Cisco EnergyWise




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它们支持更快的接口和应用模块规格,包括一个服务模块(SM)、一个增强型高速广域网接口卡(EHWIC) 和一个内部服务模块(ISM),并为新的思科® 1941W 集成多业务路由器提供了无线802.11n 选项。

其他系统创新还包括用于模块间通信的千兆级光纤(MGF)、两个紧凑式闪存插槽以及首次应用于思科产品的USB 总线接口。

这些新款路由器还是思科为引入全新简化版本的思科IOS® 软件套装而推出的旗舰产品,它们基于通用的思科IOS 软件镜像,用户只需输入许可密钥便可获得所有特性和功能。

所有路由器默认都提供了额外的紧凑式闪存(Compact Flash )和主系统内存(DRAM),而无需额外的成本。



最后,路由器性能也得到了显著的提升,新一代集成多业务路由器的性能较当前产品增加了1-4 倍,并提供了更好的能源效率。

Cisco-无边界网络概览 - 思科无边界网络

Cisco-无边界网络概览 - 思科无边界网络

提供能够对任一设备提供实时协作体验的强健网络平台 通过位置服务实现透明移动性,随时随地进行通信 为本地网络和整个云服务上的设备提供安全性 提供实时性和更低的能源成本,从而实现有效且经济高效的业务运营 为视频和 Web 2.0 服务提供优化的应用程序性能 提供基于策略的访问控制和身份感知网络,从而在保护关键业务应用程序的同时,实现访问和 协作 遵守当前和未来的政府与行业法规要求
图 1 不断变化的业务边界
IT 消费化 面向外部的 应用程序
面向内部的 应用程序
随着人们不断地将新技术融入到日常生活中,形势出现了另一种变化。新一代的客户和 员工不断地加入工作人员队伍之中。他们不但多媒体驾轻就熟,而且还联系广泛。他们 将移动性强、携带方便的视频设备带入工作场所或企业,希望视频能用在与员工、客户 和合作伙伴交互的过程。因此,IT 不仅必须处理新设备和使用模型的问题,而且还必须 处理不断变化的业务实践问题,这些实践会对核心基础架构提出大量的新要求。 在当今的现代化工作场所中,数据中心、应用程序、员工和客户等主要业务资源均在传 统的业务边界之外,这种现象逐渐司空见惯。围绕所有这些人员和资源来扩展业务边 界,使 IT 部门不堪重负。如果每个项目都要求成为传统 IT 设计和管理实践的例外,IT 将 爱莫能助。IT 需要一种更好的方式来扩展和管理处于任何位置的用户和客户(假定这些 用户可能正在使用各种不同类型的设备来访问世界上任何位置的几乎所有应用程序)。 思科无边界网络架构能够让 IT 高效地管理从多个地点、多个设备对可能位于任何位置的 应用程序的访问。
硬件与软件分离 计算、存储和网络三位一体 策略贯穿整个统一系统

