



;每个通道采样24次 每个通道采样24次 每个通道采样24 ; 1→START: 启动转换 ;将0809某通道地址DX压入堆栈 某通道地址DX压入堆栈 将0809某通道地址DX ;8255PB口地址 8255PB口地址 8255PB ;读入PB0 检测EOC 读入PB0 检测EOC 读入PB0:检测 ; AL∧01H: EOC=PB0=1? ∧ ; EOC=PB0=0,循环等待 循环等待 数字量在PA ;PB0=1,ADC0809数字量在PA 口 ,ADC0809数字量在 PA口 ; PA口→ AL ;数字量存入内存 数字量存入内存 ; 恢复某通道地址 ; CX-1→CX, CX≠0:循环采样24次 CXCX≠0:循环采样24 ≠0:循环采样24次 ;取下一通道地址 取下一通道地址 ;修改大循环计数值 修改大循环计数值 ; BL≠0:循环采样取下一通道 BL≠0:循环采样取下一通道
二、8位A/D转换器ADC0809的工作原理 A/D转换器ADC0809的工作原理 转换器ADC0809
1、 ADC0809的内部组成 ADC0809的内部组成
⑴8路模拟开关及地址 锁存与译码电路—— 锁存与译码电路 选择8 选择8个模拟输入通道 信号之一完成A/D转换; A/D转换 信号之一完成A/D转换; ⑵8位A/D转换器(逐次 A/D转换器( 转换器 逼近型) 逼近型)——完成所选 完成所选 通道的模拟信号的A/D 通道的模拟信号的A/D 转换; 转换; 三态输出锁存缓冲— ⑶三态输出锁存缓冲 锁存A/D A/D转换后的数字 锁存A/D转换后的数字 结果; 结果; ⑷控制逻辑与时序— 控制逻辑与时序 控制芯片的工作并提供转换所需的时序。 控制芯片的工作并提供转换所需的时序。
主程序: 主程序: DATA1 SEGMENT ORG 2000H AREA DB 200 DUP(?) ( ) … DATA1 ENDS ;定义堆栈段 定义堆栈段 DB 50 DUP(?) ( ) … STACK1 ENDS ;定义数据段 定义数据段



编号日文名中文名GS码001 フシギダネ妙蛙种子082F043503A4E7ED 002 フシギソウ妙蛙草483E2A861BCE6E30 003 フシギバナ妙蛙花D2AEB9BC6D67A9B8 004 ヒトカゲ小火龙45764D46FFD611A9 005 リザード火恐龙270E4C82D4A0EA8A 006 リザードン喷火龙F451FABE23684D86 007 ゼニガメ杰尼龟BC5F4BC19E504314 008 カメール卡咪龟0643C214E99FD01B 009 カメックス水箭龟B3127F0459359295 010 キャタピー绿毛虫D86CD11895139F73 011 トランセル铁甲蛹F54A12F77B2099F5 012 バタフリー巴大蝴2AAC7F1DF6000594 013 ビードル独角虫1B88DA73E9F717CE 014 コクーン铁壳昆ECD014342D064460 015 スピアー大针蜂98498DB9B8EF3A96016 ポッポ波波6E93A2B7D174B891 017 ピジョン比比鸟71A4E4E126E92B3F 018 ピジョット比雕823812920DFDD282 019 コラッタ小拉达95F2785C6FC1B39B020 ラッタ拉达3D51D8904ED40E65 021 オニスズメ烈雀36CC9670F7B72D4F 022 オニドリル大嘴雀7ABA8A240B43D8B0023 アーボ阿柏蛇4E8EC670690E8BA5 024 アーボック阿柏怪F51E51FA6577292C 025 ピカチュウ皮卡丘ED186531EE2DC737 026 ライチュウ雷丘70AEB016B7A46A34027 サンド穿山鼠4F27932231109752 028 サンドパン穿山王92676644500CFFBD 029 ニドラン♀ 尼多兰803D970B3C4D48FF 030 ニドリーナ尼多娜B3B4E37E5A0953B4 031 ニドクイン尼多后CAE6B5418DBF002B 032 ニドラン♂ 尼多朗7CED4776C9BC5FFF 033 ニドリーノ尼多利诺637E912A7D26948D 034 ニドキング尼多王C91A7E975E30F8F1 035 ピッピ皮皮0C29B3E6E87A80D7 036 ピクシー皮可西D6069AA6B178F47E037 ロコン六尾DF5136F259619CCA 038 キュウコン九尾DB9E0DD4DC880795 039 プリン胖丁54AAF8399CFE3578 040 プクリン胖可丁D2EDF2A4682C6E04 041 ズバット超音蝠BD503F7F0F3B6CCC 042 ゴルバット大嘴蝠3D6CA3B47B8DC92B 043 ナゾノクサ走路草4E2667A2888B1ADE 044 クサイハナ臭臭花EB3DEB5E8F3F0762 045 ラフレシア霸王花78D94F49A59AD633046 パラス派拉斯9FC73DD37A6857E3 047 パラセクト派拉斯特CB5FEB78A1832458 048 コンパン毛球0C53A30CB3B74FA1 049 モルフォン末入蛾D0AC0DDF28E2C76A 050 ディグダ地鼠3A9AA0A39F036981 051 ダグトリオ三地鼠E3E97E4907793FD1 052 ニャース喵喵0128F01179EA209C 053 ペルシアン猫老大DF7EC698E086864B 054 コダック可达鸭2BC83B45A68BFDE5 055 ゴルダック哥达鸭66641EA91F326429056 マンキー猴怪087074EC24E5C796 057 オコリザル火爆猴53E68CBEA3AED5B7 058 ガーディ卡蒂狗DA853A26ED454B3E 059 ウインディ风速狗5250ED1E7BFACDDE 060 ニョロモ蚊香蝌蚪A94A3E55C8A239EA 061 ニョロゾ蚊香蛙6FD99E1996B6B086 062 ニョロボン快泳蛙67E8B7645554B888 063 ケーシィ凯西E7450B71C498B8B9 064 ユンゲラー勇吉拉1F33E3D39805522B 065 フーディン胡地3D6614CAEB74A686 066 ワンリキー腕力0FFD43DF66E662C0 067 ゴーリキー豪力47D305AF7342D668 068 カイリキー怪力F62201DA0E9508BB069 マダツボミ喇叭芽186FA2C634DD0F8D070 ウツドン口呆花2DF82722F7DA5123071 ウツボット大食花96DE266F2184512A 072 メノクラゲ玛瑙水母22F15FD590E8F0BD 073 ドククラゲ毒刺水母04D90CDFC05A5514 074 イシツブテ小拳石0AA34327D6893732075 ゴローン隆隆石610329D74685888F076 ゴローニャ隆隆岩9BBA394BF03F9C85077 ポニータ小火马5F5000BA70E22EDA078 ギャロップ烈焰马C1F6A71D4D836334079 ヤドン呆呆兽81051F88DDEA905D080 ヤドラン呆河马EDF4DEB6A1CD3B43081 コイル小磁怪72C47D7FDA7497A8082 レアコイル三合一磁怪DEFBD36BEB91B231 083 カモネギ大葱鸭5274B2331C3AB5A9084 ドードー嘟嘟82E21AC20E5C5323085 ドードリオ嘟嘟利5A12018B1DBAE403086 パウワウ小海狮ECC827399FF61ED1087 ジュゴン白海狮8130BAEBD40F9B20088 ベトベター臭泥33FC175C38273B1D089 ベトベトン臭臭泥C8A3092E85ABF252 090 シェルダー大舌贝A0921CEE9B1435DF 091 パルシェン铁甲贝6E9B9A58CEA840E4092 ゴース鬼斯6F41ABE1874E212E 093 ゴースト鬼斯通CCC4429BA1AFE787094 ゲンガー耿鬼5A2C3F170F3C8E8D095 イワーク大岩蛇2CF19EE240C3A811096 スリープ素利普48F8962E040E4DD0 097 スリーパー素利柏5F68CE65571B24D7098 クラブ大钳蟹34A91C9B09D163F1 099 キングラー巨钳蟹C2FCE4DC1063A38F 100 ビリリダマ雷电球D7EDD4010B653DD6 101 マルマイン顽皮弹760D57F52D2FDECE 102 タマタマ蛋蛋534DC146108B2E58103 ナッシー椰蛋树4FD6DD8E43C42AE5 104 カラカラ可拉可拉FBE4E786112D8B22 105 ガラガラ嘎拉嘎拉4B3B9D02EE88FDF6 106 サワムラー沙瓦郎E942CCC5C5CC1B5A 107 エビワラー艾比郎8C72BA83E6ED40A1 108 ベロリンガ大舌头2BDEFE899CE3324F 109 ドガース瓦斯弹C0F811884C467FAB 110 マタドガス双弹瓦斯6DCBE85BA9FDBDB3 111 サイホーン铁甲犀牛FCEF8534EE8C31A3 112 サイドン铁甲暴龙1692A749C598C0C1 113 ラッキー吉利蛋79C0D7110F3CB283 114 モンジャラ蔓藤怪FDC8FD03BB1849E5115 ガルーラ袋龙72A6E419ACB9733F116 タッツー墨海马D34D0F32017EAC15117 シードラ海刺龙692936C6E0F03247 118 トサキント角金鱼E8BED70F5123881D 119 アズマオウ金鱼王A3C37E32F8421AAC 120 ヒトデマン海星星696000963AD8D3F6 121 スターミー宝石海星5BC4EEB96E96EFA5 122 バリヤード吸盘魔偶627452613EC2FFDE 123 ストライク飞天螳螂1EE17933164C6E7F 124 ルージュラ迷唇姐F3A9EC3C992834F6 125 エレブー电击兽F01E742CCE099315 126 ブーバー鸭嘴火龙C241F30DD8A85532 127 カイロス大甲3E597B183B3306E4 128 ケンタロス肯泰罗2E5B8430F18EE879 129 コイキング鲤鱼王99E0AA74F854F3D0 130 ギャラドス暴鲤龙DC48D07310002AE8 131 ラプラス乘龙1DE60C08620820A1132 メタモン百变怪F5F276806A896E85133 イーブイ伊布7E412C931CA2F132 134 シャワーズ水精灵C768CF5C2E57CFC4 135 サンダース雷精灵DD9AABAF6073EB75 136 ブースター火精灵39F6D058BDAC1E0F 137 ポリゴン3D龙5B0E30B7D44E55B6138 オムナイト 菊石兽 323788633ADA92C0 139 オムスター 多刺菊石兽 1EEFF7814DFC1293140 カブト 化石盔 CA61B3F1211C2582141 カブトプス 镰刀盔 51AAD0E24D35452F 142 プテラ 化石翼龙 706703EF10641042143 カビゴン 卡比兽 8A5767AF63429CB7144 フリーザー 急冻鸟 A41D0ACEFF8012A1 145 サンダー 闪电鸟 DDF12C1C65CEDB4C 146 ファイアー 火焰鸟 30E6775F95A264DE 147 ミニリュウ 迷你龙 3F9501D587B284BD 148 ハクリュー 哈克龙 4021C6C9E11E7AA9 149 カイリュー 快龙 B7B5DC94CD642A93150 ミュウツー 超梦 04213FE23BFBBB48151 ミュウ 梦幻 85D457A423876A92回复 引用举报离线高攻只看该作者 9楼 发表于: 2006-01-24152 チコリータ 菊草叶 055DF79CAEDC63E6 153 ベイリーフ 月桂叶 2858DEA02E895B发帖574帅气金钱2510在线时间0 小时注册时间2006-01-15 ∙加关注∙发消息28154 メガニウム大菊花A63AA02F660986F0155 ヒノアラシ火球鼠3B81E34E19F077AA156 マグマラシ火岩鼠7AC7F62E1680E1BE157 バクフーン火爆兽AA81FF5A264F354F158 ワニノコ小锯鳄3A24D35C5C34EFC3159 アリゲイツ蓝鳄A6E78325C594109D160 オーダイル大力鳄C03ED3C894BD6C1D161 オタチ尾立926D27E1675BF1C6 162 オオタチ大尾立9857BFC6C28A3DA7163 ホーホー咕咕7DB7CB2C21FC8D8B 164 ヨルノズク猫头夜鹰D615D168D59BA45B165 レディバ巴瓢虫FC1A579B9C7F875A166 レディアン安瓢虫BD9D2F2E3364AE3C167 イトマル线球68093FF912BF7D77 168 アリアドス阿利多斯F1AB3F439528E52B169 クロバット叉字蝠56599D12BDF50F2E170 チョンチー灯笼鱼3E8A50744277E337171 ランターン电灯怪001FDFFF21882F68172 ピチュー皮丘714D6B298BC6EC22 173 ピィ皮宝宝1F35494A1DCE6EDE 174 ププリン宝宝丁68CE86AFDDB75669175 トゲピー波克比9BE04CB6EB4A9965176 トゲチック波克基古AE05D51F3C251E59177 ネイティ天然雀0AE12087E4497B1E178 ネイティオ天然鸟A96C3FDD7387A1A8179 メリープ咩利羊BEACBE962568D1CE180 モココ绵绵05EB2EEA908D3FE5 181 デンリュウ电龙8142ACCA3E9521C9182 キレイハナ美丽花833055E891AFFAC1183 マリル玛力露A85CECECE6A8B050 184 マリルリ玛力露力0C6B34898965528E185 ウソッキー胡说树7F874B2BB9A4E769186 ニョロトノ牛蛙君3A1C188D9D317AD9187 ハネッコ毽子草D92133ABC22965D9188 ポポッコ毽子花E6E5C2C4B87E2217189 ワタッコ毽子棉3E3A1A4844B18551190 エイパム长尾怪手78E03E5BC1A6873C191 ヒマナッツ向日种子260461FCCEF855D9192 キマワリ向日花怪DE2CCF951521BDF2193 ヤンヤンマ阳阳玛B5A29AA795844206194 ウパー乌波75CE0975A57E63BC 195 ヌオー沼王DAF45ACC2DE4BE53 196 エーフィ太阳精灵26891F77B0BF1A6A197 ブラッキー月精灵5CB6CB2D968C4B64198 ヤミカラス黑暗鸦2EBA5B47D7F7C439199 ヤドキング呆兽王F7D72DA3BAFB25EE200 ムウマ梦妖5254BFFD294B828D201 アンノーンA未知图腾A723BEADF1411A322BC391B39201 アンノーンC未知图腾C94FEA989F6B4B04E201 アンノーンD未知图腾DBDC945D77111BF0E201 アンノーンE未知图腾EA572825E80AD79F2201 アンノーンF未知图腾FC2F5FA16733C7807201 アンノーンG未知图腾G8BE9D4DCA2F95FD6201 アンノーンH未知图腾H30EA5B87DCF75901201 アンノーンI未知图腾I7577BD419F62A2EC201 アンノーンJ未知图腾J3ED7A829A50633AA201 アンノーンK未知图腾K8803EF14961360E2201 アンノーンL未知图腾LD2BAC2BBB2AE1D0432B73A8201 アンノーンN未知图腾N3E420717EB0CBD15201 アンノーンO未知图腾O748C5CCD51225A39201 アンノーンP未知图腾P6220ABFC4FC2AD90201 アンノーンQ未知图腾QAA8E07719AB45062201 アンノーンR未知图腾RB25A472574A144B3201 アンノーンS未知图腾SDA6BC901AF744483201 アンノーンT未知图腾T10729C6128F2E8C8201 アンノーンU未知图腾UAEC7AE5120EF592D201 アンノーンV未知图腾V3FD87557225E8CC8201 アンノーンW未知图腾W360E89CB3B5401A380873789201 アンノーンY未知图腾Y148BF7B756890CF0201 アンノーンZ未知图腾Z8A9740A4966404F2202 ソーナンス果然翁FE7B04A31BC9CC0B203 キリンリキ麒麟奇580DB3ED8B3C2A2A204 クヌギダマ榛果球E5776A5DF552CB4D205 フォレトス佛烈托斯4A868ED3C0FCC74F206 ノコッチ土龙弟弟848FCE9AAA4AAE76207 グライガー天蝎9479CA9A0D23258E208 ハガネール大钢蛇508FA304F5375F02209 ブルー布卢EBB0073358998224 210 グランブル布卢皇E1EA29F49FD12A211 ハリーセン千针鱼EEF3D5C732A65F7F212 ハッサム巨钳螳螂8DCE3BFDC7A14ADD213 ツボツボ壶壶D61497A93D03FA5F 214 ヘラクロス赫拉克罗斯7EF393ADD62F87DC215 ニューラ狃拉4DAF280FBF15051C 216 ヒメグマ熊宝宝A1A4CE4013657A70217 リングマ圈圈熊D8DA7BAA4F588281218 マグマッグ熔岩虫05C3397946EB303E219 マグカルゴ熔岩蜗牛2AB43205FABC6FF5220 ウリムー小山猪CB0B64348D12FC36221 イノムー长毛猪54F6DC63EA15CACD222 サニーゴ太阳珊瑚11E07E0899B3CB223 テッポウオ铁炮鱼E8BA3E38409543FB224 オクタン章鱼桶C1DEAC4C64D851A5225 デリバード信使鸟B90C6ECB6BC2229B226 マンタイン巨翅飞鱼B3FFB0A666823D98227 エアームド盔甲鸟668AD40AE7BA8E4E228 デルビル戴鲁比53545F05FCDBBE8F229 ヘルガー黑鲁加0BCB0303DFF91E2D230 キングドラ刺龙王28E8D73C14B7B12F231 ゴマゾウ小小象FB7D5413967AA153 232 ドンファン顿甲6834E032DC77BB07 233 ポリゴン3D龙2 7A4E73E665C95482234 オドシシ惊角鹿68E60EAA3A91D7D3235 ドーブル图图犬1AFD8F3F08D85085236 バルキー巴尔郎61292A76CFD22B51237 カポエラー柯波朗40D79A22365A2A6D238 ムチュール迷唇娃BDEB47F4CB5EB6B8239 エレキッド电击怪399BABA7E2C0B2CD240 ブビィ小鸭嘴龙5E2FE0CC1A3120F4241 ミルタンク大奶罐9623903001C7BF60242 ハピナス幸福蛋CF930C385D5C75B6243 ライコウ雷公5782AA1383518AAC 244 エンテイ炎帝11BF55279E0ED4DA 245 スイクン水君BA3A82D5992149F4246 ヨーギラス由基拉E8747E3B65B231BA247 サナギラス沙基拉223B12243790D12E248 バンギラス班吉拉E6601D6D74A2F234249 ルギア洛奇亚B2417B603CEE43EC250 ホウオウ凤王17FF9CD47344A847251 セレビィ雪拉比A8FBA16EE5D92BC9回复引用举报离线高攻发帖574帅气只看该作者10楼发表于: 2006-01-24252 キモリ木守宫26FD6C0632F789E2253 ジュプトル森林蜥蜴7A30CB39018FD4EA254 ジュカイン蜥蜴王A086978C56076E69255 アチャモ火稚鸡AA0D5A4DD866D8DC金钱2510在线时间0 小时注册时间2006-01-15 ∙加关注∙发消息256 ワカシャモ力壮鸡574C1447BAD9D091257 バシャーモ火焰鸡08D073D31845BB05258 ミズゴロウ水跃鱼9DA259E119D91BCB259 ヌマクロー沼跃鱼8F063467E95EB6C5260 ラグラージ巨沼怪771DF2A2EF16293E261 ポチエナ土狼犬46D472F2FD7AF29C262 グラエナ大狼犬F0A7B4DF4BD58023263 ジグザグマ蛇纹熊2FC992E3212F1A17264 マッスグマ直冲熊3D705B62D7BC2FE0265 ケムッソ刺尾虫E796A028160AC07A266 カラサリス甲壳蛹C5F8FB45912FB5E9267 アゲハント狩猎凤蝶7E36341168F145D2268 マユルド盾甲茧C20A3807EF87AEA9269 ドクケイル毒粉蝶9E51BC0905A70261270 ハスボー莲叶童子B9C1BBB6FC720D8E271 ハスブレロ莲帽小童72B08A86061F7247272 ルンパッパ乐天河童E3A8FF7A55F168F6273 タネボー橡实果80DC79ABA6FC982C274 コノハナ长鼻叶B9ECD4DE32274ED3275 ダーテング狡猾天狗B92267207C9DB79F276 スバメ傲骨燕2B138A8666A36DEB 277 オオスバメ大王燕EEC121B6D9E1CC86278 キャモメ长翅鸥4FFE8E5A4450DAD279 ペリッパー大嘴鸥52B599F1D1730F71280 ラルトス拉鲁拉丝C23FD73A6C977E2E281 キルリア奇鲁莉安C503D6CF1414E015282 サーナイト沙奈朵DFA08776ABC77D44283 アメタマ雨蜘蛛C5838824C3885063284 アメモース雨翅蛾D8F1E0CDE359D5C5285 キノココ磨磨菇60996B96A203569C286 キノガッサ斗笠菇9040A99679E6CEB6287 ナマケロ懒人翁AD4DA1C69451E147288 ヤルキモノ过动猿3E4A6A0FCCDCF540289 ケッキング请假王CB75FF1D988594290 ツチニン土居忍士B4D9965E26D5FD3A291 テッカニン铁面忍者5C24C4544A14508A292 ヌケニン脱壳忍者E43838C9FC287259293 ゴニョニョ咕妞妞CC5895290250BC7E294 ドゴーム吼爆弹33AF2A790B7A8BDD295 バクオング爆音怪283029C7C68F3D07296 マクノシタ幕下力士24A5637EAB3BF86D297 ハリテヤマ超力王31B7B6EE0290C737298 ルリリ露利丽D9803312F502DF8D 299 ノズパス朝北鼻42E789203A4CC1B8300 エネコ向尾猫693A69EAC572F8EA301 エネコロロ优雅猫270D2F7D2524368E302 ヤミラミ勾魂眼17BEE25B0BAF9EB3303 クチート大嘴娃375CBB328FDB2217304 ココドラ可可多拉3BF239B00019AAD9305 コドラ可多拉59A68CFB65F0BE22 306 ボスゴドラ波士可多拉685A3CADB553EF33307 アサナン玛沙那1626A176D978292A308 チャーレム恰雷姆704F7DE89DFDAF18309 ラクライ落雷兽C4F99429CDBCA392310 ライボルト雷电兽2B6DED426397C1D2311 プラスル正电拍拍628EAB797167F1FA312 マイナン负电拍拍C5866EFD33783CBE313 バルビート电萤虫6D2D1306397C5C2E314 イルミーゼ甜甜萤008434132111FC29315 ロゼリア毒蔷薇D6247FACFB65D6EA316 ゴクリン溶食兽4EBCAA0A1739F6CE317 マルノーム吞食兽0E08514FB8739319318 キバニア利牙鱼18B8746A036C1E6D319 サメハダー巨牙鲨4022750CE8F057F8320 ホエルコ吼吼鲸84D9EBBCB663719B321 ホエルオー吼鲸王050A99F54D51AA4B322 ドンメル呆火驼CEDF2BF4CA1DB13C323 バクーダ喷火驼BAD607A4F5891F69324 コータス煤炭龟FD359CFA2A24CE91325 バネブー跳跳猪C959D2A1629D413B326 ブーピッグ噗噗猪79C9C5F2FDA6A748327 パッチール晃晃斑5B7DA1A1D117AE31328 ナックラー大颚蚁E6C80ACC795BCAEF329 ビブラーバ超音波幼虫DE135D22C45E8387330 フライゴン沙漠蜻蜓DF2A0FD888BC2E75331 サボネア沙漠奈亚18251670BA16FB6D332 ノクタス梦歌奈亚0E2CCE670DA344A5333 チルット青绵鸟5472CAC94650012E 334 チルタリス七夕青鸟5DAB14D1B537335 ザングース猫鼬斩C4DA6D6231AD75FC336 ハブネーク饭匙蛇96627B82DF65071D337 ルナトーン月亮岩0EDB8C7D021998D5338 ソルロック太阳岩DB6AA0B3D431B769339 ドジョッチ泥泥鳅A03665B7013FBFE8340 ナマズン鲶鱼王45C4744BE9031995341 ヘイガニ龙虾小兵9CAFBE2B769A21D1342 シザリガー铁蛰龙虾60A42196D054DFF5343 ヤジロン天秤偶405B381FDBD9C36F344 ネンドール念力土偶F64C71EAA2B7530D345 リリーラ触手百合BC7D76FB55C42346 ユレイドル摇篮百合887043A8B8EC4946347 アノプス太古羽虫92E64A19C1BD729E348 アーマルド太古盔甲718599796E681E92349 ヒンバス笨笨鱼44BC0D8B9AD3088A350 ミロカロス美纳斯44E29572FBE304B1351 ポワルンN天气小子-NF908E2B3C7F3701E351 ポワルン雪天气小子-雪AD18A7F5C2E2C4DA351 ポワルン晴天气小子-晴39DDA991C0DF7F2C351 ポワルン雨天气小子-雨106ADA657A3A588A352 カクレオン变隐龙79147956EB198A93353 カゲボウズ怨影娃娃B23B4138EE9A354 ジュペッタ诅咒娃娃6E2E71321DB15A51355 ヨマワル夜骷颅AF58E2CDB653E103356 サマヨール夜巨人8E1AF731F0EBC2EF357 トロピウス热带龙B2BA7076E0EECAAD358 チリーン风铃铃4DE969C7F9DC2D44359 アブソル阿勃梭鲁ED9357EC6FE8BFFE360 ソーナノ小果然翁76DA159FDC0A8624361 ユキワラシ雪童子E0A25F6EFA55310F362 オニゴーリ冰鬼护747C81BB12DACA11363 タマザラシ海豹球AB8FE43FDC5FEB2D364 トドグラー海魔狮199214359B61ADC0365 トドゼルガ帝牙海狮0BBAF430E8C01FD6366 パールル珍珠贝D625EFD8DF530001367 ハンテール猎斑鱼5EAE2E7AC4F14B22368 サクラビス樱花鱼FC7B272674C4DE3E369 ジーランス古空棘鱼CD40F306CF518736370 ラブカス爱心鱼B3007792C81144E6 371 タツベイ宝贝龙FA1C246CB983F569 372 コモルー甲壳龙8C163D6987E2D49E373 ボーマンダ暴蝾螈060E1B5A7CEE0C60374 ダンバル铁哑铃35FCC7F4ECFCFCF5375 メタング金属怪0ED95265094CC839376 メタグロス巨金怪B806EAEC97888965377 レジロック岩神柱E2DC36AE689E7303378 レジアイス冰神柱754FF88E0D2EF9CC379 レジスチル钢神柱BAC6AB87BC0FB157380 ラティアス拉帝亚斯6962C2C7745159D0381 ラティオス拉帝欧斯B3548E6E7AF634A8382 カイオーガ海皇牙7AA6D8B631408F4C383 グラードン古拉顿156740D3616812C8384 レックウザ裂空座12F6790F8F516F07385 ジラーチ吉拉祈E1EDAFC3FA066DCE386 デオキシスN迪欧西斯-NA7A2484E732D7FF7201 アンノーン!未知图腾!193150295AC4B710201 アンノーン?未知图腾?9790B4D865BFB479386 デオキシスA迪欧西斯-A3F27B08DF76A8786386 デオキシスD迪欧西斯-D7444B05CFD75DF60386 デオキシスS迪欧西斯-SFCEC686558F4DDE9。































