Narrative Essay


narrative essay写作要素

narrative essay写作要素

narrative essay写作要素
1. 故事主题:一个好的记叙文应该有一个明确的主题或中心思想。



2. 人物与环境:记叙文通常需要有一个主角或多个角色,以及他们所处的环境。



3. 情节:情节是记叙文的核心,它是一系列事件的有序组合,构成了故事的发展。



4. 细节描写:细节是让读者身临其境的关键。



5. 情感表达:记叙文不仅仅是讲述一个故事,更重要的是传达作者的情感和思想。


6. 结尾:一个好的结尾可以给读者留下深刻的印象。







英语五种语篇类型Essays are categorized into five major types based on their purpose and structure: narrative, descriptive, expository, persuasive, and argumentative. Each type serves a different purpose, requires different writing techniques, and employs different language features. Below, I will provide a brief explanation of each type and offer some example content for each category without using any links.1. Narrative Essay:Narrative essays tell a story and are often written in the first person. They aim to engage the reader by creating a vivid and compelling narrative. Example content for a narrative essay:"In the summer of 2009, my family and I embarked on a thrilling adventure – a road trip across the United States. As we drove through the endless highways, we encountered breathtaking landscapes, encountered fascinating people, and discovered the true meaning of togetherness."2. Descriptive Essay:Descriptive essays aim to create a vivid picture in the reader's mind by using detailed descriptions of people, places, or events. The purpose is to evoke sensory experiences and make the reader feel as if they are a part of the scene. Example content for a descriptive essay:"The scent of fresh-cut grass filled the air, and the gentle breeze carried the chirping of birds. The sun cast long shadows over the rolling hills, blanketed in a carpet of vibrant green. As I walkedthrough the field, the soft blades of grass tickled my bare feet, and the warm sunlight bathed my face."3. Expository Essay:Expository essays present information, provide explanation, and explore a topic without expressing personal opinions. This type of essay is commonly used in academic writing and aims to educate the reader on a specific subject. Example content for an expository essay:"The Industrial Revolution was a period of rapid technological advancements that transformed society. Through the development of steam power, the invention of factories, and the mechanization of industries, the world underwent a dramatic shift from agrarian to industrialized economies."4. Persuasive Essay:Persuasive essays aim to convince the reader to adopt a certain viewpoint or take a specific action. These essays rely on logical reasoning, evidence, and emotional appeals to convince the reader. Example content for a persuasive essay:"Eating a plant-based diet has numerous benefits, not only for our own health but also for the environment. Research has shown that a plant-based diet can lower the risk of chronic diseases, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and alleviate animal suffering."5. Argumentative Essay:Argumentative essays present a logical argument and provide evidence to support a specific claim or position. They addresscounterarguments and aim to convince the reader that a particular viewpoint is more valid than others. Example content for an argumentative essay:"The legalization of marijuana has been a subject of intense debate in recent years. Proponents argue that it can generate tax revenue, alleviate medical conditions, and reduce criminal activity associated with it. However, opponents claim that legalization may lead to increased drug abuse and jeopardize public safety."。

narrative essay名词解释

narrative essay名词解释

narrative essay名词解释
Narrative Essay,中文称为“记叙文”,是一种常见的写作形式,主要通过叙述一件事情或一系列事件来表达作者的观点或情感。



1. 明确主题:在开始写作之前,要明确文章的主题和目的,确保文章内容紧扣主题。

2. 叙述生动:记叙文需要将事件和角色生动地呈现出来,让读者感受到故事的情感和意义。

3. 结构清晰:文章的结构要清晰,包括开头、主体和结尾,使读者能够轻松地理解故事的发展。

4. 语言简洁:记叙文的语言要简洁明了,避免过多的修饰和冗长的句子,使文章更加易于阅读和理解。

5. 符合逻辑:在叙述事件和角色时,要注意符合逻辑,避免出现矛盾和不合理的地方。





以下是一些高考英语作文中常见的体裁:1.议论文Argumentative Essay议论文要求学生对某一话题或问题提出自己的观点,并用合理的论据和逻辑来支持自己的观点。


