国半推出业界最低抖动的3Gbps SDI均衡器LMH0384
1. 频率范围:30kHz\~3或6GHz。
2. 带有固态转换的集成化S参数测试装置。
3. 达110dB的动态范围。
4. 大屏幕LCD显示器,加上供外部监视器用的VGA输出,同时显示所有4个S参数。
5. 可将仪器状态和数据存储/调用到内置软盘驱动器。
6. 可选用的时域测量和扫描谐波测量。
7. Agilent 8753ES矢量网络分析仪可进行全面的RF元件评测。
目录1、智能控制主机 (2)1)K-68000 触摸屏广播控制中心 (2)2)K-62000 智能中央控制器 (3)3)K-688 数码MP3分区编程控制器 (4)4)K-668 数码MP3编程控制器 (5)5)K-678 带四电源MP3/8分区编程控制器 (6)6)K-608 PC编程矩阵控制器 (8)7)K-6500 全能编程控制器 (9)8)K-660M MP3/收音机编程一机 (10)9)K-6100P PC编程一体机 (12)10)K-618 节目编程定时器 (12)11)K-628 16分区编程控制器 (14)12)K-638 8进16出编程控制器 (15)2、广播功放 (16)1)合并式广播功放………………………………………………16-282)纯后级广播功放………………………………………………28-313、音源设备……………………………………………… 32-384、周边设备……………………………………………… 38-531)前置放大设备……………………………………………… 38-402)分区设备…………………………………………………… 40-453)电源管理设备……………………………………………… 45-474)监听设备…………………………………………………… 47-485)主备均衡设备……………………………………………… 48-506)远程寻呼设备……………………………………………… 50-53 5、报警设备………………………………………………… 53-61一、智能控制主机K-68000 触摸屏广播控制中心应用范围:传统应用:发布行政通知,日常作息打铃听力考试播放,课堂互动教学其它应用:远程语音教学,背景音乐播放分区寻呼控制,医院及时呼叫专为高校、中学、大厦、酒店、工厂、部队、风景区、广场等广播点位多、分区多、功能要求高、操作方便快捷的大中型场所研发的触摸屏广播控制中心。
它操作简单方便、功能强大、系统稳定、经济实惠:12寸触摸屏显示,将操作简单化、方便化、快捷化、直观化到极致;强大的编程控制功能,定时、定点、定节目、定区域的播放节目,支持周循环及月循环;内置8 X 8矩阵,可实现不同区域播放不同音源;可编程控制256个分区;实现全区、分区、N±1……N±5邻层消防报警功能;可远程对系统16个分区进行分区寻呼、全区寻呼;可控制128路设备电源,最大限度节约电能;功能描述■12寸触摸屏显示,强大自动/手动即时操作功能,将操作简单化、方便化、快捷化、直观化到极致;■强大的编程控制功能,定时、定点、定节目、定区域的播放节目;■每天可编16个程序,每个程序可容纳40个时间段,支持周循环及月循环;■设有8 × 8路音频信号矩阵,可实现不同区域播放不同音源;■可编程控制256个分区;■实现全区、分区、N±1……N±5邻层消防报警功能;■支持多声卡技术,可以同时输出4~12套音频节目;■可编程控制多达16台CD/MP3播放器、16台数字调谐器、16台16路分区矩阵、8台16路电源时序器、监听器等设备。
MF009001 GPRS原理ISSUE1.0目录课程说明 (1)课程介绍 (1)课程目标 (1)相关资料 (1)第1章 GPRS概述 (1)1.1 GPRS的产生 (1)1.2 GPRS的发展 (1)1.3 GPRS与HSCSD业务的比较 (2)1.4 CSD与GPRS的比较 (3)1.4.1 电路交换的通信方式 (3)1.4.2 分组交换的通信方式 (4)第2章 GPRS基本功能和业务 (6)2.1 GPRS业务种类 (6)第3章 GPRS基本体系结构和传输机制 (8)3.1 GPRS接入接口和参考点 (8)3.2 网络互通 (8)3.3 逻辑体系结构 (8)3.3.2 主要网络实体 (10)3.3.3 主要网络接口 (12)3.4 高层功能 (14)3.4.1 网络接入控制功能 (14)3.4.2 分组路由和转发功能 (15)3.4.3 移动性管理功能 (17)3.4.4 逻辑链路管理功能 (17)3.4.5 无线资源管理功能 (18)3.4.6 网络管理功能 (18)3.5 功能分配 (19)3.6 GPRS数据传输平面 (20)3.7 GPRS信令平面 (21)3.7.1 MS与SGSN间信令平面 (21)3.7.2 SGSN与HLR间信令平面 (22)3.7.3 SGSN与MSC/VLR间信令平面 (22)3.7.4 SGSN与EIR间信令平面 (23)3.7.5 SGSN与SMS-GMSC、SMS-IWMSC间信令平面 (23)3.7.6 GPRS支持节点间信令平面 (24)3.7.7 GGSN与HLR间信令平面 (24)第4章移动性管理 (25)4.1 MM状态 (25)4.1.1 IDLE状态 (25)4.1.2 STANDBY状态 (25)4.1.3 READY状态 (26)4.2 MM状态功能 (26)4.2.1 MM状态迁移 (26)4.2.2 就绪定时器功能 (27)4.2.3 周期性路由区更新定时器功能 (28)4.2.4 用户可及定时器功能 (28)4.3 SGSN与MSC/VLR的交互 (29)4.3.1 SGSN-MSC/VLR关联的管理 (29)4.3.2组合RA/LA更新 (29)4.3.3 CS寻呼协调及网络操作模式 (30)4.4 MM规程 (31)4.4.1 GPRS附着功能 (31)4.4.2 GPRS分离规程 (33)4.4.3 清除功能 (36)4.5 安全性功能 (36)4.5.1 用户鉴权 (36)4.5.2 用户身份机密性 (37)4.5.3 用户数据和GMM/SM信令机密性 (37)4.5.4 用户身份检查 (38)4.6 位置管理功能 (38)4.6.1 小区更新规程 (39)4.6.2 路由区更新规程 (39)4.6.3组合RA/LA更新规程 (42)4.6.4 周期性路由区更新和位置区更新 (43)4.7 用户数据管理功能 (44)4.7.1 插入用户数据规程 (44)4.7.2 删除用户数据规程 (44)4.8 MS类标处理功能 (45)第5章无线资源管理功能 (46)第6章分组路由与传输功能 (48)6.1 PDP状态和状态转换 (48)6.2 会话管理规程 (49)6.2.1 静态地址与动态地址 (49)6.2.2 PDP上下文的激活规程 (50)6.2.3 PDP上下文的修改 (52)6.2.4 PDP上下文的去激活 (53)6.3 业务流程举例 (54)6.3.1 MS发起分组数据业务 (54)6.3.2 网络发起分组数据业务 (55)第7章用户数据传输 (57)7.1 传输模式 (57)7.1.1 GTP传输模式 (57)7.1.2 LLC传输模式 (57)7.1.3 RLC传输模式 (57)7.2 LLC功能 (57)7.2.1寻址 (58)7.2.2服务 (58)7.2.3功能 (58)7.3 SNDCP功能 (58)7.4 PPP功能 (60)7.5 Gb接口 (60)7.5.1物理层 (60)7.5.2 FR子层 (60)7.5.3 NS子层 (61)7.5.4 BSSGP层 (61)7.6 Abis接口 (62)7.6.1结构A (63)7.6.2结构B (64)7.6.3结构C (64)第8章信息存储 (66)8.1 HLR (66)8.2 SGSN (67)8.3 GGSN (69)8.4 MS (69)8.5 MSC/VLR (70)第9章编号 (71)9.1 IMSI (71)9.2 P-TMSI (72)9.3 NSAPI/TLLI (72)9.3.1 NSAPI (72)9.3.2 临时逻辑链路标志(TLLI) (72)9.4 PDP地址和类型 (73)9.5 TID (73)9.6 路由区识别 (73)9.7 小区标识 (74)9.8 GSN地址 (74)9.9 接入点名字 (74)第10章运营方面的问题 (75)10.1 计费信息 (75)10.2 计费功能 (75)10.2.1 分组型业务计费方式和电路型业务计费方式的区别 (75)10.2.2 计费基本功能 (76)10.2.3 话单类型 (76)10.2.4 话单传送接口 (77)10.3 网络服务质量(QoS) (77)10.3.1 优先级别 (78)10.3.2 延时级别 (78)10.3.3 可靠性级别 (78)10.3.4 峰值吞吐量级别 (78)10.3.5 平均吞吐量级别 (79)10.4 消息过滤功能 (80)10.5 兼容性问题 (80)第11章与GSM其它业务的交互 (81)11.1 与点对点短消息业务关系 (81)11.2 与电路交换业务的关系 (81)11.3 与补充业务的关系 (82)第12章 IP相关的基础知识 (83)12.1 NAT (83)12.2 FIREWALL (83)12.3 GRE (83)12.4 DNS (84)12.5 RADIUS (84)MF009001 GPRS原理ISSUE1.0 课程说明课程说明课程介绍本课程为华为传送网网络级网管T2100的一个整体介绍,主要阐述了网络级网管T2100兴起和发展的客观需求,华为传送网管的一体化解决方案。
HD-SDI光端机深圳华天成厂家直销HD-SDI光端机深圳华天成专业生产HD-SDI光端机其中包括:HD-SDI光端机(迷你型)HD-SDI光端机(1U机架双电源机箱高清光端机)HD-SDI光端机(高清视频加一路数据光端机,迷你型)三种型号HD-SDI光端机(迷你型):产品型号: HDT/RH1100产品说明:HD-SDI光端机,HD-SDI编码器,HD-SDI高清光端机概述如今的数字演播室都采用基于串行数字接口(SDI)的传输系统,SDI数字视频系统传输的是不压缩的数字分量视频信号以及数字音频信号。
该HD-SDI光端机设计和生产是适合于电视行业的高可靠、高性能的串行数字光传输设备,满足DVB回传和制作,现场制作 ,DVB-ASI传输,新闻采集 ,现场直播信号传输,远程演播室,通用数字视频传输业务,电信信号传输等业务需求。
特征:在单纤上传输1路HD-SDI信号工作范围从19.4Mb/s 到1.5Gb/s支持所有的SMPTE 259M 的标准,工作于143Mb/s - 360Mb/s支持SMPTE 305M (SDTi)、SMPTE 310M (19.4Mb/s)、SMPTE 344M(540Mb/s)、M2S 和DVB-ASI(270Mb/s)标准150m自动电缆均衡,适用所有在2.97Gb/s或1.485 Gb/s以下的速率(Belden 1694A)LED状态指示灯对关键的参数进行监视可选的网管系统支持热插拔可提供独立式、1U机架式和4U机架式安装技术规格:串行电视: BNC 输入电视信号标准:SMPTE 424M ,SMPTE 292M, 259M, 297M, 305M, 310M, M2S, DVB-ASI, DVB-SSI 和其它的 Telecom/Datacom 速率(19.4Mb/s - 1.5Gb/s)输入数目:1 路反射损耗:>15DB均衡:0-150m @ 1.485Gb/s连接器:75Ω BNC光输出输出数量:1线缆传输类型:单模单纤(多模可选)工作波长:1310nm /1550nm反射损失:> 15dB抖动:< 0.2UI连接器:LC/PC (SC/PC可选)串行电视 BNC 输出(EO/OE) 与输入同输出数量:接收端1路输出信号电平:800mV 标称上升/下降时间:200ps 标称过冲:< 10% 振幅反射损耗:> 15dB抖动:< 0.2UI连接器:75Ω BNC电气指标工作温度:-25℃~+70℃电压 1A@12VDC功率 12 WEMI/RFI 符合FCC Part 15 Class A, EU EMC 指标平均无故障工作时间﹥100000小时特点和优势:HD-SDI光传输设备是中国最早商用化的高清SDI 光传输产品,专利的产品设计使得在应用中能够支持用户多种多样的需求和配置。
至龙A 3G HD SD-SDI信号生成器用户手册说明书
