



史蒂文席格电影大全史蒂文·席格(Steven Seagal),美国著名动作片演员、导演、编剧、制片人、武术家和音乐家。



1.《致命武器2》(Lethal Weapon 2)。


2.《硬汉》(Hard to Kill)。



3.《致命武器4》(Lethal Weapon 4)。


4.《黑暗之子》(The Glimmer Man)。



5.《致命武器3》(Lethal Weapon 3)。


6.《公民报复》(Out for Justice)。





2010年: 托尼奖(Tony Theatre Awards)戏剧类 最佳女配角《桥头一瞥》 2007年: 速食布丁剧团(Hasty Pudding Theatricals)年度风云女性 2005年: 西班牙圣后迪奖(Sant Jordi Awards)最 佳外国女演员《迷失东京》《戴珍珠耳环的 少女》 2004年: 英国学院奖(BAFTA Awards)最佳女主 角《迷失东京》 棕榈泉国际电影节(Palm Springs International Film Festival)明日之星 洛杉矶影评人协会奖(Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards)最佳青年演员
《钢铁侠2》Iron Man 2 (2010) 《其实你不懂他的心》He's Just Not That Into You (2009) 《鬼魂》(又名:《闪灵侠》)The Spirit (2008) . 《午夜巴塞罗那》Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008) 《另一个波琳家的女孩》(又译:《鸠占鹊巢》)The Other Boleyn Girl(2008) 《保姆日记》The Nanny Diaries(2007) 《致命魔术》The Prestige (2006) 《独家新闻》Scoop (2006) 《逃出克隆岛》The Island (2005) 《黑色大丽花》The Black Dahlia (2006) 《好女人》 A Good Woman (2004) 《戴珍珠耳环的少女》Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003) 《迷失东京》Lost in Translation . (2003) 《幽灵世界》 Ghost World (2001) 《马语者》 The Horse Whisperer (1998) 《小鬼当家3》 Home Alone 3 (1997) 《秋天》Fall (1997)



国籍: 美国 出生地: 美国洛杉矶 出生日期: 1975年12月05日 职业: 演员 毕业学院: 南加州大学 代表作品:《时空线索》《碟中谍4:幽灵协议》 主要成就: 黑人电影奖突破女新人提名 2012全球最美女性第八位 身高: 163cm 星座: 射手座

西蒙· 约翰· 佩吉(Simon Pegg)
国籍: 英国 职业: 演员 作家 制片人 导演 歌手 毕业学校: 布里斯托尔大学 代表作品:《僵尸肖恩》《热血警探》 《碟中谍4》 出生日期: 1970年2月14日 出生地: 格洛斯特郡 英国

杰瑞米· 雷纳(Jeremy Lee Renner)
职业: 演员 音乐人 代表作品:《拆弹部队》 身高: 175cm 出生地: 美国加州莫德斯托城 出生日期: 1971年1月7日
汤姆· 克鲁斯(Tom Ciuise)

美国 职业: 演员 星座: 巨蟹座 身高: 172cm 原名: Thomas Ciuise Mapother IV 出生日期:1962年7月3日 出生地: 美国纽约州锡拉丘兹
宝拉· 巴顿(Paula Maxine Patton)

特工汉纳威(乔什· 哈洛威 Josh Holloway 饰)执行任务时 遇害,核机密文件被女杀手莫伦(蕾雅· 赛杜 Léa Seydoux 饰)截获。为了找回文件,特工班吉(西蒙· 佩吉 Simon Pegg 饰)和特工简(宝拉· 巴顿 Paula Patton 饰)从俄罗 斯监狱救出了伊桑· 亨特(汤姆· 克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)。 他们接受的幽灵协议任务便是从克林姆林宫盗取核军事密 码。然而,当他们接近目标时,却发现被恐怖分子亨德里 克斯(迈克尔· 恩奎斯特 Michael Nyqvist 饰)捷足先登, 抢走了核军事密码。在爆炸中,亨特受困医院,遭俄特工 的追捕,幸好他身手矫捷,才化险为夷。不过,亨特的上 司也在混乱中丧生,只剩下其助手布兰德(杰瑞米· 雷纳 Jeremy Renner 饰)与亨特死里逃生,加上班吉和简,逼 上绝境的四人开始了最后一搏,从迪拜到印度,他们出生 入死,与恐怖分子斗智斗勇……


精化 陈锋
兰博似乎终于找到 了自己的归属,在 群山和丛林之间悠 闲自得;摆渡之余, 偶尔也靠捕鱼和抓 毒蛇去卖以维持生 计。过着日复一日、 孤独却简单的日子, 他已经很久没有认 认真真地为谁战斗 过了;不管是医生、 雇佣兵、叛乱者还 是和平使者,任何 人从战火纷飞的地 带经过都与他没有 太大的关系*** *** **
中文名 史泰龙 外文名 SYLVESTER STALLONE 别 名 西尔维斯特· 恩奇奥· 史泰龙 国 籍 美国 出生地 美国纽约州纽约市 出生日期 1946年 职 业 画家、演员、编剧、导演、制片人 毕业院校 迈阿密大学 代表作品 洛奇、第一滴血和敢死队系列 主要成就 威尼斯电影节电影人荣誉最高奖 好莱坞事业成就奖 金球奖最佳男主角、最佳剧本提名 奥斯卡最佳男主角、编剧提名 血 型 A型 身 高 178cm 学号:201440820112 体 重 80kg
金蝉脱壳-------布雷斯林 :
这回是雷退休前的最后一次任务,要 挑战传说中最滴水不漏的超级监狱 “活人墓”,然而当他入狱后,却发 现这不但是个深埋海底不见天日的死 狱,就连他决定放弃任务,想表明身 份出狱时,典狱长竟更变本加厉地折 磨他。雷发现他真的被出卖了,想要 逃出去,似乎只有找狱中最莫测高深 的牢友“教堂”(阿诺· 施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)来合作, 两人不但要面对聪明帅气的典狱长霍 布斯(詹姆斯· 卡维泽 Jim Caviezel 饰),还要面对野蛮警卫(维尼· 琼 斯 Vinnie Jones 饰)的威胁。如何 在乌烟瘴气的监狱中保持稀有的人性 之光,并逃出监狱成为两人的最大挑 战……



(250 Best Movies in History by IMDB)
世界上最大的电影数据库——IMDB网站可以说是目前互联网上最为权威、系统、全面的电影资料网站,它所特有的电影评分系统深受影迷的欢迎,注册的用户可以给任何一部影片打分并加以评述,而网站又会根据影片所得平均分、选票的数目等计算得出影片的加权平均分并以此进行TOP 250(最佳250部影片)和Bottom 100(最差100部影片)的排行。

由于影片资料的更新和所得评分的不断变化,TOP 250和Bottom 100必定是份动态的名单,但大部分出色(或者说是受大众欢迎的)影片的位置会相对不变,于是这份TOP榜单也就有了透视大众电影口味的意义,并对我们选看影片具有重要的参考价值。

下面的这份资料是2003 年12月22日的最新排名。

本文出源:中威粘胶制品有限公司| 本文出源:宁波墨西科技有限公司|




1999年通过影片《Mystery Men》而登台,此后Justin Lin执导的《Better Luck Tomorrow》(2002)和《The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift》(2006)出演了两个都叫做han的角色,2005年担任影片《the motel》主角。

主要作品3.1作为演员《速度与激情6》————2013《爆头》(赤警威龙)Bullet to the Head—————2013《黑白道》Gang Related (2013)《玩命对战》-------------(2012)《黄昏小记》Sunset Stories (2011)《速度与激情5》Fast Five——(2011)《忍者刺客》————2009《速度与激情4》Fast & Furious4————2009《速度与激情3:东京漂移》The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift————2006 Helium ------- (2008)游侠/战斗/致命对决/搏·激·战/战争/玩命对战War ------- (2007)虎胆龙威4.0/虎胆龙威:虚拟危机/终极警探4.0/顽固分子4 Live Free or Die Hard ------- (2007)完结死亡游戏Finishing the Game: The Search for a New Bruce Lee ------- (2007)Undoing ------- (2006)The Motel ------- (2005)9:30 ------- (2004)禁战Forbidden Warrior ------- (2004)明日好运到Better Luck Tomorrow ------- (2002)安东尼·菲舍尔/冲出逆境/心海怒啸/安东尼费雪/光荣时刻Antwone Fisher ------- (2002)珍珠港Pearl Harbor ------- (2001)神秘人Mystery Men ------- (1999)过江龙"Martial Law" ------- (1998)3.2作为制片人Undoing ------- (2006)明日好运到Better Luck Tomorrow ------- (2002)Talk to Taka ------- (2000)。


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2021年3月26日,参演动作惊悚片《小人物》在美国上映。 2022年3月3日,参演电视剧《辍学生》。
《狂暴者》-1977 《High-Ballin'》《高球》-1978 《浮现》《夺命凶灵》-1981 《会客时间》-1982 《禁地大战》-1983 《苏联间谍》-1985 《Jo Jo Dancer, Your Life Is Calling》《壮志凌云》-1986 《反攻美国》《无处可藏》《你好玛丽·露》-1987 《现场记》-1989 《全面回忆》-1990 《铁战士》《致命警告》《挑战者2:天幕之战》《华丽无比》-1991
Michael Ironside(3张)
迈 克 尔 ·艾 恩 塞 德
01 个人经历
03 电影作品 05 人物评价
目录塞德(Michael Ironside),1950年2月12日出生于加拿大安大略省多伦多港市,演员。 法国Ubisoft育碧公司的著名动作潜入游戏《细胞分裂》(《Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell》)的历代配音。
《急诊室的故事》-1994 《外星界限》-1995 《仙女座》《特区刑警》-2000 《超人前传》-2001 《铁证悬案》-2003 《绝望的主妇》-2004 《金刚狼与X战警》-2008 《灵书妙探》《废柴联盟》-2009 《火线警探》-2010 《闪电侠》-2015
他 的 脸 实 在 很 有 特 点 , 秃 头 、 深 眼 窝 、 微 翘 的 下 巴 , 简 直 就 是 约 翰 ·马 尔 科 维 奇 加 杰 克 ·尼 科 尔 森 的 合 体 , 因 此虽然总是记不住他的名字,但是每一次看到他都会想起《全面回忆》中追杀施瓦辛格的杀手,和《星河舰队》 中那个被虫子杀死的教官。与约翰和杰克一样,他的身上也有着一种亦正亦邪的气质,他似乎特别钟爱科幻片, 在他的作品中,这一类型占有相当的比重。时隔多年再见到他,仍然是一部科幻巨作——《终结者2018》里,他 饰演一位将军。



