TEST答案《屠夫砍人》: 排100号的人说99号头上帽子
The Family Man《居家男人(2000)》完整中英文对照剧本
往伦敦班机最后一次通知登机This will be the final boarding call for flight to London, Heathrow.我不想说再见凯特I'm not even gonna say it, Kate.我们只是小别一下Then it'll be like I never left.等一等Wait.我有不祥的预感I have a really bad feeling about this.你是说飞机? 会坠机? 别这样About the plane? You think it's gonna crash? Don't say that.我知道我们讨论过很多次No. Look, I know that we've talked about this a thousand times我们都同意你该去伦敦and we agreed that going to London was the right thing to do.但我心底仍觉得这样不对But in my heartthis feels wrong.别走杰克Don't go, Jack.你是说别去伦敦?You mean don't go at all?但我要去实习Well, whatwhat about my internship?我知道这是难得的机会Believe me, I knowI know what an incredible opportunity this is for you. 对我们两个都是For us, Kate.对Right, for us.但我怕你一坐上那飞机But I'm afraid that if you get on that planeLook.人离别时难免失去理智We're at the airport. Nobody ever thinks clearly at the airport.还是遵循原本的决定吧So we should just trust the decision we already made.你考进了理想的法学院You've been accepted to one of the best law schools in the country.我要去实习我们前途无量I've got this internship at Barclay's Bank. We have a great plan, honey. 你向往远大前途吗?You wanna do something great, Jack?我们改变计划Let's flush the plan.今天就开始生活Let's start our lives right now, today.生活不知会如何I mean, I have no idea what this life is gonna look like 但我们福祸与共but I know that it has the both of us in it我要我们在一起and I choose us.照计划没有前途杰克The plan doesn't make us great, Jack.珍惜我们的爱才会有远大前途What we have together, that's what makes us great. 我爱你凯特I love you, Kate.我也爱你I love you too. I do.去伦敦一年不会改变我们的爱And one year in London is not gonna change that.一百年也不会改变A hundred years couldn't change that.昨晚真是太棒了Last night was incredible. Huh?我说昨晚真是太棒了I said, last night was great.你太不可思议了You are an amazing lover.谢谢Thanks.你也不赖You're not bad yourself.我还想再和你碰面I wanna see you again.我也想I'd like that too.今晚怎样?Tonight.今晚是圣诞夜It's Christmas eve, Jack.那我就在你身上浇蛋酒So? I'll pour eggnog over you.我要去新泽西看我爸妈I have to go visit my parents out in Jersey.新泽西?Jersey?路上会大塞车Do you have any idea what the traffic's gonna be like?所以我要搭火车That's why I'm taking the train.很高兴认识你杰克It was nice meeting you, Jack.皮太太Mrs.Peterson.你好啊杰克Hello, Jack.继续唱别管我You don't have to stop singing on my account.我太害羞了蓓蒂Oh, it's because I'm shy, Betty.你何时要甩掉老皮跟我私奔?So, when are you gonna leave that old corpse, Mr.Peterson, and run away with me? 你无法和老皮一样满足我You know you could never satisfy me the way he does.圣诞快乐坎柏先生Merry Christmas, Mr.Campbell.今年圣诞奖金多不多?How'd you make out this year, Tony?四千左右About four grand9D给我一瓶陈年威士忌and a bottle of 25-year-old Scotch from 9D.我会听您的话投资票券I'm putting it all in commercial paper like you said.马克升值就要收手Good, but just until the deutsche mark turns.-多谢了坎柏先生 -不客气- Thank you, Mr.Campbell. - All right.早安乔伊Good morning, Joe.圣诞快乐Merry Christmas, sir.坎柏要这些文件Campbell wants these available.谢谢黛儿Thanks, Adelle.还好是派你弄Better you than me.如果美达药厂股价跌破43If MedTech shares fall any lower than 43我们就糟了we're in trouble with the stock valuations.所以和法人客户说话要谨慎点So for God's sake, please watch what you say to your institutional customers. 我们还有一整天的交易日We still have almost a full day of trading before zero hour不要给我出差错and I don't want any trouble.阿伦你在想什么?A penny for your thoughts, Alan.天哪真抱歉Oh, God, I'm sorry.我答应家人今晚要回家吃饭I was thinking about, Dee and the kids. I promised I'd be home for dinner.圣诞夜嘛It's Christmas eve, Jack.今晚吗?Oh, is that tonight?你以为我喜欢圣诞夜工作?You think I like being here on Christmas eve, Alan?不No.说不定是吧Well, maybe.好吧Okay.我可能真的太心无旁鹜Okay, maybe I do have a touch of tunnel vision this holiday season.但我们再过两天就要宣面But in two days we're going to announce史上最大的合并案one of the largest mergers in U.S. corporate history.处理这种案子要全心投入When a deal like this turns up, you get on it and you ride it till it's over. 不能要求放假You don't ask it for a vacation.12月26日后December 26.就能得到大把金钱After that there'll be so much money floating around here,就天天可以过圣诞节了it'll be like Christmas every day.若要庆祝那天December 26, people. If you'd like to celebrate that day我祝福大家you all have my blessing.对不起You're right. I'm sorry.不要对不起要兴奋I don't want you to be sorry. I want you to be excited.你今年要第一个开我的礼物I want my gift to you to be the first gift you open this year.了解吗?You know why?因为我的礼物有11位数Because my gift comes with ten zeroes.你说得对我会专心You're right. I'm focused. I'm there.很好请翻到第12页Good man. Everybody, turn to page 12 in your prospectus.有6个留言两个比较急You have six messages. Two of them are imperative.搞什么? 我要回家了不管你Whoa. I'm going home. I'm not even here now. Good night.-圣诞快乐 -圣诞快乐- Merry Christmas. - Merry Christmas.8点半就下班? 赶着去购物?It's only 8:30. I'm disappointed. Got some last-minute shopping to do? 黛儿圣诞节的精神是付出You too? This holiday's about giving.我为这案子付出了一切I'm giving everything I've got to this deal.我是最有圣诞精神的人So in a way, I'm more Christmassy than anybody.你是我的偶像You're my role model, Jack.牛津服饰打电♥话♥来Oh, and Oxford called.我的西装做好了My suits are ready.要不要口香糖?Care for a Lifesaver?不用谢谢No, thank you.要就自己拿Help yourself.凯特雷诺Kate Reynolds.她助理说8点之后你可以打到她家Her assistant said you could reach her at home after 8:00. 她是我大学时的女友Kate Reynolds was my girlfriend in college.我们差点结婚I almost married her.你这种人也会结婚?You? Married?差点Almost married.还差点变霍登证券营业员And almost a broker at E.F.Hutton.什么?Excuse me?她叫我别去伦敦She didn't want me to go to London.我们在机场分别时We're standing at the airport saying good-bye她要我别走and she asked me to stay.你把她甩了?So you left her.情非得已Wasn't easy.我感动得快哭了Oh, stop it. I'm getting all weepy.我选择较少人走的路I took the road less traveled, Adelle.结果成了这德行And look where it took ya.我帮你找她I'm gonna get this gal on the phone.不要Nope.你们差点结婚You almost married this woman.你不好奇她找你干嘛?You're not even curious why she called?可能圣诞佳节突然寂寞难耐She's probably just having a fit of nostalgia. Lonely Christmas eve.想找当年的负心人Called the one that got away.何必去扰乱她的心情?Why call her back and mislead her?那是很久以前的事了This happened a very, very long time ago.圣诞夜晚上8点35分8:35 on Christmas eve.杰克坎柏还在工作Jack Campbell still at his desk.好个温馨假期Now there's a Hallmark moment for you.彼得Peter你也没回家布置圣诞树呀I don't see you rushing home to trim the tree.因为我是唯利是图的冷血动物That's because I'm a heartless bastard who only cares about money.你会有好报的Well, you know what? God love you for that.泰莉海特打电♥话♥来Got a call from Terry Haight.鲍勃托马斯很紧张Bob Thomas is nervous.要花1千3百亿买♥♥药当然紧张That'll happen when you're about to spend $130 billion on some aspirin. 得找个人去安抚他Somebody's gotta nurse him through this.你看我♥干♥嘛?Why are you staring at my breasts, Peter?我需要你I need you, tiger.他在哪?Where is he?亚斯本Aspen.跟你阿姨说明天我去不成了Call Aunt Irma and tell her I won't be able to make it.你真是资本主义的模范You're a credit to capitalism, Jack.问你个问题Hey, Peter, let me ask you a question.旧情人在寂寞耶诞夜来电An old girlfriend calls you out of the blue on Christmas eve.怎么办?What do you do?你身边突然缺女人了吗?You suddenly having trouble getting dates?有道理Yeah.过去的就过去了吧Leave it in the past.旧的恋情就像旧的税单Old flames are like old tax returns放个三年就可以扔了put 'em in the file cabinet for three years, and then you cut 'em loose. 我明天下午动身I'll leave from my office tomorrow in the afternoon.