User ManualA tlonA3G/HD/SD-SDI Signal Generator Supports up to 1080pAT-3GSDI5001. INTRODUCTION (3)2. FEATURES (3)3. PACKAGE CONTENTS (4)4. SPECIFICATIONS (5)5. FUNCTION MENU (6)5.1. Format (6)5.2. Video (6)5.3. Audio (6)5.4. Motion (6)5.5. ANC Data (6)5.6. System (6)6. PANEL DESCRIPTION (7)6.1. Bird's View (7)6.2. Input Panel (7)6.3. Output Panel (8)6.4. Bottom Panel (8)7. EDID LEARNING (9)8. NOTICE (10)9. APPENDIX (11)9.1. Data Identification Word of Ancillary Data Packet (11)9.2. Built-in Video Patterns (11)10. ATLONA PRODUCT REGISTRATION (14)11. SAFETY INFORMATION (15)12. WARRANTY (16)Atlona Technologies AT-3GSDI500 3G/HD/SD-SDI Signal Generator is an advanced SDI signal generator with multi-format (3G/HD/SD) and multi-pattern support. Besides still and moving video test patterns, other features such as audio (SMPTE-291M) are also provided. AT-3GSDI500 can support up to 8 channel AES compliant audio with 48KHz sample rate. Another attractive feature of AT-3GSDI500 comes from bypassing HDMI TH input and allows users with more testing patterns for connected display or treats AT-3GSDI500 as an advanced HDMI TH to SDI converter with 3G capability. With portable size, AT-3GSDI500 is equipped four buttons and LCM screen to ease the control. This device provides a cost effective way to calibrate and test SDI enable video devices and displays.● S upported output video resolutionSD-SDI — NTSC 525 @60Hz, PAL 625 @50HzHD-SDI — 720p @50Hz, 59.94Hz, 60Hz1080i @50Hz, 59.94Hz, 60Hz*************,24Hz,25Hz,29.97Hz,30Hz3G-SDI — 1080p@50Hz, 59.94Hz, 60Hz● S upported output audio formatSMPTE 291M, SMPTE 299M (8 channel audio, audio group can be adjusted)● B it rateSD-SDI — 270MbpsHD-SDI — 1.485Gbps, 1.4835Gbps3G-SDI — 2.97Gbps, 2.967Gbps● V ideo Patterns100% Color Bars, Borderline, Random Noise, Check Field, Black, Vertical Lines, Black / White alternate fields, Full Grey / Full White, Black to White Gradient, Random Generator for all still patterns, moving squares White noise, Inverse effect with still pattern, Scrolling Title (see Appendix for illustrations)● S upports HDMI TH bypass mode● S ave settings to memory option● A NC dataEDH (RP-165), SMPTE 352M, SMPTE291M● C ontrolBy LCM & Panel Buttons● V ideo outputDual 3G capable SDI output● 1x AT-3GSDI500● 1x 5V power supply unit ● 1x User's manual5.1. Format● R esolution – NTSC / PAL / 720p / 1080p / 1080i● F requency – 60Hz / 59.94Hz / 50Hz / 30Hz / 29.97Hz / 25Hz / 24Hz / 23.98Hz● O utput – YCbCr 4:2:25.2. Video● P atterns – SMPTE Bar / 100% Bar / Check Field / EQ / PLLGradient R1 / Gradient G1 / Gradient B1Gradient R2 / Gradient G2 / Gradient B2Gradient R3 / Gradient G3 / Gradient B3Gradient R4 / Gradient G4 / Gradient B4Red Level 1 / Red Level 2Green Level 1 / Green Level 2Blue Level 1 / Blue Level 2100% Red / 100% Green / 100% Blue / White / Gray Level40% Gray / 70% Gray / Black / NoiseCircle 1 / Circle 2 / MoireH Stripe R / H Stripe G / H Stripe BV Stripe R / V Stripe G / V Stripe BChess 1 / Chess 2 / Sequence● T ext – Off / On-White / On-Black● T imer – Off / On-W/B / On-B/W5.3. Audio● M ode – Off / On● G roup – 1+2 / 3+4● L evel – -6dB / -12dB / -18dB / -24dB / -30dB / -36dB / -42dB / Silence / Random● M ask – Off / CH 1234 / CH 1 / CH 2 / CH 3 / CH 4 / CH 1+2 / CH 3+45.4. Motion● M otion – No Motion / Square 1 / Square 2 / 2 Squares / Square Inv● D ata Speed – 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 85.5. ANC Data● S MPTE-352M – Off / On● E DH – On / Off5.6. System● S tatus – No Change / Factory / Now Save● V ersion – V1.016.2. Input Panel121. HDMI TH INPUT: Plug in a HDMI TH cable to be linked to a HDMI TH source2. +5V DC: Connect to a 5V DC power supply unit6.3. Output Panel3. S DI OUTPUT A: Connect to a SDI device for SDI, HD-SDI, or 3G-SDI signal output either from the chosen pattern or the converted HDMI TH source signal4. L ock LED: showing if the audio/video signal existed or not5. S DI OUTPUT B: Connect to a SDI device for SDI, HD-SDI, 3G-SDI signal output either from the chosen pattern or the converted HDMI TH source signal6.4. Bottom PanelA 4-pin DIP switch is used for user interface, and users can access this switch from the bottom of the unit.1. Factory default for 4-pin DIP switch: OFF-OFF-OFF-OFF [↓-↓-↓-↓]2. I n order to keep the compatibility of HDMI TH to most monitors, AT-3GSDI500 features EDID learning ability. The operation is shown in the EDID LEARNING section.1. Power off AT-3GSDI500 and set the pin 4 of DIP switch of AT-3GSDI500 to OFF [↓].2. Connect the HDTV to the HDMI TH port on the AT-3GSDI500, and then power on AT-3GSDI500.3. The Lock LED on the AT-3GSDI500 will dim and light again, which indicates the EDID learning process is done.4. Connect AT-3GSDI500 to the HDMI TH source through a HDMI TH cable and enjoy the experience.1. I n HDMI TH bypass mode, users must be aware of that the jitters coming from HDMI TH sources, such as DVD players, may be much higher than typical requirement according to SMPTE request on HD-SDI signals. This will result in SDI output with high jitters or even no SDI outputs!2. D ue to the high frequency bandwidth and low jitter requirement of 3G-SDI signals, for single SDI output case, it is strongly recommended to use one 75 ohm terminator for the unused SDI output to keep the best performance.11 |toll free: 1-877-536-3976For International: 1-408-962-0515● D ata Type 1(SMPTE-291M)9.2. Built-in Video PatternsSMPTE Bar100% BarCheck Field EQPLLGradient R1Gradient G1Gradient B1Gradient R2Gradient G2Gradient B2Gradient R3Gradient G3Gradient B312 |toll free: 1-877-536-3976For International:1-408-962-0515Gradient R4Gradient G4Gradient