



Technical Information Edition 20013456Core identification acc. to DIN VDE 0293 Identification of cores in multicore flexible cablesNumber of cores Cables with green-yellow marked core(with code …J“ acc. to VDE 0250,…G“ acc. to VDE 0281/0282) up to 5 coresCables without green-yellow marked core(with code …O“ acc. to VDE 0250,…X“ acc. to VDE 0281/0282) 2 cores only23456 and more –gnye/bn/bugnye/bk/bu/bngnye/bk/bu/bn/bkgnyeadditional cores bkwith number printing,starting from the inside with 1,gnye in outer layerbn/bubk/bu/bnbk/bu/bn/bkbk/bu/bn/bk/bkcores bkwith number printing,starting from the inside with 1Identification of cores in multi-cored cables for fixed installation not HARNumber of cores Cables with green-yellow marked core(with code …J“ acc. to VDE 0250)Cables without green-yellow marked core(with code …O“ acc. to VDE 0250)2 3 4 5–gnye/bk/bugnye/bk/bu/bngnye/bk/bu/bn/bkbk/bubk/bu/bnbk/bu/bn/bkbk/bu/bn/bk/bkConductor identification e = solid,m = multi-wired acc. to VDE 0250U = solid,R = multi-wired acc. to VDE 0281/0282Code for colour identification acc. to IEC 757Colourblackwhiteblueredbrowngreyyellowgreenvioletgreen/yelloworangepinkdark bluedark browntransparentultramarineblueswwsblrtbngrgegnviogngeorgrsdbldbntrublXBK Colour-no.01020304050607081011121618201300RAL9005901050153000800370011021601840056018/10212003301550108014–5002Further colours/ colour combinations on request.Colour code forvehicle cables Number ofcores1234Core colourrdwh,bkwh,bk,bnwh,bk,bn,yeNumber ofcores5678Core colourwh,bk,bn,ye,gnwh,bk,bn,ye,gn,rdwh,bk,bn,ye,gn,rd,buwh,bk,bn,ye,gn,rd,bu,vt Codeold newBKWHBURDBNGYYEGNVTGNYEOGPK7XBK cables - Colour codeThe colour code acc. to VDE 0293 goes for up to 5 coresNumber of cores Cable with gn/ye core Cable without gn/ye core 23 4 5gnye bn/bugnye bk/bu/bngnye bk/bu/bn/bkbn/bubk/bu/bnbk/bu/bn/bkbk/bu/bn/bk/bkThe following colour code goes for more than 6 cores:The cores are stranded acc. to this table; the order starting from the outer layer ongoing and in the same direction throughout all layers.Core Colour Core Colour0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30greenyellowwhiteblackbluebrowngreyredvioletpinkorangetransparentbeigeblack-whiteblue-whitebrown-whitegrey-whitered-whiteviolet-whitepink-whiteorange-whitetransparent-whitebeige-whiteblue-blackbrown-blackgrey-blackred-blackviolet-blackpink-blackorange-blacktransparent-blackbeige-black31323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061brown-bluegrey-bluered-bluepink-blueorange-bluetransparent-bluebeige-bluegrey-brownred-brownviolet-brownpink-brownorange-browntransparent-brownbeige-brownred-greyviolet-greypink-greyorange-greytransparent-greybeige-greyorange-redtransparent-redbeige-redpink-violetorange-violettransparent-violetbeige-violettransparent-pinkbeige-pinktransparent-orangebeige-orangeColour code for YR-cables2 x 0,83 x 0,84 x 0,85 x 0,86 x 0,8 8 x 0,8 10 x 0,8 12 x 0,8 14 x 0,8 16 x 0,6bk, bubk, bu, bnbk, bu, bn, yebk, bu, bn, ye, gnbk, bu, bn, ye, gn, vtbk, bu, bn, ye, gn, vt, wh, ogbk, bu, bn, ye, gn, vt, wh, og, tr, gybk, bu, bn, ye, gn, vt, wh, og, tr, gy, rd, lbubk, bu, bn, ye, gn, vt, wh, og, tr, gy, rd, lbu, cog, lgnbk, bu, bn, ye, gn, vt, wh, og, tr, gy, rd, lbu, cog, lgn, lrd, lye8Core identification acc. to DIN DIN 47100Electronic control cables and computer cables LIYY and LIYCYThe first colour is the basic colour of the core. If cores are multi-coloured, the identification is composed of one basic colour and one ring colour.Counting manner from the outside to the inside ongoing throughout all layers.1. Core stranding (Cables with 4 cores are stranded in the colour order white, yellow, brown, green)Core No.12345678910111213141516171819202122ColourwhitebrowngreenyellowgreypinkblueredblackvioletgreypinkredbluewhitegreenbrowngreenwhiteyellowyellowbrownwhitegreygreybrownwhitepinkpinkbrownwhitebluebrownblueCore No.23242526272829303132333435363738394041424344ColourwhiteredbrownredwhiteblackbrownblackgreygreenyellowgreypinkgreenyellowpinkgreenblueyellowbluegreenredyellowredgreenblackyellowblackgreybluepinkbluegreyredpinkredgreyblackpinkblackblueblackredblackCore No.45464748495051525354555657585960616263646566whitebrowngreenyellowgreypinkblueredblackvioletgreypinkredbluewhitegreenbrowngreenwhiteyellowyellowbrownwhitegreygreybrownwhitepinkpinkbrownwhitebluebrownblueColour45464748495051525354555657585960616263646566Core No.whiteredbrownredwhiteblackbrownblackgreygreenyellowgreypinkgreenyellowpinkgreenblueyellowbluegreenredyellowredgreenblackyellowblackgreybluepinkbluegreyredpinkredgreyblackpinkblackblueblackredblackColourPair No. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10, 11,ColourwhitebrowngreenyellowgreypinkblueredblackvioletgreypinkredbluewhitegreenbrowngreenwhiteyellowyellowbrownwhitegreygreybrownwhitepinkpinkbrownwhitebluebrownbluePair No.12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,ColourwhiteredbrownredwhiteblackbrownblackgreygreenyellowgreypinkgreenyellowpinkgreenblueyellowbluegreenredyellowredgreenblackyellowblackgreybluepinkbluegreyredpinkredgreyblackpinkblackblueblackredblackPair No.2324252627282930313233whitebrowngreenyellowgreypinkblueredblackvioletgreypinkredbluewhitegreenbrowngreenwhiteyellowyellowbrownwhitegreygreybrownwhitepinkpinkbrownwhitebluebrownblueColour3435363738394041424344Pair No.whiteredbrownredwhiteblackbrownblackgreygreenyellowgreypinkgreenyellowpinkgreenblueyellowbluegreenredyellowredgreenblackyellowblackgreybluepinkbluegreyredpinkredgreyblackpinkblackblueblackredblackColour2. Paired stranding45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 555657585960616263646566Core Core Core Core abababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababab91011121314151617Properties of insulating materials for basic materialsla i r e t a M -t a i v e rb b A no i E D V lo b m y s g n i k r o W e r u t a r e p m e t )C °(e l i s n e T h t g n e r t s m m /N (2)t a n o i t a g n o l E r a e t )%(yt i s n e D m c /g (3)e m u l o V y t i v i t s e r )m c ·m h O (-e r o h S s s e n d r a h D,A r e h t a e W e c n a t s i s e r l e u F e c n a t s i s e r e c n a t s i s e r l i O yt i l i b a m m a l F e d i r o l h c l y n i v y l o P CV P Y07+...03-52 (010)03 (0515),1...2,1012101...5159...07e t a r e d o m e t a r e d o m do o g -f l e s gn i h s i u g n i t x e t n a t s i s e r -t a e h ,e d i r o l h c l y n i v y l o P CV P Y09+...02-52 (010)03...0514,1...3,1012101 (5)159...07e t a r e d o m e t a r e d o m do o g -f l e s gn i h s i u g n i t x e t n a t s i s e r -d l o c ,e d i r o l h c l y n i v y l o P CV P Y07+...04-52 (010)03 (0515),1...4,1012101 (5)159...07e t a r e d o m e t a r e d o m do o g -f l e s gn i h s i u g n i t x e t n a t s i s e r -e m a l f ,e d i r o l h c l y n i v y l o P CV P Y07+...03-52 (010)52 (0516),1...3,1012101 (5)109...08e t a r e d o m et a r e d o m do o g n o i t i n g i h g i h er u t a r e p m e t e n e l y h t e y l o p e r u s s e r p h g i H EP D H Y207+...05-03 (020)0589,0...59,0017126...06d o o g ro o p et a r e d o m el b a m m a l f e n e l y h t e y l o p e r u s s e r p w o L EP D L Y2001+...05-03008539,0...819,0017105...34et a r e d o m ro o p et a r e d o m el b a m m a l f e d i m a y l o P AP Y408+...04-081 (050)03 (0025)1,1...01,1014107...06do o g et a r e d o m do o g el b a m m a l f e t a l a t h p e r e t e n e l y t u b y l o P PT B P -011+...06-001 (050)03 (053),10161)D (08do o g do o g do o g el b a m m a l f e n e l y h t e r o u l f a r t e t y l o P EF T P Y5062+...091-04 (410)04 (0423),2...0,2018156...55do o g y r e v do o g y r e v do o g y r e v el b a m m a l f t o n e n e l y p o r p r o u l f a x e h -e n e l y h t e r o u l f a r t e T re m y l o p o c PE F Y6002+...001-52 (020)53 (0523),2...0,2018106...55do o g y r e v do o g y r e v do o g y r e v el b a m m a l f t o n e n e l y h t e r o u l f a r t e t -e n e l y h t E EF T E Y7051+...001-05 (040)03 (0018),1...6,1016157...07do o g y r e v do o g y r e v do o g y r e v el b a m m a l f t o n e n e l y p o r p y l o P PP Y909+...05-05 (030)0319,0017106...55et a r e d o m et a r e d o m et a r e d o m el b a m m a l f e n a h t e r u y l o P R U P Y11001+...04-54 (030)06 (0030)2,1...51,10121001...08do o g y r e v do o g do o g -f l e s gn i h s i u g n i t x e n i f e l o y l o p c i t s a l p o m r e h T re m o t s a l e E P T Y21521+...07-52 (30)56 (0822),1...9,0012109...05do o g y r e v do o g do o g y r e v el b a m m a l f r e b b u r e n o c i l i S IS G2081+...06-01 (50)53 (0023),1...2,1015108...04do o g y r e v ro o p et a r e d o m n o i t i n g i h g i h er u t a r e p m e t re b b u r e n e l y p o r p e n e l y h t E /M P E MD PE G3021+...03-02 (50)54 (0026),1...3,1014158...56do o g ro o p ro o p el b a m m a l f e t a t e c a l y n i v e n e l y h t E AV E G4521+...03-5025,1...3,1013108...07do o g ro o p ro o p el b a m m a l f r e b b u r e n e r p o r o l h C RC G5001+...04-520547,1...4,1013107...55do o g y r e v ro o p do o g -f l e s gn i h s i u g n i t x e181920212223General termsPrice baseListed basic-prices are valid for 1000 m of cable.Calculation of the current price follows the valid quotations (DEL-quotation)of the day after incoming order plus purchase costs.Cables and wires are sold at daily copper prices (DEL). The DEL is the Stock Exchange Quotation for German electrolytic copper for conducting purposes, that is 99.5% pure copper. The DEL is listed in DM (EUR) /100kg.VATMake-up of pricesFree of freigt costs (CPT) from net merchandise amount of DM 3.000,-(EUR 1.530,-) within Germany onwards respectively free place of use.Packing of goods is included in the merchandise-prices. Under DM 3.000,-(EUR 1.530,-) of net merchandise amount delivery free domicile; however we charge you the freight costs.With a net merchandise amount of under DM 500,- (EUR 260,-) packing is charged at cost price.Provistion of drums only at the conditions of the Kabeltrommel GmbH&Co.KG Cologne. The delivery of pallets is only in exchange. In case of delay the buyer will be charged the additional costs.In case of delivery abroad, the goods are despatched free German border from a net merchandise amount of DM 3.000,- (EUR 1.530,-) onwards. If free domicile was agreed upon, our company decides which forwarding agent delivers the merchandise. Delivery abroad is subject to Incoterms and the price of packing is subject to agreement.Neiter with paid delivery nor with self-collecting freight charges are refunded.Terms of payment3% discount within 10 days,30 days net,other conditions to be agreed upon.Divergences inmeasurement, weight,quantity & construction Short lengthsWe reserve the right to deliver up to 10% of the ordered amount in short lengths.DimensionsWeight, measures, and property data are approximate figures. Divergences caused through raw materials or production as well as alteration of data remain reserved. All former data are no longer valid.Copper priceThe list prices are based on a metal basis of copper DM 300,- (EUR 153,39)per 100 kg (except telecommunication cables and underground cables).See EURO-price-list.The current copper price can be found in the business section of the newspaper. If the DEL is listed at 389.0, this means that 100kg copper cost DM 389,- or EURO respectively.Copper baseThe copper weight is stated as the copper index. If the listed copper index is 68, the according cable contains 68kg of copper within a length of 1000m.Copper surchargeCopper index The copper surcharge can be determined as follows:copper surcharge = copper index x DM (EUR) /km kg/km(DEL + 1% purchase costs) - copper base100Divergences caused through raw materials or production remain reserved.Trade-customary over- or under- deliveries are permitted.Prices are calculated excluding VAT. It will be charged additionally at the current rate of taxation.General Terms and ConditionsIssued 1/99VOKA-KABEL GmbH 1.Sales Conditions1.1The Seller hereby agrees to sell goods subject to the General Terms and Conditions contained herein. Conflicting conditions of purchase, even if not expressly refused by the Seller, shall not be binding on the Seller unless specifically agreed to by the Seller in writing. Withdrawal from the contract - cancellation of an order - by the Purchaser, even in the case of deferred delivery, shall not be binding on the Seller until expressly confirmed by the Seller in writing.1.2Any agreement shall become null and void unless expressly confirmed by the Seller in writing within 8 business days. The Purchaser shall not be entitled to transfer the contract, in whole or in part, to third parties.1.3Price quotations shall not be binding on the Seller and shall be submitted subject to confirmation. Only the prices confirmed in the acknowledgement of order shall be binding on the Seller.1.3.1Any acknowledgement of order shall be based on the gross price list valid on the day of confirmation and on the official metal prices quoted on the date of issue of the acknowledgement of order. If no official metal prices are quoted on the date of issue, the subsequent quotations shall be relevant.1.3.2If the Seller is submitted a purchase order on the basis of which he is able to furnish a final confirmation - including the scheduled delivery date - (settled order), the price shall be calculated on the basis of the gross price list and the official metal prices quoted on the business day following the receipt of the order or following the settlement of the order (raw materials market price on reporting date). The issue in writing of the final acknowledgement of order shall be conditional on the following data being available: purchaser identification, purchaser’s address, address the invoice is to be mailed to, address the goods are to be delivered to, contents of the order, i.e. amount and execution of the goods to be delivered, discounts, specific customer requirements regarding delivery, delivery dates, and special conditions, where applicable.1.3.3If contracts are to be executed within 4 months after conclusion of the contract, the Seller shall be entitled to increase the agreed prices in the event of a sudden change in the official metal prices.1.3.4Official metal prices form the basis for the calculation and settlement of raw material prices. Official metal prices are determined on the basis of quotations by the non-ferrous metal working industry for electrolytic copper wire bars for use as conductors (DEL quotation). The DEL quotation is published in the commercial and financial columns of major daily newspapers.1.3.5In the event of the Seller’s partial or complete failure to procure metal at a price equivalent to the DEL quotation, the goods shall be invoiced on the basis of the actual metal purchase price.1.3.6Deviations of the DEL quotation from the basis of the gross price list shall change the selling price (gross price ./. discount) by the product of the copper number and the raw materials price difference (DM (EUR)/kg). The DEL quotation relevant for these calculations is the DEL quotation on the day following the date of receipt of the order (incoming mail stamp).1.3.7Goods dispatched from an external warehouse shall be invoiced at prices that are based on the price list valid on the date of dispatch and on the official metal price (DEL quotation or metal purchase price) on the date of dispatch.1.3.8If the Seller is furnished with copper (free issue), the Seller agrees to exclude the copper from the invoiced amount. The Purchaser shall make the copper available to the Seller no later than 5 weeks before the confirmed delivery date.1.4The prices quoted by the Seller are based on the raw material procurement costs to be paid on the raw materials market on the date of the acknowledgement of order. In the event of a change in these costs, the Seller shall be entitled to change the prices even after the acknowledgement of order has been issued or withdraw from the entire order and/or from the order concerning the remainder of the consignment, where necessary.1.5Call orders. If delivery is agreed to be performed on call the Purchaser shall determine the date of the total delivery within a reasonable period of time and inform the Seller in writing hereof. This also applies to scheduled partial deliveries due on specified delivery dates.The Seller shall be informed of scheduled partial deliveries, due upon call-forward notice, no later than 3 months (90 days) from the acknowledgement of order, unless a separate written agreement has been entered