No Signposts in the Sea


高级英语Lesson 15 No Signposts in the Sea 词汇短语

高级英语Lesson 15  No Signposts in the Sea 词汇短语

词汇(Vocabulary):a post bearing a sign;guidepost广告柱;路标----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:able to bend and move easily and nimbly;lithe;limber柔软的;可塑的;能轻易弯曲的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:cause(time)to pass without being noticed消磨(时间----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:showing deference;very respectful表示敬意的,恭敬的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:holding unreasonably or obstinatedly to one’s own opinions固执己见的;固守成见的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:inclined to eat too much and greedily贪食的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------: present but invisible or inactive;lying hidden and undeveloped within a person or thing,as a quality or power;potential潜在的;潜伏的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:not intended;unintentional无意的;非有意的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:haughty or contemptuous傲慢的,目中无人的;轻蔑的,轻视的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------: operated by the movement and force of liquid水力的;液压的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:regarding as belonging to or coming from someone归属;归因、;归咎----------------------------------------------------------------------------------: of characteristic of adolescence;youthful,exuberant,immature,unsettled,young,etc.青春期的,青年的;发育未全的;未成熟的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:immature love that adolescent boys and girls may feel for each other;puppy love雏恋,幼恋----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:break up and move in different directions;scatter分散,散开;散去----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:the doctrine that God is not a personality(as in Christianity)but thata11 laws,forces. manifestations, etc.,of the self-existing universe are God泛神论----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:active ill will;desire to harm another or to do mischief;spite敌意;怨恨----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:giving a fine delight to the senses; giving a satisfying feeling of restand enjoyment令人舒服的;安逸的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:showing religious devotion and zealous in the performance of religious obligations虔诚的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:a small,enclosed place in a church. where a priest hears confessions(教堂中神父听取忏悔的)忏悔室----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:remission(of sin or penalty for it):specif., in some churches,such remission formally given by a priest in the sacrament of penance(罪或惩罚的)赦免----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:the rail around the stern of a ship or boat船尾栏杆----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:cause to ripple使起细浪;使波动(或飘动)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:a small horse矮种马;小马----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:a kind or very fine smooth cloth mainly of silk. which is shiny on the front and dull on the back缎子----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:stain or color to look like mottled or streaked marble把……弄上大理石花纹----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:a person who writes illegibly or carelessly 笔迹潦草的人----------------------------------------------------------------------------------: dangerously steep:frighteningly high above the ground陡峭的;险峻的;悬崖峭壁般的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:a high,steep,broad—faced bank or cliff陡坡;悬崖----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:(of land or a country)having so little rain as to be very dry and unproductive(土地等)干旱的;贫脊的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:(cause to)become white or whiter(使)变白,漂白----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:take 0r carry away by force;rape强抢;强夺;强奸----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:(often pl.)a secluded,withdrawn,or inner place(常用复数)深处;幽深之处----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:having a severe or stern look,manner,etc.;forbidding严厉的,严峻的;严肃的;苛刻的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:happening,then stopping,then happening again,with pauses inbetween;not continuous断断续续的,间断的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:a peak or high land that juts out into a body of water;headland岬(角);海角----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:a pale purple colour淡紫色----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:any of various large strong,mostly white seabirds famous for their ability to fly long distances信天翁----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:knowledge or wisdom,especially of an unscientific kind,about a certain subject学问;知识(尤指某门学科知识)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:stand,move,sit,lie, a relaxed or lazy way;loll(懒散地)站(走,坐,躺)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:the quality or state of being serene;calmness;tranquillity宁静;晴朗----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:catch sight of;make out;spy;descry(偶尔)看见;发现;探出;窥见----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:a type of toothed sea—animal 2-3 metres long,which swims about very quickly in groups。

No Sign posts in the Sea教学笔记(冯幼民)

No Sign posts in the Sea教学笔记(冯幼民)

国际关系学院学报1997年4期No Signposts in t he Sea教学笔记冯幼民 摘 要 N o S ignposts i n the Sea(《海上无航标》)是大三精读课中的难点。




关键词 英语教学 课文解析 对比和比喻 思想逻辑引言N o S ignposts i n the Sea(《海上无航标》) (《高级英语》第1册第15课)是大三精读课中比较有难度和深度的课文之一。





作者、写作背景与主人公课文节选自英国现代多产的诗人和小说家维多利亚・玛丽・萨克维尔-韦斯特(1892 -1962)的同名小说。






Hawthornden Prize
• The Hawthornden Prize, the oldest of the famous British literary prizes, was founded in 1919 by Alice Warrender. • It is awarded annually to an English writer for the best work of imaginative literature. It is especially designed to encourage young authors.

The first week at sea give Carr special experiences: the release from pressure, the lackadaisical (懒洋洋的, 感伤的) rhythms of ship life, the shifting panorama of magnificent skies and sea, passing shores and the infrequent ports-of-call, as well as his growing knowledge of Laura. Exhilarated by the distant vista of exotic islands never to be visited and his conversations with Laura, Edmund finds himself rethinking all his values.
• Her works
• After their marriage, they traveled widely when he was in foreign office. • At first she played her role as a dutiful wife, but then her husband admitted that he had a male lover. The marriage endured despite their homosexual affairs, but Harold's affairs were less passionate than Vita's. • They had two children, the art critic Benedict Nicholson and the publisher Nigel Nicholson.


