



Citrans 750城域骨干及汇聚节点Citrans 750为标准型10G MSTP设备,提供强大的组网能力,可靠性设计完善,多业务接口丰富,提供灵活的高阶/低阶业务调度和接入能力,是目前获得广泛商用的骨干或大型城域网的汇聚层MSTP节点设备。

产品特点组网能力强Citrans 750支持多达6×10G的线路接口,同时支持最多16个1+1/1:1/2BLSR保护的STM-1/4分支链/环,组网能力强大,适合在复杂的网络环境下构建骨干层传输平台。

优化的多业务承载Citrans 750除支持传统语音业务外,还支持10M/100Mb/s/1000Mb/s全速率的以太网业务,ATM业务;支持以太网业务的透传、交换、汇聚功能,支持GFP/LAPS/PPP封装、虚级联、LCAS、VLAN、STP、RPR、MPLS、ATM业务的统计复用等功能极大优化了数据业务的处理。


支持灵活的低阶业务接口Citrans 750能够根据用户需要灵活配置低阶业务的交叉和接口模块,支持2M业务直接上下,相比于传统的采用低速率设备转接的方式,具有低成本、高可靠性、便于管理等等一系列突出优势。

槽位丰富,扩展性好Citrans 750的槽位数量丰富,且各种业务接口完全通用,能够轻松适应网络结构的调整和业务扩展、升级带来的挑战。

高可用性设计Citrans 750继承了烽火通信传统设备的高可用特性,在设备级提供重要部件的1+1备份;分散式电源供电,背板双电源接入,单盘双电源保护。


纳入OTNM2000/2100统一管理和Citrans/IBAS家族其它成员一起,Citrans 750能够统一纳入OTNM2000管理平台,分享OTNM2000/2100所提供的强大管理功能,提升网络的运维效率。

Fisher FIELDVUE DVC2000数字阀控制器产品说明书及快速上手指南的INMETRO有

Fisher FIELDVUE DVC2000数字阀控制器产品说明书及快速上手指南的INMETRO有

INMETRO Hazardous Area Approvals for FIELDVUE™ DVC2000 Digital Valve ControllerThis supplement provides INMETRO Hazardous Area Approval information for the DVC2000 digital valve controller instruction manual and quick start guide. Use this in conjunction with information provided in the instruction manual (D103176X012) or quick start guide (D103203X012).INMETRO— National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology. INMETRO approval is accepted in Brazil. Certain nameplates may carry more than one approval, and each approval may have unique installation/wiring requirements and/or conditions of “safe use”. These special instructions for “safe use” are in addition to, and may override, the standard installation procedures. Refer to the instruction manual or quick start guide for for all other information regarding DVC2000 digital valve controllers.NoteThis information supplements the nameplate markings affixed to the product.Always refer to the nameplate itself to identify the appropriate certification.WARNINGFailure to follow these conditions of “safe use” could result in personal injury or property damage from fire or explosion, and area re‐classification.Certificate Number: IEx 10.0004XINMETRO Marking: Ex ia IIC T4/T5 Ga IP66T4: -40°C ≤Tamb ≤+80°C; T5: -40°C ≤Tamb ≤+40°CStandards Used for Certification: NBR IEC 60079­0:2008, NBR IEC 60079­11:2009Instruction Manual Supplement D103780X012DVC2000 Digital Valve ControllerApril 20162Special conditions for safe use (X):- The equipment shall be connected in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions to intrinsic safety barriers that satisfy the following parameters for each set of terminals;- For Zone 0 (EPL Ga), due to the fact that the equipment housing is aluminum, precautions must be taken to prevent ignition caused by impact or friction;­ The acrylic display can only be cleaned with a damp cloth to prevent accumulation of electrostatic charges.Electrical Paramameters:Main 4-20 mA Ui = 30 V, Ii = 130 mA, Pi = 1 W, Li = 0.55 mH, Ci = 10.5 nFXMTR circuit Ui = 28 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 1 W, Li = 0 mH, Ci = 5 nFLimit Switch 1 (LS1)Ui = 16 V, Ii = 76 mA, Pi = 1 W, Li = 0 mH, Ci = 5 nFLimit Switch 2 (LS2)Ui = 16 V, Ii = 76 mA, Pi = 1 W, Li = 0 mH, Ci = 5 nFFigure 1. Typical INMETRO Approval NameplateEmerson Process ManagementMarshalltown, Iowa 50158 USASorocaba, 18087 BrazilCernay, 68700 FranceDubai, United Arab EmiratesSingapore 128461 SingaporeThe contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. All sales are governed by our terms and conditions, which are available upon request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice.E 2013, 2016 Fisher Controls International LLC. All rights reserved.Fisher and FIELDVUE are marks owned by one of the companies in the Emerson Process Management business unit of Emerson Electric Co. Emerson Process Management, Emerson, and the Emerson logo are trademarks and service marks of Emerson Electric Co. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.Neither Emerson, Emerson Process Management, nor any of their affiliated entities assumes responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for proper selection, use, and maintenance of any product remains solely with the purchaser and end user.。



