

Yamato 便携式灭火器手册说明书

Yamato 便携式灭火器手册说明书
Yamato fire r manual
Yamato portable fire extinguisher manual. Yamato sa-17nr fire extinguisher manual.
HOME Products Portable Fire Extinguishers HOME Products Marine Systems FOAM PORTABLE-TYPE SF-10P SF-50 SF-150 SF-150H Gross weight 14.0kg 100kg 275kg 302kg Total height 65.2cm 100cm 120cm 120cm Capacity 9L 45L 150L 150L Discharge time 70sec. 110sec. 240sec. 240sec. Discharge range 6~10m 6~11m 7~17m 6~17m Home > Miscellaneous > Fire Extinguishers > Yamato Fire Extinguishers Below you can find all models Yamato Fire Extinguishers for which we have manuals available. Also view the frequenty asked questions at the bottom of the page for useful tips about your product. Is your model not on the list? reproductive system crossword answers Please contact us.Is your product defective and the manual offers no solution? Go to a Repair Café for free repair services.Frequently Asked QuestionsOur support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form. When should my fire extinguisher be replaced? Verified This depends on the brand and type of fire extinguisher. You can find the expiration date on a sticker on the cylinder body of the fire extinguisher. This was helpful (21) share My fire extinguisher was dented or damaged, can I still use it? Verified No! A dented or damaged fire extinguisher can be dangerous when used. Have it replaced. This was helpful (1) share Home > Miscellaneous > Fire Extinguishers > Yamato Fire Extinguishers > Yamato ACO-100B Fire Extinguisher Need a manual for your Yamato ACO-100B Fire Extinguisher? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free. There are also frequently asked questions, a product rating and feedback from users to enable you to optimally use your product. aes education worksheet answers If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.Is your product defective and the manual offers no solution? Go to a Repair Café for free repair services. Let us know what you think about the Yamato ACO-100B Fire Extinguisher by leaving a product rating. Want to share your experiences with this product or ask a question? request for job appointment letter sample Please leave a comment at the bottom of the page.Are you satisfied with this Yamato product? Yes NoBe the first to rate this product Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form. When should my fire extinguisher be replaced? Verified This depends on the brand and type of fire extinguisher. You can find the expiration date on a sticker on the cylinder body of the fire extinguisher. This was helpful (21) My fire extinguisher was dented or damaged, can I still use it? Verified No! A dented or damaged fire extinguisher can be dangerous when used. Have it replaced.








干粉灭火器主要技术参数:规格:MFZL1;MFZL2;MFZL3;MFZL4;MFZL5;MFZL8;MFZ35灭火级别:A B C喷射滞后时间(s)≤10喷射剩余率(%)≤15使用温度(℃)-20℃~+55℃工作压力(Mpa) 1.2试验压力(Mpa) 2.1干粉灭火器适用范围和使用方法碳酸氢钠干粉灭火器适用于易燃、可燃液体和气以及带电设备的初起火灾;磷酸铵盐干粉灭火器除可用于上述几类火灾外,还可用于扑救固体物质火灾。













1. 在使用灭火器之前,首先要确认自身安全,切勿冒险救火。

2. 确认火源,确保该火源可以用灭火器扑灭。

3. 拉开灭火器的安全销,并将灭火器口朝下,握住握把。

4. 利用复位按钮,将压缩气体释放到灭火器内。

5. 面向火源,将喷嘴对准火焰基部,同时握住扳机,快速且均匀地喷射干粉或二氧化碳。

6. 扑灭火焰时,应先从一侧开始,然后逆时针或顺时针移动。

7. 灭火后,停止喷洒后,观察火源是否已完全扑灭。

8. 使用后要将灭火器放置在安全的位置,避免再次燃烧。

1. 检查灭火器的外部是否有明显的损坏或腐蚀。

2. 检查灭火器的压力表或指示器是否显示正常的压力范围。

3. 检查灭火器的喷嘴和喷射管道是否有堵塞或受损。

4. 检查灭火器的安全销是否完好,确保安全销能够正常地拔出。

5. 检查灭火器的保质期,确认是否需要更换。

6. 定期进行灭火器的维保和加压维护,确保其正常工作。

7. 放置灭火器时,要保持通风干燥的环境,避免暴晒或潮湿。




2 .有喷射软管的灭火器或储压式灭火器在使用时,一手应始终压下压把,不能放开否则会中断喷射。干粉灭火器扑救可燃、易燃液体火灾时,应对准火焰要部扫射,如果被扑救的液体火灾呈流淌燃烧时,应对准火焰根部由近而远,要平射,并左右扫射快速推进,直至把火焰全部扑灭。
3 .如果可燃液体在容器内燃烧,使用者应对准火焰根部左右晃动扫射,使喷射出的干粉流覆盖整个容器开口表面;当火焰被赶出容器时,使用者仍应继续喷射,直至将火焰全部扑灭。



