᱖ذ pause
" 零线模式 " 中指定测量边界 A1 为 0,测量边界 A2 决定输出特性。 按下 A1 键 2 秒钟保存所选的输出模式,完成参数设定并确保接近开关返回标准模 式。再短按 A1 键将开始进行步骤 2 (声锥宽度的选择) 。 步骤 2,超声波声锥宽度的选择 在近距离内,通过步骤 2,超声波声锥的宽度可以根据不同的应用进行调整。 首先显示当前声锥的宽度。 所有可选的声锥宽度可以通过连续短按 A2 键进行选择, 每次按键后红色 LED 的闪烁序列将会发生变化,从而显示不同的声锥宽度。 声锥宽度
Release date: releasedate Issue date: 2007-10-09 134003_CN.xml
红色 LED 的闪烁序列
᱖ذ pause
A2 键
pause ᱖ذ
pause ᱖ذ
按下 A1 键 2 秒钟保存所选的声锥形状,完成参数设定并确保接近开关返回标准模 式。短按 A1 键将返回步骤 1 (输出功能的设定) 。 如果在进入参数设定模式 5 分钟后没有完成设定,接近开关将不更改任何设置并退 出设定模式。
ူইఇ๕ A1 ଭ၍ఇ๕
ణՔྷݔ ฉืఇ๕ A1 A2
绿色 LED 的闪烁序列
᱖ذ pause
A2 键
A1 = 0 A2
pause ᱖ذ
MH 04-3505 安装附件 MHW 11 安装附件 DA5-IU-2K-V 显示器 V15-G-2M-PVC 电缆连接器 V15-W-2M-PVC 电缆连接器
Endress + Hauser 温度传感器TMT121 127 128型号产品说明说明书
i.iE -5: GYJ17.1056X(�tt: Obere Wank 1, 87484 Nesselwang, Germany)� -5 � � TMT121/127/128��VIlf.j 11 l;r. $ Ex iaHe T4-T6 Ga/GbI!l ** UU -5 14 10 00 000�1!l�&�*���$·�����,.���P�r.f ft GB 3836.1-2010, GB 3836.4-2010, GB 3836.20-2010 *;r. ;1,�� Wi � tlt iiE 0* iiE � 'A � 1m: 2017 � 2 F.1 22 S � 2022 � 2 F.1 21 B* 51 1. ��fl:m5.t��rYlm*iiE�1lf1f!fo2.iiE���€."X".���A���RmM •• �, �fim*iiE�Mf!fo3. ��m�l�aJ:lm*iiE�1lf1f!fo4. *�Et!. �VH&m*iiE�1lf1f!fo5. *iiE�F5JII1�mT,t�H�WT�WTiM.Jl[{)'(. (�1H) ��LHHi.J(�tt: �#lI�rm��iJUt:/lJm465�) ���F5J����o!t!? :1:.1: 1: j1i} m ie 3i: Jm 1 03 �JiI��: 200233 IXX.I:I:.II::Emai l:**************.cnJ:t!�: +86 21 64368180�a: +8621 64844580EX PL OS IO N PR OT EC TI ONCE RT IF IC AT E OF CO NFO RM ITYCert NO.GYJI7.1056XThis is to certify that the productTemperature transmitter (DIN raH)manufactured by Endress + Hauser We tzer GmbH + Co. KG(Address:Obcre Wank 1,87484 Nesselwang, Germany)which model is TMT1211127/128 Se r iesEx marking Ex iaHC T4-T6 Ga/Gbproduct standard /drewing number 14 1000000has been inspected end certified by NEPSI, and that it conformsto GB 3836.1-2010,GB 3836.4-2010,GB 3836.20-2010This Approval shall remain in force until 2022.02.21Remarks I.Conditions for safe use are specified in the attachment(s) to this certificate.2.Symbol "X" placed after the certification number denotes specific conditions of use,which are specified in the aUachrnent(s) to this certificate.3.Model designation is specified in the attachment(s) to this certificate.4.1ntrinsic safety parameters specified in the attachment(s) to this certificate.5.This certificate is also applicable for the product with the same type manufactured byEndress+Hauser Wetzer (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (address: Su Hong Zhong Lu No.465,Suzhou-SIP, China)DirectorIssued DateThis Ce rtificat e is valid for produc ts com patible with t he doc ument s and s am p ies app rovedby NEPSI.103 C ao Bao Road Shanghai200233,China Email: **************.cnTel: +862164368180Fax: +8621 64844580Edilion05�*�tt�tt��.������M National Supervision and Inspection Centre forExplosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation (GYJ17.1056X) (Attachment I )GY J17.1 056X� tI-ß-�iJE m{tf: I��ft Jr0 i1J �FB�TMT121/127/128*Ju�lfu l5t���� C '@%lL��) �� j;ill%� 15U:Wrf5U&r!15 *'�3:Jlli:'I�H&!J@: M(N E P S I )f&!J@: ?:{f-g. T J U fiT-1ft:GB3836.1-2010 *,Yr:äJiF� m1'ßM·}: .�� iffi J tj�*GB3836.4-2010 �'l:'Fti):f� �4tftl7}: El:pls:J.!jJ:�3:lli "i" 1:l1tJ?ß!'r��GB3836.20-2010 :Ii'l:'FäJiF� m20'ß-ß7t: W:�{ljH?�laIJ CEPL)Frf�Il1J�ß*$$Ex iaHC T4�T6 Ga/Gb. IltJ�lfr*:(:liiE-'%GYJ17.1056Xo*�iE 1 � 1A i:iJB� F J1J:1� -'%�m*lt :tm T :iTEMP PCP DIN rail TMT 121-10iTEMP RTD DIN rail TMT 127-10iTEMP TC DIN rail TMT 128-10Ä�: •• •.-, 1'= fflt:'tC� {f:ffl*f'**ftfA����T:f���s*�.:(HJI.:t�.d�ffl B�·�lJ1:'t:�:(.f�-1-g.GB4208-2008�J\lJCB� IP20 lJ,J:. lLmJE GB3836.1-201 0;fDGB3836.4-201 O�*Er�5'r1G� 0=,1'=fflt{f:ffl��$t9i1. F� f tJ:f.P:f�Ylfult;fDYlfu)jU.l3.3JU I'r� �*:�Jt�.I3.!iJIJ T4 T5 T6Je if Pf� iJh1il&-40 'C -+85 'C -40C+65C -40C+50Cm��� /F1�+:1Hf1i 03. FrI1i'I�*����ln:;-:f*,�if!IiI,VJR[1 (+),2(-)] Uj=30V Ij=100mA Pj=750mW Cj�O Lj�OUo=4.4V l o=9.6mA Po=10.6mW f'iZ��@]��[3, 4, 5,6] HC TIBCo 2.4iJ F 12iJ FLo 100mH 100mH(GY J17.1 056X) (Attachment I )4, FI-l�.!=j*Ri&�B��f�Il!.��BYj}11H{g�:j:p�B�mfM(I\:I.��, ;!{mfM(mBYf�±ilio5,ffl����fiM.���F����.$#, BY��F������M*�fi�� ���., �����.fi��m������o6, Fp1B���, 1�fFHII�Mf'�I'"Jßt�'1'Fp11tffl�A)H5, G83836.13-1997 ";lfHt'i1-4: {i.f(flF�ffl�@'�i&�m13f'i�7t: , G83836.15-2000 ". 1:t't1�1*lf:Liffl J:f!.�i&� m15f'iM·}: i1t�fttmwrJ:f!.-4:�� (;I:�1tl;�"�) , G83836.16-2006 " ;I:l 1:t 'ti /=t 1* lf m m J:f!. � .\& fIl. � 16 f'i� 7t: f:@. /=t � l!f B� tft � �[I MU? (m 1t ��,,�) JJzG850257-1996 r:@. ��:EiMii I JJz�I&J.m1[i" rttlff* �!.\l)E o1,F���r������ru& •• ��AF��mill��;2 ,*� � r 16' �li1 ?-*tr f'J{W� N E P S I iA i:iJ (:1<] )( 1q: 'Bi �4 � F ;3, F � � ),�. � r0. j> -E1 �% r 31U I*J � :a) NEPS liA (��Jj1jit*tri.LE:;)b) F &i'dVI :ti liF iil;;c ) rVI :Ii 1-1 *1HIE 'ij'd) 1� ffl W �YliliJte) *� Il!.�%t��*������.���.��� National Supervision and Inspection Centre forExplosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation(GY J17.1 056X) (Attachment I )Attachment I to GYJ17.1056X1. DescriptionTMT121 /127/128 se r ies Temperature transmitter (DIN rail), manufactured by Endress+Hauser Wetzer GmbH + Co.KG, has been certified by National Supervision and Inspection Center for Explosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation (NEPSI). The product accords with following standards:GB3836.1-2010 Explosive atmospheres-Part 1: Equipment-General requirementsGB3836.4-2010 Explosive atmospheres-Part 4: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety"i"GB3836.20-2010 Explosive atmospheres-Part 20: Equipment with equipment protection level (EPL) GaThe Ex marking is Ex ia 11 C T 4-T6 Ga/Gb, its certificate number is GY J17.1 056X.Type approved in this certificate is shown as the following:iTEMP PCP DIN rail TMT121-1 DiTEMP RTD DIN rail TMT121-1 0iTEMP TC DIN rail TMT128-1 0o indicates type of connection, sensor, meauring range and etc.Refer to instruction manual for the details.2. Special Conditions for Safe UseThe suffix "X" placed after the certificate number indicates that this product is subject to special conditions for safe use, that is:When using this head type product, it shall be installed in the enclosure which IP degree is at least IP20 according to GB4208-2008, and meet the relative requirements of GB3836.1-201 0 and GB3836.4-2010.3. Conditions for Safe Use3.1 The relationship between ambient temperature range and the temperature class is shown as foliows:Temperature dass T4 T5 T6Ambient temperature range -40'C-+85'C -40'C-+65'C -40'C-+50'C3.2 This product should be used in explosive gas atmospheres together with approved associated apparatus, follow the instruction manual of this product and associated apparatus when connecting the wiring. Connect the wiring terminals correctly.Page 1 01 2(GYJ17.1056X) (Attachment I )3.3 Intrinsically safe parameters:Ui=30V li=100mA Pi=750mW Ci::::O Li::::OSensor circuits [3, 4, 5, 6] Uo=4.4V lo=9.6mA Po=10.6mWHCCo 2.4 I.l F 12 I.l FLo 100mH 100mH3.4 Connecting cable between intrinsically safe product and associated apparatus should be insulated screen cable; connect the cable screen functionally to earth ground.3.5 The user shall not change the configuration in order to maintain/ensure the explosion protection performance of the equipment. Any change may impair safety.3.6 For installation, use and maintenance of this product, the end user shall observe the instruction manual and the following standards:hazard electrical equipment installation engineering".GB3836.13-2013 "Explosive atmospheres-Part 13:Equipment repair, overhaul and reclamation".GB3836.15-2000 "Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres-Part 15:Electrical installations inhazardous area (other than rnines)".GB3836.16-2006 "Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres-Part 16:lnspection and maintenance of electrical installation (other than mines)".GB3836.18-2010 "Explosive atmospheres-Part 18: Intrinsically safe system".4. Manufacturer's Responsibility4.1 Conditions for safe use, a s specified above, s hould be induded in the documentation the user is provided with. 4.2 Manufacturing should be done according to the documentation approved by NEPSI.4.3 Nameplate should include these contents listed below:1) NEPSl logo @2) Ex marking3) certificate number4) ambient temperature5) intrinsically safe parametersPage 2 of 2。
维萨拉工业测量产品手册湿度 | 温度 | 露点 | 二氧化碳 | 沼气 | 油中水分 | 连续监测系统 |溶解气体分析系统 | 过氧化氢 | 压力 | 气象 | 服务支持观测让世界更美好维萨拉的工业测量业务领域产品能够帮助客户了解工艺过程。