La Serie FL-2000 ofrece una amplia variedad de caudalímetros para utilizar en aplicaciones médicas, industriales, químicas y de laboratorio a un precio conveniente. Las unidades se venden con o sin válvula.CAUDALÍMETROS DE ACRÍLICOB-15aESpEciFicacionES precisión:Modelos FL-2001–FL-2025: ±5%de escala completa Modelos FL-2031–FL-2069: ±3% de escala completaModelos FL-2071–FL-2128: ±2% de escala completaFlotador: Acero inoxidable vidrio negro cuerpo: Acrílico transparente Sellos: Juntas tóricas de caucho sintético con adaptadores de latón o PVC, juntas tóricas de FKM con adaptadores de acero inoxidablepresión: 100 psig máx. a 21 °C (70 °F)Temperatura:65 °C (150 °F) máx. a 0 psigaccesorios: Latón estándar, acero inoxidable opcional salvo para el FL-2071 a FL-2128, que tienen accesorios de PVC de 1 NPT únicamenteVálvulas: Modelos FL-2001 a FL-2069: Latón estándar; tipo decartucho de acero inoxidable (opcional) FL-2071 a FL-2128: Puerta en línea de plástico opcionalU E scala métrica e inglesa de fácil lectura U R angos de agua desde 4 ccM a 20 GpM,rangos de aire de 40 cc a 4.000 LpM U i nserción de latónroscada para una rápida instalación U F ácil montajey desmontaje para su mantenimiento U c onstrucción de acrílico transparente en una pieza duradera U F lotador estable de fácil lectura U c alidad superiorapLicacionES U E quipo de muestreo de aireU a cuiculturaU Equipo de desalinización U a nalizador de gasU S istemas médicos U E quipo de procesamientofotográficoU S istemas de tratamiento y distribución de aguaEl modelo FL-2013 para aire se muestraen un tamaño inferior al real.El modelo FL-2066-nV para agua se muestra en un tamaño inferior al real.B(13,5)B-15bDimensiones de FL-2091 hasta FL-2128Para solicitar el producto con válvula de compuerta de plástico, añada el sufijo “-V” al número de modelo para ver el coste adicional para las Series FL-2090 y FL-2120.Para un certificado NIST de 10 puntos opcional, añada el sufijo “-NIST” al número de modelo, con coste adicional y dos semanas más al plazo de entrega estándar .Ejemplo de pedido: FL-2095, rotámetro, 100 a 1.400 LPM de aire FL-2127-V, rotámetro, 4 a 36 LPM de agua, con válvulas.El modelo FL-2097 se muestra en un tamaño inferior al real.Se trata de unidades estándar sin válvulas.Para solicitar el producto con válvula de compuerta de plástico, añada el sufijo “-V” al número de modelo para ver el coste adicional.Para un certificado NIST de 10 puntos opcional, añada el sufijo “-NIST” al número de modelo, con coste adicional y dos semanas más al plazo de entrega estándar.Ejemplos de pedidos: FL-2075, válvula de rotámetro, 100 a 1.400 LPM de aire.FL-2080, válvula de rotámetro, 2 a 19 LPM de agua.El modelo FL-2041-nV se muestra en un tamaño inferioral real.El modelo FL-2053 para agua se muestra en un tamaño inferioral real.El modelo FL-2066-nV se muestraen un tamaño inferior al real.Para solicitar el producto con válvula de acero inoxidable, añada el sufijo “-SS” al número de modelo para ver el coste adicional.Para solicitar el producto sin válvula, añada el sufijo “-NV” al número de modelo y descuéntelo del coste.Para un certificado NIST de 10 puntos opcional, añada el sufijo “-NIST ” al número de modelo, con coste adicional y dos semanas más al plazo de entrega estándar.Ejemplos de pedidos: FL-2036, rotámetro económico, con válvula de latón, 14 a 150 SCFH de aire.FL-2036-NV , rotámetro económico, sin válvula de latón, 14 a 150 SCFH de aire.BEl modelo FL-2060 para airese muestra en un tamaño inferior al real.Escalas dobles de modo estándar: SCFM/SCFH, GPM/GPH y LPM/LPH Para solicitar el producto con válvula de acero inoxidable, añada el sufijo “-SS” al número de modelo para ver el coste adicional.Para solicitar el producto sin válvula, añada el sufijo “-NV” al número de modelo y descuéntelo del coste.Para un certificado NIST de 10 puntos opcional, añada el sufijo “-NIST” alnúmero de modelo, con coste adicional y dos semanas más al plazo de entrega estándar.Ejemplos de pedidos: FL-2060, rotámetro con válvula de latón, 0,5 a 5 scfm. FL-2069-NV, rotámetro sin válvula, 2 a 20 LPM.El modelo FL-2091 paraaire se muestra en un tamaño inferior al real.B-15cEl modelo FL-2021-nV para agua se muestra en un tamaño superior al real.Para solicitar el producto con válvulas de acero inoxidable, añada el sufijo “-SS”al número de modelo para ver el coste adicional.Para solicitar el producto sin válvula, añada el sufijo “-NV” al número de modelo y descuéntelo del coste.Para un certificado NIST de 10 puntos opcional, añada el sufijo “-NIST” al número de modelo, con coste adicional y dos semanas más al plazo de entrega estándar.Ejemplos de pedidos: FL-2005, rotámetro económico con válvula de latón, 2 a 20 SCFH de aire.FL-2005-NV, rotámetro económico sin válvula, 2 a 20 SCFH de aire.B-15d。

Sennheiser 2000 Series 无线麦克风系统介绍说明书

Sennheiser 2000 Series 无线麦克风系统介绍说明书

Features C ompetitive price points and a comprehensive, professional feature set C ompatible with all generations of evolution wireless for ultimate wirelessflexibility that serves all price points and applications. Sennheiser is the only brand on the market that offers such in-depth product integration! T he output power of all transmitters is switchable from 10 / 30 / 50 / 100 mW D irectly connects to networks via an Ethernet port and can be controlled withSennheiser’s “Wireless Systems Manager” (WSM) software A vailable in three ranges in the U.S. with a switching bandwidth between42-72 MHz R anges include: A (516/558), G (558/626), B (626/698) V ia an antenna loop-through, up to eight dual channel rack-mount receivers canbe daisy-chained without the need for an external splitter E xternal charging contacts on all transmitters makes “going green” easier, andsaves money over time on battery consumptionGeneral DescriptionThe 2000 Series wireless microphone systems are targeted primarily at rental houses and mid-level theatre and broad-cast applications. It includes a wide variety of products, from wireless mi-crophones to personal monitoring equip-ment to portable ENG kits.EK 2000• Single-channel camera receiver •D isplay of transmitter battery and configuration status • Adaptive Diversity• IR synchronization of all TXSKP 2000• P lug-on transmitter makes any wired mic wireless • S witchable output power of 10 / 30 / 50 /100 mW• Phantom poweringEK 2000 IEM• Stereo bodypack receiver • Adaptive Diversity• Rugged housing with metal battery flap • Includes IE4SK 2000• Rugged housing with metal battery flap • E xtended frequency response (25 – 20,000 Hz) especially complements bass guitars • 3-pin special socket for use with professional accessories• Switchable output power of 10 / 30 / 50 / 100 mW• External charging contactsSKM 2000• S witchable output power of 10 / 30 / 50 / 100 mW • A vailable in black and nickel • E xternal charging contacts • I deal for rough stage use • C ompatible with all ew capsules:• 800 series (black)EM 2000 / EM 2050• R ack-mount single or dual channel receiver • P rofessional design with: • f ull 19” metal housing • i ntegrated power supply • i ntegrated active splitter • O ne Ethernet port per receiver • 2 XLR outs + 2 jacks • I R synchronization of all TX • D isplay of transmitter battery and configuration status • E qualizer and guitar tuner • T rue DiversitySR 2000 / SR 2050• R ack-mount single or dual channel transmitter • P rofessional design with: • f ull 19” metal housing • i ntegrated power supply • One Ethernet port per transmitter • 5-band graphic equalizer• Switchable output power of 10 / 30 / 50 / 100 mWSixteen Channel 2000 Series Wireless System w/ Computer Control & Remote Monitoring(8 Handheld Systems and 8 Lavalier Systems)A/CQty Model Description 8 EM2050 Dual receiver8 SKM2000 Handheld transmitter w/MMD935-1 capsules 8 SK2000 Bodypack transmitter8 MKE2 Premium lavalier microphone 14 BB112” BNC cable2 A5000CP Circular-polarized directional antenna 124 Port switch (3rd Party)Note: Various Lengths of RF cable available for antenna run (sold separately)Sixteen Channel 2000 Series Wireless System w/ Computer Control & Remote Monitoring with K8 Digital Distribution(8 Handheld Systems and 8 Lavalier Systems)Qty Model Description 8 EM2050 Dual receiver8 SKM2000 Handheld transmitter w/MMD935-1 capsules 8 SK2000 Bodypack transmitter8 MKE2 Premium lavalier microphone 14 BB112” BNC cable2 A5000CPCircular-polarized directional antenna2K8-AI88 Channel analog audio input for K8 digital distribution network4 K8-AO8 8 Channel analog audio line level output for K8 digital distribution network 124 Port switch (3rd Party)Note: Various Lengths of RF cable available for antenna run (sold separately)*AB3 boosters may be used to compensate for RF loss associated with long cable runs.K8-AI8Switch (3rd Party)K8-AO8Sixteen Channel 2000 Series Wireless System w/ Computer Control & Remote Monitoring with K8 Digital Distribution(8 Handheld Systems and 8 Lavalier Systems)FOHCONSOLEMONITORCONSOLEME102/104/105 Modular Lavalier System ComponentsSteel MeshWindscreensKA 100-ewKA 100 S-ew(evolution wireless)(evolution wireless)MZQ222。



