unit 1 Reading2-A sad love story[阅读课件]
a sad love story 很好用课件
The Goddess of Heaven allowed the couple to meet once a year on the seventh ______ day of the s_______ month when magpies eventh l_______ unar made a _________ bridge of their wings.
Well-known poem
两情若是久长时, 又岂在朝朝暮暮。 Eternal love between us two, Shall withstand the time apart.
A Sad Love Story
Happy Valentine’s Day
Words review
turn up 出现;到场 守信用,履行诺言
People want the weather to be fine so they can meet the one they love.
weavinggirl, the most l_____ ovely Zhinu, the _______ of the daughters, visited the earth and met (介绍) Niulang, the _______ herd boy. Development They f___ ell ___ in _____ love , married secretly (发展) and were very happy. Climax The Goddess of Heaven got so angry that she forced Zhinu back to ________ Heaven . Niulang tried to (高潮) f_________ her but was stopped by the Milky Way. ollow ouple were separated. Thus, the c_______ Introduction
a sad love storyPPT课件
2. Why do people want the weather to be fine on Qiqiao Festival?
3. What more do you know about Qiqiao Festival?
1. Why was the TV story what Li Fang needed?
and were very happy.
Climax (高潮)
The Goddess of Heaven got so angry that she forced Zhinu back to _H__e_a_v_en__ . Niulang tried to f_o_ll_o_w_____ her but was stopped by the Milky Way. Thus, the co_u__p_le___ were separated.
The Goddess of Heaven allowed the couple to meet once a year on the s_e_v_e_n_th_ day of
the s_e_v_en__th__ l_u_n_a_r___ month when magpies made a __b_r_id__g_e__ of their wings.
the seventh day of the seventh lunar month7
牛郎白天放牛 牛郎织女喜结良缘
牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了
Answer these questions
1. Why was the TV story what Li Fang needed?
TThheeGGoodddedsessosf oHfeHaveeanvaelnlowaelldotwheedcotuhpelectooumpeleet
3. What more do you know about Qiqiao Festival?
1. Why was the TV story what Li Fang needed?
and were very happy.
Climax (高潮)
The Goddess of Heaven got so angry that she forced Zhinu back to _H__e_a_v_en__ . Niulang tried to f_o_ll_o_w_____ her but was stopped by the Milky Way. Thus, the co_u__p_le___ were separated.
The Goddess of Heaven allowed the couple to meet once a year on the s_e_v_e_n_th_ day of
the s_e_v_en__th__ l_u_n_a_r___ month when magpies made a __b_r_id__g_e__ of their wings.
the seventh day of the seventh lunar month7
牛郎白天放牛 牛郎织女喜结良缘
牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了
Answer these questions
1. Why was the TV story what Li Fang needed?
TThheeGGoodddedsessosf oHfeHaveeanvaelnlowaelldotwheedcotuhpelectooumpeleet
Li FБайду номын сангаасng
Hu Jin
Fast Reading
1.What is the writing style of the passage? A. narration (叙述文) B. argumentation(议论文) C. exposition(说明文)
2.How many stories are there in the passage?
not to hold his breath for her to apologize
to drown his sadness in coffee
Li Fang was waiting alone at the ________ shop with his roses and chocolates, but Hu Jin didn’t ______ ______ . He thought she would keep her w_______. Feeling like a ______, he would _________ his sadness in coffee.
• 他一整天都期盼着见到她,而现在他拿着玫瑰花 和巧克力独自一人守候着,像个傻瓜一样。他不 想屏息等她来道歉,他要用咖啡来解愁。
not turn up
look forward to
with his roses and chocolates
laugh at not keep her word
a-sad-love-story原文+译文+阅 读
1.自古以来 2.在那时 3.纪念死者 4.使祖先得到满足 5.造成危害 6.为了纪念 7.以…的形式 8.盛装打扮 9.捉弄
A头条 映画 http://www.mdpro1.me/ 影视 中文电影
Intensive reading:
1. Why do people want the weather to be fine on Qiqiaojie? If the weather is fine, Niulang and Zhinu can meet . If the weather is raining, it means that Zhinu is weeping and the couple won’t be able to meet.
用法: I come here to apologize to you for having broking your cup.
apologize to sb for sth // doing sth
apology (n)
表达道歉 接受道歉 拒绝道歉
make // offer an apology accept an apology refuse an apology
the 3rd century who performed secret
marriages when the Roman Emperor
Claudius II thought single soldiers were
more likely to serve in the army. Thus St.