通知大家Call the group.明天中午开紧急会议Schedule an emergency strategy session for noon.好个圣诞大餐That'll be a nice little holiday treat.晚安法兰克Good night, Frank.坎柏先生Hey, Mr.Campbell.怎么不打电♥话♥叫我先把车开来Why didn't you call down? I would have had Joe get your ride. 我今晚用走的I'm thinking I'll walk tonight.今晚很适合不行It's a nice night for it.我帮您把车开回去I'll send your car home for you.谢谢That'll be fine.圣诞快乐And Merry Christmas to you, sir.圣诞快乐To you too.有蛋酒吗?Eggnog?在牛奶柜 5元Yeah, dairy case. Five dollars.你们可以兑奖券吧?Hey, yo. Y'all do the lotto here, right? Y'all do the lotto here? 我中奖了酷毙了Yeah. Cool. 'Cause I got a winner, baby. I got a winner.检查下把奖兑给我Certified, good as gold.我知道买♥♥乐透的兄弟很多但都中不了奖I know lotto keep a lot of brothers down, but not Cash Money. 但我可不一样因为Don't do me none, son, 'cause I'd be like我鸿运当头懂吧?Bang on the lottery! You know what I mean? It's all good.我中了4个号♥码你看Relax, son. Relax. I got you four numbers. Check it. Bust it.6 14 16 49 中奖啦6, 14, 16, 49. That's a winner, son.我中了238元快给我钱$238, B.Cheddar coming. Give me my money.你的奖券有问题I'm sorry. Your ticket is bad.你改过号♥码You draw in the lines.你说什么?What are you talking about, B.?你用铅笔改了号♥码You draw in the lines with a pencil. I know about this.你看清楚Yo, buster, check the ticket, son.不行你出去No, you get out.你根本没看我的奖券Yo, you ain't even looked at the ticket.看着我检查检查You lookin' at me, son. Check the ticket.出去去别地方兑换You get out now! You take the ticket somewhere else!下一位Next customer in line!出去不然我报♥警♥You get out or I call 9-1-1 .天哪!Oh, my God!你看清楚蠢货Check the ticket, stupid.快看Look at the ticket.我送你去见上帝Shit, now I'm gonna make you call God.那正是我要说的快看奖券白♥痴♥!That's my word. You best check that ticket, fool!我看看你的奖券Let me see the ticket.谁跟你讲话了?Was I talkin' to you?我可以跟你买♥♥ 我们做个生意Maybe I'll buy it from you. You know, make a little business deal. 11点新闻播报西装笔挺的白人Stupid-ass white boy in $2,000 suit gets capped逞英雄遭枪杀trying to be a hero. News at 11:00.你想看这种新闻? 你想看看这里的现金?That's what you wanna see? You wanna see Cash up in here?你找死?You want me to set it, son?你想死吗?Do you wanna die?你想死吗?Do you want to die?我不想死No.我是跟你谈生意Look, I'm talking about a business deal.我用200元跟你买♥♥奖券Okay? I buy the ticket from you for $200.我去找个不找死的店员兑奖I take it to a store where the guy behind the counter doesn't have a death wish. 我就赚到38元I just made myself a quick $38.我说过了Like I said, it's只是谈个生意it's just a business deal.好吧All right. Yeah.好吧All right.你大错特错了You blew it, B. You blew it.这是真的奖券The ticket was real.你错失良机Damn, you had your chance too.杰克我们走吧Come on, Jack. Let's get out of here.你怎么知道我叫杰克?How'd you know my name was Jack?所有白人我都叫他杰克I call all you guys Jack.给你Here.和你做生意还不错Nice doing business with ya.干嘛带个枪到处跑?What do you want to carry that gun around for anyway?一不小心就会后悔莫及You're just gonna wind up doing something you regret.别跟我谈什么后悔不后悔You're talking to the wrong person about regrets, Jack.你应该可以参加就业辅♥导♥之类I mean, there must be programs out there and, um, opportunities.等一等Wait a minute.你想帮我?Are you actually trying to save me?少发神经了This is bananas.你觉得我需要帮忙?This man thinks I need to be saved, yo?每个人都需要某种帮忙Well, everybody needs something.是吗?Yeah?那你需要什么杰克?Well, what do you need, Jack?我?Me?你刚说的You just said每个人都需要点什么everybody needs something.我什么都有了I got everything I need.那你一定很好命Wow. It must be great being you.好命要靠努力打拚I'm not saying that you'd be able to do it without some hard work, some honest hard work, 可能还需要吃点神经病药and possibly some medicine.一定会很好玩You know, I'm gonna really enjoy this.别忘了这是你自找的You just remember that you did this, Jack, okay?这是你自找的You brought this on yourself.圣诞快乐Merry Christmas.我再睡十分钟杰克Ten more minutes, Jack.今天圣诞节It's Christmas.没关系Never mind.谁来了?Who's here?起床啰Rise and shine.不是该拆礼物了吗?Don't you think we should open some presents?-我想你该让妈妈再睡5分钟 -爸爸起床了- I think you should give Mama five more minutes in bed. - Come on, Dad. Get up. 圣诞节到了!Yea! It's Christmas! It's Christmas!看你姐姐在床上跳呢Look, your sister's jumping on the bed.狗怎么在床上?What is this dog doing on the bed? He needs to get off the bed.圣诞老人来了吗?Did Santa come?不知道看了才知道I don't know. We'll have to go see.先等妈咪醒过来Mommy just needs to wake up.泡杯浓咖啡Strong coffee.杰克圣诞快乐Oh, Jack. Merry Christmas, dear.萝兰Lorraine.艾德Ed.采花大盗杰克圣诞快乐Hey, Jack, you old bird dog. Merry Christmas to ya.劝劝他吧Talk to him.叫他别再学连续剧讲话了那要求不过分吧One day a year away from the Ponderosa. I don't think that's asking too much. 我就是这样This is who I am.告诉她吧只有你了解我Tell her, Jack, for God's sake. You're the only one around here that gets me. 我要喝蛋酒I need some eggnog.早上8点是该喝酒了'Course you do, sweet thing. Almost 8:00 in the morning.失陪Excuse me.你上哪去?Where you going, Jack?贾施大艾德来啰Josh, Annie, giddyup!我的法拉利呢?Where's my car? Where's my Ferrari?我的法拉利呢?Where's my Ferrari?什么? 他说什么?What the hell are you talking? What's he talking about?你有法拉利?You got a Ferrari?你的车借我我会还你Let me borrow your car and then I promise I'll have it returned.我的凯迪拉克? 开你自己的My Caddy? Drive your own damn car.就借他吧Oh, just let him borrow your precious Cadillac, for God sakes.他的箱型车不是好好的在那里There's a perfectly good minivan sitting out there in the driveway. Here. 他什么毛病啊?What the hell's wrong with him anyway?汤尼! 谢天谢地!Tony, thank God!先生这里不能随便进去Sorry, pal. Entrance is for residents and guests only.什么?What?你在说什么啊?What are you talking about?我是顶楼C的杰克坎柏Jack Campbell, penthouse "C."你怎么回事?What's the matter with you?皮太太汤尼怪怪的Mrs.Peterson, I think there's something wrong with our man Tony here.这个人是谁?Who is this man?拜托Oh, come on.你们今天怎么回事? 难道是What is going on with you two this morning? Is this like a圣诞节的玩笑?a Christmas joke?我是谁?Who is this man?我们一起当管理委员的Well, we're on the co-op board together, Betty.我们一起争取垃圾处理机And we fought side by side for garbage disposals.你每天早上跟我打情骂俏And every morning we exchange quasi-sexual witty banter.要不要报♥警♥? 我要报♥警♥Okay? Shall I call the cops? I'm gonna call the cops.我才要报♥警♥No, I'm gonna call the cops!你们好恐怖You're scaring me.-不不不 -多谢你饶了我- No, no, no, no. - Thank you for not calling the cops.我要上楼睡觉去了一觉醒来就都恢复正常了Now, I'm going upstairs, I'm gonna get some sleep. Then I'll be fine.我们大人♥大♥量你可以睡觉Sleep you shall. Noblesse oblige isn't dead. Not yet anyway.我们帮你找个收♥容♥所♥睡觉去Let'slet's get you some help. Surely there's a shelter somewhere in this city. 收♥容♥所♥?A shelter?你们头壳坏去了?Hey, hey, are you smacked out of your head?我是大楼里最有钱的人!I'm the richest man in this building!我家是你家的两倍大!I've got twice the square footage you have!我要上楼了And I'm going upstairs.请离开Take a walk, pal.胡闹!Oh, not cool.真胡闹!Not cool!你喜欢搞怪? 随你You wanna get cute? Get cute.等我上班I'm gonna go to my office.我去向主委检举I'm gonna file a complaint to the manager of the building.叫他开除你汤尼I'm gonna have you fired, Tony.皮太太And, Mrs.Peterson我会叫管理委员会注意你!you're on notice with the co-op board!你最好别再作弄我!So you better just stop whatever this is that you're doing!发动啊快发动Oh, come on!法兰克Frank你不会相信我碰到了什么黛儿来了没?you won't believe what's been happening to me. Is Adelle here yet?-站住 -敏兹呢?- Hold it right there. - Where's Mintz?今天大楼关门明天再来The building is closed, pal. You have to come back tomorrow.法兰克Frank看清楚我是总经理杰克坎柏why do I feel the need to remind you that I'm Jack Campbell, President? 