


Computer Science Journal Rankings(Not official, for reference only.)AREA: Artificial IntelligencePremium:Artificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence ReviewComputational LinguisticsIEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine IntlIEEE Trans on Robotics and AutomationIEEE Trans on Image ProcessingJournal of AI ResearchNeural ComputationMachine LearningIntl Jnl of Computer VisionLeading:ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information ProcessingAI MagazineAnnals of Mathematics and AIApplied Artificial IntelligenceApplied IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence in MedicineAutonomous Agents and Multi-Agent SystemsComputational IntelligenceComplex SystemsComputer Speech and LanguageComputer Support for Collaborative Learning (CSCL)Computer Vision and Image UnderstandingConnection ScienceCVGIP: Graphical Models & Image ProcessingCVGIP: Image UnderstandingExpert Systems with Applications: An Intl JnlIEEE Trans on Neural NetworksIEEE Transaction on Speech and Audio ProcIEEE Trans on Systems, Man, & Cybernetics, Part A & BIntl Jnl on Artificial Intelligence ToolsJnl of Experimental & Theoretical AIJournal of East Asian LinguisticsKnowledge Engineering ReviewMachine TranslationNeural NetworksNetwork Computing in Neural SystemsPattern Analysis and ApplicationsPattern RecognitionNeurocomputingUser Modelling & User-Adapted Interaction: an Intl Jnl Reputable:Communications of COLIPSComputer Processing of Chinese & Oriental Languages Computers and Artificial IntelligenceCybernetics and SystemsEngineering Intelligent Systems for EE and CSExpert SystemsEvolutionary ComputationIntelligent Instruments & ComputersIntl Jnl for AI in EngineeringIntl Jnl of Applied Expert SystemsIntl Jnl of Approximate ReasoningIntl Jnl of Intelligent SystemsIntl Jnl of Neural SystemsIntl Jnl of Pattern Recognition & AIIntl Journal of Document Analysis and RecognitionIEEE Transactions on Fuzzy SystemsJournal of Intelligent and Fuzzy SystemsKnowledge Acquisition JnlKnowledge-Based SystemsKybernetikaNatural Language EngineeringNeural Computing & ApplicationsNetwork SocietyNeural Processing LettersPattern Recognition LettersIEE Proceedings: Vision, Image and Signal ProcSpeech CommunicationsJournal of Neural Network ComputingMinds and Machines: Jnl for AI, Philosopy and Cog. Sc Intl Jnl of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and KBSHeuristics: Jnl of Knowledge EngineeringEngineering Applications of AIJnl. of Japanese Soc. of AIAustralian Jnl of Intelligent Information Proc SysIntelligent Data AnalysisImage and Vision ComputingJournal of Artificial Neural NetworksNeural, Parallel and Scientific ComputationsRoboticaOthers:AIAA JournalCanadian Artificial IntelligenceJournal of Advanced RoboticsJournal of Artificial Intelligence in EducationJournal of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Automation, and Manufacturing Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks and ComplexJournal of Computational AcousticsJournal of Computational NeuroscienceJournal of Computational VisionJournal of Card. ImagingJournal of CyberneticsJournal of Cybernetics and Information ScienceJournal of Design Automation of Embedded SystemsJournal of Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering SystemsJournal of Intelligent Robotic Systems: Theory and ApplicationsJournal of Systems Automation: Research and ApplicationsJournal of Automation and Remote ControlJournal of Intelligent Automation & Soft ComputingJournal of Intelligent Control and SystemsJournal of Intelligent and Robotic SystemsJournal of Intelligent ManufacturingJournal of Intelligent Systems EngineeringJournal of Intelligence SystemJournal of Intelligent TechnologyJournal of Literary and Linguistic ComputingJournal of Machine Vision and ApplicationsJournal of Man-Machine StudiesJournal on Neural and Mass-Parallel Computing and Information Systems Journal of Robotics and MechatronicsJournal of Robotic SystemsJournal of Robotics and Autonomous SystemsJournal of Robotics ResearchJournal of the Robotics Society of JapanJournal of Computational NeurologyInternational Journal of LexicographyJournal of intelligent ComputingInternational Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting Finance and Management International Journal of Speech TechnologyEngineering Design and Automation JournalInternational Journal of Machine Tools & ManufacturingInternational Journal of Corpus LinguisticsJournal of Chinese Information ProcessingAREA: Algorithms, Theory and Related AreasPremium:AlgorithmicaComputational ComplexityDiscrete & Computational GeometryIEEE Trans on Information TheoryInformation & ComputationJnl of AlgorithmsJnl of Computer and System SciencesJnl of the Association for Computing MachinerySIAM Jnl on ComputingMathematics of ORLeading:Acta InformaticaChicago Journal of Theoretical Computer ScienceComputational Logic (TOCL)Designs, Codes and CryptographyJnl of Symbolic ComputationJournal of Automated ReasoningJournal of Graph Algorithms and ApplicationsJournal of ComplexityJournal of CryptologyJOTA - J. of Optimization: Theory and ApplicationsMathematics of ComputationMathematical ProgrammingOptimization: A J. of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research ORSA Journal of ComputingNordic J of Computing (BIT)SIAM Journal on OptimizationRandom Structures & AlgorithmsTheoretical Computer ScienceReputable:Applicable Algebra in Eng., Comm., and ComputingApplied Maths and ComputationBIT: Computer Science and Numerical MathematicsBulletin of the European Assoc. for Theoretical CSComputational and Applied MathsComputers & Mathematics With ApplicationsCombinatorics, Probability & ComputingEuropean Journal of ORJournal of Computer and System Sciences InternationalIntl Jnl of Foundations of Computer ScienceOthers:Problem Solving TechnologiesJournal of Algebraic CombinatoricsJournal of Combinatorial DesignsJournal of Combinatorial OptimizationJournal of Experimental AlgorithmicsJournal of Electronic ImagingIntl J. for Numerical Methods in EngineeringSIAM Journal of Algorithms and Discrete MethodsSIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete MethodsSIAM Journal on Numerical AnalysisSIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and ApplicationsNaval Journal of Operations ResearchJournal of SchedulingElectronic Journal of CombinatoricsJournal of Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing Journal of Mathematical Structures in Computer ScienceInternational Journal on Mathematical and Computer Models Journal of Global OptimizationJournal of Computational Statistics and Data AnalysisAREA: Hardware and ArchitecturePremium:IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems IIEEE Trans on ComputersIntegration: The VLSI JnlVLSI DesignLeading:IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems IIJnl of Microcomputer ApplicationsMicroprocessing and Microprogramming Reputable:Computer DesignDigital ProcessesElectronics Letters,EUROMICRO JnlJnl of Circuits, Systems and ComputersJnl of Electronics, Information and SystemsMicroprocessors and MicrosystemsSupercomputerIEEE Journal on Computer Architectures for Intelligent Machines Others:Signal ProcessingTechnical Journal of Digital Equipment CorporationThe Linux JournalIBM Application System/400 Technology JournalJournal of System ArchitectureNEC Technical JournalInternational Journal of Computer Aided VLSI DesignMRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor ResearchStandards and Interface JournalInternational Journal of Mini and MicrocomputersJournal of Microelectronic Systems IntegrationUser Modeling and User-Adapted InteractionThe X Resource: A Practical Journal of the X Window SystemHewlett-Packard JournalAREA: DatabasesPremium:ACM Trans on Database SystemsIEEE Trans on Knowledge & Data EngineeringJnl of Intell. Info Systems: Integrating AI and DB TechVLDB Intl JnlDistributed and Parallel DatabasesLeading:Data & Knowledge EngineeringInformation systemsJnl of Systems IntegrationJnl. of Data Mining & Knowledge DiscoveryIntl Jnl of Computer & Information SciencesIntl Jnl of Cooperative Information SystemsIntl Jnl of Intelligent & Cooperative Info. SystemsIntl Jnl of Geographic Information SystemsJournal of Information Processing and CyberneticsGeoinformaticaJournal on Digital LibrariesJournal of the American Society for Information ScienceJournal of Intelligent Information Systems Reputable:Data EngineeringKnowledge and Information SystemsAdvances in Engineering SoftwareInformation & Software TechnologyData BaseData Base ManagementDatabase and Network JournalJournal of Data WarehousingJournal of Combinatorics, Information and System SciencesInternational Journal of Information TechnologyTransactions of Information Processing Society of JapanSIGMOD RecordIEICE Data EngineeringOthers:Journal of Computing Information ScienceJournal of Information Science and EngineeringEuropean Journal of Information SystemsJournal of Databases ManagementDatabase for Advances in Information SystemsData ManagementDatamationGovernment Data SystemsJournal of Database AdministrationJournal of the Association for Education Data SystemsInformation Processing and ManagementJournal of Information Science: Principles and PracticeDatabase Programming and DesignScandinavian Journal of Information SystemAREA: Programming Languages and Software Engineering Premium:ACM Trans on Programming Languages & SystemsAnnals of Software EngineeringIEEE Trans on Software EngineeringJnl of Functional ProgrammingACM Trans on S/W Eng and MethodologyFormal Methods in System DesignLeading:The Jnl of Logic ProgrammingIEE Procs - SoftwareJnl of Software Maintenance: Research and PracticeHigher-Order and Symbolic Computation (previously known as LISP and Symbolic Computation)Software: Practice and ExperienceJnl of Functional and Logic ProgrammingThe Constraints JournalJournal of Logic and ComputationJournal of Programming LanguagesEmpirical Software EngineeringAutomated Software EngineeringFormal Aspects of ComputingObject-Oriented SystemsTheory and Practice of Object SystemsJournal of Object-Oriented ProgrammingIEEE Transactions on ReliabilityFuture Generations Computer Systems: FGCSReputable:Programming and Computer SoftwareScience of Computer ProgrammingJnl of Systems and SoftwareIntl Jnl on Software Engineering and Knowledge EngNew Generation ComputingSoftware Quality JournalSoftware Testing, Verification and ReliabilityComputer LanguagesRequirements Engineering JournalIEE Software Engineering JournalOthers:Journal of the Interest Group in Pure and Applied LogicNotre Dame Journal of Formal LogicJournal of Computer and Software EngineeringJournal of Structured ProgrammingInternational Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer Chinese Journal of Advanced Software ResearchJournal of Computing Systems in EngineeringJournal of Symbolic LogicProject Management JournalInternational Journal of Reliability, Quality, and SafetyJournal for Applied Nonclassical LogicThe Journal of Defense Software EngineeringComputer & Control Engineering JournalJournal of Logic, Language and InformationComputer Systems Engineering JournalJournal of Automata, Languages and CombinatoricsThe C Users JournalInformation Design JournalJava Developer's JournalC++ JournalFortran JournalJournal of Scientific ProgrammingLogic Journal of the IGPLJournal of Philosophical LogicJournal of Quality TechnologyInternational Journal of Technology ManagementSoftware Process Modeling and TechnologyJournal of Computers and TranslationJournal of C Language TranslationJournal of Electronic TestingSoftware Engineering NotesAREA: Software TechnologyPremium:ACM Trans on GraphicsACM Trans on Modeling & Computer SimulationComputer Aided Geometric DesignComputer-Aided DesignIEEE Trans on CAD of Integrated Circuits & SystemsIEEE Trans on Visualization and Computer GraphicsSIAM Jnl on Scientific and Statistical ComputingMultimedia SystemsPerformance EvaluationJournal of Visual Communication and Image Representation Leading:Computers & EducationACM Trans on Mathematical SoftwareHypermediaIntl Jnl of Modelling & SimulationIntl Jnl of Shape ModellingIntl Jnl on Computational Geometry & AppsSimulation & GamesSimulation & GamingVisual ComputerComputational Geometry - Theory and ApplicationsSimulationMultimedia Tools & ApplicationsIntl Jnl in Computer SimulationIntegrated Computer-Aided EngineeringInformation RetrievalReputable:Computer Graphics Forum: Jnl of the Europ As. for CGComputer & GraphicsIntl Jnl of Applied Software TechnologyJnl of Computational and Applied MathematicsMathematical and Computer ModellingMathematics and Computers in SimulationInternational Journal of Computer MathematicsSimulation Practice and TheoryThe New Review of Hypermedia & Multimedia: Apps & ResTrans of the Intl Assoc for Math and Comps in SimulnComputer Simulation: Modeling & AnalysisTrans of the Society for Computer SimulationJournal of Visual Languages and ComputingEngineering ComputationsSoftware - Concepts and ToolsJournal of Visualization and Computer AnimationThe International Journal of The Eurographics Association Others:Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer EngineeringJournal of Digital ImagingJournal of Concurrent Engineering: Applications and ResearchDigital Technical JournalInterface Journal of New Music ResearchSPIE Journal of Electronic ImagingThe Journal of Electronic CommerceJournal of Graphics ToolsInternational Journal of Information Processing and Management Journal of Library AutomationThe Journal of Computer Game DesignJournal of DocumentationVirtual Prototyping JournalJournal of Computing and Information TechnologySIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.Journal of Computer Aided SurgeryJournal of Computer-Aided Molecular DesignJournal of the Virtual Reality SocietyJournal of Virtual Reality Research, Development and Applications Journal of Computational and Graphical StatisticsAREA: System TechnologyPremium:IEEE Trans on CommunicationsJnl of Parallel and Distributed ComputingACM Trans on Computer SystemsIEEE/ACM Trans on NetworkingACM Trans on Information SystemsIEEE Trans on Parallel and Distributed SystemsDistributed ComputingIEEE Jnl on Selected Areas in CommunicationInternational Journal of Parallel ProgrammingComputer Networks (Previously "& ISDN Networks")Real-time SystemsLeading:NetworksInternet Research - Electronic Networking Applications and Policy Computer CommunicationsJnl of Computer CommunicationsJnl of Network and Computer ApplicationsParallel ComputingMobile Networks and ApplicationsJnl of High Speed NetworksWireless NetworksQueueing SystemsThe Intl Jnl of Supercomputer ApplicationsConcurrency - Practice and ExperienceIEEE Journal of Internet ComputingACM Transactions on Information and System Security Reputable:Computers & SecurityIEE Proc. - CommunicationsIEICE Trans on Fundamentals of Elec., Comm., and Comp.IEICE Trans on CommunicationsMobile Computing and Communicatons ReviewDistributed Systems Engineering JnlIntl Jnl of High Speed ComputingWorld Wide Web JournalElectronic NetworkingIntl Jnl of Communication SystemsSignal Processing: Image CommunicationTelecommunication SystemsInternational Journal of Systems ScienceJournal of CryptographyInternet Security JournalJournal of Networks and Systems ManagementInternational Journal of Wireless Information NetworksAn Interactive Journal of Mobile ComputingOthers:Information & Systems TechnologyJnl of Computer SecurityParallel Processing LettersIBM Systems JournalThe International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking USENIX Computing Systems JournalAT&T Technical JournalJournal of Internetworking: Research and ExperienceFujitsu Scientific and Technical JournalComputer Music JournalJournal of Computer-based InstructionICL Technical JournalInternational Journal of Imaging Systems and TechnologyInternational Journal of Digital and Analog Communication SystemJournal of Supercomputer Application of High Performance ComputingJournal of Decision Support SystemsJournal of Computer Research and DevelopmentBritish Telecommunications Technology JournalThe Journal of Interactive Media and EducationInternational Journal of Time-Critical Computing SystemsInternational. Journal of CAD/ CAM & Comp. GraphicsEducational Communication and Technology JournalThe International Journal on the Development and Application of Standards for Computers, Data Communications and InterfacesJournal of Electronic PublishingWeb JournalMicrosoft Systems JournalJournal of Data & Computer CommunicationJournal of SupercomputingJournal of Imaging TechnologyINESC Journal on Junior Activities in Science and Technology The Journal of Electronic Data InterchangeISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote SensingInternational Journal of CIMInternational Journal of Circuit Theory and ApplicationsJournal of Digital SystemsIVHS JournalJournal Design Automation and Fault Tolerant ComputingJournal of the American Voice I/O SocietyJournal of the Communications Research LabInternational Journal of Construction information Technology Journal of Computer Communication ReviewReal-Time Imaging JournalJournal of Lightwave TechnologyJournal of Advanced Automation TechnologyJournal of Technology TransferTI Technical JournalJournal of Imaging Science and TechnologyJournal of Mathematical Imaging and VisionThe journal of the Interactive Multimedia AssociationTransputer Communication JournalBell System Technical JournalJournal of Combinatorial DesignsJournal of Combinatorial OptimizationJournal of Reliable ComputingJournal of Digital Library ResearchAREA: General Computer Science and Related Journals Premium:Jnl of the American Medical Informatics Assoc (JAMIA)Journal of Combinatorial Theory (A & B)CombinatoricaSIAM Jnl on Discrete MathematicsOperations ResearchLeading:Communications of the ACMACM Computing SurveysProcs of the IEEEInformation Processing LettersIBM Journal of R & DComputers in Biomedical ResearchMethods of Information in MedicineMedical Decision MakingInternational Journal of General SystemsAdaptive BehaviorDiscrete Applied MathematicsDiscrete MathematicsJournal of Computational BiologyJournal of Molecular BiologyBioinformaticsReputable:Computer JournalComputer Applications in the BioSciences: CABIOS ComputingFuzzy Sets and SystemsIBS Computing QuarterlyInformation SciencesIntl Jnl of Computer Applications in TechnologyIntl Jnl of Computer System Science & EngineeringMedical InformaticsInternational Journal of Medical InformaticsJnl of Computer Science and TechnologyJnl of Computing and InformationJnl of Information ProcessingAustralian Computer JnlJournal on Universal Computer ScienceIEICE Trans on Infomation and SystemsComputer Methods and Programs in BiomedicineComputers in Biology and MedicineFinite Fields and their ApplicationsInstructional Science。



Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation
9,060 2,147 12,329
0.008660 0.005070 0.017780 0.001960 0.012640 0.016660 0.041770 0.020120 0.000760 0.008740 0.000900 0.004490 0.002400 0.009950 0.004570 0.015210 0.019680 0.001340 0.015760 0.013550 0.002100 0.006410 0.007300 0.007490 0.018340 0.002950 0.000890 0.010070 0.000900 0.006910 0.001820 0.016410 0.004000 0.015090 0.016100 0.004330 0.007850 0.012280 0.007550 0.000920 0.008740 0.003890 0.020410 0.002440 0.009630 0.005990





国际知名的力学期刊刊名原文名创刊年附注《应用数学和力学》(中国)(AppliedMa hematics and Mechanics) 1980《应用数学和力学》编辑委员会《热应力杂志》(美)Journal of Thermal Stresses 1978美国HemispheresPublishing Co.《国际非线性力学杂志》(英) International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics1966英国Pergamon Press Ltd.《国际固体与结构杂志》International Journal of Solids and Structures 1965英国Pergamon Press Ltd.《国际多相流杂志》(英)International Journal of Multiphase Flow 1973英国Pergamon Press Ltd.《地震工程与结构动力学》(英)Earthquake Engineering Structural Dynamics1972英国John Wiley Sons Ltd.《国际热与热流杂志》(英) International Journal of Heat and FluidFlow 1979英国Mechanical Engineering Publi-CationsLtd.《国际地震工程与土壤动力学杂志》(英)International Journal of EarthquakeEngineering Soil Dynamics1981英国CML Publications《工程断裂力学》(英)Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1968英国PergamonPress Ltd.《国际压力容器与管道杂志》(英)The International Journal Of PressureVessels Piping 1973英国Applied Science Publishers Ltd.《国际工程数值方法杂志》(英)International Journal for Numerical Methodsin Engineering 1969英国John Wiley Sons Ltd.《工程材料与结构的疲劳》(英)Fatigue of Engineering Materials andStructures 1978英国Pergamon Press Ltd《国际疲劳杂志》(英) International Journal of Fatigue1979英国IPCScience and Technology Press.《国际岩石力学与采矿学及地质力学文摘》(英)International Journal of RockMechanics MingScienc Geomechanics ABSTRACTS 1964英国Pergamon Press Ltd.《水利》(法)La Houille Blanche 1902法国《理论与应用力学杂志》(法)Journal de Mecanique Theorique et Appliquee(Le) 1962法国Centrale des revues DunodGauthier-Villars《工程师文献》(联邦德国)Ingenieur-Archiv 1929联邦德国Springer-Verlag 《岩石力学与岩石工程》(奥地利)Rock Mechanics Rock Engineering1929奥地利Springer-Verlag《固体力学文献》(荷兰)Solid Mechanics Archives 1976荷兰MartinusNijhoff Publishers.《应用力学和工程技术中的计算机方法》(荷兰)Computer Methods in AppliedMechanics and Engineering 1972荷兰Elsevier Science Publishers.《风工程和工业空气动力学杂志》(荷兰)Journal of Wind Engineering andIndustrial Aerodynamics 1975荷兰Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company(原名为Journal of Industrial Aerodynamics,1980年改为现名)《国际断裂杂志》(荷兰)International Journal of Fracture 1965荷兰MartinusNijhoff Publishers《水利学研究杂志》(荷兰)Journal of Hydraulic Research 1963荷兰International Assiciation for Hydraulic Research《非牛顿流体力学杂志》(荷兰)Journal of Non-Newtonian Flluid Mechanics1975荷兰Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company《波动》(荷兰)Wave Motion 1979荷兰North-Holland Publishing Co.《土木工程学报》(中国)China Civil Engineering 1954中国土木工程学会China Civil Engineering Society《力学学报》(中国)Acta Me-chanica Subuca 1957中国力学学会《力学学报》编辑委员会(The Editorial Board of ACTAMECHANIC A SINICA,theChinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics)《力学译丛》(中国)1964中国科学技术情报研究所分所《力学进展》(中国)1982中国科学院力学研究所《应用力学》(中国)1982中国科学技术情报研究所分所《固体力学学报》(中国)Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 1980《固体力学》学报编辑委员会员《应用数学和力学》(中国)Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 1980《应用数学和力学》编辑委员会《建筑结构学报》(中国)Jour-nal of Building Structures 1980中国建筑学会《上海力学》(中国)1980《上海力学》编辑部《爆炸与冲击》(中国)1981《爆炸与冲击》编辑部《振动与冲击》(中国)1982《振动与冲击》编辑委员会《空气动力学学报》(中国)Acta Aerodynamica Sinica 1983《空气动力学学报》编辑委员会《数学物理学报》(中国)1981《数学物理学报》编辑委员会《实验应力分析学会会报》(美)Proceedings of the Society for ExperimentalStressAnalysis 1943美国实验应力分析学会(Society for Experimental StressAnalysis)《实验力学》(美)Experimental Mechanics 1961美国实验应力分析学会(Society for Experimental Stress Analysis)《结构力学杂志》(美)Journal of Structural Mechanics1972美国MarcelDekker Ine.《流变学杂志》(美)Journal of Rheology 1957美国John Wiley SonsInc.Publishers.《液压与气体力学》(美)Hydraulics Pneumatics; 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Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

J. Math. Anal. Appl. 409 (2014) 760-776ELSEVIERContents lists available at ScienceDirectJournal of Mathematical Analysis andApplicationsjournal homepage: /locate/jmaaBlow-up solutions for the inhomogeneous Schrodinger equation with L 2 supercritical nonlinearityShihui ZhuCollege ofMathematics and Software Science, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, 610066, ChinaA R T I C L E I N F OA B S T R A C TArticle history:Received 16 April 2013 Available online 29July 2013 Submitted by Xu ZhangKeywords:Nonlinear inhomogeneousSchrodinger equation Blow-upsolution Generalized Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality Weak concentrationThis paper studies blow-up solutions for the inhomogeneous Schrodinger equation with L 2 supercritical nonlinearity. In terms of Strauss ,arguments in Strauss (1977) [22], we find a new compactness lemma for radial symmetric functions. Thus, we use it to derive the best constants of two generalized Gagliardo-Nirenberg type inequalities. Moreover, we obtain a more precisely sharp criteria ofblow-up and global existence, and derive the weak concentration phenomenon of blow-up solutions by the variational methods.© 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.S. Zhu /J. Math. Anal. Appl^ 409 (2014) 760^776 761u x(t, x)=入^u(X2t, kx)is also a solution if u(t, x)is a solution. The scale-invariant Lebesgue norm for Eq. (1.1) is L pc-norm, where pc = U), and s c = N—22+2 is the invariant Sobolev index for Eq. (1.1) as lH sc4L p c. Hence, the assumption p > 2N+f+4 implies pc= N2+2) 2, and we may call Eq. (1.1) as a class of inhomogeneous Schrodinger equations with L2supercritical nonlinearity when 2N+2&+4 < p < 2N+P.Forthe Cauchy problem (1.1)-(1.2), the local well-posedness is established by Chen and Guo [4] in = H) (R N), where H) (R n) is the set of radial symmetric functions in H1(R N). Meanwhile, Chen and Guo [4] studied the sharp conditions of blow-up and global existence for the Cauchy problem (1.1)-(1.2) by the cross-constrained variational arguments. We remark that the sharp conditions ofblow-up and global existence obtained in [4] are not determined in some sense, because the precisely upper bound value d of the energy functional E (u)is not given. When p> 2N+f+4, Eq. (1.1) is a class of nonlinear Schrodinger equations with L2supercritical nonlinearity. Whether there is a concentration phenomenon ofblow- up solutions is still unknown. Motivated by these problems, we further study the blow-up solutions of the inhomogeneous Schrodinger equation (1.1)with L2 supercritical nonlinearity (p > 2N+N&+4).In fact, if one takes b = 0 in Eq. (1.1), then Eq. (1.1) is degenerated to the classical nonlinear homogeneous Schrodinger equation. Now, we recall some known results ofblow-up solutions for the classical nonlinear homogeneous Schrodinger equation in the following form:i^t + + |少|CT~2f = 0, 少(0,x)=少o ^ H1, (1.4) where f = f(t,x): [0,r) x R N— C. The local well-posedness of the Cauchy problem (1.4) is established by Ginibre and Velo [7] in H1 (see [2] for a review). The existence of finite time blow-up solutions was firstly studied by Glassey in [8].Thus, the blow-up solutions have been extensively studied (see [9,18,14-17,19,24-26]). In particularly, forthe critical nonlinearity a = 2 + 4, the structure and formation of singularity is studied by Weinstein in [25]. Based on this property, Merle and Tsutsumi [18] found a new phenomenon for the blow-up solution which is called the L2-concentration. The exact blow-up solution with critical mass is constructed by Merle in [12]. Recently, using the variational methods, Merle and Raphael [15] improved the Weinstein’s results in [25] and obtained the sharp decomposition ofblow-up solutions for small supercritical mass. Thus, using this sharp decomposition, Merle and Raphael [14-16] obtained a large body ofbreakthrough work by the Spectral Properties (see [15]), such as sharp blow-up rates, profiles of blow-up solutions, etc. But there are few results on the dynamics ofblow-up solutions for Eq. (1.4) with L2 supercritical nonlinearity a > 2 + n4. Indeed, it is easy to check that a > 2 + N implies —2)N > 2, and one cannot use the classical Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality (see [24]):(2—N)a +2N (a—2)NIH < C||vy L T^一 ||vvy L7^,v v e H1, (1.5) to control the nonlinear term in the energy by ||Vf ||^. Recently, using a new Gagliardo-Nirenberg type inequality, Holmer and Roudenko [9] obtained the L3-concentration phenomena of the radial symmetric blow-up solution u(t,x)for a —1 = N= 3, which is called a type of weak concentration compared with the L2-concentration.In the present paper, firstly, we consider the sharp criteria of blow-up and global existence for the inhomogeneous Schrodinger equation (1.1) with L2supercritical nonlinearity. In terms of Weinstein’s arguments in [24], we find the best constant of the following generalized Gagliardo-Nirenberg type inequality: for N > 3,b > 0,2 + n—1 < p < 2N+P and v v e H1, 疒p 2N+2b+2p—Np Np—2N—2b|x|b|v|p dx <^V^ l|v|L r^^ IIVv|T^,(1.6) J R N2||R"p-2 L Lwhere R is the ground state solution of—(Np—2N—2b)AR + (2N + 2b + 2p—Np)R— 4|x|b|R|p—2R = 0,R e H;.(1.7) Moreover, in terms of Holmer and Roudenko’s argument in [9], we use (1.6) to obtain a precisely sharp criteria ofblow-up and global existence of solutions by constructing two invariant evolution flows generated by the Cauchy problem (1.1)-(1.2). Thus, we can give a precisely bound value of the energy functional E (u), which corresponds to d in [4]. Secondly, we consider the concentration phenomenon ofblow-up solutions for the inhomogeneous Schrodinger equation (1.1) with L2supercritical nonlinearity. Because of the nonlinearity |x|b|u|p—2u, Holmer and Roudenko’s argument in [9] cannot be applied to show the weak concentration of blow-up solutions. Our strategy is to find a new sharp generalized Gagliardo-Nirenberg type inequality, which can control the nonlinear potential energy in the energy functional E(u) by ||Vulg. More precisely, we find a new compactness result for the homogeneous Sobolev space Hf「| Hi 1: s 1q2N Hf f 】H r—L q compactly for pc < q < ———-.This is similar to Strauss’ compactness lemma in [22]. Moreover, using the Hardy inequality and the above compactness lemma, we derive the best constant of a generalized Gagliardo-Nirenberg type inequality: for N > 3,b > 0,pc + 芒where Q is the minimal action solution of762 S. Zhu /J. Math. Anal. Appl. 409 (2014) 760-776-AQ + p^—2(-A)sc Q -|x|b|Q|p-2Q = 0, Q g 电 Q Hi 1 (1.9)There are two remarks needed to be pointed out. One is that Chen [3] showed the generalized Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality (1.6) for2 + < p < N-N2 + , and we improve the range of p to 2 + N— < p < NN + n2^ . The other one is that we derive a new sharp generalized Gagliardo-Nirenberg type inequality (1.8), which gives a new v-riational structure for the nonlinear inhomogeneous Schrodinger equation (1.1).Finally, using the sharp generalized Gagliardo-Nirenberg type inequality (1.8), we obtain the weak concentration of blow-up solutions for the Cauchy problem (1.1)-(1.2). It reads that let N > 3, b > 0 and max [pc + , 2N+Nf+4} < p < min{6, be such that(N— 1 —Sc)(p—pc) > 2b and (Np—2N—2b)(p— 2) < 16.(Indeed, there exist N, b and p satisfyingthe above assumptions, for example N= 3, b= 2, p= 4) If u(t, x) G C([0, T); H1) is the radial symmetric blow-up solution of the Cauchy problem (1.1)-(1.2), then for all M > 0, u(t, x) satisfies liminf ||u(t,x)^H sc(w<m) > IIQ 11柄>0, (1.10) t^Twhere T is the finite blow-up time and Q is the solution of Eq. (1.9).There are two major difficulties to study the blow-up solutions of the nonlinear inhomogeneous Schrodinger equation (1.1). The first one is the nonlinearity |x|b|u|p—2u containing an unbounded potential |x|b. The second one is that the nonlinearity is L2 supercritical for p >2N b+4. Whether there is a concentration prolegomenon for the blow-up solutions of the Cauchy problem (1.1)-(1.2) is open, and using inequalities (1.5) and (1.6), one cannot give a positive reply. In this paper, we give a partial reply in (1.10). Indeed, by establishing the sharp generalized Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality (1.8), we obtain the Hi Sc -concentration of radial symmetric blow-up solutions, which is another type of weak concentration. Here, the lowerbound value of ||u(t, x)||h sc (|x卜m) is determined, which is different from the L3-concentration obtained by Holmer and Roudenko (see [9]).2.Notations and preliminariesIn this paper, pc and Sc are defined by pc = U, Sc = f—p+b. We denote L q(R N), || • ||[q(rn), H!(R N),句(R N) and /rN •dx by L q,|| • ||q, H1, H and f •dx respectively. We also denote S(R N) the Schwartz space and S(R N) is the topological dual of S(R n). The various positive constants will be simply denoted by C.For the Cauchy problem (1.1)-(1.2), the work space is defined byH] := {v g L2| V v g L2, v(x) = v(r)},wherer = |x| x2 + x\ + …•+ xf,which is a Hilbert space. In order to study the best constants of generalized Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities, we introduce two auxiliary Hilbert spaces:jH 1 := j v g S/(R n) is radial symmetric \ j吃 |2pVg)|2d会 < J ,jH S c:= j v g S;(R n) is radial symmetric \ j|会 |2Sc tW(^)|2d与 < J ,where^denotes the Fourier transform. Moreover, we define the energy functional £(v) on H)E(v) := - J |Vv|2dx ------ J |x|b|v|p dx.The functional E(v)is well-defined according to the Sobolev embedding theorem (see [2]). Chen and Guo [4] established the local well-posedness for the Cauchy problem (1.1)-(1.2) in H1.S. Zhu /J. Math. Anal. Appl^ 409 (2014) 760^776 763(2.2)Proposition 2.1 (Chen and Guo [4]). Let N > 3, 2 < p < N+f + and u 〇 g H/. There exists a unique solution u(t, x) ofthe Cauchy problem (1.1)-(1.2) on the maximal time interval [0, T) such that u(t, x) g C ([0, T ); H^) and either T = (global existence), or else 0 < T < and lim t —t ||u(t)||忖1 = (bl^'w-up). Furthermore, for all t g [0, T), u(t, x) satisfies thefollowing conservation laws: (i) Conservation of mass_ )|丨2 =||叱|丨2.(ii) C onservation ofenergyE(u(t)) = E(u 。



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Artificial Intelligence2502 96833 J AIR - Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research515 11757 I JRR - International Journal of Robotic Research1394 17018 A IM - AI Magazine1146 13937 A AMAS - Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems339 5119 A ROBOTS - Autonomous Robots583 7211 A LIFE - Artificial Life440 5637 J AR - Journal of Automated Reasoning766 7982 J IIS - Journal of Intelligent Information Systems448 5312 E XPERT - IEEE Expert / IEEE Intelligent Systems1578 13138 A IR - Artificial Intelligence Review495 4054 A MAI - Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence848 5688 A AI - Applied Artificial Intelligence809 5076 JETAI - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial407 3064 IntelligenceA RTMED - Artificial Intelligence in Medicine865 5196 J VCIR- Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation472 3114 A ICOM - AI Communications422 2526 I JAR - International Journal of Approximate Reasoning1102 4756 I JIS - International Journal of Intelligent Systems828 3718 A IL - Artificial Intelligence and Law268 1304 J ournal of Scientific Computing 610 2171 International Journal of Humanoid Robotics167 473 J ournal of Field Robotics377 716 J IFS - Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems426 607 R obotica559 461 I JHIS - International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems125 92 IJMTM - International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and447 164 ManagementI JSN - International Journal of Security and Networks114 80A nnual Reviews in Control56 46I JIQ - International Journal of Information Quality35 22A CM SIGSMALL Newsletter23 13I EEE Transactions Automation Science and Engineering64 13I JIA - International Journal of Information Acquisition173 11J OCCH - ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage18 3A CM SIGMOD Digital Symposium Collection 4 0A CM SIGPC Notes计算机视觉、IP、AI方向的一些顶级会议和期刊收藏计算机视觉方面的三大国际会议是ICCV, CVPR和ECCV,统称之为ICE。



