













Al l v i t a l s i g n s w e r e s mo o t h a n d s t e a d y s u c h a s o x y h e mo g l o b i n s a t u r a t i o n a n d h e a r t r a t e,wi t h o u t c o mp l i c a t i o n s l i k e i r r i t a b i l i t y,d e t e r i o r a t i o n o f i n f l a mma t i o n a n d d e l a y e d h e mo r r h a g e . Co n c l u s i o n s T h e c o mb i n e d u t i l i z a t i o n o f C O B— p o s i t e mi c r o p o r o u s p o l y s a c c h a r i d e p o wd e r p r o v i d e d r a p i d a n d e f f e c t i v e h e mo s t a s i s i n t h e r a p y o f n o n — v a r i c o s e v e i n s
d e r i n n o n - v a r i c o s e v e i n s o f g a s t r o i n t e s t i n l a b l e e d i n g t r e a t me n t .M e t h o d s We r e t r o s p e c t i v e l y a n a l y z e d 3 5 c a s e s o f
及效 果 。方法 回顾 性 分析 2年 间该院联 合使 用复合 微孔 多聚糖 止血 粉进行 止 血的 非静 脉 曲张性 消化道 3 5例 患者 经联 合使 用复合 微孔 多聚糖 止 血粉 喷 洒止 血后 全 部止 血 成功 , 全部 患者 经 出血 3 5例 。结 果






对照组术中止血成功78例,术中止血成功率93%,术后迟发性出血4例,发生率为5%,总止血成功率88%,术中止血成功率和总止血成功率均低于止血粉组(P均< 0.05)。


【关键词】复合微孔多聚糖止血粉;内镜治疗;安全【Abstract】 Objective To explore the safety and efficacy of compound microporous polysaccharide hemostatic powder in the treatment of digestive endoscopy. Methods Seventy patients received endoscopic treatment including colorectal polyps endoscopic mucosal resection, gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection and colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection in combination with compound microporous polysaccharide hemostatic powder (hemostatic powder group), and 84 cases were treated with endoscopic interventions alone (control group). The risk of intraoperative hemorrhage and delayed postoperative hemorrhage was statistically compared between two groups. Results The success rate of intraoperative hemostasis was 100% (70/70) and no delayed postoperative hemorrhage occurred in the hemostatic powder group. In the control group,the success rate of intraoperative hemostasis was 93% (78/84). The incidence rate of delayed postoperative hemorrhage was 5% (4/84). The total hemostasis rate was 88%, the success rate of intraoperative hemostasis and the total hemostasis rate significantly lower than that in the hemostatic powder group (both P < 0.05). Conclusion The combined use of compound microporous polysaccharide hemostasis powder can improve hemostasis in the treatment of digestive endoscopy,which is worthy of clinical application.【Key words】 Compound microporous polysaccharide hemostasis powder;Endoscopic treatment;Safety隨着内镜技术的发展和临床应用的积累,消化内镜治疗开展也日趋普遍,常见的有内镜黏膜切除术(EMR)、内镜黏膜下剥离术(ESD)、消化道出血止血等,而出血是其最常见的并发症,但如何选择适合的止血方法,目前国内外尚无统一认识或指南[1-3]。



复合微孔多聚糖止血粉用于肺叶切除术的止血效果评价史学良;杨志广;方秦模;罗杰;候鑫磊;邵国光;翟春【摘要】Objective To study the hemostatic effect of compound microporous polysaccharide powder in pulmonary lobectomy with severe adhesion. Methods 58 cases of pulmonary lobectomy with severe adhesion from January 2013 to February 2014 were seleced and divided into the observation group ( using compound microporous polysaccharide powder, n=29 ) and the control group ( using routine hemostatic treatment, n=29 ) . The postoperative coagulation function, operation time, bleeding time, the amount of blood loss, the drainage of the first 3 postoperative-day, and postoperative complications were analyzed. Results There were no significant differences in opera-tion time, PT, APTT, TT and FIB between the two groups ( P > 0. 05 ); the bleeding time and amount of blood lossof the observation group were lower than that of the control group ( P > 0.05 ); the drainage of the first 3 postoperative-day of the observation group were all lower than those of the control group ( P > 0. 05 ) . Conclusion Compound microporous polysaccharide powder for pulmonary lobectomy with severe adhesions is a fast and effective way to reduce intraoperative hemorrhage.%目的:探讨复合微孔多聚糖止血粉在胸腔广泛致密粘连的肺叶切除术中的临床止血效果。













































