2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试文科数学(必修+选修) 解析版本试卷分第I 卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。
第I 卷1至2页。
第Ⅱ卷3 至4页。
第I 卷注意事项:1.答题前,考生在答题卡上务必用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,并贴好条形码。
2.每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,在试题卷上作答无效.........。
3.第I 卷共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。
参考公式:如果事件A 、B 互斥,那么 球的表面积公式()()()P A B P A P B +=+ 24S R π=如果事件A 、B 相互独立,那么 其中R 表示球的半径 ()()()P A B P A P B =g g 球的体积公式 如果事件A 在一次试验中发生的概率是p ,那么 334V R π=n 次独立重复试验中事件A 恰好发生k 次的概率 其中R 表示球的半径()(1)(0,1,2,)k kn k n n P k C p p k n -=-=…一、选择题 (1)cos300︒=(A)2-12 (C)12(D) 2 1.C 【命题意图】本小题主要考查诱导公式、特殊三角函数值等三角函数知识 【解析】()1cos300cos 36060cos602︒=︒-︒=︒=(2)设全集{}1,2,3,4,5U =,集合{}1,4M =,{}1,3,5N =,则()U N M ⋂=ð A.{}1,3 B. {}1,5 C. {}3,5 D. {}4,52.C 【命题意图】本小题主要考查集合的概念、集合运算等集合有关知识【解析】{}2,3,5U M =ð,{}1,3,5N =,则()U N M ⋂=ð{}1,3,5{}2,3,5⋂={}3,5(3)若变量,x y 满足约束条件1,0,20,y x y x y ≤⎧⎪+≥⎨⎪--≤⎩则2z x y =-的最大值为(A)4 (B)3 (C)2 (D)13.B 【命题意图】本小题主要考查线性规划知识、作图、识图能力及计算能力. 【解析】画出可行域(如右图),11222z x y y x z =-⇒=-,由图可知,当直线l 经过点A(1,-1)时,z 最大,且最大值为max 12(1)3z =-⨯-=.(4)已知各项均为正数的等比数列{n a },123a a a =5,789a a a =10,则456a a a =(A) 4.A 【命题意图】本小题主要考查等比数列的性质、指数幂的运算、根式与指数式的互化等知识,着重考查了转化与化归的数学思想.【解析】由等比数列的性质知31231322()5a a a a a a a ===g ,x +20y -=37897988()a a a a a a a ===g 10,所以132850a a =,所以133364564655()(50)a a a a a a a =====g(5)43(1)(1x --的展开式 2x 的系数是(A)-6 (B)-3 (C)0 (D)35.A. 【命题意图】本小题主要考查了考生对二项式定理的掌握情况,尤其是展开式的通项公式的灵活应用,以及能否区分展开式中项的系数与其二项式系数,同时也考查了考生的一些基本运算能力.【解析】()134323422(1)(11464133x x x x x x x x ⎛⎫-=-+---+- ⎪⎝⎭2x 的系数是 -12+6=-6(6)直三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,若90BAC ∠=︒,1AB AC AA ==,则异面直线1BA 与1AC 所成的角等于(A)30° (B)45°(C)60° (D)90°6.C 【命题意图】本小题主要考查直三棱柱111ABC A B C -的性质、异面直线所成的角、异面直线所成的角的求法.【解析】延长CA 到D ,使得AD AC =,则11ADAC 为平行四边形,1DA B ∠就是异面直线1BA 与1AC 所成的角,又三角形1A DB 为等边三角形,0160DA B ∴∠=(7)已知函数()|lg |f x x =.若a b ≠且,()()f a f b =,则a b +的取值范围是 (A)(1,)+∞ (B)[1,)+∞(C) (2,)+∞ (D) [2,)+∞7.C 【命题意图】本小题主要考查对数函数的性质、函数的单调性、函数的值域,考生在做本小题时极易忽视a 的取值范围,而利用均值不等式求得a+b=12a a+≥,从而错选D,这也是命题者的用苦良心之处.【解析1】因为 f(a)=f(b),所以|lga|=|lgb|,所以a=b(舍去),或1b a =,所以a+b=1a a+ 又0<a<b,所以0<a<1<b ,令()f a a=1a +由“对勾”函数的性质知函数()f a 在a ∈(0,1)上为减函数,所以f(a)>f(1)=1+1=2,即a+b 的取值范围是(2,+∞).AB C DA 1B 1C 1D 1O【解析2】由0<a<b,且f (a )=f (b )得:0111a b ab <<⎧⎪<⎨⎪=⎩,利用线性规划得:0111x y xy <<⎧⎪<⎨⎪=⎩,化为求z x y =+的取值范围问题,z x y y x z =+⇒=-+,2111y y x x'=⇒=-<-⇒过点()1,1时z 最小为2,∴(C) (2,)+∞(8)已知1F 、2F 为双曲线C:221x y -=的左、右焦点,点P 在C 上,∠1F P 2F =060,则12||||PF PF =g(A)2 (B)4 (C) 6 (D) 88.B 【命题意图】本小题主要考查双曲线定义、几何性质、余弦定理,考查转化的数学思想,通过本题可以有效地考查考生的综合运用能力及运算能力. 【解析1】.由余弦定理得cos ∠1F P 2F =222121212||||||2||||PF PF F F PF PF +-()(22221212121212122221cos60222PF PF PF PF PF PF F F PF PF PF PF +--+-⇒=⇒=12||||PF PF =g 4【解析2】由焦点三角形面积公式得:1202201216011cot 1cot sin 602222F PF S b PF PF PF PF θ∆=====12||||PF PF =g 4(9)正方体ABCD -1111A B CD 中,1BB 与平面1ACD 所成角的余弦值为(A )3 (B )3 (C )23(D )39.D 【命题意图】本小题主要考查正方体的性质、直线与平面所成的角、点到平面的距离的求法,利用等体积转化求出D 到平面AC 1D 的距离是解决本题的关键所在,这也是转化思想的具体体现.【解析1】因为BB 1//DD 1,所以B 1B 与平面AC 1D 所成角和DD 1与平面AC 1D 所成角相等,设DO ⊥平面AC 1D ,由等体积法得11D ACD D ACD V V --=,即111133ACD ACD S DO S DD ∆∆⋅=⋅.设DD 1=a,则122111sin 60)2222ACD S AC AD a ∆==⨯⨯=o g ,21122ACD S AD CD a ∆==g . 所以1313ACD ACD S DD DO a S ∆∆===g ,记DD 1与平面AC 1D 所成角为θ,则1sin DO DD θ==,所以cos θ=. 【解析2】设上下底面的中心分别为1,O O ;1O O 与平面AC 1D 所成角就是B 1B 与平面AC 1D所成角,1111cos O O O OD OD ∠===(10)设123log 2,ln 2,5a b c -===则(A )a b c <<(B )b c a << (C) c a b << (D) c b a <<10.C 【命题意图】本小题以指数、对数为载体,主要考查指数函数与对数函数的性质、实数大小的比较、换底公式、不等式中的倒数法则的应用. 【解析1】 a=3log 2=21log 3, b=In2=21log e,而22log 3log 1e >>,所以a<b, c=125-222log 4log 3>=>,所以c<a,综上c<a<b. 【解析2】a =3log 2=321log ,b =ln2=21log e , 3221log log 2e <<< ,32211112log log e<<<; c=12152-=<=,∴c<a<b(11)已知圆O 的半径为1,PA 、PB 为该圆的两条切线,A 、B 为两切点,那么PA PB •u u u v u u u v的最小值为(A) 4-+3-(C) 4-+3-+11.D 【命题意图】本小题主要考查向量的数量积运算与圆的切线长定理,着重考查最值的求法——判别式法,同时也考查了考生综合运用数学知识解题的能力及运算能力. 【解析1】如图所示:设PA=PB=x (0)x >,∠APO=α,则∠APB=2α,,sin α=||||cos 2PA PB PA PB α•=⋅u u u v u u u v u u u v u u u v=22(12sin )x α-=222(1)1x x x -+=4221x x x -+,令PA PB y •=u u u v u u u v ,则4221x x y x -=+,即42(1)0x y x y -+-=,由2x 是实数,所以2[(1)]41()0y y ∆=-+-⨯⨯-≥,2610y y ++≥,解得3y ≤--或3y ≥-+.故min ()3PA PB •=-+u u u v u u u v此时x =【解析2】设,0APB θθπ∠=<<,()()2cos 1/tan cos 2PA PB PA PB θθθ⎛⎫•== ⎪⎝⎭u u u v u u u v 2222221sin 12sin cos 22212sin 2sin sin22θθθθθθ⎛⎫⎛⎫-- ⎪⎪⎛⎫⎝⎭⎝⎭=⋅-= ⎪⎝⎭换元:2sin ,012x x θ=<≤,()()1121233x x PA PB x x x--•==+-≥u u u v u u u v 【解析3】建系:园的方程为221x y +=,设11110(,),(,),(,0)A x y B x y P x -,()()2211101110110,,001AO PA x y x x y x x x y x x ⊥⇒⋅-=⇒-+=⇒=()222222221100110110221233PA PB x x x x y x x x x x •=-+-=-+--=+-≥u u u v u u u v(12)已知在半径为2的球面上有A 、B 、C 、D 四点,若AB=CD=2,则四面体ABCD 的体积的最大值为(C)()()22210110111001,,2PA PB x x y x x y x x x x y •=-⋅--=-+-u u u v u u u v12.B 【命题意图】本小题主要考查几何体的体积的计算、球的性质、异面直线的距离,通过球这个载体考查考生的空间想象能力及推理运算能力.【解析】过CD 作平面PCD ,使AB ⊥平面PCD,交AB 与P,设点P 到CD 的距离为h ,则有ABCD 11222323V h h =⨯⨯⨯⨯=四面体,当直径通过AB 与CD 的中点时,max h =故max 3V =.第Ⅱ卷注意事项:1.答题前,考生先在答题卡上用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将自己的姓名、准考 证号填写清楚,然后贴好条形码。
2010-2023历年高考各省市模拟考试单项选择题分类汇编第1卷一.参考题库(共25题)1.It is not_______ for me to return all the books to the library now because I still need them.A.difficultB.convenientC.availableD.important2.Prices continued to rise while wages reminded low _____ the Government became increasingly unpopular.A.even thoughB.in order thatC.with the result thatD.because3.Although I had read the book assigned by the professor several times , it didn’t make any _____ to me.A.meaningB.importanceC.senseD.significance4.Zhuhou, _______ on the Xiang River, is an important city, second only to Changsha. A.locatedB.locatingC.being locatedD.to be located5.—Remember the first time we met, Jim?—Of course I do. You in the library.A.were readingB.had readC.have readD.read6.On Christmas Eve, we put up some balloons to ______ the festival atmosphere. A.make forB.add upC.add toD.join in7.No matter how long is your life, you will, at best, be able to read only a few books of all that have been written, and _____ few you do read should include _____ best. A.a; theB.the; theC.the; aD./; the8.-----Is it good to look up every new word when I come across it in reading?-----No. You _______ because you are likely to guess the meaning from the context. A.can’tB.mustn’tC.don’t have toD.shouldn’t9.Jack must be worried about something.You can it from the look on his face.A.regardB.recognizeC.readD.realize10.She is so ______ that no one can ever persuade her.A.reliableB.stubbornC.artificialD.intelligent11.— What is ______ like being a sailor?—Wonderful.A.oneB.thatC.thisD.it12.With so much work his head all day long,he feels rather stressed in his daily life.A.filledB.to fillC.fillingD.being filled13.Would you like knife and fork,or would you rather use chopsticks,sir? A.the;theB.a:/C./;theD.the;the14.You must _____ to the rules and behave properly even if you think they are unfair. A.get acrossB.keep toC.take upD.make up15.A truly creative person can tell the same story time after time and still with fresh ideas.A.come alongB.come onC.come upD.come out16.Mr. Smith would have come to see you if it had been possible, but he __________ so busy.A.wasB.had beenC.has beenD.were17.After the six-party talk in Beijing, an agreement was reached _________ that North Korea would abandon _________ nuclear weapons.A.stating; to developB.stating; developingC.to state; to developD.states; developing18.All flights ________called off because of the terrible weather, they had to go there by train.A.wereB.having beenC.beingD.had been19.The novel “The Da Vinci Code” a great success and was translated into 44 languages in 2004.A.appreciatedB.enjoyedC.wonD.Seized20.Now I’ve been out of _____ work for weeks, I’ve joined the ranks of _____ unemployed.A.the; 不填B.the; theC.不填; theD.不填; an21.--- Had we been more careful, the accident might not have happened.--- But we _____ at that time.A.hadn’tB.didn’tC.weren’tD.might not22.Typhoon Morakot has caused great _________ to the local economies in Wenzhou. A.injuryB.woundC.ruinD.damage23.—Have you finished your report yet?—No,I’11 finish in ten minutes.A.anotherB.otherC.moreD.less24. --- Could you tell me what he said just now?--- Sorry, I ______ what was going on outside.A.had thoughtB.was thinkingC.thoughtD.think25.Winters in ______ north of China are for_____ most part dry and cold. A.不填; aB.the; 不填C.不填; 不填D.the; the第1卷参考答案一.参考题库1.参考答案:B2.参考答案:C3.参考答案:C4.参考答案:A5.参考答案:A6.参考答案:C7.参考答案:B8.参考答案:C9.参考答案:C10.参考答案:B11.参考答案:D12.参考答案:C13.参考答案:B14.参考答案:B15.参考答案:C16.参考答案:A17.参考答案:B18.参考答案:B19.参考答案:B20.参考答案:C21.参考答案:C22.参考答案:D23.参考答案:A24.参考答案:B25.参考答案:D。
下列有关检测结果的叙述,错误..的是A.从C3植物的淀粉和C4植物的葡萄糖中可检测到14CB.在C3植物和C4植物呼吸过程产生的中间产物中可检测到14CC.随光照强度增加,从C4植物叶片中可检测到含14C的C4大量积累D.在C3植物叶肉组织和C4植物维管束鞘的C3中可检测到14C 3.下列四种现象中,可以用右图表示的是A.在适宜条件下光合作用强度随CO2含量的变化B.条件适宜、底物充足时反应速率随酶量的变化C.一个细胞周期中DNA含量随时间的变化D.理想条件下种群数量随时间的变化4.关于在自然条件下,某随机交配种群中等位基因A、a频率的叙述,错误..的是A.一般来说,频率高的基因所控制的性状更适应环境B.持续选择条件下,一种基因的频率可以降为0C.在某种条件下两种基因的频率可以相等D.该种群基因频率的变化只与环境的选择作用有关5.右图是一个农业生态系统模式图,关于该系统的叙述,错.误.的是A.微生物也能利用农作物通过光合作用储存的能量B.多途径利用农作物可提高该系统的能量利用效率C.沼渣、沼液作为肥料还田,使能量能够循环利用D.沼气池中的微生物也是该生态系统的分解者31.(8分)从某植物长势一致的黄化苗上切取等长幼茎段(无叶和侧芽)。
2010年高考真题分类汇编(上海湖南福建安徽江西四川重庆辽宁)(含答案)介词25.(2010上海卷) Sean has formed the habit of jogging the tree-lined avenue for two hours every day.A. betweenB. alongC. belowD. with27. (2010福建卷) More and more high-rise buildings have been built in big cities space.A. in search ofB. in place ofC. for lack ofD. for fear of34. (2010江西卷) Nowadays some hospitals refer to patients name, not case number.A. ofB. asC. byD. with[5. (2010四川卷) Tired, Jim was fast asleep with his back a big tree.A. inB. belowC. besideD. against22. (2010重庆卷) The dictionary is what I want, but I don’t have enough money me.A. byB. forC. inD. with31. (2010辽宁卷) I agree to his suggestion ____ the condition that he drops all charges.A. byB. inC. onD. to答案:C句意:我同意他的建议,条件是他放弃所有指控。
介词on 和the condition that一起相当一个连词,引导条件状语从句,意思是“条件是,以……为条件”。
