



敏捷与Scrum的中英文专业词汇对照表一、敏捷(Agile)1. 敏捷宣言(Agile Manifesto)2. 敏捷方法(Agile Methodology)3. 敏捷团队(Agile Team)4. 敏捷原则(Agile Principles)5. 敏捷实践(Agile Practices)二、Scrum1. Scrum框架(Scrum Framework)2. 产品待办列表(Product Backlog)3. Sprint待办列表(Sprint Backlog)4. Sprint计划会议(Sprint Planning Meeting)5. 每日站立会议(Daily Standup Meeting)6. Sprint评审会议(Sprint Review Meeting)7. Sprint回顾会议(Sprint Retrospective Meeting)8. 产品负责人(Product Owner)9. Scrum主管(Scrum Master)10. 开发团队(Development Team)11. 用户故事(User Story)12. 任务(Task)13. 故事点(Story Points)14. 燃尽图(Burndown Chart)15. 燃起图(Burnup Chart)16. 定义完成(Definition of Done)17. 定义就绪(Definition of Ready)18. Scrum板(Scrum Board)19. Scrum工具(Scrum Tools)20. 敏捷教练(Agile Coach)21. 敏捷转型(Agile Transformation)22. 敏捷领导力(Agile Leadership)23. 敏捷文化(Agile Culture)24. 敏捷组织(Agile Organization)25. 敏捷产品管理(Agile Product Management)26. 敏捷项目管理(Agile Project Management)27. 敏捷开发(Agile Development)28. 敏捷测试(Agile Testing)29. 敏捷交付(Agile Delivery)30. 敏捷质量(Agile Quality)31. 敏捷持续集成(Agile Continuous Integration)32. 敏捷持续部署(Agile Continuous Deployment)33. 敏捷持续交付(Agile Continuous Delivery)34. 敏捷估算(Agile Estimation)35. 敏捷优先级(Agile Prioritization)36. 敏捷风险管理(Agile Risk Management)37. 敏捷需求管理(Agile Requirements Management)38. 敏捷敏捷迭代(Agile Iteration)39. 敏捷敏捷冲刺(Agile Sprint)40. 敏捷敏捷发布(Agile Release)41. 敏捷敏捷反馈(Agile Feedback)42. 敏捷敏捷协作(Agile Collaboration)43. 敏捷敏捷沟通(Agile Communication)44. 敏捷敏捷学习(Agile Learning)45. 敏捷敏捷适应(Agile Adaptation)46. 敏捷敏捷改进(Agile Improvement)47. 敏捷敏捷敏捷迭代(Agile Agile Iteration)48. 敏捷敏捷敏捷冲刺(Agile Agile Sprint)49. 敏捷敏捷敏捷发布(Agile Agile Release)50. 敏捷敏捷敏捷反馈(Agile Agile Feedback)51. 敏捷敏捷敏捷协作(Agile Agile Collaboration)52. 敏捷敏捷敏捷沟通(Agile Agile Communication)53. 敏捷敏捷敏捷学习(Agile Agile Learning)54. 敏捷敏捷敏捷适应(Agile Agile Adaptation)55. 敏捷敏捷敏捷改进(Agile Agile Improvement)56. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷迭代(Agile Agile Agile Iteration)57. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷冲刺(Agile Agile Agile Sprint)58. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷发布(Agile Agile Agile Release)59. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷反馈(Agile Agile Agile Feedback)60. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷协作(Agile Agile Agile Collaboration)61. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷沟通(Agile Agile Agile Communication)62. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷学习(Agile Agile Agile Learning)63. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷适应(Agile Agile Agile Adaptation)64. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷改进(Agile Agile Agile Improvement)65. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷迭代(Agile Agile Agile Agile Iteration)66. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷冲刺(Agile Agile Agile Agile Sprint)67. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷发布(Agile Agile Agile Agile Release)68. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷反馈(Agile Agile Agile Agile Feedback)69. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷协作(Agile Agile Agile Agile Collaboration)70. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷沟通(Agile Agile Agile Agile Communication)71. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷学习(Agile Agile Agile Agile Learning)72. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷适应(Agile Agile Agile Agile Adaptation)73. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷改进(Agile Agile Agile Agile Improvement)74. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷迭代(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Iteration)75. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷冲刺(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Sprint)Agile Release)77. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷反馈(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Feedback)78. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷协作(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Collaboration)79. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷沟通(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Communication)80. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷学习(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Learning)81. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷适应(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Adaptation)82. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷改进(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Improvement)83. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷迭代(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Iteration)84. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷冲刺(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Sprint)85. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷发布(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Release). 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷反馈(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Feedback)87. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷协作(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Collaboration)Agile Agile Agile Communication)89. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷学习(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Learning)90. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷适应(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Adaptation)91. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷改进(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Improvement)92. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷迭代(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Iteration)93. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷冲刺(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Sprint)94. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷发布(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Release)95. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷反馈(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Feedback)96. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷协作(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Collaboration)97. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷沟通(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Communication)98. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷学习(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Learning)99. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷适应(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Adaptation)Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Improvement)三、敏捷与Scrum的核心理念与价值观1. 个体和互动高于流程和工具(Individuals and interactions over processes and tools)3. 客户合作高于合同谈判(Customer collaboration over contract negotiation)4. 响应变化高于遵循计划(Responding to change over following a plan)四、Scrum的角色与职责1. 产品负责人(Product Owner)负责定义产品的愿景和方向管理产品待办列表的优先级确保团队理解用户故事和需求2. Scrum主管(Scrum Master)确保Scrum流程得到遵守移除团队工作中的障碍促进团队自组织和跨职能工作3. 开发团队(Development Team)自组织地计划并完成工作每日站立会议中同步工作进展在Sprint评审会议中展示工作成果五、Scrum的工件1. 产品待办列表(Product Backlog)包含所有可能的产品需求由产品负责人负责维护2. Sprint待办列表(Sprint Backlog)从产品待办列表中选出的任务由开发团队在Sprint计划会议中创建3. 增量(Increment)在每个Sprint结束时完成的工作成果必须符合定义完成(DoD)标准六、Scrum的会议1. Sprint计划会议(Sprint Planning Meeting)决定Sprint目标并选择任务通常为8小时,每Sprint一次2. 每日站立会议(Daily Standup Meeting)每天进行,每个成员分享进展、计划和障碍通常为15分钟3. Sprint评审会议(Sprint Review Meeting)展示Sprint成果给利益相关者收集反馈,调整产品待办列表通常为4小时,每Sprint一次4. Sprint回顾会议(Sprint Retrospective Meeting)团队讨论Sprint过程中的经验和改进点通常为3小时,每Sprint一次七、Scrum的实践1. 时间盒(Timeboxing)为活动设定固定的时间限制确保会议和Sprint按计划进行2. 自组织(Selforganization)团队成员自主决定如何完成工作促进团队成员的责任感和创造力3. 跨职能(Crossfunctional)团队成员拥有完成工作所需的全部技能减少依赖和等待时间4. 持续集成(Continuous Integration)频繁地将代码集成到主分支通过自动化测试保持代码质量5. 持续部署(Continuous Deployment)自动将代码部署到生产环境加速反馈循环,提高交付速度八、敏捷与Scrum的优势1. 提高团队生产力2. 增强产品质量3. 提升客户满意度4. 增强市场响应能力5. 促进团队协作和沟通6. 增强组织的适应性和灵活性九、敏捷与Scrum的挑战1. 变化管理2. 团队协作3. 敏捷文化推广4. 领导力转型5. 敏捷工具的选择和使用6. 敏捷与现有流程的整合7. 敏捷技能的培训和发展8. 敏捷项目的监控和评估十、敏捷与Scrum的未来趋势1. 敏捷与DevOps的融合3. 敏捷在非软件行业的应用4. 敏捷与大数据分析的结合5. 敏捷在教育和培训中的应用6. 敏捷与区块链技术的结合7. 敏捷与虚拟现实和增强现实的应用8. 敏捷在医疗健康行业的应用通过这份对照表,希望能够帮助您更好地理解和应用敏捷与Scrum 的方法论,提升您的团队协作效率和工作质量。



计算机/互联网/通讯Technology/Internet首席技术执行官CTO/VP Engineering技术总监/经理Technical Director/Manager信息技术经理IT Manager信息技术主管IT Supervisor信息技术专员IT Specialist项目经理/主管Project Manager/Supervisor项目执行/协调人员Project Specialist / Coordinator系统分析员System Analyst高级软件工程师Senior Software Engineer软件工程师Software Engineer系统工程师System Engineer高级硬件工程师Senior Hardware Engineer硬件工程师Hardware Engineer通信技术工程师Communications EngineerERP技术/应用顾问ERP Technical/Application Consultant 数据库工程师Database Engineer技术支持经理Technical Support Manager技术支持工程师Technical Support Engineer品质经理QA Manager信息安全工程师Information Security Engineer软件测试工程师Software QA Engineer硬件测试工程师Hardware QA Engineer测试员Test Engineer网站营运经理/主管Web Operations Manager/Supervisor 网络工程师Network Engineer系统管理员/网管System Manager/Webmaster网页设计/制作Web Designer/Production技术文员/助理Technical Clerk/Assistant其他Other销售Sales销售总监Sales Director销售经理Sales Manager区域销售经理Regional Sales Manager客户经理Sales Account Manager渠道/分销经理Channel/Distribution Manager渠道主管Channel Supervisor销售主管Sales Supervisor销售代表Sales Representative / Executive销售工程师Sales Engineer医药代表Pharmaceutical Sales Representative 保险代理Insurance Agent销售助理Sales Assistant / Trainee商务经理Business Manager商务专员/助理Business Executive/Assistant销售行政经理Sales Admin. Manager销售行政主管Sales Admin. Supervisor售前/售后技术服务经理Technical Service Manager售前/售后技术服务主管Technical Service Supervisor售前/售后技术服务工程师Technical Service Engineer售后/客户服务(非技术)经理C ustomer Service Manager售后/客户服务(非技术)主管C ustomer Service Supervisor售后/客户服务(非技术)专员C ustomer Service Executive经销商Distributor其他Others市场/公关/广告Marketing/PR/Advertising市场/广告总监Marketing/Advertising Director/VP 市场/营销经理Marketing Manager市场/营销主管Marketing Supervisor市场/营销专员Marketing Executive/Communication 市场助理Marketing Assistant / Trainee产品/品牌经理Product/Brand Manager产品/品牌主管Product/Brand Supervisor市场通路经理Trade Marketing Manager市场通路主管Trade Marketing Supervisor促销经理Promotions Manager促销主管Promotions Supervisor促销员Promotions Specialist市场分析/调研人员Market Analyst/ Research Analyst公关/会务经理Public Relations Manager公关/会务主管Public Relations Supervisor公关/会务专员Public Relations Executive媒介经理Media Manager媒介人员Media Specialist企业/业务发展经理Business Development Manager企业策划人员Corporate Planning广告策划/设计/文案Advertising Creative/Design/Copy writer 其他Others财务/审计/统计/金融Finance/Accounting/Banking财务总监CFO/Finance Director/VP财务经理Finance Manager财务主管/总帐主管Finance Supervisor会计经理/会计主管Accounting Manager/Supervisor会计Accountant / Accounting Trainee出纳员Cashier财务/会计助理Finance/Accounting Assistant财务分析经理/主管Financial Analysis Manager/Supervisor财务分析员Financial Analyst成本经理/成本主管Cost Accounting Manager/Supervisor成本管理员Cost Accounting Specialist审计经理/主管Audit Manager/Supervisor审计专员/助理Audit Executive/Assistant税务经理/税务主管Tax Manager/Supervisor税务专员Tax Executive证券经纪人Stock Broker投资顾问Investment Advisor注册分析师Certified Investment/Financial Analyst投资/基金项目经理Investment Manager融资经理/融资主管Treasury Manager/Supervisor融资专员Treasury Specialist行长/副行长President/Vice-President/Branch Manager 风险控制Risk Management进出口/信用证结算Trading / LC Officer清算人员Settlement Officer外汇主管Foreign Exchange Supervisor高级客户经理/客户经理Senior Relationship Manager客户主管/专员Relationship?Supervisor/Executive信贷/信用调查/分析人员Loan/Credit Officer银行柜台出纳Bank Teller统计员Statistician其他Others生产/营运/工程Manufacturing/Operations/Engineering工厂经理/厂长Plant/Factory Manager总工程师/副总工程师Chief Engineer项目经理/主管Project Manager/Supervisor项目工程师Project Engineer营运经理Operations Manager营运主管Operations Supervisor生产经理/车间主任Production Manager/Workshop Supervisor生产计划协调员Production Planning Executive/Officer生产主管/督导/领班Production Supervisor/Team Leader技术/工艺设计经理/主管Technical/Industrial Design Mgr./Spvr.技术/工艺设计工程师Technical/Industrial Design Engineer实验室负责人/工程师Lab Manager/Engineer工程/设备经理Engineering/Facility Manager工程/设备主管Engineering/Facility Supervisor工程/设备工程师Engineering/Facility Engineer电气/电子工程师Electrical/Electronics Engineer机械工程师Mechanical Engineer机电工程师Electrical & Mechanical Engineer维修工程师Maintenance Engineer质量经理QA Manager质量主管QA Supervisor质量工程师QA Engineer质量检验员/测试员QA Inspector认证工程师Certification Engineer安全/健康/环境经理/主管Safety/Health/Environment Manager/Supervisor 安全/健康/环境工程师Safety/Health/Environment Engineer工程绘图员Project Drafting Specialist机械制图员Drafting Specialist化验员Laboratory Technician技工Technician / Engineer Trainee电工Electrician服装打样/制版Clothing/Apparel Sample Production其他Others行政/人事/后勤Admin./HR/Support Services行政/人事总监Admin/Human Resources Director人事经理Human Resources Manager人事主管Human Resources Supervisor人事专员Human Resources Specialist人事助理Human Resources Assistant招聘经理/主管Recruiting Manager/Supervisor薪资福利经理/主管Compensation & Benefits Mgr./Supervisor薪资福利专员/助理Compensation & Benefits Specialist/Assistant 培训经理/主管Training Manager/Supervisor培训专员/助理Training Specialist/Assistant行政经理/主管/办公室主任Admin Manager/Supervisor/Office Manager 行政专员/助理Admin Staff/Assistant经理助理/秘书Executive Assistant/Secretary前台接待/总机Receptionist后勤Office Support资料管理员Information / Data Management Specialist 电脑操作员/打字员Computer Operator/Typist其他Others高级管理Senior Management首席执行官/总经理CEO/GM/President副总经理Deputy GM/VP/Management Trainee总监Director合伙人Partner总裁/总经理助理CEO/GM/President Assistant其他Others物流/贸易/采购Logis./Trading/Merchand./Purch.物流经理Logistics Manager物流主管Logistics Supervisor物流专员/助理Logistics Specialist/Assistant物料经理Materials Manager物料主管Materials Supervisor采购经理Purchasing Manager采购主管Purchasing Supervisor采购员Purchasing Specialist/Staff外贸/贸易经理/主管Trading Manager/Supervisor外贸/贸易专员/助理Trading Specialist/Assistant业务跟单经理Merchandiser Manager高级业务跟单Senior Merchandiser业务跟单Merchandiser助理业务跟单Assistant Merchandiser仓库经理/主管Warehouse Manager仓库管理员Warehouse Specialist运输经理/主管Distribution Manager/Supervisor报关员Customs Specialist单证员Documentation Specialist船务人员Shipping Specialist快递员Courier理货员Warehouse Stock Management其他Others文字/艺术/设计Writer/Editor/Creative Artist/Designer 编辑/作家/撰稿人Editor/Writer记者Journalist / Reporter校对/录入Proofreader/Data Entry Staff排版设计Layout Designer艺术/设计总监Creative/Design Director影视策划/制作人员Entertainment Planning / Production 导演Director摄影师Photographer音效师Recording / Sounds Specialist演员/模特/主持人Actor/Actress/Model/MC平面设计/美术设计Graphic Artist/Designer纺织/服装设计Clothing / Apparel Designer工业/产品设计Industrial Designer工艺品/珠宝设计Artwork/Jewelry Designer其他Others科研人员Research Specialist Staff科研管理人员Research Management科研人员Research Specialist Staff律师/法务Legal律师Lawyer法务人员Legal Personnel律师助理Paralegal/Legal Assistant书记员Court Clerk其他Others教师Professor/Teacher教师ProfessorTeacher教学/教务管理人员Education/School Administrator助教Teaching Assistant讲师Lecturer家教Tutor其他Others医疗/护理Medicine / Nursing医生(中、西医)Medical Doctor医学管理人员Healthcare / Medical Management 医药技术人员Medical Technician药库主任/药剂师Pharmacist护士/护理人员Nurse / Nursing Personnel临床协调员Clinical Coodinator临床研究员Clinical Researcher麻醉师Anesthesiologist心理医生Psychologist/Psychiatrist医药学检验Clinical Laboratory其他Others咨询/顾问Consultant专业顾问Senior Consultant咨询总监Consulting Director / Partner咨询经理Consulting Manager咨询员Consultant其他Others公务员Official公务员Official在校学生Student在校学生Student应届毕业生Graduating Student实习生Intern/Trainee其他Others培训生Trainee/Intern培训生Trainee服务Service美容/健身顾问Exercise Coach/Fitness Trainer 餐饮/娱乐经理Banquet Services Manager宾馆/酒店经理Reception Manager领班Supervisor服务员Service Staff营业员/收银员/理货员Shop Clerk/Salesperson厨师Chief/Cook导游Tour Guide司机Chauffeur/Driver保安Security寻呼员/话务员Paging Operator其他Others建筑/房地产Construction/Real Estate建筑工程师Architect结构/土建工程师Structural Engineer电气工程师Electrical Engineer给排水/暖通工程师Drainage/HVAC Engineer工程造价师/预结算Budgeting Specialist建筑工程管理Construction Management工程监理Engineering Project Supervisor 室内外装潢设计Decorator城市规划与设计Urban Design/Planning建筑制图CAD Drafter施工员Construction Crew房地产开发/策划Real Estate Development/Planning 房地产评估Real Estate Appraisal房地产中介/交易Real Estate Agent/Broker物业管理Property Management其他Others翻译Translator英语翻译English Translation日语翻译Japanese Translator德语翻译German Translator法语翻译French Translator俄语翻译Russian Translator西班牙语翻译Spanish Translator朝鲜语翻译Korean Translator其他语种翻译Other Language Translator。