1. 确认火源:首先需要确认火源的位置和大小,以便选择正确的灭火器进行灭火。

2. 拉开安全销:在使用灭火器之前,必须将安全销拆下。


3. 瞄准火源:使用灭火器时,首先必须将喷头对准火源。

4. 握紧扳手:在扳动扳手时,必须握住灭火器的扳手以确保喷出物质按照正确的方向和速度喷出。

5. 顺时针扳动扳手:在使用灭火器时,需要扳动扳手以喷出灭火剂。


6. 持续喷射:在喷雾器开始喷射时,需要持续地喷射。


7. 观察火势:在喷雾器喷洒剂液后,需要观察火势是否已得到控制。


8. 注意安全:在灭火过程中,需要注意安全,如不靠近火源、避免吸入灭火剂

9. 呼叫应急疏散:如果火势无法控制,应立即呼叫应急疏散。



灭火器的安全操作规程一、使用前的准备1. 灭火器放置位置应明确,易于取用,并远离易燃物;2. 灭火器应处于正常压力范围内,检查灭火器上的压力表;3. 检查灭火器的标签和使用说明书,确保了解其使用方法和适用范围;4. 检查灭火器的外观是否有损坏,如有损坏应立即更换;5. 保持灭火器通道畅通,防止被阻挡。

二、使用时的注意事项1. 在使用灭火器前,应评估火灾风险,确保自身安全,切不可冒险行动;2. 在灭火前,要注意逃生通道的情况,确保自身有安全的撤离路径;3. 使用灭火器时,应站立在风向上,以确保不会被烟雾和火焰迎面吹袭;4. 用力抓住灭火器把手,同时踩住灭火器的底座进行固定;5. 拔出保护销,将灭火器指向火源,并确定操作杆可自由移动;6. 握住操作杆,用力按下把手,喷射灭火剂;7. 在使用灭火器时,要进行短暂的喷射测试,确保灭火器正常工作;8. 在灭火时,尽量保持与火源的距离,不要靠得过近,以免被火焰烧伤;9. 使用灭火器时应采用左右扫射的方式,将灭火剂均匀喷射到火源上;10. 使用灭火器时,应遵循“缓冲-覆盖-射击”的原则,扑灭火源;11. 在扑灭大面积火灾时,应保持距离,确保喷射距离和喷射角度合理;12. 灭火时应将灭火剂喷射到火源底部,以充分扑灭火势;13. 当灭火剂用尽时,应立即停止使用,不要拖延时间。

三、灭火后的处理措施1. 在灭火后,应关注火源周围是否还存在明火或余烟,确保火势已完全扑灭;2. 确保火势已完全扑灭后,应离开现场,并关闭灭火器;3. 灭火后,应将灭火器放置在安全的位置,避免被他人误操作;4. 灭火后要及时清理现场,清除烟雾和灭火剂残留物;5. 若火势较大,已超出能力范围,应立即报警,并迅速撤离现场;6. 灭火后应及时检查和维修灭火器,以确保其正常工作;四、其他注意事项1. 平时要保持灭火器的干燥和防潮,避免影响压力和使用效果;2. 定期对灭火器进行检测和维护,包括检查压力、喷嘴、阀门等;3. 灭火器的操作部件应经常保持灵活,确保在紧急情况下能够迅速使用;4. 定期参加灭火器的使用培训和演练,提高应急处理能力;5. 对于长期不使用的灭火器,应适时进行维护,确保其正常工作;6. 定期检查灭火器的有效期限,过期需更换;7. 使用灭火器时要避免将喷嘴对准人体,以免造成伤害;8. 注意保护自身呼吸系统,避免吸入有毒烟雾。