29. (2010江西卷) W e give dogs time, space and love we can spare, and , dogs give us their all.A. in allB. in factC. in shortD. in return形容词和副词26. (2010上海卷) It took us quite a long time to get to the amusement park. It was journey.A. three hourB. a three-hoursC. a three-hourD. three hours代词27. (2010上海卷) If our parents do everything for us children, we won't learn to depend onA. themselvesB. themC. usD. ourselves21.(2010安徽卷) Y ou are a team star! W orking with is rally your cup of tea.A. bothB. eitherC. othersD. the other22. (2010福建卷)When you introduce me to Mr. Johnson, could you please say for me ?A. everythingB. anythingC. somethingD. nothing27. (2010江西卷)Swimming is my favorite sport. There is like swimming as a means of keeping fit.A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything7. (2010四川卷) On my desk is a photo that my father took of when I was a baby.A. himB. hisC. meD. mine23. (2010重庆卷) He had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found of them again.A. neitherB. eitherC. eachD. all33. (2010辽宁卷) The fact that she was foreign made _____difficult for her to get a job in that countryA. soB. muchC. thatD. it时态和语态28. (2010上海卷) Every few years, the coal workers their lungs X-rayed to ensure their health.A. are havingB. haveC. have hadD. had had31. (2010上海卷) The church tower which will be open to tourists soon. The work is almost finished.A. has restoredB. has been restoredC. is restoringD. is being restored27. (2010湖南卷) I was just going to cut my rose bushes but someone it. W as it you?A. has doneB. had doneC. would doD. will do24. (2010湖南卷) This coastal area a national wildlife reserve last year.A. was namedB. namedC. is namedD. names31. (2010湖南卷) I walked slowly through the market, where people all kinds of fruits and vegetables. I studied the prices carefully and bought what I needed.A. sellB. were sellingC. had soldD. have sold34 . (2010湖南卷) I'm tired out. I all afternoon and I don't seem to have finished anything.A. shoppedB. have shoppedC. had shoppedD. have been shopping26.(2010安徽卷) Bob would have helped us yesterday,but he .A. was busyB.is busy C had been busy D.will be busy28. (2010安徽卷)一W ere you surprised by the ending of the film?一No. I the book, so I already knew the story.A. was readingB. had readC. am readingD. have read34.(2010安徽卷) W e’ve spent too much money recently.—W ell, it isn’t surprising. Our friends and relatives around all the time.A. are comingB. had comeC. were comingD. have been coming28. (2010福建卷) Every year a flood of farmers arrive in Shenzhen for the money-making jobs theybefore leaving their hometowns.A. promisedB. were promisedC. have promisedD. have been promised31. (2010福建卷)—Guess what, we’ve got our visas for a short-term visit to the UK this summer.—How nice! Y ou a different culture then.A. will be experiencingB. have experiencedC. have been experiencingD. will have experienced16.(2010四川卷) —When shall we restart our business?—Not until we our plan.A. will finishB. are finishingC. are to finishD. have finished18. (2010四川卷) Y ou’ve failed to do what you to and I’m afraid the teacher will blame you.A. will expectB. will be expectedC. expectedD. were expected24. (2010重庆卷) The book has been translated into thirty languages since it on the market in 1973.[来源:学科网]A. had comeB. has comeC. cameD. comes29. (2010重庆卷) The palace caught fire three times in the last century, and little of the original building _______now.A. remainsB. is remainedC. is remainingD. has been remained31. (2010重庆卷) -----Why do you want to work for our company?-----This is the job that I for.A. lookedB. am to lookC. had lookedD. have been looking24. (2010辽宁卷) Joseph ______to evening classes since last month, but he still can’t say “What’s your name?”in Russian.A. has been goingB. wentC. goesD. has gone答案:A句意:约瑟夫自从上个月就一直去夜校,可是他仍然不能用俄语说“你叫什么名字?”。
参考答案:一.单项选择题1、A2、D3、C4、C5、B6、A ,7、A ,8、D ,二.单项选择题9、C , 10、A , 11、A , 12、D , 13、C , 14、B , 15、B , 16、D ,三.多项选择题17、A 、B18、B 、C 、D , 19、A 、C , 20、A 、C 、D , 四.填空题21、左,收缩,22、1.05⨯105,33, 23、或,增大, 24、1:8,14,25、60︒,mg , 五.实验题26.(1)等量导种点电荷,静电场,电压传感器,(2)B ,27.(1)C 、D ,(2)k θr 2mm 'l, 28.(1)在注射器活塞上涂润滑油,(2)移动活塞要缓慢;不能用手握住注射器封闭气体部分,(3)注射器与压强传感器连接部位的气体体积,29.(1)2,0.5,(2)小于,大于,六、计算题30.(1)设抛出点高度为y ,根据机械能守恒12 mv 02=12mv 2+mgy ,平抛初速度v =v 02-2gy ,落地时间t 满足y =12gt 2,所以t =2y g ,落地点离抛出点的水平距离s =vt =v 02-2gy 2y g,分别以y =2h 和y =h 代入得:s C =v 02-4gh 4h g ,s D =v 02-2gh 2h g,(2)由题意,s C <s D ,有2(v 02-4gh )<v 02-2gh ,所以v 02<6gh ,又滑块必须能到达C 点,即 v C 2=v 02-4gh ,v 02>4gh ,因此初速度应满足4gh <v 0<6gh ,31.(1)木块做加速运动L =12at 2,所以:a =2L t2=2m/s 2,对木块由牛顿定律mg sin θ-f 1=ma ,f 1=mg sin θ-ma =8N ,N 1=mg cos θ=16N ,对斜面由共点力平衡,地对斜面的摩擦力f 2=N 1sin θ-f 1cos θ=3.2N ,方向水平向左,(2)地面对斜面的支持力N 2=Mg +N 1cos θ+f 1sin θ=67.6N ,(3)木块在下滑过程中,沿斜面方向合力及该力做的功为F =mg sin θ-f 1=4N ,W =FL=16J ,木块末速度及动能增量v =at =4m/s ,∆E k =12mv 2=16J ,由此可知下滑过程中W =∆E k ,动能定理成立,32.(1)金属棒仅受安培力作用,其大小F =ma =0.2N ,金属棒运动0.5m ,框架中间生的焦耳热等于克服安培力做的功,所以Q =Fs =0.1J ,(2)金属棒所受安培力为F =BIL ,I =E R =BLv R ,F =B 2L 2v R=ma ,由于棒做匀减速运动,v =v 02-2a (x 0-x ) ,所以R =B 2L 2ma v 02-2a (x 0-x ) =0.4x (SI ),(3)错误之处是把0.4s 时回路内的电阻R 代入q =BLs R进行计算,正确解法是q =It ,因为F =BIL =ma ,q =mat BL=0.4C , 33.(1)电键未合上时两室中气体压强为p 0,设电键合上后,两室中气体压强分别为p 1、p 2,由玻意耳定律p 0l 1S =p 1l 1’S ,p 1=p 0/3=80Pa ,p 0l 2S =p 2l 2’S ,p 2=3p 0=720Pa ,(2)活塞受到的气体压强差为∆p =p 2-p 1=640Pa ,活塞在气体压力和电场力作用下处于平衡,电场力F =∆pS =0.128N ,(3)活塞受到的电场力大小F =qE M ,其中活塞带电量q =ε0SE ,E 由D 、M 所带等量导号电荷共同产生,根据电场叠加原理,M 产生的场强大小E M =E /2,(4)当滑片P 由B 向A 滑动时,DM 间场强减小,DN 间场强变大,活塞受到向下的电场力减小,电场力与气体压力间的平衡被破坏,活塞向上移动。
一、(12分·每小题3分)1.下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是A.泊车(b6) 称心(chèn) 唱主角(jiǎo) 弹丸之地(dàn)B.苍穹(qióng) 掺和(cān) 单行本(xíng) 不偏不倚(yǐ)C.梦魇(yǎn) 本埠(bù)黑魆魆(xū) 燕颔虎颈(hàn)D.祝祷(dǎo) 鞭笞(chī) 便利店(biàn) 名噪一时(cào)2.下列各句中,加点的成语便用不恰当的一项是A.这名运动员看上去一副弱不胜衣的样子,实际上,他身体健,骨骼强健,耐力和速度非一般人可比。
2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(浙江卷)文科综合能力测试参考答案选择题部分(共140分)非选择题部分(共160分)12-23 DADBC BCDCA DB36.(30分)(1)有利条件:纬度低,海运便利、地形平坦开阔、人口稀少等。
2010高考试题汇编 - 【英语】单项选择
I 单项填空(一)名词和主谓一致1. (2010·江苏卷·T22)The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very good _____.A. expectationB. reputationC. contributionD. civilization2. (2010·安徽卷·T25)I haven’t seen Sara since she was a little girl, and she has changed beyond .A. hearingB. strengthC. recognitionD. measure3. (2010·湖北卷·T21)This restaurant has become popular for its wide of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.A. divisionB. areaC. rangeD. circle4. (2010·湖北卷·T22)After the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was toprovide for the homeless families.A. accommodationB. occupationC. equipmentD. furniture5. (2010·湖南卷·T33)Listening to loud music at rock concerts caused hearing loss in some teenagers.A. isB. areC. hasD. have6. (2010·江西卷·T 35).Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving license reached 200,000, a(n) of 40,000 per year.A. averageB. numberC. amountD. quantity7. (2010·山东卷·T33)Those who suffer from headache will find they get ______ from this medicine.A. reliefB. safetyC. defenseD. shelter8. (2010·陕西卷·T 24). It is reported that many a new house at present in the disaster area.A. are being builtB. were being builtC. was being builtD. is being built9. (2010·四川卷·T 15). Such poets as Shakespeare widely read, of whose works,however, some difficult to understand.A. are; areB. is; isC. are; isD. is; are10. (2010·天津卷·T3). James took the magazines off the little table to make for the television.A. roomB. areaC. fieldD. position11. (2010·浙江卷·T16). The school advisers help you talk through your problems but they don't give you any direct __ .A. solutionB. targetC. measureD. function【答案解析】1. 【解析】选B。
2010年高考真题分类汇编(上海 湖南 福建 安徽 江西 四川 重庆 辽宁)(含答案)
2010年高考真题分类汇编(上海湖南福建安徽江西四川重庆辽宁)(含答案)介词25.(2010上海卷) Sean has formed the habit of jogging the tree-lined avenue for two hours every day.A. betweenB. alongC. belowD. with27. (2010福建卷) More and more high-rise buildings have been built in big cities space.A. in search ofB. in place ofC. for lack ofD. for fear of34. (2010江西卷) Nowadays some hospitals refer to patients name, not case number.A. ofB. as D. with5. (2010四川卷A. inB. belowC. beside22. (2010重庆卷)A. byB. forC. in31. (2010辽宁卷) I agree to his suggestion ____ the condition that he drops all charges.A. byB. inC. onD. to答案:C句意:我同意他的建议,条件是他放弃所有指控。
介词on 和the condition that一起相当一个连词,引导条件状语从句,意思是“条件是,以……为条件”。
29. (2010江西卷A. in allB. in factC. in short形容词和副词26. (2010上海卷) It took us quite a long time to get to the amusement park. It was journey.A. three hourB. a three-hoursC. a three-hourD. three hours代词27. (2010上海卷) If our parents do everything for us children, we won't learn to depend onA. themselvesB. themC. usD. ourselves21.(2010安徽卷) You are a team star! Working with is rally your cup of tea.A. bothB. eitherC. othersD. the other22. (2010福建卷)When you introduce me to Mr. Johnson, could you please say for me ?A. everythingB. anythingC. somethingD. nothing27. (2010江西卷like swimming as a means of keeping fit.A. somethingB. anything D. everything7. (2010四川卷) On my desk is a photo that my father took of when I was a baby.A. himB. hisC. meD. mine23. (2010重庆卷) He had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found of them again.A. neitherB. eitherC. eachD. all33. (2010辽宁卷) The fact that she was foreign made _____difficult for her to get a job in that countryA. soB. muchC. thatD. it时态和语态28. (2010上海卷) Every few years, the coal workers their lungs X-rayed to ensure their health.A. are havingB. haveC. have hadD. had had31. (2010上海卷) The church tower which will be open to tourists soon. The work is almost finished.A. has restoredB. has been restoredC. is restoringD. is being restored27. (2010湖南卷) I was just going to cut my rose bushes but someone it. Was it you?A. has doneB. had doneC. would doD. will do24. (2010湖南卷) This coastal area a national wildlife reserve last year.A. was namedB. namedC. is namedD. names31. (2010湖南卷) I walked slowly through the market, where people all kinds of fruits and vegetables. I studied the prices carefully and bought what I needed.A. sellB. were sellingC. had soldD. have sold34. (2010湖南卷) I'm tired out. I all afternoon and I don't seem to have finished anything.A. shoppedB. have shoppedC. had shoppedD. have been shopping26.(2010安徽卷) Bob would have helped us yesterday,but he .A. was busyB.is busy C had been busy D.will be busy28. (2010安徽卷)一Were you surprised by the ending of the film?一No. I the book, so I already knew the story.A. was readingB. had readC. am readingD. have read34.(2010安徽卷) We’ve spent too much money recently.—Well, it isn’t surprising. Our friends and relatives around all the time.A. are comingB. had comeC. were comingD. have been coming28. (2010福建卷) Every year a flood of farmers arrive in Shenzhen for the money-making jobs theybefore leaving their hometowns.A. promisedB. were promisedC. have promisedD. have been promised31. (2010福建卷)—Guess what, we’ve got our visas for a short-term visit to the UK this summer.—How nice! You a different culture then.A. will be experiencingB. have experiencedC. have been experiencingD. will have experienced16.(2010四川卷) —When shall we restart our business?—Not until we our plan.A. will finishB. are finishingC. are to finishD. have finished18. (2010四川卷) You’ve failed to do what you to and I’m afraid the teacher will blame you.A. will expectB. will be expectedC. expectedD. were expected24. (2010重庆卷) The book has been translated into thirty languages since it on the market in 1973.A. had comeB. has comeC. cameD. comes29. (2010重庆卷) The palace caught fire three times in the last century, and little of the original building _______now.A. remainsB. is remainedC. is remainingD. has been remained31. (2010重庆卷) -----Why do you want to work for our company?-----This is the job that I for.A. lookedB. am to lookC. had lookedD. have been looking24. (2010辽宁卷) Joseph ______to evening classes since last month, but he still can’t say “What’s your name?” in Russian.A. has been goingB. wentC. goesD. has gone答案:A句意:约瑟夫自从上个月就一直去夜校,可是他仍然不能用俄语说“你叫什么名字?”。