如需更多信息,请通过以下方式联系我们:销售热线:400 810 0126电子邮箱:**********************公司网址:扫描二维码,关注维萨拉企业微信3目 录Indigo系列变送器Indigo200系列数据处理单元 (7)Indigo300数据处理单元 (9)Indigo510数据处理单元 (12)Indigo520数据处理单元 (15)用于抽检和校准的手持设备Indigo80手持式显示表头 (18)HMP80系列手持式湿度和温度探头 (21)DMP80系列手持式露点和温度探头 (23)HM70手持式湿度和温度仪 (26)HUMICAP® 手持式湿度温度仪表HM40系列 (29)DM70手持式露点仪 (33)MM70适用于现场检测的手持式油中微量水分和温度测试仪 (36)湿度和温度用于测量相对湿度的维萨拉HUMICAP® 传感器 (38)如何为高湿度应用选择合适的湿度仪表 (40)Insight PC机软件 (44)HMP1墙面式温湿度探头 (46)HMP3一般用途湿度和温度探头 (48)HMP4相对湿度和温度探头 (51)HMP5相对湿度和温度探头 (54)HMP7相对湿度和温度探头 (57)HMP8相对湿度和温度探头 (60)HMP9紧凑型湿度和温度探头 (63)TMP1温度探头 (66)适用于苛刻环境中湿度测量的HMT330系列温湿度变送器 (68)HMT370EX系列本安型温湿度变送器 (78)HMT310温湿度变送器 (84)HUMICAP® 温湿度变送器HMT120和HMT130 (87)适用于高性能暖通空调应用的HMW90系列湿度与温度变送器 (90)HMD60系列湿度和温度变送器 (92)HMD110/112和HMW110/112湿度和温度变送器 (96)适用于楼宇自动化高精度室外测量的HMS110系列温湿度变送器 (99)HMDW80系列温湿度变送器 (101)适用于楼宇自动化应用室外测量的HMS80系列温湿度变送器 (105)HMM100湿度模块 (107)适用于OEM应用的HMM105数字湿度模块 (109)HMM170温湿度模块 (111)INTERCAP® 温湿度探头HMP60 (113)4INTERCAP® 温湿度探头HMP63 (115)HUMICAP® 温湿度探头HMP110 (117)HUMICAP® 温湿度探头HMP113 (120)SHM40结构湿度测量套件 (122)HMK15湿度校准仪 (125)DTR500太阳辐射和雨水防护罩 (127)HMT330MIK气象安装套件 (129)适用于动力汽轮机进气测量的HMT300TMK汽轮机安装组件 (131)露点Vaisala DRYCAP® 传感器用于测量干燥过程中的湿度 (133)DMP5露点和温度探头 (135)DMP6露点探头 (138)DMP7露点和温度探头 (140)DMP8露点和温度探头 (142)DMT340系列露点和温度变送器 (145)适用于高温应用的DMT345和DMT346露点变送器 (151)DMT152露点变送器 (155)DMT143露点变送器 (157)DMT143L露点变送器 (160)用于冷冻干燥机的DMT132露点变送器 (162)DM70用DSS70A便携式采样系统和采样室 (164)DPT146露点和气压变送器 (166)DPT145多参数变送器 (168)二氧化碳适用于苛刻环境的维萨拉CARBOCAP® 测量传感器 (171)GMP343二氧化碳探头 (173)适用于CO2恒温箱的GMP231二氧化碳探头 (176)GMP251二氧化碳探头 (178)GMP252二氧化碳探头 (181)GM70手持式二氧化碳测试仪 (184)适用于苛刻通风要求应用的GMW90系列二氧化碳及温湿度变送器 (187)适用于智能控制通风系统 (DCV) 的GMW80系列二氧化碳、湿度和温度一体变送器 (190)按需控制通风系统中的GMD20系列二氧化碳变送器 (193)GMD110管道安装式二氧化碳变送器 (195)沼气MGP261多气体探头 (197)MGP262多气体探头 (199)油中水用于测量油中微水的维萨拉HUMICAP® 传感器 (201)MMP8油中水分探头 (203)MMT330系列油中微量水分与温度变送器 (205)5MMT310系列油中微量水分与温度变送器 (209)MMT162油中微量水分和温度变送器 (211)连续监测系统维萨拉viewLinc企业版服务器版本5.1 (213)AP10 VaiNet无线接入点 (215)用于连续监测系统的RFL100无线数据记录仪 (218)HMP115温湿度探头 (223)TMP115宽范围温度探头 (225)维萨拉温度与相对湿度数据记录仪系列DL2000 (227)维萨拉通用输入数据记录仪系列DL4000 (229)维萨拉多应用温度数据记录仪DL1016/1416 (231)维萨拉热电偶数据记录仪系列DL1700 (233)维萨拉中端温度、湿度及触点通道数据记录仪 (235)维萨拉vNet以太网供电数据记录仪接口 (238)溶解气体分析OPT100 Optimus™ 溶解气体分析(DGA)监测系统 (240)MHT410变压器油中微量水分、氢气和温度分析仪 (244)过氧化氢用于测量汽化过氧化氢、相对饱和度和相对湿度的维萨拉PEROXCAP® 传感器 (246)用于过氧化氢、湿度和温度测量的HPP270系列探头 (249)压力用于测量压力的维萨拉BAROCAP® 传感器 (253)PTU300气压、湿度和温度一体变送器 (255)适用于专业气象、航空与工业用户的PTB330数字式气压计 (260)气压传递标准PTB330TS (262)PTB210数字气压计 (265)PTB110气压计 (267)将风引起误差降低的SPH10/20静压头 (269)气象Vaisala用于工业应用测量的风和气象传感器技术 (271)风测量装置WA15 (273)WINDCAP® 超声波风传感器WMT700系列 (276)气象变送器WXT530系列 (278)服务支持面向仪表全生命周期服务 (280)67功能•数据处理单元 USB-C 端口支持使用通用 USB 电缆连接到维萨拉Insight PC 软件•数字和图形彩色显示屏(针对模拟型号提供可选的不带显示屏的款式)•IP65 外壳•24 V AC/DC 电源输入•Indigo201:3 个模拟输出(mA 或 V)•Indigo202:RS-485,带有Modbus ® RTU•2 个可配置的继电器维萨拉 Indigo200 系列数据处理单元是一种主机设备,它显示来自维萨拉 Indigo 兼容探头的测量值,同时也可通过模拟信号、Modbus RTU 通信或继电器将这些测量值传输到自动化系统。
A10 datasheet_
A10 DatasheetV1.002011-8-221.IntroductionWith ARM Cortex A8 core, A10 will drive SoC into a brand new era of connected Smart HD which can enhance the application of connected HD SOC as well as user experiences of consumer electronics like multimedia products. Due to its outstanding connected HD video performance and cost efficiency, the highly integrated A10 is target at cool HD pad which can bring end-users better experiences of surfing, watching, gaming and reading.The A10 is dedicated to furthering the development of connected HD video CODEC application, and 1080P H.264 high profile encoding technology can become one of the benchmarks. Besides its remarkable super HD 2160p video decoding capability, A10 can stream smoothly HD video over internet, including FLASH10.3/HTML5/3RD APK.Besides self-developed display acceleration frame, MALI400 2D/3D GPU has also been introduced to strengthen the connected smart HD SOC in terms of high profile display so that it can support popular smart systems such as Android2.3/3.0 better and improve the performance of Android-loaded products as well as user experience.There is no doubt that low power consumption and excellent user experience will be always on the top of end-users’ wish list. A10 has adoped Allwinnertech’s most advanced technology of video CODEC and power consumption is much lower during 1080p decoding process. What’s more, Allwinnertech will keep applying progressive VLSI design under new process so that end products can become even more competitive with shorter R&D cycle and easier production advantages.2.FeatureCPU●ARM Cortex-A8 Core●32KB I-Cache/32KB D-Cache/256K L2 Cache●Using NEON for video, audio,and graphic workloads eases the burden of supporting moredelicated accelerators across the SoC and enable the system to support the standards oftomorrow●RCT JA V A-Accelerations to optimize just in time(JIT) and dynamitic adaptivecompilation(DAC), and reduces memory footprint up to three times●Trustzone technology allows for secure transactions and digital right managements(DRM)GPU3D●support Open GL ES 2.0 / open VG 1.12D●support BLT / ROP2/3/4●Rotation 90/180/270 degree●Mirror / alpha (including plane and pixel alpha) / color key support●Scaling function with 4*4 taps and 32 phase●Support format conversionVPU●Video Decoding (Super HD 2160P)Support all popular video formats, including VP8,A VS, H.264, H.263,VC-1, MPEG-1/2/4Support 1920*1080@60fps in all formats●Video EncodingSupport encoding in H.264 High Profile format1080p@60fps720p @100fpsDisplay Processing Ability●Four moveable and size-adjustable layers●Support 8 tap scale filter in horizontal and 4 tap in vertical direction for scaling●support Multi-format image input●support Alpha blending / color key / gamma●support Hardware cursor / sprite●support Vertical keystone correction●support Output color correction (luminance / hue / saturation etc)●support motion adaptive de-interlace●support Video enhancement●support 3D format content input/output format convert/display (including HDMI)Display Output Ability●Support HDMI V1.3/V1.4●Flexible LCD interface (CPU / Sync RGB / LVDS) up to 1920*1080 resolution●CVBS / YPbPr up to 1920*1080 resolutionImageInput Ability●Dual camera sensor interface (CSI0 supports ISP function)Memory●16/32-bits SDRAM controllersupport DDR2 SDRAM and DDR3 SDRAM up to 800MbpsMemory Capacity up to 16 G-bits●8-bits NAND Flash Controller with 8 chip select and 2 r/b signalsSupport SLC/MLC/TLC/DDR NANDECC up to 64bitPeripherals● 1 USB 2.0 OTG controller for general application/2 USB2.0 EHCI Controller for HOSTapplication● 4 high-speed Memory controller supports SD version 3.0 and MMC version 4.2●8 UARTs with 64 Bytes TX FIFO and 64 Bytes RX FIFO,1 UART with full modem function2 UARTs with RTS/CTS hardware flow control5 UARTs with two wires● 4 SPI controller1 dedicated SPI controller for serial NOR Flash boot application3 SPI for general applications● 3 Two-Wire Interfaces up to 400Kbps●Key Matrix (8x8) with internal debounce filter●IR controller supports MIR, FIR and IR remoter●2-CH 6-bits LRADC for line control●Internal 4-wire touch panel controller with pressure sensor and 2-point touch●I2S/PCM controller for 8-channel output and 2-channel input●AC97 controller compatible with AC97 version 2.3 standard●Internal 24-bits Audio Codec for 2 channel headphone, 2 channel microphone, 2 channel FMinput and Line input● 2 PWM controllerSystem●8 channel normal DMA and 8 channel dedicateed DMA●Internal (32K+64K) SRAM on chip● 4 timer, 1 RTC timer and 1 watchdogSecurity●Security SystemSupport DES, 3DES, AES encryption and decryption.messagedigestSHA-1,MD5SupportSupport hardware 64-bit random generator●128-bits EFUSE chip IDPackage●TFBGA441package●0.8mm pitch3.Functional Block DiagramDisplayHead PhoneMicrophoneAC AdapterPowerManagementPMU System PowerPlug AC LineSupport 4.1V/4.2V/4.36V USB1,2 HOSTUSB0 OGTUSB1,2 ControllerUSB0 Controller Display3G4.Pin Assignments4.1.DimensionFigure 4-1 A10 TFBGA441 Package Dimension4.2.Pin MapThe following pin maps show the top view of the 441-pin FBGA package pin assignments in fourquadrants (A, B, C, D).Figure 4-2 TFBGA441 Pin Map-Top View [Quadrant A]Figure 4-3 TFBGA441 Pin Map-Top View [Quadrant B]Figure 4-4 TFBGA441 Pin Map-Top View [Quadrant C]Figure 4-5 TFBGA441Pin Map-Top View [Quadrant D]5.Pin Description5.1.Pin Characteristics1.BALL#: Ball numbers on the bottom side associated with each signals on the bottom.2.Pin Name: Names of signals multiplexed on each ball (also notice that the name of the pin is thesignal name in function 0).3.Function: Multiplexing function number.Function 0 is the the default function, but is not necessarily the primary mode.Functions 1 to 5 are possible modes for alternate functions.4.Type: signal direction-I =Input-O =Output-I/O =Input/Output- A = Analog-AIO =Analog Input/Output-PWR =Power-GND =Ground5.Pin Reset State: The state of the terminal at reset (power up).-0: The buffer drives VOL(pull down/pull up resistor not activated)-0 (PD): The buffer drives V OL with an active pull down resistor.-1: The buffer drives VOH (pull down/pull up resistor not activated).- 1 (PU): The buffer drives V OH with an active pull up resistor.-Z: High-impedance-L: High-impedance with an active pull down resistor.