弗莱迪•海默,著名童星。 弗莱迪 海默,著名童星。1992 海默 日出生在英国伦敦 年2月14日出生在英国伦敦。父 月 日出生在英国伦敦。 亲爱德华•海默即是一位演员 海默即是一位演员, 亲爱德华 海默即是一位演员,两 人还在电视剧Jack and the 人还在电视剧 Beanstalk: The Real Story扮演 扮演 父子。 年主演《 过父子。2008年主演《奇幻精灵 年主演 事件簿》 一人分饰两角, 事件簿》,一人分饰两角,扮演 一对性格相反的孪生兄弟, 一对性格相反的孪生兄弟,相当 有难度,而海默完成得十分出色。 有难度,而海默完成得十分出色。 接下来的两三年间, 接下来的两三年间,海默都片约 满满。 年他还要为《 满满。2009年他还要为《铁臂阿 年他还要为 童木》中的阿童木配音。 童木》中的阿童木配音。他获得 荣誉较多: 荣誉较多:第27届青年演员奖提 届青年演员奖提 广播影评人协会奖提名、 名、广播影评人协会奖提名、评 论家协会奖获奖帝国奖获奖者 协会奖获奖帝国奖获奖者、 论家协会奖获奖帝国奖获奖者、 金卫星奖获奖者 奖获奖者、 金卫星奖获奖者、最具突破男
主讲人:凌娟 制作PPT人凌娟 黄慧琴 材料收集人:万燕云 雷达燕 段洁 冯婷婷 推荐人: 凌娟 意见人: 黄一程
中文名:八月迷情外文 中文名:八月迷情外文 Rush其它 名:August Rush其它 译名: 译名:八月狂奔、声梦 奇缘制片地区 美国导 奇缘制片地区:美国导 制片地区: 演:Kirsten Sheridan 编剧: 编剧:Nick Castle 制 片人:华纳兄弟主演 主演: 片人:华纳兄弟主演: 乔纳森·莱斯·梅耶斯, 乔纳森·莱斯·梅耶斯, 凯丽·拉塞尔类型 凯丽·拉塞尔类型:剧 类型: 情\音乐片长:113分钟 音乐片长 113分钟 片长:




影片改编自漫威漫画旗下人气角色“绿巨人”(Hulk),由爱德华·诺顿饰演主角Bruce Banner。


剧情概述:《绿巨人2008》的剧情以主角布鲁斯·班纳(Bruce Banner)为中心展开。




但是,当他的实验引起了危险的爆炸时,他不得不离开他所爱的女人贝蒂·罗斯(Betty Ross)并且躲避军队的追捕。



一个神秘人物埃米尔·布鲁斯特(Emil Blonsky)找上了他,希望布鲁斯能帮助他成为像他一样的超人。











[基努里维斯08经典火爆犯罪动作][街头之王 正义悍将]

[基努里维斯08经典火爆犯罪动作][街头之王 正义悍将]

[基努里维斯08经典火爆犯罪动作][街头之王/正义悍将]◎译名街头之王/正义悍将/夜行悍探/守夜人/街头霸王◎片名Street Kings◎年代2008◎国家美国◎类别犯罪/剧情/惊悚◎语言英语/土耳其语◎字幕中英字幕/中文字幕/英中字幕/英文字幕◎IMDB评分7.2/10 (15,978 votes)◎IMDB链接/title/tt0421073◎文件格式X264 + AC3◎视频尺寸1280 x 720◎文件大小1CD 2.05G◎片长109 min◎导演大卫·阿耶David Ayer◎主演基努·李维斯Keanu Reeves .....Detective Tom Ludlow福里斯特·惠特克Forest Whitaker .....Captain Jack Wander克里斯·埃文斯Chris Evans .....Detective Paul Diskant休·劳瑞Hugh Laurie .....Captain James Biggs科曼Common .....Coates娜奥米·哈里斯Naomie Harris .....Linda Washington阿莫里·诺拉斯科Amaury Nolasco .....Detective Cosmo SantosTerry Crews .....Detective Terrence Washington杰·摩尔Jay Mohr .....Sgt. Mike Clady玛莎·希加瑞达Martha Higareda .....Grace GarciaKirstin Pierce .....Clady's WifeKate Clarke .....Demille's Girlfriend肯尼斯·崔Kenneth Choi .....Boss Kim派崔克·盖勒Patrick Gallagher PD CaptainSiobhan Parisi .....Prostitute #2Aaron MacPherson .....Union Market Cop #1 (as Aaron Earl McPherson)Angela Sun .....Julie FukashimaMichael Monks .....PathologistGarret Sato .....Toilet Man (as Garret T. Sato)Amy Dudgeon .....Assistant D.A.Kamaya Jones .....Black WomanKevin Benton .....Lt. Van BurenCle Shaheed Sloan .....Fremont (as Cle Sloan)Joanne Chew .....Park Twin #1塞德里克·凯尔斯Cedric the Entertainer .....Scribble◎简介故事是围绕着经验丰富的洛杉矶警察汤姆·勒德洛展开的,他是警局中最懂得如何打击犯罪分子的人,而且他那“先开枪,后说事”的凌厉作风,正是让罪犯闻风丧胆的主要原因,但同时,他的这种做法也让本应该以“人民公仆”形象示人的警察,受到了公众的指责。