2.说明文Expository Essay说明文的目的是解释或阐述某一概念、过程或事件。


3.记叙文Narrative Essay记叙文通过讲述一个故事或经历来表达作者的情感或观点。


4.描写文Descriptive Essay描写文通过使用生动的语言和细节来描绘人、地方、物体或情感。


5.应用文Practical Writing应用文包括书信、通知、广告、海报等实用文本。


6.图表作文Graphical Data Interpretation图表作文要求学生分析图表如柱状图、饼图、折线图等中的数据,并根据数据提出自己的见解或总结。

7.故事续写Story Continuation故事续写要求学生根据给定的故事开头,继续创作故事的发展和结局。


8.看图作文Picture Composition看图作文要求学生根据一幅或多幅图画,创作一篇描述图画内容和表达自己观点的文章。

9.问题解决文ProblemSolving Essay问题解决文要求学生识别问题,并提出解决方案。


10.观点对比文Comparative Essay观点对比文要求学生比较和对比两种或两种以上的观点、方法或现象,并得出自己的结论。

Narrative Writing 记叙文

Narrative Writing 记叙文

[英文写作教程]第一课:记叙文(Narrative Essay)记叙是指叙述事件的经过表现,情景,人物的经历的一种文章体裁。



记叙文的注意事项:(一)叙述的人称:(I)First-person narrator第一人称叙述:你可以当事人,即第一人称来叙述,把文章中的事情以“我”所见所闻来告诉读者,用主观的表现手法,给读者一种亲切自然的感觉,如同亲身经历一样,加强事件的可信性,直接抒发作者的思想情感,从而引起读者的共鸣。

(II)Third-person narrator第三人称叙述:你亦可以用旁观者的观点与角度来叙述事件,以客观的写作方法,能够充分反映事件中各人的感受及见解,以全知的视角来叙述。

(二)叙述的内容:一篇记叙文应注意交代清楚事情的始末,细节,以及线索,即是何时,何地,何事,何人和为何(when, where, what, who and why / how),全文有条有理,使读者易于明白。



3.时式:一般多采用simple past tense 及active verbs.(三)叙述的方法:一般叙述的线索可分为以下方向:(I)以时间为线索,按时间的推移来发展;(II)以地点为线索,按地点的转移来发展;(III)以事件发展的过程为线索,或以人物出现的先后次序来展开;(IV)以事物的象徵意义为线索;(V)以人物的思想行为及认知来展开。


Unit 3 Narrative Essays (I)

Unit 3  Narrative Essays  (I)

V. A brief introduction to the introductory part of a narration
The introductory paragraph usually gives readers clear and brief information about who, where, when and what. In other words, the opening refers to an event that happened to a person in a particular location in a definite period of time.
V. Sample analysis
• Patice
• A. “The Most Important Day in My Life”
The introduction also shows what point of view is to be used in the whole story---whether it is first or third person narration. story---whether Narratives of personal experience are generally told in the first person. The role of the writer is a participant. If the narrative is about someone else, the third person point of view is often used. The writer is a spectator who reports the event through his or her observation. A clear thesis statement is then needed in the second part of the introduction. It performs an important function. It controls the content of the narrative, predicts what will follow the thesis statement in the body, and reveals the writer’s opinion of the story, the main idea of the story, or the purpose of telling the story. The thesis statement must be sharply focused, with a clear point.




以下是一些常见的高考英语作文题材分类,以及每个分类可能涉及的主题和写作要点:1. 议论文 (Argumentative Essay)- 主题: 通常涉及社会问题、教育问题、科技发展等。