-H: High-impedance with an active pull up resistor.6.Pull Up/Down: Denotes the presence of an internal pull up or pull down resister. Pull up and pulldown resistor can be enabled or disabled via software.7.Buffer Strength: Drive strength of the associated output buffer.Table 5-1 Pin Characteristics (FBGA441)Table 5-1BALL# Pin Name Function Type ResetStatePullUp/DownBufferStrength(mA)AB4 SDQ0 I/O AC7 SDQ1 I/OAC4 SDQ2 I/OAB8 SDQ3 I/OAC8 SDQ4 I/OAB5 SDQ5 I/OAB7 SDQ6 I/OBALL# Pin Name Function Type ResetStatePullUp/DownBufferStrength(m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in Name Function TypeState Up/Down Strength (mA)V2 SCK# OV1 SCK OJ4 SCKE1 ON3 SCKE0 O W4 SA0 OR4 SA1 OU4 SA2 OM4 SA3 OY4 SA4 ON5 SA5 OV4 SA6 OM3 SA7 OAA3 SA8 OP4 SA9 OL3 SA10 OW3 SA11 OP3 SA12 OY3 SA13 OR3 SA14 OK3 SBA0 OL4 SBA1 OK4 SBA2 OT3 SWE OU3 SCAS OT4 SRAS OV3 SCS0 OAA4 SCS1 O AA5 SDOT0 OJ3 SDOT1 O AA7 SZQAA6 SRST O N8/P8/R8 NCM8/N9/P9 VDD_DLL P M9/N10/P10 GND_DLL PPA0 0/1I/OERXD3 2SPI1_CS0 3D5UART2_RTS 4PA1 0/1I/OERXD2 2E5BALL# Pin Name Function TypeState Up/Down Strength (mA)UART2_CTS 4PA2 0/1I/OERXD1 2SPI1_MOSI 3D6UART2_TX 4PA3 0/1I/OERXD0 2SPI1_MISO 3E6UART2_RX 4PA4 0/1I/OETXD3 2D7SPI1_CS1 3PA5 0/1I/OETXD2 2E7SPI3_CS0 3PA6 0/1I/OETXD1 2D8SPI3_CLK 3PA7 0/1I/OETXD0 2E8SPI3_MOSI 3PA8 0/1I/OERXCK 2D9SPI3_MISO 3PA9 0/1I/OERXERR 2E9SPI3_CS1 3PA10 0/1I/OERXDV 2D10UART1_TX 4PA11 0/1I/OEMDC 2E10UART1_RX 4PA12 0/1I/OEMDIO 2UART6_TX 3D11UART1_RST 4PA13 0/1I/OETXEN 2UART6_RX 3E11BALL# Pin Name Function TypeState Up/Down Strength (mA)PA14 0/1I/OETXCK 2UART7_TX 3D12UART1_DTR 4PA15 0/1I/OECRS 2UART7_RX 3E12UART1_DSR 4PA16 0/1I/OECOL 2CAN_TX 3D13UART1_DCD 4PA17 0/1I/OETXERR 2CAN_RX 3C13UART1_RING 4PB0 0/1I/O A15TWI0_SCK 2PB1 0/1I/O B15TWI0_SDA 2PB2 0/1I/O A14PWM0 2PB3 0/1I/OIR_TX 2NC 3B14EINT16 5PB4 0/1I/O A13IR_RX 2PB5 0/1I/OI2S_MCLK 2B13AC97_MCLK 3PB6 0/1I/OI2S_BCLK 2A12AC97_BCLK 3PB7 0/1I/OI2S_LRCK 2B12AC97_SYNC 3PB8 0/1I/OI2S_DO0 2A11AC97_DO 3BALL# Pin Name Function TypeState Up/Down Strength (mA)I2S_DO1 2PB10 0/1I/O C11I2S_DO2 1PB11 0/1I/O C10I2S_DO3 1PB12 0/1I/OI2S_DI 2AC97_DI 3C9NC 4PB13 0/1I/OSPI2_CS1 2B11NC 4PB14 0/1I/OSPI2_CS0 2A10JTAG_MS0 3PB15 0/1I/OSPI2_CLK 2B10JTAG_CK0 3PB16 0/1I/OSPI2_MOSI 2A9JTAG_DO0 3PB17 0/1I/OSPI2_MOSO 2B9JTAG_DI0 3PB18 0/1I/O A8TWI1_SCK 2PB19 0/1I/O B8TWI1_SDA 2PB20 0/1I/O C8TWI2_SCK 2PB21 0/1I/O C7TWI2_SDA 2PB22 0/1I/OUART0_TX 2A7IR1_TX 3PB23 0/1I/OUART0_RX 2B7IR1_RX 3PC0 0/1I/ONWE# 2M23BALL# Pin Name Function TypeState Up/Down Strength (mA)PC1 0/1I/ONALE 2M22SPI0_MISO 3PC2 0/1I/ONCLE 2L23SPI0_CLK 3PC3 0/1I/ONCE1 2L22SDC1_CMD 3 Pull Up (default)PC4 0/1I/O K23NCE0 1 Pull Up (default)PC5 0/1I/ONRD 1K22SDC1_CLK 2PC6 0/1I/ONRB0 2J23SDC2_CMD 3 Pull Up (default)PC7 0/1I/ONRB1 2J22SDC2_CLK 3 Pull Up (default)PC8 0/1I/OND0 2H23SDC2_D0 3PC9 0/1I/OND1 2H22SDC2_D1 3PC10 0/1I/OND2 2G23SDC2_D2 3PC11 0/1I/OND3 2G22SDC2_D3 3PC12 0/1I/OND4 2H21SDC1_D0 3PC13 0/1I/OND5 2H20SDC1_D1 3PC14 0/1I/OND6 2G21BALL# Pin Name Function TypeState Up/Down Strength (mA)PC15 0/1I/OND7 2G20SDC1_D3 3PC16 0/1I/O M21NWP 1 Pull Down (default)PC17 0/1I/O F23NCE2 1 Pull Up (default)PC18 0/1I/O F22NCE3 1 Pull Up (default)PC19 0/1I/ONCE4 1SPI2_CS0 2L21EINT12 5PC20 0/1I/ONCE5 1SPI2_CLK 2K21EINT13 5PC21 0/1I/ONCE6 1SPI2_MOSI 2J21EINT14 5PC22 0/1I/ONCE7 1SPI2_MISO 2J20EINT15 5PC23 0/1I/O G19SPI0_CS0 2 Pull Up (default)PC24 0/1I/O F21NDQSPD0 0/1I/OLCD0_D0 2AB15LVDS0_VP0 3PD1 0/1I/OLCD0_D1 2AC15LVDS0_VN0 3PD2 0/1I/OLCD0_D2 2AB14LVDS0_VP1 3PD3 0/1I/OLCD0_D3 2AC14BALL# Pin Name Function TypeState Up/Down Strength (mA)PD4 0/1I/OLCD0_D4 2AB13LVDS0_VP2 3PD5 0/1I/OLCD0_D5 2AC13LVDS0_VN2 3PD6 0/1I/OLCD0_D6 2AB12LVDS0_VPC 3PD7 0/1I/OLCD0_D7 2AC12LVDS0_VNC 3PD8 0/1I/OLCD0_D8 2AB11LVDS0_VP3 3PD9 0/1I/OLCD0_D9 2AC11LVDS0_VN3 3PD10 0/1I/OLCD0_D10 2Y15LVDS1_VP0 3PD11 0/1I/OLCD0_D11 2AA15LVDS1_VN0 3PD12 0/1I/OLCD0_D12 2Y14LVDS1_VP1 3PD13 0/1I/OLCD0_D13 2AA14LVDS1_VN1 3PD14 0/1I/OLCD0_D14 2Y13LVDS1_VP2 3PD15 0/1I/OLCD0_D15 2AA13LVDS1_VN2 3PD16 0/1I/OLCD0_D16 2Y12LVDS1_VPC 3PD17 0/1I/O AA12BALL# Pin Name Function TypeState Up/Down Strength (mA)LVDS1_VNC 3PD18 0/1I/OLCD0_D18 2Y11LVDS1_VP3 3PD19 0/1I/OLCD0_D19 2AA11LVDS1_VN3 3PD20 0/1I/OLCD0_D20 2Y10CSI1_MCLK 3PD21 0/1I/OLCD0_D21 2AA10SMC_VPPEN 3PD22 0/1I/OLCD0_D22 2AB10SMC_VPPPP 3PD23 0/1I/OLCD0_D23 2AC10SMC_DET 3PD24 0/1I/OLCD0_CLK 2Y9SMC_VCCEN 3PD25 0/1I/OLCD0_DE 2AA9SMC_RST 3PD26 0/1I/O LCD0_HSYNC 2AB9SMC_SLK 3PD27 0/1I/O LCD0_VSYNC 2AC9SMC_SDA 3PE0 0/1I/OTS0_CLK 2E23CSI0_PCK 3PE1 0/1I/OTS0_ERR 2E22CSI0_CK 3PE2 0/1I/OTS0_SYNC 2D23CSI0_HSYNC 3BALL# Pin Name Function TypeState Up/Down Strength (mA)TS0_DVLD 2CSI0_VSYNC 3PE4 0/1I/OTS0_D0 2C23CSI0_D0 3PE5 0/1I/OTS0_D1 2C22CSI0_D1 3PE6 0/1I/OTS0_D2 2B23CSI0_D2 3PE7 0/1I/OTS0_D3 2B22CSI0_D3 3PE8 0/1I/OTS0_D4 2A23CSI0_D4 3PE9 0/1I/OTS0_D5 2A22CSI0_D5 3PE10 0/1I/OTS0_D6 2B21CSI0_D6 3PE11 0/1I/OTS0_D7 2A21CSI0_D7 3PF0 0/1I/OSDC0_D1 2M20JTAG_MS1 4PF1 0/1I/OSDC0_D0 2M19JTAG_DI1 4PF2 0/1I/OSDC0_CLK 2L20UART0_TX 4PF3 0/1I/OSDC0_CMD 2L19JTAG_DO1 4PF4 0/1I/OSDC0_D3 2K20BALL# Pin Name Function TypeState Up/Down Strength (mA)PF5 0/1I/OSDC0_D2 2K19JTAG_CK1 4PG0 0/1I/OTS1_CLK 2CSI1_PCLK 3F20SDC1_CMD 4PG1 0/1I/OTS1_ERR 2CSI1_MLCK 3E21SDC1_CLK 4PG2 0/1I/OTS1_SYNC 2CSI1_HSYNC 3E20SDC1_D0 4PG3 0/1I/OTS1_DVLD 2CSI1_VSYNC 3D21SDC1_D1 4PG4 0/1I/OTS1_D0 2CSI1_D0 3SDC1_D2 4D20CSI0_D8 5PG5 0/1I/OTS1_D1 2CSI1_D1 3SDC1_D3 4C21CSI0_D9 5PG6 0/1I/OTS1_D2 2CSI1_D2 3UART3_TX 4E19CSI0_D10 5PG7 0/1I/OTS1_D3 2CSI1_D3 3UART3_RX 4C20CSI0_D11 5PG8 0/1I/O D19BALL# Pin Name Function TypeState Up/Down Strength (mA)CSI1_D4 3UART3_RTS 4CSI0_D12 5PG9 0/1I/OTS1_D5 2CSI1_D5 3C19UART3_CTS CSI0_D134 5PG10 0/1I/OTS1_D6 2CSI1_D6 3UART4_TX 4D18CSI0_D14 5PG11 0/1I/OTS1_D7 2CSI1_D7 3UART4_RX 4C18CSI0_D15 5PH0 0/1I/OLCD1_D0 2ATAA0 3UART3_TX 4EINT0 6A6CSI1_D07PH1 0/1I/OLCD1_D1 2ATAA1 3UART3_RX 4EINT1 6B6CSI1_D17PH2 0/1I/OLCD1_D2 2ATAA2 3UART3_RTS 4EINT2 6C6CSI1_D27PH3 0/1I/OLCD1_D3 2ATAIRQ 3UART3_CTS 4A5EINT3 6BALL# Pin Name Function TypeState Up/Down Strength (mA)CSI1_D37PH4 0/1I/OLCD1_D4 1ATAD0 2UART4_TX 3EINT4B5CSI1_D4PH5 0/1I/OLCD1_D5 2ATAD1 3UART4_RX 4EINT5 6C5CSI1_D57PH6 0/1I/OLCD1_D6 2ATAD2 3UART5_TX 4MS_BS 5EINT6 6A4CSI1_D67PH7 0/1I/OLCD1_D7 2ATAD3 3UART5_RX 4MS_CLK 5EINT7 6B4CSI1_D77PH8 0/1I/OLCD1_D8 2ATAD4 3KP_IN0 4MS_D0 5EINT8 6C4CSI1_D87PH9 0/1I/OLCD1_D9 2ATAD5 3KP_IN1 4MS_D1 5EINT9 6D4CSI1_D97BALL# Pin Name Function TypeState Up/Down Strength (mA)PH10 0/1I/OLCD1_D10 2ATAD6 3KP_IN2 4MS_D2 5EINT10 6A3CSI1_D107PH11 0/1I/OLCD1_D11 2ATAD7 3KP_IN3 4MS_D3 5EINT11 6CSI1_D117B3PH12 0/1I/OLCD1_D12 2ATAD8 3PS2_SCK1 4EINT12 6C3CSI1_D127PH13 0/1I/OLCD1_D13 2ATAD9 3PS2_SDA1 4SMC_RST 5EINT13 6A2CSI1_D137PH14 0/1I/OLCD1_D14 2ATAD10 3PS2_KP_IN4 4SMC_VPPEN 5EINT14 6B2CSI1_D147PH15 0/1I/OLCD1_D15 2ATAD11 3KP_IN5 4SMC_VPPPP 5A1EINT15 6BALL# Pin Name Function TypeState Up/Down Strength (mA)CSI1_D157PH16 0/1I/OLCD1_D16 2ATAD12 3KP_IN6 4SMC_DET 5EINT16 6B1CSI1_D167PH17 0/1I/OLCD1_D17 2ATAD13 3KP_IN7 4SMC_VCCEN 5EINT17 6C1CSI1_D177PH18 0/1I/OLCD1_D18 2ATAD14 3KP_OUT0 4SMC_SLK 5EINT18 6C2CSI1_D187PH19 0/1I/OLCD1_D19 2ATAD15 3KP_OUT1 4SMC_SDA 5EINT19 6D1CSI1_D197PH20 0/1I/OLCD1_D20 2ATAOE 3CAN_TX 4EINT20 6D2CSI1_D207PH21 0/1I/OLCD1_D21 2ATADREQ 3CAN_RX 4EINT21 6D3CSI1_D217BALL# Pin Name Function TypeState Up/Down Strength (mA)PH22 0/1I/OLCD1_D22 2ATADACK 3KP_OUT2 4CSI1_D225E2SDC1_CMD7PH23 0/1I/OLCD1_D23 2ATACS0 3KP_OUT3 4SDC1_CLK5E3CSI1_D237PH24 0/1I/OLCD1_CLK 2ATACS1 3KP_OUT4 4SDC1_D05E3CSI1_PCLK7PH25 0/1I/OLCD1_DE 2ATAIORDY 3KP_OUT5 4SDC1_D15E4CSI1_FIELD7PH26 0/1I/OLCD1_HSYNC 2ATAIORDY 3KP_OUT6 4SDC1_D25F3CSI1_HSYNC7PH27 0/1I/OLCD1_VSYNC 2ATAIOW 3KP_OUT7 4SDC1_D35F4CSI1_VSYNC7PI0 0/1I/OA20NC 2PI1 0/1I/OB20NC 2A19 PI20/1I/OBALL# Pin Name Function TypeState Up/Down Strength (mA)NC 2PI3 0/1I/O B19PWM1 2PI4 0/1I/O A18SDC3_CMD 2PI5 0/1I/O B18SDC3_CLK 2PI6 0/1I/O A17SDC3_D0 2PI7 0/1I/O B17SDC3_D1 2PI8 0/1I/O A16SDC3_D2 2PI9 0/1I/O B16SDC3_D3 2PI10 0/1I/OSPI0_CS0 2UART5_TX 3C17EINT22 6PI11 0/1I/OSPI0_CLK UART5_RX 2 3D17EINT23 6PI12 0/1I/OSPI0_MOSI 2UART6_TX 3C16EINT2 6PI13 0/1 I/OSPI0_MISO 2UART6_RX 3D16EINT25 6PI14 0/1 I/OSPI0_CS1 2PS2_SCK1 3TCLKIN0 4A18EINT26 6PI15 0/1 I/OSPI1_CS1 2PS2_SDA1 3TCLKIN1 4B18EINT27 6BALL# Pin Name Function TypeState Up/Down Strength (mA)PI16 0/1 I/OSPI1_CS0 2UART2_RTS 3A17EINT28 6PI17 0/1 I/OSPI1_CLK 2UART2_CTS 3B17EINT29 6PI18 0/1 I/OSPI1_MOSI 2UART2_TX 3A16EINT30 6PI19 0/1 I/OSPI1_MISO 2UART2_RX 3B16EINT31 6PI20 0/1 I/OPS2_SCK0 2UART7_TX 3E14HSCL 6PI21 0/1 I/OPS2_SDA0 2UART7_RX 3E13HSDA 6NC I pull-upT9 GNDW8 UBOOT_SEL I pull-upT10 JTAG_SEL0/1I/O pull-upH16 TEST 0I/O pull-downF5 NMI#AC14 RESET# 0AN20 DM0 0/1 ION21 DP00/1 IOP20 DM10 PWR- - - P21 DP10 GND- - - L16 UVCC_C 0 PWR- - - L14 UGND_C 0 GND- - - L15 UVCC_T 0/1 PWRL13 UGND_T 0/1 GNDBALL# Pin Name Function TypeState Up/Down Strength (mA)K16 ULVDD PWRK14 ULGND GNDR20 DM2 IOR21 DP2 IOY22 XP_TP 0AIAA22 XN_TP 0AIY23 YP_TP 0AIAA23 YN_TP 0AIAC23 MIC1OUTN 0AC22 MIC1OUTP 0Y21 FMINR0Y20 FMINL0AA21 VMIC0 - -AC21 MICIN20 - -AC20 MICIN10 - -W20 VRA10V20 VRA20T19 A VCC 0W21 VRP0AB21 LINEINR0 - -AB20 LINEINL0U19 AGND 0W19 HPR 0Y19 HPL 0V19 HPGND 0AA20 HPCOMFB 0AC19 HPVCC 0Y19 HPL 0AB23 LRADC0 0AIAB22 LRADC1 0AIAC16 TVOUT0 0AOAB16 TVOUT1 0AOAC17 TVOUT2 0AOAB17 TVOUT3 0AOW15 VCC33_TVOUT0 PWR- - - W18 GND33_TVOUT0 GND- - - AC18 NC 0AB18 NC0AA17 NC0Y17 NC0W16 NC 0BALL# Pin Name Function TypeState Up/Down Strength (mA)Y18 NC 0W17 NC 0AA18 NC 0AA16 NC 0Y16 NC 0V23 TX0P_HDMI 0V22 TX0N_HDMI0U23 TX1P_HDMI0U22 TX1N_HDMI0T23 TX2P_HDMI0T22 TX2N_HDMI0W23 TXCP_HDMI0W22 TXCN_HDMI0T13 VP_HMDI 0P13/R13/P14 GND_HDMI 0R23 SCL_HDMI 0R22 SDA_HDMI0P22 HPD_HDMI0P23 CEC_HDMI0R14/T14 NCT20 NC0T21 NC0U21 NC0U20 NC0V21 NC0P19/R19 NC0M16/M15 NC0N15/N16 NC 0M14/N13 NC 0F1 CLK32K_INAF2 CLK32K_OUT0 AK8 RTC_VDDPWR-- - N23 CLK24M_IN 0 AN22 CLK24M_OUT 0 AR16/T16/R15/T15 NC0 PWR- - - P16 PLLVP25 0P15 PLLGND 0GND-- - H8/H9/H10J8/J9/J10 J14/H15 VCC(8) 0PWR- - -BALL# Pin Name Function TypeState Up/Down Strength (mA)N19 VCC_CARD 0PWR- - - H19/J19 VCC_NAND(2) 0 PWR- - -G5/H5/L5/M5/R5/T5/W5/W6/W7/Y7/ VCC_ DRAM(10)0 PWR- - -J5/k5/N5/P5/U5/V5/Y7/Y8/G3/G4GND_DRAM (10)0 GND- - - L8/L9/K9/K10/T8/R9/R10/ K15/J15/J16 VDD(10) 0PWR- - -J12/J13/H11/H12/H13/H14VDD2(6)H11/H12/H13/H14J12/J14VDDCPU(6) T8/R9/R10L8/L9/K9/K10K15/J15/J16VDD_INT(10)L10/L11/L12/K11/K12/K13/J11/M10/M11/M12/M13/N11/N12/ P11/P12/R11/R12/T11/T12 GND(19) 0GND- -W12/W13/W14 VCC_ LVDS (3) 0 PWR- - -W9/W10/W11 GND_LVDS(3) 0 GND- - -F19 VCC_CSI0E18 VCC_CSI1。
