Ubiquitous Computing
普适计算论文素材普适计算(Ubiquitous Computing)是指将计算能力融入到人们日常生活和工作环境中的一种计算模式。
二、普适计算的应用领域普适计算在各个领域都有广泛的应用,以下是其中的几个例子:1. 智能家居:通过将各种传感器和智能设备连接到互联网,实现对家居环境的智能化管理。
2. 智慧城市:通过智能传感器和网络技术,实现对城市各个方面的智能化管理。
3. 医疗保健:普适计算可以在医疗领域发挥重要作用。
4. 智能交通:普适计算可以应用于智能交通系统中,实现交通管理的智能化。
三、普适计算的相关技术实现普适计算需要借助各种相关技术,以下是其中几个重要的技术:1. 无线通信技术:无线通信技术是普适计算的基础,它使得设备之间能够自由地进行信息传输和交互。
2. 传感器技术:传感器技术是实现普适计算的关键技术之一。
3. 数据挖掘和人工智能技术:数据挖掘和人工智能技术可以对大量的数据进行处理和分析,并从中提取有用的信息。
上海市中小学师生对U-Learning的认识及应用现状分析摘要:文章研究在ubiquitous computing(泛在计算)技术基础上发展起来的学习方式—u-learning,并比较e-learning、m-learning和u-learning在几个主要方面的区别;以及在u时代人们如何方便且无意识地运用计算机,让计算机更好的服务于教育领域。
关键词:泛在学习;数字化学习;移动学习;泛在计算中图分类号:g442 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1007-9599 (2011) 22-0000-01the knowledge and application analysis of u-learning for shanghai primary&secondary schools’ teachers and students jia huiting(lhasa teachers’ college,lhasa 850000,china)abstract:research in ubiquitous computing (ubiquitous computing) technology,developed on the basis of learning styles-u-learning,and compare the e-learning,m-learning and the u-learning differences in several key areas;and u convenient times and how people unconsciously use a computer,let the computer to better serve the field of education.part of primary and secondary school students inshanghai through the investigation of u-learning and understanding the application of the school,analyze problems,and to make reasonable suggestions for different problems,so u-learning more effectively applied to traditional classroom teaching.keywords:ubiquitous learning;digitalizationlearning;mobile learning;ubiquitous computing一、引言随着信息技术的不断发展,计算机技术在教育中的应用也成为现代教育的一个重要标志。
二、普适计算的概念:所谓的普适计算(Pervasive Computing / Ubiquitous Computing)指的是,无所不在的、随时随地可以进行计算的一种方式;无论何时何地,只要需要,就可以通过某种设备访问到所需的信息。
——Microsoft公司的Easy Living研究项目。
The advent of computers has revolutionized the way we live,work,and communicate.However,with every technological advancement,there are certain drawbacks that cannot be ignored.In this essay,we will delve into the disadvantages of computers and how they impact our lives.1.Health Issues:One of the most pressing concerns related to the use of computers is the potential for health problems.Prolonged exposure to computer screens can lead to eye strain, headaches,and even vision impairment.The sedentary nature of computer use can also contribute to obesity,back pain,and other musculoskeletal disorders.2.Addiction and Social Isolation:Computers,especially when used for gaming or social media,can become addictive.This addiction can lead to social isolation as individuals spend more time in virtual worlds than in reallife interactions.The lack of facetoface communication can hinder the development of social skills and empathy.3.Cybersecurity Threats:With the increasing reliance on computers,the risk of cybersecurity threats has also grown.Viruses,malware,and hacking can lead to data breaches,identity theft,and financial loss.The digital footprint we leave behind is often exploited by cybercriminals, leading to a loss of privacy and security.4.Intellectual Property Theft:The ease of sharing information via computers has also made it easier for intellectual property to be stolen.This can have a significant impact on the economy,as it discourages innovation and creativity.It also undermines the rights of creators and inventors.5.Environmental Impact:The production and disposal of computer hardware contribute to environmental pollution. Ewaste,which includes discarded computers and their components,is a growing problem. It contains hazardous materials that can contaminate soil and water if not disposed of properly.6.Digital Divide:While computers have become ubiquitous in some parts of the world,there is still a significant digital divide.This disparity in access to technology can exacerbate social and economic inequalities.Those without access to computers are at a disadvantage in terms of