
一些人认为.....Everything has its pros and cons. There are different opinions among people as to ... .Somepeople suggest that ...2.我们许多.....生活有一种不切实际的想法,我们想象着...另. -种想法恰恰相反。
Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of life n....We sometimes imagine ..The other side of the picture is quite the opposite.3.随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认.....它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。
首先,..其次, ...更为糟糕的是.With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that... ,which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First,____ Second,___. What makes things worse is that4. ..很多优势,例如,...但是,正如每个硬币都有两面性, ....它的缺点。
…h as many advantages. For example ,...However , just as every coin has two sides , ....its disadvantages.(本例将利弊分开讲,转折过渡自然。
just as every coin has two sides也很值得背诵。
)5. ..已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。

四六级英语写作万能句子汇总一、引出开头1.Itiswell-knowntousthat(我们都知道)==Asfarasmyknowledgeisconcerned...就我所知)2.Recentlytheproblemofhasbeenbroughtintofocus.==Nowadaysthe reisagrowingconcernover(最近问题引起了关注)3.Nowadays(overpopulation)hasbecomeaproblemwehavetoface.(现今,人口过剩已成为我们不得不面对的问题)4.Internethasbeenplayinganincreasinglyimportantroleinourday -to-daylife.Ithasbroughtalotofbenefitsbuthascreatedsomeseri ousproblemsaswell.(互联网已在我们的生活扮演着越来越重要的角色,它给我们带来了许多好处但也产生了一些严重的问题)5.Withtherapiddevelopmentofscienceandtechnology,moreandmore peoplebelievethat(随着科技的迅速发展,越来越多的人认为)6.Itisacommonbeliefthat==Itiscommonlybelievedthat(人们一般认为)7.Alotofpeopleseemtothinkthat(很多人似乎认为)8.Itisuniversallyacknowledgedthat+句子(全世界都知道)二、表达不同观点1.People;;sviewsonvaryfrompersontoperson.SomeholdthatHoweve r,othersbelievethat(人们对的观点因人而异,有些人认为然而其他人却认为)2.Peoplemayhavedifferentopinionson(人们对可能会持有不同见解)3.Attitudestowards(drugs)varyfrompersontoperson.==Different peopleholddifferentattitudestowards(failure)(人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异)4:Therearedifferentopinionsamongpeopleasto(对于人们的观点大不相同)三、表示结尾1.Inshort,itcanbesaidthat(总之,他的意思是)2.Fromwhathasbeenmentionedabove,wecancometotheconclusiontha t(从上面提到的,我们可以得出结论)3.Takingallthesefactorsintoconsideration,wenaturally/reason ablycometotheconclusionthat(把所有的这些因素加以考虑,我们自然可以得出结论)4.Hence/Therefore,we;;dbettercometotheconclusionthat(因此,我们最好的出这样的结论)5:Thereisnodoubtthat(job-hopping)hasitsdrawbacksaswellasmerit s.(毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点)6.Allinall,wecannotlivewithout,butatthesametimewemusttrytof indoutnewwaystocopewiththeproblemsthatwouldarise.(总之,我们没有无法生活,但同时我们必须寻求新的解决办法来面对可能出现的新问题)四、提出建议1.Itishightimethatweputanendtothe(trend).(该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了)2.Thereisnodoubtthatenoughconcernmustbepaidtotheproblemof(毫无疑问,对问题应予以足够重视)3.Obviously,ifwewanttodosomethingitisessentialthat(显然,如果我们想要做么事,很重要的是)4.Onlyinthiswaycanwe(只有这样,我们才能)5.Sparenoeffortto+V(不遗余力的)五、预示后果1.Obviously,ifwedon;;tcontroltheproblem,thechancesarethatwi llleadusindanger.(很明显,如果我们不能控制这一问题,很有可能我们会陷入危险)2.Nodoubt,unlesswetakeeffectivemeasures,itisverylikelythat(毫无疑问,除非我们采取有效措施,否则我们很可能会)3.Itisurgentthatimmediatemeasuresshouldbetakentostopthesitu ation(很紧迫的是应立即采取措施阻止这一事态的发展)六、表示论证1.Frommypointofview,itismorereasonabletosupportthefirstopin ionratherthanthesecond.(在我看来,支持第一种观点比第二种更有道理)2.Icannotentirelyagreewiththeideathat(我无法完全同意这一观点)3.AsfarasIamconcerned/Inmyopinion,...(就我来说)4.Isincerelybelievethat==Iamgreatlyconvinced(that)子句。

