S10 How to write a Short Story


怎样写故事How to write a good story

怎样写故事How to write a good story

HOW TO WRITE A GOOD STORYWriting an interesting, engaging, exhilarating and engrossing narrative based in either fiction or reality is a very useful skill to have. It allows you to not only weave an exciting tale, but also assists you in social situations where the skill of effective communication of events is necessary. To write a good story, all you really need is a pen and writeable surface, although a computer is preferred.STEP 1: PREPARATIONYou can’t simply plant yourself in an office chair and create genius (although if you can, I applaud you). The best way to get in “the mood” is to read others’ works. Articles, short stories, novellas and even web pages are just a few examples of well-written and informative sources of text. However, this is just the first component of preparation; you also have to ready a writing zone. Your zone is an area most suited to unleashing your creative energies. This could be a quiet basement, or in a busy, bustling city café. It’s really just a question of where you feel most comfortable.STEP 2: DECIDING ON A TOPIC & SETTINGChoosing subject matter that, most importantly, interests you is integral to writing a good piece. If you’re not passionate about a topic, the reader might perceive that your piece is dull and flat. You have a wide variety of time periods, locations and events to write about; your possibilities are only limited by the extent of your imagination. You could set your tale in a fantasy world, or plunge your readers into the far-flung future.STEP 3: CREATING & COLLABORATING IDEASOnce you’ve decided on a subject, now is the crucial planning phase. I suggest brainstorming all concepts and ideas, and then eliminating the worst ones that didn’t really gel with the rest of them. Normally, some sort of a diagram will help spur some original thoughts that you can use to establish the foundation of your story. Starting with a character name, for example, then branching characteristics of that individual off that bubble is a good start. Then, group your ideas into clumps of similarly-themed ones and you’ll have a great deal of pre-prepared information from which to draw the fabric of your narrative.STEP 4: FIRST DRAFTNow is perhaps the most important part of the entire process; the first draft. The first draft will provide the basic skeleton for the finished product, and its quality will give a good indication of how your ideas are working together. Don’t stress too much about minute details and spelling/grammar, this can all be rectified in editing and revision.STEP 5: EDITING & REVISION; FURTHER DRAFTINGNext, carefully read over that draft, picking apart every conceivable error and rewriting it as you see fit. Fix coherency issues, misuses of phrases and words, and other such details that need to be revised. Once the spit and polish has been heavily applied, make sure what you end up with is looking like a decent finished product. If you’re not satisfied, re-draft the piece entirely until you are. Continue drafting, and don’t settle for anything less than a brilliant piece of work.STEP 6: FINAL DRAFT & DISTRIBUTIONAfter putting the very last touches on your piece, and having been completely satisfied with every last detail of it, now you can distribute your piece as you see fit. Have a final, crucial read over it. Congratulations! You’re finished.。

How to write a story

How to write a story

A Caterpillar Method 毛毛虫法—By StevenA Story Has Three Parts Head Body Tail1. HEAD•About the HEAD, you should write about the setting:•1. Time:on+Date; in themorning/evening/afternoon,in+Month/Year, on a sunny/windy/rainy day;(Past tense,过去时态)•2. Weather:sunny, windy, cloudy, snowy, etc.•3. Place: at home/school, in thepark/amusement park, on the road, etc.•4. People and Feelings(感受) : happy, excited, blue, bad, terrible.HEADTimeWeatherPlacePeopleBODYWhyHowWhatWho2. BODY•About the body, you should write about:•1. WHAT did people (WHO) do in the story?•2. HOW did the event go?In the beginning, Firstly, secondly, then, later, but, however, in the end•3. WHY did everybody do that?because, that’s why…, so•4. HOW did everybody feel?MAN: Do you want to fly to the cloud with me?WOMAN: Great, why not?! Let’s go!!Then,the man grabbed the girl and flied to theCloud. They felt very excited when they were flying.3. TAIL•About the tail, you should write about:•1. WHAT’s the end of the story?At last, in the end, finally•2. HOW did everybody feel at last?•3. WHAT did you think about this thing?Finally, they got on the top of the cloud, they were so happy!HEAD Example: When: My birthday is on January 13th.What and Where: I had my last birthday in my home on Saturday, Weather: it was a sunny day,People: and my friends and I were very happy that day.BODY Example:•What: My friends and I had a party in theevening, and I received many gifts frommy friends,•How and Why: and I liked the gifts verymuch, and one of my favorite gift was aSpiderman toy because I like watchingSpiderman movies pretty much.•What : We played some games firstly,then we began to sing songs and dance,at the end, we had a big birthday cakeand a delicious dinner.TAIL Example:What and How:My friends had agreat time that day,I was very happy,too. I wish I couldhave anotherbirthday aswonderful as thisone.THAT’S THE WHOLE STORY•HAVE A NICE DAY, MY little BUDDYIES!。

