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中断是指由于某种随机事件的发生, 计算机暂停现行程序的运行,转去 执行另一程序,以处理发生的事件, 处理完毕后又自动返回原来的程序 继续运行。 将能引起中断的事件称为中断源。
使用时,通常在这些入口地址 处存放一条跳转指令,使程序 跳转到用户安排的中断服务程 序起始地址上去!




为什么要有 中断优先级?
CPU同一时间只能响应一个中断请求。若同时来了两个或两个 以上中断请求,就必须有先有后。 !!!
IP —— —— —— PS PT1 PX1 PT0 PX0
P S —— 串口的中断优先级别 PT1 —— 定时 / 计数器T1的中断优先级别 PX1 —— 外部中断1 的中断优先级别 PT0 —— 定时 / 计数器T0的中断优先级别 PX0 —— 外部中断0 的中断优先级别 该位是“1”时,为高级优先级 该位是“ 0”时,为低级优先 级
同一级中的5个中断源的优先顺序是: 高 /INT0中断
T0溢出中断 出厂前已由厂家固化顺序 ——事先约定
T1溢出中断 串口中断
低 中断优先原则:(概括为四句话)
2、高级不睬低级 3、同级不能打断 4、同级、同时中断,事先约定。



☿࡯থϹॖ⛁ᎹႮࡼ࣪ᴃ᪱DL/T701-1999থᜬᯊⒸ:2002-1-15Ё ढҎ ⇥ ݅੠ ೑Ϲ࡯ ᜐ Ϯ ᷛ ޚ࡯থϹॖThermopower automation-vocabularyfor fossil fired power plant2000-02-24থᏗ2000-07-01ЁढҎ⇥݅੠೑೑ᆊথᏗࠡᣄϹ࡯ᎹϮᾬ[1995]44Ϲ࡯ᜐϮᷛޚᩥՈᅝՈDŽˈ៥೑☿࡯থϹॖՈৡDŽϵՈ೑ᆊˈּՈৡˈ಴ˈᕜDŽЎ೑┉ǃ೑ݙՈѸˈᔶՈᩨ੠ˊˈේᷛޚDŽᷛޚՈ෎Ё“੠Ҿᜬ”ՈᾬGB/T13983-92੠GB/T13283-91ՈᴵDŽ ᷛޚՈ┈AՈ┈DŽᷛޚϵϹ࡯ᎹϮᾬᷛޚ࣪DŽ ᷛޚ᰻˖Ё೑ϹᴎЁᖗDŽ ҎDŽ Ϲ࡯ᎹϮᾬᷛޚ࣪DŽֲ⃵ࠡ ᇇᓩϬᷛޚ෎ᴀᴃ☿࡯থϬᴃ┈$˄ᦤ߾Ո┈˅ ᆵᴀᷛޚᢈ࡯থϬՈᴃˈৃᩥǃᅝǃˊ਍ᮍՈ᭛ӊϬ᪱DŽϟ߫ޚ᠔Ոᴵ᭛ˈỞ೼ᴀᷛޚЁϬ໐ᵘ៤ᴀᷛޚՈᴵ᭛DŽᴀޚߎČᯊˈ᠔߾ČᴀഛDŽ᠔ޚ῁ˈՓϬᴀᷛޚՈ৘Ϭϟ߫ޚ᳔ᴀՈৃDŽ*ˋ7 ü Ꮉ⌟ₓ੠᥻ࠊϬẔ⌟Ҿᜬ੠ᰒ߾Ҿᜬஂܲᑺ਍൫ *ˋ7 ü Ҿ఼Ҿᜬ෎ᴀᴃˊ Ⴎ D₋ϬẔ⌟ϢࠊிඣˈᇍϣˈҹҷՈᮑDŽᇍ☿࡯থˈᰃ࡯ϣ࡯থࠊՈᘏDŽ೼ϔѯĀҾᜬϢࠊā Lˈ , DŽˊ ˊ ⛁ D₋ϬẔ⌟Ϣࠊிඣᇍ☿࡯থՈ⛁࡯ϣˈҹҷՈ᥾ᮑDŽˊ ˊ Ϲ H D₋ϬẔ⌟Ϣࠊிඣᇍ☿࡯থՈথˈҹҷՈ᥾ᮑѠ V GD DŽˊ ˊ ẋ S D₋ϬẔ⌟ϢࠊிඣᇍϣˈҹҷՈ᥾ᮑDŽ ˊ ˊ ܼ Z S Dᭈਃࡼǃ᫇ǃذᴎϢˊঞՈₑਃࡼ਍᪡ˊ ˊ ֕ PᢆඣঞՈẔখ᭄ঞˈҹܲখ᭄੠źˈẔߎϡখ᭄੠źDŽЏ⌟ₓிඣՈϔϾ៪໮বₓᑊᇚᝯ⌟ؐϢؐՈDŽˊ ˊ ֕ VᇍϣՈ֕੠᥻ࠊDŽ◄ᯊˈẜࣙՈᅝᡸ᪡DŽ ˊ ˊ ▊ඣF G P V▊ඣϵ఼ǃবễ఼ঞᩥਜ਼ᴎϢՈ໪ඈ៤ˈᰃϔⒸ៪ᭈՈ᠔Ոখ᭄▊ࠊ֜ ৄ ϞՈҾᜬ៪& খᢅ ˊ ˊ ˊ Ϟ߾ˈҹ֓ؐʱˊ៪ᇍϣࠊDŽˊ ˊ ிඣᎹ HிඣᎹඣՈֲՈˈ໐ᇍிඣᇍᬥᵘ៤௤ǃඈᵘǃǃ᥻ࠊᴎᵘ਍ẟ੠᪂ᩥՈDŽϔՈࠊᇍᬥඣˈϬᑊՈඈ៤Ո݋Ո᳝ᴎᭈDŽ໐ඣᴀẜᰃՈϔϾඣՈඈ៤DŽˊ ⌟ₓϢᜬ P D G Lˊ ˊ ⌟ₓ PҹܲₓؐЎՈՈ᪡DŽˊ ˊ >⌟Ո@ₓ >@Tৃ៪ᅮₓܲՈϔᬥˈЎ៪Ոˊ ˊ >ₓ@ؐ Y > D @ϬϔϾ᭄੠ϔϾᔧՈ⌟ₓᜬ߾Ոₓˈབ Pǃ ǃϔ ਍DŽ ˊ ˊ বₓ Y݊ؐৃব⌟ߎՈₓ៪źDŽˊ ˊ বₓ L Y఼ҾᜬՈবₓDŽˊ ˊ ߎবₓ R Yϵ఼ҾᜬߎՈবₓDŽˊ ˊ ᝯ⌟বₓ P G Y⌟ₓՈবₓDŽᝯ⌟বₓỞ⏽ᑺǃ࡯ǃₓǃᑺ਍DŽ ˊ ˊ ᝯ⌟ؐ P G Y೼ᢈᴵӊՈⒸˈϵ⌟ₓញՈˈᑊҹ᭄ؐ੠⌟ₓᜬ߾Ոₓؐˊ ˊ >఼ҾᜬՈ@߾ؐ L GL> D P L@ Ҿ఼Ҿᜬ᠔Ոᝯ⌟ₓՈؐDŽˊ ˊ >ₓؐ@ףؐ W Y> D @ᜬ߾ℷ೼ₓᯊ᠔ᴵӊϟՈₓՈؐDŽ⊼˖ₓՈףؐᰃϔϾˊˈϔޚܲՈˈỞϬףؐᴹףؐDŽˊ ˊ >ₓՈ@൪ףؐ F W Y > D @ ЎϔᅮՈৃҹҷףؐՈₓؐDŽ⊼˖ ˊϔˈףؐᝯףؐՈˈᇍѢϔᅮՈϬˈؐৃᩥDŽˊϔϾₓՈĀףؐāˈϔϬՈஂܲᑺՈҾᜬ੠ᮍDŽˊ ˊ Hᝯ⌟বₓՈᝯ⌟ؐ੠ף᭄ؐDŽ⊼˖ ˊᔧ⌟ؐףؐᯊˈ˙⌟ؐϔףؐDŽˊᔧᜬ៪ញՈ᭄ߎᯊˈᖙᜬ៪ញՈޚDŽˊ ˊ ߾ؐ H R L GL ҾᜬՈ߾ؐ⌟ₓՈ ףؐDŽ ˊ ˊ ᓩϬ GX HҾᜬՈ߾ؐҹᢈؐˈᑊҹ᭄ᜬ߾DŽˊ ˊ ᇍ HҾᜬՈ߾ؐҹᝯ⌟ₓՈ ףؐˈᑊҹ᭄ᜬ߾DŽˊ ˊ ෎ᴀ L H೼খ↨ᴵӊϟҾᜬՈ߾ؐDŽˊ ˊ ޚ ஂ ܲᑺ DҾᜬ߾ؐϢ⌟ₓ ףؐՈϔᑺDŽˊ ˊ ޚ ஂ ܲᑺ਍൫ D FҾᜬޚ ஂ ܲᑺՈ਍൫DŽˊ ˊ V೼ᢈՈᎹᴵӊϟˈҾᜬ៪ញ೼ᢈᯊⒸݙবՈ࿁࡯DŽ ˊ ˊ Ẕ⌟Ҿᜬ P L੠⌟ₓՈҾᜬDŽҹᰃবễ఼ǃӴ఼៪Ⴎߎӊ੠ᰒ߾ញՈҾᜬDŽˊ ˊ Ẕߎӊ VˈGH GHߎ఼ˈ᳝ᯊӊDŽָ⌟বₓˈᑊᇚḰᤶ⌟ₓՈՈӊ៪఼ӊDŽবₓ੠ẔߎӊߎⒸՈ݇ՈˈϡবDŽ ˊ ˊ Ӵ఼ W GXᛳ⌟ₓˈᑊϔᅮᇚ݊Ḱᤶ៪ՈߎₓՈҾᜬDŽ ᳝ՈӴ఼ˈˊɴᬥՈᗻՈˈབ˖⏽ᑺӴ఼ˈǃᑺǃᑺǃᑺӴ఼ˈₑₓǃ࡯ǃ࡯఼ˈ఼DŽˊ ˊ বễ఼ WߎᷛޚՈӴ఼DŽবễ఼ৃˈབ˖⏽ᑺবễ఼ǃ࡯বễ఼ǃবễ఼ǃₓবễ఼ǃবễ఼ǃবễ఼ǃবễ఼ǃḰợবễ఼ǃϹবễ఼ǃবễ఼਍DŽˊ ˊ বễ఼V Wញᖂˊ఼Ոবễ఼ˈৃᇍ⌟ₓؐẟ᭄ˊ ࣙ ˈߎޚ῵ᢳ੠ˋ៪᭄ˈ݋੠Ⴎ࡯Ոবễ఼DŽ ˊ ˊ ᩥ ᜬ P⌟ₓ੠߾ᝯ⌟ؐՈញDŽϔϬ៪᭄߾খ᭄ؐՈࢴĀᜬāDŽ ᩥ ᜬ Ϭˈབ⌕ₓᩥǃ⏽ᑺᩥǃ࡯ᜬDŽ ˊ ˊ ᰒ߾ҾᜬGL Lᰒ߾ ߾ǃ਍ ᝯ⌟ₓؐՈҾᜬDŽˊ ˊ ߾Ҿᜬ L GLˈL GL L߾ᝯ⌟ₓؐ៪݊݇ؐՈᰒ߾ҾᜬDŽˊ ˊ ᜬ U GHˈU GL L⌟ₓؐ៪݊݇ؐՈᰒ߾ҾᜬDŽˊ ˊ ᜬ L L೼ᯊⒸˈ῁߾ϔᢈᯊⒸࠄ᭄ᯊⒸՈᝯ⌟বₓᩥؐՈᰒ߾ҾᜬDŽˊ ᥻ࠊ FᇍϣՈ᪂ ǃǃϹᴎǃϹ਍ࠊӊ ẟՈ ᓔǃ݇ǃਃǃذ DŽˊ ˊ ႮࠊD F៪Ⓒ᥹ࠊӊՈ᥻ࠊDŽˊ ˊ ࠊ P Fϵᴎᴎᵘ៪݊ࠊӊՈ᥻ࠊDŽ ˊ ˊ ᓔɳࠊ R O Fߎবₓϡᴀࠊ԰ϬՈ᥻ࠊDŽ῵ᢳᓔɳࠊ໪ˈẜ᳝੠ࠊ਍݊DŽˊ ˊ ࠊ ࠊ F G O F᥻ࠊ԰ϬবₓՈ᥻ࠊDŽˊ ˊ ᅮؐ᥻ࠊ F Z G VüSࠊDŽՓবₓֱᴀՈࠊDŽˊ ˊ বᅮؐ᥻ࠊF Z Y VüSՓবₓՈᅮؐব࣪ՈࠊDŽˊ ˊ ࠡࠊ G G FᇚϔϾ៪໮ᇍᝯবₓՈźՈḰᤶҹ໪Ո┈ϬՈ᥻ࠊDŽ ࠊ԰ϬՓবₓϢؐՈDŽℸϬৃᮑ೼ᓔɳ៪ࠊϞDŽˊ ˊ ൫᥻ࠊ F GH FЏࠊ఼ՈߎবₓᰃϔϾ៪໮ࠊ఼Ոখ↨বₓՈ᥻ࠊDŽ ˊ ˊ ࠊ WüS FՈব࣪ˈߎᓔ៪݇ϸՈ᥻ࠊDŽ ˊ ˊ ῵எࠊ FᇚՈஂܲₓḰ῵எₓˈ῵எˊ੠ˈߎஂܲₓՈࠊDŽˊ ˊ Ⴎࠊ D GD F₋ϬႮՈᮍব᥻ࠊᢈ៪ ੠ ᪂খ᭄਍ˈҹࠊிඣᗻՈࠊDŽˊ ˊ ᳔ࠊ R F೼ᢈՈᑺϟˈՓՈ᥻ࠊDŽˊ ˊ Ⴎࠊ VüW FᇍẋՈᔧՈ៪᳔ՈᗻˈႮࠊ఼ᭈখ᭄Ո᥻ࠊDŽˊ ˊ ࠊ O FỞᓔ݇ₓᓔ݇ₓߎՈ᥻ࠊDŽˊ ˊ ࠊ V FϔϔிՈ᥻ࠊDŽˊ ˊ ᭄ָࠊ GL GL F ''Ϭᩥਜ਼ᴎҷࠊ఼ঞࠊញˈָᇍϣՈ᥻ࠊDŽ᭄ָࠊᰃᩥਜ਼ᴎ᥻ࠊՈ ϔˈϔ൫ᩥਜ਼ᴎ᥻ࠊிඣՈϔ൫ˈϬᖂൟᩥਜ਼ᴎ៪ᖂˊ఼ᴹ˗ᩥ ਜ਼ᴎᩥਜ਼੠᪂ඣՈؐDŽˊ ˊ Ⴎࠊிඣ D F Vϵᇍᬥ੠᥻ࠊញᵘ៤Ոˈ࿁ᇍᝯᇍᬥՈᎹࠊՈிඣDŽ᥻ࠊញ੠ᝯ ᥻ᇍᬥПⒸՈ੠Ϭᵘ៤ࠊிඣՈẔDŽϔϬ᭄ े᭄῵ൟ ˈϬᩥਜ਼ᴎ ᭄ᴎঞ῵ᢳᴎ ẟ᭄῵ᢳˈ៪ᇚᩥਜ਼ᴎϢ῵ᢳDŽˊ ˊ ࠊிඣ F F VₓᰃₓǃߎₓгₓՈ᥻ࠊிඣDŽ೼ඣЁˈϡӊˈ৘ඈ៤ӊ Ոߎₓ῁ₓՈ᭄DŽˊ ˊ ࠊிඣ GL F Vₓᰃₓ៪ₓˈ໐ߎₓᰃₓՈ᥻ࠊிඣDŽிඣЁӊˈϔ ࠊிඣ ఼ࣙ ੠ࠊிඣ ࣙӊ DŽˊ ˊ ᴎᵘ DˈD Hᇚ᥻ࠊবЎՈᴎᵘDŽ੠ָˈՈࡼ࡯ Ϲ੠⇨ᴎᵘDŽˊ ˊ ᫇ᴎᵘ U Hϵᴎᵘব᪡বₓՈᴎᵘˈབࠊǃ਍DŽ ˊ ˊ ᥻ࠊ F YDŽ ϵࠊᴎᵘ᫇ՈˈҹবₓՈ᫇ᴎᵘDŽˊ ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣF Vˊ ˊ ϔ J Yˊ ˊ ˊ Ϲᩥਜ਼ᴎ H F࿁੠਍ₓẔՈϹDŽᑓϬѢᩥਜ਼ǃ᭄ˊ੠Ⴎࠊ਍ᮍDŽỞ఼ǃ᥻ࠊ఼ǃ఼ঞߎ੠ᰒ߾᪂਍ඈ៤DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ᩥਜ਼ᴎ GL F₋Ϭᜬ߾᭄ˈϬਜ਼੠ᇍ᭄ՈϹᩥᴎDŽỞ఼ǃ᥻ࠊញǃݙᄬ఼੠໪਍ඈ៤DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᖂˊ఼ P₋Ϭ῵៪῵ࠊ԰ՈЁˊ & ˈᖂ>ൟ@ᩥਜ਼ᴎՈӊˈᅠ੠᥻ࠊDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᖂ>ൟ@ᩥਜ਼ᴎ P݋ҹՈᩥਜ਼ᴎDŽҹᖂˊ఼Ўˈҹ῵Ո఼ǃߎ᥹੠݊ᵘ៤ՈDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᖂ>ൟ@ᩥਜ਼ᴎ V G PᴎDŽ೼ϔࠊϹᖂ>ൟ@ᩥਜ਼ᴎ৘ӊՈᩥਜ਼ᴎDŽϔ֜԰ˈᑊ᭄߾఼ҹᰒ߾࣏៪᭄DŽˊ ˊ ˊ Ꮉࠊᴎ S F݋Ո῵ᢳ੠ ៪ ᭄᭄Ո࿁࡯ˈᑊ῵੠ ៪ ᭄ࠊˈҹᅲࠊ੠ ៪ ֕Ո᭄ᩥਜ਼ᴎDŽՈ˖ǃᡫᑆᡄ࡯ᔎˈ࿁ˈᯊ᥻ࠊՈᡅˈ᳝Ոẋབ˖῵ᢳₓǃᓔ݇ₓǃ᭄ₓǃₓǃ᭄ₓߎǃᓔ݇ₓߎঞüᴎỞ਍DŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ῵ӊ P GXඈញՈӊӊˈϔҹඈՈᷛޚՈӊDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ GD᳝˖D Ϭᜬ߾ǃ៪ˈҹ៪ႮǃḰᤶ៪໘ˊDŽǃ៪Ոϔ៪Ⴎǃ៪໘ˊՈՈᜬ߾DŽˊ ˊ ˊ L೼᭄ˊЁˈҹϔᅮՈ᭄ՈDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᥹ Lϵǃ੠ՈDŽ೼ᩥਜ਼ᴎЁˈ᥹Ոӊ ࣙᩥਜ਼ᴎ৘Ⓒǃᩥਜ਼ᴎᩥਜ਼ᴎⒸҹঞᩥਜ਼ᴎϢඣⒸՈ ˈ៪៪Ոᩥਜ਼ᴎ࣏Ո఼៪఼ՈϔᾬDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᘏඃᡞ ៪࿁ₓ ՈഄՈỞDŽӊⒸՈඃˈᰃ᭄Ոϔ᭄ՈϔՈᘏDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ GD Kϔᴵ᭄ඃՈঝⒸӴՈᘏDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ GD QϔϾ᭄੠ϔϾ៪໮᭄ⒸӴՈDŽϔϾ᭄ҹϔϾ៪໮᭄ˈՈ៪ϡՈ៤DŽ᭄᭄Ոঝݙඈ៤DŽˊ ˊ ˊ O D Q $ϔ೼Ϭˈ೼᳝ݙϬѢ᭄ঝⒸẟ᭄Ո᭄DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ GD೼ᩥਜ਼ᴎˊՈ༘݇Ո᭄Ո▊DŽϔϾ᭄Ոϔᾬ៪ܼˈᑊϔϾඈ៤DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ҎᴎỞ PüP FᴎᇍDŽᰃᩥਜ਼ᴎ੠᭄˗ᩥਜ਼ᴎỞ߾ញᇚ໘ˊ੠᥻ࠊ߾ߎᴹDŽЎᴎỞˈᑨࠊǃՈӊDŽˊ ˊ ˊ X W៪ࢴᴎ᥹ P L DŽỞϬϬᴹᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣẟՈǃߎ᪂DŽབ˖ᴎǃ֜Ոᰒ߾఼ǃՈ߾఼਍DŽˊ ˊ ˊ LˈV₋Ϭᖂˊ఼ˈϵݙࠊՈǃ݋᭄੠ϔᅮᩥਜ਼ՈDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ᓔඣ R Vޚẟˈ࿁ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣՈϔᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ӊ Vᩥਜ਼ᴎՈிඣ࣏ǃϬ࣏ǃ᪡ඣঞ᭄ˊ੠᥻ࠊ᳝݇ՈᴀᘏDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ӊ V V೼࣏ࠊẋˈࣙᩥǃẔǃϬՈᎹ݋DŽབࠊՈ᪡ඣ੠᪱ˊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᑨϬӊ D VЎϬϬՈӊˈབ᭄ˊǃ᥻ࠊ਍ᑨϬӊDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ӊ K GZᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣЁՈᘏDŽབǃ῵ӊǃߎỞǃ఼਍DŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ӊᅠՈ῵ഫ఼ӊDŽ খᢅ ˊ ˊ ˊ ᴵˊ ˊ ੠ V D G GLˊ ˊ ˊ VϔϾ៪খ᭄ᜬ߾ՈϔϾ៪বₓՈՈˊবₓDŽখ᭄ࢴՈĀখ᭄āDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄GL Vখ᭄ᜬɴϬ᭄ᜬ߾ՈϔඈؐЁՈDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ῵ᢳ D Vখ᭄ᜬɴݙؐՈDŽˊ ˊ ˊ GL೼ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣЁˈЎᇍϣՈ֕੠᪡ˈ೼߾఼ খᢅ ˊ ˊ ˊ ϞՈ ৘߾DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᘏ R GLᜬ߾ᝯᇍᬥ੠᪂ǃখ᭄៪᥻ࠊிඣՈDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ẋ S GLᜬ߾ϔᝯᇍᬥՈϣǃ᪂੠খ᭄ՈDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᥻ࠊ F G Lᜬ߾ẋবₓՈ⌟ؐǃ᪂ؐǃؐǃߎؐ੠ᭈখ᭄ҹঞ਍ՈϔDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᡹ᨪϿ D GLࠊߎՈẋ᡹ᨪՈˈҹϡՈ៪ϡՈ߾᡹ᨪՈϔDŽỞ ˈ᪡ҹᮍϔϾ៪ϔ᡹ᨪDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᅲᯊ UüW W G GLϔᅮՈ₋ᯊⒸ བ ˈᇚϔᯊⒸⒸ བ ݙখ᭄Ո᭄ˈ఼Ёˈ ᑊҹඃ߾ՈϔDŽˊ ˊ ˊ K W G GLϔᅮՈ₋ᯊⒸ བ P ˈᇍϡՈখ᭄ẟᯊⒸ བ G ₋఼Ёˈ೼◄ ᡅᯊˈৃҹ᫇ߎᯊⒸݙՈ᭄ˈҹඃ߾ՈϔDŽˊ ˊ ˊ Ⴎ᡹ᨪϿ V GL D GLᇍẋࠊঝǃ᪡ঝǃỞ਍ẟˈᔧᯊᰒ߾݊ՈϔDŽˊ ˊ ˊ F GLҹᜬ߾ϔඈখ᭄ བᴎ⏽ᑺ ՈDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᓔ GL Z GRᇚՈϔ߾೼ˈҹ֓ՈDŽ ˊ ˊ ˋߎ LˋR ,ˋˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ₓ GL L ',ϡՈ᭄ₓˈгᓔ݇ₓ RüR L DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ῵ᢳₓ D L $,ব࣪ՈˊₓDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ₓߎ GL R 'ϡՈ᭄ₓՈߎˈгᓔ݇ₓߎ RüR R DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ῵ᢳₓߎ D R $ব࣪ՈˊₓՈߎDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ₓ S L ,ϡՈₓՈDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ₓߎ S RϡՈₓՈߎDŽˊ ˊ ˊ GHˈL X೼᭄ˊிඣЁ᭄ℸඣՈϔDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ߎ᪂ R GHˈR X೼᭄ˊிඣЁඣễߎ᭄ՈϔDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ߎ᪂ LüR GHˈLüR X ೼᭄ˊிඣЁϬᴹᇚ᭄ඣˈ៪ඣ᥹᭄ˈ៪Ո᪂DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ẋߎỞ S LˋR FDŽָՈ੠ߎӊՈᘏDŽӊᇚᝯখ᭄ བ⏽ᑺǃ࡯ǃₓˈ ǃǃ៤ˈˈ਍ Ո῵ᢳₓǃ᭄ₓǃᓔ݇ₓǃₓ੠ ਍ˈḰᤶࠊᩥਜ਼ᴎ᠔Ո᭄ₓˈᑊࠊᩥਜ਼ᴎߎՈ᭄ₓḰ ࠊ᠔ՈˊₓDŽˊ ˊ ໪ S Hᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣЁ੠Џ఼ߚՈ݊ՈᘏDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᴎ Sϔߎ᪂ˈᇚᩥਜ਼ᴎߎǃ೼Ո᪂DŽˊ ˊ ˊ K G FD ៪೼ᰒ߾ញՈDŽᩥਜ਼ᴎՈߎ៪೼ˈָՈ᭄ӊ ᡹ਞǃᜬ DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ῵ˋ᭄ǃ᭄ˋ῵Ḱᤶ఼ $ˋ'ǃ'ˋ$ FᇚՈ῵ᢳₓ བ˖ǃϹ਍ ḰᤶՈ᭄ₓᑊḰᤶՈ᪂DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ֜ Gϔඈ᳝Ոᵘ៤Ոញˈ᭄݊੠Ոˈᑊᇚ݊੠ЏᴎDŽˊ ˊ ˊ֜ϞՈϔࠊˈҹ᪂ǃ៪ᅠϔϾՈDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄֜ϞՈϔDŽᔧᅗϬᯊˈৃҹᅲ᭄ǃՈ៪ᅠDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ߾఼F GH U W &៪ࢴ߾఼ Y GR GL Xˈ'8 DŽᩥਜ਼ᴎߎՈᰒ߾఼ˈৃҹᰒ߾ǃᜬǃ᪱਍ˈỞϬඃ߾DŽᰒ߾఼ϟ┈ ᪂֜៪ǃ఼਍ˈϬ៪੠ᰒ߾఼ᴎᇍDŽˊ ˊ ˊ O SӊՈ⌟ញDŽϬѢ⌟ᰒ߾఼Ոˊˈᩥਜ਼ᴎᑊᇍՈ ǃ៪DŽˊ ˊ ˊ W᥻ࠊᰒ߾఼ϞՈϔDŽỞˈ᥻ࠊՈᮍDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ఼ Pᩥਜ਼ᴎՈϔ఼ˈỞ೼ϔᜬ☦DŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ Ꮉঝ H VկࠊᎹϬՈˈᇍᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣẟඈᗕǃǃׂ਍ՈঝDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ᪡ঝ R VկϬՈϔࠊৄDŽᰃᩥਜ਼ᴎⒸՈҎᴎ᥹ˈϔϾ߾఼ˈẜ ࣙϔϾ៪໮ˈབ⏲֜ǃ៪਍DŽ ˊ ˊ ᩥਜ਼ᴎ֕ Vˊ ˊ ˊ ᩥਜ਼ᴎ֕ඣ F P Vᇍϣখ᭄៪᪂⌟ˈᑊˊৢ߾ǃǃ᡹ᨪՈᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣDŽϬ ѢࠊிඣՈϔᾬᯊࢴĀ᭄ඣā GDˈ'$ DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᩥਜ਼ᴎ֕ඣ F V VᇚϣՈখ᭄ǃᝯᇍᬥ⌟໘ˊˈᑊՈࠊᢈǃࠊ Ոᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ GD Dᇚᩥਜ਼੠੥ˊẋҹঞࠊЁՈ᭄ҹ₋ˈḰᤶ᭄ᔧˊՈẋDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ˊ GD Sᇍ᭄ඣՈ᪡ˈབඃǃ਍DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ GD U GˈGD Oᇚᩥਜ਼ᴎẔ⌟໘ˊẋՈ᭄ˈϔᴎߎᴹDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ K GD PᇚₑՈẔখ᭄ᅮ఼Ёˈ೼ᖙᯊˈৃҹᯊ᫇ߎᰒ߾៪ˈᯊⒸৃҹᰃϔϾǃϔ៪᭄DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᅮᯊ S GL Oᇚᩥਜ਼ᴎẔ⌟໘ˊՈ᭄ՈᯊDŽˊ ˊ ˊ S O೼ᴎඈߎɴᯊˈᇚǃৢϔᅮᯊⒸݙᣛՈখ᭄᭄ߎᴹDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ᴎ U W Oਃࡼ៪Ոᮍ খ᭄᡹ᨪǃ᪂ਃذ਍ ਃࡼᴎˈঞᯊᇚ᳝݇খ᭄៪᪂Ոᓔ݇ߎᴹDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ӊ V R H೼থᯊˈᓔ݇ՈˈᯊⒸߎᴹDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ߚ࡯ UϬᴹҹՈᴵՈ᳔ⒸˈᇍѢϔϾ⌟ₓிඣˈҹ⌟ₓՈ᳔᭄ₓ˗ᇍѢϔϾࠊிඣˈҹ᥻ࠊՈ᳔ₓ˗ᇍϹˈᓔ݇Ո᳔ᯊⒸⒸˈϔ൫˗ᇍ&ˈǃᜬՈᑺDŽˊ ˊ ˊ V Uҹ᭄ᜬ߾ՈϔிՈDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ₋ V S GࠊிඣЁⒸՈᯊⒸⒸDŽˊ ˊ ˊ &߾ & GLᇚ᭄ඣЁՈẔ⌟੠໘ˊ೼&߾ߎᴹˈབඈখ᭄ᰒ߾ǃ߾ǃ߾ǃඃ߾ǃ߾DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᗻᩥਜ਼ S Fᇚ᭄ඣЁ⌟੠໘ˊՈ᭄ˈՈᇍᴎඈẔᩥਜ਼ˈབϬϹˈǃᴎᬜǃᴎඈᬜǃ(໛ǃ⛁਍DŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ᪡ R J GDᇍᴎඈਃǃذǃˊՈϬ៪᭛߾ˈг᡹ᨪߎˈؐʱҹDŽˊ ˊ ߚࠊிඣ GL G F V '₋Ϭᩥਜ਼ᴎǃỞ੠߾ˈᅲᇍϣՈ᭄ǃ᥻ࠊ੠ᡸ਍ˈϬỞ᭄Ո໮ᩥਜ਼ᴎ֕ඣˈ݊ˈ᭄ˈৃDŽ݋ԧгҹᰃӊՈߚDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ẋࠊ൫ S F OߚࠊிඣᵘЁՈϔ൫ˈ൫ϵՈẋঝǃ᥻ࠊঝඈ៤ˈ৘ঝ⌟Ҿᜬ੠ᴎᵘˈᅠ᭄Ո₋੠໘ˊˈᑊᇍᎹࠊ੠֕DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ֕൫ V OߚࠊிඣᵘЁ൫ՈϞϔ൫DŽϵᴎ᥹݇ඈ៤DŽ൫ЏࠊϢࠊҹঞˊ਍DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ੥ˊ൫ P OߚࠊிඣᵘЁՈϔ൫ˈϵˊҎᴎ᥹਍ඈ៤DŽ൫ҹˊϢˊˈࣙᑺǃிඣǃₓ᥻ࠊǃࠊ԰᡹ᜬǃ᭄੠ẟǃᦤ਍DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᥻ࠊঝ F Vߚࠊிඣẋࠊ൫ЁՈϔঝˈϬҹᅲᇍᎹՈ᭄ָࠊDŽ ᥻ࠊঝҹˈг᭄ඈ៤൫֕ඣDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ঝGD D Vߚࠊிඣẋࠊ൫ЁՈϔঝˈϬѢₓՈẔখ᭄៪ᅲ᭄Ո₋ˈᇚ݊ᔧՈḰᤶ੠໘ˊDŽ ᭄ঝҹˈгҹϢ᭄ඈ៤൫֕ඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ࠊঝ V F Vϵࠊ఼ S O F ៪ߚࠊிඣ᥻ࠊঝඈ៤ˈϬҹᅲՈࠊDŽࠊঝҹˈг᭄ඈ៤൫֕ඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ẋঝ S Vᰃࠊঝ੠᭄ঝՈᘏDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ῵ഫࠊ៤Ո݋ǃ໘ˊǃ᫇ࠊǃǃ᡹ᨪ਍Ո࣏῵ഫDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ඈᗕǃ F೼ߚࠊிඣЁˈϬඣᡅᇍϡՈ῵ഫᔧඈՈẋӊඈᗕDŽ ೼ߚࠊிඣЁˈϬඣᡅˈᇚϡՈঝǃ῵ӊ੠໪ˊඈӊDŽˊ ˊ ੥ˊඣ P L V ,ᰃϔϾ੠ᩥਜ਼ᴎՈҎᴎிඣDŽˊ᠔ҹϔϾՈϣ੠DŽϔǃ᥻ࠊ੥ˊ੠ˊᵘ៤DŽඣˈϣǃᩥǃǃǃǃҎǃ਍ඣDŽிඣҹ᭄ǃ᡹ᜬՈᮍˊˈҹᇍՈˊ੠᳔ࠊDŽ ҹॖˈϵ൫ՈϣǃᩥǃǃǃǃҎǃ਍ඣඈ៤Ո੥ˊඣˈࢴ൫੥ˊඣDŽˊ ˊ ॖ൫֕ඣ S V L V Ϭᇚ৘ᴎඈᩥਜ਼ᴎ֕ඣЁՈ᳝݇ᯊ᭄ؐ ᘏ Ո᪡ঝˈЎؐ ᘏ ֕ᴎඈᅝՈᅲᯊDŽᯊгᑺᇚᴎඈՈ'DŽ ˊ ৃ U᳝˖D ೼ᢈᴵӊϟ੠ᢈՈᯊⒸݙᜬǃ᥻ࠊញ៪ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣᅠՈ࿁࡯DŽ೼ՈᯊⒸ៪೼ՈՓϬ⃵᭄ݙˈ᪂ ఼ࣙӊ ࿁ՈDŽϵඣᩥ⌟ₓ᳝ˈ᠔ҹϔϬⒸᯊⒸᜬ߾DŽ ˊ ˊ ৃ PᴵӊᇍՓϬՈҾᜬǃ᥻ࠊញ៪ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣˈẟՈᑺˈ៪Ո࿁࡯DŽˊ ˊ ৃϬᯊⒸ D WϬՈᢆߎথˈ೼໪ᴵӊབǃ⇨਍ℷՈϟˈிඣ៪ញϬՈᯊⒸDŽˊ ˊ ᯊⒸ P W ೼Ҿᜬǃ᥻ࠊញ៪ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣՈᢈݙˈ೼ᢈᴵӊϟⒸՈᯊⒸؐDŽˊ ˊ ᯊⒸ P W W UҾᜬǃ᥻ࠊញ៪ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣ೼ᢈݙˈ೼ᢈՈᴵӊϟˈẟՈᯊⒸՈؐDŽˊ ˊD ᇍϡՈҾᜬǃ᥻ࠊញˈՈᎹᯊⒸ៪ᬙՈᯊⒸˈҹ P W W ᜬ߾DŽᇍৃՈҾᜬǃ᥻ࠊញˈⒸՈᎹᯊⒸˈᯊᯊⒸDŽˊ ˊ ᬙிඣ៪ிඣЁՈ Ҿᜬǃ᥻ࠊញ៪ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣ ϡՈDŽˊ ˊ ৃϬ DϔϾ៪ிඣℷՈᯊⒸ੠ᩥՈᘏᯊⒸˈϬ᭄ᴹᜬ߾ˈेˋ DŽˊ ˊ GX GD GHᇍிඣЁ݇⏲Ո໘ϬźՈ᪂DŽˊ ˊ ῵ֵ F P GH Vᯊ೼Ѣ ߎ ੠ⒸՈؐ੠ՈDŽ ˊ ˊ ῵ P GH Y೼Ѣ ߎ ੠ⒸՈǃ਍ؐՈϹDŽҹᰃᴎ៪⌟ₓ᥹DŽˊ ˊ ῵ᑆᡄ F P GH Lϵ೼῵ՈߎՈব࣪DŽˊ ˊ ῵ࠊ F P GH UҾᜬǃ᥻ࠊញ៪ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣࠊ῵ṗᇍ݊ߎՈ࿁࡯DŽ ˊ ˊ ῵ࠊ↨ F P GH U UҾᜬǃ᥻ࠊញ៪ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣՈ῵ˈϢߎՈ݋ՈDŽ ῵ࠊ↨Ϭ↨ؐ៪ؐՈ Ոߚ᭄ᜬ߾DŽˊ ˊ ῵ֵ V P GH VҾᜬǃ᥻ࠊញ៪ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣϬՈDŽˊ ˊ ῵ V P GH Y೼ᝯ⌟ϹϬՈDŽˊ ˊ ῵ᑆᡄ V P GH Lϵ೼῵߾ؐ៪ߎՈব࣪DŽˊ ˊ ῵ࠊ V P GH UҾᜬǃ᥻ࠊញ៪ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣࠊ῵ṗᇍ݊ߎՈ࿁࡯DŽ ˊ ˊ ῵ࠊ↨ V P GH U Uߎব࣪Ո῵ֵؐᇍѻߎব࣪ₓDŽ῵ࠊ↨Ϭ↨ؐ៪ؐՈ Ոߚ᭄ᜬ߾DŽ ☿ˊ Ⴎ D OᰃᇍϔϾࠊ᠔Ո࣏ᑺDŽ݊খ᭄Ẕ⌟ǃ᭄ˊǃႮࠊǃࠊǃ᡹ᨪ੠ᡸঞඣ᪂ᩥՈᅠᑺˈ᳔೼ؐʱՈ᭄ₓ੠᠔ՈDŽ☿࡯থՈႮᴎࠊₓঞ˗ᜬঞࠊ᪂ₓ˗ඣ᪂ᩥՈᅠᑺ˗ᮑᎹₓ˗ᡸ௤ᯬՈDŽˊ ⛁ᩥ GH R S S D ᩥᇍᬥՈᴵӊ੠ᡅˈϔ݋ᇍখ᭄Ẕ⌟ P ǃ᡹ᨪ D ǃ᥻ࠊ F ῵ᢳₓ᥻ࠊǃࠊ៪ᓔϔ݇ࠊ ੠ᡸ S ೼ݙՈႮඣDŽेᇍǃᴎඈঞ࡯ிඣǃ(୍ࠊ໛ඣˈǃǃǃկǃˊǃ⊍⊍ඣ੠ᡸ᠔ՈҾᜬ੠᥻ࠊ᪂ඣϔՈிඣ᪂ᩥ੠ᅝᩥDŽ ˊ ˊ ᥻ࠊᮍ F P GHؐʱ੠᥻ࠊᴎඈ៪݊࡯᪂ՈẔՈˈЏݙࠊ֜ ৄ Ո੠᠔Ո֕DŽϔࠊ੠▊ࠊDŽˊ ˊ ࠊ O F᥻ࠊ֜ ৄ ೼Џ བǃᴎ ៪ඣ བ┨ඣǃ⛁࡯ඣ ┈ˈ៪Ⓒ བˊḪⒸǃկ⊍⋉ ݙˈؐʱࠊ֜ϞˈߚᇍᝯᇍᬥՈẔ੠᥻ࠊDŽ ˊ ˊ ▊ࠊ F G Fᇚ೼ϣՈ᪂੠݇ඣՈ᥻ࠊ֜ ৄ ▊೼᥻ࠊݙˈؐʱᇍՈᴎඈẟՈ֕੠᥻ࠊDŽˊ ˊ ᴎࠊ üW F G FᇚǃᴎՈ᥻ࠊ֜ ৄ ▊೼᥻ࠊݙDŽЏϬѢඣЎࠊՈᴎඈDŽˊ ˊ ࠊ X F G Fᇚᴎඈ ǃᴎঞᴎ Ո᥻ࠊ֜ ৄ %֜ ▊೼᥻ࠊݙˈؐʱᴎඈ԰ϔϾ੠᥻ࠊDŽϬѢ੠ϹඣഛࠊՈᴎඈDŽˊ ˊ ḪⒸؐʱࠊ QüR F GH ϡؐʱˈඣᇍϣࠊՈḪⒸˈℸିⒸՈᡸிඣᅠˈ೼ᬙᯊৃҹႮՈ᪂DŽ ˊ ῵ᢳₓ᥻ࠊிඣ P GX F Vᅲǃᴎঞඣখ᭄ႮࠊՈᘏDŽ೼ඣЁˈᐌখ᭄Ⴎࠊঞ᡹ᨪˈᇍࠡˈ݊ߎₓЎₓՈ᭄DŽ೼ᇍ໪ӊЁгࠊிඣ&GOü W V DŽ ˊ ˊ ᴎඈࠊ X F GL G Fᇚüᴎඈ԰ϔϾࠊˈỞࠊಲᴎඈ೼ႮՈᎹˈǃᴎՈႮඣথߎˈҹব࣪Ո◄ˈᴎඈ᫇ǃ᫇Ո࿁࡯DŽϬՈ൫ᰃࠊிඣ੠ᴎ᥻ࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ P GH W % ᴎ᥻ࠊ ᓔɳ ˈࠊ ˈՓՈ ᴎব࣪Ո◄DŽℸ࢑ҹϬˈˈгᴎՈϔDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᴎ W P GH 7 ࠊ ᓔɳ ˈᴎႮࠊ ˈՓᴎࠡDŽℸ࢑ᴎඈᴎࠡ࡯ˈˈг೼ᯊϡՈϔDŽˊ ˊ ˊ F GL G P GHǃᴎᯊ᥹ࠊ੠Ոࠊிඣˈℸ࢑ՈϬˊ ˊ ࠊிඣ F VᅲࠊՈᘏDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ࠊ GüZ F᥻ࠊẟₓՈႮࠊிඣDŽᇍˈࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ࠊ F F᥻ࠊẟ੠ₓՈ᥻ࠊிඣˈेࠊՈႮࠊிඣՈˈࣙǃₓ੠࡯᥻ࠊDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ࡯᥻ࠊ S F᥻ࠊ࡯ ៪ℷ ՈႮࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ễࠊ D F᥻ࠊₓՈႮࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ࠊ F᥻ࠊẟՈₓ (ˈ⊍ˈϬ⇨བǃǃ ՈႮࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ẋ⏽ࠊ V V W F ᥻ࠊ⏽ᑺՈႮࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ⏽ࠊ U V W F᥻ࠊ⏽ᑺՈႮࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ (ᴎ᥻ࠊிඣ S ˈP ᅲ(ᴎ৘ࠊՈᘏDŽˊ ˊ ˊ (୍⏽ᑺ᥻ࠊ S W F(ˈ᥻ࠊ(ᴎߎ(୍⏽ᑺՈ᥻ࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ (ᴎҎ ࡯ ᥻ࠊ P L S F ᇍ(ᴎҎ࡯ ᥻ࠊՈ᥻ࠊிඣDŽ(ᴎ੠ࠊඣՈϡˈ᥻ࠊবₓ៪ᝯₓᰃՈDŽˊ ˊ ˊ (ᴎࠊ O G F R P᥻ࠊẟՈ(ₓˈՓ(ᴎ೼᳔ϟẔՈ᥻ࠊிඣDŽ ˊ ˊ ᴎ᥻ࠊிඣ W F Vᅲᴎ৘ࠊՈᘏDŽेᴎḰợ੠៪থᴎՈ੠೼ؐՈႮࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᴎࠊிඣ P K GU F ϵᴎˊ᪂ᩥՈӊǃӊ੠ᴎᵘᵘ៤Ոᴎ᥻ࠊிඣDŽඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ Ϲࠊிඣ HüK GU F ϵˊ᪂ᩥՈӊǃˊ᪂ᩥՈӊ੠ᴎᵘᵘ៤Ոᴎ᥻ࠊிඣDŽඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ࠊிඣ GL üK GU ' ϵˊ᪂ᩥՈӊǃ᭄ ᩥਜ਼ᴎ ǃˊ᪂ᩥՈӊ੠ᴎᵘᵘ៤Ոᴎ᥻ࠊிඣDŽ᭄DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ῵ᢳࠊிඣ D üK GU $ ϵˊ᪂ᩥՈӊǃ῵ᢳǃˊ᪂ᩥՈӊ੠ᴎᵘᵘ៤Ոᴎ᥻ࠊிඣDŽ῵ᢳDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᴎϹࠊிඣ PüHüK GUϬᖂൟᴎ ᩥਜ਼ᴎ ঞᴎᵘᅲᴎႮࠊ৘Ո᥻ࠊிඣDŽ ⊼˖г᭄ࠊிඣˈᴎՈĀ'āˈĀˊ ˊ ˊ ᴎႮਃذிඣ D GR $7ᴎՈ⛁࡯៪݊খ᭄ˈᴎ᥻ࠊிඣᅠᴎՈਃࡼǃᑊ៪ذՈႮࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᴎ⛁࡯֕ඣ W V V V ₋Ϭ᭄῵ൟ៪ˊ῵ൟՈᮍ⌟ḰᄤՈ⛁࡯ˈᇚᴎ᥻ࠊிඣˈϬҹࠊՈ੠ՈˈֱḰᄤ࡯೼ݙՈႮඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᴎඣ H W V೼ᴎẔˈߎɴᯊ࿁ᮑẟˊˈᑊ೼ᯊˈ࿁ᮑˈذᴎẔՈֱᡸிඣDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ Ḱợࠊ V G Fᴎ᥻ࠊிඣϔˈϬѢਃࡼǃ੠ᅮḰợࠊDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ࠊˋ O G Jᴎ᥻ࠊிඣϔˈϬѢᇍᴎඈࠊDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ࠊ O G Oᴎ᥻ࠊிඣЁՈ᥻ࠊϔˈỞࠊᴎ᫇Ոᓔᑺᴹࠊᴎඈߎ࡯DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᡸ᥻ࠊ RüV G S F ᡸ᥻ࠊᰃϔࠊՈ᥻ࠊDŽ᳝ϬᑺࠊᮍՈˈгϬࠊᮍՈˈབᴎḰợḰợՈ ˁᯊˈ݇⒱ˈᔧḰợᯊᓔਃ᫇ˈབℸডˈָḰợࠊಲҹḰợ˗៪ᯊ₋ϬDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᡸ RüV G S WᴎֱᡸிඣϔˈᔧᴎḰợϔؐᯊႮᴎ݇੠ЏDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ࠊ YüS Fᴎ᥻ࠊிඣϔˈָࠊ᫇ᓔᑺՈ᥻ࠊᮍDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ Q JϬবՈᮍবẟₓՈ᫇DŽ$ S DŽˊ ˊ ˊ Ā JϬবẟᓔᑺՈᮍবẟₓՈ᫇DŽ$ DŽˊ ˊ ˊ U R O Gᴎ᥻ࠊிඣϔˈᇚᴎℷϟ᠔Ոˈ೼থՈⒸݙ៪ᾬDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᫇ Yᴎ᥻ࠊிඣϔˈᔧⒸᬙᴎᑺᯊˈ݇⒱ˈᑊ೼ᓊảϔڱᯊⒸৢˈᓔਃ᫇ˈҹᴎ੠ϹՈˈ࡯ிඣՈˈϡ࡯ிඣሥDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ϹḰᤶ఼HüK GU F೼᥻ࠊிඣЁˈᇚϹࠊḰᤶࠊՈ᪂DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ⊍,ǃߕ S WϹḰᤶ఼Ёࠊ੠᫇⊍ₓ੠ᮍՈDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ⊍ᴎ VỞ⊍៪Ϲࠊࡼ࡯⊍ˈՓ៪ЏՈᴎᵘDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ˊ Y Pᅮǃ ੠ব࣪Ոᡅˈব᫇Ոᓔਃᮍˈᴎ೼ ܼ ៪ ᾬ ՈϟẔDŽḰᤶ $ˋ$W DŽˊ ˊ ˊ Ḱợ਍ ᑺবࡼ GU S V G Y ᴎ᥻ࠊிඣඃՈDŽỞҹᇍᑨՈḰợؐϢḰợؐՈ᭄ᴹᜬ߾DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ả෗ GH G Gඃϟᜐᯊ݋Ոϡˈࢴả෗DŽả෗ҹϔϟᜐඃᇍᑨՈḰợؐϢḰợؐՈ᭄ᜬ߾DŽ ˊ ˊ ݊ˊ ˊ ˊ ࠊிඣ F V %੠ᴎՈႮ࡯ǃ⏽ᑺႮࠊிඣՈᘏDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ Ⴎࠊ D J F $*ࠊথᴎՈႮࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ Ⴎᑺிඣ D GL V $'ǃᝯᴎඈᖂ੠ඃˈᅲᑺ ՈႮࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ Ⴎඣ D V G V $೼ᴎ᥻ࠊிඣՈϟˈᅲᴎႮՈ᥻ࠊிඣDŽ ˊ ᓔ݇ₓ᥻ࠊிඣ üR Vᅲǃᴎঞਃǃذ៪ᓔǃ݇ՈᘏDŽˊ ˊ ࠊிඣ V F VᇍϔᎹඣ៪ЏᴎϔᅮࠊՈ᥻ࠊிඣ ᓔɳࠊ៪ࠊ DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ඈ൫᥻ࠊ J Fᡞ݋ՈՈ᪂ϔϾՈ᥻ࠊˈབࠊDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ඈ൫᥻ࠊ V Fᡞϔᴎঞ៪ϔඣϔϾՈ᥻ࠊˈབᴎǃᓩᴎǃՈ᥻ࠊǃ఼ࠊDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ໛Ϭ᪂ࠊ D V Gü F៪ҹϞՈ᪂ བ ˈ೼Ẕذ៪ߎ࡯ᯊˈ໛Ϭ᪂ਃࡼՈ᥻ࠊDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ఼᥻ࠊிඣ F V %ব࣪Ոᡅ੠఼ˈႮ఼Ո᥻ࠊඣDŽ೼ЁⒸࠊඣЁ៪៤ᇍՈ఼˗೼ָࠊඣЁϔৄ(ᴎঞՈਃذ᥻ࠊிඣˈгϔҹ᥹ՈࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ RüWüR Fࠊᓔ݇ ៪ ᇍᑨϔৄϹᴎՈ఼ ᥹఼ ˈᑊᇍৄ఼ ᥹఼ ẟ ᓔǃ݇ ᪡DŽˊ ˊ ඃ V FϬᇍϹᴎՈ఼ ᥹఼ ẟˈ໐ϬՈ᪡ᓔ݇ ᇍϹᴎ఼ ᥹఼ ẟ ᓔǃ݇ ᪡DŽˊ ˊ ᓔ݇ₓ᪡఼ üR VϬѢᇍᴎẟਃǃذ៪ᓔǃ݇Ո᪂DŽϔᓔ݇៪DŽˊ ᡹ᨪ Dˊ ˊ ᡹ᨪඣD V݋ߎˈҹᜬ៪᥻ࠊிඣϡ៪ிඣখ᭄ؐՈႮඣDŽˊ ˊ ؐ᡹ᨪ O DẔߎবₓ៪ϟՈ᡹ᨪDŽˊ ˊ ᡹ᨪGH DẔߎবₓؐՈ᡹ᨪDŽˊ ˊ ఼ Dᜬ݇੠খ᭄ՈDŽᇍҹᜬ߾᡹ᨪݙՈ఼ࢴDŽˊ ˊ ߎ಴ RֱᡸࡼˈỞˊញϬ߾ߎᓩᡸࡼՈϔ಴DŽ ˊ ˊ ᡹ᨪᡥࠊ D F R᡹ᨪՈϔˊᮍˈབ೼ བਃࡼ ϟˈখ᭄ؐ᡹ᨪؐᡅˈᬥˈЎ᡹ᨪՈ᥾ᮑDŽˊ ֱᡸϢ S Lˊ ˊ ඣ G ᔧᯊˈֱᡸ ໪៪ݙ ໐੠᥻ࠊᮑՈႮඣDŽࣙඣ V V ੠఼᥻ࠊிඣ % DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᘏ P Wϵ៪ֱᡸˈՈ᠔DŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ⊍ R W݇⒱⊍ˈՈ᠔⊍ₓDŽˊ ˊ ˊ Wϵ៪Ẕ ϔ(୍ ႮDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ☿੠ḰবЎՈ࣪ᢅ៪݊ˊᜬDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ☿ Hᇚ੠ḰবЎᢅ៪ϡᢅՈDŽˊ ˊ ˊ V೼Ո᳔ব࣪ϟˈՈ☿DŽ ˊ ˊ ˈ ☿⌟఼ GHẔ⌟☿ᔎߎৃϬՈϹՈ᪂DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ܼ O R Dᜬ߾Ոϔˈᵘˈ᳝ϟ߫DŽD ᇍ˖Ϭ఼☿⌟៪⌟ᮍˈᔧϔ⌟఼Ẕ⌟Ո ˋ ᯊ˗Ϭܼ⌟ᮍˈᔧ ˋ ៪ҹϞՈ☿⌟఼Ẕ⌟ϡᯊˈᅮDŽᇍ:ൟ ⚻ᓣ♝ၟ˖ᔧẔ⌟ࠄ☿Ѣϔ᭄ₓᯊ ৃ ⚻᭄ₓঞ ˈᅮ♝ၟ☿DŽF ᇍᓣ ⚻♝ၟ˖ᔧϔ߫ ⚻☿Ẕ⌟఼Ẕ⌟ࠄՈ☿Ѣϔ᭄ₓᯊˈᅮ♝ၟ☿DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ⚻☿Ẕ⌟ L G ϔ ⚻ѢẔ⌟৘ ⚻☿Ẕ⌟ᮍᓣDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ☿Ẕ⌟ H Gᓣ♝ၟˈ೼ ⚻☿Ẕ⌟఼ˈϬ ⚻ ⚻☿Ẕ⌟ᮍᓣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ܼ♝ၟ☿Ẕ⌟ G೼ϔ ⚻☿Ẕ⌟఼ˈϬẔ⌟ܼ♝ၟ ⚻☿Ẕ⌟ᮍᓣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ☿ FẔ ⚻ ˁ៪ ˁ ⚻☿ˈ೼ϔᅮᯊⒸ བ V ݙּᯊՈ☿DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ☿ O R O W D Fᓣ ⚻♝ၟϔˈ᳝ ⚻ˈߎ ⚻ ᭄ₓৃ Ո☿DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᾬ☿ S O R♝ၟϔϾ៪໮☿៪ ⚻☿DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ♝ၟ HϬₓϟˈễ♝ၟˈҹ┨ӏ ˈᑊ˖D ᯊⒸѢ P♝♝ၟݙ ⃵DŽˊ ˊ ˊ Āₓ S UϡѢܼₓՈ ˁˈᯊѢ ˁₓDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ V೼ ⚻៪☿఼ৢˈՓ៪੠ ⚻ ᭭DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ⊍ V V R YˈV W Y ᭭៪԰ˈႮ ⚻ ᭭៪☿ DŽˊ ˊ W V L 7 ֕ ǃǃǃ਍ᴎ᭄ ՈDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ Ḹ D PˈW S P ֕ḸDŽˊ ˊ ˊ W V P֕DŽˊ ˊ ˊ G H P֕DŽˊ ˊ ˊ D ҹˈ⌟ₓDŽˊ ˊ ˊ Ḹ Ḹ U H P֕ḸDŽˊ ˊ ˊ Ḹ Ḹ Vˋ Y P ֕Ḹ៪ḸDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ] VᰃϔϾˈϬḸDŽˊ ˊ ˊ Wϔ⃵ˈDŽ⌟ₓḸ᭄ˈᑊ⌟ߎখDŽˊ ˊ ˊ Ϲ H F Sϔᓣˈҹ԰ˈ࿁⌟ₓ⌟ᜬѢᅝDŽˊ ˊ ˊ W⌟ₓḸDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᬙ D U Hü P $'ᰃϔϾ ৘Ḹ᭄ˈỞẔˈᇍǃ៪໘DŽẔ⌟ঞ᭄੠DŽ ˊ ˊ L᳝˖D ೼ བṗǃ♝ ⚻ ˈϔ᪂ᯊˈЎৢ⃵៪ৢՈ԰DŽ Ўߎ៪ϡ԰࣏ˈ໐ˈ₋៪԰࣏ˈҹ԰ˈབʌࡴDŽˊ ˊ ᴎ F៪থᯊˈՓ♝ϔˈৢˈৃᓣ˖D ˁ)ˈᰃᓣDŽˁ)ˈᰃ♝ᓣDŽˊ ˊ U 5ᰃDŽ བඝǃễǃᓩ থǃᴎᯊˈDŽ ˊ ˊ L Fϔখ᭄ࠄ៪ϔ᪂ᯊˈᯊ᥻ϔ᪂DŽ ˊ ᥻ǃ᥻ F UˈF֜ ৄ ˈᇍ੠᥻៪ĭDŽ ˊ ˊ X F U᳝ᯊࣙ֜ Ո֜ ৄ ˈᇍ੠᥻DŽˊ ˊ ᥻ F U֜ ৄ ˈᇍ੠᥻DŽབൟ☿࡯ǃ♝ǃ┨DŽˊ ˊ Џ H Fࣙǃবǃկ Ո֜ৄˈ੠᥻ĭDŽˊ ˊ Ϲ៪Ϲ F UկDŽˊ ˊ O F Uˈᅝ៪ி֜ ৄ Ոˈབ♝ǃǃǃ┨ǃǃ ┨ᇬ ᥻DŽˊ ˊ ᴎ♝ üW F U♝ˈ♝ǃ֜ ৄ ՈDŽˊ ˊ HüQ F U֜ৄǃᇍDŽˊ ˊ Ϲ H Uᅝ ࣙ ᶰDŽˊ ˊ ؐ V H UϹ԰ՈˈݙDŽˊ ᥻֜ ৄǃᶰˊ ˊ ֜ǃሣ SݙDŽ ϬѢᅝǃ៪DŽˊ ˊ ᶰ Fˈੵ᳝੠ ៪ ݙǃ᥻DŽੵDŽˊ ˊ ᥻֜ Fǃ᥻੠਍Ո֜ ሣǃᶰ DŽ ˊ ˊ ᥻ৄ F԰ਬৄDŽৄϞ֜ ਍DŽˊ ˊ ᴎ֜ %֜ W J S᥻♝ǃǃথ֜ ৄ DŽˊ ˊ ֜D S┨֜໪ˈ݊੠᥻֜DŽˊ ˊ ֜ ሣ P S֜ ሣ Ϟ߾ˈҾǃ߾֜ ሣ DŽˊ ˊ ֜ ሣ VüP S೼֜ ሣ Ϟ߾֜ ሣˊ ˊ ֱੵ ᶰ Zü Fੵ ᶰ ݙࡴˈ࿁ݙੵ ᶰ DŽ֜ ሣ Ϟ߾DŽ᥻ᇬ⓶ੵ៪ᶰDŽࡴˊ ˊ ⛁ᶰ ੵ üG Ўᶰ ੵ ˈᶰݙֱ݊DŽᶰᓣᓣ੠ᓣϸDŽˊ ˊ ੵ ᶰǃᶊ W FˈUկੵ ᶰǃᶊ ˈݙDŽˊ ˊ ᶰ U Fញ៪ࡴᶰDŽˊ ˊ ਍൫ G R S਍൫ * ü ਍ᬜ, ᷛẔˈᇍੵ ᶰ ˈĭ ࣙᇬ඗ ẟ៪DŽ, Lü W S ߾DŽ ˊ V៪ ੠ ᥻DŽˊ ˊ ☿Ϲ S S Vᇍ԰ˈ࿁ˈЎDŽ ᭄݊Ո߾ǃǃ᪡԰ǃႮ੠਍DŽˊ ˊ ܼǃ Ϣ֜ǃৄঞ݊Ϟ੠ϔDŽẔ ৘᭄ՈϔˈᑊᯊՈˈDŽˊ ˊ ǃ U V K U᭄Ոϔˈ֜ǃৄ԰њDŽ೼ ǃˈ໐DŽˊ ˊ Ởൟ J Vϔˈ֜ ৄ ǃൟ԰њˈ ᳝DŽˊ ˊ੠ᝯ੠᥻ǃࡼDŽ ˊ ˊ ĭ Sĭ੠᥻֜ǃৄDŽ ˊ ˊ ᝯ SϵDŽǃ᥻᭄ൟ੠᭄਍ ՈDŽˊ ˊ ৄ ৄ L V੠֕ˈϔৄ&੠֜ˈ ࡴ੠ϔϾDŽˊ ˊ V VϬDŽ˖D Ϲൟ˗ৄ˗F ੠˗G ᩥ԰ி੠ᅲDŽˊ ˊ V F ԰ՈDŽϔ˖D Ꮉ ˗ᯊ˗F ᬙ੠┨˗G Ẕǃൟ˗H ੠ₑ˗ᅲᯊ੠ǃ˗J ˗K ໪᭄໘˗L ˗DŽˊ ˊ ԰ R Vᇍ៪԰Ոˈϔϔৄ੠ϔϾ֜ˈ԰֜DŽˊ ˊ ,ˋ2 ,ˋ2 L Hᇍ֜Ϟˈϔ$ˋ'ǃ'ˋ$ǃ',ǃ'2਍DŽˊ ˊ Ϲൟ S P Vǃᅲᯊഄǃ੠԰Ոˈ݊੠Ѣൟ੠ϬDŽˊ ˊ L V VЎ੠DŽˊ ˊ ੠⌟᪙ G D W V ᇍ ࣙǃᜬ֜᪂੠,ˋ2 ẟ੠੠⌟᪙DŽᆵ᭛௦ᓩAabsolute expansion monitor of turbine .............................................. accuracy ...........................................................................3.2.17 accuracy class......................................................................3.2.18 actuator, actuating element ........................................................3.3.20 adaptive control ...................................................................3.3.11 air flow control ................................................................... alarm ..............................................................................4.5 arm cut out ........................................................................4.5.6 alarm display....................................................................... alarm system .......................................................................4.5.1 analog electro hydraulic control (AEH) ............................................. analog input ˄AI ˅.................................................................. analog output (AO) ................................................................. analogue signal ................................................................... annunciator ........................................................................4.5.4 application software .............................................................. automated diagnostics for steam turbine [rotating equipment] (ADRE) ............... automation ........................................................................ 3.1 automatic control ................................................................. 3.3.1 automatic control system ...........................................................3.3.17 automatic dispatch system (ADS) .................................................... automatic generation control (AGC) ................................................. automatic level ................................................................... 4.1 automatic synchronized system (ASS) ............................................... automatic stand-by control ........................................................ automatic turbine startup or shutdown control system (ATC) ......................... auxiliary panel ................................................................... 4.8.6 available time .....................................................................3.5.2 availablity ....................................................................... 3.5.7 axial movement .................................................................... Bbar chart display ................................................................. (function) block .................................................................. boiler control system ............................................................. 4.3.2boiler follow mode (turbine base) (BF) ............................................. boiler-turbine centralized control................................................. 4.2.4 boiler-turbine control room ........................................................4.7.6 boiler turbine generator panel......................................................4.8.5 burner control system (BCS)......................................................... bus ............................................................................... ............................................................................ ...4.8.2bypass control system (BPC)......................................................... cabinet.............................................................................4.8.2cable room..........................................................................4.7.4 cascade control ................................................................... 3.3.8 cathode ray tube (CRT) ............................................................ centralized control ............................................................... 4.2.3 centralized monitoring system.......................................................3.1.7 combustion control.................................................................. common mode interference .......................................................... 3.5.11 common mode rejection ............................................................. 3.5.12 common mode rejection ratio ....................................................... 3.5.13 common mode signal..................................................................3.5.9 common mode voltage ................................................................3.5.10 computer monitoring system.......................................................... computer systems....................................................................3.4 computer supervisory................................................................3.4.5 computersupervisory system.......................................................... configuration ..................................................................... console.............................................................................4.8.4 continuous control system ......................................................... 3.3.18 control ........................................................................... 3.3control board.......................................................................4.8.3control building....................................................................4.7control display..................................................................... control mode........................................................................4.2.1control room....................................................................... 4.7.2control station.................................................................... control valve.......................................................................3.3.22control with fixed set-point........................................................3.3.5 control with variable set-point.....................................................3.3.6 conventional true value[of a.quantity] .............................................3.2.11 A/D, D/A onverter................................................................... closed loop control.................................................................3.3.4critical flame...................................................................... data................................................................................ acquisition.................................................................... acquisition station............................................................ data base........................................................................... highway........................................................................ processing..................................................................... record, data logging........................................................... dead band........................................................................... degree of protection................................................................4.8.13 design of thermal power plant automation........................................... 4.2 detecting device....................................................................3.2.21 deviation alarm.....................................................................4.5.3 diagnostic and test software........................................................4.9.15 differential expansion monitor...................................................... digital electro-hydraulic control (DEH)............................................. digital computer.................................................................... digital input (DI).................................................................. digital output (DO)................................................................. digital signal...................................................................... digital control (DDC)........................................................3.3.16 discontinuous control system........................................................3.3.19 display............................................................................. for window.................................................................. display instrument..................................................................3.2.26CRT display......................................................................... distributed control system (DCS)....................................................3.4.6 droop............................................................................... current probe.................................................................. electric automation.................................................................3.1.2 electric control building ..........................................................4.7.3 electric-net control room...........................................................4.7.7 electro-hydraulic control (EHC)..................................................... electro-hydraulic converter........................................................ room....................................................................4.7.8 elevation flame detection........................................................... emergency trip system (ETS)......................................................... engineer station.................................................................... error...............................................................................3.2.12error of indication.................................................................3.2.13Ffast cut back (FCB).................................................................4.6.4fast valving........................................................................ fault...............................................................................3.5.6 feedforward control.................................................................3.3.7feed-water control.................................................................. fiducial error..................................................................... 3.2.14 firmware............................................................................ out...........................................................................4.5.5 flame............................................................................... envelope...................................................................... detector...................................................................... fired power plant simulator..................................................4.9.1 fuctional fidelity..................................................................4.9.5fuel control........................................................................ trip........................................................................... furnace flame detection........................................................ scope high realism simulator...................................................4.9.2 function group control.............................................................. function key........................................................................ pressure contro............................................................. furnace purge....................................................................... furnace safetyguard supervisory system (FSSS).......................................4.6.1 fuzzy control.......................................................................3.3.10Ggeneric simulator...................................................................4.9.4H hardware............................................................................ copy........................................................................... trend display............................................................ [of a measuring instrument]..............................................3.2.9 indicator ˈindicating instrument ...................................................3.2.27 individual burner flame detection................................................... information......................................................................... device ˈinput unit............................................................ input/output ˄I/O ˅.................................................................3.4.3input-output device, input-output unit.............................................. input variable..................................................................... 3.2.5integrating instrument .............................................................3.2.29intelligent terminal................................................................ ......................................................................... ......................................................................... 4.6.3interlock control ................................................................. 4.6.6intrinsic error ................................................................... 3.2.16instructor station................................................................. 4.9.8instructor station software ........................................................4.9.14 I/O interface eguipment ............................................................4.9.12 Kkeyboard............................................................................ transducer .............................................................. areanetwork (LAN)............................................................ life................................................................................3.5.5light pen...........................................................................4.4.8limit alarm.........................................................................4.5.2load control of ball mill ......................................................... load governing...................................................................... limit ......................................................................... control...................................................................... 4.2.2local control room ................................................................ 4.7.5logic control ..................................................................... 3.3.14loss of all flame ................................................................. of flame to a corner ..........................................................6.1.13。