1. It is widely acknowledged that...2. With the rapid development of society, the issue of... has become increasingly prominent.3. In recent years, there has been a growing concern about...Body。
1. Firstly, it is important to recognize that...2. Secondly, it is essential to consider the impact of... on...3. Furthermore, it is worth noting that...4. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that...5. Moreover, it is crucial to bear in mind that...Example。
1. For example, a recent study conducted by... found that...2. Another example that illustrates this point is...3. A case in point is...Analysis。
1. This suggests that...2. This indicates that...3. This implies that...4. This demonstrates that...5. This highlights the importance of...Conclusion。
1. In conclusion, it is clear that...2. To sum up, it is evident that...3. Therefore, it is imperative that...四六级作文句式模板。

四六级英语作文优秀万能句子摘抄Four and Six Level English Writing Excellent Universal Sentence Collection1. It is widely acknowledged that...2. There is no denying that...3. It goes without saying that...4. As is known to all...5. As the proverb goes...6. There is a growing awareness that...7. It is universally recognized that...8. Nowadays, more and more people are beginning to realize that...9. It is commonly believed that...10. It is generally agreed that...11. Firstly, it is important to remember that...12. Secondly, it should be noted that...13. Thirdly, we cannot ignore the fact that...14. In addition, it is worth mentioning that...15. Moreover, it is essential to consider...16. Furthermore, one should also take into account...17. On the one hand, it is true that...18. On the other hand, we must not forget that...19. Nonetheless, it is undeniable that...20. In conclusion, it is clear that...21. In my opinion, I strongly believe that...22. From my perspective, I am convinced that...23. Personally, I think that...24. In my view, it is evident that...25. As far as I am concerned, I feel that...26. It seems to me that...27. I am of the opinion that...28. I consider it to be...29. I am inclined to believe that...30. I hold the view that...31. In light of this evidence, it can be seen that...32. With all the facts considered, it is apparent that...33. Taking all these factors into account, we can conclude that...34. Looking at the situation from a different perspective, we can say that...35. From a broader point of view, one can argue that...36. Upon closer examination, it becomes clear that...37. In summary, it can be said that...38. All in all, the evidence suggests that...39. To sum up, it is clear that...40. With everything taken into consideration, it is evident that...These universal sentences can be used in various types of writing, such as essays, reports, and letters. By incorporating these phrases into your writing, you can enhance the clarity and coherence of your arguments. Remember to use them appropriately and in the right context to make your writing more impactful.。

1. Recently, the issue of … has been brought into public focus.2. Nowadays, there is a growing concern over …。
3. In recent years, there has been a heated debate about whether …。
4. With the rapid development of …, more and more people begin to …。
5. In the past few years, the issue of … has been gaining increasing attention.二、对立观点句式。
1. Some people believe that …, while others argue that …。
2. There is a widely held belief that …, but I do not think the opinion is valid.3. Many people insist that …, but other people hold a different view.4. It is commonly believed that …, but it is unlikely to be true.5. While some people think that …, others take the opposite view.三、承上启下句式。
1. As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that …。
2. In my opinion, I am in favor of the idea that …。
3. From my point of view, I agree with the opinion that …。

英语四六级作文的万能句子 1一、do ones utmost to + V = do ones best (尽全力去……)例句:We should do our utmost to achieve our goal in life.我们应尽全力去达成我们的人生目标。
二、It is universally acknowledged that + 句子~~ (全世界都知道……)例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us.全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。
三、Have a great influence on ~~~ (对……有很大的影响)例句:Smoking has a great influence on our health.抽烟对我们的健康有很大的影响。
四、An advantage of ~~~ is that + 句子(……的优点是……)例句:An advantage of using the solar energy is that it wont create(produce) any pollution.使用太阳能的优点是它不会制造任何污染。
五、Adj + as + Subject(主词)+ be,S + V~~~ (虽然……)例句:Rich as our country is,the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory.{by no means = in no way = on no account 一点也不}虽然我们的国家富有,我们的生活品质绝对令人不满意。

