



纤毛虫名录纤毛虫名录中文名拉丁名1细领颈毛虫Trachelocerca tenuicollis2条纹喙纤虫Loxodes striatus3大喙纤虫Loxodes magnus4沟裸口虫Holophrya sulcata5腔裸口虫Holophrya atra6简裸口虫Holophrya simplex7孟加拉裸口虫Holophrya bengalensis8冠裸口虫Holophrya coronata9印度裸口虫Holophrya indica10亮板纤虫Placus luciae11黑斜板虫Plagiocampa atra12多变斜板虫Plagiocampa mutabilis13长斜板虫Plagiocampa longis14小斜板虫Plagiocampa minor15双叉尾毛虫Urotricha furcata16活泼尾毛虫Urotricha agilis17趣尾毛虫Urotricha farcta18武装尾毛虫Urotricha armatus19沙躅拟前管虫Pseudoprorodon arenicola 20雪拟前管虫Pseudoprorodo niveus21武装拟前管虫Pseudoprorodo armatus22盐拟前管虫Pseudoprorodon halophilus 23拉拟前管虫Pseudoprorodon lieberkiihni 24绿前管虫Prorodon viridis 25变色前管虫Prorodon discolor26卵圆前管虫Prorodon ovum27圆柱前管虫Prorodon teres28片齿前管虫Prorodon platyodon29双核前管虫Prorodon binucleatus30海洋前管虫Prorodon marinus31毛板壳虫Coleps hirtus32双刺板壳虫Colep bicuspis33小毛板壳虫Colep hirtus minor34纵长板壳虫Colep elongatus35海洋长吻虫Lacrymaria marina36小长吻虫Lacrymaria minima37瞳孔长吻虫Lacrymaria pupula38蠕形长吻虫Lacrymaria vermicularis39天鹅长吻虫Lacrymaria olor40柱纤口虫Chaenea teres41回缩瓶口虫Lagynophrya retractilis42黏液瓶口虫Lagynophrya mucicola43锥瓶口虫Lagynophrya conifera44简单斜口虫Enchelys Simplex45胃形斜口虫Enchelys gasterosteus46蛹形斜口虫Enchelys pupa47多变斜口虫Enchelys variabilis48多核斜口虫Enchelys mutans49扭曲管叶虫Trachelophyllum sigmoides 50卑怯管叶虫Trachelophyllum pusillum 51智利管叶虫Trachelophyllum chilense 52圆胴纤虫Pithothorax rotundus53贪食苔叶虫Bryophyllum vorax54纺锤斜吻虫Enchelydium fusidens55唇斜吻虫Enchelydium tabeo56亮刀口虫Spathidium lucidum57尾刀口虫Spathidium caudatum58浮雕刀口虫Spathidium scalpriforme 59刀刀口虫Spathidium spathula60苔藓刀口虫Spathidium muscicola61弯曲刀口虫Spathidium curvatum62多核刀口虫Spathidium plurinucleatum 63海洋刀口虫Spathidium marinum64三臂佛手虫Teuthophrys trisulica65卵圆口虫Trachelius ovum66明显长颈虫Dileptus conspicuus67美洲长颈虫Dileptus americanus68高山长颈虫Dileptus alpinus69裂口长颈虫Dileptus amphileptoides70念珠长颈虫Dileptus monilatus71鹅长颈虫Dileptus anser72巨长颈虫Dileptus cygans73双核长颈虫Dileptus binucleatus74天鹅长颈虫Dileptus cygnus75细叶长颈虫Dileptus tenuis76加冈栉毛虫Didinium gargantua77小单环栉毛虫Didinium balbianii nanum 78双环栉毛虫Didinium nasutum79团睥睨虫Askenasia volvox80蚤状中缢虫Mesodium pulex81小中缢虫Mesodium acarus82红中缢虫Mesodium rubrum83辐射射纤虫Actinobolina radians84克氏裂口虫Amphileptus claparedei85纺锤裂口虫Amphileptus fusidens86猎裂口虫Amphileptus meleagris87漫游裂口虫Amphileptus litonotiformis 88海洋裂口虫Amphileptus marina89圆形裂口虫Amphileptus rotunda90滴状裂口虫Amphileptus gutta91喙突斜叶虫Loxophyllum rostratum92单核斜叶虫Loxophyllum uninucleatum 93凶猛斜叶虫Loxophyllum helus94囊斜叶虫Loxophyllum utriculariae 95天鹅漫游虫Litonotus cygnus96片状漫游虫Litonotus fasciola97钝漫游虫Litonotus obtusus98龙骨漫游虫Litonotus carinatus99薄漫游虫Litonotus camella100直半眉虫Hemiophrys procera101肋状半眉虫Hemiophrys pleurosigma 102猎半眉虫Hemiophrys meleagris103栉半眉虫Hemiophrys prctinata104纺锤半眉虫Hemiophrys fusidens105点滴半眉虫Hemiophrys puncicta106敏捷半眉虫Hemiophrys agilis107鼻斜毛虫Plagiopula nasuta108肾状肾形虫Colpoda reniformis109膨胀肾形虫Colpoda inflata110盘状肾形虫Colpoda apatella111僧帽肾形虫Colpoda cucullus112无规肾形虫Colpoda irregularis113齿脊肾形虫Colpoda steini114前突肾形虫Colpoda penardi115背沟肾形虫Colpoda henneguyi116似肾形虫Colpoda simulans117直立肾形虫Colpoda praestans118三分肾形虫Colpoda tripartita119粗糙肾形虫Colpoda aspera120豆状肾形虫Colpoda colpidiopsis121无尾肾形虫Colpoda ecaudata122顶核肾形虫Colpoda fastigata123明晰肾形虫Colpoda lucida124巨大肾形虫Colpoda magna125莫泊桑肾形虫Colpoda maupasi126微小肾形虫Colpoda minima127卵核肾形虫Colpoda ovinucleata128派克齿脊肾形虫Colpoda steinii piekarskii 129狭匙口虫Platyophrya angusta130小匙口虫Platyophrya nana131贪食匙口虫Platyophrya vorax132沫项匙口虫Platyophrya spumacola133大蓝环虫Cyrtolophosis major134袋篮环虫Cyrtolophosis bursaria135长蓝环虫Cyrtolophosis elongata136粘液蓝环虫Cyrtolophosis mucicola 137苔藓拟斜管虫Chilodontopsis muscorum 138咽拟斜管虫Chilodontopsis vorax 139微小篮口虫Nassula pusilla140修饰篮口虫Nassula ornata141金色篮口虫Nassula aurea142俏篮口虫Nassula gracilis143粘篮口虫Nassula muscicola144美丽圆纹虫Furgasonia rubens145活泼拟小胸虫Pseudomicrothorax agilis 146水藓薄咽虫Leptopharynx sphagnetorum 147大口薄咽虫Leptopharynx eurystoma 148纯单镰虫Drepanomonas obtusa149水藓单镰虫Drepanomonas sphagni 150旋转单镰虫Drepanomonas revoluta 151绿色小胸虫Microthorax viridis152凹缝小胸虫Microthorax sulcatus153相似小胸虫Microthorax simulans154有肋小胸虫Microthorax cstiatus155食藻斜管虫Chilodonella algivora156僧帽斜管虫Chilodonella capucina157尾斜管虫Chilodonella caudata158巴维利亚斜管虫Chilodonella bavariensis 159膨胀斜管虫Chilodonella turgidula160葛奥斜管虫Chilodonella gourandi161多足斜管虫Chilodonella calkinsi162唇斜管虫Chilodonella labiota163钩刺斜管虫Chilodonella uncinata164非游斜管虫Chilodonella aplanata165锐利斜管虫Chilodonella acuta166帽斜管虫Chilodonella cucullulus 167简单斜管虫Chilodontopsis simplex 168巴西偏体虫Dysteria brasiliensis 169卵圆偏体虫Dysteria ovalis170小轮毛虫Trochilia minuta171沼泽轮毛虫Trochilia palustris172胶衣足吸管虫Podophrya maupasi173固者足吸管虫Podophrya fixa174单一球吸管虫Sphaerophrya soliformis 175粗壮壳吸管虫Acineta foetida176结节壳吸管虫Acineta tuberosa177球形管吸管虫Solenophrya inclusa178四分锤吸管虫T okophrya quadripatida 179浮萍锤吸管虫Tokophrya lemnarum180浸渍锤吸管虫T okophrya infusionum 181华丽十字吸管虫Staurophrya elegans182累枝毛吸管虫Trichophrya epistylidis 183肾形豆形虫Colpidium colpoda184弯豆形虫Colpidium campylum185梨形四膜虫T etrahymena priformis 186苔藓拟瞬目虫Pseudoglaucoma musorum 187唇拟瞬目虫Pseudoglaucoma labiata 188大口瞬目虫Glaucoma macrostoma 189闪瞬目虫Glaucom scintillans190前口瞬目虫Glaucom frontata191极口双膜虫Dichilum platessoides 192楔形双膜虫Dichilum cuneiforme193狸藻睫杵虫Ophryoglena utriculariae 194暗黄睫杵虫Ophryoglena flava195刺激隐核虫Cryptocaryon irritans196尾草履虫Paramecium caudatum 197双小核草履虫Paramecium aurelia198多小核草履虫Parameciummultimicronucleatum199绿草履虫Paramecium bursaria200旋毛草履虫Paramecium trichium201尾突前口虫Frontonia atra202银白前口虫Frontonia leucas203尖前口虫Frontonia acuminata204凹扁前口虫Frontonia depressa205旋尾缨虫Urocentrm turbo206钝舟形虫Lembadion bullinum207光明舟形虫Lembadion lucens208海洋尾丝虫Uronema marinum209暗尾丝虫Uronema nigricans210海胆隐毛虫Cryptochilidium echini 211长拟尾丝虫Parauronema longum212弗州拟尾丝虫Parauronema virginianum213指状拟舟虫Paralembus digitiformis214细长拟阿脑虫Paranophrys elongata215洋拟阿脑虫Paranophrys marina216弯斜头虫Loxocephalus plagius217椭圆斜头虫Loxocephalus ellipticus218蠕状康纤虫Cohnilembus verminus219小康纤虫Cohnilembus pusillus220纺锤康纤虫Cohnilembus fusiformis221水滴伪康纤虫Pseudocohnilembus persalinus 222珍珠映毛虫Cinetochilum margeritaceum 223椭圆嗜腐虫Sathrophilus ovatus224卵形嗜腐虫Sathrophilus oviformis225游荡平体虫Platynematum solivagum226冠帆口虫Pleuronema coronatum227瓜形膜袋虫Cyclidium citrullus228居中膜袋虫Cyclidium centrale229苔藓膜袋虫Cyclidium muscicola230鞭膜袋虫Cyclidium flagellatum231长毛膜袋虫Cyclidium lanuginosum232善变膜袋虫Cyclidium versatile233银灰膜袋虫Cyclidium glaucoma234长圆膜袋虫Cyclidium oblongum235纵长膜袋虫Cyclidium elongatum236颗粒膜袋虫Cyclidium granulosum237似膜袋虫Cyclidium simulans238单一膜袋虫Cyclidium centrale239长伪膜袋虫Pseudocyclidium longum240前顶梳纤虫Ctedoctema acanthocrypla 241小发袋虫Cristigera minuta242被发袋虫Cristigera vestita243鲍鱼沟虫Ancistrum haliotis244厚鱼沟虫Ancistrum crassum245日本鱼沟虫Ancistrum japonicum246尖鱼沟虫Ancistrum acutum247碟形钟虫Vorticella patellina248条纹钟虫Vorticella striata249星云钟虫Vorticella nebulifera250圆锥钟虫Vorticella cylindrica251长钟虫Vorticella elongata252领钟虫Vorticella aequilata253点钟虫Vorticella picta254外套钟虫Vorticella vestita255春钟虫Vorticella vernalis256钟形钟虫Vorticella campanula257似钟虫Vorticella similis258钩钟虫Vorticella convallaria259污钟虫Vorticella putrina260白钟虫Vorticella alba261杯钟虫Vorticella cupifera262小口钟虫Vorticella microstoma263八钟虫Vorticella octava264法帽钟虫Vorticella fromentili265扩张钟虫Vorticella extensa266弯钟虫Vorticella hamata267缩钟虫Vorticella abbreviata268利马钟虫Vorticella lima269珍珠钟虫Vorticella margaritifera 270球形钟虫Vorticella sphaerica271亚小口钟虫Voroticella submicrostoma 272长拟钟虫Pseudovorticella longa 273念珠拟钟虫Pseudovorticella moninata274海洋拟钟虫Pseudovorticella marina 275螅状独缩虫Carchesium polypinum 276水虱伪独缩虫Pseudocarchesium aselli 277水虱间隙虫Intranstylum asellicola278拟钩聚缩虫Zoothamnium paragammari 279拟恩茨聚缩虫Zoothamnium paraentzii 280双缘聚缩虫Zoothamnium duplicatum 281坚实聚缩虫Zoothamnium rigidum282居间聚缩虫Zoothamnium intermedium 283群栖聚缩虫Zoothamnium commune 284树状聚缩虫Zoothamnium arbuscula 285污秽聚缩虫Zoothamnium hentschili 286栉水蚤拟单缩虫Pseudocarchesium aselli 287栉水间隙虫Intranstylum asellicola 288圆柱单柄虫Haplocaulus dipneumon 289华丽单柄虫Haplocaulu elegans290尾刺怪游虫Astylozoon faurei291放射矛刺虫Hastatella radians292樽形短柱虫Rhabdostyla scyphoides 293春短柱虫Rhabdostyla vernalis294斜短柱虫Rhabdostyla inclinans295长柄后柱虫Opisthostyla longipes296伞形聚钟虫Campanella umbellaria 297上衬累枝虫Epistylis uyemurai298湖累枝虫Epistyli lacustris299瓶累枝虫Epistyli urceolata300浮游累枝虫Epistyli rotans301节累枝虫Epistyli articulata302褶累枝虫Epistyli plicatilis303春盖果虫Propyxidium vernale304小盖虫Opercularia minima305节盖虫Opercularia articulata306集盖虫Opercularia coarctata307微盘盖虫Opercularia microdiscum 308圆筒盖虫Opercularia cylindrata309彩盖虫Opercularia phryganeae 310珊状盖虫Opercularia penardi311曲柄盖虫Opercularia curvicaule312长盖虫Opercularia elongata313果圆盖虫Orbopercularia berberina 314杜父后核虫Apiosoma gotti315圆柱杯虫Scyphidia physarum316副钟虫Paravorticella clymenellae 317粗睫纤虫Ophrydium crassicaule318钵居靴纤虫Cothurnia ceramicola319长圆靴纤虫Cothurnia oblonga320软靴纤虫Cothurnia cypridicola321杯形靴纤虫Cothurnia calix322近亲杯居虫Pyxicola affinis323环杯居虫Pyxicola annulata324缩杯居虫Pyxicola constricta325袋扉门虫Thuricola folliculata326海洋透明鞘居虫Vaginicola crytallina marina 327透明鞘居虫Vaginicola crystallina328色鞘居虫Vaginicola tincta329金色藻鞘居虫Vaginicola ceratophylli330截平鞘虫Platycola truncata331扇贝车轮虫Trichodina chlamydis332杜氏车轮虫Trichodina domerguei333小旋口虫Spirostomum minus334多形喇叭虫Stentor polymorphrus335天蓝喇叭虫Stentor coeruleus336带核喇叭虫Stentor roeseli337沙栖突口虫Condylostoma arenarium 338大突口虫Condylostoma magnum 339钟形突口虫Condylostoma caudatum 340尾突口虫Condylostoma vorticella 341柄瓶囊虫Folliculina ampulla342圆扭头虫Metopus circumlabeus343细长扭头虫Metopus hasei344突额扭头虫Metopus rostratus345如意扭头虫Metopus es346透明扭头虫Metopus hyalinus347薄扭头虫Metopus laminarius348黏液扭头虫Metopus mucicola349卵圆扭头虫Metopus ovalis350普扭头虫Metopus pulcher351刚毛扭头虫Metopus setifer352盐蚕豆虫Fabrea salina353卵形环须虫Peritromus ovalis354大弹跳虫Halteria grandinella355团弹跳虫Halteria volvox356绿急游虫Strombidium viridae357具沟急游虫Strombidium sulcatum358楔尾急游虫Strombidium styliferum359球形急游虫Strombidium oblongum360大拟急游虫Strombidinopsis grandis sp. nov. 361旋回侠盗虫Strobilidium gyrans362陀螺侠盗虫Strobilidium velox363客居筒壳虫Tintinnidium inquilinum364淡水筒壳虫Tintinnidium fluviatile365开发放丁丁虫Tintinnus apertus366大拟铃虫Tintinnopsis major367管状拟铃虫Tintinnopsis tubulosa368王氏拟铃虫Tintinnopsis wangi369短小齿口虫Epalxella exigua370污杇纤虫Saprodinium putrinium371条纹小双虫Amphisiella annulata372粗圆纤虫Strongylidium crassum373矛形圆纤虫Strongylidium lanceo tatum374多足尾枝虫Urostyla viridia375绿尾枝虫Urostyla multipes376念珠角毛虫Keronopsis monilata377纺锤全列虫Holosticha adami378紧缩全列虫Holosticha diademata379拉氏全列虫Holosticha lacazei380食藻全列虫Holosticha alviolata381简全列虫Holosticha simplicis382凯西全列虫Holosticha kessleri383肌瘦尾虫Uroleptus musculus384尾瘦尾虫Uroleptu caudatus385差异瘦尾虫Uroleptu dispar386苔藓瘦尾虫Uroleptus muscorum387尾拟瘦尾虫Paruroleptus caudatus388肌拟瘦尾虫Paruroleptus musculus389拉氏伪小双虫Pseudoamphisiella phisiella 390近亲殖口虫Gonostomum affine391条纹殖口虫Gonostomum strenuum392殖殖口虫Gonostomum gonostomoida 393美丽腹柱虫Gastrostyla pulchra394缩颈半腹柱虫Hemigastrostyla enigmatica 395契氏片尾虫Urosoma cienkowskii396尾片尾虫Urosoma caudata397长尾片尾虫Urosoma longicirrata398胖尾刺虫Uronychia transfuga399腐生尖毛虫Oxytricha saprobia400叶绿尖尾虫Oxytricha chlorelligera401伪尖尾虫Oxytricha fallax402海洋尖尾虫Oxytricha marina403阿尔夫尖尾虫Oxytricha alfredi nom. Nov 404厚舌尖尾虫Oxytricha crassistilata405矛状尖尾虫Oxytricha lanceolata406长尖尾虫Oxytricha longa407纵长尖尾虫Oxytricha longissima408小尖尾虫Oxytricha minor409多刺尖尾虫Oxytricha multiseta410腐生尖尾虫Oxytricha saprobia411西西拉尖尾虫Oxytricha siseris412多蜂尖尾虫Oxytricha tenella413似后毛虫Opisytotricha similis414贪食后毛虫Opisytotricha euglenivora 415膜状急纤虫Tacnysoma pellionella416似织毛虫Histriculus similis417夏威夷织毛虫Histriculus histrio418弯棘尾虫Stylonychia curvata419贻贝棘尾虫Stylonychia mytilus420背状棘尾虫Stylonychia notophora421念珠棘尾虫Stylonychia nodulinucleata 422棘尾棘尾虫Stylonychia stylomuscorum 423稀毛游仆虫Euplotos rariseta 424阔口游仆虫Euplotos eurystomus425盘状游仆虫Euplotos patella426九肋游仆虫Euplotos novemcarinatus 427粘游仆虫Euplotos muscicola428近亲游仆虫Euplotos affinis429夏洛游仆虫Euplotes charon430长尾游仆虫Euplotes longipes431马里奥游仆虫Euplotes marioni432流形游仆虫Euplotes moebiusi433泰勒游仆虫Euplotes taylori434扇游仆虫Euplotes vannus435盾圆双眉虫Diophrys scutum436悬游双眉虫Diophrys appendiculata 437优美楯纤虫Aspidisca leptaspis 438斯坛楯纤虫Aspidisca steini439锐利楯纤虫Aspidisca lynceus440齿楯纤虫Aspidisca dentata441有肋楯纤虫Aspidisca costata442凹缝楯纤虫Aspidisca sulcata443刺楯纤虫Aspidisca aculeata。