方法收集内镜下诊断为消化性溃疡伴出血患者25例(观察组),内镜下止血治疗方法为常规止血方法(机械止血、电凝止血)联合微孔多聚糖止血材料进行电动正压喷洒止血治疗,对比同期采用常规止血方法治疗的消化性溃疡伴出血患者25例(對照组),比较2组患者5 min 止血成功率、术后迟发性出血发生率和止血治疗成功率。

结果观察组5 min止血成功率为100%,迟发性出血发生率为0,止血治疗成功率为100%,而对照组5 min止血成功率为92%,迟发性出血发生率为24%,止血治疗成功率为72%。

观察组的止血治疗成功率明显高于对照组(P < 0.05),而迟发性出血发生率低于对照组(P < 0.05)。


【关键词】微孔多聚糖止血材料;消化性溃疡出血;内镜治疗;止血治疗成功率;安全性Efficacy and safety of microporous polysaccharide hemostatic material in endoscopic treatment of peptic ulcer bleeding Wen Qingde, Deng Xiumei, Zeng Xun, Yang Qun, Li Yeqing, Cui Yi. Department of Endoscopy center, the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510080, ChinaCorresponding author, Zeng Xun, E-mail:*****************【Abstract】 Objective To explore the efficacy and safety of microporous polysaccharide hemostatic material in endoscopic treatment of peptic ulcer bleeding. Methods Twenty-five cases of peptic ulcer with bleeding diagnosed under endoscopy in our hospital were collected. The endoscopic hemostasis therapy was conventional hemostasis (mechanical hemostasis,electrocoagulation)combined with microporous polysaccharide hemostatic material for electro-positive pressure spraying hemostasis therapy (observation group). Twenty-five cases of peptic ulcer patients with bleeding treated by conventional hemostatic methods (control group) were compared in the same period. The success rate of intraoperative hemostasis within 5 minutes, the incidence of postoperative delayed bleeding, and the success rate of hemostatic treatment were compared between the two groups. Results In the observation group, the success rate of hemostasis within 5 minutes was 100%, the incidence of delayed hemorrhage was 0, and the success rate of hemostasis treatment was 100%. Whereas the success rate of hemostasis within 5 minutes, the incidence of delayedhemorrhage, and the success rate of hemostasis in the control group were 92%, 24%, and 72%,respectively. Compared with the hemostatic effect of the two groups, the success rate of hemostatic treatment in the observation group was significantly higher than that in the control group (P <0.05), otherwise the incidence of delayed bleeding was lower (P < 0.05). Conclusions The combined use of the microporous polysaccharide hemostatic material can improve the success rate of endoscopic hemostatic therapy for peptic ulcer bleeding and reduce the incidence of delayed bleeding, which is an effective and safe method worthy of promotion.【Key words】 Microporous polysaccharide hemostatic material;Peptic ulcerbleeding;Endoscopic therapy;The success rate of hemostatic treatment;Safety消化性溃疡出血(PUB)是消化系统常见疾病,为我国急性非静脉曲张性上消化道出血最常见病因之一(56.6%),轻症患者可能会出现乏力、疲惫等症状,而病情较为危重的患者则可能出现心悸、休克,甚至死亡,给我国的经济发展和相关人群的生活质量造成了较大的不良影响[1-2]。