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页码,1/3吉林大学牡丹园站 -- Construction精华区文章阅读发信人: arwang (旺旺), 信区: Construction标 题: 流体力学核心期刊发信站: 牡丹园新站 (Sun Dec 21 09:18:46 2003)流体力学核心期刊Journal of Fluid Mechanics = 流体力学杂志 . 英国.527C0001International Journal of Heat and mass Transfer = 国际传热与传质杂志 \ 英国.525C0006AIAA Journal = 美国航空与航天学会志 . 美国.877B0001The Physics of Fluids, A = 流体物理学,A辑 . 美国.527B0002Fluids Dynamics = 流体动力学 ( 英译苏刊). 美国.527B0054Journal of Engineering Physics = 工程物理杂志(英译苏刊). 美国.534B0053Journal of Heat transfer,Transactions of the ASME = 传热杂志,ASME汇刊 . 美国.725B0001The Physics of Fluids, B = 流体物理学,B辑 . 美国.527B0002International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids = 国际流体力学数值方法杂志 . 英国.527C0004Fluid MechanicsSoviet Research = 苏联流体力学研究(英译苏刊) . 美国.527B0052International Journal of Multiphase flow = 国际多相流杂志 . 英国.527C0003Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik = 应用数学与力学杂志 . 德国.519A0001Magnetohydrodynamics = 磁流体动力学(英译苏刊). 美国.527B0053Journal of Applied Mechnaics and Technical physics = 应用力学与技术物理杂志(英译苏刊). 美国.529B0052Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME = 流体工程杂志,ASME汇刊 . 美国.780B0001Physical Review , A = 物理评论,A辑 . 美国.530B0002Soviet PhysicsDOKLADY = 苏联物理学报告(英译苏刊). 美国.530B0070International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow = 国际热与流体流杂志 . 英国.527C0053Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics = 非牛顿流体动力学杂志 . 荷兰.527LB0053International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer = 国际传热与传质通讯. 英国.725C0056Heat Transfer Soviet Research = 苏联传热研究 . 美国.725B0054Physical Review Letters = 物理评论快报 . 美国.530B0003International Journal of Engineering Science = 国际工程科学杂志 . 英国.710C0009Journal of Computational Physics = 计算物理杂志 . 美国.539B0002Waerme-und Stoffuebertragung = 热力学与流体力学 . 德国.710E0008Physica,D = 物理,D辑 . 荷兰.530LB001High Temperature = 高温(英译苏刊). 美国.534B0052JSME International Journal, II = 日本机械工程师学会国际杂志,II辑 . 日本.780D0063Fluid Dynamics Research = 流体动力学研究 . 荷兰.527LB001Journal of the Physical Society of Japan = 日本物理学会志 . 日本.530D0002Computers and Fluids = 计算机与流体 . 英国.--─738C0074Heat Transfer-Japanese Research = 日本传热研究 . 美国.525B0055Chemical Engineering Science = 化学工程科学 . 英国.810C0004Physics Letters, A = 物理快报,A辑 . 荷兰.530LB004Thermal Engineering = 热力工程(英译苏刊). 英国 .721C0058AIChE Journal美国化学工程师协会会志 . 美国.810B0001Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = 应用数学与力学(英译苏刊). 美国.ISSN 0066-5479Applied Scientific Research = 应用科学研究 . 荷兰.500LB002Comptes Rendus de l Acadecie des Sciences , Serie II = 法国科学院报告,II辑. FRA.500F0003Numerical Heat Transfer = 数值传热 . 美国.725B0059Rheologica Acta = 流变学学报 . 德国.526E0051页码,2/3 Soviet Aeronautics = 苏联航空学(英译苏刊) . 美国.877B0298Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik = 应用数学与物理杂志 . 瑞士.519LD001Proceedings of the Royal Society of London ,A = 伦敦皇家学会会报,A辑 . 英国.510C0007Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques,Serie Mecanique Appliquee = 罗马尼亚科学技术杂志,应用力学辑 . ROM.529AD001Review of Scientific Instruments = 科学仪表评论 . 美国.798B0004Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics = 印度理论与应用数学杂志 . 印度.510HA056The Journal of Chemical Physics = 化学物理杂志 . 美国.542B0003Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer = 热物理与传热杂志 . 美国.533B0057Physica, A = 物理,A辑 . 荷兰.530LB001Canadian Journal of Physics = 加拿大物理学杂志 . 加拿大.530NA001Europhysics Letters = 欧洲物理快报 . FRA.530F0054Soviet Technical Physics Letters = 苏联技术物理快报(英译苏刊) . 美国. 534B0060Acta Mechanica = 力学学报 . AUT.520LE001International Journal of Engineering Fluid Mechanics = 国际工程流体力学杂志.美国.712B0100Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering = 应用力学与工程中的计算方法 . 瑞士.712LD004European Journal of Mechanics ,A = 欧洲力学杂志,A辑 . FRA.Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics = 地球物理与天体物理流体动力学.英国.----562C0056Journal of Physics, E:Scientific Instruments = 物理学杂志,E辑:科学仪表 . 英国.798C0005Journal of Mathematical and Physical Science = 数学与物理学杂志 . 印度.510HA055Power Engineering(USSR Academy of Sciences) = 动力工程(苏联科学院)(英译苏刊). 美国.720B0071Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics = 印度理论物理杂志 . 印度.533HA001Soviet Physics Technical Physics = 苏联物理学技术物理(英译苏刊). 美国.534B0051Journal of Physics, A = 物理学杂志,A辑 . 英国.530C0003Measurement Techniques = 计量技术 . 美国.713B0080Acustica = 声学 . 德国.535E0001Mechanics Research Communications = 力学研究通讯 . 英国.520C0052Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves = 燃烧、爆炸与激波(英译苏刊). 美国.816B0083Journal of Applied Physics = 应用物理学杂志 . 美国.539B0001Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis = 理性力学与分析文献 . 德国.520E0001Journal of Engineering Mathematics = 工程数学杂志 . 荷兰.712LB002Journal of Statistical Physics = 统计物理学杂志 . 美国.533B0054Mathematics of Computation = 计算数学 . 美国.519B0004Nuclear Physics, B: Proceedings Supplement = 原子核物理学,B辑:会议补篇 . 荷兰.538LB001Soviet Physics JETP = 苏联物理学实验物理与理论物理(英译苏刊) . 美国.533B0006Journal de Physique = 物理学报 . FRA.530F0004Mathematical and Computer Modilling = 数学与计算机模拟 . 英国.513C0058Zeitschrift fut Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung = 飞行科学与宇宙研究杂志 . 德国.877E0006Recherche Aerospatiale = 航空空间研究 . FRA.877F0095Journal of Scientific Computing = 科学计算杂志 . 美国.738B0557Journal of Sound & Vibration = 声与振动杂志 . 英国.535C0002The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and applied Mathematics = 力学与应用数学季页码,3/3 刊 . 英国.520C0001Journal of Mathematical Analysis & Applications = 数学分析与应用杂志 . 美国.513B0003Lietuvos TSR Mokslu Akademijos Darbai, B =立陶宛科学院院报B辑 . LIT.ISSN 0132-2729Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions of the ASME = 应用力学杂志ASME汇刊. 美国. 529B0002Computers & Structures = 计算机与结构 . 英国.538C0070International Journal of Thermophysics = 国际热物理杂志 . 美国.534B0004Journal of Physics, D = 物理学杂志,D辑 . 英国.539C0001Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis = 数学模拟与数值分析 . FRA.Numerische Mathematik = 数值数学 . 德国.513E0002Communications in Mathematical Physics = 数学物理通讯 . 德国.533E0001Computers & Chemical Engineering = 计算机与化工 . 英国.738C0020Comptes Rendus de I Academie des Sciences, Serie I = 法国科学院报告,I辑 . FAR.500F0003IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics = 数学及其应用学会应用数学杂志 . 英国.519C0002Journal of Turbomachinery, Transactions of the ASME = 涡轮机械杂志,ASME汇刊.美国. 784B0012Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical And Space Science = 日本航空宇宙 . 日本.877D0053Applied Optics = 应用光学 . 美国.537B0004Archives of Mechanics = 力学文献集 . 波兰.529AB051Chemical Engineering Research and Design = 化学工程研究与设计 . 美国.810B0128International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering = 国际工程数值方法杂志 . 英国.712C0010Modelling, Simulation and Control , B = 模型,模拟与控制B辑 . .FRAInternational Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics = 国际非线性力学杂志 . 英国.520C0002Journal de Mecanique Theorique et Appliquee = 理论与应用力学杂志 . FRA.521F0001Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, Part A = 印度国立科学院院报,A辑 . 印度.530HA0003Applied Numerical Mathematics = 应用数值数学 . 荷兰.519LB006Astrophysics and Space Science = 天文物理学与宇宙科学 . 荷兰.550LB002Computer Physics communications = 计算机物理学通讯 . 荷兰.738LB002Israel Journal of Technology = 以色列技术杂志 . ISR.ISSN 0021-2202Journal of Colloid and Interface Science = 胶体与界面科学杂志 . 美国.----542B0004Journal of Differential Equations = 微分方程杂志 . 美国.513B0006Journal of Non-Equillibrium Thermodynamics = 非平衡热力学杂志 . 德国. 542E0006--※ 来源:.牡丹园新站 [FROM: 202.198.154.*][返回上一页] [本讨论区]。



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应用统计Journal of The Royal Statistical Society Series D-The Statistician 皇家学会系列杂志D - 统计学家Journal of Theoretical Probability 概率理论杂志http://www.wkap.nlK-Theory K-理论http://www.wkap.nlLecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 经济学和数学体系讲座http://www.springer.deLecture Notes on Mathematics 数学讲座http://www.springer.deLetters in Mathematical Physics 数学物理学通讯http://www.wkap.nlLinear Algebra and Its Applications 线性代数及其应用http://www.elsevier.nlMathematical Biosciences 数理生物学http://www.elsevier.nlMathematical Finance 数理财金学Mathematical Geology 数理地质学http://www.wkap.nlMathematical Intelligencer 数学情报Mathematical Logic Quarterly 数理逻辑学报http://www.wiley-vch.deMathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 数学应用学科 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 运筹学研究 Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 数学模拟与应用方法Mathematical Physics Electronic J 数学物理电子杂志/mpej/MPEJ.htmlMathematical Proceedings of the Society 数学学会学报Mathematical Programming 数学规划Mathematical Social Sciences 数学社会科学http://www.elsevier.nlMathematics and Computers in Simulation 数学与电脑模拟http://www.elsevier.nlMathematics and Mechanics of Solids 数学与固体力学Mathematics Archives 数学档案库/Mathematics Magazine 数学杂志/pubs/mathmag.htlMathematics of Computation 计算数学/Mathematics of Control Signals and Systems 控制信号系统数学 mathematics of operations research 运筹学/Mathsearch 数学探索.au:8000/MathSearch.htmlMemoirs of the American Mathematical Society 美国数学会备忘录/Modem Logic 现代逻辑学/~pmilne/ml/home.htmlMultivariate Behavioral Research 多变量行为研究Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications 非线性分析- 理论与应用http://www.elsevier.nlNonlinearity 非线性特性Notices 短评/noticesNumerical Algorithms 数字算法http://www.wkap.nlNumerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 数字泛函分析和最优化Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 数值线性代数及其应用Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 偏微分方程式数值方法Optimal Control Applications & Methods 最优控制应用与方法Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 牛津大学经济与统计快报Pacific Journal of Mathematics 太平洋数学杂志/pjm.htmlPotential Analysis 位势分析http://www.wkap.nlProceedings of the American Mathematical Society 美国数学会会议录/ Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 英国爱丁堡数学会会议录Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 伦敦数学会会议录/~lmsProceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A-Mathematics 英国爱丁堡皇家学会会议录A分册- 数学/RSE/Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 数学季刊Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 数学与应用数学季刊Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 应用数学季刊/Queueing Systems 排列系统http://www.wkap.nlRandom Structures & Algorithms 随机结构与算法Reports on Mathematical Physics 数学物理学报告http://www.elsevier.nlRepresentation Theory 表示法理论/ertRobotics and Autonomous Systems 机器人技术和自动系统http://www.elsevier.nlRocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 数学难题学报/~rmmcSet-Valued Analysis 精点分析http://www.wkap.nlStatistical Papers 统计学论文Statistics & Probability Letters 统计和概率通讯http://www.elsevier.nlStatistics and Computing 统计和计算http://www.wkap.nlStochastic Analysis and Applications 随机分析和应用Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 随机环境论研究和风险评估Stochastic Processes and Their Applications 随机过程及其应用http://www.elsevier.nlT echnometrics 技术计量学/Studies in Applied Mathematics 应用数学研究The College Mathematics Journal 大学数学杂志/pubs/cmj.htmlThe Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 组合数学电子期刊Theory of Computing Systems 计算方法理论Theory of Probability and Its Applications 概率理论及其应用程序理论T opology 拓扑学http://www.elsevier.nlT opology and Its Applications 拓扑学及其应用http://www.elsevier.nlTransactions of the American Mathematical Society 美国数学会学报[p:3]。





(3)外文期刊(要登陆外网):西南大学数字化图书馆,外文期刊,Elsevier SDOL(ScienceDirect Online)数据库,Kluwer Online Journals。


或http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/10114/index.htm(2)《Journal of Computational Mathematics》/~jcm(3)《数学年刊》Ser A、《Chinese Annals of Mathematics》Ser B或kinet/sxnk(4)《应用数学和力学》中文版、《应用数学和力学》英文版(5)《数学物理学报》中文版、《Acta Mathematica Scientia》英文版/index.html或/publish/sulixb/jjz.htm或/publish/sulixb/jjy.htm(6)中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院/amss/amsscn.html(7)《系统科学与数学》(8)数学信息镜像服务系统,中国教育和科研计算机网http://上网查询和订购文献:(国家科技图书文献中心)可查Math. Nachr.Scientiae Mathematicae JaponicaeNumerical Functional Analysis and Optimization2、其它网,可以查美国数学会的8种杂志(5年前的可查全文,其余的只能看摘要):Bulletin of the American Mathematical SocietyConformal Geometry and DynamicsElectronic Research AnnouncementsJournal of the American Mathematical SocietyMathematics of ComputationProceedings of the American Mathematical SocietyRepresentation TheoryTransactions of the American Mathematical Society,可查86种数学期刊的摘要:Applied Mathematics and ComputationApplied Mathematics LettersComputers & Mathematics with ApplicationsJournal of Computational and Applied MathematicsJournal of Mathematical Analysis and ApplicationsJournal of Mathematical EconomicsNonlinear Analysis,(已被sciencedirect兼并)可查101种数学期刊的摘要。



各种数学建模杂志及书籍●国际数学和计算机建模协会●International Association for Mathematical and Computer Modelling Home Page ●应用数学建模●Applied Mathematical Modelling (Elsevier)●应用数学和计算●Applied Mathematics and Computation●欧洲应用数学杂志●European Journal of Applied Mathematics (Cambridge)●IMA 应用数学杂志●The IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics (Oxford)●SIMA的应用数学杂志●SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics●数学建模和数值分析杂志●Journal Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis-Rairo●数学建模和分析杂志●Journal of mathematical modelling and analysis●美国工业和应用数学会评论● SIAM Review●大学生数学和应用杂志● The Journal of Undergradute Mathematics and Applications●高校应用数学学报●数学的实践与认识●书籍●《数学模型》,姜启源著,高等教育出版社。




●《微分方程模型》●《政治及其有关模型》●《离散和系统模型》●《生命科学模型》 W.F.lucas 主编,国防教育出版社。

●《数学模型计算机应用》,H.P.Williams著,国防工业出版社●《数学建模与实验》,南京地区工科院校数建模讨论班,河海大学出版社.●《数学模型基础》,王树禾著,中国科大出版社.●《数学建模精品案例》,朱道元著,东南大学出版社.●《数学模型与数学建模》,刘来福,曾文艺著,北京师范大学出版社.●《数学建模入门》,徐全智,杨晋浩,电子科大出版社.●《数学模型》,杨启帆,边馥萍,浙江大学出版社.●●●全国大学生数学建模竞赛资料(单价含邮费,前一单价为10本以上、后一单价为10本以下的单价)●*1. 2003年全国大学生数学建模竞赛优秀论文集 (《工程数学学报》2003年7期) 5元/本,10元/本2. 2002年全国大学生数学建模竞赛优秀论文集 (《工程数学学报》2003年5期) 5元/本,10元/本3. 2001年全国大学生数学建模竞赛优秀论文集 (《工程数学学报》2002年5期) 8.5元/本,10元/本4.《全国大学生数学建模竞赛优秀论文汇编(1992-2000)》5.《中国大学生数学建模竞赛》第二版(李大潜主编)●*6.《2003年美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM、 ICM)优秀论文集》●7.《2002年美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM)优秀论文集》(资料7包括2001、2002年交叉学科建模竞赛(ICM)优秀论文集)8.《大学生数学建模竞赛辅导教材(一)》(叶其孝主编)9.《大学生数学建模竞赛辅导教材(二)》(叶其孝主编)10.《大学生数学建模竞赛辅导教材(三)》(叶其孝主编)●11.《大学生数学建模竞赛辅导教材(四)》(叶其孝主编)。



1. Annals of Mathematics(数学年刊)
2. Journal of the American Mathematical Society(美国数学学会杂志)
3. Inventiones Mathematicae(数学创新)
4. Acta Mathematica(数学学报)
5. Journal of Differential Geometry(微分几何学报)
6. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics(纯粹与应用数学通讯)
7. Journal of Algebraic Geometry(代数几何学报)
8. Advances in Mathematics(数学进展)
9. Mathematics of Computation(计算数学)
10. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis(SIAM数学分析学报)
11. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society(美国数学学会简报)
12. Journal of Functional Analysis(泛函分析学报)
13. Duke Mathematical Journal(杜克数学学报)
14. Journal of Mathematical Physics(数学物理学报)
15. Pacific Journal of Mathematics(太平洋数学学报)。



SCI数学类期刊影响因子SCI (Science Citation Index)是国际上公认的权威期刊引用文献数据库,提供广泛的学术刊物和会议论文的索引和检索服务。

因此,SCI数学类期刊的影响因子(Impact Factor, IF)也就成为衡量期刊重要性和学术影响力的一项指标。




下面是一些SCI数学类期刊的影响因子:1. Mathematika:Mathematika是一份涵盖广泛数学领域的期刊,包括代数、几何、数论、逻辑、概率等。

根据最新公布的数据,Mathematika的影响因子为0.5682. Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics:Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics(简称JMM)涵盖了数学与力学领域,包括纯数学和应用数学等。