1.化简下面各式.(1)a×8×b=(2)a×a×1=(3)(3x−0.2)×5=(4)0.8x−0.6x=(5)b+c×b=(6)5x−0.2×6=(7)1.5(3x−x)=(8)(11.5x+0.5x)÷2=2.当m=4时,3m+m2=.3.三个连续自然数,最小的自然数是m,最大的自然数是,它们的和是.4.有一堆煤共at,每天烧去bt,7天后还剩t.5.优优有黑色铅笔x支,蓝色铅笔是黑色铅笔的1.5倍,那么1.5x表示,如果红色铅笔的支数比黑色铅笔的2倍少5支,那么红色铅笔有支.6.汽车a小时行驶了skm,汽车每小时行驶km,行驶1km要小时.7.当a=1,b=2时,在括号里填上“>”、“<”或“=”.(1)ab a+b(2)a÷b b−a8.小乐期中考试语数英三门学科的平均成绩是92分,若科学的成绩是y分,那么小乐四门功课的平均成绩是分.9.当3x+7.8=15.6时,5x−1.2=.10.在(36−4x)÷8中,当x=时,结果是0;当x=时,结果是1.11.4x−8y+8=12,求x−2y+9的值.⼆、选择题。

12.妈妈先买了a千克西红柿,每千克7.5元,又买了b千克黄瓜,每千克6元,那么7.5a−6b表示()A.买西红柿和黄瓜共付多少元B.西红柿比黄瓜重多少千克C.买黄瓜比买西红柿少付多少钱D.每千克西红柿比黄瓜贵多少钱13.小军今年a岁,比小欣今年年龄的5倍少b岁,小欣今年( )岁.A.(a−b)÷5B.(a+b)÷5C.5a−bD.514.方程5x−2x=21得出3x=21,是根据()A.加法结合律B.乘法交换律C.乘法结合律D.乘法分配律15.壮壮把4(a−3)错写成4a−3,结果比原来()A.多12B.少9C.多9D.少1216.甲、乙两地间的路程全长480千米,客车和货车同时从两地相对开出,经过4小时相遇.已知客车每小时行65千米,货车每小时行x千米.不正确的方程是()A.65×4+4x=480B.4x=480−65C.65+x=480÷4D.(65+x)×4=480三、计算题。