SKD62(1000N, 20mm,液压带弹簧复位)
QM42系列传感器 说明书
•Email: sensors@327美国邦纳工程国际有限公司QM42 传感器QM42系列QM42系列对射式发射器(E)和接收器(R)红外光,880nm型号检测距离接线方式工作电压输出形式过量增益光形图1101001 m 3.3 ft 10 m 33 ft 100 m 330 ft.1 m .33 ft1000E X C E S S G A I NDISTANCE QM42E/ROpposed Mode 10 m 32.5 ft8 m 26 ft 6 m 19.5 ft 4 m 13 ft 2 m 6.5 ft 0100 mm 200 mm 300 mm100 mm200 mm 300 mm 04 in 8 in 12 in4 in 8 in 12 in DISTANCEQM42E/ROpposed ModeQM426E QM426EQ QM42VN6R QM42VN6RQ QM42VP6R QM42VP6RQ10m (33')10 ~ 30V dc 2m (6.5')电缆4针Euro 接插件2m (6.5')电缆4针Euro 接插件2m (6.5')电缆4针Euro 接插件--互补型NPN 互补型PNP有效光束:8mmQM42带偏振反射板模式可见红光,660nm型号检测距离接线方式工作电压输出形式过量增益光形图1101001 m 3.3 ft 10 m 33 ft 100 m 330 ft.1 m .33 ft1000E X C E S S G A I NDISTANCE QM42LPRetroreflective Mode with BRT-3 Reflector3.75 m 12.5 ft3.0 m 10.0 ft 2.25 m 7.5 ft 1.5 m 5.0 ft 0.75 m 2.5 ft 0020 mm 40 mm 60 mm20 mm00.8 in1.6 in2.4 in0.8 in 40 mm 1.6 in 60 mm 2.4 in DISTANCEQM42LPRetroreflective Modewith BRT-3 ReflectorQM42VN6LP QM42VN6LPQQM42VP6LP QM42VP6LPQ3m (10')10 ~ 30V dc2m (6.5')电缆4针Euro 接插件2m (6.5')电缆4针Euro 接插件互补型NPN互补型PNPPQM42直接反射式红外光,880nm型号检测距离接线方式*工作电压输出形式过量增益光形图11010010 mm .4 in 100 mm 4 in 1000 mm 40 in1 mm .04 in1000E X C E S S G A I NDISTANCEQM42DDiffuse Mode500 mm 20 in400 mm 16 in 300 mm 12 in 200 mm 8 in 100 mm 4 in 0010 mm 20 mm 30 mm10 mm20 mm 30 mm 00.2 in 0.4 in 0.6 in0.4 in 0.8 in 1.2 in DISTANCEQM42DDiffuse ModeQM42VN6D QM42VN6DQ QM42VP6D QM42VP6DQ400mm (16")10 ~ 30V dc2m (6.5')电缆4针Euro 接插件2m (6.5')电缆4针Euro 接插件互补型NPN 互补型PNP短距离长距离短距离1101000.1 m 0.33 ft 1.0 m 3.3 ft 10 m 33 ft0.01 m 0.033 ft1000E X C E S S G A I NDISTANCE QMT42DXDiffuse Mode7.5 m 25 ft6.0 m 20 ft 4.5 m 15 ft 3.0 m 10 ft 1.5 m 5 ft 0010 mm 20 mm 30 mm10 mm20 mm 30 mm 00.4 in 0.8 in 1.2 in0.4 in 0.8 in 1.2 in DISTANCEDiffuse ModeQMT42DXQMT42VN6DXQMT42VN6DXQ QMT42VP6DX QMT42VP6DXQ10mm (0.4")到6m (20")10 ~ 30V dc2m (6.5')电缆4针Euro 接插件2m (6.5')电缆4针Euro 接插件互补型NPN 互补型PNP长距离注意:以上所标注的检测距离是使用反射板BRT-3(3")时的距离,根据所选用的反射板和反光率的大小,实际的检测距离会有所变化。
主要经营品牌如下:德国品牌:费斯托FESTO、贺德克HYDAC、宝德BURKERT、力士乐REXROTH、DUNGS 冬斯、霍科德Kromschroeder、曼肯贝格 Mankenberg、S+B、菲尼克斯PHOENIX、施克SICK、皮尔兹PILZ、易福门IFM、恩德斯豪斯E+H、倍加福P+F、巴鲁夫BALLUFF、穆尔MURR、图尔克TURCK、魏德米勒WEIDMULLER、威卡WIKA、亨士乐HENGSTLER、英飞凌/欧派克INFINEON、久茂JUMO、德国德森克/德硕瑞di-soric、德国杰斯曼GESSMANN、德国KUBLER库伯勒、穆勒MOLLER、施迈赛Schmersal、德国EBM、德国雷沃姆RHEWUM、萨姆森SAMSON、EMG伺服阀 GSR、赫斯曼HIRSCHMAN、HBM、 EUCHNER 安士能、DENISON丹尼逊、Bernstein博恩斯坦、ATP泵等。
Intrusion DetectorReference Guide2 | Bosch Security SystemsTable of ContentsIntroduction3Blue Line Series6Commercial Series8Professional Series10Classic Line12RADION wireless18Specialty Sensors20Detector Reference Guide | 3Security you can rely onWhether you are securing a home, retail store, bank, museum, commercial business or government facility, you need dependability from your systems. With decades of experience and an unwavering dedication to high-quality and high-performing products, Bosch detectors provide best-in-class false alarm immunity and catch performance while minimizing installation time and complexity. Millions of residential and commercial users rely on Bosch for superior intrusion detection.Bosch is recognized throughout the security industry as a global leader in intrusion detection expertise. We have earned this reputation by consistently providing products that meet your needs with a focus on performance, reliability, durability, and ease of installation.Bosch detectors fulfill the requirements of standards allover the world. In the state-of-the-art Bosch laboratory, we verify that our detectors pass the most stringent requirements of each certification standard. Bosch also designs its own, even more demanding, tests to ensure the detectors are virtually immune to environmental disturbances. As a result, false alarm protection and catch performance exceed the requirements of any single country. With Bosch detectors, there is no hiding place for intruders and zero tolerance for false alarms.4| Bosch Security SystemsWall-to-Wall coverageExcellent catch performanceFirst Step Processing intelligently analyzes motionfor an almost instant response to intruders. Thedetectors automatically adjust to their environment bycompensating for temperature fluctuations, so you areguaranteed optimal performance regardless of changesin room conditions.For more challenging applications, models with SensorData Fusion technology employ a sophisticated softwarealgorithm to analyze signals from multiple sensors,including microwave, temperature, and white light levels,to make the most intelligent alarm decisions in thesecurity industry.No more false alarmsBosch detectors feature Microwave Noise AdaptiveProcessing to easily differentiate humans from falsealarm sources, such as a ceiling fan or hanging sign.For increased reliability, dual sensors process the PIR andmicrowave Doppler radar signals independently and mustagree there is an alarm before the relay activates. Thesealed optical chamber also prevents drafts and insectsfrom affecting the detector. Bosch pet and small animalimmunity provides optimal sensitivity for any application.Minimize time on the ladderBosch detectors include a number of uniquedesign features to help you get the job done fasterand more reliably.▶ A self-locking, two-piece enclosure means no more lostscrews and an easy snap-to-lock installation▶ Integrated biaxial bubble level eliminates the guessworkto ensure proper alignment, requiring one lessinstallation tool▶ The removable, gap-free, liftgate-style terminal stripr educes mounting time to mere seconds and preventsincorrect wiring to eliminate future service calls▶ Optics and electronics are assembled into the frontenclosure and sealed with a protective cover to preventdamage during installation▶ A flexible mounting height makes positioning thedetector easy, and you get no-gap coverage withoutany optical or electronic on-site adjustmentsDetector Reference Guide | 5Ideal for any applicationIntelligent intrusion detection is a delicate balance between responding to real security breaches and ignoring sources of costly false alarms. Bosch offers a choice of detector models that set the standard for reliability and rapid detection.Our intrusion detectors suit the requirements of virtually any application — from residential to large commercial to high security. They stand up to multiple challenges, including strong drafts, moving objects, and the presence of pets.Our complete line includes:▶ Passive Infrared (PIR) and TriTech®(Combination PIR and microwave Dopper radar) – Long-range – 360° ceiling mount – Pet friendly®▶ Request-to-exit PIR ▶ Glass break ▶ Seismic and shock ▶ Photoelectric beam▶ Wireless communication6| Bosch Security SystemsBlue Line Gen2 Series Detection is PowerPIRStandardPet Friendly®Quad PIR* Difficult environments include rooms with potential false alarm sources, such as: air conditioning vents, strong drafts of cold or warm air, slow moving objects such as curtains, plants, or signs hanging from the ceiling, a fan that could be running when the system is activated, under floor heating, room temperatures exceeding 86℉ (30℃), a detector that could be exposed to bright white light (car headlights, floodlights, direct sunlight, etc.)** For UL installations the operating range is 32℉ to 120℉ (0℃ to 49℃), indoor useDetector Reference Guide | 7 TriTech® (PIR + MW)Standard Pet Friendly®8| Bosch Security SystemsCommercial SeriesDetection delivered. Reliability assured.TriTech (PIR + MW)StandardAnti-maskas curtains, plants, or signs hanging from the ceiling, a fan that could be running when the system is activated, under floor heating, room temperatures exceeding 86℉ (30℃), a detector that could be exposed to bright white light (car headlights, floodlights, direct sunlight, etc.)