨Deleteingparentgeometry|删除户几何体Deleteingautilitysymbol|删除一个实用符号Delta|增量DeltaOffset|增量偏置Demo|演示Density|密度dependency|依附Dependent|依附的Depth|深度Derivative|派生DerivativeVector|派生矢量Description|描述Descriptor|描述符DeselectAll|全部不选Deselection|取消选择Design|设计DesigninContext|按上下文设计Designrule|设计规则DesignTemplate|设计模板DestinationLayer|目标层DestinationPoint|目标点Destinationt|目标Detail|详细DetailDesign|详细设计DetailView|详细视图Detailed|详细的Detination|目的Deviation|偏差DeviationAnalysis|偏差分析Deviationcheck|偏差检查DeviationGauge|偏差度量dialog|对话框DialogBar|对话栏DialogBarFields|对话栏域DialogManager|对话栏管理DialogPreferences|对话框参数预设置Diameter|直径DieAddendumSurface|工艺补充面DieAreaFill|区域填充DieBinderWrap|压料面DieCarryover|制件信息传递DieDesign|冲模设计DieDesignToolbar|冲模设计工具条DieEngineering|冲模工程DieEngineeringToolbar|冷冲模设计工具条DieFace|冲压面DieFlangeTask|翻边工序DieFormTask|成形工序DieLineup|冲压陈列DieLowerScrapCutter|模板下部废料裁剪DieOperation|冲模操作DiePierceTask|模板钻孔任务DieProcessAssistant|冲压工艺辅助DieProductReplace|冲模产品替换DieRibbonBuilder|冲模条带建模器DieSection|模具截面DieSteelInsert|模板钢插入DieTip|冲压方偏转DieTipReference|冲压方向偏转参考DieTrimPost|模板裁剪发布DieTrimSteel|修边镶块DieTrimSteelAssistant|模具修边镶块辅助DieTrimTask|修边工序Dim|尺寸dimension|尺寸标注DimensionConstraints|尺寸约束DimensionLocalSettings|尺寸局部设置dimensions|尺寸Direct|直接DirectFieldofView|直接视野DirectModeling|直接建模DirectModelingToolbar|直接建模工具条direction|方向Directionpoint|定向点Directories|路径Directory|目录DirectoryEntrySection|目录登录区Disable|禁用Disabled|不可用DisassembleAsGroup|拆卸为组DisassembleStep|拆卸步骤display|显示DisplayDrawing|显示图纸DisplayFile|显示文件DisplayInstanceEditor|显示引用特征编辑器Displaylabel|显示标记DisplayObject|显示对象DisplayOptions|显示选项DisplayPrefrences|显示参数预设置DisplaySelectedPart|显示所选部件DisplayType|显示类型DisplayWCS|显示工作坐标系DisplayedPart|显示部件distance|距离DistanceandAngle|距离及角度DistanceCheck|距离检查DistanceNormaltoCurve|垂直于曲线的距离DistanceTolerance|距离公差DistanceV alue|距离值divide|分割DivideCurve|分割曲线DividedSymbols|分割符号DocumentTag|文件标签Documentation|手册DOF|自由度DOLReport|DOL报告Double|双DoubleBorder|双边界Doubleoffsetchamfer|双边偏置倒角Downward|向下Draft|拔模DraftAnalysis|拔模角分析DraftAngle|拔模角度DraftHeight|拔模高度Drafting|制图DraftingAnnotation|页面注释DraftingApplication|制图应用DraftingAssociativity|制图相关性DraftingDimensions|制图尺寸DraftingEdit|图面编辑DraftingObject|二维图对象DraftingPreferences|制图预设置DraftingSymbols|制图符号DraftingTables|制图表DraftingToggles|制图切换Drag|拖拽Dragging|正在拖动DrawDiePunch|拉伸模冲压Drawing|图纸DrawingBorders|图片边框DrawingLayout|图纸布局DrawingOperations|制图操作DrawingViewBoundaries|图视图边界DrawingViews|图视图Drive|驱动DriveCurves|驱动曲线DriverType|驱动类型Dual|双重DualConstraints|双重约束DXFtoUnigraphics|从DXF转换到UG Dynamic|动态admin (2006-9-25 10:45:07)edge|边缘EdgeandCrossTangents|边缘与交叉切矢EdgeandNormals|边缘与法线EdgeBlend|边缘圆角EdgeChamfer|边倒角EdgeCurvature|边缘与曲率Edgedeviation|边缘偏差EdgeHidingEdge|边缘消隐边缘EdgeOnly|仅仅边缘EdgeRip|边缘裂口EdgetoFace|边缘到表面Edges|边Edit|编辑EditAlignment|编辑对准EditArcLength|编辑弧长EditArrangements|编辑安排EditCategory|编辑层组EditCurve|编辑曲线EditCurveParameters|编辑曲线参数EditCurveToolbar|编辑曲线工具条EditDimensionAssociativity|编辑尺寸相关性EditDuringUpdate|更新期间编辑EditEntireSegments|编辑整个段EditExplosion|编辑爆炸视图EditFeature|编辑特征EditFeatureParameters|编辑特征参数EditFeatureToolbar|编辑特征工具条EditFillet|编辑圆角EditFreeFeature|编辑自由形式特征EditFreeFormFeatureToolbar|编辑自由形式特征工具条EditObject|编辑对象EditObjectDisplay|编辑对象显示EditObjectSegments|编辑对象段EditPositioning|编辑位置EditSketchDimension|编辑草图尺寸EditSolidDensity|编辑实体密度EditSplinebyAddingapoint|通过添加点来编辑样条EditStructure|编辑结构EditTable|编辑表EditText|编辑文本EditToolpath|编辑刀轨EditVDegree|编辑V向阶次EditingDimensionText|编辑尺寸文本EditingDraftingObject|编辑制图对象EditingIDSymbols|编辑ID符号EditingOrdinateDimensions|编辑坐标尺寸EditingText|编辑文本EditingtheDisplayofDrawingViews|编辑图视图的显示EditingtheSectionLineSegments|编辑剖面线段EditingUtilitySymbols|编辑实用符号Effects|效果Eject|顶出ElementSize|单元尺寸ellipse|椭圆Embedd|内嵌Embedded|内嵌的Emboss|凸起Emphasize|强调EmphasizeWordPart|强调工作部件Empty|空EmptyReferenceset|空的引用集Enable|启用End|终点EndCurvatures|端点曲率Endpoint|终点EndSlopes|端点斜率EndTangentOverflow|终点相切溢流Enforce|强制EngineRoll|EngineRollEngineering|工程Enhancements|增强功能Enlarge|扩大Enter|输入EnterRadius|键入半径Entire|整个EntirePartCondition|整个部件零件entries|记录EntriesOptions|记录选项EnvironmentVariable|环境变量EpualArcLengthSegments|等弧长分段Equal|相等的EqualArclength|等弧长EqualRadius|等半径Equation|公式Erase|删除EraseObjects|擦除对象EraseShade|擦除渲染Error|错误ErrorMessages|错误信息Evaluate|评估Evaluating|评估EvaluatingConcepts|评估概念Examine|检查Exchahge|转换Exclude|除外Existing|现有的ExistingPoint|已存点ExitUnigraphics|退出UGExpand|扩展ExpandAll|全部展开ExplodedViews|爆炸视图exploed|爆炸Export|输出ExportGIF|输出GIFExportJPEG|输出JPEGExportModule|导出模块ExportOperationNavigatortoBrowser|输出操作导航树至浏览器ExportPNG|输出PNGExportTIFF|输出TIFFExporting|输出ExportingaDrawing|输出一张图纸Expression|表达式ExpressionCheck|表达式检查ExpressionEditior|表达式编辑器Expressions|表达式Extend|延伸ExtendFactor|延伸因子ExtendedTangents|延伸相切Extension|延伸ExtensionLineDisplay|延伸线的显示ExtensionLines|延伸线ExtensionSurface|延伸曲面extensions|延伸extents|范围External|外部的ExtraFine|特别精密Extract|提取ExtractCurve|提取曲线ExtractGeometry|提取几何体ExtractIsoline|抽取等参数线Extracted|提取extrude|拉伸ExtrudedBody|拉伸体Eyellipse|眼椭圆admin (2006-9-25 10:45:37)Fabrication|制造face|面FaceAnalysis|表面分析FaceBlend|面倒圆FaceEdges|面的边FaceNormals|表面法向FacetoFace|表面到表面FacepairDEF|面对-定义特征Facet|小平面FacetEdges|面片的边FacetedBody|用小平面表示的体Factor|系数Failure|失败False|错误(的)family|家庭FamilyMember|家庭成员FamilyofParts|部件家庭FamilyTable|家庭表FastFont|快速生成字体FEA|有限元分析Feature|持征FeatureEdit|特征编辑FeatureOperation|特征操作FeatureOperationToolbar|特征操作工具条FeatureParameters|特征参数FeaturePlayback|特征回放FeatureSets|持征集Feedrates|进给率FEM|有限元建模File|文件FileExtensions|文件扩展名FilePullDwonMenu|文件选项下拉菜单Fill|填充Fillet|圆角FilletSurface|倒圆曲面Filter|过滤器FilterBox|过滤器输入框FilterMethods|过滤方法Filtering|过滤FilteringandFilteringMode|过滤和过滤模式Filters|过滤器Find|查找FindComponent|查找组件FindinNavigator|在导航器中查找FindinSequences|显示所有次序FindObject|查找对象Fine|好First|第一FirstOffset|第一偏置FirstSet|第一组FirstSideString|第一侧边线串fit|拟合FitMethods|拟合方法FitSplines|拟合样条FitViewtoSelection|将视图拟合到选中的区域fixed|固定FixedLengthMethod|固定长度方法Fixture|夹具FlagSection|标志区Flange|凸缘FlangePost|弯边柱FlangeSteel|弯边钢FLEXlmUserGuide|FLEXlm用户指南Floor|底Fog|雾Fold|折叠Folded|折叠FoldedRadius|带折线的半径FoldedRadiusDimension|折叠半径标注Font|字体FontCharacter|字符FontObjectLibrary|字体库FontTable|字体表Force|强制(力量)ForceClose|强制关闭ForcedDirection|强制的方向Foreign|外来的Form|成型(由)FormBlockLine|成型块直线+A519 FormFeature|外型特征FormFeatureBossCreation|成型特征:凸台建立FormFeaturePadCreation|成型特征:凸垫建立FormFeatureToolbar|成形特征工具条FormFeatures|成型特征format|格式FormattingOptions|格式选项FormingTable|成型表Formula|公式ForwardToLast|前进到最后一个FourPointSurface|四点曲面FreeFormFeature|自由形状特征FreeFormFeatureToolbar|自由形式特征工具条FreeFormShape|自由外形FreeFormShapeToolbar|曲面成形工具条Freeform|自由(曲面)Freezing|冻结FreezingEntries|冻结记录Freezingparts|冻结部件Fringe|云图Fringes|云图条纹FromPointCloud|由点云FromPoles|由极点Front|前FullCircle|整圆Fullyloaded|全部加载function|功能Functions|功能admin (2006-9-25 10:46:01)Gage|度量Gaps|缝隙Gate|浇口Gateway|入门Gaussian|高斯GaussianRadius|高斯半径GDT|型位公差GDTParameters|GDT参数GDTSymbol|GDT符号General|一般GeneralConcepts|通用概念GeneralConic|一般二次曲线GeneralFlange|通用弯边GeneralFunction|通用功能GeneralSpline|通用样条线GenerateToolpath|生成刀轨Genrate|生成Geometric|几何GeometricConstraint|几何约束GeometricTolerancing|几何公差GeometricTolerancingAssociated|关联的几何公差GeometricTolerancingListAll|列出所有的几何公差GeometricTolerancingSearch|几何公差搜索Geometry|几何GeometryLinker|几何体链接器GeometryNavigator|几何体导航器GeometryView|几何视图Give|给出Global|全局的GlobalLayerMask|全程层屏蔽GlobalShaping|一般变形GotoCellURL|转至单元格URL GougeCheck|干涉检查Graph|图表Graphics|图形Graphicswindow|图形窗Gray|灰色Grid|栅格GridLines|栅格线GridSectionAnalysis|网格截面分析Groove|沟槽Group|组Grow|增长GuideCurve|引导曲线GuideString|引导线串Gyration|回转admin (2006-9-25 10:46:31) HalfAngle|半角Hardcopy|硬拷贝HardInterference|硬干涉Hardware|硬件Harness|电路设计模块HarnessList|电路列表Hatch|断面线Hatching|剖面线Header|头(标题) Headerposition|标题设置Heal|修复Heavy|重的Hedgehog|刺猬状Height|高度Heilcal|螺旋Helix|螺旋线Help|帮助Hidden|隐藏hiddenlineremoval|消隐线移除Hide|隐藏HideComponent|隐藏组件Highqualityimage|高质量图像Highlight|高亮HighlightHiddenEdges|高亮消隐边HighlightLines|高亮线HingeLine|折叶线Hole|孔Holes|孔Hollow|挖空HollowEnhancements|挖空增强功能Hollowfeature|挖空特征HollowSolid|挖空实体Horizontal|水平HorizontalBaseline|水平基准线HorizontalChain|水平链HorizontalDimension|水平尺寸Hyperbola|双曲线admin (2006-9-25 10:46:56) IDSymbol|标识符号Idealization|理想化Identify|识别IGES|IGES标准Ignore|忽略Image|图片Import|输入Inch|英寸Include|包含IncludedAngle|包含的角Incomplete|不完整(的) Increment|增量Incremental|递增的IndividualLayerMask|个别层的屏蔽Inferred|自动推断的InferredDimension|推断尺寸Inflection|变形Info|信息Information|信息InformationWindow|信息窗口Inherit|继承Initial|初始Input|输入Insert|插入InsertDrawingSheet|插入图纸页面InsertPartsList|插入部件列表InsertTabularNote|插入表格注释InsetFlange|内嵌弯边Inside|内部Instance|引用(实例) InstanceFeature|引用特征InstrumentPanelVisibili|仪器面板可视性Interactive|交互InteractiveFunction|交互功能InteractiveStep|交互步Interactivetechniques|交互技术Interference|干涉Interfering|干涉Internal|内部Interoperate|交互操作InterpartExpressions|部件间表达式InterpartModeling|部件间建模Interpolation|插补Interpolationmethods|插补方法Intersect|相交IntersectingCurve|相交曲线Intersection|交点Intersectioncurve|相交曲线Intersectionpoint|交点Intersectiontolerance|相交公差Intersections|相交Invisible|不可见的Isocline|等斜率线IsolateComponent|分离组件Isoline|等参数线IsometricView|正轴侧视图Isoparametric|等参数IsoparmetricElement|等参元IsotropicMaterial|各向同性材料Italic|斜体字Items|项目admin (2006-9-25 10:47:27) JACOBIANRatio|雅可比比率JACOBIANZero|雅可比零点Jobs|任务Join|连接JoinCurve|连接曲线JoinMethods|连接方法Justification|对准KeyFrames|关键帧Keywords|关键词Knotpoint|结点KnowledgeFusion|"知识融接" KnowledgeFusionToolbar|“知识融接”工具条Last|上一个law|规律LawControl|规律控制LawControlledExtension|规律控制延伸LawCurve|规律曲线LawExtension|规律控制的延伸LawExtensions|规律延伸LawSubfunctions|规律子功能Layer|层LayerCategory|层组LayerFilter|层过滤器LayerSetting|层设置LayerSettings|层设置LayerVisibleinView|视图中的层显示状态Layout|布局Leader|指引线Leaders|引线LeastSquaresMethod|最小2乘方Left|左legend|图标Length|长度Lesson|课程Let|允许(让)Letter|字母Lettering|字体Level|层Libraries|库Library|库Light|光Lighter|较亮Lights|亮Limit|限制Line|直线LineFont|线型Linear|线性(的)LinearBucklingAnalysis|线性弯曲分析LinearElement|线性单元LinkedParts|链接部件Linker|链接器Links|链接ListBox|列表框Listinformation|列信息ListToolpath|列出刀轨ListingWindow|列表窗口Load|加载LoadOptions|加载选项LoadedPart|已加载部件LocalScale|本地比例location|位置Lock|锁(定)Log|日志Loop|环LowerBinder|下部压边圈LowerScrapCutterBas|下废料刀基部admin (2006-9-25 10:47:58) MachineToolBuilder|机床建造器MachineToolView|机床刀具视图MachiningMethodView|加工方法视图Macro|宏MacroOptions|暂停时间Main|主Maintain|保持MakeCurrentStep|执行当前步骤MakeWorkPart|使成为工作部件Manager|管理ManagerRoles|管理器任务Manual|手动Manufacturing|加工ManufacturingCreate|加工生成ManufacturingObjects|加工对象ManufacturingOperations|加工操作ManufacturingWorkpiece|加工工件Manximumlength|最大长度Margin|边缘Mark|标记Mass|质量MassCheck|质量检查MasterModel|主模型MasterModelToleraning|主模型公差Match|匹配MatchEdge|匹配边界Matching|匹配MatchingEdges|匹配边缘MateComponent|匹配组件MateConditions|配对条件MateConditionsDialog|配对条件对话框MateTypes|配对类型MatedComponent|配对组件Material|材料Materials|材料MatingConstraint|配对约束maximum|最大值Maximumradius|最大半径MB1|鼠标左键MB2|鼠标中键MB3|鼠标右键Mean|平均MeanRadius|平均半径Measure|测量members|成员Menu|菜单Menubarcomponents|菜单条元件Menureference|菜单参考MenuScript|菜单脚本Menubars|菜单条Merge|合并Mesh|网格MeshDensity|网格密度Meshofcurves|曲线网格Message|信息Messages|信息MetaForm|钣金成形method|方法Methods|方法Micropositioning|微定位MidPoint|中点Midvalue|中值MidsideNodes|中间节点Midsurface|中间面Midsurfacefeature|中间面特征Millimeters|毫米minimum|最小值MinimumPitch|最小螺距MinimumRadius|最小半径Mirror|镜像MirrorAssemnbly|镜像装配MirrorCertification|镜像认证MirrorDisplay|视镜显示MirrorFeature|镜像特征Mirrorthroughline|过线镜像Misaligned|未对齐的MissingPart|缺少的部件Modal|模态Mode|模式Model|模型ModelCheck|模型检查ModelCompare|模型比较ModelIdealization|模型理想化ModelNavigationTool|模型导航工具ModelNavigator|模型导航器ModelSimplification|模型简化ModelSpace|模型空间ModelUnits|模型单位Modeling|建模Modelingoperation|建模操作Modelingspreadsheet|建模电子表格ModelingToggles|建模切换Moment|力矩More|更多Motion|运动MoveDefiningPoint|移动定义点Movedraftingentityorigin|移动制图实体原点MoveFeature|移动特征MovePole|移动极点MoveRegion|移动区域MovetoLayer|移动至层Movingasinglepoint|移动单个点MovingDrawingViews|移动图纸视图Movingmultiplepoints|移动多个点MultibendBracket|多折弯托架Multiple|多个admin (2006-9-25 10:48:34)Name|名称NameSelection|名称选择Naming|命名Navigate|导航Navigateguided|导航指导NavigatingUnigraphics|导航UG NavigationOptions|漫游选项Navigator|导航器Negative|负的NeutralPoint|中性点New|新的NewlyBrokenLinks|新打断的链接Nextleg|(过旋转中心的)下一要剖切线Nonprojectedviews|非投影视图NonsectionedComponents|非剖切组件normal|法向(正常)NormalExtensions|法向延伸Normalradius|法向半径Normals|法向Notch|凹槽NotesandLabels|注释和标记Now|现在NullPart|空部件Number|数量NumberofCopies|拷贝数NumberofSegments|段数Numberofteeth|齿数Numberofturns|螺旋线圈数Numeric|数字NURBS|非均匀有理B样条Object|对象ObjectAttribute|对象属性Objectselectonmethods|对象选择方法Off|关Offset|偏置OffsetCurve|偏置曲线OffsetFace|偏置面OffsetinFace|在面上偏置OffsetRegion|偏置区域OffsetSurface|偏置曲面OK|确定OnContextHelp|有关上下文帮助Oneguidestring|单引导线段Onlinehelp|在线帮助Only|仅仅Open|打开OpenbyProximity|按逼近范围打开OpenComponent|打开组件OpenDrawingSheet|打开图纸页面OpenUIStyle|开放的UIStyle OpeningfilesUsingLoadoptions|打开文件时使用加载选项Openings|开放的operation|操作OperationNavigator|操作导航器Operations|操作Operator|运算符Optimization|优化OptimizationWizard|忧化向导Option|选项options|选项Ordinary|普通Ordinate|坐标OrdinateDimension|坐标尺寸OrdinateDimensions|坐标尺寸OrientWCS|工作坐标系方向Orientation|方位Origin|原点OriginPreferences|原点预设置Original|原先的Orthographic|正交OrthographicProjection|正交投射Orthographicviews|正交视图OrthotropicMaterial|各向异性材料Other|其它Outofdate|过期OutofDateObjects|过期对象OutofDateParts|过期部件Outline|轮廓Output|输出OutputCLSF|输出CLSF OutputDieCurves|模具曲线输出OverallElementSize|整体单元大小Overflow|溢出Overlapping|重叠overlaps|重叠部分Overlay|覆盖admin (2006-9-25 10:49:08)Pad|凸垫Pan|平移Parabola|抛物线Parallel|平行ParallelProjection|平行投射Parameter|参数ParameterDataSection|参数数据部分Parameterdesign|参数设计ParameterExpressionVariab|参数表达式变量ParametricEquations|参数化方程Parent|父Parentview|父视图Parrallel|平行Part|部件Partandobjectattributes|部件和对象属性PartAttribute|部件属性PartFile|部件文件PartLinkBrowser|部件链接浏览器PartModality|部件模态Partnavigator|部件导航器Partial|部分(的)Partially|局部PartiallyLoadedPart|部分加载部件Parting|分型PartingLines|分型线PartingSurfaces|分型面PartsList|部件清单Partslistdialog|部件清单对话框PartsListLevels|部件列表层Paste|粘贴PasteObject|粘贴对象Patch|补片PatchBody|补丁体PatchType|补片类型Path|路径Pathsegment|路径段Patial|部分Patialloading|部分加载pattern|图样PatternFace|图样面PauseDuration|暂停时间PDSection|参数数据部分Peak|峰值点Percentage|百分比Percentagemethod|百分比方法Performance|性能PerformingassembliesStructure|构造装配结构Perimeterlaw|按圆周规律Perpendicular|垂直的Perpendiculartoaline|与线垂直Perpendiculartoplanes|与平面垂直Perspective|透视PerspectiveProjection|透视投射PID|特性ID号Piece|件PiecePart|零件Piping|管道铺设Pitch|螺距Placement|放置Placementoptions|放置选项plane|平面Planeofcurve|曲线的平面Planestrainelement|平面应变单元Play|播放PlaybackSpeed|回放速度Plotparameters|绘图参数Ploting|绘图plotter|绘图仪Plug|塞子Pocket|腔Point|点PointConstructor|点构造器pointfromafile|从文件输入点PointSet|点组PointSubfunction|点子功能Pointtopoint|点到点Pole|极点poles|极点Polygon|多边形Polynomial|多边形Popup|弹出Port|端口Position|位置Positive|正的Postprocessor|后置处理器Precision|精度Precisionoptions|精度选项preferences|参数预设置Prefix|前缀Prefrences|预设置PrepareGeometry|准备几何体Preprocessor|前处理器Preview|预览Previewsize|预览大小Primary|主要Primarystring|主线串Primitives|体素PrincipleRadiusofCurvature|曲率主半径Print|打印Proceduretocreatelink|建立链接步骤Process|过程ProcessTable|过程表Product|产品ProductDefinitionEditor|产品定义信息ProfileFlange|轮廓弯边ProgramOrderView|程序顺序视图Project|项目(投射)ProjectCurves|投射曲线Projection|投影Projectiontype|投射类型Projects|投影PromoteBody|提升体PromotedBodies|提升体Promotions|提升Properties|特性PSET|包含某对象信息的特性集PullTolerancefromComponent|从组件中抽取公差Punch|冲PunchProgression|模具闭合admin (2006-9-25 10:49:34) Quadrantcirclesymbol|四等分圆周符号Quadrantpoint|象限点QUADRATICELEMENT|四边形单元Quantitativeanalysis|定量分析Quantity|数量Quick|快速(的)QuickCheck|快速检查Quilt|拼缝Raceway|电缆管道Radius|半径Radiusmethod|半径方法RadiusofCurvatureComb|曲率半径梳RadiustoCenter|通过圆心的半径Random|随机(意)RandomColorDisplay|可视化设置Range|范围RapidPrototyping|快速原型RasterImage|光栅图片Rate|速度Rcalefactor|比例因子RealTimeDynamics|实时动态。