150部卫生部医学视听教材全部光盘ed2k://|file|001--肠道寄生虫病防治.DAT|236695916|9AF2A3EB1FAA54D51DDB3F267979FEE5|h=P GQENOFIH3GPVWY6PULUIZ3TNLLYGGJD|/ed2k://|file|002-肝胆胰疾病的影像诊断.DAT|540409676|C9F7BC2745BB4DBFA043BC9C3F9FE1BC|h=U OA2CLURVO6FP23BB7XM3762Z6GZNGSG|/ed2k://|file|003-乙型肝炎的诊断和治疗.DAT|430265516|DC4BBC6E6F0385FE634D6D9D5331C94F|h=L 5MTBB7RENNZZYZWPSNOKPUEFIZIG3PV|/ed2k://|file|004-脂肪肝的防治.DAT|255272012|F5FE9CC5BEE6308192C0091E9C11F573|h=UE 53BB3776CY6NZVIGH3AIGL6AYQL5UX|/ed2k://|file|005-消化性溃疡.DAT|221509052|F957FD07B292F9E2228C3AA4EC5CB16B|h=6 HVLY42HONSVAPCTKY23QINVUQOROC4F|/ed2k://|file|006-急性呼吸衰竭的诊断与治疗.DAT|440501420|070DE04F3A9E26B728F19629F04573E3|h=YO 637ALYIK4FW6YGNLSZJXAAU3IC5TIQ|/ed2k://|file|007-肺结核的诊断和治疗.DAT|494524508|9FC44FB4D000D3817450CF321CF508BF|h=6S DUDDKPWOQ2QOITTK753WLCOCWYYHEF|/ed2k://|file|008-急性胰腺炎诊治.DAT|338810348|AC2E940421B5B0C8B072DAFD44AD8A5C|h=J 7HS4A3TQMPY7CIIB5B2QWSYQDKEHDF2|/ed2k://|file|009-肝硬化的诊断与治疗.DAT|534292124|7DB30A0019C0DA5B8A38D1735B7236B5|h=O VA3W6Q3DAZVUP4WTASFSA4Z2JRPXUB3|/ed2k://|file|010-糖尿病的诊断与治疗.DAT|590116844|EEB9F15EFD0B7D8B76DD68F733DEA928|h=K ULO5G6JIHQ2QQ5P6YKPH7OH4KI54NJB|/ed2k://|file|011-原发性高血压.DAT|243893036|2059B34C0E9BBECD7D2E657F4E31AAB9|h=6 DYCW4QLXN7X5OXO6XL7TVY6GFPW2RY4|/ed2k://|file|012-急性心力衰竭的诊断和治疗.DAT|191563388|FE41C86772D90144BD752E6CB8F10BBC|h=7 D6UYDH7DBN6X62LJGKBUJ2DGVD2NUE7|/ed2k://|file|013-慢性心力衰竭的诊断和治疗.DAT|324754796|9D59D22881122094C719AA566F9B63D0|h=F NM3P42J2XMWQTME3ODVFR76YCLETJB5|/ed2k://|file|014-二尖瓣关闭不全.DAT|323955116|AAA1115318DDF92EC77C1EF89C96D4F7|h=S ECAKDHGKZC3N6QBLX7XDPZF4BYTTJQH|/ed2k://|file|015-循环系统几种常用诊断技术.DAT|194922044|1DC488DFAC9742B348D8731E38BC37DA|h=Y ROLWZTQ6JQBH7AY3T64QRXDULSAEKRR|/ed2k://|file|016-咽喉部常用操作技术.DAT|385469324|03FB31C384171A005AEEADA5C1C07107|h=F W3JTB6MYI5FISXCRV5GHFPVXAZCRBPR|/ed2k://|file|017-类风湿性关节炎的诊治.DAT|244956140|5E39790641B5ED21BDB25E65F4636E33|h=6B AEVZ7LDRABIBKFUYWOQRVEJXDYATHD|/ed2k://|file|018-体外循环.DAT|256669100|716D0B517DFEE065EC02045FB90C76FA|h=UI U5GA2L5L2BOW3IYHZXOE3DICTHWN6M|/ed2k://|file|019-外伤急救基本技术.DAT|369489836|255EF42E4656EB201AD78EF31455B81D|h=3P LESYKD634X22II57RTAD7OUGLV6VJW|/ed2k://|file|020-手术无菌技术.DAT|254982716|5AC888A04D7422EA436D3EA617E695BF|h=O LTKCWBQS6MRK74AABCMDIAFI3JKTZFC|/ed2k://|file|021-局部麻醉.DAT|274793612|336ADD397FFFD335F9E2C91472778428|h=Z2VHWSNQ46VCRSWSOG2KDXETGG54YPJD|/ed2k://|file|022-腹部的切口与缝治.DAT|479619884|AE4707534A6BE651562F82B119F3BC23|h=BX TR3FNPCAUWRENOZYMKGPYJ35P33CP6|/ed2k://|file|023-手术前准备和手术后处理.DAT|446259116|BE2CD7D314614A30FB78FABFDD62E5EF|h=X Z7OL4AK2JPNVGWL3PCAFN7IYIGF4TC3|/ed2k://|file|024-不孕症的中医治疗.DAT|318627836|F26E22B11DEDB1CA8F3D9917D7B85389|h=V WBFRZMQPAQZHE2HYJLN3UZHCZLAKTU5|/ed2k://|file|025-子宫内膜异位症.DAT|325079372|81FA421E578C1CC502E9E7BECA2196DA|h=P RE2WQ66IMPCLSZUYCBHXKIKE532KMY7|/ed2k://|file|026-功能失调性子宫出血.DAT|378335708|A813880584025C4C4E2076AAAE2D51A0|h=3X 2ECY3K3FXG4W424B4DNLKS34I3SPNV|/ed2k://|file|027-妊娠高血压综合征.DAT|410092412|517D28D1B132AE24A90307EDB46B22B2|h=Y UBIF4YRCYCIFBJ637GEGDEO5ME6R67P|/ed2k://|file|028-更年期的保健.DAT|345718172|6C393DB3831009E8F4152672D7274FC7|h=V5 DQL3GLDUQKZWXH76FH33R6BUDWT6LD|/ed2k://|file|029-异位妊娠.DAT|370472972|2C1B21A5EB6CFC9B025666F670801905|h=XK M5O2PVDX5NCMLDL3Y3XLMFZTNYSL3V|/ed2k://|file|030-人工流产.DAT|269717996|C33F002E956806B1598C91EB8D8CC9C5|h=M UXZ5J4DM7HLWJAX3MPFDPNIYMDL5KZW|/ed2k://|file|031-骨伤病手法治疗.DAT|480555980|A900509DA519D50E5A5CA032059DA160|h=5 RLYCQOEAZRNDRJ55A2CIDCQ4AV5EDFE|/ed2k://|file|032-正常分娩.DAT|250212860|0F6F8EFA7E98F7A8E8B3CAB72AC40E1F|h=M VJ2GRKT6DGXUTIHEG5LQ54GHBP5TNUS|/ed2k://|file|033-小儿脑瘫的康复.DAT|240844844|407FDD0F5F40C4D50E147193570638EA|h=FK YIOJ56SL7JDDP42EU2GVPNTAXEBBX5|/ed2k://|file|034-小儿惊厥.DAT|168704300|284821664D88FEC58A3CD91A98AF540D|h=Y S4ARZUWIZJN4YQG3CUBN5FAP3EWJYTH|/ed2k://|file|035-小儿肥胖症.DAT|369292268|4F342C3AB4DD683EB212423C984D01D0|h=T UGYXQ5QAEX74OEOKSO3NOLO3L2YWQJJ|/ed2k://|file|036-小儿急性颅内压增高的诊断与治疗.DAT|288679820|E2E176176F0EE8FC00E8AEB8222E7B3D|h=HB 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7BFFET67NYJL7WSCUXXKR5CT5CCO4X7|/ed2k://|file|054-白内障的诊治.DAT|502055612|4F5CEA7CD9CAE58D426C1ED6EE9557B7|h=I QW4NVZRW3UQEAWO2HSA63VAPOEQAMFB|/ed2k://|file|055-耳针疗法.DAT|482077724|156E052225AE3DB3D0409A7A6FC1BA58|h=Q YEAD2RN4EYUWAKJWUESH3BM3OEGE4ZM|/ed2k://|file|056-小儿支气管哮喘.DAT|138514028|DE04BDD3E938F4FCB0CB79DF4D4C6101|h=J UBNHCLOIWVMMLOEPLCUC2GXQGYKFY52|/ed2k://|file|057-鼻炎的诊治.DAT|228734396|6170637FE941269DB9E20D8575D99154|h=Z OMJK7IHEKAWWNVDGE4FFXULGO6YDLFA|/ed2k://|file|058-鼻部常用操作技术.DAT|463278188|77631555D9503C3A141E9F3A6B1A7A0E|h=XC UKMWHDYRTGEOK4SKZNE6UFRSFK7X5T|/ed2k://|file|059-耳部常用操作技术.DAT|541000028|975E18A16C988880B2DCB57BA2C635AB|h=N PPQZTG7Q52JTQLOXMVZ7U2SWYAKLU3C|/ed2k://|file|060-缺铁性贫血.DAT|341943212|063CFC411504C4AF70E5BC91A4259B5B|h=IP NIDUEN2JTLCJNUDLGNBXY5LFXURIKV|/ed2k://|file|061再生障碍性贫血.DAT|226278908|23C4FEF61D65ED2724F3925FEA05542D|h=M 73O76WLVHWNODA7HFHANSSVE3WN365E|/ed2k://|file|062-急性白血病的分类、诊治.DAT|523562300|5613CAB37B271D9A4B7ED79653C16D0C|h=2 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XUL6Z6ZBVHAI3JAG3ABSOAILMSN5ZS5|/ed2k://|file|072-全身体格检查.DAT|356974844|9A1135D445C1B10F2AD26F7AF4105601|h=JG QNYZCYYOOYFDVLX4V2AWXM4GIX6RX4|/ed2k://|file|073-中枢神经系统疾病的影像诊断.DAT|573349436|51B3E1871D9CED6D907E832757267371|h=57 TTZPXVTXAISMYSBNQRFOQPFFFLPXZI|/ed2k://|file|074-原发性支气管肺癌.DAT|380553644|3AD50148B9EB9906A67A8356C9325AC6|h=V 35P3SVAVK2ECBCQG7EGNMKVGTTC7TMD|/ed2k://|file|075-中医舌诊.DAT|371070380|2B30D636071B30EA266D217E377251B1|h=M NZQ65JPEBZCE4PTA3LCGESEKMFNZU5E|/ed2k://|file|076-八纲辨证.DAT|333097340|6989401B6164141418AD7D4011D67E73|h=X5 J6YZPQKHXOHBKKEQEA74OTM2ROCFPT|/ed2k://|file|077-常用穴位取穴法.DAT|415149212|A21A942B230EC5C10BE97F26B6FB9FD6|h=R4 LMKTMUP46MDNVS7S2RTH47DHQYABDB|/ed2k://|file|078-针灸方法.DAT|318451436|2BCC9404F3535CCA00D257B8B83B8CC0|h=N WQSX5GVGSTDOHHYD3LUU4K5Q66IWJ3V|/ed2k://|file|079-腧穴疗法.DAT|521788892|C1CE9A9E420C449D3F42EB9816715848|h=V3 URQFIPN4FLOG3QJHXYIN7HRDPTZYM7|/ed2k://|file|080-推拿手法治疗颈椎病.DAT|424416092|189113C8AF451384F58E97A83331EEB8|h=7A 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7M375OIEWHF5CTGOVQ2PG3HK7R7JTJV|/ed2k://|file|090-运动系统解剖-肌肉.DAT|472846124|24A91472E99D8666999C55E573402AA1|h=ZJ OK34JUXZ7H3XGPQRAJ277MH24WDFS5|/ed2k://|file|091-运动系统解剖-骨、关节.DAT|566829692|9567B4B17FD0635FFF32B2D7B99A9F99|h=2Z 3NA3XQCT5KZRYZ54ZQOIJMDYC4R3PT|/ed2k://|file|092-导尿术和灌肠术.DAT|535827980|BE1E8FB73EE856302ACDFEFB2452A3B1|h=VT GQP2TI7BMBMBGPM6RIQ662HJKMGYOX|/ed2k://|file|093-心动周期.DAT|214542428|12626FC7B438474ED60522010BA15239|h=EZ 7TFAS26MQPFKDOC2XTP6IZPIEB5ZYO|/ed2k://|file|094-肾上腺皮质激素的作用和应用.DAT|371352620|B6064C97DDA3BD6065AA6ADF87F07823|h=5 5JOBJUIRGM4OARHPU2RBAMX2Z4QLTOW|/ed2k://|file|095-系统性红斑狼疮.DAT|161770604|4EFAD50817BCADB6688078542E2250E5|h=Y V5XONYXVQ5UEUQHJRUEN3H3KKHCSQIY|/ed2k://|file|096-气管切开术.DAT|101016092|AC82D5E517964A593F17B88EBEF7DA1C|h=A VHWAXEPAPISF2RJA4PA2LXY55M2IXFW|/ed2k://|file|097阑尾切除术.DAT|89220812|A134515AEF6F908BF81FEEF8A0B35E23|h=TDQ 3MROH3WB6DOWSK6JUY6MPW55C5CCO|/ed2k://|file|098-经关节镜行关节半月板切除术.DAT|391899692|280E9C679CC20B457C8C0D92A5371693|h=K AKEEB7K5HHZPX63WGIN3EKXGBGDRQCD|/ed2k://|file|099-骨髓穿刺.DAT|100209356|A91859AC43AFBF1673EF3F64C33A0848|h=D WA32PN7Y4NV2MJA4VXVXX7EFZAYVXLJ|/ed2k://|file|100-呼衰治疗.DAT|307373516|1311FDC0AAD566E33F49691B94234E63|h=Q OUIYOXTFZCQ2RZJR2SBKOSMJ45H2UUM|/ed2k://|file|101-扁桃体及增殖体术.DAT|155690684|A4563314F913BE51BA63929A2C9C1476|h=45 ZGKT7FTWGVNPE7747FSC3KFJMS4SN7|/ed2k://|file|102-喉阻塞及急救技术.DAT|185641052|6BC3F4E5F9B88D5F43E39EAB504B1C5F|h=5 MF6SRO4KI4BK5GFTLEOHC55JR724XFL|/ed2k://|file|103-肺部检查.DAT|386584172|604D624ACCA69DC1F71C17830883F36A|h=Y 4EEAXJ7BTQBG5EY6TW2I7K4SMKYECT3|/ed2k://|file|104-胸廓体检.DAT|151821644|7E7B60F34E92717B355C7CD5579CAC21|h=IB ISWGRXUPUU2EVT57VQPWLEWU4CN4SG|/ed2k://|file|105-颈部检查.DAT|172832060|1C487C07F9AFA1E3B1528C31C6341777|h=RX 5XC4DA3THV6T3HK4AD6LX4CLQ2L62D|/ed2k://|file|106-头面部检查.DAT|193840124|663FE0EB5D5E6D548636657B248786F0|h=VD 35JGBYAKOSVJ4ZZVCAO7SJV7AQA3N7|/ed2k://|file|107-血液透析.DAT|433795868|AE55ED2A5625BE3661DBA560EA8CB750|h=7 P4ZC44ZJOWA4A2OAEZIGCMJ66KSCEEX|/ed2k://|file|108-白血病的诊治.DAT|217249580|95EFB9747C7450D8FEFD5ABB55EECED7|h=S MPKEWA36643IEKW3WDCEAMEN7EANQZ2|/ed2k://|file|109-尿生成的影响因素.DAT|314683532|5461E25617ED2E2AD327F3C05CA19AE6|h=SWBWPXBPTFK7XYRTCLY3N7AMBNVFTXON|/ed2k://|file|110-皮肤病的诊断.DAT|357725132|3163AE62E67B00979623670197430CE1|h=7EI RWTAHKVN5N5GECBHLDC73DHYFSAZW|/ed2k://|file|111-周围神经损伤与修复.DAT|185180060|E181AC023EB74E227B6E20550238C968|h=UV 4UCJK47KPQDPTOKXVJY4ICYVGCHILM|/ed2k://|file|112-肿瘤生物导向治疗.DAT|127262060|D067B28C40C3A1DAFB87AFA8DAAD3EEF|h= ONM4W3IFKXIOS664VHPIW5N7II7R33N2|/ed2k://|file|113-针灸推拿应用精选.DAT|721087964|9DDC4CA403322F94CB0184758F71BF83|h=7 UKELPZUN3F76N42TNIUVPW6GKNO6WLT|/ed2k://|file|114-血常规检查.DAT|113006588|6C611928B90A0B74FED3E5F880505516|h=6V BUI2RS2LHDVHUI6EBILXFCDCRS2A5X|/ed2k://|file|115细胞膜物质转运功能.DAT|172476908|7BEED64A23F014F69652B13D1731913E|h=LJ L4RHXBMH23VPLPAFRKGEAYWTXANQW2|/ed2k://|file|116-治疗帕金森病.DAT|156998396|96B48F1363E425EDB6ABC23F56BE7D43|h=T VBZLCYMSJQR2B2GOOIYYB2QNUEY73XH|/ed2k://|file|117-复苏术.DAT|234235724|500FE10000E3A192A01D5C0D0B01044A|h=TE 35TEDAHJQJDXVBGT52N2QNXAOI5FSQ|/ed2k://|file|118-胆石症中医防治.DAT|357299420|9FBB11D94721C398BF87F0880506326B|h=X WTXIU6JPYNXYRKAQY2GTAKS7AYTUVIG|/ed2k://|file|119-心肌梗塞.DAT|299242652|50479536133B260656AFF44AF486500F|h=PA 37QQIG4GQIXVPC2KOELMUJUH66Y6NJ|/ed2k://|file|120-慢性肺原性心脏病.DAT|302448428|99CAE6723490467BA54FF61D60326B35|h=HB 7ERR5CUQCAK23HLFSW42NLOBIW6ABN|/ed2k://|file|121-血栓闭塞性脉管炎.DAT|161914076|E452126737898D793346E25210951839|h=XK K2GWOTCLL542GV6WE347NGDB64KJWL|/ed2k://|file|122-内科证治.DAT|508189628|21031438E1B5F11B25C9926BA5CA5090|h=6X JUJ6SNGPECCAFF3RR2UQS7ZELM5FNI|/ed2k://|file|123-依照《执业医师法》规范医疗行为.DAT|653486780|BB7724357CF423E3D8277142C18F5C30|h=Z6 UQ7FFYQ43FNOAJKAPAO34ZFG4MUH5T|/ed2k://|file|124-破伤风.DAT|230347868|80E4092DAA2200401D561EF8EC564561|h=FV 57JDRZ7YFXTDAXGTTAZQCGHP7VRODO|/ed2k://|file|125-血栓形成.DAT|205087388|F1ACA10ACF38E7FDC5FAEFC637430958|h=IX MWZHEPFPWNTSWW74HE65HPFPTFJPCO|/ed2k://|file|143-气街四海.DAT|435023612|72A7DB78AC685C8F7D2B89A59BEEC527|h=T MRPKTVCT5DYTUL67TWUDDYYBCYSTDYI|/ed2k://|file|145-颞三针和围针法.DAT|507084188|35F3C55F42F14864CCB0CB146CDD6EA5|h=5 KHBKWIARFU6WTLJNQBGHZRFYZXCSVEO|/ed2k://|file|146-针灸刺法.DAT|483366620|7186E7389599FE9D35EB481EE5125D34|h=J5 CSG2YUYPYIRULIYSMATYKAOP5WO7ZY|/ed2k://|file|147-针灸导论.DAT|481485020|27EF25C84D0569995BD4D62881375D73|h=D HKJNEIO3DSUEJEGLKO5PRQN2KBGOS27|/ed2k://|file|160-类风湿性关节炎针灸治疗.DAT|520897484|08B06E1518D4A47BEB03C97060FBA486|h=W S4HKFXE553CQ345LSPFAKAWF74YWBIL|/ed2k://|file|162-足部按摩职业培训2.DAT|682797404|129F81026BD7F05D691A935AD0C3E6B6|h=SSFPAT4B2X3NVVCIFOEENT5WOY6QWCAA|/ed2k://|file|163-肩周炎和延髓麻痹针灸治疗.DAT|527214956|CA59BCEFDB7572F48AB919E3D3891E0F|h=B OPD6LUC3ULMEMU2VHUUPXWWSXTVHF5L|/ed2k://|file|174-实用电针疗法-腰扭伤和劳损.DAT|462215084|A9F046A21CADDA90AADA6E425065ADCF|h=R QNRJN7ABVF6XF5BXUKPDS73HBIWGGXP|/ed2k://|file|176针灸内科证治1.DAT|576143612|B23074E0D608A6762AE5BE5FE7C590C3|h=ZR 2GGFQAOSXPDWSH3IU3JJKIRJOVINCB|/ed2k://|file|178针灸内科证治3.DAT|525265148|462E10FFC9BA2E0E0860B935EFFB2EF9|h=6KG ROC6AA6BDS5VSLVZBRJYNA6YIAAR4|/ed2k://|file|179针灸内科证治4.DAT|490472012|D4766E9ED92D0E336F1A69E158A25ECA|h=U W4LNLA4XVDPTYLMVIHOVJED3UANUFBK|/ed2k://|file|180妇儿科针灸证治.DAT|573890396|BCBABA8A394EE3067AE0333692927D6B|h=U W75IGMHJYY3JEW3INW5QHNBBQ5TODAS|/ed2k://|file|184-眼针疗法.DAT|469760300|BAC271398FBA216B65760296C702B04D|h=U C7XC3P4SUJWKYBURSRAY7OIUFZETG37|/ed2k://|file|186.温针灸和隔药饼灸.DAT|505049708|DAC342D5CDFF16A75EFE4BAF2BE24825|h=I3 FNILQ6OJ3Q6HAU7CYYXGSROYJX4PCC|/ed2k://|file|187.灸法.DAT|462878348|599AE0F063438F9C5BA0936389805A43|h=M QLHBBICR6ONNJOS56MTHTIPJEDGEIHT|/ed2k://|file|188.经络.DAT|521454908|80CF9FFC6DDD81CEBC1A4609A7989616|h=Z CKNKHH6N5KMK35ZT7YILVRBVSU5UAZA|/ed2k://|file|189慎针穴位的解剖.DAT|453693788|3EF645B549599C020B77E7282887FF79|h=T3 HKVZC4CYH57H5FOYGNM6HOAW4UF2IE|/ed2k://|file|191.外科及皮肤科针灸治疗.DAT|509111612|FFF696B4C7C93787361042E57552E88B|h=WP 3EFZTXE4JPH7EDUDXB3LQOJPRTWIYF|/ed2k://|file|196.新生儿肺炎诊治.DAT|208481324|E63BEF1BF80668D54B0C9E430AB062F1|h=H WIZIMQC5JM7BUZTPSEPDC6XEHJXR2WO|/ed2k://|file|197.癫痫.DAT|369275804|16A3F29FF9747244C86873CE14FB571F|h=BF XYNIB247ST4GYOVONSR2YEAQLYROUP|/ed2k://|file|2005中医、中西医结合医师实践技能考试.rar|1185176539|1F55B2817BA353A60997A285E899D731|h=VJ OHMG52GNLHYUZDVENUBBBA4YHAKEWO|/ed2k://|file|201中风的康复治疗.DAT|364296620|4EAD3A5C2C5166EB51F3CAA2B4B745BE|h=O UHT5S2YHKRSLPLWMPBQ446DFVAZI6NH|/ed2k://|file|203.针灸刺法.DAT|491706812|27D791C598BF0E79E580D93AB29BD2CF|h=D SUBUEMXTO5GTP7DFAFZTEIWWYVZJQI6|/ed2k://|file|204.腧穴1.DAT|595834556|D068CB84D24426D933737D4A8B8922CE|h=YR XCOHNTUFIJIJFZ26NS7U4OJP5MBZON|/ed2k://|file|205.腧穴2.DAT|594592700|4B2831AAC368237D78E78A02533977D5|h=CA MVROMRGTHTUCZMW2CFEHLDIIUORP33|/ed2k://|file|206.腧穴3.DAT|481329788|D8B2DE1D76D5EFEBA6BFC0200C5C9FFC|h=UX FE4AWQ5MRIL7OOJATIPVKDKZ2A5QDG|/ed2k://|file|BT下载中医四大经典和四大基础RMVB合集.torrent.rar|1159228|4C33C44F03E371E52964EB89E41331C4|h =DRPRZ3BNEEJJ574F5BML23PCBNKMEIHQ|/ed2k://|file|StormCodec5.05MJM(0520).exe|15397703|989B95B25 A9DE305D0021C113D90CA55|h=5FUJQE2DHYF4VS63NTV3RKMJ。