education,employment opportunities,and social inclusion.7.Dependence on Technology:Our reliance on computers has led to a society that is overly dependent on technology. This dependence can be problematic in the event of a power outage or technical failure.It also reduces the ability to function without the aid of technology,which can be detrimental to problemsolving skills and selfreliance.8.Impact on Education:While computers have the potential to enhance learning,they can also detract from the educational experience.Overreliance on digital resources can lead to a superficial understanding of subjects,as students may not delve deeply into the material. Additionally,the use of computers in classrooms can distract students from the learning process.9.Loss of Traditional Skills:As society becomes more computercentric,traditional skills such as handwriting,reading physical books,and manual calculations are being lost.This shift can have a cultural impact,as it erodes the value of skills that have been passed down through generations.10.Ethical Concerns:The use of computers in certain fields,such as artificial intelligence and robotics,raises ethical questions.Issues such as the potential for job displacement,the treatment of AI entities,and the implications of surveillance technology are all areas of concern that need to be addressed.In conclusion,while computers have undoubtedly brought about many benefits,it is essential to be aware of their potential drawbacks.By understanding these issues,we can work towards mitigating their impact and ensuring that the benefits of computer technology are enjoyed responsibly and sustainably.。
强调把计算机嵌入到环境或日常工具中去,让 计算机本身从人们的视线中消失,让人们注意 的中心回归到要完成的任务本身 Weiser的思想在90年代后期开始在国际上得到 广泛关注和接受,目前已经成为一个极具活力 和影响力的研究领域。 重要标志:
1999年开始的Ubicomp国际会议 2000年开始的Pervasive Computing国际会议 2002年IEEE Pervasive Computing期刊的创刊
直接在物体上(内) 嵌入一定的感知、 计算、通信能力,使其同时具有物理空 间和信息空间中的用途。
例子: MERL实验室研究的Interactive Table; 清华大学研究的Smart Classroom; MIT Media Lab的Things That Think项目。
什么是集体智慧 集体智慧与Web
集体智慧在Web领域的应用 集体智慧与机器学习
搜索引擎与信息检索 基于内容的度量方法 基于链接的度量方法
推荐系统的诞生和现状 推荐系统的经典案例──Netflix
计算机技术进一步发展迫切地需要全新的计 算模式,这就是普适计算 (Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing)。 普适计算的思想最早是1991年Mark Weiser在 《Scientific American》的“The Computer for the 21st Century”中提出的。
计算机组成原理 英文
计算机组成原理英文Computer organization is the study of the components that make up a computer system and how they work together to perform various tasks. It encompasses several key areas, including the central processing unit (CPU), memory, input/output devices (I/O), and the system bus.The central processing unit is often referred to as the "brain" of the computer. It is responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations. The CPU consists of two primary components: the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) and the control unit. The ALU handles mathematical operations, such as addition and subtraction, while the control unit manages the operation of the CPU by fetching and decoding instructions.Memory plays a crucial role in computer organization by storing both instructions and data. There are two main types of memory: primary memory, also known as main memory, and secondary memory. Primary memory is usually volatile and can be directly accessed by the CPU. It includes random access memory (RAM) and cache memory. Secondary memory, on the other hand, is non-volatile and provides long-term storage. Examples of secondary memory include hard disk drives and solid-state drives.Input/output devices are used to interact with the computer system. These devices allow users to input data into the computer and receive output. Common input devices include keyboards and mice, while output devices can include monitors and printers. The system bus serves as the communication pathway between the CPU, memory, and I/O devices. It provides a means for data transfer andcontrol signals to travel between