• The Bloomsbury Group came from mostly upper\ middle-class professional families.
• Almost everything about Bloomsbury appears to be controversial, including its
• They had two children, the art critic Benedict Nicholson and
the publisher Nigel Nicholson.
Байду номын сангаас
Virginia Woolf
• British famous novelist, had great contribution in novel creation and literary review.
Bloomsbury Group
• The Bloomsbury Group was an informal group of literary and artistic friends who lived in or near London during the first half of the twentieth century. Their works deeply influenced literature, aesthetics, criticism, and economics as well as modern attitudes towards feminism, pacifism, and sexuality.
membership and name.
• Same-sex relations are common among the Bloomsbury Group

高级阅读No Signposts in the Sea海上无航标 原文+翻译+生词注解+修辞赏析

高级阅读No Signposts in the Sea海上无航标 原文+翻译+生词注解+修辞赏析

No Signposts in the Sea一、In the dining-saloon I sit at a table with three other men, Laura sits some way off with a married couple and their daughter. I can observe her without her knowing and this gives me pleasure, for it is as in a moving picture that I can note the grace of her gestures,①whether she raises a glass of wine to her lips or②turns with a remark to one of her neighbors or takes a cigarette from her casewith those slender fingers(loose sentense松散句).I have never had much of an eye for noticing the clothes of women, but I get the impression Laura is always in grey and white by day, looking cool when other people are flushed and shinyin the tropical heat; in the evening, she wears soft rich colors(metonymy借代), dark red, olive green, midnight blue, always of the most supple flowing texture. I ventured to say something of the kind to her, when she laughed at my clumsy compliment and said. I had better take to writing fashion articles instead of political leaders.PS:①soft:ADJ Something that is soft is very gentle and has no force. For example, a soft sound or voice is quiet and not harsh. A soft light or colour is pleasant to look at because it is not bright. (声音、光线或色彩) 柔和的;②rich:Rich smells are strong and very pleasant. Rich colours and sounds are deep and very pleasant. 浓郁的(气味); 浓厚的(色彩)因此soft和rich这里的修辞手法是:oxymoron n. (修词中的)矛盾修饰法在餐厅里我同另外三个男人围坐在一张桌子旁,而劳拉同一对夫妇及他们的女儿一块儿坐在离我不远的地方。

高级英语No Signposts in the Sea(15背景介绍)

高级英语No Signposts in the Sea(15背景介绍)