into with respect to call dates. In the event of the Purchaser’s failure to perform the aforementioned obligation, the Seller shall be entitled to bring action against the Purchaser and claim acceptance of the goods and payment. After expiration of the Purchaser’s obligation to inform the Seller within the said period, further partial deliveries to be performed on call shall be subject to the prices specified by VOKA on the date of deferred call-forward notices.1.6Orders shall not be deemed to have been accepted until an acknowledgement of order has been issued by the Seller’s headquarters. The Seller’s sales agents act as intermediaries; however, they are not entitled to conclude contracts.2.Terms of delivery2.1The Seller’s obligation to perform delivery is conditional on the Seller being able to procure the raw materials required for the execution of the order at the official raw material prices quoted on the date of the acknowledgement of order. In the event of such requirement not being met, clause 1.4 of the General Terms and Conditions contained herein shall be applicable.2.2. The indicated delivery date determines the approximate date of dispatch of the goods from the Seller’s premises, provided all requirements for uninterrupted production have been fulfilled. If performance of delivery is delayed by reason of interruptions to the production sequence or unforseen events or by reason of delays attributable to the Seller’s subcontractors, which, despite every practicable precaution, result in the Seller’s failure to perform delivery, then the Seller’s delivery deadline shall be extended by a reasonable period of time. In the event of delivery being precluded as a result of the aforementioned events, the Seller shall be relieved of his obligation to perform delivery.2.3The delivery period agreed upon shall commence on the date a written agreement is reached between the Seller and the Purchaser with respect to the order. Compliance with the delivery deadlines is conditional on all documents concerning the order being submitted to the Seller in due time and on the Purchaser making payments when they become due and performing any other necessary obligations under the order.2.4In the event of the Seller’s failure to procure the raw materials required for the execution of the order, the Seller shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract. The Purchaser’s right of rescission is governed by §326BGB [German Civil Code]. The Seller shall not be liable to pay damages unless the Purchaser can furnish proof of the Seller’s intention and gross negligence.2.5After a specified deadline for taking delivery has expired, the Seller shall no longer be under any obligation to perform delivery. In the event of reasonable doubts arising after conclusion of the contract with respect to the Purchaser’s creditworthiness, the Seller may, at his option, withdraw from the contract, demand advance payment or make delivery conditional on collateral. The Seller shall be entitled to such action particularly if overdue payments are not immediately settled by the Purchaser despite the Purchaser having been delivered a reminder.2.6The Seller reserves the right to deliver up to 10% of the ordered goods short of the specified length. The Seller also reserves the right to deliver goods presenting variations attributable to material-related or production-related factors. The Seller shall be entitled to deliver goods in excess or short of the specified length within usage of trade and custom of the industry.2.7If orders are placed for special goods, the lengths of the goods to be delivered shall be made dependent on production-related conditions.2.8Shipment. For domestic orders, shipment shall be free of charge to the address of the Purchaser or to the railroad station of destination, provided the net value of merchandise is a minimum of DM3000 (EUR 1530). For orders from abroad with a minimum net value of merchandise of DM3000 (EUR 1530), shipment shall be free German border. For small orders with a net value of merchandise of less than DM3000 (EUR 1530), the Seller will invoice appropriate extra freight.2.9Packaging. For orders with a minimum net value of merchandise of DM500 (EUR 260), the packaging shall be free of charge. For orders amounting to a net value of merchandise of less than DM500 (EUR 260), the packaging shall be invoiced at cost.2.9.1KTG cable drums (with a flange diameter of 50-280 cm) used for cables and conductors are the property of Kabeltrommel GmbH & Co. KG (KTG), Cologne, and are placed at the Purchaser’s disposal on the basis of KTG conditions.2.9.2The Purchaser shall not be reimbursed any freight charges in the event of the goods being collected by the Purchaser.3.Payment conditions3.1Invoices shall be forwarded to the Purchaser upon delivery.The Seller shall be entitled to assign claims arising from the business transaction to third parties.3.2Invoices forwarded to the Purchaser shall be payable as specified below: (domestic orders)3.2.13% discount for payment within 10 days.3.2.2within 30 days net cash without discount.The discount period shall commence with the date of the invoice. No discount shall be deducted from increased or reduced copper prices.3.3No other payment conditions shall be binding on the Seller unless specifically agreed to by the Seller in writing.3.4Invoices in the total amount of less than DM50 (EUR 25) shall be payable net cash.3.5In the event of the Purchaser’s failure to make payment when it becomes due, the Seller shall be entitled, without prior agreement, to charge interest in an amount equal to the interest of comparable short-term bank loans. Irrespective of whether such action is taken, delayed payment will have the following consequences. In the event of delayed payment, all accounts receivable, including discounted bills of exchange that have not yet been paid, shall become due in cash immediately. The Purchaser shall no longer be entitled to sell goods that are the Seller’s property in whole or in part (cf. clause 5 Retention of title) and agrees to furnish collateral security in an amount equal to the payment due. The same procedure shall be applicable if reasonable doubts arise with respect to the Purchaser’s creditworthiness.3.6Payment shall be made by bank transfer or postal remittance. Payment in the form of bills of exchange or cheques and bills of exchange shall be accepted no later than 10 days from the date of the invoice, provided such payment is expressly agreed to by the Seller. Payment in such form shall not be deemed effected until the bill of exchange has been paid by the drawee and the Seller has been relieved of all liabilities under the bill of exchange. The Seller’s right to retention of title shall not terminate until the bill of exchange has been paid to the credit of the Seller.All payments shall be made in full satisfaction of debt and exclusively to the DG Diskontbank AG, Frankfurt, to which the Seller has assigned all claims arising from his business relations.24General Terms and Conditions Issued 1/99 VOKA-KABEL GmbH3.7Bank charges and interest and other forms of financing charges shall be borne by the Purchaser.3.8The Purchaser shall not be entitled to set off sums against any payment due or withhold payment unless compensating counterclaims are accepted by the Seller.3.9The Seller’s regional agents are not entitled to collect payment.4.Passing of risk in goodsAny risk in the goods shall pass to the Purchaser after the Purchaser has been notified by the Seller that the goods are ready to be collected or shipped, or after the goods have left the Seller’s premises or after they have been collected by the Purchaser from the Seller’s premises. This also applies if carriage is paid by the Seller. In the event of shipment being delayed at the Purchaser’s request or due to reasons attributable to the Purchaser, the risk in the goods shall pass to the Purchaser for the duration of the delay.5.Retention of titleThe Seller reserves title to the ownership of the goods supplied and to the products obtained from the processing of the goods supplied until all debts to be paid by the Purchaser to the Seller, including liabilities on current account, have been paid.Conflicting conditions of purchase shall not be binding on the Seller; the Seller reserves title to the ownership of the goods and shall not transfer ownership of the goods until all payments have been made.The Seller’s retention of title also applies to the value added to the goods by machining or processing.The new product obtained from the machining or processing of the goods shall be the property of the Seller. The new product obtained from the machining or processing of the goods shall substitute the original goods owned by the Seller by way of security. In the event of the original goods owned by the Seller by way of security being machined or processed and joined with goods not in the property of the Seller, the Seller shall become co-owner of the new product, with the Seller’s fractional share in the ownership of the product amounting to a sum equal to the total invoice amount of the original goods owned by the Seller by way of security.At the Seller’s request, the Purchaser shall inform his debtors about the transfer of ownership. In the event of the collateral exceeding the Seller’s receivables by over 20%, the Seller shall release ownership by way of security with respect to goods to be determined at the Seller’s discretion and at the Purchaser’s request.The retention of title shall also be applicable to the proceeds obtained from the sale of the goods supplied and to all rights and claims replacing the original goods. The Purchaser shall assign in advance all receivables he is entitled due as a result of such transactions to the Seller by way of security. The Purchaser shall be entitled to collect the receivables assigned to the Seller for as long as the Purchaser meetshis contractual obligations to pay. The Purchaser shall notify the Seller immediately of any access of third parties to goods supplied to which the Seller has reserved title or to any receivables assigned to the Seller.The Purchaser shall transfer any payments assigned to and collected on behalf of the Seller immediately to the Seller, provided payment is due. In the event of the Purchaser not complying with this obligation, the collected amounts shall still be due to the Seller and shall be retained separately.Any intervention costs shall be borne by the Purchaser.6.WarrantyThe Seller warrants that the goods delivered conform with the regulations and requirements stipulated by the Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker [Association of German Electrotechnical Engineers] unless other guidelines or recommendations are specified in writing and form an integral part of the contract.6.1The Purchaser shall carry out an inspection of incoming shipments on the basis of the Seller’s shipping documents and check the goods immediately upon receipt for completeness of supply and compliance with the specification. The Purchaser cannot be relieved of the obligation to perform inspection. Costs incurred by the Purchaser as a result of processing goods without prior inspection shall be borne by the Purchaser.6.2The Seller’s warranty shall not cover shortfalls in the quantities delivered and/or patent external defects unless the Purchaser notifies the Seller in writing of the shortfall or defect within 10 business days from the dispatch of the goods, quoting all relevant data contained in the order and delivery note.6.3The Purchaser shall be entitled to make claims arising from a patent or concealed defect or in the event of the goods not corresponding to the agreed specification. Such claims shall not be accepted unless they are brought forward within 6 months from the date of the delivery note.6.4Complaints shall not be accepted by the Seller unless he is notified of the defect immediately upon discovery and a sample of the faulty goods is made available to the Seller at the Purchaser’s expense.6.5If goods are found to be defective or in the event of the goods not corresponding to the specification, the Seller shall, at his option, rectify the defect or replace the goods at his cost. Such obligation applies exclusively to defects that are proved to be attributable to circumstances, in particular faulty design, materials or workmanship, that have occurred prior to the passing of the risk in goods and have rendered the goods unusable or considerably reduced their usability.6.8In the event of the Purchaser or third parties performing modifications, repair work or other measures on the goods in an improper manner, the Seller shall be relieved of all warranties.6.9In the event of the Purchaser submitting a complaint, he shall not be entitled to withhold payment unless the complaint is justified beyond all doubt.6.10Any claims of the Purchaser resulting from defects or from the goods supplied not corresponding to the specification shall be barred by the statute of limitation after 12 months from the date of the complaint.6.11Other claims of the Purchaser or third-party claims, in particular for damages in the event of defects not concerning the goods supplied or consequential damage, shall be excluded unless in cases of intention and gross negligence in which the Seller shall be obliged to assume liability.6.12The Seller shall accept no goods returned by the Purchaser unless the prior consent hereto is obtained from the Seller.7.Rights in toolsShould the Purchaser or third parties assume a share of the tool costs, they do not acquire any rights in the tools (transitional rights, rights of use etc.). If goods supplied by the Seller according to drawings or other information furnished by the Purchaser infringe industrial property rights of third parties, the Purchaser shall indemnify the Seller against all claims arising as a result of such infringement.8.LiabilityUnless otherwise specified in the terms and conditions contained herein, the Seller shall be liable for the Purchaser’s claims for damages arising from positive violation of contractual duties, from the violation of duties in the course of negotiations preceding the conclusion of the contract and from unlawful acts. The Seller’s liability shall be as set forth in the following:a) The liability for personal injury is determined by legal provisions.b) The liability for damage to property is limited to DM500.000 (EUR 255.650) per occurrence of damage to property and to a total of DM1million(EUR 511.300).c) The Liability for economic loss is excluded.The limitation of liability as per sub-clause b) and the exclusion of liability as per sub-clause c) shall not be applicable if liability is mandatory in the event of damage to privately used goods according to the product liability law or in the event of intention or gross negligence.9. Export regulationsA purchaser exporting goods outside of BRD or EU has the liability to oblige to the appropriate legal laws. The exporter is solely liable for his exports.This applies as well to the export-regulations of USA.10.Place of performance and jurisdictionThe place of jurisdiction for either party with respect to liabilities, including legal proceedings related to bills of exchange and legal documents, shall be Plauen, the company’s place of business, or Frankfurt/Main.All relations arising out of the contract shall be governed by German law not including the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). 11.Final provisionsIn the event of one or several of the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions contained herein becoming ineffective, the validity of the other provisions shall remain unaffected.6.6In the event of a justified complaint, the Purchaser shall grant the Seller areasonable period of time to rectify the defect or replace the goods delivered. In theevent of the Purchaser’s failure to grant such reasonable period of time, the Sellershall be relieved of any warranties and delivery obligations.6.7In the event of the Seller’s failure to rectify the defects within a reasonable periodof time or if there are compelling reasons that preclude rectification, the Purchasershall be entitled to demand a reduction of the purchase price. In the event of theSeller’s and Purchaser’s failure to reach an agreement with respect to the reduction,the Purchaser shall be entitled to terminate the contract.25。