B4Red Level 1Red Level 2Green Level 1Green Level 2Blue Level 1Blue Level 2100% Red 100% Green100% BlueGray Level 40% Gray 70% Gray13 |toll free: 1-877-536-3976For International:1-408-962-0515BlackNoiseCircle 1 Circle 2MoireV Stripe R V Stripe GV Stripe BH Stripe R H Stripe GH Stripe BChess 1Chess 2SequenceThank you for purchasing this Atlona product — we hope you'll enjoy it.We also hope that you'll take a few moments to register your new purchase. Registration creates an ownership record if your product is lost or stolen and helps ensure you'll receive notification of performance issues and firmware updates.At Atlona, we respect and protect your privacy and assure you that your registration information is completely secure.Of course, Atlona product registration is totally voluntary and failure to register will not diminish your limited warranty rights.To register go to /registration14SafeguardsTo reduce the risk of electric shock, do notexpose this product to rain or moisture.If the wall plug does not fit into your localpower socket, hire an electrician to replaceyour obsolete socket.Do not modify the wall plug.Doing so will void the warranty and safetyfeatures.This equipment should be installed near thesocket outlet and the device should be easilyaccessible in case it requires disconnection.PrecautionsFCC Regulations state that any unauthorizedchanges or modifications to this equipmentnot expressly approved by the manufacturercould void the user's authority to operate thisequipment.Operate this product using only the includedexternal power supply. Use of other powersupplies could impair performance, damagethe product or cause fires.In the event of an electrostatic discharge,this device may automatically turn off. If thisoccurs, unplug the device, and plug it back in.Protect and route power cords so they will notbe stepped on or pinched by anything placedon or against them. Be especially careful ofplug-ins, or cord exit points from this product.Avoid excessive humidity, sudden temperaturechanges or temperature extremes.Keep this product away from wet locationssuch as bathtubs, sinks, laundries, wetbasements and swimming pools.Use only accessories recommended byATLONA to avoid fire, shock or other hazards.Unplug the product before cleaning. Use adamp cloth for cleaning. Do not use cleaningfluid or aerosols, which could enter the unitand cause damage, fire or electrical shock.Some substances may also mar the finish ofthe product.Never open or remove unit panels or makeany adjustments not described in thismanual. Attempting to do so could exposeyou to dan-gerous electrical shock or otherhazards. It may also cause damage to yourAT-3GSDI500. Opening the product will voidthe warranty.Do not attempt to service the unit. Insteaddisconnect it and contact your AuthorizedATLONA reseller or contact ATLONA directly.15|1. LIMITED WARRANTYAtlona Technologies warrants that (a) its products (the "Product") will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying written materials for a period of 3 years from the date of receipt and (b) that the Product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of 3 years. In the event applicable law imposes any implied warranties, the implied warranty period is limited to 3 years from the date of receipt. Some jurisdictions do not allow such limitations on duration of an implied warranty, so the above limitation may not apply to Customer.2. CUSTOMER REMEDIESAtlona Technologies and its suppliers' entire liability and Customer's exclusive remedy shall be, at Atlona Technologies' option, either return of the price paid for the Product, or repair or replacement of the Product that does not meet this Limited Warranty and which is returned to Atlona Technologies with a copy of Customer's receipt. This Limited Warranty is void if failure of the Product has resulted from accident, abuse, or misapplication. Any replacement Product will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period or 3 year, whichever is longer.3. NO OTHER WARRANTIESTO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ATLONA TECHNOLOGIES AND ITS SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT AND ANY RELATED WRITTEN MATERIALS. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY GIVES CUSTOMER SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. CUSTOMER MAY HAVE OTHER RIGHTS DEPENDING ON THE JURISDICTION.4. NO LIABILITY FOR DAMAGESTO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL ATLONA TECHNOLOGIES OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUEN-TIAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL INJURY, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR ANY OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS PRODUCT, EVEN IF ATLONA TECHNOLOGIES HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN ANY CASE, ATLONA TECHNOLOGIES' AND ITS SUPPLIERS' ENTIRE LIABILITY UNDER ANY PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR THE PRODUCT. BECAUSE SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.16。
LMH0302 3Gbps HD-SD SDI 电缆驱动器
1 2 12 11 9 3
TYPE (1)
— I I I I O O P G
Pin Functions
Output driver enable. When low, the SDO/SDO output driver is powered off. ENABLE has an internal pullup. H = Normal operation. L = Output driver powered off. EP is the exposed pad at the bottom of the WQFN package. The exposed pad must be connected to the ground plane through a via array. See Figure 6 for details.