Valentine was put into prison and
executed (处死) on February 14th, 270 AD.
Do we have our own Valentine’s Day in China?
Chinese Valentine’s Day
the Double Seventh Day The seventh day of the seventh lunar month
Reading and writing A Sad Love Story
Do you know the history of Valentine’s Day?
Feb. 14th
The St. Valentine for whom the day is
named was, most likely, a priest [pri:st] (牧师) in
2. How did Li Fang know the manager wanted to shut the coffee shop? The manager wiped the tables then sat down and turned on the TV.
Zhinu, the _______ weaving girl, the most l_____ ovely of the daughters, visited the earth and met Niulang, the _______ herd boy. Development They f___ ell ___ in _____ love , married secretly and were very happy. Climax The Goddess of Heaven got so angry that Heaven . she forced Zhinu back to ________ (高潮) Niulang tried to f_________ her but was ollow stopped by the Milky Way. Thus, the c_______ ouple were separated. Ending The Goddess of Heaven allowed the couple to meet once a year on the seventh ______ day of the s_______ month when magpies eventh l_______ unar made a _________ bridge of their wings.Hap来自y Valentine’s Day
范文英语必修三Unit1小阅读 A sad love story.ppt
late?” What would he do? Would she
______ himf?o;.;rgive
Can you retell the story of Qiqiao Festival?
earth and met Niulang, the _h_e_r_d_ boy.
They _fe_l_l i_n l_o_v_e , married and were very happy.
Climax (高潮)
The Goddess of Heaven got so _a_n_g_r_y that she _m_a_d__e Zhinvr_e_t_u_r_n _to_ Heaven. Niulang tried to ______ hefrolblouwt was _______stboyptpheedMilky Way. Thus, the couple were _________.separated
Using language
The Lover’s Festivals
+ 2.14
The origin of Valentine's Day
Saint Valentine was a priest who lived 1500 years ago in Roman Empire
• He performed weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry.
2.Who are the leading characters(主人公)?
新课标必修三,一单元A Sad Love Story课件
乞 巧 节
Feb. 14th Chinese Valentine’s Day the Double Seventh Day the seventh day of the seventh lunar month
Zhinu, the _______ girl, the most l_____ of the daughters, visited weaving ovely the earth and met Niulang, the _______ boy. They f___ ___ _____ , married secretly herd and were very happy.
What would he do? Would she forgive him?
A sad love story
1. He was sad that Hu Jin didn’t turn up. 2. The story of Qiqiaojie made him sad. 3. Sadly, he threw away his love gifts. 4. He was sad to have thrown away his love gifts when he heard Hu Jin calling him. 5. He was sad that this Valentine’s Day wouldn’t be a happy Valentine’s Day.
Structure of a narrative (叙述文) story
Introduction Li Fang was waiting alone at the coffee shop with his Introduction roses and chocolates, but Hu Jin didn’t turn up. He thought she would keep her word. Feeling like a fool, he would drown his sadness in coffee. Development Development Li Fang watched a TV program about “Qiqiaojie”. Thinking Hu Jin played a trick on him, he threw Climax 高潮 / away the gifts and set off for home. Ending Climax As Li Fang passed the tea shop on the corner, he As Li Fang passed the calling andon the corner,“I’ve been heard Hu Jin tea shop waving at him, he heard (高潮) Hu Jin calling and wavinghave a gift“I’ve been waiting long. / Ending waiting long. I at him, for you! Why are you so late?” I have a gift for you! Why are you so late?” What would he do? Would she forgive him?
[精品课件]Unit 1 using language- a sad love story(必修3课件 (共19张PPT)
•人物:Li Fang, Hu Jin •时间:Valentine’s Day •地点:tea shop •动作:marry, separate, apologize •事物:chocolate •情绪:heart-broken, like a fool
2. 通读短文,准确理解所给短文的大意。
3. 注意故事情节的发展线索,尤其是转折点。
What would he do? Would she __fo_r_g_i_v_e_ him4?
Continue to write
1. Use at least 5 words from the following: tea shop, Li Fang, Hu Jin, marry, chocolate, separate, heart-broken, Valentine’s Day, apologize, like a fool 2. Write 150 words or so.
UNIT 1 A SAD LOVE Sstyle of the passage?