different components of the computer system.Computer organization also involves understanding the different types and levels of computer languages. At the lowest level, computers rely on machine language, which is a binary code understood by the hardware. Higher-level languages, such as C++ and Java, provide a more user-friendly interface and are translated into machine language by compilers or interpreters. Understanding the principles of computer organization is crucial for designing efficient and reliable computer systems. It involves optimizing the performance of the CPU, memory, and I/O devices to ensure smooth operation. Additionally, computer organization plays a role in the development of new technologies, such as parallel processing and quantum computing, which aim to enhance computational power and efficiency.。
普适计算目录提出核心思想特点发展预计研究力量提出核心思想特点发展预计研究力量展开普适计算又称普存计算、普及计算(英文中叫做pervasive computing 或者Ubiquitous computing)这一概念强调和环境融为一体的计算,而计算机本身则从人们的视线里消失。
编辑本段提出普适计算最早起源于1988年Xerox PARC 实验室的一系列研究计划。
在该计划中美国施乐(Xerox)公司PARC研究中心的Mark Weiser首先提出了普适计算的概念。
1991年Mark Weiser在《Scientific American》上发表文章“The Computer for the 21st Century” ,正式提出了普适计算(ubiquitous computing)。
Mark Weiser指出:普适计算“The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it.”1999年,IBM也提出普适计算(IBM称之为pervasive computing)的概念,即为无所不在的,随时随地可以进行计算的一种方式。
1999年欧洲研究团体ISTAG提出了环境智能(Ambient Intelligence)的概念。
领域知名国际会议, 2年一次
领域知名的专门国际会议,每 2年举行一次
领域知名的国际会议,每 2年举行一次
IEEE ICIP: International Conference on Image 25 Processing 图像处理领域昀具影响力国际会议,一年一次 图像处理 rank2
计算机视觉,模式 ICCV: IEEE International Conference on Computer 10 Vision 论文数不超过 10篇 模式识别,计算机 CVPR: IEEE Conf on Comp Vision and Pattern 11 Recognition 论文数不超过 20篇 模式识别,计算机 领域顶级国际会议,录取率 25%左右, 2年一次,中国大陆每年 12 ECCV: European Conference on Computer Vision 论文数不超过 20篇 领域顶级国际会议,录取率很低,每年一次,目前完全国内论文 13 DCC: Data Compression Conference 极少 ICML: International Conference on Machine 14 Learning 论文很少 领域顶级国际会议,录取率 20%左右,每年一次,目前完全国内 15 NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems 论文极少(不超过 5篇)、神经信息处理 领域顶级国际会议 多媒体技术,数据 16 ACM MM: ACM Multimedia Conference 领域顶级国际会议,全文的录取率极低,但 Poster比较容易 压缩 rank1 别 神经计算,机器学 习 rank1 领域顶级国际会议,录取率 25%左右, 2年一次,目前完全国内 机器学习, 模式识 rank1 数据压缩 rank1 视觉,多媒体计算 rank1 领域顶级国际会议,录取率 25%左右,每年一次,中国大陆每年 视觉,多媒体计算 rank1 领域顶级国际会议,录取率 20%左右, 2年一次,中国大陆每年 识别,多媒体计算 rank1
Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
Association (cont)
Methods for service de/registration
Lease:=register(address,attribu tes)
Register the service at the given address with the given attributes; a lease is returned
Context-aware computing:
E.g: device will automatically switch itself to “vibrate” instead of “ring” when it is in the cinema
Introduction (cont)
Volatile systems: changes are common rather than exceptional Relevant forms of volatility:
Low-effort, appropriate association: without any
human effort
Service description and query language: match
Ubiquitous Computing
Needs modifications on
Application design Infrastructure / middleware
We focus on contextual applications
Contextual service: a service only available at a well-known place
Automatic on-demand deployment
Other functionalities of SD component
Service unloading
Leaving network coverage zone, user is asked for:
Service’s use offline (if possible) Service removing from device Service removing but cache keeping on device’s memory of the client part of software code
The chalΒιβλιοθήκη enges: what we try to tackle ☺
Heterogeneity of devices
Hardware : laptop, PDA, smartphone, etc. Operating systems : Windows, Linux, WinCE, PalmOS, Symbian, etc. Network : Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GSM, 3G…
Our Proposition: 1- A model for contextual services
Ubiquitous CSCL的概念模型与关键技术要素
UbiquitousCSCL的概念模型与关键技术要素普适计算(ubiquitous/pervasive computing)的思想在上世纪90年代初被提出来后,在计算机和教育技术等领域受到了广泛的关注。
以自然、和谐的学习交互环境为主要特征的计算机支持的泛在协作学习(Ubiquitous CSCL)是CSCL发展的方向,具有广阔的发展前景。
一、Ubiquitous CSCL的概念分析模型(一)CL及CSCL概念的发展协作学习(CL)主要是以“学”为中心的学习方式,它注重学生在集体中、在与同伴的交往和交互过程中促进自身个体的发展。
