Wells Manufacturing WVU-31CT 计算机表面式无缘吸管大型厨房系统用户手册说
p/n 2M-Z17951, Rev. B M524 150102Unless otherwise specified, all commercial cooking equipment manufactured by Wells Manufacturing is service is performed by unauthorized personnel. The pricescharged by Wells Manufacturing for its products are based upon the limitations in this warranty. Seller’s obligationfor information and other details concerning warranty.LIMITED WARRANTY STATEMENTSERVICE POLICY AND PROCEDURE GUIDE and ADDITIONAL WARRANTY EXCLUSIONSNOTE: For your protection, please note that equipment 3.CONCEALED LOSS OR DAMAGE: if damage isSHIPPING DAMAGE CLAIM PROCEDURE1. Resetting of safety thermostats, circuit breakers, overpreventative maintenance items, such as servicing andcleaning schedules, are customer responsibility. ThoseTABLE OF CONTENTSWARRANTY xiELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1INTRODUCTIONThank You for purchasing this Wells Manufacturing appliance.ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSModel Volts Amps Power SupplyM 524 p /n 2M -Z 17951 O p M W V U - C o u n t e r t o p U n i v e r s a l H o o dWARNINGS - ENGLISHIMPORTANT: DO NOT DISCARD THIS MANUALor maintenance of this equipment.DANGERFIRE HAZARDFire suppression system must be charged and certified by an authorized Ansul® distributor.MANUAL PULL.DANGER:SUFFOCATION HAZARD“Do not attempt to use this ventilator withWARNINGS - FRENCHIMPORTANT : NE JETEZ PAS CE MANUELl’installation, l’utilisation ou l’entretien de cet équipement.DANGERRISQUE D’INCENDIELe système anti-incendie doit être chargéet certifié par un distributeur agréé Ansul®.N’essayez PAS de modifier ou deL’EXTINCTEUR !DANGER :RISQUE DE SUFFOCATION“Ce ventilateur ne doit pas être utilisé avecdes appareils à gaz. Il n’absorbe pas lesM 524 p /n 2M -Z 17951 O p M W V U - C o u n t e r t o p U n i v e r s a l H o o dCLEARANCESFIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMDANGERFIRE HAZARDFire suppression systemmust be charged and certifiedby an authorized Ansul®FEATURES & OPERATING CONTROLSFEATURES & OPERATING CONTROLS continuedM 524 p /n 2M -Z 17951 O p M W V U - C o u n t e r t o p U n i v e r s a l H o o dPRECAUTIONS AND GENERAL INFORMATIONThis ventilator hood is part of an engineered system and is intended for use in commercial establishments only.DANGER:SUFFOCATION HAZARD Do not attempt to use this WARNING:SHOCK HAZARDAll servicing requiring access to non-insulatedAGENCY LISTING INFORMATIONINSTALLATIONNOTE: DO NOT discard WARNING:Risk of injuryInstallation procedures must be performed by a qualified technician with full knowledge UNPACKING & INSPECTIONCarefully remove the appliance from the carton. Remove allThis appliance conforms to NSF Standard 2 for sanitation only if Recurculating SystemSTD 2M 524 p /n 2M -Z 17951 O p M W V U - C o u n t e r t o p U n i v e r s a l H o o dINSTALLATION (continued)UNDER-HOOD APPLIANCE LIMITATIONS:1. Appliance must be installed per manufactures instructions.2.INSTALLATION (continued)SERVICE TECHNICIAN INSTALLATION NOTESDANGER:SUFFOCATION HAZARD Do not attempt to use this WARNING:SHOCK HAZARDAll servicing requiring access to non-insulated electrical components must CAUTION:RISK OF DAMAGEDO NOT connect or energize this appliance until allinstallation instructions areM 524 p /n 2M -Z 17951 O p M W V U - C o u n t e r t o p U n i v e r s a l H o o dINSTALLATION (continued)INSTALLATION (continued) MECHANICAL INSTALLATIONM 524 p /n 2M -Z 17951 O p M W V U - C o u n t e r t o p U n i v e r s a l H o o dELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONINSTALLATIONDANGER:SUFFOCATION HAZARD can be deadly.WARNINGSHOCK HAZARDElectrical connections must be made by a licensed electrician.CAUTION:FIRE HAZARD HEALTH HAZARDAll cooking appliance must be connected to the cooking appliance contactor, theINSTALLATION continuedThe ventilator will operate properly, and the appliance control relay willDANGERFIRE HAZARDFire suppression systemmust be charged and certifiedby an authorized Ansul®M 524 p /n 2M -Z 17951 O p M W V U - C o u n t e r t o p U n i v e r s a l H o o dINSTALLATION continuedDANGERBURN HAZARDAny additional remote pull station must NOT be installed FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM INSTALLATIONINSTALLATIONNOTE:WARNINGSLIP AND FALL HAZARDDO NOT operate any grease-producing cooking appliance unless the grease CAUTIONBURN HAZARDDO NOT operate any cooking appliance unless the grease cup is installed.WARNINGCLEAN FILTERSDO NOT attempt to wash the HEPA / charcoal fliter pack or pre-filter. Water absorbtion FILTER INSTALLATIONM 524 p /n 2M -Z 17951 O p M W V U - C o u n t e r t o p U n i v e r s a l H o o dOPERATIONCAUTION:HOT SURFACEExposed surfaces can be hot to the touch and may cause burns.CAUTION:SHOCK HAZARDDO NOT splash or pour wateror grease onto control panel or wiring.CLEANING INSTRUCTIONSPRECAUTIONS: Disconnect unit from electric power and allow to cool CAUTION:HOT SURFACEExposed surfaces can be hotto the touch and may causeburns. Allow unit to coolCAUTION:SHOCK HAZARDDO NOT splash or pour wateror grease onto control panelor wiring.M 524 p /n 2M -Z 17951 O p M W V U - C o u n t e r t o p U n i v e r s a l H o o dCLEANING INSTRUCTIONSPRECAUTIONS: Disconnect unit from electric power and allow to coolCAUTION:HOT SURFACEExposed surfaces can be hot to the touch and may cause burns. Allow unit to cool CAUTION:SHOCK HAZARDDO NOT splash or pour wateror grease onto control panel or wiring.REQUIRED MAINTENANCEUSE AND MAINTENANCE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE IMPORTANT:22M 524 p /n 2M -Z 17951 O p M W V U - C o u n t e r t o p U n i v e r s a l H o o d23M 524 p /n 2M -Z 17951 O p M W V U - C o u n t e r t o p U n i v e r s a l H o o d24M 524 p /n 2M -Z 17591 O p M W V U - C o u n t e r t o p U n i v e r s a l H o o dANSUL ®A N S U L IN C O R P O R ATE D M A R IN E TTE , W I 54143-2542MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETANSULEX Low pHQ U IC K ID E N TIFIE R (In P lant C om m on N ame)M anufacturer’s N am e:E m ergency Telephone N o.:ANSUL INCORPORATEDCHEMTREC(800) 424-9300 or (703) 527-3887P repared B y:A ddress:O ne Stan to n Stre e t, M a rin ette, W I 54143-2542S a fe ty an d H ea lth D e pa rtm en tO ther Information C alls:(715) 735-7411D ate Prepared:Fe brua ry 1, 1999SECTION 1 - IDENTITYSECTION 2 - INGREDIENTSSECTION 3 - PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Fire and Explosion Data)C om m on N am e (U sed on Label):(Trade N ame and S ynonym s)A N S U LE X L ow p H L iq uid Fire S up pre ssa ntC A S N o.:N /A N /A N /A N /A N /AN /A N /AN /AN /AN /E N /E N /EN /E N /E N D A N D A N D AN D A N /AC hem ical N am e:N /A T his is a M ixtu re C hem ical Fam ily:M ixtu reFormula:PART A - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTSPART B - OTHER INGREDIENTSP rincipal H azardous C om ponent(s) (chem ical and com m on nam e(s)):O ther C om ponent(s) (chemical and com m on nam e(s)):W t.%W t.%C A S N o.C A S N o.A C G IH TLVA C G IH TLVA cute Toxicity D ataA cute Toxicity D ataN o ne P ro prie ta ry M ixtu re o f O rga nic an d Ino rg an ic S a lts 48.0 - 50.0P h osp ho ric A cid 0.27664-38-2Ye llow -G re en F lu ore sce nt D ye 0.011518-47-8O ra l L D (rat)506800 m g /kg E D TA0.6564--02-8W a te rA p pro x. 50.07732-18-5B oiling P oint:P ercent Volatile by Volum e (%):S olubility in W ater:A ppearance and O dor:Flash P oint:Special FireFighting P rocedures:U nusual Fire and E xplosion H azards:113ºC A p pro x. 50.0100%Fluo re scen t Ye llo w C o lo re d L iq uid, M ild O d or N o ne to b oilin gN O N E - T H IS IS A N E X TIN G U IS H IN G A G E N T N o neVapor D ensity:(A ir = 1):Flam mable Lim its in A ir % by Volum e:1.03SpecificG ravity (H O =1):Vapor P ressure (m m H g):1.33N o t D e te rm ine dE vaporation R ate:(B utyl Acetate=1):A p pro x. 0.005R eactivity in W ater:M ild e xoth e rm ic rea ctio nE xtinguisher M edia:A uto-Ignition Tem perature:25M 524 p /n 2M -Z 17591 O p M W V U - C o u n t e r t o p U n i v e r s a l H o o dSECTION 6 - EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURESSECTION 7 - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATIONSECTION 8 - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND SPILL/LEAK PROCEDURESHAZARDOUS MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMANSULEX Low pH (continued)S kin C ontact:Inhalation:Ingestion:E ye C ontact:Flush an d irriga te w ith w ate r for 15 m in ute s w h ile h olding e ye lids o pe n.If irritation p ersists, see k m ed ical a tte ntio n.W a sh tho ro ug hly w ith soa p an d w ater. If irritatio n p e rsists, se ek m ed ica l a tte ntio n.Fre sh air if sym ptom s o ccur. If irrita tio n pe rsists, se e k m e dica l atten tion.D ilute by d rin king large qu an titie s of w ater.R espiratory P rotection(Specify Type):N /AN /AN /AVentilation:Local E xhaust:M echanical (G eneral):P rotective G loves:R u bb er gloves for spill/lea kE yeP rotection:C h em ica l g og gles re com m en de d du rin g spill/le ak p roce du res.O ther Protective C lothing or E quipm ent:E ye w ash an d sa fe ty sho w ers are g oo d sa fety pra ctice.P recautions to be taken in H andling and Storage:O therP recautions:Steps to be taken in C ase M aterial is R eleased or Spilled:W aste D isposalM ethods:Store in origina l co nta in er. K e ep tig htly close d. K e ep sepa ra te fro m acid.S e e in com patibility in fo rm ation in S ection 4.Stop lea ks. C o ntain sp ills. R em o ve a s m u ch a s po ssible. P lace in clo se d co nta in er fo r prop er disp osa l W a sh sp ill a rea w ith la rge a m o un ts of w ater to rem o ve traces a nd n eu tra lize.D isp ose of in com p lia n ce w ith lo ca l, sta te an d fe de ral re gu la tio n s.HAZARD INDEX4 SE V E R E H A ZA R D 0 H E A LTH 3 SE R IO U S H A ZA R D2 M O D E R ATE H AZ AR D 0 FLA M M AB ILITY 1 SLIG H T H AZ AR D0 M IN IMA L H A ZA R D 0 R E A C TIV ITYN /A = N o t A pp lica b le N D A = N o D a ta Ava ila b le N /E = N o t E sta blishe dA N SU L and AN S U LE X are registered tradem arks.Internet A ddress: http://w w A N SU L IN C O R P O R ATE D , O N E S TA N TO N S TR E E T, M A R IN ET TE , W I 54143-2542 Form N o. F-90160-6 ©1999 A nsul IncorporatedM 524 p /n 2M -Z 17951 O p M W V U - C o u n t e r t o p U n i v e r s a l H o o dTROUBLESHOOTING SUGGESTIONSProblemPossible CauseSuggested RemedyWIRING DIAGRAMM 524 p /n 2M -Z 17951 O p M W V U - C o u n t e r t o p U n i v e r s a l H o o dEXPLODED VIEW & PARTS LISTFilter MaintenanceEXPLODED VIEW & PARTS LIST Suppression SystemM 524 p /n 2M -Z 17951 O p M W V U - C o u n t e r t o p U n i v e r s a l H o o dEXPLODED VIEWMain AssemblyPARTS LIST Main AssemblyM 524 p /n 2M -Z 17951 O p M W V U - C o u n t e r t o p U n i v e r s a l H o o dEXPLODED VIEWControls AssemblyPARTS LIST Controls AssemblyM 524 p /n 2M -Z 17951 O p M W V U - C o u n t e r t o p U n i v e r s a l H o o dNOTENOTEM 524 p /n 2M -Z 17951 O p M W V U - C o u n t e r t o p U n i v e r s a l H o o dNOTE) 208 240DESCRIPTION PART NO.PARTS & SERVICEIMPORTANT: Use only。
熔指 熔指 牌号 牌号 牌号 g/10min g/10min LDPE-普通膜 LD100AC LD100 1.7-2.3 2102TN26 2.1-2.9 LD160BW LD155 1.7-2 2436H2 LD160 LD160AS LD662 1.9 2426H2 FD0274 LD6002 2426K4 3026H LD6172 LDPE-透明膜 LD104 1.7-2.3 200GG2 F222 LD1052 F210-62 FB3000 QLT-04 2.4-3.6 530G 2.85320 Q281 2.8 FD04744 LDPE-收缩膜/重包装膜类 LD1630.3 2423D0.3 1810E LD165 0.23-0.43 2420F0.7 FB3003 LD150 0.6-0.9 2426F0.7 1810D 2100TN00 0.25-0.3 3020D 0.15-0.35 FB0300 2420D0.3 LDPE-注塑及薄膜类 18D 18D0 1.5 2420H 1.7-2.2 3026K 1I2A2 3020H 1.7-2.2 2420K 2420H2 3020K 3.4-4.6 EB-853/72 2420K4 1810H 1.3-1.8 1816H 3025K2 LDPE-高熔指注塑类 LD615 12-18 1I50A50 2410T 1810S 17-22 LD400 20-30 MG70 2410T 33-39 LDPE-发泡类 1F7B715803 2-2.5 LD607/608 LD605 4.5-7.510803 2-2.5 LDPE-电缆料 2102-TN00 2.1-2.9 DJ200A2 2220H LD100BW 2.2 2210H2 18E DJ210 2.1 LD200BW 2.2 LDPE-涂层类 1C10A1094012 LB7500 1C7A79507.5 18G 1C7A-17.2 801YY7961 LLDPE-农地膜类70422 UF4142 21HN 7042T232242 7042N 9020233052 7042K 18022 218W290427050 1.9-2 218N2 1002YB 0220KJ2 0218D2 7120B 0220AA2 1002KW2 FV149M QLLF-202 LLDPE-棚膜类70471 0209KJ0.9 1020CC 70851 6209AA0.9 6208AF 90850.8220101708090861 FU149M1 QLLP-01 18011 118N19088 0209AA 0.8-1 21HS1 0209AA LLDPE-缠绕膜类90302 0220AA 2.4 QLLF-05 LLDPE-茂金属类 18H27DX 2.7 SP1520 1.8 2045G 18H10AX1 1520F2 LLDPE-高熔指 FB223022 JL21020 LLDPE-粉料类 7042粉2 1820粉2 2650粉 7047粉1 1875粉 0.75-1 MDPE71494 3321C0.1 3721C 7150 2.8 HDPE-拉丝类 5000S0.9 E3080.98010 5010 0.6-1 E8080.9 EE52009 5410AA 0.9-1 HD53EA0101 HM5000 4000F 0.6-1.6 E3091 HF7740F2 6084A133001 5000S GF7750 0.36-0.54 Y910A13300 5609AA0.9 T101 HDPE-注塑类29088 T60-800 6.5-10 5306J 290912 I38 6070UA 291120 3840UA4 5218AA 2911FS20 5740UA 3.9 5018L 1600J188********5070 6-8 5226AA26 M6916070 6.5-8 2200J5 ME91805218 16-20 3300J 2.5-3.0605507260 6-98007 5-118007 HC72608 HDPE-中空类 5421B0.05 5420AA *2 HM8255 4261A0.05 5502AA0.2 HM6255 5200B0.35 5502FA0.2 0855S1 1158 *1.4-2.8 5403AA0.25 60-706145 *12-2190010.05 5401AA6147 *7-14 B3030.336007 5300B 0.2-0.5 BE04000.25 TR-512 5420GA 2.1 5021D0.2 5621D 5502 0.25-0.45 HDPE-薄膜类60980.08 TR168 7.5-11 9455F6093 F6000.05 TR144 9255F TR1440.18 EX5 5121B0.0588000.04961 7000F 0.035-0.055 640UF0.049001 5301AA0.08 7000F0.047007 HM9450F 0.28(5kg) F120A0.04 HM9450F1 HDPE-电缆料类 5300E0.8 QHJ-010.8 HDPE-管材/管道专用料类 6360M 0.22-0.3 HM5010T2N 0.45(5kg) PN-049-030-122 6380M0.13 HM5010T3N 0.43(5kg) 5135B 6100M0.15 HMCRP100N 0.22(5kg) TR480 QHE16A 3.541 0.17-0.34 C100S QHE16B 5.544010.11 P110A 2480 10-15 4801EX119398 K44-08-1228.7526300.1 P600 K38-200.85 P301E0.12 P502 2480H 0.12-0.15 管道包覆料类 PE胶 1.5 BP0900WH0.4 P601KUBL BFPE0.3 HDPE-交联聚乙烯类(PEX) P300X 0.03-0.04 J0253P 1.5-2.5 2300XM PERT(耐热聚乙烯) DX-8000.64 EVA-膜类 EVA 14-214 V5110F 16.6-19.4 EF443 EVA 14-0.714 V4110J 12.6-15.4 7140F EVA9-0.79 V4110F 8-10 V4110D V3110F0.7 EF3219 V3110F EVA-发泡类 EVA18-318 7350M18 V3510K V5110J18 EVAE180F181316 V5110K MI:4,22 VS43026 V4610H 均聚聚丙烯PP-注塑类1300 1.5 V2400G17 T50G 14003 V2401G17 C30G K10033 X30G9 J700 K100810 F37G11 J701 C100810 HA840R20 F30G 170011 Z30G25 F30G K10033 H32GA35 V30G K121515 ADXP77045 V30G K151413.5 S30G 1.8 T30G HP500N12 PP-纤维类 T30S 2.5-3.5 Z30S25 S2040 T30S 3.2 Z21S25 HP565S C30S6 Z69S25 H7700 F401 2.5-3 F30S12 HP563S PP0223 C30G6 RPP1200 S1003 3.2 HOXP81725 Z30S 5004 2.6-4.4 H561S35 Z30S HP550J 3.2 HP551M9.5 Z30S F5013 H561R25 Z30S H0305G3 HY52535 Z30S H5300 3.5 H30S-12571735 5014 3.5 S90035 H30S S30S 1.8 H39S35 H30S-2 Y-130 3.5 F79S12 YS835 6531M2 V79S183365 H730F 3.5 YF39S12 HP450J SY130 3.5 H22S38 HP502N H430 3.57174040 HP550R PP-粉料类 T30S粉 2-3 PP粉 2-3 PP粉045 T30S粉 2-3 PP粉 2-3 PP粉045 T30S粉 2-3 Z30S粉 16-20 C30S粉 T30S粉 2-3 V30S粉 16-20 PP-BOPP膜类 F1002 1.7-2.8 T38FE 2.6 T36F YX37F9 T38CA 3.1 T36F T28F3 PH3843 F280Q S28F2 HP523J3 T38F S38F2 YC37F6 T38F S38FA2 ADXP8567 T38FA S38CA 2.1 T28C 3.1 F1002B S28C 2.1 F280S 2.8 HP425J F1002A 2.8 LI28F3 HP525J PP-其它薄膜 HP510M9 EP3C37F 5.54540 T30SW 3.2 F16088 H4540 C10077 1088B11 PP-涂膜类70126 20-32 670M21 HPP100 H30028.6 R680S 2.8 PP-其他用途 YD50G0.3 HP648H 2.2 ADXP855 D50S0.3 T2101F 3.5 YS32S Q30P0.7 ADX680 3.5 共聚聚丙烯PP-低熔指类 K8303 1.5 EP300H 1.8 T3401 1340 1.2 EP300K 3.5 F3002 K8003 2.5 T8002 1.7 B4002 K7002 1.4 J340 1.7 EPS31HP J340 0.98-2 J4404 EPT30M EPS30U 1.5 EPD60R0.35 EPT30U EPS30RA 2-2.2 EPQ30M0.8 