Micropropagation of Phalaenopsis and Doritaenopsis




第44卷,第1期2024年1月栽培生理Cultivation Physiology中国果菜China Fruit &Vegetable不同地区桃树根际土壤微生物群落结构及多样性分析徐海忠2,薛彦华2,丁洪发2,戚恒瑞1,李天昊1,毛伟健1*,程凡升1*(1.青岛农业大学食品科学与工程学院,山东青岛266109;2.山东天同食品有限公司,山东临沂276000)摘要:植物根际土壤微生物群落能够加速根际营养元素的循环,调节土壤肥力。



经筛选和去除嵌合体后,得到了425267条优质序列,这些序列的长度主要集中在400~450bp 。

在3个地区的样品中共鉴定出4175个操作性分类单元(OTU )。




根据COG 功能分类统计,土壤细菌的功能基因主要集中在新陈代谢、遗传信息和细胞信号传导等方面。


关键词:桃树;土壤;根际微生物;16S rRNA 测序中图分类号:TS201.3文献标志码:A文章编号:1008-1038(2024)01-0072-08DOI:10.19590/ki.1008-1038.2024.01.015Microbial Community Structure and Diversity of Peach RhizosphereSoil in Different RegionsXU Haizhong 2,XUE Yanhua 2,DING Hongfa 2,QI Hengrui 1,LI Tianhao 1,MAO Weijian 1*,CHENG Fansheng 1*(1.College of Food Science and Technology,Qingdao Agricultural University,Qingdao 266109,China;2.Shandong Tiantong Food Co.,Ltd.,Linyi 276000,China)Abstract:Plant rhizosphere soil microbial community can accelerate the circulation of rhizosphere nutrients andregulate soil fertility.The analysis of rhizosphere soil microecological structure of peach trees can effectively improve the planting soil of peach trees.The rhizosphere soil microbial diversity and community composition of收稿日期:2023-06-11基金项目:山东省重点研发计划-乡村振兴科技创新提振行动计划(2022TZXD0012);青岛特种食品研究院揭榜挂帅项目(6602422201)第一作者简介:徐海忠(1983—),男,工程师,本科,主要从事果蔬深加工方面的研究工作*通信作者简介:毛伟健(2000—),男,硕士,主要从事食品生物技术方面的研究工作程凡升(1983—),男,教授,博士,主要从事食品生物技术方面的教学与研究工作人类活动引起的全球变化包括大气二氧化碳浓度升高、气候变暖、降水变化、干旱和大气氮沉降增加,是全球范围内生物多样性丧失的主要因素[1]。



测定吸光度,即为 A0 ; 用 2.0mL 溶剂取代 DPPH·溶 液,测得 吸 光 值 为 Aj ,按 下 式 计 算 DPPH · 清 除 率 ( Y) :
Y( % ) =[1- ( Ai - Aj ) / A0]× 100 其中,Ai : 2.0mL DPPH·溶液加 2.0mL 待测溶液 的吸光度; Aj : 2.0mL 85% 乙醇溶液加 2.0mL 待测溶 液的吸光度; A0 : 2.0mL DPPH·溶液加 2.0mL 85% 乙 醇溶液的吸光度。
荚果蕨中多糖的超声辅助提取 及其 DPPH 自由基清除作用的研究
王倩倩,马 骥* ,牛俊峰,王 璐 ( 1.陕西师范大学生命科学学院,陕西西安 710062; 2.教育部药用植物资源及天然药物化学重点实验室,陕西西安 710062)
摘 要: 以荚果蕨( Matteuccia struthiopteris( L.) Todaro) 根状茎为材料,采用单因素实验和正交实验探讨超声辅助提取多 糖的最佳工艺条件,应用 1,1-二苯基苦基苯肼( DPPH) 自由基清除法评价荚果蕨根状茎中多糖的抗氧化活性。实验 结果表明,超声辅助提取该多糖的最佳工艺参数为: 提取温度为 80℃ 、料水比为 1∶50( g / mL) 、超声时间为 30min、超声 功率为 150W。在此条件下提取的荚果蕨根状茎、营养叶、孢子叶 3 个部位中粗多糖的提取率分别为 9.67% 、3.30% 、 3.43% 。同时,荚果蕨根状茎中多糖有较强的抗氧化作用,对 DPPH 自由基半数抑制浓度( IC50 ) 为 68.68μg / mL。研究 荚果蕨多糖的超声辅助提取工艺及抗氧化活性,对荚果蕨天然保健品的开发利用有重大指导意义。 关键词: 荚果蕨,多糖,超声提取,1,1-二苯基苦基苯肼( DPPH)



张晓冰,张羽师,王雨,等. 欧李果渣原花青素提取工艺优化及其体外抗氧化和降糖活性评价[J]. 食品工业科技,2024,45(1):178−184. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023030017ZHANG Xiaobing, ZHANG Yushi, WANG Yu, et al. Optimization of Proanthocyanidin Extraction from Cerasus humilis Pomace and Evaluation of Its in Vitro Antioxidant and Hypoglycemic Activity[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(1): 178−184.(in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023030017· 工艺技术 ·欧李果渣原花青素提取工艺优化及其体外抗氧化和降糖活性评价张晓冰,张羽师,王 雨,赵锦江,王笑雪,刘舒鹏,李卫东*(北京中医药大学中药学院,北京 102488)摘 要:本研究以欧李果渣为原料,采用单因素结合正交试验对超声波辅助提取欧李果渣原花青素工艺进行优化,采用DPPH 自由基清除实验、ABTS +自由基清除实验、FRAP 法测定铁离子还原能力实验对纯化后的欧李果渣原花青素抗氧化活性进行评价,并采用α-葡萄糖苷酶活性抑制试验对其降糖活性进行评价。

结果表明,各因素对欧李果渣中原花青素提取得率的影响程度排序为:超声温度>料液比>超声时间>乙醇浓度;最佳提取工艺为乙醇浓度70%,超声温度60 ℃,超声时间40 min ,料液比1:30 g/mL ,在此条件下欧李果渣中原花青素得率为15.37 mg/g 。