Not to scale
5, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16
器件型号 LMH0302
Nsiway NNSS44335588 超低EMI、无需滤波器、5W+3W×2的2.1声道 用户手
TQFN4×4-28 封装尺寸................................................................................................................... 18
SOP-28 封装尺寸............................................................................................................................ 19
NS4358 引脚功能描述 ..................................................................................................................... 9
芯片印章说明 ................................................................................................................................. 10
NS4358 用户手册 V1.1
深圳市纳芯威科技有限公司 2011 年 10 月
2011-3-11 2011-10-11
晶华微电子 SD2085 低功耗 HART 调制解调器说明书
CMOS时钟典型连接如图9所示,将XCEN 置为高电平,并将3.6864MHz外部时钟源连至 XTAL1引脚,而XTAL2引脚保持开路状态。
晶华微电子 版本 v0
3.6864MHz DVDD
SD2085提供两种时钟配置选项:外部晶振 和CMOS时钟输入。
外部晶振的典型连接如图8所示,将XCEN 置为低电平,晶振采用3.6864MHz.。晶振和电 容应尽量靠近SD2085。
8pF 3.6864 MHz 8pF
图 3. HART FSK 信号
FSK 调制器
当RTSb信号设为低电平,SD2085处于发 送模式,调制器通过波形整形电路,将D_IN输 入端的非归零制(NRZ)数字信号,转换成一系 列1200Hz和2200Hz符合HART协议要求、相位
图5. FSK_OUT驱动阻性负载
SD2085 低功耗 HART 调制解调器
z 单芯片、半双工 1200bps FSK 调制解调器 z 符合 HART 通信协议物理层要求 z 符合 Bell202 标准载波 1200Hz 和 2200Hz z HART 波形整形输出具有额外驱动能力 z 数字信号处理确保可靠的输入信号检测 z UART 接口 z 工作电压 2.7V~3.6V z 低功耗,调制模式下最大功耗为 85μA z -55℃至+125℃工作温度范围 z 20 引脚 5mm x 5mm x 0.75mm TQFN 封装 z 满足 RoHS 环保要求
入 范 的 改 善 使 整 个 方 案 的 体 积 与 同 类 产 品 相 比减 小 了
3 % . 射 频 f F噪 声 抑 制性 能 却 超 过 了市场 上 所 有 其 它 D 0 R)
类 放 大 器
D P 的产 品 ) S 的可 移植 能 力 将 使客 户 大大 受 益 , 为这 可 使 因
设计 人 员满 足 无线 应 用 的高 标准 需求 。 T Y Wi ls RO r es及 So et e e 两家 公 司 的配 置 文 e tn s etOn r
件 均可 使 基 于 C 4 的客户 执 行诸 如 文件 同 步 、 5x 无线 串行 端 口和 L AN 接 入等 关键 功 能 , 所有 这 些 对于 无线 通 信 都极 其
O =
德 州仪 器 推 出面 向 GPR S和 3代 手机 的
方 网络成 员 。 借其 将 上层 蓝 牙协 议 栈移 植 到可 编程 D P 凭 S
的 能 力 , R Y Wi ls 和 So et e O e使 开 发 商 将 其 T O r es e tn s e t n r
基 于 C 4 D P 的产 品进 行 无线 化 , 中包 括诸 如 消 费类 5x S 其 音 频 、 机 、 提 车载 蜂 窝电 话 、 码相 机 、 耳 免 数 因特 网连 接 、 医疗
论 T
: 或
’ 他 … 配 台 硷
射 程 特 点 ,特
基 于 TMS 2 C5 系列 D 30 4 SP的
适 合 大型 场 合 应 用 的需 要 , OB L O扬 声 器 共 有 3个 型 号 , 分 别 为 P 2 8 I6 及 P 4 L 8 ,P 9 L 8叮供 选择 ,其 分别 在 于不 同 长
Owon TAO3074、TAO3104、TAO3074A、TAO3104A 四通道数字波形测试仪参
Automatic Measurement
Waveform Math
Waveform Storage Communication Interface
Frequency Counter BAT
Dimension (W x H x D)
全国免费服务热线:4006-909-365 .……..….….……..…..……..…..……..…..……..…..……..…..……..…....…..…..…..…..………………………………………
TAO3000 Series Four-channel Handheld Digital Storage Oscilloscope
1MΩ ± 2%, in parallel with 15pF ± 5pF
1MΩ ≤ 300Vrms;
0.001X - 1000X, step by 1 - 2 - 5
1mV/div - 10V/div (at input) Edge, Video, Pulse, Slope, Runt, Windows, Timeout, Nth Edge, Logic, I2C, SPI, RS232,
8 bits
8bits/12bits/14 bits
45,000 wfms/s
2ns/div - 1000s/div, step by 1 - 2 - 5
泰登TMX-0404SDI2 4×4高清数字视频追踪矩阵切换器说明书
Professional Audio & Video Recorder for Conference TMX-0404SDI24×4 High Definition Digital VideoTracking Matrix SwitcherFeatures■Routing: 4×4 High Definition Digital Video Tracking Matrix Switcher■Video interface: BNC female■Data rates : 143 Mbps~2.97 Gbps■Compatible with SMPTE 259 M, SMPTE 292 M, SMPTE 344 M, SMPTE 424 M and DVB-ASI (270 Mbps)■Input equalization and clock recovery, output pre-emphasis■RS-232 control, supporting RS-232 protocols, for connection with central control system■Two RS-422 control port with built-in professional camera control protocols, a variety of professional cameras like TAIDEN HCS-3316HDB, SONY, PELCO and Panasonic can be controlled■One TAINET interface for connection with TAIDEN conference system■One RJ45 interface for TCP/IP connection■Power-off protection for scene status■LCD to display real-time operation■Front panel button control , easy to switch manually■Front panel keyboard lockup and protection function■Scene save and recall function■1U high, full rack widthTechnical SpecificationsVideoData rates 143 Mbps ~ 2.97 Gbps Data types 8 bit or 10 bit Compatible standards SMPTE 259 M, SMPTE 292 M,SMPTE 344 M, SMPTE 424M,DVB-ASI (270 Mbps) Video inputConnectors 4 × BNC female Input level 0.7 V - 1.2 Vp-p Input cable equalization Typical equalization cable length(RG60/ Ø1.0 mm standard cable)************(oddchannel)************(evenintegerchannel)************* Nominal level 0.8 Vp-p Impedance 75 Ohm Return loss 20~*****************Video outputConnectors 4 × BNC double-decker female Nominal level 0.8 V ± 7% Output level 0.5 V - 1.6 Vp-p Impedance 75 Ohm Return loss >***************** DC offset ± 100 mV with no offset at input Jitter 20~30 ps@HD/3G rate40~60 ps@SD rate Rise and fall time (20~80%) SD: 600 psHD/3G: 100 psControlTo central control system:COM (RS-232) RS-232, 9 pin female D connector COM1 Baudrate: 115200, data: 8 bits, stop: 1 bit, no parity RJ45 TCP/IP TAINET Baudrate: 19200, to main unit RS422 Baudrate: 9600, to dome camera RS232 Baudrate: 9600, to control keypadGeneral specsPower supply AC 100 V - 240 V, 50 Hz / 60 Hz Temperature Operating: 0 °C to + 50 °C;storage: -20 °C to + 70 °C Humidity Storage and operating: 10% to 90% Dimensions h × w ×d (mm) 43 × 483 × 208(1U high, full rack width) Weight 2.7 kg Color Gray (PANTONE 425 C) Mean time between failures 30,000 hoursOrdering InformationTMX-0404SDI2 4×4 High Definition Digital VideoTracking Matrix Switcher (SD/HD/3G)Tracking Matrix SwitcherFeatures■Routing: 8×4 High Definition Digital Video Tracking Matrix Switcher■Video interface: BNC female■Data rates : 143 Mbps~2.97 Gbps■Compatible with SMPTE 259 M, SMPTE 292 M, SMPTE 344 M, SMPTE 424 M and DVB-ASI (270 Mbps)■Input equalization and clock recovery, output pre-emphasis■RS-232 control, supporting RS-232 protocols, for connection with central control system■Two RS-422 control port with built-in professional camera control protocols, a variety of professional cameras like TAIDEN HCS-3316HDB, SONY, PELCO and Panasonic canbe controlled■One TAINET interface for connection with TAIDEN conference system■One RJ45 interface for TCP/IP connection■Power-off protection for scene status■LCD to display real-time operation■Front panel button control , easy to switch manually■Front