How to write short essays (argumentation)如何写英语短文(议论文)

How to write short essays (argumentation)如何写英语短文(议论文)

How to write short essays (exposition/argumentation)I. Two types of argumentII. How to write exposition: one-sided argumentative essaysAn exposition or argumentative essay is an essay in which the writer agrees or disagrees with an issue, using reasons to support his or her opinion. The goal is to convince the readers that his or her opinion is right. Exposition/Argumentation writers to take a stand on an issue, support their stand with solid reasons, and support their reasons with solid evidence.III. Structure of an exposition (or: an argumentative essay)Introduction Opening remarks to catch reader’s interestThesis statementPlan of development/Preview of main ideas (optional)Topic sentence 1 (supported by supporting points)Specific evidenceBody Topic sentence 2 (supported by supporting points)Specific evidenceTopic sentence 3(supported by supporting points)Specific evidenceConclusion Summary (optional)General closing remarks (e.g. Recommendation/prediction, etc.)IV. How to Write an Introduction1) Four objectives of an introduction:●Capture the attention of readers and make them read on.●Provide background or necessary information to help readers understand the essay’sthesis.●Reveal the essay’s central idea as expressed in the thesis statement.●Guide the reader to important ideas in the body of the essay.2) How to write good opening remarks:●Asking questions or present a problem●Stating the importance of the topic●Giving historical background●Using startling facts, remarks or statistics●Starting with an opposite opinion●Starting with an idea or situation that is the opposite of the one you will develop●Telling a story, an anecdote, or an incident; or describe a scene●Citing quotations●Defining an important term or concept●Using comparison, contrast or an analogy●Starting with general, moving to specific like a funnelExercise 1: Reorder the following group of sentence to make the introduction start with being general to being specific.a.If done properly, a handshake gives the impression of strength and honesty, and ifdone improperly, it conveys weakness and dishonesty.b.In some cultures, people bow, and in others, they shake hands.c.In English-speaking countries, shaking hands is the custom.d. A proper handshake has four ingredients: pressure, pumps, eye contact, and verbalmessage.e.The way people greet each other when they meet for the first time varies fromculture to culture.f.How one shakes hands sends an important message about one’s character. Exercise 2: What kind of opening remarks is used in the following introductions? A.When students complete a first draft, they consider the job of writing done – andtheir teachers too often agree. When professional writers complete a first draft, they usually feel that they are at the start of the writing process. When a draft iscompleted, the job of writing can begin.B.―The most alarming of all man’s assaults upon the environment is the contaminationof air, earth, rivers, and sea with dangerous and even lethal materials,‖ Ra chel Carson wrote a quarter of a century ago in her celebrated book Silent Spring.Today there is little disagreement with her warnings in regard to such broad-spectrum pesticides as DDT, then widely used, now banned. But there is still hot debate over how to apply modem pesticides—which are designed to kill specific types of weeds or insects—in ways that do not harm people and their environment.C.Divorce and out-of-wedlock childbirth are transforming the lives of Americanchildren. In the postwar generation more than 80% of children grew up in a family with two biological parents who are married to each other. By 1980 only 50% could expect to spend their entire childhood in an intact family. If current trends continue, less than half of all children born today will live continuously with their own mother and father throughout childhood. Most American children will spend several years ina single-mother family.D.Alcoholism is a disease whose horrible consequences go beyond the patient.Families of alcoholics often become dysfunctional; spouses and children areabandoned or endure physical and emotional abuse. Co-workers suffer too.Alcoholics have high rates of absenteeism (旷工,旷课), and their work is often unreliable, thereby decreasing office or factory productivity. Indeed, alcoholicsendanger the whole community. One in every two automobile fatalities isalcohol-related, and alcoholism is a major cause of violent crime.E. The Pilgrims (1620年移居美洲的英国清教徒) who arrived in Massachusetts in1620 came to find religious freedom. In the 17th and 18th centuries, large numbers of African men and women were brought as slaves to work on large plantations in the South. Immigrants from northern and southern Europe came in the early 19th century to escape poor economic conditions at home. Later in the 19th century, the firstimmigrants from China came as contract laborers to build the railroads connecting East and West. In the 20th century, political and economic refugees arrived from Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. Indeed, the United States has seenimmigrants come from many different parts of the world, and they have come for many different reasons. Their ability to adjust to life in their adopted land hasdepended on several factors.3) How to write the thesis statement (文章的论点句/中心句)The thesis statement is the most important sentence in the introduction.A. The thesis statement states the specific topic of the essay.∙Young people in this country have less freedom than young people in mycountry.∙The large movement of people from rural to urban areas has major effects oncities.∙My older sister helped me overcome shyness.B. Sometimes a thesis statement lists subtopics that will be discussed in the Body. In this case, it includes the preview of main points.∙Young people in this country have less freedom than young people in my country in their choice of where they live, whom they marry, and what kindof job they choose.∙The large movement of people from rural to urban areas has major effects on a city’s ability to provide housing, employment, and adequate sanitationservice.∙My older sister helped me overcome shyness by encouraging me to meet people, speak in front of people and take part in social activities.C. Sometimes a thesis statement also indicates the pattern of organization of the essay, such as chronological order, spatial order, order of importance (or emphatic order), comparison/contrast, topical order, etc.