FW2000MK3控制器通过简单的模块接口,可与SCADA及BAS系统提供标准的Modbus RTU通讯。

一ModbusRTU协议Modbus 协议的完整定义参见Modicon公司出版的"Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Guide" PI-MBUS-300 Rev.G。

二Mobus 传输模式FW2000数据格式为:波特率9600bps,1个起始位,1个停止位,8个数据位(最低有效位首先发送),无奇偶校验。


三地址1.机组IDFW2000上的S61设置值(负数)的绝对值即为该机组的Modbus ID号。

2.地址偏移分区排布表中Modbus地址从0开始计算,在监控软件中必须加上一个对应的偏移地址(比如表中的寄存器地址0,在监控软件中使用的地址应为40001+0)3.最大读取长度一次可从控制器中读取的寄存器数量<=64个.4.详细地址表区 1 Modbus 起始地址=07C0h=1984寄存器位置简称全称 + 注释除以(十进制)0 机组模式0=关/1=手动/2=手动自动/3=本地自动/4=远程自动/5=远程 1 19841 设定点S1的副本1000 19862 P1 [25] 温度 [Deg C] 1000 19883 P2 [0] 压力 (通常) [Bar Gauge] 1000 19904 主从模式 [35] 主机模式 (Master/Slave 切换) 1 19925 P5 [34] 电机电流1000 19946 状态 [21] -1=不可用/0=故障/1=等待/2=停机/3=可用/4=启动/5=运行/6=受限 1 19967 泵类型 [36] 油泵/油系统类型'常规 Hallscrew油系统':0=无油泵, 1=启动时运行油泵,2=连续运行油泵,6=按需求运行油泵'喷油和润滑使用单独得油电磁阀':3=无油泵, 4=启动时运行油泵,5=连续运行油泵,7=按需求运行油泵1 19988 压缩机号 [37] 压缩机序号 (==S42) 1 20009 SH-Time [28] 每小时启动次数计时 [s] 1 200210 运行时间 [23] 与 P3相同,但以小时计(不是*10小时) 1000 200411 P4 [1] 滑阀位置[%], LVDT 模拟输入1000 200612 P6 [2] 3Mio2 4-20mA 模拟输入 (anin 9) 1000 200813 P7 [3] 与P2对应的标准温度[C] 1000 201014 P8 [38] 与 P6 对应的标准温度[C] 1000 201215 S39 =最近的报警[39] 当前报警,如无,则为最近一次的报警。