1. What is software development?Software development is the process of developing software through successive phases in an orderly way. This process includes not only the actual writing of code but also the preparation of requirements and objectives, the design of what is to be coded, and confirmation that what is developed has met objectives.Before systems development methods came into being, the development of new systems or products was often carried out by using the experienceand intuition of management and technical personnel. However, the complexityof modern systems and computer products long ago made the need clear forsome kind of orderly development process.Typical phases of software development:1) Identification of required software2) Analysis of the software requirements3) Detailed specification of the software requirements4) Software design5) Programming6) Testing7) MaintenanceIn general, the development of commercial software is usually a result of demand in the marketplace, while enterprise software developmentgenerally arises from a need or a problem within the enterprise environment.2. How is software development guided?The software development process is almost invariably guided bysome systematic software development method (SDM). Referred to by a numberof terms, including process models, development guidelines,and systems development life cycle models (SDLC), software development methods nevertheless generally include the same development phases:∙The existing system is evaluated and its deficiencies identified, usually through interviewing system users and support personnel.∙The new system requirements are defined. In particular, the deficiencies in the existing system must be addressed with specific proposals for improvement.∙The proposed system is designed. Plans are laid out concerning the physical construction, hardware, operating systems, programming, communications, and security issues.∙The new system is developed. The new components and programs must be obtained and installed. Users of the system must be trained in its use, and all aspects of performance must be tested. If necessary, adjustments must be made at this stage.∙The system is put into use. This can be done in various ways. The new system can phased in, according to application or location,andthe old system gradually replaced. In some cases, it may be more cost-effective to shut down the old system and implement the new system all at once.∙Once the new system is up and running, then it should be exhaustively evaluated. Maintenance must be kept up rigorously at allers of the system should be kept up-to-date concerning the latest modificationsand procedures.The systems development life cycle model was developed as a structured approach to information system development that guides all the processesinvolved from an initial feasibility study through to maintenance of thefinished application. SDLC models take a variety of approaches to development.Systems development life cycle models include:· The waterfall model:This is the classic SDLC model, with a linear and sequential method that has goals for each developmentphase. The waterfall model simplifies task scheduling, because there areno iterative or overlapping steps. One drawback of the waterfall is thatit does not allow for much revision.· Rapid application development (RAD):This models based on the concept that better products can be developed more quicklyby: using workshops or focus groups to gather system requirements; prototyping and reiterative testing of designs; rigid adherence to schedule; and less formality of team communications such as reviews.· Joint application development (JAD): This modelinvolves the client or end user in the design and development of an applicationthrough a series of collaborative workshops called JAD sessions.· The prototyping model: In this model, a prototype (an early approximation of a final system or product) is built, testedand then reworked as necessary until an acceptable prototype is finallyachieved from which the complete system or product can now be developed.· Synchronize-and-stabilize: This model involves teams working in parallel on individual application modules, frequently synchronizingtheir code with that of other teams and stabilizing code frequently throughout the development process.· The spiral model: This model of development combines the features of the prototyping model and the waterfall model. The spiral model is favored for large, expensive, and complicated projects.3. How has the open source development process influenced software development in general?Open source software is developed collaboratively; source code is freely available for use and modification. The open source movement arose because some developers came to believe that competition amongst vendors leads to inferior products and that the best approach to development isa collaborative one.The OSI (Open Source Initiative) is an industry body that certifies products as open source if they conform to a number of rules:· The software being distributed must be redistributed to anyone else without any restriction· The source code must be made available (so that the receiving party will be able to improve or modify it)· The license can require improved versions of the software to carry a different name or version from the original softwareDespite its emphasis on the collaborative process, the biggest influence that open source has had on software development in general may be through competition: by competing with proprietary software products, open source products force vendors to work that much harder to hold their market share in the face of viable open source alternatives.4. What are some generally accepted best practices common to all or most development models?Here's a collection of some of the top tips from a variety of industry sources:· Make sure that you've chosen a systems development life cycle model that suits your project, because every one of the processesinvolved depends on the model. That said, however, implementing any modelis betterthan none -- much of the success of a project depends upon howscrupulously the model is adhered to.· Reuse software components when it's appropriate, but don't use code that doesn't work perfectly for its intended purpose just because you have it on hand.· Be very thorough in gathering requirements, ensuring that all parties agree on what they are -- and make sure you document them.· Don't promise the moon, if you can't deliver it. Avoidletting someone who isn't fully informed negotiate with the client.· Make sure that the architecture you've chosen is appropriate for the application you're building. To retain perspective, you might want to look at the smaller picture and plan the architecture incrementally.· Change is part of life, including software development. You have to accept that various things -- requirements, for example -- are likely to change throughout the life of the project. Keep control of them, but not too rigidly.· Set up peer review process es for every element of the project.· Design thoroughly and with care, but remember the KISSprinciple: Keep it simple.· In your project plan, split big projects into manageable chunks, with concrete milestones and deadlines.· Ensure accountability: make sure that deadlines are clear and that people have to report on whether they made them, and explain why not if they don't.· Implement quality control procedures throughout the project.· Test exhaustively -- there's no point in doing a cursory run through only to have an application fail when you run it for the client.· After the project is completed, conduct a thorough post-mortem, with everyone involved. You'll see what worked well and what should havebeen differently, and your future projects will benefit.5. What are some common mistakes in software development?According to a Standish Group report, corporations in the United States spend over $275 billion every year on software development projects, many of which are doomed to failure. Research by the group found that over 80% of projects fail for various reasons, and that fully 30% of projectswere cancelled prior to completion because of poor execution.David B. Stewart, at the University of Maryland, set out to document the 10 most common mistakes of software development. He found, however,that the sheer number of errors that were commonly practiced made it impossible to keep the number to ten. He ended up calling his article "Twenty-FiveMost Common Mistakes with Real-Time Software Development." Even so, afterthe title had been established, he found another five errors so common that the felt compelled to add them.According to Dr. Michael, the most common project problems are due to failure to manage project elements successfully:· Requirement s are not clearly and accurately defined, and agreed upon by all concerned.· Resources are not adequately planned and allocated.· Threats to project success are not clearly detected, identified, and protected against.· Critical path analysis is omitted, or poorly executed.· The project's progress is not tracked adequately.· Quality management is not carried out well enough throughout the life of the project.· Too little data is collected, or data is ignored or poorly understood.Correcting flaws identified during software security audits is expensive and time consuming. Worse, vast resources are spent on containing and recovering from exploits. Fortunately, providing development staff with the knowledge and tools to avoid many of these pitfalls is easy and inexpensive.6. Given a particular process model, is there a set of tools(a development environment) to support it?In general, a process model usually begins as a philosophy of "who does what development when" rather than a rigid methodology complete with tools. For example, rapid application development (RAD) is an approach that can make use of existing development tools. In general, tools for supporting all or part of a process model tend to arrive later, if at all.Historically, development tools have focused on the code-building, code archive management, documentation, testing, and packaging parts ofthe process, sometimes offered as a suite. Such a suite is generally known as an integrated development environment (IDE).A set of tools for managing or supporting a development project is generally known as a computer-assisted software environment (CASE). A number of companies offer products that support early stages of development such as requirements gathering, design prototyping, and data modeling. A number of these provide tools that support data modeling with the Unified Modeling Language. Overall, there is a trend toward providing all or most of the tools for a development project in a single product or related set of products.Today, the main code-building development environments or program suites come from Microsoft with its Visual Studio and Visual Studio .NET, providing support for Visual Basic, Visual C#, Visual C++, and Visual J#; Sun Microsystems with its Java 2 Enterprise Environment; and numerous software vendors such as Borland who repackage these environments with some value-added features. Recently, almost all providers of software development environments have added features that enable the software to be used on the Web.7. How do you choose the "right" programming language for your project?For most projects, the right language is easy to choose. Your company may have standardized on a particular development environment and language (and you may have been hired because you were already familiar with the language). Or you may be updating or enhancing an existing program; it's almost always best to use the same language the existing program is written in. In some cases, however, someone will need to select the best (or, since the best may be somewhat arguable, at least an appropriate language). In somecases, you or your team of developers may need to know several languages fordifferent purposes.General truisms about programming languages are that:∙Perl or a similar script language is most suitable for small tasks and sometimes acting as a program that goes between other,largerprograms.∙Visual Basic is most suitable for relatively novice programmers and relatively simple programs.∙Java, C++, or comparable languages like Python and Tcl aremost suitable for larger applications using object orientation as adesignmodel.∙ C is most suitable for programs where efficiency and performance are the primary concern.∙The appropriate assembler language is most suitable where the program is relatively short and high performance is critical.Where constraints permit, some programmers may favor one object-oriented language over another (for example, Java, C++, Python, or Tcl). A programmer with skills in C is likely to prefer C++, which combines the proceduraland other concepts and syntax of C with object-oriented concepts.8. What are some trends regarding the future of software development?Blogs - A growing number of big-name softwaredevelopers are finding they can make better software applications if theyshare information with potential customers from the start and incorporate customer feedback into development decisions. While developers of gamessoftware have used this method for years, business software makers are nowalso catching on and using blogs as an important part of the development process.Big-name support for independent software vendors (ISVs) - Big players like Microsoft, IBM, and Sun have recognized that they cannot fill every niche industry's software demands, so they have begun to activelyseek partnerships with small ISVs, in hopes that by encouraging ISVs to focuson vertical industry applications, everyone will benefit.Component-based development- In this approach, softwareis developed in modules that are linked dynamically to construct a completeapplication. Charles Simonyi (creator of the WYSIWYG editor) believes thateventually, software development will become so modular that even lay-peoplewill be able to assemble components effectively to create customizedsoftware applications.Continued improvements in refactoring tools - Eric Raymond,a leading philosopher about program development, maintains that the conceptof refactoring is consistent with the idea ofget-something-working-now-and-perfect-it-laterapproach long familiarto Unix and open source programmers. The idea is alsoembodied in the approach known as Extreme Programming. As software applicationsbecome larger, better refactoring tools will be required to maintain codebases and diagnose bugs.Outsourcing - Using this approach, software companies hire employees around the world to take advantage of time zone and labor/cost differences.Proponents say that in effect, software development teams now have a 24-hourwork day, and are able to provide fast turn-around. Detractors say that outsourcingparts of a project leads to sloppy coding and only works if there is a highdegree of coordination regarding modularized tasks, and above-average communicationwithin the team.1。



公司部门中英文对照组装车间 Assembly Shop总务部 General Affairs Department总经理室 General Manager总经办 Office of General Manager总公司 Head Office分公司 Branch Office自动测试部 Division of Auto Testing中期试验部 Division of Pilotscale Testing质量总监 Quality Administration质量管理部 Division of Quality Management制造总部办公室 Office of Manufacturing Headquarter制造总部 Department of Manufacturing制造工程部 Division of Manufacturing Engineering运营商本部 Department of Operating Agents Management营业部 Business Office营销总部 Headquater of Marketing & Sales研发制造本部 Department of R&D and Manufacturing研发一本部硬件开发部 R&D Department I, Hardware Division研发一本部软件开发一部 R&D Department I, Software Division I研发一本部软件开发二部 R&D Department I, Software Division II研发一本部 R&D Department I研发三本部硬件开发部 R&D Department III, Hardware Division研发三本部软件开发一部 R&D Department III, Software Division I研发三本部软件开发二部 R&D Department III, Software Division II研发三本部 R&D Department III研发六本部硬件开发部 R&D Department VI, Hardware Division研发六本部软件开发部 R&D Department VI, Software Division研发六本部 R&D Department VI研发二本部硬件开发部 R&D Department II, Hardware Division研发二本部软件开发部 R&D Department II, Software Division研发二本部 R&D Department II研发部 Research and Development Department(R&D) 行政总部 Headquarter of Administration行政督察部 Division of Administration and Supervision信息实战学院 Institute of Information Practical Exercise信息部 Division of Information新产品导入中心 New Products Intro Center销售计划部 Division of Sales Planning销售管理部 Division of Sales Management销售部 Sales Department物料供应部 Division of Material Supplying物料部 Material Control Dept.五金区 Metal part Block维修中心 Maintenance Center外观设计部 Division of Appearance Design投资证券部 Division of Investment Securities数码制造部 Division of Digital Products Manufacturing数码研发部 Division of Digital Products R&D数码事业部 Division of Digital Technologies售后服务部After-sale Service Department市场战略委员会 Committee of Marketing Strategy市场研究部 Division of Market Research市场策略部 Division of Marketing Strategy市场部 Marketing Department市场本部 Department of Marketing生产一部 Production Division I生产技术本部 Department of Production Technologies生产二部 Production Division II生产部 Production Dept.审计监察部 Division of Auditing & Supervision商务部 Division of Business人事部 Personnel Department人力资源部 Human Resources Department人力资源部 Division of Human Resources区域营销本部 Department of Regional Marketing & Sales区域数码营销部 Division of Regional Digital Products Sales 企划部 Planning Department平面设计部 Division of 2D Design品质检验区 Q.C. Inspection品管部 Quality Control Department品管部 Quality Control Dept.南中国区运营部 Division of Operating In Southern China南商务助理 Assistant Business Manager in Southern China南高级商务经理 Senior Business Manager in Southern China 内蒙分厂 Branch Factory in Nei Meng Province秘书室 Secretarial Pool秘书处 Secretariat来料品控部 IQC Division来料检验区 Incoming Part Inspection客户关系部 Division of Customer Relationship广告公司创意部门头衔中英文对照CW(Copy writer) 文案SCW(Senior Copy writer) 资深文案Copy Director 文案指导Visualizer 视觉执行Designer 设计Senior Designer 资深设计AAD(Assistant Art Director) 助理美术指导AD(Art Director) 美术指导SAD(Senior Art Director) 资深美术指导GH(Group Head) 创意组长ACD(Assistant Creative Director) 副创意总监CD(Creative Director) 创意总监GCD(Group Creative Director) 群创意总监DECD(Deputy Executive Creative Director) 代理执行创意总监ECD(Executive Creative Director) 执行创意总监Creative Partner 创意合伙人客户服务部Division of Customer Service客户服务本部Department of Customer Service进口部Import Department结构设计部Division of Structural Design技术发展委员会信息课Division of Information, Technologies Development Committee 技术发展委员会Committee of R&D会议室Meeting Room会计部Division of Accounting呼叫服务中心Call-in Service Center黑坯周转区Raw Material Block国际业务一部Intl. Business Division I国际业务二部Intl. Business Division II国际事业本部Headquarter of International Business国际部International Department广告部Advertising Department管理部Division of Management管理本部Department of Management供应链管理本部Department of Supplier Link Management公司顾问Consultant公共关系Public Relations Department工业设计本部Department of Industrial Design分公司Subcompany灯罩区Glass-shade Block待料区Transition Area促销部Sales Promotion Department出口部Export Department成品区Fininshed Product Area成品D区Block D成品C区Block C成品B区Block B成品A区Block A产品开发部Product Development Department策略部Division of Strategy Analysis策略本部Department of Strategy Research采购部Purchasing(Procurement) Department财务部General Accounting Department/Financial Dept./Division of Finance 财审总部Headquarter of Financial Auditing财审部Division of Financial Auditing品工程部Division of Component Engineering北中国区运营部Division of Operating In Northern China北商务助理ASsistant Business Manager in Northern China北高级商务经理Senior Business Manager in Northern China包装区Packing Block包装材料区Packing Material Block半成品区Half-Product Block / semi-product办事处OfficePMC部PMC DivisionB拉Section BA拉Section A岗位职称董事Director业务经理Business Manager(计算机)硬件工程师Hardware Engineer安全人员Security Officer办公室助理Office Assistant办事处财务负责人Financial Principal in the Office办事处代主任Subrogating Director of the Office办事处负责人Principal of the Office办事处副主任Deputy Director of the Office办事处客服负责人Principal of the Customer Service in the Office 办事处主任Director of the Office包装设计师Package Designer保安人员Securities Custody Clerk保险公司理赔员Insurance Actuary报副主编Deputy Chief Editor本部副总经理Assistant General Manager of the Department本部总经理General Manager of the Department本部总经理高级助理Senior Assistant of G.M. of the Department 本部总经理助理Assistant of G.M. of the Department本部总经理助理Assistant of G.M. of the Department部长Secretary部长助理Assistant Secretary部门负责人Division Principal部门经理,科长Section Manager财务报告人Financial Reporter财务经理Fund Manager财务主任Financial Controller财务总监Financial Controller采购进货员Purchasing Agent采购员Buyer采矿工程师Mining Engineer测量员Surveyor产品工程师Production Engineer常务副总经理Administrative Assistant General Manager厂长Plant/ Factory Manager厂长Production Manager乘客票位预订员Passenger Reservation Staff出纳员Cashier打字员Clerk Typist/Typist代部长Subrogating Secretary导游Tourist Guide低级文员(低级职员)Junior clerk地区经理Regional Manger第一副部长The 1st Deputy Secretary电传机操作员Telex Operator电话接线员、话务员Telephonist / Operator电脑程序设计师Programmer电气工程师Electrical Engineer电讯(电信)员Telecommunication Executive店员、售货员Sales Clerk董事长Chairman of the Board法律顾问Legal Adviser翻译核对员Translation Checker翻译员Translator饭店经理Restaurant Manager房地产职员Real Estate Staff分公司财务代经理Subrogating Financial Manager in the Subcompany 分公司财务负责人Financial Principal in the Subcompany分公司财务经理Financial Manager in the Subcompany分公司常务副经理Administrative Assistant Manager of the Subcompany 分公司代(副)经理Subrogating Manager of the Subcompany分公司代总经理Subrogating G.M. of the Subcompany分公司负责人Principal of the Subcompany分公司副总经理Assistant G.M. of the Subcompany分公司经理Manager of the Subcompany分公司经理助理Assistant of Manager in Subcompany分公司总经理G.M. of the Subcompany服务部经理Service Manager副部长Deputy Secretary副厂长Assistant Production Manager副经理Assistant Manager副经理Sub-Manager副课长Deputy Setion Chief副院长Deputy President副主任Deputy Director副总工程师Assistant Chief Engineer副总经理Assistant General Manager副总经理Deputy General Manager高级顾问Senior Consultant/Adviser高级雇员Senior Employee高级会计Senior Accountant高级秘书Senior Secretary高级文员(高级职员)Senior Clerk高中级管理人员executive工程技术员Engineering Technician公关部经理Manager for Public Relations公司总经理助理Assistant of G.M. of the Company管理顾问Management Consultant广告工作人员Advertising Staff广告文字撰稿人Copywriter国际销售员International Sales Staff航空公司定座员Airlines Sales Representative航空公司定座员Airlines Sales Representative航空公司职员Airlines Staff化学工程师Chemical Engineer会计部经理Accounting Manager会计部职员Accounting Stall会计主管Accounting Supervisor会计助理Accounting Assistant机械工程师Mechanical Engineer计算机处理操作员Processing Operator计算机工程师Computer Engineer Computer计算机软件工程师Software Engineer计算机系统部经理Computer System Manager计算机资料输入员Computer Data Input Operator记帐员Accounting Clerk技术编辑Technical Editor技术翻译Technical Translator技术工人Technical Worker技术员Technician监管员Supervisor见习护士Practice Nurse见习课长Practice Section Chief建筑师Architect教务长Dean接线生(接线员)Receptionist进口部经理Import Manager进口联络员Import Liaison Staff经济助究助理Economic Research Assistant经理Manager客服中心代经理Subrogating Manager of Customer Service Center 客服中心副经理Assistant Manager of Customer Service Ceter客服中心经理Manager of Customer Service Center课长Section Chief课负责人Section Leader口语翻译Interpreter领班,组长Foreman买手(商人)Merchandiser贸易财务主管Trade Finance Executive秘书Secretary秘书助理Secretarial Assistant培训部经理Trainee Manager品质控制员(质量检查员)Quality Controller区域营销本部副总经理Assistant G.M. of the Department of Regional Marketing & Sales区域营销本部市场助理Assistant of Marketing & Sales, Department of Regional Marketing & Sales区域营销本部总经理G.M. of the Department of Regional Marketing & Sales区域营销本部总经理助理Assistant of G.M. Department of Regional Marketing & Sales区域助理高级经理Regional Assistant Senior Manager人事部经理Personn生产部经理Product Manager生产线主管Line Supervisor生产员工Manufacturing Worker市场部办公室主任Marketing Officer市场部经理Marketing Manager市场部主任Marketing Executive市场调研部经理Marketing Representative Manager市场分析员Market Analyst市场开发部经理Market Development Manager市场销售部经理Marketing Manager市场销售员Marketing Staff市场助理Assistant of Marketing & Sales熟练技工Skilled Worker数码大区经理Manager of Major Customer Service in Digital Products数码营销部经理Manager of Digital Products Marketing & Sales私人秘书Private Secretary速记员Stenographer同声传译员Simultaneous Interpreter土木工程师Chemical Engineer/ Civil Engineer推售部经理Promotional Manager推销员Salesman外汇部核算员F.X. Settlement Clerk外汇部职员F.X. (Foreign Exchange)Clerk外贸业务员Export Business Rep.外销部经理Export Sales Manager外销部职员Export Sales Staff外销员Export Sales Staff维修工程师Maintenance Engineer文书打字兼秘书Cl项目策划人员Project Staff项目经理Project Manager项目经理助理Assistant of the Project Manager销售部经理Sales Manager销售代表Marketing Representative销售代表Sales Representative销售代表Seller Representative销售工程师Sales Engineer销售计划员Sales and Planning Staff销售监管Sales Supervisor销售经理Sales Manager销售协调人Sales Coordinator销售员Salesperson销售主管Marketing Executive销售主管Sales Executive销售主任Sales Executive销售助理Marketing Assistant销售助理Sales Assistant校对员Proof-reader写字楼助理(办事员)Office Assistant信差(邮递员)Messenger行政办事员Administrative Clerk行政办事员Administrative Clerk行政董事Executive Director行政董事Managing Director行政经理Administration Manager行政秘书Executive Secretary行政人员Administration Staff行政主管Administrator行政助理Administrative Assistant学徒Apprentice学校注册主任School Registrar研究开发工程师Research&.Development Engineer 业务经理Business Manager业务经理Operational Manager业务主任Business Controller音乐教师Music Teacher银行高级职员Trust Banking Executive应用工程师Application Engineer英语教师English Instructor/Teacher营业代表Sales Representative硬件工程师:Hardware Engin邮政人员Postal Clerk招聘协调人Recruitment Co-ordinator证券分析员Bond Analyst证券交易员Bond Trader执行副总裁Executive Vice-President职员/接待员Clerk/Receptionist职员clerk职员Office Clerk制造工程师Manufacturing Engineer质量管理工程师Quality Control Engineer质量总监Majordomo of Quality Assurance主管Supervisor主任Director主任Manage助理经理(副经理)Assistant Manager专业人员Professional Staff资本运营总监Majordomo of Capital Operation总部副总经理Assistant General Manager of the Headquarter 总部副总经理助理Assistant of Vice G.M. of the Headquarter 总部总经理General Manager of the Headquarter总部总经理助理Assistant of G.M. of the Headquarter总裁President (Am E.)总工程师Chief Engineer总工程师Chief Engineer总管Supervisor总会计主任Chief Accountant总经理General Manager/ President总经理Executive Manager总经理办公会秘书Secretary, Office of General Manager总经理高级秘书Senior Secretary of G.M.总经理秘书Secretary of G.M./ Manager's Secretary。