- 写作要点: 明确表达观点,提供有说服力的论据,使用逻辑清晰的结构。

2. 说明文 (Expository Essay)- 主题: 解释一个概念、过程或事件。

- 写作要点: 清晰地阐述信息,使用事实和例证支持说明。

3. 记叙文 (Narrative Essay)- 主题: 讲述一个故事或个人经历。

- 写作要点: 使用生动的细节和情感来吸引读者,保持时序清晰。

4. 描述文 (Descriptive Essay)- 主题: 描述一个场景、物体或人。

- 写作要点: 使用感官细节和形象的语言来描绘对象。

5. 应用文 (Application Essay)- 主题: 通常用于申请学校、奖学金或工作。

- 写作要点: 突出个人特点和成就,展示为何自己是合适的候选人。

6. 图表作文 (Graphic Essay)- 主题: 解释和分析图表信息。

- 写作要点: 准确解读数据,使用比较和对比来展示趋势。

7. 信件 (Letter Writing)- 主题: 正式或非正式的信件写作。

- 写作要点: 遵循信件格式,清晰表达目的,保持礼貌和专业。

8. 故事续写 (Story Continuation)- 主题: 基于给定的故事开头继续写作。

- 写作要点: 保持故事的连贯性,创造性地发展情节。

9. 观点对比 (Point of View Comparison)- 主题: 对比不同人或群体的观点。

- 写作要点: 展示不同视角,分析其差异和原因。

10. 问题解决 (Problem-Solution Essay)- 主题: 提出一个问题并提供解决方案。



英文作文类型单词英文,There are various types of English essays, each with its own unique features and purposes. In this article, I will introduce some common types of English essays and provide examples to illustrate their characteristics.1. Narrative Essay。

A narrative essay tells a story and usually includes personal experiences or observations. The purpose of a narrative essay is to entertain or inform the reader. For instance, I once wrote a narrative essay about my experience of traveling alone to a foreign country for the first time. I described the challenges I faced and the lessons I learned.中文,英文作文有各种类型,每种类型都有其独特的特点和目的。


1. 叙述性文章。





英文,2. Descriptive Essay。

A descriptive essay describes something in detail, such as a person, place, or object. The purpose of a descriptive essay is to create a vivid picture in the reader's mind.For example, I once wrote a descriptive essay about my favorite place, a quiet beach where I could relax and enjoy the sound of the waves.中文,2. 描述性文章。





在英语三级的作文部分,考生可能会遇到以下几种类型的作文题目:1. 议论文(Argumentative Essay):- 议论文要求考生对某一问题或观点进行分析,并提出自己的见解。


2. 说明文(Expository Essay):- 说明文要求考生解释一个概念、过程或现象。


3. 叙事文(Narrative Essay):- 叙事文要求考生讲述一个故事或经历。


4. 描述文(Descriptive Essay):- 描述文要求考生详细描述一个场景、人物或物品。


5. 应用文(Practical Writing):- 应用文包括书信、通知、广告等实用文体。


6. 图表作文(Graphical Essay):- 图表作文要求考生分析图表中的数据,并据此写出一篇作文。


7. 故事续写(Story Continuation):- 故事续写要求考生根据给定的故事开头,继续编写故事。






英语中的四大基本文体是记叙文(narrative essay),说明文(expository essay),议论文(argumentative essay)和说明文(descriptive essay)。












narrative essay的要素

narrative essay的要素

narrative essay的要素
narrative essay的要素包括:
1. 主題:選擇一個故事的主題或事件,這個主題應能夠引起讀者的興趣和共鳴。

2. 敘述者:確定誰是敘述者,一般是由第一人稱的角度撰寫,讓讀者更容易與主角產生共鳴。

3. 情節發展:故事的情節應該具有一定的起伏,有引人入勝的開頭,發展中的衝突和高潮以及結果。

4. 角色描述:描述主角和其他相關角色的外貌、性格、動作等特點,使讀者能夠更容易地理解和感同身受。

5. 描述場景:通過豐富的描寫與比喻,來描繪故事發生的場景,藉此激發讀者的想像力和情感。

6. 對話:故事中的對話可以使角色之間的關係更加真實和生動,並能夠呈現角色的個性和情感。

7. 時間設定:確定故事發生的時間和時間順序,讓讀者能夠更容易地理解和跟隨故事的發展。

8. 教訓或主題:通過故事中的經歷和發生的事件,傳達出一個深刻的教訓或主題,讓讀者能夠從中獲得啟發和反思。

以上這些要素對於撰寫一篇引人入勝的narrative essay至關重要。



15类英语作文模板及范文15 Types of English Essay Templates and Examples。

1. Narrative Essay: A Memorable Experience。

One of the most memorable experiences in my life was when I went on a backpacking trip through Europe. It was an adventure that I will never forget. We visited several countries, met new people, and experienced different cultures. The trip taught me so much about independence and the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone.2. Descriptive Essay: My Favorite Place。

My favorite place in the world is the beach. I love the sound of the waves crashing against the shore, the feeling of the warm sand between my toes, and the smell of the salty ocean air. Whenever I need to relax and unwind, I always find myself drawn to the beach.3. Expository Essay: The Importance of Education。

