华东理工 微观经济学1506模拟卷2










()7.生产函数为Q = 0.5L0.6K0.5时,厂商处于规模报酬不变的状态。






()13.完全竞争厂商对要素(以劳动为例)的需求原则是:VMP = W 。



()二、单项选择题1.经济学的基本问题是:()A.个体经济单位B.社会福利C.利润最大化D.资源稀缺性2.墨盒的价格上升会使打印机的需求:()A.不变B.上升C.下降D.不能确定3.需求曲线右移,表示在同一价格水平下供给()A.增加B.减少C.不变D.不能确定收入增加的同时,4.以下关于价格管制说法不正确的是:()A.限制价格总是低于市场的均衡价格B.支持价格总是高于市场均衡价格C.只要价格放开,商品的供给就会增加D.对农产品而言,为防止“谷贱伤农”,可使用支持价格的策略5.商品在消费者支出中所占的比重越高,则商品的需求弹性()A.越小B.越大C.与之无关D.不确定有无关联6.需求缺乏弹性的商品()会增加销售收入A.提高价格B.降低价格C.提价和降价都D.提价和降价都不会7.离原点越远的等产量曲线代表的产量水平()A.越不能达到B.越不能确定C.越低D.越高8.边际产量(报酬)递增的阶段,往往对应的是厂商()的阶段A.规模报酬递减B.规模报酬递增C.规模报酬不变D.规模报酬如何不能判断9.决定TP L曲线的形状特点的是()递减规律A.边际效用B.边际产量C.边际技术替代率D.边际替代10.同一坐标平面内的两条等产量曲线:()A.永不相交B.一定相交C.相交与否不确定D.相交与否取决于厂商11.生产者的均衡条件是()A.MC = MR B.AC = MR C.AC=MC D.AP = MP12.完全竞争厂商处于长期均衡时:()A.处于LMC的最低点B.产量最大C.处于生产的停产点D.LMC = LAC13.竞争最公平的是()市场A.完全竞争B.寡头C.垄断竞争D.垄断14.垄断厂商实施一级价格歧视会占有()的消费者剩余A.100% B.50% C.50% D.不同市场不同比率的15.以下属于“引致需求”的是:()A.居民对绿地的需求B.儿童对教育的需求C.补鞋者对胶水的需求D.人对水的需求16.完全竞争厂商使用生产要素的“边际收益”是:()A.MP B.MRS C.MC D.VMP17.基尼系数越高,收入分配越()A.平等B.不平等C.难以确定是否平等D.与其无关18.以下关于一般均衡(分析)与局部均衡(分析)的说法不正确的是:()A.局部均衡分析把市场“抽出”来单独研究B.把皮鞋市场与皮革市场联系考察,得到均衡的就是一般均衡C.无论是一般均衡还是局部均衡,主要都属于实证经济学的部分D.法国经济学家里昂.瓦尔拉斯最先充分认识到一般均衡问题的重要性19.交换的帕累托最优条件是:()A.MRS XY= MRT XY B.MRT A XY = MRT B XYC.MRS A XY = MRS B XY D.MRS XY = MRT LK20.解决效率与公平问题的普遍思路是:()A.效率与公平并重B.公平为基础,效率后行C.谁重要,以实现社会福利的增加为决定因素D.效率优先,兼顾公平三、多项选择题1.微观经济学的基本假设包括:()A.经济人B.利己主义的人C.完全信息D.公平竞争2.以下会使圆珠笔供给增加的有:()A.生产者税收增加B.纸张价格下降C.生产圆珠笔的技术提高D.圆珠笔油墨价格下降3.以下关于消费者均衡的均衡条件:MRS X1X2 =P X1/P X2说法正确的有:()A.当MRS X1X2>P X1/P X2时,应该增加X1的消费,减少X2的消费B.表示在维持同等效用水平的条件下,增加一单位X1的消费所能替代的X2的消费数量>市场价格决定的一单位X1所能替代出来的X2量C.几何意义是无差异曲线与等成本线的切点D.也可以说,该均衡状态表示既定预算下的最大效用满足状态4.以下关于成本的说法正确的有:()A.TFC是总固定成本B.LMC与LAC相交于LAC的最低点C.SAC=AFC+AVCD.MC一般总是先减少后增加5.对商品的市场价格有控制能力的有()厂商A.垄断B.寡头C.垄断竞争D.完全竞争四、简答题1.影响需求的因素有哪些?2.什么是边际技术替代率递减规律?它决定了哪条曲线的什么特点?3.什么是规模经济(报酬)?有那几种情况?4.完全竞争厂商的短期均衡状态有哪几种情况?5.市场失灵的原因有哪些?(6分)6.为什么完全竞争的市场被称为“最好的市场”?(7分)五、计算题1.假定有供给函数Q d = 1200 —200P(1)求出价格2元和4元之间的需求的价格弧弹性(2分)(2)根据给出的需求函数,P =5元时的需求的价格点弹性(2分)2.已知某消费者每月用400元购买两类食品:粮食X1,平均每磅4元,蔬菜X2,平均每磅2元(1)写出预算方程,并画出他的预算线(2分)(2)如果他的效用函数为U(X1,X2)= X1.X2,为使效用最大化,该消费者应分别购买多少X1、X2?(3分)3.在一个完全竞争的行业中单个厂商的长期总成本函数为:LTC = Q3-20Q2 + 200Q,市场的产品价格为P =600。




试卷与答题纸分开交)微观经济学201906模拟卷2答案一、单选题(共15题,每题2分,共30分)1. 供给规律说明()。

(2分)A.生产技术提高会使商品的供给量增加B.政府鼓励某商品的生产,因而该商品供给量增加C.消费者更喜欢消费某商品,使该商品的价格上升D.某商品价格上升将导致对该商品的供给量增加.★标准答案:D2. 说资源是稀缺的是指()。

(2分)A.世界上大多数人生活在贫困中;B.相对于需求而言,资源总是不足的;C.资源必须保留给下一代;D.世界上资源最终将由生产更多的物品和劳动而消耗光.★标准答案:B3. 政府在教育方面的支出增加意味着卫生健康方面的支出减少,说明了下列那个概念()。

(2分)A.收益递减B.规模经济C.比较成本D.机会成本.★标准答案:D4. 消费者剩余是消费者的()。

(2分)A.实际所得;B.主观感受;C.没有购买的部分;D.消费剩余部分.★标准答案:B5. 垄断竞争厂商长期均衡点上,长期平均成本曲线处于()。


.★标准答案:B6. 对于同一个消费者来说,同样数量的商品总是提供同量的效用。

()(2分)A.正确;B.错误;C.可能正确也可能错误. .★标准答案:A7. 政府为了扶持农业,对农产品规定了高于其均衡价格的支持价格.政府为了维持支持价格,应该采取的相应措施是( )。

(2分)A.增加对农产品的税收;B.实行农产品配给制;C.收购过剩的农产品;D.对农产品生产者予以补贴.★标准答案:C8. 经济学可定义为()。

(2分)A.政府对市场制度的干预;B.企业取得利润的活动;C.研究如何最合理地配置稀缺资源于诸多用途;D.人们靠收入生活..★标准答案:C9. 垄断竞争厂商实现最大利润的途径有:()。