Cisco EnergyWise

Cisco EnergyWise
EnergyWise查询机制能够在任意设定的时间为建筑物内客户的功耗和功耗调整提供建议。 查询机制能够概述一组设备的功率或根据设备位置检索某个设备的功率信息。例如, EnergyWise 能够提供一系列园区建筑物中所有休息室电话的功耗信息。EnergyWise 能 够让客户了解,在不实际变更网络的前提下,改变网络中某些设备的用电水平所带来的能 源节省。如果用电超出了客户规定的阈值,则自动生成报警。
EnergyWise 能够应用时间策略控制功耗。这些策略能够根据设备类型、设备位置、设备优 先级和其他参数来实施。EnergyWise 协议中设置有优先级和用电水平,支持终端根据基于 网络的信号做出精确调整。设备的优先级使EnergyWise系统能够了解一台设备是否应该受 信号的影响而优化功耗。最高优先级设备不会丢弃负载,而低优先级设备则能关闭或降低功 耗。功率电平使EnergyWise系统能够告诉设备它所应达到的功耗状态。例如,EnergyWise 管理系统发送的信息将把低优先级设备调整至睡眠状态,而拥有高优先级的 IP 电话则不会 关闭。通过节能以及调整配线间规模和建立适当数量的资源这些优化措施,能够节省成本, 为客户提供长期和短期成本节省。
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Product BulletinCisco IOS Software Release 12.2(55)SE for Cisco Catalyst 3750-X, 3560-X, 3750-E, 3560-E, 3750, 3560, 2975, 2960, and 2960-S Series Switches; Cisco Catalyst 3750V2 and 3560V2 Switches; Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3000 Series Switches; and Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3000 and 3100 PlatformsPB 614546Cisco announces Cisco IOS® Software updates for Cisco® Catalyst® 3750-X, 3560-X, 3750-E, 3750, 3560-E, 3560, 2975, 2960, and 2960-S Series Switches; Cisco Catalyst 3750V2 and 3560V2 Switches; Cisco Industrial Ethernet (IE) 3000 Series Switches; and Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3000 and 3100 platforms.This release brings popular technologies such as Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for Routed Access and Embedded Event Manager (EEM) to the IP Base image. On the Cisco Catalyst 2960 and 2960-S series, it adds support for 16 static IPv4 routes in the LAN Base image, and adds support for Link Layer Discovery Protocol Media Endpoint Discovery (LLDP-MED) and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Snooping in the LAN Lite image. This release also introduces a number of enhancements, including extensions to the Cisco Smart Install technology; improvements to the Cisco EnergyWise and Auto SmartPorts technologies; and enhancements to identity-based networking, manageability, and security.This product bulletin contains content and delivery information for Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(55)SE.New FeaturesThe following new features and enhancements for enterprise switches are available with this Cisco IOS Software release:●Ease of use and manageability enhancements: This release incorporates important manageabilityimprovements to Cisco Catalyst Smart Operations such as Auto SmartPorts “phase 3” enhancements and Smart Install enhancements, which are meant to reduce time of deployment and deployment costs inheterogeneous switch, router, and endpoint device environments. In particular, Auto SmartPortsenhancements include support for new and improve macros and enhancements specific for wireless access points. Smart Install enhancements include support of new devices as client and directors, support ofconfiguration file backup and the ability to easily replace (“zero touch”) a switch in the network. A zero touch replacement process makes sure the latest image and configuration is downloaded during the devicereplacement process. These enhancements are also discussed in the “Ease-of-Use and ManageabilityEnhancements” section of this document.●Cisco Medianet enhancements: Auto-QoS’s automatic configuration has been extended to include theclassification of data, voice, and video flows, including those from video endpoints such as the CiscoTelePresence™ System and Cisco Surveillance Camera. In addition, a switch port can now send locationinformation using LLDP and Cisco Discovery Protocol to the endpoint to which it is connected for dynamic location-based content distribution from servers. Cisco Discovery Protocol now supports a location type-length value (TLV) as well as an application ID TLV and a location server TLV for the aforementionedpurpose.●Cisco TrustSec™ 4.1 Identity enhancements: This release enhances Cisco Identity-Based NetworkingServices (IBNS) with advanced features and extensions geared to improve integration, scalability, andmobility. The enhancements include authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) guarantee-firstsupport, MAC replace, support for VLAN assignment on a port configured for multiauth mode, a configurable option to turn off 802.1X and MAC Authentication Bypass (MAB) informational messages, port access control list (ACL) improvements, and a new Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) tracking probe configuration option.These enhancements are discussed in more detail in the “Identity Enhancements” section of this document.●Cisco EnergyWise enhancements: This release supports an enhanced CISCO-ENERGYWISE-MIBimplementation that adds 17 new MIB objects in the cewNeighborTable, including various EnergyWiseendpoint (child) attributes such as device MAC addresses.Figure 1 shows EnergyWise ecosystem and MIB usage.Figure 1. EnergyWise Ecosystem and MIB usage●OSPF for Routed Access: Starting from Cisco IOS Release 12.2(55)SE, the IP Base image supports a newfeature called OSPF for Routed Access. OSPF for Routed Access is designed specifically to enable you to extend Layer 3 routing capabilities to the wiring closet. It supports only one OSPFv2 and one OSPFv3instance, with a maximum number of 200 dynamically learned routes.With the typical topology (hub and spoke) in a campus environment, where the wiring closets (spokes) are connected to the distribution switch (hub) forwarding all nonlocal traffic to the distribution layer, the wiring closet switch need not hold a complete routing table. A best practice design, where the distribution switch sends a default route to the wiring closet switch to reach interarea and external routes (OSPF stub or totally stub area configuration), should be followed when OSPF for Routed Access is used in the wiring closet. For more details, visit /en/US/partner/docs/solutions/Enterprise/Campus/routed-ex.html.Note that the IP Base image entitles the user to configure OSPF for Routed Access; however, the restrictions on the number of routes and instances are not enforced in this release.The IP Services image is required if one needs multiple OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 instances without routerestrictions. Additionally, the IP Services image is required to enable the multi-VRF-CE feature.●Support for EEM in IP Base: Support for the powerful EEM feature set, previously available only in the IPServices image, is now available in IP Base as well.Table 1 shows OSPF for Routed Access and EEM additions to the IP Base image. Table 1. OSPF for Routed Access and EEM additions to IP BaseCisco® Catalyst® 3560-X and Catalyst 3750-X Cisco Catalyst 3560 and Catalyst 3750, Including E and X SeriesFunctions LAN Base IP Base IP ServicesLayer 2+ ●Enterprise access Layer 2Wide range of Layer 2 accessfeatures for enterprise deployments ●Complete access Layer 2Supports all Cisco Catalyst 2000 and Catalyst 3000 Layer 2 features, including hot standby protocols; supports Cisco StackPower™ technology (Cisco Catalyst 3750-X)Layer 3 ●No routing supportSupport for SVI with no IP routingsupport ●Enterprise access Layer 3Static routing, RIP, stub PIM, stubEIGRP, OSPF for Routed Access New●Complete access Layer 3OSPF, EIGRP, BGP, IS-IS, PIM, VRF-lite, WCCP, PBRManageability ●Basic manageabilitySupport for a wide range of MIBs,IPSLA Responder, and RSPAN ●Enterprise access Layer 3EEM, Gold-Lite and Smart InstallDirector●Complete access Layer 3IPSLA InitiatorSecurity ●Enterprise access securityDHCP Snooping, IPSG, DAI, PACLS,Cisco Identity 4.0, NAC and 802.1xfeatures ●Complete access securityRouter and VLAN ACLSs, private VLANs, complete security, TrustSec SXP, and IEEE 802.1AE (Cisco Catalyst 3560-X and Catalyst 3750-X)QoS ●Enterprise access QosIngress policing, Trust Boundary,AutoQos, and DSCP mapping ●Complete access QoSSupport for all Cisco Catalyst 2000 and Catalyst 3000 QoS features, including per-VLAN policesNote: IP Services feature set includes all IP Base features. IP Base feature set includes all LAN Base features.●Support for 16 static IPv4 routes in LAN Base (2960, 2975, and 2960-S only): With the new LAN BaseRouting SDM template, support is added for up to 16 user-configurable static IPv4 routes, in addition todirectly connected routes and any default routes for the management interface. Static routing is supported only on SVIs. Router access control lists (RACLs) can be configured in conjunction with static routing as well.●LLDP-MED support in LAN Lite (2960 and 2960-S only): Support for the LLDP-MED protocol, previouslyavailable only in the LAN Base feature set (or better), is now available in LAN Lite as well.●DHCP Snooping (including option 82) support in LAN Lite (2960 and 2960-S only): Support for theDHCP Snooping feature, previously available only in the LAN Base feature set (or better), is now available in LAN Lite as well.●Ternary content-addressable memory (TCAM) consistency check routines: Support for new routines todetect and correct invalid TCAM table entries on the Cisco Catalyst 2975, 2960 (not supported on 2960-S), 3560, 3560v2, 3750, 3750v2, and CBS 30x0 switches.●Location enhancements: Support was added in LLDP and Cisco Discovery Protocol to transporthierarchical civic location information. Furthermore, the location information can be transmitted over Cisco Discovery Protocol between wired switches and attached devices, from a switch to the endpoint (when the location info is configured on the switch), or vice versa from the device to the switch (which will store the info and eventually relay it to a location appliance) when the end device’s location is configured by the user.