panel keyboard lockup and protection function■Scene save and recall function■1U high, full rack widthTechnical SpecificationsVideoData rates 143 Mbps ~ 2.97 Gbps Data types 8 bit or 10 bit Compatible standards SMPTE 259 M, SMPTE 292 M,SMPTE 344 M, SMPTE 424M,DVB-ASI (270 Mbps) Connectors 8 × BNC female Input level 0.7 V ~ 1.2 Vp-p Input cable equalization Typical equalization cable length(RG60/ Ø1.0 mm standard cable)************(oddchannel)************(evenintegerchannel)************* Nominal level 0.8 Vp-p Impedance 75 Ohm Returnloss20~*****************Video outputConnectors 4 × BNC double-decker female Nominal level 0.8 V ± 7% Output level 0.5 V ~ 1.6 Vp-p Impedance 75 Ohm Return loss >***************** DC offset ± 100 mV with no offset at input Jitter 20~30 ps@HD/3G rate40~60 ps@SD rate Rise and fall time (20~80%) SD: 600 psHD/3G: 100 psControlTo central control system:COM (RS-232) RS-232, 9 pin female D connector COM1 Baudrate: 115200, data: 8 bits, stop: 1 bit, no parity RJ45 TCP/IP TAINET Baudrate: 19200, to main unit RS422 Baudrate: 9600, to dome camera RS232 Baudrate: 9600, to control keypadGeneral specsPower supply AC 100 V - 240 V, 50 Hz / 60 Hz Temperature Operating: 0 °C to + 50 °C;storage: -20 °C to + 70 °C Humidity Storage and operating: 10% to 90% Dimensions h × w ×d (mm) 43 × 483 × 208(1U high, full rack width) Weight 2.8 kg Color Gray (PANTONE 425 C) Mean time between failures 30,000 hoursOrdering InformationTMX-0804SDI2 8×4 High Definition Digital VideoTracking Matrix Switcher (SD/HD/3G)Tracking Matrix SwitcherFeatures■Routing: 8×8 High Definition Digital Video Tracking Matrix Switcher■Video interface: BNC female■Data rates : 143 Mbps~2.97 Gbps■Compatible with SMPTE 259 M, SMPTE 292 M, SMPTE 344 M, SMPTE 424 M and DVB-ASI (270 Mbps)■Input equalization and clock recovery, output pre-emphasis■RS-232 control, supporting RS-232 protocols, for connection with central control system■Two RS-422 control port with built-in professional camera control protocols, a variety of professional cameras like TAIDEN HCS-3316HDB, SONY, PELCO and Panasonic canbe controlled■One TAINET interface for connection with TAIDEN conference system■One RJ45 interface for TCP/IP connection■Power-off protection for scene status■LCD to display real-time operation■Front panel button control , easy to switch manually■Front panel keyboard lockup and protection function■Scene save and recall function■1U high, full rack widthTechnical SpecificationsVideoData rates 143 Mbps ~ 2.97 Gbps Data types 8 bit or 10 bit Compatible standards SMPTE 259 M, SMPTE 292 M,SMPTE 344 M, SMPTE 424M,DVB-ASI (270 Mbps) Connectors 8 × BNC female Input level 0.7 V ~ 1.2 Vp-p Input cable equalization Typical equalization cable length(RG60/ Ø1.0 mm standard cable)************(oddchannel)************(evenintegerchannel)************* Nominal level 0.8 Vp-p Impedance 75 Ohm Returnloss20~*****************Video outputConnectors 8 × BNC double-decker female Nominal level 0.8 V ± 7% Output level 0.5 V ~ 1.6 Vp-p Impedance 75 Ohm Return loss >***************** DC offset ± 100 mV with no offset at input Jitter 20~30 ps@HD/3G rate40~60 ps@SD rate Rise and fall time (20~80%) SD: 600 psHD/3G: 100 psControlTo central control system:COM (RS-232) RS-232, 9 pin female D connector COM1 Baudrate: 115200, data: 8 bits, stop: 1 bit, no parity RJ45 TCP/IP TAINET Baudrate: 19200, to main unit RS422 Baudrate: 9600, to dome camera RS232 Baudrate: 9600, to control keypadGeneral specsPower supply AC 100 V - 240 V, 50 Hz / 60 Hz Temperature Operating: 0 °C to + 50 °C;storage: -20 °C to + 70 °C Humidity Storage and operating: 10% to 90% Dimensions h × w ×d (mm) 43 × 483 × 208(1U high, full rack width) Weight 3.0 kg Color Gray (PANTONE 425 C) Mean time between failures 30,000 hoursOrdering InformationTMX-0808SDI2 8×8 High Definition Digital VideoTracking Matrix Switcher (SD/HD/3G)TMX-1604SDI216×4 High Definition Digital Video Tracking Matrix SwitcherFeatures■Routing: 16×4 High Definition Digital Video Tracking Matrix Switcher■Video interface: BNC female■Data rates : 143 Mbps~2.97 Gbps■Compatible with SMPTE 259 M, SMPTE 292 M, SMPTE 344 M, SMPTE 424 M and DVB-ASI (270 Mbps)■Input equalization and clock recovery, output pre-emphasis■RS-232 control, supporting RS-232 protocols, for connection with central control system■Two RS-422 control port with built-in professional camera control protocols, a variety of professional cameras like TAIDEN HCS-3316HDB, SONY, PELCO and Panasonic canbe controlled■One TAINET interface for connection with TAIDEN conference system■One RJ45 interface for TCP/IP connection■Power-off protection for scene status■LCD to display real-time operation■Front panel button control , easy to switch manually■Front panel keyboard lockup and protection function■Scene save and recall function■1U high, full rack widthTechnical SpecificationsVideoData rates 143 Mbps ~ 2.97 Gbps Data types 8 bit or 10 bit Compatible standards SMPTE 259 M, SMPTE 292 M,SMPTE 344 M, SMPTE 424M,DVB-ASI (270 Mbps) Video inputConnectors 4 × BNC female Input level 0.7 V - 1.2 Vp-p Input cable equalization Typical equalization cable length(RG60/ Ø1.0 mm standard cable)************(oddchannel)************(evenintegerchannel)************* Nominal level 0.8 Vp-p Impedance 75 Ohm Returnloss20~*****************Video outputConnectors 4 × BNC double-decker female Nominal level 0.8 V ± 7% Output level 0.5 V - 1.6 Vp-p Impedance 75 Ohm Return loss >***************** DC offset ± 100 mV with no offset at input Jitter 20~30 ps@HD/3G rate40~60 ps@SD rate Rise and fall time (20~80%) SD: 600 psHD/3G: 100 psControlTo central control system:COM (RS-232) RS-232, 9 pin female D connector COM1 Baudrate: 115200, data: 8 bits, stop: 1 bit, no parity RJ45 TCP/IP TAINET Baudrate: 19200, to main unit RS422 Baudrate: 9600, to dome camera RS232 Baudrate: 9600, to control cameraGeneral specsPower supply AC 100 V - 240 V, 50 Hz / 60 Hz Temperature Operating: 0 °C to + 50 °C;storage: -20 °C to + 70 °C Humidity Storage and operating: 10% to 90% Dimensions