The pursuit of happyness




唱诗班的动情演绎☐Lord, don't move that mountain,☐Give me strength to climb it.☐Please don't move that stumbling block, ☐But lead me , Lord, around it.☐My burdens, they gets so heavy,☐Seem hard to bear, but I won't give up. ☐Because you promised me,☐You'd meet me at the altar of prayer.大意☐主啊,请不要移走那座山峰☐请赐予我攀越的力量☐请不要移除那块绊脚石☐指引我,主啊,指引我逾越它☐我肩上的担子沉重不堪☐几乎无法承受,但我不会放弃☐因为你曾给我承诺☐你将在教堂的圣坛与我会面剧情介绍已近而立之年的克里斯•加德纳(威尔•史密斯),28岁才第一次见到了自己的父亲,下定决心要给孩子做一个好爸爸。

但事业不顺,生活潦倒,只能每天奔波于各大医院,卖骨密度扫描仪,偶然间认识到做证券经纪人并不是需要大学生文凭,只要懂数字和人际关系就可以做到后,就主动去找维特证券的经理Jay twistle,凭借自己的执着、非凡的妙语,并在一个小小的魔方的帮助下,得到了一个实习的机会。











1. "The Pursuit of Happyness"(《当幸福来敲门》)这部电影根据真实故事改编,讲述了一个坚持追求自己梦想的父亲的奋斗故事。


2. "Dead Poets Society"(《死亡诗社》)这部电影以一位富有激情的英语老师为主角,鼓励学生独立思考和表达自己的观点。


3. "A Beautiful Mind"(《美丽心灵》)这部电影根据数学家约翰·纳什的真实故事改编,讲述了他与精神疾病的斗争以及最终获得诺贝尔奖的故事。


4. "Good Will Hunting"(《心灵捕手》)这部电影讲述了一位自学成才的年轻人,通过与一位教授的交流和启发,逐渐找到了自己的人生方向。


5. "The Miracle Worker"(《奇迹工人》)这部电影根据真实故事改编,讲述了一位盲聋女孩与老师的感人故事。


6. "Freedom Writers"(《自由作家》)这部电影根据真实故事改编,讲述了一位老师以她独特的教育方式改变学生命运的故事。


7. "The Lion King"(《狮子王》)尽管它是一部动画片,但是《狮子王》通过它的音乐和故事,传达了许多重要的教育价值观,如责任、勇气和成长。

The Pursuit of Happyness_当幸福来敲门观后感800字_高三英语作

The Pursuit of Happyness_当幸福来敲门观后感800字_高三英语作

The Pursuit of Happyness_当幸福来敲门观后感_高三英语作文An American inspirational story, Pursuit Of Happyness , it has a lot of feeling. It is only after some hardships that each of us knows what pleasure is. In this article, Chris has experienced the most difficult stage of life. In the last step of the tribulation, the final success. The film also became popular applause of the American inspirational article. Perhaps the inspirational story has a common story, which is the ultimate success of the master s life through the rugged course of life. But if it s not such a result, can it be an inspirational piece?The movie mainly describes the heroine Chris s efforts to go up and fight hard, and eventually transformed from an ordinary salesman to a staff member of a big company he dreamed of. In response to the frustrations of fate, the difficulty of coping with survival and the attitude to life, it was deeply shocked by the calm, leisurely and persistent. His dream is to become an investment expert. However, to deal with the hardships of life, his wife had left him. His sorrow and helpless again and again hurt me, live in torment him, looked at the landlord because he can not afford to pay the rent, he and his son angrily will throw things outside the room, and he was only with a tired heart, dragging the beloved son, began to wander around forshelter. When father and son two snuggled in the corner of the public toilet, when someone wanted to be convenient recently, he used his feet to support, locked the door behind him, and didn t dare to make a sound, and tears of pain and sadness came down. Life, why torture such a person with hard. On the one hand he strenuously through 6 months of unpaid internships; on the one hand he wants to sell medical instrument to life; the one hand he wants to protect the young son to spirit. It will always be rewarding when it comes to hard work. Chris finally got the pleasure, and when the boss told Chris Garner to join the company, his eyes were full of tears. Chris Garner rushed to the nurseries and his son. He felt that he was no longer ashamed of his son, no longer disappointing to life, and no more frustration. Finally All sufferings have their reward..The film left me with one of the deepest impressions of Chris s tears. When he and his son were evicted from rental housing, he led his son to find a place to live. His brothers and sisters refused him. So they came to the subway station. He came up with a story to coax his son from the difficulties he faced. So they went to a public toilet and spent a night in a couple of hits. Chris cried, and he was not crying for such a difficulty. But let his son and he suffer all, let him feel sorry for his son. This point makes him a benevolent and respectable father. His affection for his son was so strong and profound. Anotherscenario is that he was hired as the official broker, he cried, thought to share the pleasure time man is his son with him, can feel how much he loved his son.Destiny is in the hands of self, you can overnight is rich, is also able to overnight become a homeless person, when everything happens not discouraged, where fall in where to climb up and believe that as long as you continue to pay hard, everything will get better, it is not good to be scared of fate, it is not good to be self defeating.Let s see these scenes can not help tears trickling down cheeks. A moving scene, from one to the other, can feel power. What we lack is such power. We want to succeed, we want to be brave, and when we deal with difficulties and setbacks, are we also strong will and belief support? So, when everything comes, we don t panic anymore. Because we don t think the world is terrible. The horror is the belief of self, and if the faith is right, the will of the will will succeed.。

当幸福来敲门---the PURSUIT of HAPPYNESS

当幸福来敲门---the PURSUIT of HAPPYNESS

当幸福来敲门---the PURSUIT of HAPPYNESSthe PURSUIT of HAPPY NESS《当幸福来敲门》已近而立之年的克里斯·加德纳(威尔·史密斯),28岁才第一次见到了自己的父亲,下定决心要给孩子做一个好爸爸。

但事业不顺,生活潦倒,只能每天奔波于各大医院,卖骨密度扫描仪,偶然间认识到做证券经纪人并不是需要大学生文凭,只要懂数字和人际关系就可以做到后,就主动去找维特证券的经理Jay twistle,并凭借自己的执着、非凡的妙语,得到了一个实习的机会.但是实习生有20人,他们必须无薪工作六个月,最后只能有一个人录用,这对克里斯·加德纳来说实在是难上加难。





“我生活的这一部分叫做搭公车”——故事开始“我生活的这一部分叫做犯傻”——发现在自己面试时帮自己照看扫描仪的嘻哈女孩带着仪器跑开而将其追回“我生活的这一部分现在的这一部分叫做疲于奔命”“幸福自己会来敲门生活也能得到解脱”“我就是这样一种人你向我提问如果我答不上来我就会告诉你‘我不知道’但我保证我清楚该怎样找到答案,我会找到答案的”面试官说“假设有个人不穿着正装就跑过来面试然后我却录用了他,你会怎么评价?”“那他的裤子一定很考究”——面试父子在篮球场——“别让人家说你成不了大器,包括我,好吗?”“你有梦想的话你就得去保护它”“那些自己没有成材的人会说你也不能成材”“我生命中的这个阶段这个很短的阶段叫做幸福”——成为了经纪人.取材真实故事,故事的主角就是当今美国黑人投资专家Chris Gardner。




实际上,这里有一个非常有趣的典故,英文的原名The pursuit of happiness是《独立宣言》中确立的人的三项权力之一,即生命、自由、追求幸福。




2.在《独立宣言》刚开头就有这样的一段:We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.相信这就是将电影起名为“The Pursuit of Happiness”的原因。

(而故意将happiness写错,电影里也有交待:小主人公所在的一家中国人开的幼儿园大门上,写的就是一个错误的“幸福”)正如上面这位回答者所说的,美国《独立宣言》讲道“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”(我们认为下面这些真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等,造物者赋予他们若干不可剥夺的权利,其中包括生命权、自由权和追求幸福的权利。


我看过一个鼓舞人心的电 影:《当幸福来敲门》,它 是基于一个真实的百万富 翁Chris Gardner白手起家 的故事。
The Pursuit ted as Chris and did a fantastic job which really moved and inspired me.Will Smith was starred an ordinary person who lived in San Francisco in 1980s.
他的妻子,琳达, 不能忍受支撑整 个家庭的压力, 离开了他,留下 她5岁的儿子,
He not only suffered the dead-end down, but also became a single father. Chris has only 21 dollars and could not pay the rent, so he and his son were thrust out of the apartment.
Chris Ghana是 一个推销员。他 工作很努力,却 总没办法让家里 过上更好的生活。
His wife, Linda, can not endure the pressure of supporting the whole family and left him, leaving her 5-year-old son, Christopher.
威尔·史密斯饰演Chris并且做 了一个出色的工作,这些都真正 地感动和鼓舞了我。威尔·史 密斯饰演了一个在1980年代住 在旧金山的平凡的人。
Chris Ghana is a salesman. He works hard, but overall no way to make a better life at home.