A. Narration.
B. Exposition.
C. Argumentation. D. Description.
Q2: How many stories are there in the passage? What are they?
The Goddess of Heaven allowed the couple to meet once a year on the s_e_v_e_n_t_h day of the s_e_v_e_n_t_h_ l__u_n_a_r__ month when magpies made a ___b_r_i_d_g_e_ of their wings.
2. 通读短文,准确理解所给短文的大意。
3. 注意故事情节的发展线索,尤其是转折点。
What would he do? Would she __fo_r_g_i_v_e_ him4?
Continue to write
1. Use at least 5 words from the following: tea shop, Li Fang, Hu Jin, marry, chocolate, separate, heart-broken, Valentine’s Day, apologize, like a fool 2. Write 150 words or so.
UNIT 1 A SAD LOVE Sstyle of the passage?
A. Narration.
B. Exposition.
C. Argumentation. D. Description.
Q2: How many stories are there in the passage? What are they?
The Goddess of Heaven allowed the couple to meet once a year on the s_e_v_e_n_t_h day of the s_e_v_e_n_t_h_ l__u_n_a_r__ month when magpies made a ___b_r_i_d_g_e_ of their wings.
a sad love storyPPT精品课件
达芬奇 哥白尼
明清之际,随着资本主义萌芽的潜滋暗长以及 市民阶层的不断成熟和壮大,封建社会的内部格局 及利益结构发生了明显变化,中国封建制度迅速进 入了一个"天崩地裂"的社会转型时期。明清之际, 中国社会走到了一个新的十字路口,处在由传统社 会向近代社会过渡的关键时期,无论是在政治、经 济领域还是在思想、文化领域,旧的传统的思想观 念与新的先进的价值理念在这一时期发生了激烈的 冲击和碰撞,社会面临着一系列令人瞩目的价值冲 突和社会转向。明清之际还是思想家自觉对秦汉以 来的文化传统及价值观念进行深刻反省和理性批判 的时代.
remind sb. to do sth
remind sb. that…
1) 他提醒我那个承诺。 He reminded me of my promise.
2) 他提醒我要早起。 He reminded me to get up early. 3) 他提醒我本应该小心点。
He reminded that I should have been more careful.
王夫之(1619—1692),字而农,号姜斋,湖南衡 阳人。1644年,清兵入关,不断往南推进,王夫之和友 人管嗣裘一起在衡山起兵抗清。兵败,逃到广东肇庆,效 力于南明桂王政权,对桂王政权里许多人结党争权深表不 满。不久,他见大势已去,辞职还乡,长期住在湖南湘西 苗瑶山区。他隐居在衡山石船山麓,努力著述,人称船山 先生。著作现存《船山遗书》288卷,还有一部分已经散 失了。代表作有《张子正蒙注》《周易外传》《尚书引义》 《读四书大全说》《思问录》《黄书》《噩梦》和《读通 鉴论》等。
3. As he sadly passed the tea shop on the corner on his way home, he heard a voice calling him. 宾补
Li Fang watched a TV program about “Qiqiaojie”.___________ on him, he t________ away the gifts and s_____ off for home.
A gentleman should always __ his __. A. keeps; word B. keep; word C. keeps; words D. keep; words
2. hold one’s breath 屏息 当那个女孩看到那条蛇的时候,她屏住呼吸。
He reminded that I should have been more careful.
Climax (高潮) / Ending
Li Fang was waiting alone at the ________ shop with his roses and chocolates, but Hu Jin didn’t ______ ______ . He thought she would keep her w_______. Feeling like a ______, he would _________ his sadness in coffee.
apologize to sb for (doing) sth =make an apology to sb for (doing) sth
You must apologize to the teacher for being so rude./your coming late.
英语Unit1小阅读 A sad love storyPPT
of their wings.
Task 2 Another story A sad love story of Li Fang and Hu Jin
on Valentine’s Day
Li Fang
Hu Jin
Li Fang was waiting alone at the _c_o_ff_e_e shop with his roses and chocolates, but
Hu Jin, just like Niulang and Zhinv.
5. Li Fang didn’t meet Hu Jin at last.
Read the text quickly and answer the questions.
1.How many stories can you find in the passage?
As Li Fang passed the _te_a_ shop on the
Climax (高潮) / Ending
corner, he heard Hu Jin _ca_l_l_in_g_ and _w__a_v_in_g_ a_t_him, “I’ve been waiting long. I have a _g_if_t for you! Why are you
• He was killed because of this.