我们尚未装载完毕We're not clear yet.C碉堡还有30组炮塔炮弹没有运上飞船There are still 30 pallets of cannon shells in C bunker.别管弹♥药♥了没时间了叫所有人登上运输机Forget the munitions, there's no time. Just get everyone on the transports. 糟糕了Oh, no.他们这是在撤退啊被我们抓个正着We've caught them in the middle of their evacuation.最高领袖斯努克亲自下达命令I have my orders from Supreme Leader Snoke himself.这是我们一举歼灭抵抗组织的机会This is where we snuff out the Resistance once and for all.通知卡纳迪舰长准备好无畏舰Tell Captain Canady to prime his dreadnought.焚毁他们的基地破坏他们的运输机歼灭他们的舰队Incinerate their base, destroy their transports and obliterate their fleet. 将军抵抗组织飞船靠近中武器与护盾均处于攻击模式General, Resistance ship approaching. Guns and shields in attack mode. 一架轻型战斗机A single light fighter.来点开心的哔哔声伙计快点Happy beeps here, buddy, come on.比这还疯狂的任务我们都执行过We've pulled crazier stunts than this.不好意思达默龙指挥官Just for the record, Commander Dameron,这次我同意机器人的看法I'm with the droid on this one.感谢您的支持将军Thank you for your support, General.开心的哔哔声Happy beeps.注意Attention.这是共和国舰队的波·达默龙指挥官This is Commander Poe Dameron of the Republic fleet,我给赫克斯将军带来了一份紧急公报I have an urgent communiqué for General Hugs.把通话接过来Patch him through.我是第一秩序的赫克斯将军This is General Hux of the First Order.共和国已不复存在The Republic is no more.你们的舰队成员都是叛军渣滓和战争罪犯Your fleet are Rebel scum and war criminals.告诉你们那位"尊贵"的公主我们不接受任何和平谈判Tell your precious princess there will be no terms,不接受任何形式的投降there will be no surrender.嗨我在等赫克斯将军Hi, I'm holding for General Hugs.我是赫克斯将军你和你的狐朋狗友们死定了This is Hux. You and your friends are doomed.我们会彻底铲除你们这些银河系的垃圾We will wipe your filth from the galaxy.行吧我继续等着Okay. I'll hold.喂Hello?喂我还在呢Hello? Yup. I'm still here.你能…他听得见我说话么Can you... Can he hear me?- 赫克斯 - 他听得见- Hugs - He can.就是名字里有个斯骨瘦如柴的那个家伙他肤色很白的With an "H." Skinny guy. Kinda pasty.我听得见你你听得见我吗I can hear you. Can you hear me?我不能一直在这等着如果你能联♥系♥上他Look, I can't hold forever. If you reach him,跟他说莱娅有条紧急消息给他tell him Leia has an urgent message for him.我觉得他在捉弄你长官I believe he's tooling with you, sir.跟他母亲有关的about his mother.开火Open fire!BB-8 加速BB-8, punch it!他奔着无畏舰去了He's going for the dreadnought.他这是疯了吧He's insane.- 哇 - 真刺♥激♥- Woo-hoo! - That's got a kick.现在摧毁那些炮塔All right, taking out the cannons now.塔莉开始行动Tallie, start your approach.收到Copy that.卡纳迪舰长为什么不炸掉那艘小船Captain Canady, why aren't you blasting that puny ship? 那艘船太小距离太近That puny ship is too small and at too close range.我们本应该五分钟前We need to scramble our fighters就让战斗机起飞five bloody minutes ago.他打不♥穿♥我们的护盾He'll never penetrate our armor.他根本就没想要打穿我们的护盾He's not trying to penetrate our armor.他想摧毁咱们飞船表面的炮塔He's clearing out our surface cannons.还剩一座炮塔One cannon left.好戏开始喽And here comes the parade.耶我看到他了Yeah! Yeah, I see him!不…惨了No, no, no. Damn it!BB-8 飞机的武器系统失灵了BB-8, my weapons systems are down.我们得摧毁最后一座炮塔We gotta take out that last cannon否则我们的轰炸机就完了or our bombers are toast.看你的了伙计Work your magic, buddy.自动炮塔准备好了么Are the auto-cannons primed?准备就绪长官Primed and ready, sir.那还等什么What are we waiting for?开火攻击基地Fire on the base!起飞Punch it!最后一艘运输机升空撤退完毕The last transport is in the air. The evacuation is complete. 你成功了波You did it, Poe.把你的队员们带回来咱们离开这里Now get your squad back here so we can get out of this place. 不将军No, General.我们办得到我们有机会We can do this. We have the chance干掉这艘无畏舰to take out a dreadnought.这玩意是舰队杀手These things are fleet killers.不能放过这次消灭它的机会We can't let it get away.撤出战斗Disengage now.指挥官这是命令Commander. That is an or...别老是一副紧张的样子 3P0Wipe that nervous expression off your face, Threepio.好吧我尽量将军Oh. Well, I will certainly try, General.我看上去很紧张么Nervous?顶住啊 BB-8Let's go, BB-8.不成功便成仁It's now or never!干得漂亮Yes!敌方炮塔清理完毕准备轰炸All clear! Bring the bombs.舰长Captain,抵抗组织轰炸机靠近中Resistance bombers approaching.那还用说Of course they are.轰炸机保持紧密编队队形Bombers, keep that tight formation.战斗机保护轰炸机Fighters, protect the bombers.难得有摧毁一艘无畏舰的机会It's not every day we get a shot at a dreadnought, 我们要把握好so let's make this count.收到蓝色领队Copy that, Blue Leader.保护我们过去让他们尝尝挨炸的滋味You get us there, we'll give it to them.- 收到没问题 - 敌机来袭- Copy. We're on it. - Fighters incoming.炮手准备就绪Gunners, look alive.左前方有敌机Snubfighters at two-ten!- 它们冲进来了 - 组成队形- They're coming in! - Form up!到处都是敌机They're everywhere!敌机来了Here they come.敌机来了保持队形Incoming fighters. Form up.全速前进发动攻击Vector in at attack speed.- 拉高 - 攻击右侧翼- Pull up! - Flank right.求救…我们要坠毁了Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! We're going down!重新填装自动炮塔Recharge the auto-cannons.瞄准他们的巡洋舰Target their cruiser.我看到了塔莉他们瞄准了舰队I see it. Tallie, they've targeted the fleet开始装填炮弹了and begun the priming sequence.收到Copy that.我们快到了We're almost there.炮弹手开始投弹Bombardiers, begin your drop sequence.我看到目标了I've got a visual on the target.正在接近最佳攻击点We're approaching the sweet spot.炸♥弹♥就绪Bombs are armed.- 自动炮塔已瞄准 - 四十秒后装填完毕- Auto-cannons aimed. - Forty seconds to full charge. 摧毁最后一架轰炸机Destroy that last bomber!佩琦请回答我们在目标上方Paige, come in. We're over the target.你的隔门怎么没开Why aren't your bay doors open?你是仅存的轰炸机都靠你了You're the only bomber left. It's all down to you!- 尼克斯 - 佩琦- Nix! - Paige!立刻投下炸♥弹♥Drop the payload now!小心Look out!不No!投弹完毕Bombs away!正中目标无畏舰已击毁Direct hit! Dreadnought down!将军最高领袖斯努克General, Supreme Leader Snoke在他的飞船上与您联络is making contact from his ship.好Excellent.我到自己的房♥间接听I'll take it in my chambers.赫克斯将军General Hux.很好最高领袖Ah, good. Supreme Lea...你的表现My disappointment令我失望透顶in your performance cannot be overstated.他们跑不掉的最高领袖They can't get away, Supreme Leader.绝对逃不出我们的手掌心We have them tied on the end of a string.蕾伊Rey!干的好兄弟Well done, pal."芬恩裸体漏袋" 你说什么你的芯片烧坏了"Finn naked leaking bag"? What? Did you fry a chip? 芬恩伙计Finn! Finn, buddy.真高兴见到你It's so good to see you.什么情况我们..What? Let's.我得送你去换件衣服来吧We need to get you dressed. Come on.你肯定有一大堆疑问You must have a thousand questions.蕾伊在哪里Where's Rey?天行者大♥师♥Master Skywalker?天行者大♥师♥Master Skywalker?我来自抵抗组织I'm from the Resistance.令妹莱娅派我来的我们需要您的帮助Your sister Leia sent me. We need your help.有人吗Hello?走开Go away.楚伊你怎么会在这里Chewie, what are you doing here?他说你会回来帮我们的He said you're coming back with us.你是怎么找到我的How did you find me?说来话长我们先一起登上千年隼号♥ 再告诉你Long story. We'll tell you on the Falcon.千年隼号♥Falcon?等等Wait.韩呢Where's Han?果然他们逃不出我们的手掌心赫克斯将军非常好Tied on a string indeed, General Hux. Well done.抵抗组织很快就会任我们宰割The Resistance will soon be in our grasp.谢谢最高领袖Thank you, Supreme Leader.你纳闷我为什么在这至高的权力中心You wonder why I keep a rabid cur养了这么一只疯狗in such a place of power?如果把疯狗的弱点善加操控A cur's weakness, properly manipulated,就能使之成为一个有力的工具can be a sharp tool.你受的伤怎么样了How's your wound?小伤而已不值一提It's nothing.强大的凯洛·伦The mighty Kylo Ren.当我找到你的时候When I found you,我看到你身上有着所有大♥师♥梦寐以求的力量I saw what all masters live to see.原始的尚未驯服的力量Raw, untamed power.还有着某种与众不同的特质And beyond that, something truly special.那就是你血脉中蕴含的潜能The potential of your bloodline.就像你的外祖父达斯·维达一样A new Vader.现在我担心Now I fear我是不是看走眼了I was mistaken.我已将一切奉献给您I've given everything I have to you.奉献给黑暗面To the dark side.把那可笑的玩意拿掉Take that ridiculous thing off.看看你啊Yes, there it is.你身上有太多你父亲的影子了You have too much of your father's heart in you,小索罗young Solo.我杀了韩·索罗I killed Han Solo.需要做出抉择的时候我没有丝毫犹豫When the moment came, I didn't hesitate.看看你啊And look at you,那件事深深地折磨着你the deed split your spirit to the bone.你自乱阵脚You were unbalanced,一个连光剑都没拿过的女孩把你给击败了bested by a girl who had never held a lightsaber!你失败了You failed!天行者还活着Skywalker lives.绝地武士团的种子就存在The seed of the Jedi Order lives.只要绝地武士团尚存And as long as it does,银河系就还有希望hope lives in the galaxy.我以为消灭这最后希望的人是你I thought you would be the one to snuff it out.唉你终究比不上维达Alas, you're no Vader.你只是个You're just a child戴着面具的孩子罢了in a mask.准备好飞船Prepare my ship.凯洛·伦身上已不见光明There's no light left in Kylo Ren.他只会越来越强大He's only getting stronger.第一秩序会在几周内控制所有主要星系The First Order will control all the major systems within weeks. 我们需要你的帮助We need your help.我们需要重建绝地武士团We need the Jedi Order back.我们需要卢克·天行者We need Luke Skywalker.你们并不需要卢克·天行者You don't need Luke Skywalker.我刚刚说的话你有没有听进去Did you hear a word I just said?你想怎么样You think what?我会拿着一把激光剑登场然后就击溃整个第一秩序I'm gonna walk out with a laser sword and face down the whole First Order?你以为你来这找我就能改变什么吗What did you think was going to happen here?你以为我会无缘无故就来到这银河系最偏远的地方么You think that I came to the most unfindable place in the galaxy for no reason at all? 你走吧Go away.你不走我就不走I'm not leaving without you!小心Careful!你这是在浪费时间You're wasting your time.你是谁Who are you?我知道这个地方I know this place.此地始建于几千年之前Built a thousand generations ago只为了保存这些to keep these.最初的绝地典籍The original Jedi texts.它们跟我一样是绝地教团留下的最后痕迹了Just like me, they're the last of the Jedi religion.你说见过这地方You've seen this place.见过这座岛You've seen this island.只在梦中见过Only in dreams.你究竟是谁Who are you?抵抗组织派我来的The Resistance sent me.他们派你来的They sent you?你有什么特别之处What's special about you?- 你的家在哪 - 我没有家- Where are you from - Nowhere.- 所有人都有家 - 贾库星- No one's from nowhere. - Jakku.好吧那地方的确不值一提All right, that is pretty much nowhere.来自不毛之地的蕾伊你为何来这Why are you here, Rey, from nowhere?抵抗组织派我来的The Resistance sent me.我们需要你的协助We need your help.第一秩序锐不可当The First Order's become unstoppable.你是为什么而来的Why are you here?我内心深处一直有股力量Something inside me has always been there. 现在它觉醒了But now it's awake.我很害怕And I'm afraid.我不知道它是什么I don't know what it is也不知道该如何运用它or what to do with it.我需要协助And I need help.你需要一个导师You need a teacher.我教不了你I can't teach you.为什么Why not?我观察过你的日常作息你又不忙I've seen your daily routine. You're not busy. 我再也不会训练另一代的绝地武士了I will never train another generation of Jedi. 我是来这座岛等死的I came to this island to die.是时候让绝地武士终结了It's time for the Jedi to end.为什么Why?莱娅满怀希望派我来到这里Leia sent me here with hope.如果她错了理应让她知道原因If she was wrong, she deserves to know why.我们所有人都应该知道原因We all do.- 你降职了 - 什么等等- You're demoted. - What? Wait!- 我们击落了一艘无畏舰啊 - 付出了多大的代价呢- We took down a dreadnought. - At what cost?发动攻击就得一鼓作气You start an attack, you follow it through.波动动脑子Poe, get your head out of your cockpit.有些事情There are things that you cannot solve不是跳上X翼战机丢丢炸♥弹♥就能解决的by jumping in an X-wing and blowing something up!我要你明白这一点I need you to learn that.在这次任务中牺牲的都是英雄There were heroes on that mission.都是阵亡的英雄Dead heroes.成不了领袖No leaders.这里真是一片不毛之地We're really nowhere.这下蕾伊要如何找到我们How's Rey gonna find us now?隐蔽型双星信标A cloaked binary beacon.照亮她的返家之路To light her way home.在她回来之前有什么计划All right, so until she gets back, what's the plan?我们得找个新基地We need to find a new base.新的基地必须能够提供充足的电力One with enough power以便将求救信♥号♥♥发送给散布于外环星域的盟友to get a distress signal to our allies scattered in the Outer Rim.迫近警报Proximity alert!他们发现我们了They found us.这不可能That's impossible.那是斯努克的旗舰That's Snoke's ship.开什么玩笑You gotta be kidding me.我们能跳到光速吗Can we jump to lightspeed?我们的燃料只够跳一次We have enough fuel resources for just one jump.那就跳吧快离开这里Well, then, do it. We gotta get out of here.等等Wait.他们通过我们的光速撤离轨迹追踪到了我们They've tracked us through lightspeed.这是不可能办到的That's impossible.对Yes.然而他们却做到了And they've done it.如果我们用光速跳跃So if we jump through lightspeed,他们会再找到我们到时燃料已耗尽they'll just find us again and we'll be out of fuel.我们无路可逃了They've got us.还没这么糟还有办法Not yet, they don't.我请求允许我驾驶X翼战机丢丢炸♥弹♥吧Permission to jump in an X-wing and blow something up?批准你的请求Permission granted.上将迂回过去Admiral, swing us around!全速后退旋转护盾Full astern. Rotate shields!各就各位快快快To your stations! Move, move, move!听我指挥Follow my lead.绿色中队前往出发位置Green Squadron to launch position.全体起飞Clear all launch traffic.不用等我上飞机后就直接发动Don't wait for me! Jump in and fire her up!技术人员启用限制补给仅供起飞之用Technicians, lock down supplies for launch conditions.快走Move! Move!波你还好吗Poe, are you all right?我们得撤至歼星舰射程之外We need to get out of range of those Star Destroyers.我们得什么We need to what?引擎全速向前Full engines ahead.撤至歼星舰射程之外战斗机就会撤退Get out of range of the Star Destroyers and the fighters will fall back. 全体船舰全速前进All craft, full engines!将护盾集中于飞船尾部Concentrate rear shields.伦抵抗组织飞船已撤至我们射程范围之外Ren, the Resistance have pulled out of range.距离太远我们无法掩护你We can't cover you at this distance.返回舰队Return to the fleet.如果连三艘小巡洋舰都炸不掉What is the point of all this那我们的追击还有什么意义if we can't blow up three tiny cruisers?它们的飞船比较轻型速度更快长官Well, they're faster and lighter, sir.它们甩不掉我们但能和我们保持一定的距离They can't lose us, but they can keep at a range让我们的炮塔无法击穿他们的护盾where our cannons are ineffective against their shields. 继续密集轰炸Well, keep up the barrage.至少提醒了他们我们还在追击呢Let's at least remind them that we're still here.是长官Very good, sir.他们这样消耗燃料撑不久的They won't last long burning fuel like this.摧毁他们只不过是时间问题It's just a matter of time.快大家让开别挡道Move! Out of the way, everybody! Give room!生命体征微弱但她还有一口气Life signs are weak, but she's fighting.R2(汉字识别标记勿删)Artoo?R2(汉字识别标记勿删)Artoo!对Yes.我知道Yeah, I know.这是座神圣的岛屿注意你的用词Hey, sacred island, watch the language.老朋友Old friend.真希望我能让你明白现在的情况I wish I could make you understand.我不会回去的But I'm not coming back.什么都无法改变我的心意Nothing can make me change my mind.多年前您在克隆人之战中效忠我的父亲Years ago, you served my father in the Clone Wars.现在他请求您帮助他抵抗帝国的侵略Now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the Empire.很遗憾我无法亲自向您提出家父的请求I regret that I am unable to present my father's request to you in person... 这招真低级That was a cheap move.但我的船舰遭受攻击but my ship has fallen under attack,把你带回奥德朗星的任务业已失败and I'm afraid my mission to bring you to Alderaan has failed.这是我们最危急的时刻This is our most desperate hour.帮帮我欧比-旺·克诺比Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi.你是我唯一的希望You're my only hope.明日破晓Tomorrow at dawn.三堂课Three lessons.我会教你绝地武士之道I will teach you the ways of the Jedi还有为什么该终结绝地武士了and why they need to end.奥加纳将军General Organa,莱娅Leia,仍然昏迷不醒但在逐渐恢复is unconscious but recovering.这是唯一一条好消息That's the only good news I have.阿克巴上将所有的重要领导人都牺牲了Admiral Ackbar, all our leadership, they're gone.莱娅是舰桥上唯一一个生还者Leia was the sole survivor on the bridge.天啊Oh, dear. Oh, dear!如果她在这里她会告诉大家打完仗再难过If she were here, she'd say save your sorrow for after the fight. 为了继续我们的大业To that end,关于谁应该代替她继续指挥的问题已经很清楚了the chain of command is clear as to who should take her place. 那就是宁卡♥号♥♥巡洋舰的Vice Admiral Holdo霍尔朵中将of the cruiser Ninka.谢谢您指挥官Thank you, Commander.我们三艘舰上Four hundred of us共有四百人on three ships.我们是抵抗组织仅存的成员We're the very last of the Resistance.但我们并不孤单But we're not alone.在银河系的每个角落In every corner of the galaxy,受蹂躏与压♥迫♥者都知道我们的符号♥ the downtrodden and oppressed know our symbol,他们将希望寄托于我们and they put their hope in it.我们是点点星火We are the spark维系着共和国的复兴之火that will light the fire that will restore the Republic.这点点星火我们的抵抗组织必须存续That spark, this Resistance, must survive.那是我们的使命That is our mission.现在回到你们的岗位Now, to your stations.愿原力与我们同在And may the Force be with us.那位就是霍尔朵中将That's Admiral Holdo?指挥柴伦行星带之战的那位霍尔朵中将Battle of Chyron Belt Admiral Holdo?跟我想象中的不太一样Not what I expected.中将我是指挥官达默龙Vice Admiral? Commander Dameron.以目前燃料消耗的状况我们能够维持在歼星舰射程之外的With our current fuel consumption, there's a very limited amount of time 时间非常有限that we can stay out of range of those Star Destroyers.感谢你提醒我这个情况Very kind of you to make me aware.把燃料预计消耗情况汇报给我Let's get me those fuel projections.我们得先甩掉他们再去找新基地And we need to shake 'em before we can find a new base, so,我们有什么计划what's our plan?我们的计划上尉Our plan, captain?你现在应该不是指挥官吧Not commander, right?莱娅下过的最后一道命令不是将你降级么Wasn't it Leia's last official act to demote you因为你的无畏舰计划for your dreadnought plan让我们损失了整支轰炸机舰队where we lost our entire bombing fleet?上尉指挥官"Captain." "Commander."你想怎么称呼我都行You can call me whatever you like.我只想知道现在究竟是怎么回事I just wanna know what's going on.你当然想知道Of course you do.我了解I understand.我对付过不少像你这种的鲁莽飞行员I've dealt with plenty of trigger-happy flyboys like you.你意气用事You're impulsive.莽撞冒进Dangerous.我们最要不得的就是你这样的飞行员And the last thing we need right now.做好本职工作So stick to your post and follow my orders.服从我的命令Turbolink banks seven and eight七号♥及八号♥涡轮机组因维修停用are offline due to maintenance.你在这里干什么What are you doing here?嘿嗨Hey. Hi.我在就是Uh, I was... You know, I was just...你是芬恩You're Finn!那个芬恩The Finn!- 那个芬恩 - 抱歉- The Finn - Sorry.我每天的工作都是和油管打交道I work behind pipes all day.不太擅长跟抵抗组织的英雄交谈Doing talking with Resistance heroes is not my forte.交…Doing...交谈Doing talking.我叫萝丝I'm Rose.深呼吸Breathe.- 好 - 嗯- Yeah. - Yeah.我不是抵抗组织英雄不过跟你聊天很高兴萝丝Look, I'm not a Resistance hero, but it was nice talking to you, Rose. 愿原力与你同在May the Force be with you.哇也愿原力与你同在Wow. You, too.好不过你确实是位英雄Okay. But you are a hero.我们听说你逃离了第一秩序的事还听说了你在弑星者基地的事迹You left the First Order, what you did on the Starkiller Base...我妹妹佩琦评价说When we heard about it, my sister Paige said,"萝丝那才是真英雄""Rose, that's a real hero."明辨是非Know right from wrong纵使形势艰巨也不选择逃避and don't run away when it gets hard, she said.其实You know.今天早上有三个人Just this morning, I've had to stun想搭逃生舱逃走我只好打昏他们three people trying to jump ship in this escape pod.- 什么 - 他们想逃走- What - They were running away.真不要脸That's disgraceful.就是啊I know.不管怎么说Anyway, uh.我得继续刚刚没做完的事Gotta get back to what I was doing, so.你刚刚在做什么What were you doing?额我在Uh, just.- 进行一些检查 - 检查逃生舱- Doing some checks. - Checking the escape pods.- 不我这是例行检查 - 你这所谓的检查- No, it's routine checks. - By boarding one是带着行李登上逃生舱吧with a packed bag.好啦Okay.听我说…Listen, I'm...我动不了我动不了I can't move. I can't move.- 我知道 - 这是什么情况- I know. - What happened?我要送你进禁闭室检举你当逃兵I'm taking you to the brig and turning you in for desertion. 我不是逃兵I was not deserting.- 我跟你说了… - 我妹妹为了保护舰队- I told you that... - My sister just died牺牲了protecting the fleet.而你却想逃跑And you were running away.很抱歉I'm sorry.但这支舰队在劫难逃But this fleet is doomed,要是我朋友回到这儿她也死定了and if my friend comes back to it, she's doomed, too.我得把这个I've gotta get this...我得把这信标带到别的地方I gotta get this beacon far away from here.她找到我后才能平安无事Then she'll find me and be safe.你这个自私的叛徒You're a selfish traitor.我们甩不掉第一秩序的舰队Look, we can't outrun the First Order fleet.我们可以跳到光速We can jump to lightspeed!他们能通过光速轨迹追踪到我们Well, they can track us through lightspeed.他们能穿过光速追到我们They can track us through lightspeed?对Yeah.他们30秒后就会追上我们They'd just show up thirty seconds later而我们却耗掉大量燃料and we'd have blown a ton of fuel,何况我们燃料严重不足which, by the way, we're dangerously short on.他们能通过光速轨迹追踪到我们They can track us through lightspeed.对他们可以Yes. And they could...我牙齿没感觉了I can't feel my teeth.你是用什么枪射我的What did you shoot me with?主动追踪器Active tracking.你说什么What now?超空间追踪是一项新技术Hyperspace tracking is new tech其原理与一般的主动追踪器相同but the principle must be the same as any active tracker.- 所以他们只是从主舰上… - 也只能从主舰上- They're only tracking us... - Only tracking us...追踪我们from the lead ship.但我们找不到追踪器But we can't get to the tracker.那是一个A级程序他们从主舰桥上控制它It's an A-class process, they'll control it from the main bridge. 不过每个A级程序Well, I mean, yes, but every A-class process...都有一个专门的断电器has a dedicated power breaker.但是…谁知道歼星舰的配电室But... Wait, but who knows where the breaker room在哪里is on a Star Destroyer?我以前经常在那边拖地I'm the guy that used to mop it.如果我们能到那里If I can get us there,我就能关闭他们的追踪器I can shut their tracker down.再给我简单明了的解释一遍Just give it to me one more time, simpler.第一秩序只能从主歼星舰上追踪到我们So, the First Order's only tracking us from one Destroyer, the lead one. 所以我们去炸掉那艘战舰So we blow that one up?你这个想法很好但是这样不行I like where your head's at, but no.即使炸毁主舰他们也会从另一艘歼星舰上继续追踪我们They'd only start tracking us from another Destroyer.但如果我们能But if we can...如果我们能悄悄登上主舰If we sneak on board the lead Destroyer and disable the tracker关闭追踪器那我们without them realizing, then we can...他们在一个系统周期内无法察觉到追踪器已遭关闭They won't realize it's off for one system cycle.- 大约有六分钟的时间 - 偷偷登舰- About six minutes. - Sneak on board.关闭追踪器Disable the tracker.在他们发觉前我们的舰队可以逃走Our fleet escapes before they realize.你们俩是怎么认识的How'd you two meet?只是运气罢了Just luck.是吗Yeah?这算好运么Good luck?目前还不确定Not sure yet.波我们只能这么办Poe, we gotta do this.这样既能救舰队也能救蕾伊It'll save the fleet and it'll save Rey.看来我要发出这里唯一的理性声音了If I must be the sole voice of reason,霍尔朵中将绝对不会同意这个计划Admiral Holdo will never agree to this plan.你说得对 3P0Yeah, you're right, Threepio.这计划不能外泄不必让她知道It's a "need-to-know" plan, and she doesn't.- 我不是这个意思… - 好吧- That wasn't exactly my... - All right,你们俩去关闭追踪器you guys shut down that tracker.我在这里让飞船跳至光速I'll be here to jump us to lightspeed.问题是The question is,我要如何让你们俩偷偷登上斯努克的歼星舰how do we sneak the two of you onto Snoke's Destroyer?我们可以去偷通行码We steal clearance codes.不行那是生物密♥码♥ 而且每小时变更一次No, they're bio-hexacrypt and rescrambled every hour.我们不可能神不知鬼不觉地通过安全护盾We can't get through their security shields undetected.没有人能办到Nobody can.你问我能不能办到Could I do it?我当然可以但我现在没办法帮你们Of course I could do it. But I can't do it.我现在分身乏术I'm a little tied down right now.玛兹发生什么事Maz? What is happening?联盟闹内讧你们不会想听这些破事的Union dispute. You do not want to hear about it.不过算你们运气好But, lucky for you,正好有个我信任的人他能破解那种安全机制there's exactly one guy I trust who can crack that kind of security! 他是解码大♥师♥He's a master codebreaker,优秀的飞行员还是个爆能枪高手。