∙When shopping online, use these four strategies to buy satisfactory goods.∙When buying a used car, use these four steps to get the best price.∙French and English share some similarities in vocabulary and pronunciation. D. The thesis statement is normally the last sentence in the introductory paragraph.V. How to Write the BodyNotebut for a short essay THREE body paragraphs are the best.2. How to Write a Good Body ParagraphA paragraph is a series of sentences that are organized in a coherent way, and are related to a single topic. A good paragraph should have a topic sentence and several supporting sentences. Sometimes a paragraph also has a concluding sentence, which summarizes the paragraph or leaves the reader with something to think about.A topic sentence presents the topic or the main idea of the paragraph, and it often appears at the beginning of the paragraph. The topic sentence should have a topic and a controlling idea.A body paragraph has several supporting sentences; they are organized by certain patterns. Common patterns of organization include listing/enumeration(列举), exemplification (举例), narration, description, cause/effect, comparison/contrast, classification and division, process analysis, and definition.Exercise 3: Read the paragraph and answer the questions:Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics. First of all, gold has a lustrous beauty that is resistant to corrosion. Therefore, it is suitable for jewelry, coins, and ornamental purposes. Gold never needs to be polished and will remain beautiful forever. For example, a Macedonian (马其顿的)coin remains as untarnished today as the day it was made 25 centuries ago. Another important characteristic of gold is its usefulness to industry and science. For many years, it has been used in hundreds of industrial applications, such as photography and dentistry. The most recent use of gold is in astronauts’ suits. Astronauts wear gold-plated (镀) heat shields for protection when they go outside spaceships in space. In conclusion, gold is treasured not only for its beauty but also for its utility.Questions:1.Underline the topic sentence. What’s the main point/idea? What are the sub-points?2.Does the paragraph have enough support? What is used as support?3.Do it have a concluding sentence?Exercise 4: Which is the topic sentence? Which sentence does not belong in this paragraph?1. (A) The campus in summer seems a more relaxed place than in the fall. (B) Fewerpeople are about, and the gardener works slowly in the heat. (C) Over by theclassrooms, several workmen hammer and saw without much energy. (D) Next to the library, even the fountains seem smaller and quieter. (E) Two hundred marathon runners came jogging rapidly past at that moment. (F) It feels as if vacation time is here already.2. (A) People usually travel for their pleasure. (B)However, visitors to Japan inevitablymeet with many problems during their stay. (C)Tourists find that social customs are different. (D)For example, on meeting someone, the Japanese usually bow slightly, even if they shake hands too. (E)Traffic rules may also be confusing, for cars drive on the left, while in many countries right-side drive is the custom. (F)England, as well, has this kind of problem. (G)The biggest problem, of course, is the difference in language: You can't translate word for word. (H)So, if you want to enjoy Japan, you should be prepared in advance to meet these difficulties.3. (A) There's nothing like a commercial to ruin an evening's TV entertainment.(B)Before a show even starts, two or three commercials begin the viewing. (C)Thenas the action builds and tension mounts, another two or three minutes of ads break the mood. (D)And some TV shows are still very good at setting the mood. (E)At the end of the show, the announcer says, "We'll be right back," but it's just a trick to get you to stay tuned for still more advertisements. (F)The program is really already over.4. (A) A paragraph without a topic sentence is like a ship without a captain. (B) Shipsneed direction, and so do paragraphs. (C) The captain of a ship chooses the direction, and then uses the crew, wind, and rudder as support. (D) In bad weather, the ship rolls back and forth. (E) Similarly, the topic sentence establishes the direction for the paragraph. (F) Then the other sentences of the paragraph provide the support to stick to that course.Exercise 5: Which is a better paragraph? Why?A. I wouldn’t want to be a teenager again, first of all, because I wouldn’t want to worry about talking to girls. I still remember how scary it was to call up a girl and ask her out. My heart would race, my pulse would pound, and perspiration would trickle down my face. I never knew whether my voice would come out deep and masculine, like a television anchorman’s, or squeaky, like a little boy’s. Then there were the questions: Would she be at home? If she was, would she want to talk to me? And if she did, what would I say? The one time I did get up the nerve to take a girl to a movie, I was so tongue-tied that I stared silently at the box of popcorn in my lap until the movie started. Needless to say, I wasn’t very interesting company.B. I wouldn’t want to be a teenager again, first of all, because I wouldn’t want to worry about talking to girls. Calling up a girl to ask her out was something I completelydreaded. I didn’t know what words to express or how to express them. I would have all the symptoms of nervousness when I got on the phone. I worried a great deal about how I would sound, and I had a lot of doubts about the girl’s reaction. Once, I managed to call up a girl to get out, but the evening turned out to be a disaster. I was too unsure of myself to act in a confident way. I couldn’t think of anything to say and just kept quiet. Now that I look back on it, I really made a fool of myself. Agonizing over my attempts at relationships with the opposite sex made adolescence a very uncomfortable time. VI. How to Write a ConclusionCommon techniques to write a memorable conclusion1) Make a prediction2) Suggest results or consequences3) Suggest a solution, make a recommendation, or call for action4) Quote an authority on the topicExercise 6: What technique is used in each of the following conclusion?A.It is clear that the US system of higher education is in trouble. For many students,four years of college is no longer possible because of increasing costs and decreasing financial aid. To reverse this trend, we