试卷与答题纸分开交)大学英语(4)(本)1506模拟卷1一、词汇语法题(共20题,每题1分,共20分)1. Young people find it essential that one ( ) of at least one foreign language. (1分)A.had commandedB.must have a commandC.have a commandD.has a command2. I was about to go to school ( ) a man with a mask broke into the house. (1分)A.whenB.whichC.thatD.but3. I left for the office earlier than usual this morning ( ) traffic jam. (1分)A.in case ofB.for the sake ofC.in line withD.at the risk of4. I liked this dress, if the dealer ( ) a more reasonable price, I might have bought it (1分)A.have offeredB.had offeredC.offersD.were to offer5. But for the Central Government, we ( ) the epidemic disease. (1分)A.shall not have beatenB.could not have beatenC.have not beatenD.had not beaten6. When the rescue team arrived on the scene, they found _____ wrecked ships. (1分)A.anything butB.anything elseC.nothing butD.nothing more than7. To accept the offer now would mean ( ) holiday and a lot of fun. (1分)A.to have given upB.giving upC.to be given upD.having given up8. Some of what we’re talking about might better be discussed in ( ). (1分)A.privateB.individualC.privacyD.privation9. The little boy was caught ( ), and was severely scolded by his parents. (1分)A.playing with fireB.played with fireC.play fireD.to play with fire10. – How do you like this novel?-- It is ( ) interesting, so I don’t like it. (1分)A.everything butB.nothing butC.something butD.anything but11. Please tell me the main idea _____ you have already gone through the whole paragraph. (1分)A.soB.beforeC.sinceD.while12. According to history, there was a time ( ) all stories were printed on sheep skin. (1分)A.whatB.whichC.thatD.when13. It was on the beach _____ Miss White found the kid lying dead. (1分)A.thatB.thisC.itD.which14. _______ his examination of the patient, the doctor wrote out a prescription. (1分)A.Having finishedB.FinishingC.FinishedD.Having been finished15. We all thought ______ pity that you were unable to attend our meeting. (1分)A.thatB.whichC.thisD.it16. The committee was ( ) mainly of teachers and parents. (1分)prisedB.constitutedC.consistedposed17. The new students from the South ( ) for 30% of the total. (1分)A.countB.accountC.makeD.make up18.Reading can expose you to ideas, but reading is just the start, and the important thing is _____ you do with _____ you read. (1分)A.that…thatB.that…whatC.what…whatD.which…which19.The match was canceled because most of the members _____ having a match without a standar d court. (1分)A.kept toB.objected toC.stuck toD.turned to20. Please tell me the main idea ( ) you have already gone through the whole paragraph. (1分)A.soB.beforeC.sinceD.while二、交际用语题(共10题,每题1分,共10分)21. Excuse me, how much is the jacket? It’s 499 Yuan. __________D______________. (1分)A.Oh, no. That’s OK!B.How do you like it?C.Which do you prefer?D.Would you like to try it on?22. Hey, you look so pale.____________A____________. (1分)A.I caught the flu.B.Never mind.C.I am sorry to hear that.D.I don’t know.23. What’s the most important to you when you choose a job? ___B__. (1分)A.No one can help me.B.It must be the job I like.C.I have so many friends.D.I won’t choose it.24. —May I use your bike for a moment?—___C____ (1分)A.It’s well.B.It doesn’t matter.C.By all means.D.I have no idea.25. —Oh, sorry to bother you.—_____A_______ (1分)A.That’s Okay.B.No, you can’t.C.That’s good.D.Oh, I don’t know.26. How can Jack be a success in his work? ___C__. (1分)A.We all like him.B.He is the oldest among us.C.He works the hardest of all.D.He gets up early.27. Hello, may I talk to the director now?_______________B______________ (1分)A.No, you can’t.B.Sorry, he is busy at the moment.C.Sorry, you can’t.D.I don’t know.28. Will you have some dessert, Judy?_______A__________________. (1分)A.No, thank you. I’m on a diet.B.Yes, I’ve had enough.C.You are so good at making it.D.Oh, I don’t mind.29. I don’t like the sports programs.____________B_________________. (1分)A.So do I.B.Neither do I.C.So am I.D.Neither am I.30. Could you pick me up on your way to work?________C_______________________. (1分)A.Thank you.B.Yes, please.C.Sure.D.It doesn’t matter.三、阅读题(共15题,每题10分,共30分)1.Nowadays, if you were to ask 100 people their opinions about what to wear to an interview, the majority would answer: clean and simple clothes without showing off. An interview is not the place to make a fashion statement, though those in the art fields and the very famous can be a little different. Everyone else should choose to have a good enough but ordinary look.More and more companies are returning to traditional professional dress. Whateveryou wear should go with the fact that you’re a professional who’s ready to get to work at a new job.let common sense be your guide, and it should be easy to avoid fashion mistakes that could damage your chances of getting to the next level in the process. In this market, it is essential that you look good and your appearance is right for the job.Colors in various shades of blue and gray are the best. Wearing black to the interviewcould be viewed as too serious. It you do wear black, make sure that there is another color near your face to soften the look. Brown is still considered questionable as a business color, and probably should be avoided. Change your outfit’s look for a second interview by wearing adifferent color blouse, shirt, scarf or tie.Withthese in mind, here are some well-thought-out suggestions on how to avoid fashion mistakes. An image consultant says,clothes should be a part of who you are and should not be noticed. She mentions some mistaken ways of dressing to avoid when interview time comes around:1.Wild Nail Polish – for men or women.Extremely long or uncut nails are a real turnoff, too. Your nails should be neatly cut.2.Jewellery That Makes Sounds: Don’t wear more than two rings per hand or only one single earring. If you do wear earrings, make sure they are in pair.3.Bare Legs: Wear stockings, even in hot summer weather. Stockings can be in quiet colors ora fashion color to match your shoes.4.Out-of-Date Suits or Leather Jackets for Men or Women: The style for men’s jackets isfull-body and looser rather than fitted or tight. Leather jackets are not good for interviewing purposes. They look like outdoors wear. A tie is preferred, at least at the first meeting. At the very least, wear a collared shirt.5.Short Skirts: Skirts should be more than three inches long below the knee. Don’t even think about wearing pants to the interview.6.Printed or Trendy Handbags for women; Red Briefcases for men – Briefcases, pursesand shoes should not be noisy in color and should be in good condition. (10分)(31) From this passage we know that the author thinks ____A__. (2分)A.people in art fields and the very famous can dress themselves differentlyB.dressing oneself up to an interview is very important to attract noticeC.traditional dress is the best for any situationD.traditional professional dress is too ordinary(32) According to the author, when you are going to an interview, ___C___. (2分)A.whatever you wear is OK as long as you get the jobB.you don’t have to bet prepared, since it should be easyC.you should dress yourself in the right way for the job you are seekingD.your common sense will certainly get you through(33)Inthe second paragraph of this passage, the phrase “In this market…” refers to the __D_ market. (2分)A.fashionB.image consultantC.clothesD.job(34) It is believed that ___B___. (2分)A.black color is totally unacceptable since it is too serious for an interviewB.brown should be avoided because people are doubtful about it as a business colorC.dark blue or light gray is the best color for an intervieweeD.one should change the color of one’s dress for each interview totally(35) Which of the statement is not true according to the passage? (2分)AA.Men should wear a jacket that fits him quite well for an interview.B.Short skirts wouldn’t be suitable dresses for an interviewC.To go to an interview, women should not wear pants.D.Never take a trendy handbag for an interview.2.The AIDS virus has been around for a very long time, but the spread of the disease within the last twenty years or so on such a scale has caused real concern. It seems that in the 1980s the principal carriers of the disease were homosexuals, drug users and prostitutes. Now it is becoming evident that heterosexuals also spread thedisease, thatchildren can be born with the vi rus andthat patients in hospitals are being infected too.Just as the WHO fought the spread of children’s disease throughout the world in the 1960s, so now they must again use education to fight this killer disease.The organization proposes to write newspaper articles and books, and to make videos and TV programs. These will be translated into the major languages of the world so that as many people as possible can be educated about the danger of AIDS.However, we are still faced with two big questions. Is educating the public enough if we are to control the spread of AIDS? Does the WHO have enough money and resources for hospitals throughout the world to help and care for sufferers? One fact is becoming clearer and that is that the WHO has not focused enough on the need to educate medical staff. There are still hospitals and health centers in some parts of the world which do not accept AIDS patients, while there are others where too little care is taken to prevent the spread of the disease. (10分)(36) Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? (2分)A.AIDS is a disease for which a cure has been found.B.AIDS is a disease which has just been found.C.AIDS is a disease which has existed for a long time.D.AIDS is a disease which spreads very slowly.(37) Who is easily infected with AIDS? (2分)A.People who use drugs.B.People who visit prostitutes.C.Patients who stay in hospital.D.All of the above.(38) InWHO’s opinion, what will help most effectively in fighting against the spread of AIDS?(2分)A.More education.B.More medicines.C.More doctors.D.More equipment.(39) From the passage, we can see that the writer is not happy about ______. (2分)A.the education the general public get on AIDSB.the education the medical staff get on AIDSC.the TV programs on AIDSD.the newspaper articles on AIDS(40) Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage? (2分)A.It is not enough only toeducatethe general public.B.There are some hospitals in some parts of the world which do not accept AIDS patients.C.Great care has been taken to prevent the spread of AIDS everywhere in the world now.D.More money and resources are needed to control the spread of AIDS.3.When companies need new employees, they usually place advertisements in newspapers in order to attract as many applicants as possible. But many large well-known companies hire new people frequently without putting advertisements in newspapers, because they already have many resumes on file. Therefore, it is not always best to apply only to companies that place ads in newspapers. A person looking for a job is advised to send his resume with a cover letter to a well-known company even if a position is not then open. He can follow up with a telephone call to inquire if his resume has been received and if any jobs are available. If the company has not a job at that time, he can ask that they keep his material on file and contact him in the future when something is available.Sometimes if a company is not hiring at the time, a letter explaining that a position is not currently available will be sent. If a person sends a letter and resume to a company that is not then hiring and later sees an advertisement in the newspaper for a job with that company, he should call the company to make certain they have his material on file and will consider him for the position. So, a person has nothing to lose and everything to gain by sending in his resume. (10分)(41) What kind of companiesare the best choicefor a person to write to find a job? (2分)panies that place ads in newspapers.B.Small trading companies.rger, well-known companies.D.The companies which are looking for new personnel now.(42) Which of the following is not true? (2分)A.A person looking for a job should only apply to companies that advertise in newspapers.B.Many larger, well-known companies hire new people frequently.C.A person looking for a job is advised to send his resume with a cover letter to a well-known company even if a position is not then open.D.When companies decide to hire new people they usually place an ad in the newspaper to attract as many people as possible.(43) When people are looking for jobs, what should send to companies, according to the passage? (2分)A.A resume and recent photos.B.A cover letter and an application.C.A resume and a cover letter.D.Only a phone call.(44) If you send your resume to a company that isn’t hiring at the time, what might the company do? (2分)A.The company might call you and tell you that they have no positions now.B.The company might hire you anyway.C.The company will not write back because they are not interested in you.D.The company might write back and tell you that there are no positions available at the time.(45) According to the author, ______. (2分)A.it is a bad idea to send in one’s resume if one is not certain there is a job available.B.it is always a good idea to send in one’s resume whether or not one is certain there is a job av ailable.C.it is not necessary to send in one’s resume if one knows that there is not a job available.D.it is always necessary to make an inquiry phone call first before one sends in his resume.四、完形填空题(共10题,每题10分,共10分)1.Scientists say that the disappearance of the trees is already_____changes in the climate. What w ill happen if_____of the Amazon forest is cut down? According to scientists, two things are ___ __to happen: there will be serious effects on the world’s_____and the air we_____will lose some of its oxygen.Thetemperature will_____; the ice-caps at the North and South Poles will_____; the sea_____ will rise, and hundreds of coastal cities will be flooded. All scientists agree that if we_____the Amazon forest, life on earth will become difficult, and it may become_____ (10分)(46) _____ (1分)A.producingB.makingC.causingD.stopping(47) _____ (1分)A.someB.anyC.lessD.more(48) _____ (1分)in summer, I don't need to wear too much clothes. I like shirts and jeans very much.A.likeB.alikeC.likewiseD.likely(49) _____ (1分)A.conditionB.climateC.weatherD.situation(50) _____ (1分)A.breatheB.breathC.possessD.have(51) _____ (1分)A.climbB.riseC.ariseD.raise(52) _____ (1分)A.meltB.changeC.appearD.disappear(53) _____ (1分)A.standardB.surfaceC.appearanceD.level(54) _____ (1分)A.spoilB.destroyC.destructD.cut down(55) _____ (1分)A.goodB.badC.impossibleD.possible五、翻译题(共5题,每题3分,共15分)56. No wonder he is not hungry; he has been eating sweets all day. (3分)难怪他不饿,他整天都在吃糖。