16-bit coefficient input bus. In the Byte mode of operation, C15:8 have alternative uses as explained in the text.
pass filter, with a 10MHz input rate and 5MHz output rate. Coefficients are stored internally and can be down loaded from
a host system or an EPROM. The latter requires no additional
I 208-Pin Plastic PowerQuad PQ2 Package
VP 16256
by-two mode. The output rate is then half the input rate, but twice the
number of stages are possible at a given sample rate. A single device
with a 40MHz clock would then, for example, provide a 128-stage low
Fig. 2 Typical system application



280种多肉植物中文名,拉丁名,韩文名对照表编号图片中文名称拉丁学名韩文名称1 艳日辉Aeonium decorum f variegata 까라솔/일월금2 爱染锦Aeonium domesticum fa Variegata 애염금3 日本小松Aeonium sedifolius 소인제4 唐扇Aloinopsis schooneesii 알로이놉시스5 吹雪之松锦Anacampseros rufescens Sunrise 취설송6 乒乓福娘Cotyledon orbiculata cv 방울복랑7 达摩福娘Cotyledon pendens 펜덴스8 熊童子Cotyledon tomentosa 웅동자9 黄熊Cotyledon tomentosa ssptomentosa 웅동자금10 玉稚儿Crassula arta 옥치아11 火星兔子Crassula ausensis v titanopsis 티타놉시스12 半球乙女心Crassula Brevifolia 브레비폴리아13 克拉夫Crassula clavata 크라바타14 纪之川Crassula cvMoonglow 기천15 白鹭Crassula deltoidea 백로16 "精灵豆" Crassula elegans 엘레강스17 绒针Crassula mesembryanthoides 은전18 小天狗Crassula nudicaulis 애성19 筒叶花月Crassula obliqua Gollum 우주목20 新花月锦Crassula obliqua f variegata 신화월금21 红缘心水晶Crassula pellucida ssp marginalis f rubra 홍연심수정22 十字星锦Crassula perforata var 남십자성23 钱串Crassula perforata 고주성/루페스트리24 梦椿Crassula pubescens 푸베센스/파브센스25 若歌诗Crassula rogersii 로게르시26 小米星Crassula rupestris TOM THUMB 희성27 彩色蜡笔Crassula Rupestris variegata "pastel" 희성금28 雨心Crassula volkensii 볼켄시29 Crassula rupestris 원종애성30 妖玉Dintheranthus puberulus31 仙女杯DUDLEYA pulverulenta 두둘레야32 黑紫色东云Echeveria agavoides Rubra 루브라33 昂斯洛Echeveria cv Onslow 온슬로우34 乙女梦Echeveria gibbiflora v carunculata 을녀몽35 Echeveria Lamillette f cristata 라밀레떼철화36 利比亚Echeveria Liberia 리베리아37 Echeveria Lime & Chili 라임앤칠리38 Echeveria Pansy 팬지39 舞会红裙Echeveria Party Dress 파티드레스몬스터40 杜里万Echeveria tolimanensis 토리마넨시스41 纸风车Echeveria tuxpan 턱시판42 胜者骑兵Echeveria Victor Reiter 빅터레이터43 晚霞Echeveria afterglow 에프터글로우44 魅惑之宵Echeveria agavoides 블랙마리아45 罗密欧Echeveria agavoides Romeo 로미오46 圣路易斯Echeveria agavoides santa lewis47 圣诞Echeveria Agavoides Christmas 크리스마스48 圣诞东云Echeveria agavoides Christmas 크리스마스이브49 红洛Echeveria agavoides hyb 톰스텝50 玉点Echeveria agavoides Jade Point 제이드포인트51 玛利亚Echeveria agavoides Maria 블랙마리아52 东云赤星Echeveria agavoides Martins Hybrid 긴잎적성53 紫乌木Echeveria agavoides purple ebony 퍼플에보니54 月影杂交Echeveria agavoides sp 라즈아가55 玉杯Echeveria agavoides sp Gilva 길바56 白蜡Echeveria agavoides Wax 왁스57 星影Echeveria albicans 성영58 阿米西达Echeveria amistar 아미스타59 花乃井Echeveria amoena 원종아모에나60 亚特兰蒂斯Echeveria Atlantis 피치스앤크림61 狂野男爵Echeveria Baron Bold 바론볼드62 苯巴蒂斯Echeveria Ben Badis 벤바디스63 大红Echeveria Big Red 빅레드64 黑王子Echeveria black prince 블랙프린스65 蓝精灵Echeveria blue apple 크리시엔라이언미스테리66 日本蓝鸟Echeveria blue bird 파랑새67 蓝云Echeveria blue cloud 블루크라우드68 蓝之天使Echeveria blue elf 블루엘프69 蓝灵Echeveria Blue Fairy 문페어리70 蓝色苍鹭Echeveria Blue heron 블루헤론71 若桃Echeveria blue minima 블루미니마72 天空蓝蓝Echeveria Blue Sky 블루스카이73 红糖Echeveria BROWN SUGAR 라벤다힐74 织锦Echeveria Californica Queen 정야금75 广寒宫Echeveria cante 칸테76 银明色Echeveria carnicolor 고사옹철화77 灰姑娘Echeveria Cinderella 신데렐라78 克拉拉Echeveria clara 클라라79 蒙恰卡/魔爪Echeveria cuspidata Menchaca 멘챠카80 绿爪Echeveria cuspidata var zaragozae 흑자라고사81 白冠闪Echeveria cv Bombycina 백섬관82 白凤Echeveria cv HAKUHOU 백봉83 初恋Echeveria cv Huthspinke 초연84 丹尼尔Echeveria cv Joan Daniel 조안다니엘85 芙蓉雪莲Echeveria cv Laulindsayana 먼로86 女雏Echeveria cv Mebina 메비나87 桃太郎Echeveria cv Momotarou 모모타로88 紫珍珠Echeveria cv Peale von Nurnberg 뉴헨의진주89 紫心/粉色回忆Echeveria cv Rezry 원종프리티90 高砂之翁Echeveria cv Takasagono-okina 홍공작91 红化妆Echeveria cv Victor 홍화장92 玫瑰莲Echeveria cv Derosa 데로사93 女王花笠Echeveria cv Meridian 여왕화립94 静夜Echeveria Derenbergii 정야95 戴伦Echeveria Deren-Oliver 데렌올리버96 多罗莎Echeveria Derosa 워필드원더97 蒂凡尼Echeveria diffractens 파르메소라98 多明戈Echeveria domingo 도밍고99 多多Echeveria Dondo 돈도100 月影Echeveria elegans 월영编号图片中文名称拉丁学名韩文名称101 法比奥拉Echeveria Fabiola 파비올라102 菲奥娜Echeveria Fiona 피오나/피어리스103 飞云Echeveria flying cloud 플라잉클라우드104 范女王Echeveria fun queen 펀퀸105 德克拉Echeveria gibbiflora Decora 데코라106 银武源Echeveria GINBUGEN 은무원107 银红莲Echeveria GINKOUREN 은홍련108 红豆Echeveria globuliflora 빅토리아109 小红衣Echeveria globulosa 글로블로사110 金辉Echeveria GOLDEN GLOW 골든글로우111 蓝色天使Echeveria Graptoveria Fanfare 팡빠레112 绿翡翠Echeveria Green Emerald 그린에메랄드113 群月冠Echeveria GUNGEKKAN 군월관114 月影系Echeveria Hanatsukiyo 화월야115 花车锦Echeveria holwayi 호베이116 花车Echeveria hoveyi 호베이117 月影之宵Echeveria hughmillus 휴밀러스118 冰河世纪Echeveria Ice Age 아이스에이지119 伊利亚Echeveria Iria 이리아120 乔斯林的喜悦Echeveria Jocelyns Joy 조슬린조이121 卡托斯Echeveria kaltose122 迈达斯国王Echeveria King Midas 킹마이더스123 雪莲Echeveria laui 라우이124 薰衣草Echeveria lavender hill 라벤더힐125 白兔耳Echeveria leucotricha 백토이126 丽娜莲Echeveria lilacina 릴리시나127 露娜莲Echeveria lola 로라128 罗西马Echeveria longissima 롱기시마129 罗西马杂交Echeveria longissima 롱기시마교배종130 露西Echeveria Lucy 루시131 红稚莲Echeveria macdougallii 홍치아132 巧克力方砖Echeveria Melaco 멜라코133 记忆Echeveria Memory 론에반스134 野玫瑰之精Echeveria mexensis ZALAGOSA 애기들135 红爪Echeveria mexensis ZALAGOSA 검은가시자라고사136 黑爪Echeveria Mexensis Zaragosa 흑자라고사137 墨西哥巨人Echeveria Mexican Giant 자이언트138 墨西哥雪球Echeveria Mexican Snowball 크리스탈139 米纳斯Echeveria minas 미나스140 美尼月迫Echeveria Minima hyb 미니케세르141 minima/姬莲Echeveria Minima 블루미니마/미니마142 麒麟座Echeveria Monocerotis 모노케로티스143 梦露Echeveria Monroe144 月亮仙精灵Echeveria moon fairy 문페어리145 月光女神Echeveria Moon Goddess 카르포르니카퀸146 摩氏石莲花Echeveria moranii 모라니147 妮可莎娜Echeveria nicksana 니크셔나148 红司Echeveria nodulosa 환엽홍사149 蜡牡丹Echeveria nuda 누다군생150 猎户座Echeveria Orion 오리온151 紫焰Echeveria painted frills 샤비홍152 皮氏蓝石莲Echeveria peacockii desmetiana 데스메치153 墨西哥蓝鸟Echeveria Pecockii 블루피코키154 彼得Echeveria Peter 피터155 红粉佳人Echeveria Pretty in Pink 핑크프리티156 子持白莲Echeveria prolifica 리틀장미157 Pachyphytodies群Echeveria Pulidonis 폴덴시스158 花月夜Echeveria pulidonis 황홀한연꽃159 雪锦星Echeveria pulvinataFrosty 프로스티160 大和锦Echeveria purpusorum 대화금161 彩虹Echeveria rainbow 레인보우162 彩虹锦Echeveria rainbow 웨스트레인보우163 拉姆雷特Echeveria ramillete 라밀레트철화164 冰莓群Echeveria Rasberry Ice 라즈베리아이스165 里加Echeveria Riga 리가166 如贝拉Echeveria Rubella 루벨라167 红粉台阁Echeveria runyonii cv 카시즈168 特玉莲Echeveria runyonii Topsy Turvy 흡엽옥접169 桑彻斯(月影) Echeveria Sanchez-mejoradae 산체스메조라데170 祝之松Echeveria scaphophylla 축송171 玉蝶Echeveria secunda 칠복수172 维纳斯Echeveria secunda forma vyrnesii 세쿤다바이네시173 锦司晃Echeveria setosa Hybrid 금사황174 小蓝衣Echeveria setosa v deminuta 룬데리175 青渚莲Echeveria setosa var minor 세토사176 抵园之舞Echeveria shaviana 샤비아나177 沙维娜Echeveria shaviana 핑크프릴178 沙漠之星Echeveria shaviana Desert Star 사막의179 晚霞之舞Echeveria shaviana Madre del Sur 마드레델슈180 雪莱Echeveria Shelley 쉘리181 爱斯诺Echeveria Sierra 씨에라182 银后Echeveria Silver Queen 실버183 恩西诺Echeveria sp El Encino 엔시노184 霜之朝Echeveria sp SIMONOASA 서리의아침185 Echeveria sp El Encino Hidalgo 엘엔시노186 贝飞达Echeveria sp Vista Hermosa,bifida 비피다187 立田锦X Pachyveria Albocarinata 입전금188 剑司诺瓦스트릭티플로라189 蓝宝石섭코림보사/에쿠스190 钢叶莲서브리기다191 蜜糖슈가드192 酥皮鸭구미리193 TP 티피194 艾格尼斯玫瑰트라문타나195 大和峰투루기다196 紫罗兰皇后바이올렛퀸197 白线화이트라인198 白王子화이트프린스199 白玫瑰화이트로즈200 大合美尼대화련编号图片中文名学名韩文201 杨金Echeveria yangjin 양진202 摩莎Echeveria Racemosa 라세모사203 纯乌木Echeveria agavoides ebony red 레드에보니204 卡罗拉Echeveria colorata 콜로라타205 芙蓉雪莲Echeveria cv. 'Laulindsayana' 먼로206 Pinky Echeveria cv. Pinky 핑키207 Echeveria decairn 디케인208 船长甘草Echeveria derenbergii Captain Hay 캡틴헤이209 月影Echeveria elegans Potosina 포토시나210 星影(月影某种) Echeveria elegans potosina 크리스탈211 Echeveria puli-lindsayana 프리린제212 蜜糖EcheveriaGraessnerisyn/Nivalis 니바리스213 五十铃玉Fenestraria aurantiaca 오십령옥214 月美人Graptopetalum amethystinum 아메치스\월미인215 紫雾Graptopetalum Purple Haze 홍용월216 姬秋丽Graptopetalum mendozae 멘도사217 蓝豆Graptopetalum pachyphyllum "Bluebean" 블루빈218 银天女Graptopetalum rusbyi 드워프219 格林Graptoveria A GrimmOne 에그린원220 红葡萄GraptoveriaAmetum 홍포도221 厚叶旭鹤GraptoveriaBAINESII 연봉222 紫梦Graptoveria cv Purple Dream 퍼플드림223 黛比Graptoveria Debbie 데비224 姬胧月Graptoveria Gilva 프리티225 奥普琳娜Graptoveria Opalina 오팔리나226 山地玫瑰Greenoviadiplocycla-Agando 그라노비아227 日高Hylotelephium siboldii 골든글로우228 福兔耳Kalanchoe eriophylla 백토이229 白银之舞백은무230 扇雀Kalanchoe rhombopilosa231 黑兔耳Kalanchoe tomentosaf nigromarginatas 흑토이232 瑞典摩南群生Monanthes polyphylla 모난데스233 弗雷费尔Pachyphtum cv Frevel 후레뉴234 球美人Pachyphy Amazoness 아마조네스235 粉球美人Pachyphy Amazoness 아마조네스236 糖美人Pachyphytum Oviride 오비리데237 千代田之松Pachyphytum compactum 천대전송철화238 稻田姬Pachyphytumglutinicaule 도전희239 郡雀Pachyphytum hookeri 군작240 京美人Pachyphytumlongifolium 경미인241 东美人Pachyphytumpachyphtooides 동미인242 桃美人Pachyphytumcv mombuin 아마조네스243 千代田之松Pachypodium compactum 천대전송244 蓝黛莲Pachyveria glauca 그리니245 Pachyveria Elaine Reinelt. 'FREVEL 일레인246 三日月美人Pchyphytum oviferum mikadukibijin247 华丽风车pentandrum - v superbum 펜탄드럼248 红背椒草Peperomia claveolens 레드페페249 密叶莲Sedeveria Darley Dale 달리데일250 达利Sedeveria Darley Dale 데일리데일251 柳叶莲华Sedeveria Hummellii 스노우제이드252 蒂亚Sedeveria Letizia 레티지아253 马库斯Sedeveria Markus 마커스254 红宝石Sedeveria pink rubby 핑클루비255 黄丽Sedum adolphii 황려256 春萌Sedum Alice Evans 춘맹257 新玉坠Sedum burrito 청옥/세둠부리토258 凝脂莲Sedum clavatum 라울259 劳尔/天使之霖Sedum Clavatum 라울260 大姬星美人Sedum dasyphyllum cv Lilac Mound 희성미인261 绿龟之卵Sedum hernandezii 녹귀란262 丸叶松绿Sedum lucidum Obesum 환엽송록263 球松Sedum multiceps 소송록264 虹之玉Sedum rubrotinctum 오로라265 红霜Sedum spathulifolium 은설266 白霜sedum spathulifolium 백설267 珊瑚珠Sedum stahlii 스탈리268 天使之泪Sedum torereasei 부사269 春之奇迹Sedum versadense 스프링윈더270 蛛丝卷绢SempervivumArachnoideum 거미줄바위솔271 蓝月亮Senecio antandroi 미공모272 银月Senecio haworthii 은월273 蓝松Senecio serpens 만보274 立田凤Sinocrassula densirosulata 입전봉275 因地卡Sinocrassula indica 인디카276 滇石莲Sinocrassula yunnanensis 사마로277 立田锦X Pachyveria Albocarinata 입전금278 锦晃星Echeveria pulvinata279 金钱木Portulaca molokiniensis280 银星Graptoveria ‘Silver Star’。