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ROFIN-SINAR Laser GmbH • Berzeliusstr. 83 • D-22113 Hamburg • 49 - (0) - 40 733 63-0 •
Content / Inhalt:
134.100.DK.001_M800157_RD.Pdf _M620394_RN.Pdf 134.101.DK.001_M800158_RB.Pdf 134.100.DK.002_M800189.Pdf 122.000.DK.002_M800113_RD.Pdf 140.1A0.RL.001_M800341_RD.Pdf 134.101.RL.002_M800205_RG.Pdf 140.1A0.RL.B01_M800350.Pdf _M620402_RG.Pdf 122.700.DK.002_M800018_RB.Pdf 122.700.AS.010_M800258_P01_RB.Pdf 122.700.AS.010_M800258_P02.Pdf 122.700.AS.010_M800258_P03.Pdf 122.700.AS.010_M800258_P04.Pdf 122.700.AS.010_M800258_P05_RA.Pdf 122.700.AS.010_M800258_P06.Pdf 122.700.AS.010_M800258_P07.Pdf 122.700.AS.010_M800258_P08_RB.Pdf 122.700.AS.010_M800258_P09.Pdf 122.700.AS.010_M800258_P10.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P01_RK.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P02_RK.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P03_RC.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P04_RE.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P05_RD.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P06_RF.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P07_RE.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P08_RB.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P09.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P10.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P11.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P12_RH.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P13.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P14.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P15_RK.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P16.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P17.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P18_RK.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P19.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P20.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P21.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P22_RI.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P23_RE.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P24.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P25_RB.Pdf 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P26.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P27_RD_V1.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P28_RK.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P29.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P30.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P31_RK.Pdf 122.700.SL.010_M800249_P32.Pdf 140.1C0.BL.001_M800340_RA.Pdf PCB.340-4.2002-04_M581340_P01_RC.Pdf PCB.340-4.2002-04_M581340_P02_RC.Pdf PCB.340-4.2002-04_M581340_P03_RC.Pdf PCB.340-4.2002-04_M581340_P04_RC.Pdf PCB.392-2.1998-10_M581392_P01_RD.Pdf PCB.392-2.1998-10_M581392_P02_RC.Pdf PCB.603-2.2003-05_M581603_P01.Pdf PCB.603-2.1997-03_M581603_P02.Pdf PCB.603-2.1997-03_M581603_P03.Pdf PCB.604-2.1997-05_M581604_P01.Pdf PCB.604-2.1997-05_M581604_P02.Pdf PCB.607-2.1996-11_M581607_P01.Pdf PCB.607-2.1996-11_M581607_P02_RA.Pdf PCB.671-2.2001-03_M581671_P01.Pdf PCB.671-2.2001-03_M581671_P02.Pdf PCB.677-2.2004-06_M581677_P01.Pdf PCB.677-2.2004-06_M581677_P02.Pdf PCB.615-2.1997-07_M581615_P01.Pdf PCB.615-2.1997-07_M581615_P02.Pdf PCB.616-2.1997-07_M581616_P01.Pdf PCB.616-2.1997-07_M581616_P02.Pdf PCB.358-2.2000-05_M581358_P01_RB.Pdf PCB.358-2.2000-05_M581358_P02_RC.Pdf PCB.358-2.2000-05_M581358_P03_RB.Pdf PCB.358-2.2000-05_M581358_P04_RB.Pdf PCB.358-2.2000-05_M581358_P05_RB.Pdf PCB.640-2.2004-02_M581640_P02.Pdf PCB.670-4.2001-02_M581670_P01.Pdf PCB.670-4.2001-02_M581670_P02.Pdf PCB.670-4.2001-02_M581670_P03_RA.Pdf PCB.670-4.2001-02_M581670_P04_RA.Pdf PCB.442-4.2003-01_M581442_P01.Pdf PCB.442-4.2003-01_M581442_P02.Pdf PCB.442-4.2003-01_M581442_P03.Pdf PCB.442-4.2003-01_M581442_P04.Pdf PCB.442-4.2003-01_M581442_P05.Pdf