** For UL installations the operating range is 32℉ to 120℉ (0℃ to 49℃), indoor useDetector Reference Guide | 910| Bosch Security SystemsProfessional SeriesIntelligent Motion DetectionPIRTriTech® (PIR + MW)StandardAnti-maskStandard* Difficult environments include rooms with potential false alarm sources, such as: air conditioning vents, strong drafts of cold or warm air, slow moving objects such as curtains, plants, or signs hanging from the ceiling, a fan that could be running when the system is activated, under floor heating, room temperatures exceeding 86℉ (30℃), a detector that could be exposed to bright white light (car headlights, floodlights, direct sunlight, etc.)** For UL installations the operating range is 32℉ to 120℉ (0℃ to 49℃), indoor useTriTech® (PIR + MW)Anti-mask CurtainAnti-mask CurtainClassic Line Long Range PIRLong-range* Difficult environments include rooms with potential false alarm sources, such as: air conditioning vents, strong drafts of cold or warm air, slow moving objects such as curtains, plants, or signs hanging from the ceiling, a fan that could be running when the system is activated, under floor heating, room temperatures exceeding 86℉ (30℃), a detector that could be exposed to bright white light (car headlights, floodlights, direct sunlight, etc.)** For UL installations the operating range is 32℉ to 120℉ (0℃ to 49℃), indoor useTriTech® (PIR + MW)Long-range OutdoorClassic Line Ceiling Mount PIRCurtain Wide angleLow-profile Panoramicas curtains, plants, or signs hanging from the ceiling, a fan that could be running when the system is activated, under floor heating, room temperatures exceeding 86℉ (30℃), a detector that could be exposed to bright white light (car headlights, floodlights, direct sunlight, etc.)** For UL installations the operating range is 32℉ to 120℉ (0℃ to 49℃), indoor usePIR TriTech®(PIR + MW)PIR TriTech® (PIR + MW)PanoramicHigh-Performance PanoramicPIRRecessedas curtains, plants, or signs hanging from the ceiling, a fan that could be running when the system is activated, under floor heating, room temperatures exceeding 86℉ (30℃), a detector that could be exposed to bright white light (car headlights, floodlights, direct sunlight, etc.)** For UL installations the operating range is 32℉ to 120℉ (0℃ to 49℃), indoor useRADION wireless†Superior Range and Reliability PIR TriTech® (PIR + MW) Pet Friendly® Standard Pet Friendly® Curtain Pet Friendly®Standard† Wireless peripherals require a compatible receiver. B810 RADION receiver is compatible with SDI2 bus panels (B Series and G Series); RFRC-OPT is compatible with Option bus panels; RFRC-STR is compatible with Streamline bus panels.* Difficult environments include rooms with potential false alarm sources, such as: air conditioning vents, strong drafts of cold or warm air, slow moving objects such as curtains, plants, or signs hanging from the ceiling, a fan that could be running when the system is activated, under floor heating, room temperatures exceeding 86℉ (30℃), a detector that could be exposed to bright white light (car headlights, floodlights, direct sunlight, etc.)** For UL installations the operating range is 32℉ to 120℉ (0℃ to 49℃), indoor useGlass break Door/Window Contacts OtherAcoustic Surface Mount RecessedMount Universal Transmitter SmokePortable Other Keyfob Panic Button Bill TrapPremises Wireless (ZigBee) RADION ZB PIR TriTech® (PIR+MW) StandardStandard* Difficult environments include rooms with potential false alarm sources, such as: air conditioning vents, strong drafts of cold or warm air, slow moving objects such as curtains, plants, or signs hanging from the ceiling, a fan that could be running when the system is activated, under floor heating, room temperatures exceeding 86°F (30°C), a detector that could be exposed to bright white light (car headlights, floodlights, direct sunlight, etc.)** For UL installations the operating range is 32° to 120°F (0° to 49°C), indoor use.*** Power source has capacity for an additional battery increasing the battery life from 6 to 10 years (RFPR-ZB) or from 3 to 6 years (RFDL-ZB).**** All models feature a two-piece design, self-locking enclosure, interchangeable mounting base and integrated bubble level.Specialty Request-to-exit PIRStandardHigh-performance* Difficult environments include rooms with potential false alarm sources, such as: air conditioning vents, strong drafts of cold or warm air, slow moving objects such as curtains, plants, or signs hanging from the ceiling, a fan that could be running when the system is activated, under floor heating, room temperatures exceeding 86℉ (30℃), a detector that could be exposed to bright white light (car headlights, floodlights, direct sunlight, etc.)** For UL installations the operating range is 32℉ to 120℉ (0℃ to 49℃), indoor useSpecialty Glass Break AcousticStandardComboMagneticContactSpecialty Photoelectric Beam Dual BeamShort RangeMedium Range* Difficult environments include rooms with potential false alarm sources, such as: air conditioning vents, strong drafts of cold or warm air, slow moving objects such as curtains, plants, or signs hanging from the ceiling, a fan that could be running when the system is activated, under floor heating, room temperatures exceeding 86℉ (30℃), a detector that could be exposed to bright white light (car headlights, floodlights, direct sunlight, etc.)** For UL installations the operating range is 32℉ to 120℉ (0℃ to 49℃), indoor useSpecialty Photoelectric Beam Quad BeamMedium RangeLong Range* QS — single channel QF — four channelSpecialty Seismic/ShockSeismic Shock StandardHigh-performanceStandard* Difficult environments include rooms with potential false alarm sources, such as: air conditioning vents, strong drafts of cold or warm air, slow moving objects such as curtains, plants, or signs hanging from the ceiling, a fan that could be running when the system is activated, under floor heating, room temperatures exceeding 86℉ (30℃), a detector that could be exposed to bright white light (car headlights, floodlights, direct sunlight, etc.)** For UL installations the operating range is 32℉ to 120℉ (0℃ to 49℃), indoor useN e wAccessoriesNotesDetector Reference Guide | 31 NotesA Tradition of Quality and Innovation For 125 years, the Bosch name has stood for quality and reliability. Bosch is the global supplier of choice for innovative technology backed by the highest standards for service and support. Bosch Security Systems proudlyoffers a wide range of security, safety, communications and sound solutions that are relied upon every day in applications around the world, from government facilities and public venues to businesses, schools and homes. Bosch Security Systems, Inc.130 Perinton ParkwayFairport, NY 14450 USAPhone: 800.289.0096Fax: 585.223.9180For more information please visit © Bosch Security Systems, 2016 Modifications reservedPrinted in United States | 10/16BINBR_DETECT-REF_v20161028。
上海倍加福 NCN3-F31-B3-V1-K AS-i 传感器 说明书
地址 00 预置 可由总线主机或编程器改变 IO-code D ID-code F
数据位 位 功能 D0 阀状态 (0=阀 OFF;1=阀 ON) D1 阀故障 (0=断路/短路 1=无故障) D2 开关输出传感器 (0=阻尼; 1=无阻尼) D3 开关输出传感器 (0=阻尼; 1=无阻尼)
参数位 位 功能 P0 看门狗(0=不活动; 1=激活) P1 不用 P2 开关元件功能传感器 (0=常开;1=常闭) P3 开关元件功能传感器 (0=常开;1=常闭)
1)激励阀(D0=1) 2)适用于常开(P2/P3=1;预置) 带常开功能(P2/P3=0)保留特性 3)看门狗活动:阀电压下降,当AS-i通连接
红 黄
德国P+F集团 版权所有
上海倍加福 电话:上海(021)66303939(总机) 传真:(021)66300883 网址:www.pepperl-fuchs.com
AS-i 传感器
直接安装于标准执行器上 用V2A时正常感应范围是3mm 工作模式 可编程设定 阀的断路和短路监视 防护等级IP67 满足机械要求 通讯监视,关
33,5 5
9 5,4
14 25
36 7
安装 额定操作距离 Sn 可靠动作距离 Sa
衰减因子 rV2A 衰减因子 rAI 衰减因子 rCu 衰减因子 rSt37
开关频率 f
空载电流 I0
环境温度 防护等级 连接(系统侧) 连接(阀侧 ) 导线横截面 (阀侧)
需要编码为B241900000041的连接电缆V15-W-PVC-2M一根;用连接电缆的5芯插头与传感器连接拧好,然后给棕色线(+UB)接+24V 电源,给兰色线(-UB)接0V,再接通电源,此时传感器绿色的灯亮(探测方向无物体)。
Pepperl+Fuchs NBN40-U1K-N0-V1产品说明书