不管你是谁I don't care who you are.今天圣诞节大楼不开门It's Christmas, and like I told you, the building is closed.你没听清楚吗?I don't think you heard me correctly.我是杰克坎柏I'm Jack Campbell.杰克坎柏!Jack Campbell!我是总经理President!圣诞快乐Have a nice holiday, man.这是我的车!That's my car!嗨杰克Hi, Jack.你偷了我的车You stole my car.我知道你又惊慌I know this whole thing is really bizarre to you又一头雾水and you're feeling quite shocked快上车我解释给你听but just hop in. I'll explain everything to you, okay?快呀Come on.上车呀Come on.安全带系上You're probably gonna wanna buckle up, Jack.这车跑很快This thing moves.我是怎么回事?What's happening to me?对着袋子呼吸Breathe into the bag, Jack.很多人碰到这种事都想吐This kind of thing makes a lot of guys have to throw up.我之间也见过I seen it happen before.万一你想吐摇开窗子往外吐So if you feel the urge, you roll down the window and do it out there. 别这么不开心Try not to get so worked up, Jack.这是你自找的After all, you brought this on yourself.什么自找? 我什么也没做过!Brought what on myself? I didn't do anything!"我什么都有了""I got everything I need."你自己说的That sound familiar?你是说我太臭屁You mean 'cause you thought I was cocky就罚我活在恶梦里?I'm now on a permanent acid trip?对着袋子吸气Bag yourself, Jack.我的天啊!Oh, my God!你昨晚那样挺身而出很了不起The way you intervened in that store last night, you did a good thing there, Jack.我们的上级个个都很激赏I mean, it was incredibly impressive all the way across the board to the upper echelons of the organization.拜托你用白话文解释一下Oh, God! Please just tell me what's happening to me in plain English不要说些听不懂的怪话without the mumbo-jumbo.我们要让你体验一下This is a glimpse, Jack.体验?A glimpse?体验什么?IA glimpse of what?你要自己去领悟慢慢领悟You're gonna have to figure that out for yourself and you got plenty of time.领悟多久?How much time?看情况你可能需要比较久As much time as it takes which in your case is probably gonna be considerable.我要回到原来的生活Okay, look, look. I-I-I just want my life back, okay?你要我怎么做?Now, what's it gonna take?你要明说吗? 就明说吧You wanna talk turkey? Let's talk turkey.你要多少钱?How much money?这不能用钱解决It doesn't work like that, and I can't tell you why.为什么不能?Why not?因为你要自己体会懂不懂?Because you have to figure this thing out for yourself.体会? 体会什么?Figure it out, figure it out. Figure out what?你自然会懂的Let it come to you, man.我没时间体会我有生意在谈I don't have time for this right now. I'm in the middle of a deal.现在你有新的生意了Well, you're working on a new deal now, baby.这是什么?What's this?打开看看Open it.某种暗号♥吗?What is it, some kind of a signal?我按铃你就会来吗?Will you come whenever I ring it?下车吧杰克Now you gotta get out of the car, Jack.然后呢?But what do I do?抱歉我不能在你这里花那么多时间我有别的案子要处理I'm sorry. I can't spend any more time with you. I got some other business I gotta take care of.事情是你搞出来的No, y-y-you did this to me.你不能就这样走掉You can't just leave me like this.好吧Okay.要不要透透气?Look, you wanna get some air?我们下车透透气边走边谈Let's get outside, get some air. We'll walk and I'll explain everything to you, okay? 多谢Thanks, man.哪里Sure.请问梅里森街怎么走?Excuse me. Do you know where Merrison Street is?姬妮找到杰克了Jeannie. I found Jack.原来你在这里陌生人Oh, there you are, stranger.你到哪去了?Where you been?你脸色好糟You look terrible.我就猜你会来Truth is, I expected you.凯特来电问我知不知道你在哪Kate called and asked if I knew where you were, so对我把椅子搬到中间去了免得绊倒大家Oh, I put the Barcalounger in the center of the room. It's throwing everybody off. 你觉得怎样?What do you think?这样布置很漂亮It's a great room. Great room.我们哥儿俩最有生活品味了You and me, buddy, we know how to live, huh?来吧Come on.来呀杰克Come on, Jack.来呀Come on.来吧Come on, buddy.坐你的位子Take your seat.你还好吗?Are you okay?圣诞节一早就不知去向I mean, you take off Christmas morning and you don't tell anyone where you're going. 我们是朋友吗?We're friends?怎么回事?Talk to me.我今天不太顺I'm having kind of a bad day.书上说节日期间自杀率都加倍You know, I read somewhere that the suicide rate doubles during the holiday.我讲这干嘛? 你听了更郁闷What am I saying that for? You don't wanna hear that. Come on.工作上遇到问题了吗?Is itis it trouble at work?应该不是II don't think so.不是凯特的问题吧?Well, it's not Kate, is it?你看You see, huh?我真是你肚里的蛔虫It's like we're inside each other's heads.凯特是我老婆Kate's my wife.这句话你要像念经一样一直念Just keep saying it over and over again, Jack, like a mantra. Keep saying it.这是典型的中年危机Look, you know, you fit the profile exactly in your 30s有房♥子小孩经济压力house, kids, financial responsibilities.你开始想这不是我要的生活You start thinking this isn't the life I dreamt about.浪漫的激♥情♥呢?Where's the romance, you know?生活的享受呢?Where's the joie de vivre?刹那间Suddenly报上的内衣广♥告♥都使你怅惘every lingerie ad in the Newark Star-Ledger represents a life that you can't have.我只有两个小孩吧?It's just two kids, right?跟我来Come on. Come on.有时你觉得你牺牲了一切All right, sometimes it feels like you gave up the whole world. I know that. 但你看看你的生活But look what you got. Look at that4房♥ 双卫four bedrooms, two-and-a-half baths地下室快好了a partially finished basement.还有小孩And good kids. Look. You know what?你可能不想听这个You probably don't wanna hear this right now.记不记得去年But remember last summer我差点搞上小阿尼的医生?when I almost had that thing with Arnie, Jr.'s speech therapist?你是怎么跟我说的?You remember what you said to me?你叫我别因为一时昏了头You said, "Don't screw up the best thing in your life就毁了毕生最美好的东西just because you're a little unsure about who you are."懂吗?Okay?加油勇士Go get 'em, tiger.你等一下Could you hold on a second?不用了他回来了Um, never mind becausebecause he just walked in.谢谢你Thank you. Thank you.你知不知道我们有多担心?Do youhave any idea what you put us through today?7点半就出门You walk out of here at 7:30 in the morning.没说要出去也没说去哪里You don't tell me where you're going, or even that you're going.好几个小时才回来And I don't see you till hours later?我打电♥话♥给所有朋友还报♥警♥I called all of our friends. I had the state troopers looking for you.我刚刚还打电♥话♥去医院I was on the phone with the hospital, for God's sakes.哪有人圣诞节一早就不知去向What kind of man leaves his family Christmas morning without a word about where he's going?说话啊杰克What kind of a man does that, Jack?我不知道I don't know.不要对我吼好不好?Could you could you please stop yelling at me?你去哪了?Where were you?进城去I was in the city.进城?The city?你说纽约?New York City?对Yeah.去干嘛?Why?我住在纽约Because that's where I live.又来了Don't start, Jack. Don't.你不懂Look, you don't understand.我今天早上醒来I-I-I woke up this morning here.一切都很怪因为And this is very strange because这不是我家this isn't my house.他们不是我小孩And those aren't my kids. I'm not Dad.我没小孩你不是我老婆I-I-I'm not a dad. You're not my wife.这种玩笑不好笑You know what, Jack. It's not funny this time我真的生气了because I am really mad.我真的生气了真的I mean, really mad. I mean it. I don't even这是什么?Whatwhat's that?我喜欢谢谢爸爸I like it. Thanks, Dad.那是我的还给我That's mine. Hey, I need that back.她抢走我的铃She took my bell.你错过了一切You missed the whole thing错过早餐和拆礼物the pancakes and the presents.你花6小时组装脚踏车You spent six hours putting that bike together for Annie却没看到安妮惊喜的表情and then you didn't even get to see the look on her face when she opened it.你错过了圣诞节You missed Christmas, Jack.对不起I'm sorry.没空讨论这个了You know, we don't even have enough time for this.反正你没出事我也好好的And at least you're okay. I'm okay, we're okay.我们要去参加汤家的宴会But you've gotta get dressed for the Thompson party. And you are not wearing that. 你不能穿这样去I don't care how hilarious you think it is.宴会? 我才不参加宴会Party? No, I'm not going to a party.