Education is crucial for personal and societal development. It provides individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life, and it also helps to create a more informed and enlightened society. Without education, progress and growth would be impossible.4. Persuasive Essay: The Benefits of Exercise。




高一英语作文类型多样,主要包括以下几种:1. 叙事作文(Narrative Essay)叙事作文要求学生叙述一个事件或故事,通常包括时间、地点、人物、事件经过和结果等基本要素。


2. 描写作文(Descriptive Essay)描写作文要求学生描述一个场景、人物、物品或情感。


3. 议论文(Argumentative Essay)议论文要求学生就某个话题表达自己的观点,并提供理由和证据支持自己的观点。


4. 说明文(Expository Essay)说明文的目的是解释事物的原理、概念、过程或现象。


5. 应用文(Practical Writing)应用文包括书信、电子邮件、通知、便条等,这些类型的作文要求学生掌握一定的格式和礼貌用语,以及如何根据不同的写作目的调整语言风格。

6. 故事写作(Story Writing)故事写作要求学生创作一个完整的故事,包括情节发展、角色塑造和冲突解决。


7. 摘要写作(Summary Writing)摘要写作要求学生阅读一篇文章或段落,然后用自己的语言简洁地总结其主要内容。







各种类型的文章范文1. 说明文(Expository Essay)说明文是一种解释或描述特定主题或概念的文章类型。



2. 议论文(Argumentative Essay)3. 散文(Personal Essay)4. 描述性文章(Descriptive Essay)描述性文章是一种通过详细描绘特定地方、人物、物体或事件的外观、感觉、声音、味道和气味等方式来向读者传达与之相关的经验。


5. 叙事文章(Narrative Essay)比较与对比文章是一种以展示两个或多个主题之间的相似性和差异性为目的的文章类型。



7. 问题解答文章(Problem-Solution Essay)问题解答文章是一种通过提出特定问题并提供解决该问题的方案或建议来解决实际问题的文章类型。







英语作文的几种类型In English writing, there are several common types of essays that students often encounter. These include narrative essays, descriptive essays, expository essays, persuasive essays, and argumentative essays. Each type has its own distinct characteristics and purposes.1. Narrative Essays:Narrative essays tell a story and typically include elements such as characters, plot, setting, and dialogue. The purpose of a narrative essay is to engage the reader and convey a personal experience or event in a vivid and compelling manner. These essays often follow a chronological order and may include reflections or insights gained from the experience.2. Descriptive Essays:Descriptive essays aim to create a vivid picture inthe reader's mind by using sensory details such as sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. The goal is to evoke emotions and provide a sensory experience related to a particular subject, whether it's a person, place, object, or experience. Descriptive essays often employ imagery and figurative language to enhance the descriptive quality of the writing.3. Expository Essays:Expository essays present information, explain a topic, or explore an idea in a clear and concise manner. These essays focus on providing facts, evidence, and examples to support a thesis statement. Common types of expository essays include compare and contrast essays, cause and effect essays, process essays, and definition essays. The key is to present information objectively and logically, without personal bias or opinion.4. Persuasive Essays:Persuasive essays aim to convince the reader toadopt a particular viewpoint or take a specific action. These essays present arguments supported by evidence and reasoning, with the goal of persuading the reader to agree with the writer's position. Persuasive essays often appeal to emotions, ethics, or logic to strengthen the argument and sway the reader's opinion.5. Argumentative Essays:Argumentative essays are similar to persuasive essays but involve a more rigorous analysis of opposing viewpoints. In an argumentative essay, the writer presents a claim or thesis statement and provides evidence to support it. Additionally, the writer acknowledges and refutes counterarguments to strengthen their own position. The goal is not only to persuade the reader but also to engage in critical thinking and debate.In conclusion, these are some of the common types of essays in English writing, each with its own unique characteristics and objectives. Whether you're telling a story, describing a scene, explaining a concept, persuadinga reader, or debating an issue, understanding the different types of essays can help you effectively communicate your ideas and engage your audience.。

narrative essay英语作文

narrative essay英语作文

narrative essay英语作文Title: A Slice of Life - Narrative EssayOne lazy Sunday afternoon, as the sun lazily peered through the half-closed blinds, I found myself embarking on a reminiscent journey, pen in hand, ready to craft a narrative essay that would capture a glimpse of my life.在一个慵懒的周日午后,阳光透过半开的百叶窗懒洋洋地洒落,我手持笔,心境踏上了回忆之旅,准备创作一篇叙事作文,捕捉我生活中的一瞬。

