阿根廷足球运动员:利昂内尔·梅西(Lionel Messi)人物简介
• 梅西热衷于慈善事业
• 积极参与公益活动
• 为阿根廷贫困儿童提供帮助
• 梅西关注阿根廷贫困儿童的生活
• 通过慈善活动为他们提供帮助
• 为他们的生活带来了改善
• 梅西在其他兴趣爱好方面也有很多表现
• 梅西非常喜欢玩足球游戏
• 如足球游戏、看电影等
• 在阿根廷罗萨里奥市的一个工人家庭长大
• 从小就展现出对足球的热爱
• 童年时期经常在家附近的公园踢球
• 打进了多个关键进球
• 为阿根廷国家队赢得了
• 梅西的足球技艺非常高超
• 在场上能够轻松完成过人、传球等动作
• 成为了巴塞罗那和阿根廷国家队的重要攻击手
• 梅西的速度非常快
• 能够在场上迅速突破对手的防线
• 2010年,梅西帮助巴塞罗那获得西班牙超级杯冠军
• 2011年,梅西帮助巴塞罗那获得西班牙超级杯冠军
• 2006年,梅西首次代表阿根廷国家队参加世界杯
• 2010年,梅西再次代表阿根廷国家队参加世界杯
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谢谢 大家
Messi是当今世界足坛最杰出的球 员之一。 梅西2008-2009赛季率 领球队连夺西甲、国王杯和欧冠三个 冠军,成就了西班牙球队史无前例的 三冠王。青少年时期 ,5岁时梅西开 始为当地的格兰多里俱乐部踢球,教 练就是他的父亲。7岁的时候这个小 家伙就在纽维尔老男孩队倍受称赞。 但梅西在11岁时被诊断出发育荷尔蒙 缺乏,而这会阻碍他的骨骼生长。
这时,梅西遇到了自己生命中的贵人图尔尼尼。 在图尔尼尼的帮助下,巴萨俱乐部签约了梅西, 并同意为其治病。就这样,梅西一边练习,一边 接受治疗。虽然在足球运动员当中,梅西的身高 仍然偏矮,但是对他来说已经足够了! 梅西凭着顽 强的意志与不懈的努力,终于改变了自己的不幸 命运,也成就了世界足坛的一个传说! 如果梅西当 年对足球有一丝一毫的动摇,那么现在,他不过 是个可怜的侏儒,在某个城市某个不知名的灰暗 角落,依靠人们的怜悯,艰难地谋生... 这个故事告诉我们,很多时候,面对困难,我 们唯一的选择就是迎上去,战胜它。
1.参加比赛的人数多,集体性强. 2.争夺激烈.拼抢凶猛,对抗性强. 3.比赛场地大,时间长.运动负荷大. 4.技术动作多,战术复杂,难度大.
1、有利于良好的心理品质及思想品德的形成. 2、有利于增强体质,促进健康.
4、有利于振奋民主精神. 5、有利于人际交往与国际交往.