外企职位中英文对照表2009/04/05 19:45[未分类 ]办公室职务职称中英文对照计算机/互联网/通讯Technology/Internet首席技术执行官CTO/VP Engineering技术总监/经理Technical Director/Manager信息技术经理IT Manager信息技术主管IT Supervisor信息技术专员IT Specialist项目经理/主管Project Manager/Supervisor项目执行/协调人员Project Specialist / Coordinator系统分析员System Analyst高级软件工程师Senior Software Engineer软件工程师Software Engineer系统工程师System Engineer高级硬件工程师Senior Hardware Engineer硬件工程师Hardware Engineer通信技术工程师Communications EngineerERP技术/应用顾问ERP Technical/Application Consultant 数据库工程师Database Engineer技术支持经理Technical Support Manager技术支持工程师Technical Support Engineer品质经理QA Manager信息安全工程师Information Security Engineer软件测试工程师Software QA Engineer硬件测试工程师Hardware QA Engineer测试员Test Engineer网站营运经理/主管Web Operations Manager/Supervisor 网络工程师Network Engineer系统管理员/网管System Manager/Webmaster网页设计/制作Web Designer/Production技术文员/助理Technical Clerk/Assistant销售Sales销售总监Sales Director销售经理Sales Manager区域销售经理Regional Sales Manager客户经理Sales Account Manager渠道/分销经理Channel/Distribution Manager渠道主管Channel Supervisor销售主管Sales Supervisor销售代表Sales Representative / Executive销售工程师Sales Engineer医药代表Pharmaceutical Sales Representative保险代理Insurance Agent销售助理Sales Assistant / Trainee商务经理Business Manager商务专员/助理Business Executive/Assistant销售行政经理Sales Admin. Manager销售行政主管Sales Admin. Supervisor售前/售后技术服务经理Technical Service Manager售前/售后技术服务主管Technical Service Supervisor售前/售后技术服务工程师Technical Service Engineer售后/客户服务(非技术)经理Customer Service Manager售后/客户服务(非技术)主管Customer Service Supervisor售后/客户服务(非技术)专员Customer Service Executive经销商Distributor——————————————————————————————————职称中英文对照^最新职能分类计算机硬件Computer, Hardware高级硬件工程师Senior Hardware Engineer硬件工程师Hardware Engineer其他Others计算机软件Computer, Software高级软件工程师Senior Software Engineer软件工程师Software EngineerERP技术/开发应用ERP Application R&D/Implementation系统集成工程师System Integration Engineer系统分析员System Analyst系统工程师System Engineer数据库工程师/管理员Database Engineer/Administrator计算机辅助设计工程师Computer Aided Design Engineer其他Others互联网开发及应用Internet互联网软件开发工程师Internet/E-Commerce Software Engineer多媒体/游戏开发工程师Multimedia/Game Development Engineer网站营运经理/主管Web Operations Manager/Supervisor网络工程师Network Engineer系统管理员/网络管理员System Manager/Webmaster网站策划Web Producer网站编辑Web Editor网页设计/制作/美工Web Designer/Production/Creative网络信息安全工程师Information Security Engineer智能大厦/综合布线Intelligent Building/Structure Cabling其他OthersIT-管理IT-Management首席技术执行官CTO/首席信息官CIO Chief Technology Officer CTO/Chief Information Officer CIO技术总监/经理Technical Director/Manager信息技术经理/主管IT Manager/Supervisor信息技术专员IT Specialist项目总监Project Director项目经理Project Manager项目主管Project Supervisor项目执行/协调人员Project Specialist / Coordinator其他OthersIT-品管、技术支持及其它IT-QA, Technical Support...技术支持经理Technical Support Manager技术支持工程师Technical Support Engineer计量工程师Measure Engineer标准化工程师Standardization Engineer品质经理Quality Assurance QA Manager系统测试Systems Testing QA软件测试Software Testing QA硬件测试Hardware Testing QA测试员Test Engineer /Tester技术文员/助理Technical Clerk/Assistant其他Others通信技术Communication Technology通信技术工程师Communication Engineer有线传输工程师Wired Transmission Engineer无线通信工程师Wireless Communication Engineer电信交换工程师Telecommunication Exchange Engineer数据通信工程师Data Communication Engineer移动通信工程师Mobile Communication Engineer电信网络工程师Telecommunication Network Engineer通信电源工程师Communication Power Supply Engineer其他Others电子/电器/半导体/仪器仪表Electronics/Wiring/Semiconductor/Instrument/Industry 集成电路IC设计/应用工程师IC Design/Application EngineerIC验证工程师IC Verification Engineer电子工程师/技术员Electronics Engineer电气工程师/技术员Electrical Engineer电路工程师/技术员Electronic Circuit Engineer电声/音响工程师/技术员Electroacoustics Engineer半导体技术Semiconductor Technology自动控制工程师/技术员Autocontrol Engineer/Technician电子软件开发(ARM/MCU...) Electronics Software (ARM/MCU…)嵌入式软件开发(Linux/单片机/DLC/DSP…) Embedded Software Engineer(Linux/SCM/DLC/DSP…)电池/电源开发Battery/Power EngineerFAE 现场应用工程师Field Application Engineer (FAE)家用电器/数码产品研发Household Electronics/Digital Products Development仪器/仪表/计量Instrument/Measurement测试工程师Quality Testing Engineer其他Others销售管理Sales Management销售总监Sales Director销售经理Sales Manager销售主管Sales Supervisor渠道/分销经理Channel/Distribution Manager渠道/分销主管Channel/Distribution Supervisor客户经理Sales Account Manager区域销售总监Regional Sales Director区域销售经理Regional Sales Manager其他Others销售人员Salespersons销售代表Sales Representative / Executive渠道/分销专员Channel/Distribution Representative客户代表Sales Account Representative销售工程师Sales Engineer电话销售Telesales经销商Distributor其他Others销售行政及商务Sales Administration销售行政经理/主管Sales Admin. Manager/Supervisor销售行政专员/助理Sales Admin. Executive/Assistant商务经理Business Manager商务主管/专员Business Supervisor/Executive商务助理Business Assistant销售助理Sales Assistant / Trainee其他Others客服及技术支持Customer Service and Technical Support客服总监(非技术)Customer Service Director客服经理(非技术)Customer Service Manager客服主管(非技术)Customer Service Supervisor客服专员/助理(非技术)Customer Service Executive/Assistant 售前/售后技术支持经理Technical Support Manager售前/售后技术支持主管Technical Support Supervisor售前/售后技术支持工程师Technical Support Engineer咨询热线/呼叫中心服务人员Customer Hot Line/Call Center Staff 其他Others财务/审计/税务Finance/Accounting/Audit/Tax首席财务官CFO Chief Financial Officer CFO财务总监Finance Director财务经理Finance Manager财务顾问Finance Consultant财务主管/总帐主管Finance Supervisor会计经理/会计主管Accounting Manager/Supervisor会计Accountant / Accounting Trainee出纳员Cashier财务/会计助理Finance/Accounting Assistant财务分析经理/主管Financial Analysis Manager/Supervisor财务分析员Financial Analyst成本经理/成本主管Cost Accounting Manager/Supervisor成本管理员Cost Accounting Specialist审计经理/主管Audit Manager/Supervisor审计专员/助理Audit Executive/Assistant税务经理/税务主管Tax Manager/Supervisor税务专员/助理Tax Executive/Assistant统计员Statistician其他Others证券/金融/投资Securities/Finance/Investment证券/期货/外汇经纪人Securities Broker证券分析师Securities Analyst股票/期货操盘手Stocks/Futures Operator金融/经济研究员Financial Analyst/Economist投资/基金项目经理Investment Manager/Fund Manager投资/理财顾问Investment/Financial Management Advisor投资银行业务Investment Banking Specialist融资经理/融资主管Treasury Manager/Supervisor融资专员Treasury Specialist拍卖师Auction其他Others银行Banks行长/副行长President/Vice-President/Branch Manager资产评估/分析Assets Valuation/Analyst风险控制Risk Management信贷管理/信用调查/分析人员Loan/Credit Officer进出口/信用证结算Trading / LC Officer外汇交易Foreign Exchange清算人员Settlement Officer高级客户经理/客户经理Senior Relationship Manager客户主管/专员Relationship Supervisor/Executive银行柜员Bank Teller银行卡、电子银行业务推广Credit Card/E-banking business Develop 其他Others保险Insurance保险精算师Actuary保险产品开发/项目策划Product Development/Planner保险业务经理/主管Business Manager/Supervisor保险代理/经纪人/客户经理Agent/Broker/Account Manager理财顾问/财务规划师Financial Advisor/Financial Planner储备经理人Agency Management Associate保险核保Underwriting保险理赔Claim Management保险客户服务/续期管理Customer Service保险培训师Trainer保险内勤Staff其他Others生产/营运Manufacturing/Operation工厂经理/厂长Plant/Factory Manager总工程师/副总工程师Chief Engineer项目经理/主管Project Manager/Supervisor项目工程师Project Engineer营运经理Operations Manager营运主管Operations Supervisor生产经理/车间主任Production Manager/Workshop Supervisor生产计划协调员Production Planning Executive/Officer生产主管/督导/领班Production Supervisor/Team Leader化验员Laboratory Technician其他Others质量/安全管理Quality/Safety Management质量管理/测试经理(QA/QC经理) QA/QC Manager质量管理/测试主管(QA/QC主管) QA/QC Supervisor质量管理/测试工程师(QA/QC工程师) QA/QC Engineer质量检验员/测试员Quality Inspector/Tester可靠度工程师Reliability Engineer故障分析工程师Failure Analysis Engineer认证工程师/审核员Certification Engineer/Auditor体系工程师/审核员Systems Engineer/Auditor安全/健康/环境经理/主管Safety/Health/Environmental Manager/Supervisor 安全/健康/环境工程师Safety/Health/Environmental Engineer供应商管理Supplier/Vendor Management采购材料、设备质量管理Supplies & Equipment Quality Management其他Others工程/机械/能源Engineering/Mechanical/Energy技术研发经理/主管Technical Design Mgr./Spvr.技术研发工程师Technical Design Engineer产品工艺/制程工程师Process Engineer产品规划工程师Product Planing Engineer实验室负责人/工程师Lab Manager/Engineer工程/设备经理Engineering/Facility Manager工程/设备主管Engineering/Facility Supervisor工程/设备工程师Engineering/Facility Engineer工程/机械绘图员Project Drafting Specialist/Mechanical Drawing工业工程师Industrial Engineer机械工程师Mechanical Engineer结构工程师Structrual Engineer模具工程师Tooling Engineer机电工程师Electrical & Mechanical Engineer维修工程师Maintenance Engineer铸造/锻造工程师Casting/Forging Engineer注塑工程师Injection Engineer焊接工程师Welding Engineer夹具工程师Clamp EngineerCNC工程师CNC Engineer冲压工程师Punch Engineer锅炉工程师Boiler Engineer电力工程师/技术员Electric Power Engineer光源与照明工程Lighting Engineer汽车/摩托车工程师Automotive Engineer船舶工程师Shipping Engineer飞行器设计与制造Aircraft Design & Manufacture其他Others技工Technician / Engineer Trainee技工Technician / Engineer Trainee钳工/机修工/钣金工Locksmith/Mechanic/Repairer电焊工/铆焊工Electric Welding Worker车工/磨工/铣工/冲压工/锣工Latheman/Grinder/Miller/Puncher/Turner 模具工Mould Worker电工Electrician叉车工Forklift Worker空调工/电梯工/锅炉工Air-Condition Worker/Lift Worker/Steam Worker 水工/木工/油漆工Plumber/Carpenter/Painter普工General Worker裁剪车缝熨烫Tailor汽车修理工Auto Repairing其他Others服装/纺织/皮革Apparels/Textiles/Leather Goods服装/纺织设计Fashion/Textiles Designer面料辅料开发Fabric/Accessories Development面料辅料采购Fabric/Accessories Purchasing服装/纺织/皮革跟单Apparels/Textiles/Leather Goods Merchandiser质量管理/验货员(QA/QC) Quality Management QA/QC板房/楦头/底格出格师Shoe Tree Design服装打样/制版Apparels Sample Production纸样师/车板工Paper Sample裁床Cut Bed其他Others采购Purchasing采购总监Purchasing Director采购经理Purchasing Manager采购主管Purchasing Supervisor采购员Purchasing Specialist/Staff采购助理Purchasing Assistant选址拓展Location Development。