你一直期待这宴会You look forward to this party all year.你是怎么回事?What is it with you today?相信我Believe me, Kate.这个情况参加宴会不太明智I really don't think that going to a party is the right move for me at the present time. 随便你你爱怎样就怎样Okay, fine. You know what? Then you just do whatever you wanna do.你要干嘛?What are you doing?叫我妈不用来带小孩了Telling my mother she doesn't have to stay with the kids.为什么?Why not?因为你会在家Because you'll be here.我10分钟就会准备好I'll be ready in ten minutes.这些This is都是廉价衣服嘛this is just subpar.蓝斯来Lance, here you go.凯特杰克Kate. Jack. Evelyn.请进Come in.凯特和杰克来了Hey, everybody, Kate and Jack are here.嗨! 姬妮Hey! Jeannie.圣诞快乐Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas.杰克圣诞快乐Jack, Merry Christmas.这套衣服怎么样?So, like the dress?很漂亮Oh, it's lovely.我知道小孩表演时你注意到了I thought I saw you notice it at the kids' recital.很漂亮很漂亮It's lovely. It's lovely.他在那儿There he is.杰克圣诞快乐Hey, Jack. Happy holidays, man.杰克过来Jack, come on over.杰克Hey, Jack.干杯Cheers, baby.昨晚看了凡宏的比赛没有?You guys see Van Horn last night?独得32分Thirty-two points.篮网队会得冠军That kid's gonna take the Nets to the championship. 篮网队? 篮网逊毙了The Nets? Are you kidding? They suck.但一定会得冠军But they're due.一定会They're certainly due.明天是我的大日子So, tomorrow's the big day, Jackie.是吗Okay.什么日子?Why?心脏绕道手术My triple bypass. I'm going under the knife tomorrow. 我说过我要开刀的吧?I told you that, right?心脏对Triple bypass. Yeah.那你还吃那些?You really think you should be eating all that?反正明天就开刀了Figure I'm going in for a cleaning tomorrow.不吃白不吃Might as well load up on the fried stuff tonight, right? 有道理That's good thinking, Bill. Have another drink.多吃点炸猪排Some fried pork, mashed potatoes.他活不过明天早上He'll be dead by morning.来点雪茄吧How 'bout a cigar, Jack?我在戒烟Oh, no, thank you. I'm cutting down.是廉价的不是高级品Come on. They're American made, not Cuban.是吗?Oh, really?客气什么Come on.相当好Very nice.我就说I thought you'd like 'em.太棒了Superb.你呢How 'bout you, Arnie?不用I'm all right. Thanks.来点吧?Finger food?我不要谢了No, thank you. I'm fine.少来了Come on.我一放下你就会来拿Soon as I put 'em down, you're gonna grab a couple. 你都这样You always do. No, I'm okay.我喂你Let me. They will melt in your mouth.入口即化Yeah.。
LiveU LU500 User Guide V3.0
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LiveU LU500 User Guide
Table of Contents
About This Guide ........................................................................................................ 1 Intended Audience ................................................................................................. 3 Additional Documentation .................................................................................... 3 Chapter 1: Introducing the LU500 ............................................................................ 9 Overview........................................................................................................................... 9 What’s in the LU500 Carrying Case? .........................................................................11 LiveU Central ..................................................................................................................12 Chapter 2: Getting Started ...................................................................................... 13 Step 1, Connecting the Video Camera ...................................................................14 Step 2, Powering On the LU500 Unit...........................................................................15 Charging the LU500 ...............................................................................................15 Step 3, Selecting a Channel .......................................................................................17 Virtual Groups .........................................................................................................20 Step 4, Selecting a Profile ............................................................................................22 Select a Profile ........................................................................................................22 Select the Delay .....................................................................................................23 Step 5, Selecting an Advanced Streaming Mode ................................................. 23 Step 6, Configuring WiFi ...............................................................................................27 Step 7, Going Live .........................................................................................................29 Checking Interface Quality .................................................................................30 Step 8, Shutting Down ..................................................................................................33 Chapter 3: LU500 User Interface ............................................................................. 35 LU500 Touch Screen Interface ....................................................................................36 Video Feed .....................................................................................................................37 Currently Selected Channel ......................................................................................39 Currently Selected Profile ...........................................................................................40 Connected Interfaces and Bandwidth.........................................................................40 Battery Status ................................................................................................................41 Turning Off .....................................................................................................................41 System Menu .................................................................................................................42 Selecting the LU500 Profile..........................................................................................43 Live ............................................................................................................................41 Store & Forward ......................................................................................................42 Configuration ................................................................................................................45
挑战你的推理能力剧本中的谜题解析挑战你的推理能力——剧本中的谜题解析(正文开始)第一幕:神秘的消失角色介绍:- 侦探汤姆:一个聪明敏锐的年轻侦探。
- 约翰:一位身怀绝技的魔术师。
- 玛丽:约翰的助理。
- 珍妮:约翰的妻子,一名退休的演员。
剧本推理解析:- 场景设定:首先,在剧本中将房间的灯光短路是为了制造一个混乱的环境,使观众注意力集中在黑暗之中。
- 谜题解析1:灯光短路是约翰安排的。
- 谜题解析2:约翰的助理玛丽扮演了珍妮的替身,穿上相似的衣服,并在黑暗中与约翰交换位置。
第二幕:珍妮的神秘信件角色介绍:- 侦探汤姆:聪明敏锐的年轻侦探。
- 约翰:一位身怀绝技的魔术师。
- 玛丽:约翰的助理。
- 珍妮:约翰的妻子,一名退休的演员。
剧本推理解析:- 场景设定:匿名信件的出现给故事增添了神秘的氛围,同时也引出了一个新的问题:谁写了这封信。
- 谜题解析1:玛丽写了这封信。
- 谜题解析2:珍妮其实写了信,但她否认是为了保护约翰。
第三幕:魔术舞台的秘密角色介绍:- 侦探汤姆:聪明敏锐的年轻侦探。
- 约翰:一位身怀绝技的魔术师。
- 玛丽:约翰的助理。
- 珍妮:约翰的妻子,一名退休的演员。
邪恶力量同人 SD 100问
Dean:(警惕的回头)谁说的,明明是Dean Winchester和Sam Forrester。
Sam:(继续微笑)Dean,我们结婚了,所以当然是Sam和Dean Winchester。
Sam &Dean& Andrew:(大惊)你怎么在这里?!