EXFO 2000 系列以太网测试仪 中文说明书

EXFO 2000 系列以太网测试仪 中文说明书

S P E C S H E ETKEY FEATURES AND BENEFITSAccelerate Ethernet service activation with bidirectional EtherSAM (Y .156) and RFC 2544 test suites, multistream traffi c generation, Through mode and bit-error-rate (BER) testing Experience unprecedented confi guration simplicity with hybrid touchscreen/keypad navigation and data entry Increase technician autonomy and productivity with intelligent discovery of remote EXFO Ethernet testers, as well as in-service testing via dual-port Through mode Eliminate errors in data interpretation with revolutionary new GUI on 7-inch TFT screen, historical event logger, visual gauges and 3D-icon depictions of pass/fail outcomesSimplify reporting with integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity capabilitiesIntegrated applications to test VoIP services, and additional IP test utilities including VLAN scan and LAN discovery via EXpert VoIP and EXpert IP test toolsSupport for packet capture and analysis, wireless troubleshooting and TCP throughput testingExtend fi eld testing operations with compact, lightweight platform equipped with long-duration battery packFTB-860 NetBlazer Series Ethernet TestersPOWERFUL, FAST, INTUITIVE ETHERNET TESTINGeld technicians comprehensive, yet simple test suites to quickly and easily turn up, validate and troubleshoot Ethernet services, with full EtherSAM capabilities, from 10 Mbit/s to 10 Gbit/s.EXFO FTB-1 FTB-860G SpecsProvided by THE ULTRA-PORTABLE CHOICE FOR HIGH-SPEED ETHERNET TESTINGThe ongoing deployment of GigE and 10 GigE circuits across access and metro networks demands a testing solution that seamlessly adapts to either operating environment—without sacrificing portability, speed or cost—in order to guarantee the performance and quality of service (QoS) metrics of these services.Leveraging the powerful, intelligent FTB-1 handheld platform, the NetBlazer series streamlines processes and empowers field technicians to seamlessly transition between 10/100/1000/10000 interfaces to rapidly adapt to a variety of networking environments.Powerful and FastThe NetBlazer series is a portfolio of fully integrated 10 Mbit/s to 10 Gbit/s handheld Ethernet testers. Available in three hardware configurations, each FTB-860x offers the industry’s largest TFT screen with unprecedented configuration simplicity via hybrid touchscreen/keypad navigation. Platform connectivity is abundant via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Gigabit Ethernet or USB ports, making it accessible in any environment.FTB-860G: 10 M BIT /S TO 10 G BIT/SIf the need is for full Ethernet coverage from 10 Mbit/s up to 10 Gbit/s, › 10 Base-T to 10 gigabit testing› IPv6 testingFTB-860: GIGABIT ETHERNETIf the need is purely for Gigabit Ethernet coverage, then the FTB-860 is › 10 Base-T to 1 gigabit testing› IPv6 testingFTB-860GL: 10 M BIT/S TO 10 G BIT/S LOOPBACK ONLYCombined with the FTB-860G or FTB-860, the FTB-860GL is the most cost-effective solution for GigE and 10 GigE intelligent loopback testing; it supports bidirectional EtherSAM and RFC 2544 testing and offers five › 10 Base-T to 10 gigabit loopback› EtherSAM (bidirectional partner)*› RFC 2544 (bidirectional partner)› Intelligent autodiscovery› IPv6 testing› Ping/traceroute* Contact your EXFO representative to confirm availability.Setting a New GUI Standard: Unprecedented Simplicity in Configuration Setup and NavigationIntelligent Situational Configuration Setup›G uides technicians through complete, accurate testingprocesses(suggestion prompts, help guides, etc.)›R educes navigation by combining associated testingfunctions on a single screen›I ntelligent autodiscovery allows a single technician to performend-to-end testingDedicated Quick-Action Buttons›Remote discovery to fi nd all the other EXFO units›Laser on/off›T est reset to clear the results and statistics while running a test ›Report generation›Save or load test confi gurations›Quick error injectionAssorted Notifications›Clear indication of link status for single or dual ports›Negotiated speed display for single or dual ports›O ptical power status available at all times for single or dual ports›Pass/fail indication at all times for all testsStreamlined Navigation›R emote discovery button available at all times; no reason to leave your current location to scan for a remote unit›T esting status can be maximized to fi ll the entire screen by simply clicking on the alarm status button; whether the unit is in your hand or across the room, test results can be easily determined with a simple glance at the display screen›R FC 2544 configuration is maximized in a single page;no need to navigate through multiple screens to confiindividual subtests›R FC 2544 results and graphs are also maximized in a single page; no need to navigate through multiple screens to viewindividual RFC subtest results FO unitswhile running a testdual portsal portstimes for single mes; no reason toemote unite entire screen by ; whether the unit sults can be easily splay screenn a single page; eens to confi gure ximized in a single e screens to viewRAPID, ACCURATE TEST RESULTS AT YOUR FINGERTIPSKey FeaturesIntelligent Network Discovery ModeUsing any NetBlazer series test set, you can single-handedly scan the network and connect to any available EXFO datacom remote tester. Simply select the unit to be tested and choose whether you want traffic to be looped back via Smart Loopback or Dual Test Set for simultaneous bidirectional EtherSAM and RFC 2544 results. No more need for an additional technician at the far end to relay critical information—the NetBlazer products take care of it all.Smart Loopback FlexibilityThe Smart Loopback functionality has been enhanced to offer five distinct loopback modes. Whether you are looking to pinpoint loopback traffic from a UDP or TCP layer, or all the way down to a completely promiscuous mode (Transparent Loopback mode), NetBlazer has the flexibility to adjust for all unique loopback situations.Global Pass/Fail AnalysisThe NetBlazer series provides real-time pass/fail status via text or icons. Clicking on the pass/fail indicator maximizes this important status to full screen, providing instant, easily understood notification whether the unit is in the technician’s hands or across the room.Remembering the Last IP or MAC AddressesField technicians have enough things to worry about and don’t always have the luxury of time to enter the same IP or MAC address test after test. The NetBlazer series remembers the last 10 MAC, IPv4 and IPv6 addresses as well as J0/J1 traces for 10G WAN, even afterthe unit has been rebooted.Traffic GenerationUnparalleled analog visual gauges combined with user-defined thresholds show instantaneously whether or not the test traffic is in or out of expected ranges.Additionally, bandwidth and frame size can be modified on-the-fly without navigating away to a different page, giving technicians instantaneous reaction on the gauges. Traffic generation brings together over 10 critical stats in a very visual and organizedfashion, ensuring that technicians can quickly and easily interpret the outcome of the test.The analog gauges are lined with Green and Red layers to represent the expected thresholds.Real-time bandwidth and frame-size adjustment.Overall pass/fail assessment.Throughput, jitter and latency