N o S i g n p o s t s i n t h e S e aBackground Information1. About the authorVictoria Mary Sackville- West (1892-1962) was an English poet and novelist, a member of the Bloomsbury group【布鲁姆伯利(英国伦敦中北部的居住区, 因在20世纪初期与知识界的人物, 包括弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫、E.M.福斯特及约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯的关系而闻名于世)】, an informal group of literary and artistic friends, a close friend of Virginia Woolf.Her poems include The Land (1926), Solitude (1938), The Garden (1946), All Passion Spent (1931).Her poetry is traditional in form, reminiscent(怀旧的,使人想起的)of the work of the English nature poets of the age of romanticism.A prolific(多产的)writer, Victoria Sackville-West is the author of15 novels, as well as biographies and travel books.2. About the novel No Signposts in the SeaThis novel is writen in the form of a journal kept by a man called Edmund Carr, 50, an influential political columnist and bachelor. He learns that he has a limited time to live--- a few days or weeks, a month or two at most. How shall he spend them? In this quandary(dilemma), he learns that a widow who he has lately met at random (unplanned/unexpected)social occasions has booked passage on a cruise(漫游) to the Far East. Her qualities, her intelligence and warmth stiffened(strengthened)by a deep reserve(矜持coolness of manner or emotional retraint), have struck him as uncommon; he decided to be abroad. His contact with Laura, the widow, gives Carr an unfamiliar peace and a profound change in perspective ( particular evaluation of sth. , especially from one person’s point of view). Power, prestige(威望、威信), practicality(state of being practical)--- the former watchwords of his career--- lose their ring (echo). Illusion, which he had adhered(追随), and the natural world, uninvaded by civilization, begin to seem transcendent(超然的、超验的independent of the world or beyond the limits of experience). And a third-some Colonel arouses his all-too-human ignominy(羞辱、屈辱disgrace,dishonor) of jealousy,despair, meanness(自私,吝啬)and outbursts(感情迸发)of disappointment against his “rival”.C h a r a c t e r s•L a u r a E d m u n d C a r r T h e C o l o n e lL a u r a•t h e g r a c e o f h e r g e s t u r e s•s l e n d e r f i n g e r s•a l w a y s i n g r e y a n d w h i t e b y d a y•I n t h e e v e n i n g s h e w e a r s s o f t r i c h c o l o u r s,…a l w a y s o f t h e m o s t s u p p l e f l o w i n g t e x t u r ee l e g a n t,b e a u t if u l,i n t e l l ig e n tN a r r a t o r:E d m u n d C a r r•…a n d s a i d I h a d b e t t e r t a k e t o w r i t i n g f a s h i o n a r t i c l e si n s t e a d o f p o l i t i c a l l e a d e r s.a n i n f l u e n t i a l p o l i t i c a l c o l o m n i s t•I o b s e r v e w i t h a m u s e m e n t h o w t o t a l l y t h e c o n c e r n s o f t h e w o r l d,w h i c h o n c e a b s o r b e d m e t o t h e e x c l u s i o n o f a l l e l s e e x c e p t a n o c c a s i o n a l r e l a x a t i o n w i t h p o e t r y o r m u s i c,h a v e l o s t i n t e r e s t f o r m e e v e n t o t h e e x t e n t o f a b o r e d d i s t a s t e.A p r o f o u n d c h a n g e o f t h e n a r r a t o r“I l i v e d p o l i t i c s,I b r e a t h e d p o l i t i c s,I d r e a m e d p o l i t i c s.”•D o u b t l e s s s o m e i n s t i n c t i m p e l s m e g l u t t o n o u s l y t o c r a mt h e s e t h e l a s t w e e k s o f m y l i f e w i t h t h e g e n t l e r t h i n g s In e v e r h a d t i m e f o r,…I a m g o i n g t o d i e.G e n t l e r t h i n g sW h a t i s t h e p o s s i b l e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n C a r r a n dL a u r a?•I c a n o b s e r v e h e r w i t h o u t h e r k n o w i n g,a n d t h i s g i v e s m ep l e a s u r e,…•I h a v e n e v e r h a d m u c h o f a n e y e f o r n o t i c i n g t h e c l o t h e s o fw o m e n,b u t I g e t t h e i m p r e s s i o n t h a t L a u r a i s a l w a y s i n g r e y a n d w h i t e b y d a y,…•I v e n t u r e d t o s a y s o m e t h i n g o f t h e k i n d t o h e r,…T h e C o l o n e l•t h e t a l l c o l o n e l“a m a n o f t h e p e o p l e”“o f l o w l y b i r t h a n d i n e l e g a n t p h y s i q u e”•a n i c e c h a p•n o t t o o o f f e n s i v e l y a n E m p i r e-b u i l d e r,r a t h e r c h a r m i n g l y d e f e r e n t i a l •b y n o m e a n s s t u p i d o r i l l-i n f o r m e d;a l i t t l e o p i n i o n a t e d p e r h a p s,a n d j u s t a b o u t a s f a r t o t h e R i g h t a s a n y b o d y c o u l d g oQ u e s t i o n s f o r f u r t h e r d i s c u s s i o n•I f o n e h a s b e e n i n f o r m e d t h a t o n e’s d a y s i n t h ew o r l d a r e n u m b e r e d,w h a t d o y o u t h i n k o n e m a yc h o o s e t od o a s t he b e s t o p t i o n?•...O n l y t h e d e a f a p p r e c i a t e h e a r i n g,o n l y t h e b l i n d r e a l i z e t h e m a n i f o l d b l e s s i n g s t h a t l i e i n s i g h t.…B u t t h o s e w h o h a v e n e v e r s u f f e r e d i m p a i r m e n t o f s i g h t o r h e a r i n g s e l d o m m a k e t h e f u l l e s t u s e o f t h e s e b l e s s e d f a c u l t i e s.T h e i r e y e s a n d e a r s t a k e i n a l l s i g h t s a n d s o u n d h a z i l y,w i t h o u t c o n c e n t r a t i o n,a n d w i t h l i t t l e a p p r e c i a t i o n.I t i s t h e s a m e o l d s t o r y o f n o tb e i n g g r a t e f u l f o r w h a t w e a r ec o n s c i o u s o f h e a l t h u n t i l w ea r e i l l.N e w W o r d s•...a C h i n e s e w o m a n i m p r o b a b l y c a l l e d M m M e r v e i l l e...i m p r o b a b l y:u n l i k e l y•D o u b t l e s s s o m e i n s t i n c t i m p e l s m e g l u t t o n o u s l y t o c r a m t h e s e...g l u t t o n:a p e r s o n w h o e a t s t o o m u c h f o o d a n d d r i n kg l u t t o n o u s:i n d u l g i n g i n s t h e x c e s s i v e l y.g r e e d y g r e e dr a v e n o u s r a v e n o u s n e s sr a p a c i o u s r a p a c i t yv o r a c i o u s v o r a c i t yc o v e t o u s c o v e t o u s n e s sa v a r i c i o u s a v a r i c e•…r e l e a s i n g s o m e s u p p r e s s e d i n c l i n a t i o n w h i c h i n f a c t w a s a l w a y sl a t e n t.l a t e n t:p o t e n t i a l e.g.l a t e n t e n e r g y;l a t e n t a b i l i t y•O r m a y b e L a u r a’s u n w i t t i n g i n f l u e n c e h a s c a l l e d i t o u t.u n w i t t i n g:u n a w a r e,u n c o n s c i o u s,u n i n t e n t i o n a l,u n k n o w i n g,o b l i v i o u s•g l u t t o n o u s:g l u t t o n:a g l u t t o n o f b o o k sa g l u t t o n f o r w o r k•g l u t t o n o u s:I n d u l g i n g i n s o m e t h i n g,s u c h a s a n a c t i v i t y;v o r a c i o u s.B e i n g a v i d(o f)•c u p i d i t y:E x c e s s i v e d e s i r e,e s p e c i a l l y f o r w e a l t h;c o v e t o u s n e s s o r a v a r i c e;I m m o d e r a t e d e s i r e f o r w e a l t h.C f:V o r a c i o u s/g l u t t o n o u s/r a p a c i o u s/r a v e n o u s:•(T h e c e n t r a l m e a n i n g s h a r e d b y t h e s e a d j e c t i v e s i s“h a v i n g o r •m a r k e d b y b o u n d l e s s g r e e d”)•a v o r a c i o u s r e a d e r.如饥似渴的读者•a v o r a c i o u s o b s e r v e r o f t h e p o l i t i c a l s c e n e;对政治事件的饥渴观察者;•a g l u t t o n o u s a p p e t i t e;贪吃的大胃口;•r a p a c i o u s d e m a n d s;贪婪的需要;•r a v e n o u s f o r p o w e r.对权利的贪欲•U n w i t t i n g:N o t k n o w i n g;u n a w a r e;N o t i n t e n d e d;u n i n t e n t i o n a l:C f:L a t e n t/d o r m a n t/q u i e s c e n t•(T h e s e a d j e c t i v e s m e a n p r e s e n t o r i n e x i s t e n c e b u t n o t a c t i v e o rm a n i f e s t.)•W h a t i s l a t e n t i s p r e s e n t b u t n o t v i s i b l e o r a p p a r e n t.•l a t e n t e n e r g y;潜在的能量;l a t e n t a b i l i t y.潜在的能力。