2010年全国统一高考地理试卷(新课标卷)一、选择题:本题共4小题,每小题0分,共140分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.如图所示区域降水季节分配较均匀.2010年5月初,该区域天气晴朗,气温骤升,出现了比常年严重的洪灾.据此完成28~30题.1.(4分)形成本区域降水的水汽主要来源于()A.太平洋B.印度洋C.大西洋D.北冰洋2.(4分)自2009年冬至2010年4月底,与常年相比该区域可能()A.降水量偏少,气温偏高B.降水量偏多,气温偏高C.降水量偏少,气温偏低D.降水量偏多,气温偏低3.(4分)2010年5月初,控制该区域的天气系统及其运行状况是()A.气旋缓慢过境B.冷锋缓慢过境C.反气旋缓慢过境D.暖锋缓慢过境如图曲线为某国2000年不同年龄人口数量与0与1岁人口数量的比值连线.18~65周岁人口为劳动力人口,其余为劳动力人口负担的人口.假定只考虑该国人口的自然增长且该国从2001年起控制人口增长,使每年新生人口都为2000年新生人口的80%.据此完成4~5题.4.(4分)该国劳动力人口负担最轻、最重的年份分别是()A.2019年,2066年B.2066年,2019年C.2001年,2019年D.2001年,2066年5.(4分)出生人口的减少将最先影响该国劳动力人口的()A.数量B.职业构成C.性别构成D.年龄构成下表是示意我国沿海某鞋业公司全球化发展的历程.读表,完成6~8题.发展阶段时间方式①产品“走出去”1991~1997年接收订单,代工生产②销售“走出去”1998~2001年在俄罗斯、阿联酋、尼日利亚、美国、巴拿马建立贸易分公司③品牌“走出去”2001~2003年收购意大利某知名鞋业公司④资本“走出去”2003年~至今在尼日利亚、意大利建立生产基地,在意大利的时尚之都米兰设研发中心6.(4分)该公司①、②阶段的主要发展目标是()A.开拓国际市场B.建立品牌形象C.吸引国外资金D.降低生产成本7.(4分)该公司在尼日利亚、意大利建生产基地,可以()A.降低劳动成本B.增强集聚效应C.便于产品销售D.便于原料运输8.(4分)该公司在意大利设立研发中心便于利用当地的()A.市场B.资金C.原料D.技术图所示区域内自南向北年降水量由约200mm增至500mm左右,沙漠地区年降水量仅50mm左右.据此完成9~11题.9.(4分)图中甲地区夏季降水量最接近()A.50 mm B.150 mm C.200 mm D.250 mm 10.(4分)解决该区域农业用水紧缺的可行措施有()①引湖水灌溉②海水淡化③改进灌溉技术④建水库调节径流.A.①②B.②③C.③④D.①④11.(4分)甲地区农业发达,其成功之处在于()A.提高了水资源的数量和质量B.调节了降水的季节分配C.调节了降水的年际变化D.提高了水资源的利用率二、非选择题:包括必考题和选考题两部分.第36~40题为必考题,每道试题考生都必须作答.第41~44题为选考题,考生根据要求作答.(一)必考题(2题,共46分)12.(26分)阅读图文资料,完成下列各题.图示意某区域多年平均降雪量与雪期(从当年初雪日到次年终雪日的天数)的空间分布.该区域内丘陵区每年因融雪径流造成的土壤侵蚀较为严重.(1)根据等雪期线的分布,分析沿MN一线的地形分布特点.(2)比较甲、乙两地雪期与降雪量的差异,并解释原因.(3)分析位于丘陵区的丙地融雪侵蚀较乙地严重的原因.13.(20分)阅读图文资料,完成下列各题.桑蚕的适养温度为20~30℃,生长周期约l个月.桑蚕的饲养需要投入的劳动量较大.我国桑树分布广泛,是世界重要的桑蚕丝生产及其产品出口国,太湖平原、四川盆地和珠江三角洲是我国传统的桑蚕丝主产区.自20世纪末,我国桑蚕养殖业开始了空间转移.图示意我国2000年与2007年桑蚕茧产量(产量大于0.1吨)的省区分布.(1)据图简述我国桑蚕养殖业的发展特点.(2)简述广西桑蚕业迅速发展的优势地理条件.(3)有人建议贵州向广西学习,大力发展桑蚕业.你是否赞成?简述理由.(二)选考题请考生在第14、15、16、17四道地理题中任选一题作答,如果多做,则按所做的第一题计分。
2010年各地高考试题单选汇编 附答案
课题: 动词的时态语态授课日期: 姓名: 班级: 编号:2010年全国各省份高考英语试题单项选择汇编2010·全国卷121. — Have you finished reading Jane Eyre?— N0, I _______ my homework all day yesterday.A. was doingB. would doC. had doneD. do22. The workers_______th e glasses and marked on each box ―This Side UP‖.A. carriedB. deliveredC. pressedD. packed23. I'll spend half of my holiday practicing English and_______half learning drawing.A. anotherB. the otherC. other’sD. other24. As a child, Jack studied in a village school,_______is named after his grandfather.A. whichB. whereC. whatD. that25. Mary made coffee_______her guests were finishing their meal.A. so thatB. althoughC. whileD. as if26. I have seldom seen my mother_______pleased with my progress as she is now.A. soB. veryC. tooD. rather27. Mrs. White showed her students some old maps_______from the library.A. to borrowB. to be borrowedC. borrowedD. borrowing28. When you are home, give a call to let me know you_______safely.A. are arrivingB. have arrivedC. had arrivedD. will arrive29. Just be patient. You_______expect the world to change so soon.A. can’tB. needn’tC. may notD. will not30. The little boy won’t go to sleep_______his mother tells him a story.A. orB. unlessC. butD. whether31. 一Everybody is going to climb the mountain. Can I go too, mum?— _______Wait till you are old enough, dear.A. will you?B. Why not?C. I hope so.D. I’m afraid not.32. The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune_______ .A. is madeB. would makeC. was to be madeD. had made33. We haven’t discussed yet_______ we are going to place our new furniture.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. where34. With Father’s Day around the corner, I have taken some money o ut of the bank_______presents for my dad.A. buyB. to buyC. buyingD. to have bought35. —Was he sorry for what he’d done?—_______ .A. No wonderB. Well doneC. Not reallyD. Go ahead【答案】21-25 ADBAC 26-30 ACBAB 31-35DCDBC2010·安徽卷21.You are a team star! Working with_______is rally your cup of tea.A. both B.either C. others D.the other22.No matter how low you consider yourself, there is always someone _______you wishing they were that high.A. getting rid ofB. getting along withC.1ooking up toD. Looking down upon23.一How did you like Nick’s performance last night?一To be honest, his singing didn’t_______to me much.A.appeal B. belong C.refer D.occur24.一Do you know if Linda is willing to take charge of the program?一_______,does it?A It takes no timeB It counts for nothingC.It doesn’t hurt to ask D.It doesn’t,t make sense25.I have n’t seen Sara since_______she was a girl,and she has changed beyondA. hearingB. strengthC. recognition D.measure26.Bob would have helped us yesterday,but he _______ .A. was busy B.is busy C had been busy D.will be busy27.It was from only a few supplies that she had bought in the village_______the hostess cooked such a nice dinner.A. where B.that C.when D. which28. 一Were you surprised by the ending of the film?一No. I_______the book, so I already knew the story.A. was readingB. had readC. am readingD. have read29.The engineers are so busy that that have zero time for outdoor sports actives, _______they have the interest.A. whereverB. wheneverC. even ifD. as if30. _______, she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile .A. Shy and cautiousB. Sensitive and thoughtfulC. Honest and confidentD. Lighthearted and optimistic31. _______, she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smileA.Shy and cautious B.Sensitive and thoughtfulC.Honest and confident D.Lighthearted and optimistic32.Jack described his father, who a brave boy many years ago,as a strong-willed manA. would beB. would have beenC. must beD. must have been33 Just use this room for the time being, and we’ll offer you a larger one_______it becomes availableA. as soon asB. unlessC. as far asD. until34.一We’ve spent too much money recently.一Well,it isn’t surprising.Our friends and relatives around all the time.A.are coming B.had come C.were coming D.have been coming35.一?———That would be great! Please drop me off at the library.A.Could you bring me the billB.Would you like me to give you a liftC.Could you tell me the postcode for ParisD.Would you like to have my e-mail address【答案】21-25 CCACC 26-30 ABBCD 31-35DDADB2010·福建卷21.It’s _______good feeling for people to admire the shanghai world expo that gives them_______Pliasure.A.不填,aB.a,不填C.the ,aD.nothing22.When you introduce me to Mr,johnson.corld you please say for me ?A.everythingB.anythingC.somethingD.nothing23——volunteering is becoming _______popular in China .——yeah,people are now aware that helping others is helping themselves.A.naturallyB.successfullyC.splendidlyD.increasingly24.Lots of rescue workers were working around the clock , _______ supplies to Yushu,Oinghai province after the earthpuake.A.thatB.whereC.whichD.whose25.Lots of rescue workers were working around the clock, _______ supplies to yushu.Oinghai province after the earthpuake....A.sendingB.to sendC.having sentD.to have sent26.The girl had hardly rung the bell _______ the door was opened suddenly, and her friend rushed out to greet her.A.beforeB.untilC.asD.since27.More and more high——rise buildings have been built in big cities space.A.in search ofB.in place ofC.for lack ofD.for fear of28.Every year a flood of farmers arrive in shenzhen for the money——making jobs they_______Before leaving their hometowns.A.promisedB.were promisedC.have promisedD.have been promised29.Teachers recommend parents their children under 12to ride bicycles to school for safety.A.not allowB.do not allowC.mustn’t allowD.couldn’t allow30.Drunk driving,which was once a occurrence , is now under control.A.generalB.frepuentC.normalD.particular31.——Guess what ,we’ve got our visas for a short —term visit to the UK this summer.——How mice! you a different culture then.A.will be experiencingB.have experiencedC.have been expriencingD.will have experienced32.Drunk driving,which was once a occurrence,is now rnder control.A.generalB.frepuentC.normalD.particular33.——In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well.——I can’t agree more. it’s great to have the two .A.linkedB.relatedC.connectedbined34.In April, thousands of holidaymakers remained abroad duc to the volcanic ash cloud.A.stickingB.stuckC.to be stuckD.to have stuck35.We should respect food and think about the people who don’t have we have here and treat food nicely.A.thatB.whichC.whatD.whether【答案】21.B 22.C 23.D 24.B 25.A 26.A 27.C 28.D 29.A 30.C 31.A. 32.B 33.D 34.B 35.C2010·湖北卷21. This restaurant has become popular for its wide_________ of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.A. divisionB. areaC. rangeD. circle22. After the earthquake, tile first thing the local government did was to provide ____________for the homeless families.A. accommodationB. occupationC. equipmentD. furniture23. In this lecture, I can only give you a purely ___________ view of how we can live life to the full and make somesuggestions about the future.A. privateB. personalC. uniqueD. differe nt24. Mistakes don't just happen; they occur for a reason. Find out the reason, and then making the mistake becomes____________A. favourableB. preciousC. essential 1). Worthwhile25. If I find someone who looks like the suspect, my ____________ reaction will be to tell the police.A. physicalB. immediateC. sensitiveD. sudden26. I wasn't blaming anyone; I ____________ said errors like this could be avoided.A. merelyB. mostlyC. rarelyD. nearly27. Duty is an act or a course of action that people -- you to take by social customs, law or religion.A. persuadeB. requestC. instructD. expect28. Just as the clothes a person wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time, his house ___________his personality. A. resembles B. strengthens C. reflects D. shapes29. Had she ___________ her promise, she would have made it to Yale University.A. looked up toB. lived up toC. kept up withD. come up