固化条件: - 在160℃温度下固化30分钟,或者 - 在230℃温度下固化3至5分钟。
道康宁® 2601涂料: 道康宁® 2601涂料储存于0至40℃ 时,其保质期自生产之日起为18个 月。
配制后的涂料: 建议在涂料制剂最终配制完成后6 个月内完成涂敷操作,因为其粘度 会随着时间而增大。
易清洁性 和耐久性
1级 4级 4级 4级
即使在用IPA清洗之后,也只需用干 布就可轻松地将记号除去。所示面 板清楚显示了道康宁® 2601涂料与 竞争者添加剂A和B的性能比较。
在面板的左手侧,可以看到涂层表 面上的溶剂型蓝色记号笔的线条。 右手侧的面板只使用干布进行了清 洁,已经没有明显的残余记号。
示例#1:在木材、美耐板、PET薄 膜及铬酸盐处理的无底漆铝材上室 温固化的参考配方。
材料 道康宁® 2601涂料 LTI 乙酸丁酯
比率(重量%) 60.8 5.3 33.9
固化条件: - 室温。 - 表干~3小时。 - 完全固化~24小时。
示例#2:在木材、美耐板、PET薄 膜及铬酸盐处理的无底漆铝材上室 温固化的参考配方。
y 添加热固化胺基树脂交联剂 可达到 2H~3H 的铅笔硬度, 可用于室内。
y 提供出众持久的防污性和易 清洁性。
y 提供出众的耐水、油和化学品 性质。
y 优异的耐候和热稳定性。
y 本品为氟硅有机聚合物的醋 酸丁酯和二甲苯溶液
y 浓度为 57%