NuMicro N9H30系列开发板用户手册说明书

NuMicro N9H30系列开发板用户手册说明书

NuMicro®FamilyArm® ARM926EJ-S BasedNuMaker-HMI-N9H30User ManualEvaluation Board for NuMicro® N9H30 SeriesNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALThe information described in this document is the exclusive intellectual property ofNuvoton Technology Corporation and shall not be reproduced without permission from Nuvoton.Nuvoton is providing this document only for reference purposes of NuMicro microcontroller andmicroprocessor based system design. Nuvoton assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions.All data and specifications are subject to change without notice.For additional information or questions, please contact: Nuvoton Technology Corporation.Table of Contents1OVERVIEW (5)1.1Features (7)1.1.1NuMaker-N9H30 Main Board Features (7)1.1.2NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 Extension Board Features (7)1.2Supporting Resources (8)2NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 HARDWARE CONFIGURATION (9)2.1NuMaker-N9H30 Board - Front View (9)2.2NuMaker-N9H30 Board - Rear View (14)2.3NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 - Front View (20)2.4NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 - Rear View (21)2.5NuMaker-N9H30 and NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 PCB Placement (22)3NUMAKER-N9H30 AND NUDESIGN-TFT-LCD7 SCHEMATICS (24)3.1NuMaker-N9H30 - GPIO List Circuit (24)3.2NuMaker-N9H30 - System Block Circuit (25)3.3NuMaker-N9H30 - Power Circuit (26)3.4NuMaker-N9H30 - N9H30F61IEC Circuit (27)3.5NuMaker-N9H30 - Setting, ICE, RS-232_0, Key Circuit (28)NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL3.6NuMaker-N9H30 - Memory Circuit (29)3.7NuMaker-N9H30 - I2S, I2C_0, RS-485_6 Circuit (30)3.8NuMaker-N9H30 - RS-232_2 Circuit (31)3.9NuMaker-N9H30 - LCD Circuit (32)3.10NuMaker-N9H30 - CMOS Sensor, I2C_1, CAN_0 Circuit (33)3.11NuMaker-N9H30 - RMII_0_PF Circuit (34)3.12NuMaker-N9H30 - RMII_1_PE Circuit (35)3.13NuMaker-N9H30 - USB Circuit (36)3.14NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 - TFT-LCD7 Circuit (37)4REVISION HISTORY (38)List of FiguresFigure 1-1 Front View of NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 Evaluation Board (5)Figure 1-2 Rear View of NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 Evaluation Board (6)Figure 2-1 Front View of NuMaker-N9H30 Board (9)Figure 2-2 Rear View of NuMaker-N9H30 Board (14)Figure 2-3 Front View of NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 Board (20)Figure 2-4 Rear View of NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 Board (21)Figure 2-5 Front View of NuMaker-N9H30 PCB Placement (22)Figure 2-6 Rear View of NuMaker-N9H30 PCB Placement (22)Figure 2-7 Front View of NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 PCB Placement (23)Figure 2-8 Rear View of NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 PCB Placement (23)Figure 3-1 GPIO List Circuit (24)Figure 3-2 System Block Circuit (25)Figure 3-3 Power Circuit (26)Figure 3-4 N9H30F61IEC Circuit (27)Figure 3-5 Setting, ICE, RS-232_0, Key Circuit (28)Figure 3-6 Memory Circuit (29)Figure 3-7 I2S, I2C_0, RS-486_6 Circuit (30)Figure 3-8 RS-232_2 Circuit (31)Figure 3-9 LCD Circuit (32)NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL Figure 3-10 CMOS Sensor, I2C_1, CAN_0 Circuit (33)Figure 3-11 RMII_0_PF Circuit (34)Figure 3-12 RMII_1_PE Circuit (35)Figure 3-13 USB Circuit (36)Figure 3-14 TFT-LCD7 Circuit (37)List of TablesTable 2-1 LCD Panel Combination Connector (CON8) Pin Function (11)Table 2-2 Three Sets of Indication LED Functions (12)Table 2-3 Six Sets of User SW, Key Matrix Functions (12)Table 2-4 CMOS Sensor Connector (CON10) Function (13)Table 2-5 JTAG ICE Interface (J2) Function (14)Table 2-6 Expand Port (CON7) Function (16)Table 2-7 UART0 (J3) Function (16)Table 2-8 UART2 (J6) Function (16)Table 2-9 RS-485_6 (SW6~8) Function (17)Table 2-10 Power on Setting (SW4) Function (17)Table 2-11 Power on Setting (S2) Function (17)Table 2-12 Power on Setting (S3) Function (17)Table 2-13 Power on Setting (S4) Function (17)Table 2-14 Power on Setting (S5) Function (17)Table 2-15 Power on Setting (S7/S6) Function (18)Table 2-16 Power on Setting (S9/S8) Function (18)Table 2-17 CMOS Sensor Connector (CON9) Function (19)Table 2-18 CAN_0 (SW9~10) Function (19)NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL1 OVERVIEWThe NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 is an evaluation board for GUI application development. The NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 consists of two parts: a NuMaker-N9H30 main board and a NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 extensionboard. The NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 is designed for project evaluation, prototype development andvalidation with HMI (Human Machine Interface) function.The NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 integrates touchscreen display, voice input/output, rich serial port serviceand I/O interface, providing multiple external storage methods.The NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 can be plugged into the main board via the DIN_32x2 extension connector.The NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 includes one 7” LCD which the resolution is 800x480 with RGB-24bits andembedded the 4-wires resistive type touch panel.Figure 1-1 Front View of NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 Evaluation BoardNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL Figure 1-2 Rear View of NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 Evaluation Board1.1 Features1.1.1 NuMaker-N9H30 Main Board Features●N9H30F61IEC chip: LQFP216 pin MCP package with DDR (64 MB)●SPI Flash using W25Q256JVEQ (32 MB) booting with quad mode or storage memory●NAND Flash using W29N01HVSINA (128 MB) booting or storage memory●One Micro-SD/TF card slot served either as a SD memory card for data storage or SDIO(Wi-Fi) device●Two sets of COM ports:–One DB9 RS-232 port with UART_0 used 75C3232E transceiver chip can be servedfor function debug and system development.–One DB9 RS-232 port with UART_2 used 75C3232E transceiver chip for userapplication●22 GPIO expansion ports, including seven sets of UART functions●JTAG interface provided for software development●Microphone input and Earphone/Speaker output with 24-bit stereo audio codec(NAU88C22) for I2S interfaces●Six sets of user-configurable push button keys●Three sets of LEDs for status indication●Provides SN65HVD230 transceiver chip for CAN bus communication●Provides MAX3485 transceiver chip for RS-485 device connection●One buzzer device for program applicationNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL●Two sets of RJ45 ports with Ethernet 10/100 Mbps MAC used IP101GR PHY chip●USB_0 that can be used as Device/HOST and USB_1 that can be used as HOSTsupports pen drives, keyboards, mouse and printers●Provides over-voltage and over current protection used APL3211A chip●Retain RTC battery socket for CR2032 type and ADC0 detect battery voltage●System power could be supplied by DC-5V adaptor or USB VBUS1.1.2 NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 Extension Board Features●7” resolution 800x480 4-wire resistive touch panel for 24-bits RGB888 interface●DIN_32x2 extension connector1.2 Supporting ResourcesFor sample codes and introduction about NuMaker-N9H30, please refer to N9H30 BSP:https:///products/gui-solution/gui-platform/numaker-hmi-n9h30/?group=Software&tab=2Visit NuForum for further discussion about the NuMaker-HMI-N9H30:/viewforum.php?f=31 NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL2 NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 HARDWARE CONFIGURATION2.1 NuMaker-N9H30 Board - Front View Combination Connector (CON8)6 set User SWs (K1~6)3set Indication LEDs (LED1~3)Power Supply Switch (SW_POWER1)Audio Codec(U10)Microphone(M1)NAND Flash(U9)RS-232 Transceiver(U6, U12)RS-485 Transceiver(U11)CAN Transceiver (U13)Figure 2-1 Front View of NuMaker-N9H30 BoardFigure 2-1 shows the main components and connectors from the front side of NuMaker-N9H30 board. The following lists components and connectors from the front view:NuMaker-N9H30 board and NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 board combination connector (CON8). This panel connector supports 4-/5-wire resistive touch or capacitance touch panel for 24-bits RGB888 interface.Connector GPIO pin of N9H30 FunctionCON8.1 - Power 3.3VCON8.2 - Power 3.3VCON8.3 GPD7 LCD_CSCON8.4 GPH3 LCD_BLENCON8.5 GPG9 LCD_DENCON8.7 GPG7 LCD_HSYNCCON8.8 GPG6 LCD_CLKCON8.9 GPD15 LCD_D23(R7)CON8.10 GPD14 LCD_D22(R6)CON8.11 GPD13 LCD_D21(R5)CON8.12 GPD12 LCD_D20(R4)CON8.13 GPD11 LCD_D19(R3)CON8.14 GPD10 LCD_D18(R2)CON8.15 GPD9 LCD_D17(R1)CON8.16 GPD8 LCD_D16(R0)CON8.17 GPA15 LCD_D15(G7)CON8.18 GPA14 LCD_D14(G6)CON8.19 GPA13 LCD_D13(G5)CON8.20 GPA12 LCD_D12(G4)CON8.21 GPA11 LCD_D11(G3)CON8.22 GPA10 LCD_D10(G2)CON8.23 GPA9 LCD_D9(G1) NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALCON8.24 GPA8 LCD_D8(G0)CON8.25 GPA7 LCD_D7(B7)CON8.26 GPA6 LCD_D6(B6)CON8.27 GPA5 LCD_D5(B5)CON8.28 GPA4 LCD_D4(B4)CON8.29 GPA3 LCD_D3(B3)CON8.30 GPA2 LCD_D2(B2)CON8.31 GPA1 LCD_D1(B1)CON8.32 GPA0 LCD_D0(B0)CON8.33 - -CON8.34 - -CON8.35 - -CON8.36 - -CON8.37 GPB2 LCD_PWMCON8.39 - VSSCON8.40 - VSSCON8.41 ADC7 XPCON8.42 ADC3 VsenCON8.43 ADC6 XMCON8.44 ADC4 YMCON8.45 - -CON8.46 ADC5 YPCON8.47 - VSSCON8.48 - VSSCON8.49 GPG0 I2C0_CCON8.50 GPG1 I2C0_DCON8.51 GPG5 TOUCH_INTCON8.52 - -CON8.53 - -CON8.54 - -CON8.55 - -NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL CON8.56 - -CON8.57 - -CON8.58 - -CON8.59 - VSSCON8.60 - VSSCON8.61 - -CON8.62 - -CON8.63 - Power 5VCON8.64 - Power 5VTable 2-1 LCD Panel Combination Connector (CON8) Pin Function●Power supply switch (SW_POWER1): System will be powered on if the SW_POWER1button is pressed●Three sets of indication LEDs:LED Color DescriptionsLED1 Red The system power will beterminated and LED1 lightingwhen the input voltage exceeds5.7V or the current exceeds 2A.LED2 Green Power normal state.LED3 Green Controlled by GPH2 pin Table 2-2 Three Sets of Indication LED Functions●Six sets of user SW, Key Matrix for user definitionKey GPIO pin of N9H30 FunctionK1 GPF10 Row0 GPB4 Col0K2 GPF10 Row0 GPB5 Col1K3 GPE15 Row1 GPB4 Col0K4 GPE15 Row1 GPB5 Col1K5 GPE14 Row2 GPB4 Col0K6GPE14 Row2GPB5 Col1 Table 2-3 Six Sets of User SW, Key Matrix Functions●NAND Flash (128 MB) with Winbond W29N01HVS1NA (U9)●Microphone (M1): Through Nuvoton NAU88C22 chip sound input●Audio CODEC chip (U10): Nuvoton NAU88C22 chip connected to N9H30 using I2Sinterface–SW6/SW7/SW8: 1-2 short for RS-485_6 function and connected to 2P terminal (CON5and J5)–SW6/SW7/SW8: 2-3 short for I2S function and connected to NAU88C22 (U10).