2010 郝大鹏
• 总结:一些简单而常见的模体在一组蛋白质中发 现并不意味着这组蛋白质是同源的(跨膜区结构 域或磷酸化位点)。
• 在另一些情况下,模体可以成为一个蛋白质家族 的标志,反映了这个家族的亲缘关系。可以利用 这个族徽寻找宗亲。(载脂蛋白超家族)
• 被磷酸化的丝氨酸和苏氨酸在不同蛋白质中处于不同的模 体中。组蛋白中为SP##(#为带正电的氨基酸)。蛋白激酶 PKA或PKG中的模体是##X[S/T]。
2010 郝大鹏
2010 郝大鹏
• 当C端的4个氨基酸序列为KDEL或HDEL时, 蛋白质就被局限在细胞的内质网中
水解实验,可以看出结构域能组成一个结构单元。 • 结构域常由不同的外显子编码。
2010 郝大鹏
• 结构域的概念:从最初的一级结构中较长的重复片段,上 升为有特征的立体结构,而且他们有一定生物功能,并且 对应着基因中的某些外显子,为它们编码、形成肽链后, 还能自行折叠成稳定的结构。总之,结构域可看作是一个 “entity”。
2010 郝大鹏
• 特征(signatures)的概念很宽广,它确定一个蛋白 质分类,可能指结构域(domain)、家族(family) 或模体(motif)。signature主要可以分为两类:
结构域(domain)是蛋白质中能折叠成特定三维结构的 一段区域。结构域也能被称为模块。一组拥有相同结 构域的蛋白被称为一个蛋白质家族。
人类调节蛋白分子活性基因GDP 解离激活因子 (GDP-dissociation stimulator activity) 1: kiaa1008 GDP 解离抑制因子 (GDP-dissociation inhibitor activity) 1: ranbp1GTP 酶激活因子(GTPase activator activity) 105: abr arfgap1 arhgap12 arhgap25 arhgap4 arhgap8 arhgap9 arhgdia arhgdib arhgdig arhgef1 arhgef11 arhgef12 arhgef15 arhgef6 bcr bnip2 c5orf5 centa2 centb1 centb2 centb5 centd1 centd2 centg1 centg3 chm chml chn1 chn2 dab2ip ddef1 ddef2 dock1 garnl1 gdi1 gdi2 git1 git2 gpsm2 gpsm3 grlf1 kiaa1219 prr5 ptplad1 rab3gap2 rab3ip rabep2 ranbp1 rangap1 rap1ga1 rap1gds1 rasa3 rasa4 rasal2 rgs1 rgs11 rgs12 rgs14 rgs16 rgs19 rgs2 rgs20 rgs3 rgs4 rgs5 rgs6 rgs9 rics rin1 rin2 rin3 sh3bp1 sipa1l1 sipa1l2 sipa1l3 snx26 srgap1 srgap2 srgap3 stard13 stard8 syngap1 tbc1d1 tbc1d12 tbc1d13 tbc1d14 tbc1d15 tbc1d16 tbc1d17 tbc1d19 tbc1d2 tbc1d20 tbc1d21 tbc1d22a tbc1d22b tbc1d3 tbc1d4 tbc1d5 tbc1d7 tbc1d8 tiam2 tsc2 usp6nl vav3GTP 酶抑制因子(GTPase inhibitor activity) 8: arl2 gps1 gps2 iqgap1 iqgap2 ranbp5 rhoh tnk2G 蛋白偶联光感受器(G-protein coupled photoreceptor activity) 6: cry1 elovl4 gnat2 grk1 opn3 opn4Hsp70/Hsc70 蛋白调控因子(Hsp70/Hsc70 protein regulator activity) 2: bag3 dnajc1Hsp70/Hsc70 蛋白抑制因子 (Hsp70/Hsc70 protein inhibitor activity) 1: faf1 JAK 途径信号转导衔接因子(JAK pathway signal transduction adaptor activity) 2: aps socs2RNA 剪接因子, 转酯机制 (RNA splicing factor activity, transester-ification mechanism) 18: bcas2 fusip1 khsrp lsm1 mphosph10 prpf3 prpf4 prpf6 sf3a3 sf3b1 sf3b3 sf3b4 sfrs10 sfrs2ip sfrs4 sip1 smndc1 txnl4aRNA 聚合酶III 转录因子 (RNA polymerase III transcription factor activity) 10: brf1 gtf3a gtf3c1 gtf3c2 gtf3c3 gtf3c4 gtf3c5 irf5 znf143 znf345RNA 聚合酶II 转录介体(RNA polymerase II transcription mediator activity) 14: cnot2 crsp2 crsp6 med12 med31 med4 pparbp ppargc1a rbm14 thrap1 thrap3 thrap4 thrap5 trerf1RNA 聚合酶II 转录延伸因子 (RNA polymerase II transcription elongation factor activity) 1: ell3RNA 聚合酶II 转录因子 (RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity) 145: alf atf2 atf5 atf6 bapx1 barx2 batf brf1 btf3 c2orf3 cbfb cep110 ciita creg1 crkrs csda ctcf cutl1 dbp e2f2 elk3 ell2 ercc6 ets1 foxe1 foxf2 foxk2 foxm1 gabpa gata4 gfi1 gli1 gmeb2 gtf2a2 gtf2b gtf2h2 gtf2h4 hcfc2 hlxb9hmgn1 hnf4a hoxa1 hoxc10 hoxc11 hoxc13 hoxd10 hoxd9 htatsf1 ilf2 irf2 irf3 irf4 jun junb jund klf13 klf5 lhx1 lhx3 litaf loc285697 loc391742 loc391745 loc391746 loc391749 loc391763 loc391764 loc391766 loc391767 loc402199 loc646066 lrrfip1 maf maz med6 mef2c meis1 mll mllt1 neurod1 nfat5 nfyc nkx2-8 onecut2 polr2i polr3k prdm4 prop1 rax rbpsuh rfx2 runx2 sf1 smarca5 sox10 sox12 sox15 sox18 sox21 sox30 sox8 sp1 sp2 sp4 spib srebf1 srebf2 srf supt3h surb7 taf10 taf15 taf2 taf6 taf6l tbp tbpl1 tbx1 tbx10 tbx19 tbx3 tbx5 tcea2 tcea3 tceal1 tcerg1 tcf1 tcf12 tcf15 tcf21 tcf4 tcf7 tcf7l2 tead3 tead4 tef tial1 tmf1 twist1 usf2 utf1 vps72 zfpm2 znf354a znrd1 RNA 聚合酶II 转录因子, 增强子结合(RNA polymerase II trans-cription factor activity, enhancer binding) 17:atbf1 cebpa epas1 gtf2ird1 hif1a irf8 myef2 myf5 myod1 nfix nr5a2 pura rela rfx1 rfx3 tfap2a tfap4RNA 聚合酶I 转录因子 (RNA polymerase I transcription factor activity) 4: rrn3 taf1a taf1c ubtfRNA 酶抑制因子 (ribonuclease inhibitor activity) 1: rnh1Rab GDP 解离抑制因子(Rab GDP-dissociation inhibitor activity) 2: gdi1 gdi2RabGTP 酶激活因子 (Rab GTPase activator activity) 1: rab3gap1Rab 护卫蛋白 (Rab escort protein activity) 2: chm chmlRab 鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换因子(Rab guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity) 2: als2 rin2RacGTP 酶激活因子 (Rac GTPase activator activity) 2: centd3 ralbp1 RacGTP 酶结合 (Rac GTPase binding) 3: arfip2 arhgef2 ralbp1Rac 鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换因子(Rac guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity) 2: arhgef2 dock2RalGTP 酶结合 (Ral GTPase binding) 1: ralbp1Ral 鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换因子(Ral guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity) 1: rgl1RanGTP 酶激活因子 (Ran GTPase activator activity) 1: rangap1Ran 鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换因子(Ran guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity) 5: als2 rcbtb2 rcc1 sergef wbscr16RapGTP 酶激活因子(Rap GTPase activator activity) 3: rapgef2 rasgrp3 sipa1Rap 鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换因子(Rap guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity) 2: rapgef2 rapgef5RasGTP 酶激活因子 (Ras GTPase activator activity) 10: gas8 iqgap1 iqgap2 iqgap3 nf1 rasa1 rasa2 rasal1 rasal2 tpm1Ras 鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换因子(Ras guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity) 5: rapgef5 rasgrf1 rasgrp1 rgl2 sos1ARFGTP 酶激活因子(ARF GTPase activator activity) 3: arfgap3 centa1 centd3ARF 鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换因子(ARF guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity) 15: arfgef1 arfgef2 fbxo8 gbf1 herc1 iqsec1 iqsec3 kiaa1244 pscd1 pscd2 pscd2l pscd3 pscd4 psd3 psd4ATP 酶激活因子 (ATPase stimulator activity) 3: ahsa1 atp6v1h dnajc1ATP 酶抑制因子 (ATPase inhibitor activity) 1: plnDNA 回折(DNA bending activity) 7: foxi1 foxl1 hmg1l10 hmgb1 hmgb2 hmgb3 trerf1DNA 聚合酶持续因子(DNA polymerase processivity factor activity) 1: pcnaDNA 链退火 (DNA strand annealing activity) 1: tp53Rho GDP 解离抑制因子(Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor activity) 3: arhgdia arhgdib arhgdigRhoGTP 酶激活因子 (Rho GTPase activator activity) 16: arhgap1 arhgap26 arhgap29 arhgap4 arhgap5 arhgap6 arhgef10l centd3 dlc1 errfi1 gmip myo9b ophn1 prex1 sos1 thy1Rho 鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换因子(Rho guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity) 63: abr akap13 als2 arhgef1 arhgef10 arhgef10l arhgef11 arhgef12 arhgef15 arhgef17 arhgef18 arhgef2 arhgef3 arhgef4 arhgef5 arhgef6 arhgef7 bcr c9orf100 dnmbp ect2 farp1 farp2 fgd1 fgd2 fgd3 fgd4 fgd5 fgd6 flj10357 flj20184 flj41603 flj43963 flj46688 itsn1 itsn2 kalrn kiaa1909 loc441296 mcf2 mcf2l net1 plekhg1 plekhg2 plekhg3 plekhg4 plekhg5 prex1 rasgrf1 rasgrf2 rgnef rp3-509i19.5 sgef slc26a10 sos1 sos2 spata13 tiam1 tiam2 trio vav1 vav2 vav3SH3/SH2 衔接因子(SH3/SH2 adaptor activity) 43: abi2 aps arhgap1 arhgap4 arhgap6 chn1 chn2 cntnap1 crk crkl eps8 gab1 grap grap2 grb10 grb14 grb2 grb7 irs4 itsn2 khdrbs1 lasp1 lat rusc1 scap1 scap2 sh2d1a sh2d2a sh2d3c sh3bgr sh3bgrl sh3bp2 sh3bp5 shb sla sla2 snx9 socs2 src stam tob1 tp53bp2 vav3cAMP 依赖蛋白激酶调控因子(cAMP-dependent protein kinase regulator activity) 12: cabyr cxcl10 prkar1a prkar1b prkar2a prkar2b prkg1 rapgef3 rapgef4 ret ropn1 spa17cAMP 依赖蛋白激酶抑制因子(cAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitoractivity) 3: pkia pkib pkigrRNA 假尿苷化引导 (rRNA pseudouridylation guide activity) 1: nola2阿片样物质肽 (opioid peptide activity) 3: pdyn penk pnoc安眠蛋白A (meprin A activity) 2: mep1a mep1b白细胞介素1 受体拮抗因子(interleukin-1 receptor antagonist activity) 8: il1f10 il1f5 il1f6 il1f7 il1f8 il1f9 il1rn pxdn伴侣蛋白调控因子 (chaperone regulator activity) 2: bag2 dnajb9伴侣蛋白激活因子 (chaperone activator activity) 1: ahsa1半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制因子(cysteine protease inhibitor activity) 20: ahsg birc4 birc5 birc6 cst1 cst11 cst4 cst7 cst8 csta cstb cstl1 fetub hrg iceberg kng1 lcn1 ptprv pttg1 rp11-218c14.6表皮生长因子受体激活配体(epidermal growth factor receptor act-ivating ligand activity) 2: egf tgfa补体成分C1r (complement component C1r activity) 1: c1r补体成分C1s (complement component C1s activity) 1: c1s补体因子D (complement factor D activity) 1: cfd补体因子I (complement factor I activity) 1: cfi垂体神经部激素 (neurohypophyseal hormone activity) 4: avp lonrf2 lonrf3 oxt促激蛋白抑制因子 (activin inhibitor activity) 3: fst inha inhba促甲状腺素释放激素 (thyrotropin-releasing hormone activity) 1: trh蛋白激酶CK2 调控因子(protein kinase CK2 regulator activity) 3: csnk2b faf1 ly6g5b蛋白激酶C 抑制因子(protein kinase C inhibitor activity) 4: sfn ywhag ywhah ywhaq蛋白激酶激活因子 (protein kinase activator activity) 1: madd蛋白激酶抑制因子 (protein kinase inhibitor activity) 13: agtr2 dnajc3 gmfg mapk8ip1 mbip ppp1r1b sh3bp5 socs1 socs3 trib1 trib2 trib3 wnk1蛋白酪氨酸性磷酸酶激活因子(protein tyrosine phosphatase activat-or activity) 2: igfbp3 ppp2r4蛋白磷酸酶1 调控因子(protein phosphatase type 1 regulator activity) 1: ppp1r7蛋白磷酸酶2A 调控因子(protein phosphatase type 2A regulator activity) 18: eif2ak2 igbp1 ppme1 ppp2r1a ppp2r1b ppp2r2a ppp2r2b ppp2r2c ppp2r2d ppp2r3a ppp2r3b ppp2r4 ppp2r5a ppp2r5b ppp2r5c ppp2r5d ppp2r5e set蛋白磷酸酶4 调控因子(protein phosphatase type 4 regulator activity) 1:ppp4r1蛋白磷酸酶抑制因子(protein phosphatase inhibitor activity) 17: c13orf18 c7orf16 cabin1 phactr1 phactr2 phactr3 ppme1 ppp1r10 ppp1r14a ppp1r14b ppp1r14c ppp1r14d ppp1r1b ppp1r2p1 ptn sag set蛋白酶体激活因子 (proteasome activator activity) 3: psme1 psme2 psme3蛋白酶体抑制因子 (proteasome inhibitor activity) 1: psmf1蛋白酶抑制因子 (protease inhibitor activity) 1: defb126蛋白丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶激活因子 (protein serine/threonine kinase activator activity) 1: cdk5r1凋亡蛋白酶激活因子 (apoptotic protease activator activity) 2: ebag9 mal调控因子, G 蛋白信号转导(regulator of G-protein signaling activity) 4: frs2 pdcl rgs6 rgs7二成分传感器(two-component sensor activity) 10: aggf1 commd3 kcnh1 kcnh2 kcnh3 kcnh4 kcnh5 kcnh8mgc2749 vcpip1二成分应答调控因子 (two-component response regulator activity) 2: pde8a pde8b翻译调控因子 (translation regulator activity) 10: aire mrpl11 mrpl18 mrpl28 mrpl32 mrpl34 mrpl35 mrpl37 mrpl43 mrpl9翻译激活因子 (translation activator activity) 3: creb3 pabpc1 paip1翻译启动因子 (translation initiation factor activity) 54: bzw1 cops5 denr eif1 eif1ax eif1ay eif1b eif2a eif2b1 eif2b2 eif2b3 eif2b4 eif2b5 eif2c1 eif2c2 eif2c3 eif2c4 eif2s1 eif2s2 eif2s3 eif3s1 eif3s10 eif3s12 eif3s2 eif3s3 eif3s4 eif3s5 eif3s6 eif3s7 eif3s8 eif3s9 eif4a1 eif4a2 eif4b eif4e eif4e2 eif4enif1 eif4g1 eif4g2 eif4g3 eif5 eif5a eif5b fmnl2 itgb4bp kiaa0664 lgtn loc143244 mgc11102 mrpl49 mtif2 mtif3 wbscr1 wdr44翻译释放因子 (translation release factor activity) 3: gspt1 ict1 loc285442翻译释放因子, 密码子特异(translation release factor activity, codon specific) 2: etf1 mtrf1翻译延伸因子(translation elongation factor activity) 24: c1orf83 eef1a1 eef1a2 eef1b2 eef1d eef1g eef2 eefsec emg1 gfm1 gfm2 hbs1l loc126037 loc441032 supt16h tcea1 tcea2 tcea3 tceal1 tceal4 tceal5 tceal6 tsfm tufm翻译抑制因子 (translation repressor activity) 2: eif4ebp3 paip2翻译抑制因子, 核酸结合(translation repressor activity, nucleic acid binding) 2: brunol4 cugbp1翻译因子, 核酸结合(translation factor activity, nucleic acid binding) 5:abcf1 eef2k gtf2h2 gtf2h3 pet112l芳烃受体核转位因子(aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator activity) 2: arnt arnt2负调控因子, 基本转录 (negative regulator of basal transcription activity) 1: mdm2负转录延伸因子(negative transcription elongation factor activity) 2: supt4h1 supt5h钙蛋白酶抑制因子 (calpain inhibitor activity) 1: cast钙调蛋白抑制因子 (calmodulin inhibitor activity) 1: ppp3r1钙敏感鸟苷酸环化酶激活因子(calcium sensitive guanylate cyclase activator activity) 5: guca1a guca1b guca1c guca2b rcv1钙通道调控因子 (calcium channel regulator activity) 5: defa4 npy npy2r pln sri钙通道抑制因子 (calcium channel inhibitor activity) 2: ambp tnni3光感受器 (photoreceptor activity) 2: opn1lw opn1mw胱冬酶激活因子 (caspase activator activity) 11: apaf1 bcl2l13 card4 casp1 map3k5 nalp1 nalp12 pycard tnfrsf10a tnfrsf10b tpd52l1胱冬酶抑制因子(caspase inhibitor activity) 6: birc4 birc5 hspa5 tnfrsf7 tnfsf14 triap1广谱蛋白酶抑制因子 (wide-spectrum protease inhibitor activity) 2: a2m pzp 黑素浓缩激素(melanin-concentrating hormone activity) 3: pmch pmchl1 pmchl2黄体化激素释放因子(luteinizing hormone-releasing factor activity) 1: gnrh1激酶激活因子 (kinase activator activity) 2: il2 mobkl1a激酶抑制因子 (kinase inhibitor activity) 4: ahsg rhoh s100b socs5激素 (hormone activity) 87: adcyap1 adipoq adm adm2 agt amh apitd1 apln calca cck ccl25 cga cgb cgb2 cgb7 chgb copa csh1 csh2 cshl1 edn1 epo flj40142 gast gcg gh1 gh2 ghrh gip gnrh2 gpha2 gphb5 guca2a hamp iapp igf1 igf2 inha inhba inhbb inhbc inhbe ins insl3 insl4 insl5 insl6 kl lep lhb loc401720 loc642373 loc643641 mgc45438 mln muc1 nmb nppa nppc ostn oxt pomc ppy prl prlh prrg2 pth pthlh pyy retn retnlb rln1 rln2 rln3 sct sst stc1 stc2 tg thpo tshb ttr ucn2 ucn3 uts2 uts2d vip加端引导微管运动 (plus-end-directed microtubule motor activity) 1: kif3b 甲状腺激素受体辅激活蛋白 (thyroid hormone receptor coactivator activity) 1: thrap5钾通道调控因子(potassium channel regulator activity) 15: adra2a arpp-19chp dlg1 kcnab1 kcnab2 kcnab3 kcne1 kcnj12 kcnmb1 kcnmb2 kcnmb3 kcns1 kcns3 sgk2钾通道抑制因子 (potassium channel inhibitor activity) 2: alox12 rasa1金属内肽酶抑制因子 (metalloendopeptidase inhibitor activity) 8: col4a3 lxn reck spock3 timp1 timp2 timp3 timp4跨膜受体蛋白酪氨酸激酶激活因子(transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase activator activity) 3: angpt4 nrg1 nrg3跨膜受体蛋白酪氨酸激酶信号转导蛋白(transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling protein activity)1: insr跨膜受体蛋白丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶信号转导蛋白(transmembrane receptor protein serine/threonine kinase signaling protein activity) 1: amhr2蓝光感受器 (blue light photoreceptor activity) 1: opn1sw利尿激素 (diuretic hormone activity) 1: nppb离子通道抑制因子(ion channel inhibitor activity) 5: ensa kcnj12 kcnmb2 loc400986 rsc1a1磷酸化酶激酶调控因子 (phosphorylase kinase regulator activity) 3: ikbkap phka1 phkb磷酸肌醇3 激酶调控因子(phosphoinositide 3-kinase regulator activity) 5: abl2 dapp1 pik3r1 pik3r2 pik3r3磷酸酶调控因子 (phosphatase regulator activity) 1: zfhx1b磷酸酶激活因子 (phosphatase activator activity) 2: frs2 ppp2r4磷酸酶抑制因子 (phosphatase inhibitor activity) 2: anp32e tesc磷脂酶抑制因子(phospholipase inhibitor activity) 6: anxa1 anxa2 anxa4 anxa5 pdc sncb磷脂酶A2 激活因子 (phospholipase A2 activator activity) 1: plaa磷脂酶A2 抑制因子(phospholipase A2 inhibitor activity) 3: anxa1 anxa3 scgb1a1磷脂酰肌醇3 激酶调控因子(phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulator activity) 1: cckbr酶调控因子(enzyme regulator activity) 7: atp6v1h brcc3 cpn2 ppp1r7 rab3gap2 rgn sln酶激活因子(enzyme activator activity) 39: alox5ap apoc2 arf4 arl1 casp9 clps ctage1 ctage3 ctage5 ctage6 cxcl1 dbnl fzr1 gmfg gtf3c4 guca2b hspb2 loc340204 loc442780 ltc4s map3k7ip1 mgst2 mmp15 mmp16 mmp17 mmp24 pitrm1 ppard ppgb ppp1r12b prkra psap rfc1 rfc3 sae1 scg5 trim23 uba2 ube1l酶抑制因子(enzyme inhibitor activity) 21: angptl3 angptl4 arrb1 atpif1 azin1 cabp1 csn2 gckr lxn nf1 pde6g pde6h prpsap1 prpsap2 scg5 spock3 timp1 timp2 timp3 timp4 twist1滤泡刺激激素 (follicle-stimulating hormone activity) 1: fshb钠: 氢逆向运输蛋白调控因子(sodium:hydrogen antiporter regulator activity) 1: slc9a3r1钠通道调控因子 (sodium channel regulator activity) 3: nedd4l sgk2 tmprss3脑特异血管生成抑制因子 (brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor activity) 3: bai1 bai2 bai3内肽酶抑制因子(endopeptidase inhibitor activity) 