Do you know the beautiful love story about Qiqiao Festival?
The weaving
girl The herd
the seventh day of the seventh lunar month
高一英语A Sad Love Story课件(PPT)3-3
2. Why was Li Fang so worried at the end of the story?
Because he saw Hu Jin was waiting for him, but he had threw away his flowers and chocolates. Li Fang may really lose his love.
寻找恐龙化石的蛛丝马迹,并借助现代高科技手段来复原化石和研究恐龙。通过他们的工作,我们渐渐了解了恐龙的外形及生活习性,而来自世界各地关于 恐龙的新发现以及新看法,一再修正我们原先认定的恐龙形象,使之更接近事实的真相。 [] 相传晋朝时代的我国,四川省自贡市就发现过恐龙化石。但是, 当时的人们并不知道那是恐龙的遗骸,而是把它们当作是传说中的龙所遗留下来的骨头。 [] 早在曼特尔夫妇发现禽龙(第一种被命名的恐龙)前,欧洲人就 已经知道地下埋藏有许多奇形怪状的巨大的动物骨骼化石,但当时人们并不知道它们的确切归属,因此一直误认为是“巨人的遗骸”。 [] 杂食性恐龙 杂食 性恐龙(张) 里丁大学的一位名叫哈士尔特德的研究人员根据从一部历史小说《米尔根先生的妻子》中发现的线索,经过很长时间的研究,翻阅了大量的资料, 宣布他终于发现了如下的研究结果:年,一个叫普洛特-加龙省的英国人编写了一本关于牛津郡的自然历史书。在本书中,普洛特-加龙省描述了一件发现于 卡罗维拉教区的一个采石场中的巨大腿骨化石。普洛特-加龙省为这块化石画了一张插图,并指出这个大腿骨既不是牛的,也不是马或大象的,
Do you know the history of Valentine’s Day?
Because he saw Hu Jin was waiting for him, but he had threw away his flowers and chocolates. Li Fang may really lose his love.
寻找恐龙化石的蛛丝马迹,并借助现代高科技手段来复原化石和研究恐龙。通过他们的工作,我们渐渐了解了恐龙的外形及生活习性,而来自世界各地关于 恐龙的新发现以及新看法,一再修正我们原先认定的恐龙形象,使之更接近事实的真相。 [] 相传晋朝时代的我国,四川省自贡市就发现过恐龙化石。但是, 当时的人们并不知道那是恐龙的遗骸,而是把它们当作是传说中的龙所遗留下来的骨头。 [] 早在曼特尔夫妇发现禽龙(第一种被命名的恐龙)前,欧洲人就 已经知道地下埋藏有许多奇形怪状的巨大的动物骨骼化石,但当时人们并不知道它们的确切归属,因此一直误认为是“巨人的遗骸”。 [] 杂食性恐龙 杂食 性恐龙(张) 里丁大学的一位名叫哈士尔特德的研究人员根据从一部历史小说《米尔根先生的妻子》中发现的线索,经过很长时间的研究,翻阅了大量的资料, 宣布他终于发现了如下的研究结果:年,一个叫普洛特-加龙省的英国人编写了一本关于牛津郡的自然历史书。在本书中,普洛特-加龙省描述了一件发现于 卡罗维拉教区的一个采石场中的巨大腿骨化石。普洛特-加龙省为这块化石画了一张插图,并指出这个大腿骨既不是牛的,也不是马或大象的,
Do you know the history of Valentine’s Day?
Unit 1 Using language A Sad Love Story 课件
1.fell in love
2.got married
3.The Goddess got angry
4.forced to leave each other 5.Cross the Milky Way to meet only once a year
Another narrative story
As he sadly passed the tea shop on the corner on his way…
Whatever happens in our life,we should be positive enough.After all,attitude is the most important thing.
Read Para.3 and fill in the table.
Introduction Zhinu, the _w__ea_v_i_n_ggirl, visited the earth and met Niulang, the __h_e_r_d__ boy.
Development They fe_l_l_ _in__ _l_o_v_e_ , married secretly
Climax (高潮) / Ending
As Li Fang passed the __te_a__ shop on the corner,
he heard Hu Jin calling and waving at him, “I’ve
been waiting long. are you so late?”