●CMOS Sensor connector (CON10, SW9~10)–SW9~10: 1-2 short for CAN_0 function and connected to 2P terminal (CON11)–SW9~10: 2-3 short for CMOS sensor function and connected to CMOS sensorconnector (CON10)Connector GPIO pin of N9H30 FunctionCON10.1 - VSSCON10.2 - VSSNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALCON10.3 - Power 3.3VCON10.4 - Power 3.3VCON10.5 - -CON10.6 - -CON10.7 GPI4 S_PCLKCON10.8 GPI3 S_CLKCON10.9 GPI8 S_D0CON10.10 GPI9 S_D1CON10.11 GPI10 S_D2CON10.12 GPI11 S_D3CON10.13 GPI12 S_D4CON10.14 GPI13 S_D5CON10.15 GPI14 S_D6CON10.16 GPI15 S_D7CON10.17 GPI6 S_VSYNCCON10.18 GPI5 S_HSYNCCON10.19 GPI0 S_PWDNNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL CON10.20 GPI7 S_nRSTCON10.21 GPG2 I2C1_CCON10.22 GPG3 I2C1_DCON10.23 - VSSCON10.24 - VSSTable 2-4 CMOS Sensor Connector (CON10) FunctionNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL2.2NuMaker-N9H30 Board - Rear View5V In (CON1)RS-232 DB9 (CON2,CON6)Expand Port (CON7)Speaker Output (J4)Earphone Output (CON4)Buzzer (BZ1)System ResetSW (SW5)SPI Flash (U7,U8)JTAG ICE (J2)Power ProtectionIC (U1)N9H30F61IEC (U5)Micro SD Slot (CON3)RJ45 (CON12, CON13)USB1 HOST (CON15)USB0 Device/Host (CON14)CAN_0 Terminal (CON11)CMOS Sensor Connector (CON9)Power On Setting(SW4, S2~S9)RS-485_6 Terminal (CON5)RTC Battery(BT1)RMII PHY (U14,U16)Figure 2-2 Rear View of NuMaker-N9H30 BoardFigure 2-2 shows the main components and connectors from the rear side of NuMaker-N9H30 board. The following lists components and connectors from the rear view:● +5V In (CON1): Power adaptor 5V input ●JTAG ICE interface (J2) ConnectorGPIO pin of N9H30Function J2.1 - Power 3.3V J2.2 GPJ4 nTRST J2.3 GPJ2 TDI J2.4 GPJ1 TMS J2.5 GPJ0 TCK J2.6 - VSS J2.7 GPJ3 TD0 J2.8-RESETTable 2-5 JTAG ICE Interface (J2) Function●SPI Flash (32 MB) with Winbond W25Q256JVEQ (U7); only one (U7 or U8) SPI Flashcan be used●System Reset (SW5): System will be reset if the SW5 button is pressed●Buzzer (BZ1): Control by GPB3 pin of N9H30●Speaker output (J4): Through the NAU88C22 chip sound output●Earphone output (CON4): Through the NAU88C22 chip sound output●Expand port for user use (CON7):Connector GPIO pin of N9H30 FunctionCON7.1 - Power 3.3VCON7.2 - Power 3.3VCON7.3 GPE12 UART3_TXDCON7.4 GPH4 UART1_TXDCON7.5 GPE13 UART3_RXDCON7.6 GPH5 UART1_RXDCON7.7 GPB0 UART5_TXDCON7.8 GPH6 UART1_RTSCON7.9 GPB1 UART5_RXDCON7.10 GPH7 UART1_CTSCON7.11 GPI1 UART7_TXDNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL CON7.12 GPH8 UART4_TXDCON7.13 GPI2 UART7_RXDCON7.14 GPH9 UART4_RXDCON7.15 - -CON7.16 GPH10 UART4_RTSCON7.17 - -CON7.18 GPH11 UART4_CTSCON7.19 - VSSCON7.20 - VSSCON7.21 GPB12 UART10_TXDCON7.22 GPH12 UART8_TXDCON7.23 GPB13 UART10_RXDCON7.24 GPH13 UART8_RXDCON7.25 GPB14 UART10_RTSCON7.26 GPH14 UART8_RTSCON7.27 GPB15 UART10_CTSCON7.28 GPH15 UART8_CTSCON7.29 - Power 5VCON7.30 - Power 5VTable 2-6 Expand Port (CON7) Function●UART0 selection (CON2, J3):–RS-232_0 function and connected to DB9 female (CON2) for debug message output.–GPE0/GPE1 connected to 2P terminal (J3).Connector GPIO pin of N9H30 Function J3.1 GPE1 UART0_RXDJ3.2 GPE0 UART0_TXDTable 2-7 UART0 (J3) Function●UART2 selection (CON6, J6):–RS-232_2 function and connected to DB9 female (CON6) for debug message output –GPF11~14 connected to 4P terminal (J6)Connector GPIO pin of N9H30 Function J6.1 GPF11 UART2_TXDJ6.2 GPF12 UART2_RXDJ6.3 GPF13 UART2_RTSJ6.4 GPF14 UART2_CTSTable 2-8 UART2 (J6) Function●RS-485_6 selection (CON5, J5, SW6~8):–SW6~8: 1-2 short for RS-485_6 function and connected to 2P terminal (CON5 and J5) –SW6~8: 2-3 short for I2S function and connected to NAU88C22 (U10)Connector GPIO pin of N9H30 FunctionSW6:1-2 shortGPG11 RS-485_6_DISW6:2-3 short I2S_DOSW7:1-2 shortGPG12 RS-485_6_ROSW7:2-3 short I2S_DISW8:1-2 shortGPG13 RS-485_6_ENBSW8:2-3 short I2S_BCLKNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALTable 2-9 RS-485_6 (SW6~8) FunctionPower on setting (SW4, S2~9).SW State FunctionSW4.2/SW4.1 ON/ON Boot from USB SW4.2/SW4.1 ON/OFF Boot from eMMC SW4.2/SW4.1 OFF/ON Boot from NAND Flash SW4.2/SW4.1 OFF/OFF Boot from SPI Flash Table 2-10 Power on Setting (SW4) FunctionSW State FunctionS2 Short System clock from 12MHzcrystalS2 Open System clock from UPLL output Table 2-11 Power on Setting (S2) FunctionSW State FunctionS3 Short Watchdog Timer OFFS3 Open Watchdog Timer ON Table 2-12 Power on Setting (S3) FunctionSW State FunctionS4 Short GPJ[4:0] used as GPIO pinS4Open GPJ[4:0] used as JTAG ICEinterfaceTable 2-13 Power on Setting (S4) FunctionSW State FunctionS5 Short UART0 debug message ONS5 Open UART0 debug message OFFTable 2-14 Power on Setting (S5) FunctionSW State FunctionS7/S6 Short/Short NAND Flash page size 2KBS7/S6 Short/Open NAND Flash page size 4KBS7/S6 Open/Short NAND Flash page size 8KBNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALS7/S6 Open/Open IgnoreTable 2-15 Power on Setting (S7/S6) FunctionSW State FunctionS9/S8 Short/Short NAND Flash ECC type BCH T12S9/S8 Short/Open NAND Flash ECC type BCH T15S9/S8 Open/Short NAND Flash ECC type BCH T24S9/S8 Open/Open IgnoreTable 2-16 Power on Setting (S9/S8) FunctionCMOS Sensor connector (CON9, SW9~10)–SW9~10: 1-2 short for CAN_0 function and connected to 2P terminal (CON11).–SW9~10: 2-3 short for CMOS sensor function and connected to CMOS sensorconnector (CON9).Connector GPIO pin of N9H30 FunctionCON9.1 - VSSCON9.2 - VSSCON9.3 - Power 3.3VCON9.4 - Power 3.3V NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALCON9.5 - -CON9.6 - -CON9.7 GPI4 S_PCLKCON9.8 GPI3 S_CLKCON9.9 GPI8 S_D0CON9.10 GPI9 S_D1CON9.11 GPI10 S_D2CON9.12 GPI11 S_D3CON9.13 GPI12 S_D4CON9.14 GPI13 S_D5CON9.15 GPI14 S_D6CON9.16 GPI15 S_D7CON9.17 GPI6 S_VSYNCCON9.18 GPI5 S_HSYNCCON9.19 GPI0 S_PWDNCON9.20 GPI7 S_nRSTCON9.21 GPG2 I2C1_CCON9.22 GPG3 I2C1_DCON9.23 - VSSCON9.24 - VSSTable 2-17 CMOS Sensor Connector (CON9) Function●CAN_0 Selection (CON11, SW9~10):–SW9~10: 1-2 short for CAN_0 function and connected to 2P terminal (CON11) –SW9~10: 2-3 short for CMOS sensor function and connected to CMOS sensor connector (CON9, CON10)SW GPIO pin of N9H30 FunctionSW9:1-2 shortGPI3 CAN_0_RXDSW9:2-3 short S_CLKSW10:1-2 shortGPI4 CAN_0_TXDSW10:2-3 short S_PCLKTable 2-18 CAN_0 (SW9~10) Function●USB0 Device/HOST Micro-AB connector (CON14), where CON14 pin4 ID=1 is Device,ID=0 is HOST●USB1 for USB HOST with Type-A connector (CON15)●RJ45_0 connector with LED indicator (CON12), RMII PHY with IP101GR (U14)●RJ45_1 connector with LED indicator (CON13), RMII PHY with IP101GR (U16)●Micro-SD/TF card slot (CON3)●SOC CPU: Nuvoton N9H30F61IEC (U5)●Battery power for RTC 3.3V powered (BT1, J1), can detect voltage by ADC0●RTC power has 3 sources:–Share with 3.3V I/O power–Battery socket for CR2032 (BT1)–External connector (J1)●Board version 2.1NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL2.3 NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 -Front ViewFigure 2-3 Front View of NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 BoardFigure 2-3 shows the main components and connectors from the Front side of NuDesign-TFT-LCD7board.7” resolution 800x480 4-W resistive touch panel for 24-bits RGB888 interface2.4 NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 -Rear ViewFigure 2-4 Rear View of NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 BoardFigure 2-4 shows the main components and connectors from the rear side of NuDesign-TFT-LCD7board.NuMaker-N9H30 and NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 combination connector (CON1).NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL 2.5 NuMaker-N9H30 and NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 PCB PlacementFigure 2-5 Front View of NuMaker-N9H30 PCB PlacementFigure 2-6 Rear View of NuMaker-N9H30 PCB PlacementNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 2-7 Front View of NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 PCB PlacementFigure 2-8 Rear View of NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 PCB Placement3 NUMAKER-N9H30 AND NUDESIGN-TFT-LCD7 SCHEMATICS3.1 NuMaker-N9H30 - GPIO List CircuitFigure 3-1 shows the N9H30F61IEC GPIO list circuit.Figure 3-1 GPIO List Circuit NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL3.2 NuMaker-N9H30 - System Block CircuitFigure 3-2 shows the System Block Circuit.NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 3-2 System Block Circuit3.3 NuMaker-N9H30 - Power CircuitFigure 3-3 shows the Power Circuit.NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 3-3 Power Circuit3.4 NuMaker-N9H30 - N9H30F61IEC CircuitFigure 3-4 shows the N9H30F61IEC Circuit.Figure 3-4 N9H30F61IEC CircuitNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL3.5 NuMaker-N9H30 - Setting, ICE, RS-232_0, Key CircuitFigure 3-5 shows the Setting, ICE, RS-232_0, Key Circuit.NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 3-5 Setting, ICE, RS-232_0, Key Circuit3.6 NuMaker-N9H30 - Memory CircuitFigure 3-6 shows the Memory Circuit.NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 3-6 Memory Circuit3.7 NuMaker-N9H30 - I2S, I2C_0, RS-485_6 CircuitFigure 3-7 shows the I2S, I2C_0, RS-486_6 Circuit.NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 3-7 I2S, I2C_0, RS-486_6 Circuit3.8 NuMaker-N9H30 - RS-232_2 CircuitFigure 3-8 shows the RS-232_2 Circuit.NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 3-8 RS-232_2 Circuit3.9 NuMaker-N9H30 - LCD CircuitFigure 3-9 shows the LCD Circuit.NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 3-9 LCD Circuit3.10 NuMaker-N9H30 - CMOS Sensor, I2C_1, CAN_0 CircuitFigure 3-10 shows the CMOS Sensor,I2C_1, CAN_0 Circuit.NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 3-10 CMOS Sensor, I2C_1, CAN_0 Circuit3.11 NuMaker-N9H30 - RMII_0_PF CircuitFigure 3-11 shows the RMII_0_RF Circuit.NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 3-11 RMII_0_PF Circuit3.12 NuMaker-N9H30 - RMII_1_PE CircuitFigure 3-12 shows the RMII_1_PE Circuit.NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 3-12 RMII_1_PE Circuit3.13 NuMaker-N9H30 - USB CircuitFigure 3-13 shows the USB Circuit.NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 3-13 USB Circuit3.14 NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 - TFT-LCD7 CircuitFigure 3-14 shows the TFT-LCD7 Circuit.Figure 3-14 TFT-LCD7 CircuitNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL4 REVISION HISTORYDate Revision Description2022.03.24 1.00 Initial version NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALImportant NoticeNuvoton Products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in systems or equipment, anymalfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life, bodily injury or severe propertydamage. Such applications are deemed, “Insecure Usage”.Insecure usage includes, but is not limited to: equipment for surgical implementation, atomicenergy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, the control or operation ofdynamic, brake or safety systems designed for vehicular use, traffic signal instruments, all typesof safety devices, and other applications intended to support or sustain life.All Insecure Usage shall be made at customer’s risk, and in the event that third parties lay claimsto Nuvoton as a result of customer’s Insecure Usage, custome r shall indemnify the damagesand liabilities thus incurred by Nuvoton.。