CSCL是教育技术的一种新兴模式,同CSCL的前身CAI 和ITS相比,在学习、教育、研究方法和研究问题等方面具有非常大的不同。
九章三号量子计算机英语Chapter 9: Quantum ComputingQuantum computing is a revolutionary approach to computation that utilizes the principles of quantum mechanics to perform complex computations. In traditional computers, information is processed using bits, which can exist in a state of either 0 or 1. However, in quantum computers, the basic unit of information is a quantum bit, or qubit, which can exist in a superposition of both 0 and 1 states simultaneously. This unique property allows quantum computers to perform computations much faster than classical computers.The third generation of quantum computers, known as the Nine Chapter Three (九章三号) quantum computer, represents a significant advancement in the field of quantum computing. It is built upon the principles of quantum mechanics and employs advanced quantum algorithms to solve complex problems efficiently.The Nine Chapter Three quantum computer is equipped with a large number of qubits, allowing for more complex calculations and simulations. These qubits are extremely delicate and need to be protected from environmental interference. Therefore, the computer is designed with a highly controlled environment, including low temperatures and minimal electromagnetic interference.The Nine Chapter Three quantum computer has the potential to solve problems that are currently computationally infeasible forclassical computers. Its computational power can be harnessed for a wide range of applications, including cryptography, optimization, materials science, drug discovery, and machine learning.However, the field of quantum computing is still in its early stages, and there are many significant challenges that need to be overcome before practical quantum computers become a reality. These challenges include qubit stability, error correction, scaling up the number of qubits, and reducing noise in quantum systems.In conclusion, the Nine Chapter Three quantum computer represents a major step forward in the development of quantum computing technology. With its advanced capabilities and potential applications, it has the potential to revolutionize fields ranging from science and technology to finance and healthcare.。
使用者所需要的資訊將會主動的由這些在 使用者周遭的電腦提供給使用者得知,而 不是由使用者發出要求才能取得資訊[2] 。 但是,要如何從眾多資訊中選擇出使用者 所需要的,便成為了一項重要的議題,也 就是所謂的『情境感知』 [2] 。
最早是由Schilit 與Theimer學者於1994年所 提出,他們認為情境感知運算是個軟體, 且必須根據使用的位置,收集鄰近的人與 物件資訊,並需要適應這些對象隨著時間 推移的變化。[3] 人們普遍認為1992年由Olivetti實驗室所開 發的Active Badge系統是第一個情境感知運 算的研究。[3]
手持式裝置應用 智慧家庭應用 PranavMistry
這使得科技更貼近於人類。能讓人們更容 易與更人性化的享受科技所帶來的便利。 這讓我想起了機械公敵的這部電影裡的情 境,說不定哪天,這樣的情境就會發生在 我們身上了。
1. Ubiquitous computing. (2009, October 20). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 09:20, October 22, 2009, from /w/index.php?title=Ubiquitous_computing&oldid=3210 94184 2. /2010/01/ubiquitous-vs-pervasive-vsmobile-vs.html 3. Anind K. Dey and Gregory D. Abowd, “Towards a Better Understanding of Context and Context-awareness,” International Journal of Medical Informatics, Vol. 76, No. 1, pp. 2 -12, 2007. 4. .tw/teaching/distributed_systems/2005EMBA/presentat ion/PervasiveComputing.pdf
(2)Platform as a Service(PaaS)
Manufacturers provide a development environment, server platforms, hardware resources services to customers, custom develop their own application and pass through its servers and the Internet to other customers
Google's concept of “cloud computing” is a picturesque phrase, to describe Google's business model and computing technology architecture in a romantic way.therefore, cloud computing consists two levels of meaning, in commercial level, just the "cloud“; in the technical level is "computing",combined the cloud and computing to illustrate that Google is different with traditional software and hardware companies in business models and computing architecture. This is just a very beautiful and very romantic metaphor.