HEXP2085 EPT30R 3.5 EPQ30RF0.8 JD803 P340 0.7-1.3 EPYS30RE 1.3 EPS30R PP-中熔指类7708 8-10 EPC30R7 EP2C30F 1647 8-10 EPC40R7 EP2C37F 184715 EPF31H12 EP3C37F SP179 7-11 EPF31HA12 EP3X37F SP1798 EPF31HR12 EP3C39F EPF30R 11-15 BA238G312 BJ300 EP300M7 EP445L7 BJ500 EP300M8 EP1X35F8 AW564 C4008B8 EP1X35AF8 BJ500 AP3N 8-10 EP1X35HF8 EPC31HR EPC31H6 PP-高熔指类 K992020 BJ75030 EP380T K902020 EPH31RA40 K9020 K902626 EPYH31U40 K9935 194728 EPH71HA45 EP340S K7726 /K7726H29 EPL31UA70 J640 993535 EPN31MA100 HEXP280 903535 HEXP2019100 EPV31RA K776050 J74030 AZ564 K792630 B38G28 K8025 K793030 AP03B29 M1600 K822424 透明聚丙烯PP RP340S42 GM160E 1.6 R370Y RP340R25601919 560S RP346R25 K292525 M800E EP2X32G 8.05(2.16) K232828 M1600E B4902 2.2 RP340N10 EP2S29B 491212 RJ76022 EP2X49GA T4802 2.5 EP2S12B 1.8 EP2YX29GA B480811 EP2S30B 1.8 EP2Z29G B481820 K491212 RP1085 K481212 PPR(热水42200.3 Q802 0.1-0.5 R200P 41010.29 RP24000.25 14D PPB(冷水 2K0640P0.36 Q803 0.1-0.5240 C1800.35 HB240P0.3 Q80181010.45 BP20000.3 EP332C B81010.45 M9100.33 B8001 4228 0.3-0.5 透明聚苯乙烯GPPS 666D8 251P 2.5 PG-383M 525 7-9 158K3 123P 200D 6-10 GP-500 3.5-6.5 232P20614 GP500010 MC3100 PG-338 高抗冲聚苯乙烯HIPS825 2.5 H690 3-5 466F PH-88HT4 514P10 476F PH-88H 4.7532 4.6 H650 PH-888G4 622P 4.8641 PH-88S 2.6 632E 3.6 MA5210 苯乙烯-丙烯腈AS AS HF5 118L1003 138H 127 1.5 118L1503 127H 1283 127-L200 1.5 PN-118 128H 1.5 117C5 D-178 D-178L200 2.5 ABS-通用级 0215A20 757K 4.28434 CH510 2.5 707K 1.98391 CH520 2.5 15A1 1.6757 750A 4.5 1.50E+02 1.8 D-180 301 1.3-2.3 GP-22 13-23 D-190 301W 1.5 121H20 D-178 750 4.5 GR200015 756S SD-0150 1.8 D-150 1.6727 ABS-挤出级 747原白0.8 D-1200.7 717C 747磁白 1.2 L862 *10709 ABS-阻燃级 FABS-01 - 765B 4.2 L853 ABS-耐热级 777D *6 L840 *7 D-168 777B *6.5 ABS-透明级7583 TR558 *22 K树脂(苯乙烯-丁二烯共聚物) K树脂GH620.945910 9.5-105903 聚甲醛POM M27027 F20-029 F30-03 M909 F20-039 F20-03 M90-019 F20-029 100P M270-4427 F20-33 8.5-10.5 500P M90-449 聚碳酸酯PC PK2870 2.5 143R-11110.5 201-10 11010 OQ102070 IR2200 K-1300Y3 OQ1050-11280 144R-111 1250Y894510 1220R 101R-1117 201-1510.5 1100R 141R-11110.5 241R-11110.5 HF1140 粘度 粘度 Pa·s Pa·s 聚酯切片PET 普粘切片 0.6-0.65 80K 0.785-0.815 CZ-318 高粘切片 0.80以上 尼龙6(PA6) 70G33 1.39 尼龙6切片 2.9±0.03 223D 1013B 2.7 尼龙66 1300S 2.6-2.7 FYR27 2.70±0.03 FYR26H A3K 2.5-2.7 FYR27B 2.75±0.05 FYR27T03 FYR25T03CL 2.55±0.02 FYR25T15CL 2.58±0.05 尼龙121010 1.75-1.95 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(压克力)85012.5207820521116 牌号 B/S比例 牌号 B/S比例 牌号 塑料改性用SBS1401 40/60 501P 31/69 T161B 792 40/60 501S 31/69 475P T172 牌号 熔融色度 牌号 熔融色度 牌号 增塑剂苯酐 苯酐(齐鲁石化)20 苯酐(吉林化学)20 牌号 聚合度 牌号 聚合度 牌号 PVC-乙烯法 S-1000 1000-1100 DG-700700 WS-1300 S-700 650-750 DG-800800 M-1000 S-800 750-850 TK10001000 SR-800 S-1300 1250-1350 P-1000 1000-1100 QS-800F 牌号 牌号 牌号 QS-1000F1010 LS-1001030 DG-1300 QS-1050P1030 SLP-10001030 DG-1000K QS-650650 SLK-10001030 WS-1000 SE-700 650-750 WS-800 750-850 SR-1000 PVC-电石法 SG-31300 SG-7750 SG-5 糊树脂 P1069 1800±300 P455 850±120 P450 P440 1450±200 熔指 g/10min2.0042434.002.401.7- 0.2-0.50.30 3.4-4.6 3.4-4.62.70 1.3-1.836.0070.00 5-7 1.8-2.21.807.50 7-85.302. 3.4±0.51.0050. 0.8(5kg)0.900.806.307.6020.00 18-2020.0018.00 5-7 7-80.35 2.2(21.6kg) 0.45-0.60.70 2(21.6)0.705.500.200.25 0.16- 0.22(5kg)0.30 0.4(D1238)0.11 0.23(5kg)0.23 * 0.12-0.1512.00 14-0.7 12.6-15.4 4-6 11.6-14.4 19-1.8 16.6- 10-1412.00 16-2016.003.2038.0038.0039.0038.00 1200±100 22-27 11-2025.0020.00 22-2835.0035.0036.00 35-383.00 2-3 2-3 16-203.002.603.503. 10-1212.0033.637.002.000.302.202.001.303.503.502.10 1.5-2.2 1.2- 8-10 8-96.0055.0020.0035.0040.0018.0018.0021.0029.0025.00 25-2920.0018.008.0016.501.8010.0010.0025.0042.000.28 0.3-05 0.3-0.5 0.1-0.5 0.3-0.50.502.2010.004.005.00 3-52.504.001.001.503.001.801.801.701.821.8070.001.80 *15 *6 *600.70 9.0-1027.009.002.307.0010.0012.0010.5021.7010.1025.00 粘度 Pa·s0.842.30 2.60±0.03 2.67±0.051.80 B/S比例 40/60 熔融色度 聚合度 1250-13501000.00800.001300.001000.001000.001000.001050.00 1000±150。
E,H压力变送器选型手册各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟!篇一:关于E+H产品选型方法与型号说明重要内容,请看第2页1、登录德国E+H(全称:Endress+Hauser,中文:恩德斯豪斯)网站/ 2、点击“Asia”(亚洲)3、点击“China”(中国)4、点击“产品” 5、选择你需要了解或购买的产品,如我需要了解订货号10H1H-UF0A1AG4A5AA 与10H1H-1F0A1AG4A4AA的区别,则按照以下“流量——电磁流量计——Promag H——Promag 10H——产品比较(同一系列不一样型号的信息)或者产品选型(同一型号不同订货号的信息)”,详细请看下面的截图。
详解如下:第1个符号表示传感器过程连接“U”代表焊接螺纹接套DIN11850, 316L/1.4404“1”代表Tri-Clamp, 316L/1.4404 关于Tri-Clamp:即TC快速接头(Tri-clamps)常用于啤酒、乳业、饮料、制药等领域接头,材质一般为不锈钢,同时Tri-Clamp 也是Alfa-Laval 集团Tri-Clover 有限公司的注册商标,也称卫生级接头,卫生级管道在食品、医药等生产中洁净要求高的场合广泛采用,生产工艺要求无死角连接,且易清洗,一般情况下压力都不高,也就是俗称的“卡箍”连接,常用的TC接头有焊接端头(2个),垫圈和快装卡箍四个零件组成.市场上很容易买到。
TC 接头详细规格可以参考DIN 32676-2001 饮食业、化工业和医药业用配件.不锈钢管夹具接头.焊接式,德国的标准,看看接头和卡箍的图片,连接好后的样子标准中给出了。
2013 —汽大众新速腾全车电路图手册(下册)(可编辑)2013 一汽大众新速腾全车电路图手册(下册)New Sagitar编号41/3电路图收音机及导航系统带显示单元的控制单元,数据总线诊断接J533 口,右后高音喇叭,右后低音喇叭,右前高音喇叭,右前低音喇叭T20 T20J503收音机及导航系统带显示单元的控制单元/10 /20J533数据总线诊断接口0. 35 0. 35R16右后高音喇叭or/br or/viR17右后低音喇叭A226 A225R22右前高音喇叭R23右前低音喇叭T16d 16芯插头连接0. 35 0. 35or/br or/viT20 20芯插头连接A179 A178 T28a 28芯插头连接T28c 28芯插头连接0. 35 0. 35A178连接(信息娱乐系统CAN总线,High),在仪表板导线束中or/br or/vi A179连接(信息娱怎系统CAN总线,Low),在仪表板导线束中T16d T16d /10 /9J503can~l can~hA225连接2(信息娱乐系统CAN总线,High),在仪表板导线束中T16d T16d T16d T16d/2 /6 /I /5A226连接2(信息娱乐系统CAN总线,Low),在仪表板导线束中1. 5 1. 5 * *br/rt br/swV28连接1,在收音机导线束中V28 V291.5 1.5V29连接2,在收音机导线束中* *rt/vi br/vi*21.0 1. 5 1. 5 1.0** * **2截面积视装备而定*导线颜色取决于装备gn/ws br/rt br/sw gr/ws *2 *2 *2截面积视装备而定T28a T28a T28a T28a T28c T28c T28c T28c/23 /23 /24 /24 /23 /23 /24 /241. 0 1. 0 0. 75 1. 0 1. 0 rt/bl br/bl sw rt/bl br/bl 14 3 14 3 R22 R23 R16 R17ws白色sw黑色ro红色2 2 1 2 2 1br褐色gn绿色0. 75bl蓝色brgr灰色li淡紫色ge黃色15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28or橘黄色rs粉红色BK2-04103081208. 2012 New Sagitar 编号41/4R50电路图R50收音机及导航系统带显示单元的控制单元,天线,GPS天线,收音机天线2, 左侧天线模块,右侧天线模块,负导线中的调频频率分滤器,正导线中的调频频率分滤器,可加热式后窗玻璃J9可加热后窗玻璃继电器J503收音机及导航系统带显示单元的控制单元R11天线R50 GPS天线R93收音机天线2R108左侧天线模块R109右侧天线模块R178负导线中的调频频率分滤器HF Rll R93R179正导线中的调频频率分滤器sw*Toe 5芯插头连接T16d 16芯插头连接Z1可加热式后窗玻璃370接地连接5,在主导线束中J303-Z1 +610接地点(音频),在前中控台下面T16d/1231657接地点1,在后窗玻璃左侧附近0.35 0. 35 2.5 2.5 0. 35 0. 35 bl sw sw sw sw sw 681接地点1,后右侧面车身件内HF1 2 1 2 3 sw R179 2. 5B180连接(可加热后窗玻璃),在车内导线束中brR109 R108 R178*依汽车装备而定2.5 2.5 1.5 4037040br sw sw/br 2. 5 HF HF br sw sw B1802.5sw3434ws白色sw黑色Toero红色/5br褐色J9gn绿色bl蓝色gr灰色610 681 657 li 淡紫色ge黄色29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42or橘黄色rs粉红色BK2-041040812 08. 2012 New Sagitar 编号42 / 1电路图6档自动变速箱自2011年12月起08. 2012 New Sagitar 编号42/2电路图J519多功能开关,自动变速箱控制单元,车载电网控制单元F125多功能开关J217自动变速箱控制单元J533J519车载电网控制单元J533数据总线诊断接口SC20保险丝架C上的保险丝20 39473947T10o 10芯插头连接T73b T73b T73b T73b T52 52 芯插头连接/18 /19 /34 /55 can~l can~hT73b 73芯插头连接0. 35 0. 5rt rt/ge0.35 0. 35 0. 75 0.5 114接地连接,在自动变速箱导线束中or/br or/sw gr vi/ws A189D109655接地点,在左侧大灯上64 68 410. 5 0. 5 64 68 41 0. 5 rt/ge rt/ge vi/ws A189 正极连接5 (30a),在仪表板导线束中4T524/3J217D109连接7,在发动机舱导线束中20b 30aSC20*导线颜色取决于装备T52 T52 T52 T52 T52 T52 T52/21 /47 /10 /36 /22 /I /231 311142.5 2.5br br 30 1130 112. 5 0. 5 0. 5 0. 5 0. 5 0. 5 0. 5 2. 5 2. 5 2. 5 *sw/bl vi/ws bl/ge bl/vi bl/rt bl/ws bl br br br TlOo TlOo TlOo TlOo TlOo TlOo TlOo TlOo TlOo TlOo TlOo TlOo TlOo TlOo TlOo TlOo TlOo TlOo/l /10 /2 /2 /8 /8 /I /I /7 /7 /9 /9 /5 /5 /3 /3 /4 /4ws白色sw黑色F125ro红色br褐色gn绿色bl蓝色gr灰色655li淡紫色ge黄色1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 or 橘黄色rs粉红色BK2-04202081208.2012 New Sagitar 编号42 /电路图自动变速箱控制单元, 电磁阀1, 电磁阀2,电磁阀3,电磁阀4,电磁阀5,电磁阀6,电磁阀9,电磁阀10J217自动变速箱控制单元N88电磁阀1N89电磁阀2N90电磁阀3N91电磁阀4N92电磁阀5N93电磁阀6N282电磁阀9N283电磁阀10T14e 14芯插头连接T52 52芯插头连接J217T52 T52 T52 T52 T52 T52 T52 T52 T52 T52 T52 T52 T52 T52 /41 /15 /42 /6 /16 /32 /30 /18 /4 /44 /5 /43 /31 /17 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0. 5 0. 5 0. 5 0. 5 0. 5 0. 5 sw/vi vi/gr ws/vi vi/gn br/vi bl ge/vi ge/gn bl/gn vi/ge gn/vi ge/blgr gn/geT14e T14e T14e T14e T14e T14e T14e T14e T14e T14e T14e T14e T14eT14eT14e T14e T14e T14e T14e T14e T14e T14e T14e T14e T14e T14e T14eT14e/I /I /2 /2 /3 /3 /4 /4 /5 /5 /6 /6 /7 /7 /8 /8 /9 /9 /10 /IO /I/111/12 /12 /13 /13 /14 /14N88 N89 N92 N283N282 N90 N91 N93ws白色sw黑色ro红色br褐色gn绿色bl蓝色gr灰色li淡紫色ge黄色15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 or 橘黄色rs粉红色BK2-04203081208. 2012 New Sagitar 编号42/4电路图Tiptronic开关,选档杆档位P锁止开关,齿轮油温度传感器,变速箱输入转速传感器,变速箱输出转速传感器,自动变速箱控制单元F189 Tiptronic 开关F319选档杆档位P锁止开关G182G195G93G93齿轮油温度传感器2J G182变速箱输入转速传感器G195变速箱输出转速传感器J217自动变速箱控制单元N376点火钥匙拔出锁止电磁铁SC25保险丝架C上的保险丝25T8 T8 T8 T8 T8 T8 T8 T8 T8 T8 T8 T8/I /I /2 /2 /3 /3 /4 /4 /5 /5 /6 /6 T8 8 芯插头连接T10 10 芯插头连接TIOs 10芯插头连接T52 52芯插头连接0. 5 0. 5 0. 5 0. 5 0. 5 0. 5 vi vi/sw sw br sw gn43接地点,右侧A柱下部T52 T52 T52 T52 T52 T52 J217/4o /8 /51 /39 /38 /50 366接地连接1,在主导线束中T52 T52388接地连接23,在主导线束中/27 /2838815a 15aSC25BU4连接(锁止开关),在车内导线束中0. 35 25bsw2B340连接1 (58d),在主导线束中T10 T102.5 2.5 2.5 1. 0 0. 35 0. 35 N376 10/5 /5 10sw/bl sw/bl sw/bl br br br 1U8正极连接(15a),在自动变速箱导线束中0. 35 0. 35 0. 75bl/vi rt grU8*导线颜色取决于装备366T10 T10BU4/10 /10B3402.5 0.5 2.5 0. 35 0. 35 0. 35 *sw/bl sw/bl br bl/vi rt gr 2246 TIOs TIOs TIOs TIOs TIOs TIOs TIOs TIOs TIOs 3463/8 /8 /I /I /2 /2 /4 /o /5 ws 白色sw黑色ro红色br褐色gn绿色bl蓝色F319F189gr灰色43li淡紫色ge黄色29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42or橘黄色rs粉红色BK2-042040812 08. 2012 New Sag辻ar 编号42/5电路图Tiptronic开关,自动变速箱控制单元,排档杆档位指示照明灯,选档杆位置显示F189 Tiptronic 开关J217自动变速箱控制单元L101排档杆档位指示照明灯SC14保险丝架C上的保险丝14Tlpp 1芯插头连接Y6选档杆位置显示TIOs 10芯插头连接T10v 10芯插头连接T52 52芯插头连接Y6选档杆位置显示A199正极连接4(15a),在仪表板导线束中*截至2012年8月*2自2012年8月起J217T52 T52 T52 /40 /29 /48 SC140.5*2sw/viL101Y60.5 0.5 0.5 A199vi/bl vi/ws vi32 432 40. 5 0. 5 0. 5♦2 *sw/vi sw/bl rt/geTIOs TIOs TIOs TIOs TIOs TIOs TIOs TIOs TIOs TIOs TIOs TIOv TIOv TIOvTIOv TIOv TIOv TIOv TIOv TIOv TIOv TIOv TIOv TIOv TIOv TIOv TIOv /3 /3 /7 /7 /9 /9 /9 /IO /IO /6 /6 /I /I /2 /2 /3 /3 /4 /4 /5 /5 /6/6 /7 /7 /8 /8ws白色sw黑色ro红色br褐色gn绿色bl蓝色F189gr灰色li淡紫色ge黄色43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 or 橘黄色rs粉红色BK2-04205081208. 2012 New Sagitar 编号42/6电路图Tiptronic开关,自动变速箱控制单元,仪表板中的控制单元, 换档杆锁电磁铁F189 Tiptronic 开关J119多功能显示器J217自动变速箱控制单元J285仪表板中的控制单元N110换档杆锁电磁铁T2p 2芯插头连接T16 16芯插头连接T32 32芯插头连接T52 52芯插头连接U31诊断接口A76连接(K诊断导线),在仪表板导线束中B383连接1(驱动系统CAN总线,High),在主导线束中J217B390连接1(驱动系统CAN总线,Low),在主导线束中T52 T52 T52/9 /34 /46K can-1 can~h0. 35 0. 35 0. 35gr/ws or/br or/swA76 B390B3830. 5 0. 35 0. 35 0. 35 0. 35gr/ws or/br or/br or/sw or/swN1107 81 2 T167 8/7KT32 T32/29 /28U31can-1 can-h T2p T2p T2p T2pJ285/I /I /2 /2 ws 白色sw黑色ro红色br褐色8 8 8 8 gn绿色bl蓝色F189 J119gr灰色li淡紫色ge黄色57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70or橘黄色rs粉红色BK2-04206081208. 2012 New Sagitar 编号43 / 1 电路图收音机装置RCD 510自2011年12月起08. 2012 New Sagitar 编号43/2 电路图收音机,左后咼音喇叭,左后低音喇叭,左前咼音喇叭,左前低音喇叭,保险丝架C上的保险丝57 R收音机SC57R14左后高音喇叭R15左后低音喇叭R20左前高音喇叭R21左前低音喇叭SC57保险丝架C上的保险丝57 2. 5 Tlaqy 1芯插头连接rt/ge T16d 16芯插头连接T28 28芯插头连接T28b 28芯插头连接V21V21正极连接(30),在收音机功率放大器导线束中2.5 2.5rt/ge rt/geV30连接3,在收音机导线束中T16d T16d/15 /16R30a 30aV31连接4,在收音机导线束中*导线颜色取决于装备T16d T16d T16d T16d *2截面积视装备而定/7 /3 /8 /41. 5 1. 5 1. 5 1. 5 * * *br/bl br/gn br/ws rt/ws *2 *2V31 V301. 5 1. 5* *2br/bl br/gn*2T28 T28 T28 T28 T28b T28b T28b T28b/24 /24 /23 /23 /24 /24 /23 /23 1. 0 1. 0 1. 0 1. 0 1. 0 1. 0 0. 75 * * gr/ws br/bl rt/bl gn/ws br/bl rt/bl swR213 4 1 3 4 1R20 Rio R14ws白色sw黑色ro红色12 2 12 2br褐色0. 75gn绿色brbl蓝色gr灰色li淡紫色ge黄色1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14or橘黃色rs粉红色BK2-043020812 08. 2012 New Sagitar 编号43/3电路图收音机,右后咼音喇叭,右后低音喇叭,右前咼音喇叭,右前低音喇叭R收音机R16右后高音喇叭R17右后低音喇叭R22右前高音喇叭R23右前低音喇叭T16d 16芯插头连接T28a 28芯插头连接T28c 28芯插头连接V28连接1,在收音机导线束中V29连接2,在收音机导线束中*导线颜色取决于装备*2截面积视装备而定RT16d T16d T16d T16d/2 /6 /I /51. 5 1. 5 1. 5 1. 5* * * *2br/rt br/sw rt/vi br/vi *2V28V291. 5 1. 5* *br/rt br/sw*2 *2T28a T28a T28a T28a T28c T28c T28c T28c/23 /23 /24 /24 /23 /23 /24 /24 1. 0 1. 0 1. 0 1. 0 0. 75 1. 0 1. 0 * * gn/ws rt/bl br/bl gr/ws sw rt/bl br/bl14 3 14 3R22 R23 R16 R17ws白色sw黑色ro红色2 2 1 2 2 1br褐色gn绿色0. 75bl蓝色brgr灰色li淡紫色ge黄色1516 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28or橘黃色rs粉红色BK2-04303081208. 2012 New Sagitar 编号43/4 电路图数据总线诊断接口,收音机,天线,右侧天线模块,负导线中的调频频率分滤器,正导线中的调频频率分滤器,可加热式后窗玻璃J9可加热后窗玻璃继电器J533数据总线诊断接口R收音机R11天线R109右侧天线模块R178负导线中的调频频率分滤器R179正导线中的调频频率分滤器T16d 16 芯插头连接T20 20芯插头连接Z1可加热式后窗玻璃R11370接地连接5,在主导线束中610接地点(音频),在前中控台下面- Z1 + R657接地点1,在后窗玻璃左侧附近T16d T16d T16d /12 /10 /90. 35 0. 35 2.5 2.5 681接地点1,后右侧面车身件内can~l can-hbl sw sw sw2. 5 0. 35 0. 35A178连接(信息娱乐系统CAN总线,High),在仪表板导线束中br or/br or/vi R1781 2R109 R179A179连接(信息娱乐系统CAN总线,Low),在仪表板导线束中370 A178A179A225连接2(信息娱乐系统CAN总线,High),在仪表板导线束中2.5 0. 350. 35br or/br or/viA226连接2(信息娱乐系统CAN总线,Low),在仪表板导线束中HF 2. 5 2. 51. 5sw br sw sw/brB180连接(可加热后窗玻璃),在车内导线束中A226 A225B1800. 35 0. 35 2. 5or/br or/vi swws白色sw黑色T20 T20ro红色J533/10 /20 5br褐色gn绿色bl蓝色gr灰色610 681 657 li 淡紫色ge黄色29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42or橘黄色rs粉红色BK2-043040812 08. 2012 New Sagitar 编号44 / 1电路图多媒体系统自2012年3月起08. 2012 New Sagitar 编号44/2电路图收音机及导航系统带显示单元的控制单元,多媒体系统控制单元,收音机, USB接口支架,外部音频源接口R193 * R199 *J503收音机及导航系统带显示单元的控制单元J650多媒体系统控制单元R收音机Toao T5ao T5ao T5ao T5ao T4e T4e T4e/4 /3 /2 /I /5 /I /2 /3 R193 USB 接口支架R199外部音频源接口* T4e 4芯插头连接swToao 5芯插头连接Toap 5芯插头连接T12f 12芯插头连接T12h 12芯插头连接T16d 16芯插头连接0. 14 0. 14 0. 14 0. 14 1. 0 0. 35 0. 35 0. 35 0. 35• I •• I •• I •• I •• I •• I •• I •• I •br gn or bl sw sw gr gn ge 370接地连接5,在主导线束中77371接地连接6,在主导线束中T12f T12f T12fT5ap Toap Toap T5ap Toap /7 /2 /I/I /2 /3 /4 /5 AUX-R GND AUX-L610接地点(音频),在前中控台下面RT16d T12f T12f T12f T12f * 依汽车装备而定/12 /7 /2 /I /4 J50331 AUX-R GND AUX-L 30a 3710. 35 0. 35 0. 35 0. 5 * * * *gr gn ge rt/ws2. 5 1. 0 0. 35 0. 35 0. 5 0. 35 * * br br sw sw br sw19 9199T12h T12h T12h T12h T12h/I /4 /10 /9 11 J65031 AUX-R GND AUX-L 30aT12h T12h T12h T12h /6 /II /5 /12 AUX-R GND AUX-L 3700. 35*swws白色2. 5 0. 35 0. 35 0. 35 * * * sw 黑色br gr gn gero红色br褐色T4e T4e T4e/I /2 /3gn绿色bl蓝色gr灰色610R199li淡紫色*ge黄色1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 or橘黄色rs粉红色BK2-04402081208. 2012 New Sagitar 编号44/3 电路图收音机及导航系统带显示单元的控制单元,多媒体系统控制单元,收音机,外部音频源接口R199*J533*J503收音机及导航系统带显示单元的控制单元J533数据总线诊断接口J650多媒体系统控制单元T4e T4e T4e T20 T20 /I /2 /3 /20 /10 R 收音机R199外部音频源接口0. 35 0. 35** T4e 4芯插头连接or/vi or/brT12h 12芯插头连接T16d 16芯插头连接T20 20芯插头连接T20ao 20芯插头连接T30a 30芯插头连接0. 35 0. 35 0. 35 0. 35 A225 A226** * *gr gn ge sw6A178连接(信息娱兀系统CAN总线,High),在仪表板导线束中6A179连接(信息娱乐系统CAN总线,Low),在仪表板导线束中T20ao T20ao T20ao /I /3 /20. 35 0. 35A225连接2(信息娱乐系统CAN总线,High),在仪表板导线束中* *or/vi or/br RT16d T16d /9 /10J503 A226连接2(信息娱乐系统CAN总线,Low),在仪表板导线束中can-h can-1 *依汽车装备而定0. 35 0. 35 * *or/vi or/br A178A1790. 35 0. 35 * ♦or/vi or/br T12h T12h J650/8 /2T30a T30a /I /30ws白色MEDIA-INsw黑色ro红色br褐色gn绿色bl蓝色gr灰色li淡紫色ge黄色15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28or橘黄色rs粉红色BK2-04403081208. 2012 New Sagitar 编号45 / 1 电路图散热器风扇自2012年3月起08. 2012 New Sagitar 编号45/2 电路图散热器风扇控制单元,散热器风扇,散热器风扇2 J220 Motronic控制单元J293散热器风扇控制单元J623发动机控制单元SB3保险丝架B上的保险丝3 SB27保险丝架B上的保险丝27 T2ah 2芯插头连接T4x 4芯插头连接T80 80芯插头连接T94 94芯插头连接V177V7散热器风扇V177散热器风扇2M671接地点1,左前纵梁上T2ah T2ah T2ah T2ah D207 连接7(87a),在发动机舱导线束中/I /I /2 /2 *依汽车装备而定*2仅适用于带1.6 1发动机的车辆4. 0 4. 0rt brJ293MV70. 75 0. 75 6.0 6.0gn sw rt brT4x T4x T4x T4x T4x T4x T4x T4x T4x/3 /3 /3 /2 /2 /I /I /4 /40.5bl/rt *D2070.5 0.5 0.5 6. 0 6.0 *2ge/vi ge/vi bl/rt rt br ws 白色sw黑色T80 T94ro红色/22 /50 3a 27abr褐色J220 J623 SB3 SB27 gn 绿色bl蓝色gr灰色671 li淡紫色ge黄色1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14or橘黃色rs粉红色BK2-04502081208. 2012 New Sagitar 编号53 / 1 电路图1.4升汽油发动机,CFBA自2011年12月起08. 