h × w ×d (mm) 43 × 483 × 208(1U high, full rack width) Weight 3.0 kg Color Gray (PANTONE 425 C) Mean time between failures 30,000 hoursOrdering InformationTMX-0404SDI2 16×4 High Definition Digital VideoTracking Matrix Switcher (SD/HD/3G)TMX-1608SDI216×8 High Definition Digital Video Tracking Matrix SwitcherFeatures■Routing: 16×8 High Definition Digital Video Tracking Matrix Switcher■Video interface: BNC female■Data rates : 143 Mbps~2.97 Gbps■Compatible with SMPTE 259 M, SMPTE 292 M, SMPTE 344 M, SMPTE 424 M and DVB-ASI (270 Mbps)■Input equalization and clock recovery, output pre-emphasis■RS-232 control, supporting RS-232 protocols, for connection with central control system■Two RS-422 control port with built-in professional camera control protocols, a variety of professional cameras like TAIDEN HCS-3316HDB, SONY, PELCO and Panasonic canbe controlled■One TAINET interface for connection with TAIDEN conference system■One RJ45 interface for TCP/IP connection■Power-off protection for scene status■LCD to display real-time operation■Front panel button control , easy to switch manually■Front panel keyboard lockup and protection function■Scene save and recall function■1U high, full rack widthTechnical SpecificationsVideoData rates 143 Mbps ~ 2.97 Gbps Data types 8 bit or 10 bit Compatible standards SMPTE 259 M, SMPTE 292 M,SMPTE 344 M, SMPTE 424M,DVB-ASI (270 Mbps) Video inputConnectors 16 × BNC female Input level 0.7 V ~ 1.2 Vp-p Input cable equalization Typical equalization cable length(RG60/ Ø1.0 mm standard cable)************(oddchannel)************(evenintegerchannel)************* Nominal level 0.8 Vp-p Impedance 75 Ohm Returnloss20~*****************Video outputConnectors 8 × BNC double-decker female Nominal level 0.8 V ± 7% Output level 0.5 V ~ 1.6 Vp-p Impedance 75 Ohm Return loss >***************** DC offset ± 100 mV with no offset at input Jitter 20~30 ps@HD/3G rate40~60 ps@SD rate Rise and fall time (20~80%) SD: 600 psHD/3G: 100 psControlTo central control system:COM (RS-232) RS-232, 9 pin female D connector COM1 Baudrate: 115200, data: 8 bits, stop: 1 bit, no parity RJ45 TCP/IP TAINET Baudrate: 19200, to main unit RS422 Baudrate: 9600, to dome camera RS232 Baudrate: 9600, to control keypadGeneral specsPower supply AC 100 V - 240 V, 50 Hz / 60 Hz Temperature Operating: 0 °C to + 50 °C;storage: -20 °C to + 70 °C Humidity Storage and operating: 10% to 90% Dimensions h × w ×d (mm) 43 × 483 × 208(1U high, full rack width) Weight 3.2 kg Color Gray (PANTONE 425 C) Mean time between failures 30,000 hoursOrdering InformationTMX-1608SDI2 16×8 High Definition Digital VideoTracking Matrix Switcher (SD/HD/3G)System Connection。
MIC4834低噪声双220VPP EL面板驱动器说明书
MIC4834Low Noise Dual 220 V PP EL DriverMLF and Micro Lead Frame are registered trademark of Amkor TechnologiesMicrel Inc. • 2180 Fortune Drive • San Jose, CA 95131 • USA • tel +1 (408) 944-0800 • fax + 1 (408) 474-1000 • General DescriptionThe MIC4834 is a low noise dual Electroluminescent (EL) Panel driver used in backlighting applications. The MIC4834 converts a low DC voltage to a high DC voltage using a boost converter and then alternates the high DC voltage across the EL panels using an H-bridge. The MIC4834 incorporates internal wave-shaping circuitry specifically designed to reduce audible noise emitted by EL panels. With only one inductor the MIC4834 can drive two outputs and requires a minimum number of passive components. It features an operating input voltage range of 2.3V to 5.8V, making it suitable for 1-cell Li-ion and 2- or 3-cell alkaline/NiCad/NiMH battery applications.The MIC4834 features separate oscillators for the boost and H-bridge stages. The boost frequency may be adjusted with an external resistor to optimize efficiency and brightness. The H-bridge frequency is internally preset to 225Hz, to reduce the number of external components and layout space.The MIC4834 is available in 10 pin 3mmx3mm MLF ® package as well as MSOP-10L, and has an operating junction temperature range of –40°C to +125°C.Features•Drives two EL panels, up to 3 in 2 each at full brightness• 220V PP regulated AC output waveform • 2.3V to 5.8V DC input voltage• Wave-shaping circuit to reduce audible noise • Adjustable boost converter frequency • Single inductor to power both panels • 0.1µA typical shutdown current • Package options− 10-pin 3mmx3mm MLF ® − 10-pin MSOP• –40oC to +125o C junction temperature rangeApplications• Mobile phones• MP3/portable media players (PMP) • Clocks/ watches • Remote controls • Cordless phones • GPS devices • PDAs_________________________________________________________________________________________________Typical ApplicationLow Noise Dual EL DriverOrdering InformationPart Number Package Operating Junction Temp RangeLead Finish MIC4834YML10 pin (3mm x 3mm) MLF®-40ºC to +125ºC Pb-free / RoHS-CompliantMIC4834YMM 10-Pin MSOP -40ºC to +125ºC Pb-free / RoHS-Compliant Pin Configuration10-Pin MLF® - Top View 10-Pin MSOP – Top ViewPin DescriptionPin Number Pin Name Pin Function1 ENA EL Panel A Enable Pin: Logic high enables ELA and logic low disables ELA output.2 VDD DC Input Supply Voltage: 2.3V to 5.8V3 RSWRSW pin: Sets internal boost converter switch frequency by connecting an externalresistor (R SW) to VDD. Connecting the R SW resistor to GND shuts down the device.4 ENB EL Panel B enable pin: Logic high enables ELB and logic low disables ELB output.5 GNDGround.6 SW Switch Node: Drain of internal high-voltage power MOSFET for boost circuit.7 CSRegulated Boost Output: Connect to the output capacitor of the boost regulator andto the cathode of the diode.8 COMEL output: Common EL output terminal to both ELA and ELB. Connect one end ofeach EL panel to this pin.9 ELB EL Panel B output: Connect the other end of the EL panel B to this pin.10 ELA EL Panel A output: Connect the other end of the EL panel A to this pin.EPad HS Pad Heat Sink Pad. Connect to ground externally. MLF® package only.Absolute Maximum Rating(1)Supply voltage (V DD).......................................