must demand that government increase its financial support of colleges and universities and restore financial aid programs. Our future depends on it.B.To sum up, the costs of attending college are up and financial aid for students isdown. Fewer and fewer future members of the workforce are able to educatethemselves beyond high school. As a result, the nation will waste the intelligence, imagination, and energy of a large segment of the present college-age generation. C.In conclusion, costs are rising and financial aid is declining, with the result thatmany can no longer afford to go to college. If our nation is to prosper, increasedgovernment funding for education is essential, even if it requires higher taxes. As Horace Mann argued in his Fifth Annual Report, a nation’s economic wealth will increase through an educated public. It is therefore in the self-interest of business to pay the taxation for public education.D.We have seen how the costs of attending college have been rising while, at the sametime, sources of financial aid for students have been disappearing. If this trendcontinues, fewer and fewer families will be able to send their children through four years of college.VII.How to Evaluate a paragraph/essay1.UNITY (同一性): If every sentence in the paragraph sticks to ONE topic, theparagraph has unity. And if all paragraphs stick to the thesis of the essay, your paper has unity.2.COHERENCE (连贯性): All supporting ideas must be organized so that theycohere, or stick together. There are no sudden jumps in meaning. Sentences arelogically connected. Key techniques include:Repeat key words and phrases.●Use consistent pronouns.●Add transitions and other connecting words.●Arrange your contents logically. Often use a clear method of organization(such as time order; spatial order; emphatic order; cause and effect;comparison and contrast)3.SUPPORT(论据): Support your thesis with SPECIFIC evidence and details. Inother words, have a variety of specific details in your body paragraphs to support your thesis.4.SENTENCE SKILLS (语言技能): If you write clear, error-free sentences, yourpaper will demonstrate effective sentence skills.VIII. Sample EssayThe following is anexposition (or an argumentative essay)entitled “Teenagers and Part-time Jobs”by John Langan from ―College Writing Skills with R eadings‖ (1993:6). Read the essay and answer the following questions:―The pressure for a teenager to work is great, and not just because of the economic plight (困境) in the world today. Much of it is peer pressure to have a little bit of freedom and independence, and to have their own spending money. The concern we have is when the part-time work becomes the primary focus,‖ says Roxanne Bradshaw, educator and officer of the National Education Association. Many people argue that working can be a valuable experience for the young. However, working more than 10 hours a week is harmful to adolescents because it reduces their involvement with school, encourages a materialistic and expensive lifestyle, and increases the chance of having problems with drugs and alcohol.Schoolwork and the benefits of extracurricular activities tend to go by the wayside (被搁置) when adolescents work long hours. As more and more teens have filled the numerous part-time jobs offered by fast-food restaurants and mall store, teachers have faced increasing difficulties. They must both keep the attention of tired students and give homework to students who simply don’t have time to do it. In addition, educators have noticed less involvement in the extracurricular events many consider healthy influences on young people. School bands and athletic teams are losing players to work, and sports events are poorly attended by working students. Those teenagers who try to do it all—homework, extracurricular activities, and work—may find themselves exhausted and prone to illness. A recent newspaper story, for example, described a girl in Pennsylvania who came down with mononucleosis as a result of aiming for good grades, playing on two school athletic teams, and working thirty hours a week.Another drawback of too much work is that it may promote materialism and an unrealistic lifestyle. Some parents say that work teaches adolescents the value of money. Undoubtedl y, it can, and it’s true that some teenagers work to help out with the family budget or save for college. However, surveys have shown that the majority of working teens use their earnings to buy luxuries — iPhones, iPads, laptops, even cars. These young pe ople, some of whom earn $500 and more a month, don’t worry about spendingwisely. In many cases, experts point out, they are becoming accustomed to a lifestyle they won’t be able to afford several years down the road, when they’ll no longer have their parents to pay for car insurance, food and lodging, and so on.Finally, teenagers who work a lot are more likely than others to get involvedwith alcohol and drugs. Teens who put in long hours may seek a quick release from stress, just like the adults who need to drink a couple of martinis after a hard day at work. Stress is probably greater in our society today than it has been at any time in the past. Also, teens who have money are more likely, for various obvious reasons, to get involved with drugs.Teenagers can enjoy the benefits of work while avoiding its drawbacks simplyby limiting their work hours during the school year. As is often the case, a moderate approach will be the most healthy and rewarding.Questions:1.About unity: Which sentence in the body should be omitted because it is not related to the topic of the paragraph?2. About support:1) Where in the body are specific details needed?2) Which paragraph develops its point by citing and then refuting (反驳) anopposing point of view?3. About coherence: What transition words are used to introduce the three supportingparagraphs?4. About introduction: Which method of introduction is used?5. About conclusion: Does the essay briefly summarize the main ideas? What kind of closing remarks are used?Homework Assignment:●People have different opinions about whether cell phones (including laptopsand tablets) should be banned in class or not. What's your opinion?●Write an exposition essay of about 300 words to express your opinion.●Remember to follow the structure of an exposition/argumentative essay.●Remember to create a title for your exposition.●Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.●Double space your essay.●Print on both sides.●Indented format.●Submit your essay in Week 10.。