张汉熙《高级英语(1)》(第3版重排版)学习指南-Lesson 13 No Signposts in

张汉熙《高级英语(1)》(第3版重排版)学习指南-Lesson 13 No Signposts in

Lesson 13 No Signposts in the Sea (Excerpts)一、词汇短语1. signpost n. a post bearing a sign; guidepost路标:Wedrove past a signpost which I couldn’t read.我们驶过一块路标,可是我读不懂。

2. saloon n. (British)a large room or hall esp. in a hotel or a publicbuilding大会客室,公共大厅,酒吧间3. supple adj. moving and bending with ease; limber柔软的,可塑的;灵活的:a supple mind灵活的大脑4. colonel n. 陆军上校, 团长5. beguile vt. to pass (time) pleasantly消磨(时间):Our travel wasbeguiled with pleasant talk.我们在旅行途中以愉快的谈话来消磨时间。

6. deferential adj. marked by or exhibiting deference;very respectful表示敬意的,尊敬的:a deferential manner恭敬的举止7. opinionated adj. expressing very strong opinionsabout things固执己见的,极自负的:He is too opinionated to listen toanyone else.他太固执己见,听不进别人的意见。

8. Right n. (political) a group or section favoring conservatism (originallythe more conservative section of a continental legislature, seated on thepresident’s right); such conservatives collectively右派,保守党9. tease vt. to annoy or pester; to make fun of; mock playfully使烦恼;取笑,捉弄:Don’t tease the dog.不要捉弄那条狗。

No Signposts in the Sea(excerpts) 海上无路标

No Signposts in the Sea(excerpts) 海上无路标

Brief introduction of Writer
A prolific writer.
15 novels as well as biographies and travel books Her poetry may be prove to be more enduring. She was viewed as one of the Britain's promising young writers in the 1920s. Her influences on others writers especially Virginia Woolf is perhaps greater than her own individual achievement. (Orlando: a Biography) (1928年)
No Signposts in the Sea
(excerpts) ) 节选) 海上无路标(节选)
By Vita Sackville-West
Brief introduction of Writer
Vita Sackville-West
An English poet and novelist. She was born in Knole Castle, the seat of the Sackvillie family from the time that Queen Elizabeth Ⅰgave Knole to her cousin, Lord Treasurer Thomas Sackville. She was educated at home, and its tradition exerted a major influence on her life. In 1913 she married a diplomat Harold Nicolson and traveled extensively during his years in the Foreign Office.

高英 No Signposts in the Sea 海上无路标 课件 PPT

高英 No Signposts in the Sea 海上无路标 课件 PPT

the Hawthorndon Prize 1927
gets married
the Hawthorndon Prize
born 1892
the Hawthorndon Prize 1927
dies 1962
gets married
the Hawthorndon Prize
Changes happen to the narrator
The Narrator of the No Signposts in the Sea
Changes happen to the narrator
The Theme of the No Signposts in the Sea
The Narrator of the No Signposts in the Sea
Who is the narrator?
EHdme uisnsdeCrioarurs,lay milli,dadnled ahgaesdajloiumrintaeldist wthimo ewtrootleivpeosliotihcealdaercticdleess,toa hpaovlietiacal
Grey Waters (1923)
Devil at Westease (1947)
Seducers in Ecuador (1924)
The Easter Party (1953)
Passenger to Teheran (1926)
The Edwardians (1930) All Passion Spent (1931)
All Passion Spent (1931) 《耗尽的激情》

No Signposts in the Sea

No Signposts in the Sea

deferential… 译文1:上校是不太讨人厌的帝国官员。有时他试 图和我谈谈公众事务。他说他拜读过我写的东西,对 我个人显得十分顺从和尊重。 评析: ①副词offensively用作修饰附加词语(adjunct)是 修饰整个句子的,表示说话人对所说的这句话的态度, 这是说话的重心所在,它并不是Empire-builder的定语。 因此译成“不太讨人厌的帝国官员”不合适。为了符 合末尾信息焦点的要求,用移位技巧,把词组not too offensively后置,译成“上校是英帝国驻殖民地的军官, 还不太讨人厌”。这句话的言外之音是:说话人认为 英帝国驻殖地的军官一般是令人讨厌的,不过这位年 青人还不太讨人厌。 ②译文1把词组charmingly deferential 译成:“顺从 和 尊 重 ” 。 但 charmingly 是 “ 媚 人 的 , 可 爱 的 ” (delightful

评析: ①译文1机械地按英文次序译下去,在名词“衣服” 的前面竟堆砌了包括长达25个字的“的字”结构定语。 就是这样还漏译了always, most 和 flowing三词的翻译。