1920 × 1200 @ 30fps 2 mm fixed lens1/2.8" Progressive Scan CMOS IP66, IK08Full HD Video (up to 4K)24/7 Operation Built-in WiFi Longer service lifePortrait and landscape modes Built-in 32 GB SD cardPeople Counting CameraDS-2CD6825G0/C-I(V)(S)DS-D60C-BDigital Signage BoxMultiple alarm rules can be configured, helping to save on manpowerProvides alarm notification for operators in order to improve efficiencySaves time wasted on handling false alarms Pop-up video on control client, video wall, and mobile app, email and siren alerts, etc.Displays alarm list, alarm linkage video and alarm location together in a windowHikCentral Professional PlatformLive View: Max. 256 channels’ live view per Control Client. Auto-adaptive window-split overlay for easy operation.Playback: Thumbnail and smooth drag for easy video history skimming.Video Search: VCA search enables the efficient retrieval of desired video footage.E-Map: Locates the cameras on the E-Map for intuitive position demonstration.System Access: Desktop client, web client and mobile client for convenient system access.Video Management SoftwareAccess controller100,000 cards and 300,000 events storageCommunication via TCP/TP, ehome5.0 and RS-485ISAPI, OSDP supportedModular door station main unit, requires mounting bracket 2MP HD camera, fish-eye, IR supplement1 call physical button,2 lock relays, 4-ch alarm inputPro Series Access ControllerDS-K2600TDS-KD8003-IME1/SKD8 Series Pro Stainless SteelModular Door StationHigh quality imaging at 4 MP resolutionExcellent low-light performance via DarkFighter technology180° splicing image: the image presented includes the full panoramic view covered by the cameraPanoramic camera linked to a PTZ: capturing 180° images with the panoramic camera, as well as close-up images with the PTZ cameraDarkfighter PTZPanoramic & PTZ CameraDS-2DF8425IX-AELWDS-2DP0818ZIXS-DE/440/T2High quality imaging with 2 MP resolutionExcellent low-light performance via DarkFighter technologyUp to 4-ch, including people gathering detection, people running detection, violent motion and false alarm redaction detection and trip & fall detection.2 MP ANPR CameraDeepinMind NVRDS-2CD7A26G0/P-IZ(H)SDS-MDH005-BiDS-9632NXI-I8/BA10.1-inch screen showing temperature, mask reminder, etc.Built-in 1/2.7" CMOS cameraBuilt-in thermographic camera with a fixed focal-lens of 3 mm Temperature measuring distance: from 0.3 m to 2 m Temperature measurement range: 30 °C to 45 °COnboard Temperature ScreeningTerminalTemperature Screening & Auto Wi-Fi Record BackupControl RoomCentral ManagementCentral Video MonitoringHikCentral is completely centralised to achieve vast integration capabilities and deliver more powerful solutions.Business IntelligenceThe BI dashboard provides a flexible, customised tabular view interface to provide decision makers with actionable analysis reports.Business IntelligenceWhen someone has an elevated temperature or is not wearing a mask, event & alarm management can guide you to the related video, picture and its location via map, allowing appropriate responses to be initiated.Temperature AnalysisVehicle AnalysisTeaching BuildingBehaviour AnalysisThermographic Handheld Camera Touchless skin-surface temperature and mask detection with LibraryPeople CountingHaving staff management issues?People counting can help optimise staffing schedules and operations, using the generated insights to precisely increase the number of staff during busy times to improve People Counting CameraDocumenting visitor TrafficVisitor flow control is based on the real-time number of people inside, ensuring social distance is maintainedDaily, weekly, and monthly visitor flow reports contribute to improved personnel scheduling and effectively enhance resource utilisationSudden change of sound intensity detectedTrip and fall Congestion FightingPerimeterFalse Alarm ReductionDeepinMind NVRReceives intrusion and line crossing detection information from cameras, and identifies humans and vehicles in the video to reduce false alarms Saves on costs and time compared with conventional CCTV systemsDeepinMind NVRANPR CameraControls vehicle entrance and exit via number plate recognitionNumber plate recognition and recording Automatically releases employee vehiclesWarning on blacklist vehicles (barrier kept closed)Provides reports on passing vehiclesStainless Steel Door StationMake contact with the Control Room Noise suppression and echo cancellation Low illuminationHello?Come on throughSolution IntroductionGateVehicle Entrance & Exit Control + IntercomHikvision’s School Security Applications are designed to increase safety and ensure that your Schoolcan make the students in comfort, with confidence and peace of mind.School BusOnboard Temperature Screening & Mask DetectionApplicationsDormitoryAccess Control Digital DisplayTeaching BuildingsBehaviour Analysis Server Temperature ScreeningControl RoomCentral Monitoring & ManagementGateVehicle Entrance & Exit Control IntercomSports GroundPanoramic ViewLibraryPeople CountingCar ParkPTZ MonitoringPerimeterFalse Alarm Reduction。













HT系列是博良电子公司新推出的入门"发烧影院"(Hi-Fi Theatre)系列音箱。















CMYK 0 90 100 0 CMYK 0 52 100 0 CMYK 0 70 100 0 CMYK 0 75 75 5 CMYK 0 50 100 0
RAL 2008 Hellrotorange RAL 2009 Verkehrsorange RAL 2010 Signalorange RAL 2011 Tieforange
RAL 1018 Zinkgelb
RAL 1019 Graubeige
RAL 1020 Olivgelb
RAL 1021 Rapsgelb
RAL 1023 Verkehrsgelb
CMYK 0 0 80 0 CMYK 5 20 40 40 CMYK 1 5 30 40 CMYK 0 10 100 0 CMYK 0 10 90 0
Seite 3 von 6
RAL 5009 Azurblau
RAL 5010 Enzianblau
RAL 5011 Stahlblau
RAL 5012 Lichtblau
RAL 5013 Kobaltblau
CMYK 90 30 10 40 CMYK 100 40 5 40 CMYK 100 60 10 80 CMYK 90 30 10 10 CMYK 100 60 0 60
RAL 3005 Weinrot
RAL 3007 Schwarzrot RAL 3009 Oxidrot
RAL 3011 Braunrot
RAL 3012 Beigerot
CMYK 20 100 80 40 CMYK 60 100 70 80 CMYK 5 90 100 80 CMYK 20 100 100 40 CMYK 5 50 50 10
195 Farben