短篇故事怎么写英文作文英文:Writing a short story in English can be a fun and challenging task. Here are some tips on how to get started:1. Choose a topic or theme for your story. This can be anything from a personal experience to a fictional idea.2. Create your characters. Give them names, personalities, and backgrounds to make them moreinteresting and relatable.3. Develop your plot. Decide on the beginning, middle, and end of your story. Think about the conflicts and obstacles your characters will face.4. Use descriptive language and sensory details topaint a vivid picture in the reader's mind.5. Edit and revise your story multiple times to make sure it flows well and makes sense.中文:写英文短篇故事可以是一项有趣而具有挑战性的任务。

以下是一些开始的提示:1. 选择一个故事的主题或主题。


2. 创建你的角色。


3. 发展你的情节。


how to write a short story

how to write a short story

Mark Twain
Introduction of Mark Twain
an America writer, journalist and humorist
“the greatest American humorist in his age”
The style of his language
a distinguished American storywriter wrote more than 300 short stories
Writing style
humor keen awareness of details objectiveness
“ the founder of American stories” “ the encyclopedia of American life”
Some Basic Figures of Speech
• A figure of speech in which things that are different are compared by the use of the words like or as. • Examples
The author may reveal a character in several ways:
a) b) c) d) his/her physical appearance what he/she says, thinks, feels and dreams what he/she does or does not do what others say about him/her and how others react to him/her



用英语怎样写小作文How to Write a Short Essay in English。

Writing a short essay in English can be challenging, especially if you are not a native speaker of the language. However, with some practice and a few tips, you can become proficient in this skill. In this article, we will discuss the steps to writing a short essay in English.1. Choose a topic。

The first step to writing any essay is to choose a topic. Make sure that the topic you choose is interesting and relevant to your audience. If you are not sure what to write about, brainstorm some ideas and choose the one that you feel most passionate about.2. Plan your essay。

Once you have chosen a topic, it is important to planyour essay. This will help you to organize your thoughts and ensure that your essay is well-structured. Start by creating an outline of your essay, including the main points that you want to make.3. Write an introduction。



作文如何写简短的故事英语How to Write a Short Story in English。

Writing a short story in English can be challenging, but it can also be a lot of fun. A short story is a piece of fiction that is usually less than 10,000 words. It can be about anything, but it should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Here are some tips on how to write a short story in English.1. Choose a topic。