It all began with a simple prompt from my English teacher, asking us to reflect on a memorable event that shaped us.Instantly, my mind raced back to a family trip to the beach, where I learned a valuable lesson about perseverance.一切起始于英语老师的一个简单命题,要求我们反思一个塑造了我们记忆犹新的事件。


The waves crashed against the shore with unbridled fury, as if nature itself was putting on a show.I, a timid swimmer, stood hesitantly at the water"s edge, contemplating the challenge that lay ahead.波涛汹涌,猛烈地拍打着海岸线,仿佛大自然本身正在上演一场表演。



叙述性的英文作文体裁英文回答:Narrative Essay.A narrative essay is a type of writing that tells a story. It can be about a personal experience, a fictional event, or a historical event. The purpose of a narrative essay is to entertain, inform, or persuade the reader.Characteristics of a Narrative Essay.A clear beginning, middle, and end. The beginning introduces the characters, setting, and conflict. The middle develops the conflict and introduces the rising action. The end resolves the conflict and provides a conclusion.A strong plot. The plot is the sequence of events that make up the story. It should be interesting and engaging,with a clear beginning, middle, and end.Vivid characters. The characters in a narrative essay should be well-developed and believable. The reader should be able to relate to them and their motivations.A sense of place. The setting of a narrative essay should be described in detail so that the reader can visualize the story.A clear theme. The theme is the main message or idea of the story. It should be stated explicitly or implicitly in the essay.How to Write a Narrative Essay.1. Choose a topic. The topic of your narrative essay can be anything that you are passionate about. It could be a personal experience, a fictional event, or a historical event.2. Do your research. If you are writing about ahistorical event, you will need to do some research tolearn about the facts of the event. If you are writingabout a personal experience, you will need to recall the details of the experience.3. Create an outline. An outline will help you organize your thoughts and ideas. It will also help you ensure that your essay has a clear beginning, middle, and end.4. Write a draft. Once you have an outline, you can begin writing your draft. Start by writing the introduction. Then, develop the conflict and introduce the rising action. Finally, resolve the conflict and provide a conclusion.5. Revise and edit. Once you have finished your draft, take some time to revise and edit it. Make sure that your essay is well-written and free of errors.Examples of Narrative Essays."The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe."A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner."The Night Oak Street Burned Down" by Thomas Wolfe."The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner" by Alan Sillitoe."The Joy Luck Club" by Amy Tan.中文回答:记叙文。



五篇不同类型的英语作文1. Narrative Essay: The Adventure of a LifetimeLast summer, I embarked on an adventure that would forever change my perspective on life. It was a journey that took me to the heart of the Amazon rainforest, where I was to volunteer for a month with a group of environmental scientists. The sights, sounds, and experiences were unlike anything I had ever encountered. From the moment I steppedoff the plane, the humid air and the buzz of insects enveloped me, signaling the start of an unforgettable experience. Over the next month, I learned about the delicate balance of the ecosystem, the importance of conservation, and the resilience of the indigenous communities that call the rainforest home. This adventure not only broadened my horizons but also instilled in me a deep respect for the natural world.2. Descriptive Essay: The Serenity of a Snowy LandscapeThe first snowfall of the season always brings with it a sense of magic and tranquility. As the snowflakes gently drift from the heavens, they blanket the earth in a pristine layer of white. The once familiar landscape is transformed into a serene winter wonderland. The trees stand tall, their branches adorned with icicles that sparkle in the sunlight. The quiet is only broken by the occasional rustle of a squirrel or the soft crunch of snow underfoot. The air iscrisp and cold, invigorating the senses and clearing the mind. The beauty of a snowy landscape is a testament to the powerof nature to create moments of stillness and peace.3. Expository Essay: The Impact of Technology onEducationThe integration of technology into the educational system has been a topic of much debate in recent years. Onone hand, technology has opened up a world of possibilitiesfor students, providing access to a wealth of information and interactive learning tools. On the other hand, it has raised concerns about the potential for distraction and the digital divide that may leave some students behind. This essay will explore the various ways in which technology has impacted education, from the use of online resources and virtual classrooms to the role of artificial intelligence in personalized learning.4. Persuasive Essay: The Need for Environmental ConservationOur planet is facing an environmental crisis, and itis imperative that we take action now to protect and preserve our natural resources. This essay will argue for thenecessity of environmental conservation, highlighting the consequences of inaction and proposing practical steps that individuals, communities, and governments can take to make a difference. From reducing carbon emissions to supporting reforestation efforts, every action counts in the fightagainst climate change and environmental degradation.5. Argumentative Essay: The Benefits of a Vegetarian DietThe choice to adopt a vegetarian diet is not only a personal one but also a decision that can have far-reaching implications for health, the environment, and animal welfare. This essay will argue in favor of a vegetarian diet, presenting evidence of its health benefits, its positive impact on the environment, and the ethical considerationsthat support this lifestyle choice. By examining the nutritional advantages, the reduced environmental footprint, and the ethical treatment of animals, this essay will demonstrate why a vegetarian diet is a beneficial and responsible choice for individuals and society as a whole.。