梅西是是众多球迷们心中的偶像,梅西的励志故事 一直在激励着很多人。 现在的梅西是一个手捧金球 的巨人,但在10年前,他差点因为侏儒症结束自己 的足球生涯。和家乡其他孩子一样,梅西从小就酷 爱足球,一直是球队中最棒的球员。但也和家里的 亲人一样,梅西天生矮小瘦弱,在11岁时已经停止 生长,他患有先天性侏儒症。 梅西的侏儒症源于营 养不良,梅西因为家里穷,没有牛肉和奶酪,是吃 着土豆和胡萝卜长的。梅西的病是可以治疗的,但 是费用很高,家里没钱为他治疗,他的球队也不愿 意为一个前途未卜的孩子支付这笔费用。 但是梅西 不愿放弃,坚持训练,年仅13岁,身高只有140cm的 他凭着精湛的球技,加入了巴赛罗那青年队。首场 比赛,他就凭借娴熟的脚法,过人的盘带突破能力,
messi 相关的词汇
messi 相关的词汇Lionel Messi(莱昂内尔·梅西)是阿根廷足球运动员,被广泛认为是史上最伟大的足球球员之一。
1. 梅西(Messi):Lionel Messi的姓氏,成为了他的代名词。
2. 巴塞罗那(Barcelona):梅西在巴塞罗那足球俱乐部度过了大部分职业生涯。
3. 阿根廷(Argentina):梅西代表阿根廷国家队参加国际比赛。
4. 足球(Football):足球是梅西的生活和职业。
5. 力量(Strength):尽管梅西身材矮小,但他却拥有出奇的力量。
6. 技术(Technique):梅西的技术是他的标志性特征之一。
7. 过人(Dribbling):梅西的过人技术非常出色。
8. 进球(Goal):梅西是一名出色的射手。
9. 团队合作(Teamwork):尽管梅西是一名出色的个人球员,但他也非常重视团队合作。
资助贫困家庭和残疾人等弱势群体,为他们提供生活必需品和医疗援助 。
参与联合国难民署的项目,为难民提供帮助和支持,改善他们的生活条 件。
关注环保问题,参与植树造林等环保活动,倡导可持续发展和保护地球 家园。
尽管已经取得了无数的荣誉,但Messi表示他希望继续为巴塞罗 那效力,并带领球队取得更多的胜利。
他的出现促使教练和球队重新思 考和调整战术,以适应现代足球
他的成功激发了无数年轻球员的 热情和梦想,成为他们追求卓越
1 2
Байду номын сангаас
Messi始终以高标准要求自己,不断努力提升自 己的技艺,激励年轻球员追求更高的目标。
他在面对挫折和困难时展现出的不屈不挠的精神 ,鼓舞着年轻球员在逆境中坚持不懈。
Messi建议年轻球员要始终保持对足球的热爱与激情,这是他们能 够在职业生涯中不断前进的动力源泉。
Messi认为成功的关键在于勤奋努力和自律,他建议年轻球员要养 成良好的生活习惯,严格要求自己。
Messi鼓励年轻球员要勇于挑战自己,不断突破自己的极限,不要满 足于现状,追求更高的目标。
Messi拥有出色的腿部力 量,能够将球以极高的速 度射向球门,给守门员带 来极大的挑战。
世界足球明星梅西简介里奥·梅西(Lionel Messi),1987年6月24日出生于阿根廷,足球运动员,司职前锋、边锋和前腰。
在阿根廷对阵智利的世预赛南美区比赛中,梅西连续第16年为阿根廷取得进球,连续 进球年份排名队史第一; 10月,在阿根廷主场3比0大胜乌拉圭的比赛中,梅西取得 在阿根廷国家队的第80个进球
欧洲顶级联赛 单季最多进球 纪录
单季最多进球 世界纪录
进球数目 73球
阿根廷国家队主教练斯卡罗尼公布3月份球员集训名单,里奥·梅西入选;10月,入选 阿根廷新一期名单
在2022年卡塔尔世界杯南美区预选赛第1轮比赛中,阿根廷主场1-0小胜厄瓜多尔,梅 西打进奥坎波斯制造的点球,这也是梅西在国家队生涯中打进的第71球
进球数目 2次
10球 4球 19场 50球 253球 643球 57球 79球
备注 梅西在2011—2012赛季欧罗巴曾经2次单场攻入三球,成为欧罗 巴历史上第一人 梅西与因扎吉、奥云及戈麦斯同时保持欧罗巴累积3次单场攻入 三球的纪录 无备注 无备注 无备注 无备注
与球王贝利同时保持单一俱乐部进球数[181] 梅西与C罗同时保持现役球员任意球进球数纪录 无备注[176]
在西甲联赛第12轮巴萨对塞维利亚的比赛上,梅西完成帽子戏法。此役过后,梅西凭借253粒进球正 式加冕西甲第一射手。12月20日,梅西被IFFHS评为2013年世界职业联赛的最佳射手奖
欧洲冠军联赛小组赛抽签暨欧洲最佳球员颁奖典礼在蒙特卡洛的格里马尔迪会议中心举行。梅西压过 队友苏亚雷斯和C罗,成为2次荣膺欧洲最佳球员的第1人
相信很多人都听过巴塞罗那足球俱乐部的巨星梅西(Lionel Messi),他的出色技巧和高水平实力在球场上一直备受关注。
1. 谁是梅西在介绍教辅书的封面故事之前,我们需要先了解一下这位球员的背景。
梅西,全名Lionel Andrés Messi,1987年6月24日出生于阿根廷罗萨里奥,是一名职业足球运动员,司职前锋。
2. 教辅书的封面如今在中国的一些高中教育机构中,随着教学水平的提高和事务的扩展,部分机构出版了以高考为主题的教辅书。
3. 为什么是梅西很多人会好奇为什么在中国的高中教辅书封面会放上梅西的照片。
4. 梅西的感受一张教辅书封面,搭配上一位当代最伟大的球员,自然会引起周围人的讨论和猜测。
梅西励志英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Messi: My Football HeroHello everyone! Today I want to talk about my favorite football player, Lionel Messi. Messi is a very talented and hardworking player who inspires me a lot. He is not just a great footballer, but also a great person.Messi was born in Argentina and started playing football at a very young age. He faced many challenges and obstacles, but he never gave up. He worked hard every day to improve his skills and become the best player he could be. Messi always says that success does not come easy, and you have to work hard and never give up on your dreams.One of the things I admire most about Messi is his determination and perseverance. Even when he faced setbacks and injuries, he always stayed positive and never lost hope. He always believed in himself and his abilities, and that is what helped him to become one of the greatest football players of all time.Messi's story teaches me that with hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude, I can achieve anything I set my mind to. He shows me that no matter how hard things may seem, I should never give up on my dreams. Messi is not just a football hero to me, but also a role model and an inspiration.In conclusion, Messi is not just a great football player, but also a great person. His story inspires me to work hard, stay positive, and never give up on my dreams. Messi is my football hero, and I hope to be as determined and successful as him one day. Thank you for listening!