●Improvements in QoS policing rates on the Cisco Catalyst 2960(S) and 2975 in LAN Base: minimumpolicing rate values were lowered from 1 Mbps to 8 Kbps on the Cisco Catalyst 2960 and 2975 and to 16Kbps on the Cisco Catalyst 2960S. The Cisco Catalyst 2960S’s minimum rate granularity is 16 Kbps.●Support for the QoS class-default policy statement on the Cisco Catalyst 2960, 2975, 3560(v2), 3750(v2),3560E/3750E, 3560X/3750X, CBS 31x0, and 30x0 switches (not supported on 2960-S).●Support for a command to increase the NVRAM buffer size up to 1 MB in the rare cases in which a largeconfiguration cannot be saved with the default NVRAM size (512 KB).●Support for the Security Group Tag (SGT) Exchange Protocol (SXP) component of Cisco TrustSec, a securityarchitecture using authentication, encryption, and access control on the Cisco Catalyst 3560E, 3750E,3560v2, 3750v2, 3560, 3750, CBS 31x0, and 30x0 switches. (Cisco Catalyst 3560X and 3750X support SXP since Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(53)SE.)Cisco Smart Operations Ease-of-Use and Manageability EnhancementsThe following ease-of-use and manageability enhancements are included in this release:●Smart Install enhancements: Smart Install enables plug-and-play configuration and image distribution froma single point of management (director) in the network and therefore can reduce total cost of ownership(TCO) and operational expenses for the customer.In this release support was added for the following platforms:◦Cisco Catalyst 3560X (client or director)◦Cisco Catalyst 3750X (client or director)◦Cisco Catalyst 2960S (client)Moreover, support for CISCO-SMART-INSTALL-MIB was introduced too.Cisco Smart Install is a transparent plug-and-play technology to configure the Cisco IOS Software imageand switch configuration without user intervention. Smart Install utilizes dynamic IP address allocation and the assistance of other switches to facilitate installation, providing transparent network plug and play. Inconjunction with it, Cisco Smart Configuration provides a single point of management for a group ofswitches and adds the ability to archive and back up configuration files to a file server or switch, allowingtransparent zero-touch switch replacement. Zero-touch replacement enables the user to remove a faultyswitch and replace it with a new switch of the same model. When the new switch is detected, the currentconfiguration and Cisco IOS Software are downloaded, allowing switch replacement by a user withoutswitch knowledge.●Auto SmartPorts (ASP) enhancements. The new Auto SmartPorts capabilities include:◦Global configuration macros, to enable the user to apply configuration globally on a switch or on all interfaces of the switch.◦ A last resort macro, to apply a built-in macro on interfaces where a device is detected but is not part of the well-known device list. This capability is useful for the auto configuration of ports connected, for example, to personal computers.◦ A custom macro, to allow the user to set interfaces into a desired “default” configuration state every time ASP removes previously applied macro configuration.◦Per port and global trigger control, which allows greater control over which devices and interfaces are automatically configured using Auto Smart Ports. The user can now select a device’s interface on which a macro needs to be applied and/or select the mode of device detection (for example, Cisco DiscoveryProtocol, LLDP, or MAC-address based).◦Support of use of VLAN IDs as VLAN name parameters.◦Support of the use by wireless access points of the new Cisco Discovery Protocol Auto-QoS extensions, to communicate to the switch the proper bandwidth information in order to apply the corresponding QoSconfiguration on the switch interface.Identity EnhancementsThe following identity enhancements are included in this release:●MAC replace: MAC replace allows new hosts to connect to abandoned ports behind a hub or third-party IPphone without generating a violation. The switch terminates the initial session and resets the authentication sequence based on the new MAC address. For directly connected hosts or for hosts behind Cisco IP phones, the switches now know the initial host has been removed.●AAA guarantee-first support for enabling or disabling system accounting as the first record.●An option to suppress verbose 802.1X, authentication manager, and MAC authentication bypass syslogmessages.●Support for dynamic creation or attachment of an auth-default ACL on a port that has no static ACLconfigured.●Support for VLAN assignment on a port configured for multiauth mode: the RADIUS server assigns aVLAN to the first authenticated host on the port, and subsequent hosts will use the same VLAN. Voice VLAN assignment is supported for one IP phone.●ARP tracking probe enhancement to specify a source IP address for a VLAN.Product Support for New Features and EnhancementsTable 2 summarizes product support for new features of Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(55)SE for the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X, 3750-E, 3560-X, and 3560-E Series Switches.Table 2. New Features in Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(55)SE for the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X, 3750-E, 3560-X, and 3560-E Series SwitchesFeature CiscoCatalyst3750-XLAN BaseFeatureSet CiscoCatalyst3750-X IPBaseFeatureSetCiscoCatalyst3750-E IPBaseFeatureSetCiscoCatalyst3750-X IPServicesFeatureSetCiscoCatalyst3750-E IPServicesFeatureSetCiscoCatalyst3560-XLAN BaseFeatureSetCiscoCatalyst3560-X IPBaseFeatureSetCiscoCatalyst3560-E IPBaseFeatureSetCiscoCatalyst3560-X IPServicesFeatureSetCiscoCatalyst3560-E IPServicesFeatureSetSmart InstallenhancementsYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesAuto SmartPortsenhancementsYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesMedianet Auto-QoSenhancementsYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesImproved CISCO-ENERGYWISE-MIBYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesOSPF for RoutedAccessNo Yes Yes - - No Yes Yes - -Support forEmbedded EventManager (EEM) in IPBase- Yes Yes - - - Yes Yes - -Support for 16 staticIPv4 routes in LANBaseNo - - - - No - - - -TCAM MemoryConsistency CheckRoutinesNo No No No No No No No No NoLocationenhancement:hierarchical locationYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesCatalyst 3750-X LAN Base Feature Set Catalyst3750-X IPBaseFeatureSetCatalyst3750-E IPBaseFeatureSetCatalyst3750-X IPServicesFeatureSetCatalyst3750-E IPServicesFeatureSetCatalyst3560-XLAN BaseFeatureSetCatalyst3560-X IPBaseFeatureSetCatalyst3560-E IPBaseFeatureSetCatalyst3560-X IPServicesFeatureSetCatalyst3560-E IPServicesFeatureSetLocationenhancement: CiscoDiscovery Protocollocation supportYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesSupport for the QoSclass-default policystatementYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesSupport for acommand toincrease the NVRAMbuffer sizeYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesMAC Replace Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes AAA guarantee-firstsupportYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesOption to suppressverbose identitymessagesYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDynamic attachmentof an auth-defaultACL on a port thathas no static ACLconfiguredYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesSupport for VLANassignment on aport configured formulti-auth modeYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesARP tracking probeenhancementYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesTable 3 summarizes product support for new features of Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(55)SE for the Cisco Catalyst 3750 and 3560 Series and Cisco Catalyst 3750V2 and 3560V2 switches.Table 3. New Features in Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(55)SE for the Cisco Catalyst 3750 and 3560 Series and Cisco Catalyst 3750V2 and 3560V2 SwitchesFeature CiscoCatalyst3750 IP BaseFeature Set CiscoCatalyst3750V2 IPBaseFeature SetCiscoCatalyst3750 IPServicesFeature SetCiscoCatalyst3750V2 IPServicesFeature SetCiscoCatalyst3560 IP BaseFeature SetCiscoCatalyst3560V2 IPBaseFeature SetCiscoCatalyst3560 IPServicesFeature SetCiscoCatalyst3560V2 IPServicesFeature SetSmart InstallenhancementsYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesAuto SmartPortsenhancementsYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesMedianet Auto-QoSenhancementsYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesImproved CISCO-ENERGYWISE-MIBYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesOSPF for RoutedAccessYes Yes - - Yes Yes - -Support forEmbedded EventManager (EEM) in IPBaseYes Yes - - Yes Yes - -TCAM MemoryConsistency CheckRoutinesYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesCatalyst 3750 IP Base Feature Set Catalyst3750V2 IPBaseFeature SetCatalyst3750 IPServicesFeature SetCatalyst3750V2 IPServicesFeature SetCatalyst3560 IP BaseFeature SetCatalyst3560V2 IPBaseFeature SetCatalyst3560 IPServicesFeature SetCatalyst3560V2 IPServicesFeature SetLocationenhancement:hierarchical locationYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesLocationenhancement: CiscoDiscovery Protocollocation supportYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesSupport for the QoSclass-default policystatementYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesSupport for acommand toincrease the NVRAMbuffer sizeYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesSupport for theSecurity Group Tag(SGT) ExchangeProtocol (SXP)Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesMAC Replace Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesAAA guarantee-firstsupportYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesOption to suppressverbose identitymessagesYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDynamic attachmentof an auth-defaultACL on a port thathas no static ACLconfiguredYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesSupport for VLANassignment on aport configured formulti-auth modeYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesARP tracking probeenhancementYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesTable 4 summarizes product support for new features of Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(55)SE for the Cisco Catalyst 2960 and 2975 Series, Cisco IE 3000 Series, and Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3000 and 3100 platforms. Table 4. New Features in Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(55)SE for the Cisco Catalyst 2960 and 2975 Series, Cisco IE 3000 Series, and Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3000 and 3100 PlatformsFeature CiscoCatalyst2960 and2975Series LANBaseFeatureSet CiscoCatalyst2960Series LANLiteFeatureSetCiscoCatalyst2960-SSeries LANBaseFeatureSetCiscoCatalyst2960-SSeries LANLiteFeatureSetCisco IE3000Series LANBaseFeatureSetCisco IE3000Series IPServicesFeatureSetCiscoCatalystBladeSwitch3000PlatformCiscoCatalystBladeSwitch3100Platform IPBaseFeatureSetCiscoCatalystBladeSwitch3100Platform IPServicesFeatureSetSmart InstallenhancementsYes Yes Yes Yes No No No No NoAuto SmartPortsenhancementsYes Yes Yes Yes No No No No NoMedianet Auto-QoSenhancementsYes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes YesImproved CISCO-ENERGYWISE-MIBYes Yes Yes Yes No No No No NoOSPF for RoutedAccessNo No No No No No Yes Yes -Catalyst 2960 and 2975 Series LAN Base Feature Set Catalyst2960Series LANLiteFeatureSetCatalyst2960-SSeries LANBaseFeatureSetCatalyst2960-SSeries LANLiteFeatureSet3000Series LANBaseFeatureSet3000Series IPServicesFeatureSetCatalystBladeSwitch3000PlatformCatalystBladeSwitch3100Platform IPBaseFeatureSetCatalystBladeSwitch3100Platform IPServicesFeatureSetSupport forEmbedded EventManager (EEM) in IPBase- - - - - - Yes Yes -Support for 16 staticIPv4 routes in LANBaseYes - Yes - No - - - -Link LayerDiscovery Protocol(LLDP) MEDSupport in LAN Lite- Yes - Yes - - - - -DHCP Snooping(including option 82)Support in LAN Lite- Yes - Yes - - - - -TCAM MemoryConsistency CheckRoutinesYes Yes No No No No Yes No NoLocationenhancement:hierarchical locationYes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes YesLocationenhancement: CiscoDiscovery Protocollocation supportYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesImprovements inQoS policing ratesYes No Yes No - - - - -Support for the QoSclass-default policystatementYes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes YesSupport for acommand toincrease the NVRAMbuffer sizeYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesSupport for theSecurity Group Tag(SGT) ExchangeProtocol (SXP)No No No No No No Yes Yes YesMAC Replace Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes AAA guarantee-firstsupportYes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes YesOption to suppressverbose identitymessagesYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDynamic attachmentof an auth-defaultACL on a port thathas no static ACLconfiguredYes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes YesSupport for VLANassignment on aport configured formulti-auth modeYes No Yes No No No Yes Yes YesARP tracking probeenhancementYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesPart Numbers for Supported ProductsTable 5 lists the part numbers for the switches supported by Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(55)SE.Table 5. Part Numbers for Cisco Catalyst Switches Software Licenses Supported by Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(55)SECisco Catalyst 3560-X Series License Upgrade Part Numbers Cisco Catalyst 3750-XSeries License UpgradePart NumbersCisco Catalyst 3560-Xand Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series LAN Base PartNumbersCisco Catalyst 3560-Xand 3750-X Series IPBase Part NumbersCisco Catalyst 2960-SSeries LAN Base and LANLite License PartNumbers●C3560X-LIC=◦C3560X-24-L-S= ◦L-C3560X-24-L-S= ◦C3560X-24-S-E= ◦L-C3560X-24-S-E= ◦C3560X-24-L-E= ◦L-C3560X-24-L-E= ◦C3560X-48-L-S= ◦L-C3560X-48-L-S= ◦C3560X-48-S-E= ◦L-C3560X-48-S-E= ◦C3560X-48-L-E= ◦L-C3560X-48-L-E= ●C3750X-LIC=◦C3750X-24-L-S=◦L-C3750X-24-L-S=◦C3750X-24-S-E=◦L-C3750X-24-S-E=◦C3750X-24-L-E=◦L-C3750X-24-L-E=◦C3750X-48-L-S=◦L-C3750X-48-L-S=◦C3750X-48-S-E=◦L-C3750X-48-S-E=◦C3750X-48-L-E=◦L-C3750X-48-L-E=●3560X-48T-L●3560X-24P-L●3560X-48P-L●3560X-48PF-L●3750X-48T-L●3750X-24P-L●3750X-48P-L●3750X-48PF-L●3560X-24T-S●3560X-48T-S●3560X-24P-S●3560X-48P-S●3560X-48PF-S●3750X-24T-S●3750X-48T-S●3750X-24P-S●3750X-48P-S●3750X-48PF-S●2960S-48FPD-L●2960S-48LPD-L●2960S-24PD-L●2960S-48TD-L●2960S-24TD-L●2960S-48FPS-L●2960S-48LPS-L●2960S-24PS-L●2960S-48TS-L●2960S-24TS-L●2960S-48TS-S●2960S-24TS-SCisco Catalyst 3560-E Series Upgrade License Part Numbers Cisco Catalyst 3750-ESeries Upgrade LicensePart NumbersCisco Catalyst 3560-Eand Cisco Catalyst 3750-E Series IP Services PartNumbersCisco Catalyst 3560-Eand 3750-E Series IPBase Part NumbersCisco Catalyst 3750 and3560 Series License CDPart Numbers●3560E-LIC=◦3560E-IPSLCB-QTY ◦3560E12D-SLB-QTY ◦3560E12SD-SLB-QT ●L-3560E-LIC=◦L-3560E-IPSLCB-QTY ◦L-3560E12D-SLB-QTY ◦L-3560E12SD-SLB-QT ●3750E-LIC=◦3750E-IPSLCB-QTY◦3750E48-IPSLCB-QTY●L-3750E-LIC=◦L-3750E-IPSLCB-QTY◦L-3750E48-IPSLCB-Q●3560E-24TD-E●3750E-24PD-E●3560E-48TD-E●3560E-48PD-E●3560E-48PD-EF●3560E-12D-E●3560E-12SD-E●3750E-24TD-E●3750E-24PD-E●3750E-48TD-E●3750E-48PD-E●3750E-48PD-EF●3750E-24TD-S●3750E-24PD-S●3750E-48TD-S●3750E-48PD-S●3750E-48PD-SF●3560E-24TD-S●3560E-24TD-SD●3560E-24PD-S●3560E-48TD-S●3560E-48TD-SD●3560E-48PD-S●3560E-48PD-SF●3560E-12D-S●3560E-12SD-S●CD-3750-EMI=●CD-3750G-EMI=●CD-3750G-48EMI=●CD-3560-EMI=●CD-3560G-EMI=●CD-3750V2-EMI=●CD-3560V2-EMI=Cisco Catalyst 3750 Series IP Services Part Numbers Cisco Catalyst 3750 SeriesIP Base Part NumbersCisco Catalyst 3560Series IP Services PartNumbersCisco Catalyst 2960Series Part NumbersCisco Catalyst BladeSwitches and IE 3000Series Part Numbers●3750-48TS-E●3750-24TS-E●3750G-24T-E●3750G-48TS-E●3750G-24TS-E●3750G-12S-E●3750G-16TD-E●3750-48PS-E●3750-24PS-E●3750G-24TS-1U-E ●3750G-24PS-E●3750G-48PS-E●3750V2-48TS-E ●3750V2-24TS-E ●3750V2-48PS-E ●3750V2-24PS-E ●3750-48TS-S●3750-24TS-S●3750G-24T-S●3750-24FS-S●3750G-48TS-S●3750G-24TS-S●3750G-12S-S●3750G-16TD-S●3750-48PS-S●3750-24PS-S●3750G-24TS-1U-S●3750G-24PS-S●3750G-48PS-S●3750G-24WS-S50●3750G-24WS-S25●3750V2-48TS-S●3750V2-24TS-S●3750V2-48PS-S●3750V2-24PS-S●3560-24TS-E●3560-48TS-E●3560-48PS-E●3560-24PS-E●3560G-48PS-E●3560G-24PS-E●3560G-48TS-E●3560G-24TS-E●3560V2-24TS-E●3560V2-48TS-E●3560V2-24PS-E●3560V2-48PS-E●2960PD-8TT-L●2960-8TC-L●2960-24TT-L●2960-24TC-L●2960-24PC-L●2960-24LT-L●2960-48TT-L●2960-48TC-L●2960-48PST-L●2960G-8TC-L●2960G-24TC-L●2960G-48TC-L●2960-24-S●2960-24TC-S●2960-48TC-S●2960-48TT-S●2960-8TC-S●2960-24LC-S●2960-24PC-S●2960-48PST-S●2975GS-48PS-L●WS-CBS3130X-S●WS-CBS3130X-S-F●WS-CBS3130G-S●WS-CBS3130G-S-F●WS-CBS3110X-S●WS-CBS3110X-S-I●WS-CBS3110G-S●WS-CBS3110G-S-I●3110-IPS-LIC●3110-IPS-IBM●WS-CBS3120G-S●WS-CBS3120X-S●3120-IPS-LIC●WS-CBS3032-DEL●WS-CBS3032-DEL-F●WS-CBS3020-HPQ●WS-CBS3012-IBM●WS-CBS3012-IBM-I●WS-CBS3125G-S●WS-CBS3125X-S●WS-CBS3120G-S●WS-CBS3120X-S●SIEIPST-12252SE●SIEIPSK9T-12252SEAdditional ResourcesSoftware DownloadsSoftware is available for download from the following sites:●Cisco IOS Software upgrade planner: /cgi-bin/Software/Iosplanner/Planner-tool/iosplanner.cgi?majorRel=●Guest-level access planner: /kobayashi/sw-center/index.shtmlYou must purchase the IP Services (formerly called EMI) software upgrade kit when upgrading a switch from IP Base (formerly called SMI) to IP Services software. Downloads of IP Base and IP Services files are monitored for adherence to this requirement. The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X, 3560-X, 3750-E, and 3560-E Series Switches support the new Cisco IOS Software licensing infrastructure, which authorizes and enables the use of the existing Cisco IOS Software feature sets. A special file contained in the switch’s flash memory, called a license file, is examined by Cisco IOS Software when the switch is powered on. On the basis of the license type, Cisco IOS Software enables the appropriate Cisco IOS Software feature set (for more information on packaging and licensing, refer to/en/US/prod/collateral/switches/ps5718/ps6406/white_paper_c11-579326_ps10745_Products_White_Paper.html).Note that the Advanced IP Services license has reached end-of-life status since Cisco IOS Software Release12.2(50)SE.Because of export restrictions on strong cryptography software, a separate image is required for the cryptographic features (Secure Shell [SSH] Protocol, Simple Network Management Protocol Version 3 [SNMPv3], and Kerberos Protocol). These software images can be downloaded from the corresponding Triple Data Encryption Standard(3DES) area of the links provided in this section.。