奥索凌阳方案适用屏编码和驱动对照奥索凌阳方案适用屏编码和驱动对照2011-10-4 08:27阅读(26)转载自风的味道2.8寸屏:5408B----FPCHL2401 07CV05408------H2801 FPCHL2401.14A SXD0017 2401QQ AO24QN029325------12N 17N 154000 SAT28S01A05 SXD0002 SAT24000 37H 12A05 2803 HW240320F-2L-0A-20 HJ2810AO-AOFPC 0000000024-0019325C----3225LS2088A SAT28009A05 DST280AU006 4N 88N V029325B----LS24XD 22N 17N9320------19E TS028HA 1N 07N 9N SR779028-AO DST28014L037 CMS21019331-----FTM280F17N 17E FTM280F6W 7N 6E FTM280F10E 7NV 8Q 8A18 21N FPC2802-VO TTPHJ07NVO1289-----JS28ND603C-FPC WST240320S280AV02 1298-----SK001V02 HL2802 36B 10N M30111A197 CMS2101-03A SX2.8C98-4_3-37C T28-A T28-B FPC4218-V0123225-----AU28 036 SXD0006 001 7C SAT2400 12A FPC2803-VO 28A03-VO 12A05 KK240037 0039-C 280NP04-04 3728E SX2.8T28-4_3-37H SXD0001PNL9328------T-0028-A61505V---LS28XD 21N 21E 07NVO A18 FPC1A0027-01-A SYM280T01-A093116----15400053909335IH----24008C18 0367781-----21VO 24N 11N 4N 10N 18V2 FPC-TTHJ07CVO CM012 81-36A 8B26 SY280CM0204535-----SXD00179331LG----Q365205----17V0 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25N9335HY----AST24011C19 091110S61505BOE----AST24011C19L LS-100810背面7781----24N 11N 81-36A61505W----LS24Q35 24036095205----53F F240253F 17V09320----01-1D FPC-FTS240W01 JC T24-E T24-A29340----T24BDHJ71V1 240A28-A-16 40-36A 134 240A37-A FPC-FTM240C179N-00S6D04H0----36PIN SXD0066HX8230------LC32002.1 XY-2405 HSDIO-V34535------SXD00249341-----YQ24TM41-36C T-240A82-D-16261卡屏的屏驱动----32063.5寸ST2102----KR035PA5S VT320240S70-A350TMT035---15400T4500 HW320 158000300 S805037535C R0HS 3.5_FPC_10FTS350----735M2 SN570 FMFU-2F 413450017002 513450006002LQ035----8501显示屏编号与屏驱动对应表1 排线丝印侧面丝印驱动IC2 024-22V1 93203 24WIT36-FPC01 93204 1540001660 TS024HAADD04-00 5408B5 1540002660 9325C6 24008C05-V1 93257 AF240B-36B V1.0 AL240EI-3501 77878 AF-240B-2V4.1 AL-240B-S1 77879 AF283E1-37A V1.2 9320-2.810 AF240E1-36C V1.0 778511 AF240E1-36C V2.0 778512 AF283P3-37A V1.0 9325-2.813 CMS2101-03A 080815 080918-2801A背光片 540814 CMS2101-03A 080815 CMS2101 HCT003-280-41F背光片1298CMT304-1(1)-08 8 30 5408B15 CMS2101-3 932516 FPC-FTS240F01 FTS240H03 150517 FPC-FTS240D03 129818 FPC-FTS240D14 129819 FPC-FTP240CO9N FTS240B03 834720 FPC-FTS240W01 FTP240W47N 129821 FPC-FTM280P04N M30111A150 9325C-2.822 FPC-FTM280C05N 8347-2.823 FPC-FTM280F01N FTM280F01N-00 9320-2.824 FPC-FTM280F06W FPC-FTM280F06N-00 090313(背面)933125 FPC-FTM280F07N R61505-2.826 FPC-FTM280C13N 932527 FPC-FTM280P05N M403A486 9325C28 FPC-Y80032 V01 N0711-14-04 9325-2.829 FTP240D10N-01 0703 129830 FTP240D24N-00 090307 778131 FPC-FTP280P05N FTP280P14N-01背面 778132 FTP240W17N-03 080807 9325B33 FG0280FLW-0802-1 8347-2.834 FPC_HL_2401 540835 HL2801 5408-2.836 HL2402B 5408B CMO37 HL2402A 5409B CMO38 LDH240*320F08M 778539 LS2288A 6813-2.840 M30111A116 129841 M30111A059 932542 MFC-S07024 V02 834743 MT321TLLKJ-13 排线接口不同 9320B-2.844 SX-2.4CPT-9325 9325B45 SAT28009A5 9325C-2.846 STA28008A18 9331-2.847 XJ2402-V01 834748 XD028-V01 9325-2.849 XSY LL240-003-081024 R61505(2.4)50 ZCT-24FPC-S1 778551 ZCT-24FPC-S2 9325xp024cp25-36v0 9325hw240320f-0j-0c-10 9325m403a545 1298hw240400f-3a 5420ygg000240ns04-03 9325zc24t04m 9320kfm281e01 9320truly-c tft8k1081fpc-a1-e 9320cf024lgg31-36av1 9320huaruit-0033-a-fpc 9325huaruit-0012-b 9325af240B-36b 7787af-283e1-37av1.2 9320GIANTPLUS KFM281E01-1D 9320 GIANTPLUS KFM281E01-1B 9320CF024LGG31-36AV1 9320 GIANTPLUS KFM281101-1A 9320JLST24PV25-36A 9325ZC24T02 9325DST280CPT003 9325 2.8寸 13SX-2.8CPT-932502 9325 2.8寸 13BX280V003(B0XIANTICH) 9325 2.8寸 13NT4SGP3T28A 5408B 2.8寸 10NT4SGP3T28A AU9325 2.8寸 17NT4PC36728A-BL AU9325 2.8寸 17FPC-TGG000280NP04-07 9325 2.8寸 24LEB-DO428000028C1 9325 2.8寸 24CMS210-03 9325 2.8寸 12HW240320F-2D-0B-10 9325 2.8寸 12HW240320F-2D-0B-20 9325 触摸 13SAT28009A05 9325 2.8寸 13LS2288A 9325 2.8寸 13LS2289A 1505 2.8C寸 9LS2288A 9328 2.8寸 13FPC-FTP280P04N-00 9325 2.8C寸 13FPC-FTM280F0TN-00 61505 2.8寸 27FPC-FTPM280F09N-01、FTM240D17N-00 61505 2.8寸 27 FPC-FTM280F06W-00(FTM280F06N-00) 9331 2.8寸 32NTSAU3624A 5408B 2.4寸 10NT4SHY3624A 3225+HY 2.4寸 35024HAADD04 9325 2.4寸 13FPC-T240BQC 9325 2.4寸 13AF240E3-36D 9325 2.4寸 13(AL240E1-3S01) 9325 2.4寸SX-TGS240STCPYB00-00 7785 2.4寸 15(TGS240STCP-8V1,LDH240X320F008M)SX-2.4CPT-9325 9325 2.4寸 18(SX-TGS2.4CPT)FPC-FTS240D03-02 1298 2.4寸 6(FTP240D10N-02) 9325 2.4寸 13SX-TGS24C98-4:3-36B 1298 2.4寸 6FPC-BKS2401 1298 2.4寸 6SAT24009C05 9325 2.4寸 13SAT24009C05L 9325 2.4寸 13(18)KTM377A01-1A 1298 2.4寸 6SAT24009C05 9325 2.4寸 13TGG000240NS04-03 9325 2.4寸 18(13)(LCM-TGG000240NS04-03)FPC-TTHJ05E00XA 9325 2.4寸 27 (FECHTKONCPT24-9325)24008CIT-Q29 1505 2.4寸 37 1540003250(FMARK) 9325 2.4寸 26 T-0033-B(HUARUI) 9325 2.4寸 26T-0053-A 1297 2.4寸 30T-0033-B 68B(CPT) 2.4寸 26T-0012-B(T-0024-A) 9325 2.4寸 18 (T-0059-A)T-0028-A(HUARUI) 9325 2.8寸2X-GT009BL 7783 2.4寸 25JLST24IH81-36A 7781 2.4寸 25JST24TM25-36A 9328 2.4寸 13SX24C98-413-36B 1298 2.4寸 6(SX-TGS240SDCPET00-00)CF024LCD87-36AVO 7787 2.4寸 4AF240B-36B V1.0 7787 2.4寸 4凌达所有屏 9320 1T-0030 9320 2.4寸 1KT240FC-003B 9320 2.4寸 1FPC-FTS240W01 9320 2.4寸 1FPC1032 9320 2.4寸 124WIT36-FPC01 9320 2.4寸 1FPC-FTS240F01 1505 2.4寸PF240320F-2C-OA-30 8347 2.4寸FPC24T49-A1 9325 2.4寸FPC-TGG000280NP04-07 9325 2.8寸TSA24002C05 9325 2.4寸ST24TM25-36A V1.0 9325 2.4寸FPC-0047A2 9320 2.4寸排线丝印侧面丝印驱动ICAF240B-36B V1.0 :AL240EI-3501 7787AF-240B-2V4.1 : AL-240B-S1 7787AF283E1-37A V1.2 9320-2.8AF240E1-36C V1.0 7785AF240E1-36C V2.0 7785AF283P3-37A V1.0 9325-2.8FPC-FTS240F01 FTS240H03 1505FPC-FTS240D03 1298FPC-FTS240D14 1298FPC-FTP240CO9N FTS240B03 8347FPC-FTM280C05N 8347-2.8FPC-FTM280F01N FTM280F01N-00 9320-2.8 FPC-Y80032 V01 N0711-14-04 9325-2.8 FTP240D10N-01 0703 1298FTP240W17N-03 080807 9325BJLST24PV25-36A V1.0 9325T-0033-B 9325024-22V1 9320FPC_HL_2401 5408HL2801 5408-2.8MFC-S07024 V02 8347MFC-S07001 V04 932024WIT36-FPC01 9320MFC-M240702-A 9320XJ2402-V01 8347XD028-V01 9325-2.8ZCT-24FPC-S1 7785ZCT-24FPC-S2 9325LDH240*320F08M 77851540001660 TS024HAADD04-00 5408B1540002660 9325C24008C05-V1 9325MT321TLLKJ-13 排线接口不同 9320B-2.8SX-2.4CPT-9325 9325BCMS2101-3 9325CMS2101-03A 080815 080918-2801A背光片 540834 M30111A116 1298HW240320F-oj-oc-10 9325FPC24T49-A1 9325ZCT-24FPC-S2 9325NOAIS NT4SAU3624A V01 5408CMS057-2 @ HX(8347)T028 0741Z HL240HYF 0803 7787Hantech HR24F11#02 7787JYD-G5060 GWIL36S03240A-A恻边号GXBL240-019LL240-003 08031141 9325FPC-Y80030 V01 恻边号yxd02436l09 je-c068(b) 9320FPC-Y80030 V01 9320M30111A055 8347M403A107 8347DM2432003-001 这个是2.8的,37线,驱动9320FPC24T49-A1 2.4 9325AF240E1-36B V2.0 7785FPC-Q90044-1 2.8 9325QD -24034Bo-1 2.4 9325NOAIS NT4SAU36 24A V01JLST24CP25-36A 2.4 9325板号:MP-763C-SL V1.1 2005.12.16上位屏CM50011ACT6-01AL 2006/03/06 20针1.5寸元件排列:由上到下整齐一行:C11-C7-C5-C12-R1-R2-C1-C6-C2-C3-C21-C22-C23-C31-C4-C0-D1可代换下位屏:CD50006ACT6-27PIN 2005/10/24 27针元件排列:由上到下整齐一行:RL-CVLCD-CVB0A-CVB1A(这是个利用同尺寸不同针数进行的代换)板号:SD008-V2 2006-07-25-MDLU (ROCKCHIPS 2606A)原屏:CMT027 V1.0 2006-08-09 29针可用屏:FPC-S95012-1 V01 SZSUCCESS 06.01 29针板号:JR040_MAIN_V3.1 2007.04.17 (2608a JXD858)原屏:TFT-2.4-S3D 36PIN IL9320可用屏:DZX2.4-S2 V06 (2608A JXD859)资源:GAUO GASP29P03200-002-A-FPC SA VER 1.3(即屏侧边的标记)板号:SG243 V2 0703140941P2原屏:GIANTPLUS KFM281E01-1D可用:CF024LGG31-36AV1(36P,2.4')可用:GIANTPLUS KFM281E01-1B可用:TRULY-C TFT8K1081FPC-A1-E适用机型:纽曼K8 (2.0版)-ANYKA-AK3225。