Ubiquitous computing methods and apparatus
专利名称:Ubiquitous computing methods andapparatus发明人:Pamela Zave,Eric Cheung申请号:US15933038申请日:20180322公开号:US10671033B2公开日:20200602专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:Ubiquitous computing methods and apparatus are disclosed. An examplemethod includes determining a first setting to control an actuator; setting a first record in a record list, the first record including the first setting, a first immediacy of the firstsetting, and a first priority of the first setting; determining a second setting; setting a second record in the record list, the second record including the second setting, a second immediacy of the second setting, and a second priority of the second setting, the second priority being lower than the first priority; selecting the first record from the record list based on the first priority being higher than the second priority; deleting the second record from the record list based on the second immediacy; and outputting the first setting to control the actuator when a current setting of the actuator is different than the first setting.申请人:AT&T Intellectual Property I, L.P.地址:Atlanta GA US国籍:US代理机构:Hanley, Flight & Zimmerman, LLC更多信息请下载全文后查看。
专利名称:UBIQUITOUS VISUAL COMPUTING WITNESS 发明人:Shao-Wen Yang,Eve M. Schooler,MarutiGupta Hyde,Hassnaa Moustafa,Katalin KlaraBartfai-Walcott,Yen-Kuang Chen,JessicaMcCarthy,Christina R. Strong,ArunRaghunath,Deepak S. Vembar申请号:US16733621申请日:20200103公开号:US20200357276A1公开日:20201112专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:In one embodiment, an apparatus comprises a memory and a processor. The memory is to store sensor data captured by one or more sensors associated with a first device. Further, the processor comprises circuitry to: access the sensor data captured by the one or more sensors associated with the first device; determine that an incident occurred within a vicinity of the first device; identify a first collection of sensor data associated with the incident, wherein the first collection of sensor data is identified from the sensor data captured by the one or more sensors; preserve, on the memory, the first collection of sensor data associated with the incident; and notify one or more second devices of the incident, wherein the one or more second devices are located within the vicinity of the first device.申请人:Intel Corporation地址:Santa Clara CA US国籍:US更多信息请下载全文后查看。
1. QiskitQiskit是IBM Q旗下的一个开源项目,提供了一整套量子计算机编程工具。
Qiskit还可以与IBM Q Experience平台进行集成,用户可以通过云服务来访问真实的量子计算机。
2. Microsoft Q#Microsoft Q#是微软提供的一种量子编程语言。
3. CirqCirq是Google提供的一个开源量子计算库。
4. pyQuilpyQuil是一个由Rigetti Computing开发的Python库,用于量子计算机的编程和开发。
申请国家发明专利40余项,已获得批准的有16项;发表论文130余篇,其中SCI收录22篇,其中在IEEE Communications Magazine 上发表两篇论文。
机器的程序是五元组{Si , X , Y , L(R或N) , Sj}形式的指 令集,定义了机器在一个特定状态下读入一个特定字符时所 采取的动作。 五个元素的含义如下:
①Si 表示机器当前的状态;
②X 表示机器从方格中读入的内容,也即当前内容; ③Y 表示机器用来代替X 写入方格中的内容; ④L、R、N 分别表示左移一格、右移一格和不移动; ⑤Sj 表示机器下一步的状态。
图灵机的计算开始于初始状态,设为S0,终止于停止(HALT)状态,设为SH。 例: 设计能够实现“a+1”运算的图灵机,计算完成后要求读写头回到原位。
当前状态 (Si) S0 S1 S1 S1 S2 S2 S2 S3 S3 S3 S4 当前内容 (X ) b 0 1 b 0 1 b 0 1 b 任意 重写的新内容 (Y) b 1 0 b 1 0 1 0 1 b b
英国科学家阿兰.图灵 (1912-1954)
图灵证明,只有图灵机能解决的 计算问题,实际计算机才能解决。
什么是图灵机? 图灵机由一条无限长的纸带、读/写头及控制
控制器内包括控制规则表,它能够通过读/写头对纸带上 的符号进行读或写,读写头可以在纸带上左右移动。 纸带分成了一个个的小方格,每个方格中可以记录机器 字母表里的符号,如0或1等。
பைடு நூலகம்输出
读写头移动方向 (L,R或N) L R L R R L L R R N R 进入的新状态 (Sj) S1 S3 S2 SH S3 S2 S4 S3 S3 SH S3
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A short introduction
How to achieve ubiquity?