思科 IP 电话 8841

思科 IP 电话 8841

产品手册思科 IP 电话 8841思科®IP 电话 8841 是一款企业级协作终端,可为大中型企业提供安全可靠且可扩展的高保真语音通信。

思科 IP 电话 8841 功能强大且易于使用,可提供令人愉悦的用户体验,从而帮助您提高个人工作效率。

IP 电话 8841采用极具吸引力的全新人体工程学设计,可提供支持清晰语音通信的宽带音频功能、“永远在线”的可靠性、有助于增强安全性的加密语音通信,以及可从思科通信服务器访问的一整套统一通信功能。

思科 IP 电话 8841 提供五个可编程线路键。





该电话的其他主要特性如下:●思科 IP 电话 8841 提供 5 英寸高分辨率 (800x480) 宽屏 VGA 背光彩色显示屏。


●该电话支持适用于 PC 连接的内置千兆以太网交换机。

●由于支持 Cisco EnergyWise™技术,思科 IP 电话 8841 更加节能环保;该电话符合能源之星组织的标准。


特性和优势表 1 列出了思科 IP 电话 8811 系列的特性和优势。

表 1. 特性和优势特性优势● 10.0 及更高版本(通过 Fast Track)Cisco UnifiedCommunications ManagerExpress (Unified CME)Cisco Business Edition ● 8.6.26000 (BE 6000) ● 9.1.2● 10.0 及更高版本思科托管协作● 8.6.2解决方案 (HCS) ● 9.1.2● 10.0 及更高版本许可思科 IP 电话 8841 必须具有增强型用户连接许可证 (UCL),才能连接到思科统一通信管理器。

Cisco 3900系列集成多业务路由器 说明书

Cisco 3900系列集成多业务路由器 说明书

Cisco 3900 系列集成多业务路由器Cisco® 3900 系列集成多业务路由器建立在 25 年思科创新和产品领先地位之上。


全新第 2 代集成多业务路由器支持新高容量数字信号处理器 (DSP) 以备将来增强视频功能,同时具有可用性进一步改进的高功率服务模块、多核 CPU、带增强以太网供电 (POE) 的千兆以太网交换产品,以及能同时提高整体系统性能的新能源监视和控制功能,面向未来作好了充分准备。

此外,通过全新 Cisco IOS®(思科网际操作系统)软件通用映像和服务就绪引擎模块,还可以将硬件和软件部署分离,从而奠定可快速满足不断发展的网络需求的灵活技术基础。

总而言之,通过智能集成市场领先安全、统一通信、无线和应用程序服务,Cisco 3900 系列可提供无与伦比的总拥有成本节约以及网络灵活性。

Cisco 3900 集成多业务路由器产品概述Cisco® 3900 系列以现有 Cisco 3800 系列集成多业务路由器的一流产品为基础,提供两种平台(图 1):Cisco 3925 和 Cisco 3945 集成多业务路由器。

这两种 Cisco 3900 系列集成多业务路由器均提供嵌入式硬件加密加速、支持语音和视频的数字信号处理器 (DSP) 插槽、可选防火墙、入侵预防、呼叫处理、语音信箱以及应用程序服务。

此外,这些平台还支持业界最广泛的有线和无线连接选项,如 T1/E1、T3/E3、xDSL、铜缆和光纤 GE。

Cisco 3900 系列为从小型企业办公室到大型企业办公室的灵活网络部署提供出色的性能和灵活性,同时均提供行业领先的投资保护。

主要业务优越性第 2 代集成多业务路由器 (ISR G2) 提供优异的服务集成和灵活性。


思科 IP 电话 8811

思科 IP 电话 8811

产品手册思科 IP 电话 8811思科®IP 电话 8811 是一款具成本效益的企业级协作终端,可为大中型企业提供安全可靠且可扩展的高保真语音通信。

思科 IP 电话 8811 功能强大且易于使用,可提供令人愉悦的用户体验,从而帮助您提高个人工作效率。

IP 电话 8811采用极具吸引力的全新人体工程学设计,可提供支持清晰语音通信的宽带音频功能、“永远在线”的可靠性、有助于增强安全性的加密语音通信,以及可从思科通信服务器访问的一整套统一通信功能。

思科 IP 电话 8811 支持五个可编程线路键。





该电话的其他主要特性如下:●思科 IP 电话 8811 提供 5 英寸高分辨率 (800 x 480) 宽屏背光灰阶显示屏。


●该电话支持适用于 PC 连接的内置千兆以太网交换机。

●由于支持 Cisco EnergyWise™技术,思科 IP 电话 8811 更加节能环保-该电话符合能源之星组织的标准。


特性和优势表 1 列出了思科 IP 电话 8811 系列的特性和优势。

表 1. 思科 IP 电话 8811 的特性和优势特性优势● 10.0 及更高版本(通过 Fast Track)Cisco Unified CommunicationsManager Express(Unified CME)Cisco Business Edition 6000 ● 8.6.2(BE 6000) ● 9.1.2● 10.0 及更高版本思科托管协作● 8.6.2解决方案 (HCS) ● 9.1.2● 10.0 及更高版本许可思科 IP 电话 8811 必须具有增强型用户连接许可证 (UCL),才能连接到思科统一通信管理器。

思科 Catalyst 2960-L 系列交换机

思科 Catalyst 2960-L 系列交换机
• IEEE 802.1s/w 快速生成树协议 (RSTP) 和多生成树协议 (MSTP) 可实现与生成树计时器无关的快速生成树
融合,同时提供 2 层负载平衡和分布式处理的优势。
• 每 VLAN 快速生成树 (PVRST+) 能够以 VLAN 快速生成树为单位,快速进行生成树重新融合,而无需实施
1.73 x 10.45 x 17.5 英寸(4.4 x 26.5 x 44.5 厘米) 7.41 磅(3.36 千克) 1.73 x 9.45 x 17.5 英寸(4.4 x 24 x 44.5 厘米) 1.73 x 11.5 x 17.5 英寸(4.4 x 29.2 x 44.5 厘米) 1.73 x 9.45 x 17.5 英寸(4.4 x 24 x 44.5 厘米) 6.57 磅(2.98 千克) 10.08 磅(4.57 千克) 6.06 磅(2.75 千克)
思科 Catalyst 2960-L 交换机具有以下特性:
• 8、16、24 或 48 个支持线速转发的千兆以太网端口 • 4 个增强型小型封装热插拨 (SFP+) 上行链路 • 2 或 4 个千兆小型封装热插拔 (SFP) 上行链路 • 增强型以太网供电 (PoE+) 支持可提供高达 370W 的功率预算 •
• 思科自动配置服务用于确定基于终端设备类型向终端提供的网络访问级别。此功能还允许终端设备和接口之
• 思科 Smart Install 在新交换机连接到网络时,通过提供自动化的思科 IOS 软件映像安装和配置来实现最少
接触部署。这使网络管理员可以远程管理思科 IOS 软件映像的安装和升级。
• 整形轮询 (SRR) 调度和加权尾部丢弃 (WTD) 拥塞避免功能。 • 802.1p 服务类别 (CoS) 分类,支持标记和重新分类。

Cisco 1921系列集成多业务路由器

Cisco 1921系列集成多业务路由器

产品简介Cisco 1921系列集成多业务路由器产品名称:CISCO1921/K9,CISCO1921-SEC/K9Cisco®1900系列集成多业务路由器建立在思科25年的创新历史和产品领先地位之上。


思科第二代集成多业务路由器(ISR G2)平台配备有多核CPU、采用增强型以太网供电(PoE)的千兆位以太网交换技术,以及可提升整体系统性能的全新能源监控功能,可全面满足未来发展的需求。

此外,全新的Cisco IOS®软件通用镜像还能够帮助您将硬件和软件部署分离开来,从而奠定稳定的技术基础,快速适应不断发展的网络要求。

总而言之,通过智能集成市场领先的安全性、统一通信、无线和应用服务,Cisco 1900系列集成多业务路由器可提供无与伦比的总体拥有成本(TCO)节省和网络灵活性。