The Pursuit of happyness

The Pursuit of happyness

This was a true story happened in1981…这是一个真实的故事,从1981年讲起克里斯是旧金山不太走运的商人他倾尽所有成了骨密度测量仪的代理商可是生意并不好五岁的儿子只能在唐人街的托儿所自娱自乐妻子对挣扎在贫困线的生活充满抱怨克里斯下定决心改变命运他在摩天大楼前拦住衣着光鲜开跑车的陌生人问他从事什么赚钱生意对方告诉克里斯自己是股票经纪人克里斯看到了未来的希望克里斯去旧金山最好的经纪公司申请职位但杳无音讯情急之中克里斯拦截外出的人力资源总监进行自我介绍在出租车上数理逻辑出色的克里斯急中生智还原六面魔方总监对克里斯留下深刻印象,终于给了他面试的机会克里斯的机智和诚恳赢得了老板,获得了实习资格半年的实习期没有工资和佣金淘汰率高达95%即便如此克里斯还是勇敢接受了挑战由于没有任何薪水,克里斯的生活日益窘迫不堪重负的妻子终于狠着心离开了克里斯和儿子白天克里斯是经纪公司里最勤奋的实习学员每天实习结束后克里斯带着儿子继续卖骨密度仪来维持生计骨密度仪的生意十分艰难可爱的儿子一直陪伴在父亲的身边没有钱粮的父子俩经常去教会领免费圣餐由于付不起房租父子被房东赶出门在地铁里凑合睡一晚最青黄不接的时候克里斯不得不以卖血为生但是克里斯依然精神抖擞地坚持着实习不断地学以致用,和潜在顾客沟通再艰苦的时候,小天使一般的儿子都是克里斯最大的安慰“永远不要让任何人夺去你的梦想,就算我也不能!”六个月后成绩出色的克里斯被宣布为当期唯一留用的实习生如愿以偿成为股票经纪人的克里斯忍不住热泪盈眶幸福终于来敲门了苦尽甘来的父子俩紧紧相拥1987年克里斯成立了自己的经纪公司2006年他出售了一小部分公司股权就获得了数百万美元一个梦想一份坚持让一个有着伟大爱心的父亲迈向成功每个人都有追求幸福的平等权利。