The first step in writing a short story is to choose a topic. You can write about anything you want, but it should be something that interests you. Think about what you like to read or watch on TV. You can also draw inspiration from your own life experiences.2. Create a plot。

Once you have a topic, you need to create a plot. Aplot is the sequence of events that make up a story. It should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. The beginning should introduce the characters and the setting. The middle should have a conflict or problem that the characters need to solve. The end should resolve the conflict or problem.3. Develop characters。



如何创作超短故事英语作文English Answer:1. Determine a Central Theme:Identify a specific idea, emotion, or concept you want to explore through your story. This will guide your writing and ensure a cohesive narrative.2. Choose a Setting:Establish the time and place of your story. Consider how the setting influences the characters and plot. For example, a secluded forest evokes mystery, while a bustling city conveys chaos.3. Develop Character Sketches:Create relatable and engaging characters by outlining their motivations, personality traits, and conflicts. Evenin a short story, well-developed characters drive the narrative.4. Plot Your Storyline:Decide on a sequence of events that unfold in a logical and captivating manner. Include a conflict or problem that challenges the characters and resolves by the end of the story.5. Use Economy of Language:Every word in a short story should serve a purpose. Eliminate unnecessary details and focus on conveying the essence of your message. Use vivid and concise language to create a lasting impact.6. Hook Your Reader:Begin with a strong opening line that grabs thereader's attention. Use sensory details, intriguing questions, or unexpected plot twists to pique curiosity.7. Build Suspense:Gradually increase tension and suspense by slowly revealing information and foreshadowing future events. Keep readers guessing and eager to know what happens next.8. Create a Conflict:Introduce a problem, obstacle, or conflict that challenges the characters and drives the plot forward. The conflict should be relatable and engaging to the reader.9. Resolve the Conflict:Bring the story to a satisfying conclusion by resolving the conflict in a way that aligns with the central theme and character development. Avoid predictable endings and strive for a fresh or thought-provoking resolution.10. Proofread and Revise:Once you've completed your draft, reread it carefullyfor errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Consider feedback from others to improve clarity and impact.Chinese Answer:1. 确定中心主题:确定一个你想通过故事探索的特定想法、情绪或概念。




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如何写短文填空英语作文How to Write a Short Essay。

Writing a short essay can be challenging, especially if you are not used to expressing your thoughts in a concise and clear manner. However, with a little practice and some helpful tips, you can learn how to write an effective short essay that will impress your readers. Here are some guidelines to follow:1. Choose a topic that you are passionate about。

The first step in writing a good short essay is to choose a topic that you are passionate about. This will make it easier for you to write and will also help you to connect with your readers. Make sure that your topic is narrow enough to be covered in a short essay, but broad enough to be interesting.2. Plan your essay。

Before you start writing, take some time to plan your essay. Decide on the main points that you want to make and the order in which you will present them. This will help you to stay focused and on track as you write.3. Write a strong thesis statement。



如何写好故事英语作文How to Write a Good Story。

Writing a good story is a skill that takes practice, creativity, and attention to detail. Whether you arewriting a short story, a novel, or a screenplay, there are certain elements that every good story should have. Here are some tips for writing a good story.First, you need to have a strong and engaging plot. This means that your story should have a clear beginning, middle, and end, and that there should be a conflict or problem that the main character needs to resolve. The plot should be interesting and should keep the reader or audience engaged from start to finish.Next, you need to have well-developed characters. Your main character, or protagonist, should be someone that the reader or audience can root for. They should be relatable and have both strengths and weaknesses. Your antagonist, orvillain, should also be well-developed and should provide a real challenge for the protagonist.In addition to strong characters and a compelling plot, a good story should also have a clear and consistent theme. This is the central idea or message that the story istrying to convey. The theme should be woven throughout the story and should be evident in the actions and decisions of the characters.Another important element of a good story is the setting. The setting is the time and place in which the story takes place, and it should be vividly described so that the reader or audience can imagine themselves there. The setting should also be relevant to the plot and should help to create the mood and atmosphere of the story.Finally, a good story should have a satisfying conclusion. This means that the conflict or problem that has been established in the plot should be resolved in a way that feels organic and earned. The conclusion shouldtie up any loose ends and leave the reader or audiencefeeling satisfied.In conclusion, writing a good story requires careful attention to plot, character, theme, setting, and conclusion. By focusing on these elements and practicing your writing skills, you can create a story that is engaging, memorable, and meaningful. So go ahead and start writing your own story, and remember to have fun with it!。