微观经济学模拟试题1一、单项选择题:(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1.实证经济学和规范经济学的根本区别是( )。

A.研究方法的不同.B.研究对象的不同.C.研究范围的不同.D.以上均不对.2.供给的变动引起( )。

A.均衡价格和均衡数量同方向变动.B.均衡价格反方向变动,均衡数量同方向变动.C.均衡价格和均衡数量反方向变动.D.均衡价格同方向变动,均衡数量反方向变动.3.需求定理表明:()A.随着汽油的价格提高,对小汽车的需求量将下降.B.药品的价格上涨会使药品的质量得到提高.C.计算机的价格下降会引起其需求量增加.D.随着乒乓球价格下降,对球拍的需求量会增加.4.需求价格弹性系数是:( )A.需求量与价格的比率.B.价格变动的绝对值与需求量变动的绝对值的比率.C.需求量变动的比率与价格变动的比率的比率.D.以上均不对.5.已知商品X的价格为1.5元,商品y的价格为1元,如果消费者从这两种商品得到最大效用的时候,商品r的边际效用是30,那么商品X的边际效用应该是:( )A .20B .30C .45 D.506.总效用曲线达到最高点时( )A.边际效用为正B.边际效用为负C.边际效用为零D.以上均不对7.生产要素投入与产出水平之间的关系称为()。

