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n 理想的猪女很容易站立和卧下。These animals will have an easier time getting up and down.
n 理想的猪女走动时非常流畅,在对关节的持续压迫 下不容易出现关节炎和关节的僵硬的症状。They will walk more fluidly and be less susceptible to stiff joints and arthritis as the result of constant stress on the joints.
the shape and size of the toes. n 理想的蹄趾是较大、匀称,有间距的分布。Ideal toes are big, evenly sized, and
spread apart. n 如果蹄趾的尺寸和分布适当,受力情况就会均匀。Correct size and placement of
measurement and adjustment criteria. 特定猪场的推荐背膘厚度会根据遗传、环境和终端市场的需求而改变。
Recommended levels of backfat are farm specific and may change due to genetics,
environment, and end market.
背膘 Backfat 背膘厚度对于后备母猪选择是一个非常重要的指标。
Backfat is important if replacement females are produced within the herd. 对于良种猪群,通过《联邦国家猪群改进指导方针》获得合适的测量和调整标准。
Consult NSIF Guidelines for Uniform Swine Improvement to obtain proper
理想的蹄趾和间距(选留) Ideal toe size and spacing (retain)
n 评估蹄趾的大小是非常关键的。It is critical to also evaluate toe size. n 腿部的构造有适应蹄趾形状和大小的趋向。Leg conformation tends to conform to
replacement gilt.
臀部丰满 long level ruHale Waihona Puke Baidup
体躯长 long bodied 背腰平直 uniform level top
尾根高位 high tail setting
smooth shouldered
肋骨宽有韧性 bold spring of rib
四肢粗长 deep bodied
n 最后,理想猪女在繁殖猪群中很可能保留比较长的 周期。Ultimately, these females are likely to remain in the breeding herd for a longer period of time.
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ponylq@yahoo.com.cn 5
从猪女的蹄部开始评估 Start by Evaluating the Feet of the
Replacement Gilt
1. 宽厚的蹄部是我们所希望的。Large feet are desirable. 2. 前后四个蹄部方向应该朝外侧,之间拥有足够的宽度。Feet should be out on all four corners with
This replacement gilt is considered ideal because she has big feet, good flex to her pasterns on both her front and rear legs, and possesses adequate base width both front and rear. Additionally, she is ideal in her composition as she is long bodied, level in her top line, appears to be lean, and has the proper degree of muscling. Also, this gilt has a high quality, evenly spaced underline, is correct in the size and placement of her vulva, and she performed in the top 50-60% of her contemporary group. Because of these attributes, this gilt is balanced and productive looking.
n 许多特征都可以用来评估后备母猪的好坏。
There are many criteria that can be used to evaluate a replacement gilt
candidate. The diagram below shows the traits that are desirable in a
ponylq@yahoo.com.cn 4
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什么是我们希望的? What is Desirable?
n 理想的猪女拥有丰满的臀部和The ideal animal provides good cushion and flexion to the joints.
n 即使拥有合适的间距,小型的蹄趾也是不合适的。 Small toes that have little if any spacing between them are undesirable.
n 如果蹄趾很小,体重将会集中在一个小面积的区域,随着体重的增加,非常容 易造成裂蹄和脚垫的损伤。 If toes are small, weight is concentrated on a smaller surface area and there is a greater risk of cracked hooves and foot pad lesions as the animal becomes older and matures to heavier weights.
鼻镜正常 trim jowl
deep wide chest floor
prominent, well 膝盖正常 spaced underline correct set of knee
臀部丰满 deep, long muscled ham
correct set of
heavy rugged
cushion to
ponylq@yahoo.com.cn 2
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后备母猪选择标准-其它选择 Other Traits on Which Selection Should Occur for
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马建升黄志刚开发 ponylq@yahoo.com.cn
后备母猪选择标准-特征检查 Gilt Selection Criteria – Traits to Examine
toes result in better weight distribution.
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蹄部评估 Feet Evaluation
不匀称的蹄趾大小和间距(淘汰) Uneven toe size and spacing (cull)
n 如果蹄趾大小差异超过1/2,这种猪女就应该被淘汰。If a difference of ½ inch or greater in toe size exists, the gilt should be culled.
abrasions, and other injuries.
ponylq@yahoo.com.cn 6
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蹄部评估 Feet Evaluation
Replacement Gilts
n 生长情况 Growth n 选择同窝猪中生长速度快的猪只。Gilts should be in the fastest growing 50-60% of their contemporary group. n 生长速度快的猪女可以拥有较长的使用年限。Adequate growth increases the probability of proper reproductive development. n 生长速度慢的猪女有可能出现初情期延迟的现象,并且在以后的饲 养过程中问题较多。Slow growing females (within a group) may have a delayed first estrus and may be lifelong problem breeders.
ponylq@yahoo.com.cn 8
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蹄部评估 Feet Evaluation
小型蹄趾(淘汰) Small foot size (cull)
n 如果蹄趾不匀称,随着猪只的生长,有很大机会出现裂蹄和脚垫损伤的情况。When toes are uneven, there is a greater risk of cracked hooves and foot pad lesions as the animal becomes older.
n 时间长了,蹄趾的大小将会影响猪女的机动性。Toe size will affect the mobility of the animal over time.
adequate width between them. 3. 单个的脚趾的大小是非常重要的,要注意内侧的小趾,特别是后肢的小趾。Individual toe size is
important so pay close attention to small inside toes, especially on the rear feet. 4. 检查蹄部有没有裂开,脚垫有没有擦伤等受伤情况。Examine feet for cracked hooves, foot pad
ponylq@yahoo.com.cn 3
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“完美”的后备母猪 The “Ideal” Replacement Gilt
n 图片上的猪女被认为是完美的,因为同她的同伴比起来,她拥有粗壮的四肢和宽厚的蹄部。此外, 她拥有较长的躯干、平直的背腰和优美的肌肉曲线。同时,她的乳头在腹线两侧均匀整齐的排列;她 的阴户大小适中,位置恰当,并且她的生长速度在她的同伴中处于中上水平。因为这些因素,这头猪 女被认为具有稳定的繁殖潜力。