众所周知,essay只是一个统称,统称之下又可以细分多很多很多的essay的种类出来,比如今天我们要来讲的argument essay和narrative essay,这两种essay之间有什么不同?如果碰到这类essay,我们又要怎样去写呢?下面hansedu小编就来给大家分析说明一下。

首先我们来讲argument essay,这类文章一般都称为议论文,或者叫辩论文,我相信通过翻译成中文大家不难明白,这类题型在我们当时初中和高中的时候就有了,不过在国外也一样要写,和国内的区别主要是在格式上,但文章总体类型还是一样的,不过无论是中国还是国外,这类型的文章都万变不离其宗,无非就是论点、论据各类佐证来证明自己想要阐述的论点、观点的正确性,和可行性。

在国外,论点一般都是由老师来出,同学们根据老师出的几个论点进行选择,选择其中一个用一个学期来完成一篇合乎要求的argument essay。




这样才能写出一篇让老师满意的argument essay。

下面我们来讲一讲narrative essay,这类型的文章称为叙事文,主要的写作原则就是记录描绘发生的事件、周边的景色、人文、历史等等,写作手法也相对比较自由,文章的整体也没有必要有一个固定的中心思想,说白了就是把你遇到的,看到的记录下来就行了,比如你的情感,你的感悟、你的心路历程、你的环境等等这些,这就和我们经常看的小说有些类似,不同的地方在于,narrative essay比较注重其细节上的描写,以及文章整体结构的构成,具体情节可以三言两语的带过,但是其中所接触到细枝末节是需要讲明白的,这和argument essay是不同的。



英语四级作文什么类型英语四级作文可以涵盖多种类型,常见的包括议论文(Argumentative Essay)、说明文(Expository Essay)、记叙文(Narrative Essay)、描写文(Descriptive Essay)等。

下面我将简要介绍这些类型:1. 议论文 (Argumentative Essay):This type of essay presents arguments or opinions about a certain topic or issue. It requires you to state your opinion clearly and support it with evidence and examples. A typical structure includes an introduction, where you introduce the topic and state your opinion, body paragraphs where you present your arguments, and a conclusion where you summarize your points and restate your opinion.2. 说明文 (Expository Essay):Expository essays aim to explain or inform thereader about a particular topic. They require clear and concise writing, and often follow a logical sequence or order of events. You may need to define terms, describe processes, or analyze information. The structure usually consists of an introduction, body paragraphs focusing on different aspects of the topic, and a conclusion summarizing the main points.3. 记叙文 (Narrative Essay):Narrative essays tell a story or recount an event from a personal perspective. They often include vivid descriptions, sensory details, and emotional elements to engage the reader. You should establish a clear plot, characters, setting, and conflict. The essay should have a beginning, middle, and end, and may include dialogue or reflection.4. 描写文 (Descriptive Essay):Descriptive essays focus on describing a person, place, object, or event in detail. They aim to create avivid picture in the reader's mind using sensory language and imagery. You should use descriptive adjectives and adverbs to convey your impressions effectively. The essay should have a clear organizational structure, such as spatial or chronological order.以上是英语四级作文常见的类型,选择适合你题目的类型,并确保在文章中清晰表达你的想法,并提供充分的论据和例子来支持你的观点。