18: a2ml1 atp7b c3 c4a c4b c5 cd109 loc340268 loc388503 loc392631 lpa ovos ovos2 pros1 r3hdm1 renbp spp2 thbs1鸟氨酸脱羧酶激活因子 (ornithine decarboxylase activator activity) 1: prlr 鸟氨酸脱羧酶抑制因子 (ornithine decarboxylase inhibitor activity) 3: oaz1 oaz2 oaz3鸟苷酸环化酶激活因子 (guanylate cyclase activator activity) 1: guca2a鸟苷酸环化酶抑制因子 (guanylate cyclase inhibitor activity) 1: pdzd3鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换因子(guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity) 36: bcar3 c20orf132 dock1 dock10 dock11 dock3 dock4 dock5 dock6 dock7 dock8 dock9 eef1d eif2b1 eif2b2 epor herc2 plce1 rabif ralgds ralgps1 ralgps2 rapgef1 rapgef3 rapgef4 rapgef6 rasd1 rasgef1c rasgrp3 rasgrp4 rgl2 rgr rpgr sh2d3c tagap tmem115配体调控转录因子 (ligand-regulated transcription factor activity) 6: brd8 erf humbindc notch2 nr2f1 nr2f2配体依赖核受体转录辅激活蛋白(ligand-dependent nuclear receptor transcription coactivator activity) 13: crsp2 crsp6 hmga1 med12 med4 ncoa6 pparbp ppargc1a rbm14 thrap1 thrap3 thrap4 trerf1凝血因子IXa (coagulation factor IXa activity) 2: f11 f9凝血因子VIIa (coagulation factor VIIa activity) 1: f7凝血因子XIIa (coagulation factor XIIa activity) 1: f12凝血因子XIa (coagulation factor XIa activity) 2: f11 f12凝血因子Xa (coagulation factor Xa activity) 1: f10普通RNA 聚合酶II 转录因子(general RNA polymerase II trans-cription factor activity) 20: gtf2a1 gtf2b gtf2e1 gtf2e2 gtf2f1 gtf2f2 gtf2h1 gtf2i taf11 taf12 taf13 taf1a taf1c taf4 taf6 taf7 taf9 tbp tcea1 trfp前胸腺向性激素 (prothoracicotrophic hormone activity) 2: igf1 igf2鞘脂激活因子蛋白 (sphingolipid activator protein activity) 1: gm2a趋化因子(chemokine activity) 48: c5 ccl1 ccl11 ccl13 ccl14 ccl15 ccl16 ccl17 ccl18 ccl19 ccl2 ccl20 ccl21 ccl22 ccl23 ccl24 ccl25 ccl26 ccl27 ccl28 ccl3 ccl3l1 ccl3l3 ccl4 ccl4l2 ccl5 ccl7 ccl8 cklf cx3cl1 cxcl1 cxcl10 cxcl11 cxcl12 cxcl13 cxcl14 cxcl16 cxcl2 cxcl3 cxcl5 cxcl6 cxcl9 il8 pf4 pf4v1 ppbp xcl1 xcl2巯基二硫化物交换中介(thiol-disulfide exchange intermediate activity) 5: glrx2 txn txn2 txndc txnl1神经肽激素(neuropeptide hormone activity) 21: adcyap1 agrp asmt calcb cort crh flj31945 gal galp grp loc441107 npff npy nts p518 penk pnoc tac1 trh ucn vip肾素 (renin activity) 1: ren生长激素释放激素 (growth hormone-releasing hormone activity) 1: ghrl生长因子(growth factor activity) 133: amh areg artn bcgf1 bdnf bmp1 bmp10 bmp15 bmp2 bmp3 bmp4 bmp5 bmp6 bmp7 bmp8a bmp8b btc c11orf43 cd320 cecr1 clcf1 clec11a cntf cspg5 cxcl1 cxcl12 dkk1 ecgf1 edn2 egf ereg esm1 fgf1 fgf10 fgf11 fgf12 fgf13 fgf14 fgf16 fgf17 fgf18 fgf19 fgf2 fgf20 fgf21 fgf22 fgf23 fgf3 fgf4 fgf5 fgf6 fgf7 fgf8 fgf9 figf gdf1 gdf10 gdf11 gdf15 gdf2 gdf3 gdf5 gdf6 gdf8 gdf9 gdnf gkn1 gmfb gmfg gpi grn grp hbegf hdgf hdgfrp3 hgf igf1 igf2 inha inhba inhbb inhbc inhbe jag1 jag2 kitlg lefty1 lefty2 lif ltbp4 mdk mia ndp ngfb nodal nov nrg1 nrg2 nrg3 nrg4 nrtn ntf3 nudt6 ogn okl38 p11 pdgfa pdgfb pgf ppbp prok1 pspn ptn rabep2 s100a6 spp1 tdgf1 tdgf3 tff1 tgfa tgfb1 tgfb2 tgfb3 thpo tmeff1 unq3072 vegf vegfb vegfc vgf vwa2 vwf wisp3受体信号转导蛋白(receptor signaling protein activity) 38: araf arf1 bag1 bag4 braf cd19 cd247 daxx dcamkl1 fcar fcer1a fcer1g fcer2 fcgr1a fcgr2a flrt2 flrt3 gna13 gnao1 gnaz ifitm1 il1rl1 il3ra il4r ms4a1 ncr1 nsmaf pip5k2b plcg1 raf1 rgs12 rgs14 siva smad1 smad5 tbl3 tiam1 tyrobp受体信号转导蛋白酪氨酸激酶信号转导蛋白(receptor signaling protein tyrosine kinase signaling protein activity)1: cspg4受体信号转导蛋白酪氨酸性磷酸酶信号转导蛋白(receptor signaling protein tyrosine phosphatase signaling protein activity) 1: cspg4受体信号转导蛋白丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶信号转导蛋白(receptor signaling protein serine/threonine kinase signaling protein activity) 2: smad6 smad7受体拮抗因子 (receptor antagonist activity) 2: esr2 il18bp丝氨酸型内肽酶抑制因子 (serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity) 75: a2m agt aplp2 app col6a3 col7a1 crim1 itih1 itih2 itih3 itih4 itih5 kal1loc643641 nfe2l2 nupl1 papln pebp1 pi3 pzp reck serpina1 serpina10 serpina11 serpina12 serpina13 serpina2 serpina4 serpina5 serpina6 serpina7 serpina9 serpinb1 serpinb10 serpinb11 serpinb13 serpinb2 serpinb3 serpinb5 serpinb6 serpinb7 serpinb8 serpinb9 serpinc1 serpind1 serpine1 serpine2 serpinf1 serpinf2 serping1 serpinh1 serpini1 serpini2 slpi spink1 spink2 spink4 spink5 spink6 spink7 spinlw1 spint2 spint3 tcag7.216 tfpi tfpi2 wfdc1 wfdc10a wfdc12 wfdc2 wfdc3 wfdc5 wfdc6 wfdc8 wfikkn2特异RNA 聚合酶II 转录因子(specific RNA polymerase II trans-cription factor activity) 28: atf4 dek etv7 fos foxa3 foxn1 gfi1b glis1 glis3 ipf1 irf7 meis2 nfrkb nrl pknox1 sox9 trim24 usf1 zbtb7b znf136 znf141 znf143 znf148 znf161 znf202 znf238 znf281 znf345特异转录抑制因子(specific transcriptional repressor activity) 9: hdac10 hdac5 hdac6 hdac7a hdac9 nkrf ubp1 zbtb16 zf铜伴侣蛋白 (copper chaperone activity) 1: cox17细胞因子(cytokine activity) 86: areg bmp1 bmp10 bmp15 bmp2 bmp3 bmp4 bmp5 bmp6 bmp7 bmp8b cer1 clcf1 cmtm1 cmtm2 cmtm3 cmtm4 cmtm5 cmtm6 cmtm7 cmtm8 csf2 csf3 ctf1 ebi3 fam3b fam3c fam3d flt3lg gdf1 gdf10 gdf11 gdf15 gdf2 gdf3 gdf5 gdf6 gdf8 gdf9 gpi grem1 grem2 grn ifng ik il10 il11 il12b il16 il17 il17b il17c il17d il17e il17f il19 il2 il24 il26 il28a il28b il3 il32 il5 il6 inha inhba inhbb lefty1 lefty2 lif mdk mif nodal osm pbef1 ptn scgb1a1 scgb3a1 scye1 sectm1 slurp1 spp1 tgfb2 thpo tnfrsf11b纤溶酶抑制因子 (plasmin inhibitor activity) 1: ambp纤溶酶原激活因子(plasminogen activator activity) 5: eno1 plat plau serpinb2 serpine1腺嘌呤核苷酸交换因子(adenyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity) 2: grpel1 grpel2小GTP 酶调控因子(small GTPase regulator activity) 21: cdc42bpa cdc42bpb cdc42bpg cit garnl3 ipo7 krit1 map4k1 map4k2 map4k3 map4k4 map4k5 mapre3 mink1 rims1 rin2 rpip8 tnik vps39 was wasl信号转导因子(signal transducer activity) 261: adrbk1 adrbk2 ahrr aip akap10 akap13 apol3 arhgef11 arl3 arnt arnt2 arntl arntl2 asz1 atp2c1 axin1 axin2 bcar1 bcl10 birc2 bmp4 bmx bsg bst2 cant1 capn3 card4 casp1 casp8 cbl cblb cc2d1a ccl14 ccl3 ccl8 cdk2ap1 cflar chka clock cltcl1 cnot7 cops2 crebbp cspg4 ctnnb1 dixdc1 dkk1 dkkl1 drctnnb1a dvl1 dvl2 dvl3 ecm1 ecop ect2 eef1d epag epas1 erg fadd flj40712 flna gja1 gna11 gna12 gna14 gna15gnai1 gnai2 gnai3 gnal gnaq gnas gnat1 gnat2 gnat3 gnb1 gnb2 gnb3 gnb4 gnb5 gng10 gng11 gng12 gng13 gng2 gng3 gng4 gng5 gng5ps gng7 gng8 gngt1 gngt2 golt1b gpr89a grk1 grk4 grk5 grk6 grk7 hif1a hif3a hmox1 ide ikbkap ikbke ikbkg il12b il13 il15 il17b il18 il1a il1b irs1 irs2 itgb3bp lgals1 lgals9 litaf loc390387 lsp1 ly86 malt1 map3k3 mapkapk2 mib2 myd88 mylk ncoa1 ncoa2 ncoa3 ndfip1 nek6 nfkbib ngfb npas1 npas2 npas3 pask pctk3 pdcd1 pdcd6ip per1 per2 per3 pkp1 plcb1 plcb2 plcb3 plcb4 plcd1 plcd4 plcg2 plch2 plekhb1 plekhg5 plk2 plrg1 ppfia1 ppm1a ppp1r12a ppp5c prkce prkra prmt2 ptk2b pwp2h rapgef2 rasgrp3 rel rela rfp2 rgs1 rgs10 rgs11 rgs13 rgs16 rgs17 rgs18 rgs19 rgs2 rgs20 rgs22 rgs3 rgs4 rgs5 rgs6 rgs7 rgs8 rgs9 rhoa rhoc ripk1 ripk2 rtn1 rtn2 s100a9 scotin sectm1 sh3bp4 shc3 sim1 sim2 slc35b2 slc44a2 smad6 snx13 snx14 snx25 srp72 stat1 stat2 stat3 stat4 stat5a stat5b stat6 stmn1 sufu tbk1 tfg tgfa thbs1 tmem9b tnk1 tollip tradd traf2 traf3 traf3ip2 traf5 traf6 trim38 trim55 trim63 tspan6 tspan8 vapa visa wnt10a wnt10b wnt11 wnt16 wnt2 wnt2b wnt3 wnt3a wnt4 wnt5b wnt6 wnt7a wnt7b wnt8a wnt8b wnt9a wnt9b yars zdhhc13 zdhhc171 型丝氨酸/苏氨酸特异蛋白磷酸酶抑制因子(type 1 serine/threonine specific protein phosphatase inhibitor activity) 4: ppp1r1a ppp1r2 ppp1r3a ppp1r8氧传感器 (oxygen sensor activity) 1: egln2胰蛋白酶抑制因子 (trypsin inhibitor activity) 3: ambp pi15 serpinb12胰凝乳蛋白酶抑制因子 (chymotrypsin inhibitor activity) 1: serpina3乙酰胆碱受体激活因子 (acetylcholine receptor activator activity) 1: cdk5造血蛋白/干扰素类(D200 域)细胞因子受体信号转导因子(hemato-poietin/interferon-class (D200-domain)cytokine receptor signal transducer activity) 4: sp110 stat1 stat2 stat3真核延伸因子2 激酶激活因子(eukaryotic elongation factor-2 kinase activator activity) 1: prkaa1正转录延伸因子 (positive transcription elongation factor activity) 6: ell ell3 hmgn1 supt16h supt4h1 supt5h周期蛋白依赖蛋白激酶调控因子(cyclin-dependent protein kinase regulator activity) 4: cables1 cables2 cks1b cks2周期蛋白依赖蛋白激酶抑制因子 (cyclin-dependent protein kinase inhibitor activity) 8: cdkn1a cdkn1b cdkn1c cdkn2a cdkn2b cdkn2c cdkn2d hexim1周期蛋白依赖蛋白激酶5 激活因子(cyclin-dependent protein kinase 5 activator activity) 2: cdk5r1 cdk5r2转录调控因子(transcription regulator activity) 88: ahrr ascl3 ascl4 ash2latoh8 baz2a bhlhb8 bola1 bola2 bola3 chd8 ciita cnot2 cnot3 crsp3 crsp9 dtx1 falz figla flj36749 hand2 helt hes1 hes2 hes3 hes4 hes5 hey2 loc389305 loc390754 loc390811 lyl1 max mesp2 mlx mlxip mlxipl msc msgn1 mxd3 mxd4 mxi1 myb myf5 myod1 ncoa1 ncoa2 ncoa3 neurod4 neurod6 neurog2 neurog3 nhlh1 nhlh2 npas3 nup62 olig1 olig2 olig3 rad51 rfx1 rfx2 rfx3 rpl7 rpl7l1 smarcd3 srebf1 srebf2 ssbp2 ssbp3 ssbp4 tal1 tal2 tcf12 tcf24 tcfl5 tfap4 tfeb tfec uba52 usf1 usf2 vgll1 vgll2 vgll3 zfx zfy znf6转录辅激活蛋白 (transcription coactivator activity) 138: aip alf apex1 arid1b arnt atf2 atf6 brca1 brd8 brdt carm1 cbfb ccne1 cdk7 ciita cops5 crebbp crsp3 crsp7 crsp9 ctnnb1 dtx1 dyrk1b e4f1 ecd edf1 elf3 ep300 epas1 esr2 fhl2 foxf1 foxf2 foxh1 gabpa gcn5l2 gli2 gmeb1 grip1 gtf2a1 gtf2f1 hcfc1 hcfc2 hsf2 htatip jmy junb klf1 klf7 maml1 maml2 maml3 med6 mef2a mef2b mef2c mef2d mkl2 mnt mtf1 mycbp myef2 myod1 ncoa1 ncoa2 ncoa3 ncoa4 nfatc3 nfatc4 nfe2 nfe2l3 nfkb2 nfkbib nfyc npm1 nr1h3 nr1h4 nr1i2 nr1i3 nr2c2 nr2f1 nr5a1 nrip1 pias1 pias2 pml pou2af1 pqbp1 pric285 prrx1 psmc3 ran rara rb1 rfx5 rfxank rfxap ripk3 rnf14 rnf4 rxra rxrb smarca2 smarca4 smarcc1 smarcc2 smarcd1 smarcd2 smarcd3 smarce1 snw1 sox10 sp4 srcap sub1 surb7 taf4 taf7 taf9 tcerg1 tcf20 tcf8 tfap2a tfap2b tfap4 tfdp1 tfec tgfb1i1 trim24 trim32 trip11 trip4 utf1 vgll1 wwtr1 yaf2 yy1 zfx转录辅因子 (transcription cofactor activity) 26: btg1 cbfa2t2 creb1 elk3 elk4 hes6 irf3 ldb1 ldb2 med4 nfe2l1 nmi nrg1 pcaf phox2b pir slc26a3 smad4 snd1 tada2l tfdp2 thrap4 thrap5 tmf1 trip13 trrap转录激活因子(transcriptional activator activity) 72: arid1a arnt atf4 brf1 cand2 cd80 cd86 churc1 cxxc1 dnm2 elf1 elf2 elf4 epc1 esrrg etv4 foxc1 fubp3 gata4 gata5 gata6 hbxap hivep3 hnrpd hoxa9 hoxb9 hoxc9 hoxd9 ikbkb ilf3 insaf irak1 irf4 jarid1a klf2 klf4 klf6 klp1 med4 mitf myb mybl1 myst4 nfatc2 nsbp1 onecut1 phb rp11-506k6.3 rreb1 runx1 sec14l2 smad1 smad2 smad5 sp1 sp3 sry supt3h taf1l tcf1 tcf2 tgfb1 thrap4 thrap5 titf1 tp53bp1 tp73l ube2v1 ywhah znf148 znf38 znf398转录启动因子(transcription initiation factor activity) 7: alf gtf2a1 supt3h taf4 taf4b taf6 taf6l转录抑制因子(transcriptional repressor activity) 54: arid4a arid5a arid5b bclaf1 cbx2 cnot7 cnot8 dmap1 dnmt3l eed epc1 gatad2a hbxap hdac4 hexim1 id1 id2 ifi16 ilf3 khdrbs1 klf4 ldb1 lrrfip1 mbd2 myst4 nab1 nkx2-5 nr1i2 parn phb phf12 pias4 pml ppard rest rfx3 ring1 scmh1 sp3 toe1 tp73l tsc22d4 twist2 ybx1 zbtb7a zfhx1b znf24 znf253 znf278 znf282 znf33a znf396 znf675 znfn1a4转录协阻抑因子 (transcription corepressor activity) 86: apex1 atf3 atf5 bcor c19orf2 cart1 cbx4 cir creg1 csda ctcf ddit3 ddx54 dr1 drap1 e2f1 e2f6 e4f1 erf grlf1 hd hipk2 hira hoxc6 hsbp1 hsf4 id3 id4 jazf1 junb kcnip3 klf12 l3mbtl2 mbd1 mecp2 meis2 mnt msc mxd1 mxd4 mxi1 nab2 ncor1 ncor2 nfil3 nfkbil2 nr0b2 nr1d1 nr1h4 nr2f2 nrip1 nsd1 pfdn5 pias1 pias3 plrg1 ppp1r13l psmc3 rbm9 relb rnf12 sap18 sap30 sf1 sfrs2 siah2 skil ssx1 sufu tcf8 tfec tgif thrb trib3 trim22 trim28 tsg101 ttrap ubp1 yaf2 yy1 zfpm2 znf136 znf274 znf593 znf85转录延伸调控因子(transcriptional elongation regulator activity) 7: htatsf1 pcdh1 tcea2 tceb1 tceb3 tceb3b tsfm转录因子(transcription factor activity) 825: adnp aebp1 aff1 ahr aire alx3 alx4 ar argfx arid3a arid4a arnt arnt2 arntl arntl2 arx ascl1 ascl2 atf1 atf3 atf4 atf6 atf7 atoh1 atrx bach1 bapx1 barhl1 barhl2 barx1 barx2 batf baz1b bcl6 bhlhb2 bhlhb3 blzf1 bnc1 brd8 brf1 btaf1 btf3l2 btf3l3 btg2 bud31 c10orf121 c21orf7 c9orf152 cart1 cbfa2t2 cbfa2t3 cbfb cbl ccdc88 ccrn4l cdx1 cdx2 cdx4 cebpb ches1 chx10 cir cited1 cited2 clock cnot7 cnot8 creb1 creb5 crebbp crebl1 crebl2 crem crx csda ctcf cutl1 cutl2 dbx2 ddit3 dlx1 dlx2 dlx3 dlx4 dlx5 dlx6 dmrt1 dmrt2 dmrta1 dmrtc2 drap1 dscr1 dux1 dux2 dux3 dux4 duxa e2f1 e2f2 e2f3 e2f4 e2f5 e2f6 e2f7 e4f1 edf1 egr1 egr2 egr3 egr4 elf1 elf2 elf3 elf4 elf5 elk1 elk3 elk4 emx1 emx2 en1 en2 eomes ep300 erf erg esr1 esr2 esrra esrrb esrrg esx1 ets1 ets2 etv1 etv2 etv3 etv4 etv5 etv6 etv7 evx1 evx2 fkhl18 fli1 flj14981 flj16478 flj25680 flj38773 flj40712 flj46838 fmnl2 fosl1 fosl2 foxa1 foxa2 foxa3 foxb1 foxc1 foxc2 foxd1 foxd2 foxd3 foxd4 foxd4l1 foxd4l4 foxe1 foxe3 foxf1 foxf2 foxg1a foxg1b foxg1c foxh1 foxi1 foxj1 foxj2 foxj3 foxk1 foxk2 foxl1 foxl2 foxm1 foxn1 foxn4 foxo1a foxo3a foxp1 foxp2 foxp3 foxp4 foxq1 fubp1 gabpa gabpap gabpb2 gas7 gata1 gata2 gata3 gata4 gata5 gata6 gatad2a gatad2b gbx1 gbx2 gcm1 gli2 gli3 glyctk gsc gscl gsh1 gsh2 gtf2a2 gtf2h2 gtf2h3 gtf2h4 gtf2i hand1 hcfc1 hcls1 hdac1 hdac2 hes6 hesx1 hey1 hhex hic1 hif1a hif3a hip2 hira hkr3 hlx1 hlxb9 hmg20b hmga1 hmgb2 hmx1 hmx3 hnf4a hnf4g hop hoxa1 hoxa10 hoxa11 hoxa13 hoxa2 hoxa3 hoxa4 hoxa5 hoxa6 hoxa7 hoxa9 hoxb1 hoxb13 hoxb2 hoxb3 hoxb4 hoxb5 hoxb6 hoxb7 hoxb8 hoxb9 hoxc10 hoxc11 hoxc12 hoxc13 hoxc4 hoxc5 hoxc6 hoxc8 hoxc9 hoxd1 hoxd10 hoxd11 hoxd12 hoxd13 hoxd3 hoxd4 hoxd8 hoxd9 hr hsaj2425 hsf1 hsf2 hsf4 hsfy2 htlf ipf1 irf1 irf2 irf3 irf4 irf5 irf6 irf7 irx1 irx2 irx3 irx4 irx5 irx6 isgf3g isl1 isl2 jarid1a jun junb jund kiaa0863 kiaa1443 kiaa1549 klf1 klf10klf11 klf12 klf2 klf3 klf4 klf7 klf9 krtap5-1 l3mbtl lass2 lass3 lass4 lass5 lbx1 lhx1 lhx2 lhx3 lhx5 lhx6 lhx8 lhx9 lmo1 lmo4 lmx1a lmx1b loc283999 loc340260 loc342900 loc344167 loc344191 loc360030 loc390259 loc390874 loc390937 loc399839 loc401860 loc401861 loc440014 loc440015 loc440017 loc441056 loc441488 lztr1 lzts1 mafg mafk maml3 max mbd1 mds1 mef2a mef2b mef2c mef2d meis1 meis2 meis3 meox1 meox2 mll mll4 mllt10 mllt7 mlx mnt morf4 msc msl3l1 msrb2 msx1 msx2 mta1 mta2 mta3 mtf1 mxd1 mybl2 myc mycl1 mycn myf6 myog myst2 myt1 myt1l myt2 nanog neurod2 neurog1 nfat5 nfatc1 nfatc2 nfatc3 nfatc4 nfe2 nfe2l1 nfe2l2 nfe2l3 nfia nfib nfic nfil3 nfix nfkb1 nfkb2 nfx1 nfya nfyb nfyc nkx1-1 nkx2-2 nkx2-3 nkx2-4 nkx2-5 nkx2-6 nkx2-8 nkx3-1 nkx6-1 nme2 nobox noto npas1 npas2 nr0b1 nr0b2 nr1d1 nr1d2 nr1h2 nr1h3 nr1h4 nr1i2 nr1i3 nr2c1 nr2c2 nr2e1 nr2e3 nr2f1 nr2f2 nr2f6 nr3c1 nr3c2 nr4a1 nr4a2 nr4a3 nr5a1 nr5a2 nr6a1 nrf1 onecut1 onecut2 onecut3 or2h2 otex otp otx1 otx2 ovol1 pa2g4 pax3 pax4 pax6 pax7 pax8 pbx1 pbx2 pbx3 pbx4 pcgf2 peg3 pepp-2 pfdn1 pgbd1 pgr phf1 phf2 phf5a phox2a phox2b phtf1 pitx1 pitx2 pitx3 pknox1 pknox2 plag1 plagl2 pmfbp1 pml pou1f1 pou2f1 pou2f2 pou2f3 pou3f1 pou3f2 pou3f3 pou3f4 pou4f1 pou4f2 pou4f3 pou5f1 pou5f1p1 pou6f1 pou6f2 ppara ppard pparg ppbpl2 prdm1 prdm16 prdm2 prop1 prrx1 prrx2 pttg1 rara rarb rarg rax raxlx rb1 rbpsuh rbpsuhl rel rela relb rere rexo4 rfx5 rfxank rfxap rlf rnf4 rora rorb rorc rp11-159h20.4 rp11-561o23.3 runx1 runx1t1 runx2 runx3 rxra rxrb rxrg sall1 sall2 satb1 satb2 scand1 scand2 scml1 scml2 scrt1 shox shox2 sim1 sim2 six1 six2 six3 six4 six5 six6 slc26a3 slc2a4rg smad1 smad3 smad4 smad5 smarca4 snapc2 snapc5 solh sox1 sox13 sox14 sox15 sox2 sox21 sox4 sox5 sox5p sox6 sox8 sp140 spdef spi1 spib spic srebf1 srf st18 stat1 stat2 stat3 stat4 stat5a stat5b stat6 supt6h sybl1 t tada2l tada3l taf13 taf1b taf4 taf4b taf5 taf5l taf7 taf7l tardbp tbr1 tbx1 tbx10 tbx15 tbx18 tbx19 tbx2 tbx20 tbx21 tbx22 tbx3 tbx4 tbx5 tbx6 tceal1 tcf1 tcf15 tcf19 tcf2 tcf3 tcf7l1 tcf7l2 tcf8 tcfl5 tead1 tead2 tead3 tead4 tfam tfap2a tfap2b tfap2c tfcp2 tfdp1 tfdp2 tfdp3 tfe3 tfeb tfec tgif tgif2 tgif2lx tgif2ly thra thrb titf1 tlx1 tlx2 tlx3 tnrc4 tp53 tp73 tp73l tprx1 trerf1 trim15 trim16 trim22 trim25 trim28 trim29 trps1 tsc22d1 tsc22d2 tsc22d3 tsc22d4 tshz1 tshz2 tshz3 tulp4 ube2w ubp1 ubxd2 usf2 vav1 vax1 vax2 vdr ventx ventxp7 vps72 vsx1 wt1 xbp1 ybx1 yeats4 yy1 zbtb17 zbtb25 zbtb38 zfhx1b zfhx2 zfp36l1 zfp36l2 zfp37 zfp95 zhx1 zhx2 zhx3 zic1 zkscan1 znf117 znf11a znf11b znf123 znf125 znf126 znf131 znf132 znf133 znf134 znf135 znf137 znf138 znf140 znf142 znf154 znf155 znf157 znf165 znf167 znf169 znf174 znf175 znf18 znf187 znf189 znf19。