李金雨等 : 蝴蝶兰丛生芽途径的组织培养技术
1.3 1.3.1
实验设计 丛生芽的诱导 将带腋芽的切段 ( 约 2 cm ) 基部向下插在 MS 培养基上 , 比较不同浓度 6-BA(0.0 、
1.0 、 3.0 、 5.0 、 7.0 mg / L) 对丛生芽诱导的影响 。 观察并统计诱导天数 、 诱导出丛生芽的个数以及诱导率 ,
的增殖个数 、 增殖率和生长情况 , 对试验结果进行方差分析 。 (2 ) 不同浓度 6-BA 与 NAA 配比对蝴蝶兰丛生芽增殖的影响 。 将诱导出的丛生芽转至 MS 培养基上 , 比较不同浓度 6-BA 与 NAA 配比 (6-BA 8.0 mg/L , 6-BA 6.0 mg/L +NAA 0.5 mg/L , 6-BA 8.0 mg/L +NAA
NAA 0.5 mg / L +10% 香蕉汁 , MS +NAA 0.5 mg / L +10% 椰子汁 , MS +IBA 0.5 mg / L +10% 香 蕉 汁 , MS +IBA 0.5 mg / L+10%椰子汁)进行生根培养 。 培养 40 d 后观察并统计平均生根条数 , 对试验结果进行方差分析 。 1.4
! 5 "#$% ! 1 "#&’(&

/ 6-BA 0.0 mg/L 6-BA 2.0 mg/L 6-BA 4.0 mg/L 6-BA 6.0 mg/L 6-BA 8.0 mg/L 6-BA 10.0 mg/L 6-BA 12.0 mg/L 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 0 35 43 78 102 112 120 / / 0 aA 170 bB 186 bB 256 cC 304 dD 324 eE 340 fF



微波提取对胡萝卜中的多糖基本结构特征及固体形貌的影响万宇俊,殷军艺,聂少平,石惠方,谢明勇*(南昌大学 食品科学与技术国家重点实验室,江西 南昌 330047)摘 要:研究微波提取对胡萝卜中的多糖基本结构特征及固体形貌的影响。

采用沸水浴、微波两种方式提取胡萝卜中的多糖(分别记为WEP 和MEP ),通过基本理化性质测定、高效体积排阻色谱(high performance size exclusion chromatography ,HPSEC )和单糖组成分析等方法比较了两者的基本结构特征,并采用扫描电子显微镜对两者的固体形貌进行表征。

结果显示,WEP 和MEP 的中性糖、糖醛酸和总酚含量存在差异,两者均由半乳糖醛酸、半乳糖、葡萄糖、阿拉伯糖、鼠李糖组成,但MEP 总糖含量更高并含有更多果胶类单糖;WEP 和MEP 的HPSEC 图有一定相似性,但WEP 中含有重均分子质量高达7.77×105 D 的组分;WEP 表现较为聚集的片状结构,而MEP 组分则表现较为分散且主要为小片段状态。


关键词:胡萝卜;多糖;微波提取;基本结构特征;固体形貌Impact of Microwave Extraction on Structural Characteristics and Morphology of Carrot (Daucus carota L.) PolysaccharideWAN Yujun, YIN Junyi, NIE Shaoping, SHI Huifang, XIE Mingyong *(State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, Nanchang University, Nanchang330047, China)Abstract: In this paper, we investigated the effect of microwave extraction on structural characteristics and morphology of polysaccharides from carrot. Boiling water bath and microwave were used to extract carrot polysaccharide (the resulting products were denoted as WEP and MEP respectively). A comparative evaluation was made of the basic physical and chemical properties of the two polysaccharides. High size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC), monosaccharide composition analysis, and scanning electron microscope (SEM) were also used for the preliminary characterization of their morphology. The results showed that the contents of neutral sugar, uronic acid and total phenol were different in WEP and MEP. They were both composed of galacturonic acid, galactose, glucose, arabinose, and rhamnose, but the total sugar content of MEP was higher and contained more constituent monosaccharides of pectin. The HPSEC chromatogramsss of WEP and MEP had some similarity, but WEP exclusively contained a component with a relative molecular weight of up to 7.77 × 105 D. WEP displayed a more aggregated sheet structure, and its components were more dispersed and mainly present as small fragments. According to the results above, the polysaccharides obtained from two different extraction methods had significant differences.Key words: carrot (Daucus carota L.); polysaccharide; microwave extraction; structural characteristics; morphology DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-201707001中图分类号:TS201.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-6630(2017)07-0001-05引文格式:万宇俊, 殷军艺, 聂少平, 等. 微波提取对胡萝卜中的多糖基本结构特征及固体形貌的影响[J]. 食品科学, 2017, 38(7): 1-5. DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-201707001. WAN Yujun, YIN Junyi, NIE Shaoping, et al. Impact of microwave extraction on structural characteristics and morphology of carrot (Daucus carota L.) polysaccharide[J]. Food Science, 2017, 38(7): 1-5. (in Chinese with English abstract) DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-201707001. 收稿日期:2016-06-28基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(31571826);食品科学与技术国家重点实验室目标导向项目(SKLF-ZZA-201611)作者简介:万宇俊(1993—),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为食品科学与工程。



动物数 (只 )
剂量 ( g /kg)
SOD 活力 ( U / L)
CAT 活力 ( @ 10- 4 )
G SH-PX 活力 ( U /L)
2032 ? 6912)
2. 962 ? 0. 4012)
13. 1 ? 3. 52)
962 ? 493
1. 713 ? 0. 401
7 9. 1 ? 2. 6
0. 1
1434 ? 5272)
3. 040 ? 0. 5572)
12. 5 ? 2. 91)Fra bibliotek0. 2
1822 ? 7682)
3. 476 ? 0. 7642)
13. 7 ? 3. 52)
0. 4
1685 ? 7442)
2. 885 ? 0. 5532)
剂量 ( g /kg)
血浆 LPO 水平
脑匀浆 LPO 水平
肝匀浆 LPO 水平
0. 151 ? 0. 0432)
0. 199 ? 0. 0332)
0. 158 ? 0. 0281)
0. 276 ? 0. 062
0. 412 ? 0. 085
0. 199 ? 0. 048
13. 9 ? 2. 02)
注: 与模型组相比 1) P < 0. 05, 2) P < 0. 01
N ote: 1) P < 0. 05, 2) P < 0. 01vs the m odel group 3. 2 芦 笋 多糖 对 衰 老模 型 小鼠 血 浆、肝 匀 浆和 脑 匀浆 中 模型成功。与模 型组比, 大、小 剂量莲 子多 糖组均 可显 著降 LPO 水平的影响模型组血浆、脑匀浆及肝匀浆 LPO 水平均明 低血浆及脑匀浆 LPO 水平 (P < 0. 01) , 小 剂量组明显 降低肝 显或显著高于空白对 照组 (P < 0. 05, P < 0. 01), 说明 造衰老 匀浆 LPO 水 平 (P < 0. 05)。见表 2 表 2 莲子多糖对衰老模型小鼠血浆、脑匀浆、肝匀浆中 LPO 水平的影响 ( x¸? s)