Bose 产品使用指南.pdf_1705905620.9668128说明书
Italiano - 3S ommarioCompilare e conservare le seguenti informazioni:I numeri di serie e di modello si trovano sulla confezione originale e sulla scheda della garanzia.Numero di serie ______________________________________________________________________Numero di modello ___________________________________________________________________Data d’acquisto ______________________________________________________________________È consigliabile conservare la ricevuta insieme a questo manuale di istruzioni.Informazioni sulle cuffie in-ear Bose ® SoundTrue ® Ultra (4)Caratteristiche .............................................................................................................. 4Disimballaggio ...................................................................................................................... 5Collegamento del dispositivo ............................................................................................ 6Uso delle cuffie con il dispositivo . (6)Controlli delle cuffie .................................................................................................... 6Funzioni di base ............................................................................................................ 7Funzioni di riproduzione multimediale .................................................................... 7Importanza del comfort (8)Inserimento delle cuffie nelle orecchie .................................................................... 8Sostituzione dei puntali .............................................................................................. 9Rimozione delle cuffie ................................................................................................. 9Ulteriori regolazioni per garantire comfort e stabilità .. (10)Uso della clip per abiti ................................................................................................. 10Uso di un auricolare singolo ....................................................................................... 10Risoluzione dei problemi .. (11)iPad, iPhone e iPod sono marchi commerciali di Apple Inc., registrati negli Stati Uniti e in altri Paesi. Il marchio “iPhone” è utilizzato su licenza di Aiphone K.K.“Made for iPod”, “Made for iPhone” e “Made for iPad” significa che un accessorio elettronico è stato progettato per essere collegato specificamente a un iPod, iPhone o iPad rispettivamente ed è coperto dalla certificazione dello sviluppatore che assicura la conformità agli standard prestazionali di Apple. Apple non è responsabile del funzionamento di questo dispositivo o della conformità dello stesso agli standard di sicurezza e normativi. L’uso di questo accessorio con un iPod, iPhone o iPad può influire sulle prestazioni wireless.Utilizzo delle cuffie4 - ItalianoInformazioni sulle cuffie in-ear Bose ® SoundTrue ® UltraLe cuffie in-ear Bose ® SoundTrue ® Ultra uniscono prestazioni audio realistiche a un design confortevole, caratteristiche difficili da trovare nella maggior parte delle cuffie tradizionali.Caratteristiche• Goditi la musica e lasciati assorbire completamente da un suono ricco e pulito.• Esclusiva tecnologia TriPort ® per bassi dal timbro naturale, anche a volumi elevati.• Il microfono e telecomando in linea consentono di passare con facilità dalle chiamate alla musica e viceversa su specifici modelli di iPod, iPhone e iPad.• I puntali StayHear ® mantengono in posizione le cuffie in modo confortevole.• Progettate e testate per la massima qualità e durevolezza.• La custodia consente di conservare e proteggere le cuffie.• Disponibili in un’ampia gamma di colori tra cui scegliere quello più adatto al proprio stile.Utilizzo delle cuffieItaliano - 7Funzioni di baseAumentare il volume Premere e rilasciare il pulsante +.Ridurre il volumePremere e rilasciare il pulsante –.Rispondere a una chiamataQuando si riceve una chiamata, premere e rilasciare il tasto Rispondi/Fine per rispondere.Chiudere una chiamata Premere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine.Rifiutare una chiamata in arrivoPremere e tenere premuto il pulsanteRispondi/Fine per circa due secondi, quindi rilasciarlo.Passare a una chiamata in attesa mettendo in attesa quella correnteDurante una conversazione, premere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine una volta. Premerlo e rilasciarlo di nuovo per tornare alla prima chiamata.Passare a una chiamata in arrivo o in attesa chiudendo quella corrente Durante una conversazione, premere e tenere premuto il pulsante Rispondi/Fine per circa due secondi, quindi o del controllo vocalePremere e tenere premuto il pulsante Rispondi/Fine.Per ulteriori informazioni sul controllo vocale, consultare il manuale di istruzioni del dispositivo.Funzioni di riproduzione multimedialeRiprodurre o mettere in pausa un brano musicale o un video Premere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine.Salto in avanti Premere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine due volte in rapida successione.Avanti rapidoPremere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine due volte in rapida successione, tenendo premuto dopo la seconda pressione.Salto all’indietro Premere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine tre volte in rapida successione.RiavvolgimentoPremere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine tre volte in rapida successione,tenendo premuto dopo la terza pressione.。
江苏省泗洪县第二实验学校2024-2025学年度七年级上学期月考模拟试卷2学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、听力选择1.What does Andy like?A.Playing computer games. B.Running.C.Watching TV. 2.Does the boy want to buy the bag?A.Yes, he does.B.No, he doesn’t.C.We don’t know. 3.Why does Jim like swimming?A.Because it’s easy.B.Because it helps him keep fit.C.Because it’s good. 4.What’s Mary’s character?A.She’s shy.B.She’s quiet.C.She’s quiet and shy. 5.How long does Liu Tao practise football every afternoon?A.For an hour.B.For half an hour.C.For one and a half hours.听对话,回答下列小题。
6.What is Millie going to do?A.Play volleyball.B.Go swimming.C.Play basketball. 7.When does David go swimming every week?A.On Wednesday and Friday.B.On Wednesday and Tuesday.C.On Tuesday and Friday.听对话,回答问题。
8.—What is Amy going to buy?—She’s going to buy a new ________.A.English magazine B.English dictionary C.postcard 9.—Where is the bookstore?—It’s next to the office C.library10.—How can Amy get there?—She can take the ________.A.No.4B.No.15C.No.14听对话,回答以下各小题。
英文回答,Do I want to live to be one hundred years old? Absolutely. Living a long and fulfilling life is something that many people aspire to, and I am no exception. Thereare several reasons why I want to live to be one hundred, and I will explain them in the following paragraphs.First and foremost, living to one hundred means that I will have the opportunity to witness and experience the many advancements and changes that will occur in the world. Just think about how much the world has changed in the last century, from technological advancements to medical breakthroughs. I want to be a part of that progress and see what the future holds.Additionally, living to one hundred means that I will have more time to spend with my loved ones. Family and friends are the most important aspects of my life, andbeing able to share more memories and moments with them is something that I cherish. Whether it's celebrating milestones or simply enjoying each other's company, having more time with the people I care about is something Igreatly desire.Furthermore, living to one hundred also means that Iwill have the opportunity to pursue my passions and dreams for a longer period of time. There are so many things Iwant to accomplish in my life, from traveling to different countries to writing a book. By living to one hundred, Iwill have more time to achieve these goals and make alasting impact in the world.Of course, living to one hundred also comes with its challenges. As we age, our bodies may become more frail and our health may deteriorate. However, with advancements in medicine and a focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, I believe that it is possible to live a long and healthy life. By taking care of my physical and mental well-being, I can increase my chances of reaching the milestone of one hundred years old.In conclusion, I definitely want to live to be one hundred years old. The opportunity to witness the world's progress, spend more time with loved ones, and pursue my passions is something that I cannot pass up. While there may be challenges along the way, I am confident that with a positive mindset and a focus on taking care of myself, I can achieve this goal.中文翻译,我想活到一百岁。