Stelnet(ssh)登陆华为交换机配置教程使用STelnet V1协议存在安全风险,建议使用STelnet V2登录设备。

通过STelnet登录设备的缺省值参数缺省值STelnet服务器功能关闭SSH服务器端口号22SSH服务器密钥对的更新周期0小时,表示永不更新SSH连接认证超时时间60秒SSH连接的认证重试次数3SSH服务器兼容低版本功能使能VTY用户界面的认证方式没有配置认证方式VTY用户界面所支持的协议Telnet协议SSH用户的认证方式认证方式是空,即不支持任何认证方式SSH用户的服务方式服务方式是空,即不支持任何服务方式SSH服务器为用户分配公钥没有为用户分配公钥用户级别VTY用户界面对应的默认命令访问级别是0 1、生成本地密钥对密钥保存在交换机中单不保存在配置文件中[Huawei]rsa ?key-pair RSA key pairlocal-key-pair Local RSA public key pair operationspeer-public-key Remote peer RSA public key configuration[Huawei]rsa local-key-pair ?create Create new local public key pairsdestroy Destroy the local public key pairs # 销毁本地密钥对[Huawei]rsa local-key-pair createThe key name will be: Huawei_HostThe range of public key size is (512 ~ 2048).NOTES: If the key modulus is greater than 512,it will take a few minutes.Input the bits in the modulus[default = 512]:1024 # 密钥对长度越大,密钥对安全性就越好,建议使用最大的密钥对长度Generating keys..........++++++.++++++ ........................++++++++..........++++++++或[Huawei]dsa local-key-pair ?create Create a new local key-pairdestroy Destroy the local key-pair[Huawei]dsa local-key-pair createInfo: The key name will be: Huawei_Host_DSA.Info: The key modulus can be any one of the following : 512, 1024, 2048. Info: If the key modulus is greater than 512, it may take a few minutes. Please input the modulus [default=512]:1024Info: Generating keys...Info: Succeeded in creating the DSA host keys.----------------------查看密钥对-----------------------[Huawei]display dsa local-key-pair public============================================== =======Time of Key pair created: 11:37:32 2016/3/30Key name : Huawei_Host_DSAKey modulus : 1024Key type : DSA encryption Key============================================== =======Key code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ost public key for PEM format code:---- BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAKScXq+QbICxxHTMsNR8aWUi3888lgK62P zo9+N6ab4YjLfYWGtQ7rxUv7CJYaDdMV9/MIDw20fk7NzBDn7BjTE1zXj34AL7a0y1m6 XizbiYQ/rQWZi47qjnOV/Hyp0WVUeSc2iZFK8JbP3BJWzIoH/d3mA78xxOpAt1K seBfod/AAAAFQDLxcC8LXtt/hWn+aNvbtFbbsyfJwAAAIBtMgLnTcrF25cDQwWN ef2ydtXKosjQDD1mb2HU8uNkRUAn/QQNYbKjrzzta8Nsxo3o3zX5+vgC7XO8vWb FWuD2aVMMFBszpaHPd9Y2daXvOyZKtm4qjP+xaQ5F+G+s8bPioRMowUun88oNGYs +2UNoRbpeifGtt570WfgmuaXPbQAAAIB/N5xGhTKNzvlgOpIu8P9IhMdWDtPgZgy37 S+EOSGf62G95lr5tV1FruhEX/o/Nq06UxDSNiFK8WGfYcsxmAru5Na9mIAD6QOP1 UkzJpSMh80/frznvquQnko/ytkq9w8k5pYRLSVzxxoZqkOpqvgLOm87N8tzcQJ0TQ pJ+WNmgA==---- END SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----Public key code for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file :ssh-dssAAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAKScXq+QbICxxHTMsNR8aWUi3888lgK62P zo9+N6ab4YjLfYWGtQ7rxUv7CJYaDdMV9/MIDw20fk7NzBDn7BjTE1zXj34AL7a0y1m6XizbiYQ/r QWZi47qjnOV/Hyp0WVUeSc2iZFK8JbP3BJWzIoH/d3mA78xxOpAt1KseBfod/AAAAFQDLxcC8LXtt/h Wn+aNvbtFbbsyfJwAAAIBtMgLnTcrF25cDQwWNef2ydtXKosjQDD1mb2HU8uNkRUAn/QQNYbKjrzz ta8Nsxo3o3zX5+vgC7XO8vWbFWuD2aVMMFBszpaHPd9Y2daXvOyZKtm4qjP+xaQ5F+G+s8bPioRMow Uun88oNGYs+2UNoRbpeifGtt570WfgmuaXPbQAAAIB/N5xGhTKNzvlgOpIu8P9IhMdWDtPgZgy37S+EOSG f62G95lr5tV1FruhEX/o/Nq06UxDSNiFK8WGfYcsxmAru5Na9mIAD6QOP1UkzJpSMh80/frznvquQnko/ ytkq9w8k5pYRLSVzxxoZqkOpqvgLOm87N8tzcQJ0TQpJ+WNmgA== dsa-key[Huawei]2、打开STelnet服务器功能[Huawei]stelnet server enable3、配置SSH服务器端口号[Huawei]ssh server port ?INTEGER<22,1025-55535> Set the port number, the default value is 224、配置密钥对更新时间[Huawei]ssh server rekey-interval ?INTEGER<0-24> Set the interval (in hours), the default value is 0, which means the server will not generate the new key automatically5、配置SSH认证超时时间[Huawei]ssh server timeout ?INTEGER<1-120> Set the authentication timeout, the default value is 60 seconds6、配置SSH认证重试次数配置SSH认证重试次数用来设置SSH用户请求连接的认证重试次数,防止非法用户登录。



Absolute Maximum RatingsLoad Supply Voltage, V BB . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 V Output Current 1, I OUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±1.4 A Peak Output Current (Brake)2, I OUT(BRK). ±3.0 A Period 2 for I OUT(BRK) to fall from±3.0 A to ±1.4 A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 ms Logic Supply Voltage, V DD . . . . . . . . . . . 7.0 V Logic Input Voltage Range, V IN(continuous). . . . . . -0.3 V to V DD + 0.3 V (t w <30 ns). . . . . . . -1.0 V to V DD + 1.0 V Package Power Dissipation, P D . . See Graph Operating Temperature, T A . . . -20°C to +85°C Junction Temperature 3, T J . . . . . . . . . +150°C Storage Temperature,T S . . . . -55°C to +150°C1Output current rating may be restricted to a valuedetermined by system concerns and factors. These include: system duty cycle and timing, ambienttemperature, and use of any heatsinking and/or forced cooling. For reliable operation, the specified maximum junction temperature should not be exceeded.2Peak output current is a transient condition that occurs during braking when the motor acts as a generator. The 3 A level is based on the maximum peak of a sine wave that is damped. The maximum period between the initial brake being applied and the current through the drivers falling to 1.4 A should not exceed 800 ms. See Braking section for more information.3Fault conditions that produce excessive junction temperature will activate device thermal shutdowncircuitry. These conditions can be tolerated, but should be avoided.Data Sheet 26301.5FThe A8904SLB and A8904SLP are three-phase brushless dc motor controller/drivers designed for applications where accurate control of high-speed motors is required. The three half-bridge outputs are low on-resistance n-channel DMOS devices capable of driving up to 1.2 A. The A8904 provides complete, reliable, self-contained back-EMF sensing, motor startup and running algorithms. A programmable digital frequency-locked loop speed control circuit together with the linear current control circuitry provides precise motor speed regulation.A serial port allows the user to program various features and modes of operation, such as the speed control parameters, startup current limit, sleep mode, direction, and diagnostic modes.The A8904 is fabricated in Allegro’s BCD (Bipolar CMOS DMOS)process, an advanced mixed-signal technology that combines bipolar, analog and digital CMOS, and DMOS power devices. The A8904SLB is provided in a 24-lead wide-body SOIC batwing package. The A8904SLP is provided in a thin (<1.2 mm), 28-lead TSSOP package with an exposed thermal pad. Each package type is available in a lead-free version (100% matte tin leadframe).FeaturesPin-for-pin replacement for A8902CLBA Startup commutation circuitry Sensorless commutation circuitryOption of external sector data tachometer signal Option of external speed control Oscillator operation up to 20 MHz Programmable overcurrent limitTransconductance gain options: 500 mA/V or 250 mA/V Programmable watchdog timer Directional control Serial Port Interface TTL-compatible inputsSystem diagnostics data out ported in real timeDynamic braking through serial port or external terminal3-PHASE BRUSHLESS DC MOTORCONTROLLER/DRIVER WITH BACK-EMF SENSING8904A8904SLB (SOIC)*Pb-based variants are being phased out of the product line. The variants cited in this footnoteare in production but have been determined to be LAST TIME BUY. This classification indicates that sale of this device is currently restricted to existing customer applications.The variants should not be purchased for new design applications because obsolescence in the near future is probable. Samples are no longer available. Status change: October 31, 2006. Deadline for receipt fo LAST TIME BUY orders: April 27, 2007. These variants include: A8904SLB, A8904SLBTR, A8904SLP, and A8904SLPTR.Part Number Pb-free*Package Packing A8904SLB-T Yes 24-pin SOIC 31 per tube A8904SLBTR-T Yes 24-pin SOIC 450 per reel A8904SLP-T Yes 28-pin TSSOP 50 per tube A8904SLPTR-TYes28-pin TSSOP4000 per reel89043-PHASE BRUSHLESS DC MOTOR CONTROLLER/DRIVER89043-PHASE BRUSHLESS DC MOTOR CONTROLLER/DRIVER3A8904SLP (TSSOP)* Measured on “High-K” multi-layer PWB per JEDEC StandardJESD51-7.† Measured on typical two-sided PWB with power tabs (LB package) or thermal pad (LP package) connected to copper foil with an area of three square inches (1935 mm 2). See Applica-tion Note 29501.5, Improving Batwing Power Dissipation , for additional information.LB (SOIC) PackageLP (TSSOP) Package89043-PHASE BRUSHLESS DCMOTOR CONTROLLER/DRIVERELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at T A = +25°C, V DD = 5.0 VLimitsCharacteristicSymbol Test ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Units Logic Supply Voltage V DDOperating 4.5 5.0 5.5V Logic Supply Current I DD Operating —7.510mA Sleep mode —250500µA Undervoltage Threshold UVLO Decreasing V DD — 3.6—V Increasing V DD — 3.9—V Load Supply Voltage V BB Operating 4.0—14V Load Supply Current I BB Operating — 4.08.0mA Sleep mode—2030µA Thermal ShutdownT J —165—°C Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis ∆T J —20—°C Output Drivers Output Leakage Current I DSX V BB = 14 V, V OUT = 14 V, sleep mode —200300µA V BB = 14 V, V OUT = 0 V —-2.0-15µA Total Output ON Resistance r DS(on)I OUT = 600 mA— 1.0 1.4Ω(source + sink + R S )Output Sustaining Voltage V DS(sus)V BB = 14 V, I OUT = I OUT (MAX), L = 3 mH 14——V Clamp Diode Forward Voltage V F I F = 1.0 A— 1.25 1.5V Control LogicLogic Input Voltage V IN(0)SECTOR DATA, RESET, CLK,——0.8V V IN(1)CHIP SELECT, OSC 2.0——V Logic Input Current I IN(0)V IN = 0 V ——-0.5µA I IN(1)V IN = 5.0 V——±1.0µA BRAKE Threshold V BRK 1.5 1.75 2.0V BRAKE Hysteresis Current I BRKL V BRK = 750 mV— 4.0—µA BRAKE Current I BRK Brake set, D2 = 1, I BRK = 750 mV —20—µA DATA Output Voltage V OUT(0)I OUT = 500 µA —— 1.5V V OUT(1)I OUT = -500 µA3.5——V C ST Current I CST Charging-9.0-10-11µA Discharging, V CST = 2.5 V —500—µA C ST Threshold V CSTH High 2.25 2.5 2.75V V CSTL Low 0.85 1.0 1.15V Filter CurrentI FILTERCharging -9.0-10-11µA Discharging9.01011µA Leakage, V FILTER = 2.5 V——±5.0nA Filter Threshold V FILTERTH1.57 1.852.13V C D Current I CD Charging -18-20-22µA (C D1 or C D2)Discharging 324048µA C D Current Matching —I CD(DISCHRG)/I CD(CHRG)1.82.0 2.2—C D Threshold V CDTH 2.25 2.5 2.75V C D Input LeakageI CDIL——1.0µAContinued next page …89043-PHASE BRUSHLESS DC MOTOR CONTROLLER/DRIVER5LimitsCharacteristic Symbol Test ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Units C WD CurrentI CWDCharging, D26 = 0, D27 = 0-9.0-10-11µA Charging, D26 = 0, D27 =1-18-20-22µA Charging, D26 = 1 D27 = 0-27-30-33µA Charging, D26 = 1, D27 =1-36-40-44µA C WD Threshold Voltage V TL V TH 2.25 2.5 2.75V Max. FLL Oscillator Frequency f OSC 20*——MHz Oscillator High Duration ton 20——ns Oscillator Low Duration toff 20——ns Maximum Output CurrentI OUT (MAX)D3 = 0, D4 = 0, D28 = 0 1.0 1.2 1.4A D3 = 0, D4 = 1, D28 = 00.9 1.0 1.1A D3 = 1, D4 = 0, D28 = 0500600700mA D3 = 1, D4 = 1, D28 = 0—250—mA D3 = 0, D4 = 0, D28 = 1500600700mA D3 = 0, D4 = 1, D28 = 1415500585mA D3 = 1, D4 = 0, D28 = 1—300—mA D3 = 1, D4 = 1, D28 = 1—125—mA Transconductance Gain g m D28 = 1210250290mA/V D28 = 0420500580mA/V Centertap ResistorsR CT 5.01013k ΩBack-EMF Threshold with respect —5.02037mV to V CTAP at FCOM transition-5.0-20-37mVELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS continuedNegative current is defined as coming out of (sourcing) the specified device terminal.* Operation at an oscillator frequency greater than the specified minimum value is possible but not waranteed.89043-PHASE BRUSHLESS DCMOTOR CONTROLLER/DRIVERSerial Port Timing ConditionsA. Minimum CHIP SELECT setup time before CLOCK rising edge ......... 100 nsB. Minimum CHIP SELECT hold time after CLOCK rising edge .............. 150 nsC. Minimum DATA setup time before CLOCK rising edge ....................... 150 nsD. Minimum DATA hold time after CLOCK rising edge ............................ 150 nsE. Minimum CLOCK low time before CHIP SELECT.................................. 50 nsF. Maximum CLOCK frequency .............................................................. 3.3 MHzG. Minimum CHIP SELECT high time ...................................................... 500 ns Note: the A8904 can be directly used in an existing A8902–A application, as the five most significant bits are reset to zero, which is the default condition for A8902–A operation. The only consideration when using the A8904 in an A8902-A application, is to ensure theminimum CHIP SELECT high time is at least 500 ns.89043-PHASE BRUSHLESS DC MOTOR CONTROLLER/DRIVER7Terminal FunctionsA8904SLB A8904SLPTerminal Name Function (SOIC) (TSSOP)LOAD SUPPLYV BB ; the 5 V or 12 V motor supply.115C D2One of two capacitors used to generate the ideal commutation points from216the back-EMF zero crossing points.C WDTiming capacitor used by the watchdog circuit to blank out the back-EMF 317comparators during commutation transients, and to detect incorrect motor position.C ST Startup oscillator timing capacitor.418NC No( internal) connection.–19OUT A Power amplifier A output to motor.520NC No (internal) connection.–21GROUND Power and logic ground and thermal heat sink.6-7–POWER GROUNDPower ground.–22*NC No (internal) connection.–23OUT B Power amplifier B output to motor.824OUT C Power amplifier C output to motor.925CENTERTAP Motor centertap connection for back-EMF detection circuitry.1026BRAKEActive low turns ON all three sink drivers shorting the motor windings to 1127ground. External capacitor and resistor at B RAKE provide brake delay.The brake function can also be controlled via the serial port.C RESExternal reservoir capacitor used to hold charge to drive the source drivers’1228gates. Also provides power for brake circuit.ANALOG GROUNDAnalog ground.–1*FILTER Analog voltage input/output to control motor current. Also, compensation node for internal speed control loop.132SECTOR DATA External tachometer input. Can use sector or index pulses from disk to 143provide precise motor speed feedback to internal frequency-locked loop.LOGIC SUPPLY V DD ; the 5 V logic supply.154OSCILLATOR Clock input for the speed reference counter.165DATA OUTThermal shutdown indicator, FCOM, TACH, or SYNC signals available in 176real time, controlled by 2-bit multiplexer via serial port.NC No (internal) connection.–7GROUND Power and logic ground and thermal heat sink.18-19–DIGITAL GROUNDLogic ground.–8*RESET When pulled low forces the chip into sleep mode; clears all serial port bits.209NC No (internal) connection.–10CHIP SELECTStrobe input (active low) for data word.2111CLOCK Clock input for serial port.2212DATA IN Sequential data input for the serial port.2313C D1One of two capacitors used to generate the ideal commutation points from 2414the back-EMF zero crossing points.* For the A8904SLP, ground terminals 1, 8, and 22 must be connected together externally.89043-PHASE BRUSHLESS DCMOTOR CONTROLLER/DRIVERFunctional DescriptionOverview of operation. Each electrical revolution contains six states that control the three half-bridge outputs.Optimized switching from state to state is achieved through the adaptive commutation circuitry. During any state, one output is high, one is low and the other is high impedance. The back-EMF at the high-impedance output is sensed and compared to the voltage of the centertap and when the two signals areequivalent, the FCOM signal toggles. A controlled delay is then introduced before the sequencer commutates into the next state.Linear current-mode control is employed to provide precision control of the motor speed while maintaining ex-tremely low electrical noise emissions. The speed control is realized through a frequency-locked loop that processes the sensed back-EMF signals from the stator phases to eventually produce a TACH signal. The TACH signal is then compared to the desired programmed speed, to produce an error. The error signal is then used to linearly control the current through the low-side DMOS power devices to obtain the correct speed.Alternative control schemes can be introduced, giving the user maximum flexibility and optimization for each application.An external tachometer signal applied to the SECTOR DATA input, along with the internal speed reference can be used for high-precision speed control. As another alternative, the user can introduce external speed control by driving the FILTER terminal directly.Start-up routines are inherent in the solution to guarantee reliable start-up. During start-up, a YANK feature allows rapid transition to the nominal operating condition on the FILTER terminal. This feature is also available when the external speed control is used.Dynamic braking can be introduced by either the external BRAKE terminal or through the brake bit in the serial port.A serial port allows the user to program various features and modes of operation, such as motor speed, internal or external speed control, internal or external speed reference, current limit,sleep mode, direction, charge current (for blanking pulse), motor poles, transconductance gain, and various diagnostic outputs.Full device protection is incorporated, including program-mable overcurrent limit, thermal shutdown, and undervoltage shutdown on the logic supply.Power outputs. The power outputs of the A8904 are n-channel DMOS transistors with a total source plus sink r DS(on) of typically 1 Ω. An internal charge pump provides a voltage rail above the load supply for driving the high-side DMOS gates.Intrinsic ground clamp and flyback diodes provide protection when switching inductive loads. These diodes will also rectify the motor back-EMF during power-down conditions. If neces-sary, a transient voltage supply can be provided, by connecting an external Schottky power diode or pass FET in series, between the power source and the load supply (V BB ). This FET or diode effectively isolates the low impedance path through the power source. A filter capacitor is also required to ‘hold up’ the rectified signal, and is connected between the load supply and ground.Back-EMF sensing motor startup and running algorithm. The A8904 provides a complete self-contained back-EMF sensing, startup and running commutation scheme. A state machine with six states, (shown in the tables below for both forward and reverse direction) controls the three half-bridge outputs. In each state, one output is high (sourcing current), one low (sinking current), and one is OFF (highimpedance or ‘Z’). Motor back-EMF is sensed at the output that is OFF.Sequencer State (forward direction)OUT A OUT B OUT C1High Z Low 2High Low Z 3Z Low High 4Low Z High 5Low High Z 6Z High Low Sequencer State(reverse direction)OUT A OUT B OUT C 1High Z Low 6Z High Low 5Low High Z 4Low Z High 3Z Low High 2HighLowZAt start-up, the outputs are always enabled in state 1. The back-EMF is examined at the OFF output by comparing the output voltage to the motor centertap voltage at CENTERTAP.The motor will then either step forward, step backward or remain stationary (if in a null-torque position).If the motor does not move during the initial start-up state,the outputs are commutated automatically by the start-up oscillator. When suitable back-EMF signals are detected, the start-up oscillator is overridden and the corresponding timing clock is generated, providing synchronous back-EMF commuta-tion. The start-up oscillator period is determined byt CST = (V CSTH - V CSTL ) x C ST / I ST(charge)where C ST is the start-up capacitor.89043-PHASE BRUSHLESS DC MOTOR CONTROLLER/DRIVER9If the motor moves, the back-EMF detection and direction circuit waits for the correct polarity of back-EMF zero crossing (output crossing through centertap). If the correct polarity of back-EMF is not detected, a watchdog circuit commutates the output until the correct back-EMF is detected. Correct back-EMF sensing is indicated by the FCOM signal, which toggles every time the back-EMF completes a zero crossing (see waveforms below). FCOM is available at the DATA OUTterminal.True back-EMF zero crossings are used by the adaptive commutation delay circuit to advance the state sequencer(commutate) at the proper time to synchronously run the motor.See next section.Adaptive commutation delay. The adaptive commuta-tion delay circuit uses the back-EMF zero-crossing indicator signal (FCOM) to determine an optimal commutation time for efficient synchronous switching of the output drivers. When the FCOM signal changes state, one of the delay capacitors (C D1 or C D2) is discharged at approximately twice the rate of thecharging current. When the capacitor reaches the 2.5 V thresh-old, a commutation occurs. During this discharge period, the other delay capacitor is being charged in anticipation of the next FCOM state change. In addition, there is an interruption to the charging, which is set by the blanking duration (see waveform below, V CWD, and next section). This additional charging delay causes the commutation to occur at slightly less than 50% of the FCOM on or off duration, to compensate for delays caused by winding inductance.Functional Description (cont’d)The typical delta voltage change during normal operation in the commutation capacitors (C D1 & C D2), will range between 1.5 V and 2.0 V. The commutation capacitor values can be determined from:C DX = I CD x t / V CD where V CD = 1.5 V, I CD = 20 µA, and t = (60/rpm)/(#motor poles x 3), duration of each state.To avoid the capacitors charging to the supply rail, the value selected should provide adequate margin, taking into account the effects of capacitor tolerance, charging current, etc.Blanking and watchdog timing functions. The blanking and watchdog timing functions are derived from one timing capacitor C WD .During normal commutation, at the beginning of each new sequencer state, a blanking signal is created until the watchdog capacitor C WD is charged to the threshold V TL (see waveforms below). This blanking signal prohibits the back-EMF compara-tors from tripping due to the discharging of inductive energy and voltage settling transients during sequence state transitions. The duration of this blanking signal depends on the size of the C WD capacitor and the programmed charge current, I CWD (via D26-27). This blanking pulse also interrupts the commutation delay capacitors C D1 and C D2 from charging (see previous section).The ability to select the minimum charge current for C WD is particularly useful during start-up, where the duration of the diode recirculation current is highest. In applications where high motor speeds are experienced, the charge current can be increased so that the blanking period does not encroach signifi-cantly into the period of each sequencer state and does not cause89043-PHASE BRUSHLESS DCMOTOR CONTROLLER/DRIVERunbalance in the commutation points.It is recommended to select the value of C WDin the actual application circuit with the A8904 put into step mode. C ST should be reselected (only for this test), to be between 4.7 µF and 10 µF, so that the motor comes to rest between steps and the maximum diode conduction time can be measured. The value of C WD can be determined as:C WD = I CWD x t d / V TLwhere t d = measured diode conduction, I CWD = charge current at start-up, and V = 250 mV.After the watchdog capacitor C WD charges to the V TL threshold,and if the correct polarity of back-EMF signal is detected, the back-EMF detection circuit discharges C WD to zero volts (see waveform above) and the circuit is ready to detect the next back-EMF zero crossing.If the correct polarity of back-EMF is not detected between the blanking period, t BLANK, and the watchdog period, t WD , then the back-EMF detection circuit does not allow the watchdog capacitor C WD to be discharged and the watchdog circuitcommutates the outputs to the next sequencer state (see wave-form above). This mode of operation continues until a suitable back-EMF signal is detected. This function is useful in prevent-ing excessive reverse rotation, and helps in resynchronising (or starting) with a moving spindle.The duration of the watchdog-triggered commutation is determined by:t WD = V TH x C WD / I CWDwhere I CWD = normal charge current.Speed control . The actual speed of the motor is mea-sured by either internally sensing the back-EMFs or by an external scheme via the SECTOR DATA terminal. A TACH signal is produced from these signals, which is then compared against the desired speed, which is programmed into a 14-bit counter (see diagram and waveforms below - assumes internal scheme used). The resulting error signal, ERROR, is then used to charge or discharge the FILTER terminal capacitor depending on whether the motor is running too slow or too fast. The FILTER terminal voltage is used to linearly drive the low-side MOSFETs to match the desired speed.Each back-EMF signal detected causes the state of the FCOM signal to change. The number of FCOM transitions per mechanical revolution is equal to the number of poles times 3.For example, with a 4-pole motor (as shown on next page), the number of FCOM transitions will equal 12 per mechanicalrevolution. The number of poles are programmed via serial port bits D20 and D21. There are six electrical states per electrical revolution, therefore, for this example, there are 12 commuta-tions or two electrical revolutions per mechanical revolution.The TACH signal changes state once per mechanical revolution and as well as providing information on the actual motor speed is also used to trigger the REF counter which contains the information on the desired motor speed. Alterna-tively an external TACH signal can be used, an explanation of which is presented in the Sector Mode Section.The duration of REF is set by programming the counter to count the desired number of OSCILLATOR cycles, according to the following:total count = 60 x f OSC / desired motor speed (rpm)where the total count (number of oscillator cycles) is equal to the sum of the count numbers selected through bits D5 to D18 in the serial port and f OSC corresponds to the OSCILLATOR fre-quency.Functional Description (cont’d)Watchdog-triggered commutation8904 3-PHASE BRUSHLESS DC MOTOR CONTROLLER/DRIVERA speed error signal is created by integrating the differences between the TACH and REF signal. If the TACH signal goes low before the REF signal then an ERROR FAST is produced and if the TACH signal goes low after the REF signal then an ERROR SLOW is produced. The error signal generated enables the appropriate current source (see diagram next page) to either charge or discharge the filter components on the FILTER terminal.The FILTER voltage is then used to provide linear current control in the windings via the transconductance stage (see diagram next page). The output current is sensed through an internal sense resistor, RS. The voltage across the sense resistor is compared to the lowest of either one-tenth of the voltage at the FILTER terminal, minus the filter threshold voltage, or to the maximum current limit reference.Alternatively, external control of the FILTER terminal can be introduced by disabling the frequency-lock loop circuitry (D24 = 1).The transconductance function is defined as:IOUT= (VFILTER– VFILTERTH) / (10 x RSx G)where RSis nominally 200 mΩ,VFILTERTHis approximately 1.85 V,G = 1, when D28 = 0 and gain = 500 mA/V orG = 2, when D28 = 1 and gain = 250 mA/V.The closed loop control response of the overall system is shaped via the filter components that are introduced at the FILTER terminal.Clamping the current to a level defined by the serial port (D3 & D4) provides output current limit protection. This feature is particularly useful where high transient currents are experi-enced, e.g., during start-up. Once normal running conditions are reached, the current limit can be appropriately reduced. Notethat the current limit is scaled according to the gmvalue selected.Functional Description (cont’d)Speed error detectionSpeed error signals89043-PHASE BRUSHLESS DCMOTOR CONTROLLER/DRIVERSector mode. An external tachometer signal, such as sector or index pulses, can be used to create the TACH signal,rather than the internally generated once-around scheme. The external signal is applied to the SECTOR DATA terminal and the serial port bit (D19 = 1) must be programmed to enable this feature.In applications where both internal and external TACH signals are used, it is important to only switch between modes when the SYNC signal on DATA OUT is low. This ensures the speed control information that is being processed during the transition, is not corrupted. SYNC is accessed through the DATA OUT multiplexer, which is controlled by D22 & D23.DATA OUT. The DATA OUT terminal is the output of a 2-bit input multiplexer controlled by D22 & D23 of the serial port. Data available are TACH signal (internally or externally generated), SYNC signal, FCOM signal, and thermal shutdown (LOW = A8904 operating within thermal limits, HIGH =thermal shutdown has occurred).Speed loop initialization (YANK). To ensure rapid transition from start-up to the normal operating condition, the FILTER terminal is pulled up to the filter threshold voltage,Functional Description (cont’d)V FILTERTH , by the internal YANK command and the initialoutput current will be set to the maximum selected current limit.This condition is maintained until the motor reaches the correct speed and the first ERROR FAST signal is produced which removes the YANK and allows linear current control.The YANK feature is also activated when an external speed control scheme is used (D24 = 1). To ensure the YANK is released at start-up by the internal speed control, it is important to ensure the speed reference is set at a lower speed than what the motor is designed to run at. Note that when the serial port is programmed to run initially, the default condition for the speed is set for the slowest condition so this will guarantee the YANK to be released. It is important when using external speed control that, as a minimum, the number of poles, speed control mode,and speed reference are programmed in the serial port.Forward/reverse. Directional control is managed through D25 in the serial port.Serial port. Control features and diagnostic data selection are communicated to the A8904 through the 29-bit serial port.See serial port timing diagrams on page 6. When CHIP SE-LECT is low, data is written to the serial port on the positive edge of the clock with the MSB (D28) fed in first. At the end ofSpeed and current control8904 3-PHASE BRUSHLESS DC MOTOR CONTROLLER/DRIVERthe write cycle, the CHIP SELECT goes high, the serial port is disabled and no more data can be transferred. In addition, the data written to the serial port is latched and becomes active.If a word of less than 29 bits is sent, the unused most significant bits that are not programmed, are reset to zero. There are no compatibility issues when using the A8904 in an existing A8902-A application as the five MSBs are reset to zero, which is the default condition for A8902-A operation. The only consideration when using the A8904 in an A8902-A application is to ensure the minimum CHIP SELECT high time is at least 500 ns.D0 - Sleep/Run Mode; LOW = Sleep, HIGH = Run. This bit allows the device to be powered down when not in use.D1 - Step Mode; LOW = Normal Operation, HIGH = Step Only. When in the step-only mode the back-EMF commutation circuitry is disabled and the start-up oscillator commutates the power outputs. This mode is intended for device and system testing.D2 - Brake; LOW = Run, HIGH = Brake.D3, D4, and D28 - The output current limit is set by D3 & D4; D28 sets the transconductance gain.Current limit Transconductance D3D4D28(typical)gain000 1.2 A500 mA/V010 1.0 A500 mA/V100600 mA500 mA/V110250 mA500 mA/V001600 mA250 mA/V011500 mA250 mA/V101300 mA250 mA/V111125 mA250 mA/VD5 to D18 - 14-bit word, active low. Programs the count number to produce the corresponding REF signal, which indicates the desired motor speed.Bit number Count numberD516D632D764D8128D9256D10512D111,024D122,048D134,096D148,192D1516,384D1632,768D1765,536D18131,072D19 - Speed control mode; LOW = internal, once-around speed signal, HIGH = external sector data.D20 and D21 - Programs the number of motor poles for the once-around FCOM counter.D20D21Motor poles00801410161112D22 and D23 - Controls the multiplexer for DATA OUT. See DATA OUT Section for status definitions.D22D23DATA OUT00TACH (once around or sector) signal01Thermal shutdown10SYNC signal11FCOM signalD24 - Speed Reference. LOW = Internal, using back-EMF technique, HIGH = External (internal control disabled).D25 - Direction. LOW = Forward, HIGH = Reverse.D26 and D27 - Programs the charging current for the watchdog capacitor. This function is used for adjusting the blanking duration and also the watchdog commutation period.D26D27Watchdog charge current (typical)00-10 µA01-20 µA10-30 µA11-40 µAFunctional Description (cont’d)。