(一)段首句1. 关于人们有不同的观点。
一些人认为There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____.2. 俗话说(常言道),它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。
There is an old saying______. Its the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.3. 现在,,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。
Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______.4. 现在,很普遍,许多人喜欢,因为,另外(而且)。
Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______. Besides,______.5. 任何事物都是有两面性,也不例外。
Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages.6. 关于人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说),在他们看来,Peoples opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that ______.To them,_____.7. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题,这个问题变得越来越严重。

四六级作文万能套句+必备写作模板专题一:主题句谈论看法1.There are two / three / several major reasons to support my point of view.有两个/三个/几个重要的理由来支持我的观点。
2. The reasons why I agree / disagree are as follows.我支持/反对……的理由如下。
【例句】The reasons why I agree with studying abroad are as follows.分析原因1. There are two reasons accounting / accountable for this statement /view/ phenomenon.有两个理由来解释这个陈述/观点/现象。
2. may be caused by / can be attributed to two / three factors.……可能由这两个/三个因素引起的/可能归因于两/三个因素。
【例句】The great employment pressure of college students may be caused by two factors.3. The reason why is twofold. For one thing, ; for another,为什么……的理由有两方面。
【例句】The reason why I am in favour of finding employment is twofold.提出措施1. It is essential / imperative that some measures should be taken to .必须采取一些措施来……。
【例句】It is essential that some measures should be taken to reduce employment pressure.2. Some feasible / practicable steps should be taken before things get worse.在事情恶化之前,必须采取一些切实可行/行得通的措施。

四六级英语写作必备模板句1. Introduction- Nowadays, it is widely acknowledged that [topic] plays a crucial role in our daily lives.- With the rapid development of [topic], the question of how to [action] has drawn much attention.- In the face of [issue], it is necessary to explore effective solutions.2. Causes/Reasons- Several factors can account for the phenomenon of [topic].- The main reason for [topic] is [cause].- One possible explanation for [topic] is [cause].- This can be attributed to [cause].3. Effects/Consequences- The effects of [topic] are far-reaching and diverse.- [Topic] can have significant impacts on various aspects of our lives.- The consequences of [topic] can be observed in [consequence1], [consequence2], and [consequence3].- [Topic] can result in both positive and negative effects.4. Supportive Evidence- Several studies have shown that [evidence1].- Statistics indicate that [evidence2].- A survey conducted in [year] revealed that [evidence3].- Examples can be found in [example1], [example2], and [example3].5. Solutions- To tackle this issue, effective measures need to be taken.- One possible solution is to [solution1].- Another solution worth considering is to [solution2].6. Conclusion- In conclusion, the problem of [topic] requires immediate attention and effective actions.- Only through joint efforts can we successfully solve the problem of [topic].- By adopting the above-mentioned strategies, we can make a significant difference in dealing with [topic].- Let's work together to create a better future regarding [topic].。

套用语句1.●引出话题1. Nowadays, …has become a problem we have to face. 如今…已经成为我们必须面对的问题。
2. Nowadays more and more people are concerned about the problem of …现在越来越多的人开始关注……的问题。
3. Although … has brought convenience to us, many people have begun to realize that it is the source of trouble as well. 尽管…给我们带来了很多便利,但是很多人已经认识到它也会制造麻烦。
4. Recently, the rise in the phenomenon of …has drawn/ aroused/ captured worldwide attention. 最近……现象的日益增多已经引起了全世界的注意。
5. Recently, the issue/ problem/ question of … has been brought into focus / brought to public attention/ posed among public attention. 最近……的问题已经成为人们关注的焦点。
6. In recent years, many cities/ nations/ people have been faced/ troubled with the serious problem of…在最近几年里,很多城市/ 国家/ 人已经面临……问题/ 受到……问题的干扰。
7. With the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention. 随着日益发展的经济全球化和城市化,更多的问题受到我们的关注。

In recent years, with the rapid development of economy, the issue of… has aroused people’s concern.2.现状法。
Nowadays, there is a growing concern over the issue of… / It is well known that the key to solving the problem of… is…。
As the saying goes, “…” It is clear that the problem of… has become a hot topic in our society.4.问题法。
Nowadays, we are often told that… But is it really the case?5.举例法。
A good case in point is the recent survey which shows that… / We can see this phenomenon in many fields, such as…, for example…。
There is a striking contrast between… and…。
The issue of… has been brought into focus in recent years.8.解释法。
The issue of… is becoming more and more serious.9.分析法。
The problem can be divided into several parts.10.比较法。
Compared with A, B is…。
The cartoon aims at revealing a current problem, which is…。