当幸福来敲门The Pursuit of Happyness 中英文剧本Time to get up, man.该起床了- All right, Dad. - Come on.- 好的,老爸- 快点Should be here soon.马上来了- I think I should make a list. - What do mean?- 我想我该列个表-研究一下,好好选选Okay, well, that's smart. Yeah, make a list.哦,很聪明,那就列吧Can you spell everything you're thinking of?想要的礼物你都会写吗?- I think so. - All right. That's good.- 应该吧- 哦,很好- How you doing in here, man? - Okay.- 小伙子,你还好吧?- 还好Can we go to the park today, after?我们今天能去公园吗…在上完幼儿园后?No, I gotta go to Oakland. Well, maybe, we'll see.呃…我还得去奥克兰或许…再说吧Give me a kiss.亲亲I'll talk to you later.晚点再说Excuse me.借过我不会说英文…And the Y? The Y. We talked about this.我提过的,幸福的“幸”写错了It's an I in "happiness." There's no Y in "happiness." It's an I. 这里写成了辛苦的“辛”我不是说过,我不会说英文…I'm Chris Gardner.我是克里斯·迦纳I met my father for the first time when I was 28 years old.我第一次见到我父亲时,已经28岁了And I made up my mind as a young kid...我儿时就决定,将来我有了孩子...that when I had children...我的孩子一定得知道他们的父亲是谁It's a time machine, isn't it?是架时光机,对吧?Seems like a time machine.看起来是时光机That seems like a time machine. It's a time machine. Take me with you. 像是时光机,是时光机,能带上我吗?This machine...这仪器…...this machine on my lap...我膝盖上的这台仪器…This guy, he has a time machine.这伙计,他有架时光机He travels in the past with this machine and...他…他…他…用时光机穿梭到过去- it is not a time machine.这不是…时光机- I appreciate it. - We just don't need it, Chris. - 我不胜感激- 我们真的不需要,克里斯It's unnecessary and expensive.没多大用处而且还很贵- Well, maybe next... - Thank you.- 哦,或许下次…- 谢谢It gave a slightly denser picture than an x-ray for twice the money.它比X光机显像更精确一点点但却贵了一倍- Hey. - Hey, baby.- 嘿- 嘿,宝贝- What happened? - No, nothing.- 怎么啦?- 没…没事儿Look, I can't get Christopher today.只是…我今天不能去接儿子Oh, no, you don't, Chris. I'm back on at 7.- Yes. - And we got the tax-bill notice today.- 对- 今天收到了税单- What are you gonna do about that? - Look, this is what we gotta do. - 你说怎么办?- 听着,就这么办You see that car? The one with the pretty yellow shoe on it?看到那车了吗?那辆穿着漂亮黄鞋子的车That' mine.那是我的车There' no parking near hospitals.医院附近不准停车That' what happens when you're always in a rush. 赶时间的结果就是这样Thanks anyway. Very much.还是非常谢谢你- Maybe next quarter. - It's possible.- 或许下个季度The problem is...问题是…...I haven't sold any for a while.我很久没卖出一台了Since when do you not like macaroni and cheese? 你什么时候开始不喜欢通心粉加奶酪的?Since birth?从…我出生开始?- What's that? - What?- 这是什么?- 呃?- What is this? - It's a gift for Christopher.- 这是什么东西?- 克里斯托弗的礼物- From who? - Cynthia from work.- 谁给的?- 我同事欣西雅It's for adults. Chris can't use it. She didn't know.要怎么玩?No, I'm gonna have to file an extension.没,我要申请延后缴- You already filed an extension. - Yeah, well, I gotta file another one. - 你已经申请过延期了- 是,我还要再延期一次That's... It's $650. I'll have it in the next month.一共是640美元,我下个月就有了That means interest, right?是加上利息,- And a penalty? - Yeah, a little bit.还有罚金的总额吧- 嗯,不是很多啦Look, why don't you let me do this? All right, just relax. Okay? 让我处理就好你就别操心了,好吗?- Come here. Calm down. - I have to go back to work.- 来,别烦了- 我得回去工作了准备上床了But we have to face the truth...但我们必须面对现实...and then go to work to turn things around.然后去努力扭转情势And make no mistake about it, we can turn them around.决不能犯错,我们一定能做到The federal budget is out of control.联邦预算已经失去控制And we face runaway deficits of almost $80 billion...今年9月30日结束的预算年度...for this budget year that ends September 30th.我们将有高达800亿的赤字That deficit is larger than the entire federal budget in 1957.这个赤字比1957年整年联邦预算还高And so is the almost $80 billion...今年还得支付这…衍生的利息国债130亿Today it is 75 billion.而如今则是750亿During these 20 years, our population has only increased by 23.3 percent...20年来人口才增长了23.3%…Man, I got two questions for you:哇,老兄,请教你两个问题What do you do? And how do you do it?你是干什么?你是怎么干的?- I'm a stockbroker. - Stockbroker. Oh, goodness. - 我是股票经纪人- 股票经纪人,哦,天哪Had to go to college to be a stockbroker, huh?得上大学才能做股票经纪人,对吧?不用,只需要精通数字,会做人处世- That's it.- 就这么简单-- 付停车费去吧我还记得那一刻They all looked so damn happy to me.他们全都看起来超幸福的样子Why couldn't I look like that?为什么我不能也满脸幸福?I'm gonna try to get home by 6.我尽量在六点前回来I'm gonna stop by a brokerage firm after work. 下班后要去一下证券行- For what? - I wanna see about a job there. - 干嘛?- 看看那里有没有工作Yeah? What job?哦,什么样的工作?You know, when I...你知道,我…股票经纪人- Stockbroker? - Yeah.- 股票经纪人?- 嗯Not an astronaut?不是宇航员?Don't talk to me like that, Linda.别用这种口气对我说话,琳达I'm gonna go down and see about this, and I'm gonna do it during the day.我去看看情况,利用白天的时间You should probably do your sales calls.嗯,你该打电话推销才对I don't need you to tell me about my sales calls, Linda.还要你来告诉我,琳达Next week we'll owe three months.下星期就欠三个月了I've been pulling double shifts for four months now, Chris.我已经上双份班四个月了!Just sell what's in your contract. Get us out of that business.就…赶快把合约规定的数额卖完咱们好脱身吧Linda, that is what I am trying to do.琳达,我不是正努力那么做嘛!This is what I'm trying to do for my family...努力来改善这个家...for you and for Christopher.为你,为儿子What's the matter with you?你到底是怎么了?Linda.琳达Linda.琳达能帮个忙吗,小姐Do you mind if I leave this here with you just for five minutes? 帮我看下这个行吗,就5分钟I have a meeting in there and I don't wanna carry that...我在那儿有个会带这个进去看上去很不正式...Looking smalltime.Here is a dollar and I'll give you more money when I come back out. 先给你1块钱一会我出来再多给你点Okay? It's not valuable. You can't sell it anywhere.好吗?这玩意不值钱,你也卖不出去I can't even sell it, and it's my job. All right?我是干这个的都卖不掉,好吗?- Chris? Tim Brophy, Resources. - Yes. How are you?- 克里斯吗?我是提姆·布鲁菲,人事部的-- Come with me. - Yes, sir.- 跟我来-全面负责人事工作的I mean, I'm... You know, I'm just this office.我的意思是,我只负责这里As you can see, we got a hell of lot of applications here, so...你看,已经有一大堆人申请了…所以…Normally I have a resume sheet, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. 我这应该还有履历表的但是现在找不到了- We... - Thank you very much.- 我们…- 非常感谢I need to go.我得走了I'll bring this back.我…我…我会把这个交过来的- Thank you. - Okay.- 谢谢- 好的借过,借过Stop! Stop!停下!停下!Don't move! Stop this...! Stop the train! 别走!停下!停下这地铁!Stop! Stop!停!停下来!The program took just 20 people every six months.这个培训每半年才招20人One got the job.最后只有1人受雇There were three blank lines after "high school" to list more education. 申请表上“高中”之后还有3行线用来填写接受过的其他教育I didn't need that many lines.对我来说,根本就是多余Try and sleep. It's late.快睡觉,不早了这种魔方每面都是This little cube is the gift sensation of 1981.这小玩意是1981年的送礼佳品Don't expect to solve it easily.但是想把它玩好可没那么容易Although we did encounter one math professor at USF...尽管我们确实碰到一位旧金山大学的数学教授...who took just 30 minutes on his.只花了30分钟就拼好This is as far as I've gotten on mine.这个是我尽最大努力拼的了As you can see, I still have a long way to go.大家可以看到离完成还早着呢This is Jim Finnerty reporting for KJSF in Richmond.这里是吉米·芬尼迪从KJSF里士满发回的报道Hey, wake up.嘿,醒醒Eat.快吃- Oh, yeah, I'm going to.- 噢,我正有此意So go ahead, say goodbye to it, because I'm coming back without it. 快点和它道个别回来可就看不到它了Goodbye and good riddance.再见,“可喜的摆脱”You ain't had to add the "good riddance" part.后面那部分没必要说的Bye, Mom.再见,妈妈!Bye.再见It's written as P-P-Y, but it's supposed to be an I in "happiness." 那里写的是“辛”但是实际上应该是“幸”- Is it an adjective? - No, actually it's a noun.- 是形容词吗?- 不是,是个名词But it's not spelled right.但是字写错了-- But just don't use that one, okay? - Okay.- 别用那词,好吗?- 好的What's that say on the back of your bag?你书包背后写的是什么?My nickname.我的绰号We pick nicknames.我们选了绰号- Oh, yeah? What's it say? - "Hot Rod."- 噢,你选的是什么?- “改装高速车”- Did you have a nickname? - Yep.- 你有绰号吗?- 有啊- What? - "Ten-Gallon Head."- 是什么?- 无-敌-大-头- What's that?- 什么意思?-- Hoss?- 霍斯?Hoss Can'twright on Bonanza.霍斯·卡特赖特“伯南扎的牛仔”里面的牛仔- How do you know Bonanza? - We watch it at Mrs. Chu's. - 你从哪知道“伯南扎的牛仔”的?- 在朱太太家看的- You watch Bonanza at daycare? - Yeah.- 你在幼儿园看“伯南扎的牛仔”?- 是啊When? When do you watch it?是什么时候看的?- After snack? After your nap? - After Love Boat.- 午餐后还是午觉后?- 看完“爱之船”之后看的I made my list for my birthday.我生日礼物列好了- Yeah, what'd you put on there? - A basketball or an ant farm.- 你都写了什么?- 篮球,或者“蚂蚁农场”- He says he's been watching TV.-- Love Boat?-We're paying you $ 150 a month. If he's gonna be sitting around... 我们每月付150块给你要是他就坐在这儿…...watching TV all day, we're taking him out of here.一直看电视的话,我们就带他走Go pay more at other daycare if you don't like Navy TV.你要是不喜欢海军片的话就多花钱去别家幼儿园好了You late pay anyway. You complain. I complain.反正你总是晚付钱你抱怨,我还抱怨呢Can you at least put the dog upstairs in your room or something?那能不能把狗带到楼上去?关到你房间或什么地方Bye.再见I was waiting for Witter Resource head Jay Twistle...我在等维特公司人事部主管杰·托斯特尔- Hi.- 你好I wanted to drop this off personally and make your acquaintance.我得在你进去之前亲自把这个交给您和您认识一下I thought I'd catch you on the way in. I'd love the opportunity to discuss... 希望有机会能和您坐下聊聊...what may seem like weaknesses on my application.我申请表上看起来比较薄弱的几点We'll start with this, and we'll call you if we wanna sit down. 好的,我们要先看下你的申请表,克里斯需要面试的话会通知你的- Yes, sir. You have a great day. - You too.- 好的,先生,祝您愉快- 你也是Hey, yeah, how you doing?嗨,你好This is Chris Gardner calling for Dr. Delsey.我是克里斯·迦纳找戴尔斯医生Yeah, I'm running a little late for a sales call.Hey! Hey!嘿!嘿!Hey!嘿!This part of my life...我人生的这部分- Wait! ...this part here...眼前的这部分' called "Running."叫做“追赶”Hey! Hey!嘿!嘿!Wait!等一下!Hey! Wait!嘿!等一下!那是我被偷的仪器...because I was the only one selling them in the Bay Area. 因为旧金山海湾地区销售此仪器的仅我一家I spent our entire life savings on these things.我把所有的积蓄都押在这上面了It was such a revolutionary machine.押在这个革命性的仪器上了- Can you feel it, baby? - Oh, yeah.- 亲爱的,你感觉到了吗?- 当然了You got me doing all the work.你在叫我一个人忙活What I didn't know is that doctors and hospitals... 但是我没想到,医院的医生们...would consider them unnecessary luxuries.