篇2Title: Messi, the Inspirational FootballerHey everyone, do you know who is my favorite football player? It's Lionel Messi! He is not just a great footballer but also a source of inspiration for me. Let me tell you all about it.Messi was born in Argentina and he faced many challenges when he was young. He was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency, which affected his height. But Messi didn't let this bring him down. He worked hard and never gave up on his dream of becoming a professional footballer.He joined FC Barcelona's youth team when he was just a kid and soon made his debut for the senior team. From there, he went on to become one of the best players in the world. Messi has won numerous awards and broken many records, but he always stays humble and focused on his game.What I love most about Messi is his perseverance and determination. He never stops improving and always gives his best on the field. He is a true role model for all of us, showing that with hard work and dedication, we can achieve our goals.So, whenever I feel like giving up or facing a tough challenge, I think of Messi and how he never stopped believing in himself. He is a reminder that anything is possible if we put our minds to it.In conclusion, Messi is not just a great football player, but also an inspiration to all of us. I hope to follow in his footsteps and never give up on my dreams. Messi, you are my hero!篇3Title: Messi, the Inspirational Soccer StarHey guys, do you know who is the best soccer player in the world? Yes, it's Lionel Messi! Messi is not just a great soccer player, he is also a huge inspiration to everyone.Messi had a tough childhood. He was born in a small town in Argentina and was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency when he was just a kid. But that didn't stop him from chasing his dreams. He practiced soccer every day, even when things were tough. And guess what? All his hard work paid off!Now Messi is known all over the world for his amazing skills on the soccer field. He has won so many awards and broken so many records that it's hard to keep track. But you know what's even more amazing? Messi is a kind and humble person. He always helps others and never lets his fame get to his head.Messi's story teaches us that no matter where you come from or what obstacles you face, you can achieve your dreams if you work hard and never give up. He is a true inspiration to all of us, showing us that with determination and perseverance, anything is possible.So let's all take a page out of Messi's book and never stop chasing our dreams. Who knows? Maybe one day we'll be as successful and inspiring as him. Messi, you are our hero!篇4Title: Messi, the Inspirational Football StarHi everyone! Today I want to talk about my favorite football player, Lionel Messi. He is not just a great player, but also a source of inspiration for many people around the world.Messi was born in Argentina and he started playing football when he was very young. He was very talented and worked hard to become the best player in the world. Messi faced many challenges in his life, but he never gave up. He always believed in himself and his abilities.One of the things that I admire most about Messi is his determination. He never lets setbacks or failures bring him down. Instead, he uses them as motivation to work even harder. Messi also values teamwork and always puts the team's success ahead of his own personal achievements.Another thing that I find inspiring about Messi is his humility. Despite being one of the most famous and successful football players in the world, he remains humble and down-to-earth. He is always willing to help others and give back to his community.In conclusion, Messi is not just a talented football player, but also a role model for people of all ages. His hard work, determination, and humility serve as an inspiration to us all. I hope that I can be like Messi one day – always believing in myself, never giving up, and working hard to achieve my goals. Thank you, Messi, for being such an amazing role model!