with30. It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money ___________ favors to them.A. in preference toB. in place ofC. in agreement withD. in exchange for【答案】21.C 22.A 23.B 24.D 25.B 26.A 27.D 28.C 29.B 30.D2010·湖南卷21. Listen! Do you hear someone_______for help?A. callingB. callC. to callD. called22. Father_______goes to the gym with us although he dislikes going there.A. hardlyB. seldomC. sometimesD. never23. You_______buy a gift, but you can if you want to.A. mustB. mustn'tC. have toD. don't have to24. This coastal area_______a national wildlife reserve last year.A. was namedB. namedC. is namedD. names25. John's success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work_______has made him what he is today.A. whyB. whenC. whichD. that26. Dina,_______for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency.A. strugglingB. struggledC. having struggledD. to struggle27. I was just going to cut my rose bushes but someone_______it. Was it you?A. has doneB. had doneC. would doD. will do28. I've become good friends with several of the students in my school _______I met in the English speech contest last year.A. whoB. whereC. whenD. which29. If he_______my advice, he wouldn't have lost his job.A. followedB. should followC. had followedD. would follow30. So far nobody has claimed the money_______in the library.A. discoveredB. to be discoveredC. discoveringD. having discovered31. I walked slowly through the market, where people_______all kinds of fruits and vegetables. I studied the prices carefullyand bought what I needed.A. sellB. were sellingC. had soldD. have sold32. Ti m is in good shape physically_______he doesn't get much exerci se.A. ifB. even thoughC. unlessD. as long as33. Listening to loud music at rock concerts_______caused hearing loss in some teenagers.A. isB. areC. hasD. have34. I'm tired out.. I_______all afternoon and I don't seem to have finished anything.A. shoppedB. have shoppedC. had shoppedD. have been shopping35. Cindy shut the door heavily and burst into tears. No one in the office knew_______she was so angry.A. whereB. whetherC. thatD. why答案:A C D A D C B A C A B B C D D2010·江西卷21. —Do you enjoy your present job?—_______. I just do it for a living.A. Of courseB. Not reallyC. Not likelyD. Not a little22.— Our holiday cost a lot of money.—Did it? Well, that doesn’t matter_______you enjoyed yourselves.A.as long asB.unlessC.as soon asD.though23.I have told you the truth_______I keep repeating it?A.MustB.CanC.MayD.Will24.The lady welled around the shops,_______an eye out for bargains.A.keepB.keptC.keepingD.to keep25.Parents_______much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.A.attachB.payC.linkD.apply26.Smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just_______sweet dreams.A.keep up withB.put up withC.end up withD.catch up with27.Swimming is my favorite sport, There is_______like swimming as a means of keeping fit.A.somethingB.anythingC.nothin gD.everythingputers and mobile phones, playgh they are indeed making our life_______and more _______have reduced the need forface-to-face cotyr unication.A.easily;effienenlB.easy,efficientC.easy;efficientlyD.easily;efficiently29.We give time upace and love we can spare, and_______, dogs gine us tea all.A.in allB.in factC.in shortD.in return30.Mother wanted to be a good provider, a role she_______since her marriage to Father.A.shouldersB.shoulderedC.is shoulderingD.has been shouldering31.The girl arranged to have piano lessons at the training centre with her sister_______she would stay for an hour.A.whereB.whoC.whichD.what32.There were many talented actors out there just waiting_______.A.to discoverB.to be discoveredC.discoveredD.being diseovered33.Not until he left his home_______to know how important the family was for him.A.did he begiaB.ead he beansC.he beganD.he has began34.Nowadays som hod tals refe to patients_______name, not case number.A.ofB.asC.byD.withst year the number of studects who graduated with a driving licence reached 200,000, a(n)_______of 40,000 per year.A.averageB.numberC.amountD.quantity【答案】21.B 27.A 23.A 24.C 25.A 26.C 27.C 28.B 29.D 30.D 31.A 32.B 33.A 34.C 35.A2010·辽宁卷21.—I’ll do the washing-up. Jack, would you please do the floors?—_______.A.Yes, please B.No, I don’t C. Yes, sure D. No, not at al l22.There are over 58, 000 rocky objects in _______ space, about 900 of which could fall down onto _______ earth.A.the; the B. 不填; the C.the; 不填D.a; the23.Jim went to answer the phone. _______, Harry started to prepare lunch.A. HoweverB. Nevertheless sC. BesidesD. Meanwhile24.Joseph ______to evening classes since last month, but he still can’t say ―What’s your name?‖ in Russian.A.has been going B.went C.goes D.has gone25.We were astonished _______ the temple still in its original condition.A.finding B.to find C.find D.to be found26.Doctors say that exercise is important for health, but it _______ be regular exercise.A.can B.will C.must D.may27.We only had $100 and that was _______ to buy a new computer.A.nowhere near enough B.near enough nowhereC.enough near nowhere D.near nowhere enough28.Thousands of people _______ to watch yesterday’s match against Ireland.A.turned on B.turned in C.turned around D.turned out29.The old man asked Lucy to move to another chair _______ he wante d to sit next to his wife.A.although B.unless C.because D.if30.I _______ all the cooking for my family, but recently I’ve been too busy to do it.A.will do B.do C.am doing D.had done31.I agree to his suggestion ______the condition that he drops all char ges.A.byB.inC. onD. to32. The new movie _____to be one of the biggest money-makers of all time .A. promisesB. agrees c. pretends D. declines33.The fact that she was foreign made _____difficult for her to get a job in that countryA so B. much C. that D. it34.—It’s no use having ideas only .—Don’t worry. Peter can show you ________to turn an idea into an act.A. howB. whoC. whatD. where答案:C B D A B C A D C B C A D A2010·北京卷21. _______at my classmates' faces, I read the same excitement in their eyes.A. LookingB. LookC. To lookD. Looked22. In the spoken English of some areas in the US, the "r" sounds at the end of thewords .A. are droppedB. dropC. are being droppedD. have dropped23. ---Good morning. I've got an appointment with Miss Smith in the Personnel Department.--Ah, good morning. You_______be Mrs. Peters.A. mightB. mustC. wouldD. can24. --I'm not finished with my dinner yet.--But our friends_______for us.A. will waitB. waitC. have waitedD. are waiting25. I'm calling to enquire about the position_______in yesterday's China Daily.A. advertisedB. to be advertisedC. advertisingD. having advertised26. --I'm sorry, but I don't quite follow you. Did you say you wanted to return on September 20?--Sorry, I_______myself clear. We want to return on October 20.A. hadn't madeB. wouldn't makeC. don't makeD. haven't made27. Children who are not active or_______diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.A. whatB. whoseC. whichD. that28. It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate what they __ for me.A. had doneB. didC. would doD. were doing29. Would you mind not picking the flowers in the garden? They are everyone's enjoyment.A. inB. atC. forD. to30. they decide which college to go to, students should research the admission procedures.A. AsB. WhileC. UntilD. Once31. I want to be liked and loved for I am inside.A. whoB. whereC. whatD. how32. Part of the reason Charles Dickens loved his own novel, David Copperfield, was__ it was rather closely modeled on his own life.A. whatB. thatC. whyD. whether33. some people regard as a drawback is seen as a plus by many others.A. WhetherB. WhatC. ThatD. How34. --The weather has been very hot and dry.--Yes. If it had rained even a drop, things would be much better now! And my vegetables .A. wouldn't dieB. didn't dieC. hadn't diedD. wouldn't have died35. First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get __ second chance to make __first impression.A. a; theB. the; theC. a; aD. the; a【答案】21-25 AABDA 26-30 DBACD 31-35CBBDC2010·新课标卷21-----Have you finished reading Jane Eyre?-----No, I_________my homework all day yesterday.A . was doingB . would doC . had doneD . do22. the workers _____ the glasses a nd marked on each box ―this side up‖A. carriedB. deliveredC. pressedD. packed23. I’ll spend half of my holiday practicing englsih and ___ half learning drawing.A. anotherB. the otherC. other’sD. other24. as a child, jack studied in a village school, -___ in named after his grandfather.A.which B。
2010年全国各地高考试卷统一命题大纲全国卷Ⅰ课标全国卷Ⅰ大纲全国卷Ⅱ自主命题北京天津重庆上海辽宁江苏浙江安徽福建广东江西山东湖南湖北四川陕西海南大纲全国卷Ⅰ语文全国Ⅰ语文卷-2010年高考试题word 版下载数学全国Ⅰ文数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载全国Ⅰ理数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载综合全国Ⅰ文综卷-2010年高考试题word版下载全国Ⅰ理综卷-2010年高考试题word版下载英语全国Ⅰ英语卷-2010年高考试题word版下载课标全国卷Ⅰ语文课标全国I语文卷-2010年高考试题word版下载数学课标全国I文数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载课标全国I理数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载综合课标全国I文综卷-2010年高考试题word版下载课标全国I理综卷-2010年高考试题word版下载英语课标全国I英语卷-2010年高考试题word版下载大纲全国卷Ⅱ语文全国Ⅱ语文卷-2010年高考试题word 版下载数学全国Ⅱ文数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载全国Ⅱ理数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载综合全国Ⅱ文综卷-2010年高考试题word版下载全国Ⅱ理综卷-2010年高考试题word版下载英语全国Ⅱ英语卷-2010年高考试题word版下载江苏省语文江苏省语文卷-2010年高考试题word版下载数学江苏省数学卷-2010年高考试题word版下载英语江苏省英语卷-2010年高考试题word版下载物理江苏省物理卷-2010年高考试题word版下载历史江苏省历史卷-2010年高考试题word版下载化学江苏省化学卷-2010年高考试题word 版下载生物江苏省生物卷-2010年高考试题word版下载政治江苏省政治卷-2010年高考试题word版下载地理江苏省地理卷-2010年高考试题word版下载安徽省语文安徽省语文卷-2010年高考试题word版下载数学安徽省文数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载安徽省理数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载综合安徽省文综卷-2010年高考试题word版下载安徽省理综卷-2010年高考试题word 版下载英语安徽省英语卷-2010年高考试题word版下载浙江省语文浙江省语文卷-2010年高考试题word版下载数学浙江省文数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载浙江省理数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载综合浙江省文综卷-2010年版下载英语浙江省英语卷-2010年高考试题word版下载自选模块浙江省自选模块卷-2010年高考试题word版下载重庆市语文重庆市语文卷-2010年高考试题word版下载数学重庆市文数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载重庆市理数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载综合重庆市文综卷-2010年高考试题word版下载重庆市理综卷-2010年高考试题word 版下载英语重庆市英语卷-2010年高考试题word版下载四川省语文四川省语文卷-2010年高考试题word版下载数学四川省文数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载四川省理数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载综合四川省文综卷-2010年高考试题word版下载四川省理综卷-2010年高考试题word 版下载英语四川省英语卷-2010年高考试题word版下载山东省语文山东省语文卷-2010年高考试题word版下载数学山东省文数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载山东省理数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载综合山东省文综卷-2010年高考试题word版下载山东省理综卷-2010年高考试题word 