My name is Tom. I am 12 years old. I am from the UK. I live in London.I like reading books. I often go to the library on Sundays. My favorite subject is English. I think it is very interesting.1. How old is Tom?- Answer: He is 12 years old.- Explanation: The second sentence in the passage clearly states “I am 12 years old.”2. Where is Tom from?- Answer: He is from the UK.- Explanation: It is mentioned in the passage “I am from the UK.”3. Where does Tom live?- Answer: He lives in London.- Explanation: As the passage says “I live in London.”4. What does Tom like?- Answer: He likes reading books.- Explanation: The passage states “I like reading books.”5. Where does Tom often go on Sundays?- Answer: He often goes to the library on Sundays.- Explanation: According to the text “I often go to the library on Sundays.”6. What is Tom's favorite subject?- Answer: His favorite subject is English.- Explanation: It is written that “My favorite subject is English.”二、短文阅读题(二)Read the passage and answer the questions.There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. In spring, the weather gets warmer and the days get longer. Flowers begin to open. In summer, it is very hot. People like to go swimming. In autumn, the leaves turn yellow and fall from the trees. It is cool. In winter, it is very cold. Sometimes it snows. Children like to make snowmen.7. How many seasons are there in a year?- Answer: There are four seasons in a year.- Explanation: The first sentence of the passage says “There are four seasons in a year.”8. What are the four seasons?- Answer: They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.- Explanation: It is clearly stated in the second sentence “They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.”9. What happens in spring?- Answer: In spring, the weather gets warmer, the days get longer and flowers begin to open.- Explanation: The passage mentions “In spring, the weather gets warmer and the days get longer. Flowers begin to open.”10. What do people like to do in summer?- Answer: People like to go swimming in summer.- Explanation: It is written “In summer, it is very hot. People like to go swimming.”11. What happens to the leaves in autumn?- Answer: In autumn, the leaves turn yellow and fall from the trees.- Explanation: As the passage says “In autumn, the leaves turn yellow and fall from the trees.”12. What do children like to do in winter?- Answer: Children like to make snowmen in winter.- Explanation: The passage states “In winter, it is very cold. Sometimes it snows. Children like to make snowmen.”三、短文阅读题(三)Read the following passage and answer the questions.My school is very big and beautiful. There are many trees and flowers in it. There are twenty - five classes in my school. There are about fifty students in each class. We have a big library. There are thousands of books in it. We can borrow books from it. We also have a big playground. We can play football, basketball and other games there.13. Is the school big or small?- Answer: The school is big.- Explanation: The first sentence says “My school is very big and beautiful.”14. What are there in the school?- Answer: There are many trees and flowers in the school.- Explanation: It is mentioned that “There are many trees and flowers in it.”15. How many classes are there in the school?- Answer: There are twenty - five classes in the school.- Explanation: The passage states “There are twenty - five classes in my school.”16. How many students are there in each class approximately?- Answer: There are about fifty students in each class.- Explanation: It is written “There are about fifty students in each class.”17. What is there in the school?- Answer: There is a big library and a big playground in the school.- Explanation: The passage mentions “We have a big library.” and “We also have a big playground.”18. What can students do in the library?- Answer: Students can borrow books from the library.- Explanation: It is said that “We can borrow books from it.”19. What can students do in the playground?- Answer: Students can play football, basketball and other games in the playground.- Explanation: As the passage says “We can play football, basketball and other games there.”20. How many books are there in the library?- Answer: There are thousands of books in the library.- Explanation: The passage mentions “There are thousands of books in it.”。
七年级上册英语百分百的答案 Unit 11. What’s the matter?A. Nothing.2. How are you?A. I'm fine, thank you.3. What’s your name?A. My name is _____.4. How old are you?A. I'm _____ years old.5. Where are you from?A. I'm from _____.Unit 21. What’s this in English?A. It's a _____.2. How do you spell it?A. It's spelled _____.3. What color is it?A. It's _____.4. Is it a pencil?A. No, it isn't. It's a _____.5. What’s that in Chinese?A. It's _____.Unit 31. What do you usually do on weekends?A. I usually _____ on weekends.2. What did you do last weekend?A. I _____ last weekend.3. What are you going to do this weekend?A. I'm going to _____ this weekend.4. What did you do yesterday?A. I _____ yesterday.5. What are you going to do tomorrow?A. I'm going to _____ tomorrow.Unit 41. What’s your favorite subject?A. My favorite subject is _____.2. What do you think of English?A. I think English is _____.3. What do you usually do in English class?A. I usually _____ in English class.4. Do you like math?A. Yes, I do. / No, I don't.5. What do you do after school?A. After school, I _____.Unit 51. What’s your favorite food?A. My favorite food is _____.2. What did you have for lunch yesterday?A. I had _____ for lunch yesterday.3. What do you usually have for breakfast?A. I usually have _____ for breakfast.4. Do you like hamburgers?A. Yes, I do. / No, I don't.5. What do you want for dinner?A. I want _____ for dinner.。
钢琴谱 100 Ways-王嘉尔 五线谱_共5张(全)
I won't wait a minute longer Hundred ways to leave But I'm the only one that you need I'm the only one that you need I'm the only one that you need
歌词下方是100 Ways钢琴谱,大家可以学习。
100 Ways歌词:
You turn over the hour glass The sand is falling down oh it's too fast For you For you Don't waste your love just let it last Cause once it's gone it's never coming back It's true Could you love me the same Tell me what makes you stay There's a hundred ways to leave a lover Leave a lover Leave a lover Hundred ways to leave a lover Leave a lover Leave a There's a hundred ways to leave a lover I won't wait a minute longer Hundred ways to leave But I'm the only one that you need It's the final curtain call but if you're ready I will give my all For you For you Let them say it how they want If I can love you good it's no ones fault Oh Could you love me the same Tell me what makes you stay There's a hundred ways to leave a lover Leave a lover Leave a lover Hundred ways to leave a lover Leave a lover Leave a There's a hundred ways to leave a lover I won't wait a minute longer Hundred ways to leave But I'm the only one that you need I'm the only one that you need I'm the only one that you need There's a hundred ways to leave a lover Leave a lover Leave a lover Hundred ways to leave a lover Leave a lover Leave a There's a hundred ways to leave a lover
伯克利和约翰逊哲学辩题摘要:1.伯克利和约翰逊的哲学辩题背景2.伯克利和约翰逊的观点概述3.对伯克利观点的详细阐述4.对约翰逊观点的详细阐述5.两位哲学家的观点对比与评价6.结论正文:伯克利和约翰逊哲学辩题涉及到英国经验主义哲学家乔治·伯克利(George Berkeley)和英国哲学家伯纳德·约翰逊(Bernard Johnson)之间的辩论。