根据最新公布的数据,JMM的影响因子为1.143. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications:Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications(简称JMAA)是一份有关数学分析和应用的期刊,涵盖了微积分、泛函分析、偏微分方程等。

根据最新公布的数据,JMAA的影响因子为1.2354. Journal of Algebra:Journal of Algebra(简称JA)是一份研究代数学的期刊,包括群论、环论、域论等。

根据最新公布的数据,JA的影响因子为0.6285. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis:SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis(简称SIAM J. Numer. Anal.)是一份关注数值分析领域的期刊,包括数值线性代数、数值逼近、数值微分方程等。


Topology and its applications
Scandinavian Journal of statistics
Archive for mathematical logic
Mathematical Intelligencer
Journal of geometry and physics
TheMichiganmathematical Journal
Acta arithmetica
Theory of probability and its applications
Probability theory and related fields
Computational optimization and applications
Annals of mathematics



序号期刊名Review分区3年平均IF1Algebra and Logic40.511 2COMPTES RENDUS MATHEMATIQUE40.507 3COLLOQUIUM MATHEMATICUM40.505 4JOURNAL OF LIE THEORY40.505 5Operators and Matrices40.504 6Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta-Seria Mat40.504 7Annals of Functional Analysis40.503 8JOURNAL OF GROUP THEORY40.503 9Studia Logica40.502 10Funkcialaj Ekvacioj-Serio Internacia40.502 11Analysis Mathematica40.501 12Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences40.499 13ARCHIVE FOR MATHEMATICAL LOGIC40.496 14MATHEMATICA SCANDINAVICA40.487 15ACTA ARITHMETICA40.485 16COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS-SIMULATION AND C40.483 17THEORY OF PROBABILITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS40.483 18Annales Polonici Mathematici40.482 19Quaestiones Mathematicae40.482 20Pacific Journal of Optimization40.481 21APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS1 2.727 22ACTA MATHEMATICA1 2.644 23JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATIO1 2.575 24MATHEMATICAL FINANCE1 2.552 25Publications Mathematiques de l IHES1 2.467 26APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION1 2.377 27ANNALES DE L INSTITUT HENRI POINCARE-ANALYSE N1 2.357 28SIAM JOURNAL ON OPTIMIZATION1 2.342 29ARCHIVE FOR RATIONAL MECHANICS AND ANALYSIS1 2.342 30Applied and Computational Mathematics2 2.286 31DUKE MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL2 2.229 32NUMERISCHE MATHEMATIK2 2.22 33SIAM JOURNAL ON SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING2 2.184 34STATISTICAL SCIENCE2 2.176 35JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & ECONOMIC STATISTICS2 2.163 36SIAM JOURNAL ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS2 2.116 37PROBABILITY THEORY AND RELATED FIELDS2 2.112 38STATISTICS AND COMPUTING2 2.095 39STUDIES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS2 2.088 40COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS2 2.067 41ANNALS OF PROBABILITY2 2.048 42FRACTALS-COMPLEX GEOMETRY PATTERNS AND SCAL2 2.04743JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY SERIE2 2.037 44JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING2 2.028 45MULTISCALE MODELING & SIMULATION2 2.027 46INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL REVIEW2 2.014 47JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR SCIENCE2 2.01 48IMA JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS2 1.979 49Bayesian Analysis2 1.964 50JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY2 1.948 51SIAM JOURNAL ON MATRIX ANALYSIS AND APPLICATI2 1.929 52NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS2 1.919 53JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS2 1.903 54ANNALES SCIENTIFIQUES DE L ECOLE NORMALE SUPER2 1.895 55JOURNAL DE MATHEMATIQUES PURES ET APPLIQUEES2 1.87 56ESAIM-MATHEMATICAL MODELLING AND NUMERICAL2 1.855 57INVERSE PROBLEMS2 1.808 58NONLINEARITY2 1.807 59JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND GRAPHICAL STAT2 1.802 60MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTATION2 1.802 61SIAM JOURNAL ON APPLIED DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS2 1.753 62Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Sci2 1.74 63NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS2 1.731 64Advances in Calculus of Variations2 1.725 65Stata Journal2 1.682 66SIAM JOURNAL ON CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION2 1.677 67JOURNAL FUR DIE REINE UND ANGEWANDTE MATHEM2 1.675 68ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK UND P2 1.672 69ANNALS OF APPLIED PROBABILITY2 1.665 70CALCOLO2 1.664 71INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHA2 1.658 72CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIA2 1.642 73MEMOIRS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIET2 1.638 74JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEM2 1.624 75Analysis and Applications2 1.614 76COMPUTATIONAL OPTIMIZATION AND APPLICATIONS2 1.613 77Extremes2 1.608 78SIAM JOURNAL ON APPLIED MATHEMATICS2 1.606 79JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY SERIE2 1.603 80Annals of Applied Statistics2 1.594 81GEOMETRIC AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS2 1.594 82JOURNAL OF GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION2 1.59 83BIOMETRIKA2 1.586 84Analysis & PDE2 1.581 85JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY2 1.55 86BIT NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS2 1.51587SIAM JOURNAL ON MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS2 1.503 88Journal of Numerical Mathematics2 1.488 89Forum of Mathematics Sigma2 1.484 90RUSSIAN MATHEMATICAL SURVEYS2 1.476 91Scandinavian Actuarial Journal2 1.473 92ADVANCES IN COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS2 1.464 93APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND OPTIMIZATION2 1.435 94Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu2 1.427 95TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL S2 1.413 96COMMUNICATIONS IN PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATI2 1.409 97JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS2 1.406 98COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS2 1.399 99Nonlinear Analysis-Modelling and Control2 1.396 100Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences2 1.395 101ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS2 1.393 102Communications in Mathematical Sciences2 1.393 103Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations2 1.385 104JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIO2 1.374 105MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION2 1.368 106Advances in Differential Equations2 1.36 107ESAIM-CONTROL OPTIMISATION AND CALCULUS OF VA2 1.353 108Inverse Problems and Imaging2 1.343 109APPLIED NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS2 1.343 110NUMERICAL METHODS FOR PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQ2 1.339 111JOURNAL OF FOURIER ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS2 1.338 112AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS2 1.321 113INSURANCE MATHEMATICS & ECONOMICS2 1.314 114NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICAT2 1.311 115Dynamic Games and Applications2 1.311 116Science China-Mathematics2 1.064 117JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS20.968 118Numerical Mathematics-Theory Methods and Applications20.818 119ACTA MATHEMATICA SCIENTIA20.712 120MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN3 1.3 121Communications in Number Theory and Physics3 1.297 122NUMERICAL LINEAR ALGEBRA WITH APPLICATIONS3 1.294 123REGULAR & CHAOTIC DYNAMICS3 1.293 124TEST3 1.292 125COMPOSITIO MATHEMATICA3 1.288 126Kinetic and Related Models3 1.287 127Selecta Mathematica-New Series3 1.285 128GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY3 1.28 129MATHEMATICS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH3 1.276 130IMA JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS3 1.273131Analysis and Mathematical Physics3 1.268 132BERNOULLI3 1.267 133ADVANCED NONLINEAR STUDIES3 1.25 134COMMUNICATIONS IN CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATIC3 1.247 135MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES3 1.243 136Optimization Letters3 1.241 137LAW PROBABILITY & RISK3 1.22 138PROCEEDINGS OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIE3 1.218 139Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics3 1.217 140JOURNAL OF ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY3 1.204 141Boundary Value Problems3 1.204 142COMBINATORICA3 1.199 143BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIET3 1.187 144ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS ON NUMERICAL ANALYS3 1.179 145STATISTICAL MODELLING3 1.176 146INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES3 1.174 147STOCHASTIC PROCESSES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS3 1.139 148REVISTA MATEMATICA IBEROAMERICANA3 1.136 149JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICA3 1.13 150DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS3 1.123 151JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY3 1.123 152DESIGNS CODES AND CRYPTOGRAPHY3 1.116 153ANNALES DE L INSTITUT HENRI POINCARE-PROBABILIT3 1.115 154Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems3 1.109 155OPTIMIZATION3 1.106 156Mathematics3 1.105 157SORT-Statistics and Operations Research Transactions3 1.094 158APPLIED STOCHASTIC MODELS IN BUSINESS AND INDU3 1.094 159Networks and Heterogeneous Media3 1.086 160PUBLICACIONS MATEMATIQUES3 1.084 161JOURNAL OF EVOLUTION EQUATIONS3 1.081 162RANDOM STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS3 1.079 163INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER MATHEMAT3 1.074 164ANNALI DI MATEMATICA PURA ED APPLICATA3 1.066 165Journal of Topology3 1.058 166FINITE FIELDS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS3 1.048 167Revista Matematica Complutense3 1.047 168JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL BIOLOGICAL AND ENVIR3 1.042 169Journal of Mathematical Logic3 1.041 170STATISTICAL PAPERS3 1.032 171PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH3 1.031 172COMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS3 1.028 173INDIANA UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS JOURNAL3 1.027 174Journal of Spectral Theory3 1.016175Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics3 1.016 176Random Matrices-Theory and Applications3 1.015 177SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics3 1.011 178EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS3 1.009 179Astin Bulletin3 1.002 180Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation3 1.001 181Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena3 1.001 182NODEA-NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND A30.996 183JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION30.993 184DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS-SE30.991 185Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics30.991 186APPLICABLE ANALYSIS30.987 187Mathematics and Financial Economics30.984 188JOURNAL OF MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS30.98 189CONSTRUCTIVE APPROXIMATION30.979 190Evolution Equations and Control Theory30.974 191LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS30.974 192JOURNAL OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY-S30.973 193Advances in Difference Equations30.97 194POTENTIAL ANALYSIS30.97 195Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications30.968 196JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC COMPUTATION30.968 197JOURNAL OF INEQUALITIES AND APPLICATIONS30.964 198JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATION THEORY30.964 199Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equation30.957 200DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS30.957 201Set-Valued and Variational Analysis30.954 202Representation Theory30.948 203ERGODIC THEORY AND DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS30.946 204Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems30.943 205JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS30.942 206SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF STATISTICS30.941 207Dissertationes Mathematicae30.938 208LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA30.933 209ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF PROBABILITY30.933 210Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Fisicas y Natur30.931 211International Journal of Biomathematics30.93 212Journal of Mathematical Inequalities30.928 213Algebra & Number Theory30.925 214LIFETIME DATA ANALYSIS30.924 215ADVANCES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS30.92 216STATISTICA SINICA30.911 217Rendiconti Lincei-Matematica e Applicazioni30.906 218MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY30.905219JOURNAL OF TIME SERIES ANALYSIS30.902 220JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES A30.901 221QUARTERLY OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS30.896 222IZVESTIYA MATHEMATICS30.893 223Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras30.891 224International Journal of Biostatistics30.883 225ACTA APPLICANDAE MATHEMATICAE30.882 226SBORNIK MATHEMATICS30.881 227MATHEMATICAL METHODS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH30.876 228EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS30.875 229Electronic Journal of Statistics30.874 230Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics30.872 231COMMUNICATIONS ON PURE AND APPLIED ANALYSIS30.87 232COMMENTARII MATHEMATICI HELVETICI30.869 233Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems30.868 234JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B30.866 235METHODOLOGY AND COMPUTING IN APPLIED PROBAB30.865 236Electronic Journal of Differential Equations30.863 237ANNALES ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM FENNICAE-MATH30.86 238ARS Mathematica Contemporanea30.858 239JOURNAL OF DYNAMICAL AND CONTROL SYSTEMS30.857 240AStA-Advances in Statistical Analysis30.853 241ANNALS OF THE INSTITUTE OF STATISTICAL MATHEMA30.851 242Collectanea Mathematica30.848 243Results in Mathematics30.845 244INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS AND SPECIAL FUNCTIONS30.838 245NUMERICAL FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATI30.834 246COMBINATORICS PROBABILITY & COMPUTING30.834 247Moscow Mathematical Journal30.83 248RAMANUJAN JOURNAL30.83 249ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS30.83 250CANADIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS-JOURNAL CAN30.829 251ADVANCES IN APPLIED PROBABILITY30.829 252ANNALS OF PURE AND APPLIED LOGIC30.825 253Mathematical Control and Related Fields30.822 254MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT30.815 255ASTERISQUE30.815 256COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS AND MATHEMATICA30.814 257DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY30.814 258Journal of Systems Science & Complexity30.675 259ACTA MATHEMATICA SINICA-ENGLISH SERIES30.539 260Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities Series B30.52 261Frontiers of Mathematics in China30.425 262MATHEMATISCHE NACHRICHTEN40.811263BULLETIN DES SCIENCES MATHEMATIQUES40.809 264JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PLANNING AND INFERENCE40.809 265Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society40.809 266JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PROBABILITY40.809 267POSITIVITY40.805 268Documenta Mathematica40.803 269ANNALI DELLA SCUOLA NORMALE SUPERIORE DI PISA40.801 270Review of Symbolic Logic40.8 271JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL COMPUTATION AND SIMULA40.798 272Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis40.795 273JOURNAL D ANALYSE MATHEMATIQUE40.794 274JOURNAL OF ALGEBRAIC COMBINATORICS40.788 275JOURNAL OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS AND APPLICATI40.787 276Aequationes Mathematicae40.781 277JOURNAL OF GEOMETRY AND PHYSICS40.779 278MATHEMATICAL INEQUALITIES & APPLICATIONS40.778 279INTERFACES AND FREE BOUNDARIES40.778 280International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling40.775 281FORUM MATHEMATICUM40.772 282SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS40.772 283ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANALYSIS UND IHRE ANWENDUNGE40.772 284ISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS40.768 285Asian Journal of Mathematics40.762 286TRANSFORMATION GROUPS40.76 287Mathematical Modelling and Analysis40.758 288MATHEMATICAL RESEARCH LETTERS40.757 289MONATSHEFTE FUR MATHEMATIK40.753 290Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations40.751 291Journal of Integral Equations and Applications40.746 292METRIKA40.742 293BULLETIN OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY40.738 294JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY40.735 295Differential and Integral Equations40.734 296PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SO40.733 297JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL DESIGNS40.731 298JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED ALGEBRA40.723 299JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY40.723 300Carpathian Journal of Mathematics40.718。