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【关键词】复合微孔多聚糖止血粉;消化内镜;止血[Abstract] Objective To investigate the safety and efficacy of composite microporous polysaccharide hemostatic powder in digestive endoscopy. Methods 64 patients treated with digestive endoscopy in our hospital from April 2020 to September 2020 were included in the study. They were randomly pided into two groups. The control group (32 cases) did not use composite microporous polysaccharide hemostatic powder, and the observation group (32 cases) used the hemostatic powder to compare the success rates of intraoperative bleeding, delayed bleeding and hemostasis. Results the total success rate of hemostasis in the observation group was 100%, which was significantly higher than 87.50% in the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion in the treatment of digestive endoscopy, the combination of composite microporous polysaccharide hemostatic powder can enhance the hemostatic effect and have a higher hemostatic success rate.【 key words 】 composite microporous polysaccharide hemostatic powder; Digestive endoscopy; hemostasis在医学内镜技术快速发展的背景下,消化内镜有着更加广泛的应用,其中比较常见的有内镜黏膜下剥离术、内镜黏膜切除术、消化道出血止血等,而出血是最为多见的并发症,怎样选择合理的止血手段,当前国内外还没有统一的指南。




1. 首先,用清洁剂轻轻清洗伤口,将伤口及周围的皮肤彻底清洁并消毒,以避免感染。

2. 将伤口用干净的纱布或纱线等压迫住,让出血减少。

3. 取适量的止血粉(一般为2-3颗)倒在伤口表面,或将粉末和温开水混合成糊状后涂在伤口上。

4. 轻轻按压,并用纱布、绷带或胶布覆盖住,加压使止血粉黏附在伤口上。

5. 约5-10分钟后,可以逐渐松开压迫,观察伤口是否停止出血。

6. 如果出血没有完全停止,可重新用止血粉按照上述方法进行处理。

7. 使用止血粉后,伤口一般不建议立即清洗,以免洗掉止血效果。




1Hale Waihona Puke 手术止血材料金标准• 止血效果确切 • 组织反应轻 • 无抗原性 • 在体内可充分降解、吸收 • 使用方便 • 价格适中 • 不影响愈合、不会引起粘连
第四代 2004
第一代 1960s’
化学类 粘附力强 难吸收 易致癌
第三代 1980s’
• 针对活动性出血:
– 常规方法:干净创面、持续按压、彻底浸湿 – 改良方法:用辅助材料(如明胶海绵和止血纱布)减
• 针对轻度渗血:将止血粉喷在创面,视术中情况 决定是否按压
• 减少术后渗血及引流:将创面积血和积水擦干, 将止血粉均匀地喷在创面上,不要冲洗,逐层关 闭创面即可。
– 来源于植物淀粉 – 多聚糖:表面多微孔,经专利工艺制成 – 直径100m – 主要特性:吸水膨胀 – 在体内数天内降解
• 激活自身凝血级联反应,形成生理性血凝 块
• 通过吸水膨胀产生的内吸力,吸附有形成 分,形成机械性血凝块
• 1克:15cm2手术创面,平均厚度1mm • 3克: 45cm2,平均厚度1mm
• 肝叶切除手术
– 肝脏游离创面渗血 – 肝创面渗血:敞开的肝创面、对拢缝合的肝创面裸露
• 胆道手术:分离肝门和肝内胆管的手术游离创面、 胆囊床等
• 肝移植
– 肝床的渗血 – 血管吻合口周围 – 第一和第二肝门 – 供肝及其它实质脏器的撕裂伤口











以免因失血过度导致休克! 除此之外使用云南白药粉剂也能够治疗疮毒等。










<br> 方法:在实验组1家兔腹部软组织制作1条长约3 cm、深约0.5 cm的创面,吸干出血创面后将多微孔多聚糖止血粉直接喷洒于创面,用量1.0-2.0 g,以吸干出血创面后不做任何处理的家兔为对照。

在实验组2家兔腹部组织切割1条长约3 cm、深约1.0 cm的创面,吸干出血创面后将多微孔多聚糖止血粉均匀喷洒于创面,用量1.0-2.0 g,以吸干出血创面后不做任何处理的家兔为对照。

<br> 结果与结论:多微孔多聚糖止血粉吸收血液中的水分,形成“糊状凝胶”止血痂黏附于出血创面表面达到止血效果。

实验组1创面止血时间(15.25±1.04) s,实验组2创面止血时间(11.25±1.89)s,止血显效率为87.5%,有效率为100%;对照组创面止血时间大于5 min。