Portable dry powder fire extinguishers














(2)在喷射过程中,灭火器应始终保持直立状态,不要平放或颠倒使用. (3)不要用手直接握住喷筒或金属管,以防冻伤手。






MFZ/ABC4型手提式干粉灭火器说明书产品名称:MFZ/ABC4型手提式干粉灭火器灭火剂:ABC干粉(磷酸二氢铵50%,二氧化硅25%)灭火剂质量:3+0.09kg水压试验压力: 2.6 Mpa使用环境温度: -20~+55oC有效喷射时间: ≥8 s有效喷射距离:≥3.0m喷射剩余率:≤15%灭火级别:2A34B适用范围:普通的固体材料、可燃液体、气体及电器设备的火灾产品简述:手提式ABC干粉灭火器是按GB4351、1-2005要求制造,是一种应用范围广,灭火效力高的灭火器它除了能有效地扑灭各种油类、易燃液体、可燃气体和电器设备等各种初起火灾外,还能有效地扑救木材、纸张、纤维等A类固体可燃物质的灾。









2 .有喷射软管的灭火器或储压式灭火器在使用时,一手应始终压下压把,不能放开否则会中断喷射。




User instruction for portable fire extinguishers1. SummaryPortable dry powder fire extinguishers utilize nitrogen as propellant gas, which make ABC powder fire-extinguishing agent spray to put out the flame. It is one kind of the stored pressure fire extinguisher, hereinafter referred to as the fire extinguisher. Its technical properties comply with the requirements of EN3-8. This serial fire extinguisher has characteristics of simple structure, operating flexibly, high efficiency and applicable in extensive range.Schematic Diagram :1、Valve2、Cylinders3、Trademarks4、Ribbon5、Dip tubes6、Hose2. The structure and Applicable scopeM FZ portable type/ABC dry powder fire extinguishers, the machine head, barrel, injection system (more than 3 kg type equipped with discharge hose), and other parts, MFZ/ABC1 (2, 3, 4, 5) type fire extinguisher cylinder manufactured tensile, welding, heat treatment process, MFZ/ABC8 typecylinder adopts 2 girth, a straight seam of carbon dioxide protection welding. Using nitrogen as driven by gas, the cylinder body of the ABC dry powder fire extinguishing agent with pink mist spewed put out the flame. Technical performance meet the requirements of the EN3-7:2004+A1 with highextinguishing efficiency, high speed, flexible use, easy to operate, beautiful appearance, wide applicable range, etc. Widely used in gas stations, libraries,laboratories, transformer substations and fire extinguishing gas, liquefied petroleum gas stations and other places.ABC dry powder fire extinguishing agent is non-toxic, non-corrosive,long-term storage is not metamorphism, non-conductive, etc, can effectively put out at the beginning of flammable liquids, combustible gas and electrical equipment of fires, still can put out solid material such as cotton, hemp, paper, MuZhu early fires, commonly known as the universal agent.Note: ABC dry powder fire extinguishing agent sodium, potassium and other metal fire cannot be used for fighting, saves the material can use metal fire special powder fire extinguishing agent; Precision instruments and also does not apply to fighting fires caused by electrical equipment, so as not to cause defiled to protect goods.3. Main characteristics1) High fire-extinguishing ability.2) Fire-extinguishing agent and propellant gas are nontoxic, tasteless, notcorrosive and harmless to people and animals.3) The fire-extinguishing agent will not go bad during long time preservation. Ithas good insulating property, not conductive.4) The valve contains the pressure indicator that can reveal its internalpressure which facilitates the check and maintenance.4、Operation1) Pull out the safety pin and press the handle, the dry powder will spray immediately. Put the nozzle aiming at the root of fire, it can put out the flame rapidly.2) Decisively rapidly pit out the fire; do not assault the oil surface directly, in case that the oil splash and cause more fire.3) Vertically use, do not lay or invert.5、Main Technical ParametersMedium ABC dry powderDN (mm) Φ85 Φ110 Φ140 Φ140 Φ162 Φ184Volume (L) 1.25±0.1 2.5±0.1 5±0.15 5±0.15 7.50±0.15 11.25±0.15 Filling ratio (%) 1±5%2±3%4±2% 4.5±2%6±2%9±2% Time (s) ≥6 ≥6 ≥9 ≥9 ≥9 ≥9 Distance (m) ≥ 3.0 ≥3.0 ≥3.5 ≥3.5 ≥3.5 ≥3.5 Lag (s) ≤ 5 ≤ 5 ≤ 5 ≤ 5 ≤ 5 ≤ 5Residue ≤15% ≤15% ≤15% ≤15% ≤15% ≤15% Insulation (KV) 5 5 5 5 5 5 Fire class 5A34BC 13A70BC 13A113BC 27A113BC 27A144BC 43A183BC 6、Maintenance1) This fire extinguisher is stored pressure container, should avoid collidingwhile transporting and preserving. The fire extinguisher shall be placed it is ventilated, prevent being freezing and moistened, avoid being caught in therain and tanned。