关于Single-Chip Microcomputer(单片机)简介

关于Single-Chip Microcomputer(单片机)简介

The monolithic integrated circuit application, first is its control function, namely lies in the realization computer control.But online control aspect, because the computation fuselage is in the system, therefore has the volume to the computer small, the power loss small, the cost low, the price inexpensive as well as the control function strong and so on the requests, to these requests really it may be said must belong to the monolithic integrated circuit.At present the monolithic integrated circuit seeps each domain which lives to us, which domain is nearly very difficult to find not to have the monolithic integrated circuit trail.The missile navigation equipment, on the airplane each kind of measuring appliance control, the computer network communication and the data transmission, the industrial automation process real-time control and the data processing, the widespread use each kind of intelligent IC card, the civil luxury car safety system, the videocorder, the camera, the completely automatic washer control, as well as program control toy, electronic pet and so on, these cannot leave the monolithic integrated circuit.Say nothing of automatic control domain robot, intelligent measuring appliance, medical instrument.In humanity's each production activity and scientific experiment, in order to understand with the grasping entire process progress and the final output, needs frequently carries on the inspection and the survey to each kind of basic parameter or the physical quantity, thus obtains the essential information, and by it achievement analysis judgment and policy-making basis.The examination technology and the sensor are people in order to was measured the object contains the information carries on a series of technical measure which the qualitative understanding and quota grasping adopts.The modern of science and technology fast development causes the human society to enter the information age, mainly will depend upon in the information age people's social activity to the information resource development and the gain, the transmission and processing, but the sensor will be in head of the automatic detection and the control system, will be the sensation, the gain and the examination information window; The sensor belongs to the object of study and the observation and control system connection installment, all scientific research and the production process must gain the information, all must transform through it for easy to transmit and the processing electrical signal.Therefore the sensor status and the function is extremely important.Sensor function quite Yu Ren five senses.The system automatic routine, the intellectualized degree are higher, the system the level of dependency is bigger to the sensor, the sensor plays the decisive role to the system function.Therefore, domestic and foreign all lists as the sensor technology the most advanced technique.The sensor application sensor application domain involves the machine manufacture, the commercial run control, the automobile electronic products, the correspondence electronic products, the expense electronic products and the special purpose equipment and so on.(1) special purpose equipmentThe special purpose equipment mainly includes domain application and so on the medical service, environmental protection, meteorology specialized electronicinstallations.At present the medical domain is the sensor sales volume huge, the profit considerable emerging market, this domain request sensing component to the miniaturization, the low cost and the redundant reliable direction develops.(2) industrial automationIndustry domain application sensor, like craft control, industry machinery as well as tradition; Each kind of survey craft variable (for example temperature, fluid position, pressure, current capacity and so on); Survey electron characteristic (electric current, voltage and so on) and physical quantity (movement, speed, load as well as intensity), as well as the traditional close/localization sensor development is rapid. (3) correspondence electronic productsHandset output large growth and the handset new function unceasing increase brought the opportunity and the challenge for the sensor market, the colored tablet handset and the photograph handset market share rises unceasingly increased the sensor in this domain application proportion.In addition, will apply in the group telephone and the non-rope telephone ultrasonic sensor, uses in the magnistorized medium the magnetic field sensor and so on all appearing the strong trend growth. (4) automobile industryThe modern high-quality passenger vehicle computerization control system level key lies in uses the pressure transmitter quantity and the level, at present on an ordinary home use passenger vehicle probably installs several dozens arrives the near hundred sensors, but on luxury car sensor quantity may reach 200 much, the type usually reaches 30 kinds, many pieces reach hundred kinds.Current eliminates enhances the performance unceasingly and the reliability, the sensor technology total trend of development is:The sensor integration will be refers on the identical chip or is multitudinous the identical type the single sensor integration for unidimensional, the two-dimensional sensor, or electric circuit integration integrations and so on sensor and adjustment, compensation.The sensor multi-purpose is enables the sensor simultaneously to have many kinds of examination function, the multi-purpose integrated sensor develops an important direction, namely integrates the many kinds of function sensitive unit or identical function many sensitive units on the chip, like the compound resistance sensor, a chip may simultaneously examine the pressure and the temperature.The sensor intellectualization is one kind of belt microcomputer has at the same time the examination, the judgment, the information processing, man-machine interaction, function and so on protection sensors.The sensor intellectualization is one kind of belt microcomputer has at the same time the examination, the judgment, the information processing, man-machine interaction, function and so on protection sensors.The development biological modelling sensor, the nature is the biosensor outstanding designer.It through long years, not only has accomplished many functions unusually, the performance excellent biosensor.If dog's sense of smell ability is higher than the humanity, bird's visual ability is far human's 8~15 times and so on.These animal's induction performance is the sensor technology can not hold a candlenow.Therefore, will study their mechanism, the development biological modelling sensor causes the people to pay attention enormously, also will be one of sensor application development important directions.From above may see, the monolithic integrated circuit application significance is not restricted in the economic efficiency which its function as well as brings, a bigger significance lies in the monolithic integrated circuit the application fundamentally to change the traditional control system design concept and the design method, the trend of development also day by day changes, main performance for following several aspects: Manufacture craft CMOS (overall CMOS); Realizes as far as possible monolithic; General character and individuality coexistence.。



第一章计算机基础知识1-1 微型计算机主要由哪几部分组成?各部分有何功能?答:一台微型计算机由中央处理单元(CPU)、存储器、I/O接口及I/O设备等组成,相互之间通过三组总线(Bus):即地址总线AB、数据总线DB和控制总线CB来连接。






1-3 什么叫单片机?其主要由哪几部分组成?答:单片机(Single Chip Microcomputer)是指把CPU、RAM、ROM、定时器/计数器以及I/O接口电路等主要部件集成在一块半导体芯片上的微型计算机。

1-4 在各种系列的单片机中,片内ROM的配置有几种形式?用户应根据什么原则来选用?答:单片机片内ROM的配置状态可分四种:(1)片内掩膜(Mask)ROM型单片机(如8051),适合于定型大批量应用产品的生产;(2)片内EPROM型单片机(如8751),适合于研制产品样机;(3)片内无ROM型单片机(如8031),需外接EPROM,单片机扩展灵活,适用于研制新产品;(4)EEPROM(或Flash ROM)型单片机(如89C51),内部程序存储器电可擦除,使用更方便。

1-6 写出下列各数的BCD参与:59:01011001,1996:000,::第二章 MCS-51单片机的硬件结构2-1 8052单片机片内包含哪些主要逻辑功能部件?答:8052单片机片内包括:①8位中央处理器CPU一个②片内振荡器及时钟电路③256B数据存储器RAM。

④8KB片内程序存储空间ROM⑤21个特殊功能寄存器SFR⑥4个8位并行I/O端口(32条线)⑦1个可编程全双工串行口⑧可寻址64KB的外部程序存储空间和外部数据存储空间⑨3个16位的定时器/计数器⑩6个中断源、2个优先级嵌套中断结构2-2 8052的存储器分哪几个空间?如何区别不同空间的寻址?答:⑴8052的存储器分为6个编址空间:①片内ROM的容量为8KB,其地址为0000H~1FFFH;②可扩展片外ROM的容量为64KB,其地址为0000H~FFFFH;片内RAM的容量为256B,其地址为00H~FFH分为二块:③地址00H~7FH共128B为片内RAM低区,④另128B为片内RAM高区,其地址空间为80H`FFH,其地址空间与SFR功能寄存器地址重叠;⑤可扩展片外RAM的容量为64KB,其地址为0000H~1FFFH;⑥特殊功能寄存器SFR的空间为128B,其地址为80H~FFH,但实际只定义了26B单元,这26B单元分散在80H`F0H。



1、外文原文(复印件)A: Fundamentals of Single-chip MicrocomputerTh e si ng le-ch i p mi cr oc om pu ter is t he c ul mi nat i on o f bo th t h e d ev el op me nt o f th e d ig it al com p ut er an d t he int e gr at ed ci rc ui ta r gu ab ly th e t ow m os t s i gn if ic ant i nv en ti on s o f t h e 20t h c en tu ry[1].Th es e to w t ype s o f a rc hi te ct ur e a re fo un d i n s i ng le—ch ip m i cr oc om pu te r。

S o me em pl oy th e s p li t p ro gr am/d at a me mo ry of t he H a rv ar d ar ch it ect u re, sh ow n in Fi g.3-5A—1,ot he r s fo ll ow t hep h il os op hy, wi del y a da pt ed f or ge n er al—pu rp os e c o mp ut er s an dm i cr op ro ce ss or s, of ma ki ng no lo gi c al di st in ct io n be tw ee n p ro gr am a n d da ta m em or y a s i n th e Pr in cet o n ar ch it ec tu re,sh ow n in F ig。

3-5A-2.In g en er al te r ms a s in gl e—ch i p mi cr oc om pu ter isc h ar ac te ri zed b y the i nc or po ra tio n of al l t he uni t s o f a co mp ut er i n to a s in gl e de v i ce,as s ho wn i n F ig3—5A—3。



74AUTO TIMEAUTOMOBILE EDUCATION | 汽车教育1 引言高等职业教育为我国经济社会的快速发展提供了强有力的人才支撑,职业教育人才培养质量至关重要。




2 “岗课赛证”融合的课程改革内涵传统《单片机应用技术》课程教学以学科知识体系为主线,不能紧跟职业实际工作岗位所需的知识技能,不能满足职业技能证书考证和专业竞赛的需求,存在脱节现象。

“岗课赛证”融合的课程教学改革把工作岗位、课程教学、职业考证、专业技能竞赛四者进行有效融合,是一种能有效提高职业教育适杨日容中山职业技术学院机电工程学院 广东省中山市 528400摘 要: 要充分发挥职业教育人才在经济社会中的优势必须提高专业课程的教学质量。




关键词:岗课赛证融合 单片机 高职院校 情境化设计 行动导向型 混合教学Exploration and Practice of Teaching Reform of Professional Courses in Higher V ocational Colleges with the Integration of “Post Course Competition Certificate”——Taking the Course of “Single Chip Microcomputer Application Technology” as an Example Yang RirongAbstract :T o give full play to the advantages of vocational education talents in the economic society, we must improve the teaching quality of professional courses. Taking the course of “Single Chip Microcomputer Application Technology” as an example, this paper empirically explores the curriculum reform of integrating post, competition and certification elements into professional courses in higher vocational colleges. The course adopts a student-centered “action oriented” teaching mode based on professional workflow, carries out online+offline hybrid teaching, effectively integrates the objectives, requirements, contents, processes, assessment, etc. of post, competition, and examination into the course context-based learning tasks, and constructs a classroom of “four haves and five links”. Practice has proved that the curriculum design based on “situational+typical tasks” and the teaching mode of “action oriented+mixed” can organically integrate and promote the post, class, competition, and certificate, stimulate students' learning motivation, and effectively improve the teaching effect of the curriculum and the training quality of vocational education talents.Key words :p ost course match certificate integration, single chip, higher vocational colleges, situational design, action oriented, mixed teaching “岗课赛证”融合的高职院校专业课程教学改革探索与实践——以《单片机应用技术》课程为例AUTOMOBILE EDUCATION | 汽车教育时代汽车 应性的综合育人模式。

16f630中文数据手册【Word版】9p (2)

16f630中文数据手册【Word版】9p (2)

P I C16F630/676数据手册14 引脚闪存8 位CMOS 单片机2004 Microchip Technology Inc.DS40039C_CN请注意以下有关 Microchip 器件代码保护功能的要点:· · · Microchip 的产品均达到 Microchip 数据手册中所述的技术指标。

Microchip 确信:在正常使用的情况下, Microchip 系列产品是当今市场上同类产品中最安全的产品之一。


就我们所知,所有这些行为都不是以 Microchip 数据手册中规定的操 代码保护功能处于持续发展中。

Microchip 承诺将不断改进产品的代码保护功能。

任何试图破坏 Microchip 代码保护功能的行为均可视 为违反了《数字器件千年版权法案(Digital Millennium Copyright Act )》。

如果这种行为导致他人在未经授权的情况下,能访问您的软 件或其它受版权保护的成果,您有权依据该法案提起诉讼,从而制止这种行为。

本出版物中所述的器件应用信息及其它类似内容仅为您提供便 利,它们可能由更新之信息所替代。

确保应用符合技术规范, 是您自身应负的责任。

Microchip 对这些信息不作任何明示或 暗示、书面或口头的声明或担保,包括但不限于针对其使用情况、质量、性能、适销性或特定用途的适用性的声明或担保。

Microchip 对因这些信息及使用这些信息而引起的后果不承担任何责任。

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DS40039C_CN 第 ii 页商标 Microchip 的名称和徽标组合、 Microchip 徽标、 Accuron 、 dsPIC 、 KL 、 microID 、 MPLAB 、 PIC 、 PICmicro 、PICSTART 、 PRO MATE 、 PowerSmart 、 rfPIC 和SmartShunt 均为Microchip Technology Inc .在美国和其它国家或地区的注册商标。