产品概述Cisco 1921建立在Cisco 1841集成多业务路由器的一流产品基础之上。

所有Cisco 1900系列集成多业务路由器产品均可提供嵌入式硬件加密加速、可选防火墙、入侵防御和高级安全服务。


图1. Cisco 1921集成多业务路由器主要业务优势Cisco ISR G2路由器提供了更卓越的服务集成能力和灵活性。


表1列出了Cisco 1900系列集成多业务路由器的业务优势。

架构和模块化特性Cisco 1921的设计具有面向未来应用的灵活性,能满足现今各种分支机构的应用需求。

该模块化架构可支持不断增长的客户要求和带宽需求,以及面向支持802.3af PoE和Cisco Enhanced PoE(ePoE)的模块的全面集成的配电组件。

思科 IP 电话 8851

思科 IP 电话 8851
● 您可以使用辅助端口,通过与其连接的第三方耳机支持电子叉簧控制。
● 配备一个侧面 USB 端口,可支持使用有线或无线耳机来提高呼叫处理的便利性,同时还能以 5V 或 2.5W 提供高达 500 mA 的电源输出,用于为智能手机充电。
● 内置 2 端口思科以太网交换机可通过一个 RJ-45 接口直接连接到 10/100/1000BASE-T 以太网网络 (IEEE 802.3i/802.3u/802.3ab),用单一 LAN 连接同时支持手机和一台共置的 PC。
通过使用行业标准的线内听筒扩音器,例如 Walker Equipment W-10 或 CE-100 扩音器,来满足 ADA 法案 第 508 条的声音响度要求。拨号盘也符合 ADA 标准。 ● 全双工免提电话让您可以灵活地用免提功能拨打和接听电话。
● 模拟耳机插孔是支持宽带的标准 RJ - 9 音频端口。
● 8.5.1 ● 8.6.2 ● 9.1.2 ● 10.0 及更高版本 ● 10.0 及更高版本(通过 Fast Track)
● 8.6.2 ● 9.1.2 ● 10.0 及更高版本 ● 8.6.2 ● 9.1.2 ● 10.0 及更高版本
思科 IP 电话 8851 必须具有增强型用户连接许可证 (UCL),才能连接到思科统一通信管理器。
协议-传输层安全 (EAP-TLS) ● 使用 TLS 的信令身份验证和加密 ● 使用 SRTP 的媒体身份验证和加密 ● 客户端和服务器的 HTTPS ● 安全外壳 (SSH) 协议服务器 ● 基于安全套接字层 (SSL) 的 VPN 客户端
● 9.02 x 10.13 x 1.57 英寸 (229.1 x 257.34 x 40 毫米)(不含脚架)
● 系统管理员可为 PC 和电话指定单独的 VLAN (IEEE 802.1Q),从而提高语音和数据流量的安全性和可靠性。 ● 支持蓝牙 3.0 增强型数据速率 (EDR) 1 类技术(范围可达 30 英尺 [10 米])。 ● 支持免提规范 (HFP),可实现自由的耳机连接和语音通信。 ● 支持电话簿访问规范 (PBAP),可在设备之间交换电话簿对象。 ● 该电话具有以下按键:



Overview (2)Appearance (2)Key Features and Benefits (3)Product Specifications (4)Basic Ordering Information (8)Additional Information (9)Where to Buy (9)Sources (9)Email:***********************(SalesInquiries)******************************(CCIETechnicalSupport) 1Cisco® 1941 builds on the best-in-class offering of the existing Cisco 1841 Integrated Services Routers by offering 2 models - Cisco 1941 and Cisco 1941W. In addition to the support of a wide range of wireless and wired connectivity options supported on Cisco 1941 Series, Cisco 1941W offers integration of IEEE 802.11n access point which is backwards compatible with IEEE 802.11a/b/g access points.All Cisco 1900 Series Integrated Services Routers offer embedded hardware encryption acceleration, optional firewall, intrusion prevention, and application services. In addition, the platforms support the industries widest range of wired and wireless connectivity options such as T1/E1, xDSL, 3G, 4G LTE, and GE.Figure 1. Cisco Routers 1941 Series 2Service Integration• The Cisco 1941 Series offer increased levels of services integration with data, security, wireless, and mobility services enabling greater efficiencies cost savings.Services on Demand• A single Cisco IOS® Software Universal image is installed on each ISR G2. The Universal image contains all of the Cisco IOS technology sets which can be activated with a software license. This allows your business to quickly deploy advanced features without downloading a new IOS image. Additionally, larger default memory is included to support the new capabilities.• The Cisco Services Ready Engine (SRE) enables a new operational model which all ows you to reduce capital expenditures (CapEx) and deploy a variety of application services as needed on a single integrated compute services module.High Performance with Integrated Services• The Cisco 1900 Series enables deployment in high speed WAN environments with concurrent services enabled up to 25 Mbps.• Multi-Gigabit Fabric enables high bandwidth module to module communication without compromising routing performance.Network Agility• Designed to address customer business requirements, Cisco 1941 Series with the modular architecture, offers performance range of modular interfaces and services as your network needs grow.• Modular interfaces offer increased bandwidth, a diversity o f connection options, and network resiliency.Energy Efficiency• The Cisco 1941 Series architecture provides energy savings features that include the following:• The Cisco 1900 Series offers intelligent power management and allows the customer to cont rol power to the modules based on the time of day. Cisco EnergyWise technology will be supported in the future. 3• Services integration and modularity on a single platform performing multiple functions, optimizes raw materials consumption and energy usage.• Platform flexibility and ongoing development of both hardware and software capabilities lead to a longer product lifecycle, lowering all aspects of the total cost of ownership, including materials and energy use.• High efficiency power supplies are pro vided with each platform.Investment Protection• The Cisco 1941 Series maximizes investment protection by supporting:• Reuse of a broad array of existing modules supported on the original Integrated Services Routers provides a lower cost of ownership.• Rich set of Cisco IOS Software features carried forward from the original Integrated Services Routers and delivered in the universal image. 4 5 678Guide to Select New Cisco RoutersGuide to Upgrade Your ISR G1 and ISR G2 Routers to ISR 4000Cisco ISR 4451-X vs. ISR 3900 vs. ISR 2900 vs. ISR 1900Want to buy this series of products? please contact:● Tel: +1-626-239-8066 (USA)/ +852-3050-1066 / +852-3174-6166● Fax: +852-3050-1066 (Hong Kong)● Email:***********************(SalesInquiries)Or visit: Cisco ISR 1941 Series RoutersAbout us, founded in 2002, is one of the biggest Global Network Hardware Supplier. We are a leading provider of network products with 14,500+ customers in over 200 countries. We provide original new and used network equipments (Cisco, Huawei, HPE, Dell, Hikvision, Juniper, EMC, etc.), including Routers, Switches, Servers, Storage, Telepresence and Videoconferencing, IP Phones, Firewalls, Wireless APs & Controllers, EHWIC/HWIC/VWIC Cards, SFPs, Memory & Flash, Hard Disk, Cables, and all kinds of network solutions related products.https:///c/en/us/products/collateral/routers/1900-series-integrated-services-routers-isr/data_sheet_c78_556319.html9。


● 板载加密硬件优于以前的高级集成模块。
● 所有板载广域网端口均为 10/100/1000 千兆位以太网广域网路由端口。
基于通用串行总线 (USB) 的创新型控制台访问
● 当传统串行端口不可用时,全新创新的小型 B 型 USB 控制台端口支持管理连接。 ● 同时提供传统控制台和辅助端口。基于 USB 的控制台或基于 RJ-45 的控制台端口均可用来配置路由器。
● Cisco 1941 上提供两个外部闪存插槽。每个插槽均可支持高速存储密度,且相关密度可升级至 4GB。
● 支持两个高速 USB 2.0 端口。USB 端口可启用其它机制的安全令牌功能和存储。
Cisco IOS 软件
Cisco 1941 系列集成多业务路由器提供行业领先的 Cisco IOS 软件上采用的创新技术。Cisco IOS 软件版本 15 M & T 专为在全世界要求最苛刻的企业、接入和服务提供商网络中进行广泛部署而开发,支持思科技术的全面产品组合,包括 版本 12.4 和 12.4T 中提供的新功能和特性,以及跨越多个技术领域(包括安全、语音、高可用性、IP 路由和多播、服 务质量 (QoS)、IP 移动性、Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)、VPN 及嵌入式管理)的全新创新。
Cisco® 1941 建立在现有的一流 Cisco 1841 集成多业务路由器产品的基础上,提供 2 种型号—Cisco 1941 和 Cisco 1941W。除了 Cisco 1941 系列支持的各种无线和有线连接选项支持,Cisco 1941W 还提供与 IEEE 802.11a/b/g 接入点向后兼容的 IEEE 802.11n 接入点集成。