淮 海 牌

电话:0516-87927835 邮编:221007
MPZ/3 MPZ/6 灭火剂量L 3 % 6 % 有效喷射时间 s ≥15 ≥30 有效喷射距离 m ≥3 ≥3.5 喷射滞后时间 s ≤5 ≤5 喷射剩余率B 1A 55B 使用温度 +5℃~+55℃ +5℃~+55℃





















H SERIES 火灾自动报警系统产品手册说明书

H SERIES 火灾自动报警系统产品手册说明书

H SERIES火灾自动报警系统产品手册重要说明:本手册为通用版本,其中展示的产品信息仅供参考,不构成具体的承诺或者保证。




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灭火器(英文版)说明书User instruction for portable fire extinguishers1. SummaryPortable dry powder fire extinguishers utilize nitrogen as propellant gas, which make ABC powder fire-extinguishing agent spray to put out the flame. It is one kind of the stored pressure fire extinguisher, hereinafter referred to as the fire extinguisher. Its technical properties comply with the requirements of EN3-8. This serial fire extinguisher has characteristics of simple structure, operating flexibly, high efficiency and applicable in extensive range.Schematic Diagram :1、Valve2、Cylinders3、Trademarks4、Ribbon5、Dip tubes6、Hose2. The structure and Applicable scopeM FZ portable type/ABC dry powder fire extinguishers, the machine head, barrel, injection system (more than 3 kg type equipped with discharge hose), and other parts, MFZ/ABC1 (2, 3, 4, 5) type fire extinguisher cylinder manufactured tensile, welding, heat treatment process, MFZ/ABC8 typecylinder adopts 2 girth, a straight seam of carbon dioxide protection welding. Using nitrogen as driven by gas, the cylinder body of the ABC dry powder fire extinguishing agent with pink mist spewed put out the flame. Technical performance meet the requirements of the EN3-7:2004+A1 with highextinguishing efficiency, high speed, flexible use, easy to operate, beautiful appearance, wide applicable range, etc. Widely used in gas stations, libraries,laboratories, transformer substations and fire extinguishing gas, liquefied petroleum gas stations and other places.long-term storage is not metamorphism, non-conductive, etc, can effectively put out at the beginning of flammable liquids, combustible gas and electrical equipment of fires, still can put out solid material such as cotton, hemp, paper, MuZhu early fires, commonly known as the universal agent.Note: ABC dry powder fire extinguishing agent sodium, potassium and other metal fire cannot be used for fighting, savesthe material can use metal fire special powder fire extinguishingagent; Precision instruments and also does not apply to fighting fires caused by electrical equipment, so as not to cause defiled to protect goods.3. Main characteristics1) High fire-extinguishing ability.2) Fire-extinguishing agent and propellant gas are nontoxic, tasteless, notcorrosive and harmless to people and animals.3) The fire-extinguishing agent will not go bad during long time preservation. Ithas good insulating property, not conductive.4) The valve contains the pressure indicator that can reveal its internalpressure which facilitates the check and maintenance.4、Operation1) Pull out the safety pin and press the handle, the dry powder will spray immediately. Put the nozzle aiming at the root of fire, it can put out the flame rapidly.2) Decisively rapidly pit out the fire; do not assault the oil surface directly, in case that the oil splash and cause more fire.3) Vertically use, do not lay or invert.5、Main Technical ParametersMedium ABC dry powderDN (mm) Φ85 Φ110 Φ140 Φ140 Φ162 Φ184Volume (L) 1.25±0.1 2.5±0.1 5±0.15 5±0.15 7.50±0.15 11.25±0.15 Filling ratio (%) 1±5%2±3%4±2% 4.5±2%6±2%9±2% Time (s) ≥6 ≥6 ≥9 ≥9 ≥9 ≥9 Distance(m) ≥ 3.0 ≥3.0 ≥3.5 ≥3.5≥3.5 ≥3.5 Lag (s) ≤ 5 ≤ 5 ≤ 5 ≤ 5 ≤ 5 ≤ 5Residue ≤15% ≤15% ≤15% ≤15% ≤15% ≤15% Insulation (KV) 5 5 5 5 5 5 Fire class 5A34BC 13A70BC 13A113BC 27A113BC 27A144BC 43A183BC 6、Maintenance1) This fire extinguisher is stored pressure container, should avoid collidingwhile transporting and preserving. The fire extinguisher shall be placed it is ventilated, prevent being freezing and moistened, avoid being caught in therain and tanned。