版下载英语山东省英语卷-2010年高考试题word版下载基本能力山东省基本能力卷-2010年高考试题word版下载广东省语文广东省语文卷-2010年高考试题word版下载数学广东省文数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载广东省理数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载综合广东省文综卷-2010年版下载英语广东省英语卷-2010年高考试题word版下载北京市语文北京市语文卷-2010年高考试题word版下载数学北京市文数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载北京市理数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载综合北京市文综卷-2010年高考试题word版下载北京市理综卷-2010年高考试题word 版下载英语北京市英语卷-2010年高考试题word版下载天津市语文天津市语文卷-2010年高考试题word版下载数学天津市文数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载天津市理数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载综合天津市文综卷-2010年高考试题word版下载天津市理综卷-2010年高考试题word 版下载英语天津市英语卷-2010年高考试题word版下载湖南省语文湖南省语文卷-2010年高考试题word版下载数学湖南省文数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载湖南省理数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载综合湖南省文综卷-2010年高考试题word版下载湖南省理综卷-2010年高考试题word 版下载英语湖南省英语卷-2010年高考试题word版下载湖北省语文湖北省语文卷-2010年高考试题word版下载数学湖北省文数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载湖北省理数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载综合湖北省文综卷-2010年高考试题word版下载湖北省理综卷-2010年高考试题word 版下载英语湖北省英语卷-2010年高考试题word版下载福建省语文福建省语文卷-2010年高考试题word版下载数学福建省文数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载福建省理数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载综合福建省文综卷-2010年高考试题word版下载福建省理综卷-2010年高考试题word版下载英语福建省英语卷-2010年高考试题word版下载陕西省语文陕西省语文卷-2010年高考试题word版下载数学陕西省文数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载陕西省理数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载综合陕西省文综卷-2010年高考试题word版下载陕西省理综卷-2010年高考试题word 版下载英语陕西省英语卷-2010年高考试题word版下载辽宁省语文辽宁省语文卷-2010年高考试题word版下载数学辽宁省文数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载辽宁省理数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载综合辽宁省文综卷-2010年高考试题word版下载辽宁省理综卷-2010年高考试题word 版下载英语辽宁省英语卷-2010年高考试题word版下载江西省语文江西省语文卷-2010年高考试题word版下载数学江西省文数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载江西省理数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载综合江西省文综卷-2010年高考试题word版下载江西省理综卷-2010年高考试题word 版下载英语江西省英语卷-2010年高考试题word版下载上海市语文上海市语文卷-2010年高考试题word版下载数学上海市文数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载上海市理数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载综合能力上海市文综卷-2010年高考试题word版下载上海市理综卷-2010年高考试题word版下载英语上海市英语卷-2010年高考试题word版下载物理上海市物理卷-2010年高考试题word版下载化学上海市化学卷-2010年高考试题word版下载生物上海市生物卷-2010年高考试题word版下载地理上海市地理卷-2010年高考试题word版下载政治上海市政治卷-2010年高考试题word 版下载历史上海市历史卷-2010年高考试题word版下载海南省语文海南省语文卷-2010年高考试题word版下载数学海南省文数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载海南省理数卷-2010年高考试题word版下载物理海南省物理卷-2010年高考试题word版下载英语海南省英语卷-2010年高考试题word版下载政治海南省政治卷-2010年高考试题word版下载历史海南省历史卷-2010年高考试题word版下载地理海南省地理卷-2010年高考试题word版下载生物海南省生物卷-2010年高考试题word版下载化学海南省化学卷-2010年高考试题word版下载。
2010年全国各省份高考英语试题单项选择分类汇编(二)六、时态、语态1.(全国I 21)-----Have you finished reading Jane Eyre?-----No, I_________ my homework all day yesterday.A. was doingB. would doC. had doneD. do2. ( 全国I 28). When you are home, give a call to let me know you_________safely.A. are arrivingB. have arrivedC. had arrivedD. will arrive3. (全国I 32).The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune _______.A. is madeB. would makeC. was to be madeD. had made4.(全国II 15). Linda ,make sure the tables ______ before the guests arrive.A. be setB. setC. are setD. are setting5.(全国II 19) Excuse me. I I was blocking you r way.A. didn’t realizeB. don’t realizeC. haven’t realizedD. wasn’t realizing6. (安徽卷26)Bob would have helped us yesterday ,but he ______.A. was busyB. is busyC. had been busyD. will be busy7.(安徽卷28) ----Can you surprised by the ending of the film?----NO, I____ the book, so I already knew the storyA. was readingB. had readC. am readingD. have read8.(安徽卷34)----We’ve spent too much money recently.----Well, it isn’t surprising. Our friends and relatives______ around a ll the timeA. are comingB. had comeC. were comingD. have been coming9.(北京卷22) In the spoken English of some areas in the US, the "r" sounds at the end of the words ______.A. are droppedB. dropC. are being droppedD. have dropped10.(北京卷24) ----I'm not finished with my dinner yet.----But our friends ______ for us.A. will waitB. waitC. have waitedD. are waiting11.(北京卷26) ----I'm sorry, but I don't quite follow you. Did you say you wanted to return on September 20?----Sorry, I ______ myself clear. We want to return on October 20.A. hadn't madeB. wouldn't makeC. don't makeD. haven't made12.(北京卷28) It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate what they ______ for me.A. had doneB. didC. would doD. were doing13.(福建卷28)Every year a flood of farmers arrive in Shenzhen for the money-making jobs they ______ before leaving their hometowns.A. promisedB. were promisedC. have promisedD. have been promised14.(福建卷31) ---Guess what ,we’ve got our visas for a short-term visit to the UK this summer.----How mice! you ______ a different culture then.A. will be experiencingB. have experiencedC. have been experiencingD. will have experienced15.(湖南卷24) This coastal area ___________a national wildlife reserve last year.A. was namedB. namedC. is namedD. names16.(湖南卷27) I was just going to cut my rose bushes but someone____________ it. Was it you?A. has doneB. would doneC. would do D will do17.( 湖南卷31). I walked slowly through the market, Where people_________ all kinds of fruits and vegetables. I studied the prices carefully and bought what I needed.A. SellB. were sellingC. had soldD. have sold18.( 湖南卷34). I’m tired out. I __________all afternoon and I don’t seem to have finished anything.A. shoppedB. have shoppedC. had shoppedD. have shopped19.(江苏卷23).—why, Jack, you look so tired!---Well, I _____the house and I must finish the work tomorrow.A. was paintingB. will be paintingC. have paintedD. have been painting20.(江苏卷30) ----Peter, where did you guys go for the summer vacation? ----We________ busy with our work for months, so we went to the beach to relax ourselves.A. wereB. have beenC. had beenD. will be21.(江西卷 30). Mother wanted to be a good provider, a role she ______ since her marriage to Father.A. shouldersB. shoulderedC. is shoulderingD. has been shouldering22.(辽宁卷24) Joseph ______to evening classes since last month, but he still can’t say “What’s your name?” in Russian.A. has been goingB. wentC. goesD. has gone23.(辽宁卷30)I _______ all the cooking for my family, but recently I’ve been too busy to do it.A. will doB. doC. am doingD. had done24.(山东卷30) Up to now, the program ______thousands of children who would otherwise have died.A. would saveB. savesC. had savedD. has saved25.(陕西卷15) If we ______ the other road, we might have arrived here in time for the meeting.A. takeB. had takenC. tookD. have taken26.(陕西卷21) I have to see the doctor because I ______ a lot lately.A. have been coughingB. had coughedC. coughedD. cough27.(陕西卷24) It is reported that many a new house ______ at present in the disaster area.A. are being builtB. were being builtC. was being builtD. is being built28.(四川卷16)一When shall we restart our business?一Not until we ______ our plan.A. will finishB. are finishingC. are to finishD. have finished29.(四川卷18)You’ve failed to do what you ______ to and I’m afraid the teacher will blame you.A. will expectB. will be expectedC. expectedD. wereexpected30.(天津卷4)We _______ on this project for four hours. Let’s have a rest.A. are workingB. have been workingC. workedD. had worked31.(天津卷10) Traditional folk arts of Tianjin like paper cutting _______ at the culture show of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.A. are exhibitingB. is exhibitingC. are being exhibitedD. is being exhibited32.(重庆卷24) The book has been translated into thirty languages since it ______ on the market in 1973.A. had comeB. has comeC. cameD. comes33. (重庆卷29. The palace caught fires three times in the last century, and little of the original building ______ now.A. remainsB. is remainedC. is remainingD. has been remained34.(重庆卷31)----Why do you want to work for our company?----his is the job that I ______ for.A. lookedB. am to lookC. had lookedD. have been looking35.(浙江卷5) ff you plant watermelon seeds in the spring, you _____ fresh watermelon in the fall.A. eatB. would eatC. have eatenD. will be eating36.(浙江卷15) For many years, people ______ electric ears. However, making them has been more difficult than predicted.A. had dreamed ofB. have dreamed ofC. dreamed ofD. dream of37.(上海卷28) Every few years, the coal workers. ______ their lungs X-rayed to ensure their health.A. are havingB. haveC. have hadD. had had38.(上海卷31) The church tower which ______ will be open to tourists soon. The work is almost finished.A. has restoredB. has been restoredC. is restoringD. is being restoredABCCA ABDAD DADAA BBDDC DABDB ADDDB CCADD BBD七、动词与动词短语1.(全国I 22)the workers _____ the glasses and marked on each box “this side up”A. carriedB. deliveredC. pressedD. packed2.( 全国II 8). My mother opened the drawer to _________ the knives and spoons.A. put awayB. put upC. put onD. put together3.(安徽卷 22).No matter how low you consider yourself ,there is always someone _________you wishing they were that high.A. getting rid ofB. getting along withC. looking up toD. looking down upon4.(安徽卷 23)——How did you like Nick’s performance last night ?——To be honest ,his singing didn’t ________to be much?A. appealB. belongC. referD. occur5.(福建卷30)We’ve just moved into a bigger house and there’s a lot to do. Let’s ____ it.A. keep up withB. do away withC. get down toD. look forward to6.(福建卷33)——In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well.——I can’t agree more. It’s great to have the two ______.A. linkedB. relatedC. connectedD. combined7.(湖北卷27) Duty is an act or a course of action that people ______ you to take by social customs, law or religion.A. persuadeB. requestC. instructD. expect8. (湖北卷28) Just as the clothes a person wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time, his house ______ his personality.A. resemblesB. strengthensC. reflectsD. shapes9. (湖北卷29)Had she_________ her promise, she would have made it to Yale University.A. looked up toB. lived up toC. kept up withD. come up with10.(江苏卷24) Thousands of foreigners were______ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.A. attendedB. attainedC. attractedD. attached11.(江苏卷26) The experiment has_________ the possibility of the existence of any life on that planet, but it does not mean there is no life on other planets.A. found outB. pointed outC. ruled outD. carried out12.(江西卷26) Smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just ______ sweet dreams.A. keep up withB. put up withC. end up withD. catch up with13.