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and 90
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80 RAL
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Seite 3 von 6
RAL 5009 Azurblau
RAL 5010 Enzianblau
RAL 5011 Stahlblau
RAL 5012 Lichtblau
RAL 5013 Kobaltblau
CMYK 90 30 10 40 CMYK 100 40 5 40 CMYK 100 60 10 80 CMYK 90 30 10 10 CMYK 100 60 0 60
Seite 2 von 6
RAL 3000 Feuerrot
RAL 3001 Signalrot
RAL 3002 Kaminrot
RAL 3003 Rubinrot
RAL 3004 Purpurrot
CMYK 0 100 100 20 CMYK 20 100 90 10 CMYK 10 100 90 20 CMYK 0 100 100 40 CMYK 20 100 100 60
RAL 5014 Taubenblau RAL 5015 Himmelblau RAL 5017 Verkehrsblau RAL 5018 Türkisblau
RAL 5019 Capriblau
CMYK 50 20 0 40 CMYK 100 30 0 10 CMYK 100 20 5 40 CMYK 90 10 40 10 CMYK 100 50 20 10
RAL 3005 Weinrot
RAL 3007 Schwarzrot RAL 3009 Oxidrot
RAL 3011 Braunrot
RAL 3012 Beigerot
CMYK 20 100 80 40 CMYK 60 100 70 80 CMYK 5 90 100 80 CMYK 20 100 100 40 CMYK 5 50 50 10



RAL 3013 Tomatenrot RAL 3014 Altrosa
RAL 3015 Hellrosa
RAL 3016 Korallenrot RAL 3017 Rosé
CMYK 20 90 100 20 CMYK 0 70 30 10 CMYK 0 50 20 10 CMYK 0 90 90 20 CMYK 0 80 50 10
RAL 3000 Feuerrot
RAL 3001 Signalrot
RAL 3002 Kaminrot
RAL 3003 Rubinrot
RAL 3004 Purpurrot
CMYK 0 100 100 20 CMYK 20 100 90 10 CMYK 10 100 90 20 CMYK 0 100 100 40 CMYK 20 100 100 60
RAL 2008 Hellrotorange RAL 2009 Verkehrsorange RAL 2010 Signalorange RAL 2011 Tieforange
RAL 2012 Lachsorange
CMYK 0 60 100 0 CMYK 5 70 100 0 CMYK 0 70 100 10 CMYK 0 55 100 0 CMYK 0 60 70 0
RAL 4009 Pastellviolett RAL 4010 Telemagenta RAL 5000 Violettblau
RAL 5001 Grünblau
RAL 5002 Ultramarinblau
CMYK 40 40 30 0 CMYK 10 90 30 0 CMYK 100 40 5 40 CMYK 90 20 0 80 CMYK 100 70 0 40



冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏 病
2002 冠状动脉搭桥术后再狭窄
2003 冠状动脉瘤
2004 充血性心力衰竭
2005 急性左心衰竭
感染性心内膜炎(急性、 亚急性)
2007 心肌炎(急性、亚急性)
2008 心包炎 2009 心肌病 2010 高血压(三期) 2011 心源性猝死 2012 夹层动脉瘤
4004 胃切除术后并发症
慢性萎缩性胃炎(急性发 作)
4006 急性胰腺炎
4007 肝硬化(有并发症)
4008 胆囊炎及胆结石
克隆氏病(并出血或感 染)
4010 药物性肝病
4011 食物中毒
4012 结核性腹膜炎
4013 慢性胰腺炎急性发作
4014 肠结核 4015 伪膜性肠炎 4016 胃肠道息肉综合征
6011 肾盂肾炎(急性、慢性)
6012 膜增生性肾炎
6013 肾结核
多囊肾、肾囊肿(合并感 染)
7001 糖尿病
7002 糖尿病合并低血糖昏迷
7003 糖尿病酮症酸中毒 7004 糖尿病高渗性昏迷
7005 糖尿病乳酸性酸中毒
糖尿病感染及其他严重并 发症
7007 甲状腺机能亢进
8005 脑血栓形成 8006 脑栓塞 8007 前庭神经元炎 8008 脊髓空洞症
8009 帕金森氏病(重症)
8010 重症肌无力 8011 周期性麻痹 8012 多发性神经根炎 8013 运动神经元疾病 8014 脑出血 8015 蛛网膜下腔出血 8016 频发癫痫 8017 癫痫持续状态 8018 视神经脊髓炎