钢琴奏鸣曲第八号 - 悲怆 ( Piano sonata No.8,Op.13 )
小提琴奏鸣曲第九号-克罗采 ( Violin sonata No.9 in A,Op.47 )
交响曲第八号 ( Symphony No.8 in F,Op.93 )
交响曲第九号 - 合唱 ( Symphony No.9 in d min,Op.125 )
贝多芬 c小调第五交响曲(命运)
贝多芬 F大调第六交响曲(田园)
贝多芬 A大调第七交响曲
贝多芬 F大调第八交响曲
交响曲第四号 ( Symphony No.4 in B flat,Op.60 )
交响曲第五号 - 命运 ( Symphony No.5 in c min,Op.67 )
交响曲第二号 ( Symphony No.2 in D,Op.36 )
交响曲第三号 - 英雄 ( Symphony No.3 in E flat,Op.55 )
贝多芬 钢琴奏鸣曲《月光》
贝多芬 钢琴奏鸣曲《热情》
贝多芬 钢琴奏鸣曲《黎明》
贝多芬 钢琴奏鸣曲《田园》
贝多芬 《菲岱里奥》序曲
其 他 贝多芬 G大调小提琴浪漫曲
贝多芬 F大调小提琴浪漫曲
贝多芬 钢琴奏鸣曲《悲怆》
贝多芬 钢琴奏鸣曲《暴风雨》
贝多芬 钢琴曲《致爱丽斯》
贝多芬 土耳其进行曲
贝多芬(Ludwig van Beethoven, 1770-1827)在西洋音乐中的地位,可说是前无古人,后无来者。虽然有人更爱莫扎特、巴哈或其它人,但无论从演出的次数,或音乐的影响力而言,贝多芬都是无人可比。他的作品众多,很多都成了经典(如32首钢琴奏鸣曲,16首弦乐四重奏)。然而,经典中的经典,也最受大众喜爱的,必推他的九大交响曲。



104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154
紫焰 皮氏蓝石莲 墨西哥蓝鸟 彼得 红粉佳人 子持白莲 Pachyphytodies群 花月夜 雪锦星 大和锦 彩虹 彩虹 拉姆雷特 冰莓群 里加 如贝拉 红粉台阁 特玉莲 桑彻斯(月影) 祝之松 玉蝶 维纳斯 錦司晃 小蓝衣 青渚莲 抵园之舞 沙维娜 沙漠之星 晚霞之舞 雪莱 爱斯诺 银后 恩西诺 霜之朝 贝飞达 依然 剑司诺瓦 蓝宝石 钢叶莲 蜜糖 酥皮鸭 TP 艾格尼斯玫瑰 大和峰 紫罗兰皇后 白线 白王子 白玫瑰 大合美尼 杨金
Echeveria agavoides Jade Point Echeveria agavoides Maria Echeveria agavoides Martins Hybrid Echeveria agavoides purple ebony Echeveria agavoides sp Echeveria agavoides sp Gilva Echeveria agavoides Wax Echeveria albicans Echeveria albicans Echeveria amistar Echeveria amoena Echeveria Atlantis Echeveria Baron Bold Echeveria Ben Badis Echeveria Big Red Echeveria black prince Echeveria blue apple Echeveria blue bird Echeveria blue cloud Echeveria blue elf Echeveria Blue Fairy Echeveria Blue heron Echeveria blue minima Echeveria Blue Sky Echeveria BROWN SUGAR Echeveria Californica Queen Echeveria cante Echeveria carnicolor Echeveria Cinderella Echeveria clara Echeveria cuspidata Menchaca Echeveria cuspidata var zaragozae Echeveria cv Bombycina Echeveria cv HAKUHOU Echeveria cv Huthspinke Echeveria cv Joan Daniel Echeveria cv Laulindsayana Echeveria cv Mebina Echeveria cv Momotarou Echeveria cv Peale von Nurnberg Echeveria cv Rezry Echeveria cv Takasagono-okina Echeveria cv Victor Echeveria cv Derosa Echeveria cv Meridian Echeveria Derenbergii Echeveria Deren-Oliver Echeveria Derosa Echeveria diffractens Echeveria domingo Echeveria Dondo


MA2C166 MA2C167 1.0 VR = 75 V 50 V 20 V 0.8
VR = 35 V
Reverse current IR (µA)
Reverse current IR (µA)
Forward voltage VF (V)
15 V
IF = 20 mA 0.6 10 mA 0.4 1 mA
102 MA2C165 Ta = 150°C 10 10 102 MA2C166 MA2C167
Ta = 150°C
f = 1 MHz Ta = 25°C
Terminal capacitance Ct (pF)
Reverse current IR (µA)
0.2 max.
Unit V
0.2 max.
φ 1.75 max.
1 : Cathode 2 : Anode JEDEC : DO-34
I Electrical Characteristics Ta = 25°C
Parameter Reverse current (DC) MA2C165 Symbol IR VR = 15 V VR = 30 V MA2C166 VR = 15 V VR = 50 V MA2C167 VR = 20 V VR = 75 V MA2C165 MA2C166 MA2C167 Forward voltage (DC) Reverse voltage (DC) Terminal capacitance Reverse recovery time* MA2C165 MA2C166/167 MA2C165 VF VR Ct trr VR = 35 V, Ta = 150°C VR = 50 V, Ta = 150°C VR = 75 V, Ta = 150°C IF = 100 mA IR = 5 µA VR = 0 V, f = 1 MHz IF = 10 mA, VR = 1 V, Irr = 0.1 · IR, RL = 100 Ω 2.2 35 0.9 2 10 4 50 0.95 0.012 Conditions Min Typ Max 0.025 0.1 0.025 5 0.025 5 100 100 100 1.2 V V pF ns Unit µA



贝多芬:第一至第五号大提琴奏鸣曲贝多芬:第一号大提琴奏鸣曲BEETHOVEN: Cello Sonata No.1第一号大提琴奏鸣曲,OP.5.1,作于1796—1797年。







这首作品的版本,可选:1.富尼埃与古尔达版(1959年录音),DG,CD编号437 352—2(两张,全集),《企鹅》评为三星。

2.马友友和艾克斯合作版(1985年录音),Sony,CD编号S2K 37251。

3.梅斯基与阿格里奇(1990年录音),DG,CD编号431 801—2(两张,全集),《企鹅》评为三星。

这首奏鸣曲的历史录音,卡萨尔斯与霍尔绍夫斯基合作,有1939年录音,重制成CD后收于EMI,CHS 5 65185—2(两张)。

卡萨尔斯与塞尔金合作的1953年版,Sony公司1994年重制后,收于S2K 58985(两张)。

贝多芬:第二号大提琴奏鸣曲BEFTHOVEN: Cello Sonata No.2第二号大提琴奏鸣曲,OP.5.2,G小调,共两个乐章(OP.5的两首,均以第一乐章庞大而省略了第二慢板乐章,把大提琴的持续、如歌的表现能力移至序奏部分表达):1.持续又富有表情的慢板—速度更急的极快板。