会认为它是没用的奢侈品I even asked the landlord to take a picture.Hey, man, I...嘿,老兄,我…- Who's he? - He's that guy...- 他是谁?- 就是那个…- Did you forget? - Forget what?- 你忘了吗?- 忘了什么?You're not supposed to have any of those.你不该带这东西回家的- Yeah, I know. - You have two now.- 是的,我知道- 但你现在却有2台Hey.嘿Hey, Mom.嘿,妈One, two, three!1,2,3- 是个篮球!-也可能是显微镜或别的什么- No, it's not. - There, there.- 不,不是的- 拿不到了吧All right, come on. Open him up. Open him up.好吧,快打开吧- That paper's a little heavy, huh? - Yeah, but I got it. - 纸有点厚,是吗?- 是的,但是我能打开You should've seen me out there today.你今天真应该在场的Somebody stole a scanner. I had to run the old girl down... 有个女孩偷了我的扫描仪我就一直追她…Whatever.随便吧- What? - Whatever, Chris.- 什么?- 随便怎么着吧,克里斯What the hell you got attitude about?你这是什么态度?- 随便什么?-There's dust and shit all over.尘土飞扬的- I'm trying to keep a clean house. - Hey, wait a second. - 我只是在打扫房间…- 嗨,等一下Look, Linda, relax.听我说,琳达,放松We're gonna come out of this. Everything is gonna be fine, all right? 我们会渡过难关的一切都会好起来的,好吗?You said that before, when I got pregnant. "It'll be fine."你以前就这么说过,我怀孕的时候你就说:“一切都会好起来的”- So you don't trust me now? - Whatever. I don't care.- 这么说你不再相信我了?- 随便,我不在乎- Taxi! - Mr. Twistle.- 出租!- 托斯特尔先生- Yeah, hi. - Hi. Chris Gardner.- 是的-Listen, I'm going to Noe Valley, Chris.听着,我要赶去诺亚谷,克里斯- Take care of yourself. - Mr. Twistle.- 你保重- 托斯特尔先生Actually, I'm on my way to Noe Valley also.我正好也要去诺亚谷How about we share a ride?我搭个车怎么样?- All right, get in. - All right.- 好吧,上车吧- 好的So when I was in the Navy, I worked for a doctor... 我在海军服役时为一个医生工作...who loved to play golf, hours every day...他很喜欢高尔夫每天都要花很多时间在那上面当他不在的时候I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This thing's impossible.对不起,对不起这东西不可能拼出来的- I can do it. - No, you can't. No one can.- 我可以- 你不行,没人可以的- That's bullshit. - No, I'm pretty sure I can do it. - 不可能的- 我确定我能行的- No, you can't. - Let me see it.- 你不行- 让我看看Give it here.给我Oh, yeah. Oh, wow, you really messed it up.哦,你真是拼的一团糟啊Sorry.不好意思Listen, we can drive around all day. I don't believe you can do this. 我们可以就这么一直开下去我就不信你能拼出来- Yeah, I can. - No, you can't.- 我可以的- 不,你不成- Yes, I can. - No, you can't.- 我可以的- 不,你不成I'm telling you, no one can.不,你不行,没人可以的See? That's all I ever do.看到没?我就只能到这步了You almost have this side.那面快拼出来了Holy cow.哦,你拼出来了- You almost had that one. - I'm gonna get it.-Look at that.真厉害啊Good job.拼得不错- Goodbye. - Yeah. I'll see you soon.- 再见- 回头见Where are you going, sir?先生,你要去哪里?Excuse me, sir. Where are you going, please? 对不起,先生?你要去哪里?Two... A couple of blocks.呃…2个…几个街区就到- Just flip around. - Okay.- 调下头- 好的Hey! Stop it! Hey!嘿,停下!- Where are you going? Come here! - No!-- No, no, no!- 不,不,不!- Son of a bitch.Please! He should've paid you!他应该付钱,他应该给你钱的!- Come here! - I'm sorry.- 别跑- 对不起,抱歉- I'm so sorry. - I'll kick your ass!- 对不起- 我会教训你的!- I'm sorry! - Idiot.- 对不起- 混蛋!I'll get you!我会逮到你的!I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you! 我要宰了你!我要宰了你!Hey!嘿!Stop it, you son of a bitch!Stop him!停下…Please stand clear of the doors.请远离车门No! No! No!不,不,不!No!不!- Hello? - Hey, yeah.- 喂- 嗨Sorry I couldn't make it home on time.对不起,我没能及时赶回家- Chris, I missed my shift. - Yeah, I know. I'm sorry about that.- 克里斯,我误了班- 是,我知道,对不起Look, I'm on my way right now. Are you all right with Christopher?我现在就在回家路上你陪着克里斯托弗行吗?I'm leaving. Chris, I'm leaving.- What?- 什么?-I'm gonna put the phone down.我要把电话挂了- Linda, wait a minute. Hold it, hold... - I'm going to leave. We are leaving.- 琳达,等下- 我们要走了,我们走了It was right then that I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson...那一刻,我想起了托马斯·杰斐逊...the Declaration of Independence...想起了“独立宣言”...and the part about our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 想起了其中对生存权,自由权以及追求幸福权利的描写And I remember thinking:我一直在想他是怎么知道要把“追求幸福”那部分放进去的?他究竟是怎么知道的?Linda. Linda.琳达,琳达- Hello? - Chris.- 喂?- 克里斯吗?- Who is this? - Jay Twistle.- 哪位?- 杰·托斯特尔- Hey. - Dean Witter.- 嘿- 迪安·维特公司的Yeah, of course. How are you?对…你好吗?I'm fine. Listen, do you still wanna come in and talk?我很好,听着,你还想过来聊聊吗?Yes, sir. Absolutely.是的,先生,当然了- All right.- 稍等下- 好的Hello?喂- Chris? - Go ahead. I have one.- 克里斯?- 说吧,我找到了Write this number down so you can call my secretary, Janice.记下这个号码,打给我秘书贾尼斯- She can give you all the specifics. - Yep.- 她会告诉你具体事宜的- 好的- Okay, 415. - 415.- 415 - 415- 864. - 864.- 864 - 864- 0256. - 0256.- 0256 - 0256- 对,转4796- We'll see you soon. - 太感谢你了- 回头见864-0256.864-02564796. Janice.4796,贾尼斯- Chris. - Hey.- 克里斯- 嗨Did you...? Have you seen Linda and Christopher? 看到琳达和克里斯托弗了吗?- No. You catch the game last night? - No, no. - 没有,昨晚那场比赛看了没?- 没,没看You didn't see that, 118, 1...?你没看?118,1问一下,琳达和克里斯托弗来过吗?-现在不能和你谈数字- What's your problem with numbers? - 864-2... - 为什么?- 864-2…- And you owe me money. - Yeah.- 你欠我钱- 没错You owe me $ 14.欠我14块I'm gonna get that to you.我会给你的I need my money. I need my money.给我钱,我需要!Fourteers a number.14也是数字啊嘿,别再把我儿子从我身边带走了!- You hear me?- 你听到没?-别就这么走开!我在和你说话呢!听到我的话了吗?- Do you wanna leave? - Yeah.- 你想离开吗?- 没错- You wanna leave? - Yes, I want to leave!- 你想离开吗?- 是的!我想离开!Get the hell out of here, then, Linda.那就快走吧,琳达Get the hell out of here. Christopher's staying with me. 快滚吧!克里斯托弗和我在一起!You're the one that dragged us down. You hear me? 是你把我们搞成这样的,你听到了没?- You are so weak. - No. I am not happy anymore.- 你太不坚强了!- 不,我不再幸福- I'm just not happy!- 不再觉得幸福了!- 那就去找幸福啊,琳达!去找幸福吧!克里斯托弗和我在一起!Hey. Come on, let's go.嘿,来,我们走了- How you doing, Mrs. Chu? - Hi.- 你好,朱太太- 你好- Where's Mom? - Look, just get your stuff.- 妈妈呢?- 去拿你的东西But she told me she was coming to pick me up today. 她说今天要来接我的Yeah, I know.是,我知道I talked to Mom earlier. Everything's fine, okay?我之前和妈妈谈过了没事的,好吗?Where do I sleep tonight?我今晚睡哪儿?问你个问题- Yeah.这就是好事,对吗?- 是的- 那好You're sleeping with me.你今晚和我一起睡You're staying at home, where you belong, all right? 你待在家里你本来就该待那儿,好吗?Christopher.克里斯托弗Hey, listen. I need the rent.嘿,听着,你得交房租I can't wait anymore.不能再拖下去了Yeah, I'm good for that, Charlie. I'm gonna get it.我会的,查理,我会…你为什么不搬到2个街区外的祢申汽车旅馆住?那比这便宜一半油漆工明天要来- All right, look. I need more time. - No.- 好吧,但是再给我点时间- 不行All right, I'll paint it myself.屋子我来刷,好吗?All right, but I just... I gotta have some more time... I got my son up inhere.再给我点时间,我儿子还在这All right. One week. And you paint it.好吧,再给你1周的时间而且你要粉刷房间[克里斯,你糟透了]Chris Gardner?克里斯·迦纳吗?Yeah. What happened?是我,什么事?amount?-You verify at 9:30 tomorrow morning.明早9:30我们会向银行查证的- What? - You gotta stay until this thing clears. - 什么?- 你得待在这儿直到这事处理完为止No.不行No, I can't spend the night here.不,我不能在这儿过夜- I have to pick up my son. - You verify at 9:30 tomorrow.- 我还得去接我儿子- 我们明早9:30向银行查证Sir, I have a job interview at Dean Witter at 10:15 tomorrow morning. 长官,我明天早上10:15 要去迪安·维特公司面试- I cannot stay... - 9:30 tomorrow morning.- 我不能待在这儿- 明早9:30What am I supposed to do with my son?-- Hello. - Hey.- 喂- 嗨What do you want?什么事?You gotta get Christopher from daycare. I can't.你得去幼儿园接克里斯托弗我不能…呃…Just keep him for the night and I'm... And... Just one night. 就照顾他这一晚上我…我会…就今天一晚What happened?出什么事了?I'll pick him up from daycare tomorrow.我明天会去…幼儿园接他I'm gonna go right... You can just...我会直接…你只要…You can drop him off and I'll pick him up.- No.- 不行-- How is he? - He's fine.- 他现在怎么样?- 他很好All right, just... All right, take him to the park...好吧,好吧,带他去公园玩吧...and bring him back, all right?把他送回来,好吗?All right, just bring me my son back. 只是…把我儿子送回来Okay?好吗?Linda?琳达?I'll bring him back around 6.我6点左右把他送回来All right, all right.好的,好的Thank you.谢谢Excuse me. Excuse me.对不起,借过Yes, I did.好的,知道了Mr. Gardner.迦纳先生This way.这边请It'll be right this way.就在那边What is the word on that one?那上面是什么?Chris Gardner.克里斯·迦纳到了Chris Gardner.我是克里斯·迦纳你好,早上好I've been sitting there for the last half-hour...我在外面坐了半个多小时...trying to come up with a story...一直想编出个理由...that would explain my being here dressed like this. 向你们解释我这身打扮出现的原因And I wanted to come up with a story that would demonstrate qualities... 想编出个故事说明我身上...that I'm sure you all admire here, like earnestness or diligence.拥有你们所欣赏的优点…比如诚实,勤奋Team-playing, something. And I couldn't think of anything.团队精神等等结果我却什么都想不出来So the truth is...事实是...I was arrested for failure to pay parking tickets.Parking tickets?罚单?什么?I was painting my apartment.我在粉刷我的家Is it dry now?现在干了吗?I hope so.希望如此Jay says you're pretty determined.杰说你一心想进我们公司He's been waiting outside the front of the building... 没错,他拎着个40磅重的玩意儿...with some 40-pound gizmo for over a month.在公司门口等了一个多月了- He said you're smart. - Well, I like to think so.- 他说你很聪明- 我自认是有些- And you want to learn this business?- 你想学这行?How many times have you seen Chris?你见过克里斯多少回?I don't know. One too many, apparently.我不清楚好多次了吧,应该- Was he ever dressed like this? - No.- 他有穿戴成这样吗?- 不No. Jacket and tie.没有,都是西装领带First in your class in school?克里斯,你在班上是第一名?- High school? - Yes, sir.- 高中?- 是的,先生- How many in the class? - Twelve.- 班上一共多少人?- 12人It was a small town.那是个小镇- I'll say.- 我就说嘛-I'm the type of person...呃…我是这样的人...if you ask me a question, and I don't know the answer... 如果你问的问题我不知道答案...I 'm gonna tell you that I don't know.我会直接告诉你“我不知道”But I bet you what.但我向你保证I know how to find the answer, and I will find the answer. 我知道如何寻找答案而且我一定会找出答案的Is that fair enough?这样可以吗?Chris.克里斯克里斯,我难以理解你穿成这样来面试...but you pulled it off. - Thank you, Mr. Twistle.- 但是你刚才的表现很不错- 谢谢,托斯特尔先生Hey, now you can call me Jay. We'll talk to you soon.现在开始叫我杰,回来聊All right, so I'll let you know, Jay.。