Along with the advance of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that….随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是____________。
''As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes.然而,对于此类问题,人们持不同的看法。
Hold different attitudes持不同的看法(观点、态度)Come up with different attitudes有不同的看法。
As society develops, people are attaching much importance to….随着社会的发展,人们开始关注…………People are attaching more and more importance to the interview during job hunting求职的过程中,人们慢慢意识到面试的重要性。
As to whether it is worthwhile ….., there is a long-running controversial debate. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it.关于是否值得___________的问题,一直以来争论不休。
In the process of modern urban development, we often find ourselves in a dilemma.在都市的发展中,我们往往会陷入困境。

作文套句第一段1. At present /currently/ nowadays/ in the past several decades/ over the last several years /in the past few years (months)目前/当前/如今/在过去几十年里/过去几年来/在过去一些年来2. Thanks to china’s reform and opening-up policy,······has witnessed great economic and social progress in the past three decades.多亏了中国的改革开放政策,······在过去三十年里见证了巨大的社会经济进步。
3. With the increasingly rapid development ( growth ) of industry(economy),With the remarkable progress of people’s living standard,marked ( eye-catching) changes have taken place in ······.随着工业(经济)快速发展(增长),随着人民生活水平显著提高,······发生了巨大变化。
4. At the mercy of the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology, there are rapid changes in all aspects of our everyday lives.收益于迅猛发展的现代科学技术,我们日常生活的方方面面都发生了巨大的变化。

英语四/六级写作套句1.表示原因1 There are three reasons for this.2 The reasons for this are as follows.3 The reason for this is obvious.4 The reason for this is that...5 We have good reason to believe that...6 That is why…7 That is the reason why…例如:There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our life.注:如考生写第一个句子没有把握,可将其改写成两个句子。
如:Great changes have taken place in our life. There are three reasons for this.这样写可以避免套用中的表达失误。
2.表示好处1 It has the following advantages.2 It does us much good.3 It benefits us quite a lot.4 It is beneficial to us.5 It is of great benefit to us.3.表示坏处1 It has more disadvantages than advantages.2 It does us much harm.3 It is harmful to us.例如:However,television can also be harmful to us. It can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watching television.4.表示措施1 We should take some effective measures (to solve it.2 We should try our best to overcome (conquer the difficulties.3 We should do our utmost to do sth.4 We should solve the problems that we are confronted (faced with.5.表示变化1 Some changes have taken place in the past five years.2 A great change will certainly be produced in the world's communications.3 The computer has brought about many changes in education.6.表示事实、现状1 We cannot ignore the fact that...2 No one can deny the fact that...3 There is no denying the fact that...4 This is a phenomenon that...5 However,that's not the case.6 In view of the present situation (that…, …鉴于目前的形势7.表示比较1 Compared with A,B...2 I prefer to read rather than watch TV.3 There is a striking contrast between them.8.表示数量1 It has increased (decreased from...to...2 The population in this city has now increased (decreased to 800,000.9.表示看法1 People have(take,adoptdifferent attitudes towards sth.2 People have different opinions on this problem.3 People have/take different views about/on the problem.4 Some people believe that...Others argue that...例如:Do lucky numbers really bring good luck? Different people have different views on it. 注:一个段落有时很适宜以问句开始,考生应掌握这一写作方法。

英语四六级作文金句1. "In today's fast-paced society, time is of the essence and efficiency is key. Therefore, it is crucial that we prioritize our tasks and manage our time effectively."2. "The ability to communicate effectively is a valuable skill in both personal and professional settings. It allows us to express ourselves clearly and build strong relationships with others."3. "Education is the foundation for success. It not only provides us with knowledge and skills, but also helps shape our character and values."4. "Technology has greatly transformed the way we live and work. While it has brought about numerous benefits, we must also be aware of its potential negative impacts and use it responsibly."5. "The importance of a healthy lifestyle cannot be overstated. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, andsufficient rest are essential for our physical and mental well-being."6. "Globalization has connected people and cultures from all corners of the world. It is important that we embrace diversity and strive for mutual understanding and respect."7. "The environment is a precious resource that must be protected. We all have a responsibility to reduce our carbon footprint and preserve the planet for future generations."8. "Success is not solely determined by one's intelligence or talent. Hard work, perseverance, and a positive attitude are also crucial factors in achieving our goals."9. "In today's competitive job market, it is important to constantly improve our skills and adapt to changingtrends. Lifelong learning is key to staying relevant and successful."10. "Honesty and integrity are fundamental values that should guide our actions and decisions. They are essential for building trust and maintaining strong relationships with others."。