2012 New Sagitar 编号53/2 电路图蓄电池,起动马达,交流发电机,车载电网控制单元,保险丝座BJ519A蓄电池B起动马达C交流发电机C1电压调节器J519车载电网控制单元T52c/32 SA1保险丝架A上的保险丝1 SA4保险丝架A上的保险丝4 SB保险丝座BT2 2芯插头连接T4t 4芯插头连接508 SBT52c 52芯插头连接SAI SA412发动机舱内左侧接地点200A 80A18发动机缸体上的接地点16. 0 0. 5 16. 0508螺栓连接(30),在电控箱上rt bl rtB177 652变速箱和发动机地线的接地点Bill4646 68 A86连接(50a),在仪表板导线束中68Bill正极连接1 (30a),在车内导线束中4.0 0.5 25.0 0. 35 10.0rt bl sw bl/sw rt B169正极连接1(30),在车内导线束中T4t T4t T4t T4t /2 /2 /I /IB169A86B177车内空间导线束中的连接(61)35. 0 4. 0 0. 5 0. 5 6. 0 6. 0sw rt bl br/rt rt rtT2 T2/I /230 50 L B+ DFM 54 52G 54 52CA BClws白色Msw黑色ro红色br褐色35. 0 35. 0gn绿色br swbl蓝色gr灰色12 18 652li淡紫色ge黄色1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14or橘黄色rs粉红色BK2-053020812 08. 2012 New Sagitar 编号53/3 电路图车载电网控制单元,保险丝座B J519J271主继电器J519车载电网控制单元SB保险丝座B*2SB2保险丝架B上的保险丝2 SB3保险丝架B上的保险丝3 SB4保险丝架B上的保险丝4 SB7保险丝架B上的保险丝7 SB8保险丝架B上的保险丝8 SB9保险丝架B上的保险丝9 SB10保险丝架B上的保险丝10SB14保险丝架B上的保险丝14J271 SBSB25保险丝架B上的保险丝2530D78正极连接1 (30a),在发动机舱导线束中SB14 SB2 SB3 SB4 SB7 SB8 SB9 SB10 SB255A 10A 5A 10A 20A 10A 5A 5A 50A 85 86 87D188正极连接3(30a),在发动机舱导线束中14a 62 61 2a 3a 4a 7a 8a 9a 10a 25a*截至2012年8月*2自2012年8月起0. 5 0. 5 0. 5 1. 5 0. 5 1. 5 2. 5 1. 5 1. 0 0. 5 4. 0rt/sw sw/gr rt/sw rt/gn bl/rt bl/rt rt/gn bl/rt rt/gn ws/rt rt/ge135 138 4958 175 71 142 154135 138 4965 58 175 71 142 15465*D78D1880.5rt/ sw6767ws白色sw黑色ro红色br褐色gn绿色bl蓝色gr灰色li淡紫色ge黄色15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28or橘黄色rs粉红色BK2-053030812 08. 2012 New Sagitar 编号53/4电路图燃油存量传感器,车载电网控制单元,燃油泵控制单元,保险*2丝座B,冷却液循环泵J519 G燃油存量传感器G6预供给燃油泵J496冷却液辅助泵继电器J519车载电网控制单元J338燃油泵控制单元T52b/38 SB保险丝座B SB12保险丝架B上的保险丝12SB13保险丝架B上的保险丝13T2cf 2芯插头连接T5b 5芯插头连接SBTIOn 10芯插头连接30T14 14芯插头连接SB12J496SB13 T52b 52芯插头连接*10A10A V50冷却液循环泵86 85 8771 72 75 34 12A 13a196接地连接3,在后部导线束中67671. 0 0. 5 0. 5 0. 5 0. 5 1. 0 0. 5682接地点2,后右侧面车身件内* *2bl/rt ws/rt vi/bl ws/rt ws/rt vi/bl rt/swB429连接(EKPR),在主导线束中T14 T14 T14137 6967 /2 /2 /2 B429 137 6967 *截至2012年8月*2自2012年8月起1.0bl/grT2cf/IV50M222 221196T2cf222 221/21.0br0. 5 1. 5 0. 5 0. 35 0. 5 1. 0 1. 5 sw/rt bl/rt br/bl vi/sw rt/sw br br 7777Tab Tob TIOn TIOn TIOn TIOn J538G6/4 /I /5 /4 /7 /6MGws白色SW黑色Tob T5b Tob TIOn TIOn TIOn TIOn/2 /3 /5 /I /3 /2 /8ro红色br褐色1. 5 0. 5 0. 5 1. 0 0. 5 0. 5 0. 35 gn 绿色sw sw rt rt/ge sw/vi ge/bl vi/ws bl 蓝色gr灰色54 21745 6654 217 68245 66li淡紫色ge黄色29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42or橘黄色rs粉红色BK2-05304081208. 2012 New Sagitar 编号53/5电路图车载电网控制单元,供电继电器2,端子15,供电继电器,总线端50,保险丝座CJ519。
Atmel ATmegaS128 微控制器商品说明书
The new Atmel ® AVR ® ATmegaS128 microcontroller (MCU) brings the industry-leading AVR core to the aerospace industry. The ATmegaS128 MCU is designed for enhanced radiation performance and increased reliability in space applications. It takes advantage of mature Atmel AVR tools designed and used in the mass market worldwide for many years. The ATmegaS128 microcontroller targets many of the most common space applications, which typically require a small footprint, low power and analog control of motors and sensors.Key FeaturesHigh-performance, Low-power 8-bit Atmel AVR MCU• Advanced RISC architecture / Up to 8MIPS• On-chip 2-cycle multiplier• 3V-3.6V / 0 - 8MHz operating voltages & speed grades High-endurance Non-volatile Memory • 128 Kbytes of Flash program memory• 4 Kbytes EEPROM – 4 Kbytes internal SRAM1Advance Risc Architecture 8 Mips3.0 3-55 • Up to 64 Kbytes optionalexternal memory space • SPI interface for in-system programmingPeripheral Features • Two 8-bit and two 16-bit timers/counters • 6 PWM channels • 8-channel, 10-bit ADC• TWI/USARTs/SPI serial interface • Programmable watchdog timer • On-chip analog comparator Special Microcontroller Features• Power-on reset and programmable brown-out detection• Internal calibrated RC oscillator • External and internal interrupt sources• Six Sleep modes: Idle, ADC Noise Reduction, Power-save, Power-down, Standby, and Extended StandbyKey Highlights for Space Environment• Full wafer lot traceability • 64-lead ceramic package (CQFP) • Space screening • Space qualification• Total ionizing Dose: up to 30 Krad (Si)• Single event latch-up LET > 62.5MeV.cm²/mg• Single event upset LET > 3 MeV.cm²/mg•SEU 10-3 to 10-1 error/ device/dayATmegaS128 Starter kitTo ease your design process and reduce time-to-market, Atmel delivers a complete starter kit STK600 and development system for the ATmegaS128 AVR microcontroller. With its advanced features for proto-typing and testing new designs, the kit gives designers a head start for developing code on AVR devices. Customers can start with the industrial version using the ATmega128 MCU or the Space Version ATme-gaS128 device as both share the same pinout.Atmel Corporation 1600 Technology Drive, San Jose, CA 95110 USA T : (+1)(408) 441. 0311 F : (+1)(408) 436. 4200 | © 2015 Atmel Corporation. / Rev.: Atmel-45160A-ATmegaS128-Aerospace-Rad-Tolerant-Flyer_E_US_102015Atmel,® Atmel logo and combinations thereof, Enabling Unlimited Possibilities,® and others are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation in U. S. and other countries. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others.Disclaimer: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THE ATMEL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALES LOCATED ON THE ATMEL WEBSITE, ATMEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RE-LATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS AND PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF ATMEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and products descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life.Atmel StudioAtmel Studio is the integrated development platform (IDP) for developing and debugging Atmel AVR and Atmel | SMART ARM ® processor-based MCU applications. The Atmel Studio IDP gives you a seamless and easy-to-use environment to write, build and debug your applications written in C/C++ or assembly code. Atmel Studio supports all 8- and 32-bit AVR MCUs. It also connects seamlessly to Atmel debuggers and development kits.Atmel Software FrameworkThe Atmel Software Framework (ASF) is an MCU software library providing a 1,600 project examples of embedded software for Atmel Flash-based MCUs, including AVR and Atmel | SMART devices. This library contains basic C code examples for all ATmegaS128 peripherals.Application NotesIn addition to the Atmel Software framework, Atmel provides a broad range of application notes to implement different peripherals of the ATmegaS128 device. Most of those ap-plication notes are provided with source code in C language.。
编号 26 / 10
右前座椅调节操作单元, 副驾驶员座椅的前部高度调节开关, 副驾 驶员座椅靠背调节开关, 副驾驶员座椅的前部高度调节电机, 副驾 驶员座椅靠背调节电机
EX34 - 右前座椅调节操作单元
E65 E98 T4aL T4as
- 副驾驶员座椅的前部高度调节开关 - 副驾驶员座椅靠背调节开关 - 4 芯插头连接, 黑色 - 4 芯插头连接, 黑色
编号 26 / 6
驾驶员座椅调节控制单元, 驾驶员座椅的前部高度调节电机, 驾驶 员座椅的后部高度调节电机, 驾驶员座椅靠背调节电机
J810 - 驾驶员座椅调节控制单元
T4ai T4aj T4ak
- 4 芯插头连接, 黑色 - 4 芯插头连接, 黑色 - 4 芯插头连接, 黑色
ws = 白色 sw = 黑色 ro = 红色 rt = 红色 br = 褐色 gn = 绿色 bl = 蓝色 gr = 灰色 li = 淡紫色 vi = 淡紫色 ge = 黄色 or = 橘黄色 rs = 粉红色
M41 - 连接 1,在驾驶员侧座椅导线束中
ws = 白色 sw = 黑色 ro = 红色 rt = 红色 br = 褐色 gn = 绿色 bl = 蓝色 gr = 灰色 li = 淡紫色 vi = 淡紫色 ge = 黄色 or = 橘黄色 rs = 粉红色
座椅加热、驾驶员和副驾驶员侧从 2003 年 2 月起说明信息♦♦♦♦=>继电器位置分配和保险丝位置分配多脚插头连接控制单元和继电器接地点注意在一览中的安装位置!ws = 白色sw = 黑色ro = 红色br = 棕色gn = 绿色bl = 蓝色gr = 灰色li = 淡紫色ge = 黄色or = 桔黄色温度传感器 - 驾驶员座椅、可加热驾驶员座椅控制单元、车载电网控制单元、保险丝、可加热驾驶员座椅、可加热驾驶员座椅靠背、驾驶员座椅侧面加热装置G59 J131 J519 SA6 SB40 SC5 SC50 T2d T4lT6c T40 T6d Z6Z7Z31 77 ––––––––––––––––温度传感器 - 驾驶员座椅可加热驾驶员座椅控制单元车载电网控制单元蓄电池保险丝架上的保险丝 -6-保险丝架上的保险丝 -40-保险丝架上的保险丝 -5-保险丝架上的保险丝 -50-2 芯插头连接,驾驶员座椅下方4 芯插头连接,驾驶员座椅下方6 芯插头连接,驾驶员座椅下方40 芯插头连接,在发动机舱内左侧电控箱上6 芯插头连接可加热驾驶员座椅可加热式驾驶员座椅靠背侧面加热装置,驾驶员座椅接地点,左侧 B 柱下部96M44M46O5O10***–––––––接地连接 -1-,座椅加热导线束中连接 -4-,在驾驶员侧座椅导线束中连接 -6-,在驾驶员侧座椅导线束中连接 -1-(15a),在座椅加热导线束中正极连接 -2-(30as),在座椅加热导线束中至 2003 年 6 月从 2003 年 6 月起ws = 白色sw = 黑色ro = 红色br = 棕色gn = 绿色bl = 蓝色gr = 灰色li = 淡紫色ge = 黄色or = 桔黄色可加热驾驶员座椅,可加热副驾驶员座椅E94 E95 G60 J83 J131 J132 J519 T2e T4m T6c T6d T6e T6f T20c Z8 Z9 Z33 47 ––––––––––––––––––可加热驾驶员座椅调节器,在操作单元中可加热副驾驶员座椅调节器,在操作单元中温度传感器 - 副驾驶员座椅可加热座椅继电器可加热驾驶员座椅控制单元可加热副驾驶员座椅控制单元车载电网控制单元2 芯插头连接,在副驾驶员座椅下面4 芯插头连接,在副驾驶员座椅下面6 芯插头连接,在副驾驶员座椅下面6 芯插头连接6 芯插头连接,在副驾驶员座椅下面6 芯插头连接20 芯插头连接,在操作面板上可加热式副驾驶员座椅可加热式副驾驶员座椅靠背侧面加热装置,副驾驶员座椅接地点,右前脚部空间内374140M44M56M57O12******–––––––––接地连接 -9-,主导线束中接地连接 -2-,座椅调节导线束中连接 -4-,在驾驶员侧座椅导线束中连接 -6-,在副驾驶员侧座椅导线束中连接 -7-,在副驾驶员侧座椅导线束中连接 -1-,在座椅加热导线束中带暖风装置的汽车带 Climatronic 自动空调的汽车带 Climatic 的汽车收音机装置●RCD 300无CD光盘转换盒●RCD 300带CD光盘转换盒从2003年 2 月起说明:信息♦♦♦♦=>继电器位置分配和保险丝位置分配多脚插头连接控制单元和继电器接地点注意在一览中的安装位置!ws = 白色sw = 黑色ro = 红色br = 棕色gn = 绿色bl = 蓝色gr = 灰色li = 淡紫色ge = 黄色or = 桔黄色车载电网控制单元、收音机、右后低音喇叭、右后中高音喇叭、保险丝AJ412 J519 J533 RR16 R17 SB19 T2f T16b T18b T20 T28c T40 45 –––––––––––––––蓄电池电子操作装置控制单元,移动电话车载电网控制单元数据总线诊断接口收音机右后高音喇叭右后低音喇叭保险丝架上的保险丝 -19-2 芯插头连接,仪表板下面右侧16 芯插头* *18 芯插头连接20 芯插头连接28 芯插头连接耦合位置,B 柱右侧40 芯插头连接,在发动机舱内左侧电控箱下面接地点,仪表板后面 - 中部370371507A178A179B224***––––––––接地连接 -5-,主导线束中接地连接 -6-,主导线束中螺栓连接(30),在蓄电池保险丝夹上连接(信息娱乐系统高速 CAN 总线),在仪表板导线束中连接(信息娱乐系统低速 CAN 总线),在仪表板导线束中连接 -1-(收音机),在车内空间导线束中只带 CD 光盘转换盒插头连接 T16b 由两个 8 芯插头连接组成ws = 白色sw = 黑色ro = 红色br = 棕色gn = 绿色bl = 蓝色gr = 灰色li = 淡紫色ge = 黄色or = 桔黄色车载电网控制单元、收音机、左后低音喇叭、右前低音喇叭、右前中高音喇叭、左后中高音喇叭J519 RR14 R15 R22 R23 T2g T3a T16b T28a T28b –––––––––––车载电网控制单元收音机左后高音喇叭左后低音喇叭右前高音喇叭右前低音喇叭2 芯插头连接,在左后车门里3 芯插头连接,仪表板右侧16 芯插头连接*28 芯插头连接,右侧 A 柱耦合位置28 芯插头连接,左侧 B 柱耦合位置V9V10*–––连接(右前扬声器正极)、在扬声器导线束中连接(右前扬声器负极)、在扬声器导线束中插头连接 T16b 由两个 8 芯插头连接组成ws = 白色sw = 黑色ro = 红色br = 棕色gn = 绿色bl = 蓝色gr = 灰色li = 淡紫色ge = 黄色or = 桔黄色车载电网控制单元、收音机、左前低音喇叭、左前中高音喇叭、天线放大器(电话 / 收音机)、收音机 / 电话天线J519 RR21 R20 R45 R51 T3T16b T28 –––––––––车载电网控制单元收音机左前低音喇叭左前高音喇叭天线放大器(电话 / 收音机)收音机 / 电话天线3 芯插头连接,仪表板下面左侧16 芯插头连接*28 芯插头连接,左侧 A 柱耦合位置V7V8*–––连接(左前扬声器正极)、在扬声器导线束中连接(左前扬声器负极)、在扬声器导线束中插头连接 T16b 由两个 8 芯插头连接组成ws = 白色sw = 黑色ro = 红色br = 棕色gn = 绿色bl = 蓝色gr = 灰色li = 淡紫色ge = 黄色or = 桔黄色车载电网控制单元、收音机、CD光盘转换盒J519 RR41 T12 T12a B238 ––––––车载电网控制单元收音机CD 转换盒12 芯插头连接12 芯插头连接正极连接 -2-(58b),在车内空间导线束中Climatronic自动空调从 2003 年 2 月起说明:信息♦♦♦♦=>继电器位置分配和保险丝位置分配多脚插头连接控制单元和继电器接地点注意在一览中的安装位置!ws = 白色sw = 黑色ro = 红色br = 棕色gn = 绿色bl = 蓝色gr = 灰色li = 淡紫色ge = 黄色or = 桔黄色高压传感器、Climatronic控制单元、空调器压缩机调节阀、保险丝G65 J255 J519 N280 SA6 SB40 SC3 SC7 SC24 T2m T3c T4t T16 T20c T40 47 ––––––––––––––––高压传感器Climatronic 控制单元车载电网控制单元压缩机调节阀,空调器蓄电池保险丝架上的保险丝 -6-保险丝架上的保险丝 -40-保险丝架上的保险丝 -3-保险丝架上的保险丝 -7-保险丝架上的保险丝 -24-2 芯插头连接3 芯插头连接4 芯插头连接,起动机附近16 芯诊断接口插头连接,仪表板下面左侧20 芯插头连接40 芯插头连接,在发动机舱内左侧电控箱上接地点,右前脚部空间内271373381656A20A167***––––––––接地连接 -3-,前部导线束中接地连接 -8-,主导线束中接地连接 -16-,主导线束中接地点,右侧大灯上正极连接(15a),在仪表板导线束中正极连接 -3-(30a),在仪表板导线束中至 2003 年 6 月从 2003 年 6 月起ws = 白色sw = 黑色ro = 红色br = 棕色gn = 绿色bl = 蓝色gr = 灰色li = 淡紫色ge = 黄色or = 桔黄色温度传感器 - 新鲜空气进气道、光电传感器、左侧出风口温度传感器、右侧出风口温度传感器、蒸发器出风口温度传感器G89 G107 G134 G150 G151 G263 J131 J132 J255 J519 T6c T6d T6e T6f T20c T16g ––––––––––––––––温度传感器 - 新鲜空气进气道日照光电传感器日照光电传感器 2左侧出风口温度传感器右侧出风口温度传感器蒸发器出风口温度传感器可加热驾驶员座椅控制单元可加热副驾驶员座椅控制单元Climatronic 控制单元车载电网控制单元6 芯插头连接,驾驶员座椅下方6 芯插头连接6 芯插头连接,在副驾驶员座椅下面6 芯插头连接20 芯插头连接16 芯插头连接L7L9M44M57––––连接 -3-,在空调器导线束中连接 -1-,在空调器导线束中连接 -4-,在驾驶员侧座椅导线束中连接 -7-,在副驾驶员侧座椅导线束中ws = 白色sw = 黑色ro = 红色br = 棕色gn = 绿色bl = 蓝色gr = 灰色li = 淡紫色ge = 黄色or = 桔黄色左侧脚部空间出风口温度传感器、右侧脚部空间出风口温度传感器、新鲜空气 / 空气内循环风门伺服马达、左侧温度风门伺服马达G143 G220 G261 G262 J255 J519 T6p T6s T16g T16f V154 V158 ––––––––––––空气内循环风门伺服马达内的电位计左侧温度风门伺服马达的电位计出风口温度传感器,左侧脚部空间出风口温度传感器,右侧脚部空间Climatronic 控制单元车载电网控制单元6 芯插头连接6 芯插头连接16 芯插头连接16 芯插头连接新鲜空气 / 空气内循环风门伺服马达左侧温度风门伺服马达L7L8––连接 -3-,在空调器导线束中连接 -4-,在空调器导线束中ws = 白色sw = 黑色ro = 红色br = 棕色gn = 绿色bl = 蓝色gr = 灰色li = 淡紫色ge = 黄色or = 桔黄色除霜风门伺服马达、右侧温度风门伺服马达G135 G221 J255 J519 T6q T6u T16f T16g V107 V159 ––––––––––除霜风门伺服马达内的电位计右侧温度风门伺服马达的电位计Climatronic 控制单元车载电网控制单元6 芯插头连接6 芯插头连接16 芯插头连接16 芯插头连接除霜风门伺服马达右侧温度风门伺服马达L7L8––连接 -3-,在空调器导线束中连接 -4-,在空调器导线束中ws = 白色sw = 黑色ro = 红色br = 棕色gn = 绿色bl = 蓝色gr = 灰色li = 淡紫色ge = 黄色or = 桔黄色新鲜空气鼓风机、中央风门伺服马达、速滞压力风门伺服马达、新鲜空气鼓风机控制单元G112 G113 J126 J255 J519 J533 SC56 T6n T6r T6t T10k T16 T16f T16g T20 T20c V2V70 ––––––––––––––––––电位计 - 中央风门伺服马达电位计 - 速滞压力风门伺服马达新鲜空气鼓风机控制单元Climatronic 控制单元车载电网控制单元数据总线诊断接口保险丝架上的保险丝 -56-6 芯插头连接6 芯插头连接6 芯插头连接10 芯插头连接,在加热装置上16 芯诊断接口插头连接,仪表板下面左侧16 芯插头连接16 芯插头连接20 芯插头连接20 芯插头连接新鲜空气鼓风机中央风门伺服马达V7147L7L8B397B406––––––速滞压力风门伺服马达接地点,右前脚部空间内连接 -3-,在空调器导线束中连接 -4-,在空调器导线束中连接 -1-(舒适 / 便利功能 CAN 总线,高速),在主导线束中连接 -1-(舒适 / 便利功能 CAN 总线,低速),在主导线束中。
音响系统自 2013 年 4 月起A+16.0ws =白色sw =黑色ro =红色rt =红色br =褐色gn =绿色bl =蓝色gr =灰色li =淡紫色vi =淡紫色ge =黄色or =橘黄色收音机及导航系统带显示单元的控制单元, 功率放大器A 蓄电池J503收音机及导航系统带显示单元的控制单元R12功率放大器SB19保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 19T16b 16 芯插头连接T38a 38 芯插头连接T40a40 芯插头连接507螺栓连接(30),在蓄电池保险丝座上610接地点(音频),在前中控台下面1516171819202122232425262728B415J 533J 533B421R 20R 22or/vi T20b /20or/br T20b /101.0 1.0 1.0/271.0/28ws/rtT28a /27bl/rt T28a /28gn/wsT28b gr/wsT28b ws =白色sw =黑色ro =红色rt =红色br =褐色gn =绿色bl =蓝色gr =灰色li =淡紫色vi =淡紫色ge =黄色or =橘黄色功率放大器, 左前高音喇叭, 右前高音喇叭J533数据总线诊断接口R12功率放大器R20左前高音喇叭R22右前高音喇叭T2ar 2 芯插头连接T2az 2 芯插头连接T20b 20 芯插头连接T28a 28 芯插头连接T28b 28 芯插头连接T38a38 芯插头连接B415连接 1(信息娱乐系统 CAN 总线,High),在主导线束中B421连接 1(信息娱乐系统 CAN 总线,Low),在主导线束中R 21R 14R 16R 231.51.5T28a 1.0T28c 1.0T28c 1.0T28d /271.0T28d /281.5T28b /241.5T28b /23br/bl T28a /24br/gn/23br/sw/28bl/sw/27br/swbr/rt br/grgr ws =白色sw =黑色ro =红色rt =红色br =褐色gn =绿色bl =蓝色gr =灰色li =淡紫色vi =淡紫色ge =黄色功率放大器, 左后高音喇叭, 右后高音喇叭, 左前低音喇叭,右前低音喇叭R12功率放大器R14左后高音喇叭R16右后高音喇叭R21左前低音喇叭R23右前低音喇叭T2au 2 芯插头连接T2av 2 芯插头连接T2cy 2 芯插头连接T2cz 2 芯插头连接T28a 28 芯插头连接T28b 28 芯插头连接T28c 28 芯插头连接T28d 28 芯插头连接T38a38 芯插头连接R 15R /24br/wsT28c /23br/vi T28d rt/vi T28d ws =白色sw =黑色ro =红色rt =红色br =褐色gn =绿色bl =蓝色gr =灰色li =淡紫色vi =淡紫色ge =黄色功率放大器, 左后低音喇叭, 右后低音喇叭R12功率放大器R15左后低音喇叭R17右后低音喇叭T4j 4 芯插头连接T4k 4 芯插头连接T28c 28 芯插头连接T28d 28 芯插头连接T38a38 芯插头连接。
大众捷达全车维修手册电路图 收音机装置
B390 - 连接 1(驱动系统 CAN 总线,Low),在主导线束中 B500 - 连接(86s),在车内导线束中
- 仅适用于带高端基本装备(AW1)的汽车
- 仅适用于带低端基本装备(AW0)的汽车
ws = 白色 sw = 黑色 ro = 红色 rt = 红色
br = 褐色 gn = 绿色 bl = 蓝色
0.35 or/sw
0.35 or/sw
0.35 or/br
0.35 or/br
T2n /1
T2n /2
编号 13 / 4
车载电网控制单元, 收音机, 天线, 保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 19 J519 - 车载电网控制单元
Jetta NF
0.5 sw/br
0.5 br/ge
0.35 or/sw
B500 B383
0.5 sw/br
0.5 sw/br
A19 - 连接(58d),在仪表板导线束中
B237 - 正极连接(驻车辅助),在车内空间导线束中
Steel 31-31H1 零件目录说明书
ATmega128A-STK600 硬件和软件入门指南说明书