All fire extinguishers shall be installed, inspected and maintained in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association standard titled "Portable Fire Extinguishers", NFPA 10, or the National Fire Code of Canada and the requirements of local authorities having jurisdiction.When maintenance is indicated, it shall be performed by trained persons having proper equipment. Fire extinguishers are pressure vessels and must be treated with respect and handled with care. They are mechanical devices and require periodic maintenance to be sure that they are ready to operate properly and safely. Amerex strongly recommends that the maintenance of portable fire extinguishers be done by a trained professional – your local authorized Amerex Distributor.Amerex Corporation makes original factory parts available to insure proper maintenance – USE OF SUBSTITUTE PARTS RELEASES AMEREX OF ITS WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS. Amerex parts have machined surfaces and threads that are manufactured to exacting tolerances. All parts meet precise specifications and are subjected to multiple in -house inspections and tests for acceptability. There are substitute parts available which are incorrectly labeled as UL component parts, some are advertised as Amerex type. None of these meet UL requirements and all of them voids the Amerex extinguisher warranty and UL listing. DO NOT SUBSTITUTE.RECHARGE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS IMMEDIATELY AFTER ANY USEOWNER ’S SERVICE MANUALINSTALLATION, OPERATING & SERVICING INSTRUCTIONSMANUAL PN 05604PORTABLE HALON 1211 EXTINGUISHERSMODELS A344, C352, C354, B355, 361, B369, B371, 372AMEREX CORPORATION DOES NOT SERVICE, MAINTAIN OR RECHARGE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. THIS MANUAL IS PUBLISHED AS A GUIDE TO ASSIST QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL IN THE INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE AND RECHARGE OF AMEREX FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ONLY. NO INSTRUCTION MANUAL CAN ANTICIPATE ALL POSSIBLE MALFUNCTIONS THAT MAY BE ENCOUNTERED IN THE SERVICE OF FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. DUE TO THE POSSIBILITY THAT PRIOR SERVICE PERFORMED ON THIS EQUIPMENT MAY HAVE BEEN IMPROPERLY DONE, IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT ALL WARNINGS, CAUTIONS AND NOTES IN THIS MANUAL BE CAREFULLY OBSERVED. FAILURE TO HEED THESE INSTRUCTIONS COULD RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY. AMEREX ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR SERVICE, MAINTENANCE OR RECHARGE OF FIRE EXTINGUISHERS BY PUBLISHING THIS MANUALAMEREX CORPORATION – P.O. BOX 81 – TRUSSVILLE, ALABAMA 35173-0081Phone: 205/655-3271 Fax: 800/654-5980e -mail: sales@amerex Web Page: http://www.amerex REFERENCES IN THIS MAUNUAL: NFPA 10 Portable Fire ExtinguishersCGA C -1 Methods for Pressure Testing Compressed GasCylindersCGA C -6 Standard for Visual Inspection of SteelCompressed Gas Cylinders.National Fire Code of Canada AVAILABLE FROM: National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park,Quincy, MA 02169-7471 Compressed Gas Association, 14501 George Carter Way, Chantilly, VA 20151-2923 Compressed Gas Association, 14501 George Carter Way, Chantilly, VA 20151-2923 National Research Council Canada, 1200 Montreal Road,Ottawa, ON K1A 0R6 CanadaINSPECTING THE EXTINGUISHERThis extinguisher must be inspected at regular intervals (monthly or more often if circumstances dictate) to insure that it is ready for use. Inspection is a "quick check" that a fire extinguisher is available and is in operating condition. It is intended to give reasonable assurance that the fire extinguisher is fully charged. This is done by verifying that it is in its designated place, that it has not been actuated or tampered with and that there is no obvious physical damage or condition to prevent its operation.PERIODIC INSPECTION PROCEDURES(Monthly or more often if circumstances dictate)NFPA 10 Periodic inspection of fire extinguishers shall include a check of at least the following items:1.Located in designated place.2.No obstruction to access or visibility.3.Pressure gauge reading or indicator in the operable range or position.4.Operating instructions on nameplate and facing outward.5.Tamper seal not broken or missing.6.Examination for obvious physical damage, corrosion, leakage