②实际上,原文是有层次的。原文用colours代替衣服,用 的是借代(metonymy)修辞格。实际上,soft和rich都是修饰 colours的,更准确地说soft是修饰rich colors的, rich 是浓艳(deep intense, bright)的意思,soft是柔和(not intense, bright)的意思。 这在修辞上叫做矛盾修辞法(oxymoron),作者用两个相反的 概念,恰如其分地描绘劳娜穿着艳而不俗,色彩鲜明不刺眼的 情形。Soft rich colours这个词组,信息焦点(或强调中心)在 soft, 根 据 末 尾 信 息 焦 点 ( end-focus ) 的 要 求 译 文 应 用 移 位 (inversion)技巧把次序整个来个大颠倒:soft rich colours变成 “色彩浓艳柔和”。这在修辞层就等值了。

lesson 13 no signpost in the sea

lesson 13 no signpost in the sea
• metonymy ; deep, intense colors • various meanings of the word “ rich”: • a rich banquet
(luxurious, sumptuous) • rich wine
(full of strength and flavor) • rich odors
Bloomsbury Group
• The Bloomsbury Group was an informal group of literary and artistic friends who lived in or near London during the first half of the twentieth century. Their works deeply influenced literature, aesthetics, criticism, and economics as well as modern attitudes towards feminism, pacifism, and sexuality.
• In 1913, married to diplomat and critic Harold Nicolson (1886-1968)
• Her passionate affairs with women like novelist Virginia Woolf , etc. (Bisexuality)
• He has a good eye for water-colours.。 • She has a good ear for music.
• keep an eye on… • catch one’s eye • an eye-catching advertisement

精品课件-高级英语课件No Signposts in the Sea

精品课件-高级英语课件No Signposts in the Sea

Hawthornden Prize 霍桑登奖
The oldest of the famous British literary prizes, founded in 1919 by Alice Warrender.
Awarded annually to an English writer for the best work of imaginative literature, esp. designed to encourage young authors.
9. Right: conservative Left: revolutionary
Detailed study of the text
10. try not to tease him by… Carr knew if he put forward some literal views the
a country rich her natural resources
Detailed study of the text
3. venture: to express an opinion at the risk of criticism, objection and denial.
She was born at Knole House in Kent. She spent her early life with this ancient and huge house; because she was a woman, she could not inherit it, and this affected the rest of her life. She was the wife of Sir Harold Nicolson. Both she and Nicolson were members of the Bloomsbury group. She was famous for her exuberant aristocratic life, her strong marriage, and her passionate affairs with women.

高级阅读No Signposts in the Sea海上无航标 原文+翻译+生词注解+修辞赏析

高级阅读No Signposts in the Sea海上无航标 原文+翻译+生词注解+修辞赏析

No Signposts in the Sea一、In the dining-saloon I sit at a table with three other men, Laura sits some way off with a married couple and their daughter. I can observe her without her knowing and this gives me pleasure, for it is as in a moving picture that I can note the grace of her gestures,①whether she raises a glass of wine to her lips or②turns with a remark to one of her neighbors or takes a cigarette from her casewith those slender fingers(loose sentense松散句).I have never had much of an eye for noticing the clothes of women, but I get the impression Laura is always in grey and white by day, looking cool when other people are flushed and shinyin the tropical heat; in the evening, she wears soft rich colors(metonymy借代), dark red, olive green, midnight blue, always of the most supple flowing texture. I ventured to say something of the kind to her, when she laughed at my clumsy compliment and said. I had better take to writing fashion articles instead of political leaders.PS:①soft:ADJ Something that is soft is very gentle and has no force. For example, a soft sound or voice is quiet and not harsh. A soft light or colour is pleasant to look at because it is not bright. (声音、光线或色彩) 柔和的;②rich:Rich smells are strong and very pleasant. Rich colours and sounds are deep and very pleasant. 浓郁的(气味); 浓厚的(色彩)因此soft和rich这里的修辞手法是:oxymoron n. (修词中的)矛盾修饰法在餐厅里我同另外三个男人围坐在一张桌子旁,而劳拉同一对夫妇及他们的女儿一块儿坐在离我不远的地方。



Protests about damage to ‘natural beauty’ froze me with contempt.
I waPs anorat mpohvreadsbey:the protests about damage to
w‘enlcaotumrael tboeuausety’theasnedPI ovwieewrePdotinhtemtemwpitlhatgerse,aNt ew
Q:What's the implication of "There are no signposts in the sea."
• Literally,it means now he was on board in the sea,no sign or mark will show him where he was and where he could go.In the figurative meaning,the narrator means knowing he was going to die,he was at a loss as to know how long he could live,and how he should spend his last weeks.He was quandary困惑.His former principles and pursuit now became meaningss.Which could no longer guide him what to do and where to go.
• My opinoin: • The signpost is the central symbol image which



In the dining-saloon I sit at a table with three other men; Laura sits some way oft with a married couple and their daughter. I can observe her without her knowing, and this gives me pleasure, for it is as in a moving picture that I can note the grace of her gestures, whether she raises a glass of wine to her lips or turns with a remark to one of her neighbours or takes a cigarette from her case with those slender fingers. I have never had much of an eye for noticing the clothes of women, but I get the impression that Laura is always in grey and white by day, looking cool when other people are flushed and shiny in the tropical heat; in the evening she wears soft rich colours, dark red, olive green,midnight blue, always of the most supple flowing texture. I ventured to say something of the kind to her, when she laughed at my clumsy compliment and said I had better take to writing fashion articles instead of political leaders.在餐厅里,我同此外三个男人围坐在一张桌子旁,而劳拉同一对夫妻及他们的女儿一块儿坐在离我不远的地方。