篇5Title: Messi – My IdolHi everyone! Today I want to talk about my idol, Lionel Messi. Messi is a super famous soccer player from Argentina. He is really good at playing soccer and has won lots of awards. But do you know that Messi faced a lot of challenges when he was young?When Messi was a kid, he was very small and people thought he wouldn't be a good soccer player. But Messi didn't give up. He practiced every day and worked really hard to become better. He never let his size stop him from achieving his dreams.Messi always says that hard work and determination are the keys to success. He never gives up, even when things are tough. I think that's really inspiring. Whenever I feel like giving up onsomething, I think of Messi and how hard he worked to become the best.Messi's story teaches us that no matter how small or young we are, we can achieve amazing things if we work hard and never give up. I want to be like Messi – to never give up on my dreams and keep pushing myself to be the best I can be.So, let's all remember Messi's story and keep working hard towards our goals. If Messi can do it, so can we! Thank you, Messi, for inspiring me to never give up!篇6Messi is my favorite player. He is so cool on the field and he scores so many goals! But do you know that Messi's road to success was not easy? Let me tell you his inspiring story.Messi was born in Argentina and he loved playing soccer since he was a little boy. But when he was young, he was very small and many people thought he would never make it as a professional player. But Messi didn't give up. He practiced every day and worked really hard to improve his skills.When Messi was 13 years old, he moved to Spain to join FC Barcelona's youth academy. It was a big challenge for himbecause he was leaving his family and his country behind. But Messi was determined to succeed. He trained hard every day and never lost sight of his dream to become a great soccer player.Finally, Messi's hard work paid off. He made his debut for Barcelona's first team when he was just 17 years old. Since then, Messi has won numerous awards and broken many records. He is considered one of the greatest soccer players of all time.Messi's story teaches us that with hard work, dedication, and perseverance, we can achieve our dreams. So, let's be like Messi and never give up on our goals. Who knows, we might just become the next Messi in whatever we choose to do!。
射门 梅西刚出道时的射门多为
巧射,技术含量极高。被改造成 中锋之后,梅西精湛的射术展露 头球 梅西身高不高,头 无遗,2009-2010单赛季为巴萨 传球 梅西善于和队友做配合, 球不是他最擅长的进球方式, 打进47球,2010-2011单赛季53 速度 他强大的阅读比赛能力体现在他 但在关键时刻头球却总能为 球足以证明。 梅西的5米内速度是 带球时的选择,如果突破感觉不 球队打开僵局,09年欧冠决 20km/h,12m~16m内速 对,梅西会启动哈维模式,给队 赛时就曾头球破门为巴萨锁 度是28km/h,非常出众, 友传出致命的助攻。10-11赛季 定胜局。他最喜欢的位置不 启动速度很快,急转急 盘带梅西的球感和脚下技术是超 身为前锋却有25个助攻,这一数 是中锋,而是能够带球面对 任意球 他的任意球技术 一流的,带球时球就像粘在他脚上 停在当今足坛无人能出 据可以很好说明梅西传球的精准。 在随着自己的成长,任意球 禁区方向进攻的边锋或游动 其右。梅西速度的威胁 一样,对手很难从他脚下断下球, 进步了不少,上赛季联赛中 型二前锋。 主要体现在他的超高速 他最令对手畏惧的武器是带球突破, 就有过多个任意球直接破门, 出众的球感、速度、爆发力和平衡 带球突破。 技术 他的脚下技术非常灵活、 他的任意球意球技术正在提 能力组合成了最可怕的盘带机器, 细腻,常常利用小范围快速变向 高。 他能够在最狭小的空间里寻觅到突 晃开对手。在带球过人方面,无 破的可能,在当今足坛,梅西可以 人能出其右。 说是这方面能力的第一人。
Messi 个人简介
中文名:里奥内尔· 安德雷斯· 梅西 外文名:Lionel Andrés Messi 别名:leo、小跳蚤、西西 国籍:阿根廷、西班牙 出生地:阿根廷圣菲省罗萨里奥市 出生日期:1987年6月24日 身高:169cm 体重:67kg 运动项目:足球 所属运动队:巴塞罗那 专业特点:技术出色,意识上佳,射 术精湛
Miroslav Marian Klose
In the 2010 World Cup, Messi played 450 minutes but never won one goal for his team.