[资料]电力专业英语(1)元件设备三绕组变压器:three-column transformer ThrClnTrans 双绕组变压器:double-column transformer DblClmnTrans 电容器:Capacitor并联电容器:shunt capacitorshunt 分流器,闪开,断开,并励电抗器:Reactor母线:Bus bar输电线:Transmission Line发电厂:power plant断路器:Breaker刀闸(隔离开关):Isolator分接头:tap电动机:motor(3) 状态参数有功:active power无功:reactive power电流:current容量:capacity电压:voltage档位:tap position有功损耗: active loss无功损耗:reactive loss功率因数:power-factor 要素,因素,代理人 factor 功率:power功角:power-angle电压等级:voltage grade空载损耗:no-load loss铁损:iron loss铜损:copper loss空载电流:no-load current(4) 电路阻抗:impedance正序阻抗:positive sequence impedance负序阻抗:negative sequence impedance零序阻抗:zero sequence impedance电阻:resistor电抗:reactance电导:conductance电纳:susceptance无功负载:reactive load 或者QLoad有功负载: active load或者 PLoad遥测:YC(telemetering)遥信:YX励磁电流(转子电流):magnetizing current定子:stator功角:power-angle上限:upper limit下限:lower limit并列的:apposable高压: high voltage低压:low voltage中压:middle voltage电力系统 power system发电机 generator励磁 excitation励磁器 excitermain exciter主励磁机电动励磁机motor-driven exciter副励磁机导频激励器pilot exciter;整流器式励磁机rectifier exciter旋转磁场励磁机rotating-field exciter发电机励磁机 generator exciter 电压 voltage电流 current母线 bus变压器 transformer升压变压器 step-up transformer 高压侧 high side 输电系统 power transmission system输电线 transmission line 固定串联电容补偿fixed series capacitor compensation稳定 stability电压稳定 voltage stability功角稳定 angle stability暂态稳定 transient stability 电厂 power plant能量输送 power transfer交流 AC装机容量 installed capacity 电网 power system落点 drop point开关站 switch station双回同杆并架 double-circuit lines on the same tower变电站 transformer substation 补偿度 degree of compensation 高抗high voltage shunt reactor 无功补偿 reactive power compensation 故障 fault调节 regulation裕度 magin三相故障 three phase fault 故障切除时间 fault clearing time 极限切除时间 critical clearing time 切机 generator triping高顶值 high limited value 强行励磁 reinforced excitation 线路补偿器LDC(line drop compensation)机端 generator terminal 静态 static (state)动态 dynamic (state)单机无穷大系统 one machine - infinity bus system机端电压控制 AVR电抗 reactance电阻 resistance功角 power angle有功(功率) active power无功(功率) reactive power 功率因数 power factor无功电流 reactive current 下降特性 droop characteristics 斜率 slope 额定 rating变比 ratio参考值 reference value电压互感器 PT分接头 tap下降率 droop rate仿真分析 simulation analysis 传递函数 transfer function 框图 block diagram受端 receive-side裕度 margin同步 synchronization 失去同步 loss of synchronization阻尼 damping摇摆 swing保护断路器 circuit breaker电阻:resistance电抗:reactance阻抗:impedance电导:conductance电纳:susceptance导纳:admittance电感:inductance电容: capacitance二极管:diodehydraulic power plant 水力发电厂Remote control 远控HVAC(Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning)abbreviate 缩写~缩写为 abscissa axis 横坐标absolute encoder 绝对编码器 ac squirrel cage induction motor 交流笼型感应电动机ac motor 交流环电动机 academic 纯理论的accelerometer 加速度测量仪 accommodate 适应accutrol 控制器acoustic wave 声波active 有源的active region 动态区域active filter 有源滤波器 active component 有功分量 active in respect to 相对….呈阻性 active(passive) circuit elements 有(无)源电路元件actuate 激励~驱动actuator 执行机构actuator 执行器adjacent 临近的,接近的 adjacent 相邻的~邻近的 Adjustable-voltage inverter 电压型逆变器admittance 导纳advent 出现air gap 气隙aircraft 飞机air-gap flux 气隙磁通 air-gap line 气隙磁化线 air-gap flux distribution 气隙磁通分布algebraic 代数的algebraic 代数的algebraical 代数的algorithm 算法algorithmic 算法的align 调整~校准allowable temperature rise 允许温升 alloy 合金allude 暗指~直接提到 alnico 铝镍钴合金alphabet 字母表alternating current, AC 交流 aluminum 铝ambient 环境的ambiguity 模棱两可Ammeter 安培计、电流表 ammeter 电流表ampere-turns 安匝(数) amplidyne 微场扩流发电机 amplification 扩大Amplitude Modulation AM调幅 analog electronics 电力电子学 analog-to-digital conversion, ADC 模数转换器analytical 解析的analytical 分析的~分解的 angular 角的anode 阳极、正极antenna 天线aptly 适当地~适宜地 arbitration 仲裁~公断 arc welding 电弧焊armature 电枢armature coil 电枢线圈 armature m.m.f wave 电枢磁势波 armature 衔铁armature 电枢armature circuit 电枢电路 arrangement 结构as a rule of thumb 根据经验 asynchronous machine 异步电机attenuate 衰减audio 音频的automatic station 无人值守电站 automatic oscillograph 自动示波器automatic Voltage regulator(AVR) 自动电压调整器automobile 汽车automobile starter motor 汽车启动机autonomic 自治的autonomous 匿名的autotransformer 自耦变压器 auxiliary 辅助的auxiliary motor 辅助电动机 auxiliary 辅助的backlash 啮合间隙~齿隙 ballast 镇流器bandwidth 带宽bar code reader 条码阅读器 base 基极bearing 轴承bellows 膜盒bilateral circuit 双向电路 bimotored 双马达的binary 二进制binary-coded decimal BCDbiphase 双相的bipolar junction transistor(BJT 双极性晶体管bistable circuit 双稳电路 blend 混合~调和~配料 block diagram 方框图blow (保险丝)烧断bode plot 波特图bolt 螺栓boost 增压boost-buck 升压去磁boredom 讨厌~无趣braking 制动branch circuit 直路breakaway force 起步阻力 breakdown 击穿breakdown torque 极限转矩 bronze 青铜brush 电刷brute 僵化的buck 补偿bushing 套管bushing 高压套bypass 旁路by-product 副产品calibrate 校正calibration 校准~标定~刻度calibration 标定~标准化 call for 需要cam 凸轮cantilever 悬臂capability 容量capacitance effect 电容效应 capacitor 电容器capacitor 电容器capacity 容量capsule 封装carbon 碳carbon-filament lamp 碳丝灯泡 carrier 载波Cartesian coordinates 笛卡儿坐标系cartridge 盒式保险丝 cast-aluminum rotor 铸铝转子 cathode 阴极cease 停止~终了centimeter 厘米centrifugal 离心的~离心力 centrifugal force 离心力 ceramic 陶瓷的chamber 室~腔chao 混乱checksum 检查和chopper circuit 斩波电路 circuit components 电路元件 circuit parameters 电路参数 circuit diagram 电路图 circuit branch 支路circuitry 电路~线路 circumference 圆周circumnavigate 饶过clamp 夹住~夹紧clamp 夹~钳classic 古典的~经典的~传统的clearance 间隙client-server 客户-服务器 client-server model 客户服务器模型clinker-cooler 熟料冷却器 closed-loop 闭环?coast 跟踪惯性coaxial 共轴的,同轴的 cogging 齿槽效应coil winding 线圈绕组 coils 线圈、绕组coincide in phase with 与….同相 coincidence 一致~相等 collector 集电极]collector 集电极commutation 换向commutation condition 换向状况 commutator 换向器commutator 换向器commutator-brush combination 换向器-电刷总线compatible 兼容的complement 补码complex impedance 复数阻抗 complex number 复数compound 紧密、结合 compound generator 复励发电机 compounded 复励compound-wound 复励condominium (国际)共官 conductance 电导conductor 导体conduit 导线~导线管 cone pulley 塔轮~快慢轮 configuration 组态connection 接线端constraint 强制~约束 contact 触点contactor 接触器contiguous 邻近的conveyance 运输工具conveyor 传送机copper bar 铜导条copper end rings 铜端环 core 铁心corona 电晕,放电corridor 通路corridor 通道~走廊 corrosion 腐蚀cost-effective 花费大的 counter emf 反电势counter electromotive force、CEMF 反电势counteract 抵抗~抵消~消除 counterclockwise 逆时针 counterpart 对应物coupling capacitor 结合电容 creep 蠕动criteria 标准~判据 crude 不精细的~粗略的 crystal 晶体crystal 晶体的~水晶~晶体 cubicle 立方体culminate 达到极值点 culprit 犯罪者cumulative compound 积复励 cumulatively compounded motor 积复励电动机Current source inverter 电流型逆变器cutoff 截止,关闭Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗余检查cylindrical 圆柱式的damper 减速器dashpot relay 油壶式继电器 dashpot 阻尼器DC link 直流环节dc generator 直流发电机 dc motor 直流电动机 de machine 直流电机decouple 解耦~去除干扰 deenergize 不给…通电 deflection 挠度、挠曲demagnetization 退磁~去磁 demodulation 解调demodulator 解调器demystify 阐明denominator 分母depict 描绘、描写depict 描述depress 压下derivative 导数derive 推倒deteriorate 使….恶化deterioration 损坏,磨损 deterioration 变化~降低品质 deviation 偏差dial 刻度盘dial 刻度盘~调节控制盘 diameter 直径diaphragm 震动膜diaphragm 膜片~挡板diaphragm 膜片diaphragm 膜~隔板dictate 确定differential compound 差复励 differential pressure transducer 差压变送器differential equation 微分方程 differentiation 微分diode 二极管direct axis 直轴direct axis transient time constant 直轴瞬变时间常数direct-current 直流discrete 离散的displacement 位移displacement current 位移电流 dissipate 散发dissipate 浪费distillation 蒸馏distributed system 分布式系统 distribution 分配~配电 doubly excited 双边励磁 drill 钻床due 应得到的dungen 地牢dwelling 住房dynamic response 动态响应 dynamic braking 能耗制动 dynamic-state operation 动态运行 dynamometer 测力计~功率计 e.m.f=electromotive fore 电动势 eddy 涡流eddy current braking 涡流制动 eddy current 涡流effective values 有效值effects of saturation 饱和效应elapse 时间(流逝)elapse 过去~消逝elbow 弯头electric energy 电能electrical stressing 电气应力 electrical device 电气设备 electrode 电极电焊条 electrodynamometer 电测力计 electro-hydraulic 电动液压的electrolytic 电解的electromagnetic torque 电磁转矩 electromagnetic interference 电磁干扰electromechanical 机电的 electronic mail 电子邮件 electro-pneumatic 电动气动的 elusive 难以捉摸的emitter 发射极emitter 发射管放射器、发射极enclosure 外(机)壳enclosure 机壳enclosure 设备外壳encode 编码encoder 编码器end ring 端环energize 励磁energy converter 电能转换器 entity 实体enumerate 列举envision 预见epoch angle 初相角equilibria 平衡equilibrium level 平均值 equivalent T–circuit T型等值电路equivalent circuit 等效电路 error signal 误差信号 error detector 误差检测器 error 误差~偏差escalation 升级~提高 establishment 组织~部门 etiquette 规则excitation system 励磁系统 excited by 励磁exciting voltage 励磁电压 expedite 加速expel 排出~放出expire 期满,终止exponential 指数external armature circuit 电枢外电路 external characteristic 外特性extruded 型材的fabricate 制造faithful 正确的~可靠的 fallout 余波~附带结果fasten 固定~连接feasible 可行的feedback system 反馈系统feedback loop 反馈回路feedback 反馈feedback component 反馈元件feedback signal 反馈信号feeder 馈电线~电源线~馈电板 feedforward 前馈felt 毡ferromagnetic 铁磁的fidelity 保真度fidelity 重现精度~真实~正确 field winding 磁场绕组、励磁绕组 field coils 励磁线圈field current 励磁电流field effect transistor(FET) 场效应管 field pole 磁极figure of merit 品质因数~优值 filter 滤波器fin 飞边fixture 设备~装臵]flicker 闪烁~摇曳flip-flop 触发器fluctuation 升降剥动~不规则的变化 fluorescent 荧光的~有荧光性的flux density 磁通密度flux linkage 磁链flux per pole 每极磁通forced commutation 强迫换流forced-draft 强制通风forging 锻造form-wound 模绕forward transfer function 正向传递函数 forward 转发fraction 分数frame 机座~机壳frequency 频率frequency- domain 频域Frequency Shift Keying(FSK) 移频键控 friction 摩擦full load 满载full-duplex 全双工full-load torque 满载转矩 furnace 炉fuse 保险丝、熔丝fuse 熔断器~保险丝 fuse 熔断器gain 增益gamut 全体~整体gear 齿轮、传动装臵 general-purpose relay 通用继电器 generating 发电generator 发电机generator 发电机generator voltage 发电机电压 Geometrical position 几何位臵 geometry 几何结构glitch 同步glue 胶合~粘贴goggles 护目镜~潜水镜 graphite 石墨grinder 磨床grossly 大概~大体上的 ground-fault protector (GFP)ground-fault circuit interrupter(GFCI) 接地故障保护器~接地故障断路器 gyroscope 陀螺仪half-duplex 半双工hand-wheel 手轮~驾驶盘~操纵盘hardwired 硬接线的harmonic 谐波的havoc 大破坏hazard 危险hazardous 危险的heat sink 散热器heating appliance 电热器 hierarchy 阶梯~等级 high-gain 高增益high-pass filter 高通滤波器 high-performance 高性能的 high-volume 大容量hitherto 迄今,至今hockey puck 冰球hoist 起重机horsepower 马力horsepower 马力horseshoe magnet 马蹄形磁铁 host 主机humidity 湿度hydraulic 液压传动hydraulic 液力的hydraulic 液压的~液压传动装臵hydropower station 水电站 hysteresis 磁滞ideal source 理想电源ideological 思想的imaginary part 虚部immunity 抗扰性impedance 阻抗impulse 推动力in parallel with 并联in series with 串联in terms of 根据~在……方面 in the vicinity of 在…附近~在…左右in(inch,inches) 英寸incident 入射的increment encoder 增量编码器 indicating needle 仪表、指针indispensable 必需的~必不可少的induced current 感生电流 induced-draft fan 吸风机 induction generator 感应发电机 induction coupling 感应耦合 induction machine 感应式电机 induction machine 感应电机 induction motor 感应电动机 induction motor 感应电动机 induction-disc relay 感应圆盘式继电器inductive component 感性(无功)分量inertia 惯性inertial 惯性的~惯量的 inference 干扰infinite voltage gain 无穷大电压增益 infrastructure 基础~底层结构inherent 固有的inhibit 禁止initiate 引起~促进injection molding 注模inrush current 涌流instantaneous electric power 瞬时电功率 instantaneous mechanical power 瞬时机械功率instruction set 指令集insulation 绝缘insulation 绝缘insulation 绝缘insulator string 绝缘子串intake 吸入integrate 求…的积分integrated circuit 集成电路 integration 积分下限integration 积分interactive 交互式interconnection 相互连接interface 接口interface data unit 接口数据单元 interfere with 有害于... internal resistance 内阻interoffice 局间的interrupter 断续(流、电、路)器 intimately 密切地intimately 紧密地~直接的 inventory 存货~清单inventory 存货inverse 倒数inverse time relay 反时限继电器 inversion 反相,反转inverting amplifier 反向放大器 iron-loss 铁损isolation 隔离、分离、绝缘、隔振isolation transformer 隔离变压器 jerk 振动~冲击jog 啮合joint 关节~铰链keyway 键槽killer 迷人的kiln 炉kinematic 运动的~运动学的 knob 旋钮、圆形把手 knob 钮~圆形把手lable 为……标号lagging(trailing) edge 下降沿 laminate 叠制~叠压 laminated core 叠片铁芯 lamination 叠片latch circuit 锁存电路 latching relay 自锁继电器 lathe 车床launcher 发生器~启动装臵 laundry 洗衣房leading edge 上升沿leakage 漏电流leakage reactance 漏磁电抗 leakage flux 漏磁通leakage current 漏电流 leakage 泄漏left-hand rule 左手定则 lever 杆,杠杆lever 手柄~控制杆 liable 有责任的light emitting diode 发光二极管 light-dimmer 调光lightning shielding 避雷 lightning arrester 避雷装臵 limit switch 限位开关 limiter 限幅器line 线电压line trap 限波器linear zone 线性区line-to-neutral 线与中性点间的 link 连杆live conductor 带电导体 load characteristic 负载特性 load-saturation curve 负载饱和曲线locked-rotor 锁定转子 locked-rotor torque 锁定转子转矩 longitudinal 经度了,纵向的 long-shunt 长复励loss 损耗low-pass filter 低通滤波器 lubricant 润滑剂、润滑油lubrication 润滑~注油 magnetic torque 电磁转矩 magnetic amplifier 磁放大器 magnetic circuit 磁路magnetic field 磁场magnetic flux 磁通magnetization curve 磁化曲线 magnetizing current 磁化电流~励磁电流magnetizing reacance 磁化电抗 magneto 磁发电机magnitude 振幅maintenance 维护malfunction 故障manipulations 操作~控制~处理 manipulator 机械手~操作器 manual control 手动控制 margin 余量~裕度mass 物质~块~堆mass-produce 大量生产 mature 成熟的means 手段~工具measurand 被测量~被测量对象 mechanical rectifier 机械式整流器mechanical stressing 机械应力 mechanical rectifier 机械式换向器Megohmmeter 兆欧表merit 优点~长处~指标 metallic 金属的meticulous 详细的micrometer 千分尺mid-frequency band 中频带 milliammeter 毫安表milling machine 铣床mine minder 矿坑卷扬机 mismatch 失配moderate 适度的~适中的 modulation 调制modulator 调制器modulus 模moisture 潮湿、湿气 moisture 潮气~湿度 molecule 分子morally 道德上~道义上 motoring 电动机驱动mount 安装multimeter 万用表multiple axis drive 多轴驱动 multiplexer 多路转换器 mutual flux 交互(主)磁通 mutual-inductor 互感narrowband filter 带通滤波器 neutral 中性的nevertheless 然而newsgroup 新闻组no load 空载no-load 空载nomenclature 术语nominally 标称nonetheless~none the less 仍然~依然nonvolatile 非挥发的nuisance 障碍~公害 number of poles 极数numerator 分子numerical 数值的object-oriented 面向对象的 obsolete 废弃的occupancy 占有~占用~居住 octal-base 八脚的offset 偏心Ohmmeter 欧姆计、电阻表 open-loop 开环operating condition 运行状态 operation amplifier 运算放大器operational calculus 算符演算 optical fiber 光纤orifice 孔~注孔orifice 侧流板~隔板 orthogonal 垂直的~正交的 Oscillation 振荡oscillation 振荡oscillatory 振动的~摆动的 oscilloscope 示波器outgoing 外出了~离开的 out-of-step 不同步的over-current relay 过电流继电器 overhauling 检修overload 过载P.D=potential drop 电压降panel 操纵台~面板 parity 校验pedal 踏板~踏蹬penetrate 透过~渗透 per unit value 标么值 percentage 百分数performance characteristic 工作特性peripheral 外设periphery 周围~圆周 permanent magnet 永磁体 permanent-magnet 永磁permissible 允许的perpendicular 垂直的~正交的perpendicular 垂直的~正交的Personnel 人员、职员 pertinent 有关的per-unit value 标么值 pharmaceutical 药剂~药品 phase 相位(控制) phase displacement 相位差 phase reversal 反相phase sequence 相序philosophy 基本原理 photosensor 光电传感器 pickup current 始动电流piezoelectric 压电的pilot light 信号灯piston 活塞pitch 齿轮pitfall 缺陷pivot 支点pivot 轴~支点~旋转中心pivot 轴~支点plant 装臵~设备plate (电)镀plug fuse 插头式保险丝 plugging 反向制动plunger 可动铁心~插棒式铁心pneumatic 气动的pneumatic 气动的pneumatic 气动的~气动力学的pointer 指针polarity 极性polarity 极性polarity 极性pole 极点Polyphase 多相(的)polyphase rectifier 多相整流器 polyphase rectifier 多相整流器potential transformer 电压互感器 potential distribution 电位分布potential transformer 电压互感器 potentiometer 电位器power frequency 工频power amplifier 功率放大器 power flow diagram 功率流程图 prebias 预偏臵predominant 主要的~突出的 prefix 前缀~把…放在前面 premise 上述各点~前言~根据 primary cell 原生电池primary 最初的~基本的~初级线圈prime 上撇号prime mover 原动机prime motor 原动机primitive 操作~原型prismatic 棱型的private line 专用线路process of self–excitation 自励过程 process 进程profile 轮廓~仿行profile 轮廓prolong 延长propagate 传导、传播propagation 传播~宣传proposition 命题pros and cons 优缺点protective gap 保护性间隙放电 protocol 协议protocol data unit 协议数据单元 protrude 使伸出~突出proximity 距离quadrant 象限quadruple 四合一quantization 量化r.m.s values=root mean square values 均方根值rack mounting 机架安装radial 径向的radial 径向的~辐射状的 radiated 传播random 随机的random-wound 散绕rated 额定的rated torque 额定转矩 rating 额定值~标称值~定额 ratio 比~比率reaction 电感reactive power 无功功率 reactive component 无功分量 reactive in respect to 相对….