APPLICATION NOTEHardware and Software Getting StartedATmega128A-STK600 IntroductionAn easy and fast way to start developing and evaluating the ATmegaS128 device is to use the ATmega128A industrial version with the STK600 starter-kit.This document guides you step by step to setup the hardware and software, to program and run your first code with the ATmega128A device. RequirementsTo use this “Getting S tarted” document you need to gather the following materials:- One STK600 evaluation kit (ATSTK600)- One STK600 - RC064M-9 Routing board (STK600-RC064M-9)- One STK600-TQFP64 Socket Board with a ZIF socket. (STK600-TQFP64) - One ATmega128A in TQFP64 package- Atmel Studio available from : /Microsite/atmel-studio- “” software FileObjectiveThe aim is prepare the hardware, program and run a short demo based on the “led chaser” software.ATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/2015221Hardware Configuration1.1Step 1.Unpack the STK600 kit and install the RC064M-9 routing board as shown on the figure below.Install the STK600-TQFP64 socket board as shown on the figure below.ATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/2015 33ATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/201544Connect an USB cable between your workstation and the STK600 board and connect an 8-wires flat cablebetween the ports A(0-7) and LED(0-7) as shown in the figure below. Before connecting the USB cable, set the power s witch to “Off” positio n. Those two cables are supplied in the STK600 kit.Install the ATmega128A device into the TQFP64 socket being careful to insert it in the right direction bymatching together the indexes of the package and the device as shown in the figure below.1.5 Step 5.Verify that the jumpers and the switch are configured as shown on the figure below. The jumpers VTARGET, RESET, AREF0, AREF1 must be set and the c lock switch must be set to “INT” position.ATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/2015 55ATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/201566Connect a 10-wires flat cable on the JTAG connector as shown on the figure below. The cable is supplied in the STK600 kit.Move the power s witch to “ON” position. The hardware configuration is now complete. The next step will consist to run the application software.2 Software ConfigurationThis section guides you in few steps to prepare your workstation to program and run the “led chaser” demo.Prerequisite 1.: download Atmel Studio from the URL /Microsite/atmel-studio and install it on your workstation.Prerequisite 2.: unzip the “l ed chaser” demo file.2.1 Step 7.D ouble click on the file “Led_Chaser.atsln”. It makes run Atmel Studio (if a window requesting an updateappears, you can close it).2.2 Step 8.Click on the programming Icon as shown on the figure below.ATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/2015 77ATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/201588A window should pop as shown on the figure below.Select STK600 as tools, ATmega128A as device and JTAG as Interface then click on the “Apply” button.In return, the system should display the information shown on the figure below, meaning that the hardware configuration has been recognized by the system.Click on the “Read” button to get the signature bytes of the ATmega128A.The voltage supply of the ATmega128A device can be adjusted from your workstation. If the voltage level is close to zero, it is not possible to read the signature bytes. Therefore the voltage supply must be tuned.You should read the value 0x1E9702 meaning that the system is able to communicate with the ATmega128A device. If an error message comes up, check the device voltage by clicking on the “Read” button. If it is not possible, click on the “board settings” option from the left menu.Note: The ATmegaS128 is a 3.3V device while the ATmega128A is a 2.7-5.5V device. Therefore, the ATmega128A lets you the choice between 3.3V or 5V. The pictures of this document are provided with the 5V option.ATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/2015 99ATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/2015110Adjust the voltage level by means of the cursor as shown on the figure below then click on the “Write” button. Verify the target voltage and the availability of the signature bytes (0x1E9702).Configuring the fuse bytes of the ATmega128A. Click on the “Fuses” option from the left menu.Those fuse bytes enable to configure several device hardware parameters.Verify that the M103C fuse is unselected, that the JTAGEN and SPIEN ones are selected, then click on the “Program” button.ATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/2015 111ATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE]Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/2015112 Programming the code. Click on the “Memories” option from the left menu then click on “Erase now” button to erase the device. Find the file “Led_Chaser.elf” on your worstation from the path\led_chaser\GccBoardProject2\Debug, then click on the “Program” button .The demo should start after few seconds.Congratulations. You have now completely set up your hardware and software environment and programmed your first AVR based demo. Enjoy by changing the source code and reprogramming the chip.3 Revision HistoryATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/2015 113。
上海大众新帕萨特轿车_19_收音机装置 RCD 310
上海大众全新帕萨特轿车电路图编号 19 / 101.2011收音机装置 RCD 310自 2011 年 1 月起上海大众全新帕萨特轿车电路图编号 19 / 2A42-019020111RAB328SA 4B315B316B319B415B416B421B422J 533J 533J 51910.0rt6.0rt 6.0rt0.5rt/sw or/vi0.35or/vior/br0.35or/br0.35or/viT20c /200.35or/brT20c /100.5rt/wsws =白色sw =黑色ro =红色rt =红色br =褐色gn =绿色bl =蓝色gr =灰色li =淡紫色vi =淡紫色ge =黄色or =橘黄色rs =粉红色车载电网控制单元, 收音机A - 蓄电池J519- 车载电网控制单元J533- 数据总线诊断接口R -收音机SA4- 保险丝架 A 上的保险丝 4SB13- 保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 13SC32- 保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 32T16q - 16 芯插头连接T20c- 20 芯插头连接507 - 螺栓连接(30),在蓄电池保险丝座上 B315- 正极连接 1(30a ),在主导线束中 B316- 正极连接 2(30a ),在主导线束中 B319 - 正极连接 5(30a ),在主导线束中 B328- 正极连接 14(30a ),在主导线束中B415- 连接 1(信息娱乐系统 CAN 总线,High ),在主导线束中 B416 - 连接 2(信息娱乐系统 CAN 总线,High ),在主导线束中B421 - 连接 1(信息娱乐系统 CAN 总线,Low ),在主导线束中 B422- 连接 2(信息娱乐系统 CAN 总线,Low ),在主导线束中上海大众全新帕萨特轿车电路图编号 19 / 3A42-019030111387J 519ws=白色sw =黑色ro =红色rt =红色br =褐色gn =绿色bl =蓝色gr =灰色li =淡紫色vi =淡紫色ge =黄色or =橘黄色rs=粉红色车载电网控制单元, 收音机, USB 接口支架, 外部音频源接口J519- 车载电网控制单元R -收音机R193- USB 接口支架R199- 外部音频源接口T4ap - 4 芯插头连接T5a - 5 芯插头连接T5b - 5 芯插头连接T5c - 5 芯插头连接T10m - 10 芯插头连接T12v - 12 芯插头连接T16q- 16 芯插头连接387 - 接地连接 22,在主导线束中 610- 接地点(音频),在前中控台下面上海大众全新帕萨特轿车电路图编号 19 / 4A42-019040111R 23B103B104J 519ws =白色sw =黑色ro =红色rt =红色br =褐色gn =绿色bl =蓝色gr =灰色li =淡紫色vi =淡紫色ge =黄色or =橘黄色rs =粉红色车载电网控制单元, 收音机, 左前高音喇叭, 左前低音喇叭, 右前高音喇叭, 右前低音喇叭J519- 车载电网控制单元R - 收音机R20- 左前高音喇叭R21- 左前低音喇叭R22- 右前高音喇叭R23- 右前低音喇叭T2L - 2 芯插头连接T2m - 2 芯插头连接T4g - 4 芯插头连接T4h - 4 芯插头连接T16q - 16 芯插头连接T28a - 28 芯插头连接T28b- 28 芯插头连接B101 - 连接(正极,左前侧扬声器),在主导线束中B102- 连接(负极,扬声器),在主导线束中 B103 - 连接(正极,扬声器),在主导线束中B104- 连接(负极,扬声器),在主导线束中上海大众全新帕萨特轿车电路图编号 19 / 5A42-019050111R14R 16J 519ws =白色sw =黑色ro =红色rt =红色br =褐色gn =绿色bl =蓝色gr =灰色li =淡紫色vi =淡紫色ge =黄色or =橘黄色rs =粉红色车载电网控制单元, 收音机, 左后高音喇叭, 左后低音喇叭, 右后高音喇叭, 右后低音喇叭J519- 车载电网控制单元R -收音机R14- 左后高音喇叭R15- 左后低音喇叭R16- 右后高音喇叭R17- 右后低音喇叭T2n - 2 芯插头连接T2o - 2 芯插头连接T4j - 4 芯插头连接T4k - 4 芯插头连接T16q - 16 芯插头连接T28c - 28 芯插头连接T28d- 28 芯插头连接上海大众全新帕萨特轿车电路图编号 19 / 6A42-019060111J 519ws =白色sw =黑色ro =红色rt =红色br =褐色gn =绿色bl =蓝色gr =灰色li =淡紫色vi =淡紫色ge =黄色or =橘黄色rs =粉红色车载电网控制单元, 收音机, 右侧天线模块, 后盖天线 1, 负导线中的调频频率分滤器, 正导线中的调频频率分滤器, 可加热式后窗玻璃J9- 可加热后窗玻璃继电器J519- 车载电网控制单元R -收音机R109- 右侧天线模块R130- 后盖天线 1R178- 负导线中的调频频率分滤器R179- 正导线中的调频频率分滤器T3j - 3 芯插头连接Z1- 可加热式后窗玻璃662- 接地点,后左侧面件中上海大众全新帕萨特轿车电路图编号 19 / 7A42-019070111RR 189B182610J 5190.35br0.53bl/swws =白色sw =黑色ro =红色rt =红色br =褐色gn =绿色bl =蓝色gr =灰色li =淡紫色vi =淡紫色ge =黄色or =橘黄色rs =粉红色车载电网控制单元, 收音机, 倒车摄像头J519- 车载电网控制单元R -收音机R189- 倒车摄像头T4bh - 4 芯插头连接T5y - 5 芯插头连接T26b - 26 芯插头连接T52c- 52 芯插头连接610 - 接地点(音频),在前中控台下面 B182- 连接(RF ),在车内空间导线束中。
R-31 用户手册说明书
Quality Craftsmanship Since 1958TABLE OF CONTENTSTable Of Contents (2)Congratulations (3)Safety (3)Symbol Glossary (4)Specifications (Subject To Change Without Notice) (5)Equipment Location (6)Starboard Fittings (6)Port Fittings (7)Main Cabin Top Deck Components (8)Stern Components (9)Fuse Location & Values (10)Main Cabin And Cockpit Lights (11)Battery Compartment (12)Power Distribution Panel (P.D.P) (13)DC Distribution Panel, DC Bank Meter (14)AC Distribution Panel & Rotary Switch (15)12V Helm Control Operation (16)Fuel System, Engine, Generator & Webasto Furnace (17)Closed Engine Cooling System (18)Sea Strainer System (19)Webasto Furnace (20)Solar Panel (21)Power Panel and Solar Panel Controller Box (22)Air Conditioning (23)Raw Water Wash Down (24)Fresh Water Plumbing System (25)Shower Sump (26)Bilge Pump System (27)Waste System With Macerator Pump (28)Mast Set Up And Takedown (29)Ranger Tug R-31 Wiring Schematic (Acc. 1) (30)Ranger Tug R-31 Wiring Schematic (Acc. 2) (31)Ranger Tug R-31 Wiring Schematic (Acc. 3) (32)Ranger Tug R-31 Wiring Schematic (Lighting) (33)Ranger Tug R-31 Wiring Schematic (P.D.P.) (34)Ranger Tug R-31 Working Deck (35)Care And Maintenance (36)Example Of A Preparation For The Road Checklist (36)Example Of A Spring Pre-Launch Checklist (37)Example Of Winter Storage Checklist (38)Warning Label Locations (39)Contacts (40)CONGRATULATIONSThe Ranger Tug family has a passion for boating. We are committed to continuous process improvement in all areas that affect our customer’s satisfaction with our products and providing great customer service.SAFETYSafety is always a concern at Ranger Tugs. Please read all manuals to ensure that equipment is used in a safe manner. We highly recommend attendance in a Coast Guard approved boating safety course. Such courses are available from the Coast Guard directly or from boating organizations. Owners should have annual inspec-tions to ensure that all safety equipment is current.STEOPTSYMBOL GLOSSARYAttention! – Important Operating or Maintenance InstructionsAttention! – Electrical Shock HazardFresh WaterBlack WaterFuelStandard EquipmentOptional EquipmentHintsSPECIFICATIONS(Subject to Change Without Notice)R-31 SLength .......................................................................................... 31’ 2” 9.5 m Length Overall (w/swim step) ........................................................ 35’ 2’’ 10.72 m Beam ............................................................................................ 10’ 0” 3.05 m Draft ............................................................................................. 28”.71 mWeight, Dry .................................................................................. 11,000 lbs 4,989.52 kg Water Bridge Clearance (mast up) ................................................. 14’ 0” 4.27 m Water Bridge Clearance (mast down) ............................................ 9’ 8” 2.95 m Height on Trailer (mast down) ....................................................... 13’ 1” 3.99 m Fuel Capacity ................................................................................ 180 gal 681.37 L Water Capacity (fresh) ................................................................... 60 gal 227.12 L Holding Tank Capacity .................................................................. 40 gal 151.42 L Hot Water Tank Capacity .............................................................. 11 gal 41.64 L Length of boat on trailer (Standard factory trailer) ......................... 41’ 8” 12.7 mR-31 CBLength .......................................................................................... 31’ 2” 9.5 m Length Overall (w/swim step) ........................................................ 35’ 2’’ 10.72 m Beam ............................................................................................ 10’ 0” 3.05 m Draft ............................................................................................. 28”.71 mWeight, Dry .................................................................................. 11,500 lbs 5,216.31 kg Water Bridge Clearance (bridge/mast up) ...................................... 17’ 9” 5.41 m Water Bridge Clearance (bridge/mast down) ................................. 10’ 3” 3.12 m Height on Trailer ........................................................................... 13’ 4” 4.06 m Fuel Capacity ................................................................................ 180 gal 681.37 L Water Capacity (fresh) ................................................................... 60 gal 227.12 L Holding Tank Capacity .................................................................. 40 gal 151.42 L Hot Water Tank Capacity .............................................................. 11 gal 41.64 L Length of boat on trailer (Standard factory trailer) ......................... 41’ 8”12.7 mEQUIPMENT LOCATIONSTARBOARD FITTINGS1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1413Keep all vents, drains and exhausts clear of any obstructions to ensure proper performance of each system.STE➊ Stern thruster➋ Diesel Fill On Deck ➌ Fuel Tank Vent ➍ Water Fill➎ Cockpit Sink Drain ➏ Aft Bilge Drain➐ Forward Bilge Drain ➑ Galley Sink Drain➒ Water Tank Vent ➓ Waste Tank VentWaste Pumpout Door Well Drain Webasto Exhaust Bow Thruster Drain Plug1113121415STEPORT FITTINGS1 2 5 6 7 8 10 11 123 4 9Keep all vents, drains and exhausts clear of any obstructions to ensure proper performance of each system.➊ Anchor Locker Drain ➋ Bow Thruster ➌ Forward AC ➍ Aft AC➎ Head Sink Drain ➏ Shower Sump Drain ➐ Macerator➑ Engine Exhaust ➒ Generator Exhaust ➓ Stern Thruster ➓Bow Thruster Zinc ➓Stern Thruster Zinc1112MAIN CABIN TOP DECK COMPONENTS STE1 2 3 4 5 6 78➊ Anchor Light➋ Spreader Lights➌ TV Antenna➍ Radar➎ Searchlight➏ Horn➐ Navigation Light(RED Port, GREEN Starboard)➑ GSM 53 XM/Weather Antenna R-31 S R-31 CBSTERN COMPONENTSSTE1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 2318 23 24➊ Swim Platform Support Rails ➋ Cockpit Scupper with Flap ➌ Towing Strapdown Eye ➍ Trim Tab Ram ➎ Trim Tab➏ Stern Thruster ➐ Prop ➑ Rudder➒ Stern Plate ➓ Prop ZincTransom Zinc Swim Platform Swim Platform Fenders Rail with Chain Gate Propane Locker Dinghy CleatsUnderwater Lights Trim Tab ZincsThruster Zinc (inside tube) Swim LadderAmber Courtesy LIghts Flagstaff MountDinghy DavitDinghy Standoff Mounts1112131415161718202122232419* To reset, reinsert yellow arm“up” into the breaker.To test, press red button and the yellow arm should flip down.Optional fuse block located belowthe bridge on CB models.Head Lights 12V Outlet (Vberth)Wine Cooler Shower Pump VHF 12V Outlet (dash)Heater Stereo Stereo Amp Trim TabsSpotlight RemoteNMEA 2000 Power Cockpit Seat Light FuseFlybridge Switch PanelMAIN CABIN AND COCKPIT LIGHTS STEMain Cabin SwitchDC BreakerPanel (On First)FixtureSwitchForwardCabin SwitchHeadSwitchUnder-waterSwitchCockpit/TransomSwitch➊V-Berth Cabin Lights✓✓✓➋ Head Lights✓✓➌Under Bed Lighting✓✓➍Indirect Cabin Lights✓✓➎Cockpit & Transom Lights/Indirect Exterior Lights✓✓➏Hard Top Red/White Combo✓➐Overhead Red/White Cabin Lights✓✓➑Midberth Cabin Lights✓✓➒Dinette Lights✓✓➓Underwater Lights✓✓BATTERY CONFIGURATIONSTEHouse Batteries, Engine Battery, Thruster Battery, Inverter Fuse (300 AMP),STERNInverter/Charger Power SwitchInverter/Charger Combo UnitInverter Fuse (300 amp)Batteries 1 = House 2 = Engine 3 = ThrusterPOWER DISTRIBUTION PANEL (P.D.P)STEThis Power Distribution Panel is located underneath the cockpit sink.Once the EMERGENCY PARALLEL switch is placed in the on position the power from the HOUSE batteries will be transferred to the ENGINE battery. Use only for EMERGENCY starting. Turn the parallel switch off after engine is started.All fuses hooked directly to the battery switches are labeled and powered all the time whether the switch is set to the on or off position.Stern Thruster FuseBow Thruster FuseDash BreakerD.C. Panel Breaker Fly Bridge BreakerAutomatic ChargingRelay (ACR)Automatic Charging Relay (ACR)Wired directly to batteries - ALWAYS HOTSwitched on/off with house battery switchDC DISTRIBUTION PANEL, DC BANK METERSTEThe bilge pumps operate automatically with electronic float switches even when all switches and breakers are in the OFF position.However, the BILGE PUMP and BILGE PUMP2 will run continuously once their switches are placedin the on position. Monitor the outflow accordingly. Do not run when dry.AC DISTRIBUTION PANEL & ROTARY SWITCHSTEAC Rotary Selector Switch (Available with Generator) AC Main Line 2 (with AC)The AC Rotary Switch Selector Switch will determine which source of incoming 120 Volt power to use for your AC Distribution Panel.