2008年初花-hatsuhana-(12月12日KUKI)2009年2nd Virgin (1月9日KUKI)ボインフェティッシュ(2月13日KUKI)ボイン若妻(3月13日KUKI)合コンの王様売れっ子単体女优のみなさんと合コン&即SEX(3月27日KUKI)…共演:小西那奈、樱木凛、叶山润子、并木优SEXアンドロイドボインモデル(4月10日KUKI)特命OLマゾボイン(5月8日KUKI)中出しボイン奴隷(6月12日KUKI)KUKI 未公开02 5人の女优たちの撮りおろしSEX(6月26日KUKI)…共演:樱木凛、叶山润子、并木优、麻田有希热帯ナース(7月24日KUKI)…共演:叶山润子诱惑する痴女ボイン女教师(8月14日KUKI)メゾン・ド・きらら尻狂い(9月11日KUKI)狭いところでSEX(10月9日KUKI)Venus Festa(11月7日ジャパンホームビデオ)…共演:伊东遥、绫瀬迪亚娜、七海奈奈24时间オヤジと合宿(11月13日KUKI)フーゾクDX 指名极上フーゾク姫(12月11日KUKI)2010年黒川きららの取扱说明书(1月8日KUKI)デビュー1周年记念!黒川きららが选ぶエロぃカウントダウン(1月22日KUKI)きららとイク!バーチャル南国旅行。