网络运维管理系统解决方案目录网络性能监控和流量管理的重要性 (5)1.1影响网络性能的原因 (7)1.2问题的关键 (7)1.3解决方案 (8)当前可能存在的两个混淆 (8)三种解决方案 (11)3.1项目目的 (11)3.2计划的实施 (12)3.2.1 Solarwinds系列产品概述 (12)3.2.2 产品架构图 (13)3.2.3 产品部署和配置要求 (14)3.2.4使用网络用于配置管理的配置管理器 (NCM) (19)Orion NCM 特点 (20)Orion NCM 亮点: (20)与 Orion NPM 无缝集成 (21)直观的鼠标点击界面 (21)实时变更通知 (22)多供应商设备支持 (22)思科 EnergyWise 配置管理 (22)违反政策检测 (23)社区内容交换 (23)配置备份计划程序 (24)网络发现 (24)全局配置搜索 (24)库存报告程序 (25)配置恢复和归档 (25)远程固件和 IOS 传输 (25)用户行为追踪 (26)授权方式: (26)3.2.5 使用网络性能监视器(NPM ) 监控和管理您的网络 (26)产品描述: (27)Orion NPM 功能介绍: (28)简洁美观的监控界面 (28)3.2.6 使用IP 地址管理器 (IPAM )监控和管理您的网络 (32)Orion IPAM 产品概述: (32)猎户座 IPAM 亮点: (33)Orion IPAM 功能介绍 (34)3.2.7 使用 Application Performance Monitor (APM) 监控和管理您的网络 (35)3.2.8 _ 使用NetFlow 流量分析器 (NTA)控制带宽使用 (43)3.2.9 _VoIP Monitor (IP LSA)的带宽使用控制 (47)3.2.10 使用Solarwinds Toolset实现网络监控分析,及时发现网络故障 (51)四Solarwinds技术服务内容 (56)五Solarwinds 客户分享 (59)六大项目建设投资回报率 (60)七总结 (62)随着网络技术的不断发展和数字信息时代的到来,利用互联网进行数据收集和信息传输已经成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。

Cisco Catalyst 3750 v2系列交换机 说明书

Cisco Catalyst 3750 v2系列交换机 说明书
z IEEE 802.1x支持基于端口的动态安全,提供用户身份认证功能。 z 具有VLAN分配功能的IEEE 802.1x可以为特定用户动态分配VLAN,而与用户在哪里进行连接无
关。 z 带有语音VLAN功能的IEEE 802.1x支持使用IP电话接入语音VLAN,而不考虑端口是否经过授权。 z IEEE 802.1x和端口安全性用于对端口进行认证,并管理所有MAC地址的网络访问情况,包括客户
凭借 Cisco Catalyst 3750 v2 系列产品提供的广泛安全特性,如访问控制列表(ACL)、身份认证、端口级 安全性、基于身份的网络服务(IBNS)、以及 IEEE 802.1x 和相关扩展等,企业可保护重要信息,防止未授 权人员接入网络,确保私密性及维持不间断运行。这些安全特性包括:
如需了解有关 Cisco EnergyWise 的更多信息,请访问 /go/energywise。
Cisco Catalyst 3750 v2 系列可为包含思科 IP 电话、Cisco Aironet®无线局域网(WLAN)接入点或者任何 符合 IEEE 802.3af 标准的终端设备的部署,提供更低总体拥有成本(TCO)以太网供电(TCO)免除了为每个 PoE 设备提供墙壁电源插座的需要,并大幅减少了 IP 电话和 WLAN 部署所需的额外电缆成本。Cisco Catalyst 3750 v2 系列带 PoE 的 24 端口交换机能够同时在所有 24 个端口上支持 Class 3 PoE 或 15.4W 的全功率 PoE 端口。凭借 Cisco Catalyst 智能电源管理,Cisco Catalyst 3750 v2 系列带 PoE 的 48 端口 配置能够提供支持 24 个 15.4W 端口、48 个 7.7W 端口或其任意组合所需的必要功率。Cisco Catalyst 3750 v2 系列交换机结合了旨在避免内部电源故障的思科冗余电源系统 2300 (RPS 2300)、以及旨在防御 电源中断的不间断电源(UPS)系统,确保能够为融合的语音和数据网络带来最大的电源可用性。

思科Cisco Catalyst 4500-X 系列万兆以太网固定配置交换机 产品手册

思科Cisco Catalyst 4500-X 系列万兆以太网固定配置交换机 产品手册

产品手册Cisco Catalyst 4500-X 系列万兆以太网固定配置交换机概述Cisco® Catalyst® 4500-X 系列交换机(图 1)属于固定配置交换机,它针对空间受限的园区环境,提供同类产品中最佳的可扩展性、简化的网络虚拟化和集成的网络服务。


Cisco Catalyst 4500-X 系列融入了多项核心创新,其中包括:● 平台可扩展性:交换容量高达 800 Gbps,通过 VSS i技术可扩展到 1.6 Tbps。


● 高畅通性:此系列交换机具有包括 VSS i和 EVN 在内的全面高畅通性,能够为业务关键型企业应用提供所需的网络畅通性。


● 应用监控:通过 Flexible Netflow 和八个线速双向交换端口分析器 (SPAN)/远程交换端口分析器 (RSPAN),增强了应用监控能力。

此外 Cisco IOS® XE 软件提供托管第三方应用的功能。

●安全性:支持 Cisco TrustSec™技术和强大的控制平面策略 (CoPP) 功能,可防止拒绝服务攻击。

图 1. Cisco Catalyst 4500-X 系列交换机Cisco Catalyst 4500-X 系列交换机Cisco Catalyst 4500-X 系列提供可扩展的固定配置解决方案,适用于园区网络中空间有限的环境。




产品手册思科无线控制系统 (WCS)图 1. 思科无线控制系统 (WCS)产品概述Cisco®无线控制系统 (WCS) 是业内最全面的管理平台,用于对802.11n和 802.11a/b/g 企业级无线网络的生命周期进行管理。

这一强大的管理平台可提供经济高效的管理解决方案,使IT 管理员可以成功规划、部署、监控室内和室外无线网络的情况,并进行排除故障和报告(图 1)。

作为思科统一无线网络的管理平台,Cisco WCS 是支持高性能的应用程序和关键任务的解决方案,简化业务运营并提高生产效率。

该系统还支持Cisco CleanAir 技术,这项技术是思科统一无线网络的系统级功能,它使用硅片级智能创建自行恢复和自行优化的无线网络。

Cisco CleanAir 技术在为802.11n 网络提供性能保护的同时,通过自动减缓射频(RF) 干扰的影响,提高无线网络的可靠性,来支持关键任务应用程序。

Cisco WCS 是一个全面的平台,伸缩自如,可满足跨本地、远程、国内和国际位置的大中小型无线局域网的各种需求。

此项获奖的解决方案可使IT 经理在需要时立即使用所需的工具,只要从一个集中位置便可实施和维护安全的无线局域网,不仅效率更高,而且最大程度地减少了 IT 人员配备。

Cisco WCS 直观的用户界面和使用简易的内置工具,可提高 IT 效率、降低 IT 培训成本并最大程度地降低对 IT 人员配备需求,从而显著降低运营成本,即使网络不断扩展也是如此。