英语电影简介英语电影简介:《The Pursuit of Happyness》《The Pursuit of Happyness》是一部由加布里埃莱·穆奇诺执导,威尔·史密斯和他的儿子贾登·史密斯主演的英语电影。











《The Pursuit of Happyness》不仅仅是一部感人肺腑的故事,还是对人性和家庭价值的思考。





总之,《The Pursuit of Happyness》是一部非常值得观看的英语电影,它通过一个普通人的奋斗故事,展现了坚持不懈和追求幸福的力量。




最喜欢的电影当幸福来敲门英语作文(中英文实用版)My favorite movie is "The Pursuit of Happyness", a heartwarming story that truly inspires.It depicts the struggles and ultimate success of Chris Gardner, an unemployed salesman who fought against all odds to achieve his dream.《当幸福来敲门》是我最喜爱的电影,这部温馨感人的故事给人以极大的鼓舞。



The film, starring Will Smith, is a perfect blend of emotions, showcasing the power of perseverance and the importance of never giving up.It serves as a reminder that hard work and determination can overcome any adversity.这部电影由威尔·史密斯主演,情感表达恰到好处,展现了坚持和决不放弃的力量。


In one memorable scene, Chris and his son are forced to spend the night in a public restroom.Despite the hardships, Chris manages to create a magical and peaceful environment for his son, teaching us that love and hope can triumph even in the darkest hours.在电影中有一个令人难忘的情节,克里斯和他的儿子被迫在公共洗手间过夜。



为了养活儿子,穷困潦倒、无 家可归的他从最底层的推销员 做起,最后成为全美知名的金 融投资家。回忆起自己的这段 过去,克里斯·加纳表示 “在 我二十几岁的时候,我经历了 人们可以想象到的各种艰难、 黑暗、恐惧的时刻,不过我从 来没有放弃过。这本自传还有 一层深意,那就是即使在最最 艰难的时刻,父亲与儿子是不 可分离的。”
《当幸福来敲门》 The Pursuit of Happyness
《当幸福来敲门》改编自美国 著名黑人投资专家克里斯·加德 纳今年年初出版的同名自传。这 是一个典型的美国式励志故事。 作为一名单身父亲,加纳一度面 临连自己的温饱也无法解决的困 境。在最困难的时期,加纳只能 将自己仅有的财产背在背上,一 手提着尿布,一手推着婴儿车, 与儿子一起前往无家可归者收容 所。实在无处容身时,父子俩只 能到公园、地铁卫生间这样的地 方过夜。
《The pursuit of happyness》

不是忽略了什么呢?就像那个落水的傻瓜,幸福 不会送上门来,所以想守株待兔那样等着幸福来 敲门的人最终只会是与幸福无缘。同时,光抱有 希望也仅仅是换来等待的耐心,总得有双手肯去 敲开属于你幸福的那扇门…
Sometimes we may feel the injustice of life, but, if we ignore what?Like the fool, drowning will not send the door to happiness, so I want to waiting for him as waiting for the pursuit of happiness are eventually will only with happiness.At the same time, the hope is only for waiting patiently, belong to you must have a hands willing to knock on the door of happiness...