abstract class 抽象类,提供一组子类共有行为的类,但它本身并不具有实例。


Abstraction 抽象,对视图或模型的创建,其中忽略了不必要的细节,以便专注于一组特定的相关细节。

access modifier存取权限,对类、方法或属性进行访问控制的关键字。

Java 中的存取权限可以是公有、私有、保护和包装(默认)。

accessor methods存取器方法,由对象提供的、用于定义连接该对象实例变量的方法。





action sequence动作序列,解析为一系列先后发生的动作的表达式。

action state动作状态,表示不可分动作的执行状态,通常指的是调用一个操作。

activation激活,动作的执行active class主动类,表示系统中控制线程的类。



active object主动对象,拥有线程并可发起控制活动的对象。


activity graph活动图,状态机的特例,用于对涉及一个或多个分类器的进程建模。

对比:状态图(statechart diagram)。

同义词:活动图(activity diagram)。


actor class主角类,定义一组主角实例,其中每个主角实例相对于系统而言都担任着同样的角色。





ERP 中英文对照字典1ABM Activity-based Management 基于作业活动管理2AO Application Outsourcing 应用程序外包3APICS American Production and Inventory Control Society,Inc 美国生产与库存管理协会4APICS Applied Manufacturing Education Series 实用制造管理系列培训教材5APO Advanced Planning and Optimization 先进计划及优化技术6APS Advanced Planning and Scheduling 高级计划与排程技术7ASP Application Service/Software Provider 应用服务/ 软件供应商8ATO Assemble To Order 定货组装9ATP Available To Promise 可供销售量(可签约量)10B2B Bus in ess to Busi ness企业对企业(电子商务)11B2C Business to Consumer企业对消费者(电子商务)12B2G Business to Government 企业对政府(电子商务)13B2R Business to Retailer 企业对经销商(电子商务)14BIS Business Intelligence System 商业智能系统15BOM Bill Of Materials 物料清单16BOR Bill Of Resource 资源清单17BPR Busi ness Process Ree ngin eeri n业务/ 企业流程重组18BPM Busi ness Process Ma nageme n业务/ 企业流程管理19BPS Busi ness Process Sta ndar业务/ 企业流程标准20C/S Client/Server(C/S)\Browser/Server(B/S)客户机/服务器浏览器/服务器21CAD Computer-Aided Design 计算机辅助设计22CAID Computer-Aided Industrial Design 计算机辅助工艺设计23CAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing 计算机辅助制造24CAPP Computer-Aided Process Pla nning 计算机辅助工艺设计25CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering 计算机辅助软件工程26CC Collaborative Commerce 协同商务27CIMS Computer Integrated Manufacturing System 计算机集成制造系统28CMM Capability Maturity Model 能力成熟度模型29COMMS Customer Orie nted Manu facturi ng Man ageme nt System 面向客户制造管理系统30CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture 通用对象请求代理结构31CPC Collaborative Product Commerce 协同产品商务32CPIM Certified Production and Inventory Management 生产与库存管理认证资格33CPM Critical Path Method 关键线路法34CRM Customer Relationship Management 客户关系管理35CRP capacity requireme nts pla nning 能力需求计戈U36CTI Computer Telephony Integration 电脑电话集成(呼叫中心)37CTP Capable to Promise 可承诺的能力38DCOM Distributed Component Object Model 分布式组件对象模型39DCS Distributed Control System 分布式控制系统DMRP Distributed MRP 分布式 MRPDRP Distribution Resource Planning 分销资源计划DSS Decisi on Support System 决策支持系统DTF Demand Time Fence 需求时界DTP Delivery to Promise 可承诺的交货时间EAI Enterprise Application Integration 企业应用集成EAM Enterprise Assets Management 企业资产管理ECM En terprise Commerce Man ageme nt 企业商务管理ECO Engineering Cha nge Order 工程变更订单EDI Electronic Data Interchange 电子数据交换EDP Electro nic Data Process ing 电子数据处理EEA Extended Enterprise Applications 扩展企业应用系统EIP Enterprise Information Portal 企业信息门户EIS Executive Information System 高层领导信息系统EOI Economic Order Interval 经济定货周期EOQ Economic Order Quantity 经济订货批量 (经济批量法 )EPA Enterprise Proficiency Analysis 企业绩效分析ERP En terprise Resource Pla nning 企业资源计划ERM En terprise Resource Man ageme nt 企业资源管理ETO Engineer To Order 专项设计,按订单设计404142 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 565758596061FAS Final Assembly Schedule 最终装配计划FCS Finite Capacity Scheduling 有限能力计划62FMS Flexible Manufacturing System 柔性制造系统63FOQ Fixed Order Quantity 固定定货批量法64GL General Ledger 总账65GUI Graphical User Interface 图形用户界面66HRM Human Resource Ma nageme nt 人力资源管理67HRP Huma n Resource Pla nning 人力资源计划68IE Industry Engineering/Internet Exploration 工业工程/浏览器69ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织70ISP Internet Service Provider 互联网服务提供商71ISPE International Society for Productivity Enhancement 国际生产力促进会72IT/GT Information/Group Technology 信息/成组技术73JIT Just In Time 准时制造/准时制生产74KPA Key Process Areas 关键过程域75KPI Key Performance Indicators 关键业绩指标76LP Lean Production 精益生产77MES Manufacturing Executive System 制造执行系统78MIS Management Information System 管理信息系统79MPS Master Production Schedule 主生产计划80MRP Material Requirements Planning 物料需求计划81MRPII Manufacturing Resource Planning 制造资源计划82MTO Make To Order 定货(订货)生产83MTS Make To Stock 现货(备货)生产84OA Office Automation 办公自动化85OEM Original Equipment Manufacturing 原始设备制造商86OPT Optimized Production Technology 最优生产技术87OPT Optimized Production Timetable 最优生产时刻表88PADIS Production And Decision Information System 生产和决策管理信息系统89PDM Product Data Management 产品数据管理90PERT Program Evaluation Research Tech nology计划评审技术91PLM Production Lifecycle Management 产品生命周期管理92PM Project Management 项目管理93POQ Period Order Quantity 周期定量法94PRM Part ner Relatio nship Man ageme nt 合作伙伴关系管理95PTF Pla nned Time Fence 计划时界96PTX Private Trade Exchange 自用交易网站97RCCP Rough-Cut Capacity Planning 粗能力计划98RDBM Relational Data Base Management 关系数据库管理99RPM Rapid Prototype Manufacturing 快速原形制造100RRP Resource Requireme nts Pla nning资源需求计划101SCM Supply Chain Management 供应链管理102SCP Supply Cha in Partn ership 供应链合作伙伴关系86OPT Optimized Production Technology 最优生产技术87OPT Optimized Production Timetable 最优生产时刻表88PADIS Production And Decision Information System 生产和决策管理信息系统89PDM Product Data Management 产品数据管理90PERT Program Evaluation Research Tech nology计划评审技术91PLM Production Lifecycle Management 产品生命周期管理92PM Project Management 项目管理93POQ Period Order Quantity 周期定量法94PRM Part ner Relatio nship Man ageme nt 合作伙伴关系管理95PTF Pla nned Time Fence 计划时界96PTX Private Trade Exchange 自用交易网站97RCCP Rough-Cut Capacity Planning 粗能力计划98RDBM Relational Data Base Management 关系数据库管理99RPM Rapid Prototype Manufacturing 快速原形制造100RRP Resource Requireme nts Pla nning资源需求计划101SCM Supply Chain Management 供应链管理102SCP Supply Cha in Partn ership 供应链合作伙伴关系103SFA Sales Force Automation 销售自动化104SMED Single-Minute Exchange Of Dies 快速换模法105SOP Sales And Operati on Pla nning 销售与运作规划106SQL Structure Query Language 结构化查询语言107TCO Total Cost Ownership 总体运营成本108TEI Total Enterprise Integration 全面企业集成109TOC Theory Of Con strai nts/Co nstrai nts ma nagema n约束理论/ 约束管理110TPM Total Productive Maintenance 全员生产力维护111TQC Total Quality Control 全面质量控制112TQM Total Quality Management 全面质量管理113WBS Work Breakdown System 工作分解系统114XML eXtensible Markup Language 可扩展标记语言115ABC Classification(Activity Based Classification) ABC 分类法116ABC costing 作业成本法117ABC inventory control ABC 库存控制118abnormal demand 反常需求119acquisition cost ,ordering cost 定货费120action message行为/活动(措施)信息121action report flag 活动报告标志122activity cost pool 作业成本集123activity-based costing(ABC) 作业基准成本法/业务成本法124actual capacity 实际能力125adjust on hand 调整现有库存量126adva need manu facturi ng tech nology 先进制造技术127advanced pricing 高级定价系统128AM Agile Manufacturing 敏捷制造129alternative routing 替代工序(工艺路线)130Anticipated Delay Report 拖期预报131anticipation inventory 预期储备132apportionment code 分摊码133assembly parts list 装配零件表134automated storage/retrieval system自动仓储/检索系统135Automatic Rescheduling 计划自动重排136available inventory 可达到库存137available material 可用物料138available stock 达到库存139available work 可利用工时140average inventory 平均库存141back order 欠交(脱期)订单142back scheduling 倒排(序)计划/倒序排产?143base currency 本位币144batch number 批号145batch process 批流程146batch production 批量生产147benchmarking 标杆瞄准(管理)148bill of labor 工时清单149bill of lading 提货单150branch warehouse 分库151bucketless system 无时段系统152business framework 业务框架153business plan 经营规划154capacity level 能力利用水平155capacity load 能力负荷156capacity man ageme nt 能力管理157carrying cost 保管费158carrying cost rate 保管费率159cellular manufacturing 单元式制造160change route 修改工序161change structure 修改产品结构162check point 检查点163closed loop MRP 闭环MRP164Common Route Code(ID)通用工序标识165compo nen t-based developme n组件(构件)开发技术166concurrent engineering 并行(同步)工程167conference room pilot 会议室模拟168configuration code 配置代码169continuous improvement 进取不懈170con ti nu ous process 连续流程171cost driver 作业成本发生因素172cost driver rate 作业成本发生因素单位费用173cost of stockout 短缺损失174cost roll-up 成本滚动计算法175crew size 班组规模176critical part 急需零件177critical ratio 紧迫系数178critical work center 关键工作中心179CLT Cumulative Lead Time 累计提前期180current run hour 现有运转工时181current run quantity 现有运转数量182customer care 客户关怀183customer deliver lead time 客户交货提前期184customer loyalty 客户忠诚度185customer order number 客户订单号186customer satisfaction 客户满意度187customer status 客户状况188cycle counting 周期盘点189DM Data Mining 数据挖掘190Data Warehouse 数据仓库191days offset 偏置天数192dead load 空负荷193demand cycle 需求周期194demand forecasting 需求预测195dema nd man ageme n需求管理196Deming circle 戴明环197dem on strated capacity 实际能力198discrete manufacturing 离散型生产199dispatch to 调度200DRP Distribution Requirements Planning 分销需求计划201drop shipment 直运202dunning letter 催款信203ECO workbe nch ECO 工作台204employee enrolled 在册员工205employee tax id 员工税号206end item 最终产品207engin eeri ng cha nge mode flag 工程变更方式标志208engin eeri ng cha nge no tice 工程变更通知209equipment distribution 设备分配210equipme nt man ageme nt 设备管理211exception control 例外控制212excess material a nalysis呆滞物料分析213expedite code 急送代码214external integration 外部集成215fabrication order 加工订单216factory order 工厂订单217fast path method 快速路径法218fill backorder 补足欠交219final assembly lead time 总装提前期220final goods 成品221finite forward scheduling 有限顺排计划222finite loading 有限排负荷223firm planned order 确认的计划订单224firm planned time fence 确认计划需求时界225FPR Fixed Period Requireme nts 定期用量法226fixed quantity 固定数量法227fixed time 固定时间法228floor stock 作业现场库存229flow shop 流水车间230focus forecasting 调焦预测231forward scheduling 顺排计划232freeze code 冻结码233freeze space 冷冻区234frozen order 冻结订单235gross requireme nts 毛需求236hedge inventory 囤积库存237in process inventory 在制品库存238in stock 在库239incrementing 增值240indirect cost 间接成本241indirect labor 间接人工infinite loading 无限排负荷 input/output control 投入 /产出控制 inspection ID 检验标识 integrity 完整性 inter companies 公司内部间 interplant demands 厂际需求量 inventory carry rate 库存周转率 inventory cycle time 库存周期 inventory issue 库存发放 inventory locationtype 仓库库位类型 inventory scrap 库存报废量 inventory transfers 库存转移 inventory turns/turnover 库存(资金 )周转次数 invoice address 发票地址 invoice amount gross 发票金额 invoice schedule 发票清单 issue cycle 发放周期 issue order 发送订单 issue parts 发放零件 issue policy 发放策略 item availability 项目可供量 item description 项目说明242243244245 246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262264item number 项目编号265item record 项目记录266item remark 项目备注267item status 项目状态268job shop 加工车间269job step 作业步骤270kit item 配套件项目271labor hour 人工工时272late days 延迟天数273lead time 提前期274lead time level 提前期水平275lead time offset days 提前期偏置(补偿)天数276least slack per operatio n最小单个工序平均时差277line item 单项产品278live pilot 应用模拟279load leveling 负荷量280load report 负荷报告281location code 仓位代码282location remarks 仓位备注283location status 仓位状况284lot for lot 按需定货(因需定量法/缺补法)285 lot ID 批量标识number 批量编号 lot lot number traceability 批号跟踪 lot size 批量lot size inventory 批量库存lot sizing 批量规划low level code 低层 (位)码 machine capacity 机器能力 machine hours 机时 machine loading 机器加载 maintenance ,repair,a nd operat ing supplied 维护修理操作物料 make or buy decision 外购或自制决策 man ageme nt by excepti on 例外管理法 manufacturing cycle time 制造周期时间 manufacturing lead time 制造提前期 manu facturi ng sta ndards 制造标准 master scheduler 主生产计戈U 员 material 物料 material available 物料可用量 material cost 物料成本material issues and receipts 物 料发放和接收material man ageme nt 物料管理material manager 物料经理286287288 289290291292293294295296 297 298 299300301302303304305306material master,item master 物料主文件 material review board 物料核定机构 measure of velocity 生产速率水平memory-based process ing speed!于存储的处理速度 minimum balance 最小库存余量Modern Materials Handling 现代物料搬运month to date 月累计 move time , transit time 传递时间 MSP book flag MPS 登录标志 multi-currency 多币制 multi-facility 多场所 multi-level 多级 multi-plant management 多工厂管理multiple location 多重仓位net change 净改变法net change MRP 净改变式 MRPnet requirements 净需求new location 新仓位new parent 新组件new warehouse 新仓库 next code 后续编码 next number 后续编号308309310 311312313314315316317318319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326327328330No action report 不活动报告331non-nettable 不可动用量332on demand 急需的333on-hand balance 现有库存量334on hold 挂起335on time 准时336open amount 未清金额337 open order 未结订单/开放订单338order activity rules 订单活动规则339order address 订单地址340order entry 订单输入341order point 定货点342order point system 定货点法343order policy 定货策略344order promising 定货承诺345order remarks 定货备注346ordered by 定货者347overflow location 超量库位348overhead apportionment/allocation 间接费分配349overhead rate,burde n factor,absorpti on rate间接费率350owner's equity 所有者权益351parent item 母件bills 零件清单 part part lot 零件批次 part number 零件编号people involvement 全员参治peformance measureme n 业绩评价physical inventory 实际库存 picking 领料 /提货 planned capacity 计划能力 planned order 计划订单 planned order receipts 计划产出量 planned order releases 计划投入量 planning horizon 计划期 /计划展望期 point of use 使用点Policy and procedure 工作准则与工作规程 price adjustments 价格调整 price invoice 发票价格price level 物价水平price purchase order 采购订单价格 priority planning 优先计划 processing manufacturing 流程制造 product control 产品控制product family 产品系列352353354 355356357358359360361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369370371372373374product mix 产品搭配组合375production activity control 生产作业控制376production cycle 生产周期377production line 产品线378production rate 产品率379production tree 产品结构树380PAB Projected Available Balance 预计可用库存(量)381purchase order tracki ng 采购订单跟踪382quantity allocation 已分配量383quantity at location 仓位数量384quantity backorder 欠交数量385quantity completion 完成数量386quantity demand 需求量387quantity gross 毛需求量388quantity in 进货数量389quantity on hand 现有数量390quantity scrapped 废品数量391quantity shipped 发货数量392queue time 排队时间393rated capacity 额定能力394receipt document 收款单据395reference number 参考号396regenerated MRP 重生成式MRP397released order 下达订单398reorder point 再订购点399repetitive manufacturing 重复式生产(制造)400replaceme nt parts 替换零件401required capacity 需求能力402requisition orders 请购单403rescheduli ng assumpti on 重排假设404resupply order 补库单405rework bill 返工单406roll up 上滚407rough cut resource planning 粗资源计划408rounding amount 舍入金额409run time 加工(运行)时间410safety lead time 安全提前期411safety stock 安全库存412safety time 保险期413sales order 销售订单414scheduled receipts计划接收量(预计入库量/预期到货量)415seaso nal stock 季节储备416send part 发送零件417service and support 服务和支持418service parts 维修件419set up time 准备时间420ship address 发运地址421ship contact 发运单联系人422ship order 发货单423shop calendar 工厂日历(车间日历)424shop floor control 车间作业管理(控制)425shop order , work order 车间订单426shrink factor 损耗因子(系数)427single level where used 单层物料反查表428sta ndard cost system 标准成本体系429standard hours 标准工时430sta ndard product cost 标准产品成本431sta ndard set up hour标准机器设置工时432standard unit run hour 标准单位运转工时433sta ndard wage rate标准工资率434status code 状态代码435stores control 库存控制436suggested work order 建议工作单437supply chain 供应链438synchronous manufacturing 同步制造/同期生产439time bucket 时段(时间段)440time fence 时界441time zone 时区442top management commitment 领导承诺443total lead time 总提前期444transportation inventory 在途库存445unfav orable varia nee, adverse不禾U差异446unit cost 单位成本447unit of measure 计量单位448value ehain 价值链449value-added ehain 增值链450varianee in quantity 量差451ven dor scheduler,supplier scheduler采购计划员/ 供方计划员452vendor seheduling 采购计划法453Virtual Enterprise(VE)/ Organization 虚拟企业/公司454volume variance 产量差异455wait time 等待时间456where-used list 反查用物料单457work center capacity 工作中心能力458workflow 工作流459work order 工作令460work order tracking 工作令跟踪461work scheduling 工作进度安排462world class manufacturing excellence 国际优秀制造业463zero inventories 零库存464465Call/Contact/Work/Cost center 呼叫/联络/工作/成本中心466Co/By-product 联/副产品467E-Commerce/E-Business/E-Marketing 电子商务/电子商务/电子集市468E-sales/E-procuement/E-partner电子销售/电子采购/电子伙伴469in depe nden t/depe ndent dema n(独立需求/ 相关需求件470informal/formal system 非/规范化管理系统471Internet/Intranet/Extranet 互联网/企业内部网/企业外联网472middle/hard/soft/share/firm/group ware 中间/硬/软/共享/固/群件473pegging/kitting/netting/nettable 追溯(反查)/配套出售件/净需求计算474picking/dispatch/disbursement list 领料单(或提货单)/派工单/发料单475preflush/backflush/super backflush 预冲/倒冲法/完全反冲476yield/scrap/shrinkage (rate)成品率/废品率/缩减率477scrap/shrinkage factor 残料率(废品系数)/损耗系数478478costed BOM 成本物料清单479engineering BOM 设计物料清单480indented BOM 缩排式物料清单481manufacturing BOM 制造物料清单483 modular BOM 模块化物料清单484planning BOM 计划物料清单485single level BOM 单层物料清单486summarized BOM 汇总物料清单487488accou nt bala nee 账户余额489account code 账户代码490account ledger 分类账491account period 会计期间492accou nts payable 应付账款493accou nts receivable 应收账款494actual cost 实际成本495aging 账龄496balance due 到期余额497balance in hand 现有余额498bala nee sheet资产负债表499beginning balance 期初余额500cash basis现金收付制501cash on bank 银行存款502cash on hand 现金503cash out to 支付给504catalog 目录505category code 分类码506check out 结帐507collection 催款508cost simulation 成本模拟509costing 成本核算510curre nt assets 流动资产511current liabilities 流动负债512curre nt sta ndard cost 现行标准成本513detail 明细514draft remittance 汇票汇出515end of year 年末516ending availables 期末可供量517ending balance 期末余额518excha nge rate 汇率519expense 费用520financial accounting 财务会计521financial entity 财务实体522financial reports 财务报告523financial statements 财务报表524fiscal period 财务期间525fiscal year 财政年度526fixed assets 固定资产527foreign amount 外币金额528gains and loss 损益529in balance 平衡530income statement 损益表531intangible assets 无形资产532journal entry 分录533man ageme nt acco un ti ng 管理会计534manual reconciliation 手工调账535notes payable 应付票据536notes receivable 应收票据537other receivables 其他应收款538pay aging 付款账龄539pay check 工资支票540pay in 缴款541pay item 付款项目542pay point 支付点543pay status 支付状态544payment instrument 付款方式545payment reminder 催款单546payment status 付款状态547payment terms 付款期限548period 期间549post 过账550proposed cost 建议成本551simulated cost 模拟成本552spe nding varia nce,expe nditure varia nee开支差异553subsidiary 明细账554summary 汇总555tax code 税码556tax rate 税率557value added tax 增值税558558as of date , stop date截止日期559change lot date 修改批量日期560clear date 结清日期561date adjust 调整日期562date available 有效日期563date chan ged 修改日期564date closed 结束日期565date due 截止日期566date in produced 生产日期567date inventory adjust 库存调整日期568date obsolete 作废日期569date received 收到日期570date released 交付日期571date required 需求日期572date to pull 发货日期573earliest due date最早订单完成日期574effective date 生效日期575engin eeri ng cha nge effect date X 程变更生效日期576engin eeri ng stop date 工程停止日期577expired date 失效日期,报废日期578from date 起始日期579last shipment date 最后运输日期580need date 需求日期581new date 新日期582pay through date 付款截止日期583receipt date 收到日期584ship date 发运日期586585allocation 已分配量586alphanumeric 字母数字587approver 批准者588assembly 装配(件)589backlog 未结订单/拖欠订单592 billing 开单593 bill-to 发票寄往地594bottleneck 瓶颈资源595bulk 散装596buyer 采购员597component 子件/组件598customer 客户599delivery 交货600demand 需求601description 说明602discrete 离散603 ergonomics 工效学(人类工程学)604 facility 设备、功能605 feature 基本组件/特征件606forecast 预测607freight 运费608holidays 例假日609implement 实施610ingredient 配料、成分611inquire 查询612inventory 库存613 item 物料项目614job 作业615Kanban 看板616level 层次(级)617load 负荷618locate 定位619 logistics 后勤保障体系;物流管理620lot 批次621option 可选件622outstanding 逾期未付623overhead 制造费用624override 覆盖625overtime 加班626parent 双亲(文件)627part 零件628phantom 虚拟件629 plant 工厂,场所630preference 优先权631priority 优先权(级)632procurement 采购633prototyping 原形测试634queue 队列635 quota 任务额,报价636 receipt 收款、收据637regeneration 全重排法638remittance 汇款639requisition 请购单640returned 退货641roll 滚动642routing 工艺线路643schedule 计划表644shipment 发运量645ship-to 交货地646shortage 短缺647shrink 损耗648spread 分摊649statement 报表650subassembly 子装配件651supplier 供应商652transaction 事务处理653 what-if 如果怎样-将会怎样654655post-deduct inventory tran sacti on processi ng后减库存处理法656pre-deduct inventory transaction processi ng前减库存处理法657gen erally accepted manu facturi ng practices通用生产管理原贝U 658direct-deduct inventory transaction processi ng 直接增减库存处理法659Pareto Principle 帕拉图原理660Drum-buffer-rope 鼓点-缓冲-绳子661663Ope n Database Co nn ectivity 开放数据库互连664Production Planning 生产规划编制665Work in Process 在制品666accelerated cost recovery system快速成本回收制度667accounting information system 会计信息系统668acceptable quality kevel 可接受质量水平669con sta nt purchas ing power acco un ti ng不买够买力会计670break-eve n an alysis 保本分析671book value 帐面价值672cost-benefit analysis 成本效益分析673chief financial office 财务总监674degree of financial leverage 财务杠杆系数675degree of operati ng leverage 经济杠杆系数676first-in , first-out 先进先出法677economic lot size 经济批量678first-in ,still-here 后进先出法679full pegging 完全跟踪680linear programming 线性规划681management by objective 目标管理682value engineering 价值工程683zero based budgeti ng 零基预算684CAQ computer aided quality assura nee 计算机辅助质量保证685DBMS database man ageme nt system数据库管理系统686IP Internet Protocol 网际协议687TCP Transmission Control Protocol 传输控制协议689690API Advanced Process Industry 高级流程工业691A2A Application to Application 应用到应用(集成)692article 物品693article reserves 物品存储694assembly order 装配订单695balance-on-hand-inventory 现有库存余额696bar code 条形码697boned warehouse 保税仓库698CPA Cap aeity Requireme nts Pla nning 能力需求计划699eha nge man ageme nt变革管理700ehill spaee 冷藏区701eombined transport 联合运输702eommodity inspeetion 进出口商品检验703competitive edge 竞争优势704container 集装箱705container transport 集装箱运输706CRP Co ntin uous Reple ni shme nt Program连续补充系数707core compete nee 核心才能708cross docking 直接换装709CLV Customer Lifetime Value 客户生命周期价值710CReM Customer Relationship Marketing 客户关系营销711CSS Customer Service and Support s 户服务和支持712Customer Service Represe ntative客户服务代表713customized logistics 定制物流714customs declaration 报关715cycle stock 经常库存716data cleansing 数据整理717Data Knowledge and Decision Support 数据知识和决策支持718data level integration 数据层集成719data transformation 数据转换720desktop conferencing 桌面会议721distribution 配送722distribution and logistics 分销和后勤723distribution center 配送中心724distribution logistics 销售物流725distribution processing 流通加工726distribution requirements 分销量727DRP distribution resource planning 配送/分销资源计划728door-to-door 门到门729drop and pull transport 甩挂运输730DEM Dynamic Enterprise Module 动态企业建模技术731ECR Efficie nt Co nsumer Respo nse 有效顾客反应732e-Government Affairs 电子政务733EC Electronic Commerce 电子商务734Electronic Display Boards 电子公告板735EOS Electronic order system 电子订货系统736ESD Electronic Software Distribution 电子软件分发737embedding 插入738employee category 员工分类739empowerment 授权740engin eeri ng cha nge effect work order 工程变更生效单741environmental logistics 绿色物流742experiential marketing 直效行销(又称体验行销)743export supervised warehouse出口监管仓库744ERP Exte nded Resource Pla nning扩展资源计划745field sales/cross sale/cross sei现场销售/交叉销售/连带销售746franchising 加盟连销权747FCL Full Container Load 整箱货748Global Logistics Management 全球运筹管理749goods collection 集货750goods shed 料棚751goods shelf 货架752goods stack 货垛753goods yard 货场754handing/carrying 搬运755high performance organization 高绩效组织756inland container depot 公路集装箱中转站757inside sales 内部销售758inspection 检验759intangible loss 无形消耗760internal logistics 企业物流761international freight forwarding agent 国际货运代理762international logistics 国际物流763invasive integration 侵入性集成764joint distribution 共同配送765just-in-time logistics 准时制物流766KM Knowledge Management 知识管理767lead (customer) man ageme n潜在客户管理768learning organization 学习型组织769 L CL -ess fhan container-oad蚩>济770 -oadba-ancingms^s771 -oadingand unoading BB 772 -ogisHCSacfMiyssnfis773 -ogisiicsa=iance莓弐«®774 -ogisHCScenfeir ®s甘e>775 -ogisficscosf^sa M776 -ogisHCScosfcoHro-s saM 哺J!777 -ogisficsdocuments s^780 -ogisficsmanagemenfss<sl7s-ogisHCSmodu-ussss達782 -ogisficsnetwork ss国谡783 -ogisficsoperafion s s^ik784 L RPLogisfics ResourcePlanning SSM ^斗s785 -ogisficssfrafegy善»坯晶786 -ogisfics sfrafegy m an ag e m e n fs ss^<s l787 -ogisficsfechnoogys s i i>當4r洲791neutral packing 中性包装792OLAP On-line Analysis Processing 联机/在线分析系统793OAG Open Application Group 开放应用集成794order picking 拣选795outsourcing 外包796package/packag ing 包装797packing of nominated brand 定牌包装798palletizing 托盘包装799PDA Personal Digital Assistant 个人数据助理800personalization 个性化801PTF Planning time fence 计划时界802POS Point Of Sells 电子收款机803priority queuing 优先排队804PBX Private Branch Exchange 专用分组交换机805production logistics 生产物流806publish/subscribe 发布/订阅807quality of working life 工作生活品质808Quick Response 快速反映809receiving space 收货区810REPs Represe ntatives代表或业务员811return logistics 回收物流812ROI Return On Investment 投资回报率813RM Risk Management 风险管理814sales package 销售包装815scalability 可扩充性816shipping space 发货区817situational leadership 情境领导818six sigma 六个标准差819sorting/stacking 分拣/堆拣820stereoscopic warehouse立体仓库821storage 保管822stored procedure 存储过程823storehouse 库房824storing 储存825SRM Supplier Relationship Management 供应商关系管理826tangible loss 有形消耗827team building 团队建立828TEM Technology-enabled Marketing 技术辅助式营销829TES Technology-enabled Selling 技术辅助式销售830TSR TeleSales Service Represe ntativ占肖售服务代表831TPL Third-Part Logistics 第三方物流832through transport 直达运输833unit loading and unloading 单元装卸834Value Management 价值管理835value-added logistics service 增值物流服务836Value-chain integration 价值链集成837VMI Vender Managed Inventory 卖方主导型库存管理/供应商管理仓库838virtual logistics 虚拟物流839virtual warehouse 虚拟仓库840vision 远景管理841volume pricing model 批量定价模型842warehouse 仓库843waste material logistics 废弃物物流844workflow management 工作流管理845zero latency 零等待846ZLE Zero Latency Enterprise 零等待企业847ZLP Zero Latency Process 零等待过程848zero-inventory technology 零库存技术。



一、Introduction(入门)0、Introduction to Android(引进到Android)Android provides a rich application framework that allows you to build innovative apps and games for mobile devices in a Java language environment. The documents listed in the left navigation provide details about how to build apps using Android's various APIs.To learn how apps work, startwith App Fundamentals.To begin coding right away, read Building Your First AppAndroid提供了丰富的应用程序框架,它允许您在Java语言环境中构建移动设备的创新应用程序和游戏。




Apps provide multiple entry points 应用程序提供多个入口点Apps adapt to different devices 应用程序适应不同的设备Android apps are built as a combination of distinct components that can be invoked individually. For instance, an individual activity provides a single screen for a user interface, and a service independently performs work in the background.Android应用程序被构建为能够单独地被调用不同的部件的组合。


系统测试Systems Testing QA
软件测试Software Testing QA
硬件测试Hardware Testing QA
测试员Test Engineer /Tester
文档工程师Technical Writer
数据通信工程师Data Communication Engineer
移动通信工程师Mobile Communication Engineer
电信网络工程师Telecommunication Network Engineer
互联网软件开发工程师Internet/E-Commerce Software Engineer
语音/视频开发工程师Audio/Video Development Engineer
网络工程师Network Engineer
UI设计师/顾问UI Designer / Consultant
网站架构设计师Web Architecture Design
网站维护工程师Web Maintenance Engineer
变压器与磁电工程师Transformer and Magnetoelectricity Engineer
版图设计工程师Layout Design Engineer
电气工程师/技术员Electrical Engineer
电路工程师/技术员(模拟/数字)Electronic Circuit Engineer(Analog/Digital)
系统工程师System Engineer
系统架构设计师System Architecture Design
数据库工程师/管理员Database Engineer/Administrator


Database Engineer/Administrator Computer Aided Design Engineer
互联网开发及应用 互联网软件开发工程师 多媒体/游戏开发工程师
网站营运经理/主管 网络工程师
系统管理员/网络管理员 网站筹划 网站编辑
网页设计/制作/美工 网络信息平安工程师 智能大厦/综合布线
Technical Support Manager Technical Support Supervisor Technical Support Engineer Customer Hot Line/Call Center Staff
Finance/Accounting/Audit/Tax Chief Financial Officer CFO Finance Director Finance Manager Finance Consultant Finance Supervisor
Computer, Software Senior Software Engineer
Software Engineer ERP Application R&D/Implementation
System Integration Engineer System Analyst System Engineer
证券分析师 股票/期货操盘手 金融/经济研究员 投资/基金工程经理 投资/理财参谋
投资银行业务 融资经理/融资主管
融资专员 拍卖师
银行 行长/副行长 资产评估/分析
风险控制 信贷管理/信用调查/分析人员
进出口/信用证结算 外汇交易 清算人员
高级客户经理/客户经理 客户主管/专员 银行柜员