喷洒多微孔多聚糖止血粉24 h苏木精-伊红染色显示,肌组织轻度水肿,小血管扩张,间质内可见少数散在中性粒细胞浸润;7d时炎症消退,肌组织表面轻度纤维化、完全吸收,接近正常组织,肌细胞未见明显变化。


%BACKGROUND:A cross-emulsification patented product of microporous polysaccharide hemostatic powder was prepared using potatoes as raw material with independent intel ectual property rights. <br> OBJECTIVE:To observe hemostasis effects of microporous polysaccharidehemostatic powder on soft tissue trauma. <br> METHODS:A wound, about 3 cm long and 0.5 cm deep, was made on the abdominal soft tissue of rabbits in the experimental group 1, and then microporous polysaccharide hemostatic powder, 1.0-2.0 g, was sprayed directly on the wound. In the experimental group 2, a wound, about 3.0 cm long and 1.0 cm deep, was made on the abdominal soft tissue of rabbits, and then microporous polysaccharide hemostatic powder, 1.0-2.0 g, was sprayed directly on the wound. Another rabbits with untreated wound served as controls. <br> RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Microporous polysaccharide hemostatic powder fo rmed a“pasty gel”covering the bleeding wound that achieved hemostatic effect. The bleeding time was (15.25±1.04) seconds in the experimental group 1 and (11.25±1.89) seconds in the experimental group 2. The marked effective and effective rates for hemostasis were 87.5%and 100%, respectively. In the control group, the bleeding time was more than 5 minutes. Hematoxylin-eosin staining showed mild muscle edema, vasodilatation of smal blood vessels, and few scattered endoplasmic neutrophils infiltrated at 24 hours after treatment with microporous polysaccharide hemostatic powder;til the 7th day, inflammation subsided, mild fibrosis was visible on muscle tissue surface, the&nbsp;hemostatic powder was completely absorbed, the wound tissue was close to the normal tissue, and there were no significant changes in muscle cells. These findings suggest that microporous polysaccharide hemostatic powder can be used for hemostasis of soft tissue trauma.【总页数】6页(P406-411)【作者】史跃;杜宝堂;何远清;殷文静【作者单位】解放军第97医院介入放射科,江苏省徐州市 221004;江苏奥科生物科技有限公司,江苏省镇江市 212003;江苏大学实验动物中心,江苏省镇江市212002;江苏大学实验动物中心,江苏省镇江市 212002【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R318【相关文献】1.复合微孔多聚糖止血粉在非静脉曲张性消化道出血内镜治疗中的应用 [J], 赵喜颖;张北平;赵小青;刘添文;林燕凤;苏艺胜2.复合微孔多聚糖止血粉治疗ERCP术后乳头难治性出血1例 [J], 林燕凤;张北平;赵小青;刘添文;吴小琼3.多微孔多聚糖止血粉应用于软组织创伤性出血 [J], 史跃;杜宝堂;何远清;殷文静;4.微孔真空多聚糖止血粉在局部软组织创伤出血中的应用 [J], 史跃;沈烈;赵勇;邓桃芳;王颖;朱孝春;杜宝堂5.复合微孔多聚糖止血粉在烧伤头部供皮区中的止血效果 [J], 王振君;潘孙峰;方高丰;仇佩庆;朱敏达;魏绪旺因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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World J Urol (2013) 31:523–527DOI 10.1007/s00345-011-0815-8ORIGINAL ARTICLEAthermal nerve sparing robot-assisted radical prostatectomy: initial experience with microporous polysaccharide hemospheres as a topical hemostatic agentRafael Nunez-Nateras · Kimberly J. Hurd · Erin N. Ferrigni ·Erik P. Castle · Paul E. Andrews · Mitchell R. HumphreysReceived: 26 April 2011 / Accepted: 13 December 2011 / Published online: 25 December 2011© Springer-Verlag 2011AbstractPurpose Microporous polysaccharide hemospheres (MPH) are hemostatic beads engineered from plant starch to acceler-ate the natural clotting cascade. The purpose of this report is to detail our initial experience with MPH as a topical hemo-static agent during robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP).Methods We examined a single surgeon series of 30 con-secutive RARP’s dividing patients into MPH or non-MPH groups. The last ten procedures utilized the MPH, which were matched 1:2 to non-MPH procedures for comparison. Nerve-sparing procedures were performed when clinically indicated and all done athermally. All demographic data, length of operation, margin status, blood loss, change in hemoglobin, and need for blood transfusion were prospec-tively collected and analyzed.Results The baseline characteristics were the same. The post-operative decrease in hemoglobin was less in the MPH group (1.8g/dL MPH group vs. 3.2g/dL non-MPH). One patient in each group required a blood transfusion. Conclusions These preliminary W ndings support the role for MPH as a potential hemostatic agent during athermal nerve-sparing RARP.Keywords Topical hemostatic agent ·Robot-assisted radical prostatectomy ·Microporous polysaccharide hemospheres IntroductionThe advancement of minimally invasive surgical