*ELCI breaker is located below aft cockpit seat.Inverter only powers these breakers.Inverter only powers these breakers.AC Main 1 when “on” will automatically turn on the charger/inverter combo unit to “charge mode”. When turned “off” the combo unit automatically goes into “inverter” mode.AC Distribution PanelWIPERS WIPERS WIPERS WIPERS FANS THRUSTERREMOTENAVLIGHTS HORNMain fuel fill Main fuel vent Webasto fuelpump & filterinside black box(optional)Engine fuel return Webasto fuel pickup (optional) Engine fuel pickup& shutoff valveGenerator pickup& shutoff valve Generator returnEngine fuel filter/separator Generator fuel filter/separatorEngineGeneratorFUEL SYSTEM, ENGINE, GENERATOR & WEBASTO FURNACE STEVolvo D4-300 180 gallon fuel tankThere is a secondary on engine fuel filter that is not shown on this drawing. You will be able to find information about this filter in the diesel engine manual supplied with your boat. The waterfuel sensor is located on the engine mounted filter.Main engine fuel shutoff is located underneath the hatch as you enter the main cabin.STERNCLOSED ENGINE COOLING SYSTEMSTE Provides alternate heating system for the Fresh Water Heater and provides primary heating source for the Forced Air Cabin Heater. This system is also designed to provide cooling to the internal components of your engine. Please refer to your engine operations manual for more information.*Use only Volvo VCS (yellow) Coolant, do not mix coolants.EngineCabin HeaterHotWaterHeaterThere are 2 black handled ball valves on the front of the engine. In the event of a leak on either the H Oheater, or the forced air cabin heater, close both valves to keep coolant inthe engine.Engine sea strainerEngine intake shutoff Generator sea strainer Generator intake shutoff Washdown sea strainer Washdown intake shutoff AC intake shutoffAC sea strainerAC pumpEngineGeneratorSTESTESTESTESEA STRAINER SYSTEMSTE Multi Port Sea Strainer for engine and raw water wash down.NW Editions have individual strainers & valves.WEBASTO FURNACEThe control panel is located at the mid cabin power management center.The fuel pump is in the salon floor hatch compartment inside of the black box.VentControl PanelSOLAR PANELSolar panel 160 watt, with display panel• The solar panel is designed to provide charging to the house & engine batteries. 90% of its charge is dedicated to the house battery and 10% is dedicated to the engine battery.• The green light on the solar display indicates proper operation.• The solar display is located port side mid cabin.• The controller is located in the starboard lazarette*Keep panel clean and completely uncovered for best results111123ControllerDisplaySolar PanelBattery Banks 1 = House 2 = Engine 3 = ThrusterLocated in the starboard side cockpit lazerettePOWER PANEL AND SOLAR PANEL CONTROLLER BOXCommand BridgeSedanSolar Panel Controller50 Amp Breaker50 Amp BreakerAutomatic ChargingRelay (ACR)Automatic ChargingRelay (ACR)300 Amp ANLBus Fuse150 Amp BreakerSTEAIR CONDITIONINGMain Cabin A/CControl PanelRAW WATER WASH DOWNSTEJohnson Aqua Jet 5.2 GPMRaw water washdown hosefitting & on/off switch Washdown sea strainer Washdown intake shutoffRaw water washdown pump & filterEngineFRESH WATER PLUMBING SYSTEMSTE60 Gallon Fresh Water Tank, 11 Gallon Hot Water Heater, 3.5 GPM Fresh Water Pump Water pressure switch is located on the DC breaker panelHead connectionHead sink cold Head sink hotWater heater cold inWater heater hot out Fresh water fill Fresh water vent Water HeaterWater TankFresh water pump(Filter should be inspectedand cleaned monthly)Cabin sink hotCabin sink cold Shower hot Shower cold Cockpit shower cold Cockpit sink cold Water tank gauge Cockpit sink hotCockpit shower hotAPPENDIX - POTABLE WATER SYSTEMSThe information contained in this appendix provides supplementary data about disinfecting a potable water system.A SUGGESTED METHOD OF DISINFECTION Perform the following steps in the order indicated: a. Flush entire system thoroughly by allowing potable water to flow through it; b. Drain system completely; c. Fill entire system with a chlorine solution having a strength of at least 100 parts per million, and allow to stand for one (1) hour. Shorter periods will require greater concentrations of chlorine solution. See Table I d. Drain chlorine solution from entire system; e. Flush entire system thoroughly with potable water; f. Fill system with potable water.Table I shows how much disinfecting agent is required to make up various quantities of 100 parts per million chlorine solution.TABLE I – CHLORINE CONCENTRATIONSAmount of chlorine compound required for 100 ppm solutionSolution (Gallons) Chlorinated Lime 25% (ounces) High Test Calcium Hypochlorite 70% (ounces) Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite 1% (quarts)5 0.3 0.1 0.2 10 0.6 0.2 0.4 15 0.9 0.3 0.6 20 1.2 0.4 0.8 30 1.8 0.6 1.2 50 3.0 1.0 2.0 100 6.0 2.0 4.0NOTE: This table contains information taken from the Handbook on Sanitation of Vessel Water Points, Public Health Service Publication No. 274 - Reprinted June 1963.BILGE PUMP SYSTEM12V 1100GPHSTEThe bilge pumps operate automatically with electronic float switches even when all switchesand breakers are in the OFF position.However, the BILGE PUMP and BILGE PUMP2 will run continuously once their switches are placedin the on position. Monitor the outflow accordingly. Do not run when dry.WASTE SYSTEM WITH MACERATOR PUMP STESTE40 Gallon Tank with standard pump out, and ventWaste tank level can be checked by utilizing the head control panel. Please refer to your headoperations manual.Waste tank pump out stations are widely available.Please follow the directions carefully for the pump out equipment you are using to avoid damage to the waste system.Boat owner is responsible for following all applicable laws when using the macerator system to pump out into the surrounding waters.Overboard shutoff valve is accessed through velcro access panel in forward mid cabin berth.Waste TankOverboard Shutoff ValveMaceratorFresh Water InForward HeadAft HeadWaste Pump OutWaste Tank VentMacerator pump outMAST AND BRIDGE SET UP AND TAKEDOWNSEDANMAST SET UP PROCEDURE1. Remove the three black plastic wing nuts from the mast base.2. Remove the two mast tie down cables from their storage positions in the roof clips.3. With the mast tie down cables still loose, raise the mast off of the stainless steel support bar.4. Secure the stainless steel retaining bar in the appropriate clip attached on the rooftop.5. Raise the mast to its full extension and ensure that it fits correctly over the mounting studs on the roofmounting plate.6. Attach the three black plastic wing nuts to the mounting studs and hand tighten securely.7. Attach the two mast tie down cables to their appropriate clips on the port and starboard side of the roof.8. Make sure the mast tie down cables are adjusted properly.MAST TAKE DOWN PROCEDURE1. Remove the mast tie down cables from their clips on the port and starboard side of the roof.2. Remove the three black plastic wing nuts from the mast base mounting studs.3. Carefully lower the mast onto the stainless steel support bar.4. Attach the black plastic wing nuts back onto the screws on the mast mounting plate and secure themfor storage by hand tightening.5. Attach the two mast tie down cables to their storage positions in the roof clips.6. Recommend securing the mast with a tie down.COMMAND BRIDGECOMMAND BRIDGE SET UP PROCEDURE1. Raise the mast.2. Loosen black bridge hold down straps (port and starboard sides).3. Raise bridge.4. Lock bridge feet in place).5. Tighten black bridge hld down straps (port and starboard sides).6. Raise seat and insert seat pins (x2.7. Install port and starboard command bridge railing and pins.8. Install aft command bridge railing and pins.RANGER TUG R-31 WIRING SCHEMATIC (ACC. 1)R-31 Accessories #1ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC1-26-16-12VRANGER TUG R-31 WIRING SCHEMATIC (ACC. 2)R-31 Accessories #2ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC-12V +12VHouse Battery (Stbd Hatch (Switch)4 SwitchRANGER TUG R-31 WIRING SCHEMATIC (ACC. 3)R-31 Accessories #3ELECTRICAL SCHEMATICBreakerFuseHorn Prompt toSwitch DPST+12VRANGER TUG R-31 WIRING SCHEMATIC (LIGHTING)GNDR-31 Lighting1-26-16ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC-12V PDP V-berth LT+12VDash Fuse Block #1RANGER TUG R-31 WIRING SCHEMATIC (P.D.P.)HOUSE HOUSETHRUSTERS ENGINE3/O YELR-31 Power Distribution ELECTRICAL SCHEMATICRANGER TUG R-31 WORKING DECKSTER-31 S R-31 CBCARE AND MAINTENANCEPlease customize to your personal needs. Consult your engine and trailer user manuals for ad-ditional information.EXAMPLE OF A PREPARATION FOR THE ROAD CHECKLISTTOW VEHICLE – PRIOR TO USE£ Test Lights.£ Check brakes.£ Check tire pressure and condition.£ Check hitch related electrical connections.TRAILER – PRIOR TO USE£ Check registration£ Check rollers and bed rails.£ Check wheel bearings and lubricate as required.£ Check winch.£ Test electrical connection and lights.£ Check tire pressure and condition.£ Check safety chains.£ Check boat straps.£ Check braking system.£ Check hitch for proper connection and lock down.£ Install safety chains (cross under hitch).£ Remove tire blocks.BOAT – PRIOR TO USE WITH TRAILER£ Lower mast.£ Lower VHF antenna.£ Secure the Bimini awning frame.£ Raise and secure swim platform ladder.£ Set all switches and breakers to the OFF position, Including Thruster/Windlass cutoff switch£ Close and secure all windows, ports and vents.£ Lock cabin.£ Center rudder.£ Remove Drain PlugEXAMPLE OF A SPRING PRE-LAUNCH CHECKLISTCLEANING£ Remove debris from scuppers and scupper drains.£ Clean hull using a mild biodegradable detergent and then wax.£ Clean topsides and decks using a mild biodegradable detergent and then wax.£ Clean and polish all bright work.£ Clean and oil teak.£ Clean windows, ports, and hatches.£ Clean bimini cover.£ Check and clean anchor, rode, and anchor storage compartment.INSPECTION£ Check Drain Plug£ Check spare parts and tools and replace as necessary.£ Check wiper blades.£ Check swim platform.£ Inspect and test trim tabs.£ Check condition of bottom paint.£ Check windlass.£ Verify electronics for correct operation.£ Check all inside and outside lights.£ Macerator Y-Valve in proper position and secured.£ Inspect and verify position of all sea cocks and shut off valves.£ Check alarms for proper operation.£ Check fluid levels.SAFETY EQUIPMENT£ Sound signaling device.£ Check flares and their expiration dates.£ Check personal flotation devices.£ Check fire extinguishers and their fill dates.£ First aid kits.GALLEY£ Check stove for proper operation.£ Check everyday utensil stock.DOCUMENTS£ Registration sticker.£ Insurance papers and Passports.£ Boat Inspection sticker.£ Charts and float plan forms.EXAMPLE OF WINTER STORAGE CHECKLISTGENERAL MAINTENANCE£ Fill Fuel Tank and add a fuel stabilizer.£ Empty and clean black water tank.£ Empty fresh water tank use a non-toxic antifreeze per manufacturer’s directions.£ Winterize black and fresh water tanks as necessary based on weather.£ Check bilge area for oil and for proper operation£ Check zincs and replace as necessary.£ Check impeller.£ Check and clean water strainer.£ Clear barnacles and debris from hull fittings.£ Trickle charge batteries every 30-60 days.£ Vent boat to prevent mildew.£ Check trailer tire pressure and condition.£ Check trailer braking system.£ Check trailer bearings.£ Remove Drain Plug.£ Turn off all battery cutoff switches.ENGINE£ Flush sea strainer system with fresh water.£ Check all fluid levels.£ Check all hose fittings.£ Check engine maintenance requirements.£ Inspect and verify position of all sea cocks and shut off valves.GALLEY£ Empty, clean and freshen refrigerator.£ Remove all dry food from storage.WARNING LABEL LOCATIONSFax 253-839-5218 。
MS31xxx中⽂资料Shell Size/No. of Dimensions in InchesInsert Arrange-Contacts/Digi-Key Price EachL L1N Q U V Fitting XY Amphenol ment No.Size DescriptionPart No.11050Max.Max.Ref.Max.Ref.ThreadRef.Ref.Part No.Straight Plugs with Solid Shells10SL-33/16Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-10SL-3S-ND 12.008.40 6.2497-3106A-10SL-3S 10SL-42/16Straight Plugw/Socket 97-3106A-10SL-4S-ND 11.357.95 5.911-3/8—3/47/8—5/8-24——97-3106A-10SL-4S 12S-32/16Straight Plugw/Pins 97-3106A-12S-3P-ND 10.407.28 5.411-7/16—25/321—5/8-24——97-3106A-12S-3P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-12S-3S-ND 11.137.79 5.7997-3106A-12S-3S 14S-13/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-14S-1P-ND 10.437.30 5.4397-3106A-14S-1P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-14S-1S-ND 12.308.61 6.4097-3106A-14S-1S 14S-24/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-14S-2P-ND 10.387.27 5.401-15/32—7/81-1/8—3/4-20——97-3106A-14S-2P Straight Plug w/Socket9.026.7097-3106A-14S-2S SS RRL MKMS3100A Wall Mount ReceptacleMounting Holes .147 Dia. sizes 24,28.120 Dia.all other sizesCInsert Patterns (Front face of pin insert shown.Drawings not to scale.)SERVICE RATING:INST A D EB C Limited Operating DC 2507001250175024504200Voltages at Sea Level AC(rms)200500900125017503000TEST CURRENT: Contact Size 16 = 13 amperes, Contact Size 12 = 23 amperes NOTE: Transients were not considered in calculating these values.NOTE: Limiting operating voltage at 50,000 feet altitude are approx. 