呈感性real part 实部recast 重做receptacle 插座receptacle 插座~插孔 rectifier 整流器redundant 多余的redundant 多余的~重复的 reference Voltage 基准电压 refinement 改进refinement 明确表达regeneration 再生,、后反馈放大regenerative braking 回馈制动 regulator 调节器relay 继电器release current 释放电流 reluctance 磁阻reluctance 磁阻remarks 附注~要点remote database 远程数据库 remote login 远程登陆 remote terminal 终端representation 代表~表示 reprisal 报复residence 住宅resident program 驻留程序 residential 住宅的~居住的 resolver 解算器resonance 共鸣resonance 共振restriking 电弧再触发 resynchronize 再同步retarding torque 制动转矩retrofit 改型reveal 展现reverse braking 反接制动 revolute 旋转的~转动的 revolutions per minute 转/分 revolutions per second 转/秒 revolving magnetic field 旋转磁场 RF noise 射频干扰rheostat 变阻器~电阻箱 rheostat 变阻器rig 设备right-hand rule 右手定则 rigid 刚性的~坚固的 riiple 纹动ripple 脉动.robustness 鲁棒性rolling 轧制rolling mill 轧钢机rotating commutator 旋转(整流子)换向器rotating magnetic field 旋转磁场 rotor (stator) winding 转子(定子绕组)rotor 转子rotor core 转子铁芯rotor resistance 转子电阻 router 路由器rugged 坚固的runout table 输出轨道 salient 突出的salient poles 凸极salient-pole 凸极式sampling 采样sampling period 采样周期 saturate 使…饱和saturation curve 饱和曲线 saturation effect 饱和效应 scale 刻度、量程scale 改变比例schematic (电路)原理图符号 sealed-off 封的self excited 自励self–excitation process 自励过程self-bias resistor 自偏臵电阻 self-exciting 自励的self-inductor 自感self-latching 自锁semiconductor 半导体separately 单独励磁地separately excited 他励separately excited 他励的series 串励series excited 串励series-wound 串励service data unit 服务数据单元 servo 伺服servomechanism 伺服机构~伺服系统shock 冲击short-circuiting ring 短路环 short-shunt 短复励shunt 分流~分路~并联~旁路 shunt 并励shunt 分路器shunt excited 并励shunt displacement current 旁路位移电流shunt field 并励磁场shunt-wound 并励signal amplifier 小信号放大器 signal-to-noise ration、SNR 信噪比signify 表示silica 硅石、二氧化硅 silicon 硅simulate 模拟~方针simultaneous 同时的Single Side Band(SSB) 单边带 single-phase 单相的singly excited 单边励磁sinusoidal 正弦的sinusoidal time function 正弦时间函数sinusoidal–density wave 正弦磁密度 slip 转差率slip rings 滑环slot 槽~开槽solenoid relay 螺管式继电器 solenoid 线圈solenoids 螺线管solid state 固体solid-state relay 固态继电器 solt 槽sophisticated 复杂的~完善的spare 备用的spark gap 火花放电隙 spatial waveform 空间波形 speed regulation 速度调节 speed-torque characteristic 速度转矩特性speed-torque curve 转速力矩特性曲线sphere 球体spiral 螺旋形的spring 弹簧spring 弹簧square 平方squeeze 压榨~挤~挤榨 squirrel 鼠笼式squirrel cage 鼠笼squirrel-cage 鼠笼式~笼型 stabilization network 稳定网络 stabilize 使稳定stabilizer 稳定器stabilizing transformer 稳定变压器 stand-alone 独立的standby 后备的staor winding 定子绕组 starting current 启动电流 starting torque 启动转矩 static allocation 静态分配 stator 定子stator 定子stator 定子steady–state condition 瞬态暂态steady direct current 恒稳直流电 steer 驾驶~操纵~引导 stepper 步进电机storage battery 蓄电池 strain gage 应变计量器 strategy 策略stress 应力strip 条~带~(跨接)片 strive for 争取structural 结构上的studmounted 拴接式subnet 子网subsequently 其后substantially 主要地~实质上地 subtle 微妙的~巧妙的subtract 减去summation 求和~加法 summer 加法器summing circuit 总和线路反馈系统中的比较环节switchyard 户外配电装臵 symmetry 对称synchronous 同步电动机 synchronous generator 同步发电机 synchronous condenser 同步进相(调相)机synchronous reactance 同步电抗 synchronous machine 同步电机synchronous speed 同步转速 synchronous speed 同步转速 synchroscops 同步指示器 synthesis 综合物tachogenerator 测速发电机 tachometer 转速计tachometer 测速仪tap 抽头tap 抽头taxonomy 分类学~分类 technical specifications 技术条件 telemedicine 远程医疗 terminal 端子terminal voltage 端电压 terminology 术语~专门名词 terminology 术语testbed 测试平台the dielectric 电介质theorem 定理therapy 治疗thermal 热的~热量的 thermocouple 热电偶thermocouple 热电偶thermometer 温度计third harmonic voltage 三次谐波电压three-phase 三相threshold 门限,阈值threshold 门~界限~阈值 throttle 节流阀~风门 thumb 检查、查阅thyristor 晶闸管time constant 时间常数time delay 延时time invariant 时不变的 time-phase 时间相位timing relay 延时继电器 toggle (来回)切换toggle 搬扭~刀闸token 令牌topology 拓扑学toroid 环状物torque 转矩~扭矩trade-off 权衡~折衷 trajectory 轨迹transducer 传感器transducer 变送器transformer 变压器transformer 变压器transformer 变压器transient 瞬态的transient response 瞬态响应 transistor 电子晶体管 transistor 晶体管transistor-to-transistor logic~TTL 晶体管-晶体管逻辑transit 运输translatory 平移的traveling-wave 行波triac 双向可控硅Triac 双向晶闸管trial and error 试错法~试凑法triangular symbol 三角符号 trigger 引起,触发trigger 起动装臵trigonometric transformations 瞬时值trip coil 跳闸线圈troubleshoot 排除故障 truthtable 真值表tuner 调谐器turns 匝数turns ratio 变比、匝比 two-way configuration 二线制 undervoltage 欠电压unidirectional 单方向的~方向不变的unidirectional current 单方向性电流uninterruptible power supply 不间断电源uninverting amplifer 同相放大器 validity 正确性vane 机器的叶~叶片vector equation 向(相)量方程 velodyne 伺服积分器vendor 生产厂商ventilation 通风~流通空气 vernier 游标尺vibration 振动vibration 震动vicinity 附近~邻近~接近 videoconference 可视会议 virtual reality 虚拟现实 virtually 实际上~实质上 virtue 优点viscous 粘稠的viscous friction 粘滞摩擦 volatile 挥发的~易失的 voltage control system 电压控制系统 voltage across the terminals 端电压 volt-ampere characteristics 伏安特性 Voltmeter 电压表、伏特计 voltmeter 电压表wafer 薄片Leonard system 发电机-电动机组系统 Ward-watchdog timer 看门狗定时器 water-tight 防水Watt-hour 瓦时、瓦特小时 watt-hour meter 电度表Wattmeter 瓦特计、电表、功率 wattmeter 电力表waveguide 波导、波导管 wavy groove 起伏的沟槽wear 磨损~损耗weighted 加权的whilst=whilewide area network 广域网windage 通风wind-driven generator 风动发电机 winding 绕组winding 绕组winding loss 绕组(铜)损耗 worldwide shared 全球共享的 wound-rotor 绕线式wrap 捆~缠~环绕wreak 发泄~报复wrench 扳手wye-connected 星形连接yield 产生~提供yoke 轭zener diode 齐纳二极管zero sequence current 零序电流generator 发电机gas insulated substation GIS气体绝缘变电站turbogenerator 汽轮发电机 neutral point 中性点hydrogenerator 水轮发电机 moving contact 动触头hydraulic turbine 水轮机fixed contact 静触头steam turbine 汽轮机arc-extinguishing chamber 灭弧室 dynamo 直流发电机stray capacitance 杂散电容 motor 电动机stray inductance 杂散电感 stator 定子sphere gap 球隙rotor 转子bushing tap grounding wire 套管末屏接地线power transformer 电力变压器 electrostatic voltmeter 静电电压表variable transformer 调压变压器 ammeter 电流表taped transformer 多级变压器 grounding capacitance 对地电容 step up (down) transformer 升(降)压变压器voltage divider 分压器circuit breaker CB断路器surge impedance 波阻抗dead tank oil circuit breaker 多油断路器Schering bridge 西林电桥 live tank oil circuit breaker 少油断路器Rogowski coil 罗可夫斯基线圈 vacuum circuit breaker 真空断路器oscilloscope 示波器sulphur hexafluoride breaker SF6断路器 peak voltmeter 峰值电压表potential transformer PT电压互感器 conductor 导线current transformer CT电流互感器 cascade transformer 串级变压器disconnector 隔离开关coupling capacitor 耦合电容 earthing switch 接地开关test object 被试品synchronous generator 同步发电机 detection impedance 检测阻抗asynchronous machine 异步电机 substation 变电站Insulator 绝缘子hydro power station 水力发电站 lightning arrester 避雷器thermal power station 火力发电站 metal oxide arrester MOA氧化锌避雷器 nuclear power station 核电站 bus bar 母线oil-filled power cable 充油电力电缆 overhead line 架空线mixed divider (阻容)混合分压器 transmission line 传输线XLPE cable 交链聚乙烯电缆 (coaxial) cable (同轴)电缆 relay继电器iron core 铁芯tuned circuit 调谐电路winding 绕组suspension insulator 悬式绝缘子 bushing 套管porcelain insulator 陶瓷绝缘子 front(tail) resistance 波头(尾)电阻glass insulator 玻璃绝缘子 inverter station 换流站flash counter 雷电计数器steel-reinforced aluminum 钢芯铝绞线 charging(damping) resistor 充电(阻尼)电阻conductortank 箱体point plane gap 针板间隙earth(ground) wire 接地线exciting winding 激磁绕组grading ring 均压环trigger electrode 触发电极 highvoltage engineering 高电压工程 glow discharge 辉光放电highvoltage testing technology高电压试验技术harmonic 谐波Power electronics电力电子Automatic control 自动控制 Principles of electric circuits电路原理Digital signal processing 数字信号处理电气工程专业英语词汇表 power system电力系统impulse current 冲击电流power network 电力网络impulse flashover 冲击闪络 insulation 绝缘inhomogenous field 不均匀场 overvoltage 过电压insulation coordination 绝缘配合 aging 老化internal discharge 内部放电 alternating current 交流电lightning stroke 雷电波AC transmission system交流输电系统 lightning overvoltage 雷电过电压arc discharge 电弧放电loss angle,介质,损耗角 attachment coefficient 附着系数 magneticfield 磁场attenuation factor 衰减系数 mean free path 平均自由行程 anode (cathode) 阳极,阴极, mean molecular velocity平均分子速度 breakdown ,电,击穿negative ions 负离子bubble breakdown 气泡击穿non-destructive testing 非破坏性试验 cathode ray oscilloscope 阴极射线示波器non-uniform field 不均匀场 cavity空穴,腔partial discharge 局部放电 corona 电晕peak reverse voltage 反向峰值电压 composite insulation 组合绝缘photoelectric emission 光电发射 critical breakdown voltage 临界击穿电压photon 光子Discharge 放电phase-to-phase voltage 线电压 Dielectric 电介质,绝缘体 polarity effect 极性效应 dielectric constant 介质常数 power capacitor 电力电容dielectric loss介质损耗 quasi-uniform field 稍不均匀场 direct current 直流电radio interference 无线干扰 divider ratio 分压器分压比 rating of equipment 设备额定值 grounding 接地routing testing 常规试验 electric field 电场residual capacitance 残余电容 electrochemical deterioration 电化学腐蚀shielding 屏蔽electron avalanche 电子崩 short circuit testing 短路试验electronegative gas电负性气体 space charge 空间电荷epoxy resin 环氧树脂streamer breakdown 流注击穿 expulsion gap 灭弧间隙surface breakdown 表面击穿 field strength 场强sustained discharge 自持放电 field stress 电场力switching overvoltage 操作过电压 field distortion 场畸变thermal breakdown 热击穿 field gradient 场梯度treeing 树枝放电field emission 场致发射uniform field 均匀场flashover 闪络wave front(tail) 波头,尾, gaseous insulation 气体绝缘 withstand voltage 耐受电压 Prime mover 原动机Power factor 功率因数Torque 力矩Distribution automation system 配电网自动化系统Servomechanism伺服系统Automatic meter reading 自动抄表 Boiler 锅炉Armature 电枢Internal combustion engine 内燃机 Brush 电刷Deenergize 断电Commutator 换向器Underground cable 地下电缆 Counter emf 反电势电气工程专业英语词汇表 Loop system 环网系统Demagnetization 退磁~去磁 Distribution system配电系统 Relay panel 继电器屏Trip circuit 跳闸电路Tertiary winding 第三绕组 Switchboard 配电盘~开关屏 Eddy current 涡流Instrument transducer 测量互感器 Copper loss 铜损Oil-impregnated paper 油浸纸绝缘 Iron loss 铁损Bare conductor 裸导线Leakage flux 漏磁通Reclosing 重合闸Autotransformer 自耦变压器 Distribution dispatch center 配电调度中心Zero sequence current 零序电流 Pulverizer 磨煤机Series (shunt) compensation 串,并,联补偿Drum 汽包~炉筒Restriking 电弧重燃Superheater 过热器Automatic oscillograph 自动录波仪 Peak-load 峰荷Tidal current 潮流Prime grid substation 主网变电站 Trip coil 跳闸线圈Reactive power` 无功功率 Synchronous condenser 同步调相机 Active power 有功功率Main and transfer busbar 单母线带旁路 Shunt reactor 并联电抗器Feeder 馈电线Blackout 断电、停电Skin effect 集肤效应Extra-high voltage (EHV) 超高压 Potential stress 电位应力(电场强度) Ultra-high voltage (UHV) 特高压 Capacitor bank 电容器组Domestic load 民用电crusher 碎煤机Reserve capacity备用容量 pulverizer 磨煤机Fossil-fired power plant 火电厂 baghouse 集尘室Combustion turbine 燃气轮机 Stationary (moving) blade 固定,可动,叶片Right-of-way线路走廊Shaft 转轴Rectifier 整流器Kinetic(potential) energy动,势,能 Inductive (Capacitive) 电感的(电容的) Pumpedstorage power station 抽水蓄能电站 Reactance (impedance) 电抗,阻抗, Synchronous condenser 同步调相机 Reactor 电抗器Light(boiling)-water reactor 轻,沸,水反应堆Reactive 电抗的~无功的 Stator(rotor) 定,转,子 Phase displacement (shift) 相移 Armature 电枢Surge冲击~过电压。
精神分裂症血清补体C3、C4、超敏C-反应蛋白及尿酸水平变化陶怀;陈芳;罗红;杨修登;刘勇;唐亚梅【期刊名称】《中国神经精神疾病杂志》【年(卷),期】2017(43)9【摘要】目的探讨精神分裂症(schizophrenia,SZ)患者血清补体C3(complement component 3,C3)、C4(complement component 4,C4)、超敏C-反应蛋白(high sensitivity C reactive protein,hs-CRP)和尿酸(uric acid,UA)的水平变化及其临床意义.方法选择144例SZ患者为SZ组,并根据4周内有无服用抗精神病药物分为治疗组(77例)和停药组(67例),另选择同期来湘雅二医院的健康体检者147例为健康对照组.采用免疫散射比浊法、胶乳增强免疫比浊法、尿酸氧化酶法分别测定各组血清补体C3、C4、hs-CRP和UA浓度,并比较分析.结果SZ组患者血清补体C3、C4水平低于对照组[(0.99±0.17)g/L vs.(1.03±0.17)g/L、(0.21±0.05)g/L vs.(0.23±0.05)g/L],UA水平高于对照组[(351.61±95.90)μmol/L vs.(300.28±39.57)μmol/L],差异有统计学意义(分别P<0.05,P<0.05,P<0.001).治疗组患者血清补体C3、C4、hs-CRP和UA水平较停药组均升高[(1.04±0.19)g/L vs.(0.95±0.15)g/L、(0.22±0.06)g/L vs.(0.20±0.05)g/L、1.08(0.33,5.04)mg/L vs.0.47(0.28,1.29)mg/L、(374.54±108.33)μmol/L vs.(331.61±79.03)μmol/L],差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01).治疗组患者血清hs-CRP和UA浓度较对照组均升高[1.08(0.33,5.04)mg/L vs.0.61(0.33,1.26)mg/L、(374.54±108.33)μmol/L vs.(300.28±39.57)μmol/L],差异有统计学意义(P<0.001).结论 SZ患者血清C3、C4、hs-CRP和UA的水平变化对SZ临床诊断和抗精神病药物疗效评估有一定指导意义.%Objective To examine serum levels of complement component 3(C3), complement component 4(C4), high sensitivity C reactive protein (hs-CRP), and uric acid (UA) in schizophrenia (SZ) patients and study their clinical significance. Methods One hundred forty-four SZ patients were recruited as SZ group. According to use of antipsychotics within four weeks, patients were divided into drug group (77 cases) and non-drug group (67 cases). One hundred forty-seven healthy subjects from health checkup center in the second XiangYa hospital during the same period were selected as control group. The concentrations of serum C3, C4, hs-CRP, and UA from SZ patients and healthy subjects were measured using immuno-scatter turbidmetry, latex-enhanced immunoturbidimetric assay, urea oxidase method, respectively. Results The serum levels of complement C3 and C4 were lower in SZ patients than in control group [(0.99±0.17) g/L vs. (1.03±0.17) g/L、(0.21±0.05) g/L vs. (0.23±0.05) g/L], and the serum levels of UA in serum of was higher in SZ patients than in cont rol group [(351.61±95.90) μmol/L vs. (300.28±39.57) ?mol/L]. The differences had statistical significance (P<0.05, P<0.05, and P<0.001, respectively). The serum levels of C3, C4, hs-CRP, and UA were higher in drug group than in no-drug group [(1.04±0.19) g/L vs. (0.95±0.15) g/L、(0.22±0.06) g/L vs. (0.20±0.05) g/L、1.08(0.33, 5.04) mg/L vs. 0.47(0.28,1.29) mg/L、(374.54±108.33)μmol/L vs. (331.61±79.03)μmol/L], and the differences had statistical significance (P<0.01).The concentrations of serum hs-CRP and UA were higher in drug group than in controlgroup[1.08(0.33, 5.04) mg/L vs. 0.61(0.33, 1.26) mg/L、(374.54±108.33)μmol/L vs. (300.28±39.57) μmol/L], and differences had statistical significance (P<0.001). Conclusion The serum levels of C3, C4, hs-CRP, and UA in SZ Patients will be of guiding significance for clinical diagnosis of SZ and efficacy evaluation of antipsychotic drugs.【总页数】5页(P544-548)【作者】陶怀;陈芳;罗红;杨修登;刘勇;唐亚梅【作者单位】湖南中医药大学医学院长沙 410208;中南大学湘雅二医院检验科;中南大学湘雅二医院检验科;中南大学湘雅二医院检验科;中南大学湘雅二医院(精神卫生研究所);中南大学湘雅二医院检验科【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R749.3【相关文献】1.下腹部手术后自控镇痛对血清补体C3、C4和C-反应蛋白的影响 [J], 陈理建;梁慧英;林锋2.中枢神经系统感染患儿脑脊液和血清补体C3,C4及C-反应蛋白检测的临床意义[J], 王西蓉;杨尧;边程鹏;石艳;谢永国;徐嘉莉;简和;王晓曦3.冠心病心绞痛患者血尿酸与超敏C-反应蛋白水平变化及相关性分析 [J], 蒋小菊;刘浩军4.强直性脊椎炎患者HLA-B27与血清补体C3、C4及超敏C反应蛋白水平分析[J], 况凡5.冠心病患者血清尿酸、同型半胱氨酸、超敏C-反应蛋白水平变化及临床意义 [J], 李伟娜;刘海燕;刘颖;季静因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
Houdini 8 节点简介文档
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Intersect 3D i3D使用
Integer To Float 整数 转 float
Invert 反转矩阵,或1/input
Irradiance 计算P点的全局照明,辉度
Is Connected 如果输入有连接就返回 1 否则返回 0
Not 逻辑Not操作
Point Count 返回 geometry里全部primitive上的point数目
Non-deterministic Random 不确定的随机数生成器
Null 输入到输出
Space Change To Obj 装换到某一物体坐标系下.
Occlusion 计算在点 P 处的 ambient occlusion
Or 逻辑 or 操作
Orient 对from向量应用矩阵,忽略平移
Oscillations 抗锯齿的sin cos 波形
Output Variables 每个VOP network 需要其一
Parameter 创建参数
Periodic Noise 生成周期的 1D 和 3D Perlin noise
Gingham Checks 抗锯齿的桌布条文或方格图案
Glass 玻璃
Global Variables 提供全局变量
Glow 发光
Gradient 3D 好像是i3D用的
Hair 模拟头发.
Halo 光晕
Tiled Hexagons 交错排列的六边形.