Messi plays a very good job in Barcelona.
Top 10
2004-05 La Liga title last season
2007 FIFA World Player of the second
I’m always the shortest guy in the games.
Messi and Diego Maradona
Hand of God
Sergio Leonel Agüero Del Castillo
2006-07 Spanish Super Cup
U20 World Youth Championship in 20042005-06 UEFA Champions League 05 season La Liga 2005-06 season title 2005-06 Spanish Super Cup 2008 FIFA World Player of the second 2008 Beijing Olympic gold medal Personal Honors
In the game of World Cup against England in 1986h King’s Cup(06—07) 11 seconds
In 2006, Messi became the youngest Argentine to play in the FIFA World Cup. But he scored only one goal in the history of the World Cup.
the age of 22.
His playing style and
ability have drawn
comparisons to
football legend Diego
Maradona, who himself declared Messi his "successor."
• Lionel Messi began playing football at a
• In 2006, he became the youngest Argentine to play in the FIFA World Cup and he won a runners-up medal at the Copa América tournament the following year. In 2008, in Beijing, he won his first international honour, an Olympic gold medal, with the Argentina Olympic football team.
பைடு நூலகம்
young age and his potential was quickly identified by Barcelona. He left Rosariobased Newell's Old Boys's youth team in 2000 and moved with his family to Europe, as Barcelona offered treatment for his growth hormone deficiency. Making his debut in the 2004–05 season, he broke the La Liga record for the youngest footballer to play a league game, and also the youngest to score a league goal.
介绍messi的英语作文60词英文回答:Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a forward for Ligue 1 club Paris Saint-Germain and captains the Argentinanational team. Widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time, Messi has won a record seven Ballond'Or awards, a record six European Golden Shoe awards, and has been named FIFA World Player of the Year five times.Messi began his professional career with Barcelona at the age of 17, and made his senior debut in 2004. Hequickly established himself as one of the world's best players, helping Barcelona win 35 trophies, including ten La Liga titles, seven Copa del Rey titles, and four UEFA Champions League titles. Messi left Barcelona in 2021 and joined Paris Saint-Germain.At international level, Messi made his senior debut forArgentina in 2005. He has since represented his country in four World Cups, four Copa América tournaments, and two FIFA Confederations Cups. Messi is Argentina's all-time top goalscorer, and led the team to victory in the 2021 Copa América.Messi is known for his exceptional dribbling skills, close control, passing, and finishing. He is also aprolific goalscorer, and has scored over 750 goals for club and country.中文回答:利昂内尔·安德烈斯·梅西·库奇蒂尼是一名阿根廷职业足球运动员,担任法甲俱乐部巴黎圣日耳曼的前锋并担任阿根廷国家队队长。
messi英文作文100词英文:Messi is one of the greatest football players in the world. He has won numerous awards and broken many records throughout his career. His talent on the field is undeniable, and his work ethic is admirable.One of the things that sets Messi apart from other players is his ability to read the game. He has an incredible sense of where his teammates and opponents are on the field, and he uses this knowledge to make quick decisions that often lead to goals.Another thing that makes Messi special is his humility. Despite his success, he remains down-to-earth and always puts the team first. He is a great leader both on and off the field, and his teammates look up to him for guidance and inspiration.中文:梅西是世界上最伟大的足球运动员之一。
Messi is an unusual football star, he has a high degree of creativity. Although he is not tall, he has great speed and a strong body. He has incredible strength. Furthermore, he can bring happiness to his fans and teammates.