瞬移少年读后感十字英文回答:In the captivating novel "The Teleportation Kid," author Arto Paasilinna spins a whimsical tale of Mikko Malinen, a young boy who stumbles upon the incredibleability to teleport. With a mere thought, Mikko can traverse vast distances, leaving behind a trail of bewilderment and astonishment in his wake.The novel unfolds in a series of episodic adventures, as Mikko embarks on a journey of self-discovery and exploration. He encounters a myriad of colorful characters, from a bumbling priest to a flamboyant circus performer, each adding their own unique flavor to the story. Along the way, Mikko grapples with the ethical implications of his extraordinary power and the challenges of navigating a world that struggles to comprehend his abilities.Paasilinna's writing is characterized by a wry sense ofhumor and a deep understanding of the human condition. He weaves together themes of friendship, love, and the search for meaning in a life imbued with the extraordinary. "The Teleportation Kid" is a testament to the transformative power of imagination and the enduring appeal of the human spirit.中文回答:在迷人的小说《瞬移少年》中,作者阿托·帕西林纳讲述了一个奇异的故事,主人公米科·马里宁是一个偶然获得了瞬间移动能力的少年。
你想活到一百岁吗英语作文English: I do believe that living to be one hundred years old would be an incredible feat, filled with a lifetime of memories and experiences. However, rather than focusing on reaching a specific age milestone, I believe it is more important to prioritize living a fulfilling and meaningful life. Quality of life is more important to me than quantity of years, and I hope to live a life that is filled with happiness, love, and purpose. If living to be one hundred years old allows me to continue experiencing joy and sharing special moments with loved ones, then I would welcome the opportunity. However, if reaching that age means sacrificing the quality of my life or losing the ability to fully engage in the world around me, then I would prefer to live a life that is rich in moments that bring me true happiness, regardless of how many years that may entail.Translated content: 我相信活到一百岁将是一项不可思议的成就,充满着终身的记忆和经历。
吉姆里夫斯歌曲吉姆里夫斯(Jim Reeves)是美国乡村音乐界的传奇人物,他以其深情的嗓音和独特的演唱风格广受欢迎。
吉姆里夫斯的首张录音室专辑《Jim Reeves Sings》于1955年发行,其中包含了一些他早期的经典歌曲,如《Mexican Joe》和《Bimbo》。
在接下来的几年里,他陆续推出了一系列畅销专辑,其中包括了他最著名的歌曲之一《He'll Have to Go》。
《He'll Have to Go》是吉姆里夫斯最具代表性的歌曲之一,也是他的标志性曲目之一。
除了《He'll Have to Go》,吉姆里夫斯还有许多其他经典的歌曲,例如《Welcome to My World》,这首歌曲以其温柔的旋律和动人的歌词传达了吉姆里夫斯对爱人的深情表白。
他的另一首著名歌曲《Am I Losing You》则描绘了一个失去爱人的男人的忧伤心情。
英文回答:Upon viewing the television program "Big Head Son and Little Head Dad," I was captivated by the endearing and engaging dynamic between the central characters. The show's utilization of the "hundred percent" filter introduced a distinctive and aesthetically appealing element to the narrative. The impeccable timing and poignant interactions between the father and son were heightened by the deployment of this innovative filter, thereby augmenting the overall enjoyability of the program. Moreover, it evoked a sense of nostalgia and warmth, contributing to a heightened depth in the viewing experience.在收看电视节目"大头儿子和小头爸爸"时,我被中央人物之间的内在感受和接触所吸引。
Big Head Son and Little Head Dad's interactions really nailed the themes of family, love, and the struggles of parenting. The filter they used not only amped up the feels of the story, butalso made the whole thing feel like a beautiful, magical dream. The soft, dreamy tones and the slight blurring made their everyday adventures seem full of wonder and innocence, capturing the special bond between a parent and child. It was like a visual symbol of how the characters saw the world, adding an extra layer of meaning to the show."大头儿子"和"小头爸爸"的交往,真正钉上了家庭,爱情,以及养育子女斗争的主题。
Do I Want to Live to 100?The question of whether I want to live to 100 is a profound one that requires careful consideration. On the one hand, the prospect of reaching such a remarkable milestone seems exciting and full of potential. On the other hand, there are also challenges and considerations that make this prospect less appealing.The Appeal of LongevityThe thought of living to 100 is appealing for several reasons. Firstly, it represents a significant achievement in terms of health and well-being. Reaching such a high age suggests a life full of vitality and vital engagement with the world. Secondly, living longer means having more time to experience, learn, and contribute. Imagine the wealth of knowledge and wisdom that could be accumulated over such a long lifespan!The Challenges of Extended LifeHowever, there are also significant challenges that come with the prospect of living to 100. One major concern is the physical toll of aging. As we age, our bodies become more vulnerable to various health issues, such as arthritis, dementia, and other chronic conditions. Dealing with these physical challenges can be demanding and may limit one's quality of life.Moreover, living longer also means witnessing the passing of loved ones and friends. The emotional toll of outliving those close to us can be profound, leaving us with a sense of loneliness and isolation. This can be particularly difficult for those who value their social connections and the support of their community.The Balancing ActSo, where does this leave me? Personally, I believe that the desire to live to 100 is a complex one that requires a balancing act. On one hand, I appreciate the potential for increased life experience and wisdom that longer lifespans offer. On the other hand, I am also aware of the physical and emotional challenges that come with aging.Ultimately, my answer to the question of whether I want to live to 100 depends on the quality of life that I can maintain. If I can maintain good health, strong social connections, and a sense of purpose and engagement with the world, then the prospect of living to 100 becomes more appealing. However, if I am faced with significant health issues or a sense of isolation and loneliness, then I may reconsider my desire to live such a long lifespan.In conclusion, the desire to live to 100 is a personal and individual choice that requires careful consideration of both the potential benefits and the challenges that it brings. It is a balancing act that each of us must undertake based on our own values, goals, and circumstances.我想活到一百岁吗?关于我是否想活到一百岁这个问题,需要深思熟虑。
最顶尖的问句1.2005 年你要怎样过才算精彩到无懈可击?2.你热爱你的生命吗?你有多热爱你的生命呢?3.你珍惜你的时间吗?你的时间都用来做什么样有生产力的事?4.你需要多少伙伴来协助你完成梦想?是20 个?50 个?100 个?还是1000 个?10000个?现在你有多少个伙伴呢?5.你常告诉别人“格局决定布局,布局决定结局”,你想想自己的格局究竟有多大呢?是康纳·川普吗?像孙正义?霍华休斯?山姆·威顿?还是詹姆斯·卡梅隆?6.你是想只成为亿万富翁呢还是百亿富豪呢?你是为了什么一定要进入Forbes 排行榜呢?你认为攀登上事业的圣母峰真的对你很重要吗?7.要怎么做你才会更爱你自己,更爱你身旁的伙伴呢?你是否感受到你身边有好多的人默默地在帮助你呢?你是否珍惜这一切,并为此而深深感动感恩?8.每个月靠办顶尖的训练月入300 万~500 万还不够好是吗?什么才算是真正的好?你真正伟大的使命和任务是什么?9.你能给跟随你“死心塌地”的人什么样的舞台?每个人都像你一样需要舞台发光发热,你知道吗?你能给忠诚的伙伴多少的收入呢?10.你现在所建立的是什么样的系统?你是否投入大量的时间在培养Leoder?“客户第二,员工第一”,你悟透了吗?你的影响力是建立在你拥有什么样的团队上,了解吗?11.你有多棒并不重要,你身旁的伙伴有多么杰出、多顶尖,才是最重要的,不是吗?12.如果你完全不靠演讲,那你每个月能拥有多少现金流?你手边有多少紫牛型产品(令人眼睛为之一亮的产品)?你到底是S 象限还是B象限?你是“在努力地工作”还是“在聪明地工作”?13.你如果要得到快乐的生活,那你会如何与身边的人沟通呢?14.你如何使自己保持在巅峰状态,来如期达成你在10 年前设定的上海5万人的目标呢?这件事就是你来这个世界的目的,不是吗?否则你来到这个世界的目的又是什么呢?15.“从起跑的那一刻便要透视全局”,你达成上海5 万人之后要退隐江湖吗?如果不是,那么你还有哪些更大的目标?16.你觉得为什么你要叫自己Rocky 呢?它代表的含义是什么呢?你觉得斗志重要吗?过去这10年你因为运动、斗志、能量、专注,所以造就今天的你,你未来10 年是否要继续维持这些习惯呢?17.你为什么受到电影《神鬼玩家》的激励?你是羡慕“莱昂纳多”比你小2 岁就有如此成就和影响力,还是羡慕霍华休斯如此的没有极限?18.2005 年你的资产会增加多少?会不会破亿?什么时候资产破亿最适合?27 而已,已过了5 年了,30 而已也过了2年了,到底还要等多久?你的思考焦点到底是“江山”上还是美人上?没有人比你更了解自己,你说对吗?19.你是否能用最短的时间培养月入30 万的超级明星?若你的团队里缺少月入30 万、月入50万的超级明星,又怎么吸引那些无敌潜在红色的优秀精英加入你的团队呢?20.你是否懂得赞美的艺术?你是否懂得善用荣誉的力量?你如何将人们生命中的关键因素(就是被肯定、受重视和被称赞)发挥到淋漓尽致?21.该成为什么样的领导者,才能让伙伴跟随我超过30 年?才能让身边的人都成为亿万富翁?22.当2008 年,我完成了12 年来没有人相信的梦想,我同时办完川普和上海5 万人演讲,当我看着5万人,对他们说着改变一生的故事激动地流下眼泪,并成功地销售30 万本书时,我会有多么的感动及有成就感?向自己提问的秘诀★答案就在问题里。
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Johnny’s 100 问 001 现在时间是? 2011 年 6 月 5 日 20::09 002 请问你的昵称是? 小白,80%的大家会这么叫我 003 请问你的本命是? 堂本刚 004 少年队里最喜欢谁? 完全不熟 005 SMAP 里最喜欢谁? 中居,大概吧 006 TOKIO 里最喜欢谁? 智也,其实 TOKIO 基本都很喜欢 007 V6 里最喜欢谁? 森田刚,邪气邪气啊 008 KinKi Kids 里最喜欢谁? 刚 009 泷&翼里最喜欢谁? 翼 010 ARASHI 里最喜欢谁? 伞哥?其实也很喜欢松润的 011 MA 里最喜欢谁? 不知道...... 012 NewS 里最喜欢谁? 山P 013 KAT-TUN 里最喜欢谁? 没有喜欢的 014 关 8 里最喜欢谁? 横山裕吧,因为只认识他
015 Ya-ya-yah 里最喜欢谁? 对小正太不太感兴趣 016 觉得 004~015 的问题很混吗? 为什么要问这个问题? 017 上面没有问到,而你很喜欢的 Johnny's 艺人? 斗真?其实不是很喜欢他的 018 本命配对是? 当然是光一和刚 019 少年队里最喜欢的配对? 不知道 020 SMAP 里最喜欢的配对? 没啥感觉 021 TOKIO 里最喜欢的配对? 感觉他们是摇滚型的,没往这方面想过 022 V6 里最喜欢的配对? 都很帅啊,随便乱配,我都喜欢 023 KinKi Kids 里最喜欢的配对? 光一&刚 024 泷&翼里最喜欢的配对? Takki&Tsubasa 025 ARASHI 里最喜欢的配对? 伞哥和松润 026 MA 里最喜欢的配对? 不清楚 MA 是什么 027 NewS 里最喜欢的配对? 没啥感觉 028 KAT-TUN 里最喜欢的配对? 不喜欢 029 关 8 里最喜欢的配对? 不了解关 8,只认识横山裕和锦户亮
030 Ya-ya-yah 里最喜欢的配对? 未成年闪开 031 觉得 019~030 的问题很混吗? 为啥要问这个? 032 上面没有问到,而你很喜欢的 J 禁配对? 泷泽和山 P 的父子档 033 在你看过的 J 禁小说中,最不能接受的配对? 没看过 J 禁的小说 034 请你现在马上掰出一个最离谱的配对。
(笑) 请问什么叫做“离谱”? 035 如果有一天,你的本命配对公开他们是一对,你的反应是? 终于让我活着看到这一天了啊! 036 如果有一天,你的本命配对分别和女人结婚了,你的反应又是? 笨蛋,赌气也用不着结婚呐!