英语四、六级模板句子通用句型1、As is universally acknowledged, it is +adj+…众所周知例如:As is universally acknowledged, it is important to study.2、With the development of …随着……例如:With the development of economy, the number of big cities is increasing in China.3、On hearing that …听说…例如:On hearing that you are planning to teach English in China, I’d like to recommend our capital city Beijing to you.4、It is + adj +( for sb )+ to do sth对于某人来说,做什么是怎么样的5、It is apparent that+句子显而易见的是6、It is extremely essential to do作什么是极其重要的7、Not only...but also 句型例如:We can not only learn more knowledge,but also improve our study skills.8、If 句型例如:If you study hard, you will get a good grade.9、Just as somebody, 插入语,puts it正如某人所说(引用名人名言)例如:Just as Xi Jinping, a distinguished political leader, puts it, the beautiful environment is the treasure of human, which deserve our attention and support.10、There be 句型例如:There are a number of reasons why I recommend this city.11、One of the …之一例如:Paper cutting is one of the most popular traditional folk art forms.12、As for as I am concerned…就我而言例如:As for as I am concerned,we should hard work.13、I sincerely hope that…我真诚的希望例如:I sincerely hope that the problem in the city can be solved.14、After what we have discussed above, we can reasonably come to theconclusion that + 句子总之例如:After what we have discussed above, we can reasonably come to the conclusion that we should protect our world.15、I would appreciate it if …如果…我将不胜感激例如:I would appreciate it if I could be admitted.16、If you have any question about… please feel contact me for furtherinformation.如果你有什么问题关于…,请随时联系我例如:If you have any question about this city, please feel contact me for further information.通用短语1、第一In the first place2、第二In addition/ What’s more3、第三What’s the most important of all4、事实上As a matter of the fact5、因此As a consequence6、一方面,另一方面For one thing, for another。