讲述了孤儿奥古斯特·拉什(August Rush)(弗雷迪·海默饰)为寻父母来到纽约,在遇到神秘陌生人(罗宾·威廉斯饰)后成为街头卖艺者,奥古斯特依靠自己非凡的音乐天赋最终与自己父母相认的故事。

中文名:八月迷情外文名:August Rush 其它译名:八月狂奔、声梦奇缘制片地区:美国导演:Kirsten Sheridan 编剧:Nick Castle制片人:华纳兄弟类型:剧情,音乐主演:乔纳森·莱斯·梅耶斯,凯丽·拉塞尔片长:113分钟对白语言:英语色彩:彩色发行时间:2007年二、人物:三、剧情简介:莱拉(凯丽•拉塞尔Keri Russell 饰),一个出色的大提琴手;路易斯(乔纳森•莱斯•梅耶斯Jonathan Rhys Meyers 饰),一名流浪的爱尔兰歌手。






一晃眼10多年过去了,生活在孤儿院的少年奥古斯特(弗莱迪•海默Freddie Highmore 饰)坚信自己的父母还在世上,于是踏上了漫漫寻亲路。





电影名[001]肖申克的救赎.The.Shawshank.Redemption.1994.BluRay.720p.x264-WiKi[002]教父I.The.Godfather.Part.I.1972.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[003]教父II.The.Godfather.Part.II.1974.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[004]低俗小说.Pulp.Fiction.1994.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[005]黄金三镖客.The.Good.the.Bad.and.the.Ugly.1966.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[006]蝙蝠侠前传2:黑暗骑士.The.Dark.Knight.2008.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[007]十二怒汉.12.Angry.Men.1957.Criterion.Collection.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[008]辛德勒名单.Schindlers.List.1993.20th.Anniversary.Edition.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi [009]指环王3:王者归来.The.Lord.of.the.Rings.The.Return.of.the.King.Extended.Editions.2003.720p.BluRay.x264. DTS-WiKi[010]搏击俱乐部.Fight.Club.1999.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[011]指环王1:护戒使者.The.Lord.of.the.Rings.The.Fellowship.of.the.Ring.Extended.Editions.2001.720p.BluRay.x 264.DTS-WiKi[012]星球大战V:帝国反击战.Star.Wars.Episode.V.Emipre.Strikes.Back.1980.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[013]飞越疯人院.One.Flew.Over.the.Cuckoo's.Nest.1975.Blu-Ray.720p.x264-WiKi[014]盗梦空间.Inception.2010.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[015]阿甘正传.Forrest.Gump.1994.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[016]盗亦有道.Goodfellas.1990.BluRay.720p.x264-WiKi[017]星际大战IV:曙光乍现.Star.Wars.Episode.IV.A.New.Hope.1977.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi [018]七武士.Seven.Samurai[].1954.720p.BluRay.x264-EbP[019]指环王2:双塔奇兵.The.Lord.of.the.Rings.The.Two.Towers.Extended.Editions.2002.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi [020]黑客帝国.The.Matrix.1999.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[021]上帝之城.City.of.God[].2002.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[022]七宗罪.Se7en.1995.Remastered.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[023]西部往事[024]沉默的羔羊mbs.1991.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[025]非常嫌疑犯ual.Suspects.1995.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[026]生活多美好.It's.a.Wonderful.Life.1946.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[027]卡萨布兰卡.Casablanca.1942.BluRay.720p.x264-WiKi[028]这个杀手不太冷.Leon.1994.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[029]夺宝奇兵.Indiana.Jones.And.The.Raiders.of.the.Lost.Ark.1981.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-[030]后窗.Rear.Window.1954.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[031]惊魂记.Psycho.1960.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[032]美国X档案.American.History.X.1998.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[033]城市之光.CC标准版.City.Lights.1931.Criterion.Collection.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi [033]城市之光.带花絮.City.Lights.1931.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[034]拯救大兵瑞恩.Saving.Private.Ryan.1998.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[035]日落大道.Sunset.Blvd.1950.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[036]美丽人生[La.vita.è.bella].1997.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[037]记忆碎片.Memento.10th.Anniversary.Special.Edition.2000.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi [038]千与千寻.Spirited.Away.2001.HDTV.720P.DTS.3Audio.x264-CMCT[039]终结者2:审判日.Terminator.2.Judgment.Day.1991.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[040]现代启示录.Apocalypse.Now.Redux.2001.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[041]摩登时代.Modern.Times.1936.Criterion.Collection.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[042]奇爱博士 264-WiKi[045]无法触碰.Intouchables.2011.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[046]回到未来.Back.To.The.Future.1995.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[047]无间行者.The.Departed.2006.BluRay.720p.x264-WiKi[048]绿里奇迹e.1999.BluRay.720p.x264-WiKi[049]角斗士.十周年加长修复版.Gladiator.10th.Anniversary.Edition.REMASTERED.2000.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[050]蝙蝠侠前传3:黑暗骑士崛起.The.Dark.Knight.Rises.2012.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi [051]闪灵.The.Shining.1980.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[052]西北偏北.North.By.Northwest.1959.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[053]被解救的姜戈.Django.Unchained.2012.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[054]光荣之路.Paths.of.Glory.1957.720p.BluRay.x264-EbP[055]窃听风暴.The.Lives.Of.Others[Das.Leben.der.Anderen].2006.Bluray.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi [056]公民凯恩.Citizen.Kane.1941.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[057]美国丽人.American.Beauty.1999.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[058]M就是凶手.M.1931.Criterion.Collection.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[059]大独裁者.The.Great.Dictator.1940.Criterion.Collection.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[060]机器人总动员.港版汉化界面.WALL-E.2008.RERiP.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[060]机器人总动员.原版.WALL-E.2008.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[061]致命魔术.The.Prestige.2006.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-Wiki[062]异形.Aliens.1986.Special.Edition.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[063]迷魂记.Vertigo.1958.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[064]天堂电影院.Cinema.Paradiso.Director's.Cut.1988.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[065]天使爱美丽.Le.Fabuleux.destin.d'Amélie.Poulain.2001.BluRay.720p.x264-WiKi[066]玩具总动员3.Toy.Story.3.2010.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[067]双重赔偿.Double.Indemnity.1944.Masters.of.Cinema.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[068]出租车司机.Taxi.Driver.1976.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[069]狮子王1.The.Lion.King.I.1994.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[070]发条橙.A.Clockwork.Orange.1971.720p.BluRay.x264-CtrlHD[071]从海底出击.Das.Boot.DC.1981.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[072]杀死一只知更鸟.To.Kill.a.Mockingbird.1962.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[073]阿拉伯的劳伦斯.Lawrence.of.Arabia.1962.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[074]落水狗.Reservoir.Dogs.1992.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[075]梦之安魂曲.Requiem.For.A.Dream.2000.720p.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[076]老男孩.Oldboy[Oldeuboi].2003.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[077]美国往事 [078]星球大战.Star.Wars.Episode.VI.Return.of.the.Jedi.1983.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi [079]勇敢的心.Braveheart.1995.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[080]美丽心灵的永恒阳光.Eternal.Sunshine.of.the.Spotless.Mind.2004.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-[081]幽灵公主.Princess.Mononoke[Mononoke.Hime].1997.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[082]萤火虫之墓.Grave.of.the.Fireflies[].1988.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi [083]控方证人.Witness.For.The.Prosecution.1957.720p.HDTV.x264-DcX[084]偷自行车的人.Ladri.di.Biciclette.1948.720p.BluRay.FLAC2.0.x264-EbP[085]全金属外壳.Full.Metal.Jacket.1987.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[086]雨中曲[087]碧血金沙.The.Treasure.of.the.Sierra.Madre.1948.720p.BluRay.AAC.x264-CtrlHD[088]彗星美人.All.About.Eve.1950.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[089]第三个人.The.Third.Man.1949.Criterion.Collection.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[090]骗中骗.The.Sting.1973.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[091]罗生门.Rashomon.1950.BluRay.720p.AC3.x264-CHD[092]莫扎特传.Amadeus.1984.DC.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[093]洛城机密.L.A.Confidential.1997.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[094]地心引力.Gravity.2013.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[097]热情似火.Some.Like.It.Hot.1959.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[098]大都会.Metropolis.1927.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-MySiLU[099]唐人街.Chinatown.1974.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[100]夺宝奇兵3之圣战奇兵st.Crusade.1989.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-[101]一次别离.A.Separation[].2011.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[102]犹在镜中.Yojimbo.1961.720p.BluRay.x264-SiNNERS[103]2001.太空漫游.2001.A.Space.Odyssey.1968.Blu-ray.720p.DTS.x264-CtrlHD[104]不可饶恕.Unforgiven.1992.BluRay.720p.x264-WiKi[105]偷拐抢骗.Snatch.2000.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[106]愤怒的公牛.Raging.Bull.1980.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[107]蝙蝠侠诞生.Batman.Begins.2005.BluRay.720p.x264-WiKi[108]黄昏双镖客.For.Some.Dollars.More.1965.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[109]无耻混蛋.Inglourious.Basterds.2009.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264-WiKi[110]弃儿的故事.The.Kid.1921.720p.BluRay.x264-EbP[111]虎胆龙威.Die.Hard.1988.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[112]史密斯游美京[113]玩具总动员.Toy.Story.I.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[114]桂河大桥.The.Bridge.on.the.River.Kwai.1957.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[115]码头风云.On.the.Waterfront.1954.Criterion.Collection.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi [116]帝国的毁灭.Der.Untergang.2004.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[117]潘神的迷宫byrinth[berinto.del.fauno].2006.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi [118]飞屋环游记.港版汉化界面.Up.2009.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264-WiKi[118]飞屋环游记.原版.Up.2009.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264-WiKi[119]大逃亡.The.Great.Escape.1963.BluRay.720p.DTS.x264-CHD[120]生之欲.Living[Ikiru].1952.Blu-ray.720p.x264.DD20.MySilu[121]疤面煞星.Scarface.1983.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[122]盗火线.Heat.1995.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[123]将军号.带花絮.The.General.1926.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[124]第七封印.The.Seventh.Seal[Det.sjunde.inseglet].1957.Criterion.Collection.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi [125]野草[126]象人.The.Elephant.Man.1980.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[127]乱.Ran.1985.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[128]银翼杀手剪辑加长版.Blade.Runner.Final.Cut.1997.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[129]蝴蝶梦.Rebecca.1940.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[130]淘金记.无声版.The.Gold.Rush.1925.Criterion.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[130]淘金记.有声版.The.Gold.Rush.1942.Criterion.Collection.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[131]老爷车.Gran.Torino.2008.BluRay.720p.x264-WiKi[132]狩猎.Jagten.2012.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[133]谋杀绿脚趾.The.Big.Lebowski.1998.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[134]马耳他之鹰.The.Maltese.Falcon.1941.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[135]一夜风流.It.Happened.One.Night.1934.720p.WEB-DL.AAC.2.0.H.264-HDStar[136]冰血暴.Fargo.1996.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[137]两杆大烟枪.Lock.Stock.and.Two.Smoking.Barrels.1998.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi [138]铁窗喋血.Cool.Hand.Luke.1967.720p.BluRay.x264-ESiR[139]猎鹿人.The.Deer.Hunter.1978.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[140]心灵捕手.Good.Will.Hunting.1997.BluRay.720P.X264.DTS-WiKi[141]龙猫.My.Neighbor.Totoro.1988.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[142]谜一样的双眼[].2009.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi [143]极速风流.Rush.2013.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[144]纽伦堡大审判[147]勇士.Warrior.2011.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[148]历劫佳人.Touch.of.Evil.1958.RECONSTRUCTED.WS.720p.BluRay.X264-AMIABLE[149]猜火车.Trainspotting.1996.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[150]地球上的星星.Taare.Zameen.Par.2007.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[151]乱世佳人.Gone.With.the.Wind.1939.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[152]V字仇杀队.V.for.Vendetta.2005.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[153]灵异第六感.The.Sixth.Sense.1999.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[154]神枪手与智多星.Butch.Cassidy.and.the.Sundance.Kid.Blu-ray.RE.720.X264.DTS.Silu [155]卢旺达饭店.Hotel.Rwanda.2004.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[156]安妮·霍尔.Annie.Hall.1977.BluRay.720p.DTS.x264-CHD[157]芭萨提的颜色.Rang.De.Basanti.2006.H.264.720p.Upscaled.DVDRiP.RRG.SoLiD[158]老无所依.No.Country.for.Old.Men.2007.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[159]罪恶之城.Sin.City.2005.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[160]野战排.Platoon.1986.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[161]荒野生存.Into.the.Wild.2007.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[162]三傻大闹宝莱坞.3.Idiots.2009.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[163]杀死比尔1.Kill.Bill.vol.1.2003.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[164]怪形.The.Thing.1982.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[165]驯龙高手.How.To.Train.Your.Dragon.2010.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[166]电话谋杀案.Dial.M.For.Murder.1954.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[167]愤怒的葡萄.The.Grapes.of.Wrath.1940.720p.BluRay.x264-DON[168]霍比特人2:史矛戈之战[169]哈尔的移动城堡.Howls.Moving.Castle[].2004.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-[170]海底总动员.Finding.Nemo.2003.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[171]黄金时代.The.Best.Years.of.Our.Lives.1946.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[172]绿野仙踪.The.Wizard.Of.Oz.1939.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[173]电视台风云.Network.1976.720p.BluRay.FLAC1.0.x264-EbP[174]布莱恩的一生.Life.Of.Brian.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264-CtrlHD[175]玛丽和马克斯.Mary.and.Max.2009.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[176]复仇者联盟.The.Avengers.2012.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[177]列车上的陌生人.Strangers.on.a.Train.1951.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[178]正午.High.Noon.1952.720p.BluRay.x264-CtrlHD[179]四百击.The.400.Blows.1959.Criterion.Collection.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[180]大白鲨.Jaws.1975.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[181]爱情是狗娘.Amores.Perros.2000.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[182]百万宝贝.Million.Dollar.Baby.2004.BluRay.720p.x264-WiKi[183]伴我同行.Stand.By.Me.1986.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-EbP[184]美丽心灵.A.Beautiful.Mind.2001.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[185]血色将至.There.Will.Be.Blood.2007.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[186]宾虚.Ben-Hur.1959.Anniversary.Edition.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[187]美人计.Notorious.1946.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[188]公主新娘.The.Princess.Bride.1987.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[189]国王的演讲.The.Kings.Speech.2010.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[190]假面.Persona.1966.PROPER.720p.WEB-DL.H264-PublicHD[191]死亡幻觉.Donnie.Darko.2001.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[192]圣雄甘地.Gandhi.1982.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[193]谍影重重3.伯恩最后通谍.The.Bourne.Ultimatum.2007.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[194]12只猴子.12.Monkeys.1995.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[195]芬妮与亚历山大.Fanny.och.Alexander.1982.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264-TLP[196]终结者.The.Terminator.I.1984.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[197]猎人的夜晚.The.Night.Of.The.Hunter.1955.720p.Blu-ray.AAC1.0.x264-CtrlHD[198]八部半.Eight.and.a.Half.1963.720p.BluRay.x264-CtrlHD[201]因父之名.of.the.Father.1993.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[202]焦土之城.Incendies.2010.BluRay.720p.x264.AC3-HDChina[203]无间道.Infernal.Affairs[Mou.gaan.dou].I.BluRay.720P.x264.DTS-WiKi[204]热天午后.Dog.Day.Afternoon.1975.BluRay.720p.AC3.3Audio.x264-CHD[205]大路.La.Strada.1954.DVDRip.H264.AAC.Gopo[206]灵欲春宵.Whos.Afraid.of.Virginia.Woolf.1966.720p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264-BS[207]毕业生.The.Graduate.1967.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[208]杀手.720p.AC3.x264-CHD[209]江湖浪子.The.Hustler.1961.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[210]风之谷.Valley.of.the.Wind[].1984.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi [211]战地军魂.Stalag.17.1953.BluRay.720p.DTS.x264-CHD[212]洛奇.Rocky.1976.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264-CHD[213]乱世儿女.Barry.Lyndon.1975.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[214]忠犬八公的故事.Hachiko.A.Dog's.Story.2010.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[215]黑天鹅.Black.Swan.2010.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[216]印度往事[217]杀人回忆.Memories.of.Murder[Salinui.chueok].2003.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[218]潜行者.Stalker.1979.DVDRip.XviD.AC3.Mono.-KG[219]罗马假日.Roman.Holiday.1953.720p.HDTV.DD2.0.x264-DON[220]双虎屠龙.The.Man.Who.Shot.Liberty.Valance.1962.BluRay.720p.AC3.x264-CHD[221]叶问.Ip.Man.2008.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[222]家宴.Festen.1998.D9.MiniSD-TLF[223]贫民窟的百万富翁lionaire.2008.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[224]怒火青春.La.Haine.1995.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[225]加勒比海盗之黑珍珠号的诅咒.Pirates.of.the.Caribbean.The.Curse.of.the.Black.Pearl.2003.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi [226]怪物公司.Monsters.Inc.2001.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[227]爱在午夜降临前.Before.Midnight.2013.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[228]哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下).死神的圣物2.Harry.Potter.And.The.Deathly.Hallows.Part.2.2011.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[229]圣诞故事.A.Christmas.Story.1983.BluRay.720p.x264-CtrlHD[230]地下.Underground.1995.BluRay.720p.x264-MySiLU[231]天空之城[Tenk?.no.shiro.Rapyuta].1986.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi [232]桃色案件.Anatomy.Of.A.Murder.1959.720p.BluRay.x264-HD4U[233]夺魂索.Rope.1948.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[234]潜水钟与蝴蝶.Le.Scaphandre.Et.Le.Papillon.2007.720p.BluRay.x264-ESiR[235]囚徒.Prisoners.2013.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[236]爱在黎明破晓前.Before.Sunrise.1995.720p.HDTV.AAC.WEB-DL.H264-HDStar[237]蓝白红之红色.Three.Colors.Red.1994.Criterion.Collection.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi [238]花样年华.In.the.Mood.for.Love.2000.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[239]楚门的世界.The.Truman.Show.1998.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[240]禁闭岛.Shutter.Island.2010.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[241]满洲候选人.The.Manchurian.Candidate.1962.PROPER.720p.BluRay.X264-HCA[242]荒野大镖客.A.Fistful.of.Dollars[Per.un.pugno.di.dollari].1964.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi [243]驱魔人.The.Exorcist.1973.DC.720p.BluRay.x264-SiNNERS[244]少年派的奇幻漂流.Life.of.Pi.2012.REPACK.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[245]星际迷航Star.Trek.2009.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi[246]甜蜜的生活.La.Dolce.Vita.1960.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi[247]精英部队[248]帮助.The.Help.2011.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[249]侏罗纪公园.Jurassic.Park.1993.REPACK.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi[250]入殓师.Departures.2008.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi请关注微博:@经典电影的那点事 /taikong007若有版本更新补充、字幕修正,会不定期在微博上说明。