与重叠管理工具不同的是,Cisco WCS 通过将全方位管理需求(包括射频、控制器和服务)结合到单个统一平台来降低运营成本。

灵活易用的平台Cisco WCS 是新老IT 管理员理想的管理平台。

对需要自动化管理体验的用户来说,Cisco WCS 简单直观的用户界面可降低复杂性,而全面的生命周期管理功能可满足最高级 IT 管理员的需求。

Cisco WCS 内在的灵活性使每位用户都能够定制管理界面,仅显示达成运营目标和业务目标所需的最相关信息。




















The Catalyst 3550 24 DC SMI switch provides: Key Features∙24 10/100 ports and 2 GBIC-based Gigabit Ethernet ports∙DC powered, NEBS level 3 compliant∙ 1 rack unit (RU) stackable, multilayer switch upgradeable to full dynamic IP routing∙Standard Multilayer Software Image (SMI) installed, upgradeable to Enhanced Standard Multilayer Software Image (EMI)∙Ideal for access and distribution layer connectivity可堆叠,支持路由,qos,图形界面管理不支持10GB,不支持IPv6Cisco Catalyst 3560-X Series SwitchesKey Features∙Connectivity options:o24 and 48 10/100/1000 PoE+ and non-PoE modelso PoE+ with 30W power on all ports in 1 rack unit (RU) form factoro Optional four 1 GE SFP (Small Form-Factor Pluggable) or two 10 GE SFP+ uplink network modules∙High availability due to dual redundant, modular power supplies and fans∙Investment protection:o Enhanced limited lifetime warrantyo Enhanced Cisco EnergyWise to measure, report, and reduce energy usage across your organization∙Security:o MAC security hardware-based encryptiono Multicast routing, IPv6 routing, and access control list in hardware ∙Software versions:o LAN Base: Enterprise Access Layer 2 Switchingo IP Base: Enterprise Access Layer 3 Switching, including OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) for routed accesso IP Services: Advanced Layer 3 Switching (IPv4 and IPv6)支持PoE,10GB光纤上联sfp接口,IPv6,基础路由包括OSPFCisco Catalyst 3560-E Series SwitchesFeatures:∙Ten-second 10 Gb upgrade∙Support for 802.11n devices∙Configurations with up to 20W PoE on all 48 ports∙Modular fan and power supply for aggregation models∙Highly available operation: dual hot-swappable modular power supplies and fans for fixed aggregation switches∙Secure unified network services∙Cisco EnergyWise technologyThe Cisco Catalyst 3560-E Series is available with two feature sets:∙IP Base: Includes advanced quality of service (QoS), security, and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for routed access∙IP Services: Also includes advanced hardware-based IP Unicast and Multicast routing, as well as Virtual Route Forwarding (VRF), and policy-based routing (PBR)10GB上联,PoE 10/100/1000自适应端口,不支持IPv6Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series SwitchesKey Features∙Connectivityo24 and 48 10/100/1000 PoE+ and non-PoE modelso PoE+ with 30W power on all ports in 1 rack unit (RU)o Optional four 1 Gb Ethernet SFP (Small Form-Factor Pluggable) or two 10 Gb Ethernet SFP+ uplink network modules∙High Availabilityo Cisco StackPower: Innovative, industry-first feature for sharing power among stack memberso Cisco StackWise Plus for ease of use and resiliency with 64 Gbps throughputo Dual redundant, modular power supplies and fans∙Investment protectiono Backward compatibility with Catalyst 3750 Serieso Enhanced limited lifetime warrantyo Cisco EnergyWise: Measure, report, and reduce energy usage∙Securityo MAC security hardware-based encryptiono Multicast routing, IPv6 routing, and access control list in hardware∙Software versionso LAN Base: Enterprise Access Layer 2 Switchingo IP Base: Enterprise Access Layer 3 Switching, including OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) for routed accesso IP Services: Advanced Layer 3 Switching (IPv4 and IPv6)PoE 10//100/1000自适应端口,IPv6 IPv6路由,10G上联Cisco Catalyst 3750-E Series SwitchesKey features:∙TwinGig converter module for migrating uplinks from 1 G to 10 G∙Configurations with up to 20W of PoE on all 48 ports∙StackWise Plus for ease of use and resiliency with 128 Gbps stacking∙Wire rate performance with 68 Gbps nonblocking switching fabric∙Multicast and IPv6 routing and access control list (ACL) in hardware∙Full backward compatibility with the Catalyst 3750 Series∙Cisco EnergyWise technologyThe Cisco Catalyst 3750-E Series is available with two software feature sets:∙IP Base includes advanced quality of service (QoS), security, and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for routed access∙IP Services also includes advanced hardware-based IP Unicast and Multicast routing, as well as Virtual Route Forwarding (VRF), and policy-based routing (PBR)IPv6 10G上联,路由功能。

思科Cisco 1900 系列集成多业务路由器 数据表 产品手册

思科Cisco 1900 系列集成多业务路由器 数据表 产品手册

Cisco 1900 系列集成多业务路由器产品名称:CISCO1941/K9、CISCO1941W-A/K9、CISCO1941W-E/K9、CISCO1941W-P/K9、CISCO1941W-N/K9、CISCO1941W-C/K9Cisco® 1900 系列集成多业务路由器集思科25年创新和产品领先之精髓。


第 2 代集成多业务路由器平台支持未来的多核CPU,具有增强 POE 的千兆位以太网交换产品以及新能源监控和控制功能,同时提高整体系统性能。

此外,全新Cisco IOS® 软件通用映像和服务就绪引擎模块,可将硬件和软件部署分离,从而奠定坚实的技术基础以及时满足不断发展的网络需求。

总而言之,通过智能集成市场领先的安全、统一通信、无线和应用程序服务,Cisco 1900 系列可提供无与伦比的总拥有成本节约和网络灵活性。

产品概述Cisco® 1941 建立在现有的一流 Cisco 1841 集成多业务路由器产品的基础上,提供 2 种型号—Cisco 1941 和 Cisco 1941W。

除了 Cisco 1941 系列支持的各种无线和有线连接选项支持,Cisco 1941W 还提供与 IEEE 802.11a/b/g接入点向后兼容的 IEEE 802.11n 接入点集成。

所有 Cisco 1900 系列集成多业务路由器均提供嵌入式硬件加密加速、可选防火墙、入侵预防和应用程序服务。

此外,这些平台还支持业界最广泛的有线和无线连接选项,如 T1/E1、xDSL、3G 和 GE。

图 1. Cisco 1941 集成多业务路由器主要业务优势第 2 代集成多业务路由器(ISR G2)提供优异的服务集成和灵活性。


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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

借助简单的LAN 支持,您将可以在配线柜之外随时随地扩展服务。

Cisco Catalyst 紧凑型交换机能够轻松、安全且可靠的部署新的应用程序。



不同于简单的集线器,Catalyst 紧凑型交换机提供了企业级Cisco Catalyst 2960-S 和3560-X 系列交换机的所有功能和优势,包括增强的终身有限保修服务。

Catalyst 紧凑型交换机可以部署在客户收银台、售卖亭、仓库、会议室、教室、酒店客房、油轮船舱、游乐场、实验室、医生的办公室以及呼叫中心。

∙极大地降低布线成本:可减少多达11 根昂贵的100 米线缆的需求及其配线复杂性。

∙随时随地部署您的交换机:Catalyst 紧凑型交换机外观精致,无噪音(无风扇),可以放置或安装在桌面和台面的上方,下方,或墙上。

∙消除了对交换机和设备的电源插座的需求:通过以太网供电(PoE) 直通技术,您可以在无法使用电源插座的位置中部署IP 应用程序。



Catalyst 紧凑型交换机通过一种非常全面的网络安全解决方案-Cisco TrustSec,而使自身与众不同。





设置Catalyst 紧凑型交换机非常简单。

Cisco Catalyst Smart Operations 可支持实现“零接触”安装,并快速进行故障排除。

Cisco Auto SmartPorts 可根据连接的设备类型来帮助您自动配置交换机。

自动服务质量(AutoQoS) 可支持您仅通过一个命令为IP 电话和视频提供一流的QoS。


此外,您可以通过位于配线柜中的交换机对这些紧凑型交换机进行远程原理,从而节省IT 人员成本。

支持Cisco EnergyWise 来监控、管理和降低连接到交换机的设备的能耗。