High-Low Noise 混合不同频率的noise.抗锯齿
Align 输出向量旋转所对应的矩阵
And 逻辑and操作
abbreviation 简写符号;简写absolute complement 绝对补集absolute error 绝对误差absolute inequality 绝不等式absolute maximum 绝对极大值absolute minimum 绝对极小值absolute monotonic 绝对单调absolute value 绝对值accelerate 加速acceleration 加速度acceleration due to gravity 重力加速度; 地心加速度accumulation 累积accumulative 累积的accuracy 准确度act on 施于action 作用; 作用力acute angle 锐角acute-angled triangle 锐角三角形add 加addition 加法addition formula 加法公式addition law 加法定律addition law(of probability) (概率)加法定律additive inverse 加法逆元; 加法反元additive property 可加性adjacent angle 邻角adjacent side 邻边adjoint matrix 伴随矩阵algebra 代数algebraic 代数的algebraic equation 代数方程algebraic expression 代数式algebraic fraction 代数分式;代数分数式algebraic inequality 代数不等式algebraic number 代数数algebraic operation 代数运算algebraically closed 代数封闭algorithm 算法系统; 规则系统alternate angle (交)错角alternate segment 内错弓形alternating series 交错级数alternative hypothesis 择一假设; 备择假设; 另一假设altitude 高;高度;顶垂线;高线ambiguous case 两义情况;二义情况amount 本利和;总数analysis 分析;解析analytic geometry 解析几何angle 角angle at the centre 圆心角angle at the circumference 圆周角angle between a line and a plane 直与平面的交角angle between two planes 两平面的交角angle bisection 角平分angle bisector 角平分线;分角线angle in the alternate segment 交错弓形的圆周角angle in the same segment 同弓形内的圆周角angle of depression 俯角angle of elevation 仰角angle of friction 静摩擦角; 极限角angle of greatest slope 最大斜率的角angle of inclination 倾斜角angle of intersection 相交角;交角angle of projection 投射角angle of rotation 旋转角angle of the sector 扇形角angle sum of a triangle 三角形内角和angles at a point 同顶角angular displacement 角移位angular momentum 角动量angular motion 角运动angular velocity 角速度annum(X% per annum) 年(年利率X%)anti-clockwise direction 逆时针方向;返时针方向anti-clockwise moment 逆时针力矩anti-derivative 反导数; 反微商anti-logarithm 逆对数;反对数anti-symmetric 反对称apex 顶点approach 接近;趋近approximate value 近似值approximation 近似;略计;逼近Arabic system 阿刺伯数字系统arbitrary 任意arbitrary constant 任意常数arc 弧arc length 弧长arc-cosine function 反余弦函数arc-sin function 反正弦函数arc-tangent function 反正切函数area 面积Argand diagram 阿根图, 阿氏图argument (1)论证; (2)辐角argument of a complex number 复数的辐角argument of a function 函数的自变量arithmetic 算术arithmetic mean 算术平均;等差中顶;算术中顶arithmetic progression 算术级数;等差级数arithmetic sequence 等差序列arithmetic series 等差级数arm 边array 数组; 数组arrow 前号ascending order 递升序ascending powers of X X 的升幂assertion 断语; 断定associative law 结合律assumed mean 假定平均数assumption 假定;假设asymmetrical 非对称asymptote 渐近asymptotic error constant 渐近误差常数at rest 静止augmented matrix 增广矩阵auxiliary angle 辅助角auxiliary circle 辅助圆auxiliary equation 辅助方程average 平均;平均数;平均值average speed 平均速率axiom 公理axiom of existence 存在公理axiom of extension 延伸公理axiom of inclusion 包含公理axiom of pairing 配对公理axiom of power 幂集公理axiom of specification 分类公理axiomatic theory of probability 概率公理论axis 轴axis of parabola 拋物线的轴axis of revolution 旋转轴axis of rotation 旋转轴axis of symmetry 对称轴back substitution 回代bar chart 棒形图;条线图;条形图;线条图base (1)底;(2)基;基数base angle 底角base area 底面base line 底线base number 底数;基数base of logarithm 对数的底basis 基Bayes´ theorem 贝叶斯定理bearing 方位(角);角方向(角)bell-shaped curve 钟形图belong to 属于Bernoulli distribution 伯努利分布Bernoulli trials 伯努利试验bias 偏差;偏倚biconditional 双修件式; 双修件句bijection 对射; 双射; 单满射bijective function 对射函数; 只射函数billion 十亿bimodal distribution 双峰分布binary number 二进数binary operation 二元运算binary scale 二进法binary system 二进制binomial 二项式binomial distribution 二项分布binomial expression 二项式binomial series 二项级数binomial theorem 二项式定理bisect 平分;等分bisection method 分半法;分半方法bisector 等分线;平分线Boolean algebra 布尔代数boundary condition 边界条件boundary line 界(线);边界bounded 有界的bounded above 有上界的;上有界的bounded below 有下界的;下有界的bounded function 有界函数bounded sequence 有界序列brace 大括号bracket 括号breadth 阔度broken line graph 折线图calculation 计算calculator 计算器;计算器calculus (1) 微积分学; (2) 演算cancel 消法;相消canellation law 消去律canonical 典型; 标准capacity 容量cardioid 心脏Cartesian coordinates 笛卡儿坐标Cartesian equation 笛卡儿方程Cartesian plane 笛卡儿平面Cartesian product 笛卡儿积category 类型;范畴catenary 悬链Cauchy sequence 柯西序列Cauchy´s principal value 柯西主值Cauchy-Schwarz inequality 柯西- 许瓦尔兹不等式central limit theorem 中心极限定理central line 中线central tendency 集中趋centre 中心;心centre of a circle 圆心centre of gravity 重心centre of mass 质量中心centrifugal force 离心力centripedal acceleration 向心加速度centripedal force force 向心力centroid 形心;距心certain event 必然事件chain rule 链式法则chance 机会change of axes 坐标轴的变换change of base 基的变换change of coordinates 坐标轴的变换change of subject 主项变换change of variable 换元;变量的换characteristic equation 特征(征)方程characteristic function 特征(征)函数characteristic of logarithm 对数的首数; 对数的定位部characteristic root 特征(征)根chart 图;图表check digit 检验数位checking 验算chord 弦chord of contact 切点弦circle 圆circular 圆形;圆的circular function 圆函数;三角函数circular measure 弧度法circular motion 圆周运动circular permutation 环形排列; 圆形排列; 循环排列circumcentre 外心;外接圆心circumcircle 外接圆circumference 圆周circumradius 外接圆半径circumscribed circle 外接圆cissoid 蔓叶class 区;组;类class boundary 组界class interval 组区间;组距class limit 组限;区限class mark 组中点;区中点classical theory of probability 古典概率论classification 分类clnometer 测斜仪clockwise direction 顺时针方向clockwise moment 顺时针力矩closed convex region 闭凸区域closed interval 闭区间coaxial 共轴coaxial circles 共轴圆coaxial system 共轴系coded data 编码数据coding method 编码法co-domain 上域coefficient 系数coefficient of friction 摩擦系数coefficient of restitution 碰撞系数; 恢复系数coefficient of variation 变差系数cofactor 余因子; 余因式cofactor matrix 列矩阵coincide 迭合;重合collection of terms 并项collinear 共线collinear planes 共线面collision 碰撞column (1)列;纵行;(2) 柱column matrix 列矩阵column vector 列向量combination 组合common chord 公弦common denominator 同分母;公分母common difference 公差common divisor 公约数;公约common factor 公因子;公因子common logarithm 常用对数common multiple 公位数;公倍common ratio 公比common tangent 公切commutative law 交换律comparable 可比较的compass 罗盘compass bearing 罗盘方位角compasses 圆规compasses construction 圆规作图compatible 可相容的complement 余;补余complement law 补余律complementary angle 余角complementary equation 补充方程complementary event 互补事件complementary function 余函数complementary probability 互补概率complete oscillation 全振动completing the square 配方complex conjugate 复共轭complex number 复数complex unmber plane 复数平面complex root 复数根component 分量component of force 分力composite function 复合函数; 合成函数composite number 复合数;合成数composition of mappings 映射构合composition of relations 复合关系compound angle 复角compound angle formula 复角公式compound bar chart 综合棒形图compound discount 复折扣compound interest 复利;复利息compound probability 合成概率compound statement 复合命题; 复合叙述computation 计算computer 计算机;电子计算器concave 凹concave downward 凹向下的concave polygon 凹多边形concave upward 凹向上的concentric circles 同心圆concept 概念conclusion 结论concurrent 共点concyclic 共圆concyclic points 共圆点condition 条件conditional 条件句;条件式conditional identity 条件恒等式conditional inequality 条件不等式conditional probability 条件概率cone 锥;圆锥(体)confidence coefficient 置信系数confidence interval 置信区间confidence level 置信水平confidence limit 置信极限confocal section 共焦圆锥曲congruence (1)全等;(2)同余congruence class 同余类congruent 全等congruent figures 全等图形congruent triangles 全等三角形conic 二次曲; 圆锥曲conic section 二次曲; 圆锥曲conical pendulum 圆锥摆conjecture 猜想conjugate 共轭conjugate axis 共轭conjugate diameters 共轭轴conjugate hyperbola 共轭(直)径conjugate imaginary / complex number 共轭双曲conjugate radical 共轭虚/复数conjugate surd 共轭根式; 共轭不尽根conjunction 合取connective 连词connector box 捙接框consecutive integers 连续整数consecutive numbers 连续数;相邻数consequence 结论;推论consequent 条件;后项conservation of energy 能量守恒conservation of momentum 动量守恒conserved 守恒consistency condition 相容条件consistent 一贯的;相容的consistent estimator 相容估计量constant 常数constant acceleration 恒加速度constant force 恒力constant of integration 积分常数constant speed 恒速率constant term 常项constant velocity 怛速度constraint 约束;约束条件construct 作construction 作图construction of equation 方程的设立continued proportion 连比例continued ratio 连比continuity 连续性continuity correction 连续校正continuous 连续的continuous data 连续数据continuous function 连续函数continuous proportion 连续比例continuous random variable 连续随机变量contradiction 矛盾converge 收敛convergence 收敛性convergent 收敛的convergent iteration 收敛的迭代convergent sequence 收敛序列convergent series 收敛级数converse 逆(定理)converse of a relation 逆关系converse theorem 逆定理conversion 转换convex 凸convex polygon 凸多边形convexity 凸性coordinate 坐标coordinate geometry 解析几何;坐标几何coordinate system 坐标系系定理;系;推论coplanar 共面coplanar forces 共面力coplanar lines 共面co-prime 互质; 互素corollary 系定理; 系; 推论correct to 准确至;取值至correlation 相关correlation coefficient 相关系数correspondence 对应corresponding angles (1)同位角;(2)对应角corresponding element 对应边corresponding sides 对应边cosecant 余割cosine 余弦cosine formula 余弦公式cost price 成本cotangent 余切countable 可数countable set 可数集countably infinite 可数无限counter clockwise direction 逆时针方向;返时针方向counter example 反例counting 数数;计数couple 力偶Carmer´s rule 克莱玛法则criterion 准则critical point 临界点critical region 临界域cirtical value 临界值cross-multiplication 交叉相乘cross-section 横切面;横截面;截痕cube 正方体;立方;立方体cube root 立方根cubic 三次方;立方;三次(的)cubic equation 三次方程cubic roots of unity 单位的立方根cuboid 长方体;矩体cumulative 累积的cumulative distribution function 累积分布函数cumulative frequecy 累积频数;累积频率cumulative frequency curve 累积频数曲cumulative frequcncy distribution 累积频数分布cumulative frequency polygon 累积频数多边形;累积频率直方图curvature of a curve 曲线的曲率curve 曲线curve sketching 曲线描绘(法)curve tracing 曲线描迹(法)curved line 曲线curved surface 曲面curved surface area 曲面面积cyclic expression 输换式cyclic permutation 圆形排列cyclic quadrilateral 圆内接四边形cycloid 旋输线; 摆线cylinder 柱;圆柱体cylindrical 圆柱形的damped oscillation 阻尼振动data 数据De Moivre´s theorem 棣美弗定理De Morgan´s law 德摩根律decagon 十边形decay 衰变decay factor 衰变因子decelerate 减速decelaration 减速度decile 十分位数decimal 小数decimal place 小数位decimal point 小数点decimal system 十进制decision box 判定框declarative sentence 说明语句declarative statement 说明命题decoding 译码decrease 递减decreasing function 递减函数;下降函数decreasing sequence 递减序列;下降序列decreasing series 递减级数;下降级数decrement 减量deduce 演绎deduction 推论deductive reasoning 演绎推理definite 确定的;定的definite integral 定积分definition 定义degenerated conic section 降级锥曲线degree (1) 度; (2) 次degree of a polynomial 多项式的次数degree of accuracy 准确度degree of confidence 置信度degree of freedom 自由度degree of ODE 常微分方程次数degree of precision 精确度delete 删除; 删去denary number 十进数denominator 分母dependence (1)相关; (2)应变dependent event(s) 相关事件; 相依事件; 从属事件dependent variable 应变量; 应变数depreciation 折旧derivable 可导derivative 导数derived curve 导函数曲线derived function 导函数derived statistics 推算统计资料; 派生统计资料descending order 递降序descending powers of x x的降序descriptive statistics 描述统计学detached coefficients 分离系数(法) determinant 行列式deviation 偏差; 变差deviation from the mean 离均差diagonal 对角线diagonal matrix 对角矩阵diagram 图; 图表diameter 直径diameter of a conic 二次曲线的直径difference 差difference equation 差分方程difference of sets 差集differentiable 可微differential 微分differential coefficient 微商; 微分系数differential equation 微分方程differential mean value theorem 微分中值定理differentiate 求...的导数differentiate from first principle 从基本原理求导数differentiation 微分法digit 数字dimension 量; 量网; 维(数)direct impact 直接碰撞direct image 直接像direct proportion 正比例direct tax, direct taxation 直接税direct variation 正变(分)directed angle 有向角directed line 有向直线directed line segment 有向线段directed number 有向数direction 方向; 方位direction angle 方向角direction cosine 方向余弦direction number 方向数direction ratio 方向比directrix 准线Dirichlet function 狄利克来函数discontinuity 不连续性discontinuous 间断(的);连续(的); 不连续(的) discontinuous point 不连续点discount 折扣discrete 分立; 离散discrete data 离散数据; 间断数据discrete random variable 间断随机变数discrete uniform distribution 离散均匀分布discriminant 判别式disjoint 不相交的disjoint sets 不相交的集disjunction 析取dispersion 离差displacement 位移disprove 反证distance 距离distance formula 距离公式distinct roots 相异根distincr solution 相异解distribution 公布distributive law 分配律diverge 发散divergence 发散(性)divergent 发散的divergent iteration 发散性迭代divergent sequence 发散序列divergent series 发散级数divide 除dividend (1)被除数;(2)股息divisible 可整除division 除法division algorithm 除法算式divisor 除数;除式;因子divisor of zero 零因子dodecagon 十二边形domain 定义域dot 点dot product 点积double angle 二倍角double angle formula 二倍角公式double root 二重根dual 对偶duality (1)对偶性; (2) 双重性due east/ south/ west /north 向东/ 南/ 西/ 北dynamics 动力学eccentric angle 离心角eccentric circles 离心圆eccentricity 离心率echelon form 梯阵式echelon matrix 梯矩阵edge 棱;边efficient estimator 有效估计量effort 施力eigenvalue 本征值eigenvector 本征向量elastic body 弹性体elastic collision 弹性碰撞elastic constant 弹性常数elastic force 弹力elasticity 弹性element 元素elementary event 基本事件elementary function 初等函数elementary row operation 基本行运算elimination 消法elimination method 消去法;消元法ellipse 椭圆ellipsiod 椭球体elliptic function 椭圆函数elongation 伸张;展empirical data 实验数据empirical formula 实验公式empirical probability 实验概率;经验概率empty set 空集encoding 编码enclosure 界限end point 端点energy 能; 能量entire surd 整方根epicycloid 外摆线equal 相等equal ratios theorem 等比定理equal roots 等根equal sets 等集equality 等(式)equality sign 等号equation 方程equation in one unknown 一元方程equation in two unknowns (variables) 二元方程equation of a straight line 直线方程equation of locus 轨迹方程equiangular 等角(的)equidistant 等距(的) equilateral 等边(的)equilateral polygon 等边多边形equilateral triangle 等边三角形equilibrium 平衡equiprobable 等概率的equiprobable space 等概率空间equivalence 等价equivalence class 等价类equivalence relation 等价关系equivalent 等价(的)error 误差error allowance 误差宽容度error estimate 误差估计error term 误差项error tolerance 误差宽容度escribed circle 旁切圆estimate 估计;估计量estimator 估计量Euclidean algorithm 欧几里德算法Euclidean geometry 欧几里德几何Euler´s formula 尤拉公式;欧拉公式evaluate 计值even function 偶函数even number 偶数evenly distributed 均匀分布的event 事件exact 真确exact differential form 恰当微分形式exact solution 准确解;精确解;真确解exact value 法确解;精确解;真确解example 例excentre 外心exception 例外excess 起exclusive 不包含exclusive disjunction 不包含性析取exclusive events 互斥事件exercise 练习exhaustive event(s) 彻底事件existential quantifier 存在量词expand 展开expand form 展开式expansion 展式expectation 期望expectation value, expected value 期望值;预期值experiment 实验;试验experimental 试验的experimental probability 实验概率explicit function 显函数exponent 指数exponential function 指数函数exponential order 指数阶; 指数级express…in terms of…以………表达expression 式;数式extension 外延;延长;扩张;扩充extension of a function 函数的扩张exterior angle 外角external angle bisector 外分角external point of division 外分点extreme point 极值点extreme value 极值extremum 极值face 面factor 因子;因式;商factor method 因式分解法factor theorem 因子定理;因式定理factorial 阶乘factorization 因子分解;因式分解factorization of polynomial 多项式因式分解fallacy 谬误FALSE 假(的)falsehood 假值family 族family of circles 圆族family of concentric circles 同心圆族family of straight lines 直线族feasible solution 可行解;容许解Fermat´s last theorem 费尔马最后定理Fibonacci number 斐波那契数;黄金分割数Fibonacci sequence 斐波那契序列fictitious mean 假定平均数figure (1)图(形);(2)数字final velocity 末速度finite 有限finite dimensional vector space 有限维向量空间finite population 有限总体finite probability space 有限概率空间finite sequence 有限序列finite series 有限级数finite set 有限集first approximation 首近似值first derivative 一阶导数first order differential equation 一阶微分方程first projection 第一投影; 第一射影first quartile 第一四分位数first term 首项fixed deposit 定期存款fixed point 定点fixed point iteration method 定点迭代法fixed pulley 定滑轮flow chart 流程图focal axis 焦轴focal chord 焦弦focal length 焦距focus(foci) 焦点folium of Descartes 笛卡儿叶形线foot of perpendicular 垂足for all X 对所有Xfor each /every X 对每一Xforce 力forced oscillation 受迫振动form 形式;型formal proof 形式化的证明format 格式;规格formula(formulae) 公式four leaved rose curve 四瓣玫瑰线four rules 四则four-figure table 四位数表fourth root 四次方根fraction 分数;分式fraction in lowest term 最简分数fractional equation 分式方程fractional index 分数指数fractional inequality 分式不等式free fall 自由下坠free vector 自由向量; 自由矢量frequency 频数;频率frequency distribution 频数分布;频率分布frequency distribution table 频数分布表frequency polygon 频数多边形;频率多边形friction 摩擦; 摩擦力frictionless motion 无摩擦运动frustum 平截头体fulcrum 支点function 函数function of function 复合函数;迭函数functional notation 函数记号fundamental theorem of algebra 代数基本定理fundamental theorem of calculus 微积分基本定理gain 增益;赚;盈利gain perent 赚率;增益率;盈利百分率game (1)对策;(2)博奕Gaussian distribution 高斯分布Gaussian elimination 高斯消去法general form 一般式;通式general solution 通解;一般解general term 通项generating function 母函数; 生成函数generator (1)母线; (2)生成元geoborad 几何板geometric distribution 几何分布geometric mean 几何平均数;等比中项geometric progression 几何级数;等比级数geometric sequence 等比序列geometric series 等比级数geometry 几何;几何学given 给定;已知global 全局; 整体global maximum 全局极大值; 整体极大值global minimum 全局极小值; 整体极小值golden section 黄金分割grade 等级gradient (1)斜率;倾斜率;(2)梯度grand total 总计graph 图像;图形;图表graph paper 图表纸graphical method 图解法graphical representation 图示;以图样表达graphical solution 图解gravitational acceleration 重力加速度gravity 重力greatest term 最大项greatest value 最大值grid lines 网网格线group 组;grouped data 分组数据;分类数据grouping terms 并项;集项growth 增长growth factor 增长因子half angle 半角half angle formula 半角公式half closed interval 半闭区间half open interval 半开区间harmonic mean (1) 调和平均数; (2) 调和中项harmonic progression 调和级数head 正面(钱币)height 高(度)helix 螺旋线hemisphere 半球体;半球heptagon 七边形Heron´s formula 希罗公式heterogeneous (1)参差的; (2)不纯一的hexagon 六边形higher order derivative 高阶导数highest common factor(H.C.F) 最大公因子;最高公因式;最高公因子Hindu-Arabic numeral 阿刺伯数字histogram 组织图;直方图;矩形图Holder´s Inequality 赫耳德不等式homogeneous 齐次的homogeneous equation 齐次方程Hooke´s law 虎克定律horizontal 水平的;水平horizontal asymptote 水平渐近线horizontal component 水平分量horizontal line 横线;水平线horizontal range 水平射程hyperbola 双曲线hyperbolic function 双曲函数hypergeometric distribution 超几何分布hypocycloid 内摆线hypotenuse 斜边hypothesis 假设hypothesis testing 假设检验hypothetical syllogism 假设三段论hypotrochoid 次内摆线idempotent 全幂等的identical 全等;恒等identity 等(式)identity element 单位元identity law 同一律identity mapping 恒等映射identity matrix 恒等矩阵identity relation 恒等关系式if and only if/iff 当且仅当;若且仅若if…, then若….则;如果…..则illustration 例证;说明image 像点;像image axis 虚轴imaginary circle 虚圆imaginary number 虚数imaginary part 虚部imaginary root 虚根imaginary unit 虚数单位impact 碰撞implication 蕴涵式;蕴含式implicit definition 隐定义implicit function 隐函数imply 蕴涵;蕴含impossible event 不可能事件improper fraction 假分数improper integral 广义积分; 非正常积分impulse 冲量impulsive force 冲力incentre 内力incircle 内切圆inclination 倾角;斜角inclined plane 斜面included angle 夹角included side 夹边inclusion mapping 包含映射inclusive 包含的;可兼的inclusive disjunction 包含性析取;可兼析取inconsistent 不相的(的);不一致(的) increase 递增;增加increasing function 递增函数increasing sequence 递增序列increasing series 递增级数increment 增量indefinite integral 不定积分idenfinite integration 不定积分法independence 独立;自变independent equations 独立方程independent event 独立事件independent variable 自变量;独立变量indeterminate (1)不定的;(2)不定元;未定元indeterminate coefficient 不定系数;未定系数indeterminate form 待定型;不定型index,indices 指数;指index notation 指数记数法induced operation 诱导运算induction hypothesis 归纳法假设inelastic collision 非弹性碰撞inequality 不等式;不等inequality sign 不等号inertia 惯性;惯量infer 推断inference 推论infinite 无限;无穷infinite dimensional 无限维infinite population 无限总体infinite sequence 无限序列;无穷序列infinite series 无限级数;无穷级数infinitely many 无穷多infinitesimal 无限小;无穷小infinity 无限(大);无穷(大)inflection (inflexion) point 拐点;转折点inherent error 固有误差initial approximation 初始近似值initial condition 原始条件;初值条件initial point 始点;起点initial side 始边initial value 初值;始值initial velocity 初速度initial-value problem 初值问题injection 内射injective function 内射函数inner product 内积input 输入input box 输入inscribed circle 内切圆insertion 插入insertion of brackets 加括号instantaneous 瞬时的instantaneous acceleration 瞬时加速度instantaneous speed 瞬时速率instantaneous velocity 瞬时速度integer 整数integrable 可积integrable function 可积函数integral 积分integral index 整数指数integral mean value theorem 积数指数integral part 整数部份integral solution 整数解integral value 整数值integrand 被积函数integrate 积;积分;......的积分integrating factor 积分因子integration 积分法integration by parts 分部积分法integration by substitution 代换积分法;换元积分法integration constant 积分常数interaction 相互作用intercept 截距;截段intercept form 截距式intercept theorem 截线定理interchange 互换interest 利息interest rate 利率interest tax 利息税interior angle 内角interior angles on the same side of the transversal 同旁内角interior opposite angle 内对角intermediate value theorem 介值定理internal bisector 内分角internal division 内分割internal energy 内能internal force 内力internal point of division 内分点interpolating polynomial 插值多项式interpolation 插值inter-quartile range 四分位数间距intersect 相交intersection (1)交集;(2)相交;(3)交点interval 区间interval estimation 区间估计;区域估计intuition 直观invalid 失效;无效invariance 不变性invariant (1)不变的;(2)不变量;不变式inverse 反的;逆的inverse circular function 反三角函数inverse cosine function 反余弦函数inverse function 反函数;逆函数inverse cosine function 反三角函数inverse function 反函数;逆映射inverse mapping 反向映射;逆映射inverse matrix 逆矩阵inverse problem 逆算问题inverse proportion 反比例;逆比例inverse relation 逆关系inverse sine function 反正弦函数inverse tangent function 反正切函数inverse variation 反变(分);逆变(分) invertible 可逆的invertible matrix 可逆矩阵irrational equation 无理方程irrational number 无理数irreducibility 不可约性irregular 不规则isomorphism 同构isosceles triangle 等腰三角形iterate (1)迭代值; (2)迭代iteration 迭代iteration form 迭代形iterative function 迭代函数iterative method 迭代法jet propulsion 喷气推进joint variation 联变(分);连变(分)kinetic energy 动能kinetic friction 动摩擦known 己知L.H.S. 