A.生产可能性曲线. B.边际转换线. C.成本函数. D.生产函数.8.经济学中所说的长期与短期的划分依据是( )。


该人选择期货投机的机会成本为:( ) A.3.5万元B.10.5万元C.4万元D.以上均不对.10.工资分为实物工资与()。

A.计时工资B.计件工资C.货币工资D.实际工资.二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)1. 微观经济学的基本假设是()。



微观经济学选择模拟考试题(含答案)一、单选题(共100题,每题1分,共100分)1、小麦歉收导致小麦价格上升,准确地说在这个过程中( )。


C、小麦供给的减少引起需求量下降D、小麦供给量的减少引起需求量下降正确答案:C2、勾结发生在( )。


正确答案:C3、某完全竞争行业,它的产量增加所引起的生产要素需求增加,反而使生产要素的价格下降了,则该行业为( )。





4、生产函数表示( )。


正确答案:C5、资源稀缺性的含义是指( )。


D、相对于人类无限的欲望来说,再多的资源也显不足;正确答案:D6、若x和y两产品的交叉弹性是-2,则( )。


D、x和y是劣质品正确答案:C7、需求曲线斜率为正的充要条件是( )。


D、低档商品正确答案:C8、当某消费者对商品X的消费达到饱和点时,则边际效用MUX为( )。


B、零C、负值D、正值正确答案:B9、垄断企业面对的需求函数为Q=100/ P2,企业的边际成本始终为1,垄断价格为( )。




4,则这两种商品是A、独立品B、替代品c、补充品D、不能确定交叉弹性大于0,即是替代品,交叉弹性等于0,即是无相关,交叉弹性小于0,即是互补品9、在完全竞争市场中,厂商短期均衡条件是A、P=ARB、P=mRc、P=mcD、P=Ac10、已知商品X的价格10元,商品y的价格是3元,假定消费者有收入100元,他打算购买7单位的X,10单位的y,这时商品X 和y的边际效用是50和18,如果要获得最大效用,他就应A、停止购买B、增加y,减少Xc、同进增加购买X,yD、减少y,增加X11、市场失灵是指A、市场不能有效配置稀缺资源B、市场完全不好c、收入分配不均D、资源在私人部门和公共部门配置不均12、如果上游工厂污染了下游居民的饮水,按科斯定理,问题就能够妥善解决A、不管产权是否明确,只要交易成本为零B、只要产权明确,且交易成本为零c、只要产权明确,不管交易成本多大D、不论产权是否明确,交易成本是否为零13、市场不能带给纯粹公共产品是由于:A、公共产品不具有竞用性B、公共产品不具有排他性c、消费者都想免费搭车D、以上三种状况都是14、若一种商品的消费量随着消费者收入的增加而减少,一般来说,改商品是A、正常品B、奢侈品c、必需品D、劣质品15、吉芬商品表现为A、需求收入弹性和需求价格弹性都是正值B、需求收入弹性为负,需求价格弹性为正c、需求收入弹性为正,需求价格弹性为负D、需求收入弹性和需求价格弹性都是负值二、作图分析说明题1、作图说明赋税是如何造成经济剩余的无谓损失2、作图说明利率提高是何增加或是减少家庭储蓄的两种图型,并做必须的分析三、计算题1、从甲地到乙地汽车原价为10元,火车的乘客为12万,当汽车的票价由原先的10元减至8。



华东理工大学网络教育学院《微观经济学》课程阶段练习二(第四章——第五章)一、单项选择题1、对于一种商品,消费者想要有的数量都已有了,这时,( )。

A.边际效用最大;B.边际效用为零;C.总效用为零; D边际效用为负2、如果商品X对于商品Y的边际替代率MRS小于X和Y的价格之比P(X)/P(Y),则()A、该消费者获得了最大效用;B、该消费者应该增加X的消费,减少Y的消费;C、应该调整X和Y的价格;D、该消费者应该减少X的消费,增加Y的消费;3、序数效用论认为,商品效用的大小( )。

A.取决于它的使用价值;B.取决于它的价格;C.不可比较;D.可以比较4、无差异曲线的形状取决于( )。


A.收入有时高,有时低; B.欲望是无限的;C.消费者人数是无限的;D.商品的数量是无限的6、边际成本低于平均成本时()。











(1分)3、边际成本边际成本(MC )是厂商增加一单位产量时所增加的总成本(2分),公式为dQ dTCMC (1分)。


















A、缺乏弹性B、富有弹性C、具有单位弹性D、无法确定3、当AP L为正但递减时,MP L是()。


A、1元B、2元C、4元D、5元5、假定商品X、Y的价格P X、P Y已定,当MRS XY>P X/P Y时,消费者为了得到最大满足,他将()。


















此外,在L<L3既MPL>0的范围内,当MP’L>0时,TPL曲线的斜率递增,即TPL曲线以递增的速率上升,当MP’L<0时,TPL曲线的斜率递减,即TPL曲线以递减的速率上升,而当MP’=0时,TPL曲线存在一个拐点,换言之,在L=L1时,MPL曲线斜率为零的A点与TPL 曲线的拐点A’是相互对应的。