中文名: 刑房英文名: Grindhouse别名: 磨房IMDb: 7.9/10 (84,846 votes)资源格式: 720P版本: 思路发行日期: 2007年导演: 罗伯特·罗德里格兹Robert Rodriguez ....(segment "Planet Terror") (fake trailer segment "Machete")昆汀·塔伦蒂诺Quentin Tarantino ....(segment "Death Proof")伊莱·罗斯Eli Roth ....(fake trailer segment "Thanksgiving")埃德加·赖特Edgar Wright ....(fake trailer segment "Don't")罗布·赞比Rob Zombie ....(fake trailer segment "Werewolf Women of the S.S.")演员: 罗丝·麦高恩Rose McGowan ....Cherry Darling (segment "Planet Terror") / Pam (segment "Death Proof")乔什·布洛林Josh Brolin ....Dr. William Block (segment "Planet Terror")库尔特·拉塞尔Kurt Russell ....Stuntman Mike (segment 'Death Proof')玛丽·谢尔顿Marley Shelton ....Dr. Dakota Block (segments "Planet Terror" / "Death Proof")迈克尔·比恩Michael Biehn ....Sheriff Hague (segment "Planet Terror") / The Sheriff (segment "Thanksgiving")纳威恩·安德利维斯Naveen Andrews ....Abby (segment "Planet Terror")菲姬Fergie ....Tammy (segment "Planet Terror")卡洛斯·加拉尔多Carlos Gallardo ....Deputy Carlos (segment "Planet Terror")昆汀·塔伦蒂诺Quentin Tarantino ....The Rapist (segment "Planet Terror") / Warren (segment "Death Proof")迈克尔·帕克斯Michael Parks ....Earl McGraw (segments "Planet Terror" / "Death Proof")罗莎里奥·道森Rosario Dawson ....Abernathy (segment "Death Proof")范妮莎·费丽托Vanessa Ferlito ....Arlene / 'Butterfly' (segment "Death Proof")乔丹·莱德Jordan Ladd ....Shanna (segment "Death Proof") / Judy (segment "Thanksgiving")玛丽·伊丽莎白·文斯蒂德Mary Elizabeth Winstead ....Lee (segment "Death Proof")迈克尔·巴考尔Michael Bacall ....Omar (segment "Death Proof")伊莱·罗斯Eli Roth ....Dov (segment "Death Proof") / Tucker (segment "Thanksgiving")丹尼·特乔Danny Trejo ....Machete (segment "Machete")尼古拉斯·凯奇Nicolas Cage ....Fu Manchu (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS")奥玛·杜姆Omar Doom ....Nate (segment "Death Proof")乌多·奇尔Udo Kier ....Franz Hess (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS")比尔·莫斯利Bill Moseley ....Dr. Heinrich von Strasser (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS")杰夫·法赫Jeff Fahey ....J.T. (segment "Planet Terror") / The Well-Dressed Man (segment "Thanksgiving") / The Boss (segment "Machete")Hung Nguyen ....Dr. Crane (segment "Planet Terror")Tom Savini ....Deputy Tolo (segment "Planet Terror")Electra Avellan ....Babysitter Twin #1 (segments "Death Proof" / "Planet Terror")翠茜·索姆斯Tracie Thoms ....Kim (segment "Death Proof")佐伊·贝尔Zoe Bell ....Zoe (segment "Death Proof")莫妮卡·斯塔吉丝Monica Staggs nna Frank (segment "Death Proof") Marta Mendoza ....Punky Bruiser (segment "Death Proof")Kelley Robins quanda (segment "Death Proof")Leroy Castanon ....Sicko (segment 'Planet Terror') (uncredited)Marcy Harriell ....Marcy (segment "Death Proof")Sammy Harte ....Infected Girl (segment "Planet Terror") (uncredited) Katie Knighten ....Sicko (segment "Planet Terror") (as Katie Knighten) Andrea Lee ....Sicko (segment "Planet Terror") (uncredited)John McLean ....Sicko Coach (segment "Planet Terror") (uncredited) Rajiv Patel ....Henchman (uncredited)Sydney Tamiia Poitier ....Jungle Julia (segment "Death Proof")Emmy Robbin ....Hot Female Deputy (segment "Planet Terror") (uncredited)Christine Rose ....Sicko (segment "Planet Terror") (uncredited)Mikhail Sebastian ....Hospital Doctor (segment "Death Proof") (uncredited)Derek Southers ....Soldier #2 (segment "Planet Terror")Tim Murphy ....Tim the Bartender (segment "Death Proof")雪莉·穆恩·赞比Sheri Moon Zombie ....Eva Krupp (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS")Sybil Danning ....Gretchen Krupp (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS") Andrew Martin ....Nazi Boxer (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS") (as Test)Tom Towles ....Lt. Boorman (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS") Olja Hrustic ....Werewolf Woman (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS") Meriah Nelson ....Werewolf Woman (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS")Oleg Aleksandrovich Prudius ....Nazi Boxer (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS") (as Vladimir Kozlov)弗莱迪·罗德里格兹Freddy Rodríguez ....El Wray (segment "Planet Terror")切奇·马林Cheech Marin ....Padre Benicio Del Toro (segment "Machete") Rebel Rodriguez ....Tony Block (segment "Planet Terror")布鲁斯·威利斯Bruce Willis ....Lt. Muldoon (segment "Planet Terror")Julio Oscar Mechoso ....Romey (segment "Planet Terror")Cecilia Conti ....Paramedic #1 (segment "Planet Terror")Tommy Nix ....Paramedic #2 (segment "Planet Terror")Skip Reissig ....Skip (segment "Planet Terror")Elise Avellan ....Babysitter Twin #2 (segments "Death Proof" / "Planet Terror")Greg Kelly ....Rapist #2 (segment "Planet Terror")Jerili Romeo ....Ramona McGraw (segment "Planet Terror")Troy Robinson ....Soldier #1 (segment "Planet Terror")杰森·道格拉斯Jason Douglas ....Lewis (segment "Planet Terror") Felix Sabates ....Dr. Felix (segment "Planet Terror")Doran Ingram ....Patient (segment "Planet Terror")Johnny Reno ....Sax Survivor (segment "Planet Terror")Jonathan Loughran ....Jasper (segment "Death Proof")Melissa Arcaro ....Venus Envy (segment "Death Proof")James Parks ....Edgar McGraw (segment "Death Proof")Eurlyne Epper nna Franks Friend #1 (segment "Death Proof") Jamie L. Dunno nna Franks Friend #2 (segment "Death Proof") Helen Kim ....Peg (segment "Death Proof")Tina Rodriguez ....Juana (segment "Death Proof")Jeff Rendell ....The Pilgrim (segment "Thanksgiving")Liliya Malkina ....The Grandmother (segment "Thanksgiving")Kevin Wasner ....The Turkey Pilgrim (segment "Thanksgiving")杰伊·赫尔南德兹Jay Hernandez ....Bobby (segment "Thanksgiving")Mike McCarty ....The Rioter (segment "Thanksgiving")Mark Bakunas ....The Deputy (segment "Thanksgiving")Vendula Bednarova ....The Cheerleader (segment "Thanksgiving") (as Vendula Kristek)Petr Vancura ....The Boyfriend (segment "Thanksgiving")Karel Vanásek ....The Grandfather (segment "Thanksgiving")Katherin-Ellen Zabehlicky ....The Granddaughter (segment "Thanksgiving")Chris Briggs ....The Vomiting Cousin (segment "Thanksgiving")Daniel S. Frisch ....The Human Turkey (segment "Thanksgiving")Lorielle New ....Werewolf Woman (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS") Michael Deak ....Gun-wielding Werewolf (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS")詹森·艾萨克Jason Isaacs ....Bearded Man (segment "Don't")马修·麦克费登Matthew Macfadyen ....Hatchet Victim (segment "Don't")凯蒂·玛露Katie Melua ....Brunette with Hatchet Victim (segment "Don't")斯图尔特·威尔逊Stuart Wilson ....Old Man (segment "Don't")露茜·彭奇Lucy Punch ....Running Blond Woman (segment "Don't")西蒙·佩吉Simon Pegg ....Bearded Cannibal (segment "Don't")尼克·弗罗斯特Nick Frost ....Baby Eater (segment "Don't")Kevin Wilson ....Twin #1 (segment "Don't")Nick Wilson ....Twin #2 (segment "Don't")威尔·阿奈特Will Arnett ....Announcer (segement 'Don't') (voice)乔治娜·查普曼Georgina Chapman ....Featured Woman (segment "Don't") Emily Booth ....Featured Woman (segment "Don't")玛安娜·本灵MyAnna Buring ....Featured Woman (segment 'Don't')拉菲·斯波Rafe Spall ....Featured Ghost (segment "Don't")Jake Garber ....Gas Pump Zombie (segment "Planet Terror") (uncredited) Melanie Jayne ....Harem Girl (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS") (uncredited)迪图·拉里瓦Tito Larriva ....Henchman (segment 'Machete') (uncredited) Patricia A. Robinson ....Infected Patient (uncredited)罗伯特·罗德里格兹Robert Rodriguez ....Extra (segment "Planet Terror") (uncredited)Kelly Ryan ....Werewolf Woman (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS") (uncredited)尼基·凯特Nicky Katt ....Joe (segment "Planet Terror") / Store clerk (segment "Death Proof")地区: 美国语言: 英语简介:◎译名刑房/磨房◎片名Grindhouse◎年代2007◎国家美国◎类别动作/恐怖/惊悚◎语言英语◎IMDB评分7.9/10 (83,018 votes)◎IMDB链接/title/tt0462322◎片长191 Mins◎导演罗伯特·罗德里格兹Robert Rodriguez ....(segment "Planet Terror") (fake trailer segment "Machete")昆汀·塔伦蒂诺Quentin Tarantino ....(segment "Death Proof")伊莱·罗斯Eli Roth ....(fake trailer segment "Thanksgiving")埃德加·赖特Edgar Wright ....(fake trailer segment "Don't")罗布·赞比Rob Zombie ....(fake trailer segment "Werewolf Women of the S.S.")◎主演罗丝·麦高恩Rose McGowan ....Cherry Darling (segment "Planet Terror") / Pam (segment "Death Proof")乔什·布洛林Josh Brolin ....Dr. William Block (segment "Planet Terror")库尔特·拉塞尔Kurt Russell ....Stuntman Mike (segment'Death Proof')玛丽·谢尔顿Marley Shelton ....Dr. Dakota Block (segments "Planet Terror" / "Death Proof")迈克尔·比恩Michael Biehn ....Sheriff Hague (segment "Planet Terror") / The Sheriff (segment "Thanksgiving")纳威恩·安德利维斯Naveen Andrews ....Abby (segment "Planet Terror")菲姬Fergie ....Tammy (segment "Planet Terror")卡洛斯·加拉尔多Carlos Gallardo ....Deputy Carlos (segment "Planet Terror")昆汀·塔伦蒂诺Quentin Tarantino ....The Rapist (segment "Planet Terror") / Warren (segment "Death Proof")迈克尔·帕克斯Michael Parks ....Earl McGraw (segments "Planet Terror" / "Death Proof")罗莎里奥·道森Rosario Dawson ....Abernathy (segment "Death Proof")范妮莎·费丽托Vanessa Ferlito ....Arlene / 'Butterfly' (segment "Death Proof")乔丹·莱德Jordan Ladd ....Shanna (segment "Death Proof") / Judy (segment "Thanksgiving")玛丽·伊丽莎白·文斯蒂德Mary Elizabeth Winstead ....Lee (segment "Death Proof")迈克尔·巴考尔Michael Bacall ....Omar (segment "Death Proof")伊莱·罗斯Eli Roth ....Dov (segment "Death Proof") / Tucker (segment "Thanksgiving")丹尼·特乔Danny Trejo ....Machete (segment "Machete")尼古拉斯·凯奇Nicolas Cage ....Fu Manchu (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS")奥玛·杜姆Omar Doom ....Nate (segment "Death Proof")乌多·奇尔Udo Kier ....Franz Hess (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS")比尔·莫斯利Bill Moseley ....Dr. Heinrich von Strasser (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS")杰夫·法赫Jeff Fahey ....J.T. (segment "Planet Terror") / The Well-Dressed Man (segment "Thanksgiving") / The Boss (segment "Machete")Hung Nguyen ....Dr. Crane (segment "Planet Terror")Tom Savini ....Deputy Tolo (segment "Planet Terror")Electra Avellan ....Babysitter Twin #1 (segments "Death Proof" / "Planet Terror")翠茜·索姆斯Tracie Thoms ....Kim (segment "Death Proof")佐伊·贝尔Zoe Bell ....Zoe (segment "Death Proof")莫妮卡·斯塔吉丝Monica Staggs nna Frank (segment"Death Proof")Marta Mendoza ....Punky Bruiser (segment "Death Proof")Kelley Robins quanda (segment "Death Proof")Leroy Castanon ....Sicko (segment 'Planet Terror') (uncredited)Marcy Harriell ....Marcy (segment "Death Proof")Sammy Harte ....Infected Girl (segment "Planet Terror") (uncredited)Katie Knighten ....Sicko (segment "Planet Terror") (as Katie Knighten)Andrea Lee ....Sicko (segment "Planet Terror") (uncredited)John McLean ....Sicko Coach (segment "Planet Terror") (uncredited)Rajiv Patel ....Henchman (uncredited)Sydney Tamiia Poitier ....Jungle Julia (segment "Death Proof")Emmy Robbin ....Hot Female Deputy (segment "Planet Terror") (uncredited)Christine Rose ....Sicko (segment "Planet Terror") (uncredited)Mikhail Sebastian ....Hospital Doctor (segment "Death Proof") (uncredited)Derek Southers ....Soldier #2 (segment "Planet Terror")Tim Murphy ....Tim the Bartender (segment "Death Proof")雪莉·穆恩·赞比Sheri Moon Zombie ....Eva Krupp (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS")Sybil Danning ....Gretchen Krupp (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS")Andrew Martin ....Nazi Boxer (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS") (as Test)Tom Towles ....Lt. Boorman (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS")Olja Hrustic ....Werewolf Woman (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS")Meriah Nelson ....Werewolf Woman (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS")Oleg Aleksandrovich Prudius ....Nazi Boxer (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS") (as Vladimir Kozlov)弗莱迪·罗德里格兹Freddy Rodríguez ....El Wray (segment "Planet Terror")切奇·马林Cheech Marin ....Padre Benicio Del Toro (segment "Machete")Rebel Rodriguez ....Tony Block (segment "Planet Terror")布鲁斯·威利斯Bruce Willis ....Lt. Muldoon (segment "Planet Terror")Julio Oscar Mechoso ....Romey (segment "Planet Terror")Cecilia Conti ....Paramedic #1 (segment "Planet Terror")Tommy Nix ....Paramedic #2 (segment "Planet Terror")Skip Reissig ....Skip (segment "Planet Terror")Elise Avellan ....Babysitter Twin #2 (segments "Death Proof" / "Planet Terror")Greg Kelly ....Rapist #2 (segment "Planet Terror")Jerili Romeo ....Ramona McGraw (segment "Planet Terror")Troy Robinson ....Soldier #1 (segment "Planet Terror")杰森·道格拉斯Jason Douglas ....Lewis (segment "Planet Terror")Felix Sabates ....Dr. Felix (segment "Planet Terror")Doran Ingram ....Patient (segment "Planet Terror")Johnny Reno ....Sax Survivor (segment "Planet Terror")Jonathan Loughran ....Jasper (segment "Death Proof")Melissa Arcaro ....Venus Envy (segment "Death Proof")James Parks ....Edgar McGraw (segment "Death Proof")Eurlyne Epper nna Franks Friend #1 (segment "Death Proof")Jamie L. Dunno nna Franks Friend #2 (segment "Death Proof")Helen Kim ....Peg (segment "Death Proof")Tina Rodriguez ....Juana (segment "Death Proof")Jeff Rendell ....The Pilgrim (segment "Thanksgiving")Liliya Malkina ....The Grandmother (segment "Thanksgiving")Kevin Wasner ....The Turkey Pilgrim (segment "Thanksgiving")杰伊·赫尔南德兹Jay Hernandez ....Bobby (segment "Thanksgiving")Mike McCarty ....The Rioter (segment "Thanksgiving")Mark Bakunas ....The Deputy (segment "Thanksgiving")Vendula Bednarova ....The Cheerleader (segment "Thanksgiving") (as Vendula Kristek)Petr Vancura ....The Boyfriend (segment "Thanksgiving")Karel Vanásek ....The Grandfather (segment "Thanksgiving")Katherin-Ellen Zabehlicky ....The Granddaughter (segment "Thanksgiving")Chris Briggs ....The Vomiting Cousin (segment "Thanksgiving")Daniel S. Frisch ....The Human Turkey (segment "Thanksgiving")Lorielle New ....Werewolf Woman (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS")Michael Deak ....Gun-wielding Werewolf (segment"Werewolf Women of the SS")詹森·艾萨克Jason Isaacs ....Bearded Man (segment "Don't")马修·麦克费登Matthew Macfadyen ....Hatchet Victim (segment "Don't")凯蒂·玛露Katie Melua ....Brunette with Hatchet Victim (segment "Don't")斯图尔特·威尔逊Stuart Wilson ....Old Man (segment "Don't")露茜·彭奇Lucy Punch ....Running Blond Woman (segment "Don't")西蒙·佩吉Simon Pegg ....Bearded Cannibal (segment "Don't")尼克·弗罗斯特Nick Frost ....Baby Eater (segment "Don't")Kevin Wilson ....Twin #1 (segment "Don't")Nick Wilson ....Twin #2 (segment "Don't")威尔·阿奈特Will Arnett ....Announcer (segement 'Don't') (voice)乔治娜·查普曼Georgina Chapman ....Featured Woman (segment "Don't")Emily Booth ....Featured Woman (segment "Don't")玛安娜·本灵MyAnna Buring ....Featured Woman (segment 'Don't')拉菲·斯波Rafe Spall ....Featured Ghost (segment "Don't")Jake Garber ....Gas Pump Zombie (segment "Planet Terror") (uncredited)Melanie Jayne ....Harem Girl (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS") (uncredited)迪图·拉里瓦Tito Larriva ....Henchman (segment 'Machete') (uncredited)Patricia A. Robinson ....Infected Patient (uncredited)罗伯特·罗德里格兹Robert Rodriguez ....Extra (segment "Planet Terror") (uncredited)Kelly Ryan ....Werewolf Woman (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS") (uncredited)尼基·凯特Nicky Katt ....Joe (segment "Planet Terror") / Store clerk (segment "Death Proof")MySiLU出品,VC首发,转载请注明!◎简介《恐怖星球》一种奇怪的病毒袭击了小镇,把居民们都变成了吃人僵尸,到处是一片地狱般的惨状。