川佛手黄酮类物质的分离纯化和抗氧化活性研究黄小梅;邓祥【摘要】Flavonoids were extracted from Chuan Bergamot by microwave and ultrasonic method. The optimum parameters were obtained by optimizing the macroporous resin and the concentration of eluent. On this basis, D101 was selected to separate and purify the crude flavonoids of Chuan Bergamot by gradient elution with petroleum ether, water and ethanol. The purity of the purified flavonoids was 92.65%. A comparative study was made on the antioxidant activity of Vc, rutin, crude flavonoids and purified flavonoids from Chuan Bergamot. The scavenging rates of DPPH· and ·OH were 82.22% and 69. 46% from purified flavonoids of Chuan Bergamot. The results showed that the purified fla-vonoids from Chuan Bergamot had better scavenging ability and stronger antioxidant activity.%采用微波和超声波联合提取技术提取川佛手中的黄酮.通过对大孔吸附树脂种类和洗脱液浓度条件优化,获得了最佳实验参数.在此基础上,选择D101树脂,通过石油醚、水和无水乙醇梯度洗脱对川佛手黄酮粗提物进行了分离纯化,得到川佛手黄酮纯化物纯度为92.65%.将川佛手黄酮粗产物、纯化产物、Vc和芦丁进行了抗氧化比较研究,川佛手黄酮纯化产物对DPPH·和·OH的清除率分别可达到82.22%和69.46%,结果表明川佛手黄酮纯化产物具有较好的清除自由基能力和较强的抗氧化活性.【期刊名称】《化学研究》【年(卷),期】2017(028)006【总页数】5页(P730-733,739)【关键词】川佛手;黄酮;分离纯化;抗氧化活性【作者】黄小梅;邓祥【作者单位】四川文理学院化学化工学院,四川达州635000;"特色植物开发研究"四川省高校重点实验室,四川达州635000;四川文理学院化学化工学院,四川达州635000;"特色植物开发研究"四川省高校重点实验室,四川达州635000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ914.1佛手(Bergamot)又名佛手柑,是我国传统的名贵中药,具有较高的药用价值[1]. 主要分布于四川、福建、广州和浙江等地,因产地不同而分为川佛手、建佛手、广佛手和金佛手等品种[2-3]. 大量研究表明:佛手具有舒肝理气、和胃止痛、清肺化痰、抗肿瘤、抗氧化、降血脂、降血糖等多种药用功效[4-5]. 发挥这些药用功效的物质可能与佛手富含的黄酮类物质有关[6-8]. 黄酮类物质是具有多种生物学功能特性的物质,广泛的应用于医药、食品和化妆品行业[9-11].大孔树脂具有优良的物理化学性能,不溶于酸碱、稳定性高、选择性好、吸附容量大、可再生等优点,广泛用作分离材料,特别适用于黄酮类物质的分离纯化[12]. 本文以川佛手中黄酮类物质为研究对象,采用大孔吸附树脂对川佛手中的黄酮类物质进行分离纯化,再将纯化产物应用于抗氧化活性研究,测定川佛手黄酮纯化物对DPPH·和·OH的清除能力,为深入开发利用川佛手提供理论依据.川佛手(四川达州产,经恒温40 ℃干燥、粉碎,过40目筛);芦丁标准品(国药试剂);D101(非极性)、NKA-9(极性)、AB-8(弱极性)、DM-301(中极性)、S-8(强极性)大孔树脂(天津浩聚树脂科技有限公司);98%氮氧自由基哌啶醇(·OH)和98%二苯代苦味肼基自由基(DPPH·)(上海恒远生物科技有限公司);维生素C(AR 天津市医药工业技术研究所);其余试剂均为分析纯,实验用水均为二次蒸馏水.XH-100B微波萃取仪(北京祥鹄科技发展有限公司);FS-900N超声波萃取仪(上海生析超声仪器有限公司);UV-2550紫外可见分光光度计(日本岛津);RE-3000A旋转蒸发仪(上海亚荣生化仪器厂);TG328A电子天平(上海精密仪器有限公司);101-2AB电热鼓风干燥箱(天津市泰斯特);GT20WS高速离心机(北京时代北利离心机有限公司);玻璃层析柱 30 mm,长550 mm,体积80 mL;FW-135 中草药粉碎机(上海超亿).1.2.1 样品中黄酮的提取及测定准确称取5.00 g川佛手粉末,在乙醇体积分数80%,料液比1∶20,提取温度55 ℃,微波和超声波提取功率均为800 W条件下,先用微波40 min,再用超声波提取1.5 h,重复2~3次,离心后上层清液作为待测液. 通过硝酸铝-亚硝酸钠比色法显色后于510 nm处测定吸光度,根据芦丁标准曲线的线性方程(如图1)计算黄酮类物质含量.1.2.2 大孔树脂预处理和再生将5种不同极性的大孔树脂用无水乙醇充分浸泡24 h,用二次蒸馏水淋洗至流出液与水(1∶5)混合无浑浊为止,再用5%的盐酸浸泡3~4 h,用水洗至中性,最后用5%的氢氧化钠溶液浸泡3~4 h,用水洗至中性备用.将实验使用过的树脂用无水乙醇洗脱至无色,再用5%盐酸浸泡3~4 h,用水洗至中性,最后用5%氢氧化钠浸泡3~4 h,用水洗至中性,树脂获得再生.1.2.3 黄酮粗提物及上柱液的制备将1.2.1中的黄酮类物质提取物先用石油醚萃取,进行脱色、脱脂和去挥发油处理,再进行减压蒸馏浓缩,于45 ℃下真空干燥,得到川佛手黄酮类物质粗提物. 将粗提物用适量无水乙醇溶解,得上柱液.1.2.4 树脂吸附-解吸试验准确称取经预处理好的5种干树脂2.00 g,装入锥形瓶中,加入已知浓度的川佛手黄酮类物质提取液50 mL,在室温下振荡(120次/min)48 h,充分吸附后取上层清液测定黄酮类物质的浓度,计算黄酮类物质的吸附量和吸附率.其中Q1表示树脂的吸附量(mg/g);E表示吸附率;C0表示初始浓度(g/L);C1表示吸附液浓度(g/L);V1表示初始体积(mL);M表示树脂质量(g).