ASCEND Semiconductor 4Mx4 EDO Data sheetDescriptionThe device CMOS Dynamic RAM organized as 4,194,304 words x 4 bits with extended data out access mode. It is fabricated with an advanced submicron CMOS technology and designed to operate from a single 3.3V oniy power supply. Low voltage operation is more suitable to be used on battery backup, portable elec-tronic application. lt is packaged in JEDEC standard 26/24-pin plastic SOJ or TSOP(II).Features• Single 3.3V(%) only power supply • High speed t RAC acess time: 50/60ns • Low power dissipation- Active mode : 432/396 mW (Mas) - Standby mode: 0.54 mW (Mas)• Extended - data - out(EDO) page mode access • I/O level: CMOS level (Vcc = 3.3V)• 2048 refresh cycle in 32 ms(Std.) or 128 ms(S-version)• 4 refresh modesh: - RAS only refresh- CAS - before - RAS refresh - Hidden refresh - Self-refresh(S-version)10±Pin Name FunctionA0-A10Address inputs- Row address - Column address - Refresh address DQ1~DQ4Data-in / data-out RAS Row address strobe CAS Column address strobe WE Write enable OE Output enable Vcc Power (+ 3.3V)VssGroundVCC 1DQ12DQ23DQ34DQ45VCC6891011 NC 12 WE 13A0 A117 A218 A319VSS RAS CAS OE A8A7A6A5A4VSSAD404M42VSPin Description Pin Configuration21222324 2526151416 A1026/24-PIN 300mil Plastic SOJA9VCC 1DQ12DQ23DQ34DQ45VCC6891011 NC 12 WE 13A0 A117 A218 A319VSS RAS CAS OE A8A7 A6A5 A4VSSAD404M42VT212223242526151416 A1026/24-PIN 300mil Plastic TSOP (ll)A9A0-A10A0-A10A0-A10WECASNO. 2 CLOCK GENERATORCOLUMN ADDRESS BUFFERS (11)REFRESH CONTROLLERREFRESH COUNTERBUFFERS (11)ADDRESS ROW NO. 1 CLOCK GENERATORA0RASA1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8CONTROLLOGICDATA-IN BUFFERDATA-OUT BUFFEROEDQ1.DQ4.COLUMN DECODER2048SENSE AMPLIFIERSI/O GATING2048x42048x2048x4MEMORY ARRAY2048R O W D E C O D E RVcc VssBlock DiagramA9A10TRUTH TABLENotes: 1. EARLY WRITE only.FUNCTIONRASCAS WE OE ADDRESSESDQ SNotesROW COL STANDBY H X X X X High-Z READL L H L ROW COL Data-Out WRITE: (EARLY WRITE )L L L X ROW COL Data-lnREAD WRITE L L ROW COL Data-Out,Data-ln EDO-PAGE-MODE READ1st Cycle L H L ROW COL Data-Out 2nd CycleL H L n/a COL Data-Out EDO-PAGE MODE WRITE1st CycleL L X ROW COL Data-In 2nd Cycle L L Xn/a COL Data-InEDO-PAGE-MODEREAD-WRITE 1st Cycle L ROW COL Data-Out, Data-In 2nd Cycle L n/a COL Data-Out, Data-In HIDDEN REFRESHREAD L H L ROW COL Data-Out WRITEL L X ROW COL Data-In 1RAS-ONLY REFRESH L H X X ROW n/a High-Z CBR REFRESHLHXXXHigh-ZH X →H L →L H →H L →H L →H L →H L →H L →H L →L H →H L →H L →L H→L H L →→L H L→→H L→Absolute Maximum RatingsRecommended DC Operating ConditionsCapacitanceTa = 25°C, V CC = 3.3V%, f = 1MHz Note: 1. Capacitance measured with effective capacitance measuring method. 2. RAS, CAS = V IH to disable Dout.ParameterSymbol Value Unit Voltage on any pin relative to Vss V T -0.5 to + 4.6V Supply voltage relative to Vss V CC -0.5 to + 4.6V Short circuit output current I OUT 50mA Power dissipation P D 1.0WOperating temperature T OPT 0 to + 70°C Storage temperatureT STG-55 to + 125°CParameter/Condition Symbol3.3 Volt VersionUnitMinTyp MaxSupply VoltageV CC 3.0 3.33.6V Input High Voltage, all inputs V IH 2.0-V CC + 0.3V Input Low Voltage, all inputsV IL-0.3-0.8VParameterSymbol Typ Max Unit Note Input capacitance (Address)C I1 -5pF 1Input capacitance (RAS, CAS, OE, WE)C I2-7pF 1Output capacitance(Data-in, Data-out)C I/O-7pF1, 210±DC Characteristics :(T a = 0 to 70°C, V CC = + 3.3V%, V SS = 0V)Parameter Symbol Test Conditions AD404M42V Unit Notes-5-6Min Max Min MaxOperating current I CC1RAS cyclingCAS, cyclingt RC = min-120-110mA1, 2Standby Current LowpowerS-versionI CC2LVTTL interfaceRAS, CAS = V IHDout = High-Z-0.5-0.5mACMOS interfaceRAS, -0.2VDout = High-Z-0.15-0.15mAStandardpowerversionLVTTL interfaceRAS, CAS = V IHDout = High-Z-2-2mACMOS interfaceRAS,-0.2VDout = High-Z-0.5-0.5mARAS- only refresh current I CC3RAS cycling, CAS = V IHt RC = min-120-110mA1, 2 EDO page mode current I CC4t PC = min-90-80mA1, 3CAS- before- RAS refresh current I CC5t RC = minRAS, CAS cycling-120-110mA1, 2Self- refresh current (S-Version)I CC8 - 550 - 55010±CAS V CC≥CAS V CC≥t RASS100µs≥µADC Characteristics :(T a = 0 to 70°C , V CC = +3.3V %, V SS = 0V)Notes:1. I CC is specified as an average current. It depends on output loading condition and cycle rate when the device is selected. I CC max is specified at the output open condition.2. Address can be changed once or less while RAS = V IL .3. For I CC4, address can be changed once or less within one EDO page mode cycle time.Parameter Symbol Test Conditions AD404M42VUnitNotes-5-6Min MaxMin MaxInput leakage current I LI + 0.3V -55-55Output leakage current I LO + 0.3V Dout = Disable -55-55Output high Voltage V OH I OH = -2mA 2.4- 2.4-V Output low voltage V OLI OL = +2mA-0.4-0.4V10±0V Vin V CC ≤≤µA 0V Vout V CC ≤≤µAAC Characteristics(T a = 0 to + 70°C , V cc = 3.3V %, V ss = 0V) *1, *2, *3, *4Test conditions• Output load: one TTL Load and 100pF (V CC = 3.3V %)• Input timing reference levels:V IH = 2.0V, V IL = 0.8V (V CC = 3.3V %)• Output timing reference levels:V OH = 2.0V, V OL = 0.8V10±10±10±Read, Write, Read- Modify- Write and Refresh Cycles (Common Parameters)ParameterSymbol AD404M42V UnitNotes-5-6Min MaxMin MaxRandom read or write cycle time t RC 84-104-ns RAS precharge timet RP 30-40-ns CAS precharge time in normal mode t CPN 10-10-ns RAS pulse width t RAS 50100006010000ns 5CAS pulse width t CAS 8100001010000ns 6Row address setup time t ASR 0-0-ns Row address hold time t RAH 8-10-ns Column address setup time t ASC 0-0-ns 7Column address hold time t CAH 8-10-ns RAS to CAS delay timet RCD 12371445ns 8RAS to column address delay time t RAD 10251230ns 9Column address to RAS lead time t RAL 25-30-ns RAS hold time t RSH 8-10-ns CAS hold timet CSH 38-40-ns CAS to RAS precharge time t CRP 5-5-ns 10OE to Din delay time t OED 12-15-ns Transition time (rise and fall)t T 150150ns 11Refresh periodt REF -32-32ms Refresh period (S- Version)t REF -128-128ms CAS to output in Low- Z t CLZ 0-0-ns CAS delay time from Din t DZC 0-0-ns OE delay time from Dint DZO-0-nsRead CycleWrite Cycle Parameter SymbolAD404M42V Unit Notes-5-6Min Max Min MaxAccess time from RAS t RAC-50-60ns12 Access time from CAS t CAC-14-15ns13, 14 Access time from column address t AA-25-30ns14, 15 Access time from OE t OEA-12-15nsRead command setup time t RCS0-0-ns7 Read command hold time to CAS t RCH0-0-ns10, 16 Read command hold time to RAS t RRH0-0-ns16 Output buffer turn-off time t OFF012015ns17 Output buffer turn-off time from OE t OEZ012015ns17Parameter SymbolAD404M42V Unit Notes -5-6Min Max Min MaxWrite command setup time t WCS0-0-ns7, 18 Write command hold time t WCH8-10-nsWrite command pulse width t WP8-10-nsWrite command to RAS lead time t RWL13-15-nsWrite command to CAS lead time t CWL8-10-nsData-in setup time t DS0-0-ns19 Data-in hold time t DH8-10-ns19 WE to Data-in delay t WED10-10-nsRead- Modify- Write CycleRefresh Cycle Parameter SymbolAD404M42V Unit Notes-5-6Min Max Min MaxRead-modify- write cycle time t RWC108-133-nsRAS to WE delay time t RWD64-77-ns18 CAS to WE dealy time t CWD26-32-ns18 Column address to WE delay time t AWD39-47-ns18 OE hold time from WE t OEH8-10-nsParameter SymbolAD404M42VUnit Notes -5-6Min Max Min MaxCAS setup time (CBR refresh) t CSR5-5-nsCAS hold time (CBR refresh)t CHR8-10-ns10 RAS precharge to CAS hold time t RPC5-5-ns7 RAS pulse width (self refresh)t RASS100-100-RAS precharge time (self refresh)t RPS90-110-nsCAS hold time (CBR self refresh)t CHS-50--50-nsWE setup time t WSR0-0-nsWE hold time t WHR10-10-nsµsEDO Page Mode CycleEDO Page Mode Read Modify Write CycleParameterSymbol AD404M42VUnit Notes-5-6Min MaxMin MaxEDO page mode cycle timet PC 20-25-ns EDO page mode CAS precharge time t CP 10-10-ns EDO page mode RAS pulse width t RASP 5010560105ns 20Access time from CAS precharge t CPA -30-35ns 10, 14RAS hold time from CAS precharge t CPRH 30-35-ns OE high hold time from CAS high t OEHC 5-5-ns OE high pulse widtht OEP 10-10-ns Data output hold time after CAS low t COH 5-5-ns Output disable delay from WEt WHZ 310310ns WE pulse width for output disable whenCAS hight WPZ7-7-nsParameterSymbol AD404M42V Unit Notes -5-6Min MaxMin MaxEDO page mode read- modify- write cycle CAS precharge to WE delay timet CPW 45-55-ns 10EDO page mode read- modify- write cycle timet PRWC56-68-nsNotes :1. AC measurements assume t T = 2ns.2. An initial pause of 100 is required after power up, and it followed by a minimum of eightinitialization cycles (RAS - only refresh cycle or CAS - before - RAS refresh cycle). If the internal refresh counter is used, a minimun of eight CAS - before - RAS refresh cycles are required.3. In delayed write or read-modify-write cycles, OE must disable output buffer prior to applying data to the device.4. All the V CC and V SS pins shall be supplied with the same voltages.5. t RAS (min) = t RWD (min)+t RWL (min)+t T in read-modify-write cycle.6. t CAS (min) = t CWD (min)+t CWL (min)+t T in read-modify-write cycle.7. t ASC (min), t RCS (min), t WCS (min), and t RPC are determined by the falling edge of CAS .8. t RCD (max) is specified as a reference point only, and t RAC (max) can be met with the t RCD (max) limit.Otherwise, t RAC is controlled exclusively by t CAC if t RCD is greater than the specified t RCD (max) limit. 9. t RAD (max) is specified as a reference point only, and t RAC (max) can be met with the t RAD (max) limit.Otherwise, t RAC is controlled exclusively by t AA if t RAD is greater than the specified t RAD (max) limit. 10. t CRP , t CHR , t RCH , t CPA and t CPW are determined by the rising edge of CAS .11. V IH (min) and V IL (max) are reference levels for measuring timing or input signals. Therefore, transitiontime is measured between V IH and V IL .12. Assumes that t RCD tRCD (max) and t RAD t RAD (max). If t RCD or t RAD is greater than the maximum recommended value shown in this table, t RAC exceeds the value shown. 13. Assumes that (max) and (max).14. Access time is determined by the maximum of t AA , t CAC , t CPA . 15. Assumes that (max) and (max). 16. Either t RCH or t RRH must be satisfied for a read cycle.17. t OFF (max) and t OEZ (max) define the time at which the output achieves the open circuit condition (highimpedance). t OFF is determined by the later rising edge of RAS or CAS.18. t WCS , t RWD , t CWD , and t AWD are not restrictive operating parameters. They are included in the datasheet as electrical characteristics only. If (min), the cycle is an early write cycle and the data out will remain open circuit (high impedance) throughout the entire cycle. If (min),(min), (min) and (min), the cycle is a read-modify-write and the data output will contain data read from the selected cell. If neither of the above sets of conditions is satisfied, the condition of the data output (at access time) is indeterminate.19. These parameters are referenced to CAS separately in an early write cycle and to WE edge in adelayed write or a read-modify-write cycle.20. t RASP defines RAS pulse width in EDO page mode cycles.µs ≤≤t RCD t RCD ≥t RADt RAD ≤t RCD t RCD ≤t RAD t RAD ≥t WCS t WCS ≥t RWD t RWD ≥t CWDt CWD ≥t AWD t AWD ≥t CPW t CPW≥Timing Waveforms• Read Cyclet RC t RASt RPtCRPtCPNtRRHtRCHt OEZ t OFF tOEA tCACt AAtRACt CLZD OUTtRCS t ASR tRAH tASC tCAH tRAD t RALtCAStRSH tRCDt TtCSHRASCASADDRESSWEDQ1~DQ4Note : = don’t care OEt OFFRowColumn= Invalid Dout•Early Write CycletRC t RASt RPt WCHt DSt DHt WCS t RALtCAStRSH tRCDt TtCSHRASCASWEDQ1~DQ4tCRPtASRtRAH tASCtCAH ADDRESSColumnRowtCPND INtRADt RAL• Delayed Write CycletRC t RASt RPt RWL t RCSt CAStRSH tRCDt TtCSHRASCAStASR tRAH tCAHADDRESSColumnRow tASC D INDQ1~DQ4WEtCRPtCPNt DHt DSt OEHt OEDOEt DSOPENt WPt CWL• Read - Modify - Write CycletRWC t RASt RPtRWDt WPtRADtRWL tCAStCWL tRCDt TtCPNRASCASWEtCRP t ASRtRAHtASCtCAHADDRESS Column RowDQ1~DQ4t DHt DSOEtRCStAWD tCWD D INt OEDt OEHt OEZt OEA t CAC t RACt AADQ1~DQ4D OUTOPENtDZCtDZO• EDO Page Mode Read CycletRASPtCPRHt RCStCAStRSH tRCDt OEAtCSHRASCAStASRtRAHtCAHADDRESStCASWEtCRPt CPOEDQ1~DQ4OPENtOEPD OUT 1t PCt CPtCAStCPNtCRPtRADtCAHtASCt ASCtCAHt ASCt RAL Row Column 1t OEAt OEHCtRRH tRCHt RACt AAt AAt AA t CPA t CPA t OEZt OFFt OFFt CACt OEZt CAC t CACt COHD OUT NWE OE Column 2Column N Rowt RPD OUT 2• EDO Page Mode Early Write CycletRASPtRPt WCSt CAStRSH tRCDRASCAStASRtRAHtCAHADDRESStCASWEt CPDQ1~DQ4t PCt CPt CAStCPNtCRP tCAH tASCtASC tCAH tASC Row Column 1t DS WE Column 2Column Nt WCH t WCS t WCH t WCS t WCHt DH t DS t DH t DS t DHD IN 1D IN 2D IN Nt TtCSH• EDO Page Mode Read-Early-Write Cyclet RASPtCPRHt RCStCAStRSH tRCDt OEAtCSHRASCAStASRtRAHtCAHADDRESStCASWEtCRPt CPOEDQ1~DQ4OPENtWEDt PCt CPtCAStCPNtCRPtRADtRAHtASCt ASCtCAHt ASCt RAL Row Column 1tWCStRCHt RACt AAt AAt CPA t DHt WHZt CACt CACt COHWE OE Column 2Column N Rowt RPt CAL tWCHDataDoutput 2Data Input NDataDoutput 1t DStCSH• EDO Page Mode Read-Modify-Write Cyclet RASPt CPRHt RCStCASt WP RASCASt ASRtRAHtCAHADDRESSt CASWEtRCDCPDQ1~DQ4tPRWCt CPtCAStCRPtRADtCAHtASCt ASCtCAH tASC Row Column 1tRWLtRCSt OEDt DZOt CAC WE OEt RPt RAL D OUT 2D OUT ND OUT 1tTt Column NColumn 2Column 1tRWD tAWD tCWDtCWLtRCStCWDtAWD tCPW tCWL tCPW tAWD tCWDtCWL t OEDt OEDt OEHt OEHt OEHt CAC t CAC t OEA t AAt RACt OEZt OEAt AA t CPAt OEZt OEAt AA t CPAt OEZ t DSt DHt WP t DSt DHt WP t DSt DHOPENOPENOPEN D IN 1D IN ND IN 2DQ1~DQ4t DZCt DZOt DZCt DZCt DZO• Read Cycle with WE Controlled Disablet WPZt RCStCAStRCDt TtCSHRASCASt ASRtRAHtCAHADDRESSColumnRow tASCD DQ1~DQ4WEt OEZt DSt WHZOEt RCH t OEA t CACt AAt RACt CLZOUTtRADRASADDRESSt RC t CRPt ASRt RAHt Tt RPCROWt OFFCAS t RASt RPOPENt CRPDQ1~DQ4RASt CSRt WSRt RPt T t RPCt OFFCAS t RASt RPOPENt CRPDQ1~DQ4t RPCt CHRt RASt RPt RCt RCt CHRt CSRt WHRt WSRt WHRWECAS-Before-RAS Refresh CycleRASWEt RPCt OFFt CSRt CHSt WSRCASt RASS t RPSOPENDQ1~DQ4t WHRHigh lmpedance• Hidden Refresh Cyclet RPt RASRASt RCDt CRPADDRESSWEt CHRt CASt RSHt RAHt ASRt ASCt CAHt RAL ROW t RCHt OEZCASDQ1~DQ4t Tt RCSD t RASt RASt RPt RPt RC t RCt RCt RADt RRHt OFF t OFFt OEA t CACt AAt RACCOlumnOUTOE(READ)(REFRESH)(REFRESH)Ordering informationAD404M42VSA-5• AD• Ascend Memory Product • 40 • Device Type• 4M4 • Density and Organization • 2• Refresh Rate, 2: 2K Refresh • V• T: 5V, V: 3.3V• S • Package Type (S : SOJ, T : TSOP II)• A• Version• 5• Speed (5: 50 ns, 6: 60 ns)Part Number Access time PackageAD404M42VSA-5AD404M42VSA-6AD404M42VTA-5AD404M42VTA-650 ns 60 ns 50 ns 60 ns300mil 26/24-Pin Plastic SOJTSOP IIPackaging information • 300 mil, 26/24-Pin Plastic SOJ• 300 mil, 26/24-Pin TSOP II。



At TA = +25°C, RL = 2 otherwise noted.
OPA1652, OPA1654 PARAMETER AUDIO PERFORMANCE THD+N Total harmonic distortion + noise 0.00005 G = +1, f = 1 kHz, VO = 3 VRMS SMPTE/DIN Two-Tone, 4:1 (60 Hz and 7 kHz) IMD Intermodulation distortion G = +1, VO = 3 VRMS DIM 30 (3-kHz square wave and 15-kHz sine wave) CCIF Twin-Tone (19 kHz and 20 kHz) FREQUENCY RESPONSE GBW SR Gain-bandwidth product Slew rate Full power bandwidth (1) Overload recovery time Channel separation (dual and quad) NOISE en In Input voltage noise Input voltage noise density Input current noise density f = 20 Hz to 20 kHz f = 1 kHz f = 1 kHz 5.4 4.5 0.5 μVPP nV/√Hz pA/√Hz G = +1 G = –1 VO = 1 VP G = –10 f = 1 kHz 18 10 1.6 1 –120 MHz V/μs MHz μs dB –126 0.00005 –126 0.00005 –126 0.00005 –126 % dB % dB % dB % dB TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT


q INDUSTRIAL PROCESS CONTROL Transducer Isolator, Thermocouple Isolator, RTD Isolator, Pressure Bridge Isolator, Flow Meter Isolator
°C °C
The information provided herein is believed to be reliable; however, BURR-BROWN assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions. BURR-BROWN assumes no responsibility for the use of this information, and all use of such information shall be entirely at the user's own risk. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. No patent rights or licenses to any of the circuits described herein are implied or granted to any third party. BURR-BROWN does not authorize or warrant any BURR-BROWN product for use in life support devices and/or systems.