末项L´Hospital´s rule 洛必达法则Lagrange interpolating polynomial 拉格朗日插值多项代Lagrange theorem 拉格朗日定理Lami´s law 拉密定律Laplace expansion 拉普拉斯展式last term 末项latent root 本征根; 首通径lattice point 格点latus rectum 正焦弦; 首通径law 律;定律law of conservation of momentum 动量守恒定律law of indices 指数律;指数定律law of inference 推论律law of trichotomy 三分律leading coefficient 首项系数leading diagonal 主对角线least common multiple, lowest common multiple (L.C.M) 最小公倍数;最低公倍式least value 最小值left hand limit 左方极限lemma 引理lemniscate 双纽线length 长(度)letter 文字;字母like surd 同类根式like terms 同类项limacon 蜗牛线limit 极限limit of sequence 序列的极限limiting case 极限情况limiting friction 最大静摩擦limiting position 极限位置line 线;行line of action 作用力线line of best-fit 最佳拟合line of greatest slope 最大斜率的直;最大斜率line of intersection 交线line segment 线段linear 线性;一次linear convergence 线性收敛性linear differeantial equation 线性微分方程linear equation 线性方程;一次方程linear equation in two unknowns 二元一次方程;二元线性方程linear inequality 一次不等式;线性不等式linear momentum 线动量linear programming 线性规划linearly dependent 线性相关的linearly independent 线性无关的literal coefficient 文字系数literal equation 文字方程load 负荷loaded coin 不公正钱币loaded die 不公正骰子local maximum 局部极大(值)local minimum 局部极小(值)locus, loci 轨迹logarithm 对数logarithmic equation 对数方程logarithmic function 对数函数logic 逻辑logical deduction 逻辑推论;逻辑推理logical step 逻辑步骤long division method 长除法loop 回路loss 赔本;亏蚀loss per cent 赔率;亏蚀百分率lower bound 下界lower limit 下限lower quartile 下四分位数lower sum 下和lower triangular matrix 下三角形矩阵lowest common multiple(L.C.M) 最小公倍数machine 机械Maclaurin expansion 麦克劳林展开式Maclaurin series 麦克劳林级数magnitude 量;数量;长度;大小major arc 优弧;大弧major axis 长轴major sector 优扇形;大扇形major segment 优弓形;大弓形mantissa 尾数mantissa of logarithm 对数的尾数;对数的定值部many to one 多个对一个many-sided figure 多边形many-valued 多值的map into 映入map onto 映上mapping 映射marked price 标价Markov chain 马可夫链mass 质量mathematical analysis 数学分析mathematical induction 数学归纳法mathematical sentence 数句mathematics 数学matrix 阵; 矩阵matrix addition 矩阵加法matrix equation 矩阵方程matrix multiplication 矩阵乘法matrix operation 矩阵运算maximize 极大maximum absolute error 最大绝对误差maximum point 极大点maximum value 极大值mean 平均(值);平均数;中数mean deviation 中均差;平均偏差mean value theorem 中值定理measure of dispersion 离差的量度measurement 量度mechanical energy 机械能median (1)中位数;(2)中线meet 相交;相遇mensuration 计量;求积法method 方法method of completing square 配方法method of interpolation 插值法; 内插法method of least squares 最小二乘法; 最小平方法method of substitution 代换法;换元法method of successive substitution 逐次代换法; 逐次调替法method of superposition 迭合法metric unit 十进制单位mid-point 中点mid-point formula 中点公式mid-point theorem 中点定理million 百万minimize 极小minimum point 极小点minimum value 极小值Minkowski Inequality 闵可夫斯基不等式minor (1)子行列式;(2)劣;较小的minor arc 劣弧;小弧minor axis 短轴minor of a determinant 子行列式minor sector 劣扇形;小扇形minor segment 劣弓形;小弓形minus 减minute 分mixed number(fraction) 带分数modal class 众数组mode 众数model 模型modulo (1)模; 模数; (2)同余modulo arithmetic 同余算术modulus 模; 模数modulus of a complex number 复数的模modulus of elasticity 弹性模(数)moment arm (1)矩臂; (2)力臂moment of a force 力矩moment of inertia 贯性矩momentum 动量monomial 单项式monotone 单调monotonic convergence 单调收敛性monotonic decreasing 单调递减monotonic decreasing function 单调递减函数monotonic function 单调函数monotonic increasing 单调递增monotonic increasing function 单调递增函数motion 运动movable pulley 动滑轮multinomial 多项式multiple 倍数multiple angle 倍角multiple-angle formula 倍角公式multiple root 多重根multiplicand 被乘数multiplication 乘法multiplication law (of probability) (概率)乘法定律multiplicative inverse 乘法逆元multiplicative property 可乘性multiplicity 重数multiplier 乘数;乘式multiply 乘multi-value 多值的mulually disjoint 互不相交mutually exclusive events 互斥事件mutually independent 独立; 互相独立mutually perpendicular lines 互相垂直n factorial n阶乘n th derivative n阶导数n th root n次根;n次方根n the root of unity 单位的n次根Napierian logarithm 纳皮尔对数; 自然对数natural logarithm 自然对数natural number 自然数natural surjection 自然满射necessary and sufficient condition 充要条件necessary condition 必要条件negation 否定式negative 负negative angle 负角negative binomial distribution 负二项式分布negative index 负指数negative integer 负整数negative number 负数negative vector 负向量; 负矢量neighborhood 邻域net 净(值)net force 净力Newton-Cote´s rule 牛顿- 高斯法则Newton-Raphson´s method 牛顿- 纳逊方法Newton´s formula 牛顿公式Newton´s law of motion 牛顿运动定律Newton´s method 牛顿方法n-gon n边形nonagon 九边形non-collinear 不共线non-commutative 非交换的non-linear 非线性non-linear equation 非线性方程non-negative 非负的non-reflexive 非自反的non-singular (1)满秩的; (2)非奇异的non-singular matrix 满秩矩阵non-transitive 非可递的non-trivial 非平凡的non-zero 非零norm 模方; 范数normal (1)垂直的;正交的;法线的(2)正态的(3)正常的;正规的normal curve 正态分布曲;常庇分布曲;正规曲;正庇曲normal distribution 正态分布,常态分布normal form 法线式normal reaction 反向法作用力normal to curve 曲线的法线normal vector 法向量normalize 正规化normalized form 标准型notation 记法;记号null 零; 空null hypothesis 零假设; 虚假设null set 空集null vector 零向量number 数number line 数线number pair 数偶number pattern 数型number plane 数平面number system 数系numeral 数字;数码numeral system 记数系统numerator 分子numerical 数值的;数字的numerical analysis 数字分析numerical expression 数字式numerical integration 数值积分法numerical method 计算方法;数值法objective function 目标函数oblique 斜的oblique asymptote 斜渐近线oblique cone 斜圆锥oblique impact 斜向碰撞oblique triangle 斜三角形obtuse angle 钝角obtuse-angled triangle 钝角三角形octagon 八边形。
Hypermesh常见问题汇总1.0 beta 版序虽然总结报告写过N多遍,心里还是有些紧张啊。
——西山小宝接口问题1、hypermesh转入ANSYS如果你在导出数据的时候出现“ELEMENT ***** IS NOT DEFINED"的问题用ET TYPE 建立单元类型,用component manager来赋给网格,而不是用element types.(参考HELP :Setting Up a Model in ANSYS - HM—4410)2、hypermesh导入abaqus可以从hypermesh正常导出,但是在导入abaqus的时候没有模型显示,在底下对话框中提示警告WARNING,告诉你line ****语法出错。
第五章 补体系统(双语)
![第五章 补体系统(双语)](
Initial component
components need of Ab ion C3 convertase C5 convertase biological activity
C1、C4、C2、C3 yes Ca2+、Mg2+ C4b2a C4b2a3b takes part in the adaptive immune response, plays role in the later stage of infection
是存在于血清、组织液和细胞膜表面的一 个具有精密调控机制的蛋白质反应系统。
(component of complement system)
补体固有成份(complement innate component) :是指存在于 血浆及体液中,构成补体基本组成的蛋白质,包括①经典 激活途径的C1、C2、C4;②旁路激活途径的B因子、D因子、 P因子;③MBL途径的MBL、MASP;④补体活化的共同组分 C3、C5~C9。 补体调节蛋白(complement regulatory protein) :指存在于血浆 中和细胞膜表面,通过调节补体激活途径中关键酶而控制补 体活化强度和范围的蛋白分子,包括血浆中C1INH、I因子、 H因子、C4bp、S蛋白及存在于细胞膜表面的膜辅助蛋白 (MCP)、衰变加速因子(DAF)等。 补体受体(complement receptor,CR) :指存在于不 同细胞膜表面,能与补体激活过程所形成的活性 片段相结合、介导多种生物效应的受体分子,包 括CR1~CR5、C3aR~C5aR等。
MASP1 C3 C3b b a C4b2a3b
ug中英文对照词汇2D Exchahge|二维转换2D Manikin|2D 虚拟3D|三维Aaaembly Sepuencing|装配次序Abort|中止Absolute|绝对Absolute coordinate system|绝对坐标系Accuracy|精度Action|操作Active|活动的Active view|激活视图Add|增加Add a components|添加一个组件Add Existing Component|加入已存的组件Add existing part|加入已存的部件Add View to Drawing|在图纸中增加视图Adding a view distance|添加一个视图的距离Analysis and Reporting Functions|分析和报告功能Analysis Data Set Functions|分析数据集功能Analysis Functions|分析功能Analysis Toolbar|分析工具条Analysis type|分析类型Analysis Views Edge Highlight|分析视图边界高亮显示Analyze Shape|分析外形Analyze Shape Toolbar|分析成形工具条Analyzing|分析Anchor and orientation point|锚点和方位点Anchor point|锚点Angle|角度Angle tolerande|角度公差Angled extensions|角度延伸Angular|角度Angular dimensions|角度尺寸Angular law|角度规律Animate|动画模似Animation|动画Anisotropic material|各向异性材料annotation|注释Annotation editor|注释编辑器Annotation Preferences|注释预设置Annotations|注释Ansys solve Ansys|解算器Antialiasing|反锯齿Any|任何Apex|顶点Apex string|顶点线串Apparent|外观Apparent intersection point|表观交点Append|附加Appended|组件Appended text controls|附加文本控制Application|应用程序Application context|应用的上下文Application Toolbar|应用程序工具条Applications|应用Applications of WAVE|WAVE的应用Apply|应用Apply Filter|应用过滤器Approx|近似Approximate|近似Approximate Rho|近似的Rho值Arc|弧Arc Center|圆心Arc Length|弧长Arclength|弧长Area|面积Area law|面积规律array|阵列Arrow|箭头Arrow line display|箭头线显示Arrow segment|箭头段Artistic Image|艺术图像ASCII|美国信息交换标准码Aspect Ratio|纵横比Assemble As Group|装配为组Assemble Step|装配步骤Assemblies|装配Assemblies Clearance|装配间隙Assembly|装配Assembly analysis|装配体分析Assembly Hidden Line Removal|装配消隐线移去Assembly Modeling|装配建模Assembly Navigator|装配导航器Assembly Navigator Tool|装配导航工具Assembly part|装配部件Assembly preferences|装配参数预设置Assembly Sepuencing|装配导航器Assembly views|装配视图Assembly Zone|装配区域Assenbly Sequences|装配次序Assign|指定Assignment|分派Associate|关联Associated|相关联的Associative|关联Associative offsets|相关偏置Associative View Scale|相关视图比例Associativity|相关性Associativity of utility symbols|实用符号的相关性At angle to vector|与矢量方向成角度At Timestamp|按时间标记Attachment|附着Attachment methods|附着方式Attribute|属性Attribute editor|属性编辑器Attributes|属性Attributes hierarchy|属性优先级别Auto|自动Auto dimension|自动尺寸标注Autoballon|自动注释Automatic|自动Auxiliary|辅助Auxiliary View|辅助视图axis|轴Axisymmetric|轴对称Axisymmetric analysis|轴对称分析Axisymmetric loading|轴对称加载Back|下一个Background|背景Bad|坏的Baffle|隔片Balance|平衡Ball|球Bandwidth|带宽Bar|栏Base Diameter|底部直径Base part|基础部件Base point|基点Basic|基本Basic comcepts of Geometric Tolerancing|几何公差的基本概念Basic Curves|基本曲线Basic Lights|基本光Batch Processing|批处理正在进行Bead|筋Bend|折弯Bend segment|折弯段Bend sequence table|弯曲顺序表Bezier spline|贝塞尔样条Binder Ring|压边圈Blank|隐藏Blend|倒圆Blend solid edge|倒圆实体边缘Blend types|倒圆类型Blending function|倒圆功能Block|块Body|体Body Design|体设计Body extents|(物)体范围Body of revolution|旋转体Body Taper|体拔模Bold|粗的Bookmark|书签Boolean Face Properties From|布尔运算面属性Boolean operation|布尔运算Border|边界Borders|边界Boss|园台Both|两者Bottom|底部Bound by objects|用对象定视图边界boundary|边界Boundary point|边界点Boundary types|边界类型Bounded Plane|有界平面Bounded Planes|有界平面Bounding|边界Box|盒子Bracket|支架Break|打断Bridge|桥接Bridge Curve|桥接曲线Bridge Depth|桥接深度Bridge Skew|桥接扭曲Broken Links|断开的链接Broken View|断开剖Build|生成Bundle|捆But|除By corners|按拐角分段By equal segments|按等长分段By Equation|按方程式By input arc length segments|按输入的弧长分段By knotpoint segments|按节点分段By law curve|按规律曲线By points|通过点By poles|通过极点By segments|按段数By tolerance|按公差Calculator capabilities|计算器功能Callouts|零件明细表序号Camera Setp|摄像机步长Cancel|取消Canned layout|储存的布局Canned view|储存的视图Cartesian|笛卡尔(直角坐标系) Catalog|目录Categorise|分类Category|类别Cavity|型腔Cells|单元Center|中心centerline|中心线CGM|CGM格式文件Chain|链接Chaining|成链Chamfer|倒角Chamfer edges|边缘倒角Change degree|改变阶次Change edge|改变边缘Change stiffness|改变刚度Change WCS XC Direction|改变坐标系XC 方向Change WCS YC Direction|改变坐标系YC 方向Change weights|改变权值Character|字符Characteristic|特性Check|检查Check Clearances|间隙分析Check for overlaps|重叠部分检查Checking the format|检查格式Children|子Circle|圆Circle array|圆形阵列Circular|圆形Circular boundary|圆形边界Circular extension|圆形延伸CL|刀位CL file|刀位文件CL point|刀位点Class|分类Class Selection|分类选择Class selection subfuction|分类选择子功能Class selection tools|分类选择工具Classifcation|分类Classification|分类Clear|清除Clearance|间隙Clearance analysis|间隙分析Clearance zone|间隙区域Click|单击Cliff|陡峭Cliff edges|陡峭边缘Clone|克隆Clone assembly|克隆装配Cloning|克隆Cloning Assemblies|克隆装配Close Gaps|封闭间隙Closed|封闭Closed bodies|封闭体Closed Curve|封闭曲线Closed defining points|封闭的定义点Closed in U|U向封闭Closed in V|V向封闭Closs|关闭Coarse|粗糙Code|代码Code set|代码集Coincident|重合Collaborate|协作Collapse All|全部折叠Collinear|共线Color|颜色Color legend|颜色图标Color,font and width option|颜色、字型和宽度选项Column|列Column degree|列的阶次Combined|组合Combined curve projections|组合曲线的投射Combined Projection|组合投影Common|普通Common tools|通用工具Compare|比较Complement Arc|补弧Complete|完成Component|组件Component members|组件成员Component object|组件对象Components|组件Components Arrays|组件阵列Components Filters|组件过滤器Components Operations|组件操作Composite Feature control|Frame复合特征控制框架Compress|压缩Computed|计算Computed curves|计算的曲线Concentric|同心的Concentric Circle|同心圆Concepts|概念Concurrent|并行Concurrent Engineering|并行工程Conditional annotation|条件注释Conduit|沟渠Cone|圆锥Cone direction|圆锥方向Cone origin|圆锥底面圆心Configuration|配置Confirm Upon Apply|应用时确认Confirmation|确认Conic|二次曲线Conic Rho|二次曲线 Rho 值Connected Faces|相连的面Connection|连接Conponents Sets|组件集Constant|常量Constrain|约束Constrain Face|约束面Constrain options|约束选项Constraint|约束Constraints|约束Constructed|构造Constructed curves|构造的曲线Construction|构造Construction Points|构造点Contact mesh|接触网格Containment|包容Containment Interference|包容干涉Contiguous|邻近的Continuity|连续性Continuity Checks|连续性检查Continuity method|连续方式Continuity type|连续性类型Contour|轮廓Contour Curve|轮廓曲线Contour lines|轮廓线Contour plot|轮廓图control|控制Control by|受控于Control Point|控制点Control Polygon|控制多边形Control structure|控制结构Control vertex|控制顶点Controll|控制Controlled|控制(的)controls|控制Controlt|控制Convert|转换Convert dependency|转换依附性Coordinate|坐标Coordinate system|坐标系统Copy|拷贝Copy component|拷贝组件Copy geometry|拷贝几何体Copy method|拷贝方法Copy Object|复制对象Copy to Layer|拷贝至层Copying drawing views|拷贝图视图Core|型芯Corner|拐角Count|数量Counterclockwise|逆时针Course|课程Course objectives|课程目的Create|创建Create animatiom|创建动画Create Component Array|生成组件陈列Create Explosion|生成爆炸Create Filter|建立过滤器Create Geometry|创建几何体Create linked part|创建链接部件Create Method|创建方法Create New Component|创建新的组件Create new level|创建新的一级Create Operation|创建操作Create Program|创建程序组Create Sepuence|生成序列Create Tool|创建刀具组Creating a Components Arrays|创建组件阵列Creating a cylindrical centerline|创建圆柱体的中心线Creating a half section view|创建一个半剖视图Creating a Heilcal Spline|创建一个螺旋样条线Creating a linear centerline|创建一条线型中心线Creating a new drawing|创建一个新的图纸Creating a revolved section view|创建一个旋转剖视图Creating a simple section view|创建一个简单剖视图Creating an offset center point|创建一个偏置的中心点Creating an unfolded section cut|创建一个展开的剖视图Creating and Editing Assemblies|创建和编辑装配Creating Dimensions|创建尺寸Creating exploed views|创建爆炸视图Creating family members|创建家庭成员Creating ID Symbols|创建ID符号Creating pattern data|创建图样数据Creating Section Views|创建剖视图Creating text with a leader|创建带引线的文本Creating Utility Symblos|创建实用符号Creation|创建Cross|交叉Cross section|横截面Cross Splines|交叉样线条Cross strings|交叉线串Crosshairs|十字线Crosshatch|段面线Crosshatch Boundary|断面线边界Crosshatching|剖面线Crosshatching adjacency tolerance|剖面线邻近公差Crossover|交叉CSYS|坐标系Cteated in an assembly|在一个装配中创建Cubic|三次的Cubic fit surface|三次拟合曲面Current|当前的Current Layout|当前布局Current parameters|当前参数Current view|当前视图Currently|当前Cursor|光标Cursor location|光标位置Curvature|曲率Curvature analysis|曲率分析Curvature comb|曲率梳Curvature method|曲率方法curve|曲线Curve analysis display|曲线分析显示Curve Chamfer|曲线倒角Curve creation|曲线建立Curve divide curve|用曲线分割曲线Curve extension|曲线延伸Curve fit creation methods|曲线拟合的建立方法Curve fit with template|使用模板来拟合曲线Curve mesh|曲线网格Curve on Surface|曲面上的曲线Curve to face option|曲线到表面的选项Curve Toolbar|曲线工具条Custom|定制Custom menubar|客户化菜单条Custom Symbol|定制符号Cut|剖切Cut Angle|剖切角Cut line|剖切线Cut Object|剪切对象Cut segment|剖切段Cuts|细缝Cycle|周期,循环Cylinder|圆柱体cylindrical|圆柱的Darker|较暗Dart|筋Dash|虚线Data Base|数据库Data Model|数据模型Data Points|数据点集Database|数据库Datum|基准Datum axis|基准轴Datum CSYS|基准坐标系Datum Editor|基准编辑器Datum plane|基准平面Decimal Places|小数点位数Default|默认Define|定义Defining|定义Defining a UG Expression table|定义一个UG表达式表Defining Face|定义表面Defining points|定义点集Defining the Assembly Structure|定义装配结构Defining the datum origin|定义基准原点Defining the plotter|定义绘图仪Defining the section view display|定义剖视图显示Definition|定义Deform|变形Deform Sheet|曲面变形Deg|度Degree|阶次Degree greater than maximum|阶次大于最大值Degree less than minimum|阶次小于最小值Delay|延迟Delay interpart updates|延迟部件间更新Delayed|延迟Delayed update|延迟更新Delayed Update on Edit|编辑时延迟的更新Delete|删除Delete all edits|删除所有编辑Delete Drawing Sheet|删除图纸页面Delete Explosion|删除爆炸图Delete Object|删除对象Delete positioning dimention|删除定位尺寸Delete selected edits|删除选择的编辑Delete selected erasures|删除选择的擦除Delete Toolpath|删除刀轨Deleteing? parent geometry|删除户几何体Deleteing a utility symbol|删除一个实用符号Delta|增量Delta Offset|增量偏置Demo|演示Density|密度dependency|依附Dependent|依附的Depth|深度Derivative|派生Derivative Vector|派生矢量Description|描述Descriptor|描述符Deselect All|全部不选Deselection|取消选择Design|设计Design in Context|按上下文设计Design rule|设计规则Design Template|设计模板Destination Layer|目标层Destination Point|目标点Destinationt|目标Detail|详细Detail Design|详细设计Detail View|详细视图Detailed|详细的Detination|目的Deviation|偏差Deviation Analysis|偏差分析Deviation check|偏差检查Deviation Gauge|偏差度量dialog|对话框Dialog Bar|对话栏Dialog Bar Fields|对话栏域Dialog Manager|对话栏管理Dialog Preferences|对话框参数预设置Diameter|直径Die Addendum Surface|工艺补充面Die Area Fill|区域填充Die Binder Wrap|压料面Die Carryover|制件信息传递Die Design|冲模设计Die Design Toolbar|冲模设计工具条Die Engineering|冲模工程Die Engineering Toolbar|冷冲模设计工具条Die Face|冲压面Die Flange Task|翻边工序Die Form Task|成形工序Die Lineup|冲压陈列Die Lower Scrap Cutter|模板下部废料裁剪Die Operation|冲模操作Die Pierce Task|模板钻孔任务Die Process Assistant|冲压工艺辅助Die Product Replace|冲模产品替换Die Ribbon Builder|冲模条带建模器Die Section|模具截面Die Steel Insert|模板钢插入Die Tip|冲压方偏转Die Tip Reference|冲压方向偏转参考Die Trim Post|模板裁剪发布Die Trim Steel|修边镶块Die Trim Steel Assistant|模具修边镶块辅助Die Trim Task|修边工序Dim|尺寸dimension|尺寸标注Dimension Constraints|尺寸约束Dimension Local Settings|尺寸局部设置dimensions|尺寸Direct|直接Direct Field of View|直接视野Direct Modeling|直接建模Direct Modeling Toolbar|直接建模工具条direction|方向Direction point|定向点Directories|路径Directory|目录Directory Entry Section|目录登录区Disable|禁用Disabled|不可用Disassemble As Group|拆卸为组Disassemble Step|拆卸步骤display|显示Display Drawing|显示图纸Display File|显示文件Display Instance Editor|显示引用特征编辑器Display label|显示标记Display Object|显示对象Display Options|显示选项Display Prefrences|显示参数预设置Display Selected Part|显示所选部件Display Type|显示类型Display WCS|显示工作坐标系Displayed Part|显示部件distance|距离Distance and Angle|距离及角度Distance Check|距离检查Distance Normal to Curve|垂直于曲线的距离Distance Tolerance|距离公差Distance Value|距离值divide|分割Divide Curve|分割曲线Divided Symbols|分割符号Document Tag|文件标签Documentation|手册DOF|自由度DOL Report|DOL报告Double|双Double Border|双边界Double offset chamfer|双边偏置倒角Downward|向下Draft|拔模Draft Analysis|拔模角分析Draft Angle|拔模角度Draft Height|拔模高度Drafting|制图Drafting Annotation|页面注释Drafting Application|制图应用Drafting Associativity|制图相关性Drafting Dimensions|制图尺寸Drafting Edit|图面编辑Drafting Object|二维图对象Drafting Preferences|制图预设置Drafting Symbols|制图符号Drafting Tables|制图表Drafting Toggles|制图切换Drag|拖拽Dragging|正在拖动Draw Die Punch|拉伸模冲压Drawing|图纸Drawing Borders|图片边框Drawing Layout|图纸布局Drawing Operations|制图操作Drawing View Boundaries|图视图边界Drawing Views|图视图Drive|驱动Drive Curves|驱动曲线Driver Type|驱动类型Dual|双重Dual Constraints|双重约束DXF to Unigraphics|从DXF转换到UG Dynamic|动态edge|边缘Edge and Cross Tangents|边缘与交叉切矢Edge and Normals|边缘与法线Edge Blend|边缘圆角Edge Chamfer|边倒角Edge Curvature|边缘与曲率Edge deviation|边缘偏差Edge Hiding Edge|边缘消隐边缘Edge Only|仅仅边缘Edge Rip|边缘裂口Edge to Face|边缘到表面Edges|边Edit|编辑Edit Alignment|编辑对准Edit Arc Length|编辑弧长Edit Arrangements|编辑安排Edit Category|编辑层组Edit Curve|编辑曲线Edit Curve Parameters|编辑曲线参数Edit Curve Toolbar|编辑曲线工具条Edit Dimension Associativity|编辑尺寸相关性Edit During Update|更新期间编辑Edit Entire Segments|编辑整个段Edit Explosion|编辑爆炸视图Edit Feature|编辑特征Edit Feature Parameters|编辑特征参数Edit Feature Toolbar|编辑特征工具条Edit Fillet|编辑圆角Edit Free Feature|编辑自由形式特征Edit Free Form Feature Toolbar|编辑自由形式特征工具条Edit Object|编辑对象Edit Object Display|编辑对象显示Edit Object Segments|编辑对象段Edit Positioning|编辑位置Edit Sketch Dimension|编辑草图尺寸Edit Solid Density|编辑实体密度Edit Spline by Adding a point|通过添加点来编辑样条Edit Structure|编辑结构Edit Table|编辑表Edit Text|编辑文本Edit Toolpath|编辑刀轨Edit V Degree|编辑V向阶次Editing Dimension Text|编辑尺寸文本Editing Drafting Object|编辑制图对象Editing ID Symbols|编辑ID符号Editing Ordinate Dimensions|编辑坐标尺寸Editing Text|编辑文本Editing the Display of Drawing Views|编辑图视图的显示Editing the Section Line Segments|编辑剖面线段Editing Utility Symbols|编辑实用符号Effects|效果Eject|顶出Element Size|单元尺寸ellipse|椭圆Embedd|内嵌Embedded|内嵌的Emboss|凸起Emphasize|强调Emphasize Word Part|强调工作部件Empty|空Empty Reference set|空的引用集Enable|启用End|终点End Curvatures|端点曲率End point|终点End Slopes|端点斜率End Tangent Overflow|终点相切溢流Enforce|强制Engine Roll|Engine Roll Engineering|工程Enhancements|增强功能Enlarge|扩大Enter|输入Enter Radius|键入半径Entire|整个Entire Part Condition|整个部件零件entries|记录Entries Options|记录选项Environment Variable|环境变量Epual Arc Length Segments|等弧长分段Equal|相等的Equal Arclength|等弧长Equal Radius|等半径Equation|公式Erase|删除Erase Objects|擦除对象Erase Shade|擦除渲染Error|错误Error Messages|错误信息Evaluate|评估Evaluating|评估Evaluating Concepts|评估概念Examine|检查Exchahge|转换Exclude|除外Existing|现有的Existing Point|已存点Exit Unigraphics|退出UG Expand|扩展Expand All|全部展开Exploded Views|爆炸视图exploed|爆炸Export|输出Export GIF|输出GIFExport JPEG|输出JPEGExport Module|导出模块Export Operation Navigator to Browser|输出操作导航树至浏览器Export PNG|输出PNGExport TIFF|输出TIFFExporting|输出Exporting a Drawing|输出一张图纸Expression|表达式。
C3 central molecule of the complement system
• Promotes phagocytosis • Supports local inflammatory reactions against pathogens • Instructs the adaptive immune response • Unregulated activation causes tissue damage • Used by pathogens for immune evasion
C5a C5b C2a C3b C4b C5b
Formation of C5 Convertase during the Classical Complement Pathway
The C4a2b functions as a C3 convertase that can subsequently cleave hundreds of molecules of C3 into C3a and C3b. Much of the C3b binds to adjacent proteins and carbohydrates on the antigen to participate in opsonization while C3a can stimulate inflammatory responses. Some of the C3b binds to C4b2a to form C4b2a3b, a C5 convertase that can cleave C5 into C5a and C5b.