or clogged nozzle.7.Fullness determined by weighing or hefting.MAINTENANCENFPA 10 Extinguishers shall be subjected to maintenance at intervals of not more than 1 year, at the time of hydrostatic test or when specifically indicated by an inspection or electronic notification. Maintenance procedures include a thorough examination of the basic elements of a fire extinguisher:1.Mechanical parts2.Extinguishing agent or cartridge of cylinder operated extinguishers, pump tanks and certain types ofstored pressure extinguishers3.Expelling meansNOTE: Stored pressure halon 1211 extinguishers do not require an internal examination of the cylinder or examination of the agent during annual maintenance, but shall receive athorough external examination.Maintenance is a thorough examination of the fire extinguisher. It is intended to give maximum assurance that a fire extinguisher will operate effectively and safely. It includes a thorough examination for physical damage or condition to prevent its operation and any necessary repair or replacement. It will normally reveal if hydrostatic testing or internal maintenance is required.MAINTENANCE –SERVICE PROCEDURE1.Clean extinguisher to remove dirt, grease or foreign material. Check to make sure that the instructionnameplate is securely attached and legible. Inspect the cylinders for corrosion, abrasion, dents or weld damage. If any of these conditions are found and you doubt the integrity of the cylinder, hydrostatically test to factory test pressure, using the proof pressure method in accordance with CGA C-1 and C-6 and NFPA 10. See proper method of depressurizing and reclaiming Halon 1211 in SIX-YEAR MAINTENANCE/RECHARGE PROCEDURE.Note: When cleaning, avoid use of solvents around the pressure gauge. They could seriously damage the plastic gauge face.2. Inspect the extinguisher for damaged, missing or substitute parts. Only factory replacement parts areapproved for use on Amerex fire extinguishers.3.Remove and check pull pin for freedom of movement. Replacement if bent or if removal appears difficult.4.Check the date of manufacture printed on the extinguisher label (nameplate). All stored pressure Halon1211 extinguishers must be hydrostatically (proof pressure) tested every 12 years.5.Visually inspect the pressure gauge:a.If bent, damaged or improper gauge, depressurize and replace.b.If pressure is low or high and temperature/pressure relationship has been ruled out:1.If pressure is low, check for leaks.2.If over pressurized (overcharged), depressurize the extinguisher and follow recharge instructions. 6.Inspect discharge lever for any dirt or corrosion which might impair freedom of movement. Inspectcarrying handle for proper installation. If lever, handle or rivets are damaged, replace with proper Amerex part(s).7.Check weight of extinguisher and compare to proper weight specified on extinguisher nameplate. Ifdiscrepancy is noted, remove nozzle or hose assembly and follow Complete Maintenance/Recharge Procedure for recharging.8.Remove nozzle or hose and horn assembly. Inspect nozzle, hose gasket (o-ring), hose and hornassembly for damage –replace as necessary. Blow air through hose and horn or nozzle to insure passage is clear of foreign material and replace component parts as necessary.9.Inspect the valve assembly for corrosion or damage to hose thread connection. Replace valve assemblyor component parts as necessary following the proper recovery and recharge procedures. If valve removal is necessary, complete all steps in the Complete Maintenance/Recharge Procedure.10.Install nozzle or hose and horn assembly.11.Install new tamper seal and record service data on the extinguisher inspection tag.12.Replace the extinguisher on the wall hanger making sure that it fits the bracket properly –replace thebracket if necessary.COMPLETE MAINTENANCE –SIX YEAR TEARDOWNNFPA 10 Every six years, stored pressure extinguishers shall be emptied and subjected to the applicable maintenance procedures. When the applicable maintenance procedures are performed during periodic recharging, the six year requirement shall begin from that date.WARNING:a. Before attempting to devalve the extinguisher for Maintenance, Hydrotest or Recharging be sure that itis completely depressurized. Halon 1211 generates a vapor pressure of 22 psi @70°F. NEVER VENT TO THE ATMOSPHERE. Recover agent and vapor according to the instructions