12R e l e a s e da t e : 2 0 1 7 -01 -2 4 1 5 :3 7 D a t e o f i s s u e : 2 0 1 7 -0 1 -24 2 1 3 8 3 6 _ e n g . x m lPinoutL+L-13421 BN2 B UWire colors in accordance with EN 60947-5-6(brown)(blue)3R e l e a s e d a t e : 2017-01-24 15:37D a t e o f i s s u e : 2017-01-24213836_e n g .x m lInstructionManual electrical apparatus for hazardous areas Device category 1Gfor use in hazardous areas with gas, vapour and mist EC-T ype Examination CertificateCE marking ATEX marking ¬ II 1G Ex ia IIC T6…T1 G aThe Ex-related marking can also be printed on the enclosed label.Standards EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013 EN 60079-11:2012 Ignition protection "Intrinsic safety"Use is restricted to the following stated conditions Appropriate typeNBN40-U.K-N0...Effective internal inductivity C i≤ 105 nF ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.Effective internal inductance L i ≤ 300 µH ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.G eneralThe apparatus has to be operated according to the appropriate data in the data sheet and in this instruction manual. The EU-type examination certificate has to beobserved. The special conditions must be adhered to! Directive 94/9/EC and there-fore the EC-type-examination certificates generally apply only to the use of electrical apparatus under atmospheric conditions. The device has been checked for suitabil-ity for use at ambient temperatures of >60°C by the named certification authority. The surface temperature of the device remains within the required limits. If the equip-ment is not used under atmospheric conditions, a reduction of the permissible mini-mum ignition energies may have to be taken into consideration.Ambient temperatureDetails of the correlation between the type of circuit connected, the maximum per-missible ambient temperature, the temperature class, and the effective internal reac-tance values can be found on the EC-type examination certificate. Note: Use the temperature table for category 1 The 20 % reduction in accordance with EN 1127-1 has already been applied to the temperature table for category 1.Installation, commissioningLaws and/or regulations and standards governing the use or intended usage goal must be observed. The intrinsic safety is only assured in connection with an appro-priate related apparatus and according to the proof of intrinsic safety. The associated apparatus must satisfy the requirements of category ia.Due to the possible danger of ignition, which can arise due to faults and/or transient currents in the equipotential bonding system, galvanic isolation of the power supply and signal circuit is preferable. Associated apparatus without electrical isolation must only be used if the appropriate requirements of IEC 60079-14 are met. If the Ex-related marking is printed only on the supplied label, then this must be attached in the immediate vicinity of the sensor. The sticking surface for the label must be clean and free from grease. The attached label must be legible and indelible, including in the event of possible chemical corrosion. After opening the housing, you should check that the seal is in the correct position and is clean and intact before closing the housing again.Maintenance No changes can be made to apparatus, which are operated in hazardous areas.Repairs to these apparatus are not possible.Special conditionsThe connecting parts of the sensor must be set up in such a way that degree of pro-tection IP20, in accordance with lEC 60529, is achieved as a minimum.Protection from mechanical dangerWhen using the device in a temperature range of -60 °C to -20 °C, protect the sensor against the effects of impact by installing an additional enclosure. The information regarding the minimum ambient temperature for the sensor as provided in the datasheet must also be observed.Electrostatic chargeAdditional requirements for gas group IIC. Avoid electrostatic charges that can cause electrostatic discharge when installing or operating the device. Information on elec-trostatic hazards can be found in the technical specification IEC/TS 60079-32-1.4Releasedate:217-1-2415:37Dateofissue:217-1-24213836_eng.xmlInstruction Manual electrical apparatus for hazardous areasDevice category 2G for use in hazardous areas with gas, vapour and mistEC-T ype Examination CertificateCE markingATEX marking ¬ II 1G Ex ia IIC T6…T1 G aThe Ex-related marking can also be printed on the enclosed label.Standards EN60079-0:2012+A11:2013,EN60079-11:2012Ignition protection "Intrinsic safety"Use is restricted to the following stated conditionsAppropriate type NBN40-U.K-N0...Effective internal inductivity C i≤ 105 nF ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.Effective internal inductance L i≤ 300 µH ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.G eneral The apparatus has to be operated according to the appropriate data in the data sheetand in this instruction manual. The EU-type examination certificate has to beobserved. The special conditions must be adhered to! Directive 94/9/EC and there-fore the EC-type-examination certificates generally apply only to the use of electricalapparatus under atmospheric conditions. The device has been checked for suitabil-ity for use at ambient temperatures of >60°C by the named certification authority.The surface temperature of the device remains within the required limits. If the equip-ment is not used under atmospheric conditions, a reduction of the permissible mini-mum ignition energies may have to be taken into consideration.Maximum permissible ambient temperature T amb Details of the correlation between the type of circuit connected, the maximum per-missible ambient temperature, the temperature class, and the effective internal reac-tance values can be found on the EC-type examination certificate.Installation, commissioning Laws and/or regulations and standards governing the use or intended usage goalmust be observed. The intrinsic safety is only assured in connection with an appro-priate related apparatus and according to the proof of intrinsic safety. If the Ex-relatedmarking is printed only on the supplied label, then this must be attached in the imme-diate vicinity of the sensor. The sticking surface for the label must be clean and freefrom grease. The attached label must be legible and indelible, including in the eventof possible chemical corrosion. After opening the housing, you should check that theseal is in the correct position and is clean and intact before closing the housingagain.Maintenance No changes can be made to apparatus, which are operated in hazardous areas.Repairs to these apparatus are not possible.Special conditions The connecting parts of the sensor must be set up in such a way that degree of pro-tection IP20, in accordance with lEC 60529, is achieved as a minimum.Protection from mechanical danger When using the device in a temperature range of -60 °C to -20 °C, protect the sensoragainst the effects of impact by installing an additional enclosure. The informationregarding the minimum ambient temperature for the sensor as provided in thedatasheet must also be observed.Electrostatic charge Additional requirements for gas group IIC. Avoid electrostatic charges that can causeelectrostatic discharge when installing or operating the device. Information on elec-trostatic hazards can be found in the technical specification IEC/TS60079-32-1.5R e l e a s e d a t e : 2017-01-24 15:37D a t e o f i s s u e : 2017-01-24213836_e n g .x m lInstructionManual electrical apparatus for hazardous areas Device category 3G (ic) for use in hazardous areas with gas, vapour and mist CertificateCE marking ATEX marking ¬ II 3G Ex ic IIC T6…T1 GcThe Ex-related marking can also be printed on the enclosed label.StandardsEN 60079-0:2012, EN 60079-11:2012 Ignition protection category "ic" Use is restricted to the following stated conditions Effective internal inductivity C i≤ 105 nF ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.Effective internal inductance L i≤ 300 µH ; A cable length of 10 m is considered.G eneralThe apparatus has to be operated according to the appropriate data in the data sheet and in this instruction manual. The data stated in the data sheet are restricted by this operating instruction!The special conditions must be observed!The ATEX Directive applies only to the use of apparatus under atmospheric condi-tions.If you use the device outside atmospheric conditions, consider that the permissible safety parameters should be reduced.Installation, commissioningLaws and/or regulations and standards governing the use or intended usage goal must be observed. The sensor must only be operated with energy-limited circuits, which satisfy the requirements of IEC 60079-11. The explosion group complies with the connected, supplying, power limiting circuit. If the Ex-relevant identification is printed exclusively on the adhesive label provided, this label must be affixed in the immediate vicinity of the sensor! The background surface to which the adhesivelabel is to be applied must be clean and free from grease! The applied label must be dura-ble and remain legible, with due consideration of the possibility of chemical corro-sion! After opening the housing, you should check that the seal is in the correct position and is clean and intact before closing the housing again.MaintenanceNo changes can be made to apparatus, which are operated in hazardous areas.Repairs to these apparatus are not possible. After opening the housing, you should check that the seal is in the correct position and is clean and intact before closing the housing again.Special conditionsfor Pi=34 mW, Ii=25 mA, T6 73 °C (163.4 °F) for Pi=34 mW, Ii=25 mA, T5 88 °C (190.4 °F) for Pi=34 mW, Ii=25 mA, T4-T1 100 °C (212 °F) for Pi=64 mW, Ii=25 mA, T6 66 °C (150.8 °F) for Pi=64 mW, Ii=25 mA, T5 81 °C (177.8 °F) for Pi=64 mW, Ii=25 mA, T4-T1 100 °C (212 °F) for Pi=169 mW, Ii=52 mA, T6 45 °C (113 °F) for Pi=169 mW, Ii=52 mA, T5 60 °C (140 °F) for Pi=169 mW, Ii=52 mA, T4-T1 89 °C (192.2 °F) for Pi=242 mW, Ii=76 mA, T6 30 °C (86 °F) for Pi=242 mW, Ii=76 mA, T5 45 °C (113 °F) for Pi=242 mW, Ii=76 mA, T4-T1 74 °C (165.2 °F)Protection from mechanical dangerThe sensor must not be mechanically damaged.When