-0.5V to 6.5V Output voltage (V CS)...................................... -0.5V to 130V Switch Node (V SW).........................................-0.5V to 130V Enable Voltage (V RSW, V ENA, V ENB)...................-0.5V to 6.5V Ambient Storage Temperature (T S) ...........-65ºC to +150ºC ESD Rating(3)...........................................................................ESD Sensitive Operating Range(2)Supply Voltage (V DD)........................................2.3V to 5.8V Switching MOSFET Frequency (f SW)........35kHz to 350kHz Enable Voltage (V RSW, V ENA,,V ENB).......................0V to V DD Junction Temperature Range (T J).............-40°C to +125°C Package Thermal Impedance3mm x 3mm MLF® (θJA)……………………........60°C/W MSOP(θJA)…………………….........................206°C/WElectrical Characteristics(4)T A = 25o C, V DD= 3.0V unless otherwise noted. Bold values indicate -40°C ≤ T J≤ 85°C.Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max UnitsV DD Supply Voltage Range 2.3 5.8 VI DD InputSupplyCurrent V RSW = High; V CS = 105V;ELA, ELB, COM = Open152 220 µAI SD ShutdownCurrent V RSW = Low; V DD = 5.8V 0.1 1 µAR DS(ON) On-resistance Of Switching Transistor I SW = 100mA, V CS = 105V 6.0 12.0 ΩV CS Output voltage Regulation V DD = 2.3V to 5.8v 90 109 120 VV DD = 3.0V(R SW = 1.3MΩ )25 35 45 kHzV DD = 3.0V (R SW = 450kΩ) 75 100 125 kHzf Sw Boost Switching FrequencyV DD = 3.0V(R SW = 125kΩ)250 350 450 kHzf EL ELA, ELB and COM Drive Frequency V DD = 3.0VELA, ELB, COM = Open165 225 285 HzD Switching Transistor Duty Cycle 80 95 %I OUT Output Current Drive Limit 2.5 5 7.5 mAV ENA,V ENBEnable Logic Threshold 0.4 1.2 VV HYS Enable Logic Hysteresis 20 50 150 mVI ENA,I ENBEnable Input Current 0.1 1 µA Notes:1. Exceeding the absolute maximum rating may damage the device.2. The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating rating.3. Devices are ESD sensitive. Handling precautions recommended. Human body model, 1.5kΩ in series with 100pF.4. Specification for packaged product only.Typical CharacteristicsFunctional DiagramFigure 1. MIC4834 Block Diagram Functional DescriptionOverviewThe MIC4834 is a high-voltage dual output EL driver with a peak-to-peak AC output voltage of 220V capable of driving two 3 in2 EL panels. The MIC4834 drives EL panels by converting a low DC input voltage to a high DC high output voltage using the boost regulator circuit and then alternating the high DC voltage across the EL panel using an H-Bridge. Input supply current for the MIC4834 is typically 152µA. The high voltage EL driver has two internal oscillators to control the boost switching frequency and the H-bridge driver frequency. The internal boost oscillator frequency can be individually programmed through an external resistor to maximize efficiency and brightness of the EL panel. The H-bridge frequency is internally fixed at 225Hz to reduce external component count.R egulationReferring to Figure 1, power is initially applied to V DD. When the internal feedback voltage is less than the reference voltage, the internal comparator enables switching in the boost circuit. When the boost regulator is switching, current flows through the inductor into the switch. The switching MOSFET will typically turn on for 90% of the switching period. During the on-time, energyis stored in the inductor. When the switching MOSFET turns off, current flowing into the inductor forces the voltage across the inductor to reverse polarity. The voltage across the inductor rises until the external diode conducts and clamps the voltage at V OUT + V D1. The energy in the inductor is then discharged into the C OUT capacitor. The internal comparator continues to turn the switching MOSFET on and off until the internal feedback voltage is above the reference voltage. Once the internal feedback voltage is above the reference voltage, the internal comparator disables switching. The control circuit will continue to turn the MOSFET’s on and off to maintain a constant DC voltage at the CS pin.When the MIC4834 EL Driver is enabled, ELA and ELB will switch in opposite states with COM to achieve a 220V peak-to-peak AC output signal needed to drive the two EL panels.Switching FrequencyThe switching frequency of the converter is controlled by an external resistor (R SW ) between RSW and VDD. The switching frequency increases as the resistor value decreases. In general, the lower the switching frequency, the greater the input current is drawn to deliver more power to the output. Lowering the switching frequency can be used to drive larger panels. However, the switching frequency should not be so low as to allow the voltage at the switch node or the CS pin to exceed the absolute maximum voltage of those pins. For resistor value selections, see the “Typical Characteristics: Switching Frequency vs. SW Resistor” graph on Page 4 or use the equation below. The switching frequency range is 35kHz to 350kHz, with an accuracy of ±20%.()Ω=M R 46(kHz)f SW SWEL FrequencyThe MIC4834 EL panel frequency is internally fixed at 225Hz.Enable FunctionThere are a few different ways to enable and disable the MIC4834. The boost regulator may be disabled by pulling the R SW resistor to ground. This turns off both the EL panels by cutting power to the device completely. The R SW resistor must be pulled to VDD to enable the boost oscillator. If it is not equal to VDD, then the frequency set by R SW will be different the programmed value.For individual panel control, the ENA and ENB pins can be used to enable ELA and ELB, respectively. Pulling ENA or ENB high (over 1.2V) or low (below 0.4V) willturn ELA and ELB panels on or off.Figure 2. EL Panel Waveform – 2 × 1 in2Figure 3. EL Panel Waveform – 2 × 2 in 2Figure 4. EL Panel Waveform – 2 × 3 in 2Application InformationThe MIC4834 is designed to use an inductance with a value between 100µH to 330µH. Choosing the right inductor is always a balance of size, inductance, efficiency, current rating and cost. A TDK (VLS4012T-221M) 220µH inductor is recommended based on