一、本小结要介绍的内容1.涉及的平台:MTK mt8163 android6.02.为何要实现串口唤醒为了省电,MTK平台在待机状态下在睡眠状态。


3.如何打开串口唤醒功能4.总结(遇到的问题)二.如何打开串口唤醒功能1.suspend spm修改kernel-3.18/drivers/misc/mediatek/base/power/mt8163/mt_spm_sleep.c#define WAKE_SRC_FOR_SUSPEND \(WAKE_SRC_MD32_WDT | WAKE_SRC_KP | WAKE_SRC_CONN2AP | WAKE_SRC_EINT | WAKE_SRC_CONN_WDT |\WAKE_SRC_MD32_SPM | WAKE_SRC_USB_CD | WAKE_SRC_USB_PDN |\WAKE_SRC_ALL_MD32)改为:#define WAKE_SRC_FOR_SUSPEND \(WAKE_SRC_MD32_WDT | WAKE_SRC_KP | WAKE_SRC_CONN2AP | WAKE_SRC_EINT | WAKE_SRC_CONN_WDT |\WAKE_SRC_MD32_SPM | WAKE_SRC_USB_CD | WAKE_SRC_USB_PDN |\WAKE_SRC_ALL_MD32 | WAKE_SRC_UART0)把WAKE_SRC_UART0 OR进去2. 在suspend的时候不去关闭infrakernel-3.18/drivers/misc/mediatek/base/power/mt8163/mt_sleep.cstatic u32 slp_spm_flags = {#if 1#if 1 /* defined(MTK_ICUSB_SUPPORT) */SPM_LOW_SPD_I2C | SPM_VCORE_DVS_DIS | SPM_DPD_DIS | SPM_PASR_DIS | SPM_INFRA_PDN_DIS#else/* SPM_CPU_PDN_DIS | *//* SPM_INFRA_PDN_DIS | *//* SPM_DDRPHY_PDN_DIS | *//* SPM_VCORE_DVS_DIS | */SPM_PASR_DIS /*|SPM_CPU_DVS_DIS */#endif#else#endif};改为:static u32 slp_spm_flags = {#if 1#if 1 /* defined(MTK_ICUSB_SUPPORT) */SPM_LOW_SPD_I2C | SPM_VCORE_DVS_DIS | SPM_DPD_DIS | SPM_PASR_DIS | SPM_INFRA_PDN_DIS | SPM_INFRA_PDN_DIS#else/* SPM_CPU_PDN_DIS | *//* SPM_INFRA_PDN_DIS | *//* SPM_DDRPHY_PDN_DIS | *//* SPM_VCORE_DVS_DIS | */SPM_PASR_DIS /*|SPM_CPU_DVS_DIS */#endif#else#endif#if 1 /* defined(MTK_ICUSB_SUPPORT) */这个#if 1里面多| SPM_INFRA_PDN_DIS改成功的话, 进入suspend的log会变成这样修改好后,串口输入输出都正常的情况下,待机后,串口打印:[ 167.040470] <2>.(2)[964:system_server][name:main&]calling mt-soc-dl1-pcm+ @ 964, parent: soc[ 167.041533] <2>.(2)[964:system_server][name:main&]call mt-soc-dl1-pcm+ returned 0 after 2 usecs[ 167.043666] <2>.(2)[964:system_server][name:cpu&]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...[ 167.049505] <2>.(2)[964:system_server][name:smp&]CPU1: shutdown[ 167.056100] <0>.(0)[964:system_server][name:smp&]CPU2: shutdown[ 167.062884] <0>.(0)[964:system_server][name:smp&]CPU3: shutdown[ 167.065414] <0>-(0)[964:system_server][name:syscore&]PM: Calling mtk_uart_syscore_suspend+0x0/0x88[ 167.066532] <0>-(0)[964:system_server][name:syscore&]PM: Calling sched_clock_suspend+0x0/0x34[ 167.067587] <0>-(0)[964:system_server][name:syscore&]PM: Calling timekeeping_suspend+0x0/0x1b4[ 167.067587] <0>-(0)[964:system_server][name:syscore&]PM: Calling fw_suspend+0x0/0x10 [ 167.067587] <0>-(0)[964:system_server][name:syscore&]PM: Calling pwrap_suspend+0x0/0x20[ 167.067587] <0>-(0)[964:system_server][name:syscore&]PM: Calling cpu_pm_suspend+0x0/0x1c[ 167.067587] <0>-(0)[964:system_server][name:mt_sleep&][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@[ 167.067587] <0>-(0)[964:system_server][name:mt_sleep&][SLP] Chip_pm_enter[ 167.067587] <0>-(0)[964:system_server][name:mt_sleep&][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@[ 167.067587] <0>-(0)[964:system_server][name:mt_spm_sleep&][SPM] settle = 128[ 167.067587] <0>-(0)[964:system_server][name:mt_spm_sleep&][SPM] sec = 5400, wakesrc = 0x1008c4e6 (1)(0)最后是(1)(0)沒改之前是(1)(1)3.修改function mtk_uart_suspend,阻止系统挂起uart修改function mtk_uart_suspend, 使其在mtk_uart_save后面直接返回。


❖ 灯闪烁一次即可,闪烁时先亮0.5S再灭0.5S。
重点: 1、学习P1口既作为输入,又作为输出的使用方法。 2、学习数据输入、输出程序的设计方法。
❖ P1口为准双向I/O接口,输出单条指令完成,输入时应当先 向对应的端口锁存器写入1,然后读入数据。
➢ 有两个操作数,如MOV A,30H指令,操作数之间以逗号 相隔;
➢ 有3个操作数,如 CJNE A,#00H,10H指令。
❖ 注释:对指令的解释说明,用以提高程序的可读性,注释前 必须加分号,注释换行时行前也要加分号。
步骤4:现象无误,请求教师检查、评价。 步骤5:编制项目报告并提交。
➢分支程序的基本形式 分支程序有三种基本形式,如图2-1所示。 分支程序的设计要点如下:
❖先建立可供条件转移指令测试的条件。 ❖选用合适的条件转移指令。 ❖在转移的目的地址处设定标号。
条件满足? Y
Single Chip Microcomputer




1.3.1 流水灯程序设计与调试
一、任务说明 1、要求 ❖ P1口作为输出口。P1.0至P1.7接8个发光二极管。要求编写
程序实现如下功能:8个发光二极管依次亮灭并循环,延时 0.1秒(已知fosc=12MHz)。 2、重点 1、学习P1口作为输出口的使用方法。 2、学习延时程序的设计方法。
ANL A,Rn ; A (A)∧Rn ANL A,@Ri ; A (A)∧(Ri) ANL A,#data ; A (A)∧#data ANL direct,A ;(direct) (direct)∧(A) ANL direct,#data ; (direct)(direct)∧#data 注意: 以上指令结果通常影响程序状态字寄存器PSW的P标志。 存储单元指定位清0的做法:按照需清0的位置填0,需保留的位置填1的原则构建 清0常数,然后利用ANL指令实现运算。 相近的指令:逻辑或指令ORL,逻辑异或指令XRL,清0指令CLR,取反指令CPL。 逻辑或可实现存储单元指定位置1,逻辑异或可实现存储单元指定位取反。



272336 – 4
8XC52 54 58
pins that are externally pulled low will source current (IIL on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external Program Memory and during accesses to external Data Memory that use 16-bit addresses (MOVX DPTR) In this application it uses strong internal pullups when emitting 1’s During accesses to external Data Memory that use 8-bit addresses (MOVX Ri) Port 2 emits the contents of the P2 Special Function Register Some Port 2 pins receive the high-order address bits during EPROM programming and program verification Port 3 Port 3 is an 8-bit bidirectional I O port with internal pullups The Port 3 output buffers can drive LS TTL inputs Port 3 pins that have 1’s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups and in that state can be used as inputs As inputs Port 3 pins that are externally pulled low will source current (IIL on the data sheet) because of the pullups Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the 8051 Family as listed below Port Pin P3 0 P3 1 P3 2 P3 3 P3 4 P3 5 P3 6 P3 7 Alternate Function RXD (serial input port) TXD (serial output port) INT0 (external interrupt 0) INT1 (external interrupt 1) T0 (Timer 0 external input) T1 (Timer 1 external input) WR (external data memory write strobe) RD (external data memory read strobe)



XN297L Datasheet Single Chip 2.4GHz TransceiverFEATURES●Low Power16mA TX at 0dBm output power15mA RX at 2Mbps air data rate2uA in power down●Low Cost BOMFew external componentsFour Capacitors, One crystaloscillator●High PerformanceExcellent Receiver sensitivity-85dBm@2Mbps-88dBm@1Mbps-93dBm@250KbpsProgrammable Output Power Up to 13dBm APPLICATIONS●TV and STB remote controls ●Wireless M ouse and keyboard ●Toys and wireless audio●Wireless gamepads●Active RFID●Smart home automationGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe XN297L is a single chip 2.4GHz transceiver , designed for operation in the world wide ISM frequency band at 2.400~2.483GHz. The XN297L integrates radio frequency (RF) transmitter and receiver, frequency synthesizer, crystal oscillator, baseband GFSK modem, and so on. The XN297L supports one to multiple network and communication with ACK. TX power, frequency channel, and data rate can be1 Electrical characteristics Table1 XN297L Electrical characteristicsreceiver sensitivity degrades about 2dB; and modulation quality of the emission signal (EVM) falls by 10%.* Note: In 250KBps mode, it should not be more than 16 bytes of payload length, because of frequency drift in open-loop transmition.2 Absolute maximum ratingsTable 2 XN297L absolute maximum ratings* Note: Exceeding one or more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to XN297L.* Caution: Electrostatic sensitive device, comply with protection rules when operating.3 Block diagramMISO MOSI CSN SCKIRQ CEANTX C 1X C 2V S S V D DFigure 1 XN297L block diagram4 Pin definitionCE CSNSCK MOSI MISO I R QV D DV S SX IX ONCNC ANT NCVDD S SN CN C N C N CFigure2 XN297L pin definitionTable 3 Pin function5 Operational ModesThis chapter describes XN297L all kinds of working mode, and is used to control the chip into the working mode of method. XN297L own state machine is controlled by chip internal registers configuration values and external signal pin. 5.1 State diagramSix kinds of working mode in table 4 gives the corresponding mode of control register and FIFO registers.Table 4 Control BIT and function description5.2 State diagramFigure 3 is XN297L working state diagram, said six working mode between jump XN297L in VDD is greater than 2.2 V to begin to work properly into sleep mode, the MCU can be sent via SPI configuration commands and CE pin into the other five state.STB2->STB3: 10usFigure3 state diagram5.3 IRQ PINIn the status register TX_DS RX_DR or MAX_RT is 1, report and the corresponding interrupt enable bit is 0, IRQ pins interrupt trigger. The MCU writes 1 to the corresponding interrupt source, clear the interrupt. IRQ pins interrupt trigger can be blocked or enabled, report by setting the interrupt enable bit is 1, ban IRQ pins interrupt triggered.6 DATA FIFOFigure 4 FIFO block diagramThe XN297L contains TX FIFO, RX FIFO. It is sent via SPI read/write command. It writes TX FIFO in TX mode by W_TX_PAYLOAD and W_TX_NO_ACK instructions. If MAX_RT interruption, data will be cleared in the TX FIFO. It reads PAYLOAD in RX FIFO in receiving mode by R_RX_PAYLOAD, and it reads the length of the PAYLOAD by R_RX_PL_WID instruction. FIFO_STATUS register indicates FIFO states.7 SPI CONTROLThe XN297L is controlled by SPI port for read and write register, and command. The XN297L is a slave terminal, SPI transfer rate depends on the MCU interface speed, and the maximum data transfer rate is 8 MBps.SPI interface is a standard SPI interface are shown in table 5, you can use the general I/O for MCU simulation SPI interface. CSN pin to 0, SPI interface instructions to be performed. From 1 to 0 a CSN pin changes execute one instruction. After the change from 1 to 0 CSN pin can be read by MISO status register contents.Table 5 SPI port7.1 SPI CommandsTable 6 SPI command format<Command word: MSBit to LSBit (one byte)><Data bytes: LSByte to MSByte, MSBit in each byte first>The R_REGISTER and W_REGISTER commands can operate on single or multi-byte registers. When accessing multi-byte registers, first read or write theMSBit of LSByte. Terminate the writing before all bytes in a multi-byte register are written, then it leaves the unwritten MSByte(s) unchanged. For example, the LSByte of RX_ADDR_P0 can be modified by writing only one byte to the RX_ADDR_P0 register.7.2 SPI TimingCSNSCK MOSIMISOFigure 5 SPI read operationCSNSCKMOSIMISOFigure 6 SPI write operationCSNSCKMOSIMISOFigure 7 SPI NOP timing diagram8 Packet format description8.1 Packet format for normal BurstTable 7 Packet format for normal burstconfiguration bits.8.2 Packet format for Enhanced Burst Table 8 Packet format for enhanced burstaccording to scrambler configuration bits.8.3 Packet format for Enhanced Burst ACK Table 9 Packet format for enhanced burst ackscrambler configuration bits.9 Application exampleFigure 8 XN297L application *Note 1: NC pin can be floating.*Note 2: the external components10 Package sizeFigure 9 QFN20L 0303 package size。












8、D9、NB-IoT下行无线帧时域长度是多少A、0.5msB、1msC、5msD、10ms9、D10、现阶段移动物联网卡不含()A、2GB、4GC、NB-IoTD、eMTC10、D11、UE的无线能力在下面哪条消息中携带?A、Attach repuestB、PDN connectivity requestC、Initial UE MessageD、UE Capability Info Indication11、D12、验证两个变量间的相关关系,掌握要因对特性的影响程度应该使用哪种质量管理工具?A、矩阵图B、直方图C、因果图D、散布图12、D13、全国2G切换成功率标准值为:A、>90%C、>95%D、>99%13、B14、移动云IDC组网模式下,若有2台PGW用于承载,则该业务保障等级最高可为:A、AAAB、AAC、AD、普通14、C15、以下哪个选项不是微型直放站网络优化方案的优点()A、成本高B、施工难度小C、灵活部署D、解决周期短15、A16、按照《电信网和互联网安全等级保护指南》规定,电信网、互联网和相关系统的生命周期包含几个阶段?A、4B、5C、6D、716、B17、二维码目前不能表示的数据类型()。



新唐MuMicro MCU常见问题解答1. ARM CORTEX-M0 核Q1: 从中断产生到ISR的第一条指令时间是多少?A1: 共24 时钟周期.Q2: HCLK是什么?A2: 指AHB 总线时钟.Q3: APB 仲裁是什么?A3: 为了裁定APB 外设的优先级。

Q4: AHB 、APB 和AHB-Lite分别是什么?A4: AHB 是指先进高级总线(Advanced High-Performance Bus),APB 是指先进外设总线(Advanced Peripheral Bus),而AHB-Lite 是全功能的AHB 的一个简化版本,更详细的描述请查看ARM®主页/help/index.jsp。

Q5: 如果查明硬件异常中断?A5: 请添加下面代码并设置断点在__NOP上面。


Q6: Cortex™-M0A6: 请查阅ARM®主页的Cortex™ -M0 技术参考文档,连接为:/help/index.jsp。

Q7: 是否存在器件唯一ID(CPUID)? 如果用户加密芯片需要用到器件唯一ID?A7: 存在。

UID (Unique ID):新唐将以上所述系列芯片植入UID,每一芯片UID是独特唯一的,使用者可利用此唯一码在韧体程序中对欲操作芯片加入判断机制,如此便可避免他人窃取程序代码重现相同商品可能。

不支持UID 的晶片如下,NUC100xxAN 系列,NUC100xxBN 系列,M05xxAN 系列,NUC102xx系列支持UID的晶片如下,Q8: NVIC是什么? 它支持多少级优先级?A8: NVIC 嵌套中断向量控制器,它支持4级优先级。

2. 系统管理Q1: NUC100 家族可以用IO口支持外部SRAM吗??A1: 有部分支持,请查看NuMicro™家族的选型手册器件是否支持外部总线接口(EBI),選型手册連結如下:/hq/enu/ProductAndSales/ProductLines/IndustrialIC/ARMMicrocontrol ler/ARMCortexTMM0/Pages/M0ProdSelectionEx.aspxQ2: 如何进入睡眠(待机模式) 和深度睡眠 (下电模式)?A2: 请查看如下的指令进入睡眠模式和下电模式:待机模式下电模式UNLOCKREG();SCB->SCR = 4;SYSCLK->PWRCON.WINT_EN = 0; SYSCLK->PWRCON.PD_WAIT_CPU = 1;SYSCLK->PWRCON.PWR_DOWN = 0;LOCKREG();__WFI(); UNLOCKREG();SCB->SCR = 4;SYSCLK->PWRCON.WINT_EN = 0; SYSCLK->PWRCON.PD_WAIT_CPU = 1;SYSCLK->PWRCON.PWR_DOWN = 1;LOCKREG();__WFI();在待机模式模式下仅CPU时钟是禁能的。



Single Chip Microcomputer

单 片
人机接口 键盘接口 显示器接口

PC机除了主 机以外还需要 哪些部分呢?
10.1 键盘接口
按键的特点及输入原理 独立式按键 矩阵式按键
PB 0 PB 1 PB 2 PB 3 PB 4 PB 5 PB 6 PB 7
PC 0 PC 1 PC 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
37 38 39 1 2 5
P1 .1
P1 .2
80 31
P1 .3
P1 .4
P1 .5
P1 .6
P1 .7
特点:一线一键,按键识别(编程)简单;但占用 较多口线,适合8键以下使用。
原理----当任何一个键被按下时,与其相连的输入线被 置成 “0”,平时该线为“1”。 键处理程序
ORG 2000H
P1,#0FH A,P1 A A,#0FH
;变正逻辑,高电平表示有键按下 ;取低4位
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