tech-niques has produced various challenges compared to tradi-tional open surgical approaches. These limitations include visualization, available instrumentation, spatial constraints, and accessibility that can all impede the ability of the sur-geon to e Y ciently control bleeding [1]. Acute blood loss has been the most frequently reported intraoperative com-plication during radical prostatectomy [2]. Because of the rich blood supply of the prostate pedicle and neurovascular bundles, there is potential for a signi W cant amount of bleed-ing during and after radical prostatectomy. Intraoperative bleeding cannot only a V ect perioperative morbidity and transfusion requirement, but it can also obscure the sur-geon’s W eld of vision of the prostatic apex and neurovascu-lar bundles impairing accurate surgical dissection [3].Preservation of the neurovascular bundles (NVB) and concomitant structures are of the utmost importance in appropriately selected patients during radical prostatectomy in order to preserve sexual function and continence [4]. Excess blood loss near or from the NVB can create pressure at the vesicourethral anastomosis after surgery that can dis-place or cause separation of the anastomosis thereby increasing the risk of a urine leak or alternatively can put undo strain on the NVB themselves. Excessive pressure on the NVB can impede continence, urinary function, and thus overall patient satisfaction [4]. Attempts to control blood loss can result in additional injury if thermal energy or neu-rotoxic hemostatic agents are used.Most surgeons attempt to limit neurovascular injury through a variety of techniques and methods. Limiting the amount of thermal injury near the NVB and minimizing the manipulation of these structures should be the endeavor of every surgeon. This often results in an accepted increase inR. Nunez-Nateras (&) · K. J. Hurd · E. N. Ferrigni · E. P. Castle · P. E. Andrews · M. R. HumphreysMayo Clinic Arizona, 5777 E Mayo Blvd,Phoenix, AZ 85054, USAe-mail: nunez.rafael@venous oozing from the NVB. Thus, many surgeons turn to topical hemostatic agents to prevent signi W cant blood loss, hematoma formation, and post-operative bleeding during nerve-sparing surgery. The ideal hemostatic agent should be non-immunogenic, economical, readily available, easy to deploy, and biodegradable.Microporous polysaccharide hemospheres (MPH: Meda-for Inc., Minneapolis, MN, USA) are plant-based polysac-charides that have been shown to be highly e V ective in achieving hemostasis [5]. MPH acts as molecular sieves dehydrating blood while concentrating individual blood components on their surface to accelerate the natural clot-ting cascade (Fig.1) [5]. MPH is currently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in surgery as an adjunctive hemostatic device to assist when control of capillary, venous, and arteriolar bleeding by pressure, ligature, and other conventional means is ine V ec-tive or impractical [6].The purpose of this research is to describe our initial experience with MPH used during athermal NVB preserva-tion during robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) in a single surgeon consecutive series.Materials and methodsAfter obtaining institutional review board (IRB) approval, a retrospective analysis was done of consecutive patients undergoing (transperitoneal) RARP for prostate cancer by a single surgeon. To examine those patients treated with MPH, they were compared to those that did not receive MPH in a 1:2 ratio, including all of the most recent cases done by the indicated surgeon (MRH). The same surgical technique was utilized in all cases, with varying levels of resident participation. When clinically indicated, the NVBs were spared using the criteria of a low grade Gleason score (·3+4), low tumor volume (no biopsy with greater than 50% involvement), and PSA <10ng/dL [7]. The prostate pedicles were controlled with the use of polymeric absorb-able clips and taken down in an athermal manner. The NVBs were dissected away from the prostate in all cases using sharp and blunt dissection as described by Gill et al.