25% of the sea level values.Insert Arrangement Service Rating10SL-3A18-10A 18-11A18-12A18-16C18-19A20-4D20-29A22-14A 22-19A24-7A28-11A28-16A28-21A22-2224-1114S-716-1016-1118-1124-28INST.20-15A20-16A20-27A 20-7A,B,H,G = D C,D,E,F = A10SL-4A 12S-3A 14S-1A14S-2INST.14S-5INST.14S-6INST.18-4D18-8A18-1B,C,F,G = A all others = INST.A C BA BB AA C BD A C BE B D CA E ADCBF A EF G DCBA E D CBCB AD EFG H I J CBA D CB A D EF GH D A C BD EA CBE DB A D E F GHK JBCA D ABCDEFGHBCAD EFGA BCD EF GH I AB C D E FGHIJ K L M N A BC D EHJLK M P N TSRAB C D E F GH JLK MN P A B CD EF G HJ L KMNPO I AB C DEFG HJ LK M N U TV PSR A B C D E F G H JT Y V Q P S X R W A B C DEF G H JL K M N U W XTV IP S R ABC DEF GHJ L K M N U T V Q PS R A B C Dn p r sE F G H Jgh i k m L K M N V U W X Z R P b a c d fe T S LNAVNL N Q V MS3106A Straight Plug (97 Series)MS3108B Angle Plug (97 Series) XL 1UVQSizes 10SL, 14SVL1Q YShell is split longi-tudinally for conve-nient solder or in-spection. Frontshell is keyed to allow the 90 degree angle housing to be rotated and locked at any 45 degree increment. Underwriters Laboratories approved recognition File E115497. Canadian Standard Association Certification File LR69183 L 1MK N 1ASS R RSS R R16128Panel OpeningOCoupling ring ma-chined from solid alu-minum bar stock forhigh tensile strength.Mates with all types of 97 series receptacles.Front shell includespolarization keyway.Solid shell. Threadedbackshell.Mounting Holes.147 Dia. sizes 24,28.120 Dia. all other sizes97 Series Plugs(Continued)LKN XLKNML KZL M NBAAB CD A C IG DFEHB CA BA BC A BA BCDES SShell Size/No. of Dimensions in InchesInsert Arrange-Contacts/Digi-KeyPrice EachLL1N Q U V Fitting XY Amphenol ment No.Size Description Part No.11050Max.Max.Ref.Max.Ref.ThreadPart No.14S-55/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-14S-5P-ND 11.608.12 6.0497-3106A-14S-5P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-14S-5S-ND 13.839.687.1997-3106A-14S-5S 14S-66/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-14S-6P-ND 12.038.42 6.261-15/32—7/81-1/8—3/4-20——97-3106A-14S-6P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-14S-6S-ND 13.959.777.2697-3106A-14S-6S 16S-17/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-16S-1P-ND 12.038.42 6.2697-3106A-16S-1P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-16S-1S-ND 15.4010.788.0197-3106A-16S-1S 16S-85/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-16S-8P-ND 13.439.40 6.991-15/32—11-1/4—7/8-20——97-3106A-16S-8P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-16S-8S-ND 13.939.757.2597-3106A-16S-8S 18-110/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-18-1P-ND 15.7811.058.2197-3106A-18-1P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-18-1S-ND 17.4512.229.0897-3106A-18-1S 18-44/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-18-4P-ND 14.6010.227.6097-3106A-18-4P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-18-4S-ND 15.7511.038.1997-3106A-18-4S 18-84/1#12,Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-18-8P-ND 17.2411.269.4497-3106A-18-8P 4/7#16Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-18-8S-ND 18.6212.1610.2097-3106A-18-8S 18-104/12Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-18-10P-ND 17.4812.249.0997-3106A-18-10P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-18-10S-ND 18.6212.1610.2097-3106A-18-10S 18-115/12Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-18-11P-ND 17.4812.249.091-31/32—1-1/81-20——97-3106A-18-11P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-18-11S-ND 17.2411.269.4497-3106A-18-11S 18-126/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-18-12P-ND 14.3310.037.4597-3106A-18-12P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-18-12S-ND 17.4812.249.0997-3106A-18-12S 18-161/12Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-18-16P-ND 17.4812.249.0997-3106A-18-16P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-18-16S-ND 19.6412.8210.7697-3106A-18-16S 18-1910/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-18-19P-ND 22.5214.4212.7797-3106A-18-19P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-18-19S-ND 19.2112.5410.5297-3106A-18-19S 20-44/12Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-20-4P-ND 20.1613.1611.0497-3106A-20-4P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-20-4S-ND 26.3516.8714.9497-3106A-20-4S 20-78/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-20-7P-ND 20.1613.1611.0497-3106A-20-7P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-20-7S-ND 21.6614.1411.8697-3106A-20-7S 20-157/12Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-20-15P-ND 22.0914.4212.0997-3106A-20-15P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-20-15S-ND 27.7017.7315.701-7/8—1-1/41-15/32—1-3/16-18——97-3106A-20-15S 20-169/2#12,Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-20-16P-ND 22.1114.4412.1197-3106A-20-16P 9/7#16Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-20-16S-ND 22.5014.4012.7597-3106A-20-16S 20-2714/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-20-27P-ND 19.7812.9210.8397-3106A-20-27P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-20-27S-ND 23.1814.8413.1497-3106A-20-27S 20-2917/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-20-29P-ND 21.0713.7511.5497-3106A-20-29P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-20-29S-ND 25.4516.2914.4397-3106A-20-29S 22-1419/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-22-14P-ND 24.0515.4013.6397-3106A-22-14P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-22-14S-ND 27.3217.4915.4897-3106A-22-14S 22-1914/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-22-19P-ND 23.5815.1013.371-31/32—1-3/81-19/32—1-3/16-18——97-3106A-22-19P Straight Plug w/Socket97-3106A-22-19S-ND 24.0515.4013.6397-3106A-22-19S 24-716/2 #12,Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-24-7P-ND 28.4618.2216.1397-3106A-24-7P 16/14 #16Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-24-7S-ND 30.8319.7317.4797-3106A-24-7S 24-2824/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-24-28P-ND 29.7719.0616.872-1/4—1-1/21-23/32—1-7/16-18——97-3106A-24-28P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-24-28S-ND 33.7121.5819.1097-3106A-24-28S 28-1122/4#12,Straight Plug w/Pins97-3106A-28-11P-ND 32.2720.6518.2997-3106A-28-11P 22/18#16Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-28-11S-ND 34.6624.2721.6797-3106A-28-11S 28-1620/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-28-16P-ND 33.2321.2718.842-1/4—1-3/41-31/32—1-7/16-18——97-3106A-28-16P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-28-16S-ND 33.6621.5519.0897-3106A-28-16S 28-2137/16 Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-28-21P-ND 34.5424.1821.5997-3106A-28-21P Straight Plug w/Socket97-3106A-28-21S-ND38.9427.2624.3497-3106A-28-21SAngle Plugs with Split Shell10SL-33/16Angle Plug w/Socket 97-3108B-10SL-3S-ND 16.0311.228.3497-3108B-10SL-3S 10SL-42/16Angle Plugw/Socket 97-3108B-10SL-4S-ND 15.3010.717.96—1-1/2—7/815/8-24——97-3108B-10SL-4S 14S-13/16Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-14S-1P-ND 13.939.757.2597-3108B-14S-1P Angle Plug w/Socket 97-3108B-14S-1S-ND 14.2810.007.4397-3108B-14S-1S 14S-24/16Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-14S-2P-ND 13.809.667.1897-3108B-14S-2P Angle Plug w/Socket 97-3108B-14S-2S-ND14.9010.437.75—1-23/32—1-1/81-1/163/4-2021/32—97-3108B-14S-2S 14S-55/16Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-14S-5P-ND 15.1310.597.8797-3108B-14S-5P Angle Plug w/Socket 97-3108B-14S-5S-ND 15.5510.898.0997-3108B-14S-5S 14S-66/16Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-14S-6P-ND 15.5510.898.0997-3108B-14S-6P Angle Plug w/Socket 97-3108B-14S-6S-ND 15.9811.198.3197-3108B-14S-6S 18-110/16Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-18-1P-ND 22.0214.3712.0697-3108B-18-1P Angle Plug w/Socket 97-3108B-18-1S-ND 24.0815.4113.65—2-5/32—1-11/321-3/161-201-41/641-41/6497-3108B-18-1S 18-44/16Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-18-4P-ND 18.5012.0810.1397-3108B-18-4P Angle Plug w/Socket97-3108B-18-4S-ND19.7412.8910.8197-3108B-18-4SA(Continued)Shell Size/Dimensions in InchesInsert No. ofB Min X Min Arrange-Contacts/Digi-KeyPrice EachFull N Cable Amphenol ment No.SizeDescription Part No.11050Thread K L M Dia.R S Dim.Z Part No.3/16Plug w/Socket MS3106E-10SL-3S-ND *14.7010.297.65—.531 2.129—.896—.946.281—MS3106E-10SL-30S 3/16 Plug w/Socket MS3106F-10SL-3S-ND?16.7011.698.69—.531 2.129—.896—.946.281—MS3106F-10SL-3S 10SL-33/16Plug w/Socket MS3106R-10SL-3S-ND?15.2510.687.93—.531 1.057 1.120.807—.946——MS3106R-10SL-3S3/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102E-10SL-3P-ND *7.24 4.11 3.03.391.672.297.562.625.719 1.000—.422MS3102E-10SL-3P 3/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102R-10SL-3P-ND? 6.47 3.67 2.71.391.672.297.562.625.719 1.000—.422MS3102R-10SL-3P 2/16Plug w/Socket MS3106A-10SL-4S-ND 15.0810.567.84—.531.937———.946——MS3106A-10SL-4S 2/16Plug w/Socket MS3106E-10SL-4S-ND *16.7811.758.73—.531 2.129—.896—.946.281—MS3106E-10SL-4S 10SL-42/16Plug w/Socket MS3106F-10SL-4S-ND?14.8810.427.74—.531 2.129—.896—.946.281—MS3106F-10SL-4S2/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102E-10SL-4P-ND * 6.60 3.75 2.76.391.672.297.562.625.719 1.000—.422MS3102E-10SL-4P 2/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102R-10SL-4P-ND? 5.86 3.33 2.45.391.672.297.562.625.719 1.000—.422MS3102R-10SL-4P 4/16Plug w/Pins MS3106F-14S-2P-ND?12.808.96 6.66—.531 2.201— 1.021— 1.123.406—MS3106F-14S-2P 4/16Plugw/Socket MS3106A-14S-2S-ND 11.708.19 6.09—.531.937——— 1.123——MS3106A-14S-2S 4/16Plug w/Socket MS3106F-14S-2S-ND?16.9111.049.26—.531 2.201— 1.021— 1.123.406—MS3106F-14S-2S 14S-24/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102E-14S-2P-ND *8.82 5.30 4.12.450.672.297.562.750.906 1.188—.422MS3102E-14S-2P4/16Recept. w/Socket MS3102E-14S-2S-ND *8.74 4.96 3.66.450.672.297.562.750.906 1.188—.422MS3102E-14S-2S4/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102R-14S-2P-ND? 5.93 3.37 2.48.450.672.297.562.750.906 1.188—.422MS3102R-14S-2P4/16Recept. w/Socket MS3102R-14S-2S-ND?8.84 5.02 3.70.450.672.297.562.750.906 1.188—.422MS3102R-14S-2S5/16Plug w/Pins MS3106A-14S-5P-ND 11.588.11 6.02—.531.937——— 1.123——MS3106A-14S-5P 5/16Plug w/Socket MS3106A-14S-5S-ND 13.009.10 6.76—.531.937——— 1.123——MS3106A-14S-5S 14S-55/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102E-14S-5P-ND *7.67 4.36 3.21.450.672.297.562.750.906 1.188—.422MS3102E-14S-5P5/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102R-14S-5P-ND?9.08 5.15 3.80.450.672.297.562.750.906 1.188—.422MS3102R-14S-5P6/16Plug w/Socket MS3106A-14S-6S-ND 13.009.10 6.76—.531.937——— 1.123——MS3106A-14S-6S 6/16Plug w/Socket MS3106F-14S-6S-ND?16.8011.768.74—.531 2.201— 1.021— 1.123.406—MS3106F-14S-6S 6/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102E-14S-6P-ND *7.84 4.45 3.28.450.672.297.562.750.906 1.188—.422MS3102E-14S-6P 14S-66/16Recept. w/Socket MS3102E-14S-6S-ND *9.84 5.91 4.60.450.672.297.562.750.906 1.188—.422MS3102E-14S-6S6/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102R-14S-6P-ND? 5.49 3.12 2.30.450.672.297.562.750.906 1.188—.422MS3102R-14S-6P 6/16 Recept. w/Socket MS3102R-14S-6S-ND?9.01 5.12 3.77.450.672.297.562.750.906 1.188—.422MS3102R-14S-6S 14S-73/16Plug w/Socket MS3106F-14S-7S-ND?17.0511.139.34—.531 2.201— 1.021— 1.123.406—MS3106F-14S-7S 7/16Plug w/Socket MS3106A-16S-1S-ND 15.4810.848.05—.531.937——— 1.250——MS3106A-16S-1S 7/16Plug w/Socket MS3106F-16S-1S-ND?23.1815.1312.69—.531 2.201— 1.151— 1.250.500—MS3106F-16S-1S 16S-17/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102E-16S-1P-ND *8.49 5.10 3.97.450.672.297.562.875.969 1.281—.422MS3102E-16S-1P7/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102R-16S-1P-ND? 6.80 3.86 2.85.450.672.297.562.875.969 1.281—.422MS3102R-16S-1P 3/12 Plug w/Socket MS3106A-16-10S-ND 16.5311.578.60—.719 1.124——— 1.250——MS3106A-16-10S 16-103/12Plugw/Socket MS3106F-16-10S-ND?23.0014.7213.04—.719 2.524— 1.151— 1.250.500—MS3106F-16-10S 16-112/12Recept. w/Pins MS3102R-16-11P-ND? 6.83 3.88 2.86.625.860.484.750.875.969 1.281—.672MS3102R-16-11P10/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102E-18-1P-ND *10.20 6.12 4.76.625.891.453.750 1.000 1.062 1.375—.641§MS3102E-18-1P 18-110/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102R-18-1P-ND?10.14 6.09 4.74.625.891.453.750 1.000 1.062 1.375—.641§MS3102R-18-1P10/16Plug w/Socket MS3106A-18-1S-ND 18.1211.839.92—.719 1.219——— 1.333——MS3106A-18-1S18-115/12Recept. w/Pins MS3102E-18-11P-ND *8.68 4.93 3.63.625.891.453.750 1.000 1.062 1.375—.641§MS3102E-18-11P 20-2714/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102R-20-27P-ND?10.80 6.48 5.04.625.891.453.750 1.125 1.156 1.500—.641§MS3102R-20-27P 22-1419/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102E-22-14P-ND *11.43 6.86 5.34.625.891.453.750 1.250 1.250 1.625—.641§MS3102E-22-14P 22-1914/16Recept. w/Socket MS3102E-22-19S-ND *12.008.40 6.24.625.891.453.750 1.250 1.250 1.625—.641§MS3102E-22-19S 22-224/8Recept. w/Pins MS3102E-22-22P-ND *14.9010.437.75.625.891.453.750 1.250 1.250 1.625—.641§MS3102E-22-22P 3/#8 6/#12Recept. w/Pins MS3102R-24-11P-ND?11.658.166.06.625.953.453.812 1.375 1.375 1.750—.578§MS3102R-24-11P 24-113/#8 6/#12Plug w/SocketMS3106R-24-11S-ND?23.8315.2513.51—.7191.2911.9941.557—1.715——MS3106R-24-11SShell Size/No. of Dimensions in InchesInsert Arrange-Contacts/Digi-Key Price EachL L1N Q U V Fitting XY Amphenol ment No.Size DescriptionPart No.11050Max.Max.Ref.Max.Ref.ThreadRef.Ref.Part No.18-84/1#12,Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-18-8P-ND 22.0214.3712.0697-3108B-18-8P 4/7#16Angle Plug w/Socket 97-3108B-18-8S-ND 23.3915.2712.8197-3108B-18-8S 18-104/12Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-18-10P-ND 21.3813.9511.7097-3108B-18-10P Angle Plug w/Socket 97-3108B-18-10S-ND 23.3915.2712.8197-3108B-18-10S 18-115/12Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-18-11P-ND 21.3813.9511.7097-3108B-18-11P Angle Plug w/Socket 97-3108B-18-11S-ND 22.0214.3712.06—2-5/32—1-11/321-3/161-201-41/641-41/6497-3108B-18-11S 18-126/16Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-18-12P-ND 20.2613.2311.0997-3108B-18-12P Angle Plug w/Socket 97-3108B-18-12S-ND 21.3813.9511.7097-3108B-18-12S 18-161/12Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-18-16P-ND 22.0414.3912.0797-3108B-18-16P Angle Plug w/Socket 97-3108B-18-16S-ND 24.1015.4313.6697-3108B-18-16S 18-1910/16Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-18-19P-ND 27.1417.3715.3897-3108B-18-19P Angle Plug w/Socket97-3108B-18-19S-ND22.7014.5312.8797-3108B-18-19SMSwAShell Size No. of Dimensions in InchesInsert Con-AV Arrange-tacts/Digi-Key Price Each Coupling K L L1M N N1O R S Fitting Amphenol ment No.Size DescriptionPart No.11050Thread Ref.Max.Max.Ref.Ref.Ref.Ref.Ref.Ref.ThreadPart No.Receptacles With Solid Shells10SL-33/16Cable recept. w/pins97-3101A-10SL-3P-ND 14.089.867.3297-3101A-10SL-3P Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-10SL-3P-ND 9.69 5.82 4.53 5/8-245/641-9/3261.649/163/411/16.81223/3215/8-2497-3102A-10SL-3P 10SL-42/16Cable recept. w/pins97-3101A-10SL-4P-ND 13.439.40 6.9997-3101A-10SL-4P Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-10SL-4P-ND 8.91 5.35 4.1697-3102A-10SL-4P 12S-32/16Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-12S-3P-ND 8.27 4.70 3.4697-3102A-12S-3P Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-12S-3S-ND 8.88 5.04 3.713/4-205/641-15/3231/329/1625/3211/16.81213/161-3/325/8-2497-3102A-12S-3S Wall mount recept. w/pins 97-3100A-14S-1P-ND 12.008.40 6.2497-3100A-14S-1P Wall mount recept.w/socket 97-3100A-14S-1S-ND 12.308.61 6.4097-3100A-14S-1S 14S-13/16Cable recept. w/pins 97-3101A-14S-1P-ND 14.7810.357.6997-3101A-14S-1P Cable recept. w/socket 97-3101A-14S-1S-ND 15.0010.507.8097-3101A-14S-1S Wall mount recept. w/pins 97-3100A-14S-2P-ND 13.359.35 6.9597-3100A-14S-2P Wall mount recept. w/socket 97-3100A-14S-2S-ND 12.588.81 6.5497-3100A-14S-2S 14S-24/16Cable recept. w/pins 97-3101A-14S-2P-ND 14.7010.297.6597-3101A-14S-2P Cable recept. w/socket 97-3101A-14S-2S-ND 15.5510.898.0997-3101A-14S-2S Wall mount recept. w/pins 97-3100A-14S-5P-ND 13.359.35 6.957/8-205/641-15/3261/649/167/83/4.93829/321-3/163/4-2097-3100A-14S-5P Wall mount recept. w/socket 97-3100A-14S-5S-ND 12.038.42 6.2697-3100A-14S-5S 14S-55/16Cable recept. w/pins 97-3101A-14S-5P-ND 15.8511.108.2597-3101A-14S-5P Cable recept. w/socket 97-3101A-14S-5S-ND 16.5511.598.6197-3101A-14S-5S Wall mount recept. w/pins 97-3100A-14S-6P-ND 12.038.42 6.2697-3100A-14S-6P Wall mount recept. w/socket 97-3100A-14S-6S-ND 13.839.687.1997-3100A-14S-6S 14S-66/16Cable recept. w/pins 97-3101A-14S-6P-ND 16.5511.598.6197-3101A-14S-6P Cable recept. w/socket 97-3101A-14S-6S-ND 16.9311.858.8197-3101A-14S-6S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-16S-1P-ND 11.677.01 5.4597-3102A-16S-1P 16S-17/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-16S-1S-ND 11.887.13 5.5597-3102A-16S-1S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-16S-8P-ND 