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Narrative Essay – My Favorite TeacherIn high school, my favorite teacher was a large man called Mr Scott. He taught English Literature on the top floor of the science block in an old science lab. He was my favorite teacher for a number of reasons at a school that was well-known for its poor standards of teaching.He would open every lesson in a disciplined manner by quickly silencing the class and getting on with the work. This was a rarity at my school because pupils would typically waste the first ten minutes. Mr Scott had a no tolerance rule in place and would purposely refuse to let any latecomers in until he’d assigned some work to us.It wasn’t just the fact Mr Scott was different from the other teachers that made him my favorite teacher. He would make lessons engaging by encouraging everyone to read whatever text we happened to be reading. He would even do this with the shyer students, who normally had problems reading aloud.Through his hard work, he managed to bring them out of their shells. He understood the problems many people faced, especially in relation to public speaking. Whilst Mr Scott would never dream of letting us just avoid the task, he wouldn’t try to humiliate anyone either. He had a special touch that enabled us to overcome our challenges, but also knowing where our real limits were.He was able to get the best out of us. I remember in particular a task where I had to give a short speech on prisons. I was terrible at public speaking and would do practically anything to avoid it. He didn’t let me escape it, even if I managed to delay it for a number of weeks. My speech wasn’t fantastic, but I still managed to get a passing grade for it. And that was because Mr Scott made me go up and do it. He understood where my true limits were.What truly reinforced my belief that he was my favorite teacher was the way he could teach students with the view to getting the highest grades without us even realising. For example, at the end of every lesson he would play a comical video he found online. It added some light-hearted relief that kept morale high and trouble low.At the same time, he was never someone who overstepped his professional bounds. After receiving my results for my January exams, he walked past me and simply commented that it was an A+, the highest grade available. He didn’t smile or show any outward signs of joy, but I knew he was delighted deep inside.Nothing changed after this. As we transitioned to the English language part of the course, he continued what he was doing in the same way. It worked and his class got the highest grades in the history of the school.After leaving school, he only remained for another year before departing to another school for better pay. Despite this, he’s my favorite teacher and a cut above every oth er teacher to have entered my life.Lisa YoungHumanities TeacherHigh Tech MiddleMost people would define a good teacher as someone who makes their students excel academically and do well on their tests. I believe that’s almost right, but a little off. I believe that a good teacher doesn’t have one dimension but two. They not only make you excel, but they make you want to go to school. They care about the student’s insecurities and problems, and most importantly they are there to support you.My teacher is like that. Her name is Ms. Young and she’s changed the way I see the world. She isn’t one of those teachers that will give it their all just to be liked by the students. She honestly doesn't fit in a category of teachers. Although it’s her first year teaching at High Tech Middle she fit in immediately. Normally the project based learning philosophy is hard for new teachers to adapt to, but Ms. Young did it effortlessly.After nine years of switching from town to town, school to school, and teacher to teacher, Ms. Young is by far the best teacher I’ve ever had. She keeps the class in order, yet manages to make it fun at the same time. She’s always there for academic as well as personal help. Honestly for the first time I don’t want to pass the grade. Ms. Young has taught me a lot over the past school year. I’m not only speaking of history, writing, and reading. She has taught me to appreciate the little things, never judge, and be happy about the work I create. I have grown more in this year than any other, and I owe it almost completely to Ms. Young.I used to think I was a good writer. Looking back on my work from just last year, I realize how much stronger my writing skills and vocabulary are. Ms. Young has done a superb job preparing me for high school, for which I am very grateful. I feel that I have developed my writing skills most this year than any other year.Throughout the year Ms. Young has become my role model. I’ve had many people tell me that when they grow up they want to be like her. I believe that becoming half of the teacher she is would be an incredible achievement. I wrote this essay because I believe that she should be recognized. Not only because of her incredible teaching abilities, but because she made a difference in my life. She showed me that hard work pays off, and that I should never give up. These lessons will continue to have an effect on my life throughout high school and college. Thank you Ms. Young.。