Acceptance testing 验收测试Accessibility 可接近性Active or open 激活状态Adaptability适应性 Ad-hoc Test 随机测试Audit AuditorAuditor qualifications 审核员资格Behavioral test行为测试 Baseline基线 Black-box test 黑盒测试Bottom-up integration 自底向上集成 Boundary condition 边界条件Bug 缺陷Architecture体系结构审核审核员 Availability可用性Bug crawl Build Capability Capacity test 缺陷评审会议软件构建包能力容量测试Certification 认证Change control 变更控制管理CCB, Change Control Bard变更控制委员会Characteristic 特性Close or inactive 关闭或非激活状态Closure period 修复周期Code audit 代码审计Code completed 代码完成Code freeze 代码冻结Code inspection 代码审查Code walk — through 代码走查CohesionCompatibilityCompile ComplexityComponent testing 组件测试 Comfirmation tests 确认测试Configuration management 酉己置管理 Conformity合格(符合) Congruent一致性Continual improvement 持续改进 Corrective action纠正措施 Coupling耦合度 Coverage覆盖率 Criteria准则、指标内聚度 兼容性 编译复杂性Critical bug 严重的缺陷Customer satisfaction 顾客满意度C/S, Client/Server Data dictionary Data structure 0^02 幅嘲警送fl 沪 飞-嚼 Data flow testing 数据流测试 Debugging 调试 Defect 缺陷 Delivery 交付 Dependability 可信性Design and development 设计与开发 Design specification 设计规格说明 Development life cycle 开发生存周期Deviation permit 偏离许可 Distributed testing 分布式测试客户端/服务器(机构) 数据字典 数据结构Document we y dk文件 Effectiveness 有效性 Efficiency Encapsulation 效率 封装Error, faults and failures 错误、缺陷与失效Escalate 向上呈交Evaluation 评价评估Exit criteria 退出标准Entry criteria 进入标准Experience of quality Exploratory testing FailureFatal bugFault injection 质量体验探索性测试失效致命的缺陷错误注入Error seeding 错误播种Fault of omission 遗漏缺陷Feasible coverage 可行覆盖率Feature 产品特性Fidelity 逼真度Field-reported bug 现场报告缺陷First customer ship Fixed or resolved FlexibilityFMEAFunctional specificationFunctional tests FunctionalityGAGradeIdeal fault condition ;矛吗唯看哪色""""号铸卷首位客户送货已修正状态灵活性失效模型和效果分析产品功能规格说明书功能测试功能性通用有效性等级理想缺陷条件Integration testing 集成测试Interoperability 互操作性Isolation 隔离Log file记录文件 Maintainable可维护性 Major bug一般的缺陷 Management管理 Management system 管理体系Measurement control system 测量控制体系野奉啜IdentifierInformationInfrastructure 配O 必M 厘舒塞邙F Q 嚼工 -3r ——嚼税^ 标识符 信息 基础设施 Implementation requirement 实现需求 Input 输入 Inspection检验Measurement process测量进程Metrological characteristic Metrological confirmationMetrological function计量职能Necessity condition必要性条件NestObjective evidence客观证据Milestone 里程碑 Minor bug 微小的缺陷 Modified Top-down integration 改进的自顶向下集成 Modularity 模块性 Module 模块 MTBF 失效平均时间MTTR平均维修时间 Organizational structure 组织机构 计量特性 计量确认嵌套OrthogonalOutputPeer review Performance testPilot testing Preventive action PriorityProcedure Program specificationProcessProductProject Qualification process Quality assuranceQuality characteristic Quality control■ 喉嘿嘴用正交输出同级评审性能测试引导测试预防措施优先权程序过程概要说明过程产品项目鉴定过程质量保证质量特性质量控制Quality improvement 质量改进Quality management 质量管理Quality manual 质量手册Quality metricQuality ObjectiveQuality planQuality panningQuality policy躲舂那RecordRecovery testingRegressionRegression testsRegression test gapEofc C市一喋J蜀质量度量质量目标质量计划质量策划质量方针喉嘿与K7^ 记录恢复测试回归回归测试回归测试间距IRelease 产品发布可靠性ReliabilityReporting logsRequirementReusabilityReview评审 Risk风险 Root cause根本原因 Scalability可扩展性 Script 脚本Security安全性保密性 Service manageability 可维护性SeveritySoftware development process 软件开发进程Software engineering软件功能 Specification (spec )规范 Stability 稳定性报告日志 要求 可重用性复用率Security testing安全性测试严重性 SDLC ,Software Development Life Cycle 软件开发生命周期Test automation Test caseTest case library Test casually Test coverageTest environment Test phaseTest platform Test specification标准组合规则负载(压力)测试结构化成程序设计结构测试桩模块系统测试.超峰①嚼工测试自动化测试用例测试用例库随机测试测试覆盖测试环境测试阶段测试平台测试规格说明Standard combining rulesStress testing Structured programming Structural testStubSystem testingTest suite 测试包测试套件躲舂那Test system Test to fail Test to pass Test tool TestabilityTolerance test Traceability Unit testing Usability Validation Verification VersionWhite-box tests Walk-throuth 必CD- 祺*J 测试系统基于失效的测试基于通过的测试测试工具可测试性容错测试可追溯性单元测试可用性确认验证版本白盒测试走查。



软件工程毕业论文文献翻译中英文对照学生毕业设计(论文)外文译文学生姓名: 学号专业名称:软件工程译文标题(中英文):Qt Creator白皮书(Qt Creator Whitepaper)译文出处:Qt network 指导教师审阅签名: 外文译文正文:Qt Creator白皮书Qt Creator是一个完整的集成开发环境(IDE),用于创建Qt应用程序框架的应用。


本文提供了一个推出的Qt Creator和提供Qt开发人员在应用开发生命周期的特点。

Qt Creator的简介Qt Creator的主要优点之一是它允许一个开发团队共享一个项目不同的开发平台(微软Windows?的Mac OS X?和Linux?)共同为开发和调试工具。

Qt Creator的主要目标是满足Qt开发人员正在寻找简单,易用性,生产力,可扩展性和开放的发展需要,而旨在降低进入新来乍到Qt的屏障。

Qt Creator 的主要功能,让开发商完成以下任务: , 快速,轻松地开始使用Qt应用开发项目向导,快速访问最近的项目和会议。

, 设计Qt物件为基础的应用与集成的编辑器的用户界面,Qt Designer中。

, 开发与应用的先进的C + +代码编辑器,提供新的强大的功能完成的代码片段,重构代码,查看文件的轮廓(即,象征着一个文件层次)。

, 建立,运行和部署Qt项目,目标多个桌面和移动平台,如微软Windows,Mac OS X中,Linux的,诺基亚的MeeGo,和Maemo。

, GNU和CDB使用Qt类结构的认识,增加了图形用户界面的调试器的调试。

, 使用代码分析工具,以检查你的应用程序中的内存管理问题。

, 应用程序部署到移动设备的MeeGo,为Symbian和Maemo设备创建应用程序安装包,可以在Ovi商店和其他渠道发布的。

, 轻松地访问信息集成的上下文敏感的Qt帮助系统。




外文翻译原文及译文学院计算机学院专业计算机科学与技术班级学号姓名指导教师负责教师Java(programming language)Java is a general-purpose, concurrent, class-based, object-oriented computer program- -ming language that is specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is intended to let application developers "write once, run anywhere" (WORA), meaning that code that runs on one platform does not need to be recompiled to run on another. Java applications are typically compiled to byte code (class file) that can run on any Java virtual machine(JVM) regardless of computer architecture. Java is, as of 2012, one of the most popular programming languages in use, particularly for client-server web applications, with a reported 10 million users. Java was originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems (which has since merged into Oracle Corporation) and released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform. The language derives much of its syntax from C and C++, but it has fewer low-level facilities than either of them.The original and reference implementation Java compilers, virtual machines, and class libraries were developed by Sun from 1991 and first released in 1995. As of May 2007, in compliance with the specifications of the Java Community Process, Sun relicensed most of its Java technologies under the GNU General Public License. Others have also developed alternative implementations of these Sun technologies, such as the GNU Compiler for Java and GNU Classpath.Java is a set of several computer software products and specifications from Sun Microsystems (which has since merged with Oracle Corporation), that together provide a system for developing application software and deploying it in across-platform computing environment. Java is used in a wide variety of computing platforms from embedded devices and mobile phones on the low end, to enterprise servers and supercomputers on the high end. While less common, Java appletsare sometimes used to provide improved and secure functions while browsing the World Wide Web on desktop computers.Writing in the Java programming language is the primary way to produce code that will be deployed as Java bytecode. There are, however, byte code compilers available forother languages such as Ada, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby. Several new languages have been designed to run natively on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), such as Scala, Clojure and Groovy.Java syntax borrows heavily from C and C++, but object-oriented features are modeled after Smalltalk and Objective-C. Java eliminates certain low-level constructs such as pointers and has a very simple memory model where every object is allocated on the heap and all variables of object types are references. Memory management is handled through integrated automatic garbage collection performed by the JVM.An edition of the Java platform is the name for a bundle of related programs from Sun that allow for developing and running programs written in the Java programming language. The platform is not specific to any one processor or operating system, but rather an execution engine (called a virtual machine) and a compiler with a set of libraries that are implemented for various hardware and operating systems so that Java programs can run identically on all of them. The Java platform consists of several programs, each of which provides a portion of its overall capabilities. For example, the Java compiler, which converts Java source code into Java byte code (an intermediate language for the JVM), is provided as part of the Java Development Kit (JDK). The Java Runtime Environment(JRE), complementing the JVM with a just-in-time (JIT) compiler, converts intermediate byte code into native machine code on the fly. An extensive set of libraries are also part of the Java platform.The essential components in the platform are the Java language compiler, the libraries, and the runtime environment in which Java intermediate byte code "executes" according to the rules laid out in the virtual machine specification.In most modern operating systems (OSs), a large body of reusable code is provided to simplify the programmer's job. This code is typically provided as a set of dynamically loadable libraries that applications can call at runtime. Because the Java platform is not dependent on any specific operating system, applications cannot rely on any of the pre-existing OS libraries. Instead, the Java platform provides a comprehensive set of its own standard class libraries containing much of the same reusable functions commonly found in modern operating systems. Most of the system library is also written in Java. For instance, Swing library paints the user interface and handles the events itself, eliminatingmany subtle differences between how different platforms handle even similar components.The Java class libraries serve three purposes within the Java platform. First, like other standard code libraries, the Java libraries provide the programmer a well-known set of functions to perform common tasks, such as maintaining lists of items or performing complex string parsing. Second, the class libraries provide an abstract interface to tasks that would normally depend heavily on the hardware and operating system. Tasks such as network access and file access are often heavily intertwined with the distinctive implementations of each platform. The and java.io libraries implement an abstraction layer in native OS code, then provide a standard interface for the Java applications to perform those tasks. Finally, when some underlying platform does not support all of the features a Java application expects, the class libraries work to gracefully handle the absent components, either by emulation to provide a substitute, or at least by providing a consistent way to check for the presence of a specific feature.The success of Java and its write once, run anywhere concept has led to other similar efforts, notably the .NET Framework, appearing since 2002, which incorporates many of the successful aspects of Java. .NET in its complete form (Microsoft's implementation) is currently only fully available on Windows platforms, whereas Java is fully available on many platforms. .NET was built from the ground-up to support multiple programming languages, while the Java platform was initially built to support only the Java language, although many other languages have been made for JVM since..NET includes a Java-like language called Visual J# (formerly named J++) that is incompatible with the Java specification, and the associated class library mostly dates to the old JDK 1.1 version of the language. For these reasons, it is more a transitional language to switch from Java to the .NET platform, than a first class .NET language. Visual J# was discontinued with the release of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. The existing version shipping with Visual Studio 2005will be supported until 2015 as per the product life-cycle strategy.In June and July 1994, after three days of brainstorming with John Gage, the Director of Science for Sun, Gosling, Joy, Naughton, Wayne Rosing, and Eric Schmidt, the team re-targeted the platform for the World Wide Web. They felt that with the advent of graphical web browsers like Mosaic, the Internet was on its way to evolving into the samehighly interactive medium that they had envisioned for cable TV. As a prototype, Naughton wrote a small browser, Web Runner (named after the movie Blade Runner), later renamed Hot Java.That year, the language was renamed Java after a trademark search revealed that Oak was used by Oak Technology. Although Java 1.0a was available for download in 1994, the first public release of Java was 1.0a2 with the Hot Java browser on May 23, 1995, announced by Gage at the Sun World conference. His announcement was accompanied by a surprise announcement by Marc Andreessen, Executive Vice President of Netscape Communications Corporation, that Netscape browsers would be including Java support. On January 9, 1996, the Java Soft group was formed by Sun Microsystems to develop the technology.Java编程语言Java是一种通用的,并发的,基于类的并且是面向对象的计算机编程语言,它是为实现尽可能地减少执行的依赖关系而特别设计的。



外企职位中英文对照表2009/04/05 19:45[未分类 ]办公室职务职称中英文对照计算机/互联网/通讯Technology/Internet首席技术执行官CTO/VP Engineering技术总监/经理Technical Director/Manager信息技术经理IT Manager信息技术主管IT Supervisor信息技术专员IT Specialist项目经理/主管Project Manager/Supervisor项目执行/协调人员Project Specialist / Coordinator系统分析员System Analyst高级软件工程师Senior Software Engineer软件工程师Software Engineer系统工程师System Engineer高级硬件工程师Senior Hardware Engineer硬件工程师Hardware Engineer通信技术工程师Communications EngineerERP技术/应用顾问ERP Technical/Application Consultant 数据库工程师Database Engineer技术支持经理Technical Support Manager技术支持工程师Technical Support Engineer品质经理QA Manager信息安全工程师Information Security Engineer软件测试工程师Software QA Engineer硬件测试工程师Hardware QA Engineer测试员Test Engineer网站营运经理/主管Web Operations Manager/Supervisor 网络工程师Network Engineer系统管理员/网管System Manager/Webmaster网页设计/制作Web Designer/Production技术文员/助理Technical Clerk/Assistant销售Sales销售总监Sales Director销售经理Sales Manager区域销售经理Regional Sales Manager客户经理Sales Account Manager渠道/分销经理Channel/Distribution Manager渠道主管Channel Supervisor销售主管Sales Supervisor销售代表Sales Representative / Executive销售工程师Sales Engineer医药代表Pharmaceutical Sales Representative保险代理Insurance Agent销售助理Sales Assistant / Trainee商务经理Business Manager商务专员/助理Business Executive/Assistant销售行政经理Sales Admin. Manager销售行政主管Sales Admin. Supervisor售前/售后技术服务经理Technical Service Manager售前/售后技术服务主管Technical Service Supervisor售前/售后技术服务工程师Technical Service Engineer售后/客户服务(非技术)经理Customer Service Manager售后/客户服务(非技术)主管Customer Service Supervisor售后/客户服务(非技术)专员Customer Service Executive经销商Distributor——————————————————————————————————职称中英文对照^最新职能分类计算机硬件Computer, Hardware高级硬件工程师Senior Hardware Engineer硬件工程师Hardware Engineer其他Others计算机软件Computer, Software高级软件工程师Senior Software Engineer软件工程师Software EngineerERP技术/开发应用ERP Application R&D/Implementation系统集成工程师System Integration Engineer系统分析员System Analyst系统工程师System Engineer数据库工程师/管理员Database Engineer/Administrator计算机辅助设计工程师Computer Aided Design Engineer其他Others互联网开发及应用Internet互联网软件开发工程师Internet/E-Commerce Software Engineer多媒体/游戏开发工程师Multimedia/Game Development Engineer网站营运经理/主管Web Operations Manager/Supervisor网络工程师Network Engineer系统管理员/网络管理员System Manager/Webmaster网站策划Web Producer网站编辑Web Editor网页设计/制作/美工Web Designer/Production/Creative网络信息安全工程师Information Security Engineer智能大厦/综合布线Intelligent Building/Structure Cabling其他OthersIT-管理IT-Management首席技术执行官CTO/首席信息官CIO Chief Technology Officer CTO/Chief Information Officer CIO技术总监/经理Technical Director/Manager信息技术经理/主管IT Manager/Supervisor信息技术专员IT Specialist项目总监Project Director项目经理Project Manager项目主管Project Supervisor项目执行/协调人员Project Specialist / Coordinator其他OthersIT-品管、技术支持及其它IT-QA, Technical Support...技术支持经理Technical Support Manager技术支持工程师Technical Support Engineer计量工程师Measure Engineer标准化工程师Standardization Engineer品质经理Quality Assurance QA Manager系统测试Systems Testing QA软件测试Software Testing QA硬件测试Hardware Testing QA测试员Test Engineer /Tester技术文员/助理Technical Clerk/Assistant其他Others通信技术Communication Technology通信技术工程师Communication Engineer有线传输工程师Wired Transmission Engineer无线通信工程师Wireless Communication Engineer电信交换工程师Telecommunication Exchange Engineer数据通信工程师Data Communication Engineer移动通信工程师Mobile Communication Engineer电信网络工程师Telecommunication Network Engineer通信电源工程师Communication Power Supply Engineer其他Others电子/电器/半导体/仪器仪表Electronics/Wiring/Semiconductor/Instrument/Industry 集成电路IC设计/应用工程师IC Design/Application EngineerIC验证工程师IC Verification Engineer电子工程师/技术员Electronics Engineer电气工程师/技术员Electrical Engineer电路工程师/技术员Electronic Circuit Engineer电声/音响工程师/技术员Electroacoustics Engineer半导体技术Semiconductor Technology自动控制工程师/技术员Autocontrol Engineer/Technician电子软件开发(ARM/MCU...) Electronics Software (ARM/MCU…)嵌入式软件开发(Linux/单片机/DLC/DSP…) Embedded Software Engineer(Linux/SCM/DLC/DSP…)电池/电源开发Battery/Power EngineerFAE 现场应用工程师Field Application Engineer (FAE)家用电器/数码产品研发Household Electronics/Digital Products Development仪器/仪表/计量Instrument/Measurement测试工程师Quality Testing Engineer其他Others销售管理Sales Management销售总监Sales Director销售经理Sales Manager销售主管Sales Supervisor渠道/分销经理Channel/Distribution Manager渠道/分销主管Channel/Distribution Supervisor客户经理Sales Account Manager区域销售总监Regional Sales Director区域销售经理Regional Sales Manager其他Others销售人员Salespersons销售代表Sales Representative / Executive渠道/分销专员Channel/Distribution Representative客户代表Sales Account Representative销售工程师Sales Engineer电话销售Telesales经销商Distributor其他Others销售行政及商务Sales Administration销售行政经理/主管Sales Admin. Manager/Supervisor销售行政专员/助理Sales Admin. Executive/Assistant商务经理Business Manager商务主管/专员Business Supervisor/Executive商务助理Business Assistant销售助理Sales Assistant / Trainee其他Others客服及技术支持Customer Service and Technical Support客服总监(非技术)Customer Service Director客服经理(非技术)Customer Service Manager客服主管(非技术)Customer Service Supervisor客服专员/助理(非技术)Customer Service Executive/Assistant 售前/售后技术支持经理Technical Support Manager售前/售后技术支持主管Technical Support Supervisor售前/售后技术支持工程师Technical Support Engineer咨询热线/呼叫中心服务人员Customer Hot Line/Call Center Staff 其他Others财务/审计/税务Finance/Accounting/Audit/Tax首席财务官CFO Chief Financial Officer CFO财务总监Finance Director财务经理Finance Manager财务顾问Finance Consultant财务主管/总帐主管Finance Supervisor会计经理/会计主管Accounting Manager/Supervisor会计Accountant / Accounting Trainee出纳员Cashier财务/会计助理Finance/Accounting Assistant财务分析经理/主管Financial Analysis Manager/Supervisor财务分析员Financial Analyst成本经理/成本主管Cost Accounting Manager/Supervisor成本管理员Cost Accounting Specialist审计经理/主管Audit Manager/Supervisor审计专员/助理Audit Executive/Assistant税务经理/税务主管Tax Manager/Supervisor税务专员/助理Tax Executive/Assistant统计员Statistician其他Others证券/金融/投资Securities/Finance/Investment证券/期货/外汇经纪人Securities Broker证券分析师Securities Analyst股票/期货操盘手Stocks/Futures Operator金融/经济研究员Financial Analyst/Economist投资/基金项目经理Investment Manager/Fund Manager投资/理财顾问Investment/Financial Management Advisor投资银行业务Investment Banking Specialist融资经理/融资主管Treasury Manager/Supervisor融资专员Treasury Specialist拍卖师Auction其他Others银行Banks行长/副行长President/Vice-President/Branch Manager资产评估/分析Assets Valuation/Analyst风险控制Risk Management信贷管理/信用调查/分析人员Loan/Credit Officer进出口/信用证结算Trading / LC Officer外汇交易Foreign Exchange清算人员Settlement Officer高级客户经理/客户经理Senior Relationship Manager客户主管/专员Relationship Supervisor/Executive银行柜员Bank Teller银行卡、电子银行业务推广Credit Card/E-banking business Develop 其他Others保险Insurance保险精算师Actuary保险产品开发/项目策划Product Development/Planner保险业务经理/主管Business Manager/Supervisor保险代理/经纪人/客户经理Agent/Broker/Account Manager理财顾问/财务规划师Financial Advisor/Financial Planner储备经理人Agency Management Associate保险核保Underwriting保险理赔Claim Management保险客户服务/续期管理Customer Service保险培训师Trainer保险内勤Staff其他Others生产/营运Manufacturing/Operation工厂经理/厂长Plant/Factory Manager总工程师/副总工程师Chief Engineer项目经理/主管Project Manager/Supervisor项目工程师Project Engineer营运经理Operations Manager营运主管Operations Supervisor生产经理/车间主任Production Manager/Workshop Supervisor生产计划协调员Production Planning Executive/Officer生产主管/督导/领班Production Supervisor/Team Leader化验员Laboratory Technician其他Others质量/安全管理Quality/Safety Management质量管理/测试经理(QA/QC经理) QA/QC Manager质量管理/测试主管(QA/QC主管) QA/QC Supervisor质量管理/测试工程师(QA/QC工程师) QA/QC Engineer质量检验员/测试员Quality Inspector/Tester可靠度工程师Reliability Engineer故障分析工程师Failure Analysis Engineer认证工程师/审核员Certification Engineer/Auditor体系工程师/审核员Systems Engineer/Auditor安全/健康/环境经理/主管Safety/Health/Environmental Manager/Supervisor 安全/健康/环境工程师Safety/Health/Environmental Engineer供应商管理Supplier/Vendor Management采购材料、设备质量管理Supplies & Equipment Quality Management其他Others工程/机械/能源Engineering/Mechanical/Energy技术研发经理/主管Technical Design Mgr./Spvr.技术研发工程师Technical Design Engineer产品工艺/制程工程师Process Engineer产品规划工程师Product Planing Engineer实验室负责人/工程师Lab Manager/Engineer工程/设备经理Engineering/Facility Manager工程/设备主管Engineering/Facility Supervisor工程/设备工程师Engineering/Facility Engineer工程/机械绘图员Project Drafting Specialist/Mechanical Drawing工业工程师Industrial Engineer机械工程师Mechanical Engineer结构工程师Structrual Engineer模具工程师Tooling Engineer机电工程师Electrical & Mechanical Engineer维修工程师Maintenance Engineer铸造/锻造工程师Casting/Forging Engineer注塑工程师Injection Engineer焊接工程师Welding Engineer夹具工程师Clamp EngineerCNC工程师CNC Engineer冲压工程师Punch Engineer锅炉工程师Boiler Engineer电力工程师/技术员Electric Power Engineer光源与照明工程Lighting Engineer汽车/摩托车工程师Automotive Engineer船舶工程师Shipping Engineer飞行器设计与制造Aircraft Design & Manufacture其他Others技工Technician / Engineer Trainee技工Technician / Engineer Trainee钳工/机修工/钣金工Locksmith/Mechanic/Repairer电焊工/铆焊工Electric Welding Worker车工/磨工/铣工/冲压工/锣工Latheman/Grinder/Miller/Puncher/Turner 模具工Mould Worker电工Electrician叉车工Forklift Worker空调工/电梯工/锅炉工Air-Condition Worker/Lift Worker/Steam Worker 水工/木工/油漆工Plumber/Carpenter/Painter普工General Worker裁剪车缝熨烫Tailor汽车修理工Auto Repairing其他Others服装/纺织/皮革Apparels/Textiles/Leather Goods服装/纺织设计Fashion/Textiles Designer面料辅料开发Fabric/Accessories Development面料辅料采购Fabric/Accessories Purchasing服装/纺织/皮革跟单Apparels/Textiles/Leather Goods Merchandiser质量管理/验货员(QA/QC) Quality Management QA/QC板房/楦头/底格出格师Shoe Tree Design服装打样/制版Apparels Sample Production纸样师/车板工Paper Sample裁床Cut Bed其他Others采购Purchasing采购总监Purchasing Director采购经理Purchasing Manager采购主管Purchasing Supervisor采购员Purchasing Specialist/Staff采购助理Purchasing Assistant选址拓展Location Development。