Light chain = s erine proteas e m ultiple copies
补体C1s对食管鳞状细胞癌生物学行为的影响任玲陈昱伶徐凤敏蒙春梅李倩倩胡为民(川北医学院基础医学与法医学院,南充 637100)中图分类号R735.1 文献标志码 A 文章编号1000-484X(2024)01-0127-07[摘要]目的:探究补体分子C1s对食管鳞状细胞癌(ESCC)细胞增殖、迁移、黏附以及裸鼠移植瘤生长的影响。
方法:利用NCBI-GEO数据库分析ESCC组织和癌旁正常组织(ANTs)中C1S mRNA的表达;采用RT-qPCR和Western blot检测ESCC 细胞系中C1s的表达;利用C1s小干扰RNA(siRNA)、C1s短发夹RNA(shRNA)或C1s过表达慢病毒对ESCC细胞进行C1s的敲低或过表达,CCK-8法检测细胞增殖,细胞划痕实验检测细胞迁移,细胞-基质黏附实验检测细胞黏附能力;Western blot检测基质金属蛋白酶MMP1和MMP13表达;裸鼠皮下成瘤实验检测C1s对裸鼠移植瘤生长的影响,免疫组织化学法检测移植瘤中CD34表达,分析肿瘤微血管的形成。
结果:ESCC组织中C1S mRNA表达明显高于ANTs,敲低C1s可明显抑制ESCC细胞的增殖、迁移、细胞-基质黏附以及裸鼠移植瘤的生长,而过表达C1S则具有相反的效果;C1s敲低的ESCC细胞TE-1中MMP1和MMP13的表达降低;与对照组相比,C1s过表达组移植瘤中的微血管更加丰富。
[关键词]补体C1s;食管鳞状细胞癌;增殖;迁移;黏附Effect of complement C1s on biological behavior of esophageal squamous cell carcinomaREN Ling,CHEN Yuling,XU Fengmin,MENG Chunmei,LI Qianqian,HU Weimin. School of Basic Medical Sciences & Forensic Medicine, North Sichuan Medical College, Nanchong 637100, China[Abstract]Objective:To explore the effect of complement component C1s on the proliferation,migration and adhesion of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) cells and on the growth of xenograft tumors in nude mice. Methods:The C1S mRNA ex‐pression of ESCC tissues and adjacent normal tissues (ANTs) were analyzed using NCBI-GEO database. The C1s expression of ESCC cell lines was analyzed with RT-qPCR and Western blot. The knockdown or overexpression of C1s in ESCC cells lines was performed using C1s small interfering RNA (siRNA), C1s short hairpin RNA (shRNA) or C1s overexpression lentivirus, and the cell prolifera‐tion was detected by CCK-8 assay, cell migration was detected by cell wound healing assay, cell adhesion was detected by cell-matrix adhesion assay, the expressions of matrix metalloproteinases MMP1 and MMP13 were detected by Western blot, and the effect of C1s on the growth of xenograft tumors in nude mice was detected by subcutaneous tumorigenesis assay in nude mice. The expression of CD34 in the xenograft tumors was detected by immunohistochemistry, and the formation of tumor microvessel was analyzed. Results:The expression of C1S mRNA in ESCC tissues was significantly higher than that in ANTs. Knockdown of C1s significantly suppressed proliferation, migration and cell-matrix adhesion of ESCC cells, as well as growth of xenograft tumors in nude mice, while overexpres‐sion of C1s had the opposite effects. The expressions of MMP1 and MMP13 were decreased in ESCC cells TE-1 with C1s knockdown. Compared with control group, the microvessel of the xenograft tumors in the C1s overexpression group were more abundant. Conclu⁃sion:C1s is significantly upregulated in ESCC tissues, and promotes proliferation, migration, cell-matrix adhesion of ESCC cells,and the growth of xenograft tumors. C1s may play an important role in the occurrence and development of ESCC.[Key words]Complement C1s;Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma;Proliferation;Migration;Adhesion食管癌(esophageal carcinoma,EC)是最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,其发病率和病死率分别位居恶性肿瘤的第7位和第6位[1]。
第一章问题 1The computer has experienced 4 generations,which are ( )。
Transistors,SMI,Laser device, Optical mediumB. Vacuum Tubes,Transistors, SSI/MSI circuit, Laser deviceC. Vacuum Tubes,Digital tube,SSI/MSI circuit, Laser deviceD。
Vacuum Tubes,Transistors,SSI/MSI circuit,LSI/VLSI circuit问题 2The components of CPU do not include ()。
A. Arithmetic unit B。
memory C. register D. controller问题 3CPU can process information of external memory directly。
错问题 4MFLOPS is a performance index for express the speed of processing the floating point number.A。
对 B.错问题 5Although computer science and technology have changed tremendously both in hardware and in software, the basic model for computers has remained essentially the same,which was presented by ().A. Einstein B。
Von Neumann C。
Edison D. Newton问题 6In 8—bits micro-computer system,multiplication and division are realized by ().A. dedicated chips B。
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genes provides insight into the genetics of CNV hotspots, an important determinant of human health.KeywordsCongenital adrenal hyperplasia; 21-hydroxylase; complement component 4; copy number variationINTRODUCTIONCongenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH, OMIM 201910) due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21-OHD) is an autosomal recessive disorder of the adrenal cortex characterized by impaired cortisol biosynthesis with or without aldosterone deficiency. The defect in cortisol biosynthesis results in a compensatory increase in corticotrophin and stimulation of the adrenal cortex, leading to androgen excess.[1] CAH manifests a broad spectrum of phenotypes and is classified according to clinical severity: the classic or severe form occurs in approximately one case per 15,000 live births worldwide, [1] while a more common mild or nonclassic (NC) form has a prevalence of one in 1,000 in Caucasians.[2]The CYP21A2 (OMIM 201910) gene encoding 21-hydroxylase is mapped at the central region of the human major histocompatibility complex on chromosome 6, and is in tandem with three neighboring genes (RP1, C4 and TNXB ) from the telomeric to centromeric ends to constitute a genetic module termed RCCX (RP -C4-CYP21-TNX ). RP1 encodes a serine/threonine nuclear protein kinase, C4 encodes for the immune effector protein complement component, and TNX (tenascin) is a member of the extracellular matrix protein family. With the exception of C4, each of the other functional genes (RP1, CYP21A2 and TNXB ) has a corresponding highly homologous pseudogene (RP2, CYP21A1P and TNXA ). Due to the highly homologous sequences between functional and pseudogenes, the RCCX modules are characterized by modular duplication or deletion events in which each duplicated or deleted module usually covers a CYP21A1P -TNXA -RP2-C4 unit. Although bimodular RCCX is the most common haplotype, great variation of RCCX length has been observed to generatemisalignment between homologous genes during meiosis, leading to unequal crossovers.[3]Consequently, copy number variation (CNV) of C4, CYP21, and TNX is widely found in humans and this complexity has challenged the genetic analysis of relevant humanconditions.One of the major clinical aspects of the genetics of RCCX is C4 CNV. C4 is an important effector protein that plays a crucial role in the classical and the mannose-binding lectin activation pathways of the immune system.[4–6] In addition to two isotopes, the human C4gene can be either 21kb (C4 long, C4L ) or 14.6kb (C4 short, C4S ) in length, depending on the integration of the endogenous retrovirus HERV-K (C4) into the ninth intron. While complete C4 deficiency is extremely rare, susceptibility to autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus has been associated with lower C4 copy number and lower serum C4 protein levels.[7]The present study is among our series of comprehensive genetic investigations of RCCX in a large cohort of patients with CAH.[8–10] In CAH, the majority of CYP21A2 mutations originate from the CYP21A1P pseudogene and are transferred by gene conversion during meiosis. [11] This high frequency of RCCX crossover events led us to hypothesize that CAH patients may have C4 CNV associated with specific CYP21A2 genotypes that may modulate autoimmune disease risk.The aim of our study was to extend the genetic analysis of the RCCX module to evaluate C4CNV in our large CAH cohort. We determined copy number of total C4, C4L and C4S and$watermark-text$watermark-text$watermark-textevaluated C4 CNV in relation to CYP21A2 genotype, expected population C4 CNV, [12]autoimmune disease, and serum C4 protein levels.METHODSPatientsWe evaluated 127 unrelated patients with CAH due to 21-OHD (100 classic, 27 NC; 63males, 64 females; mean age±SD: 18.5±13.1 years), a subgroup of our previously reported cohort enrolled in a Natural History Study at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda,Maryland, USA (Clinical Trial No. NCT00250159).[10] Only patients with complete genetic data, including Southern blot, were included. Autoimmune disease status was determined per clinical history and medical records. The study was approved by The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Institutional Review Board. Informed consent and assent for minors ≥ 8 years old were obtained.Genotyping of the RCCX moduleDefective CYP21A2 alleles of each patient were confirmed in a comprehensive approach,including sequencing, Southern blot, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA), and other PCR-based methods.[10]Per established protocol, [13] Taq I and PshA I Southern blot was performed to characterize the RCCX modules.[10] The probe A used in the Taq I Southern blots provided genotyping of four possible combinations between the RP (RP1 and RP2) and C4 (C4L and C4S ) genes.The PshA I digestion was employed to confirm copy number ratio between RP1 and RP2genes, which confirmed the total number of RCCX modules, hence C4 gene dosages seen in Taq I digestion.C4 serum protein concentrationsSerum protein concentrations of C4 were determined by a Vista analyzer (NIH Clinical Center Laboratory, Bethesda, Maryland, USA).Statistical analysisGene copy number of total C4, C4L , and C4S were compared amongst groups using Chi-square test, Fisher’s exact test, as appropriate. Group comparisons of C4 serumconcentrations were carried out using the independent t test or one-way analysis of variance,as appropriate. Average values were expressed as mean±SD. A two-tailed p value of <0.05was considered significant. Analyses were performed using SPSS statistical software V19.0.0 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, Illinois, USA).RESULTSGreat RCCX length variation was observed and the CNV of each gene corresponded to the number of RCCX modules (figure 1A–B). Overall, only 39% of our CAH population had the most commonly reported four copies of C4, as compared to 61% of populationestimates.[12] C4 copy number was significantly higher in the nonclassic than the classic group (5.30±0.82 vs. 3.57±0.96; p=3.52×1014) (figure 1C). Correspondingly, the serum level of total C4 was greater in NC than classic patients (33.0±6.3 vs. 21.2±6.6;p=4.14×10−5).Similar numbers of CAH patients had extremely low (9.4% with 2) and high (14.2% with 6–7) copies of C4. When compared with a previously published group of healthy European Americans, [12] our CAH patients had a different C4 copy number distribution$watermark-text $watermark-text $watermark-text(p=5.24×10−12), which was greatest for C4S (p=7.96×10−12). The copy numbers of RP1-C4L , RP1-C4S , RP2-C4L and RP2-C4S in our CAH population were 247, 7, 110, and 136,respectively. There was a significant association between RP and long or short C4 genes (p=1.31×10−38) regarding relative location. This suggests that the RP1 gene isoverwhelmingly in tandem with the C4L gene in RCCX modules. Three of the 7 RP1-C4S alleles were determined to be a monomodular RCCX module with a C4S gene (mono-S).Although we were not able to determine the phases of RCCX modules where the remaining 4 RP1-C4S alleles were located, the allele frequency of mono-S in our CAH patients was significantly lower than published norms (p=1.08×10−4). None of our NC CAH patients had the mono-S haplotype, a risk factor for autoimmune disease; 1.5% of the classic CAH patients had this haplotype.V281L, the most common nonclassic CYP21A2 mutation, was associated with high C4copy number (table 1). Additionally, higher V281L mutation copy number was associated with increased copies of C4 (table 1). No association was found between other less frequent nonclassic CYP21A2 mutations and C4 copy number.C4 copy number was also significantly different based on the copy number of chimera genes at the RCCX locus (table 1); having a chimera gene at the RCCX locus was associated with a decrease in C4 copy number. The overall distribution difference of C4 copy number was significant when deletion copy number varied (table 1). In particular, 75% (9 out of 12) of patients who carried two copies of C4 had two copies of chimera genes, accounting for approximately two-thirds of the patients who carried two chimera genes.In our cohort of 127 CAH patients, four had history of autoimmune disease: two with Hashimoto thyroiditis, one with inflammatory bowel disease, and one with seronegative juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. No association was found between history of autoimmunity and C4 CNV or C4 serum levels.DISCUSSION In this study, we report a comprehensive investigation of the complement component 4 genein a large cohort of North American patients with CAH due to 21-OHD. In genetic studies of the RCCX module, the C4, CYP21A2, and TNXB genes have been studied extensively in autoimmune disease, CAH, and connective tissue disorders, respectively. Extending genetic analysis from a causative single gene perspective to the whole RCCX module in relation to phenotype is of great importance, as exemplified by cases of TNX-deficiency found in CAH patients.[8, 14] We found that CAH patients have greater C4 CNV, with mutation-specific associations that may be protective for autoimmune disease.Our patients with CAH demonstrated a significantly different distribution of C4 copynumber than expected, [12, 15] with an increase in extremely low and high C4 copy number.Interestingly, the approximate 20% decrease in the expected four copies of C4 in our cohort was almost equally distributed between the groups with either 2 or ≥ 6 C4 copies. This suggests that unequal crossover events in the population of defective CYP21A2 carriers resulted in an increase of monomodular and longer (trimodular or quadrimodular) RCCX haplotypes, and that these haplotypes were transmitted to and concentrated in the CAHpopulation. Therefore, having CAH appears to increase the probability of having either very low or very high C4 copy number.Nonclassic CAH is among the most common autosomal recessive diseases, with Ashkenazi Jews having the highest prevalence.[16] We report the novel finding of an association between the V281L mutation, the most frequent CYP21A2 mutation found in NC CAH patients, [10, 16] and an increase in C4 copy number, indicating that the V281L mutation$watermark-text$watermark-text$watermark-textmay be much more frequent in longer RCCX modules at a haplotype level. Since higher C4copies are protective against autoimmune disease, our finding leads to an intriguinghypothesis that carrier status for V281L may present an evolutionary advantage. Under the alignment model proposed by Blanchong et al. to explain possible pairings of heterozygous RCCX length variants during meiosis, [3] the CYP21A2 gene carrying a V281L mutation may discourage alignment to the homologous sequence on the paired chromosome.Consequently, the V281L mutation is enriched in longer RCCX modules with higher C4copy number. Furthermore, higher C4S copy number and greater serum level of total C4 in the NC patients support the role of C4S in increasing C4 protein concentration.[12]The RCCX module is characterized by modular duplication or deletion events. In particular,large gene deletions result in chimera genes at the centromeric tail of the RCCX module,which account for approximately 30% of CYP21A2 mutations.[10, 17] These chimera genes are mostly present in a form of CYP21A1P /CYP21A2, [9] but also TNXA /TNXB in subset of patients in which the functional CYP21A2 gene is completely deleted and the deletion extends into the TNXB gene.[8, 14] As expected, we found that having a chimera gene at the RCCX locus was associated with a decrease in total C4 copy number, but this was not associated with autoimmune disease.Our findings support prior studies of C4 in classic CAH patients; the low frequency ofmono-S allele was reported in a relatively small cohort of 22 classic CAH patients [3] and in 46 unrelated Brazilian classic CAH patients.[18] Yu et al. suggested that lower frequency of mono-S might reduce autoimmune disease risk.[3, 12] Similarly, the reduced frequency of mono-S in our CAH cohort may explain our low incidence of autoimmune disorders,however, the young age distribution of the patients may be a confounder.The human C4 locus has been identified as a functional CNV hotspot.[19] The genome architecture at these CNV loci has a potential role in stirring up mutational events.[19]Harboring a highly homologous sequence, the RCCX module is inherently prone to geneduplication or deletion events by virtue of specific characteristics of the local DNA sequence environment.[20] The involvement of multiple genes in these events results in concurrent CNVs across the surrounding genes. Consequently, the overall clinical phenotypes of a patient go beyond the simple pattern of “single gene disorder” when the causative gene is located in a functional CNV hotspot. Our data provides insight into the genetics of copynumber variation hotspots, the effect on multiple neighboring genes, and the ultimate impact on human disease.AcknowledgmentsWe are grateful to the patients for their participation in this study. We are indebted to Dr. Chack-Yung Yu(Department of Pediatrics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA) for providing probes for Southern blot and valuable discussion of the genetics of the RCCX module. We want to thank NIA Core Laboratory staff for DNA extraction and sample processing, and Ms. Tina Roberson for administrative assistance.Funding: This work was supported (in part) by the Intramural Research Programs of the The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, and the National Institute of Aging (NIA) and (in part) by The Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Research, Education and Support (CARES) Foundation. Dr. Merke is a Commissioned Officer in the United States Public Health Service.References1. Merke DP, Bornstein SR. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Lancet. 2005; 365:2125–36. [PubMed:15964450]$watermark-text $watermark-text$watermark-text2. Speiser PW, Dupont B, Rubinstein P, et al. High frequency of nonclassical steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Am J Hum Genet. 1985; 37:650–67. [PubMed: 9556656]3. Blanchong CA, Zhou B, Rupert KL, et al. 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[PubMed:21853507]$watermark-text$watermark-text$watermark-textFigure 1.Copy number variation (CNV) of RCCX (RP -C4-CYP21-TNX ) modules and C4 genes. (A)Schematic representation of four types of RCCX haplotypes resulting from modular duplication or deletion events at the central region of the human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on chromosome 6. (B) CNV of the RCCX constituting genes was found by Southern blotting with Taq I and PshA I restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP).The control shows equal intensity of RP1 and RP2, indicating 4 copies of C4: one is short and three are long. Patient 1 is homozygous for a monomodular RCCX with a C4S gene and lacks RP2, CYP21A1P and TNXA . Similarly, Patient 2 is homozygous for a monomodular RCCX with a C4L gene. Patient 3 has 4 copies of C4, which are all long. Patient 4 has 6copies of C4: four are short and the other two are long because the 5.4 kb RP2-C4S Taq I band is twice as intense as the 7.0 kb RP1-C4L Taq I band (confirmed by a PshA I Southern blot), and the same intensity ratio of CYP21A1P:CYP21A2 and TNXA:TNXB. (C)Phenotypic variation was observed for total C4 copy number.$watermark-text$watermark-text$watermark-text$watermark-text$watermark-text$watermark-text Tabl e1C o p y n u m b e r v a r i a t i o n o f t h e C 4 g e n e a n d t h e C Y P 21A 2 V 281L m u t a t i o n o r c h i m e r a g e n e C o p y n u m b e r o fC Y P 21A 2V 281L m ut a t i on C 4 C o p y N u m b e r V a r i a t i o n (C N V )T o t a l C 4 G e n e C o p y I n d e x 1P v a l u e o f t t e s t 23456, 7012334351943.47±0.837.00×10−11 (0 v s . 1)101686214.95±0.977.71×10−3 (1 v s . 2)2001011125.83±0.583.49×10−10 (0 v s . 2)F is h e r ’se xa c t t e s t p =7.13×10−16C o p y n u mb e r o fc h im e r a g e n e C 4C o p y N u m b er V a r i a t i o n (C N V )T o t a l C 4Gen eC o p y I n d e x 1P v a l u e o f t t e s t 23456, 701335815624.53±0.973.78×10−6 (0 v s . 1)12271453513.63±1.007.47×10−5 (1 v s . 2)294100142.43±0.654.50×10−11 (0 v s . 2)F i s h e r ’se x a c t t es t p =1.61×10−141Gen e C op yInd ex(GCI )in dicate sth a tme a n ±S DofC 4co py n u mbe r wi th in ase l e ctedp opul a ti o n.[7]。