(江西卷25) Parents ______ much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.A. attachB. payC. linkD. apply14.(辽宁卷32) The new movie _____to be one of the biggest money-makers of all time.A. promisesB. agreesC. pretendsD. declines15.(辽宁卷28) Thousands of people _______ to watch yesterday’s match against Ireland.A. turned onB. turned inC. turned aroundD. turned out16.(山东卷27) Sam ______ some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it.A. brought upB. looked upC. picked upD. set up17.(山东卷31) Your house is always so neat—how do you ______ it with three children?A. manageB. serveC. adaptD. construct18.(陕西卷14) You look well. The air and the sea foods in Sanya must ____ you, I suppose.A. agree withB. agree toC. agree onD. agree about19.(四川卷8) Jenny was looking for a seat when,luckily,a man ______ and left.A. took upB. got upC. shut upD. set up20.(四川卷6) Some people eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what ______ nice.A. looksB. smellsC. feelsD. tastes21.(天津卷1) He telephoned the travel agency to _______ three air ticketsto London.A. orderB. arrangeC. takeD. book22.(天津卷11) Joining the firm as a clerk, he got rapid promotion, and _______ as a manager.A. ended upB. dropped outC. came backD. started off 23.(浙江卷12) After that, he knew he could ______ any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.A. get away withB. get on withC. get throughD. get across24.(浙江卷4) The majority of people in the town strongly ______ the plan to build a playground for children.A. considerB. supportC. confirmD. submitDACAC DDCBC CCAAD CAABA DACB八、情态动词与虚拟语气1.(全国I 29) Just be patient .You ________ except the world to change so soon.A. can’tB. needn’tC. may notD. will not2.(全国II 17)I’m afraid Mr.Harding ____ see you now . he’s busy.A. can’tB. mustn’tC. shouldn’tD. needn’t3.(安徽卷32) Jack descried his father, who _____a brave boy many years ago, as a strong-willed manA. would beB. would have beenC. must beD. must have been4.(北京卷23)---Good morning. I've got an appointment with Miss Smith in the Personnel Department.---Ah, good morning. You ______ be Mrs. Peters.A. mightB. mustC. wouldD. can5.(北京卷34) ----The weather has been very hot and dry.----Yes. If it had rained even a drop, things would be much better now! And my vegetables ______.A. wouldn't dieB. didn't dieC. hadn't diedD. wouldn't have died6.(福建卷29)Teachers recommend parents ______ their children under 12to ride bicycles to school for safety.A. not allowB. do not allowC. mustn’t allowD. couldn’t allow7.(湖南卷29)If he __________my advice, he wouldn’t have lost his jo b.A. followedB. should followC. had followedD. would follow8.(湖南卷23) You_________ buy a gift , but you can if you want to.A. mustB. mustn’tC. have toD. don’t have to9.(江苏卷25) ---I haven’t got the reference book yet, but I’ll have a test on the subject next month.---Don’t worry. You______ have it by Friday.A. couldB. shallC. mustD. may10.(江苏卷34) George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but I’d rather he_______ more on its culture.A. focusB. focusedC. would focusD. had focused11.(江西卷23). I have told you the truth _____ I keep repeating it?A. MustB. CanC. MayD. Will12.(辽宁卷26). Doctors say that exercise is important for health, but it _______ be regular exercise.A. canB. willC. mustD. may13.(山东卷25) I_______ have watched that movie —it’ll give me horrible dreams.A. shouldn’tB. needn’tC. couldn’tD. m ustn’t 14.(陕西卷23). ----May I take this book out of the reading room?----No, you . You read it inhere.A. mightn’tB. won’tC. need’tD. mustn’t15. (四川卷3). ----______ I take the book out?----I'm afraid not.A. WillB. MayC. MustD. Need16(天津卷9) Mark _______ have hurried. After driving at top speed, he arrived half an hour early.A. needn’tB. wouldn’tC. mustn’tD. couldn’t17.(天津卷15). ---- John went to the hospital alone.---- If he _______ me about it, I would have gone with him.A. should tellB. tellsC. toldD. had told18.(重庆卷21).You ______ park here! It’s an emergency exit.A. wouldn’tB. needn’tC. couldn’tD. mustn’t19.(浙江卷17). "You _____ have a wrong number," she said. "There's no one of that name here."A. needB. canC. mustD. would20. (浙江卷10) Had I known about this computer program, a huge amount of time and energy _____.A. would have been savedB. had been savedC. will be savedD. was saved21.( 上海卷29). -- Sorry, Professor Smith. I didn't finish the assignment yesterday.-- Oh, you ____ have done it as yesterday was the deadline.A. mustB. mustn'tC. shouldD. shouldn'tAADBD ACDBB ACADB ADDCA C九、非谓语动词1.(全国I 27). Mrs. White showed her student some old maps _________from the library.A. to borrowB. to be borrowedC. borrowedD. borrowing2.(全国I 34).With Father’s Day around the corner, I have taken some money out of the bank______ presentsfor my dad.A. buyB. to buyC. buyingD. to have bought3.(全国卷II 11).Though ______ to see us,the professor gave us a warm welcome。
2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试江西卷答案及解析第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)从ABCD四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
21 — Do you enjoy your present job?— _______. I just do it for a living.A Of courseB Not reallyC Not likelyD Not a little答案:B考点:考察情景交际解析:of course 当然not really 委婉说不not likely 不可能not a little 非常前句问你喜欢现在的工作吗?从后一句答语我们知道, 他仅仅是为了谋生。
所以前一句答语应该是否定的, 而且答语口气并不强烈, 所以要用委婉的语气, 答案:B22 — Our holiday cost a lot of money.—Did it? Well, that doesn’t matter______ you enjoyed y ourselves.A as long asB unlessC as soon asD though答案:A考点:考察连词和具有连词作用的词组解析:as long as只要unless 除非否则as soon as 一就though虽然, 后一句为只要你玩的开心, 花多少钱就不重要。
23 I have told you the truth. ______ I keep repeating it?A MustB CanC MayD Will答案:A考点:考察情态动词的用法。
解析:must 必须, 一定can 可以, 能够may 也许will 意愿, 倾向性动作, 前半句说我告诉你事实了, 这里用的是现在完成时, 表示过去的动作对现在造成了影响, 既然我已经说了, 我还必须重复一遍吗?24 The lady walked around the shops, _______ an eye out for bargains.A keepB keptC keepingD to keep答案:C考点:考察非谓语。
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2010年全国19套高考卷单项填空语法和词汇知识分类汇编(题)第一部分词法一. 动词1. 时态和语态()1. —Have you finished r eading Jane Eyre?(2010全国1)—No, I _____ m y homewor k all day yesterday.A. was doingB. would doC. had doneD. do2. When you are home, give a c all to let me know you _____ safely.(2010全国1)A. ar e arrivingB. have arrivedC. had arrivedD. will arrive3. The disc overy of gold in Austr alia led thousands to believe that a fortune _____.(2010全国1)A. is madeB. would makeC. was to be madeD. had made4. Barbar a is easy to r ecognize as she’s the only of the women who _____ evening dr ess.(2010全国2)A. wearB. wear sC. has wornD. have worn5. Linda, make sur e the tables _____ before the guests arrive.(2010全国2)A. be setB. setC. ar e setD. ar e setting6. E xc use me. I _____ I was blocking your way.(2010全国2)A. didn’t r ealizeB. don’t r ealizeC. haven’t realizedD. wasn’t r ealizing7. Bob would have helped us yester day, but he _____.(2010安徽卷)A. was busyB. is busyC. had been busyD. will be busy8. —Wer e you sur prised by the ending of the film?(2010安徽卷)—No. I _____ the book, so I alr eady knew the story.A. was r eadingB. had r eadC. am r eadingD. have r ead9. —We’ve spent too m uc h money r ec ently.(2010安徽卷)—Well, it isn’t surprising. Our friends and r elatives_____ around all the time.A. ar e c om ingB. had c omeC. were c om ingD. have been c oming10. Every year a flood of far mers arrive in Shenzhen for the money-making jobs they _____ befor e leaving their hometowns.(2010福建卷)A. promisedB. were pr omisedC. have pr om isedD. have been promised11. —Guess what, we’ve got our visas for a short-ter m visit to the UK this summer.(2010福建卷)—How m ic e! You _____ a differ ent c ultur e then.A. will be experiencingB. have experiencedC. have been experiencingD. will have experienc ed12. This c oastal ar ea_____ a national wildlife r eserve last year.(2010湖南卷)A. was namedB. namedC. is namedD. names13. I was just going to c ut my r ose bushes but someone _____ it. Was it you?(2010湖南卷)A. has doneB. had doneC. would doD. will do14. If he _____ m y advic e, he wouldn't have lost his job.(2010湖南卷)A. followedB. should followC. had followedD. would follow15. I walked slowly through the mar ket, wher e people_____ all kinds of fr uits and vegetables. I studied the pric es c ar efullyand bought what I needed.(2010湖南卷)A. sellB. wer e sellingC. had soldD. have sold16. Listening to loud music at r ock c onc erts _____ caused hearing loss in some teenagers.(2010湖南卷)A. isB. ar eC. hasD. have17. I'm tir ed out. I _____ all after noon and I don't seem to have finished anything.(2010湖南卷)A. shoppedB. have shoppedC. had shoppedD. have been shopping18. Mother wanted to be a good pr ovider, a role she _____ since her marriage to Father.(2010江西卷)A. shoulder sB. shoulder edC. is shoulderingD. has been shouldering19. Up to now, the pr ogram _____ thousands of childr en who would otherwise have died.(2010山东卷)A. would saveB. savesC. had savedD. has saved20. —When shall we r estart our business?(2010四川卷)—Not until we _____ our plan.A. will finishB. ar e finishingC. ar e to finishD. have finished21. You’ve failed to do what you _____ to and I’m afr aid the teac her will blame you.(2010四川卷)A. will expectB. will be expectedC. expectedD. were expected22. The book has been tr anslated into thirty languages sinc e it _____ on the mar ket in 1973.(2010重庆卷)A. had c omeB. has c omeC. c ameD. c omes23. The palac e c aught fires thr ee times in the last c entury, and little of the original building _____ now.(2010重庆卷)A. r emainsB. is r emainedC. is r emainingD. has been r emained24. —Why do you want to work for our c ompany?(2010重庆卷)—This is the job that I _____ for.A. lookedB. am to lookC. had lookedD. have been looking25. If you plant water melon seeds in the spring, you _____ fresh water melon in the fall.(2010浙江卷)A. eatB. would eatC. have eatenD. will be eating26. —Why, Jack, you look so tired!(2010江苏卷)—Well, I _____ the house and I must finish the wor k tomorr ow.A. was paintingB. will be paintingC. have paintedD. have been painting27. —Peter, wher e did you guys go for the summer vac ation?(2010江苏卷)—We _____ busy with our work for months, so we went to the beach to r elax our selves.A. wer eB. have beenC. had beenD. will be28. Geor ge is going to talk about the geogr aphy of his c ountry, but I’d r ather he _____ mor e on its cultur e.(2010江苏卷)A. foc usB. foc usedC. would foc usD. had foc used29. I have to see the doctor bec ause I _____ a lot lately.(2010陕西卷)A. have been c oughingB. had c oughedC. c oughedD. c ough30. It is r eported that many a new house _____ at pr esent in the disater ar ea.