Abbreviations of Names of SerialsThis list gives the form of references used in Mathematical Reviews(MR).The abbreviation is followed by the complete title,the place of publication and other pertinent information.∗not previously listed E available electronically §journal reviewed cover-to-cover V videocassette series †monographic series¶bibliographic journal∗Abh.Braunschw.Wiss.Ges.Abhandlungen derBraunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft.J.Cramer Verlag,Braunschweig.(Formerly Abh.Braunschweig.Wiss.Ges.)Abh.Braunschweig.Wiss.Ges.Abhandlungen derBraunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft.Goltze,G¨o ttingen.(Continued as Abh.Braunschw.Wiss.Ges.)§Abh.Math.Sem.Univ.Hamburg Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universit¨a t Hamburg.Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht,G¨o ttingen.ISSN0025-5858.†Abh.Math.-Naturwiss.Kl.Akad.Wiss.Lit.Mainz Abhandlungen der Mathematisch-NaturwissenschaftlichenKlasse.Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literaturin Mainz.[Transactions of the Mathematical-ScientificSection.Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz]Steiner,Stuttgart.ISSN0002-2993.§Abstr.Appl.Anal.Abstract and Applied Analysis.Mancorp,Tampa,FL.ISSN1085-3375.¶Abstracts Amer.Math.Soc.Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society.Amer.Math.Soc.,Providence,RI.ISSN0192-5857.Acad.Roy.Belg.Bull.Cl.Sci.(6)Acad´e mie Royale deBelgique.Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences.6e S´e rie.Acad.Roy.Belgique,Brussels.ISSN0001-4141.Acad.Roy.Belg.Cl.Sci.M´e m.Collect.8o(3)Acad´e mieRoyale de Belgique.Classe des Sciences.M´e moires.Collection in-8o.3e S´e rie.Acad.Roy.Belgique,Brussels.ISSN0365-0936.Acad.Serbe Sci.Arts Glas Acad´e mie Serbe des Scienceset des Arts.Glas.Classe des Sciences Naturelles etMath´e matiques.Srpska Akad.Nauk.i Umetnost.,Belgrade.ISSN0374-7956.†Acc`e s Sci.Acc`e s Sciences.[Access to Sciences]De Boeck Univ.,Brussels.§E ACM J.Exp.Algorithmics The ACM Journal ofExperimental Algorithmics.ACM,New York.ISSN1084-6654.E ACM Trans.Math.Software Association for ComputingMachinery.Transactions on Mathematical Software.ACM,New York.ISSN0098-3500.∗§Acta Acad.Paedagog.Agriensis Sect.Mat.(N.S.)Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis.Nova Series.SectioMatematicae.Eszterh´a zy K´a roly Coll.,Eger.∗§Acta Anal.Funct.Appl.Acta Analysis Functionalis Applicata.AAFA.Yingyong Fanhanfenxi Xuebao.SciencePress,Beijing.ISSN1009-1327.§E Acta Appl.Math.Acta Applicandae Mathematicae.An International Survey Journal on Applying Mathematics andMathematical Applications.Kluwer Acad.Publ.,Dordrecht.ISSN0167-8019.§Acta Arith.Acta Arithmetica.Polish Acad.Sci.,Warsaw.ISSN0065-1036.Acta Astronom.Sinica Acta Astronomica Sinica.TianwenXuebao.Kexue Chubanshe(Science Press),Beijing.(Translated in Chinese Astronom.Astrophys.)ISSN0001-5245.Acta Astrophys.Sinica Acta Astrophysica Sinica.TiantiWuli Xuebao.Kexue Chubanshe(Science Press),Beijing.(Translated in Chinese Astronom.Astrophys.)ISSN0253-2379.Acta Automat.Sinica Acta Automatica Sinica.ZidonghuaXuebao.Kexue Chubanshe(Science Press),Beijing.ISSN0254-4156.Acta Cienc.Indica Math.Acta Ciencia Indica.Mathematics.Pragati Prakashan,Meerut.ISSN0970-0455.Acta Cient.Venezolana Acta Cient´ıfica Venezolana.Asociaci´o n Venezolana para el Avance de la Ciencia.Asoc.Venezolana Avance Cien.,Caracas.ISSN0001-5504.Acta Comment.Univ.Tartu.Math.Acta etCommentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica.Univ.Tartu,Fac.Math.,Tartu.ISSN1406-2283.E Acta Cryst.Sect.A Acta Crystallographica.Section A:Foundations of Crystallography.Munksgaard,Copenhagen.ISSN0108-7673.§Acta Cybernet.Acta Cybernetica.J´o zsef Attila Univ.Szeged,Szeged.ISSN0324-721X.Acta Hist.Leopold.Acta Historica Leopoldina.DeutscheAkad.Naturforscher Leopoldina,Halle an der Saale.ISSN0001-5857.§E Acta Inform.Acta Informatica.Springer,Heidelberg.ISSN0001-5903.§Acta Math.Acta Mathematica.Inst.Mittag-Leffler, Djursholm.ISSN0001-5962.§E Acta Math.Acad.Paedagog.Nyh´a zi.(N.S.)Acta Mathematica.Academiae Paedagogicae Ny´ıregyh´a ziensis.New Series.Bessenyei Gy¨o rgy Coll.,Ny´ıregyh´a za.ISSN0866-0182.§Acta Math.Appl.Sinica Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica.Yingyong Shuxue Xuebao.Kexue Chubanshe(Science Press),Beijing.ISSN0254-3079.§Acta Math.Appl.Sinica(English Ser.)Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica.English Series.Yingyong ShuxueXuebao.Science Press,Beijing.ISSN0168-9673.§E Acta Math.Hungar.Acta Mathematica Hungarica.Akad.Kiad´o,Budapest.ISSN0236-5294.§Acta rm.Univ.Ostraviensis Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis.Univ.Ostrava,Ostrava.ISSN1211-4774.§Acta Math.Sci.(Chinese)Acta Mathematica Scientia.Series A.Shuxue Wuli Xuebao.Chinese Edition.KexueChubanshe(Science Press),Beijing.(See also Acta Math.Sci.(English Ed.))ISSN1003-3998.§Acta Math.Sci.(English Ed.)Acta Mathematica Scientia.Series B.English Edition.Shuxue Wuli Xuebao.SciencePress,Beijing.(See also Acta Math.Sci.(Chinese))ISSN0252-9602.§E Acta Math.Sin.(Engl.Ser.)Acta Mathematica Sinica.English Series.Springer,Heidelberg.ISSN1000-9574.§Acta Math.Sinica Acta Mathematica Sinica.Chinese Math.Soc.,Acta Math.Sinica m.,Beijing.ISSN0583-1431.§E Acta enian.(N.S.)Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae.New enius Univ.Press,Bratislava.ISSN0862-9544.§Acta Math.Vietnam.Acta Mathematica Vietnamica.Nat.Center Natur.Sci.Tech.,Hanoi.ISSN0251-4184.∗Acta Mech.Sin.Engl.Ser.Acta Mechanica Sinica.English Series.The Chinese Society of Theoretical and AppliedMechanics.Chinese J.Mech.Press,Beijing.(FormerlyActa Mech.Sinica(English Ed.))ISSN0567-7718.Acta Mech.Sinica(Beijing)Acta Mechanica Sinica.LixueXuebao.Chinese J.Mech.Press,Beijing.(See also ActaMech.Sinica(English Ed.))ISSN0459-1879.Acta Mech.Sinica(English Ed.)Acta Mechanica Sinica.English Edition.Lixue Xuebao.Kexue Chubanshe(SciencePress),Beijing.(Continued as Acta Mech.Sin.Engl.Ser.)(See also Acta Mech.Sinica(Beijing))ISSN0567-7718.∗Acta Mech.Solida Sin.Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica.Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics.Huazhong Univ.Sci.Tech.,Wuhan.ISSN0894-9166.†Acta Numer.Acta Numerica.Cambridge Univ.Press, Cambridge.ISSN0962-4929.Acta Phys.Polon.B Jagellonian University.Institute ofPhysics and Polish Physical Society.Acta Physica PolonicaB.Jagellonian Univ.,Krak´o w.ISSN0587-4254.Acta Phys.Sinica Acta Physica Sinica.Wuli Xuebao.Chinese Phys.Soc.,Beijing.ISSN1000-3290.Acta put.Manage.Eng.Ser.Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica.Mathematics,Computingand Management in Engineering Series.Finn.Acad.Tech.,Espoo.ISSN1238-9803.§Acta Sci.Math.(Szeged)Acta Universitatis Szegediensis.Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum.Univ.Szeged,Szeged.ISSN0001-6969.Acta Sci.Natur.Univ.Jilin.Acta Scientiarum NaturaliumUniversitatis Jilinensis.Jilin Daxue.Ziran Kexue Xuebao.Jilin University.Natural Sciences Journal.Jilin Univ.Nat.Sci.J.,Editor.Dept.,Changchun.ISSN0529-0279.Acta Sci.Natur.Univ.Norm.Hunan.Acta ScientiarumNaturalium Universitatis Normalis Hunanensis.HunanShifan Daxue Ziran Kexue Xuebao.J.Hunan Norm.Univ.,Editor.Dept.,Changsha.ISSN1000-2537.Acta Sci.Natur.Univ.Pekinensis See Beijing DaxueXuebao Ziran Kexue BanActa Sci.Natur.Univ.Sunyatseni Acta ScientiarumNaturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni.Zhongshan DaxueXuebao.Ziran Kexue Ban.Journal of Sun Yatsen University.Natural Sciences.J.Zhongshan Univ.,Editor.Dept.,Guangzhou.ISSN0529-6579.Acta Tech.CSA V Acta Technica CSA V.Acad.Sci.CzechRepub.,Prague.ISSN0001-7043.§Acta Univ.Carolin.Math.Phys.Acta Universitatis Carolinae.Mathematica et Physica.Karolinum,Prague.ISSN0001-7140.§Acta Univ.Lodz.Folia Math.Acta UniversitatisLodziensis.Folia Mathematica.Wydawn.Uniw.Ł´o dzkiego,Ł´o d´z.ISSN0208-6204.Acta Univ.Lodz.Folia Philos.Acta UniversitatisLodziensis.Folia Philosophica.Wydawn.Uniw.Ł´o dzkiego,Ł´o d´z.ISSN0208-6107.∗§Acta Univ.M.Belii Ser.Math.Acta Universitatis Matthiae Belii.Natural Science Series.Series Mathematics.MatejBel Univ.,Bansk´a Bystrica.(Formerly Acta Univ.MathaeiBelii Nat.Sci.Ser.Ser.Math.)§Acta Univ.Mathaei Belii Nat.Sci.Ser.Ser.Math.Matej Bel University.Acta.Natural Science Series.Series Mathematics.Matej Bel Univ.,Bansk´a Bystrica.(Continued as Acta Univ.M.Belii Ser.Math.)Acta Univ.Oulu.Ser.A Sci.Rerum Natur.ActaUniversitatis Ouluensis.Series A.Scientiae RerumNaturalium.Univ.Oulu,Oulu.ISSN0355-3191.§Acta Univ.Palack.Olomuc.Fac.Rerum Natur.Math.Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis.Facultas Rerum Naturalium.Mathematica.ISSN0231-9721.†Acta Univ.Ups.Stud.Philos.Ups.Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.Studia Philosophica Upsaliensia.Uppsala Univ., Uppsala.ISSN0585-5497.†Acta Univ.Upsaliensis Skr.Uppsala Univ.C Organ.Hist.Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.Skrifter r¨o randeUppsala anisation och Historia.[ActaUniversitatis Upsaliensis.Publications concerning Uppsalaanization and History]Uppsala Univ.,Uppsala.ISSN0502-7454.†Actualit´e s Math.Actualit´e s Math´e matiques.[Current Mathematical Topics]Hermann,Paris.†Actualit´e s Sci.Indust.Actualit´e s Scientifiques etIndustrielles.[Current Scientific and Industrial Topics]Hermann,Paris.†Adapt.Learn.Syst.Signal mun.Control Adaptive and Learning Systems for Signal Processing,Communications,and Control.Wiley,New York.Adv.Appl.Clifford Algebras Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras.Univ.Nac.Aut´o noma M´e xico,M´e xico.ISSN0188-7009.†Adv.Appl.Mech.Advances in Applied Mechanics.Academic Press,Boston,MA.ISSN0065-2165.∗†Adv.Astron.Astrophys.Advances in Astronomy andAstrophysics.Gordon and Breach,Amsterdam.ISSN1025-8206.†Adv.Book Class.Advanced Book Classics.Perseus, Reading,MA.†Adv.Bound.Elem.Ser.Advances in Boundary Elements put.Mech.,Southampton.(Continued as Int.Ser.Adv.Bound.Elem.)ISSN1368-258X.†Adv.Chem.Phys.Advances in Chemical Physics.Wiley, New York.†put.Econom.Advances in Computational Economics.Kluwer Acad.Publ.,Dordrecht.§E put.Math.Advances in ComputationalMathematics.Baltzer,Bussum.ISSN1019-7168.†put.Sci.Advances in Computing Science.Springer,Vienna.ISSN1433-0113.∗†Adv.Des.Control Advances in Design and Control.SIAM, Philadelphia,PA.§Adv.Differential Equations Advances in Differential Equations.Khayyam,Athens,OH.ISSN1079-9389.†Adv.Discrete Math.Appl.Advances in DiscreteMathematics and Applications.Gordon and Breach,Amsterdam.ISSN1028-3129.†Adv.Fluid Mech.Advances in Fluid put.Mech.,Southampton.ISSN1353-808X.†Adv.Fuzzy Systems Appl.Theory Advances in Fuzzy Systems—Applications and Theory.World Sci.Publishing,River Edge,NJ.§E Adv.in Appl.Math.Advances in Applied Mathematics.Academic Press,Orlando,FL.ISSN0196-8858.§Adv.in Appl.Probab.Advances in Applied Probability.Appl.Probab.Trust,Sheffield.ISSN0001-8678.∗†Adv.Ind.Control Advances in Industrial Control.Springer, London.†Adv.Lectures Math.Advanced Lectures in Mathematics.Vieweg,Braunschweig.ISSN0932-7134.§E Adv.Math.Advances in Mathematics.Academic Press, Orlando,FL.ISSN0001-8708.§Adv.Math.(China)Advances in Mathematics(China).Shuxue Jinzhan.Peking Univ.Press,Beijing.ISSN1000-0917.†Adv.Math.Econ.Advances in Mathematical Economics.Springer,Tokyo.†Adv.Math.Sci.Advances in the Mathematical Sciences.Amer.Math.Soc.,Providence,RI.§Adv.Math.Sci.Appl.Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications.An International Journal.Gakk¯o tosho,Tokyo.ISSN1343-4373.§Adv.Nonlinear Var.Inequal.Advances in Nonlinear Variational Inequalities.An International Journal.Internat.Publ.,Orlando,FL.ISSN1092-910X.†Adv.Numer.Math.Advances in Numerical Mathematics.Teubner,Stuttgart.†Adv.Partial Differ.Equ.Advances in Partial Differential Equations.Wiley-VCH,Berlin.†Adv.Partial Differential Equations Advances in Partial Differential Equations.Akademie Verlag,Berlin.†Adv.Ser.Dynam.Systems Advanced Series in Dynamical Systems.World Sci.Publishing,River Edge,NJ.†Adv.Ser.Math.Phys.Advanced Series in Mathematical Physics.World Sci.Publishing,River Edge,NJ.†Adv.Ser.Math.Sci.Eng.Advanced Series in Mathematical Science and Engineering.World Fed.Publ.,Atlanta,GA.†Adv.Ser.Neurosci.Advanced Series in Neuroscience.World Sci.Publishing,River Edge,NJ.†Adv.Ser.Nonlinear Dynam.Advanced Series in Nonlinear Dynamics.World Sci.Publishing,River Edge,NJ.†Adv.Ser.Stat.Sci.Appl.Probab.Advanced Series on Statistical Science&Applied Probability.World Sci.Publishing,River Edge,NJ.†Adv.Ser.Theoret.Phys.Sci.Advanced Series onTheoretical Physical Science.World Sci.Publishing,RiverEdge,NJ.∗†Adv.Soft Comput.Advances in Soft Computing.Physica, Heidelberg.†Adv.Spat.Sci.Advances in Spatial Science.Springer, Berlin.†Adv.Stud.Contemp.Math.Advanced Studies inContemporary Mathematics.Gordon and Breach,New York.∗§Adv.Stud.Contemp.Math.(Pusan)Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics(Pusan).Adv.Stud.Contemp.Math.,m.,Saga.ISSN1229-3067.†Adv.Stud.Pure Math.Advanced Studies in PureMathematics.Kinokuniya,Tokyo.†Adv.Textb.Control Signal Process.Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing.Springer,London.∗†Adv.Texts Phys.Advanced Texts in Physics.Springer,Berlin.ISSN1439-2674.§E Adv.Theor.Math.Phys.Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics.Internat.Press,Cambridge,MA.ISSN1095-0761.†Adv.Theory put.Math.Advances in the Theory of Computation and Computational Mathematics.Nova Sci.Publ.,Commack,NY.†Adv.Top.Math.Advanced Topics in Mathematics.PWN, Warsaw.§E Aequationes Math.Aequationes Mathematicae.Birkh¨a user,Basel.ISSN0001-9054.§Afrika Mat.(3)Afrika Matematika.Journal of the African Mathematical Union.Journal de l’Union Math´e matiqueAfricaine.S´e rie3.Union Math.Africaine,Caluire.†Agr´e g.Math.Agr´e gation de Math´e matiques.Masson,Paris.AI Commun.AI Communications.The European Journal onArtificial Intelligence.IOS,Amsterdam.ISSN0921-7126.†AIAA Ed.Ser.AIAA Education Series.AIAA,Washington, DC.†AIP Conf.Proc.AIP Conference Proceedings.Amer.Inst.Phys.,New York.ISSN0094-243X.†AIP Ser.Modern Acoust.Signal Process.AIP Series in Modern Acoustics and Signal Processing.Amer.Inst.Phys.,New York.†AKP Class.AKP Classics.A K Peters,Wellesley,MA.∗†Al-Furq¯a n Islam.Herit.Found.Publ.Al-Furq¯a n Islamic Heritage Foundation Publication.Al-Furq¯a n Islam.Herit.Found.,London.†Albion Math.Appl.Ser.Albion Mathematics&Applications Series.Albion,Chichester.§E Algebr.Represent.Theory Algebras and Representation Theory.Kluwer Acad.Publ.,Dordrecht.ISSN1386-923X.Algebra and Logic Algebra and Logic.Consultants Bureau,New York.