used in the temperature range below -20 °C the sensor should be protected from knocks by the provision of an additional housing.Electrostatic chargeWhen used in group IIC non-permissible electrostatic charges should be avoided on the plastic housing parts. Avoid electrostatic charges that can cause electrostatic dis-charge when installing or operating the device. Information on electrostatic hazards can be found in the technical specification IEC/TS 60079-32-1.Connection partsThe connection parts are to be installed, such that a minimum protection class of IP20 is achieved, in accordance with IEC 60529.6Releasedate:217-1-2415:37Dateofissue:217-1-24213836_eng.xml Instruction Manual electrical apparatus for hazardous areasDevice category 1D for use in hazardous areas with combustible dustEC-T ype Examination Certificate PTB 00 ATEX 2032 XATEX marking ¬ II 1D Ex ia IIIC T135°C DaThe Ex-related marking can also be printed on the enclosed label.Standards EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013 EN 60079-11:2012Ignition protection "Intrinsic safety" Use is restricted to the following stated condi-tionsAppropriate type NBN40-U.K-N0...Effective internal inductivity C i≤ 105 nF ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.Effective internal inductance L i≤ 300 µH ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.G eneral The apparatus has to be operated according to the appropriate data in the data sheetand in this instruction manual. The EU-type examination certificate has to beobserved. The special conditions must be adhered to! The ATEX directive and there-fore the EU-type examination certificates are in general only applicable to the use ofelectrical apparatus operating at atmospheric conditions.The use in ambient temperatures of > 60 °C was tested with regard to hot surfacesby the mentioned certification authority.If the equipment is not used under atmospheric conditions, a reduction of the permis-sible minimum ignition energies may have to be taken into consideration. Permissible ambient temperature range Details of the correlation between the type of circuit connected, the maximum per-missible ambient temperature, the surface temperature, and the effective internalreactance values can be found on the EC-type-examination certificate. The maxi-mum permissible ambient temperature of the data sheet must be noted, inaddition, the lower of the two values must be maintained.Installation, commissioning Laws and/or regulations and standards governing the use or intended usage goalmust be observed. The intrinsic safety is only assured in connection with an appro-priate related apparatus and according to the proof of intrinsic safety. If the Ex-relatedmarking is printed only on the supplied label, then this must be attached in the imme-diate vicinity of the sensor. The sticking surface for the label must be clean and freefrom grease. The attached label must be legible and indelible, including in the eventof possible chemical corrosion. After opening the housing, you should check that theseal is in the correct position and is clean and intact before closing the housingagain.Maintenance No changes can be made to apparatus, which are operated in hazardous areas.Repairs to these apparatus are not possible. After opening the housing, you shouldcheck that the seal is in the correct position and is clean and intact before closing thehousing again.Special conditions The connecting parts of the sensor must be set up in such a way that degree of pro-tection IP20, in accordance with lEC 60529, is achieved as a minimum.Protection from mechanical danger When using the device in a temperature range of -60 °C to -20 °C, protect the sensoragainst the effects of impact by installing an additional enclosure. The informationregarding the minimum ambient temperature for the sensor as provided in thedatasheet must also be observed.Electrostatic charge Avoid electrostatic charges that can cause electrostatic discharge when installing oroperating the device. Information on electrostatic hazards can be found in the techni-cal specification IEC/TS60079-32-1. Do not attach the nameplate provided in areaswhere electrostatic charge can build up.。
ROHM Solution Simulator用户指南说明书
User’s Guide ROHM Solution SimulatorAutomotive High Precision & Input/Output Rail-to-Rail CMOS Operational Amplifiers (Dual Op-Amps) TLR2377YFVM-C –Non-inverting Amplifier (Sine Wave Input) – Transient Response sim This circuit simulates the transient response to sine wave input with non-inverting amplifier configured Op-Amps. You can observe the output voltage and how faithfully the sine wave input voltage is reproduced. You can customize the parameters of the components shown in blue, such as VSOURCE, or peripheral components, and simulate the non-inverting amplifier with the desired operating condition.You can simulate the circuit in the published application note: Operational amplifier, Comparator (Tutorial). [JP] [EN] [CN] [KR] General CautionsCaution 1: The values from the simulation results are not guaranteed. Please use these results as a guide for your design.Caution 2: These model characteristics are specifically at Ta=25°C. Thus, the simulation result with temperature variances may significantly differ from the result with the one done at actual application board (actual measurement).Caution 3: Please refer to the Application note of Op-Amps for details of the technical information.Caution 4: The characteristics may change depending on the actual board design and ROHM strongly recommend to double check those characteristics with actual board where the chips will be mounted on.1 Simulation SchematicFigure 1. Simulation Schematic2 How to simulateThe simulation settings, such as parameter sweep or convergence options,are configurable from the ‘Simulation Settings’ shown in Figure 2, and Table1 shows the default setup of the simulation.In case of simulation convergence issue, you can change advancedoptions to solve. The temperature is set to 27 °C in the default statement in‘Manual Options’. You can modify it.Figure 2. Simulation Settings and execution Table 1.Simulation settings default setupParameters Default NoteSimulation Type Time-Domain Do not change Simulation TypeEnd Time 300 µs -Advanced options Balanced - Time Resolution Enhancement Convergence Assist-Manual Options .temp 27 - SimulationSettingsSimulate3Simulation ConditionsTable 2. List of the simulation condition parametersInstanceNameType ParametersDefaultValue Variable Range Units Min Max VSOURCE Voltage Source Frequency 10k 10 10M Hz Peak_voltage 0.5 0 5.5V Initial_phase0 free ° DC_offset2.5 0 5.5V DF0.0 fixed 1/s AC_magnitude 0.0 fixed V AC_phase 0.0 fixed ° VDD Voltage SourceFor Op-AmpVoltage_level5 2.5(Note1) 5.5(Note1)V AC_magnitude0.0 fixed V AC_phase 0.0 fixed ° VREF Voltage Source Voltage_level2.5 VSS VDDV AC_magnitude0.0 fixed V AC_phase0.0fixed°(Note 1) Set it to the guaranteed operating range of the Op-Amps.3.1 VSOURCE parameter setupFigure 3 shows how the VSOURCE parameters correspond to the VIN stimulus waveform.Figure 3. VSOURCE parameters and its waveform4 Op-Amp modelTable 3 shows the model pin function implemented. Note that the Op-Amp model is the behavior model for its input/output characteristics, and no protection circuits or the functions not related to the purpose are not implemented.Table 3. Op-Amp model pins used for the simulationPin Name Description+INNon-inverting input -INInverting input VDDPositive power supply VSSNegative power supply / Ground OUTOutputInitial_phaseDC_offsetPeak_voltage1/FrequencyVOVIN5 Peripheral Components5.1 Bill of MaterialTable 4 shows the list of components used in the simulation schematic. Each of the capacitors has the parameters of equivalent circuit shown below. The default values of equivalent components are set to zero except for the ESR ofC. You can modify the values of each component.Table 4. List of capacitors used in the simulation circuitType Instance Name Default Value Variable RangeUnits Min MaxResistor R2_1 10k 1k 1M ΩR2_2 10k 1k 1M ΩRL2 10k 1k 1M, NC ΩCapacitor C2_1 10 10 100 pF CL2 10 free, NC pF5.2 Capacitor Equivalent Circuits(a) Property editor (b) Equivalent circuitFigure 4. Capacitor property editor and equivalent circuitThe default value of ESR is 0.01 Ω.