家庭有关电影英语1. "The Pursuit of Happyness" (追求快乐):这部电影根据真实故事改编,讲述了一个单亲父亲为了给儿子带来更好的生活而奋斗的故事。


2. "Little Miss Sunshine" (阳光小美女):这是一部喜剧剧情片,讲述了一个有些古怪的家庭为了支持女儿参加选美比赛而展开的一段旅程。


3. "Finding Nemo" (海底总动员):这是一部迪士尼动画片,讲述了小丑鱼尼莫被捕捉到大海中,父亲尼莫为了找到他展开了冒险的故事。


4. "The Sound of Music" (音乐之声):这是一部经典的音乐剧电影,讲述了一个年轻女教师到一个富有的家庭中照顾七个孩子的故事。


5. "Parenthood" (亲情万岁):这是一部喜剧剧情片,描绘了一个大家庭的生活,包括父母、子女和祖父母之间的互动。




6. "Mrs. Doubtfire" (爸爸不是妈妈):这是一部喜剧片,讲述了一位离异的父亲扮演女佣来接近自己的孩子的故事。


7. "Home Alone" (小鬼当家):这是一部家庭喜剧片,讲述了一个年幼的男孩在家人出门度假时被遗忘而独自留在家中,与两个小偷斗智斗勇的故事。



十部有教育意义的英文电影1. The Pursuit of Happyness (《追求幸福》)《追求幸福》讲述了一个父亲为了给儿子更好的生活而努力拼搏的故事。


2. Dead Poets Society (《死亡诗社》)《死亡诗社》通过一位非传统的英语老师激励学生们追求自己的梦想和独立思考。


3. Good Will Hunting (《心灵捕手》)《心灵捕手》故事发生在一所名校,聪明却问题多多的年轻男孩靠着一位心理学教授的帮助找到了自己的人生方向。


4. Freedom Writers (《自由作家社团》)《自由作家社团》以一个教师和她在贫困学校的学生为主角,展示了教育的力量可以改变学生的命运。


5. The Blind Side (《盲点》)《盲点》根据真实故事改编,讲述一个孤儿在一个爱心家庭的培养下成为一名职业橄榄球运动员的经历。


6. A Beautiful Mind (《美丽心灵》)《美丽心灵》是根据著名数学家尼尔斯·玻尔的传记改编而成,揭示了精神疾病对一个人生活的影响。


7. Hidden Figures (《隐藏人物》)《隐藏人物》叙述了三位非洲裔美国女性数学家在美国太空计划中的贡献。


8. Stand and Deliver (《敢于挑战》)《敢于挑战》是基于真实故事的电影,讲述了一位老师如何通过严格要求和鼓励学生相信自己的能力。


The Pursuit Of Happyness

The Pursuit Of Happyness

You got a dream, you gotta protect it电影中没有表面的花哨,没有漂亮的演员,但是却有细腻的情节,动人的故事,以及朴素的励志教育意义。
















这就是“敲门”,影片的英文题目是“The Pursuit Of Happyness”,是对幸福的追求,而不是幸福自己来敲门。




或许这也是Chris Gardner最后取得成功的原因。


作为父亲Chris Gardner总是在教育着孩子,同时也在为孩子一直找寻着一个“家”。




冲出逆境英文观后感影片《冲出逆境》(The Pursuit of Happyness) 是一部感人至深的励志电影,以真实的事件为基础改编而成。

这部电影讲述了主人公克里斯·加纳(Chris Gardner)在面对经济困境和生活挑战时,努力奋斗、克服逆境,最终实现了他心中追求幸福的梦想。






















The pursuit of happyness 我们⼀起看过,⾥⾯可爱懂事的⼩朋友讲了这样⼀个故事:从前有个⼈和相信上帝。




我相信,你的这⼆⼗年,上帝⼀定派过⽆数艘船去救过你,⽽你,执着的认为,你⼼⽬中的上帝才是你的救世主,这个你⼼⽬中的救世主,必须穿着你喜欢的style的外⾐,脱掉外⾐,还要穿着你期望的sexy 的underwear;梳着你喜欢的头发,;操着你喜欢的⼝⾳,⽤你听着舒服的语⽓跟你讲话;能跟你谈你的⼯作,能跟你讨论时下最流⾏的financial instrument, accumulator什么的,却也要莫名其妙的崇拜你到要死;出现貌似⼀个可能是你救世主的⼈,穿错的⾐服,扣分;⽤错了的语⽓,扣分;说错的话,扣分,最后,the game is over.





pursuit的用法【释义】pursuitn.追求,寻找;继续;追逐,追捕;实行,贯彻;消遣,业余爱好;(自行车赛和滑冰竞赛中的)追逐赛;(生理学)追视复数pursuits【短语】1The Pursuit of Happyness当幸福来敲门;追求幸福;当福祉来打门2Hot Pursuit别惹德州;热力追踪;紧追不舍3Team Pursuit团体追逐赛4The Pursuit of Happiness当幸福来敲门;追求幸福;励志片;当福祉来拍门5team pursuit race团体追逐赛;集体追逐赛6Trivial Pursuit Unhinged棋盘游戏;游戏;棋般游戏7Trivial Pursuit棋盘问答;打破砂锅问到底;智力棋盘;棋盘游戏8Highway Pursuit公路追击;公路追缉令;亡命劫匪;高速路押运大战9Hot Pursuit2热力追踪;热能功追踪【例句】1The pursuit of money ruled his life.对金钱的追求支配着他的生活。

2Relentless in his pursuit of quality,his technical ability was remarkable.由于对质量的坚持不懈的追求,他的技术能力非同凡响。

3Politicians are happier to dress up their ruthless ambition as a necessary pursuit of the public good.政客们更乐于把自己的狼子野心粉饰成对公众利益的一种必要追求。

4Finding a pursuit that excites you can improve anyone's life.找到一个令人兴奋的追求可以改善所有人的生活。

5The pursuit of a fulfilling career involves personal sacrifice.追求令人满意的事业需要个人的牺牲。