软件测试部分中英文对照A Acceptance test ing:验收测试Acceptance Testing:可接受性测试Accessibi l i t y test:软体适用性测试actual outcome:实际结果Ad hoc test ing:随机测试Algorithm analysis:算法分析algori thm:算法Alpha test ing:α测试analysis:分析anomaly:异常applicat ion software:应用软件Applicat ion under test(AUT) :所测试的应用程序Architecture:构架Arti fact:工件AS Q:自动化软件质量(Automated Software Quality)Assertion checking :断言检查Associat ion:关联Audit:审计audit trai l:审计跟踪Automated Testing:自动化测试软件测试部分中英文对照BBackus-Naur Form:BNF范式baseline:基线Basic Block:基本块basis test set:基本测试集Behaviour:行为Bench test:基准测试benchmark:标杆/指标/基准Best practise:最佳实践Beta test ing:β测试Black Box Testing:黑盒测试Blocking bug :阻碍性错误Bottom-up test ing:自底向上测试boundary value coverage:边界值覆盖boundary value test ing:边界值测试Boundary values :边界值Boundry Value Analysis:边界值分析branch condit ion combination coverage:分支条件组合覆盖 branch condit ion combination test ing:分支条件组合测试 branch condit ion coverage:分支条件覆盖branch condit ion test ing:分支条件测试branch condit ion:分支条件Branch coverage :分支覆盖branch outcome:分支结果branch point:分支点branch test ing:分支测试branch:分支Breadth Testing:广度测试Brute force test ing:强力测试Buddy test:合伙测试Buffer:缓冲Bug:错误Bug bash :错误大扫除bug f ix:错误修正Bug report:错误报告Bug tracking system: 错误跟踪系统bug:缺陷Build:工作版本(内部小版本)Build Verficat ion tests(BVTs):版本验证测试Build-in:内置软件测试部分中英文对照CCapabil i ty Maturity Model (CM M): 能力成熟度模型Capabil i ty Maturity Model Integrat ion(CM MI):能力成熟度模型整合capture/playback tool:捕获/回放工具Capture/Replay Tool:捕获/回放工具CAS E:计算机辅助软件工程(computer aided software engineering)CAST:计算机辅助测试cause-effect graph:因果图cert i f i cat ion:证明change control:变更控制Change Manage ment :变更管理Change Request :变更请求Character Set :字符集Check In:检入Check Out :检出Closeout :收尾code audit:代码审计Code coverage :代码覆盖Code Inspection:代码检视Code page :代码页Code rule:编码规范Code sytle:编码风格Code W alkthrough:代码走读code-based test ing:基于代码的测试coding standards:编程规范Co m m o n sense :常识Co mpatibi l i t y Testing:兼容性测试complete path test ing:完全路径测试 completeness:完整性complexity:复杂性Co mponent test ing:组件测试Co mponent:组件computation data use:计算数据使用computer system security:计算机系统安全性 Concurrency user :并发用户Condit ion coverage :条件覆盖condit ion outcome:条件结果condit ion:条件configurat ion control:配置控制Configurat ion i tem :配置项configurat ion manage ment:配置管理Configurat ion test ing:配置测试conformance cri ter ion: 一致性标准Conformance Testing: 一致性测试consistency : 一致性consistency checker: 一致性检查器Control f low graph :控制流程图control f low graph:控制流图control f low:控制流conversion test ing:转换测试Core team:核心小组correct ive maintenance:故障检修correctness :正确性coverage :覆盖率coverage i tem:覆盖项crash:崩溃cri t i ca l i t y analysis:关键性分析cri t i ca l i t y:关键性CR M(change request manage ment):变更需求管理Customer-focused mindset :客户为中心的理念体系Cyclomatic complexity:圈复杂度软件测试部分中英文对照D data corruption:数据污染data defini t ion C-use pair:数据定义C-use使用对 data defini t ion P-use coverage:数据定义P-use覆盖 data defini t ion P-use pair:数据定义P-use使用对 data defini t ion:数据定义data defini t ion-use coverage:数据定义使用覆盖 data defini t ion-use pair:数据定义使用对 data defini t ion-use test ing:数据定义使用测试 data dict ionary:数据字典Data Flow Analysis:数据流分析data f low analysis:数据流分析data f low coverage:数据流覆盖data f low diagram:数据流图data f low test ing:数据流测试data integri ty:数据完整性data use:数据使用data validat ion:数据确认dead code:死代码Debug:调试Debugging:调试Decision condit ion:判定条件Decision coverage :判定覆盖decision coverage:判定覆盖decision outcome:判定结果decision table:判定表decision:判定Defect:缺陷defect density:缺陷密度Defect Tracking :缺陷跟踪Deployment :部署Depth Testing:深度测试design for sustainabi l i t y:可延续性的设计 design of experiments:实验设计design-based test ing:基于设计的测试Desk checking :桌前检查desk checking:桌面检查Determine Usage Model :确定应用模型Determine Potential Risks :确定潜在风险 diagnostic:诊断DIF(decimation in frequency) :按频率抽取dirty test ing:肮脏测试disaster recovery:灾难恢复DIT (decimation in t ime):按时间抽取 documentation test ing:文档测试 domain test ing:域测试domain:域DTP DETAIL TEST PLAN详细确认测试计划Dyna mic analysis:动态分析dynamic analysis:动态分析Dyna mic Testing:动态测试软件测试部分中英文对照E embedded software:嵌入式软件emulator:仿真End-to-End test ing:端到端测试Enhanced Request :增强请求enti ty relat ionship diagram:实体关系图 Encryption Source Code Base: 加密算法源代码库 Entry cri ter ia:准入条件entry point:入口点Envisioning Phase:构想阶段Equivalence class :等价类Equivalence Class:等价类equivalence part i t ion coverage:等价划分覆盖Equivalence part i t ion test ing:等价划分测试equivalence part i t ion test ing:参考等价划分测试equivalence part i t ion test ing:等价划分测试Equivalence Parti t ion ing:等价划分Error:错误Error guessing :错误猜测error seeding:错误播种/错误插值error:错误Event-driven :事件驱动Exception handlers:异常处理器exception:异常/例外executable statement:可执行语句Exhaustive Testing:穷尽测试exit point:出口点expected outcome:期望结果Exploratory test ing:探索性测试软件测试部分中英文对照FFailure:失效Fault:故障fault:故障feasible path:可达路径feature test ing:特性测试Field test ing:现场测试FM E A:失效模型效果分析(Failure Modes and Effects Analysis)FM E C A:失效模型效果关键性分析(Fai lure Modes and Effects Crit ical i t y Analysis) Framework :框架FTA:故障树分析(Fault Tree Analysis)functional decomposit ion:功能分解Functional Specif icat ion:功能规格说明书Functional test ing:功能测试Functional Testing:功能测试软件测试部分中英文对照GG11N(Globalizat ion):全球化Gap analysis:差距分析Garbage characters:乱码字符glass box test ing:玻璃盒测试Glass-box test ing:白箱测试或白盒测试Glossary :术语表G UI(Graphical User Interface):图形用户界面软件测试部分中英文对照H-MHard-coding :硬编码Hotfix:热补丁IGKL M NI18N(Internat ional izat ion):国际化Identi fy Exploratory Tests –识别探索性测试IEEE:美国电子与电器工程师学会(Inst i tu te of Electr ical and Electronic Engineers)Incident事故Incremental test ing:渐增测试incremental test ing:渐增测试infeasible path:不可达路径input domain:输入域Inspection :审查inspection:检视instal labi l i t y test ing:可安装性测试Instal l i ng test ing:安装测试instrumentation:插装instrumenter:插装器Integrat ion:集成Integrat ion test ing:集成测试interface :接口interface analysis:接口分析interface test ing:接口测试interface:接口inval id inputs:无效输入isolat ion test ing:孤立测试Issue :问题Iterat ion:迭代Iterat ive development:迭代开发job control language:工作控制语言Job:工作Key concepts :关键概念Key Process Area :关键过程区域Keyword driven test ing:关键字驱动测试Kick-off meeting :动会议L10N(Localizat ion):本地化Lag t ime :延迟时间LCSAJ:线性代码顺序和跳转(Linear Code Sequence And Jump)LCSAJ coverage:LCSAJ覆盖LCSAJ test ing:LCSAJ测试Lead t ime :前置时间Load test ing:负载测试Load Testing:负载测试Localizabi l i t y test ing:本地化能力测试Localizat ion test ing:本地化测试logic analysis:逻辑分析logic-coverage test ing:逻辑覆盖测试Maintainabi l i t y:可维护性maintainabi l i t y test ing:可维护性测试Maintenance :维护Master project schedule :总体项目方案Measurement :度量Me m ory leak :内存泄漏Migration test ing:迁移测试Milestone :里程碑Mock up :模型,原型modified condit ion/decision coverage:修改条件/判定覆盖 modified condit ion/decision test ing:修改条件/判定测试 modular decomposit ion:参考模块分解Module test ing:模块测试Monkey test ing:跳跃式测试Monkey Testing:跳跃式测试mouse over:鼠标在对象之上mouse leave:鼠标离开对象MTB F:平均失效间隔实际(mean t ime between fai lures)MTP M AIN TEST PLAN主确认计划MTTF:平均失效时间 (mean t ime to fai lure)MTT R:平均修复时间(mean t ime to repair)multip le condit ion coverage:多条件覆盖mutation analysis:变体分析软件测试部分中英文对照N-RN/A(Not applicable):不适用的Negative Testing :逆向测试,反向测试,负面测试negative test ing:参考负面测试Negative Testing:逆向测试/反向测试/负面测试non-functional requirements test ing:非功能需求测试nominal load:额定负载N-switch coverage:N切换覆盖N-switch test ing:N切换测试N-transit ions:N转换off by one:缓冲溢出错误Off-the-shelf software :套装软件operational test ing:可操作性测试output domain:输出域paper audit:书面审计Pair Program ming:成对编程part i t ion test ing:分类测试Path coverage :路径覆盖path coverage:路径覆盖path sensit iz ing:路径敏感性path test ing:路径测试path:路径Peer review :同行评审Performance :性能Performance indicator:性能(绩效)指标Performance test ing:性能测试Pilot:试验Pilot test ing:引导测试Portabi l i t y:可移植性portabi l i t y test ing:可移植性测试Posit ive test ing:正向测试Postcondit ion:后置条件Precondit ion:前提条件precondit ion:预置条件predicate data use:谓词数据使用predicate:谓词Prior i ty:优先权program instrumenter:程序插装progressive test ing:递进测试Prototype :原型Pseudo code :伪代码pseudo-local izat ion test ing:伪本地化测试pseudo-random:伪随机Q C:质量控制(quali ty control)Quality assurance(QA):质量保证Quality Control(QC) :质量控制Race Condit ion:竞争状态Rational Unified Process(以下简称RU P):瑞理统一工艺Recovery test ing:恢复测试recovery test ing:恢复性测试Refactoring:重构regression analysis and test ing:回归分析和测试 Regression test ing:回归测试Release :发布Release note :版本说明release:发布Reliabi l i t y:可靠性rel iabi l i t y assessment:可靠性评价rel iabi l i t y:可靠性Requirements manage ment tool:需求管理工具Requirements-based test ing:基于需求的测试Return of Investment(R OI):投资回报率review:评审Risk assessment :风险评估risk:风险Robustness :强健性Root Cause Analysis(RCA):根本原因分析软件测试部分中英文对照S-Z safety cri t i ca l:严格的安全性safety:(生命)安全性Sanity test ing:健全测试Sanity Testing:理智测试Sche ma Repository:模式库Screen shot :抓屏、截图SDP:软件开发计划(software development plan)Security test ing:安全性测试security test ing:安全性测试security.:(信息)安全性serviceabil i t y test ing:可服务性测试Severity:严重性Shipment :发布simple subpath:简单子路径Simulation:模拟Simulator:模拟器SLA(Service level agreement):服务级别协议SLA:服务级别协议(service level agreement)S moke test ing:冒烟测试Software development plan(SDP):软件开发计划Software development process:软件开发过程software development process:软件开发过程 software diversi ty:软件多样性software element:软件元素software engineering environment:软件工程环境software engineering:软件工程Software l i fe cycle :软件生命周期source code:源代码source statement:源语句Specif icat ion:规格说明书specif ied input:指定的输入spiral model :螺旋模型SQ A P SOFT W A R E QU ALITY ASS U R E N C E PLAN软件质量保证计划SQL:结构化查询语句(structured query language)Staged Delivery:分布交付方法state diagram:状态图state transit ion test ing:状态转换测试 state transit ion:状态转换state:状态Statement coverage :语句覆盖statement test ing:语句测试statement:语句Static Analysis:静态分析Static Analyzer:静态分析器Static Testing:静态测试stat is t i ca l test ing:统计测试Stepwise ref inement :逐步优化storage test ing:存储测试Stress Testing :压力测试structural coverage:结构化覆盖structural test case design:结构化测试用例设计structural test ing:结构化测试structured basis test ing:结构化的基础测试structured design:结构化设计structured program ming:结构化编程structured walkthrough:结构化走读stub:桩sub-area:子域Su m m ary: 总结SVV P SOFT W A R E Vevif icat ion&Validat ion PLAN: 软件验证和确认计划symbolic evaluation:符号评价symbolic execution:参考符号执行symbolic execution:符号执行symbolic trace:符号轨迹Synchronizat ion:同步Syntax test ing:语法分析system analysis:系统分析System design :系统设计system integrat ion:系统集成System Testing :系统测试TC TEST CAS E测试用例TCS TEST CAS E SPE CIFICATIO N测试用例规格说明TDS TEST DESIG N SPE CIFICATION测试设计规格说明书technical requirements test ing:技术需求测试Test :测试test automation:测试自动化Test case :测试用例test case design technique:测试用例设计技术test case suite:测试用例套test comparator:测试比较器test completion cri ter ion:测试完成标准test coverage:测试覆盖Test design :测试设计Test driver:测试驱动test environment:测试环境test execution technique:测试执行技术test execution:测试执行test generator:测试生成器test harness:测试用具Test infrastructure:测试基础建设test log:测试日志test measurement technique:测试度量技术Test Metrics:测试度量test procedure:测试规程test records:测试记录test report:测试报告Test scenario:测试场景Test Script:测试脚本Test Specif icat ion:测试规格Test strategy :测试策略test suite:测试套Test target:测试目标Test ware :测试工具Testabil i t y:可测试性testabi l i t y:可测试性Testing bed :测试平台Testing coverage :测试覆盖Testing environment :测试环境Testing i tem :测试项Testing plan :测试计划Testing procedure :测试过程Thread test ing:线程测试t ime sharing:时间共享t ime-boxed :固定时间TIR test incident report测试事故报告ToolTip:控件提示或说明top-down test ing:自顶向下测试TPS TEST PE O C E S S SPE CIFICATIO N测试步骤规格说明Traceabil i t y:可跟踪性traceabil i t y analysis:跟踪性分析 traceabil i t y matrix:跟踪矩阵Trade-off:平衡transaction:事务/处理transaction volume:交易量transform analysis:事务分析trojan horse:特洛伊木马truth table:真值表TST TEST SU M M A R Y REP O R T测试总结报告Tune System:调试系统T W TEST W A R E:测试件Unit Testing :单元测试Usabil i ty Testing:可用性测试Usage scenario:使用场景User acceptance Test :用户验收测试User database :用户数据库User interface(UI):用户界面User profi le:用户信息User scenario:用户场景V&V(Verif icat ion&Validat ion):验证&确认validat ion:确认veri f icat ion:验证version :版本Virtual user :虚拟用户volume test ing:容量测试VSS(visual source safe) :VTP Verif icat ion TEST PLAN验证测试计划VTR Verif icat ion TEST REP O R T验证测试报告W alkthrough :走读W aterfal l model :瀑布模型W eb test ing:网站测试W hite box test ing:白盒测试W ork breakdown structure(WBS):任务分解结构。