将上述吸附饱和的干树脂加入50 mL无水乙醇,在室温下振荡48 h,充分解吸后取上层清液测定黄酮类物质的浓度,计算黄酮类物质的解吸量和解吸率.其中Q2表示树脂的解吸量(mg/g);D表示解吸率;C2表示解吸液浓度(g/L);V2表示解吸液体积(mL);M表示树脂质量(g).1.2.5 清除DPPH·能力实验由于DPPH·是一种稳定的自由基,在乙醇溶液中显紫色,在517 nm处有最大吸收,当有自由基清除剂加入时,吸光度降低,其降低程度与DPPH·被清除程度成定量关系,因此可用于样品抗氧化活性定量分析. 取适量纯化黄酮配制成2 mL乙醇溶液,将0.2 mmol/L的DPPH·乙醇溶液2 mL加入同一试管中,摇匀后在暗箱中静置30 min,在517 nm处测定其吸光度,按下式计算样品对DPPH·的清除率[13-14].其中E表示样品对DPPH·的清除率;A0表示2 mL DPPH·溶液和2 mL无水乙醇的吸光度;A1表示2 mL黄酮溶液和2 mL无水乙醇的吸光度;A2表示2 mL DPPH·溶液和2 mL黄酮溶液的吸光度.1.2.6 清除羟基自由基(·OH)实验由于Fe2+与H2O2作用,产生大量·OH,而水杨酸能捕捉·OH,并伴随产生一种有色物质,该物质在510 nm处有最大吸收,当样品加入时,吸光度降低,其降低程度与·OH被清除程度成定量关系,因此可用紫外分光光度法进行定量分析. 分别量取一定浓度的黄酮溶液1 mL,6 mmol/L的FeSO4溶液和6 mmol/L的H2O2溶液各1 mL于同一试管中,摇匀后静置5 min,再加入6 mmol/L的水杨酸溶液1 mL,摇匀后在37 ℃水浴中恒温30 min,离心后在510 nm处测定其吸光度,按1.2.5的方法,计算样品对·OH的清除率.在大孔树脂的筛选过程中,按实验方法1.2.4进行吸附-解吸实验,其结果如表1所示. 实验数据证明,不同极性的树脂,对川佛手黄酮类物质吸附和解吸的强弱和难易不同. 从吸附率来看,AB-8树脂的吸附率最高,D101树脂次之,但差别不大;从解吸率来看,D101树脂解吸率最大,S-8树脂次之. 综合考虑树脂的吸附-解吸效果,D101树脂具有较佳的性能,因此选择D101树脂进行川佛手黄酮类物质的分离纯化.在树脂的解吸实验中,选取D101大孔树脂,测定了不同体积分数的乙醇对川佛手黄酮类物质解吸率的影响. 分别用体积分数为20%、40%、60%、80%的乙醇和无水乙醇进行解吸实验,其解吸率分别为7.62%、20.35%、50.34%、82.16%和92.74%. 由此可见,D101树脂的解吸率随着乙醇浓度的增大而增大,因此选择无水乙醇为洗脱剂.将D101树脂湿法装入层析柱中,将1.2.3中制得的上柱液用滴管缓缓加入层析柱中,使上柱液在树脂上均匀分布,加完后先用石油醚(每次加入一倍柱体积,约两倍柱体积)进行洗脱,除掉粗提物中的色素、脂类和挥发油等,后再用纯净水(每次加入一倍柱体积,约两倍柱体积)洗,除去其中能溶于水的不同极性物质,最后加入无水乙醇,每次加入一倍柱体积(约三倍柱体积),待流出液有乙醇味时开始收集. 根据流出液的颜色进行分段收集(黄酮在树脂柱中颜色明显),按1.2.1的方法将收集液分别进行检测,去掉前后检测出有黄酮的两段,将中间的收集液合并,用移液管准确移取2 mL于25 mL容量瓶中,通过硝酸铝-亚硝酸钠比色法显色,定容后测定黄酮类物质的浓度,计算剩余收集液黄酮类物质的质量,再将剩余收集液进行减压蒸馏浓缩,于55 ℃下真空干燥,得到川佛手黄酮类物质的纯化物,纯度为92.65%.按照1.2.5中方法,测定了川佛手黄酮粗产物、纯化产物、Vc和芦丁对DPPH·的清除效果,如图2所示. 在所选实验浓度范围内,川佛手黄酮粗产物、纯化产物、Vc和芦丁对DPPH·的清除效果随着浓度的增加清除率逐渐增强,当浓度达到一定值时,清除率趋于稳定. 其中川佛手黄酮纯化产物清除率增加较快,趋于稳定后清除率稍高于其他物质,说明川佛手黄酮纯化产物对DPPH·有较好的清除能力.按照1.2.6中方法,测定了川佛手黄酮粗产物、纯化产物、Vc和芦丁对·OH的清除效果,如图3所示. 在所选实验浓度范围内,川佛手黄酮粗产物、纯化产物、Vc 和芦丁对·O H的清除效果随着浓度的增加清除率逐渐增强,当浓度达到一定值时,清除率趋于稳定. 其中川佛手黄酮纯化产物清除率开始增加较慢,当浓度达到20 mg/L之后呈直线上升,在浓度为35 mg/L之后趋于稳定,其清除率稍高于其他物质,说明川佛手黄酮纯化产物对·OH有较好的清除能力,具有一定的抗氧化作用.通过微波和超声波联合提取技术,实现了川佛手中黄酮类物质的提取,得到了川佛手黄酮粗提物;通过对大孔树脂种类和洗脱剂浓度条件优化,确定了D101树脂和无水乙醇洗脱剂的最佳提取参数;通过石油醚、水和无水乙醇对川佛手黄酮粗提物进行梯度洗脱,得到川佛手黄酮的纯化物,纯度达到92.65%;通过川佛手黄酮粗产物、纯化产物、Vc和芦丁抗氧化活性比较研究,川佛手黄酮纯化产物对DPPH·和·OH的清除率分别可达到82.22%和69.46%,结果表明川佛手黄酮纯化产物具有较好的清除能力和较强的抗氧化活性.【相关文献】[1] 江苏新医学院. 中药大辞典(上)[M]. 上海: 上海人民出版社, 1986: 1141.Jiangsu New Medical College. 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任晓莉,杨璐,乔鹏,等. 复合酶法提取槐花多糖的工艺优化及其抗氧化活性[J]. 食品工业科技,2024,45(7):8−14. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023070216REN Xiaoli, YANG Lu, QIAO Peng, et al. Optimization of Extraction Process of Polysaccharide from Sophora japonica by Compound Enzyme Method and Its Antioxidant Activity[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(7): 8−14. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023070216· 特邀主编专栏—食品中天然产物提取分离、结构表征和生物活性(客座主编:杨栩、彭鑫) ·复合酶法提取槐花多糖的工艺优化及其抗氧化活性任晓莉*,杨 璐,乔 鹏,缪奕锴,杨懿昂,代秋红,张贤德(太原工业学院环境与安全工程系,山西太原 030008)摘 要:目的:采用复合酶法提取槐花多糖,对提取工艺进行优化,并评价其体外抗氧化活性。