037 你一是个对 Johnny's 很疯狂的 fans 吗? 应该不算“疯狂”吧 038 最喜欢本命的哪一首歌? 硝子の少年 039 最喜欢本命的哪一只舞蹈? 没怎么见过刚跳舞呢,运动会时候那个钓鱼算不算? 040 最喜欢本命的哪一只 PV? Harmony of December 041 最喜欢本命的哪一部日剧? 人间失格,大概,也许过段时间会变成若叶时代吧 042 最喜欢本命的哪一出舞台剧? 没看过舞台剧啊 043 最想买的本命周边? 什么都想要啊
044 会想把本命吃掉吗?(笑) (可以选择 Call in 或 Call out) 时常会这样想...... 045 会为了本命而用功念书、努力工作吗? 嗯,想到刚努力的样子,自己也会充满干劲 046 有过「即使我饿死,我都要买本命的东西」这种想法吗? 没有没有,还是活着比较重要 047 买过最贵的 Johnny's 商品是什么? 没买过,这边应该基本上买不到吧 048 本来没有兴趣的商品,却因为本命代言,而喜欢上了该商品。
有过这种经验吗? 没有这种经历,不喜欢的应该还是会不喜欢 049 如果本命在戏剧里饰演反派,会支持该反派角色吗? 会支持刚,但角色上的事,按剧情而定吧 050 觉得自己能支持本命到老死吗? 一定能的,无论刚变成什么样,我都会喜欢 051 本命和女艺人合作,会讨厌该女艺人吗? 不会啊 052 知道某女艺人和本命是好朋友,会讨厌该女艺人吗? 也不会啊,光一都不在乎,我有什么好炸的? 053 会讨厌和本命传过绯闻的女艺人吗? 有可能会吧,应该是除了光一之外的任何人都不能有和刚的绯闻 054 和 Johnny's 传过最多绯闻的就是早安家族,那你会讨厌她们吗? 不讨厌也不喜欢 055 听过「Johnny's 社长性侵害旗下艺人」这个传闻吗? 没有 056 承上,你相信吗? 不相信 057 你对「Johnny's 事务所里都是男人」这点有任何暧昧想法吗? 当然有,爆有啊 058 知道 Johnny's 曾经有过唯一兩名女性艺人是谁吗? 完全不知道杰尼斯曾经有过女艺人
059 本来的 V6 里的成员没有冈田准一,而是后来更改名单。
你会因此而讨厌他吗? 完全不会,准一很天然啊 060 同上,TOKIO 也发生过类似事件,会因此而讨厌长濑智也吗? 当然不会,相反的 TOKIO 里面最喜欢智也了 061 对于昙花一现的梦幻四人组(KinKi+长濑+井之原)的想法是? 这个组合很梦幻么?换成天然四人组是不是更合适? 062 对于中居木村、KinKi、刚健这三个好运二人组(意指没被拆过^^;;;)的想法是? 这很好啊 063 对于 NewS 和关 8 的重复成员(亮+內)的看法是? 真是辛苦你们了 064 对于 NewS 的脱团成员(森內贵宽)的感觉是? 无甚感觉 065 会不会觉得 NewS 的组成很不可思议? 不太了解这方面啊 066 对社长用字母开头取团名这点,感觉如何?(例:K.K.Kity、KAT-TUN、Kis-My-Ft) 不错啊 067 对于喜多川社长的想法是? 很厉害的老爷爷
请对以下颜色联想,每题各回答一个 Johnny's 艺人。
068 红 国分太一,不知道为什么呢 069 橙 松本润,很炫目的感觉,他大爷最适合了 070 黃 今井翼,大概是因为他很天然呆的缘故吧 071 绿 森田刚,因为他喜欢戴...呃...绿帽子? 072 蓝 堂本光一,总觉得光一王子现在很有深度,又沉稳
073 靛 樱井翔,很适合靛色套装的主播 074 紫 泷泽秀明,华丽丽的王子样 075 白 堂本刚,244 一直就是个纯白的孩子啊 076 黑 横山裕,总觉得他的脸长得有点阴险...... 077 如果你可以变成 Johnny's 艺人一天,你想变成谁? 变成光一吧,我想要好好的照顾刚,哪怕只有一天 078 如果你可以当 Johnny's 艺人的经纪人一天,你想当谁的经纪人? Arashi,都是乖孩子,大概不会让我觉得头痛的 079 如果现在赐给你一个能力:你可以随易开门,不被骂没礼貌。
那么,你会开哪个 Johnny's 艺人乐屋(休息室)的门? 有点在 KK 和 TT 之间举棋不定啊 080 如果现在 Johnny's 艺人大献吻,你最想要谁的? 当然是 244 啊 081 如果给你选择,Johnny's 艺人里,你会选谁当恋人? 如果能有 244 做男朋友,这辈子真是值了,我看夏之雪的时候就这么想 082 谁当爸爸? 光一,很帅的爸爸,又很能让人依靠 083 谁当儿子? 二宫和也,乖巧的小孩啊 084 谁当兄弟? 泷泽秀明,很想有泷泽这样的哥哥,一定会很幸福的 085 谁当亲友? 有点摇摆啊,大概是山 P 吧,这样可以到处跟人显摆 086 谁当老师? 城岛茂,绝对的! 087 谁当情人?(恋人和情人是不一样的:恋人是指精神上的,情人是指……嗯,你懂吧?)
咦?老实说不愿意背叛 244 的啊,不过真的让我选的话,呃,我选 283!
088 觉得哪个团体是绝对不可以被拆的? 当然是 KK 089 承上,如果社长真拆了他们,你会怎样? 永远都不关注杰尼斯了吧 090 觉得哪个团体看不顺眼,想把他们拆散的? 至今没有呢 091 承上,如果明天一觉睡醒,他们真的解散了,你的反应是? 无所谓 092 想过把哪团的哪个成员跟另一团的成员互换吗? 没想过这问题 093 觉得哪个团体的寿命最久? 当然是 KK 094 觉得哪个团体的默契最高? KK 095 请用一句话帮本命宣传。
Nice Fishing~ 096 请对你的本命说一句话。
爱惜身体,好好的和光一相处 097 请对 Johnny's 事务所说一句话。
谢谢 098 请对喜多川社长说一句话。
喜爷爷~ 099 现在时间是?请与 001 对照一下,这个 100 问共花了多少时间? 2011 年 6 月 5 日 20:41,共花了 32 分钟 100 请发表感想。