with visual pass/fail thresholds,analog gauges and digitalreadouts.Frame loss and out-of-sequence notification.Multistream ConfigurationConfiguring multiple streams with proper COS and QOS bits can be a complex task. NetBlazer makes it simpler, with all streams easily selectable and configurable from one location. With large icons located throughout the stream pages, configuration becomes as simple as a touch of a finger. Technicians can define one configuration profile and apply it to all the background streams simultaneously. From there, it is just a matter of making slight tweaks as needed rather than complete configuration profiles per stream.Through ModeThrough mode testing consists of passing traffic through either of the NetBlazer’s two 100/1000 Base-X ports or the two 10/100/1000 Base-T ports for in-service troubleshooting of live traffic between the carrier/service provider network and the customer network. Through mode allows technicians to access circuits under test without the need for a splitter.Supporting 10 Gigabit EthernetThe 10 G igabit Ethernet interface is available in both 10 G igE LAN and 10 G igE WAN modes via a single SFP+ transceiver. All Ethernet testing applications—from BER testing to the full EtherSAM suite—are available for both IPv4 and IPv6. Unique to the 10 GigE WAN interface is the ability to send and monitor SONET/SDH J0/J1 traces and the path signal label (C2). The WAN interface can also monitor SONET and SDH alarms and errors.E THER SAM: THE NEW STANDARD IN ETHERNET TESTINGUntil now, RFC 2544 has been the most widely used Ethernet testing methodology. However it was designed for network device testing in the lab, not for service testing in the field. ITU-T Y.156sam is the newly introduced draft standard for turning up and troubleshooting carrier Ethernet services. It has a number of advantages over RFC 2544, including validation of critical SLA criteria such as packet jitter and QoS measurements. This methodology is also significantly faster, therefore saving time and resources while optimizing QoS.EXFO’s EtherSAM test suite—based on the draft ITU-T Y.156sam Ethernet service activation methodology—provides comprehensive field testing for mobile backhaul and commercial services.Contrary to other methodologies, EtherSAM supports new multiservice offerings. It can simulate all types of services that will run on the network and simultaneously qualify all key SLA parameters for each of these services. Moreover, it validates the QoS mechanisms provisioned in the network to prioritize the different service types, resulting in better troubleshooting, more accurate validation and much faster deployment. EtherSAM is comprised of two phases, the network configuration test and the service test.Network Configuration TestThe network configuration test consists of sequentially testing each service. It validates that the service is properly provisioned and that all specific KPIs or SLA parameters are met.Service TestOnce the configuration of each individual service is validated, the service test simultaneously validates the quality of all the services over time.EtherSAM Bidirectional ResultsEXFO’s EtherSAM approach proves even more powerful as it executes the complete ITU-T Y.156sam test with bidirectional measurements. Key SLA parameters are measured independently in each test direction, thus providing 100 % first-time-rightservice activation—the highest level of confidence in service testing.EX PERT TEST TOOLSEXpert Test Tools is a series of platform-based software testing tools that enhance the value of the FTB-1 platform, providing additional testing capabilities without the need for additional modules or units.The EXpert VoIP Test Tools generates a voice-over-IP call directly from the test platform to validateperformance during service turn-up and troubleshooting.›Supports a wide range of signaling protocols, including SIP, SCCP, H.248/Megaco and H.323 ›Supports MOS and R-factor quality metrics› Simplifies testing with configurable pass/fail thresholds and RTP metricsThe EXpert IP Test Tools integrates six commonly used datacom test tools into one platform-based application to ensure field technicians are prepared for a wide-range of testing needs. › Rapidly perform debugging sequences with VLAN scan and LAN discovery› Validate end-to-end ping and traceroute› Verify FTP performance and HTTP availabilityTEST TOOLS IPEXpert TEST TOOLS VoIPOPTICAL INTERFACESTwo ports: 100M and GigEAvailable wavelengths (nm)850, 1310 and 1550100 Base-FX100 Base-LX1000 Base-SX1000 Base-LX1000 Base-ZX1000 Base-BX10-D1000 Base-BX10-USFP+ OPTICAL INTERFACES (10G)10G Base-SR/SW10G Base-LR/LW 10G Base-ER/EW Wavelength (nm)85013101550Tx level (dBm)–5 to –1–8 to 0.5–4.7 to 4.0SPECIFICATIONSELECTRICAL INTERFACESTwo ports: 10/100 Base-T half/full duplex, 1000 Base-T full duplexGENERAL SPECIFICATIONSSize (H x W x D)130 mm x 36 mm x 252 mm (5 1/8 in x 1 7/16 in x 9 15/16 in)Weight (with battery) 0.58 kg (1.3 lb)TemperatureTESTINGEtherSAM (Y.156sam)Network configuration and service test as per ITU-T Y.156sam. Tests can be performed using remote loopback orADDITIONAL FEATURESOptical power measurement Supports optical power measurement at all times; displayed in dBm.UPGRADESFTB-8590SFP modules GigE/FC/2FC at 850 nm, MM, <500 mEXFO is certified ISO 9001 and attests to the quality of these products. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. EXFO has made every effort to ensure that the information contained in this specification sheet is accurate. However, we accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions, and we reserve the right to modify design, characteristics and products at any time without obligation. Units of measurement in this document conform to SI standards and practices. In addition, all of EXFO’s manufactured products are compliant with the European Union’s WEEE directive. For more information, please visit /recycle. Contact EXFO for prices and availability or to obtain the phone number of your local EXFO distributor. For the most recent version of this spec sheet, please go to the EXFO website at /specs .In case of discrepancy, the Web version takes precedence over any printed literature.EXFO Corporate Headquarters > 400 Godin Avenue, Quebec City (Quebec) G1M 2K2 CANADA | Tel.: +1 418 683-0211 | Fax: +1 418 683-2170 |*************Toll-free: +1 800 663-3936 (USA and Canada) | EXFO America 3701 Plano Parkway, Suite 160Plano, TX 75075 USA Tel.: +1 800 663-3936 Fax: +1 972 836-0164 EXFO Asia 151 Chin Swee Road, #03-29 Manhattan House SINGAPORE 169876Tel.: +65 6333 8241 Fax: +65 6333 8242EXFO China 36 North, 3rd Ring Road East, Dongcheng District Beijing 100013 P. R. CHINATel.: + 86 10 5825 7755 Fax: +86 10 5825 7722Room 1207, Tower C, Global Trade Center EXFO Europe Omega Enterprise Park, Electron Way Chandlers Ford, Hampshire S053 4SE ENGLAND Tel.: +44 2380 246810 Fax: +44 2380 246801EXFO NetHawkElektroniikkatie 2 FI-90590 Oulu, FINLAND Tel.: +358 (0)403 010 300 Fax: +358 (0)8 564 5203EXFO Service Assurance270 Billerica RoadChelmsford, MA 01824 USATel.: +1 978 367-5600Fax: +1 978 367-5700FTB-860 NetBlazer Series Ethernet TestersORDERING INFORMATIONSPFTB860Series.1AN© 2010 EXFO Inc. All rights reserved.Printed in Canada 10/09FTB-860G-XX -XX -XXNotesa. Requires purchase of SFP.b. Requires purchase of SFP+.。