(Translation of Algebra Log.and Algebra iLogika)ISSN0002-5232.†Algebra Ber.Algebra Berichte.[Algebra Reports]Fischer, Munich.ISSN0942-1270.§E Algebra Colloq.Algebra Colloquium.Springer,Singapore.ISSN1005-3867.§Algebra i Analiz Rossi˘ıskaya Akademiya Nauk.Algebrai Analiz.“Nauka”S.-Peterburg.Otdel.,St.Petersburg.(Translated in St.Petersburg Math.J.)ISSN0234-0852.§Algebra i Logika Sibirski˘ıFond Algebry i Logiki.Algebrai Logika.Izdat.NII Mat.-Inform.Osnov Obuch.NGU,Novosibirsk.(Continued as Algebra Log.)(Translatedin Algebra and Logic)ISSN0373-9252.∗§Algebra Log.Algebra i Logika.Institut Diskretno˘ıMatematiki i Informatiki.Sib.Fond Algebry Log.,Novosibirsk.(Formerly Algebra i Logika)(Translatedin Algebra and Logic)ISSN0373-9252.†Algebra Logic Appl.Algebra,Logic and Applications.Gordon and Breach,Amsterdam.ISSN1041-5394.§E Algebra Universalis Algebra Universalis.Univ.Manitoba, Winnipeg,MB.ISSN0002-5240.§Algebras Groups Geom.Algebras,Groups and Geometries.Hadronic Press,Palm Harbor,FL.ISSN0741-9937.§E Algorithmica Algorithmica.An International Journal in Computer Science.Springer,New York.ISSN0178-4617.†Algorithms Combin.Algorithms and Combinatorics.Springer,Berlin.ISSN0937-5511.†Algorithms Comput.Math.Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics.Springer,Berlin.ISSN1431-1550.§Aligarh Bull.Math.The Aligarh Bulletin of Mathematics.Aligarh Muslim Univ.,Aligarh.Aligarh J.Statist.The Aligarh Journal of Statistics.AligarhMuslim Univ.,Aligarh.ISSN0971-0388.§pok Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok.Magyar Tudom´a nyos Akad.,Budapest.ISSN0133-3399.∗Allg.Stat.Arch.Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv.AStA.Journal of the German Statistical Society.Physica,Heidelberg.ISSN0002-6018.†´Alxebra´Alxebra.[Algebra]Univ.Santiago deCompostela,Santiago de Compostela.†Am.Univ.Stud.Ser.IX Hist.American University Studies.Series IX:ng,New York.ISSN0740-0462.∗§E AMA Algebra Montp.Announc.AMA.AlgebraMontpellier Announcements.AMA Algebra Montp.Announc.,Montpellier.§E Amer.J.Math.American Journal of Mathematics.Johns Hopkins Univ.Press,Baltimore,MD.ISSN0002-9327.Amer.J.Math.Management Sci.American Journal ofMathematical and Management Sciences.Amer.Sci.Press,Syracuse,NY.ISSN0196-6324.E Amer.J.Phys.American Journal of Physics.Amer.Assoc.Phys.Teach.,College Park,MD.ISSN0002-9505.Amer.Math.Monthly The American MathematicalMonthly.Math.Assoc.America,Washington,DC.ISSN0002-9890.†Amer.Math.Soc.Colloq.Publ.American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publications.Amer.Math.Soc.,Providence,RI.ISSN0065-9258.†Amer.Math.Soc.Transl.Ser.2American Mathematical Society Translations,Series2.Amer.Math.Soc.,Providence,RI.(Selected translations of Russian language publications Tr.St.-Peterbg.Mat.Obshch.)ISSN0065-9290.E Amer.Statist.The American Statistician.Amer.Statist.Assoc.,Alexandria,V A.ISSN0003-1305.†Amer.Univ.Stud.Ser.V Philos.American University Studies.Series V:ng,New York.ISSN0739-6392.†AMS Progr.Math.Lecture Ser.AMS Progress in Mathematics Lecture Series.Amer.Math.Soc.,Providence,RI.†AMS Short Course Lecture Notes AMS Short Course Lecture Notes.Amer.Math.Soc.,Providence,RI.†AMS-MAA Joint Lecture Ser.AMS-MAA Joint Lecture Series.Amer.Math.Soc.,Providence,RI.†AMS/IP Stud.Adv.Math.AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics.Amer.Math.Soc.,Providence,RI.ISSN1089-3288.E An.Acad.Brasil.Ciˆe nc.Anais da Academia Brasileira deCiˆe ncias.Acad.Brasil.Ciˆe nc.,Rio de Janeiro.ISSN0001-3765.†An.F´ıs.Monogr.Anales de F´ısica.Monograf´ıas.[Annals of Physics.Monographs]CIEMAT,Madrid.§An.S¸tiint¸.Univ.Al.I.Cuza Ias¸i Inform.(N.S.)Analele S¸tiint¸ifice ale Universit˘a t¸ii“Al.I.Cuza”din Ias¸i.Informatic˘a.Serie Nou˘a.Ed.Univ.“Al.I.Cuza”,Ias¸i.ISSN1224-2268.§An.S¸tiint¸.Univ.Al.I.Cuza Ias¸i.Mat.(N.S.)Analele S¸tiint¸ifice ale Universit˘a tii“Al.I.Cuza”din Ias¸i.SerieNou˘a.Matematic˘a.Univ.Al.I.Cuza,Ias¸i.ISSN1221-8421.§An.S¸tiint¸.Univ.Ovidius Constant¸a Ser.Mat.Universit˘a t¸ii “Ovidius”Constant¸a.Analele S¸tiint¸ifice.Seria Matematic˘a.“Ovidius”Univ.Press,Constant¸a.ISSN1223-723X.§An.Univ.Bucures¸ti Mat.Analele Universit˘a t¸ii Bucures¸ti.Matematic˘a.Univ.Bucharest,Bucharest.ISSN1013-4123.An.Univ.Craiova rm.Analele Universitˇa t¸iidin Craiova.Seria Matematic˘a-Informatic˘a.Univ.Craiova,Craiova.ISSN1223-6934.∗§An.Univ.Oradea Fasc.Mat.Analele Universit˘a t¸ii din Oradea.Fascicola Matematica.Univ.Oradea,Oradea.ISSN1221-1265.§An.Univ.Timis¸oara Ser.Mat.-Inform.Universit˘a t¸ii din Timis¸oara.Analele.Seria Matematic˘a-Informatic˘a.Univ.Timis¸oara,Timis¸oara.ISSN1224-970X.An.Univ.Timis¸oara Ser.S¸tiint¸.Fiz.Analele Universit˘a t¸iidin Timis¸oara.Seria S¸tiint¸e Fizice.Univ.Vest Timis¸oara,Timis¸oara.†Anal.Appl.Analysis and its Applications.IOS,Amsterdam.ISSN1345-4240.§E Anal.Math.Analysis Mathematica.Akad.Kiad´o,Budapest.ISSN0133-3852.†Anal.Methods Spec.Funct.Analytical Methods and Special Functions.Gordon and Breach,Amsterdam.ISSN1027-0264.†Anal.Modern.Apl.Analiz˘a Modern˘a s¸i Aplicat¸ii.[Modern Analysis and Applications]Ed.Acad.Romˆa ne,Bucharest.§Analysis(Munich)Analysis.International Mathematical Journal of Analysis and its Applications.Oldenbourg,Munich.ISSN0174-4747.E Analysis(Oxford)Analysis.Blackwell,Oxford.ISSN0003-2638.†Angew.Statist.¨Okonom.Angewandte Statistik und¨Okonometrie.[Applied Statistics and Econometrics]Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht,G¨o ttingen.§E Ann.Acad.Sci.Fenn.Math.Annales AcademiæScientiarium Fennicæ.Mathematica.Acad.Sci.Fennica,Helsinki.ISSN1239-629X.§Ann.Acad.Sci.Fenn.Math.Diss.AcademiæScientiarum Fennicæ.Annales.Mathematica.Dissertationes.Acad.Sci.Fennica,Helsinki.ISSN1239-6303.§E Ann.Appl.Probab.The Annals of Applied Probability.Inst.Math.Statist.,Hayward,CA.ISSN1050-5164.§E b.Annals of Combinatorics.Springer,Singapore.(Continued as b.)ISSN0218-0006.∗§E b.Annals of Combinatorics.Birkh¨a user,Basel.(Formerly b.)ISSN0218-0006.§Ann.Differential Equations Annals of DifferentialEquations.Weifen Fangcheng Niankan.Fuzhou Univ.,Fuzhou.ISSN1002-0942.†Ann.Discrete Math.Annals of Discrete Mathematics.North-Holland,Amsterdam.Ann.´Econom.Statist.Annales d’´Economie et deStatistique.Inst.Nat.Statist.´Etud.´Econom.,Amiens.ISSN0769-489X.§Ann.Fac.Sci.Toulouse Math.(6)Annales de la Facult´e des Sciences de Toulouse.Math´e matiques.S´e rie6.Univ.Paul Sabatier,Toulouse.ISSN0240-2963.†Ann.Fac.Sci.Univ.Kinshasa Annales de la Facult´e des Sciences.Universit´e de Kinshasa.[Annals of the Facultyof Science.University of Kinshasa]Presses Univ.Kinshasa,Kinshasa.Ann.Fond.Louis de Broglie Fondation Louis de Broglie.Annales.Fond.Louis de Broglie,Paris.ISSN0182-4295.§E Ann.Global Anal.Geom.Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry.Kluwer Acad.Publ.,Dordrecht.ISSN0232-704X.∗E Ann.Henri Poincar´e Annales Henri Poincar´e.A Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics.Birkh¨a user,Basel.(Merged from Ann.Inst.H.Poincar´e Phys.Th´e or.and Helv.Phys.Acta)ISSN1424-0637.∗Ann.I.S.U.P.Annales de l’I.S.U.P..Univ.Paris,Inst.Stat., Paris.§E Ann.Inst.Fourier(Grenoble)Universit´e de Grenoble.Annales de l’Institut Fourier.Univ.Grenoble I,Saint-Martin-d’H`e res.ISSN0373-0956.§E Ann.Inst.H.Poincar´e Anal.Non Lin´e aire Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincar´e.Analyse Non Lin´e aire.Gauthier-Villars,´Ed.Sci.M´e d.Elsevier,Paris.ISSN0294-1449.Ann.Inst.H.Poincar´e Phys.Th´e or.Annales de l’InstitutHenri Poincar´e.Physique Th´e orique.Gauthier-Villars,´Ed.Sci.M´e d.Elsevier,Paris.(Merged into Ann.HenriPoincar´e)ISSN0246-0211.§E Ann.Inst.H.Poincar´e Probab.Statist.Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincar´e.Probabilit´e s et Statistiques.Gauthier-Villars,´Ed.Sci.M´e d.Elsevier,Paris.ISSN0246-0203.E Ann.Inst.Statist.Math.Annals of the Institute ofStatistical Mathematics.Kluwer Acad.Publ.,Norwell,MA.ISSN0020-3157.†Ann.Internat.Soc.Dynam.Games Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games.Birkh¨a userBoston,Boston,MA.†Ann.Israel Phys.Soc.Annals of the Israel Physical Society.IOP,Bristol.ISSN0309-8710.Ann.Japan Assoc.Philos.Sci.Annals of the JapanAssociation for Philosophy of Science.Japan Assoc.Philos.Sci.,Tokyo.ISSN0453-0691.§Ann.Mat.Pura Appl.(4)Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata.Serie Quarta.Zanichelli,Bologna.ISSN0003-4622.E Ann.Math.Artificial Intelligence Annals of Mathematicsand Artificial Intelligence.Baltzer,Bussum.ISSN1012-2443.§Ann.Math.Blaise Pascal Annales Math´e matiques Blaise Pascal.Univ.Blaise Pascal,Lab.Math.Pures Appl.,Aubi`e re.ISSN1259-1734.§Ann.Math.Sil.Annales Mathematicae Silesianae.Wydawn.Uniw.´Sl‘askiego,Katowice.(See also Pr.Nauk.Uniw.´Sl.Katow.)ISSN0860-2107.†Ann.New York Acad.Sci.Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.New York Acad.Sci.,New York.ISSN0077-8923.§E Ann.of Math.(2)Annals of Mathematics.Second Series.Princeton Univ.Press,Princeton,NJ.ISSN0003-486X.†Ann.of Math.Stud.Annals of Mathematics Studies.Princeton Univ.Press,Princeton,NJ.E Ann.of Sci.Annals of Science.Taylor&Francis,London.ISSN0003-3790.E Ann.Oper.Res.Annals of Operations Research.Baltzer,Bussum.ISSN0254-5330.E Ann.Phys.(8)Annalen der Physik(8).Wiley-VCH,Berlin.ISSN0003-3804.E Ann.Physics Annals of Physics.Academic Press,Orlando,FL.ISSN0003-4916.§Ann.Polon.Math.Annales Polonici Mathematici.Polish Acad.Sci.,Warsaw.ISSN0066-2216.§Ann.Probab.The Annals of Probability.Inst.Math.Statist., Bethesda,MD.ISSN0091-1798.§E Ann.Pure Appl.Logic Annals of Pure and Applied Logic.North-Holland,Amsterdam.ISSN0168-0072.§E Ann.Sci.´Ecole Norm.Sup.(4)Annales Scientifiques de l’´Ecole Normale Sup´e rieure.Quatri`e me S´e rie.Gauthier-Villars,´Ed.Sci.M´e d.Elsevier,Paris.ISSN0012-9593.§Ann.Sci.Math.Qu´e bec Annales des SciencesMath´e matiques du Qu´e bec.Groupe Cherch.Sci.Math.,Montreal,QC.ISSN0707-9109.§Ann.Scuola Norm.Sup.Pisa Cl.Sci.(4)Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa.Classe di Scienze.SerieIV.Scuola Norm.Sup.,Pisa.§Ann.Statist.The Annals of Statistics.Inst.Math.Statist., Hayward,CA.ISSN0090-5364.§Ann.Univ.Ferrara Sez.VII(N.S.)Annali dell’Universit`a di Ferrara.Nuova Serie.Sezione VII.Scienze Matematiche.Univ.Ferrara,Ferrara.§Ann.Univ.Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sect.A Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska.Sectio A.Mathematica.Uniw.Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej,Lublin.ISSN0365-1029.Ann.Univ.Sarav.Ser.Math.Annales UniversitatisSaraviensis.Series Mathematicae.Univ.Saarlandes,Saarbr¨u cken.ISSN0933-8268.§Ann.Univ.Sci.Budapest.E¨o tv¨o s Sect.Math.Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de RolandoE¨o tv¨o s Nominatae.Sectio Mathematica.E¨o tv¨o s Lor´a ndUniv.,Budapest.ISSN0524-9007.§put.AnnalesUniversitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de RolandoE¨o tv¨o s Nominatae.Sectio Computatorica.E¨o tv¨o s Lor´a ndUniv.,Budapest.ISSN0138-9491.†Annu.Rev.Fluid Mech.Annual Review of FluidMechanics.Annual Reviews,Palo Alto,CA.ISSN0066-4189.Annuaire Univ.Sofia rm.Godishnik naSofi˘ıskiya Universitet“Sv.Kliment Okhridski”.Fakultetpo Matematika i Informatika.Annuaire de l’Universit´e deSofia“St.Kliment Ohridski”.Facult´e de Math´e matiques etInformatique.Presses Univ.“St.Kliment Ohridski”,Sofia.ISSN0205-0808.Annuaire Univ.Sofia Fac.Phys.Godishnik na Sofi˘ıskiyaUniversitet“Sv.Kliment Okhridski”.Fizicheski Fakultet.Annuaire de l’Universit´e de Sofia“St.Kliment Ohridski”.Facult´e de Physique.Presses Univ.“St.Kliment Ohridski”,Sofia.ISSN0584-0279.†Anu.Filol.Univ.Barc.Anuari de Filologia(Universitat de Barcelona).[Philology Yearbook(University ofBarcelona)]Univ.Barcelona,Barcelona.†Anwend.orientier.Stat.Anwendungsorientierte Statistik.[Applications-Oriented Statistics]Lang,Frankfurt am Main.ISSN1431-7982.Anz.¨Osterreich.Akad.Wiss.Math.-Natur.Kl.¨Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse.Anzeiger.¨Osterreich.Akad.Wissensch.,Vienna.∗§E ANZIAM J.The ANZIAM Journal.The Australian& New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal.Austral.Math.Soc.,Canberra.(Formerly J.Austral.Math.Soc.Ser.B)ISSN0334-2700.†Aportaciones Mat.Aportaciones Matem´a ticas.[Mathematical Contributions]Soc.Mat.Mexicana,M´e xico.†Aportaciones un.Aportaciones Matem´a ticas: Comunicaciones.[Mathematical Contributions:Communications]Soc.Mat.Mexicana,M´e xico.∗†Aportaciones Mat.Invest.Aportaciones Matem´a ticas: Investigaci´o n.[Mathematical Contributions:Research]Soc.Mat.Mexicana,M´e xico.(Formerly Aportaciones Mat.Notas Investigaci´o n)†Aportaciones Mat.Notas Investigaci´o n Aportaciones Matem´a ticas:Notas de Investigaci´o n.[MathematicalContributions:Research Notes]Soc.Mat.Mexicana,M´e xico.(Continued as Aportaciones Mat.Invest.)†Aportaciones Mat.Textos Aportaciones Matem´a ticas: Textos.[Mathematical Contributions:Texts]Soc.Mat.Mexicana,M´e xico.§E Appl.Algebra put.Applicable Algebra in Engineering,Communication and Computing.Springer,Heidelberg.ISSN0938-1279.§E Appl.Anal.Applicable Analysis.An International Journal.Gordon and Breach,Yverdon.ISSN0003-6811.§E Appl.Categ.Structures Applied Categorical Structures.A Journal Devoted to Applications of Categorical Methods inAlgebra,Analysis,Order,Topology and Computer Science.Kluwer Acad.Publ.,Dordrecht.ISSN0927-2852.†put.Control Signals Circuits Applied and Computational Control,Signals,and Circuits.Birkh¨a userBoston,Boston,MA.ISSN1522-8363.§E put.Harmon.Anal.Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis.Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis,Wavelets,Numerical Algorithms,andApplications.Academic Press,Orlando,FL.ISSN1063-5203.†Appl.Log.Ser.Applied Logic Series.Kluwer Acad.Publ., Dordrecht.†Appl.Math.Applications of Mathematics.Springer,New York.ISSN0172-4568.§Appl.Math.Applications of Mathematics.Acad.Sci.Czech Repub.,Prague.ISSN0862-7940.∗†Appl.Math.Applied Mathematics.Chapman&Hall/CRC, Boca Raton,FL.(Formerly put.)§E put.Applied Mathematics andComputation.North-Holland,New York.ISSN0096-3003.†Appl.Math.Engrg.Sci.Texts Applied Mathematics and Engineering Science Texts.CRC,Boca Raton,FL.∗rm.Applied Mathematics and Informatics.Tbilisi Univ.Press,Tbilisi.ISSN1512-0074.∗§Appl.Math.J.Chinese Univ.Ser.A Applied Mathematics.A Journal of Chinese Universities.Series A.Appl.Math.J.Chinese Univ.,m.,Hangzhou.(FormerlyGaoxiao Yingyong Shuxue Xuebao Ser.A)(See also Appl.Math.J.Chinese Univ.Ser.B)ISSN1000-4424.§Appl.Math.J.Chinese Univ.Ser.B Applied Mathematics.A Journal of Chinese Universities.Ser.B.Appl.Math.J.Chinese Univ.,m.,Hangzhou.(See also Appl.Math.J.Chinese Univ.Ser.A and Gaoxiao Yingyong Shuxue。