方法:通过单因素实验考察复合酶添加量、pH 、复合酶比例和酶解时间对得率的影响,在单因素实验基础上,采用响应面法确定槐花多糖的最佳提取参数,并以V C 为对照,通过测定槐花多糖对DPPH·和ABTS +·的清除率及总还原力,考察所提取的槐花多糖的抗氧化活性。

结果:复合酶法提取槐花多糖的最佳提取参数为:复合酶添加量23.8 mg/g ,pH4.8,果胶酶与纤维素酶比例0.912:1,该工艺下槐花多糖得率为10.71%,所提取的槐花多糖对DPPH·和ABTS +·均表现出较好的清除能力,当槐花多糖溶液浓度为2.8 mg/mL 时,对DPPH·和ABTS +·的清除率分别达到同浓度下V C 的94.19%和99.79%,总还原力达到V C 的75.99%。



……………………. ………………. …………………山东农业大学 毕 业 论 文咖啡因和MG132在山羊卵母细胞 化学辅助去核中的应用院 部 动物科技学院专业班级 动物科学届 次 2009学生姓名学 号 20090000指导教师二O 一三年 六 月 十 日装 订线 ……………….……. …………. …………. ………目录摘要......................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Abstract . (II)引言 (1)1 MSP430单片机 (1)1.1 MSP430单片机简介 (1)1.2选择MSP430FW427单片机的可行性 (2)2 热量表的工作原理 (2)2.1 温度传感器的工作原理 (3)2.1.1 热电阻阻值和温度的关系 (3)2.1.2用单片机内置比较器实现A/D转换的原理 (3)2.2 流量传感器的工作原理................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.2.1单片机自带Scan IF模块的简介......... 错误!未定义书签。

2.2.2用Scan IF模块实现流量测量........... 错误!未定义书签。

2.2.3用Scan IF模块测量流量的可行性....... 错误!未定义书签。

3 液晶显示................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3.1 显示器的原理和发展简介................. 错误!未定义书签。

3.2 MSP430FW427单片机自带液晶驱动模块简介.. 错误!未定义书签。

4 数据保存................................... 错误!未定义书签。

4.1数据保存的重要性........................ 错误!未定义书签。

4.2存储器的分类............................ 错误!未定义书签。



亚热带资源与环境学报Journal of Subtropical Resources and Environment Vol. 16 No. 1March 2021第16卷第1期2021年3月出版郑荧枫,李雪,万晓华,等.次生林不同演替时间土壤微生物群落结构的变化[J].亚热带资源与环境学报,2021, 16 (1): 23-28, 34. ZHENG Y F , LI X , WAN X H, et al. Changes of soil microbial community structure across different succession stages of secondary forest [J]. Jour ­nal of Subtropical Resources and Environment , 2021 , 16 (1): 23-28 , 34. DOI : 10. 19687/j. cnki. 1673-7105. 2021. 01. 004.次生林不同演替时间土壤微生物群落结构的变化郑荧枫二李雪打万晓华二邹秉章2,王思荣2,黄志群"(1.福建师范大学地理科学学院,福州350007; 2.上杭白砂国有林场,福建上杭364205)摘要:本研究在亚热带地区选取了 5个演替阶段(4-5年、8-12年、18-22年、25-30年和 35-40年)的次生林为研究对象,采用磷酸脂肪酸的方法研究不同林龄次生林土壤微生物群 落结构特征,分析土壤微生物群落结构与土壤理化性质的关系。

结果表明:土壤总微生物生物量、真菌生物量、细菌生物量、革兰氏阳性菌生物量和革兰氏阴性菌生物量均在8-12年林分 最高。


主成分分 析表明,4-5年林分和25-30年林分次生林土壤微生物群落结构存在显著性差异,其他林龄 林分土壤微生物群落结构差异不明显。



不同脑小血管病负荷评分与伴无症状腔隙的脑小血管病患者认知功能的关系杜晓光,魏荣,刘琦慧,于力群,周丽摘要:目的 探讨不同脑小血管病(CSVD)负荷评分与伴无症状腔隙的CSVD患者认知功能的关系。

方法 纳入2021年7月—2023年10月就诊于潍坊市人民医院神经内科的128例伴无症状腔隙的CSVD患者,运用蒙特利尔量表(MoCA)、CSVD总负荷评分和改良负荷评分统计受试者的认知功能和CSVD负荷,分为认知障碍组(MoCA<26分)和无认知障碍组(MoCA≥26分),比较两组患者的人口社会学信息、血管病危险因素及CSVD负荷评分的差异。

采用线性回归分析MoCA评分与两种CSVD负荷评分的关系,采用趋势检验分析伴无症状腔隙的CSVD 患者认知障碍的发病趋势。

结果 研究共纳入伴无症状性腔隙的CSVD患者128例,其中认知障碍组68例(53.1%),无认知障碍组60例(46.9%),两组患者人口社会学信息及血管病危险因素差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。


Spearman秩相关分析显示,CSVD 总负荷评分和改良负荷评分均与MoCA评分呈负相关(P<0.001)。

线性趋势χ2检验分析显示,伴无症状腔隙的CSVD患者认知障碍发病风险随CSVD改良负荷评分增加而增加(P trend<0.05),该发病风险与CSVD总负荷评分间趋势分析无统计学意义(P trend=0.069)。