AP微观经济模拟卷二Multiple Question

AP微观经济模拟卷二Multiple Question

Multiple-ChoiceTime—1 hour and 10 minutes60 questionsFor the multiple-choice questions that follow, select the best answer.nd, labor, capital and entrepreneurial talent are often referredto asA.production possibilities.B.goods and services.C.unlimited human wants.D.opportunity costs.E.scarce economic resources.2.The law of increasing costs is useful in describingA. a demand curve.B. a marginal benefit curve.C. a linear production possibility frontier.D. a concave production possibility frontier.E. a total fixed costs curve.3.Which of the following is likely to have a demand curve that is theleast elastic?A.Demand for the perfectly competitive firm's output.B.Demand for the oligopoly firm's output with a homogenousproduct.C.Demand for the oligopoly firm's output with a differentiatedproduct.D.Demand for the monopolistically competitive firm's output.E.Demand for the monopoly firm's output.4.The figure above shows the production possibility frontiers (PPFs)for two nations that produce crabs and cakes. If these nations specialize and trade based on the principle of comparativeadvantage, which of the following trade agreements benefit both nations?A.Nation A trades three crabs to Nation B in exchange for twocakes.B.Nation A trades three cakes to Nation B in exchange for threecrabs.C.Nation A trades one cake to Nation B in exchange for two crabs.D.Nation A trades one crab to Nation B in exchange for two cakes.E.Nation A trades four crabs to Nation B in exchange for sixcakes.5.Which of the following scenarios would increase a nation'sproduction possibility frontier (PPF)?A.The nation's system of higher education slowly declines inquality.B.The nation invests in research and development of newtechnology.C.The nation's infant mortality rate increases.D.Environmental pollution severely damages the health of thepopulation.E.Mineral reserves are exhausted.6. A rational consumer who is eating Girl Scout cookies stops eatingwhenA.the total benefit equals the total cost of eating cookies.B.the marginal benefit equals the marginal cost of the nextcookie.C.the marginal cost of eating cookies is maximized.D.the marginal benefit of eating cookies is minimized.E.the price of the cookie equals the marginal benefit of thenext cookie.7. A competitive market for coffee, a normal good, is currently inequilibrium. Which of the following would most likely result in an increase in the demand for coffee?A.Consumer income falls.B.The price of tea rises.C.The wage of coffee plantation workers falls.D.Technology in the harvesting of coffee beans improves.E.The price of coffee brewing machines rises.8.Which of the following certainly lowers the equilibrium price ofa good exchanged in a competitive market?A.The demand curve shifts to the right.B.The supply curve shifts to the left.C.The demand curve shifts to the left and the supply curveshifts to the right.D.The demand curve shifts to the right and the supply curveshifts to the left.E.Both the demand and supply curves shift to the left.9.An effective price ceiling in the market for good X likely resultsinA. a persistent surplus of good X.B. a persistent shortage of good X.C.an increase in the demand for good Y, a substitute for goodX.D. a decrease in the demand for good Z, a complement with goodX.E. a rightward shift in the supply curve of good X.10.Which of the following goods is likely to have the most elasticdemand curve?A.Demand for white Ford minivans.B.Demand for automobiles.C.Demand for Ford automobiles.D.Demand for American-made automobiles.E.Demand for a Ford minivan.11.Which of the following is a fundamental aspect of the free marketsystem?A. A high degree of government involvement.B.Public ownership of resources.C.Private property.D.Central planners set wages and prices.E.Employers consult government agencies for guidance in hiringworkers with appropriate job skills.12.The elasticity of supply is typically greater whenA.producers have fewer alternative goods to produce.B.producers have less time to respond to price changes.C.producers are operating near the limits to their production.D.producers have less access to raw materials necessary forproduction.E.producers have more time to respond to price changes.13.Good X is exchanged in a competitive market. Which of the followingis true if an excise tax is now imposed on the production of good X ?1.If the demand curve is perfectly elastic, the price rises bythe amount of the tax.2.The consumer's burden of the tax rises, as the demand curveis more elastic.3.Consumer surplus rises as a result of the tax.4.The consumer's burden of the tax rises, as the demand curveis less elastic.5.If the demand curve is perfectly inelastic, the price doesnot rise as a result of the tax.14.Which of the following is an implicit cost for the owner of a smallstore in your hometown?.The wage that is paid to the assistant manager.A.The cost of purchasing canned goods from a wholesale fooddistributor.B.The value placed on the owner's skills in an alternativecareer.C.The cost of cooling the refrigerated meat display.D.The price of placing an advertisement in the local newspaper.15.Suppose a price floor is installed in the market for coffee. Oneresult of this policy would be. a decrease in the demand for coffee-brewing machines.A. a persistent shortage of coffee in the market.B.an increase in consumer surplus due to lower coffee prices.C.an increase in the demand for coffee.D. a decrease in the profits for the owners of coffeeplantations.Questions 16–17 refer to the table below, which describesemployment and production of a firm that hires labor and produces output in competitive markets. The competitive price of the product is $.50.16.Which unit of labor has marginal revenue product equal to $1.50?.1stA.2ndB.3rdC.4thD.5th17.If the wage paid to all units of labor is $4.50, how many units oflabor are hired?. 1A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 518.Which of the following is true of the perfectly competitive firmin the short run?.The firm earns a normal profit.A.The firm shuts down if the price falls below average totalcost.B.The firm earns positive economic profit.C.The firm maximizes profit by producing where the price equalsmarginal revenue.D.The firm may earn positive, negative, or normal profits.Questions 19–21 refer to the figure below.19.If the current price is 0B, we would expect. a surplus in the market to be eliminated by rising prices.A. a shortage in the market to be eliminated by falling prices.B. a surplus in the market to be eliminated by falling prices.C.quantity demanded to be equal to quantity supplied as themarket is in equilibrium.D. a shortage in the market to be eliminated by rising prices.20.If the price were to fall from 0C to 0A, which of the following wouldbe true?.Dollars spent on this good would increase if demand for the good were price inelastic.A.Dollars spent on this good would decrease if demand for thegood were price elastic.B.Dollars spent on this good would increase if demand for thegood were price elastic.C.Dollars spent on this good would increase if demand for thegood were unitary price elastic.D.Dollars spent on this good would decrease if demand for thegood were unitary price elastic.21.If the market is in equilibrium, which of the following areascorresponds to producer surplus?.BGDA.0AHJB.0DGKC.0BGD.0BGK22.The downward sloping demand curve is partially explained by whichof the following?.Substitution effects and income effects.A.The Law of Increasing Marginal Costs.B.The principle of comparative advantage.C.The Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns to production.D.The least-cost principle.23.Dorothy has daily income of $20, each cup of coffee costs P c = $1and each scone costs P s = $4. The table below provides us with Dorothy's marginal utility (MU) received in the consumption of each good. As a utility-maximizing consumer, which combination of coffee and scones should Dorothy consume each day?. 2 coffee and 2 sconesA. 5 coffee and 6 sconesB. 3 coffee and 2 sconesC. 4 coffee and 4 sconesD. 4 coffee and 16 scones24.You are told that the Gini coefficient of income inequality hasrisen from .35 to .85. Which of the following is a likely cause of this change?.Market power in the factor and output markets has increased.bor market discrimination has been eliminated.B.The distribution of wealth and property has become moreequitable.C.The vast majority of adults have achieved at least a collegedegree.D.The tax system has become even more progressive.25.The figure above best represents which of the following functions?.Total product of laborA.Total revenueB.Total costC.Total utilityD.Total short-run economic profits26.If it is true that bacon and eggs are complementary goods, then.the income elasticity of bacon is positive and the income elasticity for eggs is negative.A.the price elasticity for eggs is greater than the priceelasticity for bacon.B.the cross-price elasticity between bacon and eggs isnegative.C.the income elasticity of bacon is negative and the incomeelasticity for eggs is positive.D.the cross-price elasticity between bacon and eggs ispositive.27.A firm employs variable amounts of labor to a fixed amount of capitalto produce output. If the daily wage paid to labor increases, how does this affect the firm's costs?28.Diminishing marginal returns to short-run production begin when.the average product of labor begins to fall.A.the total product of labor begins to fall.B.marginal product of labor becomes negative.C.average variable cost begins to rise.D.marginal product of labor begins to fall.29.Which of the following is a characteristic of perfect competition?.Firms produce a homogeneous product.A.Barriers to entry exist.B.Firms are price-setting profit maximizers.C.The government regulates the price so that dead weight lossis eliminated.D.Long-run positive profits are available.30.The table above shows how hiring increasing amounts of labor to afixed amount of capital affects the hourly output of Molly'slemonade stand. Based on this table of production data, which of the following can be said?.Diminishing marginal returns begins with the first worker hired.A.Marginal cost begins to rise at the 6th worker hired.B.Total product is maximized at the 3rd worker hired.C.Average product begins to decline with the first workerhired.D.Diminishing marginal returns begins with the 4th workerhired.31.The figure above shows the long-run average cost curve of acompetitive firm. Which of the following choices best describes Region B in the diagram?.Economies of scaleA.Diseconomies of scaleB.Constant returns to scaleC.Diminishing returns to scaleD.Increasing returns to scale32.The market for good X is currently in equilibrium. Which of thefollowing choices would NOT cause both a decrease in the equilibrium price of good X and a decrease in the equilibrium quantity of good X?. A decrease in consumer income and good X is a normal good.A.An increase in consumer income and good X is an inferior good.B.An increase in the price of good Y, a complement for good X.C. A decrease in the price of good Y, a substitute for good X.D.An increase in the number of consumers in the market for goodX.Questions 33–34 refer to the figure below, which shows cost curves for a competitive firm.33.If average variable cost at a quantity of 10 is $25, what is thevalue of $Y in the figure above?.