1. 引言句作文引言句是介绍和开展话题的关键所在,有时还是品味和艺术的体现。
2. 表达观点在作文中表达观点需要恰当的词汇和语法,同时也需要一定的模板句型。
3. 举例句在英语四六级考试中,举例论证是一个非常重要的技巧,合理使用举例子句也不会让你的文章显得平淡。
4. 对比句写英语作文是需要多维度、全面考虑问题,对比句可以在文章中明确两种不同的观点。
5. 结尾句最后一个段落是英语四六级文章的一个重要部分,需要恰当地结束文章内容,同时概括你的观点。
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套句总结开头Recently, the problem of ... has aroused people's concern.最近,...问题已引起人们的关注.Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.互联网已在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色.它给我们带来了许多好处,但也产生了一些严重的问题.Nowadays, (overpopulation) has become a problem we have to face.如今,(人口过剩)已成为我们不得不面对的问题了.It is commonly believed that... / It is a common belief that...人们一般认为...Many people insist that...很多人坚持认为...With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that...随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为...A lot of people seem to think that...很多人似乎认为...引出不同观点:People's views on... vary from person to person. Some hold that... . However, others believe that....人们对...的观点因人而异.有些人认为.....然而其他人却认为...People may have different opinions on...人们对...可能会有不同的见解.Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person.人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异.There are different opinions among people as to...关于.... 人们的观点大不相同.Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure).对(失败)人们的态度各不相同.结尾部分Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that...把所有这些因素加以考虑,我们自然会得出结论...Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that...考虑所有这些因素,我们可能会得出合理的结论...Hence/Therefore, we'd better come to the conclusion that...因此,我们最好得出这样的结论...There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits.毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点.All in all, we cannot live without... But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.总之,我们没有...是无法生活的.但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现的新问题.提出建议:It is high time that we put an end to the (trend). 该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了.It is time to take the advice of ... and to put special emphasis on the improvement of ...该是采纳...的建议,并对...的进展给予特殊重视的时候了.There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of ...毫无疑问,对...问题应予以足够的重视.Obviously,.... If we want to do something... , it is essential that...显然,如果我们想做某事,很重要的是...Only in this way can we... 只有这样,我们才能...It must be realized that... 我们必须意识到...预示后果:Obviously, if we don't control the problem, the chances are that... will lead us in danger.很明显,如果我们不能控制这一问题,很有可能我们会陷入危险.No doubt, unless we take effective measures, it is very likely that...毫无疑问,除非我们采取有效措施,很可能会...It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation.很紧迫的是,应立即采取措施阻止这一事态的发展.论证部分From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second.在我看来,支持第一种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理.I cannot entirely agree with the idea that... 我无法完全同意这一观点....Personally, I am standing on the side of ...就个人而言,我站在...的一边.I sincerely believe that... 我真诚地相信...In my opinion, it is more advisable to do ... than to do....在我个人看来,做...比做...更明智.Finally, to speak frankly, there is also a more practical reason why...坦诚地说,最后,还有一个较为实际的原因,_________。
给出原因:This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons. First, ... Second, ... Third, ...这一现象的存在是有许多原因的.首先, ... 第二, ... 第三, ...Why did... ? For one thing... For another.... Perhaps the primary reason is...为什么会...? 一个原因是... 令一个原因是...或许其主要原因是....I quite agree with the statement that... the reasons are chiefly as follows.我十分赞同这一论述,即...,其主要原因如下:列出解决办法:Here are some suggestions for handling... 这是如何处理某事的一些建议.The best way to solve the troubles is... 解决这些麻烦的最好办法是...People have figured out many ways to solve this problem. 人们已找出许多办法来解决这个问题.批判错误观点和做法:As far as something is concerned, .... 就某事而言,...It was obvious that... 很显然,....It may be true that..., but it doesn't mean that... 可能...是对的,但这并不意味着...It is natural to believe that... , but we shouldn't ignore that... 认为....是很自然的,但我们不应忽视....There is no evidence to suggest that... 没有证据表明...作文中常用连接词的选择still, Indeed, apparently, oddly enough, of course, after all, significantly, interestingly, also, above all, surely, certainly, undoubtedly, in any case, anyway, above all, in fact, especially. Obviously, clearly.表示比较的连接词like, similarly, likewise, in the same way, in the same manner, equally.表示对比的连接词by contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas, on the other hand, unlike, instead, but, conversely, different from, however, nevertheless, otherwise, whereas, unlike, yet, in contrast.表示列举的连接词for example, for instance, such as, take ...for example. Except (for), to illustrate.表示时间的连接词later, next, then, finally, at last, eventually, meanwhile, from now on, at the same time, for the time being, in the end, immediately, in the meantime, in the meanwhile, recently, soon, now and then, during, nowadays, since, lately, as soon as, afterwards, temporarily, earlier, now, after a while.first, second, third, then, finally, to begin with, first of all, in the first place, last, next, above all, last but not the least, first and most important.表示可能的连接词presumably, probably, perhaps.用于解释的连接词in other words, in fact, as a matter of fact, that is, namely, in simpler terms.表示递进的连接词What is more, in addition, and, besides, also, furthermore, too, moreover, furthermore, as well as, additionally, again.表示让步的连接词although, after all, in spite of..., despite, even if, even though, though, admittedly, whatever may happen.表示转折的连接词however, rather than, instead of, but, yet, on theother hand, unfortunately. whereas表示原因的连接词for this reason, due to, thanks to, because, because of, as, since, owing to.表示结果的连接词as a result, thus, hence, so, therefore, accordingly, consequently, as consequence.用于总结的连接词on the whole, in conclusion, in a word, to sum up, in brief, in summary, to conclude, to summarize, in short.其他类型连接词Mostly, occasionally, currently, naturally, mainly, exactly, evidently, frankly, commonly, for this purpose, to a large extent, for most of us, in many cases, in this case,图表作文常用句型As is shown in the graph... 如图所示...The graph shows that... 图表显示...As can be seen from the table,... 从表格中可以看出...From the chart, we know that... 从这张表中,我们可知...All these data clearly prove the fact that...所有这些数据明显证明这一事实,即...The increase of .... In the city has reached to 20%...在这个城市的增长已达到20%.In 1985, the number remained the same.1985年,这个数字保持不变.There was a gradual decline in 1989.1989年,出现了逐渐下降的情况.综合运用篇Along with the advance of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that....随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是____________。