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Ž.JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS197,427᎐4471996ARTICLE NO.0030Permanence in Kolmogorov-Type Systems of Nonautonomous Functional Differential EquationsBaorong Tang*and Yang Kuang†Department of Mathematics,Arizona State Uni¨ersity,Tempe,Arizona85287-1804Submitted by Mimmo IannelliReceived May14,1993;revised February23,1995In this paper we establish some general results on the permanence of the˙i n-species Kolmogorov-type nonautonomous functional differential system x sŽ.Ž.x t f t,x,i s1,2,...,n.These results are applied to the n-species Lotka᎐i i tŽ.Volterra-type systems with distributed delays,that is,when f t,x are lineari tfunctions of x.Our method consists of constructing n Liapunov-like functions,twhich can be regarded as boundary functions of some compact region inside thepositive cone in R n.ᮊ1996Academic Press,Inc.1.INTRODUCTIONA very basic and important ecological question associated with the study of multispecies population interactions is the long term coexistence of the involved populations.Such questions arise also in many other situations Žw x.see Hutson and Schmitt17.Mathematically,this is equivalent to the so-called persistence or permanence of the populations.Roughly speaking,Ž.Ž.we say a population x t is persistent if lim inf x t)0,and we say atªqϱsystem is persistent if all its populations are persistent.Uniform persistence requires that all involved populations will eventually have densities larger than some positive constant;if,in addition,these populations are bounded, then we say the system is permanent.Most of the existing persistence results are established for autonomous systems of ordinary differential equations.*Research partially supported by NSF Grant DMS9141550.†Research partially supported by NSF Grant DMS9102549.4270022-247X r96$18.00Copyrightᮊ1996by Academic Press,Inc.All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.TANG AND KUANG428The study of persistence and permanence of functional differential equations has received much attention recently.The general persistence theory for autonomous infinite dimensional systems is developed in Hale w x w x and Waltman 15.Freedman and Ruan 11established criteria for uni-form persistence in retarded functional differential equations.Burton and w x Hutson 2gave some persistence results for a class of Lotka ᎐Volterra-type autonomous functional differential equations with infinite delay.Persis-w x tence results are also given by Cao et al .5for two species autonomous w x Kolmogorov-type systems with single discrete delay,by Cao and Gard 6for n -dimensional Kolmogorov systems with single discrete delay,by Wang w x and Ma 22for two-dimensional Lotka ᎐Volterra-type prey ᎐predator sys-w x tems with discrete delays,by Wang 21for two competing species w x ŽLotka ᎐Volterra systems with discrete delays,by Kuang and Tang 19see w x .also Kuang 18,Chap.8for nonautonomous delay differential w x Kolmogorov-type population models and by Zanolin 23for delayed Kolmogorov competing species systems.For more details and more refer-ences on this subject,we refer to the recent survey papers of Hutson and w x w x Schmitt 17and Waltman 20.In this paper we present some results on the permanence of the n -dimensional Kolmogorov-type nonautonomous functional differential equationsx t s x t f t ,x ,i s 1,...,n , 1.1Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.˙i i i t Žw x n .Ž.Ž.w x where x g C y ␶,0,R is defined by x ␪s x t q ␪,␪g y ␶,0,t t Žw x n .w x C s C y ␶,0,R is the space of continuous functions mapping y ␶,0n Ž.n to R with the uniform norm;and f s f ,...,f :R =C ªR is a given 1n function.We also present the applications of these results to the n -dimen-sional Lotka ᎐Volterra-type systems with distributed delayn m 0Žk .Žk .x s x t r t y a t x t q ␪d ␮␪,Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.˙ÝÝH i i i i j k i j y ␶k s 1j s 1i s 1,...,n , 1.2Ž.and to the two-dimensional Lotka ᎐Volterra-type predator ᎐prey systems with distributed delay2m 0Ži .x s x t r t y a t x t q ␪d ␮␪,Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.˙ÝÝH 111i j i 1j y ␶i s 1j s 1m 0Ž1.x s x t y r t q b t x t q ␪d ␮␪Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.˙ÝH 2221j 12j y ␶j s 1m 0Ž2.yb t x t q ␪d ␮␪. 1.3Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.ÝH 2j 22j y ␶j s 1FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 429Our method involves using n Liapunov-like functions to construct the Ž.boundary of the permanence region for system 1.1.Since it does not depend on the analysis of the behavior of the solutions on the boundary,it can be applied to nonautonomous systems.The key ideas are similar to w x those developed in 18,19,21,22.Ž.In the next section we establish permanence criteria for system 1.1.Ž.Ž.The applications of these criteria to systems 1.2and 1.3will be given in Section 3.2.MAIN RESULTSq Žw x n .Suppose ␶G 0is a given real number.We denote C s C y ␶,0,R q 55w x q 55with the uniform norm иon y ␶,0,that is,for ␾g C ,␾sϱϱÄ5Ž.5w x 455n max ␾s :s g y ␶,0,where иis a given norm in R .For anyw x n w .Ž.function x :y ␶,0ªR with ␶)0and any t g 0,␶,we define x иg q t q Ž.Ž.w x n ÄŽ.C as x ␪s x t q ␪for ␪g y ␶,0,where R s y s y ,...,y gt q 1n n 4Ž.Ž.R :y G 0,for i s 1,...,n .We denote x 0,␾␪the solution of system i t Ž.Ž.Ž.w x 1.1with initial condition x ␪s ␾␪,␪g y ␶,0.For convenience,we 0Ž.Ž.Ž.also write x t ,␾s x 0,␾t .Ž.We view x t ,␾in the above systems as population density at time t for i Ž.Ž.Ž.some species x .We therefore consider 1.1or 1.2or 1.3with initial i conditionsw x x ␪s ␾␪G 0,␪g y ␶,0,i s 1,...,n , 2.1Ž.Ž.Ž.i i Ž.Ž.where ␾i s 1,...,n is continuous.We denote ␾s ␾,...,␾.Hence i 1n ␾g C q .We assume that the global existence,uniqueness,and continuous Ž.dependence of solutions of system 1.1hold.Moreover,we assume that Ž.Ž.solutions of 1.1with initial conditions 2.1are nonnegative,and if Ž.Ž.␾0)0for some i ,then x t )0for all t G 0.Note that this assump-i i tion is natural from the biological point of view.Ž.D EFINITION 2.1.System 1.1is permanent if there exists a compactn Ž.region ⍀;Int R such that every solution of 1.1with initial conditionsq Ž.Ž.Ž.satisfying 2.1and ␾0)0i s 1,...,n will eventually enter and re-i main in region ⍀.Remark.This definition is equivalent to the usual definition of uniform persistence for systems of ordinary differential equations plus bounded-ness of solutions,and it is adopted as uniform persistence in several recent Žw x .papers on persistence of delay differential systems see,e.g.,18,19,22.Since our approach is rather geometric,we chose this definition.TANG AND KUANG430In real ecosystems,resources are limited and so are the populations that live on them.Therefore,we make the following assumption:Ž.A Dissipativity.There exists an M )0such that155x 0,␾F M for all t G T ␾q ␶Ž.Ž.t 1Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.w x for some T ␾G 0,where x 0,␾␪s x t q ␪,␾,␪g y ␶,0.t Žn .ÄŽ.n In the following,we denote R s x s x ,...,x g R :x )0forq i 1n q j 4n ÄŽ.n 4j /i ,int R s x s x ,...,x g R :x )0,i s 1,...,n .q 1n q i D EFINITION 2.2.A differentiable function B :int R n ªint R n is calledq q a boundary function if it has the following property:For any M )0and any ␦)0there exists ␦)0,␦)0such that the 12following hold:Ž.Ä4n <<Ž.i Whenever j g 1,...,n ,x g int R ,x /M ,and B x F ␦,q j 1then x F ␦.j Ž.n <<Ž.ii Whenever x g int R ,x F M ,and B x G ␦for all j sq j 1,...,n ,then x G ␦for all j s 1,...,n .j 2Ž.ŽŽ.Ž..Ž.For example,let B x ,x s B x ,x ,B x ,x with B x ,x s 121122121123y 1Ž.y 1322x x and B x ,x s x x .It is easy to see that B :int R ªint R is 1221212q q differentiable.For any M )0and ␦)0,let ␦s ␦3M y 1,␦s ␦1r 2.12Ž.Ž.Then it is easy to check that properties i and ii in Definition 2.2are satisfied.Generally,we have the following.Ž.P ROPOSITION 2.1.The function B s B ,...,B with1n n ␤jkB x sx Ž.Łj j k s 1is a boundary function in the sense of Definition 2.2,if ␤)0,␤F 0for j j jk j /k ,j ,k s 1,...,n ,and one of the following two extra conditions is satisfied :Ž.a There exist numbers ␣,...,␣G 0such that1n n ␣␤)0᭙k s 1,...,n .Ýj jk j s 1Ž.b There exist numbers ␣,...,␣G 0such that1n n ␤␣)0᭙j s 1,...,n .Ýjk k k s 1FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 431n n Ž.Proof.Clearly B :int R ªint R is differentiable and property i q q Ž.Ž.easily follows without using the extra assumptions a or b .So we turn to Ž.Ž.property ii .First we assume the extra assumption a .Choose numbers ␣,...,␣G 0such that1n n ␣␤)0᭙k s 1,...,n .Ýj jk j s 1n <<Ž.Let x be in the interior of R ,x F M and B x G ␦for all j s 1,...,n .q j Thenn n n␣j ␣q иииq ␣␣␣Ý␣␤1n 1n j s 1j jk ␦s ␦иии␦F B x F x .Ž.ŁŁj k j s 1k s 1Ä4Let m g 1,...,n .Since x F M ,we havek ␦␣1q иииq ␣n F x Ýj s 1n ␣j ␤jm M Ýj s 1n␣␤.Łm j jk k /m This implies the assertion.Ž.Now we assume the extra assumption b .Choose numbers ␣,...,␣G 1n 0such thatn ␤␣)0᭙s 1,...,n .Ýjk k j k s 1n <<Ž.Let x be in the interior of R ,x F M and B x G ␦for all j s 1,...,n .q j Without loss of generality,we can assume that ␦F 1.Choose j such that0-x 1r ␣j F x 1r ␣k ᭙k s 1,...,n .j k Then,for this j and all m s 1,...,n ,␦F B x s x ␤j jx ␤jk F x ␤j j x ␤jk Ž␣k r ␣j .Ž.ŁŁj j k j j k /j k /j F x 1r ␣j Ýk s 1n ␤jk ␣k F x 1r ␣m Ýk s 1n ␤jk ␣k .j mHence,n y 1r ␣m x G ␦␤␣.Ým jk k k s 1TANG AND KUANG432Ä4We set ␣*s max ␣,...,␣and1n n ␥s min␤␣:j s 1,...,n .Ýjk k ½5k s 1Then ␥r ␣*1x G '␦.m 2ž/␦Ž.ŽŽ.Ž..q D EFINITION 2.3.We call V t ,␾s V t ,␾,...,V t ,␾,␾g C a 1n Ž.¨ector Liapuno ¨boundary function for system 1.1if there is a boundary Ž.ŽŽ.Ž..function B x s B x ,...,B x and n continuous functions G :R =1n i q Ä4C ªint R such that for all t g R ,M )0and i s 1,2,...,n ,q 0-inf G t ,␾F sup G t ,␾-q ϱ,Ž.Ž.i i 55␾F M 55␾F Mand all t ,s g R ,there is an ␣)0,such thatinf G t ,␾Ž.5␾5F M i )␣.sup G s ,␾Ž.5␾5F M i Ž.Ž.In addition,for x s x 0,␾,the solution of 1.1with x s ␾,andt t 0V t ,x s B x t ,␾G t ,x ,Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.i t i i t we have d˙<V t ,x J Vt ,x G V t ,x P x t ,␾,Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž1.1.i t i t i t i i dt Ž.0Ž.where P :0,ϱªR and there is some x )0such that P x )0i i i i whenever 0-x -x 0.i i We are now in a position to state and prove our main result.Ž.T HEOREM 2.2.Suppose that A holds .If there is a ¨ector Liapuno ¨Ž.ŽŽ.Ž..Ž.Ž.function V t ,x s V t ,x ,...,V t ,x for system 1.1,then system 1.1t 1t n t is permanent .Proof.In the following we want to construct a permanent region ⍀as required in Definition 2.1.We divide the proof into five steps.Step 1.The construction of a bounded subset ⍀;int R n .Let M q 1Ž.Ž.be defined as in A ,and let the vector Liapunov function V t ,x betFUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 433Ž.defined as in Definition 2.3.First we choose a ␦g 0,1such that if 00-x -␦,theni 0P x G ⑀for some ⑀)0,i s 1,...,n . 2.2Ž.Ž.i i 00Ž.Ä4Consider ␦g 0,␦such that,for any given i g 1,...,n ,we have the10n 55Ž.following:whenever x is in the interior of R ,x F M ,and B x F ␦,q 1i 1Ž.then x )␦.Such a ␦exists because of property i of a boundary i 01function.Further,by the definition of a vector Liapunov boundary func-tion,we can choosemin G t ,␾Ž.5␾5F M i 10-␦-␦for all t ,s g R ,i s 1,...,n .21max G x ,␾Ž.5␾5F M i 1We can now define a subset of R n :q ⍀s x s x ,...,x g R n :B x G ␦,x F M ,i s 1,...,n .Ä4Ž.Ž.1n q i 2i 1Ž.n Clearly the definition of B x yields that ⍀;int R .q In the following,we prove that ⍀is the desired permanent region.Ä4Step 2.We claim that the following holds for any i g 1,...,n ,5Ž.5ŽŽ..ŽŽ..t G 0.If x t ,␾F M for t G t and B x t ,␾G ␦,then B x t ,␾00i 01i G ␦for t G t .20Suppose this is not true;then there is some t )t such that 10ŽŽ..ŽŽ..ÄB x t ,␾)␦.Since ␦-␦and B x t ,␾G ␦,the set t :t )t ,i 1221i 010ŽŽ..4Ž..ˆB x t ,␾s ␦is not empty.Notice also that if B x ,t ,␾s ␦with i 2i 2ÄŽŽ..4ˆˆt )t ,then the set t :t )t )t ,B x t ,␾s ␦is not empty.Let00i 1t s min t :t )t ,B x t ,␾s ␦,Ä4Ž.Ž.30i 2t s max t :t -t -t ,B x t ,␾s ␦.Ä4Ž.Ž.203i 1ThenB x t ,␾s ␦,B x t ,␾s ␦Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.i 32i 21Ž.and for t g t ,t ,23␦-B x t ,␾-␦.2.3Ž.Ž.Ž.2i 1Ž.Ž.By the choice of ␦and property i in Definition 2.2, 2.3yields that1x t ,␾-␦for t g t ,t . 2.4Ž.Ž.Ž.i 023The choice of ␦and the definition of a vector Liapunov boundary 0˙Ž.function imply that Vt ,x )0and so i t V t ,x )V t ,x .Ž.Ž.i 3t i 2t 32TANG AND KUANG434But V t ,x s B x t ,␾G t ,x Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.i 3t i 3i 3t 33F B x t ,␾max G t ,␾Ž.Ž.Ž.i 3i 355␾F M 1s ␦max G t ,␾Ž.2i 355␾F M 1F ␦minG t ,␾Ž.1i 255␾F M 1s B x t ,␾min G t ,␾Ž.Ž.Ž.i 2i 255␾F M 1F B x t ,␾G t ,x Ž.Ž.Ž.i 2i 2t 2s V t ,x ,Ž.i 2t 2a contradiction which finishes Step 2.n ÄŽ.Step 3.By Step 2and noticing that ⍀s l x s x ,...,x g i s 11n n Ž.4R :B x G ␦,x F M ,j s 1,...,n ,we obtain that if there is some q i 2j 1ŽŽ..Ž.t G 0such that B x t ,␾G ␦for all i s 1,...,n ,then x t ,␾g ⍀0i 01for t G t .0Ž.Step 4.We claim that there exists ␦s ␦␾)0and some t #G 033such thatx t ,␾)␦,for t G t #,i s 1,...,n .Ž.i 3Ž.Ž.Clearly,this claim,together with assumption A imply that V t ,x i t Ž.i s 1,...,n are bounded.The following is the proof of this claim.5Ž.5ŽŽ..Let t #G 0be such that x t ,␾F M for t G t #and B x t #,␾s i X Ä4␦)0,i s 1,2,...,n .Define ␦s min ␦,i s 1,2,...,n .Then 1i 11i ŽŽ..X B x t #,␾G ␦,i s 1,2,...,n .Following Step 2,we can find a i 1X X ŽX .ŽŽ..X ␦,␦g 0,␦,such that B x t ,␾G ␦for t G t #and i s 1,2,...,n .221i 2Ž.By property ii of Definition 2.2,we see that there is a desired ␦)03Ž.such that x t ,␾G ␦for t G t #,i s 1,2,...,n .Note that this ␦de-i 33pends on ␾.