公司部门中英文对照组装车间 Assembly Shop总务部 General Affairs Department总经理室 General Manager总经办 Office of General Manager总公司 Head Office分公司 Branch Office自动测试部 Division of Auto Testing中期试验部 Division of Pilotscale Testing质量总监 Quality Administration质量管理部 Division of Quality Management制造总部办公室 Office of Manufacturing Headquarter制造总部 Department of Manufacturing制造工程部 Division of Manufacturing Engineering运营商本部 Department of Operating Agents Management营业部 Business Office营销总部 Headquater of Marketing & Sales研发制造本部 Department of R&D and Manufacturing研发一本部硬件开发部 R&D Department I, Hardware Division研发一本部软件开发一部 R&D Department I, Software Division I研发一本部软件开发二部 R&D Department I, Software Division II研发一本部 R&D Department I研发三本部硬件开发部 R&D Department III, Hardware Division研发三本部软件开发一部 R&D Department III, Software Division I研发三本部软件开发二部 R&D Department III, Software Division II研发三本部 R&D Department III研发六本部硬件开发部 R&D Department VI, Hardware Division研发六本部软件开发部 R&D Department VI, Software Division研发六本部 R&D Department VI研发二本部硬件开发部 R&D Department II, Hardware Division研发二本部软件开发部 R&D Department II, Software Division研发二本部 R&D Department II研发部 Research and Development Department(R&D) 行政总部 Headquarter of Administration行政督察部 Division of Administration and Supervision信息实战学院 Institute of Information Practical Exercise信息部 Division of Information新产品导入中心 New Products Intro Center销售计划部 Division of Sales Planning销售管理部 Division of Sales Management销售部 Sales Department物料供应部 Division of Material Supplying物料部 Material Control Dept.五金区 Metal part Block维修中心 Maintenance Center外观设计部 Division of Appearance Design投资证券部 Division of Investment Securities数码制造部 Division of Digital Products Manufacturing数码研发部 Division of Digital Products R&D数码事业部 Division of Digital Technologies售后服务部After-sale Service Department市场战略委员会 Committee of Marketing Strategy市场研究部 Division of Market Research市场策略部 Division of Marketing Strategy市场部 Marketing Department市场本部 Department of Marketing生产一部 Production Division I生产技术本部 Department of Production Technologies生产二部 Production Division II生产部 Production Dept.审计监察部 Division of Auditing & Supervision商务部 Division of Business人事部 Personnel Department人力资源部 Human Resources Department人力资源部 Division of Human Resources区域营销本部 Department of Regional Marketing & Sales区域数码营销部 Division of Regional Digital Products Sales 企划部 Planning Department平面设计部 Division of 2D Design品质检验区 Q.C. Inspection品管部 Quality Control Department品管部 Quality Control Dept.南中国区运营部 Division of Operating In Southern China南商务助理 Assistant Business Manager in Southern China南高级商务经理 Senior Business Manager in Southern China 内蒙分厂 Branch Factory in Nei Meng Province秘书室 Secretarial Pool秘书处 Secretariat来料品控部 IQC Division来料检验区 Incoming Part Inspection客户关系部 Division of Customer Relationship广告公司创意部门头衔中英文对照CW(Copy writer) 文案SCW(Senior Copy writer) 资深文案Copy Director 文案指导Visualizer 视觉执行Designer 设计Senior Designer 资深设计AAD(Assistant Art Director) 助理美术指导AD(Art Director) 美术指导SAD(Senior Art Director) 资深美术指导GH(Group Head) 创意组长ACD(Assistant Creative Director) 副创意总监CD(Creative Director) 创意总监GCD(Group Creative Director) 群创意总监DECD(Deputy Executive Creative Director) 代理执行创意总监ECD(Executive Creative Director) 执行创意总监Creative Partner 创意合伙人客户服务部Division of Customer Service客户服务本部Department of Customer Service进口部Import Department结构设计部Division of Structural Design技术发展委员会信息课Division of Information, Technologies Development Committee 技术发展委员会Committee of R&D会议室Meeting Room会计部Division of Accounting呼叫服务中心Call-in Service Center黑坯周转区Raw Material Block国际业务一部Intl. Business Division I国际业务二部Intl. Business Division II国际事业本部Headquarter of International Business国际部International Department广告部Advertising Department管理部Division of Management管理本部Department of Management供应链管理本部Department of Supplier Link Management公司顾问Consultant公共关系Public Relations Department工业设计本部Department of Industrial Design分公司Subcompany灯罩区Glass-shade Block待料区Transition Area促销部Sales Promotion Department出口部Export Department成品区Fininshed Product Area成品D区Block D成品C区Block C成品B区Block B成品A区Block A产品开发部Product Development Department策略部Division of Strategy Analysis策略本部Department of Strategy Research采购部Purchasing(Procurement) Department财务部General Accounting Department/Financial Dept./Division of Finance 财审总部Headquarter of Financial Auditing财审部Division of Financial Auditing品工程部Division of Component Engineering北中国区运营部Division of Operating In Northern China北商务助理ASsistant Business Manager in Northern China北高级商务经理Senior Business Manager in Northern China包装区Packing Block包装材料区Packing Material Block半成品区Half-Product Block / semi-product办事处OfficePMC部PMC DivisionB拉Section BA拉Section A岗位职称董事Director业务经理Business Manager(计算机)硬件工程师Hardware Engineer安全人员Security Officer办公室助理Office Assistant办事处财务负责人Financial Principal in the Office办事处代主任Subrogating Director of the Office办事处负责人Principal of the Office办事处副主任Deputy Director of the Office办事处客服负责人Principal of the Customer Service in the Office 办事处主任Director of the Office包装设计师Package Designer保安人员Securities Custody Clerk保险公司理赔员Insurance Actuary报副主编Deputy Chief Editor本部副总经理Assistant General Manager of the Department本部总经理General Manager of the Department本部总经理高级助理Senior Assistant of G.M. of the Department 本部总经理助理Assistant of G.M. of the Department本部总经理助理Assistant of G.M. of the Department部长Secretary部长助理Assistant Secretary部门负责人Division Principal部门经理,科长Section Manager财务报告人Financial Reporter财务经理Fund Manager财务主任Financial Controller财务总监Financial Controller采购进货员Purchasing Agent采购员Buyer采矿工程师Mining Engineer测量员Surveyor产品工程师Production Engineer常务副总经理Administrative Assistant General Manager厂长Plant/ Factory Manager厂长Production Manager乘客票位预订员Passenger Reservation Staff出纳员Cashier打字员Clerk Typist/Typist代部长Subrogating Secretary导游Tourist Guide低级文员(低级职员)Junior clerk地区经理Regional Manger第一副部长The 1st Deputy Secretary电传机操作员Telex Operator电话接线员、话务员Telephonist / Operator电脑程序设计师Programmer电气工程师Electrical Engineer电讯(电信)员Telecommunication Executive店员、售货员Sales Clerk董事长Chairman of the Board法律顾问Legal Adviser翻译核对员Translation Checker翻译员Translator饭店经理Restaurant Manager房地产职员Real Estate Staff分公司财务代经理Subrogating Financial Manager in the Subcompany 分公司财务负责人Financial Principal in the Subcompany分公司财务经理Financial Manager in the Subcompany分公司常务副经理Administrative Assistant Manager of the Subcompany 分公司代(副)经理Subrogating Manager of the Subcompany分公司代总经理Subrogating G.M. of the Subcompany分公司负责人Principal of the Subcompany分公司副总经理Assistant G.M. of the Subcompany分公司经理Manager of the Subcompany分公司经理助理Assistant of Manager in Subcompany分公司总经理G.M. of the Subcompany服务部经理Service Manager副部长Deputy Secretary副厂长Assistant Production Manager副经理Assistant Manager副经理Sub-Manager副课长Deputy Setion Chief副院长Deputy President副主任Deputy Director副总工程师Assistant Chief Engineer副总经理Assistant General Manager副总经理Deputy General Manager高级顾问Senior Consultant/Adviser高级雇员Senior Employee高级会计Senior Accountant高级秘书Senior Secretary高级文员(高级职员)Senior Clerk高中级管理人员executive工程技术员Engineering Technician公关部经理Manager for Public Relations公司总经理助理Assistant of G.M. of the Company管理顾问Management Consultant广告工作人员Advertising Staff广告文字撰稿人Copywriter国际销售员International Sales Staff航空公司定座员Airlines Sales Representative航空公司定座员Airlines Sales Representative航空公司职员Airlines Staff化学工程师Chemical Engineer会计部经理Accounting Manager会计部职员Accounting Stall会计主管Accounting Supervisor会计助理Accounting Assistant机械工程师Mechanical Engineer计算机处理操作员Processing Operator计算机工程师Computer Engineer Computer计算机软件工程师Software Engineer计算机系统部经理Computer System Manager计算机资料输入员Computer Data Input Operator记帐员Accounting Clerk技术编辑Technical Editor技术翻译Technical Translator技术工人Technical Worker技术员Technician监管员Supervisor见习护士Practice Nurse见习课长Practice Section Chief建筑师Architect教务长Dean接线生(接线员)Receptionist进口部经理Import Manager进口联络员Import Liaison Staff经济助究助理Economic Research Assistant经理Manager客服中心代经理Subrogating Manager of Customer Service Center 客服中心副经理Assistant Manager of Customer Service Ceter客服中心经理Manager of Customer Service Center课长Section Chief课负责人Section Leader口语翻译Interpreter领班,组长Foreman买手(商人)Merchandiser贸易财务主管Trade Finance Executive秘书Secretary秘书助理Secretarial Assistant培训部经理Trainee Manager品质控制员(质量检查员)Quality Controller区域营销本部副总经理Assistant G.M. of the Department of Regional Marketing & Sales区域营销本部市场助理Assistant of Marketing & Sales, Department of Regional Marketing & Sales区域营销本部总经理G.M. of the Department of Regional Marketing & Sales区域营销本部总经理助理Assistant of G.M. Department of Regional Marketing & Sales区域助理高级经理Regional Assistant Senior Manager人事部经理Personn生产部经理Product Manager生产线主管Line Supervisor生产员工Manufacturing Worker市场部办公室主任Marketing Officer市场部经理Marketing Manager市场部主任Marketing Executive市场调研部经理Marketing Representative Manager市场分析员Market Analyst市场开发部经理Market Development Manager市场销售部经理Marketing Manager市场销售员Marketing Staff市场助理Assistant of Marketing & Sales熟练技工Skilled Worker数码大区经理Manager of Major Customer Service in Digital Products数码营销部经理Manager of Digital Products Marketing & Sales私人秘书Private Secretary速记员Stenographer同声传译员Simultaneous Interpreter土木工程师Chemical Engineer/ Civil Engineer推售部经理Promotional Manager推销员Salesman外汇部核算员F.X. Settlement Clerk外汇部职员F.X. (Foreign Exchange)Clerk外贸业务员Export Business Rep.外销部经理Export Sales Manager外销部职员Export Sales Staff外销员Export Sales Staff维修工程师Maintenance Engineer文书打字兼秘书Cl项目策划人员Project Staff项目经理Project Manager项目经理助理Assistant of the Project Manager销售部经理Sales Manager销售代表Marketing Representative销售代表Sales Representative销售代表Seller Representative销售工程师Sales Engineer销售计划员Sales and Planning Staff销售监管Sales Supervisor销售经理Sales Manager销售协调人Sales Coordinator销售员Salesperson销售主管Marketing Executive销售主管Sales Executive销售主任Sales Executive销售助理Marketing Assistant销售助理Sales Assistant校对员Proof-reader写字楼助理(办事员)Office Assistant信差(邮递员)Messenger行政办事员Administrative Clerk行政办事员Administrative Clerk行政董事Executive Director行政董事Managing Director行政经理Administration Manager行政秘书Executive Secretary行政人员Administration Staff行政主管Administrator行政助理Administrative Assistant学徒Apprentice学校注册主任School Registrar研究开发工程师Research&.Development Engineer 业务经理Business Manager业务经理Operational Manager业务主任Business Controller音乐教师Music Teacher银行高级职员Trust Banking Executive应用工程师Application Engineer英语教师English Instructor/Teacher营业代表Sales Representative硬件工程师:Hardware Engin邮政人员Postal Clerk招聘协调人Recruitment Co-ordinator证券分析员Bond Analyst证券交易员Bond Trader执行副总裁Executive Vice-President职员/接待员Clerk/Receptionist职员clerk职员Office Clerk制造工程师Manufacturing Engineer质量管理工程师Quality Control Engineer质量总监Majordomo of Quality Assurance主管Supervisor主任Director主任Manage助理经理(副经理)Assistant Manager专业人员Professional Staff资本运营总监Majordomo of Capital Operation总部副总经理Assistant General Manager of the Headquarter 总部副总经理助理Assistant of Vice G.M. of the Headquarter 总部总经理General Manager of the Headquarter总部总经理助理Assistant of G.M. of the Headquarter总裁President (Am E.)总工程师Chief Engineer总工程师Chief Engineer总管Supervisor总会计主任Chief Accountant总经理General Manager/ President总经理Executive Manager总经理办公会秘书Secretary, Office of General Manager总经理高级秘书Senior Secretary of G.M.总经理秘书Secretary of G.M./ Manager's Secretary。