用户必须提供足够的备份及报警系统,即使在ROTEM 系统出现错误时,在危险的情况下也可以动作。


目录主要部件及参数 (6)操作说明书 (7)显示器 (7)标准显示器 (7)键盘 (7)热键 (8)控制法则,选项,操作方法 (9)冷却及通风 (9)动力通风 (9)过渡通风 (9)自然通风 (9)通道通风 (9)风机分组 (11)变速风扇 (12)通风总结 (12)加热器 (18)标准加热器 (18)辐射加热器 (19)其他系统 (19)水表及报警 (19)鸡称 (19)喂料过时报警及消音 (20)风向传感器 (20)远程通讯 (20)控制菜单 (21)温度表,菜单1 (22)最高、最低通风级别,菜单2 (24)湿度表,菜单3 (24)制冷表,菜单4 (24)光照表,菜单5 (25)加料系统,菜单6 (26)额外系统,菜单8 (26)静压,菜单9 (27)系统管理及历史数据 (28)系统管理 (29)死亡率,菜单11 (29)鸡群数,菜单12 (29)饲料存量,菜单13 (29)时间及生长日龄,菜单14 (29)鸡群编号,菜单15 (29)新进鸡舍,菜单16 (30)报警复位,菜单17 (30)报警测试,菜单18 (30)历史数据 (31)温度,菜单21 (31)湿度,菜单22 (31)鸡称,菜单23 (31)用水量,菜单24 (31)用料量,菜单25 (32)报警代码表,菜单26 (32)死亡率,菜单27 (32)加热器,菜单28 (32)维护保养 (32)测试 (33)温度,菜单31 (33)湿度,菜单32 (33)继电器,菜单33 (33)离散输入,菜单34 (33)模拟输入,菜单35 (33)模拟输出,菜单36 (33)水脉冲,菜单37 (33)鸡称,菜单38 (34)校准 (35)温度,菜单41 (35)湿度,菜单42 (35)鸡称,菜单43 (35)鸡称调差数,菜单44 (35)料重比,菜单45 (36)水脉冲当量,菜单46 (36)故障诊断 (36)出厂复位 (37)安装及设置 (37)通风表,菜单92 (38)继电器设置,菜单93 (39)手动继电器操作 (40)继电器存储 (40)传感器布局,菜单94 (41)风帘表,菜单95 (41)系统参数,菜单97 (45)密码,菜单98 (45)防雷 (45)电源保护 (45)通讯线保护 (46)安装记录 (46)温度表,菜单1 (46)最高,最低级别,菜单2 (46)制冷表,菜单4 (47)光照表,菜单5 (47)喂料表,菜单6 (49)额外系统,菜单7 (49)静压,菜单8 (49)设置,菜单91 (50)通风及风帘级别,菜单92,菜单95 (51)继电器布局,菜单93 (52)传感器布局,菜单94 (53)描述 (53)额外风帘,菜单95 (53)系统参数,菜单96 (54)接线端子 (58)主板布局 (61)AC-2000PLUS+接线图 (62)技术参数 (63)AC-2000PLUS+蛋鸡补录 (64)控制 (64)喂料周期,菜单7 (64)鸡舍管理 (64)死亡率,菜单11 (64)产蛋量,菜单14 (64)公鸡/母鸡曲线,菜单96 (65)主要部件及参数LCD,键盘背光液晶显示器,2行20个字符实现用户界面。





本系列产品包括:a)WT-2021-E 主变差动保护测控装置b)WT-2022-E 主变本体保护测控装置c)WT-2023-E 主变高压侧后备保护测控装置d)WT-2024-E 主变中、低压侧后备保护测控装置e)WT-2041-E 主变公用测控装置f)WT-2031-E 线路保护测控装置g)WT-2032-E 电容器保护测控装置h)WT-2033-E 分段保护测控装置i)WT-2025-E 接地变保护测控装置j)WT-2013-E 线路测控装置k)WT-2042-E 站用变测控装置l)WT-2043-E 备用电源自投装置m)WT-2045-E PT 切换装置n)WT-2046-E 频率电压紧急控制装置o)WT-2024D-E 逆功率保护测控装置p)WT-201 通信服务器q)WT-2000-E 变电站综合自动化系统软件☆变电站,开闭所保护自动化解决方案☆高性能32位微处理器功能强大的超稳定硬件平台☆14位高精度AD转换☆先进的嵌入式实时多任务操作系统☆间隔层和监控层全部通过以太网互联,通信快速可靠☆实现电能表功能☆全封闭,抗震动,低功耗,内置操作回路,适合上开关柜☆自适应直流操作回路,对开关柜无要求☆全汉化液晶显示☆最高标准的四级电磁兼容性能,不需外接任何抗干扰模件☆装置具有强大的录波功能,故障过程可再现第一章WT-2000-E综合自动化系统概述1.适用范围WT-2000-E变电站综合自动化系统是我公司根据电力系统自动化及用户变电站的要求,总结国内外变电站微机控制及保护的研究和生产的先进经验,采用当今先进的计算机技术、现代电子技术、通信技术和信息处理技术等实现对变电站二次设备(包括继电保护、控制、测量、信号、故障录波、自动装置及远动装置等)的功能进行重新组合、优化设计,对变电站全部设备的运行情况执行监视、测量、控制和协调的一种综合性的自动化系统。



Statim 2000E型技术规格
*3、卡式灭菌盒内腔尺寸:长---28厘米;宽---18厘米;高--- 4厘米适用于含
4、灭菌腔容积: 1.8升蓄水箱容积:4.0升
6、电源范围(±10%):220-240V ,50HZ, 1300W



2000型流量计算机一、引言Instromet 2000型数字流量计算机是一种高性能仪表。









Instromet 2000型流量计算机提供了精度和可靠性方面最高等级的性能,并且有条件去迎接21世纪大规模气体计量的挑战。




Instromet 2000型流量计算机获得了这种技术全部的优势。




南自厂FWC 2000型分布式网络自动化测量系统说明书

南自厂FWC 2000型分布式网络自动化测量系统说明书

FWC2000型分布式网络测量系统目录一、FWC2000型分布式网络测量系统概述 ---------------------------------------------- 11.概述 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2.典型系统配置 --------------------------------------------------------------- 2 二、自动化监测设计选型 ------------------------------------------------------------ 31.自动化监测设备选择 --------------------------------------------------------- 3 2.计算机及其外设选择 --------------------------------------------------------- 3 3.FWC2000测量单元配置 ------------------------------------------------------- 3 4.供电电源的选择 ------------------------------------------------------------- 3 5.通讯介质的确定 ------------------------------------------------------------- 3 6.避雷要求及其他 ------------------------------------------------------------- 3 三、FWC 2000 测量单元 ------------------------------------------------------------- 51.基本组成 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 2.几何尺寸、重量 ------------------------------------------------------------- 5 3.外形 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 四、AMU系列测量模块 -- ------------------------------------------------------------ 61.AMU-1008(AMU-1016E)差动电阻式(压阻式)仪器测量模块 ------------------------- 6 2.AMU-2008(AMU-2016E)振弦式仪器测量模块 ------------------------------------ 10 3.AMU-3008(AMU-3016E)应变片式仪器测量模块 ---------------------------------- 13 4.AMU9001防雷电源管理模块 -------------------------------------------------- 16 5.AMU9485防雷RS485通讯模块 ------------------------------------------------ 16 6.AMU9485L光纤通讯模块 ----------------------------------------------------- 16 五、FWC2000安全监测系统软件 ----------------------------------------------------- 171.概述 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 2.软件主要特点 -------------------------------------------------------------- 17 3.软件结构与主要功能模块 ---------------------------------------------------- 18一、 FWC 2000型分布式网络测量系统概述1.概述FWC 2000型分布式网络测量系统(以下简称测量系统),是国家电力公司南京电力自动化设备总厂南京水利电力仪器工程有限责任公司推出的用于工程安全自动化测量的新一代产品。