安 迪·格里菲斯
01 简介
03 主要作品
Hale Waihona Puke 02 逝世安 迪 ·格 里 菲 斯 , 演 员 , 出 生 于 1 9 2 6 年 6 月 1 日 , 上 世 纪 5 0 年 代 , 他 开 始 在 美 国 电 视 综 艺 节 目 中 走 红 。 代 表 作 品有《登龙一梦》。
安迪·格里菲斯 1957年,由其主演的电影《登龙一梦》热映,在片中他饰演了一位性格糟糕的电视节目主持 人 , 以 欺 负 身 边 每 个 人 为 乐 ; 1 9 6 0 年 , 安 迪 ·格 里 菲 斯 开 始 在 《 安 迪 ·格 里 菲 斯 秀 》 中 扮 演 安 迪 ·泰 勒 , 电 影 的 背 景 城市是位于北卡罗来纳州的芒特艾里小镇,直到1968年停播。
参考资料 1 “美国警长”格里菲斯去世 .新浪[引用日期2012-07-05] 2 安迪·格里菲斯_安迪·格里菲斯介 绍_图片_作品-猫眼电影 .猫眼[引用日期2021-07-21] 3 安迪·格里菲斯作品 .豆瓣电影[引用日期2022-03-23]
美 国 著 名 喜 剧 电 视 明 星 安 迪 ·格 里 菲 斯 于 当 地 时 间 2 0 1 2 年 7 月 3 日 早 晨 在 加 州 去 世 , 享 年 8 6 岁 。 格 里 菲 斯 因 曾 在著名电视喜剧《安迪·格里菲斯秀》中扮演警长安迪·泰勒而闻名,他也因此被称为“美国警长”。
