(2010陕西卷)A. ar e being builtB. wer e being builtC. was being builtD. is being built31. We _____ on this pr oject for four hours. Le t’s have a r est.(2010天津卷)A. ar e wor kingB. have been wor kingC. wor kedD. had worked32. Tr aditional folk arts of Tianjin like paper c utting _____ at the cultur e show of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.(2010天津卷)A. ar e exhibitingB. is exhibitingC. ar e being exhibitedD. is being exhibited33. In the spoken E nglish of some ar eas in the US, the "r" sounds at the end of the words _____.(2010北京卷)A. ar e dr oppedB. dropC. ar e being dr oppedD. have dropped34. —I'm not finished with m y dinner yet.(2010北京卷)—But our friends _____ for us.A. will waitB. waitC. have waitedD. ar e waiting35. —I'm sorry, but I don't quite follow you. Did you say you wanted to retur n on September 20?(2010北京卷)—Sorry, I _____ m yself clear. We want to retur n on October 20.A. hadn't madeB. wouldn't makeC. don't makeD. haven't made36. It took me a long time before I was able to fully appr eciate what they _____ for me.(2010北京卷)A. had doneB. didC. would doD. wer e doing37. Every few year s, the c oal wor ker s _____ their lungs X-r ayed to ensure their health.(2010上海卷)A. ar e havingB. haveC. have hadD. had had38. The c hurch tower which _____ will be open to tourists soon. The wor k is almost finished.(2010上海卷)A. has r estor edB. has been r estoredC. is r estoringD. is being r estor ed39. We _____ on our proj ect day and night in the past two weeks.(2010上海春)A. had wor kedB. have workedC. will be wor kingD. ar e working40. The employees _____ that they should r enew their c ontr acts within a week.(2010上海春)A. adviseB. have advisedC. ar e advisedD. had been advised41. Joseph _____ to evening classes sinc e last month, but he still c an’t say “What’s your name?” in Russian.(2010辽宁卷)A. has been goingB. wentC. goesD. has gone42. I _____ all the c ooking for m y family, but r ecently I’ve been too busy to do it.(2010辽宁卷)A. will doB. doC. am doingD. had done主谓一致1. Suc h poets as Shakespear e _____ widely r ead, of whose works, however, some _____ diffic ult to understand.(2010四川卷)A. ar e; areB. is; isC. ar e; isD. is; ar e2. —Is everyone here?(2010江苏卷)—Not yet. Look, ther e _____ the r est of our guests!A. c omeB. c omesC. is c om ingD. ar e c oming3. Barbar a is easy to r ecognize as she’s the only one of the women who _____ evening dress.(2010全国2)A. wearB. wear sC. has wornD. have worn4. Listening to loud music at r oc k c oncerts _____ caused hearing loss in some teenager s.(2010湖南卷)A. isB. ar eC. hasD. have倒装(1)12. N ot until he left his home _____ to know how important the fam ily was for him.(2010江西卷)A. did he beginB. had he begunC. he beganD. he has begun13. N ever _____ Lisa would arrive but she turned up at the last m inute.(2010上海春)A. did we thinkB. have we thoughtC. we thoughtD. we have thought倒装(2)17. John opened the door. Ther e _____ he had never seen befor e.(2010陕西卷)A. a girl did standB. a girl stoodC. did a girl standD. stood a girl9. We laugh at jokes, but seldom _____ about how they work.(2010四川卷)A. we thinkB. think weC. we do thinkD. do we think33. At the meeting plac e of the Yangtze River and Jialing River _____, one of the largest cities in China.(2010重庆卷)A. lies ChongqingB. Chongqing liesC. does lie ChongqingD. does Chongqing lie2. 非谓语动词(35)1. Mr s. White showed her students some old maps _____ from the libr ary.(2010全国1)A. to borr owB. to be borrowedC. borr owedD. borr owing2. With Father’s Day ar ound the c or ner, I have taken some money out of the bank _____ presents for m y dad.(2010全国1)A. buyB. to buyC. buyingD. to have bought3. Though _____ to see us, the pr ofessor gave us a war m welcome.(2010全国2)A. sur prisingB. was sur prisedC. sur prisedD. being sur prised4. He had a wonderful childhood, _____ with his mother to all c orner s of the word.(2010安徽卷)A. tr avelB. to tr avelC. tr aveledD. tr aveling5. Lots of r escue worker s were wor king ar ound the cloc k, _____ supplies to Yushu, Qinghai Pr ovince after the earthquake. (2010福建卷)A. sendingB. to sendC. having sentD. to have sent6. In April, thousands of holidaymaker s remained _____ abr oad due to the volc anic ash cloud.(2010福建卷)A. stic kingB. stuc kC. to be stuc kD. to have stuc k7. Listen! Do you hear someone _____ for help?(2010湖南卷)A. c allingB. c allC. to callD. c alled8. Dina, _____ for months to find a j ob as a waitr ess, finally took a position at a loc al advertising agency.(2010湖南卷)A. strugglingB. struggledC. having str uggledD. to struggle9. So far nobody has claimed the money _____ in the libr ary.(2010湖南卷)A. disc over edB. to be disc over edC. disc overingD. having discovered10. The lady welled ar ound the shops, _____ an eye out for bargains.(2010江西卷)A. keepB. keptC. keepingD. to keep11. There wer e many talented actors out there just waiting _____.(2010江西卷)A. to disc overB. to be discoveredC. discoveredD. being disc over ed12. I have a lot of r eadings _____ befor e the end of this ter m.(2010山东卷)A. c ompletingB. to c ompleteC. c ompletedD. being completed13. The living r oom is clean and tidy, with a dining table alr eady _____ for a meal to be c ooked.(2010山东卷)A. laidB. layingC. to layD. being laid14. A great number of students _____ said they wer e forc ed to practise the piano.(2010四川卷)A. to questionB. to be questionedC. questionedD. questioning15. In many people’s opinion, that c ompany, though relatively small, is pleasant _____.(2010四川卷)A. to deal withB. dealing withC. to be dealt withD. dealt with16. The lawyer listened with full attention, _____ to miss any point.(2010四川卷)A. not tryingB. trying notC. to try notD. not to try17. If you have a j ob, _____ yourself to it and fin ally you’ll succeed.(2010四川卷)A. do devoteB. don't devoteC. devotingD. not devoting18. The news shoc ked the public, _____ to gr eat c onc ern about students’ safety at sc hool.(2010重庆卷)A. having ledB. ledC. leadingD. to lead19. Many buildings in the city need r epairing, but the one _____ first is the libr ary.(2010重庆卷)A. r epair edB. being r epair edC. r epairingD. to be repaired20. The experiment shows that pr oper amounts of exerc ise, if _____ regularly, c an improve our health.(2010浙江卷)A. being c arried outB. c arrying outC. c arried outD. to carry out21. The tr affic r ule says young childr en under the age of four and _____ less than 40 pounds must be in a child safety seat.(2010浙江卷)A. being weighedB. to weighC. weighedD. weighing22. The r etir ed man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake in Yushu, _____ the students toretur n to their classrooms.(2010江苏卷)A. enablingB. having enabledC. to enableD. to have enabled23. _____ from the top of the tower, the south foot of the mountain is a sea of tr ees.(2010陕西卷)A. SeenB. SeeingC. Have seenD. To see24. His first book _____ next month is based on a tr ue story.(2010陕西卷)A. publishedB. to be publishedC. to publishD. being published25. _____ at my classmates' fac es, I r ead the same excitement in their eyes.(2010北京卷)A. LookingB. LookC. To lookD. Looked26. I'm c alling to enquir e about the position _____ in yester day's China Daily.(2010北京卷)A. advertisedB. to be advertisedC. advertisingD. having advertised27. I had gr eat difficulty _____ the suitable food on the menu in that r estaur ant.(2010上海卷)A. findB. foundC. to findD. finding28. Lucy has a gr eat sense of humour and always keeps her c olleagues _____ with her stories.(2010上海卷)A. amusedB. am usingC. to amuseD. to be amused29. _____ the city c entr e, we saw a stone statue of about 10 metr es in height.(2010上海卷)A. Approac hingB. Appr oachedC. To approac hD. To be appr oac hed30. That is the only way we can imagine _____ the overuse of water in students' bathr ooms. (2010上海卷)A. r educingB. to r educ eC. r educ edD. r educ e31. _____ well in an interview will be an important part of getting a plac e at univer sity.(2010上海春)A. DoB. DoingC. DoneD. Being done32. _____ by the gr owing inter est in nature, mor e and mor e people enj oy outdoor sports.(2010上海春)A. InfluencedB. InfluencingC. Having influenc edD. To be influenc ed33. _____ as an Olympic event, a sport must be played in at least 75 countries on at least 4 c ontinents.(2010上海春)A. To acc eptB. Having acceptedC. To be acc eptedD. Accepting34. The r eport indic ated that 45% of students wer e in jobs not _____ specific qualifications.(2010上海春)A. r equiringB. to be r equir edC. being r equir edD. to have r equired35. It r ained heavily in the south, _____ serious flooding in sever al pr ovinces.(2010天津卷)A. c ausedB. having c ausedC. c ausingD. to cause36. We wer e astonished _____ the temple still in its original c ondition.(2010辽宁卷)A. findingB. to findC. findD. to be found37. Alexander tried to get his work _____ in the medic al circles.(2010辽宁卷)A. to r ec ognizeB. rec ognizingC. r ecognizeD. r ec ognized3. 情态动词(17)1. Just be patient. You _____ expect the world to c hange so soon.(2010全国1)A. c a n’tB. needn’tC. may notD. will not2. I’m afr aid Mr. Har ding _____ see you now. He’s busy.(2010全国2)A. c an’tB. mustn’tC. shouldn’tD. needn’t3. Jac k described his father, who_____ a br ave boy many year s ago, as a str ong-willed man.(2010安徽卷)A. would beB. would have beenC. must beD. must have been4. Teac hers r ecommend parents _____ their c hildr en under 12 to ride bicycles to sc hool for safety.(2010福建卷)A. not allowB. do not allowC. mustn’t allowD. couldn’t allow5. You _____ buy a gift, but you c an if you want to.(2010湖南卷)A. mustB. mustn'tC. have toD. don't have to6. I have told you the tr uth. _____ I keep repeating it?(2010江西卷)A. MustB. CanC. MayD. Will7. I _____ have watched that movie—it’ll give me horrible dr eams.(2010山东卷)A. shouldn’tB. needn’tC. c ouldn’tD. mustn’t8. "You _____ have a wrong number," she said. "Ther e's no one of that name here."(2010浙江卷)A. needB. canC. mustD. would9. —I haven’t got the refer enc e book yet, but I’ll have a test on the subj ect next month.(2010江苏卷)—Don’t worry. You _____ have it by Friday.A. c ouldB. shallC. mustD. may10. —May I take this book out of the r eading room?(2010陕西卷)—No, you _____. You r ead it in her e.A. mightn’tB. won’tC. need n’tD. mustn’t11. Mark _____ have hurried. After driving at top speed, he arrived half an hour early.(2010天津卷)A. needn’tB. wouldn’tC. mustn’tD. c ouldn’t12. —_____ I take the book out?(2010四川卷)—I'm afr aid not.A. WillB. MayC. MustD. Need13. You _____ par k her e! It’s an emer gency exit.(2010重庆卷)A. wouldn’tB. needn’tC. c ouldn’tD. mustn’t14. —Good mor ning. I've got an appointment with Miss Smith in the Per sonnel Department.