and male connectors for control circuits. Include a storage clip for the handle and spare fuses.
1 piece 85365080 Finland (FI)
1SCC303003C0201 1SCC303002M0204
Low Voltage Products and Systems → Switches → Change-over and Transfer Switches → Motorized Change-over Switches
55 W 3
Black Direct mounted handle
Right Side Switched - Simultaneous Function Mechanism at the End of the Switch
Standard Top In - Bottom Out, Bottom In - Top Out
Package Level 1 Depth / Length Package Level 1 Height Package Level 1 Gross Weight Package Level 1 EAN
Object Classification Code ETIM 5 ETIM 6 ETIM 7 WEEE Category E-Number (Finland)
771 mm
Product Net Height Product Net Depth / Length Product Net Weight



• 预热时间: 彩色/ 40 秒或更少 黑白/37秒或更少
• 机器寿命: 400K 或 5年
• 建议月印量 彩色: 500 / 黑白: 2,300 总共 2,800
bizhub C200e
Exchange Meeting Jan 06 – Lars Moderow
价格 硬盘 纸盒 旁路送纸
24000 40G(标配) 2个(标配1000张) 标配100张
SMB/FTP/Email/Twain PCL/PS
扫描 打印驱动
手送64-209g 纸盒64-256g
选购PCL驱动2270元,需同时选购 256M内存,无法装PS(无法使用苹 果系统)



光纤跳线(Fiber Optic Patch Cables),又称光纤连接器,是指在光缆两端都装上连接器插头,用来实现光路活动连接。





飞速光纤()将带您认识一下E2000-E2000光纤跳线的相关知识,一起来了解一下吧!E2000/UPC-E2000/UPC 单工单模9/125OS2PVC/LSZH/OFNP光纤跳线电信级E2000-E2000光纤跳线知识大讲解飞速光纤()提供的这款单模9/125光纤跳线符合RoHS标准,我们对所有线缆进行100%测试,通过对插入损耗进行光学测试来确保其高品质、高质量要求,是您网络布线的理想选择。











E2000/APC-E2000/APC单工单模9/125OS2弯曲不敏感光纤跳线- 2.0mm OFNP外护套上面这款E2000-E2000弯曲不敏感光纤跳线,坚固耐用,具有卓越的扭结能力和抗压能力。



csf-2000e四方微机说明书CSF-2000E 四方微机是一款高性能的微型计算机,具有强大的计算能力和广泛的应用领域。

下面将介绍 CSF-2000E 四方微机的技术规格、功能特点、使用方法和应用场景。

一、技术规格CSF-2000E 四方微机采用最新的处理器技术,具有出色的性能和高效的运算能力。

其主要技术规格包括:1. 处理器:采用 x86 架构的 64 位多核处理器,主频为2.5 GHz;2. 内存:内置 8GB DDR4 高速内存,支持最大扩展到 32GB;3. 存储:提供 256GB SSD 存储空间,支持扩展的硬盘和固态硬盘;4. 显卡:配备 Intel UHD Graphics 集成显卡,支持高清视频播放和图形处理;5. 网络:支持千兆以太网和无线网络连接,满足高速数据传输需求;6. 输入输出接口:提供 USB 3.0、HDMI、VGA 等多种接口,支持外接设备的连接;7. 操作系统:预装 Windows 10 操作系统,可根据用户需求选择其他操作系统。

二、功能特点CSF-2000E 四方微机具有丰富的功能特点,使其适用于多种应用场景和需求:1. 高性能:采用先进的处理器和显卡技术,具备强大的计算和图形处理能力;2. 扩展性:支持内存和存储的扩展,满足用户对大容量数据处理和存储的需求;3. 网络连接:支持有线和无线网络连接,实现快速的数据传输和网络访问;4. 多媒体支持:配备高清显卡和音频输出接口,支持高清视频播放和音频输出;5. 多功能接口:提供多个 USB 接口、HDMI 等多种接口,方便用户连接外设;6. 系统稳定:采用可靠的操作系统和硬件设计,保证系统的稳定性和可靠性;7. 省能环保:采用节能设计,具有较低的功耗和绿色环保的特点。

三、使用方法CSF-2000E 四方微机使用简单方便,用户可以按照以下步骤进行操作:1. 开机:插入电源线并按下电源按钮,待计算机启动;2. 登录系统:根据个人需求选择登录账户,输入用户名和密码;3. 进行操作:打开所需软件或文件,进行相关的计算或操作;4. 存储数据:选择合适的存储设备,将数据存储到指定位置;5. 关机:关闭所有正在运行的程序,点击开始菜单中的关机按钮,按照提示进行关机操作。







仿真器则采用主机+POD 组合,通过更换不同的POD,可对各种不同类型的单片机进行仿真。








3.双工作模式1 软件模拟仿真(不要仿真器也能模拟仿真)。

2 硬件仿真。

4.双CPU结构,100% 不占用户资源。




可仿真51系列,196系列,PIC 系列,飞利蒲公司的552、LPC764、DALLAS320,华邦438等51增强型CPU。




伟福 WINDOWS 调试软件为您提供了一个全集成环境,统一的界面,包含一个项目管理器,一个功能强大的编辑器,汇编Make、Build和调试工具并提供一个与第三方编译器的接口。



FW2000MK3控制器通过简单的模块接口,可与SCADA及BAS系统提供标准的Modbus RTU通讯。

一ModbusRTU协议Modbus 协议的完整定义参见Modicon公司出版的"Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Guide" PI-MBUS-300 Rev.G。