BSC29-N2416 BSC29-01B17
TDQ-3B9H-1,TDQ-3B9H-HP,TDC-3H3-5VL,TELE4-801A, ENV59D25G3,TDQ-3B9H-1SA,TELE4-871A,3B9H-116H,3B9H-2,IT-50YTLR,TDC-3H3-5DL,VTS-7ZH1,XG6SVD86B,IT-50YTLR
BSC29-0146A /0101-83833

NexiusZoom 双目 三目显微镜产品说明书

NexiusZoom 双目 三目显微镜产品说明书

NZ.1903-SAuxiliary lenses 0.3x, 0.4x, 0.5x, 0.75x, 1.5x and 2.0x arealso available for the standard NexiusZoom and for theNexiusZoom EVO NZ.5313NZ.9505100330450360º360º340º310max1.000 maxFrom 0 to 295 max40NZ.1902-ANZ.1902-APS TA N D• E rgonomic designed pillar or rack & pinion stand with 3W incident and 3W transmitted LED illuminations (-P and -S stands)• E rgonomically designed pillar stand with two 3W goose-neck type incident LED illuminations on each side and a 3W transmitted LED illumination (-PL stand)• E rgonomic pillar stand with rotating mirror and 3W LED transmitted and incident illuminations (-M stand)• E rgonomic designed universal or boom stands, without illumination (-U, -B and BC stands)• A rticulated arm stand for table mounting or with heavy desktop stand, both without head holder, without illumination (-A and -AP stands)All pillar and rack & pinion stands are supplied with two object clamps. Alloy metal cast, hardened coating.S TAG E180 x 155mm X-Y mechanical stage with 76 x 55mm translation stage and transparent glass plate for NexiusZoom, fixed on stage of microscope. Only available with new microscopes (due to fixing), so it has to be ordered with the purchase of a microscope (See picture: NZ.9505)I L L U M I N AT I O N3 W transmitted and incident LED illuminators with internal power supply 100-240 V. Both illuminators can be used simultaneously and the light intensities can be adjusted separately. The universal single or double arm stands and the articulated stands can be equipped with the ring illuminatorsLE.1974 and LE.1973 with respectively 72 or 144 power LEDs controlled in segments, ideal for creating or lifting shades E S D S A F E M I C R O S CO P E SFor inspection and assembly applications. Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is the unwanted sudden flow of electricity between two electrically charged objects. ESD can cause a range of harmful effects as well as permanent damage to solid state electronics componentsEuromex therefore introduces electrostatic protected microscopes in the NexiusZoom range. The body and stand of the microscope are coated with a special static dissipative paint eliminating harmful electrostatic discharges making the microscopes suitable for all static-sensitive environmentsPAC K AG E CO N T E N TSupplied with power cord, dust cover, a spare fuse and user manual. All packed in a polystyrene boxN E X I U S Z O O M E V O 0.65-5.5 (W F 10X /23M M )N E X I U S Z O O M A N D N E X I U S Z O O M E S D 0.67- 4.5 (W F 10X /22M M )M O D E L SBinocularTrinocularPillar standRack & pinionstandUniversal standBoom standArticulated arm standGooseneck dual LEDAnti static ESDMirror LEDWeight (kg)NZ.1902-P•• 5.0NZ.1902-P-ESD•••5.0NZ.1902-PL•••5.1NZ.1902-M•••4.9NZ.1902-S•• 4.9NZ.1902-S-ESD•••4.9NZ.1902-U••15.6NZ.1902-U-ESD•••15.6NZ.1902-B••22.1NZ.1902-B-ESD•••22.1NZ.1902-BC (1)••10.5NZ.1902-A••8.6NZ.1902-AP(2)••20.7NZ.1903-P•• 5.2NZ.1903-P-ESD•••5.2NZ.1903-PL•••5.3NZ.1903-M•••5.1NZ.1903-S•• 5.1NZ.1903-S-ESD•••5.1NZ.1903-U••15.7NZ.1903-U-ESD•••15.7NZ.1903-B••22.2NZ.1903-B-ESD•••22.2NZ.1903-BC (1)••10.6NZ.1903-A••8.7NZ.1903-AP(2)••20.8M O D E L SBinocularTrinocularPillar standRack & pinionstandUniversal standBoom standArticulated arm standGooseneck dualLEDMirror LEDWeight (kg)NZ.1702-P•• 5.0NZ.1702-PL •••5.1NZ.1702-M •••4.9NZ.1702-S ••4.9NZ.1702-U ••15.6NZ.1702-B ••22.1NZ.1702-BC (1)••10.5NZ.1702-A ••8.6NZ.1702-AP (2)••20.7NZ.1703-P •• 5.2NZ.1703-PL •••5.3NZ.1703-M •••5.1NZ.1703-S ••5.1NZ.1703-U ••15.7NZ.1703-B ••22.2NZ.1703-BC (1)••10.6NZ.1703-A ••8.7NZ.1703-AP (2)••20.8(1) Boom stand model with tabletop clamp(2)Articulated stand model with heavy desktop base plateN E X I U S Z O O M E V O 0.65-5.5 (W F 10X /23M M )M AG N I F I C AT I O N SNexiusZoom standard& ESD: Working distance and field of view with standard HWF 10x / 22 High Wide Field eyepiecesZoom indication Auxiliary lens 0.3xWD 287 mmAuxiliary lens 0.4xWD 220 mmAuxiliary lens 0.5xWD 165 mmAuxiliary lens 0.75xWD 120 mmObjective 1x(standard) WD 110 mmAuxiliary lens 1.5xWD 53 mmAuxiliary lens 2xWD 30 mm Totalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mm0.672109,52,782,1 3.3565.7 5.043.8 6.732.810.121.913.416.4 0.72,1104,82,878,6 3.562.9 5.341.97.031.410.521.,491,73,268,8 4.055.0,3455,0,548,9636,77.529.311.319.615.014.722.59.830.07.32.0636,7827,510. 5.53.0924,41218,315.014.722.59.830.07.345.0 4.960.0 3.74.01218,31613,820. 3.780.0 2.8 4.513,516,31812,222.59.833.86.545.0 4.967.5 3.390.0 2.4Zoom indication Auxiliary lens 0.3xWD 287 mmAuxiliary lens 0.4xWD 220 mmAuxiliary lens 0.5xWD 165 mmAuxiliary lens 0.75xWD 120 mmObjective 1x(standard) WD 110 mmAuxiliary lens 1.5xWD 53 mmAuxiliary lens 2xWD 30 mm Totalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mmTotalmag.FoVin mm0.651,95117,92,688,5 3.2570.8 4.947.2 6.535.49.823.613.017.70.72,1109,52,882,1 3.565.7 5.343.47.032.910.521.914.016.40.82,495,83,271,9 4.057.5,7457,5,551,1638,37.530.711.320.415.015.322.510.,3828,810. 5.83.0925,61219,215.015.322.510.230.07.745.0 5.160.0 3.84.01219,21614,420.011.530.07.740.05.860.0 3.880.0 2..94.513,517,01812,822.510.233.8 6.845.0 5.167.5 3.490.0 2.65.516,513,92210,527.58.441.3 5.655.0 4.282.5 2.8110 2.1 WD = working distance, FoV = Field of view, Total mag. = total magnificationNexiusZoom EVO: working distance and field of view with standard High Wide Field (HWF) 10x / 23 eyepiecesNZ.1903-BNZ.1902-SNZ.1903-MNZ.1903-PLNZ.1902-PNZ.1902-UNZ.1903-P-ESDNZ.1903-U-ESDNZ.1903-S-ESD E S D S A F E M O D E L SBinocularTrinocularPillar standRack & pinion standUniversal standBoom standArticulated armstandAntistatic ESDWeight (kg)NZ.1902-P-ESD ••• 5.0NZ.1902-S-ESD ••• 4.9NZ.1902-U-ESD •••15.6NZ.1902-B-ESD •••22.1NZ.1903-P-ESD ••• 5.3NZ.1903-S-ESD •••5.1NZ.1903-U-ESD •••15.7NZ.1903-B-ESD•••22.2NexiusZoom ESDNZ.9005NZ.9000ACCE SS O R I E S A N D SPA R E PA R T SNZ.5302 NexiusZoom binocular head without head holder NZ.5303 NexiusZoom trinocular head without head holder NZ.5312 NexiusZoom EVO binocular head without head holder NZ.5313 NexiusZoom EVO trinocular head without head holder NZ.6010 Pair of HWF 10x/22 mm eyepiecesNZ.6010-C HWF 10x/22 mm eyepiece only with crosshairNZ.6010-CM HWF 10x/22 mm eyepiece only with 10/100 micrometer andcross hairNZ.6015 Pair of HWF 15x/16 mm eyepieces NZ.6020 pair of HWF 20x/12 mm eyepieces NZ.6110 HWF 10x/22 mm eyepiece with micrometerNZ.6210 Pair of HWF 10x/23 mm eyepieces for NexiusZoom EVONZ.6210-C H WF 10x/22 mm eyepiece only with crosshair for NexiusZoom EVO NZ.6210-CM HWF 10x/22 mm eyepiece only with 10/100 micrometer andcross hair for NexiusZoom EVONZ.6099 Pair of eyecupsNZ.8903 A dditional 0.3x lens. Working distance 287 mm. Only suitable formodels with universal, boom or articulated standsNZ.8904 A dditional 0,4x lens for NexiusZoom. Only suitable for models withuniversal or boom standsNZ.8905 A dditional 0.5x lens. Working distance 165 mm. Only suitable formodels with pillar or boom standsNZ.8907 A dditional 0.75x lens. Working distance 120 mm. Only suitable formodels with pillar or boom standsNZ.8915 Additional 1.5x lens. Working distance 45 mm NZ.8920 Additional 2.0 lens. Working distance 30 mm NZ.8950 Protection glass window, fits objective NZ.9000 Ergo pillar stand without illuminationNZ.9005 Ergo pillar stand with adjustable transmitted 3W LED illumination NZ.9010 Ergo rack & pinion stand with 3 W LED illuminators NZ.9015 Ergo pillar stand with 3 W LED illuminatorsNZ.9017 E rgonomically designed pillar stand with two 3W goose-neck typeincident LED illuminations on each side and a 3W transmitted LED illuminationNZ.9020 U niversal one-arm stand without NexiusZoom head holder andwithout illuminationNZ.9030 U niversal double-arm stand without head holder and withoutilluminationNZ.9032 U niversal double-arm stand with table clamp without NexiusZoomholderNZ.9042 Stand with rotating mirror and transmitted LED illuminationNZ.9090 NexiusZoom head holder (for NZ.9020, NZ. 9030 and NZ.9032)NZ.9095 N exiusZoom head holder with fine coarse (for NZ.9020, NZ. 9030and NZ.9032)NZ.9095-ADD N exiusZoom head holder with fine coarse ADD-ON forN Z.9020, NZ. 9030 and NZ.9032. Only available with new microscopesNZ.9025 A rticulated arm stand with table clamp (without NexiusZoom headholder). Not suitable for use in combination with auxiliary lensNZ.9027 A rticulated arm stand with heavy stand (without NexiusZoomhead holder)NZ.9081 N exiusZoom head holder (for articulated arm stand NZ.9025 andNZ.9027)NZ.9520 P olarization kit for NexiusZoom: 360° rotatable round stage withbuilt-in polarization filter (NZ.9524) + analyzer in mount to be screwed under head (NZ.9525)NZ.9524 360° rotatable round stage with built-in polarization filter forNexiusZoomNZ.9525 360° rotatable analyser in mount to be screwed under head ofNexiusZoom. Not suitable for use in combination with auxiliary lensesEuromexMicroscopenbv•Papenkamp20•6836BDArnhem•TheNetherlands•T+31(0)263232211•F+31(0)263232833•****************•NZ.9040 Dark Field attachment for NexiusZoom NZ.9950 Standard opaque stage plate NZ.9956 Black/white stage plate NZ.9570 Pair of object clamps for stageNZ.9572 Adjustable GEM object clamp for -P, -PL and -S stands NZ.9833 C -mount adapter with 0.33x lens for 1/3” cameras(suitable for trinocular models)NZ.9850 C -mount adapter with 0.5x lens for 1/2” cameras(suitable for trinocular models)NZ.9958 Standard glass object plate, opaqueNZ.9983 3 W Led replacement unit for NexiusZoom, incident illumination NZ.9983-R 3 W Led replacement unit for NexiusZoom, transmittedilluminationAE.1960 Round positioning tableAE.5168-NZ Heating stage with PID controller up to 50oC.Only with the purchase of a new microscopeAE.5130 U niversal Ø 23.2 mm tube adapter with built-in 2x lens forSLR photo camera with APS-C sensor. Needs T2 adapterAE.5025 T2 adapter for Nikon D digital SLR cameras AE.5040 T 2 adapter for Canon EOS digital SLR cameras Other T2 adapters on requestLE.1974 R ing illuminator with 72 LEDs with adjustable light intensity.External mains adapter 100-240 V. With segment controller. Brightness of 21.000 Lux at height of 100 mm and color temperature of 6.500K. Mounting diameter between 25-61 mmLE.1973 R ing illuminator with 144 LEDs with adjustable light intensity.External mains adapter 100-240 V. With segment controller. Brightness of 23.000 Lux at height of 100 mm and color temperature of 6.500K. Mounting diameter between 25-61 mmAE.1112 O bject micrometer 50 mm (divided in 500 parts on glass slide76 x 26 mm)。