below.b. Never have any part of your body over the extinguisher while removing the valve assembly.c. Halon 1211 shall not be mixed with even the slightest amount of moisture. Prolonged exposure of adevalved cylinder to ambient air shall be avoided to prevent moisture contamination and cylinder rusting.plete items 1 through 9 in Maintenance/Service Procedure above.2.Attach the appropriate recharge adapter to the extinguisher operating valve. Empty the extinguisher of allpressure and Halon 1211 using a Halon 1211 recovery/recharge system and a bulk Halon 1211 supply cylinder with sufficient empty capacity to accept the contents of the extinguisher.NOTE: Every effort shall be made to halt unnecessary escape of Halon 1211 to the atmosphere to prevent detrimental environmental effect. High efficiency Halon 1211 Recovery/RechargeVacuum Pump Type Systems (UL Standard 2006) are commercially available. The Getz FireEquipment HR-1L or other UL Approved Recharge/Recovery system assures a minimum of 99%recovery efficiency. It allows a means of checking for and removing moisture or contaminationduring the recovery process.3. When the extinguisher is empty of all agent and pressure, remove valve assembly and disassemble byremoving downtube, spring and valve stem assembly. Discard valve stem assembly and collar o-ring.NOTE: Keep cylinder opening covered while devalved to minimize interior corrosion.4.Thoroughly clean all parts of the disassembled valve with a soft bristle brush or soft cloth. Blow the valveout with dry nitrogen.5.Install a new Amerex valve stem assembly after lightly lubricating the valve stem o-ring with V-711 (do notlubricate the valve stem seal). Reassemble the spring and downtube. Carefully install a new collar o-ring which has been lightly lubricated with V-711. Set the valve assembly aside.6.Inspect the cylinder interior following CGA Visual Inspection Standard C-6 and current NFPA 10guidelines. If a hydrotest has been performed or any moisture is evident, the cylinder shall be immediately warm air dried.7.Clean the o-ring seating groove in the cylinder neck. If any rust is evident, remove by using a fine emerycloth (200 grit). Clean the surface and lubricate the entire sealing area with a thin film of V-711. Install the valve assembly in extinguisher cylinder. Hand tighten firmly.e the Getz HR-1L or other UL Approved Recharge/Recovery system to purge the residual air from theextinguisher cylinder.9.Stand the extinguisher upright on a scale of sufficient size and capacity. Tare weight extinguisher orrecord empty weight.10.Follow all recharging instructions on Getz HR-1L or other UL Approved Recharge/Recovery system.11.Remove the recharge adapter. Some residual Halon vapor may remain in the valve outlet as a result ofthe charging procedure. Before attempting to leak detect, vacuum or blow the vapor away from the areas to be checked. Check extinguisher for leaks at the valve outlet, around the collar seal, cylinder welds and gauge using a Halogen Leak Detector (Preferred Method). The alternate method is to apply leak detecting fluid or a solution of soapy water to these areas. Use dry nitrogen to blow all liquid residue out of the valve and wipe the extinguisher to dry the exterior. DO NOT LEAVE ANY LIQUID INSIDE THE VALVE BODY.12.Install pull pin, new tamper seal, nozzle or hose and horn assembly to the extinguisher discharge valve.13.Weigh extinguisher to confirm that the total weight is within the tolerances indicated in the Maintenancesection on the extinguisher nameplate.14.Record service date and attach new tag in accordance with the requirements of the "Authority HavingJurisdiction".TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEWARNING: ANY HALON 1211 EXTINGUISHER MUST BE COMPLETELY DEPRESSURIZED BEFORE ANY ATTEMPT IS MADE TO REMOVE THE VALVE AND CORRECT A LEAKAGEPROBLEM.To depressurize, see instructions in the Complete Maintenance section. Halon 1211 is a liquid under nitrogen pressure. Variations in the temperature may affect gauge readings. The gauge dial has been calibrated to reflect the tested extinguisher temperature extremes (-65°F to +120°F). When in doubt about a gauge reading, place the extinguisher at room temperature (70°F) for several hours to obtain a true reading.FOR REPLACEMENT PARTS SEE THE AMEREX PORTABLE AND WHEELED PARTS BOOK PN 27277 AVAILABLE AT UNDER MANUALS OF THE RESOURCE SELECTION.。