1. J 灯2. 繊維繊維3. 合成繊維面料Fiber/fabric a natural fiber 合成繊維4. 求】丿工入亍儿涤纶,聚酯纤维POLYESTER5. ^U7^F 锦纶polyamide6. 口丙纶polypropylene7. 聚乙烯polyethylene8. 求U^U夕y 聚氨酯/pu/ polyurethane9. 了夕U儿腈纶/亚力克acrylic10. 旷彳口y 尼龙nylon11. Uy木儿亚麻,麻布Linen12. 麻(麻13. 兀儿y浆料pulp?14. ^yy-竹子15. zRy^^y^ 复合面料bonding16. 二一二口彳灯心绒corduroy17. 丝绒、天鹅绒velvet18. 口了丝绒、天鹅绒19. 廿亍y色丁布/缎带20. 彳儿斜纹布/纱卡veloursatintwill? 21 平織©平纹布22少一儿地毛料wool?23夕7夕塔府绸taffeta24 7U-X 摇粒绒fleece25匕Uy不一儿人字呢herringbone26夕By羽绒down?27才、、小 2才一F牛津布oxford28 ^yy 大麻hemp29 ^ {—苎麻ramie30 求y°Uy 府绸popli n?31少卡yy儿闪色布chambray32二八^丝绸,真丝silk33絹丝绸,真丝詁34 布帛布锦?35布地、生地布料36 綿卜y (COTTOM)棉cotton37 / 斜纹、斜裁滚边料bias38力y^^ 羊绒39少一】丿一糸羊毛线40 x^y糸丝线41 XU—丰抛光棉织品42 7^^^yb 纤丝43 芯地衬布44 XU卡X 针织品,纺织品45二一儿亍A灯芯绒46 人造丝/粘胶丝rayo n47 粘胶纤维viscose48少一儿地羊毛wool?49力:繊开司米/羊绒/山羊毛cashmere50 ^^7马海毛、毛海mohair51 毛/ (安哥拉)兔毛Angola rabbit hair52少廿斗0生地兔绒Rabbit fabric53伸缩性力选召/工严X卜它一氨纶/斯潘德克斯弹性纤维Spandex/Elastic54生地(吉匕)面料/Oplon/ OP(52的)55天竺(疋人匕<)汗布56 F詰)天竺加密汗布57 x^y天竺竹节纱汗布58天竺撚糸(相人^)并线汗布59 罗马布60夕、A不一儿二',卜空心布61裏毛(刁引力毛圈布62 W二裏毛小毛圈布63裏起毛(d^^td)拉毛绒布64 CVC裏起毛CVC拉毛绒布65鹿0子(力、0乙)珠地网眼66 X厶X棉毛布67力、一吃纱卡68工X亍儿二涤纶网眼布69先染色织70先染不一夕、一色织横条71転換不一夕'一大循环横条72少卡一】丿^夕、天竺树皮皱汗布73 7^7^ 华夫格74 法兰绒75兀彳儿毛巾(毛圈)布76 y】丿X夕一涤纶压光菠萝布77工X亍儿声〒一涤纶罗纹78 】y 罗纹79 X^yuy氨纶罗纹100不7 /不77】丿一X 羊糕绒berber Fleece 中文名羊羔绒本质羊羔绒101 y口一F 细布102 二一儿天灯芯绒103 BL 电放104 丿夕儿带扣105 不一儿产工一A 珠子链条106 卞口7^U^ 涤纶抽针天鹅绒107 夕二糸棉绳108 求】丿工入亍儿夕、〉不一儿 涤纶空心布 109 力一加工 压花加工110 7夭氨纶(弹力)汗布111 氨纶 112 氨纶丝113 x^y ?u —my 人造棉114 夕7、儿一7工彳x 双面针织物,粗细针115 生地巾 布宽 fabric width 116 八力川 117 夕、、儿巾 118〒'二一儿 119 声卡力一F 单幅 single width 双幅 double width 丹尼尔denier 提花 jacquard120 Xb^^y 条纹 stripe121 产工',夕 条格花纹 check,plaid 127 、口一F 密织平纹 broad cloth 128 夕、y 力、】丿一 斜纹劳动布dungaree 129 ^7^ 口X 丝光卡其军服布 chino cloth 130 'r^y 双绉布 crepe de cine131 声m —吃',卜 乔其布georgette 132 丿夕廿亍y 缎背绉sati n-back crepe 133 廿亍y 缎纹、缎子sat in134 凹凸组织pique135 棉绒 cotton velvet 136 二一r 二 口彳 灯心绒 corduroy 137 廿一声哔叽呢serge138 斗〒八声y 华达呢gaberdine 139 彳一F 粗呢,粗花呢 tweed140 ^^^^y 纬呢斯缎纹 ven etian 141 7^7 法兰绒 fiannel142 只儿卜y 麦尔登呢 melton143 柳条绉 crepe144 廿',力一 泡泡布sucker145 vF^X^x'^ 马德拉斯条子细布 madras check 146 少儿夕求y 声一 茧绸,山东府绸 silk pon gee 147 夕7夕 花塔夫taffeta 148 X^yp 一my 人造短纤维 spun rayon 1497工儿卜 毛毡,毡合织物 felted fabric122 一多臂花式织 123 斗y 力、厶产工',夕 124 夕一夕y^工',夕 125 buy 》工',夕dobby彩色格子布 gingham check 苏格兰格子 tartan check 小方格子花纹 gien check plain150才八一儿加工半透明处理,烂花处理,乳白处理opal printing 151 工y不X加工凹凸扎花,拷花处理emboss finish152 ^一加工桃皮起毛处理peach-skin finish153 二一亍彳y^、上胶涂布coat ing154 工一入双面布double faced fabric155 二',卜生地二',卜生地knitted fabric156 :一^一单面针织布single jersey157 夕儿声卡一声一双面针织布double jersey158 X厶一X 双罗纹织布,棉毛double rib159 八彳儿夕口X 绒头纱布pile cloth160 "斜纹织物" twill?161 合成莫代尔promodal162 拉毛绒布heavy sweats163 混兔毛混164 少一儿毛165 严厶仔毛166 少工',卜—儿雪兰毛167 ^^7马海毛168 毛(疗)毛169 7夕】丿儿人造毛170严厶X^—儿羊仔毛171 丰卡只儿驼绒毛,172 7儿兀力羊驼毛173 丿丿少一儿俏丽诺羊毛174 壬^7夕'仿马海175 】丿木y亚麻176 X苎麻177 ^X^T 粘胶178 7儿兀力羊驼179 力少{卡夕晴纶仿羊绒180 7zy^-^y 花式纱181 壬一儿雪尼尔182 ^'^^y花点纱183 口一此〉/、冰岛毛184 八□、口壬糸羽毛纱185 X^yn—儿糸亮片纱186 儿一卡y圈纱187 ^y^y^y 乒乓纱188 丿''卜卡y结子纱189 亍一7卡y 扁平带子纱190】丿一】丿一卡y 中空带子纱191 ”亮丝/装饰金银线192 ”糸(b)金银线193 力吃糸绞纱194 筒纱195 撚糸合股196 強撚强撚197 top染散毛染色198 糸染的纱染199 片染的加花染200 它儿口A 弹力线201 段染的糸段染纱202 ,、口粗纹绸203 抛光棉织品204 □一儿亍y灯芯绒205 丿卡X 针织品,纺织品206 纤丝207 空紡糸气流纺208 卜】丿二',卜一经编织物<毛皮>209 7'、口一F 细平纹布210 VF^X check柄细条纹格子211 少丰斗一珊瑚绒212 ^xn—xu—my 粘胶人造丝213 丝214 】丿木y麻215 毛织运动衫,毛线衫jersey216 7工儿卜毛毡布217 丰八夕毛坯布218 mn RIB 横机罗纹219 七一夕一RIB毛线罗纹220 1X 1 U7 1X 1 罗纹1 7°】丿y卜/print 印花2総柄(^d^^)^uyb 满身印花,匹印3 W— P.T胶浆印花4半”一 P.T 半胶浆印花5染的込族P.T 渗透印花6少】丿ny P.T 硅胶印花7発泡(P.T发泡印花8 ^^•yuyb 金银粉印花9 転写(T^L^)P.T 转移印花tropical print10水性(TV^V)P.T水浆印花11 〒'一少my P.T 分色(渐层)印花12油性丿y卜油墨印花13 ^^*y卜P.T涂料印花14 7口丰一P.T植绒印花15箔鮒<)才丿>卜箔印花16高周波(^dL^d«)高周波印花17力、T料P.T碎片印花18】丿7U夕夕一P.T 金属箔印花19抜染pt 拔染印花20兀木儿衣片印花21 染料print22刺繍(绣花23 □一F刺繍立体绣花24振◎刺繍包边绣25夕口入刺繍十字绣花26 "2贴标27 毛毡布贴标28 刺繍贴布绣29畳(尢尢族)刺繍榻榻米刺绣30 釉PU贴标31 PU "2PU人造革贴标30 鱼鳞片(亮片)"spa ngleII31严彳yx卜一y 烫钻32丄一产起毛加工桃毛绒磨毛加工33水洗X加工水洗加工34八彳才(BIO)少才二酵素洗35 力儿少才二化学洗净36 X卜一y^才二砂洗/石磨洗37、Sb漂洗38 grosgrain 罗缎横罗39 7工】丿一快艇40 布帛梭织布1 男装服装种类2 日语中文英文3 :衬衫shirt4 開襟:汗衬衫open collar shirt5 X^y 裤子trousers6 X —'7 西装suit7 7''^廿'一西装夹克blazer8 三二揃元三件套西装three pieces9八X卜西服背心vest10声卡y^—宽松夹克/短上衣jumper11 彳yn—卜雨衣rain coat12卜一卜腰带式大衣trench coat13才一八一大衣over14 礼服礼服formal wear15 壬一二y^、二一卜晨礼服morni ng coat16夕丰少一F 晚会礼服tuxedo [t?k?sido1 白/乃彳卜白色2 才7白白色3 or漂白漂白色4黒/ )9 2黑色5 〒二一儿炭灰色6 一灰色7 D/GRAY深灰色8 S/GRA Y淡灰色9 杢(杢GRAY)麻灰色hgr10 赤/ (RED)红色11夕、一夕U'^F (D/RED)深红色12青/才儿一(BLUE) 蓝色13木彳疋一(NAVY) 藏青14廿',夕入(SAX)浅蓝色15彳彳□、一(INDIGO)靛蓝色16 m、/ (BROWN)棕色17 S/BROWN 浅棕色18黄色/彳工口一(YELLOW) 黄色19緑/ /、】丿一/ (GREEN) 绿色20力一丰(KHAKI)军绿色21 紫/ (PURPLE)紫色22 夕、一(LAVENDER)淡紫色23 (PINK)粉红色24 S/PINK 淡粉色25夕】丿一厶(CREAM)奶黄色26 一声二(BEIGE) 米黄色27 夕一□彳(TURQUOISE) 湖蓝28 (MUSTARD)芥末黄29 少儿)一乃彳卜(SILVER WHITE)银白色30才U/为(ORANGE)橙色31壬力(MOCHA)深咖啡色32 墨黒(SUMIKURO) 墨黑色33乃彳/ (WINE) 酒红色34 了彳不】丿一(IVORY)象牙白35 CHACOAL 碳黑色36 Y — X( BASE 色底色37 玫瑰红pk3838 3.天生9 9 )原白39 4.夕】丿一厶Cream乳白色40 6严彳卜,、U—浅灰色41 7. 〒二一儿炭灰色42 10..力一丰Khaki卡其色43 11 一声二杏色44 13. m、/茶色45 14 .乙厅茶深棕色苔、褐色46 15. 砖色47 16.兀一Violet 紫()紫色2 粗绳(帽绳)3气眼八24"气眼, 扣眼II7^U^b eyelet5毛领7了一6假毛领7x^^77-7狐狸毛领7才'y^X77-8里布裏地9衬裙一卜10缎带廿亍y11人字带杉綾亍一712毛球^y^y13珠子—X14亮片15雪纺r才y16花边U^X lace17花边'/^—F braid18蝴蝶结蝶結厂19橡筋□、厶20 松紧带/ □、厶21橡筋钮袢□、厶七',兀22橡筋线才強口y23 领标洗标洗濯木一厶wash care label注意标〒'彳丿',卜木一厶洗标,注意标彳y力、一F 标签label尺标size label吊牌下厅札价格牌値札注意(警告)吊牌ATTENTION TAG^巧注意吊牌〒'彳丿',卜下厅札夹标艺一入木一厶注意标二一》my夕caution 主吊牌下厅札BRAND LABEL主商标織9木一厶BRAND NAME 人字带/ 斜纹带杉綾TAPE24 胶针口^^xey25 吊绳/带子紐26备扣spare不夕y27 包装袋袋28 拷贝纸薄紙29 贴纸30 纸箱箱力一卜A31 主唛SHIPPING MARK32 侧唛SIDE MARK33 打包带34 皮革U廿一leather35 毛皮”一 fell36 别针安全37 拉链7 fastener隐形拉链拉链头入刁4歹一(引吉手)slider双头拉链—少工4声、,丿弋一two way zipper 尼龙拉链/隐形拉链二4儿(COIL)ZIP树脂拉链沐口A ZIP金属银拉链—弋一(SILVER ZIP全开拉链全開77X±-拉齿厶》露/隐拉链齿厶》(力/38 珍珠丿弋一儿疋一pearl beads39 珠子beads40 珠片X^AH—丿" spa ngle41 胸花二廿一声二corsage42 罗缎带,、口b^Ar—743透明硬纱才一力、A声亍一orga nza tape44 锁链带鎖chain rope45 里子裏地lining46 " 垫布,衬布" 芯地inderfacing/interining47 別布別布^0^048 衬裙TA^^FUX un der dress49 垫肩50 带子儿卜皮带51 纽扣不夕A52 按扣53 楔形钩力、老夕54 上线上糸(55 下线下糸(b^v^)56 绷线仕付疗糸(boo丸、七57罗缎/罗缎织带?缎纹带,口grosgrain58 2 *2 罗纹'rU^59 1*1 罗纹60松紧肩带/防伸带伸止stay tape61 塑胶袋二一儿袋62折叠方法畳族方63 人字带/ 斜纹带杉綾TAPE64 T型切口胶袋様専用袋65塑胶袋二一儿袋66锁式枪针口 ',夕67毛刺心丿68衬里彳旷一69肩章70铆钉71坑坑洼洼民上民上72缝制b^T73拼皮丿J,》乃一74整皮75披肩76披肩X卜一儿77嵌条卜川"消臭线工力少卜静電気除去糸持弐出丁门襟,叠合份,贴边袒◎分缝寄乜召收出合印(7^^)合缝浮二丹松势細力y<、、b縫X密针拱缝打弐合叠门落弐着吉具合力*良X服帖,稳定噴吉出丁反吐假缝丿力起皱尢召族锤片松势on起吊指抜吉顶针?切◎込族刀口咖凿子少儿工、,卜出来上力線轮廓线突吉合袒乜拼接浮吉翘起省缝,抓吉乜力、疗合盘缝合任边缝上方,上袖子部分袖底裾上力窝边端縫1 窝边缝VX打样八丰卡】丿一手提,随身携带控元分靠里份,靠内份控底样留样乜吠求袢縫⑴代缝份縫X目笑缝迹松散延反叠布綴匕定缝,叠缝疋天巾领宽乞左壬求袖山袖山头□八衣边、0.2止口見返。