结论 CSVD总负荷评分和改良负荷评分均可用于筛检伴无症状腔隙的CSVD认知障碍患者。


关键词:脑小血管病;认知;腔隙中图分类号:R743 文献标识码:ARelationship between cerebral small vessel disease burden scores and cognitive function in patients with cerebral small vessel disease with asymptomatic lacunes DU Xiaoguang,WEI Rong,LIU Qihui, et al.(Department of Neurol⁃ogy, Weifang People′s Hospital, Weifang 261000, China)Abstract:Objective To investigate the relationship between cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD) burden scores and cognitive function in patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes.Methods A total of 128 patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes who visited the Department of Neurology of Weifang People′s Hospital from July 2021 to October 2023 were included. All the patients were scored using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) for cognitive function and using the total CSVD score and the modified CSVD score for CSVD burden. They were divided into cognitive impairment group (MoCA score<26)and non-cognitive impairment group (MoCA score≥26).The demographic information,vascular disease risk factors, and the CSVD scores of the two groups were compared. A linear regression analysis was performed to as⁃sess the relationship between the MoCA score and the two CSVD scores. A trend analysis was conducted to analyze the trend of incidence of cognitive impairment in patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes.Results Among the 128 patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes, 68 (53.1%) were in the cognitive impairment group and 60 (46.9%) were in the non-cognitive impairment group. There were no significant differences in the demographic information and vascular disease risk factors between the two groups (P>0.05). The total CSVD score and the modified CSVD score differed significantly be⁃tween the two groups (P<0.05). The Spearman correlation analysis showed that the total and modified CSVD scores were sig⁃nificantly negatively correlated with the MoCA score (P<0.001). The chi-square test for linear trend revealed that the cogni⁃tive impairment risk increased significantly with the modified CSVD score in patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes (P trend<0.05), but with no significance for the total CSVD score (P trend=0.069).Conclusion Both the total and modified CSVD scores are useful tools to detect cognitive impairment in patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes, and the modi⁃fied CSVD score may be superior in identifying patients at high risk of cognitive impairment.Key words:Cerebral small vessel disease;Cognition;Lacune脑小血管病(cerebral small vessel disease,CSVD)是血管性认知障碍的主要原因[1]。

Microalgae separator apparatus and method

Microalgae separator apparatus and method

专利名称:Microalgae separator apparatus andmethod发明人:Genady Borodyanski,Irina Konstantinov申请号:US09748249申请日:20001227公开号:US20020079270A1公开日:20020627专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:An apparatus and method for separating microalgae from water withoutrupturing cells. The method comprises the steps of flocculation, flotation anddehydration. Microalgae suspension from a reservoir is passed to a mixer unit whereflocculation is carried out, using modified starch or other flocculating agents. The suspension is then directed to a flotation column. Dissolved gas in water is transferred to the flotation column through a disperser. A layer of foam containing microalgae is formed on the liquid layer in the column, which can be skimmed off through an overflow outlet. The flotation column is a telescopic column of adjustable height, which enables the position of the overflow outlet to be aligned with the level of the foam layer for efficient foam removal. Foam containing microalgae is then passed to a filtration unit for cloth filtration, followed by drying in a drying chamber.申请人:BORODYANSKI GENADY,KONSTANTINOV IRINA更多信息请下载全文后查看。


Faculty of Environment and Ecology, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China
Received 13 May 2020 accepted 4 July 2020
Abstract: Recently, as nanoparticles have been increasingly applied in producing and living activities, a series of environmental problems caused by these nanoparticles have attracted more and more attentions. Nanoparticles released into aquatic environments can not only affect the growth and metabolism of aquatic organisms, but also pollute the water. As primary producer of aquatic food chain, algae play necessary roles in the accumulation and migration of nanoparticles in aquatic environment. In this paper, the effects of different kinds of nanoparticles on the growth of different algae in water environment and relevant toxicity mechanisms (such as destruction of cell integrity, oxidative stress, destruction of photosynthetic system, abnormal gene level and release of toxic substances, etc.) were summarized at first. Secondly, the influences of surface characteristics of nanoparticles (such as particle size, crystal form, surface charge, hydrophobicity, photosensitivity, surface coating, aging and homogeneous and hetero-



专利名称:METHOD AND PLANT FOR SOLVENT-FREE MICROWAVE EXTRACTION OF NATURALPRODUCTS发明人:MENGAL, Philippe,MOMPON, Bernard申请号:EP94915607.0申请日:19940510公开号:EP0698076A1公开日:19960228专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:the object of the invention, for the production of biological productsold\u00f3szermentesmikrohull\u00e1m\u00fa procedure, which consists of the following steps: material is placed in a closed space, abiol\u00f3giai old\u00f3szermentesen,thez\u00e1rtt\u00e9rben in biological material by microwave radiation and the biological material is treated in water with at least oner\u00e9sz\u00e9telp\u00e1rologtatj\u00e1k,as well as the cellstrukt\u00far\u00e1itfelrepesztik biological material, and the natural product, at least one r\u00e9sz\u00e9tfelszabad\u00edtj\u00e1k, the rest of the biological material akinyert separating natural productswhich procedure characteristic, thez\u00e1rtt\u00e9r (1) inside the megszak\u00edt\u00e1sokkalcs\u00f6kkentett microwaves during the application of pressure is applied.and with themikrohull\u00e1mokalkalmaz\u00e1s\u00e1val treated biological material, cellstrukt\u00far\u00e1ithat\u00e9konyabban repesztik apart,at least a part of the alkalmaz\u00e1s\u00e1nakid\u0151tartama under microwaves, heating the enclosed space (1), and that the resulting from the biological materialelp\u00e1rolg\u00e1s\u00e1b\u00f3l temperaturecs\u00f6kken\u00e9stkiegyenl\u00edtik,the application of microwaves, and the step of the inside of the enclosed space (1) lowering compression, the use ofas well as thez\u00e1rtt\u00e9r (1) heating in combination with each other, the natural product vizesdesztill\u00e1ci\u00f3val is produced in such a manner that the biologicalanyagb\u00f3lsz\u00e1rmaz\u00f3 together with steam is extracted.the object of the invention is tov\u00e1bb\u00e1berendez\u00e9s solvent free microwave extraction of biological products, which is composed of the following: - in a closed space (1),the enclosed space (1) which is arranged inside a microwave generator (2) is equippedwith\u00e9sh\u0151fokszab\u00e1lyozott (3) surrounded by a double wall, double wall ah\u0151fokszab\u00e1lyozott; (3), (4), the temperature ofszab\u00e1lyoz\u00f3f\u0171t\u0151eszk\u00f6zb\u0151l; the inside of the enclosed space (1) nyom\u00e1stcs\u00f6kkent\u0151 v\u00e1kuumszivatty\u00fab\u00f3l; (5), the enclosed space (1) kimenet\u00e9hezcsatlakoztatott kivezet\u0151eszk\u00f6zb\u0151l (6). a申请人:ARCHIMEX P.I.B.S.地址:Case Postale 31 F-56038 Vannes Cédex FR国籍:FR代理机构:Vidon, Patrice, et al更多信息请下载全文后查看。



· 特邀主编专栏—组学分析技术在食品品质研究中的应用(客座主编:徐贞贞、张良晓、洪惠) ·客座主编寄语:近年来,代谢组学、蛋白组学、脂质组学等分析技术在食品品质研究中的应用日趋广泛,已成食品组学这一新兴学科的研究热点之一。