Fire Extinguishers 灭火器(中英文)

Fire Extinguishers 灭火器(中英文)

Fire Extinguishers 灭火器Leaders Guide 负责人指南This programme introduces employees to the importance of using the correctprocedures when handling fire extinguishers.本课程向员工介绍使用灭火器时采用正确程序的重要性。

Target Audience 目标对象All Employees 全体员工1.In addition to knowing what your responsibilities are in an emergency, you should also know where your fire fighting equipment is located and what types of fire it can and cannot be usedupon. 除了知道紧急事件发生时你的责任之外,你还应当知道消防设备放置的地方及其能够和不能用于的火灾类型。

2.Hand-held extinguishers are provided throughout the hotel, including service areas. Usually you will find extinguishers of a type appropriate to their environment (for example CO2 nearelectrical switch panels, fire blankets in kitchens, and so on). 在整个酒店内放置手提式灭火器,包括服务区。


3.Your hotel ensures that hand-held extinguishers are properly maintained and have a valid maintenance tag. The maximum travel distance between you and a fire extinguisher must notexceed 25m (75ft). 你们的酒店应保证手提式灭火器的正确维护并配有有效的维护标签。

初田牌 手提式干粉灭火器 使用说明书

初田牌 手提式干粉灭火器 使用说明书









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User instruction for portable fire extinguishers1. SummaryPortable dry powder fire extinguishers utilize nitrogen as propellant gas, which make ABC powder fire-extinguishing agent spray to put out the flame. It is one kind of the stored pressure fire extinguisher, hereinafter referred to as the fire extinguisher. Its technical properties comply with the requirements of EN3-8. This serial fire extinguisher has characteristics of simple structure, operating flexibly, high efficiency and applicable in extensive range.Schematic Diagram :1、Valve2、Cylinders3、Trademarks4、Ribbon5、Dip tubes6、Hose2. The structure and Applicable scopeM FZ portable type/ABC dry powder fire extinguishers, the machine head, barrel, injection system (more than 3 kg type equipped with discharge hose), and other parts, MFZ/ABC1 (2, 3, 4, 5) type fire extinguisher cylinder manufactured tensile, welding, heat treatment process, MFZ/ABC8 typecylinder adopts 2 girth, a straight seam of carbon dioxide protection welding. Using nitrogen as driven by gas, the cylinder body of the ABC dry powder fire extinguishing agent with pink mist spewed put out the flame. Technical performance meet the requirements of the EN3-7:2004+A1 with highextinguishing efficiency, high speed, flexible use, easy to operate, beautiful appearance, wide applicable range, etc. Widely used in gas stations, libraries,laboratories, transformer substations and fire extinguishing gas, liquefied petroleum gas stations and other places.ABC dry powder fire extinguishing agent is non-toxic, non-corrosive,long-term storage is not metamorphism, non-conductive, etc, can effectively put out at the beginning of flammable liquids, combustible gas and electrical equipment of fires, still can put out solid material such as cotton, hemp, paper, MuZhu early fires, commonly known as the universal agent.Note: ABC dry powder fire extinguishing agent sodium, potassium and other metal fire cannot be used for fighting, saves the material can use metal fire special powder fire extinguishing agent; Precision instruments and also does not apply to fighting fires caused by electrical equipment, so as not to cause defiled to protect goods.3. Main characteristics1) High fire-extinguishing ability.2) Fire-extinguishing agent and propellant gas are nontoxic, tasteless, notcorrosive and harmless to people and animals.3) The fire-extinguishing agent will not go bad during long time preservation. Ithas good insulating property, not conductive.4) The valve contains the pressure indicator that can reveal its internalpressure which facilitates the check and maintenance.4、Operation1) Pull out the safety pin and press the handle, the dry powder will spray immediately. Put the nozzle aiming at the root of fire, it can put out the flame rapidly.2) Decisively rapidly pit out the fire; do not assault the oil surface directly, in case that the oil splash and cause more fire.3) Vertically use, do not lay or invert.5、Main Technical ParametersMedium ABC dry powderDN (mm) Φ85 Φ110 Φ140 Φ140 Φ162 Φ184Volume (L) 1.25±0.1 2.5±0.1 5±0.15 5±0.15 7.50±0.15 11.25±0.15 Filling ratio (%) 1±5%2±3%4±2% 4.5±2%6±2%9±2% Time (s) ≥6 ≥6 ≥9 ≥9 ≥9 ≥9 Distance (m) ≥ 3.0 ≥3.0 ≥3.5 ≥3.5 ≥3.5 ≥3.5 Lag (s) ≤ 5 ≤ 5 ≤ 5 ≤ 5 ≤ 5 ≤ 5Residue ≤15% ≤15% ≤15% ≤15% ≤15% ≤15% Insulation (KV) 5 5 5 5 5 5 Fire class 5A34BC 13A70BC 13A113BC 27A113BC 27A144BC 43A183BC 6、Maintenance1) This fire extinguisher is stored pressure container, should avoid collidingwhile transporting and preserving. The fire extinguisher shall be placed it is ventilated, prevent being freezing and moistened, avoid being caught in therain and tanned。

2) Fire extinguishers storage temperature for 10 ~ + 45 ℃。

3) No matter fire extinguishers already been used or not, for five years to thedate of production or before refilling, main parts of the fire extinguisher, suchas valve, cylinder, should be inspected with hydraulic test by professional personnel according to the standard. It is allowed to use only pass the test.After hydraulic test, dry the internal wall in case of corrosion. Cylinders failedthe test cannot be repair by welding or any other way。

7、CAUTION1)Suitable for use on live electrical equipment up to 1000v at a distanceof 1m.2) Do not use outside the temperature range.3)If the indicator enters the red section, withdraw the fire extinguisherfrom service.。