1A001,1A002深圳市佰科泰电子有限公司Shenzhen BKT Electronic Co., Ltd Connectors/Switch, Diode/Triode, IC, Consumer Electronics,Communications Products/Broadcast & TV Equipment,1A01上海上斯电子有限公司shanghai shangsi electronics co.,ltd Diode/Triode ,Electric Protective Device ,IC 1A02卓奕良晋塑料工业(深圳)有限公司jwoyiih & zinggun enterprise co.,ltdOthers1A03深圳圣融达科技有限公司SHENZHEN SINCERITY TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTDResistors & Capacitors, Electronic Materials, Electronics Manufacturing Equipment1A05深圳市紫泰荆实业发展有限公司SHENZHEN ZITAIJING INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT CO.,LTD Resistors & Capacitors, Diode/Triode, Electronics Manufacturing Equipment, Consumer Electronics, Communications 1A10深圳市快星半导体电子有限公司SHENZHEN FASTSTAR SEMICONDUCTORELECTRONICS CO.,LTDDiode/Triode, Electric Protective Device, IC1A101,1A102微杰科技股份有限公司Anytek Technology Corporationg ltd.Connectors/Switch,IC,Electronic Materials,AutomotiveElectronics 1A103杰地有限公司Jasdi Chemicals Co., Ltd Electronic Materials 1A104和信林科技股份有限公司Haizan Design FactoryOthers 1A105台湾区电机电子工业同业公会TAIWAN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MANUFACTURERS’ASSOCIATION Others1A106台湾译龙股份有限公司HOSTRAN CO., puter, Networks and Peripherals 1A107,1A108浙江欣大继电器有限公司CLIONRELAYCO.,LTDRelay1A111,1A112,1A121,1A122捷拓科技股份有限公司Minmax Technology Co., Ltd.Power Supplies/Battery1A113天二科技股份有限公司EVER OHMS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.Resistors & Capacitors ,Automotive Electronics,Aeronautics &Astronautics/Defense Electronic 1A114高柏科技有限公司T-Global Technology Co., LtdElectronic Materials 1A115台湾耐落螺丝工业股份有限公司Taiwan Self-locking fasteners lind.Co,Ltd.Others1A116,1A126大日科技股份有限公司上海松瓒贸易有限公司 (大陆分公司)OncQue Corporation SONG BEST INTERNATIONAL CO,LTD ( CHINA Sensing Element/Sensors,Electronic Materials 1A11A 乐清市东南电子有限公司Dongnan Electroncis Co., Ltd Connectors/Switch1A11B 康狮德亚洲有限公司ComS.I.T. Asia Ltd.Resistors & Capacitors, Inductance/Transformers/Magnetic Components, IC 1A123拓纬实业有限公司BRIGHT TOWARD INDUSTRIAL CO, LTDRelay,Microwave Device1A124采鑫国际科技有限公司TSAI THING INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY LTD.Others 1A125奇立精密工业股份有限公司CHILY PRECISION INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.Connectors/Switch,Power Supplies/Battery,Medical Instruments 1A12A台州博尔特塑胶电子有限公司Taizhou BRT Plastics Electronics Co., Ltd.Security Equipment1A12B深圳市龙晶微电子有限公司shenzhen longjing micro-electronics co.,ltd Diode/Triode, IC1A131,1A141百容电子股份有限公司EXCEL CELL ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD Connectors/Switch,Relay 1A132德利威电子股份有限公司Dailywell Electronics Co.,Ltd.Connectors/Switch1A133百莹科技股份有限公司BIWIN TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.Connectors/Switch1A134金泰工业有限公司Jin Tay Industries Co., Ltd.Test and Measurement Instruments,Communications Products/Broadcast & TV Equipment,Medical1A135金利橡胶股份有限公司Kingley Rubber Industrial Co., Ltd.Electronics Manufacturing Equipment,Computer, Networks and Peripherals,Automotive Electronics,Medical Instruments1A136,1A146协禧电机股份有限公司ADDA Corporation Others1A13A北京新创四方电子有限公司Beijing New Chuang Si Fang Electronic Co., Ltd Inductance/Transformers/Magnetic Components,Sensing Element/Sensors1A13B深圳市灿升实业发展有限公司SHENZHEN CANSHENG INDUSTRYDEVELOPMENT CO.,LTDDiode/Triode1A142碁达科技股份有限公司GTA ELECTRONICS CO., LTD Consumer Electronics,Computer, Networks and Peripherals 1A143统黏装黏科技有限公司Nestor Binding Technology Inc Others1A144亚源科技股份有限公司ASIAN POWER DEVICES INC.Power Supplies/Battery1A145冠鑫兴业股份有限公司GUAN SHIN INC.Consumer Electronics1A151温州市万达电子有限公司Wenzhou Wanda Electronics Co., Ltd Connectors/Switch1A152,1A153慧明光电﹝深圳﹞有限公司Kindwin Technology Limited Optoelectronic & Display Devices1A154,1A155苏州建通光电端子有限公司SUZHOU GEM OPTO-ELECTRONICS TERMINALCO.,LTDConnectors/Switch,Consumer Electronics,AutomotiveElectronics1A156兴化市华宇电子有限公司Xinghua Huayu Electronics Co.,Ltd Resistors & Capacitors,Electro-acoustic Devices 1A161凯旋发展(香港)有限公司TRC DEVELOPMENT(H.K.)LTD.Small & Special Electrical Machines, Others电铬铁1A162慈溪金凯电子有限公司CIXI JINKAI ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD Connectors/Switch1A163深圳市奇丽电子有限公司SHENZHEN QILI ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD Diode/Triode、IC1A164GumiCo International Information technology &Electronics Expo 2011 in gumiOthers1A165浩芯电子科技有限公司Abundant Chip Technology Co., Ltd IC,Mechanical engineering & Industrial Control1A166易思特国际贸易有限公司Ethos International Trading Limited Resistors & Capacitors,Inductance/Transformers/Magnetic Components,Connectors/Switch1A171常州唐龙电子有限公司ChangZhou Tanglong Electronics Co.,Ltd.Diode/Triode1A172欧普康光电(厦门)有限公司OPCOM O.E(XIAMEN)INC Automotive Electronics 、Medical Instruments 、Security Equipment1A173,1A174北京万网志成科技有限公司HiChina Zhicheng Technology Co.,puter, Networks and Peripherals 1A175《家电维修》杂志社The maintenance of Home Appliances Media, Education, Government1A175《家电维修》杂志社The maintenance of Home Appliances Media, Education, Government1A176烟台三赛拉电子有限公司Yan Tai S-CERA Electronics Ltd Resonators/ Oscillators/ Filters1A181,1A182,1A183香港贸易发展局Hong Kong Trade Development Council Media, Education, Government1A184东莞创群石英晶体有限公司Dongguan Allied Project Limited.Resonators/ Oscillators/ Filters1A185北京信测科技有限公司Beijing XUTEC Technology Co.,Ltd.Test and Measurement Instruments 1A186明瀚科技(苏州)有限公司Elite Technology(suzhou)co.,ltd Connectors/Switch1A20广州市科朗电子实业有限公司Guangzhou Zongzhiwang ElectronicsManufacturing Co.,LtdConsumer Electronics1A201宁波舜宇仪器有限公司NINGBO SUNNY INSTRUMENTS CO.,LTD Electronics Manufacturing Equipment, Test and Measurement Instruments1A202源丰电子实业有限公司Yuen Fung Electronic Industrial Limited Connectors/Switch, Consumer Electronics1A203深圳市明凯联合科技有限公司Shenzhen Mini Technology Co.,Ltd Resonators/ Oscillators/ Filters, Wire & Cable, Microwave Device 1A204广州市泰泽电子有限公司GUANGZHOU TYZE ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD Power Supplies/Battery1A205深圳市智展电子有限公司Shenzhen Zhizhan Electroncis Co., Ltd Electronics Manufacturing Equipment1A206邢台市华争电子器材厂Xingtai Huazheng Electronic Components Plant Communications Products/Broadcast & TV Equipment, Mechanical engineering & Industrial Control1A208深圳市明祥电子有限公司SHENZHEN MINGXIANG ELECTRONIC COMPANYLIMITEDConnectors/Switch,Communications Products/Broadcast & TVEquipment ,Aeronautics & Astronautics/Defense Electronic1A21深圳市合科泰电子有限公司Shenzhen heketai electronics co.,ltd.Resistors & Capacitors, Consumer Electronics 1A21深圳市纬迪实业发展有限公司Shenzhen Weidy Industrial Development Co.,Ltd Resistors & Capacitors1A216深圳天泰电器元件有限公司Shenzhen Tenta Electrical Appliance Ltd。



This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage. ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications.
A new external compensation technique can be used to give a very flat frequency response below the minimum stable gain for the OPA846, further improving its already exceptional distortion performance. Using this compensation makes the OPA846 one of the premier 12- to 16-bit Analog-to-Digital (A/D) converter input drivers. The supply current for the OPA846 is precisely trimmed to 12.6mA at +25°C. This, along with carefully defined supply current tempco in the input and output stages, combine to provide exceptional performance over the full specified temperature range.



1.1.1三维制作图图例、符号1.1.2支架组装图图例、符号1.1.3平面布置图图例、符号管道的弯曲半径配管材料表示方法1.0 总则1.1 本规定使用于配管材料在综合材料表、管道轴测图及管段表上的表示方法。

1.2 引进装置上的安全阀、呼吸阀、爆破片、[wiki]阻火器[/wiki]、视镜等代号,原则上直接引用专利商提供的代号。


1.4 文件中的材料名称按本规定所列项目顺序编写。

2.0 表示方法2.1 管子管子 SLSP 50 — sch40 — 20#(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)⑴名称,以中文表示,文件中已有《名称》者省略。







示例⒈公称通径80mm,材料20号钢,管子尺寸系列为系列Ⅰ,管表号sch40的无缝钢管的标记为:管子 SLSP 80—sch40—20#示例⒉材料为304型不锈钢,管子外径×壁厚为φ8×2的无缝不锈钢管的标记为:管子SLSP φ8×2—304表1 管子类型代号管子类型代号无缝钢管SLSP螺旋焊钢管SWSP焊接钢管 LWSP镀锌焊接钢管 GWSP无缝铝管 SLAP注:⑴除非配管材料工程规定另有指定,管子尺寸系列均采用SHJ405《[wiki]石油[/wiki][wiki]化工[/wiki]企业钢管尺寸系列选用规定》标准。




ISO 16000-6:2011 中文版

ISO 16000-6:2011 中文版

ISO 16000-6: 2011Indoor air —Part 6:Determination of volatile organic compounds in indoor and test chamber air by active sampling on Tenax TA sorbent, thermal desorption and gas chromatography using MS or MS-FID1 范围本标准规定了一种测定建筑产品及材料、用于室内的产品等在气候箱特定环境条件下挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)释放率的试验方法。



2 方法原理用一个(或多个)装填有Tenax TA 吸附剂的采样管采集室内空气或气候箱条件下(ISO 16000-9)的气体,所采集到的气体中的挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)被Tenax TA 吸附剂吸收保持在采样管内,热解析后用GC/MS 进行分析。

测试空气中VOC 浓度,计算得到样品的VOC 释放率。

3 设备与试剂3.1 气候箱: 气候箱条件参考ISO 16000-93.2 空气采样器:需满足EN 1232 或ASTM D3686 的要求恒流气体采样器,流量范围包括0.02 L/min ~ 1 L/min,流量稳定。

使用时用皂膜流量计校准采样系统在采样前和采样后的流量,流量误差应小于 5 %。

3.3 吸附管连接器:两根相连接的吸附管用带有金属螺旋帽的聚四氟乙烯(PTFE) 管连接。

3.4 聚四氟乙烯(PTFE) 管:用于连接采用泵于吸附管。

3.5 流量计。

3.6 气相色谱仪配备氢火焰离子化检测器或质谱检测器,1 ng 甲苯的信噪比应不低于5:1。

配用色谱柱为非极性(极性指数小于10)石英毛细管柱,例如:二甲基硅氧烷毛细管柱,长30 m ~ 60 m,内径0.25 mm ~ 0.32 mm,管壁膜厚0.25 μm ~ 0.5 μm。


除个人使用外,严禁复制作为商品的音乐作品数据,包括但不限于 MIDI 数据和 / 或音乐数据。 • Windows 是 Microsoft® Corporation 的注册商标。 • Apple 和 Macintosh 是 Apple Computer, Inc., 在美国和其它国家或地区的注册商标。 • Steinberg 和 Cubase 是 Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH 的注册商标。 • 本使用说明书中所使用的公司名和产品名都是各自所有者的商标或注册商标。
G 请勿打开本设备并试图拆卸其内部零件或进行任何方式的改 造。本设备不含任何用户可自行修理的零件。若出现异常,请 立即停止使用,并请有资格的 YAMAHA 维修人员进行检修。
G 请勿让本设备淋雨或在水附近及潮湿环境中使用,或将盛有液 体的容器放在其上,否则可能会导致液体溅入任何开口。
G 请勿将任何均衡器和衰减器设定在最大位置。否则,根据所连 接设备的具体状态,可能会导致反馈而损坏扬声器。
G 为了避免操作面板发生变形或损坏内部组件,请勿将本设备放 在有大量灰尘、震动、极端寒冷或炎热 (如阳光直射、靠近加 热器或烈日下的汽车里)的环境中。
G 请勿将本设备放在不稳定的地方,否则可能会导致突然翻倒。
为了避免您或周围他人可能发生的人身伤害、设备或财产损失,请务必遵守下列基本注意事项。这些注意事项 包括但不限于下列情况:
电源 / 电源线
G 当准备长期不使用本设备或发生雷电时,请从电源插座中拔出 电源线插头。
G 当从本设备或电源插座中拔出电源线插头时,请务必抓住插头 而不是电源线。直接拽拉电源线可能会导致损坏。
本使用说明书中的技术规格及介绍仅供参考。 YAMAHA 公司保留随时更改或修订产品或技术规格的权利,若确有更改,恕不事先通知。技 术规格、设备或选购件在各个地区可能均会有所不同,因此如有问题,请和当地 YAMAHA 经销商确认。