2008 Beijing Olympic gold medal Personal Honors 2008 FIFA World Player of the second 2007 FIFA World Player of the second
I’m always the shortest guy in the games.
In 2006, Messi became the youngest Argentine to play in the FIFA World Cup.
But he scored only one goal in the history of the World Cup.
Miroslav Marian Klose
Messi and Diego Maradona
Hand of God
Sergio Leonel Agüero Del Castillo
In the game of World Cup against England in 1986. 12 seconds
Messi in „FC Barcelona”
• His career in „Barca” began in 2000 year.
• For this time he play in „Barca” in almost every match,and I hope it remain so.
The Golden Ball
• In 2009 Leo Messi has also received „Golden Ball” award.
• „Golden Ball” is the award given by FIFA to the best player.
Winner of Primera Division 2008-2009.
• In the 2008-2009 season, Barca achieved title of the Champion.
• Leo Messi was one of the strongest points of his team.
FIFA Ballon d’Or
• Messi wins 3rd straight FIFA player of year award
Lionel Andres Messi
• My favourite sportsmen is Leo Messi.
• He is Argentinian and he’s playing football in Europe now.
Messi - origin
• Messi was born 24.06.1987 in RosarioArgentina.
Wins fifth Ballon d'Or award
messi的英文作文英文:As a huge football fan, I have always been fascinated by the legendary player Lionel Messi. Messi, also known as "The Flea", is widely regarded as one of the greatest football players of all time. His incredible ball control, agility, and scoring ability have earned him numerous awards and accolades throughout his career.Messi was born in Rosario, Argentina in 1987. He began playing football at a young age and was quickly recognized for his talent. At the age of 13, he moved to Spain to join FC Barcelona's youth academy, La Masia. He made his professional debut for Barcelona in 2004 and has been a key player for the team ever since.One of the things that sets Messi apart from other players is his ability to score goals. He has a uniquestyle of play that allows him to dribble past defenders andfind the back of the net with ease. He has scored over 700 goals in his career, including some truly incredible ones. One of my favorite Messi goals was the one he scored against Real Madrid in 2011. He dribbled past four defenders before slotting the ball past the goalkeeper.Another thing that makes Messi so special is his humility. Despite all of his success, he remains humble and grounded. He is known for his quiet demeanor and his dedication to his family and friends. He is also involved in various charitable causes, including the Leo Messi Foundation, which helps children in need around the world.中文:作为一名狂热的足球迷,我一直被传奇球员莱昂内尔·梅西所吸引。
Crazy English2023.6激活·素养解读一级目标语言能力文化意识思维品质学习能力二级目标掌握人物描写的基本表达,用恰当的语言介绍其经历和所取得的成就;学会以以“介绍优秀人物”为主题的相关表达了解优秀人物的故事和其所取得的成就,多角度地认识、思考、探索杰出人物获得成功的原因及人生的价值和意义所在掌握语篇段落之间以及段内的逻辑关系提高以读促写的学用能力实践·读写整合Lionel Messi 莱昂内尔·梅西广东张湾湾Born on June 24,1987,Lionel Messi is a famous soccer player from Argentina whoplays for Paris Saint⁃German F.C.(巴黎圣日耳曼足球俱乐部)now.Growing up,Messi had two older brotherswith whom he played soccer.At the age of eight,Messi joined the Newell s Old Boys soccer club in his town.Unfortunately,three years later he was diagnosed with a condition that stunted his growth and was prescribed medication to help.Luckily,when Messi was 13years old,he wasoffered a position on the La Masia team.This was an academy for young soccer players.The48疯狂英语(新策略)academyalso offered to pay for his medication.With that,Messi and his family moved to Barcelona and Messi started playing for the academy.Messi became the youngest player toscore a goal for FC Barcelona when he was 16.From there,Messi continued to improve hisskills.In 2009,Messi contributed greatly to his team winning three European club titles,all in the same season.In that season alone,Messi miraculously scored 38goals in 51matches.2012was a fantastic year for Messi.In March,he incredibly scored 