size, efficiency and current rating.Generally, the lower the inductance, the more current the inductor can handle. Lowering the inductance allows the boost regulator to draw more input current to deliver more energy every switching cycle. As a result, a lower inductance may be used to drive larger panels or brighten similar sized panels. However, caution is required as using a low inductance with a low switching frequency may cause the voltage at the switch node and the CS pin to exceed the absolute maximum rating. If the application uses a low input voltage (2.3V to 3V), then a lower value inductor, such as 100µH, may be used in order to drive the EL panel at maximum brightness.DiodeThe diode must have a high reverse voltage (150V), since the output voltage at the CS pin can reach up to 130V. A fast switching diode with lower forward voltage and higher reverse voltage (150V), such as BAV20WS/BAS20W, can be used to enhance efficiency. Output CapacitorLow ESR capacitors should be used at the regulated boost output (CS pin), to minimize the switching output ripple voltage. The larger the output capacitance, the lower the output ripple at the CS pin. The reduced output ripple, at the CS pin, along with a low ESR capacitor improves the efficiency of the MIC4834 circuit. Selection of the capacitor value depends upon the peak inductor current, inductor size, and the load. The MIC4834 is designed for use with an output capacitance as low as 2.2nF. For minimum audible noise, the use of a C0G/NPO dielectric output capacitor is recommended. TDK and AVX offer C0G/NPO dielectric capacitors in capacitance up to 2.7nF at 200V to 250V voltage rating in 0805 size.EL Panel Terminals (ELA, ELB, COM)The two EL panels are connected from ELA to COM and ELB to COM. The ELA and ELB terminals are in phase with each other, while the COM is out of phase with both ELA and ELB. Since ELA and COM are out of phase, the high voltage generated by the boost regulator is alternated across ELA and COM by the H-Bridge. The frequency of each cycle is internally fixed at 225Hz. The alternating 220V peak-to-peak causes the EL panel to emit light. Similarly, the ELB and COM are also out of phase and allows a second EL panel to be driven at the same time. Both EL panels may operate independently from each other and do not have to be the same size. For component selection, Table 2 lists recommended values for various panel sizes up to a total of 6 in2 (For example, two 3 in2 panels). Driving overly large panels will result in a dimmer display, but will not cause damage to the device.Application CircuitFigure 6. Typical Li-Ion Powered MIC4834 CircuitNote: Table 2 applies to circuit shown in Figure 6.Total Panel Area (in 2) 0.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 Capacitance (nF)251015202530R SW (k Ω) 357 392 487 562 750 931 1100 f SW (kHz)128 116 94 82 62 50 42Table 2. Recommended R SW Values for Total Panel SizesBill of MaterialsItem Part NumberManufacturerDescriptionQty C1 C1608X7R1A103K TDK (1) 0.01µF Ceramic Capacitor, 10V, X7R, Size 0603 1 C2 C1608X5R0J106K TDK (1) 10 µF Ceramic Capacitor, 6.3V, X5R, Size 0603 1 C3 C2012C0G2E2222J TDK (1)0.0022µF Ceramic Capacitor, 250V, C0G, Size 0805 1 L1 VLS4012T-221M TDK (1) 220µH, 210mA I SAT . (4mmx4mmx1.2mm) 1 D1 BAS20-V-GS18 Vishay (2) 200V/200mA Hi-Voltage Switching Diode1 R1 or R SW CRCW06033323FKEYE3 Vishay (2) 332k Ω, 1%, 1/16W, Size 06031 U1 MIC4834YMLMicrel (3)Low Noise Dual 220Vp-p EL Driver with Output Slew Control1Notes:1. TDK: 2. Vishay: 3.Micrel, Inc .: Layout Recommendation (MLF®)Top LayerBottom LayerLayout Recommendation (MSOP)Top LayerBottom LayerPackage Information10-Pin 3mm x 3mm MLF® (ML)10-Pin MSOP (MM)。
DV B— AS I接 口 、 标准 清晰度接 口 、 高
清晰 度接 口 以 及 最 新 的3 G — S DI 接 口 。
此外 该款芯 片还 另外设有多个可支 .
持 串行时钟恢复环 路穿越功能的输 出
端 ,
以便 实时跟 踪及 监控输入 信号 。
每一 发送器 都内置一 个低带宽 的锁相
环 可 滤 除 来 自F P G A 的 并 行 时 钟 噪 .
驱 动 器 , 这 些 特点 可 以进 一 步减 少 外 置 元 件数 目 . 从 而缩 小 电路 板并 节 省 系统 成本
LMH4 345 芯 片采 用 独 特 的 结 构 , 使 5 位 低 电 压 差 分 信 号 传 输 (L V DS l
并 行 总线 可 以 充 分发挥其性 能 , 以 简 化FPGA 的接 口 。 此 款收 发器 的 LVDS 接 口 可 以抑 制 电磁 干扰 . 虽 然并行 总 线 的带宽较小 但 只需搭配 一 颗低 成
路 板面 积 , 同时降低 系统 成 本和 功 耗 。 该款 芯 片尤 其适 用 于 视 频 路 由
器 、
生 产 用 开关 电路 、
视频 服务器 、
格式 转换 器 、 视 频 编辑及 模块式 设备
等应 用 领域 。
L M H 4 3 4 5 串 行 /解 串 收 发 器 的 输
出对准抖动仅300 s . 最 低输入 抖 动 容
美 国国家半导体公 司宣布推 出可
支 持 三 速 ( 3 G /高 清 晰 度,标 准 清 晰 度 )
的 串 行 数 字 接 口 (S D l l 双 通 道 串 行 ,
解 串收 发 器 。 该 款 型 号 为L MH4 34 5 的 串 行,解 串 收 发 器 不 但 抖 动 表 现 优 于
SDI(270Mbps,SMPTE259M),高清标准HD-SDI(1.485Gbps,SMPTE292M)、3G- SDI(2.97Gbps,SMPTE424M)。
HTCVI EW® HS-S8123分配器是将单一的SDI视频Array信号数据同时分配给2个SDI信号的视频信号适
显示同一HD-SDI信号源的画面,ND3100系列SD/HD/3G - SDI分配器专为满足这类需要而设计。
支持标清SD-SDI(270Mbps)、高清HD-SDI(1.485Gbps)及全高清3G-SDI (2.97Gbps)视频格式
内置电缆均衡器Equiizer,时钟再生电路Recocker及电缆驱动器Cabe Driver
最大电缆长度(Beden-B1694):SD支持400m,HD支持200m, 3G支持140m 卓越的SDI信号抖动抑制功能,接近完美的眼图指标
这款SDI串行器的输出抖动只有50 ,而解串器的输入抖动容限则高达0.6单位信号时间(UI)。
计专业级视频系统的人员只要采用这款3G 的芯片组,便可利用其中的全新接口技术,将串行/解串器与主机的FPGA芯片连接一起。
这套高度集成的芯片组由LMH0340和LMH0341两颗芯片组成,3G 的LMH0340串行器内置电缆驱动器,而LMH0341解串器则具备时钟恢复串行环路穿越功能。
由于这两款芯片能以3G 的速度发送及接收信号,因此适用于各种专门用来制作及剪辑短片的视频广播设备,其中包括操作流程交换器、数字录像机、摄像机、视频格式转换器及视频编辑设备。
LMH03403G 高清晰度/标准清晰度串行器/驱动器美国国家半导体的LMH03403G 多速率SDI串行器采用小巧的48引脚LLP封装,可以支持270M 、1.485G 及2.97G 等数据传输速度,确保可传送符合数字视频广播/异步串行接口(DVB-ASI)、标准清晰度(SMPTE259M)、高清晰度(SMPTE292M)以及新的3G DI(SMPTE424M)等标准的视频,例如这款芯片只需通过一条同轴电缆便可以串行方式传送无需压缩的1080p50/60信号。
若以3G 及高清晰度速度操作,这款芯片的输出抖动只有50 ,因此无需加设外置压控振荡器。
LMH03413G 高清晰度/标准清晰度时钟恢复解串器美国国家半导体的LMH0341解串器可与LMH0340串行器搭配一起,组成串行/解串器芯片组。
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国半推出业界最低抖动的3Gbps SDI均衡器LMH0384
美国国家半导体公司(National Semiconductor Corporation,NS)最新推出的PowerWise 3Gbps(3G) 串行数字接口(SDI)电缆均衡器可以简化多种不同产品的系统设计,可广泛应于广播设备视频路由器、视频交换器、视频分配放大器、编辑及转换设备等各类系统设计。
LMH0384芯片可支持长达110米的Belden 1694A 双扭线电缆,而且以2.97Gbps 的速度传送信号时,是目前唯一一款输出抖动保证低于0.3UI的均衡器。
美国国家半导体为广播设备提供一系列视频产品,LMH0384芯片是该系列产品的最新型号,其特点是可以支持电影及电视工程师协会(SMPTE)的SMPTE 424M、SMPTE 292M及SMPTE 259M 标准,适用于未压缩串行数字视频信号路径选择及视频处理系统。
此外,LMH0384芯片也可全面支持270Mbps的数字视频广播异步串行接口(DVB-ASI) 标准,让前端设备可以添加压缩视频分配功能。
LMH0384芯片采用16-LLP封装,采购以100颗为单位,单颗价为21 美元,已有样品供应,批量供货则定于2009年5月开始。