纽曼之音 P16A系列 说明书

纽曼之音 P16A系列 说明书










系统要求:PⅡ400以上CPU,64M以上内存,支持USB接口,适用WIN98SE、 WINME、WIN2000、WINXP操作系统。









细菌分类表本表以LPSN网站的分类为基础(当前版本2008年1月7日),本分类代表原核生物分类的权威杂志IJSEM的分类系统,同时参考NCBI Taxonomy,但目前其它中文维基分类表可能依照其它标准,请注意其区别。






目录[隐藏]•1 酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)o 1.1 酸杆菌纲(Acidobacteria)o 1.2 全噬菌纲(Holophagae)•2 放线菌门(Actinobacteria)(高G+C革兰氏阳性菌)o 2.1 放线菌纲(Actinobacteria)•3 产水菌门(Aquificae)o 3.1 产水菌纲(Aquificae)•4 拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)o 4.1 拟杆菌纲(Bacteroidetes)o 4.2 黄杆菌纲(Flavobacteria)o 4.3 鞘脂杆菌纲(Sphingobacteria)o 4.4 纲未定•5 衣原体门(Chlamydiae)o 5.1 衣原体纲(Chlamydiae)•6 绿菌门(Chlorobi)o 6.1 绿菌纲(Chlorobia)•7 绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)o7.1 厌氧绳菌纲(Anaerolineae)o7.2 暖绳菌纲(Caldilineae)o7.3 绿弯菌纲(Chloroflexi)•8 产金菌门(Chrysiogenetes)o8.1 产金菌纲(Chrysiogenetes)•9 蓝藻门(Cyanobacteria)o9.1 蓝藻纲(Cyanobacteria)•10 脱铁杆菌门(Deferribacteres)o10.1 脱铁杆菌纲(Deferribacteres)•11 异常球菌-栖热菌门(Deinococcus-Thermus)o11.1 异常球菌纲(Deinococci)•12 网团菌门(Dictyoglomi)o12.1 网团菌纲(Dictyoglomi)•13 纤维杆菌门(Fibrobacteres)o13.1 纤维杆菌纲(Fibrobacteres)•14 厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)(低G+C革兰氏阳性菌)o14.1 芽孢杆菌纲(Bacilli)o14.2 梭菌纲(Clostridia)o14.3 热石杆菌纲(Thermolithobacteria) •15 梭杆菌门(Fusobacteria)o15.1 梭杆菌纲(Fusobacteria)•16 芽单胞菌门(Gemmatimonadetes)o16.1 芽单胞菌纲(Gemmatimonadetes) •17 黏胶球形菌门(Lentisphaerae)o17.1 黏胶球形菌纲(Lentisphaerae)•18 硝化螺旋菌门(Nitrospirae)o18.1 硝化螺旋菌纲(Nitrospira)•19 浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes)o19.1 浮霉菌纲(Planctomycetacia)•20 海绵杆菌门(Poribacteria)*•21 变形菌门(Proteobacteria)o21.1 α-变形菌纲(Alphaproteobacteria)o21.2 β-变形菌纲(Betaproteobacteria)o21.3 δ-变形菌纲(Deltaproteobacteria)o21.4 ε-变形菌纲(Epsilonproteobacteria)o21.5 γ-变形菌纲(Gammaproteobacteria)•22 螺旋体门(Spirochaetes)o22.1 螺旋体纲(Spirochaetes)•23 柔膜菌门(Tenericutes)o23.1 柔膜菌纲(Mollicutes)•24 热脱硫杆菌门(Thermodesulfobacteria)o24.1 热脱硫杆菌纲(Thermodesulfobacteria) •25 热微菌门(Thermomicrobia)o25.1 热微菌纲(Thermomicrobia)•26 热袍菌门(Thermotogae)o26.1 热袍菌纲(Thermotogae)•27 疣微菌门(Verrucomicrobia)o27.1 丰祐菌纲(Opitutae)o27.2 疣微菌纲(Verrucomicrobiae)•28 门未定o28.1 纤线杆菌纲(Ktedonobacteria)[编辑] 酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)[编辑] 酸杆菌纲(Acidobacteria)1.酸杆菌目(Acidobacteriales)1.酸杆菌属(Acidobacterium)2.(Edaphobacter)3.(Terriglobus)4.酸杆菌科(Acidobacteriaceae)[编辑] 全噬菌纲(Holophagae)1.石鳖杆菌目(Acanthopleuribacterales)1.石鳖杆菌属(Acanthopleuribacter)2.石鳖杆菌科(Acanthopleuribacteraceae)2.全噬菌目(Holophagales)1.地发菌属(Geothrix)2.全噬菌属(Holophaga)3.全噬菌科(Holophagaceae)[编辑] 放线菌门(Actinobacteria)(高G+C革兰氏阳性菌)[编辑] 放线菌纲(Actinobacteria)1.酸微菌亚纲(Acidimicrobidae)1.酸微菌亚目(Acidimicrobineae)2.(Iamia)3.酸微菌属(Acidimicrobium)4.酸微菌科(Acidimicrobiaceae)5.(Iamiaceae)6.酸微菌目(Acidimicrobiales)2.放线菌亚纲(Actinobacteridae)1.双歧杆菌科(Bifidobacteriaceae)2.科未定3.(Aeriscardovia)4.(Alloscardovia)5.双歧杆菌属(Bifidobacterium)6.(Gardnerella)7.(Metascardovia)8.(Parascardovia)9.(Scardovia)10.放线菌亚目(Actinomycineae)11.(Actinopolysporineae)12.(Catenulisporineae)13.棒杆菌亚目(Corynebacterineae)14.弗兰克氏菌亚目(Frankineae)15.糖霉菌亚目(Glycomycineae)16.微球菌亚目(Micrococcineae)17.微单孢菌亚目(Micromonosporineae)18.丙酸杆菌亚目(Propionibacterineae)19.(Pseudonocardineae)20.链霉菌亚目(Streptomycineae)21.(Streptosporangineae)22.放线棒菌属(Actinobaculum)23.放线菌属(Actinomyces)24.隐秘杆菌属(Arcanobacterium)25.(Falcivibrio)26.动弯杆菌属(Mobiluncus)27.(Varibaculum)28.放线菌科(Actinomycetaceae)29.(Actinopolyspora)30.(Actinopolysporaceae)31.(Catenulispora)32.(Actinospica)33.(Actinospicaceae)34.(Catenulisporaceae)35.束村氏菌属(Tsukamurella)36.(Segniliparus)37.戈登氏菌属(Gordonia)38.(Micropolyspora)39.(Millisia)40.诺卡氏菌属(Nocardia)41.红球菌属(Rhodococcus)42.斯科曼氏菌属(Skermania)43.(Williamsia)44.(Smaragdicoccus)45.分枝杆菌属(Mycobacterium) (含结核杆菌)46.迪茨氏菌属(Dietzia)47.(Bacterionema)48.(Caseobacter)49.棒杆菌属(Corynebacterium)50.(Turicella)51.棒杆菌科(Corynebacteriaceae)52.迪茨氏菌科(Dietziaceae)53.分枝杆菌科(Mycobacteriaceae)54.诺卡氏菌科(Nocardiaceae)55.(Segniliparaceae)56.束村氏菌科(Tsukamurellaceae)57.孢鱼菌属(Sporichthya)58.(Humicoccus)59.(Nakamurella)60.(Quadrisphaera)61.(Cryptosporangium)62.(Kineococcus)63.(Kineosporia)64.芽球菌属(Blastococcus)65.地嗜皮菌属(Geodermatophilus)66.(Modestobacter)67.弗兰克氏菌属(Frankia)68.酸热菌属(Acidothermus)69.酸热菌科(Acidothermaceae)70.弗兰克氏菌科(Frankiaceae)71.地嗜皮菌科(Geodermatophilaceae)72.(Kineosporiaceae)73.(Nakamurellaceae)74.孢鱼菌科(Sporichthyaceae)75.糖霉菌属(Glycomyces)76.(Stackerbrandtia)77.糖霉菌科(Glycomycetaceae)78.(Actinotalea)79.(Demequina)80.(Phycicoccus)81.(Ruania)82.(Yania)83.血杆菌属(Sanguibacter)84.(Rarobacter)85.(Cellulosimicrobium)86.(Isoptericola)87.(Myceligenerans)88.(Promicromonospora)89.(Xylanibacterium)90.(Xylanimonas)91.(Acaricomes)92.节杆菌属(Arthrobacter)93.(Citricoccus)94.(Kocuria)95.微球菌属(Micrococcus)96.(Nesterenkonia)97.(Renibacterium)98.罗氏菌属(Rothia)99.口腔球菌属(Stomatococcus) 100.刘志恒菌属(Zhihengliuella) 101.(Agreia)102.(Agrococcus)103.(Agromyces)104.(Aureobacterium) 105.(Clavibacter) 106.(Cryobacterium) 107.(Curtobacterium) 108.(Frigoribacterium) 109.(Frondicola) 110.(Gulosibacter) 111.(Labedella) 112.(Leifsonia)113.(Leucobacter) 114.(Microbacterium) 115.(Microcella) 116.(Mycetocola) 117.(Okibacterium) 118.(Plantibacter) 119.(Pseudoclavibacter) 120.(Rathayibacter) 121.(Rhodoglobus) 122.(Salinibacterium) 123.(Subtercola) 124.(Yonghaparkia) 125.(Zimmermannella) 126.(Jonesia)127.(Arsenicicoccus) 128.(Humihabitans) 129.(Intrasporangium) 130.(Janibacter) 131.(Knoellia)132.(Kribbia)133.(Lapillicoccus)134.(Ornithinicoccus)135.(Ornithinimicrobium)136.(Oryzihumus)137.(Serinicoccus)138.(Terrabacter)139.(Terracoccus)140.(Tetrasphaera)141.(Dermatophilus)142.(Kineosphaera)143.(Demetria)144.(Dermacoccus)145.(Kytococcus)146.(Brachybacterium)147.(Dermabacter)148.纤维素单胞菌属(Cellulomonas) 149.厄氏菌属(Oerskovia)150.(Tropheryma)151.短杆菌属(Brevibacterium)152.博戈里亚湖菌属(Bogoriella)153.获山氏菌属(Beutenbergia)154.乔治菌属(Georgenia)155.萨勒河菌属(Salana)156.获山氏菌科(Beutenbergiaceae) 157.博戈里亚湖菌科(Bogoriellaceae) 158.短杆菌科(Brevibacteriaceae)159.纤维素单胞菌科(Cellulomonadaceae) 160.(Dermabacteraceae)161.(Dermacoccaceae)162.(Dermatophilaceae)163.(Intrasporangiaceae)164.(Jonesiaceae)165.(Microbacteriaceae)166.微球菌科(Micrococcaceae) 167.(Promicromonosporaceae) 168.(Rarobacteraceae)169.(Sanguibacteraceae)170.(Yaniaceae)171.科未定172.(Actinocatenispora)173.(Actinoplanes)174.(Amorphosporangium)175.(Ampullariella)176.(Asanoa)177.(Catellatospora)178.(Catenuloplanes)179.(Couchiolanes)180.(Dactylosporangium)181.(Krasilnikovia)182.(Longispora)183.(Luedemannella)184.微单孢菌属(Micromonospora) 185.(Pilimelia)186.(Planopolyspora)187.(Polymorphospora)188.(Salinispora)189.(Spirilliplanes)190.(Verrucosispora)191.(Virgisporangium)192.微单孢菌科(Micromonosporaceae) 193.河口微菌属(Aestuariimicrobium)194.(Arachnia)195.(Brooklawnia)196.(Granulicoccus)197.江氏菌属(Jiangella)198.(Luteococcus)199.(Microlunatus)200.丙酸杆菌属(Propionibacterium) 201.(Propioniferax)202.(Propionimicrobium)203.(Tessaracocccus)204.(Actinopolymorpha)205.(Aeromicrobium)206.(Friedmanniella)207.(Hongia)208.(Kribbella)209.(Marmoricola)210.(Micropruina)211.(Nocardioides)212.(Pimelobacter)213.(Propionicicella)214.(Propionicimonas)215.(Nocardioidaceae)216.丙酸杆菌科(Propionibacteriaceae) 217.(Actinoalloteichus)218.(Actinobispora)219.(Amycolata)220.(Amycolatopsis)221.(Crossiella)222.(Faenia)223.(Goodfellowia)224.(Kibdelosporangium)225.(Kutzneria)226.(Prauserella)227.(Pseudoamycolata)228.(Pseudonocardia)229.(Saccharomonospora) 230.(Saccharopolyspora)231.(Streptoalloteichus)232.(Thermobispora)233.(Thermocrispum)234.(Actinokineospora)235.(Actinosynnema)236.(Lechevalieria)237.(Lentzea)238.(Saccharothrix)239.(Umezawaea)240.(Actinosynnemataceae) 241.(Pseudonocardiaceae) 242.(Actinopycnidium)243.(Actinosporangium)244.(Chainia)245.(Elytrosporangium)246.北里菌属(Kitasatoa)247.北里孢菌属(Kitasatospora) 248.(Microellobosporia)249.(Streptacidiphilus)250.链霉菌属(Streptomyces) 251.(Streptoverticillium)252.链霉菌科(Sterptomycetaceae) 253.珊瑚状放线菌属(Actinocorallia)254.(Actinomadura)255.(Excellospora)256.(Spirillospora)257.(Thermomonospora) 258.(Acrocarpospora)259.(Herbidospora)260.(Microbispora)261.(Microtetraspora)262.(Nonomuraea)263.(Planobispora)264.(Planomonospora)265.(Planotetraspora)266.(Sphaerisporangium) 267.(Streptosporangium) 268.(Thermopolyspora)269.(Nocardiopsis)270.(Streptomonospora) 271.(Thermobifida)272.(Nocardiopsaceae)273.(Streptosporangiaceae) 274.(Thermomonosporaceae) 275.放线菌目(Actinomycetales) 276.双歧杆菌目(Bifidobacteriales) 3.(Coriobacteridae)1.(Coriobacterineae)2.奇异菌属(Atopobium)3.(Collinsella)4.(Coriobacterium)5.(Cryptobacterium)6.(Denitrobacterium)7.(Eggerthella)8.(Olsenella)9.(Slackia)10.(Coriobacteriaceae)11.(Coriobacteriales)4.红色杆菌亚纲(Rubrobacteridae)1.红色杆菌亚目(Rubrobacterineae)2.(Thermoleophilum)3.(Solirubrobacter)4.红色杆菌属(Rubrobacter)5.(Patulibacter)6.(Conexibacter)7.(Conexibacteraceae)8.(Patulibacteraceae)9.红色杆菌科(Rubrobacteraceae)10.(Solirubrobacteraceae)11.(Thermoleophilaceae)12.红色杆菌目(Rubrobacterales)5.球形杆菌亚纲(Sphaerobacteridae)1.球形杆菌亚目(Sphaerobacterineae)2.球形杆菌属(Sphaerobacter)3.球形杆菌科(Sphaerobacteraceae)4.球形杆菌目(Sphaerobacterales) [编辑] 产水菌门(Aquificae)[编辑] 产水菌纲(Aquificae)1.产水菌目(Aquificales)1.(Hydrogenothermus)2.(Persephonella)3.(Sulfurihydrogenibium)4.(Balnearium)5.除硫杆菌属(Desulfurobacterium)6.热弧菌属(Thermovibrio)7.产水菌属(Aquifex)8.(Calderobacterium)9.(Hydrogenivirga)10.(Hydrogenobacter)11.(Hydrogenobaculum)12.(Thermocrinis)13.产水菌科(Aquificaceae)14.除硫杆菌科(Desulfurobacteriaceae)15.(Hydrogenothermaceae)[编辑] 拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)[编辑] 拟杆菌纲(Bacteroidetes)1.拟杆菌目(Bacteroidales)1.(Acetofilamentum)2.(Acetothermus)3.(Alistipes)4.(Alkaliflexus)5.(Marinilabilia)6.(Petrimonas)7.理研菌属(Rikenella) (注:Riken是日语“理化学研究所”简称)8.普雷沃氏菌属(Prevotella) (或译作“普氏菌”)9.(Barnesiella)10.(Capsularis)11.(Dysgonomonas)12.(Hallella)13.(Odoribacter)14.(Oribaculum)15.(Paludibacter)16.(Parabacteroides)17.紫单胞菌属(Porphyromonas) (多译作“卟啉单胞菌”,但porphyro-应来源于希腊语“紫色”)18.(Proteiniphilum)19.(Tannerella)20.(Xylanibacter)21.(Acetomicrobium)22.(Anaerophaga)23.(Anaerorhabdus)24.拟杆菌属(Bacteroides)25.(Pontibacter)26.拟杆菌科(Bacteroidaceae)27.紫单胞菌科(Porphyromonadaceae)28.普雷沃氏菌科(Prevotellaceae)29.理研菌科(Rikenellaceae)30.科未定[编辑] 黄杆菌纲(Flavobacteria)1.黄杆菌目(Flavobacteriales)1.(Actibacter)2.(Aequorivita)3.(Algibacter)4.(Aquimarina)5.(Arenibacter)6.伯杰菌属(Bergeyella)7.(Bizionia)8.碳酸噬胞菌属(Capnocytophaga) (注:多译作“二氧化碳噬纤维菌属”)9.噬纤维素菌属(Cellulophaga)10.金黄杆菌属(Chryseobacterium)11.(Cloacibacterium)12.(Coenonia)13.(Costertonia)14.(Croceibacter)15.独岛菌属(Dokdonia)16.东海菌属(Donghaeana)17.(Elizabethkingia)18.(Empedobacter)19.(Epilithonimonas)20.(Flaviramulus)21.黄杆菌属(Flavobacterium)22.(Formosa)23.泥滩杆菌属(Gaetbulibacter)24.泥滩微菌属(Gaetbulimicrobium)25.(Galbibacter)26.(Gelidibacter)27.(Gillisia)28.(Gilvibacter)29.革兰菌属(Gramella)30.(Kaistella)31.(Kordia)32.(Krokinobacter)33.(Lacinutrix)34.列文虎克菌属(Leeuwenhoekiella)35.(Lutibacter)36.(Maribacter)37.(Mariniflexile)38.(Marixanthomonas)39.(Mesonia)40.(Muricauda)41.(Myroides)42.(Nonlabens)43.(Olleya)44.(Ornithobacterium)45.(Persicivirga)46.(Pibocella)47.极地杆菌属(Polaribacter)48.冷弯菌属(Psychroflexus)49.(Psychroserpens)50.(Riemerella)51.(Robiginitalea)52.(Salegentibacter)53.(Sandarakinotalea)54.(Sediminibacter)55.(Sediminicola)56.世宗菌属(Sejongia)57.(Stanierella)58.(Stenothermobacter)59.(Subsaxibacter)60.(Subsaximicrobium)61.(Tamlana)62.(Tenacibaculum)63.(Ulvibacter)64.(Vitellibacter)65.(Wautersiella)66.(Weeksella)67.(Winogradskyella)68.丽水菌属(Yeosuana)69.(Zeaxanthinibacter)70.周氏菌属(Zhouia)71.(Zobellia)72.王祖农菌属(Zunongwangia)73.(Algoriphagus)74.(Brumimicrobium)75.(Crocinitomix)76.(Cryomorpha)77.(Fluviicola)78.李时珍菌属(Lishizhenia)79.(Owenweeksia)80.蟑螂杆状体属(Blattabacterium)81.蟑螂杆状体科(Blattabacteriaceae)82.(Cryomorphaceae)83.黄杆菌科(Flavobacteriaceae) [编辑] 鞘脂杆菌纲(Sphingobacteria)1.鞘脂杆菌目(Sphingobacteriales)1.(Niabella)2.(Mucilaginibacter)3.(Olivibacter)4.(Parapedobacter)5.(Pedobacter)6.(Pseudosphingobacterium)7.鞘脂杆菌属(Sphingobacterium)8.(Aureispira)9.(Haliscomenobacter)10.(Lewinella)11.腐螺旋菌属(Saprospira)12.(Adhaeribacter)13.(Aquiflexum)14.(Arcicella)15.(Belliella)16.(Chimaereicella)17.(Cyclobacterium)18.噬胞菌属(Cytophaga) (注:目前多称此属为“噬纤维菌属”,此处依拉丁文)19.(Dyadobacter)20.(Echinicola)21.(Effluviibacter)22.(Emticicia)23.(Fabibacter)24.(Flectobacillus)25.屈挠杆菌属(Flexibacter)26.(Hongiella)27.(Hymenobacter)28.(Larkinella)29.(Leadbetterella)30.(Marinicola)31.(Meniscus)32.(Microscilla)33.(Niastella)34.(Persicitalea)35.(Reichenbachiella)36.(Rhodonellum)37.(Roseivirga)38.(Runella)39.(Spirosoma)40.生孢噬胞菌属(Sporocytophaga)41.(Flammeovirga)42.(Flexithrix)43.(Perexilibacter)44.(Persicobacter)45.(Rapidithrix)46.(Sediminitomix)47.(Thermonema)48.(Balneola)49.(Chitinophaga)50.泉发菌属(Crenothrix)51.(Rhodothermus)52.(Salinibacter)53.(Terrimonas)54.(Toxothrix)55.泉发菌科(Crenotrichaceae)56.(Flammeovirgaceae)57.屈挠杆菌科(Flexibacteraceae)58.腐螺旋菌科(Saprospiraceae)59.鞘脂杆菌科(Sphingobacteriaceae)60.科未定[编辑] 纲未定1.(Flavisolibacter)2.(Fulvivirga)3.(Prolixibacter)4.(Segetibacter)[编辑] 衣原体门(Chlamydiae)[编辑] 衣原体纲(Chlamydiae)1.衣原体目(Chlamydiales)1.华诊体属(Waddlia) (注:WADDL为“华盛顿动物病诊断实验室”缩写)2.芯卡体属(Simkania) (注:人名缩写简称,此处用音译)3.棍衣原体属(Rhabdochlamydia)*4.新衣原体属(Neochlamydia)5.副衣原体属(Parachlamydia)6.衣原体属(Chlamydia)7.嗜衣体属(Chlamydophila)8.衣原体科(Chlamydiaceae)9.副衣原体属(Parachlamydiaceae) (注:应该是副衣原体科)10.芯卡体科(Simkaniaceae)11.华诊体科(Waddliaceae)[编辑] 绿菌门(Chlorobi)[编辑] 绿菌纲(Chlorobia)1.绿菌目(Chlorobiales)1.臂绿菌属(Ancalochloris)2.绿棒菌属(Chlorobaculum)3.绿菌属(Chlorobium)4.绿爬菌属(Chloroherpeton)5.暗网菌属(Pelodictyon)6.突柄绿菌属(Prosthecochloris)7.绿菌科(Chlorobiaceae)[编辑] 绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)[编辑] 厌氧绳菌纲(Anaerolineae)1.厌氧绳菌目(Anaerolineales)1.厌氧绳菌属(Anaerolinea)2.(Bellilinea)3.纤绳菌属(Leptolinea)4.(Levilinea)5.长绳菌属(Longilinea)6.厌氧绳菌科(Anaerolineaceae) [编辑] 暖绳菌纲(Caldilineae)1.暖绳菌目(Caldilineales)1.暖绳菌属(Caldilinea)2.暖绳菌科(Caldilineaceae)[编辑] 绿弯菌纲(Chloroflexi)1.绿弯菌目(Chloroflexales)1.颤绿菌属(Oscillochloris)2.绿弯菌属(Chloroflexus)3.绿线菌属(Chloronema)4.太阳发菌属(Heliothrix)5.玫瑰弯菌属(Roseiflexus)6.绿弯菌科(Chloroflexaceae)7.颤绿菌科(Oscillochloridaceae)2.爬管菌目(Herpetosiphonales)1.爬管菌属(Herpetosiphon)2.爬管菌科(Herpetosiphonaceae) [编辑] 产金菌门(Chrysiogenetes)[编辑] 产金菌纲(Chrysiogenetes)1.产金菌目(Chrysiogenales)1.产金菌属(Chrysiogenes)2.产金菌科(Chrysiogenaceae) [编辑] 蓝藻门(Cyanobacteria)[编辑] 蓝藻纲(Cyanobacteria)注:目前有三套蓝藻分类系统,分别为NCBI、Bergey's手册及Cavalier-Smith(2002年,仅分至目)。