$250A.$25B.$35C.$1000D.$35034.At a quantity of 10, what is the value of $(Y–X)?.$100A.$25B.$10C.$35D.$35035.The demand for labor falls if.labor productivity falls.A.price of the good produced by labor rises.B.the price of a complementary input falls.C.demand for the good produced by labor rises.D. a minimum wage is removed from the labor market.Questions 36–37 refer to the graph below.36.The curve labeled 4 represents which of the following?.Marginal costA.Marginal product of laborB.Average total costC.Average fixed costD.Average variable cost37.Where is the shut down point for this perfectly competitive firm?.Any price below curve 4.A.Any price below 0c.B.Any price below curve 3.C.Any price below curve 2.D.Any quantity less than Q.38.If a market for a good is producing a negative externality,.at the market output the marginal costs to society exceed the private marginal costs of production.A.at the market output the marginal benefits to society exceedthe private marginal costs of production.B.at the market output the marginal costs to society exceed thetotal benefits to society.C.at the market output the private marginal costs of productionexceed the marginal costs to society.D.at the market output the marginal benefits to society exceedthe marginal costs to society.39.Which of the following is a characteristic of a monopoly market?.Firms produce a homogeneous product.A.Barriers to entry exist.B.Firms are price-taking profit maximizers.C.Dead weight loss is eliminated through entry of competingfirms in the long run.D.In the long run the firm earns normal profits.40.A monopolist may be able to maintain long-run positive profit dueto.dead weight loss.A.economies of scale in production.B. a price that is set equal to average total cost.C.perfectly elastic demand for the product.D.entry of new firms that keep the price high.Questions 41–42 refer to the graph below.41.If this firm were a profit-maximizing monopolist, the price, outputand profit would be42.Consumer surplus in the monopolist market is equal to the area:.abce.A.abcf.B.P 5cd.C.0Q1a P1.D.P1P5ca.43.The top six firms in an oligopolistic industry have market sharesof 25%, 25%, 15%, 10%, 6%, and 3%. Many smaller firms split the restof the market. What is the value of the four-firm concentration ratio?.65%A.54%B.75%C.34%D.50%44.Which of the following statements are true of consumerutility-maximizing behavior?.tility from consumption of good X is maximized when the marginal utility is equal to zero.I.Total utility from consumption of good X rises at a decreasingrate.II.The consumer spends limited income until the quantity of good X consumed is equal to the quantity of good Y.C.I onlyD.II onlyE.III onlyF.I and II onlyG.II and III only45.Oligopoly has at times been the subject of government antitrustregulation. Which of the following is a reason for this government regulation?.Price is approximately equal to marginal cost.A.Price is approximately equal to average total cost.B.Dead weight loss lessens over time.C.Consumer surplus is lost as market power increases.D.Market efficiency is maximized.46.The production of chicken often results in offending odors that arepicked up by the wind and blown over rural communities. This is an example of a ___externality, the result of which are spillover ___and an _____of resources to chicken production..negative, costs, underallocation.A.negative, benefits, overallocationB.negative, benefits, underallocationC.positive, costs, overallocationD.negative, costs, overallocation47.Which of the following are shared by perfectly competitive firmsand monopolistically competitive firms?.Barriers to entryI.Normal profits in the long runII.Excess capacityIII. A homogenous productD.I onlyE.II onlyF.III onlyG.II and IV onlyH.I, II, and III only48.The monopolistically competitive price is above marginal revenuebecause.firms have differentiated products.A.firms are price takers.B.firms produce a homogenous product.C.the market is allocatively efficient.D.profits are normal in the long run.49.Dead weight loss in industries with market power is a result of.profit-maximizing output occurs where price equals marginal revenue.A.profit-maximizing output occurs where price exceeds marginalcost.B.profit-maximizing output occurs where price equals marginalcost.C.profit-maximizing output occurs where price exceeds averagetotal cost.D.profit-maximizing output occurs where price equals averagetotal cost.50.If the government wishes to regulate a natural monopoly so that itearns a normal profit, it sets.Price = Marginal Cost.A.Marginal Revenue = Marginal Cost.B.Price = Average Total Cost.C.Price = Marginal Revenue.D.Marginal Revenue = Average Total Cost.51.Which of the following would improve the efficiency of a monopolymarket?.The government regulates the monopolist to produce the output where marginal revenue equals marginal cost.A.The government provides additional legal barriers to entry.B.The government subsidizes the monopolist so that they achieveeven greater economies of scale.C.The government eliminates trade barriers on potential foreignproducers.D.The government regulates the monopolist to produce the outputwhere monopoly profits are maximized.52.Which of the following increases the demand for interstate truckdrivers?.An increase in the wage of truck drivers.A.An increase in the supply of truck drivers.B.An increase in the price of diesel fuel, which is used to powersemitrucks.C. A decrease in the demand for interstate shipping.D. A decrease in the price of semitrucks.53.A monopsony employer hires labor up to the point where.Wage = Marginal Factor Cost.A.Marginal Factor Cost = Marginal Product of Labor.B.Marginal Factor Cost = Marginal Revenue Product of Labor.C.Wage = Marginal Revenue Product of Labor.D.Wage = Price of the good produced by the labor.54.The price of labor is $5 and the price of capital is $10 per unit.Using the table below, what is the least cost combination of labor and capital that should be hired to produce 18 units of output?. 1 Labor and 2 CapitalA. 4 Labor and 8 CapitalB. 2 Labor and 1 CapitalC. 5 Labor and 5 CapitalD. 3 Labor and 2 Capital55.A cartel is often the result of.perfectly competitive firms that agree to produce a homogenous product.A.oligopoly competitors that agree to restrict output tomaximize joint profits.B. a monopoly that has been regulated by the government.C. a natural monopoly that has evolved into a perfectlycompetitive industry.D.monopolistically competitive firms that have agreed to earnnormal profits in the long run.56.Suppose the state requires hairdressers and manicurists to pass aseries of exams to be certified cosmetologists. How does this policy change the supply of cosmetologists, the equilibrium wage, and the price of a manicure?57.The local market for bankers is currently in equilibrium. Which ofthe following increases the local wage paid to bankers?.Internet banking at home is becoming more popular.A.More college students are majoring in finance and economics,majors that make them attractive as bank employees.B.The price of banking software, a complementary resource tobankers, rises.C.Several banks in the local market merge and consolidate manyoperations.D.The price of automatic teller machines, a substitute forbankers, decreases and the output effect is greater than thesubstitution effect.58.The U.S. government collects tax revenue, buys military equipmentfrom many private firms, and uses this equipment to provide national defense to all Americans. This is a good example of. a natural monopoly.A.an excise tax on military equipment.B. a regressive tax.C. a public good.D.dead weight loss.59.Which of the following scenarios is the best example of a positiveexternality?.Your neighbor has a swimming pool and throws loud late-night parties.A.Your neighbor has a swimming pool and allows you free access.B.Your neighbor has a swimming pool and the powerful chlorineodor blows into your open dining room window.C.Your neighbor has a swimming pool and allows you to use it inexchange for letting his kids use your swing.D.Your neighbor has a swimming pool that is conducive for thebreeding of mosquitoes.60.Because of the free-rider effect, the private marketplace tends to.provide the allocatively efficient amount of a public good.A.produce too much of a public good, requiring the governmentto intervene and tax the production of it.B.produce a public good in the amount where the marginal benefitto society equals the marginal cost to society.C.produce too little of the public good, requiring the governmentto intervene and provide it for all.D.produce too little of the public good, requiring the governmentto intervene and ban it.。