How to write a story(yzy)

How to write a story(yzy)

6. When the Goddess of Heaven knew that her daughter was married to a human, she became very angry and made the weaving girl return to Heaven. ---L13
7. As Li Fang sadly passed the tea shop on the corner on his way home, he thought, “…” ---
Develoaiting alone at the ________ coffee shop with his roses and chocolates, but up . He thought Hu Jin didn’t turn ______ ______ she word fool would keep her _______. Feeling like a ______, drown he would _________ his sadness in coffee. Li Fang watched a TV program about “Qiqiao Jin played a trick Festival / joke ”. Thinking Hu threw set __________________ on him, he ________ away the gifts and _____ off for home. tea As Li Fang passed the _____ shop on the corner, he heard Hu Jin calling andgift waving at him, “I’ve been waiting long. I have a ______ for you! Why are you so late?” forgive What would he do? Would she ________ him?



HowtoWriteaShort,FunnyStory(如何写个生活中的小故事)Writing a short, funny story can be an enjoyable experience, combining comedy and creative writing in an interesting and engaging format. Humor can help defuse tense situations and bring people together with shared laughter, which can be very useful if the story involved is tense or upsetting. Whether you're writing an assignment for school or simply have a wild and funny story you need to tell through a written project, mixing comedy and writing can help you find an outlet for your creative urges and your sense of humor.Part1Planning Out Your Story1.1Decide on a setting. Some writers may prefer to plan out the plot before deciding on a setting. However, in comedic writing, humor is often based on situations.Before you start writing out the storyline for your work, it may be helpful to consider where your story might take place and how you can derive humor from that setting.[1]•Try to be original in choosing your setting.Readers may be turned off if it's a setting they're too familiar with, as it may feel like the story has been recycled.•For short stories, it's best to stick with as few setting changes as possible. Aim to work within just one setting, but don't exceed two.Part4Revising Your Story1.1Set aside your story before revising. The worst thing you can do when you revise a story is to jump into revision immediately after you've finished writing it. You need some time away from the project so that it's not so fresh in your head, and (ideally) so that you're not so attached to every detail of the story.[18]•Give yourself at least a week or two between finishing the story and revising it. If possible, try to give yourself a month to really put some distance between you and your story.•Consider asking a trusted friend or relative to look at the story. Ask him/her to be honest and critical, and emphasize that you want to know what isn't working and why.•Looking at a story with fresh eyes will help you see more errors that you might have missed. When the story is fresh in your head it's easy to fill in the gaps with what you know, and you may not realize that that information isn't addressed on the page.•Giving yourself some time before revising will also make it easier to cut things out. You may be in love with a scene, but after setting it aside for a few weeks, you might realize that it isn't as relevant as you thought it was.2.2Remind yourself what you wanted to accomplish. What was the point of your funny story?Were you trying to highlight a real social situation?Address some aspect of human nature? Draw humor from personal situations/experiences? Whatever your intentions, it's a good idea to refresh that intention in your head before you proceed with the revision process.[19]•By having your original intentions for the story in mind, you'll know what you had hoped to do with the story and will be able to assess whether you accomplished that goal or not.•Think about whether the tone matches your intentions, as well as the overall events of the story.3.3Clarify anything that's confusing. This is an important part of why you should approach the story after setting it aside for a period. When you've just finished writing a story, you're less likely to catch any issues that might otherwise confuse a reader. However, if you've given yourself some time, you should notice your mistakes.•Confusion may arise from the content of the story (or lack thereof), or it may result from a missing or poorly executed transition. Transitions should bridge one scene to the next, one chapter to the next, and so on.• A good transition wraps up the previous scene and gently guides the reader into the new one.•An example of a transition between two scenes might be something like, "He watched her walksilently into the night until she faded into darkness. The next morning he kept looking towards the horizon, but he knew she'd be halfway home by then."•You may want to ask a friend to read through your story and look for anything that's confusing or doesn't make sense.4.4Edit your story for mistakes. Editing should be considered a separate step from revision. Revising your story involves rewriting parts as needed and trimming out things that don't work. Editing, on the other hand, mostly involves fixing your line-level mistakes.•Look for spelling errors, grammar/syntax errors, run-on sentences, sentence fragments, punctuation errors, and any weak lines of dialogue.•Use the spellcheck function on your computer, or ask a friend with strong editing skills totake a look at your story.•Try reading the story out loud. Sometimes hearing a mistake out loud can help you catch it better than just reading it silently on the page.。