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IMBD4148-VDocument Number 85731Rev. 1.4, 07-Apr-05Vishay Semiconductors1Small Signal Switching DiodeFeatures•Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diodes •Fast switching diode in case SOT-23,especially suited for automatic insertion.•This diodes are also available in othercase styles including: the DO-35 case with the type designation 1N4148, the Mini-MELF case with the type designation LL4148, and the SOD-123 case with the type designation 1N4148W-V. •Lead (Pb)-free component•Component in accordance to RoHS 2002/95/EC and WEEE 2002/96/ECMechanical DataCase: SOT-23 Plastic case Weight: approx. 8.8 mgPackaging Codes/Options:GS18 / 10 k per 13" reel (8 mm tape), 10 k/box GS08 / 3 k per 7" reel (8 mm tape), 15 k/boxParts TableAbsolute Maximum RatingsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified1)Device on fiberglass substrate, see layout (SOT-23).Thermal CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified1) Device on fiberglass substrate, see layout (SOT-23).PartOrdering codeMarkingRemarksIMBD4148-VIMBD4148-V-GS18 or IMBD4148-V-GS08A2Tape and ReelParameterT est condition Symbol Value Unit Reverse voltage V R 75V Peak reverse voltageV RM 100V Rectified current (average) half wave rectification with resist.T amb = 25°C, ≥ f ≥ 50 Hz I F(AV)1501)mA Surge forward current t < 1 s, T j = 25°C I FSM 500mA Power dissipationup to T amb = 25°CP tot3501)mWParameterT est condition Symbol Value Unit Thermal resistance junction to ambient airR thJA 4501)°C/W Junction temperature T j 150°C Storage temperature rangeT S- 65 to + 150°C 2Document Number 85731Rev. 1.4, 07-Apr-05IMBD4148-VVishay Semiconductors Electrical CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedLayout for R thJA testThickness:Fiberglass 1.5 mm (0.059 in.)Copper leads 0.3 mm (0.012 in.)Typical Characteristics (Tamb = 25 °C unless otherwise specified)ParameterTest conditionSymbol MinTyp.Max Unit Forward voltage I F = 10 mA V F 1.0V Leakage currentV R = 70 VI R 2.5µA V R = 70 V , T j = 150°C I R 50µA V R = 25 V , T j = 150°CI R 30µA Diode capacitance V F = V R = 0C tot 4pF Reverse recovery time (see figures)I F = 10 mA, I R = 10 mA, V R = 6 V , R L = 100 Ωt rr4nsFigure 1. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage 1866110001001010.10.01I -F or w a r d C u r r e n t (m A )F 1.2 1.4 1.61.820.2V F -Forward Voltage (V )Figure 2. Dynamic Forward Resistance vs. Forward Current18662110100100010000r -D y n a m i c F o r w a r d R e s i s t a n c e ()f Ω1100.10.01100I F -Forward Current (mA )IMBD4148-VDocument Number 85731Rev. 1.4, 07-Apr-05Vishay Semiconductors3Figure 3. Admissible Power Dissipation vs. Ambient Temperature Figure 4. Relative Capacitance vs. Reverse Voltage20018663T amb -Ambient Temperature (°C )5004003002001002040608010012014016018000P -A d m i s s i b l e P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n (m W )t o t 18664246801. -R e l a t i v e C a p a c i t a n c e (p F )t o t V R -Reverse Voltage (V)Figure 5. Leakage Current vs. Junction Temperature18665110100100010000020406080100120140160180200I -L e a k a g e C u r r e n t (n A )R T j -Junction Temperature (°C)Figure 6. Admissible Repetitive Peak Forward Current vs. Pulse Duration10101-11001010.110-510-410-310-218666I -A d m i s s i b l e R e p e t i t i v eF R M P e a k F o r w a r d C u r r e n t (A )t p -Pulse Length (s ) 4Document Number 85731Rev. 1.4, 07-Apr-05IMBD4148-VVishay SemiconductorsPackage Dimensions in mm (Inches)IMBD4148-VDocument Number 85731Rev. 1.4, 07-Apr-05Vishay Semiconductors5Ozone Depleting Substances Policy StatementIt is the policy of Vishay Semiconductor GmbH to1.Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements.2.Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution and operating systems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment.It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs).The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents.1.Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendments respectively2.Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA3.Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances) respectively.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain such substances.We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical designand may do so without further notice.Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use Vishay Semiconductors products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify Vishay Semiconductors against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personaldamage, injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, P.O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, GermanyDocument Number: 91000Revision: 18-Jul-081DisclaimerLegal Disclaimer NoticeVishayAll product specifications and data are subject to change without notice.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained herein or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay disclaims any and all liability arising out of the use or application of any product described herein or of any information provided herein to the maximum extent permitted by law. The product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein, which apply to these products.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay.The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications unless otherwise expressly indicated. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages arising or resulting from such use or sale. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.元器件交易网。