张红建,刘帅光,马泽威,等. 自然发酵对青金桔酚类物质及其抑制消化相关酶活性的影响[J]. 食品工业科技,2024,45(9):1−10.doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023070026ZHANG Hongjian, LIU Shuaiguang, MA Zewei, et al. Analysis of Phenolic Substances in Citrus microcarpa with Nature Fermentation and Evaluation of Its Inhibitory Activites on Digestion-related Enzymes[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(9):1−10. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023070026自然发酵对青金桔酚类物质及其抑制消化相关酶活性的影响张红建1,2,刘帅光1,马泽威1,王青松1,田 燕2,郑联合1,*(1.海南省粮油科学研究所,海南琼海 571400;2.海南大学食品科学与工程学院,海南海口 570100)摘 要:为了解自然发酵对青金桔酚类物质变化及抑制消化相关酶活性的影响,本研究测定了发酵前后青金桔可溶性总酚、总黄酮及α-淀粉酶、α-葡萄糖苷酶及胰脂肪酶抑制率等变化情况,基于超高效液相色谱-四极杆/静电场轨道阱傅里叶转换联用质谱仪鉴定了发酵前后酚类物质的种类,筛选了发酵前后酚类差异代谢物及其富集通路。



专利名称:PSEUDOMONAS PALMENSIS BBB001STIMULATOR OF PLANT ADAPTIVEMETABOLISM AGAINST ABIOTIC STRESSAND ENHANCER OF MINERAL NUTRITION 发明人:GUTIERREZ ALBANCHEZ, Enrique,HORCHE TRUEBA, Ignacio,LUCAS GARCÍA, JoseAntonio,RAMOS SOLANO,Beatriz,GUTIERREZ MAÑERO, FranciscoJavier申请号:ES2021/070820申请日:20211112公开号:WO2022/112631A1公开日:20220602专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:Bacterial strain BBB001, microorganism of the gram-negative group of bacteria, genus , stimulator of plant adaptive metabolism against abiotic stress and enhancer of plant nutrition in iron and other nutrients. This strain, isolated from the rhizosphere of , has been characterised from a morphological, biochemical and genetic standpoint by whole-genome sequencing, being identified as a new species, reduces oxidative stress in plants, inducing higher production and improved adaptation to abiotic stress conditions; for example, due to lack of water or high salinity, such that it can be used, alone or in combination with other strains, to increase plant in plant species of agronomic food interest. Furthermore, since it is capable of enhancing iron, phosphorus and potassium nutrition, it can also be used as a biofertiliser, both in organic and conventionalagriculture.申请人:BIOBAB R&D, S.L.地址:Bajada a Vargas, 1. Finca 35260 Agüimes (Las Palmas)国籍:ES代理人:FUENTES PALANCAR, José Julian更多信息请下载全文后查看。



细脚拟青霉提取物对D-半乳糖致衰小鼠免疫功能的影响桂琳;葛飞;董群;刘辉;陈京;周小楠【期刊名称】《中国老年学杂志》【年(卷),期】2011(031)013【摘要】Objective To study the effects of Paecilomyces tenuiqes extracts on immunoloregulation of D-galactose aging mice.Methods The aging model mice induced by D-galactose were given Paecilomyces tenuipes extracts with three different doses. 30 days later,the thymus index and spleen index were calculated, the spleen lymphocyte transforming stimulation index (SI) was measured with MTT. The phagocytosis of peritoneal macrophage was analyzed by neutral red test. The level of IL-2 was assayed by ELISA. Results The immunological function of D-galactose aging mice was decreased obviously. The phagocytosis of peritoneal macrophage was improved significantly by each dose (P < 0. 01 ). The middle and high dose of Paecilomyces tenuipes extracts could increase significantly the thymus index, spleen index and IL-2 level (P<0.01). SI of T and B lymphocyte were raised significantly by the high dose (P<0.01). Conclusions Paccilomyces tenuipes extracts could regulate the immunological function of D-galactose aging mice.%目的研究细脚拟青霉提取物对D-半乳糖致衰小鼠免疫功能的调节作用.方法以D-半乳糖制备衰老小鼠模型,同时用低、中、高三种不同剂量的细脚拟青霉提取物进行灌胃30 d后,计算胸腺指数和脾脏指数,用MTT法检测小鼠脾T、B淋巴细胞转化指数SI,用中性红试验检测小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬功能,用ELISA法检测IL-2的水平.结果 D-半乳糖致衰小鼠免疫功能明显下降,各剂量组均能显著提高小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬功能(P<0.01);中、高剂量细脚拟青霉提取物能够显著提高胸腺指数、脾脏指数、IL-2水平(P<0.01);高剂量细脚拟青霉提取物能够显著提高脾T、B淋巴细胞转化指数SI(P<0.01).结论细脚拟青霉提取物对D-半乳糖致衰小鼠免疫功能具有一定的调节作用.【总页数】3页(P2467-2469)【作者】桂琳;葛飞;董群;刘辉;陈京;周小楠【作者单位】皖南医学院微生物与免疫学教研室,安徽,芜湖,241000;安徽工程大学生物与化学工程学院;皖南医学院微生物与免疫学教研室,安徽,芜湖,241000;皖南医学院微生物与免疫学教研室,安徽,芜湖,241000;皖南医学院微生物与免疫学教研室,安徽,芜湖,241000;皖南医学院微生物与免疫学教研室,安徽,芜湖,241000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R393;Q291【相关文献】1.山楂提取物对D-半乳糖致衰小鼠抗氧化系统的影响 [J], 张泽生;郭莹;刘琳;叶卉2.益气健脾方药对D-半乳糖拟衰小鼠自由基代谢及免疫功能的影响 [J], 詹向红;杨靖;赵君玫3.细脚拟青霉对小鼠体液免疫功能的影响 [J], 吕建新;金丽琴4.滋补肾阴方药对D-半乳糖拟衰小鼠自由基代谢及免疫功能的影响 [J], 王燕5.细脚拟青霉提取物对慢性应激抑郁大鼠脑脂质过氧化的影响及小鼠急性毒性实验[J], 尹艳艳;李春如;阚红卫;郑丽芳;明亮因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