[8]. After the prostate and lymph nodes were placed in a specimen collection bag, MPH was applied to the NVBs and prostatic fossa using a rigid applicator by the bedside assistant. Following the running vesicourethral anastomo-sis, additional MPH was re-applied to the NVBs and lateral peri-prostatic areas. All patients were left with a 10 F round drain. Patients had cystograms performed at 7–10days post-operatively only if a resident performed the vesicoure-thral anastomosis.All data including age, weight, BMI, disease characteris-tics, pre-operative PSA, and medications taken were pro-spectively entered into our IRB approved database. All intra-operative and post-operative data including lymph nodes dissection, nerve sparing technique, pathologicalFig.1Representative illustra-tion of microporous hemo-spheres (MPH) and their relationship to the various com-ponents of human serum and the clotting cascadeanalysis, surgical time, estimated blood loss, change in hemoglobin, length of surgery, length of catheterization,and prostate size were collected as well. The data were ana-lyzed with commercially available software, SPSS ® version 10.0 statistical package (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). All data were statistically analyzed with chi-square and Mann–Whitney U test for categorical and continuous variables,respectively. A two-sided P value <0.05 was considered as statistically signi W cant.ResultsPatient demographic data are in Table 1. Both groups were similar in make up and disease characteristics. Figure 2a–c represents the NVBs in a representative patient before and after MPH application as well as after the vesicourethral anastomosis, respectively. The surgical and pathological outcomes are presented in Table 2. The change in hemoglo-bin after 24h was much less in the MPH group, but this did not translate into a statistically signi W cant lower transfusion rate. While one patient in each group required a transfusion,the MPH patient actually bled from his left obturator fossa where MPH was not applied. The subsequent cross-sectional imaging from that patient’s scan revealed no hematoma or bleeding from the NVBs or prostatic fossa,Fig.3. Urinary extravasation was identi W ed in two patients in the non-MPH group requiring prolonged catheterization.There were no other complications identi W ed in the 30day peri-operative period.DiscussionTo our knowledge, this is the W rst study to detail the use of MPH during robot-assisted prostate surgery. The various techniques of nerve preservation during RARPs described in the literature signi W cantly improve functional outcomes for patients and are an important consideration for sexually active patients. However, due to the vascular investmentsof the prostate and NVB, there is a potential for bleeding during prostatectomy that can a V ect patient outcomes [8].This report describes our experience with a topical hemo-static agent (MPH) during athermal NVB preservation dur-ing RARP.The surgeries were all done by a single surgeon (MRH)who has been performing RARP since 2003, thereby decreasing the confounding e V ects of experience and learn-ing curve on the speci W c surgical technique. The age, BMI,ASA, pre-operative Gleason, and PSA scores were notTable 1Median patient demographic dataMPH groupNon-MPH group P Number of patients 1020Age (years)63 (51–77)64 (49–74)0.372BMI (kg/m 2)29 (22–36)29 (22–41)0.614ASA score2 (2–3) 2 (2–3)0.802Pre-operative PSA (ng/mL) 6.1 (3.7–9.4) 6.2 (1.3–16)0.721Pre-operative Gleason sum 7 (6–7)7 (6–8)0.911On aspirin at surgery (%)5 (50%)7 (35%)0.461Fig.2a Representative image of bilateral neurovascular preservation after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy.b Representative image of the same patient after application of the MPH to the neurovascular bun-dles.c Representative image of the same patient after the vesicoure-thral anastomosis with MPH application to the anterior urethral vesical junctionsigni W cantly di V erent in either group. Interestingly 50%,compared to 35%, of the MPH patients were on aspirin at the time of surgery thereby presumably increasing their potential risk for bleeding. However, the estimated blood loss and change in hemoglobin values favored the patients in the MPH group, regardless of concomitant use of anti-platelet therapy.One patient from each group required a blood transfu-sion. However, for the patient in the MPH group, this wasdue to a bleed originating in the obturator fossa, as a result of the lymphadenectomy where no MPH