第一篇:当幸福来敲门英文影评(范文)The Pursuit of HappynessRecently, I have saw a movie in English optional course, named “The Pursuit of Happyness”, I was impressed by the film. It is said that the film based on a true story. The hero of the story is an American blacks investment expert named Chris Gardner. The movie mainly tells a story of Chris grow from the deadbeat company salesman into a well-known financial investors. In his life ,Chris Gardner have to go on hospitals every day, by selling bone density scanners. And his perseverance and smart, make he get a internship opportunities to securities company. But interns have 20 people, they have to work without pay for six months, finally can only one person be hired, it is really difficult for Chris Gardner. At this time, his wife can't stand the poor life, went to New York alone. Because of extreme poverty ,Chris Gardner and his son lost their homes live a life of running here and there. He sells bone density scanner as a daliy spending and then he must go to church to be a church relief housing. And Chris Gardner is very optimistic, and educated his son don't lose heart. Relyon his own efforts, Chris Gardner finally stand out access to the stock broker's work, and he set up his own company later.With a deep impression in the movie is that Chrise’s life attitude :for dream never give up. On the basketball court heeducate his son. He said “Don't ever let somebody tell you, you can't do something, not even me. You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something by themselves, they wanna tell you you can not do it.If You want something. Go get it!”we are unique and we all hold a dream and do what you want do ,and do your best ,don’t ever let somebody tell you that you can’t do something .If you want something , no matter how hard the process go and get it. As long as we don't give up, we will win finally. And no matter how hard the life was, Chris never leave his son, his family or his brief behind. Even they had to spend the night living in the public toilet. Although under great pressure , Chris chose to stick it out, and fight for what he known he could do for him and for his son. He is strong in spirit whatever barriers he meet .He just continued his work and never stopped struggle .but it looks like that god likes to play tricks with him he had gone through more hardships than others before the final success . It is said that the move is from a true story ,so we should believe the sentence that “Everything is possible”. In the end Chris finally made his dream come true ,he became a stockbroker. As for us , I believe if we never give up, our dream can come true one day.The Pursuit of Happyness is really an excellent movie , after watching it , My heart can’t calm down for a long makes me see the hero's optimism, strong, confident, and never give up, but also realized the world indifference, helpless and difficult. Business failure, wife's abandonment, the distress of life does not beat the hero .On the contrary, suffering experience makes him become more self-confident, firm faith, never give up when he in trouble. Finally when the happiness comes to, he firmly grasp his own happiness. I think Chris is a good example for all of us ,just be optimistic and go to realize your dream. In this world, everything is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change, so happy, when we envy other people lucky at the same time, may not be seen in the process of it along the way, how much to others. When we were watching TV when we are in the entertainment, when we are in chat... Perhaps others are working on business, perhaps is to get specializedknowledge, may be to target a fight... We often only see others successful phenomenon, seldom see someone behind the success of hard. One hundred people, one hundred people different way of life, and there are one hundred kinds of different interpretations of happiness, you choose what kind of life, what kind of action is required. So don't blindly admire others' success, if you want to succeed, if you also want to do their own happiness, then start from every little bit, starts from the nearest target, insist! Insist on! Hold on! When happiness to knock at the door one day, you can not hesitate to hold her, at that time, you also will become the eyes of others.The film has taught me a lot, not only the attitude when faced with unfortunate , but also let me understand the true meaning of happiness that is between family members. Your happiness depends on our own to pursue. Time goes by, how was yesterday? Only we know, today what I have to hold.As long as we are holding the attitude like this: "Everything will be ok", believe that and work hard, we will have our own happiness!第二篇:《当幸福来敲门》英文影评A Review of《The Pursuit of Happiness》I have seen《The Pursuit of Happiness》several days ago , but I can‟t forget Chris and his spirits until now . To be honest , this move is really a big shock to me , and the strong power in Chris has been influencing me all the time .Characters and the climate There are mainly three characters : Chris Gardner 、Christopher、Linda ,and the leading character is Chris Gardner ,the father. The whole atmosphere is positive ,though there is a large part describing the bitter struggles of Chris ,his spirit is inspiring , and there is no disappear but hope and stable belief in happiness.Development of eventsThe story of Chris Gardner is divided into six part ,I will introduce them one by one . Part one : Riding the bus It was in San Francisco 1981, Chris spent all his money on buying medical equipments , but later he found that they were unpopular among doctors ,because they were expensive and almost useless . everyday he did his best to promote the equipment to doctors ,but he can‟t earn enough for the rent and kindergarten , his life was difficult . Part two: Being stupid In this part ,Chris had to apply for a work as a stock woker ,so he left the medical equipment with a girl ,but the girl took it away ! what a accident ! Part three : Running He ran after the girl who had stolen the equipment ,finally ,he took it back ,another situation is that he had no money for the taxi ,so he escaped ;eventually,he was sent to the prison for owing the taxes ,and the next morning ,he ran to the stock company for a interview with paint stains on his body . Part four : Internship Chris got the job as a internship for six months without salary ,,it was really a hard time for him ,he had to sell the equipment while working as a internship. Afterall , he earned some money from the medical equipmentsPart five : Paying taxes In this part ,there was a big hit to him ,the government took $600 from his account and he only had $21.33 left ,he was broke again .this part was the most impressive but inspiring one .During that time ,he and his son spent a night in the WC ,and lived in the church hospice for many days ,although there were many barriers ,he carried on seeking for the happiness. Part six : Happiness It was an exciting part ,Chris was succeed ,and he did it finally ,he became a successful stock worker!My views on the storyAfter the move ,I thought of many things :we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equally , that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights ,that among these are life ,liberty and the pursuit of happiness . I think Chris must have read the above paragraph for many times and believed it unswervingly. At the beginning of the move, after Chris has sent Christopher to the kindergarten , he saw a wrong word on the wall ,and said the famous sentence : There is no …Y‟in happiness ,the only thing we can do is striving for our own happiness voluntarily .Just like Chris do. The silly scene of taking a bus was a part of Chris Gardner‟s life , in the move , Chris Gardner ,a poor father ,who had his wife left him ,because she could‟t handle her life without financial security .while Chris was selling medical equipment to doctors , she decided get away from her poor family . Although under great pressure , Chris chose to stick it out, and fight for what he known he can do ,for him ,and for his son. He is strong in spirit ,whatever barriers he meet ,he just continued his work and never stopped running .but it looks like that god likes to play tricks with him , he had gone through more hardships than others before the final success . I think it is really a good move ,we are unique and we are ourselves ,just hold a dream and do what you can do ,and do your best ,don‟t ever let somebody tell you that you can‟t do something .If you want something ,go and get it . It is said that the move is from a true story ,so we should believe the sentence that “Everything is possible”.Like Chris‟s forefathers ,who posses the desire and the passion to live it ,who dream the American dream . In the end he finally made his dream come true ,he became a banker. “Hey ,dad ,listen to this ,knock, knock ”I know who was there .he was happiness . The Pursuit of Happiness is really an excellent move , after watching it ,I can‟t calm my heart down for a long time,there are tears on my face ,but smile in my heart ,I think Chris is a good example for all of us ,just be optimistic and go to realize your dream.2、I have seen a inspirational film, called "the pursuit of happiness ". It is based on a true story of the famous of self-made millionaires Chris Gardner Characters and the climate There are mainly three characters : Chris Gardner 、Christopher、Linda, and the leading character is Chris Gardner ,the father. The whole atmosphere is positive, though there is a large part describing the bitter struggles of Chris, his spirit is inspiring, and there is no disappear but hope and stable belief in happiness. It could be seen that Chris could not improve his family life through his hard work.What was worse, his wife Linda left him because of the hard life. However, Chris did not give in and give up.He tried his best to build a happy life for his little son and finally he became a successful investor. I think it is really a good movie ,we are unique and we are ourselves,just hold a dream and do what you can do ,and do your best ,don‟t ever let somebody tell you that youcan‟t dosomething .If you want something ,go and get it . It is said that the move is from a true story,so we should believe the sentence that “Everything is possible”.The Pursuit of Happiness is really an excellent move , after watching it ,I can‟t calm my heart down for a long time,there are tears on my face ,but smile in my heart ,I think Chris is a good example for all of us ,just be optimistic and go to realize your dream.3、A Review of《The Pursuit of Happiness》After the move ,I thought of many things :we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equally , that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights ,that among these are life ,liberty and the pursuit of happiness . I think Chris must have read the above paragraph for many times and believed it unswervingly. At the beginning of the move, after Chris has sent Christopher to the kindergarten , he saw a wrong word on the wall ,and said the famous sentence : There is no …Y‟in happiness ,the only thing we can do is striving for our own happiness voluntarily .Just like Chris do. The silly scene of taking a bus was a part of Chris Gardner‟s life , in the move , Chris Gardner ,a poor father ,who had his wife left him ,because she could‟t handle her life without financial security .while Chris was selling medical equipment to doctors , she decided get away from her poor family . Although under great pressure , Chris chose to stick it out, and fight for what he known he can do ,for him ,and for his son. He is strong in spirit ,whatever barriers he meet ,he just continued his work and never stopped running .but it looks like that god likes to play tricks with him , he had gone through more hardships than others before the final success . I think it is really a good move ,we are unique and we are ourselves ,just hold a dream and do what you can do ,and do your best ,don‟t ever let somebody tell you that you can‟t do something .If you want something ,go and get it . It is said that the move is from a true story ,so we should believe the sentence that “Everything is possible”.Like Chris‟s forefathers ,who posses the desire and the passion to live it ,who dream the American dream . In the end he finally made his dream come true ,he became a banker. “Hey ,dad ,listen to this ,knock, knock ”I know who was there .he was happiness .The Pursuit of Happiness is really an excellent move , after watching it ,I can‟t calm my heart down for a long time,there are tears on my face ,but smile in my heart ,I think Chris is a good example for all of us ,just be optimistic and go to realize your dream.The movie "The Pursuit of Happiness", Will Smith portrays Chris Gardner, aman pursuing a dream. Gardner is a salesman for a piece of medical equipment whichis too expensive for what it is worth. After going months without any sales, his wife decides to start a better life, leaving him alone to raise their son, Christopher (Jaden Smith). After Gardner's wife leaves, he continues to try to sell the medical device. He then sees an opening to his future as a stock broker. The only problem is that, in order to be considered for the job, he must complete a highly competitive, six-month, unpaid internship. He does everything he can to prove to his boss, himself, and his son, that he can be a better man, even if this means living in hotels, homeless shelters, or even the bathroom of a subway station. While completing the internship, he continues to attempt to sell the equipment to make ends meet and pay for his son's day care. This is a classic story of a family living in poverty working their way up the social ladder towards happiness, and doing whatever it takes to reach the top.One of the main messages of "The Pursuit of Happiness" is 'never give up.' Chris Gardner goes from just barely having enough money to pay the rent to having nothing but the clothes on his back, and the love and faith of his son. Gardner was able to dodge anything and everything that life threw at him and became a top stock broker. This film is not as much about finding a job and making money as much has a lot on its mind but mostly this: If America is about the promise of bettering oneself, why does it have to be so freaking hard? In the movie, Jefferson's Declaration of Independence words about happiness kept recurring to Chris Gardner. Every day, Christ had to work hard from morning till night, but still could hardly make a living. Chris saw a bunch of suits, mostly male, pouring out of the Dean Witter Reynolds brokerage firm in downtown San Francisco. They all looked “happy,”“Why not me? “Christ wondered. He did have an adorable boy, Christopher, but wife Linda was becoming a scarecrow of overworked anxiety. Finally, his wife left Christ because of life pressure, leaving him andher five-year-old son, Christopher. And naturally, Christ became a single father.With the failure of his business, Christ had no money to pay for the rent, so they were driven away from the flat. They became homeless. They slept in asylum, subway station public bathroom or anywhere as a temporary shelter. The destitution of life was absolutely depressing, but for his son‟s future, for his own belief, Christ never gave up and he still strongly believed that happiness would come one day if he worked hard enough today.With his great efforts, Christ won a six-month internship at Dean Witter, but there was no pay at all. So on one hand, Christ had to work hard to make a living; on the other hand, he had to fight for his intern work, since only one of the twenty interns would succeed finally. Besides, he had to take good care of his son after day care. However, Christ made it with his amazing willpower.Christ was unfortunate, for he got a wife who was not understandable at all (though she has her own difficulties) and was in bad luck with his business. But he was very fortunate also, for he got a son who was very thoughtful and, I think, tough life experiences always make a great person.It is said that this movie is inspired by a true story, and I want to say, this movie does inspire me a lot. What impressed me most are: Christ‟s wife left him because of life pressure; Christ‟s love to his son and Christ‟s strong belief towards life. Through these, I know that it is not easy to be a good husband and a good Papa, since in reality, only love cannot only make everything. And I also learn that one has to strongly believe in himself, no matter how difficult the situation is, but of course, hard-working is indispensable.第三篇:《当幸福来敲门》的英文影评《当幸福来敲门》的英文影评Will Smith plays Chris Gardner, a struggling sales man that is doing everything he can to keep his act together, however,lately he makes little to no money and the bills keep piling up.His wife,tired of the situation leaves him and goes to New York to work in a restaurant.Subsequently everything that could go wrong does go wrong and Chris and his young son end up homeless.Now his only hope is to succeed at a stockbroker internship at Dean Witter and be chosen to work there which would turn his life around...Based on a true story, The Pursuit of Hapyness has all the right ingredients, plus Will Smith's performance is not only perfect but probably the best of his career.He may not choose his films very wisely but the man can definitely act,for instance, there's a very emotional scene towards the end of the movie,it lasts less then a minute but it is some of the finest acting I've seen lately. The on-screen chemistry between Will Smith and Jayden Smith is great and makes the viewer really care and root for the characters.Overall its a great story of hope, of working hard to achieve things,of not giving up... I dare you to watch this movie and not feel like you can do more in your life, that you can and should go after your dreams and not settle for anything less.(ZZ from IMDB)第四篇:当幸福来敲门影评《当幸福来敲门》---影评生命科学与化学学院应用化学2011061334王晓霞幸福,我们是如此想享受它带来的那片刻温柔。