Ž.Step 5.We claim that the solution x t ,␾enters and stays in ⍀for all large time t .We need to consider two cases:Ž.ŽŽ..a there is a t G 0such that B x t ,␾G ␦for all i s 1,...,n ;0i 01then step 3implies the claim,otherwiseFUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 435Ž.Ž.b x t ,␾will remain in S _⍀for all large time t ,where1S s x s x ,...,x g R n :x F M ,i s 1,...,n ,Ä4Ž.1n q i 1⍀s x s x ,...,x g R n :B x G ␦,x F M ,i s 1,...,n .Ä4Ž.Ž.11n q i 1i 1Ä4In this case we first claim that there is no i g 1,...,n such thatB x t ,␾-␦for all large t .Ž.Ž.i 1Ä4ŽŽ..Otherwise,there is an i g 1,...,n such that B x t ,␾-␦for all i 1large t .The choice of ␦implies that1x t ,␾-␦for all large tŽ.i 0and by the choice of ␦,we have0dV t ,x G ⑀V t ,x ,Ž.Ž.i t 0i t dtwhich implies thatV t ,x ªq ϱas t ªq ϱ,Ž.i t Ž.Ž.contradicting the fact that V t ,x is bounded Step 4.This proves the i t above claim.Hence,there is a t )0such that1B x t ,␾G ␦.Ž.Ž.111Using Step 2,we see thatB x t ,␾G ␦for t G t .Ž.Ž.121For this t )0,the above claim implies that there is a t G t ,such that121B x t ,␾G ␦.Ž.Ž.221Using Step 2,we see thatB x t ,␾G ␦for t G t .Ž.Ž.222Repeating the above procedure,after n times,we arrive at some t )00such thatB x t ,␾G ␦for t G t ,i s 1,...,n .Ž.Ž.i 20This implies thatx t ,␾g ⍀for t G t ;Ž.0TANG AND KUANG436ŽŽ..Ž.i.e.,B x t ,␾G ␦for all t G t and i s 1,...,n .Property ii in Defini-i 22ˆtion 2.2yields a ␦)0which is independent of initial data such that ˆŽ.x t ,␾G ␦for t G t .This proves the theorem.i 0Ž.For the two-dimensional system,i.e.,when n s 2in system 1.1,the Ž.following result improves Theorem 2.2.Specifically,if B x is a boundary Ž.Ž.function,then it satisfies the properties i ᎐iii in the following theorem,Ž.Žy 1.but not the other way around.For example,B x ,x s x x ,x x 121212Ž.Ž.satisfies the properties i ᎐iii below,but it is not a boundary function.Ž.T HEOREM 2.3.Let n s 2and assume that A is true .Suppose that thereis a differentiable function B :int R 2ªint R 2with the following property :q q ˜ˆFor any M )0and any ␦,␥,⑀)0,there exists ␦)0,␦)0,␥)0such˜that the following hold :2˜Ž.55Ž.i Whene ¨er x g int R ,x F M ,and B x F ␦,then x F ⑀.q 11Ž.255Ž.Ž.ii Whene ¨er x g int R ,x F M ,B x G ␥and B x F ␥,then˜q 12x F ⑀.2Ž.255Ž.Ž.iii Whene ¨er x g int R ,x F M ,and B x G ␦,B x G ␥,then ,q 12ˆˆx G ␦,x G ␦.12Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.Assume further that V t ,x ,y s B x ,y G t ,x ,y i s 1,2satisfy the i t t i i t t ŽŽ.conditions of Definition 2.3excluding the requirement that B x is a bound -.Ž.ary function .Then system 1.1is permanent .Proof.In the following we construct a permanent region as required in Definition 2.1.We again divide the proof into five steps.Step 1.The construction of a bounded subset ⍀;int R 2.Let M q 1Ž.Ž.be defined as in A and assume that the vector function V t ,x ,y st t ŽŽ.Ž..V t ,x ,y ,V t ,x ,y satisfies the conditions of the theorem.1t t 2t t Ž.First we choose a ␦g 0,1such that if 0-x -␦,then0i 0P x G ⑀for some ⑀)0;i s 1,...,2.Ž.i 100Ž.Choose ␦g 0,␦such that,whenever x is in the interior of 10255Ž.R ,x F M ,and B x F ␦,then x -␦.Such a ␦exists because of q 111101Ž.property i in the theorem.Choose ␦such that2inf G t ,␾Ž.5␾5F M i 10-␦-␦for all t ,s g R .21sup G s ,␾Ž.5␾5F M i 1Ž.255We also choose ␥g 0,␦such that whenever x g int R ,x F M ,10q Ž.Ž.B x G ␦,and B x F ␥,then x -␦.The existence of ␥is assured 1221201Ž.by property ii of the theorem.We choose ␥such that2inf G t ,␾Ž.5␾5F M i 10-␥-␥for all t ,s g R .21sup G s ,␾Ž.5␾5F M i 1We now define a subset of R 2:q ⍀s x s x ,x g R 2:B x G ␦,B x G ␥,x F M ,i s 1,2.Ž.Ž.Ž.Ä412q 1222i In the following,we prove that ⍀is the desired permanent region.5Ž5Step 2.We claim that the following holds for t G 0.If x t ,␾0F M 0ŽŽ..ŽŽ..for t G t and B x t ,␾G ␦,then B x t ,␾G ␦for t G t .This 0101120claim follows easily from Step 2in the proof of Theorem 2.2.5Ž.5Step 3.We claim that the following holds for t G 0.If x t ,␾F M 0ŽŽ..ŽŽ..ŽŽ..for t G t ,B x t ,␾G ␦,B s t ,␾G ␥,then B x t ,␾G ␦and 010120112ŽŽ..B x t ,␾G ␥for t G t .220ŽŽ..By Step 2,we know that B x t ,␾G ␦for t G t .So,in the following,120we show thatB x t ,␾G ␥for t G t .Ž.Ž.220Suppose that this is not true.Then there is some t )t such that 10ŽŽ..ŽŽ..ÄB x t ,␾-␥.Since ␥-␥and B x t ,␾G ␥,the set t :t )2221201ŽŽ..4ŽŽ..ˆt ,B x t ,␾s ␥is not empty.Notice also that if B x t ,␾s ␥02222ÄŽŽ..4ˆˆwith t )t ,then the set t :t )t G t ,B x t ,␾s ␥is not empty.Let0021t s min t :t )t ,B x t ,␾s ␥,Ä4Ž.Ž.3022t s max t :t -t -t ,B x t ,␾s ␥.Ä4Ž.Ž.20321ThenB x t ,␾s ␥,B x t ,␾s ␥,Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.232221Ž.and for t g t ,t ,23␥-B x t ,␾-␥. 2.5Ž.Ž.Ž.221Ž.Ž.By the choice of ␥and property ii in the theorem, 2.5yields that1x t ,␾-␦for t g t ,t .Ž.Ž.2023ŽŽ..By repeating the rest of Step 2after 2.4in the proof of Theorem 2.2,we shall arrive at a contradiction.This proves the claim.Indeed,we have just ŽŽ..ŽŽ..proved the following:if B x t ,␾G ␦for all t G t ,and B x t ,␾G 12020ŽŽ..␥,then B x t ,␾G ␥for t G t .1220Step 4.Repeating Step 4in the proof of Theorem 2.2.Ž.Step 5.We claim that the solution x t ,␾enters and stays in ⍀for all large time t .We need to consider two cases:Ž.ŽŽ..ŽŽ..Case a .There is a t G 0such that B x t ,␾G ␦,B x t ,␾G 010120␥.In this case,Step 3implies the claim.1Ž.Ž.ÄŽ.2Ž.Case b .x t ,␾will remain in ⌬_x s x ,x g R :B x G12q 1Ž.4ÄŽ.2␦,B x G ␥,x F M ,i s 1,2,where ⌬s x s x ,x g R :x :121i 112q i 4M ,i s 1,2.Now we need to consider three subcases:1Ž.ŽŽ..ŽSubcase b1.B x t ,␾-␦for all large t .The choice of ␦see 111.Step 1gives thatx t ,␾F ␦for all large t ,Ž.10ŽŽ..and the choice of ␦yields that P x t,␾G ⑀for all large t ,so we 0110haved V t ,x G P x t ,␾V t ,x Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.1t 111t dtG ⑀V t ,x for all large t ,Ž.01t which implies thatV t ,x ªq ϱas t ªq ϱ,Ž.1t Ž.Ž.contradicting the fact that V t ,x is bounded Step 4.This shows that 1t Ž.Subcase b1is not true and so there is some t G 0such that0B x t ,␾G ␦.Ž.Ž.101ŽŽ..Hence,by Step 2,B x t ,␾G ␦for all large t .So we still have the 12following two subcases to consider.Ž.Subcase b2.There is a t )0such that,for t G t ,0055x t ,␾F M ,B x t ,␾G ␦,Ž.Ž.Ž.112andB x t ,␾G ␥for some t G t .Ž.Ž.21110ŽŽ..In this case,the proof of Step 3indicates that B x t ,␾G ␥for t G t ,221proving the claim.Ž.5Ž.5Subcase b3.There is a t )0such that,for t G t ,x t ,␾F M ,001B x t ,␾G ␦,B x t ,␾-␥.Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.1221Ž.Ž.In this case,by the choice of ␦and ␥see Step 1,we have x t ,␾F ␦2120ŽŽ..for all large t .The choice of ␦yields that P x t ,␾G ⑀for all large 2220t .Hence,d V t ,x G P x t ,␾V t ,x Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.2t 222t dtG ⑀V t ,x for all large t ,Ž.02t which implies thatV t ,x ªq ϱas t ªq ϱ,Ž.2t Ž.Ž.contradicting the fact that V t ,x is bounded Step 4.This finishes the 2t proof for Step 5.5Ž.5ŽŽ..Hence there is a t G 0such that x t ,␾F M ,B x t ,␾G 011ŽŽ..Ž.␦,B x t ,␾G ␥for t G t .Now property iii in the theorem yields2220ˆthat there is a ␦)0which is independent of initial data,such that ˆx t ,␾G ␦for t G t ;i s 1,2.Ž.i 03.APPLICATIONSIn this section we will give some applications of the main result.TheŽ.first application concerns system 1.2,i.e.,n mŽk .Žk .x t s x t r t y a t x t q ␪d ␮␪,Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.˙ÝÝH i i i i j k i j y ␶k s 1j s 1i s 1,...,n .3.1Ž.We letmŽk .Žk .Žk .␣t sat y ␪d ␮␪,Ž.Ž.Ž.ÝH i i ji j y ␶j s 1Žk .Žk .␣s sup ␣t :t g 0,ϱ,Ž..Ä4i i Žk .Žk .␣s inf ␣t :t g 0,ϱ,Ž..Ä4i i r s inf r t :t g 0,ϱ,Ä4Ž..i i r s sup r t :t g 0,ϱ,i ,k s 1,...,n .Ä4Ž..i iDefine¡Ž1.Žn .¦␣иии␣11......Ž1.Žn .␣иии␣i y 1i y 1Ž1.Žn .␣иии␣A s3.2Ž.i i i Ž1.Žn .␣иии␣i q 1i q 1......Ž1.Žn .¢§␣иии␣nnT Ž.and R s r ,...,r ,r ,r ,...,r ,i s 1,...,n .˜i 1i y 1i i q 1n Ž.Note that if system 3.1is autonomous,then A s A ,R s R for i j i j i ,j s 1,...,n .We make the following assumptions.Ž.Žk .Ž.Ž.H1a ti ,k s 1,...,n ;j s 1,...,m are nonnegative bounded i j m Ži .Ž.Ž.Ž.continuous functions and Ýa t and r ti s 1,...,n are positive j s 1i j i bounded continuous functions which are also bounded away from zero.Žk .Ž.Žk .Žq .␶)0and ␮␪are nondecreasing functions satisfying ␮0y i j i j Žk .Žy .␮y ␶s 1;i ,k s 1,...,n ;j s 1,...,m .i j Ž.0Žy 1.H2A is nonsingular and x s A R )0,i s 1,...,n .Wei i i i i Žj .Žj .y 1ŽŽi ..assume ␤)0,␤F 0,j ,k s 1,...,n ,j /k ,where A s ␤.j j jk i jk n =n Ž.Ž.The assumption H1makes system 3.1a competitive system.Clearly,existence,uniqueness,and continuous dependence of solutions are assured w x by Theorems 2.2.1᎐2.2.3in Hale 4.Moreover,it is easy to show that solutions are nonnegative in their maximum intervals of existence,and if Ž.Ž.␾0)0for some i ,then x t )0in its maximum interval of existence.i i Žm Ži .Ž..It is easy to prove since Ýa t is bounded away from zero thej s 1i j following uniform boundedness result.L EMMA 3.1.There exists an M )0such that for ␾g C q ,there is a Ž.Ž.Ž.T ␾)0,such that x t ,␾F M for all t G T ␾,i s 1,...,n .i Ž.Ž.Proof.By H1,the first equation of 3.1yields that for t G 0,x t F r t x t Ž.Ž.Ž.˙111and sox t F r x t .Ž.Ž.˙111Hence for t q ␪G 0,␪F 0,r ␪1x t q ␪G e x t .Ž.Ž.11Ž.Again from the first equation of 3.1,it follows thatmŽ1.Ž1.x t F x t r t y a x t q ␪d ␮␪Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.˙ÝH 1111j 11j y ␶j s 1mr ␪Ž1.1F x t r ya ed ␮␪x t .Ž.Ž.Ž.ÝH 11i j1j 1ž/y ␶j s 1m 0r ␪Ži .i ÄŽŽ..4Letting s max r r Ýa H e d ␮␪:i s 1,...,n we have thati j s 1i j y ␶i j x t F for all large time t .Ž.1Ž.Ž.Applying similar arguments to x t ,...,x t ,we get that for i s 2,...,n ,2n x t F Mfor all large time t ,Ž.i which completes the proof.Ž.Ž.Ž.T HEOREM 3.1.Suppose that system 3.1satisfies H1᎐H2.Then sys -Ž.tem 3.1is permanent .Ž.␤l 1Žl .␤ln Žl .Proof.Let B x s x иииx andl 1n nn mŽl .G t ,x s exp y ␤Ž.ÝÝÝl t lii s 1k s 1j s 1tŽk .Žk .=a s y ␪x s ds d ␮␪,Ž.Ž.Ž.H H i jk i j y ␶t q ␪V t ,x s B x t G t ,x ,l s 1,...,n .Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.l t l l t Ž.It follows from H2thatŽl .Žl .␤r q␤r )0᭙l s 1,...,n ,Ýll l li i i /lwhich is equivalent tonŽl .␤r )0᭙l s 1,...,n .Ýli i i s 1Ž.Hence,assumption b in Proposition 2.1is satisfied with ␣s r .j j Ž.ŽŽ.Ž..By Proposition 2.1,B x s B x ,...,B x is a boundary function.1n Ž.Also G t ,x satisfies the conditions in Definition 2.3.l tWe have dV t ,x Ž.l t <Ž3.1.dtnn n mŽl .Žl .Žk .s V t ,x ␤r t y␤a t Ž.Ž.Ž.ÝÝÝÝl t li i li i j ½i s 1i s 1k s 1j s 1Žk .=xt q ␪d ␮␪Ž.Ž.H ki j y ␶nn mŽl .Žk .Žk .y ␤x t at y ␪d ␮␪Ž.Ž.Ž.ÝÝÝH li k i ji j y ␶i s 1k s 1j s 1Žk .Žk .y ␣t xt q ␪d ␮␪Ž.Ž.Ž.H i j ki j 5y ␶nn nŽl .Žl .s V t ,x ␤r t y␤Ž.Ž.ÝÝÝl t li i lii s 1i s 1k s 1mŽk .Žk .=a t y ␪d ␮␪x t Ž.Ž.Ž.ÝH Hi j i j k ž/y ␶y ␶j s 1nn nŽl .Žl .Žk .s V t ,x ␤r t y␤␣t x t Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.ÝÝÝl t li ili i k i s 1i s 1k s 1nŽl .Žl .s V t ,x ␤r t q␤r t Ž.Ž.Ž.Ýl t ll l li i i s 1i /lnn nŽl .Žk .Žl .Žk .y ␤␣t x t y␤␣t x t Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.ÝÝÝlll k li i k k s 1i s 1k s 1i /lnnŽl .Žl .Žl .Žk .G V t ,x ␤r q␤r y␤␣x t Ž.Ž.ÝÝl t ll l li i lll k i s 1k s 1i /lnnŽl .Žk .y ␤␣x t .Ž.ÝÝli i k i s 1k s 1i /ln Žl .Žl .0Ž.By H2,␤r q␤r s x ,Ýll l li i l i s 1i /lnŽl .Žk .Žl .Žk .␤␣q␤␣s 0Ýll lli i i s 1i /lif k /l and equals 1if k s l .Hence we have0˙Vt ,x G V t ,x x y x t ,␾.Ž.Ž.Ž.l t l t l l Ž.Ž0.Ž.Let P x s x y x .Then V t ,x is a Liapunov boundary function forl l l l l t Ž.3.1.By Lemma 3.1,Theorem 2.2yields the conclusion.Ž.Žk .Ž.Žk .Ž.Suppose that 3.1is autonomous,i.e.,a t s a ,r t s r ,i ,k si j i j i i 1,...,n ,j s 1,...,m ,then ␣Žk .s Ým ␣Žk .andi j s 1i j ␣Ž1.иии␣Žn .11....A s ..Ž1.Žn .␣иии␣nnŽ.T Ž.and r s r ,...,r .Then A s A i s 1,...,n ,where A is defined as 1n i i Ž.in 3.2.We assumeŽ.H2ЈA is nonsingular and Ax s r has a positive solution;i.e.,x 0s A y 1r )0.We also assume that ␤)0,␤F 0,i ,k s 1,...,n ,ii ik y 1Ž.i /k ,where A s ␤.ik n =n Ž.Ž.Ž.C OROLLARY 3.2.Suppose 3.1is autonomous .Assume H1andH2ЈŽ.are true .Then system 3.1is permanent .Ž.Ž.Proof.Clearly H2Јimplies H2as required in Theorem 3.1.E XAMPLE .Consider the system1914x s x 1y x t y ␶y x t y ␶y x t y ␶,Ž.Ž.Ž.˙11111212313415x s x 1y x t y ␶y x t y ␶y x t y ␶,,Ž.Ž.Ž.˙22121222323111x s x 1y x t y ␶y x t y ␶y x t y ␶,Ž.Ž.Ž.˙33131232333663where ␶G 0,i ,j s 1,2,3.We havei j 19781A s ,814104277143y 1y 1y 1As s ␤,Ž.y 15y 3ik 3=3y 1y 25Ž.T 0y 1Ž.T and r s 1,1,1.Hence x s A r s 1,1,2)0.Also ␤)0and ii ␤F 0,i ,k s 1,2,3,and i /k .Hence Corollary 3.2implies that the ik above system is permanent.Ž.Next we apply Theorem 2.3to system 1.3,i.e.,2mŽi .x t s x t r t y a t x t q ␪d ␮␪,Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.˙ÝÝH 111i j i 1j y ␶i s 1j s 1mŽ1.x t s x t y r t q b t x t q ␪d ␮␪Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.˙ÝH 2221j 12j y ␶j s 1mŽ2.yb t x t q ␪d ␮␪, 3.3Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.ÝH 2j 22jy ␶j s 10Žk .Ž.where H d ␮␪s 1for i ,k s 1,2,y s 1,...,m .Lety ␶i j mmŽi .Ži .␣t sat y ␪d ␮,␣sbt y ␪d ␮␪,Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.ÝÝH H 1i i j1j 2i i j2j y ␶y ␶j s 1j s 1␣s sup ␣t :t g 0,ϱ,r s sup r t :t g 0,ϱ,Ä4Ä4Ž..Ž..k i k i i i ␣s inf ␣t :t g 0,ϱ,r s inf r t :t g 0,ϱ,Ä4Ä4Ž..Ž..k i k i i i i ,k s 1,2.Ž.Ž.Ž.T HEOREM 3.3.Suppose a t ,b t i s 1,2;j s 1,...,m are nonneg -i j i j Ž.Ž.ati ¨e bounded continuous functions and r t i s 1,2are positi ¨e boundedi continuous functions which are also bounded away from zero .If␣)0,␣)0,r ␣y r ␣)0, 3.4Ž.1122121211Ž.then system 3.3is permanent .Proof.It is known that there is an M )0such that for ␾g C q ,there Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.Žis a T ␾G 0,such that x t ,␾F M i s 1,2for t G T ␾see Lemmai。