0.020 0.80 1.0 - 0.010 20.5 1.00 0.220 18.5 6.5
0.020 0.70 0.010 0.08 0.080 0.05 0.010 0.08
2.0 0.030 0.5 0.025 1.0 0.015 1.0 0.025
0.015 21.0 2.00 0.010 22.5 0.015 17.0 .050 0.010 14.5-16.5 -
钛 Gr1 钛 Gr2 钛 Gr4 钛 Gr7
0.160 0.50 2.0 0.020 -
- 34.0 - 63.0(最小) -
Fe2.5 Al0.50
0.060 0.060 0.060 0.010
- 0.050 -
Fe0.15O0.12H 0.013
- 0.050 -
Fe0.20O0.18H 0.013
Fe 360 B
SS 14 13 12
1.0038 Fe360 B(RSt 37-2) -
13 30-05
1.0309 St 35.4,St35.8/1 -
13 30
1.0345 Hi,DIN 17155 -
1.0425 HII(tube St45.8) -
WBL 符号
1.0038 Fe360 B(RSt 37-2) -
1.0309 St 35.4,St35.8/1
1.0345 Hi,DIN 17155
1.042 HII(tube St45.8)

RS232 8903 8904 8906 说明书

RS232 8903 8904 8906 说明书

OPERATION MANUALRS232INTEGRAL VANE DIGITAL ANEMOMETERof this Integral vane anemometer. The meter features versatile functions,use it to check air velocity FPM (Feet per minute) and CFM (Cubic feet perminute) in residential , light commercial and standard commercial systems.Please read this operation manual throughly before operation.This meter has many user-friendlyfeatures, all the features are accessible through the purchased for the rest models you might interested in.technicians measuring Heat / Ventilation / Air conditioning / Refrigerating wind flow and temperature.CAUTION: Objects strike the fan may damage the meter.Model:Knot, MPH,KM/H selectable AZ8903AZ8904AZ8906Yes Yes No YesNoNo Air Flow VolumeMeasurementA. Measuring Air Velocity (Single point)Feet per Minute (FPM).B. Continuous Moving Average.C. MIN/MAX/AVG reading on a single point.D. Air Velocity average for multiplepoints ( 8904.8906 model only).E. Non Sleep Mode(Bypass auto power off).F. Default setting ( Imperial/ Metric)G. RS232 interface setting.H. Auto power off function.I. FTM , MPH , KNOT unit selectable (8904.8906 model only).J. Direct measuring of air flow(Single point) CFM ( 8906 only).K. Obtain air flow (CFM) averagefor multi-point ( 8906 only).Typical Measurementa) Please place the meter in theairstream. Make sure that thedegrees maximum).b) 3 seconds for thereading to stabilize .Model:8903Model:8904Model:89061.ON/OFF- RESET . Power ON/OFF.Press with HOLD key to set non-sleep mode.2.HOLD. Freezes the reading.3.AVERAGE MULTI-POINT .4.MN/MX RECORD SINGLE POINT5.SEL:MIL/H (MPH) ,KNOT. unit selectable .(Model:8904 & 8906 only)6.MODE VELOCITY, FREE AREA , FLOW . (Model:8904/8906 only) Air volume measurement .16. Primary readout -Numerical display for Air Velocity/ Air Volume/Free area digit17. Secondary readout -Temperature display or records number.18. "-" Polarity indicator for negative temperature.19. Knots.20. Mil/h. 21. Km/h. (KN)=1850 meters per houror 1.15 miles per hour(Imperial) Miles per hour(Metric) Km/h Kilometerper hour1.vel.A ir velocity measurement.2.FLOW. Air Flow/Air volume.3.AREA. Free area default setting.4.Hold. Freezes the reading.5.ft/m. Feet per minute.26.ft .Feet square.(imperial)7.m .2meter square.(metric)8.cfm. Cubic feet per minute.(imperial)9.cms. Cubic meter per second.(metric)10.C. Celsius unit.11.F.Fahrenheit unit.12.REC. Record and saved.13.AVG. Average data14.MIN. Minimum data15.MAX.Maximum data1. Turn the power ON .2. Place sensor in front of air flow source.3. Press MIN/MAX record key once. An "AVG" and "REC" in the lower left corner of the display to confirm the meter is in continuous moving average measurement mode. The display will update every second.(See Fig.3)The meter has the ability to display continuous moving average for up to two(2) hours.1. Press the ON/OFF button to turn the meter on. Meter will show full display for initial 5 seconds. (See Fig.1)2. Unit is ready for use when LCD display shows "vel" at upper left corner and temperature at lower right corner. (See Fig.2)Fig.3To obtain MIN/MAX/AVG readings on a single point.1. Power the meter ON.2. Place sensor in front of air flowsource.3. Press MIN/MAX REC SINGLE POINT key. The unit will begin to recordthe readings.The meter displays theaverage velocity by default.(see Fig.3) Each press of the MIN/MAX buttoncycles the display through:* Real-time readings.* MIN velocity.* MAX velocity.* Back to AVG velocity.4. To revert to normal measurementmode or clear the current MIN/MAX and average readings, you could turn off the meter first and then turn it onagain or press and hold MIN/MAX key until meter beeps twice, then release. Note: Feet Per Minute (FPM) readingscan be converted to CFM readings by following below instructions:1. Press the HOLD button to storethe readings before moving themeter away from an air flowsources.2. Press MODE key to enter areasetting (see page11 for the details of area setting). After setting, press MODE key again to convert theFPM into CFM.4. Once all measurements have been recorded, you could press AVERAGE key to view thereading and thenumber of points which are recorded.Fig.4Fig.4-AFig.51. Turn the meter on and position the vane at the first point to be measured. soon as the first measurement is completed press the HOLD key,(you will hear a single beep), and release. The display will show HOLD above 2. Press the MIN/MAX key,(You will hear a single beep), and release,(the display will show a digit 1-8). This number represents the point number which has been recorded.(See Fig.4-A)3. Repeat above procedure until all desired points have been measured and recorded. A maximum 8 points may be recorded at one time.5. You could press HOLD key to revert to normal measurement mode6. To clear multi- point average memory, press and hold next digit/multi point average key until unit beeps twice, then release.Fig.6Fig.7Fig.8The default measuring units can be changed by following the steps below. The unit should be turned off beforecommencing.Power unit off; press ON and HOLD at the same time and then release ON only. An "n" appears on the LCD then you can release the HOLD key. The instrument will remain on until the OFF button is pressed.(See Fig.6 )1. Press and hold the AVERAGE key, then press the ON/OFF key once to turn the unit on. When the LCD o o displays " ft/m,ms " and "C,F " realease the AVERAGE key.(Fig.7)2. To choose the metric units, pressing the HOLD key. The LCD should display " o m/s,C ". (See Fig.8)3. Press the MIN/MAX REC key, the LCD should display "S " (See Fig.10) . Then press the HOLD key. The LCD display 2400 or 1200 (pre-setting).(If Baud rate change is needed, please refer to step G.1) (See Fig.11)4. Press the MIN/MAX REC key again, the LCD should display "S " again. (See Fig.10) .Then press the HOLD key, the LCD will revert to a normal measurement display. The default setting is now completed.(See Fig.12).To choose the imperial units, pressing the AVERAGE key. The LCD should display o "ft/m,F" (See Fig.9).Fig.9Fig.10Fig.11Fig.12Fig.131. Following Step F.2, you will see a"2400" (default) number on the screen. The 2400 is the default setting of Baud Rate for RS232 output. You can change the setting to "1200" bypressing HOLD Key and change the setting back to "2400" by pressing the AVERAGE key. (See Fig.13)3. Plug the earphone jack of the cable VZRS232M into RS232 socket on the meter and connect 9-pin D-sub to the computer's COM1 or COM2. Press ON key to start measurement. Thechanges by pressing the MIN/MAX REC key. An "S " displays on the LCD . (See Fig.10).Press the HOLD key to confirm and save the changed value. The meter will return to air velocity mode automatically.Fig.14In imperial , press SEL :.MPH . KNOT Key, the reading will change from ft/m, mil/h, knot in turns. In metric, press SEL :.MPH. KNOT key, the reading will change from m/s , km/h, knot in turn .by multiplying the air velocity readings by the free area dimensions. Free area is published by the grill and registermanufacturer you are servicing. You must first determine the free area of the air source before entering it into the meter.1. Power unit on2. Press MODE "AREA " and "1.111" will appear (See Fig.14). The first digit will flash.3. Press the HOLD key to increase the number.4. Press the AVERAGE key to advance to next number. Follow Step 3 and repeat to input the free area size.5. Press the MODE key once all digits have been entered. The word "flow " will appear.20 minutes to save the battery. This will be preceded by 3 beeps.The meter is now ready to measure air flow(CFM).Simply complete steps 1~4 in D. Once all the multi-point average is determined:1. Press MODE button once and confirm correct free area setting is locked into instrument. (if free area setting must be adjusted make necessary changes now.)2. If free area setting is correct press MODE button again to enter air flow mode.3. Unit will now display average air flow reading and number of points measured.The meter's free area dimension has been set to 1.111 square feet, a most commonly used free area dimension in the U.S.A. If you want to measure the air flow for a single point without changing the area dimension, please power on theTo obtain min/max/avg air volume readings on a single point, power the meter on, select the mode as FLOW and the place the sensor in front of the air flow source.Press MIN/MAX/REC SINGLE POINT key, the unit will begin to record the reading. Press MIN/MAX key to readthe real time value/MIN/MAX/AVG in turns.Long press MIN/MAX key to clear the average readings.3CFM (ft /min)2= Air Velocity (ft/min)xArea (ft )3CMS (m /second)2= Air Velocity (m/sec)xArea (m )Cubic equations:Units Conversion Table:1 m/s=1 ft/min=1 knots=1 km/hr=1 mph=m/s 10.005080.51440.27780.4464ft/min 196.871101.2754.6987.89knots 1.9440.0098710.540.86791 m/s=1 ft/min=1 knots=1 km/hr=1 mph=km/hr3.60.018291.851911.6071mph2.240.011381.15230.62221Note:display as fig.15 although these features are only available on models8901, 04 and 06.We would suggest to set the free area dimension before you start measuring the air velocity so after you measure the air velocity, you can jump to the air flow mode to view the cubic feet per minute without further changing the free area dimension.meter, position the fan and then press the MODE key twice, you will be into the air flow(CFM) mode and the air flow(CFM) displayed is equal to the current air velocity reading (FPM x FREE AREA =CFM) times the 1.111 square feet.LOW BATTERYWhen the reading of display is flashing, or no display , please change the 9 volt battery in the meter .Replace battery procedure:Remove the screw from the lower back of the meter. Lift the cover out and remove the battery .Reverse the process to install a new battery and replace the cover .E6Indicates the related circuits or parts of thermistor are failed. Send them back to the store you have bought for repairing. SENSOR'S FAN WILL NOT TURN Indicates the sensor fan is damaged , purchase new sensor probe .This standard package contains:1.The meter x 12.Battery x 1 (9.0 volt)3.Operation manual x 14.Hard carry case x 1Optional accessory:a) RS232 software CD-R.b) D-sub connector.The meter can link with personal computer to capture on-line datas,display air velocity records with real-time output, you can retrieve file , save the datas for operating data analysis, records statistic ,multi-files display in the screen, ....versatile functions for your choice.Connection procedures:1.Plug the optional accessory RS232cable onto the DC jack port ( at theright side of the meter)2.Instert the D-sub 9P type connectoronto computer's Com.1 or 2 port or.... 3.Start to set up RS232 software byinserting the CD-ROM or Floppydiskette.4.When installing the RS232 software,please follow the operation manualprocedure in the software package.The meter is warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of purchase. This warranty covers normal operation and does not cover battery , misuse , abuse , alteration , tampering , neglect , improper maintenance , or damage resulting from leaking batteries . Proof of purchase is required for warranty repairs . Warranty is void if the meter has been opened .Authorization must be obtained from the supplier before returning items for any reason . When requiring a RA (Return Authorization) , please include data regarding the defective reason, the meters are to be returned along with good packing to prevent any damage in shipment and insured against possible damage or loss .The meter conforms to the followingstandards:* EN 50081-1/1992: EN 55022* EN 50082-1/1997: (EN 61000-4-2/-3/-8 ,ENV 50204), the meter complies with the essential protection requirements of Council Directive 89/336/EEC on the approxi-mation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility.Accuracy, the Zenith of Measuring / Testing Instruments !Hygrometer/PsychrometerThermometerAnemometerSound Level MeterAir Flow meterInfrared ThermometerK type ThermometerK.J.T. type ThermometerK.J.T.R.S.E. type ThermometerpH MeterConductivity MeterT.D.S. MeterD.O. MeterSaccharimeterManometerTacho MeterLux / Light MeterMoisture MeterData loggerTemp./RH transmitterWireless Transmitter ..........。