下面cnfla小编为您收集整理了写好短篇故事的英语写作方法,希望对您有帮助!Short Story Point of View短篇故事的立场One of the first things you want to think about is what point of view would work best for your story. If your story centers on one character's personal journey, first person will allow you to show the main character's thoughts and feelings without having to spend too much time demonstrating them through action.你要思考的第一件事就是什么样的立场最适合来讲述你的故事。


Third person, the most common, can allow you to tell the story as an outsider. A third person omniscient point of view gives the writer access to the knowledge of all the characters' thoughts and motives, time, events, and experiences.第三人称的使用是最普遍的,它可以使你从一个旁观者的角度来讲述故事。



小作文英语怎么说How to Write a Short Essay in English。

Writing a short essay in English can be a challenging task for many students, especially those who are not native speakers. However, with the right approach and some helpful tips, anyone can learn to write a high-quality short essay in English. In this article, we will discuss the steps to writing a short essay in English and provide some useful tips to help you improve your writing skills.Step 1: Choose a Topic。

The first step in writing a short essay in English is to choose a topic that you are passionate about. It is important to select a topic that interests you and that you have some knowledge about. This will make the writing process much easier and more enjoyable. If you are given a specific topic to write about, try to find an angle or perspective that you can explore in your essay.Step 2: Research the Topic。

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Step 3
Find inspiration from real people. If you have trouble understanding or finding attributes of a character, turn to your life. You can easily borrow attributes of people you know or even strangers you notice. For example, you might notice someone is always drinking coffee, they talk in a loud, booming voice, they are always typing away at the computer, etc. All of these observations would together make a very interesting character. Your character can even blend attributes of a number of people.
Step 4
Know your characters. For a story to be believable, the characters have to feel genuine and realistic. It can be a difficult task to create interesting and realistic characters. But here are a few strategies to create "real people" to populate your story: Write a list, titled with the character's name, and write all the attributes you can think of, from their position in the orchestra to their favorite color. Know as much as possible about your characters, from what their central motivations are to what their favorite foods are. Do they talk with an accent? Do they have any quirky mannerisms? You won’t include all this information in your story, but the more you know, the more your characters will come to life, both for you and for the reader.
Experience usually helps to build good plots. Many of Isaac Asimov's mysteries came from experience of certain incidents.
Step 2
Begin with basics of a short story. After you've chosen an idea, you need to remember the basics of a short story before writing one. Steps to a good short story are:
Introduction: introduces characters, setting, time,weather, etc. Initiating action: the point of a story that starts the rising action. Rising action: events leading up to the climax or turning point. Climax: the most intense point or turning point of the story. Falling action: your story begins to conclude. Resolution: a satisfying ending to the story in which the central conflict is resolved—or not! You don't have to write your short story in order. If you have an idea for a great conclusion, write it down. Move backward or forward from your starting idea (it may or may not be the beginning of the story), and ask “What happens next?” or “What happened before this?”
If you have trouble finding inspiration, or if you need to write a story in a hurry (for a class, for example), learn how to brainstorm or if you can't come up with any ideas you might have to look to family and friends for inspiration.
How to Write a Short Story
Step 1
Collect ideas for your story. Inspiration can strike at any time, so carry a notepad with you wherever you go so that you can write down story ideas as they come to you. Most of the time, you’ll just think of small snippets of information (a catastrophic event around which you can build a plot, a character’s name or appearance, etc.), but sometimes you’ll get lucky and a whole story will reveal itself to you in a couple of minutes.
Step 6
Decide who will tell the story. There are three main points of view from which to tell a story: first-person (“I”), second-person (“you”), and third-person (“he” or “she”). In a first-person story, a character in the story tells the story; in the second-person the reader is made a character in the story; and in the thirdperson, an outside narrator tells the story. (Second-person narration is rarely used.) Keep in mind that first-person narrators can only tell what they know (which will be limited to what they see firsthand or are told by others), while thirdperson narrators can either know everything and explore every character’s thoughts, or be limited to only that which can be observed. You can also mix-and-match. For example, you could switch between a firstperson narrative in one chapter, and third-person in another, or even have more than one first-person point of view. An excellent example of this is the short story "Rashomon", by Akutagawa Ryunosuke[1]. This was later turned into a movie of the same name by Akira Kurasawa.
Step 5
Limit the breadth of your story. A novel can occur over millions of years and include a multitude of subplots, a variety of locations, and an army of supporting characters. The main events of a short story should occur in a relatively short period of time (days or even minutes), and you typically won’t be able to develop effectively more than one plot, two or three main characters, and one setting. If your story has much more breadth, it probably needs to be a novella or novel.