11.52 6.92 5.381-205/641-15/3261/649/1617/8 1.06231/321-9/327/8-2097-3102A-16S-8P 16S-85/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-16S-8S-ND 11.977.19 5.5997-3102A-16S-8S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-18-1P-ND 13.259.28 6.8997-3102A-18-1P 18-110/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-18-1S-ND 12.788.95 6.6597-3102A-18-1S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-18-4P-ND 11.52 6.92 5.3897-3102A-18-4P 18-44/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-18-4S-ND 10.407.28 5.4197-3102A-18-4S 4/1#12,Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-18-8P-ND 13.259.28 6.8997-3102A-18-8P 18-84/7#16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-18-8S-ND14.4810.147.5397-3102A-18-8S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-18-10P-ND 12.308.61 6.4097-3102A-18-10P 18-104/12Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-18-10S-ND 14.4810.147.531-1/8-181/81-63/641-3/83/41-1/81 1.1881-1/161-3/81-2097-3102A-18-10S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-18-11P-ND 12.308.61 6.4097-3102A-18-11P 18-115/12Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-18-11S-ND 11.538.07 6.0097-3102A-18-11S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-18-12P-ND 11.207.84 5.8397-3102A-18-12P 18-126/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-18-12S-ND 10.707.49 5.5797-3102A-18-12S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-18-16P-ND 11.738.21 6.1097-3102A-18-16P 18-161/12Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-18-16S-ND 15.0010.507.8097-3102A-18-16S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-18-19P-ND19.0712.4510.4497-3102A-18-19P 18-1910/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-18-19S-ND 13.059.14 6.7997-3102A-18-19S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-20-4P-ND 12.008.40 6.2497-3102A-20-4P 20-44/12Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-20-4S-ND 14.7810.357.6997-3102A-20-4S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-20-7P-ND 12.008.40 6.2497-3102A-20-7P 20-78/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-20-7S-ND 13.839.687.1997-3102A-20-7S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-20-15P-ND 16.0511.248.3597-3102A-20-15P 20-157/12Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-20-15S-ND 20.6613.4911.3197-3102A-20-15S 9/2#12,Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-20-16P-ND 14.4810.147.531-1/4-181/81-57/641-3/83/41-1/41-1/8 1.3121-5/321-1/21-3/16-1897-3102A-20-16P 20-169/7#16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-20-16S-ND 15.7511.038.1997-3102A-20-16S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-20-27P-ND 14.7810.357.6997-3102A-20-27P 20-2714/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-20-27S-ND 14.7510.337.6797-3102A-20-27S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-20-29P-ND 16.6011.628.6497-3102A-20-29P 20-2917/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-20-29S-ND 18.0511.789.8897-3102A-20-29S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-22-14P-ND 17.2411.269.4497-3102A-22-14P 22-1419/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-22-14S-ND 21.0013.7111.5097-3102A-22-14S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-22-19P-ND 16.9111.049.261-3/8-181/81-63/641-3/83/41-3/81-1/4 1.4381-1/41-5/81-3/16-1897-3102A-22-19P 22-1914/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-22-19S-ND 17.2411.269.4497-3102A-22-19S16/2#12,Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-24-7P-ND 20.2813.2411.1197-3102A-24-7P 24-716/14#16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-24-7S-ND 22.7514.8512.461-1/2-181/82-1/41-3/813/161-1/21-3/8 1.5621-3/81-3/41-7/16-1897-3102A-24-7S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-24-28P-ND 22.0614.4012.0897-3102A-24-28P 24-2824/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-24-28S-ND 24.5015.6913.8997-3102A-24-28S 22/4#12,Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-28-11P-ND 22.9314.6813.0097-3102A-28-11P 28-1122/18#16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-28-11S-ND29.4818.8716.7197-3102A-28-11S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-28-16P-ND 24.0515.4013.6397-3102A-28-16P 28-1620/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-28-16S-ND 24.2315.5113.741-3/4-181/82-1/41-3/813/161-3/41-5/8 1.8121-9/1621-7/16-1897-3102A-28-16S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-28-21P-ND 29.2718.7416.5997-3102A-28-21P 28-2137/16Box mount recept. w/socket97-3102A-28-21S-ND30.6821.4819.1897-3102A-28-21SMax.Dimensions in Inches Shell O.D.Digi-Key Price EachC D. Internal Amphenol Size Cable Description Part No.11050A B Dia.Thread E FG L Part No.Cable Clamp 97-3057-1004-ND 5.76 3.27 2.41.795.8425/165/8-24————97-3057-100410SL,Bushing 97-79-513-3-ND————.130.210.374 2.8759779-513-312S 5/16Bushing97-79-513-4-ND1.31.79.51————.220.302.500 2.7509779-513-4Cable Clamp w/Bushing97-3057-1004-1-ND*7.00 3.98 2.93.795.8425/165/8-24.220.302.500 2.75097-3057-1004-1*Cable Clamp 97-3057-1007-ND 5.58 3.34 2.18.850.9957/163/4-20————97-3057-100712SL,7/16Bushing97-79-513-6-ND————.312.427.614 2.6259779-513-614SCable Clamp w/Bushing97-3057-1007-1-ND 7.07 4.01 2.96.850.9957/163/4-20.312.427.614 2.62597-3057-1007-1Cable Clamp 97-3057-1008-ND 6.40 3.63 2.68.920 1.1209/167/8-20————97-3057-1008-116,16S 9/16Bushing97-79-513-8-ND————.437.552.739 2.5009779-513-8Cable Clamp w/Bushing97-3057-1008-1-ND 7.47 4.24 3.13.920 1.1209/167/8-20.437.552.739 2.50097-3057-1008-1Cable Clamp 97-3057-1010-ND 5.43 3.08 2.27.920 1.2165/81-20————97-3057-1010185/8Bushing97-79-513-10-ND————.562.615.889 2.3759779-513-10Cable Clamp w/Bushing97-3057-1010-1-ND 6.37 3.61 2.66.920 1.2165/81-20.562.615.889 2.37597-3057-1010-1Cable Clamp 97-3057-1012-ND 5.43 3.08 2.27.927 1.4033/41-3/16-18————97-3057-101220,223/4Bushing97-79-513-12-ND————.625.740 1.084 2.2509779-513-12Cable Clamp w/Bushing97-3057-1012-1-ND 6.50 3.69 2.72.927 1.4033/41-3/16-18.625.740 1.084 2.25097-3057-1012-1Cable Clamp 97-3057-1016-ND 5.90 3.35 2.47 1.015 1.68315/161-7/16-18————97-3057-1016**24,2815/16Bushing 97-79-513-12-ND————.625.740 1.084 2.2509779-513-12Bushing97-79-513-16-ND————.750.927 1.309 2.1259779-513-16Cable Clamp w/Bushing97-3057-1016-1-ND**8.384.753.50 1.015 1.68315/161-7/16-18————97-3057-1016-1**CBADInternal ThreadFor jacketed cable or wires protected by tubing.Both clamping halves float for maximum strain relief. For unjacketed cable or wires, use corresponding MS3420 bushing. Clamp and bushing can be ordered together. Two telescoping bushings are furnished with shell sizes 24 and larger.Accessories For 97 Series ConnectorsL.063.02G45°FERubber bushing specifically designed for MS3057A type cable clamp. Can also be used as a reducing bushing. Order separately or with cable clamp.97 Series Receptacles* When Clamp and bushing are ordered together for shell sizes 10SL and 12S, bushing 97-79-513-4 will be furnished.**Two telescoping bushings (97-79-513-12 and 97-79-513-16) are furnished with each cable clamp for shell sizes 24 and 28. BushingCable ClampMS3075A TypeMS3420 TypeA。
型号品牌尺寸对应型号适用备注B8-74D NSK 8*22*11B8-75ZZC3 NSK 8*24*9*10B8-79D NSK 8*23*11B8-85D NSK 8*23*14 NTN SCBA37LH 奥拓/蓝鸟/金杯/V31B8-85D NMB 8*23*14 NSK B8-85DSCBA37LH NTN 8*23*14 NSK B8-85D 海南马自达/长安面包B10-46D NSK 10*23*1162000LLU NTN 10*26*10B10-50D NSK 10*27*11 U11U12U13 公爵王SC00A06LH1 NTN 10*27*11 NSK B10-50DSC0081LH NTN 10*27*14 红旗63000-2RS JAF 10*26*1263001-2RS JAF 12*28*12B12-57 NSK 12*32*13317 FKC 15*32*11 KOYO 295 海狮面包B15-70B15-70 NSK 15*32*11 FKC 317B15-69D NSK 15*35*13 KOYO 279 原雅阁/皇冠3.0/佳美398 NSK 15*35*13 NSK B15-69 凌志300/4006202/X2B2RS KOYO 15*35*14 NSK 62202DDU3202-2RS NSK 15*35*16 A--B348 FKC 15*38*19 KOYO 348 海狮面包319 FKC 15*43*13 丰田克罗娜336 KOYO 15*46*14 3114-PD1-044 本田EG8B15-86D NSK 15*47*14 KBC AT303/15 金杯海狮/海马/佳宝B15-94D NSK 15*47*18382 FKC 15*52*16 KOYO 382 KBC DG1552DG1552 KBC 15*52*16 KFC 382B16-8BC4 NSK 16*40*12B17-114DD NSK 17*40*12/20 TROOPERB17-102 NSK 17*47*14 NSK 6303DDU 长安面包/公爵王B17-107 NSK 17*47*18 TMSC0391V4 NSK B17-962B17-4A NSK 17*47*24 红旗B17-101 NSK 17*52*16 DG175216DG175216 KOYO 17*52*16 NSK B17-101 原雅阁/切诺基/皇冠3.0 437 KOYO 17*52*16 KOYO DG175216 凌志300/400B17-99 NSK 17*52*17 SC03A21LHA 17BC05S3NSE17BC05S3NSE2 NAC 17*52*17 NSK B17-99B17-116 NSK 17*52*18B18Z-1B1C3 NSK 18*38*10B20-157D NSK 20*42*9B20-122 NSK 20*47*16B20-161 NSK 20*52*14B20-151 NSK 20*52*16汽车空调专用压缩机轴承型号品牌尺寸对应型号适用备注30BD219 NSK 30*47*1830BD40 NSK 30*55*23 U11 – U1330BD5222 NSK 30*52*22 KOY DAC3052 雅阁/皇冠3.0/佳美DAC3052 KOYO 30*52*22 30BD522230BGS10G NAC 30*52*22 30BD522230BG05S2G NAC 30*52*22 30BD522232BD4718 NSK 32*47*18 奥拓/长安之星/英格尔32BD45 NSK 32*55*23 32BG05S132BG05S1 NAC 32*55*23 32BD4535BD5020 NSK 35*50*20 35BG05S7G 本田思域35BG05S7G NAC 35*50*20 35BD502035BD5220 NSK 35*52*2035BD5222 NSK 35*52*22 DAC355222 奥迪A6帕萨特35BD219 NSK 35*55*20 KOYO 83A694 帕杰罗/富康/捷达A—B 83A694 KOYO 35*55*20 35BG05S10G NTN DF0719DF07AD2LA4 NTN 35*55*20 NSK 35BD219 富康/捷达35BG05S10G NAC 35*55*20 NSK 35BD219 切诺基/捷达/得利卡35BD6224 NSK 35*62*24 奥迪35BD210 NSK 35*62*2838BD5417 NSK 38*54*17 38BG05S2DS 安弛38BG05S2DS NAC 38*54*17 38BD5417 安驰40BD45 NSK 40*57*24 NTN DF0882 普桑A—BDF0882 NTN 40*57*24 NSK 40BD45 普桑40BG05S2 NAC 40*57*24 NSK 40BD45 普桑40BD49 NSK 40*62*20.50 6559469 海狮面包/红旗/别克轿A—B 6559469 NF 40*62*20.50 40BD49 大宇赛手40BD219 NSK 40*62*24 83A551B 本田里程/A32/标致A—B83A551B KOYO 40*62*24 NSK 40BD219 奥迪100/依维克40BGS11G NAC 40*62*24 NSK 40BD21940BGS35G NAC 40*62*24 NSK 40BD219DF0832LU NTN 40*62*24 NSK 40BD21940BGS12-DS NAC 40*62*21/24 老款丰田皇冠40BGS39G NAC 40*66*24 DF-08A06L40BD6830 NSK 40*68*3045BG07S5G NAI 45*75*32 金龙中客车5210-2RS KOYO 50*90*30 3210-2RS NSK5211-2RS UBC 55*100*33 牡丹中巴13BSW01A NSK 13*35*1115BSW02 NSK 16*35*1115BSW05 NSK 15*40*13.5015BSW06 NSK 15*35*1217VBSW02 NSK 17*42*1319BSW05A NSK 19*35*719BSW02 NSK 19*41*12 VTAA19Z-4VTAA19Z-4 NSK 19*41*12 NSK19BSW0220BSW01 NSK 20*52*1520BSW04 NSK 20*52*17BT25-4 NSK 25*62*1824TK308B2 NSK 38*67 RCT38SL1 五十铃皮卡35TMK29B2 NSK 35*56.7 KOYO CT35S 奥拓48TKA3201 NSK 32*70.2 RCT322SA 三菱帕杰罗/N3148TKA3214 NSK 35*63.3 五十铃TBR柴54TKA3501 NSK 40*74.2 五十铃客货58TKA3703 NSK 帕杰罗V3362TKB3304 NSK 蓝鸟U11TK40-4A NSK 40*75 RCT4075-1S 40TRK-1 NACHITK55-1A NSK 55*87.5 CT55BL1 55TMK804TK80-1A NSK 80*127 80TNK20 KOYO40TKD07 NSK 40*67 40TRBC07-7 RCTS4067A45TKD07 NSK 45*71.6 KOYO RCTS45CT35S KOYO 35*56.7 35TMK29B2CT55BL1 KOYO 55*87.8 NSK TK55-1A 55TMK804RCT322SA KOYO NSK 48TKA3201RCTS338SA1 KOYO 33*65.8 50TKE3301 长安昌河面包RCT38SL1 KOYO 38*76 24TK308B2 五十铃皮卡RCT401SA KOYO 54TKA3501RCT4068A2RSE KOYO 公爵王Y31RCT4075-1S KOYO 40*74.7 NSK TK40-4ARCTS45 KOYO NSK 45TKD07CT70B KOYO NSK TK70-1A 70TNK-1 NACHI80TNK20 KOYO NSK TK80-1A 80TNK20-1FCR55-17-11 NTN 帕杰罗V32FCR55-1/2E NTN 帕杰罗V31FCR48-24-5/2E NTN U12-U13SF-0823 NTN 40*67 NSK 40TKD07SF-0940 NTN NSK 45TKD07SF-0820 NTN RCT4075-1SSF-0816 NTN NSK RCT38SLSF-1607 NTN NSK TK80-1ATR0305AF4 KOYO 17*47*15.25 NSK 30303DTR0506R KOYO 25*62*18.25 HR30305CNTR285216 KBC 28*52*16 NSK 28KW02 现代前轮TR060502 KOYO NSK 31KW01TR060602D KOYO 30*62*13/18 NSK HR30206J 30*62*14/17 TR306217 KBC 30*62*17 NSK HR30206JTR0607J-1 KOYO 30*72*16/25 STA3072-9STA3072-9 KOYO 30*72*16/25 TR0607J-1TRA0607RYR KOYO 30*72*20.75 ST3072-9 HR30306CNTR0608A KOYO 32*75*29 HR323/32A57007 KOYO 30*72*16/21 KOYO 30306JR57277 KOYO 35*80*18/23 HR30307JTR070602S KOYO 35*62U298 HYZ 35*65*17/21 内外圈一体U399 HYZ 39*73*18/22TR0708-1-N KOYO 35*80*32.75 HR32307CNTR070803 KOYO 35*80*23/31TR070803C KOYO 35*80*22/31 CHA 35KC802 金杯35KC802 CHIAN TR070803CTR070902/354A KOYO 35*85*17/21 外圈354ATR070904-1-9 KOYO 35*89*38 NSK R35-24R35-24 NSK 35*89*37 TR070904 KOYO57407 KOYO 40*70*19 57407/32008 U12变速箱TR0809 KOYO 40*90*35.25 HR32308C NTN CR1754TR080802D KOYO 40*75*16/21TR080803 KOYO 40*80 NSK R40-15A NTN CR0864TR100802A KOYO 50*77TR100802-2 KOYO 50*83 TR100802-1 内圈TR100902 KOYO NSK R52Z-4TR111003 KOYO 55*100*32 NSK R55-8A NTN CR1154TR5510032 KBC 55*100*32 TR111003TR131305 KOYO 65*130*52 NSK 65KW01TR191504 KOYO NSK R92Z-6TM307A NSK 35*80*21 6307DDUNRTM308NR NSK 40*90*23 6308DDUNRTM8203LSA NTN 17*40*12 NTN 6203LLUT28-1 KOYO 28*53*16.20 短园柱满滚子SC060702CV KOYO 28*68*18 短园柱满滚子内圈不可分离SC070902-1L KOYO 35*90*23 短园柱满滚子内圈可分离U35-6A NSK U35-6A NSK 35*90*23 KOYO SC070902-1BVNA36RFSNR NACHI 36*72*23 无内圈圆柱滚子外圈带卡环ST2850 KOYO NSK 28KW01ST3072 KOYO HR30306CN TRA0607RST3368-1 KOYO 33*68*14.50ST3580-1 KOYO 35*80*20/27ST3590 KOYO 35*90*17/22ST3890-N KOYOST4090-N KOYO 40*90*25.25 NTN 30308D R40-64A NSKST4580-9 KOYO 45*80*15/22RNU0727 KOYO 47*70.5*22 无内圈圆柱滚子ST5793 KOYOCR-0676 NTN NSK 28KW01 ST2850CR-0864 NTN 40KB08 NSK R40-15A TR080803CR-1058 NTN NSK R50-12N 30310DJR KOYOCR-1154 NTN NSK R55-8A TR111003 KOYOCR-1754 NTN 40*90*26/36 HR32308CN TR0809 KOYO 025-3 NSK 25*52*18 NUPK2205 外圈带槽15BC04S18SS NACHI 15*40*14 助力泵B22-29 NSK 22*56*15DG2256 KOYO 22*56*16 NSK 63/2222BC06S5X NACHI 22*62*17 NSK B22-19B22-19 NSK 22*62*17 22BC06S5XDG2263 KOYO 22*63*1825TM08NX1 NSK 25*62*17.50 6305NR外圈带卡环5205NR NSK 25*52*20.60 开式外圈带卡环DF-0555NC3 NTN 25*52*20.60 NSK 5205NR3205 A TN9 SKF 25*52*20.60 开式外圈不带卡环BB25-83 NSK 25*58*16 NTN 62/28/25DG256318 KOYO 25*63*18 KBC B25-63B25-63 KBC 25*63*18 DG256318B25-139 NSK 25*68*18 DG256818 KOYO27TM01 NSK 27*68*18 双胶封外圈63/28TM2/28DDUNR NSK 28*58*16 62/28DDUNRTM3/28DDUN NSK 28*68*18 63/28DDUN28BC08S1NC NAC 28*80*21 U12变速箱开式B30-39GC4 NSK 30*62*16/24 DG3062DW30BCDS2 NAC 30*62*16/24 B30-39GC406NUP0723B KOYO 30*67*23 圆柱滚子B30-76AC.NR NSK 30*72*16B30-93 NSK 30*72*19 NSK 6306DDUTM3/32 NSK 32*75*20 NSK 63/32NRB30-126N NSK 30*75*20B30-120N NSK 30*80*21B32-10 NSK 32*72*19 6306BLLU/32 尼桑巴宁后轮6306BLLU/32 NTN 32*72*19 NSK B32-10B32-14NR NSK 32*80*20B32-18N NSK 32*80*23 外圈带N32TM03 NSK 32*80*23 外圈带N带双胶盖35DSF01 NSK 35*72*25 NTN SC07A32L U11/12/阳光/过桥SC07A32L NTN 35*72*25 NSK 35DSF0135TAG802 NSK 35*65*28.50B35-53 NSK 35*72*17/26 35BCDS2 DG357226W35BCDS2A1 NAC 35*72*17/26 NSK B35-53DG357226W KOYO 35*72*17/26 NSK B35-5335BVV07X-6 NAC 35*72*35 外圈带卡环TM307 NSK 35*80*21 6307DDUNRB35-97 NSK 35*80*25 外圈带铜环DG358028W KOYO 35*80*21/28 丰田子弹头后大霸王035-5 NSK 35*85*21 外圈带NR圆柱滚子B35-68NR NSK 35*85*21DG3585RKMD KOYO 35*85*23 双胶封外圈带槽M35-3 NSK 35*95*27 无保持架83A831 KOYO 36*67*23 NSK 36DSF02 佳美过桥轴承96.97款36DSF02 NSK 36*67*23 KOYO 83A831 过桥轴承3208 A TN9 SKF 40*80*30.2 双列球开式外圈不带卡环BDG4092A KOYO 40*92*25.5 40TM05/35TM03 考思特40TM05/35TM03 NSK 40*92*25.5 KOYO DG4092A 北京吉普变速箱213 83B231 KOYO 41*72*23 过桥轴承45TM04 NSK 45*110*29 双胶封卡环50TAG001 NSK 50*80*195210-2RS KOYO 50*90*30 3210-2RS NSK5211-2RS UBC 55*100*33 牡丹中巴50TM02 NSK 50*115*32 双胶封卡环PU276033 KOYOBA2B445539 SKF 25*52*37 富康后轮27BWD01 NSK 27*60*5027KWD02 NSK 27*52*43/4528BWD01 NSK 28*61*42 DAC286142A28BWD03 NSK 28*58*42 DAC285842 昌河/佳宝前轮DAC28580042 SBR 28*58*42 中意/昌河王28BWK12 NSK 28*带坐套DACF1177 丰田花冠后轮28BWK15 NSK 28*带坐套长安之星前轮30KWD01 NSK 30*58*42 福特轿车后轮HB-3080C SBR 30*60*37 DAC3060W 乌诺/英格尔/沃尔沃后30BWD01 NSK 30*63*42 DAC306342A30BWD04 NSK 30*68*45 NTN DE0690 A31千里马前/风度30BWK10 NSK 30*带坐套丰田佳美后轮30BWK17 NSK 30*带坐套32BWD05 NSK 32*72*45 32BVV07-7 吉先达前轮DAC34620037 SBR 34*62*37 高尔夫前轮34BWD04 NSK 34*64*37 DE07A39LL DAC3464HB-4022C SBR 34*64*37 韩国赛手前轮DAC34660037 JAP 34*66*37 别克赛欧前轮34BWD09 NSK 34*68*37 DAC3468DAC35640037 JAP 35*64*37 夏利前轮中华子弹头DAC35650035 JAP 35*65*35 雷诺35BWD14 NSK 35*65*37DAC35660037 SBR 35*66*37 本土捷达DAC35680037 SBR 35*68*37 KOYO DU3568 英格尔前轮/斯柯达35BWD01 NSK 35*72*34 NTN DE0763 