SGM8904 REV.B.3_20120917

SGM8904 REV.B.3_20120917

SGM8904Capless 2Vrms to 3Vrms Line Driver with Adjustable GainGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe SGM8904 is a 2Vrms to 3Vrms pop/click-free stereo line driver designed to allow the removal of the output DC-blocking capacitors for reduced component count and cost. The device is ideal for single supply electronics where size and cost are critical design parameters.The SGM8904 is capable of driving 3Vrms into a 2.5k Ω load with 5V supply voltage. The device has single input and uses external gain setting resistors that supports a gain range of ±1V/V to ±10V/V. The use of external gain resistors also allows the implementation of a 2nd-order low pass filter to compliment DAC's and SOC converters. The SGM8904 has build-in shutdown control for pop/click-free on/off control.Using the SGM8904 in audio products can reduce component count compared to traditional methods of generating a 3Vrms output. The SGM8904 doesn't require a power supply greater than 5V to generate an 8.5V PP output, nor does the device require a split rail power supply. The SGM8904 integrates a charge pump to generate a negative supply rail that provides a clean, pop/click-free ground-biased 3Vrms output.The SGM8904 is available in Green MSOP-10 package. It operates over an ambient temperature range of -40℃ to +85℃.FEATURES●Capless Structure Eliminates Pop/ClicksEliminates Output DC-Blocking CapacitorsProvides Flat Frequency Response from DC to 20kHz ●Low Noise and THD Typical SNR = 107dB Typical V N = 8μVrmsTypical THD+N = 0.001% (f = 1kHz)● 2Vrms Output Voltage into 2.5k Ω Load with 3.3V Supply Voltage● 3Vrms Output Voltage into 2.5k Ω Load with 5V Supply VoltageAPPLICATIONSSet-Top Box LCD TVBlue-Ray DVD-Players Home Theater in a BoxSGM8904Driver with Adjustable Gain2SG Micro Corp.PACKAGE/ORDERING INFORMATIONMODELPACKAGE DESCRIPTIONORDERING NUMBERPACKAGE MARKINGPACKAGE OPTION SGM8904 MSOP-10 SGM8904YMS10G/TR SGM8904YMS10XXXXX Tape and Reel, 3000NOTE: XXXXX = Date Code and Vendor Code.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSupply Voltage...........................................................-0.3V to 6V Input Voltage.........................................V SS - 0.3V to V DD + 0.3V Minimum Load Impedance (R L ) .........................................600Ω EN to GND....................................................-0.3V to V DD + 0.3V Operating Temperature Range...........................-40℃ to +85℃Junction Temperature........................................................150℃ Storage Temperature....................................... -65℃ to +150℃ Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10s)……………………………………………………………….....260℃ ESD SusceptibilityHBM..................................................................................4000V MM.. (400V)NOTE:Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.CAUTIONThis integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD if you don’t pay attention to ESD protection. SGMICRO recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage. ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications.SGMICRO reserves the right to make any change in circuit design, specification or other related things if necessary without notice at any time. Please contact SGMICRO sales office to get the latest datasheet.TYPICAL OPERATION CIRCUITSGM8904Driver with Adjustable Gain3SG Micro Corp.PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW)-INR -INL EN GND PVSS OUTL CPPVDD CNOUTR MSOP-10PIN DESCRIPTIONPIN NAME FUNCTION1 -INR Right Channel OPAMP Negative Input.2 OUTR Right Channel OPAMP Output.3 EN Enable Input. Active high.4 PVSS Negative Supply Voltage Output.5 CN Charge Pump Flying Capacitor Negative Terminal. 6CPCharge Pump Flying Capacitor Positive Terminal.7 PVDD Positive Supply. 8 GND Ground. 9 OUTL Left Channel OPAMP Output. 10-INLLeft Channel OPAMP Negative Input.SGM8904Driver with Adjustable Gain4SG Micro Corp.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(T A = 25℃, unless otherwise noted.)PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSOutput Offset Voltage (|V OS |) V DD = 3V to 5V1.25mVPower Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR)V DD = 3V to 5V 90 dBHigh-Level Output Voltage (V OH ) V DD = 3.3V, R L = 2.5k Ω 3.18V Low-Level Output Voltage (V OL ) V DD = 3.3V, R L = 2.5k Ω -3.1 VHigh-Level Input Current (EN) (|I IH |) V DD = 5V, V I = V DD 1 μA Low-Level Input Current (EN) (|I IL |) V DD = 5V, V I = 0V1μAV DD = 3.3V, No load, EN = V DD8.1 11.3 V DD = 5V, No load, EN = V DD 12 16 Supply Current (I DD )Shutdown mode, V DD = 3V to 5V0.1 0.2mA OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS (V DD = 3.3V, R L = 2.5k Ω, C PUMP = 0.33µF, C PVSS = 0.33µF, C IN = 10µF, R IN = 10k Ω, R FB = 20k Ω.) (1)THD = 1%, V DD = 3.3V, f = 1kHz2.05 THD = 1%, V DD = 5V, f = 1kHz3.05 Output Voltage (V O )THD = 1%, V DD = 5V, f = 1kHz, R L = 100k Ω3.1 VrmsV O = 2Vrms, f = 1kHz 0.001 Total Harmonic Distortion Plus Noise(THD+N)V O = 2Vrms, f = 6.8kHz0.004% Crosstalk V O = 2Vrms, f = 1kHz 95 dB Output Current Limit (I O ) V DD = 3.3V20mAInput Resistor Range (R IN ) 1 10 47 k Ω Feedback Resistor Range (R FB ) 4.7 20 100 k Ω Slew Rate8 V/μs Maximum Capacitive Load220pFNoise Output Voltage (V N ) A-weighted, BW = 20kHz 8 μVrms Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)V O = 3Vrms, THD+N = 0.1%, BW = 20kHz, A-weighted107 dBUnity Gain Bandwidth (G BW ) 5.4 MHz Open-Loop Voltage Gain (A VO ) 120 dB Charge Pump Frequency (F CP ) 300 410 550 kHzSHUTDOWN PIN Input High Voltage (V INH ) 1.2 VInput Low Voltage (V INL )0.6 VRECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSDC Supply Voltage (V DD )3 5.5 VNOTE:1. For C PUMP , C PVSS , C IN , R IN and etc, please refer to the APPLICATION CIRCUIT on page 8.SGM8904Driver with Adjustable Gain5SG Micro Corp.TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSV DD = 3.3V, T A = 25℃, R L = 2.5k Ω, C PUMP = 0.33µF, C PVSS = 0.33µF, C IN = 10µF, R IN = 10k Ω, R FB = 20k Ω, unless otherwise noted.SGM8904Driver with Adjustable Gain6SG Micro Corp.TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSV DD = 3.3V, T A = 25℃, R L = 2.5k Ω, C PUMP = 0.33µF, C PVSS = 0.33µF, C IN = 10µF, R IN = 10k Ω, R FB = 20k Ω, unless otherwise noted.Crosstalk vs. FrequencyFrequency (kHz)Crosstalk vs. FrequencyFrequency (kHz)SGM8904Driver with Adjustable Gain7SG Micro Corp.TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSV DD = 3.3V, T A = 25℃, R L = 2.5k Ω, C PUMP = 0.33µF, C PVSS = 0.33µF, C IN = 10µF, R IN = 10k Ω, R FB = 20k Ω, unless otherwise noted.SGM8904Driver with Adjustable Gain8SG Micro Corp.APPLICATION CIRCUITFBC PUMP 0.33µFLEFT INPUTRIGHT INPUTNOTE:In order to get good performance, it’s important to select the right C PUMP , C PVSS and C BYP in application. All tests are performed with circuit set up with X5R and X7R capacitors. Capacitors having high dissipative loss, such as Y5V capacitor, may cause performance degradation and unexpected system behavior.SGM8904Driver with Adjustable Gain9SG Micro Corp.APPLICATION INFORMATIONDecoupling CapacitorsThe SGM8904 is a capless line driver amplifier that requires adequate power supply decoupling to ensure that the noise and total harmonic distortion (THD) are low. A good low equivalent-series-resistance (ESR) ceramic capacitor, typically 1µF, placed as close as possible to the device V DD lead, works best. Placing this decoupling capacitor close to the SGM8904 is important for the performance of the amplifier. For filtering lower frequency noise signals, a 10µF or larger capacitor placed near the audio power amplifier would also help, but it is not required in most applications because of the high PSRR of this device.Input-Blocking CapacitorsDC input-blocking capacitors are required to be added in series with the audio signal into the input pins of the SGM8904. These capacitors block the DC portion of the audio source and allow the SGM8904 inputs to be properly biased to provide maximum performance. The input blocking capacitors also limit the DC-gain to one, limiting the DC-offset voltage at the output.These capacitors form a high-pass filter with the input resistor, R IN . The cutoff frequency is calculated using Equation 1. For this calculation, the capacitance used is the input-blocking capacitor and the resistance is the input resistor chosen from Table 1, then the frequency and/or capacitance can be determined when one of the two values are given.ININ N I C R π=fc 21 or IN IN N I R fc π=C 21(1) Pop-Free Power UpPop-free power up is ensured by keeping the SD (EN) (shutdown pin) low during power supply ramp up and down.The EN pin should be kept low until the input AC coupling capacitors are fully charged before asserting the EN pin high. This way proper precharge of the AC coupling is performed, and pop-free power-up is achieved. Figure 1 illustrates the preferred sequence.SupplyTime for AC coupling capacitors to chargeFigure 1. Power-Up SequenceCapacitive LoadThe SGM8904 has the ability to drive large capacitive load up to 220pF directly, and larger capacitive loads can be accepted by adding a series resistor of 47Ω or larger.Gain-Setting ResistorsThe gain setting resistors, R IN and R FB , must be placed close to the input pins to minimize the capacitive loading on these pins and to ensure maximum stability of the SGM8904.SGM8904Driver with Adjustable Gain10SG Micro Corp. PCB Layout Guide-INR EN PVSS CNOUTR MSOP-10NOTE: 0.1μF decoupling capacitor must be close to GND and PVDD pins; capacitor can be connected between PVDD and GND pins directly and then connect GND pin to GND layer.The reference PCB layout is shown in below:Zoomed in:SGM8904Driver with Adjustable Gain11SG Micro Corp.PACKAGE OUTLINE DIMENSIONSMSOP-10RECOMMENDED LAND PATTERN (Unit: mm)Dimensions In Millimeters Dimensions In Inches SymbolMIN MAX MIN MAXA 0.820 1.100 0.032 0.043 A1 0.020 0.150 0.001 0.006 A2 0.750 0.950 0.030 0.037 b 0.180 0.280 0.007 0.011 c 0.090 0.230 0.004 0.009 D 2.900 3.100 0.114 0.122 E 2.900 3.100 0.114 0.122 E1 4.750 5.050 0.187 0.199 e 0.500 BSC 0.020 BSC L 0.400 0.800 0.016 0.031 θ 0° 6° 0° 6°SGM8904Driver with Adjustable Gain12SG Micro Corp.TAPE AND REEL INFORMATIONNOTE: The picture is only for reference. Please make the object as the standard.KEY PARAMETER LIST OF TAPE AND REELPackage TypeReel Diameter Reel WidthW1(mm)A0 (mm)B0 (mm)K0 (mm)P0 (mm)P1 (mm)P2 (mm)W (mm)Pin1 QuadrantMSOP-10 13″ 12.4 5.2 3.3 1.2 4.0 8.0 2.0 12.0 Q1REEL DIMENSIONSSGM8904Driver with Adjustable Gain13SG Micro Corp.CARTON BOX DIMENSIONSNOTE: The picture is only for reference. Please make the object as the standard.KEY PARAMETER LIST OF CARTON BOXReel TypeLength (mm)Width (mm)Height (mm)Pizza/Carton13” 386 280 370 5。