(10)迅达MB-DS PE380板指示灯说明。





(21)迅达300P电梯自学习方法迅达电梯自学习按ESC进入SMLCD-------Login登录------- OK------- PASSWORD(ABCD)UP 一下是A两下是B叁下是C肆下是D----- OK--------ESC返回COMMANDS菜单----- SPECIAL TRIPS----- OK----- JLF----打检修使梯子处于20—19之间后恢复正常------ OKCar Call内招不登录按ESC进入SMLCD--------COMMANDS菜单----------Car Call------ OK-------用UP或DN层数OKError Log出错按ESC进入SMLCD--------Error Log------- OK-------用UP或DN翻页------ OK显示故障时间ESC返回同时按ESC 、UP返回正常迅达V-30门机说明变频器技术说明:低档机,输入,主电压230V+15%/--20% 47—63Hz 115V+15%/--20% 47—63Hz输出,额定电源,380W(6极电机)电源频率,大于>90%脉冲频率,≥16KHz输出电压3。

0---230V额定电流,2A旋转磁场频率,0---400Hz保护类型,ZP20高档机,输入,主电压230V+15%/--20% 47—63Hz 115V+15%/--20% 47—63Hz输出,额定电源,600W(6极电机)电源频率,大于>90%脉冲频率,≥16KHz输出电压3。


车载,MID,数码相框等。 优点:可用较少的管脚给多只LED供电(串在一
LCD并联型背光驱动IC输出电压比较低:一般小 于7V。
优点:每路LED独立供配制电流,发光的亮度几 乎一样,从而保证显示质量。
DC TO DC的意思是:直流转直流(降压和升压) 属于开关型(PWM,VFM)稳压器件 功能:同LDO一样,也是电源供给,除了降压型
优点:效率比线性LDO的高,高达95%左右。 主要应用:主系统供电,部分电路,主芯片
/MCU的供电,和种功能模块的供电。 如:手机主芯片,单片机,收音模块,电视模块,
由于我司的MCU器件专业性比较强,不属于标准 的MCU(51单片机),所以应用范围较小。如小 家电类控制。
串行存储器就是串行数据存储器,主要用于单片 机/MCU断电后的数据存储。
代表型号有:BL24C02 BL24C04 功能和AT24C系列的一样但目前用AT24C系列的比较
是用于监控主芯片的供电电压和运行状态的专用 电路,当电压低于设定值或CPU运行异常时就会 给MCU复位信号使之重启。
如:IMP809/810 BL8506/BL8509
如:IMP705 IMP706 IMP813
I2C接口,采用256级线性调光控制,集成了按键 功能,效果模式独立配置,节省了主芯片的资源,



.. 消毒剂消毒效果的验证组长:***组员:*** ****** ****** ****** ******编号: 201412151135版次: 2014 年第 1 版目录1.概述 (3)1.1消毒剂 (3)1.2消毒剂使用说明 (3)2.验证目的 (3)3.验证内容 (4)4.验证组织 (4)4.1验证小组 (4)4.2验证委员会 (4)5.验证实施步骤 (5)5.1验证前准备 (5)5.2验证所需文件资料 (5)5.3悬液法定量杀灭试验 (6)5.4对裸手消毒效果试验 (7)5.5消毒剂对佩戴手套后的消毒效果验证 (9)5.6消毒剂对物体表面消毒效果验证 (11)5.7消毒剂消毒效果验证结论 (15)6.验证主要依据 (15)7.验证合格标准 (15)7.1判断标准 (15)7.2现场考察试验合格标准 (15)8. 再验证周期 (15)附录 (16)附录一验证方案会审记录 (16)附录二验证方案修改申请及批准书 (17)附录三漏项和偏差处理记录 (18)附录四悬液法定量杀灭试验记录 (19)附录五消毒剂对佩戴手套后人员手现场试验记录 (22)1.概述1.1 消毒剂消毒剂的作用原理:破坏细胞膜类,阻断细胞食物摄取和废物排泄,钝化关键酶。




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• DBiCMOS technologies,low power
dissipation and high output current
• Internal 5V LDO,CMOS and LSTTL
• • • •
logic (5V and 3.3V) compatible Under voltage lockout
Vcc supply undervoltage negtive going threshold
IQCC Quiescent VCC supply current
1.3 1.5 1.8 mA
IQBS Quiescent VBS supply current
0 25 45 uA
圳 High level output voltage, VBIAS-
50 mV IO=0A
深 VOL Low level output Voltage, VO
Vcc supply undervoltage positive going threshold
50 mV IO=0A
Typ. VS+12
公 Max.
限VS+16 550
有 VH
技 Note1: Logic operational for VS of -5 to 550V.
科 Electrical Characteristics
安 VBIAS (VCC, VBS)=12V, unless specified noted.
Typical Characteristics (Continued)
Turn Off Delay Time(nS)
Dead Time(nS)
Turn Off Delay Time VS Temperature
Turn Off Fall Time VS Temperature
Functional Block Diagram
司 公 限
Level Shift
Dead Time
UV Detect

技Pulse HVlevel Hi_side
GEN Shift Driver


Level Shift
Lo_side Driver
down to 3.3V logic. Cross conduction prevention logic and dead-times are built in to simplify the applications.
有 input. 技
Marking Information
科 Lead Assignments
限 Dead Time VS Temperatur
1200 1000
1400 1200

800 600 400 200
0 10
Dead Time(nS)
技1000 800
科600 400
12 13 14 Supply Voltage(V)
达安 15 16
0 -50 -25
0 25 50 75 100 125 Temperature(ºC)
□1 □2 □3
Description Temperature&Rohs: C: -40~85°C ,Pb Free Rohs Std. Package type: D8: SOIC-8 Packing type: TR: Tape&Reel (Standard)
电话:(0755)27858667 27858661 传真:(0755)27858707
Typical Characteristics
Turn On Delay Time(nS)
Turn On Delay Time(nS)
Turn On Delay Time VS Supply Voltage
Turn On Rise Time VS Supply Voltage


安科 Figure 1: Input/output Timing Diagram

Figure 2: Switch Time Definition
Figure 3: Dead Time Definition
电话:(0755)27858667 27858661 传真:(0755)27858707
0 -50 -25
0 25 50 75 100 125 Temperature(ºC)
市 Turn Off Delay Time VS Supply Voltage
Turn Off Fall Time VS Supply Voltage

400 300

Turn Off Fall Time(nS)
Supply Voltage(V)
Supply Voltage(V)
Turn Off Delay Time(nS)
电话:(0755)27858667 27858661 传真:(0755)27858707
ILK Vs to GND leakage current
0 50 75 uA Vs=550V
IO+ Peak source output current IO- Peak sink output current
80 150 150 200
Turn On Rise Time(nS)
0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Supply Voltage(V)
0 10
公 Supply Voltage(V)
Turn On Delay Time VS Temperature
Package power dissipation @ TA≤+25°C
RthJA Thermal resistance, junction to ambient
Recommended Operating Conditions

Symbol VB VS
Min. VS+10 Note1
达 Symbol
Min Typ Max Unit
V V V °C
Test Conditions
众 Logic"1"(HIN)&"0"
(LIN) input voltage
市 Logic"0"(HIN)&"1"
(LIN) input voltage
V Vcc=10 to 15V 1.5 V Vcc=10 to 15V
限 Turn On Rise Time VS Temperature
1800 1600
有 500
Turn On Rise Time(nS)
1400 1200 1000
800 600 400 200
技300 科200 安 100
0 -50 -25
达 75 100 125
众 Temperature(ºC)
The BL8003 is an integrated high-speed half bridge power MOSFET driver. Our proprietary DBiCMOS technologies provide stable operation under high dv/dt noise circumstances. The output drivers feature a high pulse current buffer stage designed for minimum driver cross-conduction. The floating channel can be used to drive an Nchannel power MOSFET in the high side, which operates up to 550V. The logic input is compatible with standard CMOS or LSTTL,

圳市 Typical Connection