Байду номын сангаас
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word n. 1) promise 保证, 承诺 I give you my word that I will keep it a secret. 2) 词, 单词 3) speech/conversation 谈话交谈 have a word with sb.
have a word with sb. have words with sb. in other words
Para 1& Para 2 1. What was Li Fang doing? Why did Li Fang feel like a fool? He was waiting for his girlfriend Hu Jin, but till very late she didn’t come. 2. How did Li Fang know the manager wanted to shut the coffee shop? The manager wiped the tables then sat down and turned on the TV.
与某人谈话 与某人发生口角 换句话说
B A gentleman should always ____ his ____.
A. keeps; word B. keep; word
C. keeps; words
D. keep; words
3. apologize to sb for (doing) sth
2. She said she would be there at seven o’clock, and he thought she wouldkeep her word. keep one’s word 意为“守信用”, 其反义词是 break one’s word, 即“失信”。 keep one’s word和break one’s word 中的名词word不能用复数形式。 in a word/in short/to be short 简言之; 总之
5. As Li Fang set off for home, he thought...
set off 动身, 出发; 使(地雷、炸弹)爆炸;
Tom and his father set off for America
The bomb set off among the crowd.
the 3rd century who performed secret
marriages when the Roman Emperor
Claudius II thought single soldiers were
more likely to serve in the army. Thus St.
Climax (故事发展的 高潮)
The Goddess of Heaven got so angry that she forced Zhinu back Heaven to ________. Niulang tried to ollow f_______ her but was stopped by the Milky Way. Thus, the c______ were separated. ouple The Goddess of Heaven allowed the couple to meet once a year on eventh the ________ day of the s_______ seventh unar l______ month when magpies made a _________ of their wings. bridge
【解析】选A。考查动词短语。句意:你最 好每天都留出一些时间来锻炼,这样你就可 以保持精力充沛。set aside放到一边,留出; take up占据,从事; put away收起来放好; give out用完,用尽。故选A。
6. I don’t want them to remind me of her. remind 提醒, 使想起 remind sb. of sth. remind sb. to do sth. remind sb. that
What you said just now ____ me C of that American professor. A. mentioned B. informed C. reminded D. memorized
Another narrative
about Li Fang and Hu Jin on Valentine’s Day
Introduction Li Fang was waiting alone at the ______ coffee shop with his roses and chocolates, but turn up Hu Jin didn’t ______ ______ . He ord thought she would keep her w_____. fool Feeling like a ______, he would _________ his sadness in coffee. drown
1. But she didn’t turn up. 1) 来, 出席(某活动), 出现 I’m very happy you turned up so early. 2) 把(收音机等)音量开大一些 Turn up the radio a little, I can scarcely hear the program. turn down 关小,拒绝 turn off 关掉 turn on 打开 turn out 结果是„„ turn to sb. for help 向某人求助
A woman’ beauty is set off by her clothes
and jewellery.
set about doing sth. 着手(做某事) set in 开始 set up 建立, 创立 set down 写下, 记下 set somebody to do something. 使某人开始工作 set somebody doing something 使某人处于某种状态
Valentine was put into prison and
executed (处死) on February 14th, 270 AD.
Do we have our own Valentine’s Day in China?
Chinese Valentine’s Day
the Double Seventh Day The seventh day of the seventh lunar month
You must apologize to the teacher for being
so rude. apology n.
make / offer an apology
accept an apology
refuse an apology
4. It was obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave... obvious adj. 明显的, 清楚的 1) be obvious + to + 表示人的名词或代词 Her disappointment was obvious to her friend. 2) It + be + obvious +that-clause It was obvious that she was in danger.
Reading and writing A Sad Love Story
Do you know the history of Valentine’s Day?
Feb. 14th
The St. Valentine for whom the day is
named was, most likely, a priest [pri:st] (牧师) in
Climax / Ending
As Li Fang passed the _____ shop tea
on the corner, he heard Hu Jin
calling and waving at him, “I’ve
been waiting long. I have a
______ for you! Why are you so gift late?” What would he do? Would she f________ him? orgive
① About 200 people _________ at their turned up wedding party. turned down ②She ___________ the invitation offered by her friends.
③On seeing the big dog, the little girl turned around/round ___________________ and ran to her mother. ④The teachers have toturn in the reports at ______ the end of the school year. turned out ⑤The weather __________to be fine.
Read Para. 3 and fill in the chart.