Lesson 15 No Signpost in the Sea

Lesson 15  No Signpost in the Sea

Lesson Fifteen:No Signposts in the Sea___By V. Sackville -westI. Additional Background Knowledge1. About the author:( 9 March 1892 – 2 June 1962 )Victoria MarySackville-west was anEnglish poet and novelist.She was born in KnoleHouse, Kent, UK. She wasa descendant of LordTreasurer ThomasSackville, who is the cousinof Queen Elizabeth I.In 1913 she married diplomat Harold Nicolson (1886-1968), and they traveled extensively during his years in the foreign office. In London she was a member of the Bloomsbury group of literary and artistic friends including Virginia Woolf. Lytton Strachey, E.M. Foster and others.In the 1920s Sackville-West became romantically involved with the writer, Virginia Woolf, who celebrated this love affair in the novel Orlando(1928). Dedicated to Sackville-West, the book traces the history of the youthful, beautiful, and aristocratic Orlando, and explores the themes of sexual ambiguity. This was followed by her novels, The Edwardians(1930), All Passion Spent(1931) and The Dark Island(1934).She was famous for herexuberant aristocratic life,her strong marriage, andher passionate affair with novelist Virginia Woolf. Sackville-West's first published works were a collection of poems, Powers of West and East(1917). Her long poem The Land won the Hawthornden Prize in 1927. She also wrote the novel Heritage (1919)Personal life, marriage and bisexuality (Bit of profligacy )In 1913, Sackville-West married Harold Nicolson, and the couple moved to Cospoli, Constantinople(君士但丁堡of Turkey). Nicolson was at different times a diplomat, journalist, broadcaster, Member of Parliament, author of biographies and novels and also bisexual in what would now be called an open marriage. Both Sackville-West and her husband had consecutive same-sex relations.(gay, lesbian)These were no impediment(obstacle) to a true closeness between Sackville-West and Nicolson, as is seen from their nearly daily correspondence (published after their deaths by their son Nigel), and from an interview they gave for BBC radio after World War II. Nicolson gave up his diplomatic career partly so that he couldlive with Sackville-West in England, uninterrupted by long solitary postings to missions abroad.They returned to England in 1914 and bought Long Barn, in Kent.The couple had two children:Nigel, also a politician and writer; and Benedict, an art historian. In the 1930s, the family acquired and moved to Sissinghurst Castle, near Cranbrook, in Kent.Her main writings(Prolific Writer)1) The land(1926): It‟s a long poem,which was praised as one of themost beautiful bucolic/idyllic inEnglish literature ant wonHawthorndon prize.2) The Garden(1946), won theHeinemann prize3) The Edwardians (1930), a novel.(爱德华时代的人)4) All passion spent (1931), a novel(激情耗尽)5) The Eagle and the Dove (1943)6) Another World than This (1945)(an anthology)7) No Signposts in the Sea (1961)2. Styles and Influence:1) Sackville–west’s novels are more widely known, yet her poetry may prove to be more enduring: there is a depth of feeling and perception in the best of her poems, a quality at once stately and moving. Her prose is of consistently in high quality, supple clear, and craftsman-like, viewed as one of Britain‟s p romising young writers in the 1920‟s. She is now regarded famous for her personality as much as for her writing.She is a prolific writer, the author of 15 novels, as well as biographies and travel books.2) About the novel:“No Signposts in the Sea”(1) The novel with144-pages is in theform of a journal kept by a man calledEdmund Carr, 50 years old, aninfluential political columnist and abachelor. He learns that he has alimited time to live___ a few weeks, amonth or two at most. How will hespend them? In this dilemma/(quandary, predicament), he met awidow_ Ms. Laura by chance,whohas booked on a cruise / trip to theFar East. Laura, the widow‟s warmth,and intelligence struck him. Therefore,he decided to board the ship.(2) While sailing at sea, Carr was full ofemotions, such as: the undercurrentsadness, the idyllic feelings, therelease from pressure, the dullrhythms of ship life, the enticing /(luring) scenery. Later he fell in lovewith the Window Laura.(3) Edmund Carr grows love for Laurathough he knows it is impossible toget her. Simultaneously, a handsomecolonel also shows great interest inLaura, which makes Carr feel jealous,despairing, and an outburst ofdisappointment against his “rival”.3) Styles: This story (a short novel) showsa romantic love affair. The cruise onthe sea is full of imagination, lyric,and idyllic.(1) Attitudes: __ more critical than praise/commendation;__ more pessimistic than optimistic. (2) Diary __ prose.3. Rhetorical Devices:1. transferred epithet;2. personification3. simile4. Pre-reading Questions1) What pleasure does Edmund Carr getby observing Laura without her knowing it?2) Does Carr appreciate natural beauty?3) Why does Carr like islands?4) What kind of coastline does he like?II. : Detailed study of the text1. She wears soft rich colours.__ It means her dress is in deep, intense colors such as dark red, olive green. Rich: = banquet (luxurious, sumptuous ) ~ wine (full of strength & flavor )~ odors (very fragrant;Cf: flagrant =notorious)~ soil (fertile , yielding in abundance ) 2. The Colonel, who is not too offensively an Empire-builder, sometimes tries to talk to me about public affairs.___The Colonel, an Empire-builder who is not too disgustingly aggressive,sometimes tries to talk to me aboutpublic affairs.3.He says he used to read me(metonymy), and is ……charming deferential= to read my writings /articles metonymy: I like Shakespeare(his works ).__I find Saul Bellow very difficult tounderstand.= ( a U.S novelist. 1915- )4. (1) ill-informedeg. ill-bred, (considered, defined , mannered , treated,)(2) and just about ……anybody could go--- just about as conservative as anybody could be . (极端保守)5. I observe with amusement how totally the concerns of the world, which once absorbed me to the exclusion of all else …to the extent of a bored distaste. __I was once so completely absorbed in the important affairs of the world, anddevoted all my attention to it so that I only have one rest by reading poetry and listening to music. But now, I found amusingly that the world affaires are just some boring distaste.To the exclusion of=To do sth. only; without concerningother things.Eg: __ He plays golf to the exclusion of all other sports.__ Never concentrate all your attention on one or two problem, to theexclusion of others.Trans:我有趣的发现,自己过去偶尔借诗歌或音乐消遣放松一下,一心专注的世界大事现在不仅索然无味,而且到了令人厌烦的地步。