三苯基膦的偶极矩1-三苯基膦-2-丙酮名称中文名1-三苯基膦-2-丙酮英文名(acetylmethylene)triphenylphosphorane中文别名1-(三苯基膦烯)-2-丙酮| (乙酰亚甲基)三苯基磷烷| 1-三苯基膦烯-2-丙酮| (乙酰甲烯基)三苯基膦英文别名更多1-三苯基膦-2-丙酮物理化学性质密度 1.1±0.1 g/cm3沸点478.5±28.0 °C at 760 mmHg熔点203-205 °C(lit.)分子式C21H19OP分子量318.349闪点243.2±24.0 °C精确质量318.117340PSA26.88000LogP3.22外观性状白色至淡米色结晶粉末蒸汽压0.0±1.2 mmHg at 25°C折射率 1.611储存条件保持贮藏器密封、储存在阴凉、干燥的地方,确保工作间有良好的通风或排气装置稳定性如果遵照规格使用和储存则不会分解,未有已知危险反应,避免氧化物、水分/潮湿、酸、碱、空气分子结构1、摩尔折射率:96.482、摩尔体积(m3/mol):278.03、等张比容(90.2K):726.74、表面张力(dyne/cm): 46.65、介电常数:无可用6、偶极距(10 -24cm 3):无可用7、极化率:38.25计算化学1.疏水参数计算参考值(XlogP):3.62.氢键供体数量:03.氢键受体数量:14.可旋转化学键数量:45.互变异构体数量:26.拓扑分子极性表面积17.17.重原子数量:238.表面电荷:09.复杂度:38310.同位素原子数量:011.确定原子立构中心数量:012.不确定原子立构中心数量:013.确定化学键立构中心数量:014.不确定化学键立构中心数量:015.共价键单元数量:1更多1. 性状:白色粉末。

2. 密度(g/mL,25/4℃):未确定3. 相对蒸汽密度(g/mL,空气=1):未确定4. 熔点(ºC):203-2055. 沸点(ºC,常压):未确定6. 沸点(ºC,5.2kPa):未确定7. 折射率:未确定8. 闪点(ºC):未确定9. 比旋光度(º):未确定10. 自燃点或引燃温度(ºC):未确定11. 蒸气压(kPa,25ºC):未确定12. 饱和蒸气压(kPa,60ºC):未确定13. 燃烧热(KJ/mol):未确定14. 临界温度(ºC):未确定15. 临界压力(KPa):未确定16. 油水(辛醇/水)分配系数的对数值:未确定17. 爆炸上限(%,V/V):未确定18. 爆炸下限(%,V/V):未确定19. 溶解性:未确定1-三苯基膦-2-丙酮MSDS模块1. 化学品1.1 产品标识符: 1-三苯基膦-2-丙酮产品名称1.2 鉴别的其他方法Acetylmethylene-triphenylphosphorane1.3 有关的确定了的物质或混合物的用途和建议不适合的用途仅用于研发。

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Plastic Infrared Emitting Diode
OP165, OP166 Series
Each device in the OP165 and OP166 series is a high intensity gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode (GaAIAs) that is molded in an IR transmissive clear or amber-tinted epoxy package with either a dome or flat lens. Devices feature narrow and wide irradiance patterns and a variety of electrical characteristics. The small T-1 package style makes these devices ideal for space-limited applications.
OP165 and OP166 devices are mechanically and spectrally matched to the OP505 and OP535 series devices.
Please refer to Application Bulletins 208 and 210 for additional design information and reliability (degradation) data.
• Space-limited applications
• Applications requiring coupling
• Battery-operated or voltage-limited applications
Ordering Information
Part Number LED Peak Wavelength
Output Power (mW/cm 2) Min / Max
I F (mA) Typ / Max Total Beam Angle Lead Length
OP165A 935 nm 1.95 / NA 20 / 50
OP165B 1.40 / 2.20 OP165C 0.85 / 1.60 OP165D 0.28 / NA OP165W 0.50 / NA 90°
OP166A 1.95 / NA 18°
OP166B 1.40 / 2.20 OP166C 0.85 / 1.60 OP166D 0.28 / NA OP166W
0.50 / NA
OP165, OP166 Series
To avoid stress cracking, we suggest using
ND Industries’ Vibra-Tite for thread-locking.
Vibra-Tite evaporates fast without causing structural
failure in OPTEK'S molded plastics.
OP165 (A, B, C, D)
Pin # LED
1 Cathode
2 Anode
OP165, OP166 Series
Electrical Characteristics (T A = 25° C unless otherwise noted)
E E (APT)Apertured Radiant Incidence
OP166A 1.95 - - mW/cm
2 I
= 20 mA(3)
P O Radiant Power Output
OP166W 0.50 - -
mW I F = 20 mA
V F Forward
Voltage - - 1.60 V I F = 20 mA I R Reverse Current - - 100 µA V R= 2 V
λP Wavelength at Peak Emission - 935 - nm I F = 10 mA
B Spectral Bandwidth between Half Power
Points - 50 -
nm I F = 10 mA
∆λP /∆T Spectral Shift with Temperature
OP165, OP166 (A, B, C, D)
nm/°C I F = Constant
θHP Emission Angle at Half Power Points
OP165, OP166 (A, B, C, D)
Degree I F = 20 mA
t r Output Rise Time - 1000 - ns t f Output Fall Time - 500 - ns I F(PK)=100 mA, PW=10 µs, D.C.=10.0%
Absolute Maximum Ratings (T A=25°C unless otherwise noted)
Storage and Operating Temperature Range -40o C to +100o C Reverse Voltage 2.0 V Continuous Forward Current 50 mA Peak Forward Current (1 µs pulse width, 300 pps) 3.0 A Lead Soldering Temperature [1/16 inch (1.6 mm) from case for 5 seconds with soldering iron] 260° C(1) Power Dissipation 100 mW(2)
OP165, OP166 Series
OP165, OP166 (A, B, C, D, W)
Distance vs Output Power vs Forward Current
0.0 ''0.2 ''0.4 ''0.6 ''0.8 '' 1.0 '' 1.2 '' 1.4 '' 1.6 '' 1.8 '' 2.0 ''
Distance (inches)
N o r m a l i z e d O u t p u t P o w e r
Forward Voltage vs Forward Current vs
Forward Current (mA)
T y p i c a l F o r w a r d V o l t a g e (V )
Optical Power vs I F vs Temp
Forward Current I F (mA)
N o r m a l i z e d O p t i c a l P o w e r
Relative Radiant Intensity vs Angular
Angular Displacement (Degrees)
R e l a t i v e R a d i a n t I n t e n s i t y。