〖真三国无双4-猛将传〗金手指〖真三国无双4-猛将传〗AR2MEC878530 1456E60A orEC878530 1456E79B 推荐用这个 orEC878530 1443DE50修罗模式钱最大1CB92D44 1456E7A5修罗模式铁最大1CB92D74 1456E7A5立志模式技能点数变动立刻最大 1CB9F8C8 1456E7A5一人KO后KO数99991C8238B0 1456E7A5击破武将99991C823D64 1456E7A5过关时间点数99991C823ABC 1456E7A5奖励点数99991C823B44 1456E7A5击破数99991C823D14 1456E7A5计略击破一敌人后击破数9999立志模式 1CBAC9D8 1456E7A5计略击破一敌人后KO数9999立志模式 1CBA6FA8 1456E7A5护卫武将击破数99991CB83F44 1456E7A5击破武将点数9999+护卫武将恩赏1000 1C823FBC 1456E7A5弓箭最大(不显示)1CB3C258 1456E7A51P 无双无限1C90A300 84DAE60B 1C90A304 2CD3E7A6直接使用无双和自由模式相当于免联动 9C8D38AC 3854E7A6全道具入手不对应修罗模式有记录继承的话可以无视了不过对于猛将传新加的道具很实用1C8D5780 10587BFD 1C8D5784 285AE7B1不死模式 (1P,2P) 在濒死状态时无敌 1C8DD814 2894E7B5不死模式 (味方全員) 味方全员的范围包括1,2p还有视野范围内可见的味方,不包括全地图的味方1C8DD814 2894E7B5 1C8DD820 10586225 1C8DDB28 0896E7A0自动防御 Ver.1 (1P,2P)1C89C4F4 283DE7A6 1C89C404 0496E7A7 1C89C408 15345FA0自动防御 Ver.2 (味方全員)1C89C4F4 283DE7A6 1C89C4FC 10586225 1C89C408 15345F9F无双最大維持 (味方全員)1C90A300 10586225 1C90A304 84DAE60B 1C90A308 0896E79E弓箭使用后就最大1C90D2F4 3853E788敌间接攻击无效也就是弓箭攻击无效 (味方全員)1C8AE364 0454E7C7任何时候都可以无双觉醒1C89FAE0 1456E7A5无双觉醒时间无限按L3无双觉醒解除 1C90A008 0456E7BA 0CA158001456E7A7 1C90A008 B816E7A5敌一击死 (1P攻击时) 非常实用的手指 1C89DAB8 0AD6E7A7全攻击冰属性附加 (1P,2P) 1C89E064 14B637BA 1C89E06C 1057DBF11C89E074 14966FBA 1C89E774 0456E7A2移动速度变更 (1P)1C8F1158 2055E7D4 1C8F115C 883598ED 1C8F1160 2435E4A5 1C8F1164 0436E7A7 1C8F1174 8635E60B 1C8F117C C836E7A6 1C8F1168 2054xxxx 通常移动时需要的速度等级的代码填这里1C8F116C 2054xxxx L2(R2),移动时需要的速度等级代码填这里速度等级代码xxxx=2645:Lv.20 (規定のMAX値)2615:Lv.3025C5:Lv.40255D:Lv.502545:Lv.8025E3:Lv.99攻击范围变更 (1P和2P)1CB5ED10 1556E79D 1CB5EDE8 15F6A7BA 1CB5EDEC 1057DBF1 1CB5EDF084DAB093 1CB5EDFC 2054xxxxxxxx=F0E5:x1.527A5:x22765:x32725:x42745:x526C5:x102645:x20255D:x5025DD:x100 这个范围超大,有定机的可能进入制限解除 (1P) 谨慎使用,有概率死机必须输入1C9A0A28 204CE7D4 1C9A0A2C 878C98ED 1C9A0A30 238CE4A5 1C9A0A34C855E7A5 1C9A0A38 143D17A0 1C9A0A40 15F6E79D 以下2种情况输入对应的码按l2,r2就可以无视制限移动了徒步时1C8FBA28 14769FBA 1C8FBA3C 1053C565 1C8FBA44 C796E7E9骑马时1C8FBE30 1C5DE725 1C8FBE44 1053C565 1C8FBE4C C796E745特殊支援 (1P,2P)必须输入1C9A0BA0 0C5754C8 1C9A0BA4 8613E6FF 1C89CFB0 0C53C5A5 以下2个密码敌人攻击时有效体力,无双全满1C9A0B28 10578A61 1C9A0B2C 8619E60B能力加成全开1C9A0B40 284FE7A81C9A0B44 13F6FFC2 1C9A0B48 2858E1B5 1C9A0B4C 10585A69 1C9A0B50861AE60B 1C9A0B58 07F6B00F 1C9A0B5C 37EFB00C不管武动多少都可以装备5个道具 9C8D528C 14B9DFBF武动600009C8D5534 2859BD85 9C8D5538 B899E79D幕舍武将一览后状态变化必须输入9C9A8098 8899E79D 9C9A809C 15F6E79D 9C8D5274 1053B0DD 能力最大9C9A8048 38599FDD 9C9A804C B499E7A1 9C9A8050 B899E7A3 9C9A8054 3859E635 9C9A8058 B899E7A7 武动阶级最大9C9A805C 2859BD85 9C9A8060 B899E79D 9C9A8064 2C590101 9C9A8068B499E79F K.O.COUNT 最大9C9A806C 2059EA12 9C9A8070 28B9C70C 9C9A8074 B099E771 称号最大,张角最大天公将军,其他人都是大将军3CDC4552 1456E7A5关卡制限时间不减1C8C7F20 3873E7A6 0CA159C4 1456B00B 1C8C7F20 E456D11D多段攻击改冲击波系9C8ADCB4 0456E75F体力最大維持9C9A8028 151607BA 9C9A802C 1453FEA5 9C9A8030 15F6E79D 9CB3BEA81053B0E5 9CB3BEB0 B899E587无双最大維持9C90A304 8653E60B 9C90A308 0876E79E无条件无双觉醒9C89FAD0 F853B00C弓箭不减9C90D2F4 3873E7A5防御移动高速化9C8F1158 2055255D 9C8F11E0 B0D5E7A9跳跃力上升9C8F0E14 2055xxxx 9C8F1144 B0D5E7C5 2645,20(規定MAX)2615,3025C5,40255D,50无视地形的飞速移动, 受到攻击可能会停下来 0CA159C4 1456AD0C 1C8F1128 0696E7A8 0CA159C4 1456BA0C 1C8F1128 0896E7A8 L2,L1でON、R2,R1でOFF 全強化道具99个可以在幕舍里用来强化武将能力非常实用的手指1C8E9A58 2854E788能力加成颜色也不变化1C8FB4F8 0456E73C追加几个立志模式专用码任务开始目标就达成对于内应的任务似乎无效果 1CBAA830 1456E7A5击破据点兵长数9991CA7AAD8 1456E7A5武力评价9991CA7AA08 1456E7A5计略击破点数9991CA7AD30 1456E7A5计略击破武将数9991CA7AD6C 1456E7A5秘书入手9991CA7ADA0 1456E7A5知略评价9991CA7ADD0 1456E7A5军团贡献度999 版本11CBAC5B8 1456E7A5军团贡献度999 版本2 任务开始时,贡献度上升时表示1CBA6210 1456E7A5头饰和防具全部等于全衣服随便做个立志记录退出就可以用在自定义武将上了1CB9FBEC 3853B00C 1CB9FBF4 B893E7A1 4CDC3BFA 1456B00C 4CDC3B00 1456B00C游戏任意一关结束后武将状态全满 1C8D5334 1456E7A5 体力1C8D50D4 1456E7A5 無双1C8D5074 1456E7A5 攻撃力1C8D5114 1456E7A5 防御力游戏任意一关结束后护卫武将状态全满 1C8D80E4 1456E7A5 護衛ポイント1C8E8584 1456E7A5 体力1C8E8224 1456E7A5 無双1C8E82C4 1456E7A5 攻撃力1C8E8264 1456E7A5 防御力修罗模式专用体力补充后自动加到最大值(状态未反映) 1CB5ECC4 1456E7A5无双补充后自动加到最大值(状态未反映) 1CB5EC0C 1456E7A5幕舍里强化道具5009C8E9A58 3854E611幕舍里武器浏览数值变化付加能力值全200CF8161A 1456FE66 1CF81618 384CE7B8 0CF8161A 1456FE66 1CF8161CB46CE7A6 特殊属性追加0CF817F2 1456F767 1CF817F0 3854E7A6 0CF817F2 1456F767 1CF817F4B6D4E7A8 重量変更记录不反映0CF8169A 1456DBC5 1CF81694 384Exxxx 0CF8169A 1456DBC5 1CF81698B6CEE7A7 0CF8169A 1456DBC5 1CF8169C 081FE7A7 xxxx,重量指定E7A5,軽いE7A6,標準E7A7,重い按L1键出现大范围的冲击波攻击范围非常大,能打掉箭塔,但有概率死机9C9A80C8 889498ED 9C9A80CC 2495EBA5 9C9A80D0 0436E7A2 9C9A80D492D4E765 9C9A80D8 285408B5 9C9A80E0 055BE7A79C9A80E8 8894E7C3 9C9A80EC 15F6E79D 9C8ADF00 1053B0FD 9C8ADF042054E7D4===========================================================================================MF0100208 000001FD orF0100208 0000000E 推荐用这个 orF0100208 001309BB 9字头必须码转载自fullcodes网站 901309b8 0c04223c 修罗模式钱最大202EAA1C 00000000修罗模式铁最大202EAA4C 00000000立志模式技能点数变动立刻最大 202E77A0 00000000一人KO后KO数99992017B788 00000000击破武将99992017BA3C 00000000过关时间点数99992017B994 00000000奖励点数99992017B81C 00000000击破数99992017BAEC 00000000计略击破一敌人后击破数9999立志模式202F46B0 00000000计略击破一敌人后KO数9999立志模式 202FEC80 00000000护卫武将击破数99992021BC1C 00000000击破武将点数9999+护卫武将恩赏1000 2017BC94 00000000弓箭最大(不显示)20244130 000000001P 无双无限201920D8 908401FE 201920DC 28830001直接使用无双和自由模式相当于免联动 201AB784 24020001全道具入手不对应修罗模式有记录继承的话可以无视了不过对于猛将传新加的道具很实用201AD458 0C06B4E8 201AD45C 34040014不死模式 (1P,2P) 在濒死状态时无敌 201A57EC 34420010不死模式 (味方全員) 味方全员的范围包括1,2p还有视野范围内可见的味方,不包括全地图的味方201A57EC 34420010 201A57F8 0C068D80 201A5800 1440000B自动防御 Ver.1 (1P,2P)201E43CC 34190001 201E43DC 10400002 201E43E0 0322880B自动防御 Ver.2 (味方全員)201E43CC 34190001 201E43D4 0C068D80201E43E0 0322880A无双最大維持 (味方全員)201920D8 0C068D80 201920DC 908401FE 201920E0 14400009弓箭使用后就最大201951CC 24030063敌间接攻击无效也就是弓箭攻击无效 (味方全員)201F603C 10020022任何时候都可以无双觉醒201E79B8 00000000无双觉醒时间无限按L3无双觉醒解除 20191FE0 1000002D D036D7D8 00000002 20191FE0 A4C00000敌一击死 (1P攻击时) 非常实用的手指 201E5990 16800002全攻击冰属性附加 (1P,2P) 201E5F3C 00A0702D 201E5F44 0C0714D4201E5F4C 0040B82D 201E644C 10000005移动速度变更 (1P)20188E30 3C010037 20188E34 9421D7D8 20188E38 30210300 20188E3C 10200002 20188E4C 922101FE 20188E54 54200001 20188E40 3C0242C6 通常移动时需要的速度等级的代码填这里20188E44 3C0242C6 L2(R2),移动时需要的速度等级代码填这里速度等级代码xxxx=2645:Lv.20 (規定のMAX値)2615:Lv.3025C5:Lv.40255D:Lv.502545:Lv.8025E3:Lv.99攻击范围变更 (1P和2P)20226AE8 03000008 20226AC0 03E0C02D 20226AC4 0C0714D4 20226AC8 9084FF76 20226AD4 3C0242C8 xxxx=F0E5:x1.527A5:x22765:x32725:x42745:x526C5:x102645:x20255D:x5025DD:x100 这个范围超大,有定机的可能进入制限解除 (1P) 谨慎使用,有概率死机必须输入200F8900 3C0A0037 200F8904 954AD7D8 200F8908 314A0300 200F890C 54010000 200F8910 0019500B 200F8918 03E00008 以下2种情况输入对应的码按l2,r2就可以无视制限移动了徒步时20183900 0060C82D 20183914 0C03E240 2018391C 554000DC骑马时20183D08 38790080 20183D1C 0C03E240 20183D24 554000A0特殊支援 (1P,2P)必须输入200F8878 08079323200F887C 92C301EA 201E4C88 0803E200 以下2个密码敌人攻击时有效体力,无双全满200F8800 0C07A544 200F8804 92C501FE能力加成全开200F8818 340F0003 200F881C 01E02825 200F8820 34060E10 200F8824 0C06955C 200F8828 92C401FE 200F8830 15E0FFFA 200F8834 25EFFFFF 不管武动多少都可以装备5个道具 201AD164 00A5082A武动60000201AD20C 3405EA60 201AD210 A4450008幕舍武将一览后状态变化必须输入200FFF70 94450008 200FFF74 03E00008 201AD14C 0C03FFC8 能力最大200FFF20 2405C8C8 200FFF24 A0450004 200FFF28 A4450006 200FFF2C 24050190 200FFF30 A4450002 武动阶级最大200FFF34 3405EA60 200FFF38 A4450008 200FFF3C 28052EE4 200FFF40 A045000A K.O.COUNT 最大200FFF44 3C0505F5 200FFF48 34A5E0FF200FFF4C AC450054 称号最大,张角最大天公将军,其他人都是大将军004DC22E 00000000关卡制限时间不减201DFCF8 24630001 D036D69C 0000FFFE 201DFCF8 70001E88多段攻击改冲击波系201F5B8C 1000004A体力最大維持200FFF00 03C0202D 200FFF04 00032900 200FFF08 03E00008 20243D800C03FFC0 20243D88 A4450262无双最大維持201920DC 920301FE 201920E0 14600009无条件无双觉醒201E79A8 6403FFFF弓箭不减201951CC 24630000防御移动高速化20188E30 3C014248 20188EB8 AC81001C跳跃力上升20188DEC 3C014248 20188E1C AC810020 2645,20(規定MAX)2615,3025C5,40255D,50无视地形的飞速移动, 受到攻击可能会停下来 D036D69C 0000FAFF 20188E00 12400003D036D69C 0000F5FF 20188E00 14400003 L2,L1でON、R2,R1でOFF全強化道具99个可以在幕舍里用来强化武将能力非常实用的手指201B1930 34020063能力加成颜色也不变化201833D0 100000AF追加几个立志模式专用码任务开始目标就达成对于内应的任务似乎无效果 202F2708 00000000击破据点兵长数999203029B0 00000000武力评价999203029E0 00000000计略击破点数99920302A08 00000000计略击破武将数99920302A44 00000000秘书入手99920302A78 00000000知略评价99920302AA8 00000000军团贡献度999 版本1202F4290 00000000军团贡献度999 版本2 任务开始时,贡献度上升时表示202FE1E8 00000000头饰和防具全部等于全衣服随便做个立志记录退出就可以用在自定义武将上了202E78C4 2403FFFF 202E78CC A4430004 104DB8D6 0000FFFF 104DB8D8 0000FFFF游戏任意一关结束后武将状态全满 201AD00C 00000000 体力201ACFAC 00000000 無双201ACF4C 00000000 攻撃力201ACEEC 00000000 防御力游戏任意一关结束后护卫武将状态全满 201AFFBC 00000000 護衛ポイント201B025C 00000000 体力201B01FC 00000000 無双201B019C 00000000 攻撃力201B013C 00000000 防御力修罗模式专用体力补充后自动加到最大值(状态未反映) 20226B9C 00000000无双补充后自动加到最大值(状态未反映) 20226BE4 00000000幕舍里强化道具500201B1930 240201F4幕舍里武器浏览数值变化付加能力值全20D06195F6 00002941 206195F0 240A0013 D06195F6 00002941 206195F4A06A0001 特殊属性追加D06194CE 00003042 206194C8 24020001 D06194CE 00003042 206194CCA2820003 重量変更记录不反映D0619576 00001420 2061956C 24080000 D0619576 00001420 20619570A2880002 D0619576 00001420 20619574 143F0002 xxxx,重量指定E7A5,軽いE7A6,標準E7A7,重い按L1键出现大范围的冲击波攻击范围非常大,能打掉箭塔,但有概率死机200FFFA0 9442D7D8 200FFFA4 30410400 200FFFA8 10200005 200FFFAC8E820040 200FFFB0 34022710 200FFFB8 137B0002 200FFFC0 94420026 200FFFC4 03E00008 201F5CD8 0C03FFE8 201F5CDC 3C020037==================================================================== ========================AP I(M)形式2EF8C9A3F 1653F158 形式3EF8C9A3F 1653F267所持金MAX(修羅モード)1FB64233 1653F25D鉄MAX(修羅モード)1FB64283 1653F25D所持スキルポイント変動でMAX(立志モード) 1FB6E5D7 1653F25D立志点数最大1FAF925B 165270F6一人KOするとKO99991F8F25BF 1653F25D撃破武将ポイント99991F8F3253 1653F25Dクリアタイムポイント9999 1F8F2FAB 1653F25Dボーナスボイント99991F8F3033 1653F25D撃破数ポイント99991F8F3223 1653F25D以下バカコード,矢MAX(表示のみ)1FC0D747 1653F25D==================================================================== =======================GS2 V3(M)形式2F4409E2E BE74051C 形式3F4D0962A B674451E所持金MAX(修羅モード)24D09228 1434D1B8鉄MAX(修羅モード)24D09328 1434D138所持スキルポイント変動でMAX(立志モード) 24909468 14B4C348立志点数最大24511C3E 95345D6E一人KOするとKO999924901228 14F4435C撃破武将ポイント999924D01028 147451FCクリアタイムポイント9999 24903228 14F451ECボーナスボイント999924D03228 147451FC撃破数ポイント999924D01128 14F4517C以下バカコード,矢MAX(表示のみ)2490B468 1634C58C==================================================================== ========================RAW/XP(M)形式2F0100208 000001FD 形式3F0100208 0000000E所持金MAX(修羅モード)202EAA1C 00000000鉄MAX(修羅モード)202EAA4C 00000000所持スキルポイント変動でMAX(立志モード) 202E77A0 00000000立志点数最大20371A24 0001869F一人KOするとKO99992017B788 00000000撃破武将ポイント99992017BA3C 00000000クリアタイムポイント9999 2017B994 00000000 ボーナスボイント99992017B81C 00000000撃破数ポイント99992017BAEC 00000000以下バカコード,矢MAX(表示のみ)20244130 00000000。



ADC0809芯⽚介绍1、 ADC0809芯⽚介绍● 8位逐位逼近式A/D 转换器●分辨率为1/ 28 ≈0.39 %●模拟电压转换范围是 0 - +5 V(对应A/D 转换值为00—FFH 。

●标准转换时间为100 s ●采⽤28脚双⽴直插式封装引脚结构IN7~IN0:8条模拟量输⼊通道地址输⼊和控制线:4条 ? 数字量输出及控制线:11条 ? 电源线及其他:5条2、 ADC0809与8051的硬件接⼝电路程序清单: ? ORG0000HLJMP STAD8 ORG 0003HLJMP INADR ORG 0100HSTAD8: MOV R0,#30HMOV DPTR ,#0000H ? MOV R7,#08HSETB EASETB EX0 ;开外中断1MOVX @DPTR ,A ;启动A/D 转换 ? L1: SJMP L1 ;等待中断 ?中断服务程序:ORG 0200H;外中断1的⼊⼝地址INADR: MOVX A ,@DPTR ;读取A/D 转换数据 ? MOV @R0,A ;存储数据 ? INC R0 ? INC DPRT ? MOVX @DPTR ,A ? DJNZ R7,LOOPCLR EX0 LOOP: RETI ;中断返回2.3.2 AD574 1)、引脚功能 ——读出和转换控制信号,当 =0时,启动A /D 转换;当时,允许读转换值。

A 0——转换和读字节选择信号。

决定转换位数时:A 0=0,进⾏12位A /D 转换;A 0=1,进⾏8位A /D 转换。

读12位转换结果时:A 0=0,读取转换结果中的⾼8位数据;A 0=1,读取低4位数据。

——A/D 转换值输出控制端。


STS ——转换状态输出信号。

启动A/D 转换后STS=1,表⽰转换正在进⾏;A/D 转换结束,STS=0。

可以⽤它向CPU 发出中断请求信号,或供CPU 查询⽤。


M70电源MDS-CV-370主轴MDS-D-SP-240 SJ-V22-012T
驱动MDS-D-V2-160/160(XZ) HF453S-A48 MDS-D-V1-160W(Y) HF703S-A48
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●转换时间:100us(f CK=640KHz时)。


●参考电压:2.5V,即V ref=2.5V。

1.ADC0804的转换原理ADC0804是属于连续渐进式(Successive Approximation Method)的A/D转换器,这类型的A/D转换器除了转换速度快(几十至几百us)、分辨率高外,还有价钱便宜的优点,普遍被应用于微电脑的接口设计上。


第一次寻找结果:10000000 (若假设值≤输入值,则寻找位=假设位=1)第二次寻找结果:11000000 (若假设值≤输入值,则寻找位=假设位=1)第三次寻找结果:11000000 (若假设值>输入值,则寻找位=该假设位=0)第四次寻找结果:11010000 (若假设值≤输入值,则寻找位=假设位=1)第五次寻找结果:11010000 (若假设值>输入值,则寻找位=该假设位=0)第六次寻找结果:11010100 (若假设值≤输入值,则寻找位=假设位=1)第七次寻找结果:11010110 (若假设值≤输入值,则寻找位=假设位=1)第八次寻找结果:11010110 (若假设值>输入值,则寻找位=该假设位=0)这样使用二分法的寻找方式,8位的A/D转换器只要8次寻找,12位的A/D转换器只要12次寻找,就能完成转换的动作,其中的输入值代表图1的模拟输入电压Vin。



表1 A/D转换器的分辨率和最小电压值至于内部的转换频率fCK,是由图2的CLKR(19脚)、CLK IN(4脚)所连接的R()、C(150PF)来决定。


图3 ADC0804控制信号时序图以图2、图3信号流向而言,控制ADC0804动作的信号应该只有CS、WR、RD。









图2 ADC0804与CPLD&FPGA、8051单片机等典型连接图频率计算方式是:fCK=1/(1.1×R×C)若以图2的R=10KΩ、C=150PF为例,则内部的转换频率是fCK=1/(1.1×10 KΩ×150PF)=606KHz更换不同的R、C值,会有不同的转换频率,而且频率愈高代表速度愈快。


下面是利用状态机控制ADC0804的程序代码:-- ********************************************LIBRARY IEEE;USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL;USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;--*********************************************ENTITY Ch9_2_1 isPORT(Din : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 Downto 0); -- A/D Data InDout : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 Downto 0); -- A/D Data OutCP : IN STD_LOGIC; -- CLOCKRST : IN STD_LOGIC; -- System ResetnCS,nWR,nRD: OUT STD_LOGIC; -- O/P SignalnINTR : IN STD_LOGIC -- I/P Signal);END Ch9_2_1;--*********************************************ARCHITECTURE a OF Ch9_2_1 ISTYPE STATE_TYPE IS (S0,S1,S2,S3); --State Type DeclareSIGNAL State : STATE_TYPE; --(1)State Signal DeclareSIGNAL EC,nIN : STD_LOGIC; --Synchronous Control & A/D nINTRSIGNAL D : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 Downto 0); --Read A/D DataBEGINSystemConnection: BlockBeginnIn <= nINTR;Dout <= D; -- A/D Data OutEnd Block SystemConnection;StateChange: BlockBeginPROCESS (CP,RST)BEGINIF RST = '1' Then -- Reset StatenCS <= '1';nWR <= '1';nRD <= '1';EC <= '0';State <= S0;ElsIF CP'Event And CP = '1' ThenCASE State ISWHEN S0 => --(2)STATE S0 & Write StatenCS <= '0';nWR <= '0';nRD <= '1';EC <= '0';State <= S1;WHEN S1 => --(3)STATE S1 & A/D Conversion StatenCS <= '1';nWR <= '1';nRD <= '1';EC <= '0';If nIN = '0' Then --nINTR = '0' ?State <= S2; --(7)End if;WHEN S2 => --(4)STATE S2 & Read StatenCS <= '0';nWR <= '1';nRD <= '0';EC <= '1'; --(9)State <= S3;WHEN S3 => --(5)STATE S3nCS <= '1';nWR <= '1';nRD <= '1';EC <= '0';State <= S0;WHEN OTHERS => --(6)Initial StateState <= S0;END CASE;ENd If;END PROCESS;End Block StateChange;ReadData: BlockBeginPROCESS (CP)BEGINIF CP'Event AND CP = '1' THENIF EC = '1' THEN -- (8)Read State --> EC = '1'D <= Din; -- Read A/D Convertor DataEND IF;END IF;END PROCESS;End Block ReadData;END a;程序说明:(1)首先上述程序(1)处,我们先定义共有S0~S3,4个状态。