溶藻菌A2对4种微藻的溶藻效果分析郗建云;曹煜成;李卓佳;文国樑;徐武杰;郑奇宏;李振成;许云娜【摘要】将溶藻菌菌株A2以初始浓度107 CFU ·mL-1接入到锥状斯氏藻(Scrippsiella trochoidea)、条纹小环藻(Cyclo-tella striata)、蛋白核小球藻(Chlorella pyrenoidosa)和四尾栅藻(Scenedesmus quadricauda)的纯培养与混合培养藻液中,研究A2对不同微藻的溶藻专一性,并通过16S rDNA序列分析对A2菌株进行菌株鉴定.结果表明,经16SrDNA鉴定,菌株A2属于海杆菌属(Marinobacter sp.);在微藻纯培养与混合培养环境下,A2皆可有效溶解甲藻类的锥状斯氏藻,对硅藻类的条纹小环藻具有一定的溶解效果,对绿藻类的四尾栅藻生长无影响,可以促进绿藻类蛋白核小球藻的生长.在多种微藻共存环境下,A2菌组锥状斯氏藻死亡率可高达98.29%和95.37%,蛋白核小球藻的浓度较对照组提高237.6%.结果表明,菌株A2具有良好的溶藻专一性,可作为研发养殖池塘甲藻调控剂的备选菌株.【期刊名称】《南方水产科学》【年(卷),期】2016(012)005【总页数】9页(P34-42)【关键词】锥状斯氏藻;溶藻菌;专一性【作者】郗建云;曹煜成;李卓佳;文国樑;徐武杰;郑奇宏;李振成;许云娜【作者单位】上海海洋大学水产与生命科学学院,上海201306;中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所,广东省渔业生态环境重点实验室,农业部南海渔业资源开发利用重点实验室,广东广州510300;中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所,广东省渔业生态环境重点实验室,农业部南海渔业资源开发利用重点实验室,广东广州510300;中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所,广东省渔业生态环境重点实验室,农业部南海渔业资源开发利用重点实验室,广东广州510300;中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所,广东省渔业生态环境重点实验室,农业部南海渔业资源开发利用重点实验室,广东广州510300;中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所,广东省渔业生态环境重点实验室,农业部南海渔业资源开发利用重点实验室,广东广州510300;中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所,广东省渔业生态环境重点实验室,农业部南海渔业资源开发利用重点实验室,广东广州510300;中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所,广东省渔业生态环境重点实验室,农业部南海渔业资源开发利用重点实验室,广东广州510300;中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所,广东省渔业生态环境重点实验室,农业部南海渔业资源开发利用重点实验室,广东广州510300【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q178.1池塘水体中微藻的种类、数量与养殖生物的生长状况密切相关,一般以绿藻、硅藻为优势种的水体,养殖病害少有发生[1-2]。

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Plant Cell Reports (1993) 13:7
Plant Cell Reports
9 Springer-Verlag 1993
Micropropagation of Phalaenopsis and Doritaenopsis by culturing shoot tips of flower stalk buds
PLB: protocorm-like body, PGR: plant growth
axillary buds (lntuwong et al. 1972, Reisinger et al. 1976), meristems (Intuwong and Sagawa 1974), shoot tips of flower stalk buds (Zimmer and Pieper 1978, Ichihashi 1992), internodal segments of flower stalks (Homma and Asahira 1985, Lin 1986), leaf segments (Tanmka and Sakanishi 1977, Hass-Von Schmude 1984) and root tips (Tanaka et al. 1976). However, not all of these methods can be used for commercial micropropagation because of differences in survival rate, PLB formation, and plantlet regeneration. Moreover, PLB obtained through some of these methods did not proliferate readily and their viability was low. In the present study, we examined the effects of several concentrations and combinations of PGR with a view toward developing a practical micropropagation method for these orchids.
A b s t r a c t . Green Protocorm-like Bodies (PLB) with high
multiplication capacity were induced from shoot tips of flower stalk buds having 1 or 2 leaf primordia using New Dogashima Medium (NDM) containing 0.1 mg 1~t o~naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 1 mg 1-1 6 benzylaminopurine (BAP). These PLB were subcultured on the same medium. More than 10,000 PLBs were obtained from a few buds on a single flower stalk within one year. After transfer onto NDM containing no plant growth regulator (PGR), the PLB developed into plantlets. The micropropagation method formulated in this study was applicable to 12 different genotypes. These results suggest that the methodology could be used on a commercial scale for vegetative propagation of Phalaenopsis and
Ken Tokuhara 1 and Masahiro Mii 2
1 R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t Center, Orchid S a n c t u a r y D o g a s h i m a , Nishina, Nishiizu-cho, K a m o - g u n , Shizuoka 410-35, J a p a n
Pot plant and cut flower production of Phalaenopsis-orchids, including cultivars of Phalaenopsis and its intergeneric hybrid with Doritis, Doritaenopsis, have increased greatly in recent years. Unlike other orchids such as Cymbidium, Dendrobium and Cattleya, most of the commercially cultivated Phalaenopsis plants are produced from seeds and are heterozygous; micropropagation has not been feasible due to technical difficulties. Consequently, there is a great deal of variability in plant growth, flowering time and flower characteristics. This variability leads to increased production costs which reduce profits. Several micropropagation methods have been developed for Phalaenopsis, including the culture of flower stalks with
2 Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University, Matsudo, Chiba 271, Japan
Received 1 F e b r u a r y 1993/Revised version received 13 A u g u s t ] 993 - C o m m u n i c a t e d by G. C. Phillips
regulator, NAA: ct-naphthateneacetic acid, BAP: 6-benzylaminopurine, NDM: New Dogashima Medium
Materials and m e t h o d s
Greep2~ouse-grown plants of 12 cultivars listed in Table 1 were used as materials. The scheme for isolating explants is shown in Fig. 1. Xdgetative buds bearing flower stalks were removed from the plants (Fig. 1A). And nodes were excised leaving 1.5 cm above and 2.5 cm below the bud (Fig. 1B). The bracts which covered the buds were removed (Fig. IC). And the segments were surface disinfected with the supernatant of 5% Ca(CIO)z solution (ca. 1% available chlorine) containing a few drops of Tween-20 and slirred for 15 rain. Following surface sterilization, the segments were washed once with sterile distilled water. After removing 2 or 3 scaly leaves from the buds (Fig. ID), shoot tip explants 1 mm wide and 0.5 mm high with 1 or 2 leaf primordia were excised from the flower slalk segments with a surgical knife (Fig. 1E). Explants were then placed with the cut side down on 15 ml of solid medium in 24 mm x 100 mm test tubes which were capped with aluminum foil. Two basal media were used; (1) NDM (Table 2), which was developed by us for the culture of several orchids, and (2) modified MS medium (Murashige and Skoog 1962) containing half-strength major elements (1/2 MS). These media were supplemented with 0.1 mg 1-1 NAA, 1 mg 1-1 BAP and 10 g 14 sucrose and solidified with 2 g 1-1 Gelrite. The pH of the media was adjusted to 5.4 prior lo sterilization in an autoclave for