二Mobus 传输模式FW2000数据格式为:波特率9600bps,1个起始位,1个停止位,8个数据位(最低有效位首先发送),无奇偶校验。


三地址1.机组IDFW2000上的S61设置值(负数)的绝对值即为该机组的Modbus ID号。

2.地址偏移分区排布表中Modbus地址从0开始计算,在监控软件中必须加上一个对应的偏移地址(比如表中的寄存器地址0,在监控软件中使用的地址应为40001+0)3.最大读取长度一次可从控制器中读取的寄存器数量<=64个.报警代码及意义如下:E1 油温过高(热电阻)E2 电机/压缩机高温(热电阻)E3 供油压差ODP2过低E4 油位报警E5 低压开关断开报警E6 高压开关断开报警E7 喷油压差ODP1过低报警(喷油)E8 减载失败E9 压缩机启动失败E11 启动禁止中(仅通知,非报警)E12 P1过低报警(P1 <报警设定值)E13 P2过低报警(P2 <报警设定值)E14 P6 报警(可能过高也可能过低,超过报警设定值) E15 P11 吸气压力过低报警(P11 <报警设定值)E16 P16 排气温度过高报警(P16 > 报警设定值)E17 P18 油温过高报警(P18 >报警设定值)E18 P19 蒸发器出水温度过低报警(P19 <报警设定值)E19 滤芯堵塞(仅通知,非报警)E20 无油E21 受限(仅通知,非报警)E22 蒸发器循环(仅通知,非报警)E23 冷却塔/冷凝器循环(仅通知,非报警)E24 用户报警(连接端子111/112)E25 P12报警高排气压力报警(P12 >报警设定值)E26 蒸发器水流故障E27 冷却塔/冷凝器水流故障E28 冷冻泵运行冰点保护E29 冷冻泵启动失败E30 冷却塔/冷却泵启动失败E31 油泵启动失败E32 冷冻泵运行信号丢失E33 压缩机运行信号丢失E34 冷却塔/冷却泵运行信号丢失E35 油泵运行信号丢失E36 P11 输入超过范围或故障即吸气压力E37 P12输入超过范围或故障即排气压力E38 P16输入超过范围或故障即排气温度E39 P18输入超过范围或故障即润滑油温度E40 P19输入超过范围或故障即蒸发器出水温度E41 P1输入超过范围或故障即3Mio1温度输入E42 P2输入超过范围或故障即3Mio1压力输入E43 3Mio1板上的数字输出故障- 引起端子124, 127, 142, 143, 185, 185a, 187, 189, 191, 193E44 3Mio1板上的数字输入故障- 引起端子报警& 冷却塔运行E45 3Mio1板上的数字输入故障- 引起端子125, 130, 131, 132, 134, 137, 138, 139E46 P4 输入超过范围或故障即3Mio1 LVDT输入E47 P5 输入超过范围或故障即3Mio1 电机电流输入E48 P6 输入超过范围或故障即3Mio2 4-20mA 输入E49 3Mio1板上的数字输出故障- 引起端子144, 145, 146, 147E50 3Mio2板上的数字输出故障- 引起端子224, 227, 242, 243, 285, 285a, 287, 289, 291, 293E51 3Mio2板上的数字输入故障- 引起端子209, 211, 213, 217, 219, 221, 228E52 3Mio2板上的数字输入故障- 引起端子225, 230, 231, 232, 234, 237, 238, 239E53 P23输入超过范围或故障即供油压力输入E54 P24输入超过范围或故障即喷油压力输入四数值处理FW2000的数据均为有符号长整数,按4字节存储.通讯中传输的数据是经过处理的.浮点数先乘以1000再转换为有符号长整数存储到寄存器中用于通讯.因此,监控软件从控制器中读到数据之后首先要除以1000才能得到原始的数据.示例监控软件要读P1的地址,一个温度模拟量输入,假设该温度值为-2Deg C.-2.0*1000=-2000,然后转化成有符号的4字节长整数,32位补码表示负数,在通讯中读到的P1值就为FFFFF830Hex。

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• 采用Flash和位图两种方式绘制过程线
• Flash图便于在图上操作
• 位图便于外部引用
• 支持自定义过程线图,并以模版的方 式保存定义
• 支持自定义分布图
• 可在同一分布图上绘制多个时间点的 数据
• 支持普通报表和综合报表;
• 报表可自定义,定制模版后保存,在 生成报表时选择模版和时间即可;
• 预设了六种模型,在建模的时候可以
• 自动粗差处理:根据设定的区间,服
• 数据整编:提供过程线判别法、区间
判别法、3σ判别法; • 粗差处理剔除的数据均可手工恢复 ;
• 预设了七种模型(线性、抛物线、多

• 信息管理系统
• 离线分析系统
• 与下位机交互,获取采集数据,并保
存到数据库中; • 设置仪器和测量单元参数;
• 控制下位机采集、自检等;
• 查询、显示历史数据;
• 数据整编;
• 绘制过程线、分布图、浸润线图等;
• 生成统计报表; • 远程控制采集、系统自检;
• 统计模型分析;
• 相关性分析; • 综合计算;
• 采集系统使用Delphi开发
• 作为一个服务运行在采集服务器上 • 使用串口与MCU通讯
• 以HND8000水利信息平台为基础,使 用.net技术开发。 • 采用B/S架构,结合C/S服务程序。
• 采用SVG技术展示监测设计图。
• 图形上可绑定测点,鼠标移动到热点时
• 在网页上可远程数据采集;
• 树状结构方便选择测点; • 可查询远程数据采集历史记录;
• 支持多个测点、多物理量绘制过程线
FWC2000E 安全监测自动化系统软件
河海南自 技术中心
• 《安全监测自动化系统软件》适用于大 坝、桥梁、隧道、港口、矿山、地铁等 工程安全监测;
• 《FWC2000E安全监测自动化系统软件》 是我公司“FWC2000安全监测自动化 系统”的重要组成部分;
• 采用Flex和位图两种方式绘制过程线。
• 以HND8000水利信息平台为基础,使 用.net技术开发; • 采用B/S架构;
• 运算程序采用Fortran编写
采 集 系 统
信 管 系 统
分 析 系 统
数据库服务器 测量单元
测量单元 工作站 采集服务器 应用服务器
设备档案 工程概况 巡检记录 监测设计图 离线分析 统计模型 相关分析 综合计算 系统管理 系统配置 日志查询 用户管理 远程服务 数据采集 系统检测 数据管理 数据查询 人工测值 数据整编 数据恢复 图形制作 图形浏览 过程线 分布图 浸润线 报表制作 报表浏览 定制报表 综合报表
• 通过“用户”—“角色”关联、“角 色”—“功能”关联的方式,可任意 设定用户的权限;
• 多级电厂,可设定用户访问的数据范 围;
• 监测设计图使用SVG技术显示,可任意