高级英语第一册15课 No Signposts In The Sea

高级英语第一册15课  No Signposts In The Sea

• Virginia Woolf

Most remembered affair was with the prominent writer Virginia
Woolf in the late 1920s. Woolf, founder of the monumental British
Dictionary of National Biography, wrote one of her most famous
• Orlando (1928) is one of Virginia Woolf’s lightest novels. The book is in part a portrait of Woolf‘s lover Vita Sackville-West. It was meant to console(安慰) Vita for the loss of her ancestral home, though it is also a satirical treatment of Vita and her work.
Other affairs
• Vita Sackville-West also had a passionate affair with Hilda Matheson, head of the BBC Talks Department. "Stoker" was the pet name given to Hilda by Sackville-West, during their brief affair between 1929 and 1931.
novels, Orlando, described by Sackville-West's son Nigel Nicolson



In the dining-saloon I sit at a table with three other men; Laura sits some way oft with a married couple and their daughter。

I can observe her without her knowing, and this gives me pleasure,for it is as in a moving picture that I can note the grace of her gestures, whether she raises a glass of wine to her lips or turns with a remark to one of her neighbours or takes a cigarette from her case with those slender fingers。

I have never had much of an eye for noticing the clothes of women,but I get the impression that Laura is always in grey and white by day,looking cool when other people are flushed and shiny in the tropical heat;in the evening she wears soft rich colours, dark red, olive green,midnight blue, always of the most supple flowing texture. I ventured to say something of the kind to her, when she laughed at my clumsy compliment and said I had better take to writing fashion articles instead of political leaders.在餐厅里,我同另外三个男人围坐在一张桌子旁,而劳拉同一对夫妇及他们的女儿一块儿坐在离我不远的地方。

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评析: ①译文1机械地按英文次序译下去,在名词“衣服” 的前面竟堆砌了包括长达25个字的“的字”结构定语。 就是这样还漏译了always, most 和 flowing三词的翻译。

②实际上,原文是有层次的。原文用colours代替衣服,用 的是借代(metonymy)修辞格。实际上,soft和rich都是修饰 colours的,更准确地说soft是修饰rich colors的, rich 是浓艳(deep intense, bright)的意思,soft是柔和(not intense, bright)的意思。 这在修辞上叫做矛盾修辞法(oxymoron),作者用两个相反的 概念,恰如其分地描绘劳娜穿着艳而不俗,色彩鲜明不刺眼的 情形。Soft rich colours这个词组,信息焦点(或强调中心)在 soft, 根 据 末 尾 信 息 焦 点 ( end-focus ) 的 要 求 译 文 应 用 移 位 (inversion)技巧把次序整个来个大颠倒:soft rich colours变成 “色彩浓艳柔和”。这在修辞层就等值了。
No Signposts in the Sea

1.定相观察 这篇散文是英国女诗人和小说家萨克维尔· 威斯特(Victoria Mary Sackville-West) (1892-1962)同名小说的节选。散文用日 记方式写出一位五十岁的单身汉记者,因患不治之症,生命屈 指可数,想用在海上航行的方式度过这生命最后的历程。在航 行中,苍茫的大海,绚丽的薄暮,险峻的崖岩,飕飕的飞鱼, 翩翩的信天翁,可爱的劳娜,远洋轮上悠悠自在的生活,在他 最后的生命里揭开了崭新的天地。他发现生活中竟有这麽多美 好的东西,过去由于忙于尘世俗务的追逐,竟一点也没有理会 到。现在他如饥似渴地享受着生活中一切美好的东西,甚至萌 发了早已枯死了的对劳娜的爱情。要把这篇好文章译成一篇好 的汉语文章,争取达到最大等值,首先要掌握这篇散文深层的 主题句: To have discarded, as I believe, all usual frailties, to have become incapable of envy, ambition, malice, the desire to score off my neighbour, to enjoy this purification even as I enjoy the clean voluptuousness of the warm breeze on my skin and the cool support of the water.(即在自然美的启迪下,尝到净化心灵的欢乐,领悟 了人生的真谛。)文学是生活的教科书,优秀的文学作品教育人 们学会鉴赏热爱生活中一切美好的东西,并推动人们进一步按 美的法则去创造

③dark red, olive green, midnight blue这三个色彩鲜明 的词组都是soft rich colours 的同位语。译文1译成“

诸如……之类”的前置定语,既笨拙又不准确。这里 英语的同位语结构可以转换成汉语的总结词语结构, 用移位(inversion)技巧把colours及其同位语来个次序 颠倒,这样地道的英语词组就变成地道的汉语词组。 译成“穿起暗红色、橄榄绿或深兰色的衣裳,色彩浓 艳柔和”。 ④介词词组always of the most supple flowing texture 是修饰colours的。用转换技巧(conversion)把偏正词 组the most supple flowing texture译成主谓词组:“质地 总是最柔软最光滑的”并后置即可。因此得出: ⑤译文2:而在夜晚,她却穿起暗红色、橄榄绿或 深兰色的衣裳,色彩浓艳柔和,质地总是最柔软、最 光滑的。 ⑥结论:译文2比译文1等值量大。 (3)The colonel, who is not too offensively an Empirebuilder, sometimes tries to talk to me about public affairs; he says he used to read me, and is rather charmingly