was applied. It is di Y cult to place the MPH in the right obturator fossa due to the location of the assistant ports during RARP. In the future, this could be over come by de-docking the robot and placing the applicator through a contralateral port.Other topical hemostatic agents have been used dur-ing surgeries to decrease bleeding. The topical applica-tion of BioGlue (CryoLife, Inc., Kennesaw, GA)generally requires a dry W eld prior to application [9].Therefore, acute, vigorous bleeding cannot be controlled by this agent. MPH can be applied to an actively bleed-ing source because of its unique mechanism [1, 5]. Evi-cel (Ethicon Inc., Somerville, NJ) is a human product that uses tranexamic acid. It has been reported to be neu-rotoxic and has caused convulsions, hyperexcitability,and death in rats [10]. Another concern of this product is that it has a prolonged preparation time of up to 40min to reconstitute [10]. QuickClot (Z-Medica Corp., Wal-lingford, CT) is composed of zeolite, a microporous crystalline aluminosilicate, which absorbs X uid causing an exothermic reaction [11]. This has been associated with necrosis and third degree thermal injury in the sur-rounding tissue and should never be used intracorparally [12]. MPH is not associated with any exothermic or known neurotoxicity.The active mechanism of hemoconcentrating endoge-nous clotting factors, which initiates particle swelling by osmotic forces, provides natural sca V olding on which a W brin matrix can form. The clot formed by the expanded MPH beads, platelets, and clotting proteins has been shown to be more resilient than a purely natural clot [13]. The MPH is then enzymatically broken down into small water-soluble fragments that leave no trace or radiographic evidence within 12h of application [14,15]. Because MPH is derived from a plant source, the risk of disease transmission or allergic reaction is mini-mal [15]. The production costs are theoretically low because it is manufactured from a readily available source.Despite the encouraging preliminary results, there are limitations to this study that should be considered. There were only 30 patients examined in this initial study, which hampers the power of this study. A larger randomized pro-spective trial is needed to validate these W ndings and better de W ne the role for MPH in prostate surgery. Long-term fol-low up is also needed as yet unrecognized e V ects due to MPH may have a negative impact on long-term NVB recovery. This data represent a single surgeon series at a training facility, and resident participation and experience could impact variations in surgical technique. However,direct supervision was present during all phases of every surgical procedure.Table 2Median surgical characteristics and outcomesaFour patients had positive margins: pT2c 3+3, pT3a 4+3, pT3a 5+4, and pT3b 4+3MPH groupNon-MPH group P Lymphadenectomy (%)10 (100%)20 (100%)–Nerve sparing –Bilateral 9/1016/20Unilateral 1/102/20None0/102/20Pathologic prostate size (g)62 (45–98)68 (33–118)0.328Post-op Gleason sum 7 (6–8)7 (6–9)0.476OR time (min)195 (126–335)239 (165–294)0.038Negative margins 100%80%a0.272EBL (mL)170 (50–400)220 (50–750)0.371Change in Hgb (g/dL) 1.8 (0.1–5) 3.2 (1.6–6.4)0.020Transfusion (%) 1 (10%) 1 (5%)0.999Length of stay (days) 1 (1-3) 1 (1-4)0.024Catheterization (days)9 (6–14)10 (7–30)0.514Fig.3Computed tomography image of the one patient in the MPH treated group that required a blood transfusion. Note the location of the bleed was from the left obturator fossa in the area of the node dissec-tion where no MPH was appliedConclusionsThis preliminary study indicates that MPH may be a useful adjunctive hemostatic agent during RARP. The changes in post-operative hemoglobin were minimized with no dis-cernible complications in the 30day peri-operative period. MPH appears to be a useful hemostatic tool that the urolo-gist should considering adding to their armamentarium. Acknowledgments The authors especially thank Desert Mountain C.A.R.E. for their support of prostate cancer research and this project.Con X ict of interest The authors have no con X icts of interest or W nancial relationships with any of the materials sited in this work. No additional outside funding was utilized to complete this work. 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