Make computing available beyond desktop
Make it mobile and connected Instrument the person Instrument the physical surroundings
It is always smaller than what came before. Most think of the new technology as “just a toy” The new dominant use was almost completely absent before. Technology spread increases
Information Appliances
Universal Devices vs. Specialized Devices
– E.g., Swiss Army Knife vs. Butcher, Butter, Steak, Bread knife
Different design constraints based on intended use, enhances ease of use
– Has expanded the use and impact of computers in society – Allows integration of processing, communication, and sensors
Many cheap and self-supporting intelligent devices
– small, highly mobile or embedded in the environment
Intelligence + immense storage and processing in the infrastructure Devices Everything connected
– Protocol stack plus some ability to execute mobile code in network end devices
Processing moves towards the network core
– Services executing inside the network
Phone Line
Communication and context Share information about user, state and context
– User’s location – Identity of people close by – Physical properties of environment (light, temperature)
Related areas
Wearable computing
– Make it easier to take the PC along – Designed for a certain group of users
Virtual environment
– – – – Intelligent environments Augmented reality Virtual reality All move the user into the digital world
Historical Perspective
New eras of computing start when the previous era is so strong it is hard to imagine that things could ever be different
– mainframe -> mini – mini -> workstation -> PC – PC -> ???
Implications of PCs as commodity
– Increasingly narrow profit margins
Some Reactions:
– Intel: recent strategic acquisitions focus on owning silicon for communications, networking, signal processing, multimedia PLUS network services – Sun: focus on infrastructure servers (clusters, RAID storage)--JAVA/JINI sells more server processing and storage – HP: focus on non-desktop “information appliances”, e.g., HP CapShare Portable E-copier
“Everything” is networked
– Even very small things like sensors and actuators – Explosion in the number of connected end devices
Processing moves towards the network edges
– – – – – – – – – Desktop PC Mobile PC Desktop “Smart” Phone Mobile Telephone Personal Digital Assistant Set-top Box Digital VCR Game consoles ...
Deeply Networked Systems
Millions Units Shipped
60 All Non-PC Information Appliances
Videogame Consoles Internet TVs Smart Phones 1998 200n
Red Herring, 10/99
Industry Shifts
Alternative Energy Sources
– ambient, harvesting, solar, battery
Towards ubiquitous computing
Improvements in digital circuitry and wireless communication
Truly extreme devices: Pister’s Dust Motes
– Atmel Microprocessor – RF Monolithics transceiver
• 916MHz, ~20m range, 4800 bps
2 Axis Magnetic Sensor 2 Axis Accelerometer Light Intensity Sensor
– 1 week fully active, 2 yr @1%
Humidity Sensor
Pressure Sensor Temperature Sensor
COTS Dust - Optical Motes
Today’s Technology (R)evolution
Moore’s law => miniaturization, integration
– PDAs, Embedded Servers, … , scalable systems
– low power wireless, … , multigigabit links & switching
Power Outlet
DSL Cable Modem Satellite
Internet Gateway Wireless Bridge
Phone Jack
Power Line Bridge
Heterogeneous devices, standards (HomePNA) Distributed intelligence Plug and play, self-configuration, adapt on the fly Connectivity according to device’s needs Red Herring, 10/99
Sensors (on CMOS)
– CCD, …, MEMS – enhanced through integrated image/signal processing
Localized Algorithms Actuators Positional, directional
– GPS, signal processing
Historic Perspective (cont)
Technology discontinuities drive new computing paradigms, applications, system architectures E.g., Xerox Alto
– 3Ms--1 mips, 1 megapixel, 1 mbps – Fourth M: 1 megabyte of memory – From time sharing to LAN-connected client-server with display intensive applications