(2010北京卷)—Ah, good morning. You _____ be Mr s. Peters.A. mightB. mustC. wouldD. c an15. —Sorry, Professor Sm ith. I didn't finish the assignment yester day.(2010上海卷)—Oh, you _____ have done it as yester day was the deadline.A. mustB. mustn'tC. shouldD. shouldn't16. It is important to know about the cultur al diffe r enc es that _____ cause pr oblems.(2010上海春)A. mustB. dar eC. needD. may17. Doctor s say that exercise is important for health, but it _____ be r egular exercise.(2010辽宁卷)A. c anB. willC. mustD. may4. 虚拟语气()1. If he _____ my advic e, he wouldn't have lost his j ob.(2010湖南卷)A. followedB. should followC. had followedD. would follow2. Had I known about this c omputer progr am, a huge amount of time and ener gy _____.(2010浙江卷)A. would have been savedB. had been savedC. will be savedD. was saved3. —The weather has been very hot and dry.(2010北京卷)—Yes. If it had r ained even a dr op, things would be muc h better now! And my vegetables _____.A. wouldn't dieB. didn't dieC. hadn't diedD. wouldn't have died4. If we _____ the other r oad, we might have arrived her e in time for the meeting.(2010陕西卷)A. takeB. had takenC. tookD. have taken5. —John went to the hospital alone.(2010天津卷)—If he _____ me about it, I would have gone with him.A. should tellB. tellsC. toldD. had told5. 动词词义()22. The wor kers _____ the glasses and mar ked on eac h box “This Side UP”.(2010全国1)A. c arriedB. deliver edC. pr essedD. pac ked8. My mother opened the dr awer to _____ the knives and spoons.(2010全国2)A. put awayB. put upC. put onD. put together14. You look well. The air and the sea foods in Sanya must _____ you, I suppose.(2010陕西卷)A. agr ee withB. agree toC. agree onD. agr ee about22. N o matter how low you c onsider yourself, ther e is always someone _____ you wishing they wer e that high.(2010安徽卷)A. getting rid ofB. getting along withC. looking up toD. looking down upon23. —How did you like Nick’s perfor manc e last night?(2010安徽卷)—To be honest, his singing didn’t _____ to me muc h.A. appealB. belongC. r eferD. occ ur1. He telephoned the travel agency to _____ three air tic kets to London.(2010天津卷)A. orderB. arr angeC. takeD. book11. Joining the fir m as a cler k, he got r apid p r omotion, and _____ as a manager.(2010天津卷)A. ended upB. dr opped outC. c ame bac kD. started off25. Par ents _____ much importanc e to education. They will do their best to give their c hildr en that pric eless gif t.(2010江西卷)A. attac hB. payC. linkD. apply26. Smell the flower s before you go to sleep, and you may just _____ sweet dr eams.(2010江西卷)A. keep up withB. put up withC. end up withD. c atc h up with4. The majority of people in the town strongly _____ the plan to build a playground for childr en.(2010浙江卷)A. c onsiderB. supportC. confir mD. submit12. After that, he knew he c ould _____ any emer gency by doing what he c ould to the best of his ability.(2010浙江卷)A. get away withB. get on withC. get thr oughD. get acr oss24. Thousands of for eigner s were _____ to the Shanghai World E xpo the day it opened.(2010江苏卷)A. attendedB. attainedC. attr actedD. attac hed26. The experiment has _____ the possibility of the existenc e of any life on that planet, but it does not mean there is no lifeon other planets.(2010江苏卷)A. found outB. pointed outC. r uled outD. c arried out6. Some people eat with their eyes. They pr efer to or der what _____ nic e.(2010四川卷)A. looksB. smellsC. feelsD. tastes8. Jenny was looking for a seat when, luc kily, a man _____ and left.(2010四川卷)A. took upB. got upC. shut upD. set up27. Duty is an act or a c ourse of action that people_____ you to take by so cial customs, law or r eligion.(2010湖北卷)A. persuadeB. r equestC. instructD. expect28. Just as the clothes a per son wear s, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time, his house _____ hispersonality.(2010湖北卷)A. r esemblesB. strengthensC. r eflectsD. shapes29. Had he _____ her pr omise, she would have made it to Yale Univer sity.(2010湖北卷)A. looked up toB. lived up toC. kept up withD. c ome up with27. Sam _____ some knowledge of the c omputer just by watching other s wor king on it.(2010山东卷)A. brought upB. looked upC. pic ked upD. set up31. Your house is always so neat—how do you _____ it with thr ee c hildr en?(2010山东卷)A. manageB. serveC. adaptD. c onstr uct30. We’ve just moved into a bigger house and ther e is a lot to do. Let’s _____ it.(2010福建卷)A. keep up withB. do away withC. get down toD. look forwar d to33. —In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well.(2010福建卷)—I c an’t agr ee mor e. It’s gr eat to have the two _____.A. linkedB. r elatedC. c onnectedD. c ombined28. Thousands of people _____ to watch yester day’s match against Ireland.(2010辽宁卷)A. turned onB. turned inC. turned aroundD. tur ned out32. The new movie _____ to be one of the biggest money-maker s of all time.(2010辽宁卷)A. promisesB. agr eesC. pretendsD. declines二. 名词25. I haven’t seen Sar a sinc e she was a girl, and she has changed beyond _____.(2010安徽卷)A. hearingB. str engthC. r ecognitionD. measur e3. James took the magazines off the little table to make _____ for the television.(2010天津卷)A. r oomB. ar eaC. fieldD. position35. Last year the number of students who gr aduated with a driving lic ence reac hed 200,000, a(n) _____ of 40,000 per year.(2010江西卷)A. aver ageB. numberC. amountD. quantity16. The school advisers help you talk thr ough your pr oblems but they don't give you any dir ect _____.(2010浙江卷)A. solutionB. targetC. measur eD. function22. The doctor is skilled at tr eating heart trouble and never accepts any gift fr om his patients, so he has a very good _____.(2010江苏卷)A. expectationB. r eputationC. contributionD. civilization21. This r estaur ant has bec ome popular for its wide _____ of foods that suit all tastes and poc kets.(2010湖北卷)A. divisionB. ar eaC. r angeD. circle22. After the earthquake, the fir st thing the local gover nment did was to provide _____ for the homeless families.(2010湖北卷)A. accommodationB. occupationC. equipmentD. fur nitur e33. Those who suffer fr om headache will find they get _____ from this medicine.(2010山东卷)A. r eliefB. safetyC. defenseD. shelter26. It took us quite a long time to get to the amusement par k. It was _____ journey.(2010上海卷)A. three hourB. a thr ee-hoursC. a thr ee-hourD. thr ee hour s三. 冠词2. Many lifestyle patterns do such _____ great har m to health that they actually speed up _____ weakening of the human body.(2010浙江卷)A. a; /B. /; theC. a; theD. /; /21. The visitor s her e ar e gr eatly impr essed by the fact that _____ people fr om a ll walks of life ar e wor king har d for _____new Jiangsu.(2010江苏卷)A. /; aB. /; theC. the; aD. the; the2. In _____ most countries, a university degree c an give you _____ flying start in life.(2010四川卷)A. the; aB. the; /C. /; /D. /; a27. Everything comes with _____ pric e; ther e is no such _____ thing as fr ee lunch in the world.(2010重庆卷)A. a; aB. the; /C. the; /D. a; /22. If we sit near _____ front of the bus, we’ll have _____ better view.(2010山东卷)A. /; theB. /; aC. the; aD. the; the21. It’s _____ good feeling for people to adm ir e the Shanghai World Expo that gives them _____ pleasur e.(2010福建卷)A. /; aB. a; /C. the; aD. a; the35. First impr essions ar e the most lasting. After all, you never get _____ second c hanc e to make _____ first impr ession.(2010北京卷)A. a; theB. the; theC. a; aD. the; a22. There ar e over 58, 000 r oc ky objects in _____ spac e, about 900 of which could fall down onto _____ earth.(2010辽宁卷)A. the; theB. /; theC. the; /D. a; the四. 代词12. N either side is prepar ed to talk to _____ unless we can smooth things over between them.(2010全国2)A. othersB. the otherC. anotherD. one other14. The doctor thought _____ would be good for you to have a holiday.(2010全国2)A. thisB. thatC. oneD. it12. The c ost of r enting a house in c entr al Xi’an is higher than _____ in any other area of the city.(2010陕西卷)A. thatB. thisC. itD. one21. You are a team star! Wor king with _____ is really your c up of tea.(2010安徽卷)A. bothB. eitherC. othersD. the other6. _____ in m y life impr essed me so deeply as m y fir st visit to the Palac e Museum.(2010天津卷)A. AnythingB. N othingC. EverythingD. Something27. Swimm ing is m y favorite sport. Ther e is _____ like swimming as a means of keeping fit.(2010江西卷)A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything14. _____ that's important is that you ar e doing your best and moving in the right direction.(2010浙江卷)A. OneB. AllC. EverythingD. Anything7. On m y desk is a photo that m y father took of _____ when I was a baby.(2010四川卷)A. himB. hisC. meD. mine23. He had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found _____ of them again.(2010重庆卷)A. neitherB. eitherC. eachD. all32. Helping other s is a habit, _____ you c an lear n even at an early age.(2010山东卷)A. itB. thatC. whatD. one22. When you intr oduc e me to Mr. Johnson, c ould you please say _____ for me?(2010福建卷)A. everythingB. anythingC. somethingD. nothing27. If our par ents do everything for us children, we won't learn to depend on _____.(2010上海卷)A. themselvesB. themC. usD. our selves26. It is said that two man-made structures ar e clearly visible fr om spac e. One is the Gr eat Wall of China, and _____ isJapan’s Kansai International Air port.(2010上海春)A. anotherB. otherC. the otherD. either33. The fact that she was for eign made _____ diffic ult for her to get a j ob in that country.(2010辽宁卷)A. soB. muchC. thatD. it五. 形容词与副词()26. I have seldom seen my mother _____ pleased with m y pr ogress as she is now.(2010全国1)A. soB. veryC. tooD. r ather23. I'll spend half of m y holiday pr acticing English and _____ half learning dr awing.(2010全国1)A. anotherB. the otherC. other’sD. other13. The island is _____ attr active in spring and autum n bec ause of the pleasant weather in both seasons.(2010全国2)A. partlyB. mer elyC. nearlyD. equally20. Mr. Blac k is very happy bec ause the clothes made in his factory have never been _____.(2010全国2)A. popularB. mor e popularC. most popularD. the most popular22. Studies show that people ar e mor e _____ to suffer fr om bac k problems if they always sit befor e c omputer screens forlong hour s.(2010陕西卷)A. likelyB. possibleC. pr obableD. Sur e31. _____, she is the sort of woman to spr ead sunshine to people thr ough her smile.(2010安徽卷)A. Shy and cautiousB. Sensitive and thoughtfulC. Honest and c onfidentD. Lighthearted and optim istic5. People have always been _____ about exactly how life on earth began.(2010天津卷)A. curiousB. excitedC. anxiousD. car eful。