与 作 者 的 审 美 体 验 真 正 达 到 融 为 一 体 ( Blending of aesthetic experience),心心相印,使自己与作者有相 同的意象(imagery)、相同的激情(excitement)、相 同的顿悟(epiphany), 只有在这个前提下,在译者的 笔下才可能生成有相同艺术价值的译文,有相同美学 价值的译作语言系统。 以上就是用理性直觉对作品进行宏观的定相观察。 2.定量分析 根据等值翻译的标准和原则,在宏观篇章定相观察 的指导下,以句子为轴心,以句子的语用修辞层次为 重点,研究传达与原著的表现风格有关的重点句子和 超句体的翻译,在此基础上得出具有最大等值量的篇 章译文。 (1)I can observer her without her knowing, and this gives me pleasure, for it is as in a moving picture that I can not the grace of her gestures, whether she raises a glass of wine to her lips or turns with a remark to one of her

生活,使生活变得更加美好。 这篇散文用日记的方式,把壮丽的大自然景色、联 翩的浮想、栩栩如生的人物、美丽神话的想象和人生 哲理的思考交织成一幅五彩缤纷、绚丽夺目的画卷, 真是诗中有画、画中有诗,韵味无穷。 这篇散文的表现手法是多色调的:写景的文笔,绚 丽多彩;抒情的文笔,缠绵含情;沉思的文笔,繁丰 细腻。常常写景、抒情、浮想水乳交融,把大海之美 立体地塑造出来,真是一幅大海的活动画景 (panorama)。文章格调细腻、敏感、亲切、优美, 体现女作家的手笔。文章节奏快慢错落有致:写景写 人写物节奏快,句子短;抒情沉思节奏慢,句子长。 要把这样一篇芬芳优美的英语散文,译成一篇同样芬 芳优美的汉语散文,关键是要抓住作品篇章的语用修 辞层的等值,把表现手法的多色调准确地表达出来。 要做到这一点,首先要求译者通过作品语言符号系统 的媒介,印证自己的生活经验,使自己的审美体验

例 如 The Chinese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achievements.中国人似乎为他们在经济上取得 的成就而自豪,这是合乎情理的。又如The powerful P.L.A. is , however, an oddly unmilitary army.然而,强大 的人民解放军是一支不拘军队仪表的部队,这是罕见 的。同样道理这个词组可译成:“说起话来带有恭维 的口吻,听起来相当顺耳。”由此得出: ③译文2: 上校是英帝国驻殖民地的军官,不过还 不太讨人厌。他有时想和我谈谈时事,说以前常看我 的文章,说起话来带有恭维的口吻,听起来相当顺耳。 ④结论:译文2比译文1等值量大。

③在第3分句强调it句型中,主谓I can note 又是这个 分句的信息焦点。因此也应用移位技巧,后置到宾语 gesture(包括长长的由 whether…or…or引出的同位语 从句)后面。这样第3分句与第2分句的信息焦点照应 紧密,语气就流畅了。由此得出: ④译文2:我能在她毫无察觉的情况下仔细打量她, 就象在电影里一样。她那优雅的动作,不论是把一杯 果酒举到唇边,或是侧头与邻座讲话,还是用她那纤 细的手指从烟盒里拿烟,我都可以看得真真切切,这 使我感到愉快。 ⑤结论:译文2比译文1等值量大。 (2) In the evening she wears soft rich colours, dark red, olive green, midnight blue, always of the most supple flowing texture。 译文1:而在夜晚她却穿着柔和的、色彩浓艳的诸 如暗红色、橄榄绿、深兰色之类质地柔软的衣服。

and pleasing)的意思,根本没有“顺从”的意思。英语中的偏 正词组副词加形容词结构作表语时,这个副词用作修饰附加语 (adjunct),是修饰全句的,表示说话人的感受,是句子逻辑 重心所在(也就是信息焦点)。汉译时,一般用移位(inversion) 技巧后置,并常常用 分句(division)技巧,另成一句。

(4)He is by no means stupid or ill-informed; a little opinionated perhaps, and just about as far to the Right as any body could go. 译文1:他绝不愚钝无知,只是有点固执己见,象 保守派人物那样有些“右翼”观点。 评析: ① “as…as”原为程度相同的比较,加上“any”或 “ever”的时候,跟任何时候任何人(物)相比都相等, 就接近最高级的程度了。英语与汉语的深层语义结构 大多数基本上是相同的,这也是思维结构相同的反映。 但因视点(point of view)不同,也有少量的不同的语 义结构(这是句级语义深层的参数)。如按英文的语 义结构来译这小句just about as far to the Right as any body could go可以译成“跟任何政治上保守的人一样保 守(just about as conservative as anybody could be)。英

neighbours or takes a cigarette from her case with those slender fingers. 译文1:我能观察她而不为她察觉,正如在一部影 片中那样,我能真切地留意到她典雅的姿态,无论她 把酒举到唇边,或者转身与邻座说话,或用纤细的手 指从盒中取出一支香烟,这些都使我感到愉快。 评析: ①第一分句中,without her knowing是介词短语作状 语,说明在什麽情况下observe,译文1译成联合结构, 歪曲了原意。原文信息焦点在observe,译文1转到了 without her knowing,在语用修辞层也是不等值的。 ②整个复句的信息焦点句是第2分句and this gives me pleasure。因为连词for引出第三个并列分句表示一 种 间 接 的 理 由 (indirect reason) , 汉 语 可 用 意 合 法 (parataxis),把间接理由前置,用移位(inversion )技巧把 第2分句放到全句末尾,是符合汉语特别注意末尾信息 焦点(end-focus)这个特点的。