5goals in a Champions League game and was the first player in the game to do this.A short time later,he exceeded César Rodríguez s record of 232goals,which gave Messi the title of Barcelona s all⁃time top scorer (最佳射手).By this time,Messi had won world player ofthe year four times.On December 18,2022,Lionel Messi finally achieved his FIFA World Cup dream as Argentina won their third crown on penalties following one of the greatest finals in the tournament s history at Lusail Stadium.Apart from football,Messi has also been involved with a number of charities.He setup his own organization in order to help children who need special care or are at risk.Messi also represents a charity called UNICEF which helps children across the world.Messi has demonstrated multiple times that he does possess qualities that make him agreat footballer.He is a paragon (楷模)for the rest to follow,ready to defend his team⁃mates and there to offer a helping hand when they need to be lifted.Activity AReading for understandingⅠ.Text⁃centered chunks be diagnosed with 被诊断为continue to do 继续做contribute to 为……做贡献achieve one s dream 实现某人的梦想apart from 除……之外(还)be involved with 涉及;与……有关联set up 建立at risk处于危险中49Ⅱ.Text⁃centered sentences1.限制性定语从句Born on June24,1987,Lionel Messi is a famous soccer player from Argentina who plays for Paris Saint⁃German莱昂内尔·梅西出生于1987年6月24日,是一名来自阿根廷的著名足球运动员,现效力于巴黎圣日耳曼足球俱乐部。
足球巨星梅西的简介里奥·梅西(Lionel Messi),1987年6月24日出生于圣菲省罗萨里奥市,阿根廷足球运动员。
Messi's childhood was not common, he wasdiagnosedwith nutrition deficiency dwarfism ['dwo:fizam] is a big blow to Messi and his family.Fortunately, with Messi's talent, Barcelona's coach wants to help his family to bear the cost of treatment. Therefore, Messi and his father left home to go to spain.梅西的童年并不普通,他被诊断出患有营养缺乏性侏儒症为梅西和他的家人的大打击。
英文作文介绍梅西英文:As a huge fan of soccer, I have always admired Lionel Messi, one of the greatest soccer players of all time. Messi was born in Rosario, Argentina in 1987 and began playing soccer at a young age. He joined the youth team of Newell's Old Boys, a local soccer club, and quickly showed his talent on the field.Messi's career really took off when he joined FC Barcelona in 2003. He quickly became a star player on the team and helped lead Barcelona to numerous victories. Messi is known for his incredible speed, agility, and ball control. He has won numerous awards throughout his career, including six Ballon d'Or awards, which are given to the best soccer player in the world.One of the things I admire most about Messi is his dedication to the sport. He is constantly working toimprove his skills and is always pushing himself to be the best. He is also known for his humility and down-to-earth personality, despite his incredible success on the field.Overall, Lionel Messi is not only an incredible soccer player, but also a role model for aspiring athletes around the world.中文:作为一个足球迷,我一直很崇拜 Lionel Messi,他是有史以来最伟大的足球运动员之一。
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LionelMessi ,born on 1978,Is a wellknown Argentine football player, and plays for Barcelona now. He is one of the best forward in the world, and is called the “new Maradona” by all the fans world.
梅西的童年并不普通,他被诊断出 患有 营养缺乏性侏儒症为梅西和他的家人的 一大打击。幸运的是,由于梅西的天赋, 巴塞罗那教练想帮助他的家庭承担的治 疗费用。因此,梅西和他的父亲离开祖 国去西班牙。
He was 25 years old, his glory is just beginning. As Arsenal manager arsene wenger said: "once messi (in court) run, he will be hard to stop." In the next football road, one shall not take messi will make an impact to the higher honor. We are looking forward to his latest miracle
他才25岁,属于他的辉煌才刚刚开始。阿 森纳主教练温格说:“当梅西在场上奔跑, 他将很难阻止。”在未来的足球之路,人 不应以梅西将向更高的荣誉作出ildhood was not common, he was diagnosed with nutrition deficiency dwarfism is a big blow to Messi and his family. Fortunately, with Messi's talent, Barcelona's coach wants to help his family to bear the cost of treatment. Therefore, Messi and his father left home to go to spain.