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Is shoe so important for him? Sure, as for a man whose account was only 21 dollars, it can be easily understood such crazy behavior made by him.
He encouraged his son “don’t ever let somebody tell can't do something.”I think this sentence was said to himself,ss,at night,they slept in shelters, subway stations, even public washrooms.
However, Chris did not give in and give up. He got a chance to practise at a prominent investment company, however, there was no salary during the internship, and 90% of the people can’t success. He knew it was his last chance,finally,he succeeded !
College:College of Agronomy Major:Bilingual Horticulture Name:Yu Danji Student No.:120216858
Main Story:Chris Gardner is a diligent and hardworking salesman,but he couldn't make the family live a better life.His wife, Linda, can’t endure the poverty and left him, leaving their 5-year-old son called Christopher. After his efforts,he became a successful investment expert.
I was moved by the touching movie.Moreover, I was impressed by some of the scene.
In order to catch up with the lost scanners, Chris was knocked down by a car.He looked for his shoe groveling on the road without checking himself being hurt or not.
We should pursue the happiness on our own.When we face difficulties, we can think about Chris’s situation, and nothing will hurt you anymore. So let’s take the letter "i" instead of the letter "y" in happiness.
Because there was no money to pay the rent, Chris Gardner and his son had been forced out of the apartment.
•There was only $21 on his bank account.
No income, nowhere to go, what Chris solely own, is an unconditional trust and love from his sensible(懂事的) son .
In Chinatown, Chris pointed at the word "happiness" talking to a Chinese: "There is no 'Y' in happiness, it is an 'I'."
片名是唐人街玻璃橱窗上一个英文字的拼写,把“幸福”happiness拼 错了。实际上,这里有一个非常有趣的典故,“the pursuit of happiness”是《独立宣言》中确立的人的三项权力之一,即生命、自 由、追求幸福。1776年,一位有黑人血统的作家用一种特殊的拼法把 《独立宣言》重新抄写了一遍,他故意把“幸福”中间那个字母写成y 而不是I。可以理解为这是黑人为了争取独立身份而所做的一种姿态。当 然,这个细节还可以有很多不同的解读。 在《独立宣言》刚开头就有这样的一段: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. 相信这就是将电影起名为“The Pursuit of Happiness”的原因。
Then Chris became a single father,he was an ordinary salesman rushing about persuading doctors to buy his scanners.Though he was diligent enough, the scanners was not popular with people.Sometimes, Chris could hardly sell out one.