微观经济学202101模拟卷1答案一、单选题(共20题,每题2分,共40分)1. 市场不能提供纯粹的公共物品是因为()。

(2分)A.公共物品不具有排他性B.公共物品不具有竞争性C.消费者都想“免费搭车”D.以上三种情况都是.★标准答案:D2. 准租金和厂商的总利润相比()。

(2分)A.相等B.前者大C.后者大D.均有可能.★标准答案:B3. 某一经济活动存在外部不经济是指该活动的()。

(2分)A.私人成本大于社会成本B.私人成本小于社会成本C.私人利益大于社会利益D.私人利润小于社会利益.★标准答案:B4. 假定某歌唱演员的年薪为10万元,但若他从事其他职业,最多只能得到3万元,那么该歌唱演员所获得的经济租金为()。

(2分)A.10万元B.7万元C.3万元D.不能确定.★标准答案:B5. 正常利润是()。

(2分)A.经济利润的一部分B.经济成本的一部分C.隐含成本的一部分D.B和C都对.★标准答案:D6. 如果市场价格超过平均成本,边际收益大于边际成本,垄断厂商多卖1单位时()。


.★标准答案:D7. 如果上游工厂污染了下游居民的饮水,按科斯定理,(),问题就可妥善解决。

(2分)A.不管产权是否明确,只要交易成本为零B.只要产权明确,且交易成本为零C.只要产权明确,不管交易成本有多大D.不管产权是否明确,交易成本是否为零.★标准答案:B8. 由于垄断会使效率下降,因此任何垄断都是要不得的,这一命题()。

(2分)A.一定是正确的B.并不正确C.可能是正确的D.基本上是正确的.★标准答案:B9. 政府把价格限制在均衡水平以下可能导致()。

(2分)A.黑市交易B.大量积压C.买者按低价买到了希望购买的商品数量D.政府收购过剩产品.★标准答案:A10. 随着收入和价格的变化,消费者的均衡也发生变化。


















国有企业过多的员工使得企业的生产脱离了生产的经济区域,造成了企业生产效率的低下,二、计算题1、消费者的效用函数为U=X4Y3,则他在Y 商品上的支出占总支出的比例是多少?对Y 的需求与X 的价格有什么关系?设X.Y的价格分别是P x P y,总支出为M则总支出分配为P x+P y=M效用函数为U=X^4Y^3X和Y的边际效用分别为MU X=4X^3Y^3 MU Y=3X^4Y^2均衡时4Y/P x=3X/P yP x*X=P y*Y*4/3带入预算方程得M=7 P y *Y/3所以所占比例为3/7,Y的需求与X价格无关2、在下列生产函数中,哪些属于规模报酬递增、不变和递减?(1)F(K,L)=K2L 递增(2)F(K,L)=K+2L 不变3、已知某完全竞争厂商的短期生产函数Q = 21L+9L2-L3,试求该厂商生产的三个阶段和最佳生产区域,并作简图加以说明。
















第 1 页共 5 页13.一家企业的机会成本包括其显性成本和隐性成本。



16.在短期内,为了实现利润最大化,垄断竞争的企业需要在满足 P=ATC 的条件下进行生产。


18.为了实现利润最大化,垄断企业和完全竞争企业生产的产量水平都需要满足 MR=MC 。



二、单项选择题(每题2分,共40分)1.实证表述是A 关于应该是什么的表述 B关于是什么的表述C一向正确的表述 D不以其他条件不变为分析工具的表述。

2.PPF上的产量组合点是A 有效率但不能达到的 B有效率又可以达到的C无效率且又不能达到的 D无效率但可以达到的。



微观经济学试题及答案微观经济学模拟试题五、作图说明题(6 分)利用图说明厂商在既定产量条件下是如何实现最小成本的最优要素组合的。

六、简答题(每小题 6 分,共12 分)1 .简述边际效用递减规律并举例说明。

2 .简述消费者的要素供给原则。

七、论述题(共13 分)论述市场失灵的原因及其解决办法。

《微观经济》模拟试题B答案五、用等产量线和等成本线为工具进行分析要点:(1)只有一条等产量线,有三条等成本线;(2)厂商实现既定产量条件下成本最小化的均衡条件是MRTS LK =MP L /MP K =w/r六、答案要点:1 、边际效用递减规律是指在一定时间内,在其他商品的消费数量保持不变的条件下,随着消费者对某种商品消费量的增加,消费者从该商品连续增加的每一消费单位中所得到的效用增量即边际效用是递减的。

(具体举例略)2 、(1)要素供给者遵循的是效用最大化原则,即作为“要素供给”的资源的边际效用要与作为“保留自用”的资源的边际效用相等;(2)要素供给的边际效用等于要素供给的边际收入与收入的边际效用的乘积;(3)自用资源的边际效用是效用增量与自用资源增量之比的极限值,既增加一单位自用资源所带来的效用增量。






习题二(消费者选择理论和生产者选择理论部分)一、选择题:1.无差异曲线的形状取决于()A. 消费者偏好;C. 消费者收入;B. 所购商品的价格;D. 商品效用水平的大小。

2.无差异曲线上任一点商品X和Y的边际替代率等于它们的()A. 价格之比;C. 数量之比;B. 边际效用之比;D. 边际成本之比。

3.消费者实现均衡的条件是()A、P X/P Y=MU Y/MU XB、P X/P Y=MU X/MU YC、P X•X=P Y•YD、以上三者都不是4.在消费者的收入和商品的价格给定的条件下,预算线反映了()A、消费者的偏好;B、消费者的收入约束;C、消费者人数;D、货币的购买力。