(Note 2) These parameters can take any positive value or zero in simulation but it does not guarantee the operation of the IC in any condition. Refer to the datasheet to determine adequate value of parameters.6 Recommended Products6.1 Op-AmpTLR2377YFVM-C : Automotive High Precision & Input/Output Rail-to-Rail CMOS Operational Amplifier (DualOp-Amp). [JP] [EN] [CN] [KR] [TW] [DE]TLR377YG-C : Automotive High Precision & Input/Output Rail-to-Rail CMOS Operational Amplifier. [JP] [EN] [CN] [KR] [TW] [DE]LMR1802G-LB : Low Noise, Low Input Offset Voltage CMOS Operational Amplifier. [JP] [EN] [CN] [KR] [TW] [DE] Technical Articles and Tools can be found in the Design Resources on the product web page.NoticeROHM Customer Support System/contact/Thank you for your accessing to ROHM product informations.More detail product informations and catalogs are available, please contact us.N o t e sThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice.Before you use our Products, please contact our sales representative and verify the latest specifica-tions :Although ROHM is continuously working to improve product reliability and quality, semicon-ductors can break down and malfunction due to various factors.Therefore, in order to prevent personal injury or fire arising from failure, please take safety measures such as complying with the derating characteristics, implementing redundant and fire prevention designs, and utilizing backups and fail-safe procedures. ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages arising out of the use of our Poducts beyond the rating specified by ROHM.Examples of application circuits, circuit constants and any other information contained herein areprovided only to illustrate the standard usage and operations of the Products. The peripheral conditions must be taken into account when designing circuits for mass production.The technical information specified herein is intended only to show the typical functions of andexamples of application circuits for the Products. ROHM does not grant you, explicitly or implicitly, any license to use or exercise intellectual property or other rights held by ROHM or any other parties. ROHM shall have no responsibility whatsoever for any dispute arising out of the use of such technical information.The Products specified in this document are not designed to be radiation tolerant.For use of our Products in applications requiring a high degree of reliability (as exemplifiedbelow), please contact and consult with a ROHM representative : transportation equipment (i.e. cars, ships, trains), primary communication equipment, traffic lights, fire/crime prevention, safety equipment, medical systems, servers, solar cells, and power transmission systems.Do not use our Products in applications requiring extremely high reliability, such as aerospaceequipment, nuclear power control systems, and submarine repeaters.ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages or injury arising from non-compliance withthe recommended usage conditions and specifications contained herein.ROHM has used reasonable care to ensur e the accuracy of the information contained in thisdocument. However, ROHM does not warrants that such information is error-free, and ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages arising from any inaccuracy or misprint of such information.Please use the Products in accordance with any applicable environmental laws and regulations,such as the RoHS Directive. For more details, including RoHS compatibility, please contact a ROHM sales office. ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages or losses resulting non-compliance with any applicable laws or regulations.W hen providing our Products and technologies contained in this document to other countries,you must abide by the procedures and provisions stipulated in all applicable export laws and regulations, including without limitation the US Export Administration Regulations and the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act.This document, in part or in whole, may not be reprinted or reproduced without prior consent ofROHM.1) 2)3)4)5)6)7)8)9)10)11)12)13)。
DUX-12F 用户手册说明书
用户手册DUX-12F灵活插卡式切换矩阵支持最高4K@60Hz 4:4:4 8bit 极速无缝切换目录安全使用须知 (03)1. 简介 (04)2. 装箱清单 (05)3. 参数 (06)4. 面板介绍 (08)4.1 前面板 (08)4.2 后面板 (09)5. 安装连接 (11)5.1 安装DUX-12F (11)5.2 通风 (11)5.3 安装输入与输出板卡 (12)5.4 连接 (13)6. 矩阵控制 (16)6.1 前面板控制 (16)6.2 红外控制 (17)6.3 局域网控制(通过图形用户界面) (18)6.3.1 矩阵控制 (20)1) 切换 (20)2) 预设 (21)6.3.2 管理员设置 (22)1) CEC设置 (24)2) EDID设置 (24)3) 分辨率设置 (25)4) 音频输入设置 (26)5) 端口名称设置 (26)6) 预设名称设置 (27)7) 网络 (27)8) 更换密码 (28)9) 更换用户界面 (28)10) 日志设置 (29)11) 定制欢迎菜单 (30)12) 恢复出厂设置 (30)13) 软件版本 (31)6.4 RS232控制 (32)7. 红外透传 (33)8. RS232透传 (35)9. EDID管理 (37)附录 1: API指令 (38)安全使用须知注意:本手册中信息在发布后仍可能更新,恕不另行通知。
警告:为防止火灾与触电危险或产品损坏,安装使用本产品时请严格遵守以下要求:1.简介AMX DUX-12F灵活插卡式切换矩阵具有业界领先的超高清视频无缝切换能力,支持4K视频信号,并兼容HDCP 2.2,搭配DUX系列单路HDMI与HDBaseT输入输出板卡,可实现从1x11到11x1的灵活矩阵切换方案,适用于小型4K超高清视频分布系统的应用环境。
Part Insulator
Contacts Metal fittings
Material LCP
Phosphor bronze Brass
Finish Color:Gray Color:Black Gold plated
Pure tin reflow plated
Remarks UL94V-0
20 cycles
No electrical discontinuity of 1µs or longer Contact resistance: 100 mø max. No damage, cracks, or parts dislocation
Frequency: 10 to 55 Hz, single amplitude of 0.75mm, 10 cycles in each of the 3 directions
Note 1. When passing the current through all of the contacts, use 70% of the rated current. Note 2. Includes temperature rise caused by current flow. Note 3. The term "storage" refers to products stored for a long period prior to mounting and use.
7.Humidity (Steady state)
Contact resistance: 100 mø max. Insulation resistance: 50 Mø min. No damage, cracks, or parts dislocation
型 号、规 格
产 地
形式: 垂直圆筒
部 件 名 称
型 号、规 格
上海倍加福 AS-Interface VAG-PB-K5-R4-DM网关 说明书
德国P+F集团 版权所有
上海倍加福 电话:上海(021)56525989(总机) 传真:(021)56527164 网址:www.pepperl-fuchs.com
Masters and Gateways
AS-i 规格
接口 类型
RS 485
9.6; 19.2; 44.44; 93.95; 187.5; 500; 1500 kBit/s 自同步
LED AS-i 2
用于显示到 AS-i strand 2; LED 绿色
LC 显示,两位数 地址显示,故障信息
AS-i 工作正常;LED绿色
VAG-PB-K5-R4-DM是一个PROFIBUS的网关,可同时带2个并行的AS-I网络。因此AS-I网络上的数 据可通过一个PROFIBUS从站来传送。 网关为IP20防护等级可用于控制箱内。PROFIBUS网关具有KF外壳的所有优点如电源导轨连接和 可移式端子。 第一主控机通过电源导轨进行AS-I通讯,但第二个主控机必须通过端子连接AS-I。通过PROFIBUS DP进行数据交换时有二种模式:标准模式和专业模式。在标准模式,网关使用固定的I/O配置。 在专业模式,用户可定义传送至PROFIBUS主控机的数据长度。由于主控机可从只激活的AS-I从站 上来配置传送的数据,在PLC中所需的I/O空间较少。
施耐德电气 IS 3360 COM1 - 无线红外感应传感器 - 表面安装 红色说明书
EAN 4007841 033446Article number 033446infrared sensor360°max. 20 m2000 W max. (LED-ready)IP54 2 - 1000 lux 5 sec - 15 min manual override 4h ideal 2,5 - 4 m Teach mode energy savingFunction descriptionHigher, further, faster. Infrared presence detector IS 3360 for indoors and out, ideal for watching over high spaces and large areas, such as multi-storey and underground car parks, installation height up to 4 m, 360° angle of coverage, reach 20 m max. (tangential), large terminal compartment for easy installation, heavy-duty relay for high switching capacity. Available either in round or square surface-mounted, concealed or In-ceiling installation.Technical specificationsDimensions (Ø x H)126 x 65 mm With motion detector Yes Manufacturer's Warranty 5 yearsSettings via Remote control, Potentiometers, Smart Remote With remote control NoVersion COM1 - surface, rd. white PU1, EAN 4007841033446TypeMotion and Presence Detector Application, placeOutdoors, IndoorsApplication, roomproduction facilities, recreation room, changing room, function room / ancillary room, sports hall,reception / lobby, stairwell, WC / washroom, multi-storey /underground car park, outdoors, warehouse, Indoors Colour white Colour, RAL9003LED lamps > 8 W 600 W Capacitive load in μF 176 µFTechnology, sensors passive infrared, Light sensor Mounting height 2,50 – 4,00 m Mounting height max.4,00 m Optimum mounting height 2,8 m Detection angle 360 °Angle of aperture 180 °Sneak-by guardYes Capability of masking out individual segmentsYes Electronic scalability No Mechanical scalability NoReach, radial Ø 8 m (50 m²)Reach, tangential Ø 40 m (1257 m²)Reach, presence Ø 3 m (7 m²)Switching zones1416 switching zoneshttps://www.steinel.deEAN 4007841 033446Article number 033446 Technical specificationsIncludes corner wall mount NoInstallation site ceilingInstallation Surface wiring, Ceiling IP-rating IP54Ambient temperature-20 – 50 °CMaterial PlasticMains power supply220 – 240 V / 50 – 60 Hz Switching output 1, resistive2000 WSwitching output 1, number ofLEDs / fluorescent lamps8 pcs.Fluorescent lamps, electronic ballast1500 WFluorescent lamps, uncorrected1000 VAFluorescent lamps, series-corrected400 VAFluorescent lamps, parallel-corrected400 VASwitching output 1, low-voltagehalogen lamps2000 VALED lamps < 2 W100 WLED lamps > 2 W < 8 W300 W FunctionsNormal / test mode, Manual ON /ON-OFFTwilight setting 2 – 1000 lxTime setting 5 s – 15 Min.Basic light level function NoMain light adjustable NoTwilight setting TEACH YesConstant-lighting control NoInterconnection YesType of interconnection Master/master Interconnection via CableInterconnection, number max. 10 sensorsAccessoriesEAN 4007841 009151Remote control Smart RemoteEAN 4007841 559410Service remote control RC8EAN 4007841 056735Black cover for IR-sensorshttps://www.steinel.deEAN 4007841 033446Article number 033446Detection Zone Dimension DrawingCircuit diagramhttps://www.steinel.deEAN 4007841 033446Article number 033446Circuit diagram for interconnecting several sensorsConnection using two-circuit switch for manual and automatic operation Circuit diagram Connection via a changeover switch for continuous and automatic operationhttps://www.steinel.de。