DAC35723435BWD06 NSK 35*72*31/33 DAC35723335BWD07 NSK 35*68*30/33 DAC356836BWD01 NSK 36*72*34 DE0769CS46P DAC36723436BWD03 NSK 36*72*42DAC37720037 SBR 37*72*37 宝马/莫斯科人DAC37740045 SBR 37*74*45 宝马DAC38700037 SBR 38*70*37 企亚千里马前38BWD22 NSK 38*71*39 夏利2000前38BWD01 NSK 38*74*33/36 DAC3874 38BWD15佳美前38BWD15 NSK 38*74*33/36 38BWD01 尼桑阳光前/佳美前DAC38740033/36 SBR 38*74*33/36 NSK38BWD01 可罗那前轮38BWD04 NSK 38*72*34 DE0869CS46P DAC3872A38BWD09 NSK 38*71*30/33 DAC387138BWD12 NSK 38*72*33/36 DAC387236 丰田克罗娜前DAC38720033/36 SBR 38*72*33/3638BVV07-20G NAC 38*73*40 DAC3873 本田思域前轮38BWD10 NSK 38*74*40 马自达929前38BWD06 NSK 38*74*50 DE0892LLCS38KWD04 NSK 38*76*40/4338BWD18 NSK 38*80*33/3639BWD01 NSK 39*72*37 BAHB311396 桑塔2000前DAC397239BWD02 NSK 39*68*37 BAHB311315 普桑天霸前轮DAC39740039 SBR 39*74*39 别克凯越/欧宝前轮40BWD05 NSK 40*76*38/41 DAC407641DAC40740036/34 SBR 40*74*34/36 NSK 40BWD15 赛马前轮40BWD15 NSK 40*74*34/36 DAC40740036/3440BWD06 NSK 40*74*40 DAC407440 马自达323/宝来前40BWD07 NSK 40*80*34/36 DAC4080M1 三菱太空面包40BW03 NSK 40*90*2642KWD02 NSK 42*72*35/38 46T080704X U11U12前42KWD02 NSK 42*72*35/38 专业厂46T080704X KOYO 42*72*35/38 42KWD02 NSK U11U12前DAC42750037 JAP 42*75*37 SKF 311424 奥迪5000前42BWD06 NSK 42*76*35/38 TM-DE08A21 尼桑千里马前U13前42BWD06 NSK 42*76*35/38 专业厂DAC42760039 SBR 42*76*39 NTN CRI-0846 风之星/福特/圣达菲前DAC42800037 SBR 42*80*37 北京现代42BWD11 NSK 42*80*45 DAC4280 马自达626前DAC42800045 SBR 42*80*45 DAC4280 马自达626前DAC42840039 SBR 42*84*39 塔非克/依维克43BWK01 NSK 43*带坐套A31千里马后轮A32风度后轮43BWD12 NSK 43*76*43 A3343BWD03 NSK 43*80*45/50 DAC4380ACS 凌志400后轮43BWK03 NSK 43*带坐套HUB081-44 原装雅阁前轮43BWD06 NSK 43*82*45 DAC4382W 佳美96款前DAC4382W KOYO 43*82*45 43BWD06 丰田专业厂包装45BWD03 NSK 45*84*39/41 三菱SIGMA/6G7245BWD07 NSK 45*84*40/42 广本2.2/现代前轮45BWD07 NSK 45*84*39 本田专业厂包装广州本田2.2前轮JXC25469DB KOYO 49*84*48 DAC498448 MB100奔驰48BWD02 NSK 48*86*40/42 广州本田2.4前轮49BWD02 NSK 49*84*5028KW01 NSK KOYO ST2850 NTN CR-067628KW02 NSK 28*52*18.4 KBC TR285216 现代前轮28KW04 NSK 28*50.3*1931KW01 NSK 31*54*15.7 TR060502 86款U11后轮38KW01 NSK 38*65*14/21 三菱葛郎特前轮起亚亚丁前轮57410/LM29710 NTN 38*65*14/21 NSK 38KW0150KW01 NSK 50*93*3150KW02 NSK TR5011444 KBC55KW02 NSK 55*100 TR11100365KW01 NSK 65*130*52 TR131305DAC286142 KOYO 28*61*42 28BWD01 NSKDACF1177 KOYO 28*带坐套28BWK12 丰田花冠后轮DAC1092A KOYO 中华前轮DACF1097FH KOYO 30*带坐套DAC306342 KOYO 30*63*42 30BWD01 NSKDAC3464 KOYO 34*64*37 34BWD04 NSKDAC3468 KOYO 34*68*37 34BWD09 NSKDAC3562W KOYO 35*62*40 昌河北斗星前DAC35640037 SBR 35*64*37 DE-0766LUA 夏利前轮DAC3568 KOYO 35*68*30/33 35BWD07 NSKDAC357234 KOYO 35*72*34 35BWD01 NSKDAC3577 KOYO 35*77*42 凌志400前轮DAC3580 KOYO 35*80*47 DAC358047DAC3668 KOYO 36*68*33 羚羊前轮DAC367234 KOYO 36*72*34 36BWD01 NSKDAC38700038 SKF 38*70*38DAC3870W SBR 38*70*38 夏利前轮DAC3872AC KOYO 38*72*34 38BWD04 NSKDAC387236 KOYO 38*72*33/36 38BWD12 NSK 可罗那DAC3873 KOYO 38*73*40 38BVV07-20 本田思域前轮DAC3874 KOYO 38*74*33/36 38BWD01 NSK 38BWD15DAC4072 KOYO 40*72*33/36DAC40740036 SBR 40*74*36 哈飞赛马/菱帅前轮DAC407440 KOYO 40*74*40 NSK 40BWD06 马自达323/宝来前DAC40740040 SBR 40*74*40 NSK 40BWD06 美鹿前轮/宝来DAC407641 KOYO 40*76*38/41 NSK 40BWD05DAC4080M1 KOYO 40*80*34/36 NSK 40BWD07 三菱太空前轮BAHB636187 SKF 40*80*34/36 KOYO DAC4080M1 三菱太空前轮DAC40800036/34 KBC 40*80*34/36 双胶封现代2.0现代包装46T080805 KOYO 40*80*44/45DAC42800036/34 SBR 42*80*36/34 北京现代伊兰特前DAC4280 KOYO 42*80*45 NSK 42BWD11 NTN DE0818DAC4282 KOYO 42*82*36 BA2B44604746T090804 KOYO 43*77*38/42 丰田子弹头前DAC4379 KOYO 43*79*38/41 本田吉普前轮DAC4380AC KOYO 43*80*45/50 NSK 43BWD03 吉先达后轮DAC4382W KOYO 43*82*45 NSK 43BWD06 佳美前轮丰田专业厂包装DAC4484 KOYO 44*84*40/4246T090805 KOYO 45*77*45/50DAC4889 KOYO 48*89*42/44HUB081-44 NTN 43*带坐套NSK 43BWK03 原装雅阁前轮HUB081-44 NTN 43*本田包装NSK 43BWK03 原装雅阁前轮/专业厂B-DE08A48 NTN 38*73*40 DAC3873 本田思域后轮DE-0690 NTN 30*68*45 A32风度前轮A31千里马前30BWD04DE-07A39LL NTN 34*64*37 NSK 34BWD04DE-0763 NTN 35*72*34 NSK 35BWD01 DAC357234DE-0769CS4 NTN 36*72*34 NSK 36BWD01 DAC367234DE-0869CS4 NTN 38*72*34 NSK 38BWD04 DAC3872ADE-0871LLCS NTN 38*72*40DE-0892LLC NTN 38*74*50 NSK 38BWD06TU0811 NTN 39*72*37 BAHB311396 桑塔纳200前4T-CRI-0868 NTN 39*38*37 BAHB311315 普桑前轮4T-CRI-0881 NTN 42*72*35/38 NSK 42KWD02 U11U12前4T-CRI-0822 NTN 42*72*38 专业厂马自达626BAHB311315 SKF 39*68*37 NSK 39BWD02 马自达929后/普桑前A--B BAHB311396 SKF 39*72*37 NSK 39BWD01 桑塔2000前540360 FAG 39*68*37 BAHB311315 普桑前轮/起亚前567447B FAG 39*41*75/37 BAHB633815 B5-A6前轮BAHB311443 SKF 40*72*37 FAG 566719 捷达/高尔夫前A--B566719 FAG 40*72*37 BAHB311443 帕萨特A4前BA2B446047 SKF 42*82*36 原装奥迪100 富康前轮BAHB311413 SKF 42*82*37BAHB633814 SKF 43*45*82/37 奥迪100前轮红旗轿车前轮800941C FAG 43*45*82/37 BAHB633814 奥迪100前轮L44649/10 NSK 起亚后轮A--BL44649/10 KOYOL45449/10 NSK 普桑奥迪红旗后内U11U12U13后轮A--BL45449/10 KOYO 捷达变速箱捷达后轮天霸后轮L68149/10 KOYOL68149/11 NTNL68149/11 NSK 皇冠2.8/3.0前内LM12749/10 NTN 天霸后轮LM12749/10 KOYOLM12749/11 KOYO 皇冠2.8/3.0前外M12649/10 KOYO L300 P03前外金杯海狮前轮M12649/10 NSK 五十铃皮卡后轮金杯海狮前轮A--B M12649/10 HZY 公爵王/Y31前轮M86649/10 KOYO V31V32V33差速器M88043/10 KOYO V31V32V33差速器M88048/10 KOYOM89448/10 KOYO M89449/10 三菱叉速器M802048/11 KOYOLM11749/10 NSK 捷达/普桑后轮A--BLM11949/10 KOYO U11U12U13后尼桑巴宁前轮LM11949/10 NSK 奥迪/红旗后轮LM29748/10 NSKLM29749/10 NSKLM48548/10 NSK L300 P03前内金杯海狮前轮A--B LM48548/10 KOYO 五十铃皮卡后轮LM48548/10 HZY 公爵王前轮LM67048/10 KOYO 尼桑巴宁前轮LM67048/10 NTN 尼桑巴宁前轮LM78349/10 NSK 捷达叉速器变速JL69349/10 NSKJL69349/10 HYZHM88649/10 NSK 切诺基叉速器HH506349/10/1 KOYO NSK 50KW02LM300849/11 KOYOLM501349/10 KOYOLM501349/10 NSKLM501349/14 KOYOLM603049/11 NSKLM603049/11 KOYOLM102949/10 NTNLM104948/10 KOYOLM104948/10 NACHILM104948/10 HZYHR320/22XJ NSKHR320/28XJ NSK303/28JR KOYOHR320/32XJ NSK 标致505前内HR323/32A NSK KOYO TR0608469/453 KOYO40KB08 NACHI TR080803 NSK R40-15AR35-24 NSK 35*89*37 TR070904R40-15A NSK NTN CR0864 TR080803 40KB08 NACHIR40-17A NSK KOYO 30208JRR40-64A NSK ST4090-N NTN 30308DR45-11 NSK HR30209JR50-12N NSK 30310DJRR55-5 NSK 32310/55R55-8 NSK TR111003 NTN CR11546203DDU NSK 17*40*12 TM8203LSAX V33导向轴承A--B 6305NR KOYO 25*62*17 25TM08NX1 25*62*17.506306-2RSNR KOYO 30*72*19 DG3072196307DDUNR NSK 35*80*21 NSK TM3076308-2RSNR KOYO 40*90*23 NSK TM308NR63/22N KOYO 22*56*16 KOYO DG225662/28/25 NTN 25*58*16 NSK B25-8362/28DDUNR NSK 28*58*16 TM2/28DDUNR63/28DDU NSK 28*68*18 TM3/28DDU63/28DDUN NSK 28*68*18 TM3/28DDUN4T-30206 NTN 30*62*17.25 KBC TR306217HR30208J NSK 40*80*19.75 NSK R40-17 A—BHR30209J NSK NSK R45-11 A—B30303D NSK TR0305AF4 A--BHR30305CN NSK KOYO TR0506R30306JR KOYO 30*72*20.75 KOYO 57007HR30306CN NSK TRA0607RYR KOYO ST3072CHR30307J NSK 35*80*22.75 KOYO 57277 A--B4T-30308D NTN NSK R40-64A KOYO ST4090-N30310DJR KOYO NSK R50-12N NTN CR-1058。
S30-UP S30-COM S30-DN
Table 1 - General Specifications
-30°C - +60°C 3.5 Inches 19 Inches 10 Ounces
Ericsson Inc. Private Radio Systems Mountain View Road Lynchburg, Virginia 24502 1-800-528-7711 (Outside USA, 804-528-7711)
S61-UP S61-COM S61-DN
S62-UP S62-COM S62-DN
S63-UP S63-COM S63-DN
S64-UP S64-COM S64-DN
S65-UP S65-COM S65-DN
S46-UP S46-COM S46-DN
S47-UP S47-COM S47-DN
S48-UP S48-COM S48-DN
S49-UP S49-COM S49-DN
S50-UP S50-COM S50-DN
www .be t l u m BL-S30X-14Features:7.62mm (0.3”) Single digit numeric display series Low current operation.Excellent character appearance.Easy mounting on P .C. Boards or sockets. I.C. Compatible.ROHS Compliance.Super BrightElectrical-optical characteristics: (Ta=25) (Test Condition: IF=20mA)Part NoChipVFUnit:V Common CathodeCommon AnodeEmitted ColorMaterialλP (nm)Typ Max Iv TYP.(mcd)BL-S30A-14S-XX BL-S30B-14S-XX Hi Red GaAlAs/GaAs,SH 660 1.852.206BL-S30A-14D-XX BL-S30B-14D-XX Super Red GaAlAs/GaAs,DH 660 1.852.2012 BL-S30A-14UR-XX BL-S30B-14UR-XX Ultra Red GaAlAs/GaAs,DDH6601.852.2014 BL-S30A-14E-XX BL-S30B-14E-XX Orange GaAsP/GaP635 2.102.5010 BL-S30A-14Y-XX BL-S30B-14Y-XX Yellow GaAsP/GaP 585 2.102.5010 BL-S30A-14G-XXBL-S30B-14G-XXGreenGaP/GaP 570 2.202.5010Ultra BrightElectrical-optical characteristics: (Ta=25) (Test Condition: IF=20mA)Part NoChipVFUnit:V Common Cathode Common AnodeEmitted Color MaterialλP(nm)Typ Max Iv TYP .(mcd)BL-S30A-14UHR-XX BL-S30B-14UHR-XXUltra Red AlGaInP645 2.10 2.50 14 BL-S30A-14UE-XXBL-S30B-14UE-XX Ultra Orange AlGaInP 630 2.10 2.50 12 BL-S30A-14YO-XX BL-S30B-14YO-XXUltra Amber AlGaInP 619 2.10 2.50 12 BL-S30A-14UY-XXBL-S30B-14UY-XX Ultra Yellow AlGaInP 590 2.10 2.50 12 BL-S30A-14UG-XX BL-S30B-14UG-XX Ultra Green AlGaInP574 2.20 2.50 18 BL-S30A-14PG-XX BL-S30B-14PG-XXUltra Pure Green InGaN 525 3.80 4.50 22 BL-S30A-14B-XX BL-S30B-14B-XX Ultra Blue InGaN 470 2.70 4.20 25 BL-S30A-14W-XXBL-S30B-14W-XXUltra WhiteInGaN/2.704.2030-XX: Surface / Lens colorNumber1 2 3 4 5 Ref Surface Color White Black Gray Red Green Epoxy Color WaterclearWhite diffusedRed DiffusedGreen DiffusedYellow Diffusedwww .be t l u m BL-S30X-14Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25)ParameterS D UR E Y G Unit Forward Current I F 25 2525 25 25 30 mA Power Dissipation P d 60 60 60 60 60 65 mW Reverse Voltage V R5 5 5 5 5 5 V Peak Forward Current I PF (Duty 1/10 @1KHZ)150150150 150150150mAOperation Temperature T OPR -40 to +80 Storage Temperature T STG -40 to +85Lead Soldering Temperature T SOLMax.260±5 for 3 sec Max. (1.6mm from the base of the epoxy bulb)Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25°C) ParameterUHRUE YO UYUGPGUBUWUnitForward Current I F 30 3030 30 30 3030 30 mA Power Dissipation P d 75 65 65 65 75 110 120 120 mW Reverse Voltage V R55555 555V Peak Forward Current I PF (Duty 1/10 @1KHZ)150150150150150150100100mA Operation Temperature T OPR -40 to +80Storage Temperature T STG-40 to +85Lead Soldering TemperatureT SOLMax.260±5 for 3 sec Max. (1.6mm from the base of the epoxy bulb)w w t l mBL-S30X-14Package configuration & Internal circuit diagram Notes:1. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches)2. Tolerance is 0.25(0.01")unless otherwise noted.3. Specifications are subject to change without notice.wwu m BL-S30X-14Typical electrical-optical characteristics curves:1.00.503504004505005506006507007508008509009501000(A)(B)(C)(D)(2)(3)(8)(4)(1)(6)(5)(9)(10)Wavelength(nm)RELATIVE INTENSITY Vs WAVELENGTH()p (1) - GaAsP/GaAs 655nm/Red (2) - GaP 570nm/Yellow Green (3) - GaAsP/GaP 585nm/Yellow(4) - GaAsp/GaP 635nm/Orange & Hi-Eff Red (5) - GaP 700nm/Bright Red(6) - GaAlAs/GaAs 660nm/Super Red (8) - GaAsP/GaP 610nm/Super Red(9) - GaAlAs 880nm(10) - GaAs/GaAs & GaAlAs/GaAs 940nm (A) - GaN/SiC 430nm/Blue (B) - InGaN/SiC 470nm/Blue(C) - (D) - InGaN/SiC 505nm/Ultra Green InGaAl/SiC 525nm/Ultra Green504030201001.21.62.0 2.4 2.63.016345285040302010020406080100162,4,8,A 353210.50.20.1-30-20-10102030405060701542310987654321110100100010,00010KHz 3KHz1KHz 300KHz 100KHz F-REFRESH RATE100KHz 30KHz10KHz 3KHz 1KHz 300Hz 100Hz 10987654321110100100010,000FORWARD VOLT AGE (Vf)FORWARD CURRENT VS.FORWARD VOLTAGERELATIVE LUMINOUSINTENSITY VS. FORWARD CURRENTAMBIENT TEMPERATURE T a()FORWARD CURRENT VS. AMBIENT TEMPERATUREtp-PULSE DURATION uS (1,2,3,4,6,8,B.D.J.K)NOTE:25 free air temperature unless otherwise specifiedtp-PULSE DURATION uSFORWARD CURRENT(mA)FORWARD CURRENT (mA)RELATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITYFORWARD CURRENT(mA)RELATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITYAMBIENT TEMPERATURE T a()(5)Ipeak MAX.IDC MAX.Ipeak MAX.IDC MAX.。
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www .be t l u m BL-T28X-31Features:7.00mm (0.28”) Three digit numeric display series Low current operation.Excellent character appearance.Easy mounting on P .C. Boards or sockets. I.C. Compatible.ROHS Compliance.Super BrightElectrical-optical characteristics: (Ta=25) (Test Condition: IF=20mA)Part NoChipVFUnit:V Common CathodeCommon AnodeEmitted ColorMaterialλP (nm)TypMaxIv TYP.(mcd)BL-T28A-31S-XX BL-T28B-31S-XX Hi Red GaAlAs/GaAs,SH 660 1.852.2050BL-T28A-31D-XX BL-T28B-31D-XX Super Red GaAlAs/GaAs,DH6601.852.20100 BL-T28A-31UR-XX BL-T28B-31UR-XX Ultra Red GaAlAs/GaAs,DDH660 1.852.20105 BL-T28A-31E-XX BL-T28B-31E-XX Orange GaAsP/GaP635 2.102.5055 BL-T28A-31Y-XX BL-T28B-31Y-XX Yellow GaAsP/GaP 585 2.102.5055 BL-T28A-31G-XXBL-T28B-31G-XXGreenGaP/GaP570 2.202.5050Ultra BrightElectrical-optical characteristics: (Ta=25) (Test Condition: IF=20mA)Part NoChipVFUnit:V Common Cathode Common AnodeEmitted Color MaterialλP(nm)Typ Max Iv TYP .(mcd) BL-T28A-31UHR-XX BL-T28B-31UHR-XXUltra Red AlGaInP645 2.10 2.50 105 BL-T28A-31UE-XXBL-T28B-31UE-XX Ultra Orange AlGaInP 630 2.10 2.50 115 BL-T28A-31YO-XX BL-T28B-31YO-XX Ultra Amber AlGaInP 619 2.10 2.50 115 BL-T28A-31UY-XXBL-T28B-31UY-XX Ultra Yellow AlGaInP 590 2.10 2.50 115 BL-T28A-31UG-XX BL-T28B-31UG-XX Ultra Green AlGaInP 574 2.20 2.50 110 BL-T28A-31PG-XX BL-T28B-31PG-XXUltra Pure Green InGaN 525 3.80 4.50 170 BL-T28A-31B-XX BL-T28B-31B-XX Ultra Blue InGaN 470 2.70 4.20 85 BL-T28A-31W-XXBL-T28B-31W-XXUltra WhiteInGaN/2.704.20100-XX: Surface / Lens colorNumber1 2 3 4 5 Ref Surface Color White Black Gray Red Green Epoxy Color WaterclearWhite diffusedRed DiffusedGreen DiffusedYellow Diffusedwww .be t l u m BL-T28X-31Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25)ParameterS D UR E Y G Unit Forward Current I F 25 2525 25 25 30 mA Power Dissipation P d 60 60 60 60 60 65 mW Reverse Voltage V R5 5 5 5 5 5 V Peak Forward Current I PF (Duty 1/10 @1KHZ)150150150 150150150mAOperation Temperature T OPR -40 to +80 Storage Temperature T STG -40 to +85Lead Soldering Temperature T SOLMax.260±5 for 3 sec Max. (1.6mm from the base of the epoxy bulb)Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25°C) ParameterUHRUE YO UYUGPGUBUWUnitForward Current I F 30 3030 30 30 3030 30 mA Power Dissipation P d 75 65 65 65 75 110 120 120 mW Reverse Voltage V R55555 555V Peak Forward Current I PF (Duty 1/10 @1KHZ)150150150150150150100100mA Operation Temperature T OPR -40 to +80Storage Temperature T STG-40 to +85Lead Soldering TemperatureT SOLMax.260±5 for 3 sec Max. (1.6mm from the base of the epoxy bulb)www .be t l u m BL-T28X-31Package configuration & Internal circuit diagramNotes:1. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches)2. Tolerance is 0.25(0.01")unless otherwise noted.3. Specifications are subject to change without notice.wwu m BL-T28X-31Typical electrical-optical characteristics curves:1.00.503504004505005506006507007508008509009501000(A)(B)(C)(D)(2)(3)(8)(4)(1)(6)(5)(9)(10)Wavelength(nm)RELATIVE INTENSITY Vs WAVELENGTH()p (1) - GaAsP/GaAs 655nm/Red (2) - GaP 570nm/Yellow Green (3) - GaAsP/GaP 585nm/Yellow(4) - GaAsp/GaP 635nm/Orange & Hi-Eff Red (5) - GaP 700nm/Bright Red(6) - GaAlAs/GaAs 660nm/Super Red (8) - GaAsP/GaP 610nm/Super Red(9) - GaAlAs 880nm(10) - GaAs/GaAs & GaAlAs/GaAs 940nm (A) - GaN/SiC 430nm/Blue (B) - InGaN/SiC 470nm/Blue(C) - (D) - InGaN/SiC 505nm/Ultra Green InGaAl/SiC 525nm/Ultra Green504030201001.21.62.0 2.4 2.63.016345285040302010020406080100162,4,8,A 353210.50.20.1-30-20-10102030405060701542310987654321110100100010,00010KHz 3KHz1KHz 300KHz 100KHz F-REFRESH RATE100KHz 30KHz10KHz 3KHz 1KHz 300Hz 100Hz 10987654321110100100010,000FORWARD VOLT AGE (Vf)FORWARD CURRENT VS.FORWARD VOLTAGERELATIVE LUMINOUSINTENSITY VS. FORWARD CURRENTAMBIENT TEMPERATURE T a()FORWARD CURRENT VS. AMBIENT TEMPERATUREtp-PULSE DURATION uS (1,2,3,4,6,8,B.D.J.K)NOTE:25 free air temperature unless otherwise specifiedtp-PULSE DURATION uSFORWARD CURRENT(mA)FORWARD CURRENT (mA)RELATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITYFORWARD CURRENT(mA)RELATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITYAMBIENT TEMPERATURE T a()(5)Ipeak MAX.IDC MAX.Ipeak MAX.IDC MAX.。