7.生产的第Ⅱ阶段始于()止于()A.AP L=0,MPL=0B. AP L=MP L,MP L=0C. AP L=MP L,MP L<0D. AP L>0,MP L=08. 等产量线上某一点的切线的斜率表示()A. 边际替代率B.边际技术替代率C. 等成本线的斜率D. 边际报酬率9.下列说法中错误的是()A.只要总产量减少,边际产量一定是负数;B. 只要边际产量减少,总产量一定也减少;C. 随着某种生产要素投入量的增加,边际产量和平均产量增加到一定程度将趋于下降,其中边际产量的下降一定先于平均产量;D.边际产量曲线一定在平均产量曲线的最高点与之相交。

10.经济学中短期和长期的划分取决于( )A.时间长短; C.可否调整产量;B.可否调整产品价格;D.可否调整生产规模。




A需求曲线 B价格—消费扩展曲线C恩格尔曲线 D收入—消费扩展曲线2在其他生产要素投入量不变的条件下,随着一种生产要素的不断增加,总产量()。

A一直增加 B一直减少 C先增后减 D先减后增3垄断竞争厂商长期均衡时必然有()。

A价格大于长期平均成本 B价格等于长期平均成本C价格等于边际成本 D价格等于最低的长期平均成本4均衡价格一定随着()。

A需求与供给的增加而上升 B需求的增加和供给的减少而上升C需求的减少和供给的增加而上升 D需求和供给的减少而上升5假定人们对商品需求的收入弹性为。


A下降 B下降 C保持不变 D增加6在寡头市场上,厂商所提供的产品是()。

A同质的 B有差异的 C既可以是同质的又可以是有差异的 D互补的7短期总供给曲线表明()。

A需求与价格水平同方向变动 B总需求与价格水平反方向变动C总供给与价格水平同方向变动 D总供给与价格水平反方向变动8若某商品需求的收入弹性为负,则该商品为()。

A正常品 B低档品 C必需品 D奢侈品9当边际产量小于平均产量时,()。

A平均产量增加 B平均产量减少 C平均产量不变 D平均产量达到最大点10在完全竞争市场上,生产要素的需求曲线向右下方倾斜是由于()。

A要素生产的产品的边际效用递减 B要素的边际产品递减C投入越多,产出越大,从而产品价格越低 D要素所生产的产品的需求减少二、多项选择题(每题2分,共10分)1在完全竞争的市场上,厂商在短期内的供给曲线向上倾斜的原因是由于()。

A价格越高,利润越大 B产量越大,总成本越大C产量越大,平均成本越大 D产量越大,边际成本越大 E边际产量递减规律2某种商品的供给曲线的移动是由于()。

A商品价格的变化 B互补品价格的变化 C生产技术条件的变化D生产这种商品的成本的变化 E政府向生产企业提供补贴3如果只有一种生产要素可以变动,那么,该要素合理投入量应处于()。

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1. 垄断竞争厂商短期均衡时,(D )。


2. 工资率上升所导致的替代效应是指( C)。

3. 如果某商品富有需求的价格弹性,则该商品价格上升( C)(2分)

4. 对完全垄断厂商来说,(C )。


5. 容易导致市场失灵的市场类型是( D) (2分)
6. 如果市场价格超过平均成本,边际收益大于边际成本,垄断厂商多卖1单位时(D )。


7. 垄断竞争厂商长期均衡点上,长期平均成本曲线处于(D )。


8. 等成本曲线平行向外移动表明(D )。

9. 假定完全竞争行业内某厂商在目前产量水平上的边际成本.平均成本和平均收益均等于1美元,则这家厂商(A )。


10. 垄断竞争厂商实现最大利润的途径有:(D )。


1. 企业的规模报酬分析属于长期生产理论问题。

(对)(1分)( )
.2. 产量增加的比例大于各种生产要素增加的比例,称为规模报酬递增。

(对)(1分)( )
.3. 两种产品在两个人之间分配,达到帕雷托最优条件时各人都处在其消费契约曲线上。

(对)(1分)( )
.4. 如果上游工厂污染了下游居民的饮水,根据科斯定理只要财产权明确,不管交易成本有多大,问题即可妥善解决。

(对)(1分)( )
.5. 如果商品X对于商品Y的边际替代率MRS大于X和Y的价格之比P(X)/P(Y),则该消费者应该增加X的消费,减少Y的消费。

(错)(1分)( )
.6. “薄利多销”的销售策略适应于需求价格弹性范围是e p﹥1。

(对)(1分) ( )
.7. 就正常品而言,消费者的收入增加会导致需求曲线向右上方移动。

(对)(1分)( )
.8. 经济学家通常所指的“经济问题”是经济发展问题。

(错)(1分)( )
.9. 从要素的所有收入中减去那部分不会影响要素总供给,那一部分要素收入称为准租金。

(对)(1分)( )
.10. 某商品的消费量随着消费者收入的增加而减少,则该商品是互补品。

(错)(1分)( )
.11. 基尼系数是衡量一个国家贫富差距的标准,等于不平等面积与完全不平等面积之比。

()(1分)(对 )
1. 寡头市场(3分)

2. 科斯定理(3分)
科斯定理(Coase theorem)由罗纳德·科斯(Ronald Coase)提出的一种观点,认为在某些条件下,经济的外部性或曰非效率可以通过当事人的谈判而得到纠正,从而达到社会效益最大化。

3. 洛伦兹曲线(3分)
洛伦兹曲线(Lorenz curve),也译为"劳伦兹曲线"。


4. 价格歧视(3分)
价格歧视(price discrimination)实质上是一种价格差异,通常指商品或服务的提供者在向不同的接受者提供相同等级、相同质量的商品或服务时,在接受者之间实行不同的销售价格或收费标准。

5. 边际产品价值(3分)

6. 需求的价格弹性(3分)


需求的价格弹性(price elasticity of demand)是当所有其他影响买者计划的因素都保持不变时,一种产品的需求量对其价格变动反应敏感程度的一个无单位衡量的指标。

1. 为什么有时发生亏损的厂商会选择继续生产而不是关闭?(8分)
2. 在垄断竞争市场中,厂商推出不同品牌的同一产品是否有必要?(8分)
3. 成为垄断者的厂商可以任意定价,这种说法对吗?(8分)
1. 在英国,对新汽车需求的价格弹性E d=-1.2,需求的收入弹性Ey=3.0,请计算:(1)其他条件不变,价格提高3%对需求的影响;(2)其他条件不变,收入增加2%对需求的影响。


2. 设效用函数为U=X.Y,预算约束为I=X.P X+ Y.P Y,其中已知收入I、商品价格P X、P Y,求解商品X、Y的需求函数。

3. 已知生产函数为Q=f(K,L)=KL-0.5L2-0.32K2,Q表示产量,K表示资本,L表示劳动。




(3)证明当AP 达到极大时AP=MP=2。

(1) AP=10-0.5L-——