软件开发常用名词中英文对照词汇释义abort 中止abstract class 抽象类accelerator 快捷键accelerator mapping 快捷键映射accelerator table 快捷键对应表access modifier 访问修饰符access Pack 访问包access specifier 访问说明符access violation 访问冲突access ibility 辅助功能access ibility domain 可访问域access ibility Options 辅助功能选项access or 访问器action 操作Active Directory hierarchy Active Directory 层次结构active document 活动文档Active Document Containment 活动文档包容active end 活动端active object 活动对象active point 活动点Active Template Library 活动模板库ActiveX Component ActiveX 组件ActiveX Control ActiveX 控件ActiveX control container ActiveX 控件容器ActiveX Control Interface Wizard ActiveX 控件接口向导ActiveX Control Test Container ActiveX 控件测试容器ActiveX Designer ActiveX 设计器ActiveX Document Migration Wizard ActiveX 文档移植向导ActiveX-enabled 支持 ActiveX 的Add key/ Multiply key/ Substract key/ Devide key 加号键/ 乘号键/ 减号键/ 除号键Add-In 外接程序Address Book 通讯簿address space 地址空间Administrator Mode 管理员模式advise sink 通知接收aggregate 聚合Airbrush 喷枪All Tables 所有表allocation hook 分配挂钩Alternate text "替换文字,备用文本"Always On Top 总在最前面ambient 环境ambiguous 不明确ampersand 符号ampersand (&) “and”符 (&)anchor 标记animation control 动画控件apartment-model threading 单元模型线程application framework 应用程序框架Application Wizard 应用程序向导Apply Now 立即应用apply to similar 应用到相似项argument 字变量Arrange Tables 排列表array initializer 数组初始值设定项array rank 数组秩arrow cap 箭头帽ARROW key 箭头键ArrowHourGlass 箭头沙漏ArrowQuestion 箭头问号article family 文章族assembly 程序集;汇编assembly manifest 程序集清单assert 断言assign 分配associate 关联"asterisk (""*"")" 星号(“*”)asynchronous moniker 异步名字对象asynchronous peek operation 异步查看操作ATL Object Wizard ATL 对象向导atomic operation 原子操作attached table 附加表attribute 特性Attributed Component Wizard 属性化组件向导Attributed Programming 属性化编程Attributes Property Attributes 属性Authentication 身份验证authorable 可创作(的)Auto completion for commands 自动完成命令Auto Increment 自动增加Auto Syntax Check 自动语法校验Automatic 自动automation 自动控制automation-enabled 启用自动化background color 背景色backslash 反斜杠bad 坏的base address 基址base class 基类base implementation 基实现base keyword 基关键字base method 基方法base table 基表be paged to disk 分页到磁盘behavior 行为Behind the Scenes 幕后Bezier 贝塞尔曲线Binary Binary;二进制binary operator 二元运算符bind 绑定binder 联编程序binding constraints 绑定约束bit field 位域bitmask 位掩码bitwise 按位bitwise complement operator 按位求补运算符bit-wise equivalent 位等效数bitwise OR operator 位 OR 运算符block 块block if If 块blocking UI 模块化用户界面body 正文Book Edition 试用版bookmark 书签文件Boolean 布尔bottom margin 下边距bound 上下限bound control 绑定控件bounding rectangle 边框box 装箱 (v.)break 中断break compatibility 破坏兼容性break execution 中断执行break mode 中断模式break state 中断状态Bring Forward 上移一层Bring In Front 置前Bring to Front 置于顶层broker 中间装置browsable 可浏览Browse With 浏览方式Brush 画笔bubbling 冒泡bucket 存储桶buddy 合作者buffer 缓冲区build 生成 (v.);版本 (n.)building block 构造块built-in 内置bulk 批量bulk row fetching 批量取行Bulleted List 项目符号列表business logic 商业规则business process 业务处理business rule 商业规则button control 按钮控件C calling convention C 调用约定C run-time library C 运行时库cab file cab 文件cache 缓存cacheability 可缓存性call 呼叫call a com object 调用 COM 对象call back 回调call invoke 调用 invoke(调用)called procedure 被调用过程caller 调用方calling code 呼叫代码calling convention 调用约定calling process 调用进程call-out interception 调出侦听caption 题注caret 插字号carriage return-linefeed 回车-换行cascade 级联case statement case 语句case-sensitive 区分大小写cast (类型)转换catalog 目录catch 捕捉catch block catch 块catch handler catch 处理程序category 类别caution 警告cell 存储单元cell padding 单元格填充cell span 单元格跨距Center Screen 中心屏幕Certificate Creation Utility 证书创建实用工具challenge-response 质询-响应change 更改character offset 字符偏移量chart 图表chat 聊天check 复选check box control 复选框控件check constraint CHECK 约束check in 签入check out 签出check state 复选状态check the condition 检查条件check the entry 检查项check the number 检查数目check the registry 检查注册表check the result 检查结果check the state 检查状态check the validity 检查有效性check the value 检查值child 子child code 子代码child form 子窗体circular reference 循环引用class 类别Class Builder Utility 类生成器实用工具class declaration 类声明class definition 类定义class factory 类工厂class initializer 类初始值设定项Class Library Reference 类库参考class member 类成员class module 类模块class object 类对象class type 类类型Class View Group By Type 类视图“按类型分组”classic 传统(型);传统风格(的);经典clause 子句clean 无变动(注:与 dirty 相对)click event procedure Click 事件过程client area 工作区Client Batch cursor library 客户端批处理游标库client coordinate 工作区坐标client request 客户端请求client-based 基于客户端的client-side 客户端clip 剪辑Clipboard format 剪贴板格式Clipboard-viewer chain 剪贴板查看器链clipping region 剪切区域clone 克隆close parenthesis 右括号Close region 临近区域(Close Region)close up 闭合closing set of angle bracket 结束双尖括号closing tag 结束标记CLS compliant 符合 CLSclustered index 聚集索引code 代码code editor 代码编辑器code example 代码实例code locale 代码区域设置code module 代码模块code pane 代码窗格code tracing 代码跟踪code wizard 代码向导codebase 基本代码code-behind 代码隐藏Collapse to Definitions 折叠到定义Collate 逐份打印collection 集合collection editor 集合编辑器color scheme 配色方案column span 列跨距COM Classic COM 传统型COM component COM 组件combinator 连结符combo box control 组合框控件command 命令command handler 命令处理程序Command line builds 命令行编译command routing 命令传送comment token 注释标记Common Control 公共控件Common Dialog 通用对话框(Common Dialog)common files 公共文件Common Object File Format 通用对象文件格式common resource file 公共资源文件common Web files 公共 Web 文件communicate 通信compact 压缩;紧凑compact version 精简版本comparer 比较器compile time 编译时compiler 编译程序complex-bound 复杂绑定component 组件component authoring 组件创作Component Gallery 组件库Component Object Model 组件对象模型 or COM Component Services Admin Tools 组件服务管理工具Component Tools Guide 组件工具指南component tray 组件栏Component Wizard 组件向导component-based 基于组件的compose buffer 写缓冲区composite 复合concatenation operator 串联运算符concurrency 并发Congratulations 祝贺您connect string 连接字符串connectable object 可连接对象connection map 连接映射connection point 连接点connection pooling 连接池connection string 连接字符串considerations 注意事项constant 常数constant expression 常数表达式constituent control 构成控件constraint 约束constructor 构造函数constructor initializer 构造函数初始值设定项Consumer Template 使用者模板contained control 包含的控件container 容器content-body 内容正文context 上下文context identifier 上下文标识符context menu 上下文菜单context window 上下文窗口contextify 实现上下文;对…实现上下文context-sensitive 区分上下文contiguous 相邻的contiguous range 连续范围contract 协定control 控制control array 控件数组control class 控件类Control Containment 控件包容Control Flow Obfuscation 控制流模糊处理control instance 控件实例control returns 控制返回Control Test Container 控件测试容器control view object 控件查看对象Conversation 对话conversion 转换Cookieless 无 Cookiecoordinated universal time 协调通用时间Copy 副本;复制Copy Info 复制信息correlation 相关corrupt 损坏count 计数Cracker 黑客critical section 关键部分cross-process 进程间cross-thread 线程间crypt hash object 加密哈希对象cryptographic object 加密对象CSS Specific CSS 特定Ctl Ctl 键;CtlCursor 光标;游标cursor library 光标库custom 自定义Custom Actions Management 自定义操作管理Custom AppWizard 自定义应用程序向导custom build rule 自定义生成规则custom event 自定义事件custom marshalling 自定义封送处理custom resource template 自定义资源模板cycle through 循环通过Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗余校验(CRC)Dangling Reference 虚引用DAO Query DAO 查询DAO Recordset DAO 记录集DAO Workspace DAO 工作区dark shadow 阴影data binding 数据绑定data breakpoint 数据断点data compartment 数据舱Data Component Designer 数据组件设计器data consumer 数据使用者data environment 数据环境Data Environment designer 数据环境设计器Data Environment Extensibility Object Model 数据环境扩展性对象模型Data Form Wizard 数据窗体向导data grid 数据网格data member 数据成员Data Object Wizard 数据对象向导data point 数据点Data Report designer 数据报表设计器data set 数据集data source 数据源data store 数据存储data type 数据类型Data View 数据视图data-aware 数据识别database class 数据库类database connection 数据库连接Database Designer 数据库设计器database diagram 数据库关系图database engine 数据库引擎database management system 数据库管理系统database object 数据库对象Database Project Items 数据库项目项database schema 数据库架构datagram 数据报DataSet DataSet(注:用作关键字时);数据集(注:用于一般描述时) DataSource DataSource(注:用作关键字时);数据源(注:用于一般描述时)DataTable DataTable(注:用作关键字时);数据表(注:用于一般描述时)date and time picker 日期和时间选择器Daylight Saving Time 夏时制DB Common Sourcing Module UI Resources 数据库公共源模块用户界面资源DB Project Connection 数据库项目连接DDE conversation DDE 对话dead-letter 死信deallocate 解除分配debug 调试debug build 调试版本Debug configuration “调试”配置debug heap 调试堆debug mode 调试模式debug monitor 调试监视器debugger 调试程序Decimal key 句点键decimal separator 小数点分隔符declaration 声明declarator 声明符decoder 解码器decorated name 修饰名Deep Copy 深层复制default 默认default action 默认操作default behavior 默认行为default case-insensitive hash code provider 不区分大小写的默认哈希代码提供程序default constructor 默认构造函数default hash code provider 默认哈希代码提供程序default implementation 默认实现default initial capacity 默认初始容量default marshalling 默认封送处理default maximum load factor 默认最大加载因子default property page 默认属性页Defect Report 缺陷报告definition 定义deformatter 反格式化程序degrade 降级degrade gracefully 完全降低degrade performance 降低性能delay-loaded 延迟加载delegate 委托delete operator 删除运算符delineated square 画有边线的方形denial of service attack 拒绝服务攻击Dep. assembly nodes 部署程序集节点Dep. MSM nodes 部署 MSM 节点dependency 依赖项dependency file 依赖项文件dependent file 依赖文件dependent project 依赖项目deploy 部署Deployment Editors 部署编辑器Deployment Wizard 部署向导deprecate 否决deque 双端队列derive 派生derived 导出(的);派生(的)derived class 派生类derived field 导出字段derived type 派生类型Description 说明descriptor 描述符deserialize 反序列化design 设计design mode 设计模式Design Surface File 设计图面文件design time 设计时design view 设计视图designer 设计器designer host 设计器宿主designer surface 设计器表面designer window 设计器窗口design-time 设计时design-time instance 设计时实例Design-Time-Only 仅用于设计时destination application 目标应用程序destination control 目标控件destination device context 目标设备上下文destination rectangle 目标矩形destroy 损坏destructor 析构函数detect 检测determine 确定developer 开发人员Developer edition 开发人员版development environment 开发环境device 设备device context 设备上下文device dependent 设备相关Device Image 设备映像DHTML Page designer DHTML 页设计器diagnostic message 诊断消息Diagram 关系图diagram pane 关系图窗格Diagram Surface 关系图面dialog class 对话框类dialog control 对话框控件Dialog Data Exchange 对话框数据交换Dialog editor 对话框编辑器dialog template resource 对话框模板资源dialog-based 基于对话框的Diff-Merge 差异-合并digest authentication 摘要式身份验证dimensionality 维数dimensions 尺寸;维数(注:指多个维度时)dimmed appearance 浅灰色directive 指令directory 目录disable 禁用disassembly window 反汇编窗口discussion list 讨论表dispatch 调度dispatch ID 调度 IDdispatch interface 调度接口dispatch map 调度映射dispinterface 调度接口dispose 处置distribute 分布Distributed Application 分布式应用程序Distributed Component Object Model 分布式组件对象模型Doc Relative 与文档相关的Dock 停靠dockable 可停靠的dockable toolbar 可停靠工具栏document class 文档类document containment 文档包容document/view architecture 文档/视图结构domain 域dominant control 主导控件double buffering 双缓冲double-ended queue 双端队列double-precision floating point number 双精度浮点数字downcast 向下转换downstream 下游drive letter 驱动器号drop shadow 投影drop target 放置目标dropdown 下拉dropshadow 投影dual interface 双重接口dump 转储Duplicate pound (""#"") characters 重复(“#”)字符dynamic array 动态数组dynamic assembly 动态程序集dynamic binding 动态绑定dynamic creation 动态创建dynamic cursor 动态游标Dynamic Discovery Document 动态发现文档Dynamic HTML object model 动态 HTML 对象模型dynamic splitter window 动态拆分窗口dynamic-link library 动态链接库dynaset-type recordset 动态集类型记录集earlier 以前edit buffer 编辑缓冲区edit control 编辑控件edit mode 编辑模式edit point 编辑点Edition 版本Elapsed Time 运行时间element 元素eliminate 消除embed 嵌入Emit 发出Enabled 启用;有效的encapsulate 封装encapsulated interface pointer 封装接口指针enclosing class 封闭类enclosing type 封闭类型encompassed type 所含类型encompassing type 包含类型end 结束ending point 结束点endpoint 端点engine 引擎Enter Enter 键Enterprise Edition 企业版enterprise template 企业级模板entity 实体entry 项entry point 入口点enumerated type 枚举类型enumeration 枚举enumerator 枚举器enum-type 枚举类型environment 环境equality 相等equality-expression 相等表达式equivalent 等效Erase 清除error 错误error handler 错误处理程序error handling 错误处理error message 错误消息error number 错误号error trapping 错误捕获escape character 转义符escape code 转义码escape sequence 转义序列evaluate 计算event concentrator 事件集中器event interface 事件接口event listener 事件侦听器event log 事件日志event map 事件映射event mask 事件屏蔽event procedure 事件过程event sink map 事件接收映射event source 事件源event subscription 事件订阅event-driven 事件驱动event-handling method 事件处理方法evidence 证据event sink map 事件接收映射event source 事件源event subscription 事件订阅event-driven 事件驱动event-handling method 事件处理方法evidence 证据evidence set 证据集example code 代码示例exception 异常exception handler 异常处理程序exception handling 异常处理exception throw 引发异常exclusive 独占exclusive checkout 以独占方式签出exclusive OR XORExe Project EXE 项目executable 可执行文件execute 执行existing 现有exit 退出exit a loop 退出循环exit code 退出代码explicit 显式explicit instantiation 显式实例化explicit interface member implementation 显式接口成员实现explicit linking 显式链接explore 浏览expose 公开expression 表达式expression argument 表达式参数expression evaluator 表达式计算器extension DLL 扩展 DLLexternal data source 外部数据源external linkage 外部链接face color 表面颜色facet 方面factorability 可分解性failure 失败FALSE/false FALSE/假fast line 快速扫描线fatal error 致命错误favor speed 优选速度feature 功能fetch 提取field data member 字段数据成员figure 图形;图例;数据File Associations Management 文件关联管理file descriptor 文件说明符file handle 文件句柄File Manager 文件管理器file pointer 文件指针file scope 文件范围File System and Scheduling Components 文件系统和调度组件File System Editor 文件系统编辑器filespec 文件规格FileSystemWatcher Component 文件系统观察程序组件fill 填充fill in 填写Filled Rectangle 实心矩形filter 筛选器finalize 完成Find what 查找内容finish 完成fire 激发"first-in, first-out" 先进先出fixed-length 定长fixed-length string 定长串fixed-size array 固定大小数组flag 标志float 浮动floating type 浮点型floating-point type 浮点型flow off 超出focus 焦点focus rectangle 聚焦框footer 页角For a complete list 有关完整列表"For details, see" 有关详细信息,请参阅For information about 有关信息force 强制forecolor 前景色Foreground "前台,前景"foreign key constraint 外键约束foreign machine 外部计算机foreign queue 外部队列foreign table 外表foreign-key table 外键表forest 林form 窗体form 窗体form control 窗体控件form module 窗体模块form view 窗体视图formal parameter list 形参表format string 格式字符串Format Style Sheet 格式化样式表formatter 格式化程序formatting 格式化formatting rectangle 格式化矩形form-based application 基于窗体的应用程序Forms Authentication Forms 身份验证forward-only cursor 只进游标Foundation Class Library 基础类库four headed arrow 四向箭头fractional-constants 小数常数frame 框架framework 框架free 释放Free Bytes 可用字节free the memory 释放内存free the structure 释放结构free threaded marshaler 自由线程封送拆收器free threading 自由线程处理free-form modeling 自由窗体建模Frequently Asked Questions 常见问题friend function 友元函数FrontPage Server Extension FrontPage 服务器扩展Full Control component 完全控制组件full-text search 全文搜索Full-Width Alpha-Numeric 全角字母-数字Full-Width Katakana 全角片假名fully populated 完全填充fully qualified name 完全限定名fully qualified path 完全限定的路径Function 功能;函数function body 函数体function call 函数调用function counting 函数调用计数function coverage 函数覆盖function declaration 函数声明function pointer 函数指针function profiling 函数分析(Function Profiling)function prototype 函数原型function scope 函数范围function template 函数模板function timing 函数执行时间Further Reading 其他阅读材料gain access获得访问权限gain control 获得控制gain information 获得信息Garbage Collector 垃圾回收器General 常规;通用general accounting module 常规计帐模块General DAO Recordset Tasks 常规 DAO 记录集任务General Date 常规日期General Number 常规数字general sample 通用示例generic-text 一般文本get 获取get access or get 访问器get area get 区域get pointer get 指针Gets or sets 获取或设置global object 全局对象global scope 全局范围global setting 全局设置global variable 全局变量Glyph 标志符号Go to 转到Gozer Gozer;Gozer 处理graphical representation 图形化表示形式graphics method 图形方法grid 网格grid control 网格控件Grid Layout 网格布局Group By 分组依据Group Members 组员guarded section 保护区域Guide Settings 参考线设置Half-Width Alpha-Numeric 半角字母-数字Half-Width Katakana 半角片假名handle 句柄Handle is not pinned 句柄未被固定handler 处理程序handy focus 快捷焦点hard-code 硬编码hash 哈希hash algorithm 哈希算法hash code 哈希代码hatched pattern 阴影图案header 头header control 标头控件header file 头文件heap 堆heap allocation 堆分配Help topic 帮助主题helper function Helper 函数heuristics 试探法hierarchical outline 分层大纲high-level 高级别Highlight 突出显示;高光点high-order word 高序位字history list 历史记录列表hook function 挂钩函数horizontal guideline 水平准线Horizontal Spacing 水平间距host 主机host object 宿主对象host window 宿主窗口hosted control 寄宿的控件hosting API 宿主 APIhot key control 热键控件Hotfix 修补程序 (Hotfix)hover 悬停html tag replacer object HTML 标记替换器对象HTTP request HTTP 请求hub and spoke model 轮辐式模型human-readable 可读的Hyperlink 超级链接icon 图标ID IDidentity operator 恒等运算符ignore 忽略illegal 非法illustrate 阐释image 映像image control 图像控件image editor 图像编辑器image list 图像列表;映像列表image resource 图像资源;映像资源IME composition window IME 撰写窗口Immediate Mode 即时模式immediate parent object 直接父对象impersonation token 模拟令牌implement 实现Implement Interface Wizard 实现接口向导implemented bulk row fetching 实现的批量取行implementer 实施者implicit 隐式implicit conversion 隐式转换import library 导入库Important 重要事项in spec 规格中in the Project Explorer window 在项目资源管理器窗口中In this Section 本节内容include file 包含文件incoming 传入(的)Increase Vertical Spacing 增加垂直间距increment 增量Incremental build 增量编译incremental linker 增量链接器incremental status 增量状态Independent Developer 独立开发商indexer 索引器Indicator Margin Click 单击指示器边距inference rule 推理规则infix notation 中缀符inherit 继承inheritance chain 继承链inheritors 继承者initial capacity 初始容量initial value 初始值initialization 初始化initialization vector 初始化向量initiate 开始;启动injected code 插入的代码Inline 内联inline assembler 内联汇编inline assembly code 内联程序集代码inline function 内联函数inner exception 内部异常inner object 内部对象in-place 就地in-place activation 就地激活in-place active 就地活动in-process 进程内input focus 输入焦点input mask 输入掩码Input Method Editor 输入法编辑器insert new 新插入inset 插页?Install on Demand 即需即装instance 实例instantiate 实例化Instantiate Live Controls 实例化活控件int type int 类型intaller 安装程序integer 整数integer literal 整数integer type integer 类型integer value 整数值integral type 整型integral value 整数值integrated development environment 集成开发环境Intellisense 智能感知interact 交互interface 接口internal error 内部错误internal linkage 内部链接Internet Information Server Administration object Internet Information Server 管理对象Internet Information Services Internet 信息服务Internet Server Application Programming Interface Internet 服务器应用程序编程接口Internet/Intranet/Extranet Services SDK Internet/Intranet/extranet 服务SDKinteroperate 互用;交互操作interrupt 中断intersection 交集intrinsic control 内部控件intrinsic function 内部函数Introduction 介绍invalid 无效的Invalid literal exponent 无效指数invalidate 无效invocation list 调用列表invoke 调用iostream library iostream 库Is Dirty 已更新ISAPI Extension Wizard ISAPI 扩展向导isolated storage scope 独立存储范围issue 颁发italic 斜体item 项目iterate through 循环访问iteration 迭代jagged 交错的Jet database engine Jet 数据库引擎join 联接journal queue 日记队列jump 跳转junction table 联接表Just-in-time debugging 实时调试key 密钥key as string 键为字符串key feature 主要功能key file 密钥文件key value 键值keyboard focus 键盘焦点keyset-driven 键集驱动keyset-type 键集类型kill 注销;取消Knowledge Base 知识库label 标记label control 标签控件labeled statement 标记语句LAME! 报告错误!language equivalents 等效语言Language Reference 语言参考late binding 晚期绑定late-bound 后期绑定layered windows feature 分层窗口功能Layout 布局lead byte 前导字节leading zero 前导零least significant byte 最低有效字节ledger 帐目型left outer join 左外部联接legal 合法less derived 派生程度较小的level 等级leverage (综合)利用;平衡lexical scope 词法范围library 库lifetime 生存期limit 限制Limit SQL output 限制 SQL 输出line break 换行符line of code 代码行line style 线型line-continuation character 行继续符linger 逗留link 链接Link Master Fields 链接主字段link time 链接时间linkage 链接linker 链接器list box control 列表框控件list control 列表控件list view control 列表视图控件listen 听listen for requests 侦听请求listen on 在…上侦听listen to a queue 侦听队列Lite control Lite 控件literal literal;文本literal character 原义字符load 加载load balancing 负载平衡Load on Startup 在启动时加载local constant 局部常量local machine 本地计算机local scope 局部范围local variable 局部变量Locale 区域设置location 位置location breakpoint 位置断点locator 定位器lock 锁lock count 锁计数locked 锁定locking 锁定Log 日志logical headings 逻辑标头logical line 逻辑行logical palette 逻辑调色板logical unit 逻辑单元Long 长long integer 长整型long pointer 长指针long value 长值look for 查找Look in 查找;查找范围;搜索look up 查找lookahead 预测先行lookup 查找loop control variable 循环控制变量loop through 依次通过loosely coupled event 松耦合事件lower bound 下限lower-level 低级别low-order word 低序位字l-value l 值macro expansion 宏展开Macro Explorer 宏资源管理器Macro Hierarchy Type Library 宏层次结构类型库Macros Dialog 宏对话Macros IDE 宏 IDEMain form 主窗体main frame window 主框架窗口main function 主函数main thread 主线程main window 主窗口mainframe 主机Maintenance Mode 维护模式Maintenance Utility 维护实用工具Make Same Size 使大小相同make the project 生成项目Makefile 生成文件managed array 托管数组managed class 托管类managed code 托管代码managed extension 托管扩展managed heap 托管堆managed object 托管对象management 管理manifest 清单manipulate data 操作数据manual 手动many-to-many 多对多map 图mapping mode 映射模式margin 边距margin indicator 边距指示符Margin Indicator bar “边距指示符”栏marquee 字幕marshal 封送marshal-by-reference class 引用封送类marshalling 封送处理Mask 屏蔽;掩码match 匹配Match Case 大小写匹配Match related words 匹配相关字matching 相应的;匹配的matrix 矩阵maximum-scroll arrow/ minimum-scroll arrow/ up-scroll arrow 最大程度滚动箭头/最小程度滚动箭头/向上滚动箭头MDI child form MDI 子窗体MDI child window MDI 子窗口MDI frame window MDI 框架窗口member 成员member function 成员函数member variable 成员变量membership condition 成员条件memory allocation 内存分配memory allocator 内存分配器memory block 内存块memory cache base object 内存缓存基对象memory manager 内存管理器menu control 菜单控件menu editor 菜单编辑器Menu show recently used commands first 菜单首先显示最近使用的命令message handler 消息处理程序message map 消息映射message pump 消息泵message reflection 消息反射message sink 消息接收message string set 消息字符串集message-handler function 消息处理函数message-map entry 消息映射项metadata token 元数据标记method 方法method call 方法调用method group 方法组method invocation 方法调用MFC Advanced Concepts MFC 高级概念MFC AppWizard MFC 应用程序向导MFC DAO class MFC DAO 类MFC DAO object MFC DAO 对象MFC Database MFC 数据库MFC ODBC class MFC ODBC 类MFC Reference MFC 参考MFC-based 基于 MFC 的middle-tier 中间层migrate 迁移mini-frame window 袖珍框架窗口mini-server application 袖珍服务器应用程序Misc 杂项Miscellaneous 杂项Miscellaneous files project saves last 最后保存杂项文件项目MMC Snap-In Wizard MMC 管理单元向导modal dialog 模式对话框mode 模式model 模型modeless form 无模式窗体module 模块module level 模块级moniker 名字对象month calendar control 月历控件more derived 派生程度较大的More Information 详细信息more recent version 较新版本mouse button 鼠标按钮mouse capture 鼠标捕获mouse event 鼠标事件mouse key 鼠标键move down 下移move up 上移MSDN Training documentation set MSDN“培训”文档集multibyte character 多字节字符multibyte code page 多字节代码页multicast 多播multiple document interface 多文档界面Multiple-Inheritance 多重继承multiple-line edit control 多行编辑控件multithreaded application 多线程应用程序multi-user environment 多用户环境mutually exclusive 互相排斥naked attribute naked 属性Naked Function Calls 裸函数调用Name and Password Required 要求用户名和密码name only 仅表名named 命名的named permission set 命名的权限集namespace 命名空间nanosecond 毫微秒narrowing conversion 收缩转换native 本机的native heap 本机堆native machine 本机native-code application 本机代码应用程序Native-only TCP/I 仅限本机的 TCP/IPNavigation bar 导航栏navigator 导航器New any 新建项New anyAttribute 新建属性New Technology file system NTFS 文件系统newline 换行newline character 换行符Next Screen 下一屏No conversions are performed 未进行转换node 节点nonaggregated 非聚集non-blank 非空白non-debug version 非调试版本non-MFC 非 MFCnon-null 非空non-scatter 非散点程序集non-static 非静态non-transactional queue 非事务性队列non-virtual 非虚拟non-visual 非可视non-zero 非零normal viewing 正常查看Northwind OLE DB Data Link Northwind OLE DB 数据链接notation 表示法note 注意Notepad “记事本”(Notepad)Notes to Inheritors: 对继承者的说明:nothing 无定义(注:根据上下文而定)notification 通知notification message 通知消息nudge 微移nudge down one pixel 向下微移一像素null character 空字符null pointer 空指针null reference 空引用null value 空值nul-terminated 空终止number of bytes 字节数number of dimensions 维数Numbered List 编号列表numeric entity 数字实体numeric expression 数值表达式numeric type numeric 类型object 对象Object Browser 对象浏览器object expression 对象表达式object hierarchy 对象层次结构object library 对象库object lifetime 对象生存期object map 对象映射object model 对象模型object module 对象模块object qualifier 对象限定符object reference 对象引用object tag 对象标记object variable 对象变量Object Viewer 对象查看器Object Wizard 对象向导object-oriented programming 面向对象的编程occurrence 匹配项;(视上下文也可省略不译)ODBC Administrator ODBC 管理器ODBC Cursor Library ODBC 游标库ODBC data source ODBC 数据源ODBC Driver Manager ODBC 驱动程序管理器ODBC SDK ODBC SDKOLE Automation OLE 自动化OLE container OLE 容器OLE DB connection OLE DB 连接OLE DB Provider OLE DB 提供程序OLE DB Template OLE DB 模板OLE/COM Object Viewer OLE/Com 对象查看器On button down 当按钮按下one-based 从一开始的One-Click Web Hosting 鼠标一点,轻松发布到 Web one-liner 单行方式one-to-many 一对多one-to-one 一对一Open Database Connectivity 开放式数据库连接open parenthesis 左括号Open With 打开方式opening brace 左大括号opening tag 开始标记operand 操作数operation 操作operator 操作符/运算符optimistic concurrency 开放式并发。


– Feedback from the system: by writing unit tests,or running periodic integration tests, the programmers have direct feedback from the state of the system after implementing changes.
The values of XP : 2. Simplicity
• Proponents 支持者 of XP acknowledge the disadvantage that this can sometimes entail more effort tomorrow to change the system;
• their claim is that this is more than compensated for by the advantage of not investing in possible future requirements that might change before they become relevant.
AM is intended to be a collection of values, principles, and practices for Modeling software that can be applied on a software development project in a more flexible manner than traditional Modeling methods. AM is a kind of attitude, not a prescriptive process. AM describes a style of modeling, when used properly in agile environment, that results in better quality software and faster development while avoiding over-simplification and unrealistic expectations.
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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y ZAabstract 抽象的abstract base class (ABC)抽象基类abstract class 抽象类abstraction 抽象、抽象物、抽象性access 存取、访问access function 访问函数access level访问级别account 账户action 动作activate 激活active 活动的actual parameter 实参adapter 适配器add-in 插件address 地址address space 地址空间ADO(ActiveX Data Object)ActiveX数据对象advanced 高级的aggregation 聚合、聚集algorithm 算法alias 别名align 排列、对齐allocate 分配、配置allocator分配器、配置器angle bracket 尖括号annotation 注解、评注API (Application Programming Interface) 应用(程序)编程接口appearance 外观append 附加application 应用、应用程序application framework 应用程序框架Approximate String Matching 模糊匹配architecture 架构、体系结构archive file 归档文件、存档文件argument参数。

array 数组arrow operator 箭头操作符assert(ion) 断言assign 赋值assignment 赋值、分配assignment operator 赋值操作符associated 相关的、相关联的asynchronous 异步的attribute 特性、属性authentication service 验证服务authorization 授权Bbackground 背景、后台(进程)backup 备份backup device备份设备backup file 备份文件backward compatible 向后兼容、向下兼容base class 基类base type 基类型batch 批处理BCL (base class library)基类库Bin Packing 装箱问题binary 二进制binding 绑定bit 位bitmap 位图block 块、区块、语句块boolean 布林值(真假值,true或false)border 边框bounds checking 边界检查boxing 装箱、装箱转换brace (curly brace) 大括号、花括号bracket (square brakcet) 中括号、方括号breakpoint 断点browser applications 浏览器应用(程序)browser-accessible application 可经由浏览器访问的应用程序bug 缺陷错误build 编连(专指编译和连接)built-in 内建、内置bus 总线business 业务、商务(看场合)business Logic 业务逻辑business rules 业务规则buttons 按钮by/through 通过byte 位元组(由8 bits组成)Ccache 高速缓存calendar 日历Calendrical Calculations 日期call 调用call operator 调用操作符callback 回调candidate key 候选键(for database)cascading delete 级联删除(for database)cascading update 级联更新(for database)casting 转型、造型转换catalog 目录chain 链(function calls)character 字符character format 字符格式character set 字符集check box 复选框check button 复选按钮CHECK constraints CHECK约束(for database)checkpoint 检查点(for database)child class 子类CIL (common intermediate language)通用中间语言、通用中介语言class 类class declaration 类声明class definition 类定义class derivation list 类继承列表class factory 类厂class hierarchy 类层次结构class library 类库class loader 类装载器class template 类模板class template partial specializations 类模板部分特化class template specializations 类模板特化classification 分类clause 子句cleanup 清理、清除CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) 通用语言基础设施client 客户、客户端client application 客户端应用程序client area 客户区client cursor 客户端游标(for database)client-server 客户机/服务器、客户端/服务器clipboard 剪贴板clone 克隆CLS (common language specification) 通用语言规范code access security 代码访问安全code page 代码页COFF (Common Object File Format) 通用对象文件格式collection 集合COM (Component Object Model) 组件对象模型combo box 组合框command line 命令行comment 注释commit 提交(for database)communication 通讯compatible 兼容compile time 编译期、编译时compiler 编译器component组件composite index 复合索引、组合索引(for database)composite key 复合键、组合键(for database)composition 复合、组合concept 概念concrete具体的concrete class 具体类concurrency 并发、并发机制configuration 配置、组态Connected Components 连通分支connection 连接(for database)connection pooling 连接池console 控制台constant 常量Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization 最值问题constraint 约束(for database)construct 构件、成分、概念、构造(for language)constructor (ctor) 构造函数、构造器container 容器containment包容context 环境、上下文control 控件cookiecopy 拷贝CORBA 通用对象请求中介架构(Common Object Request Broker Architecture)cover 覆盖、涵盖create/creation 创建、生成crosstab query 交叉表查询(for database)Cryptography 密码CTS (common type system)通用类型系统cube 多维数据集(for database)cursor 光标cursor 游标(for database)custom 定制、自定义Ddata 数据data connection 数据连接(for database)data dictionary 数据字典(for database)data file 数据文件(for database)data integrity 数据完整性(for database)data manipulation language (DML)数据操作语言(DML) (for database) data member 数据成员、成员变量data source 数据源(for database)Data source name (DSN) 数据源名称(DSN) (for database)data structure数据结构Data Structures 基本数据结构data table 数据表(for database)data-bound 数据绑定(for database)database 数据库(for database)database catalog 数据库目录(for database)database diagram 数据关系图(for database)database file 数据库文件(for database)database object 数据库对象(for database)database owner 数据库所有者(for database)database project 数据库工程(for database)database role 数据库角色(for database)database schema 数据库模式、数据库架构(for database)database script 数据库脚本(for database)datagram 数据报文dataset 数据集(for database)dataset 数据集(for database)DBMS (database management system)数据库管理系统(for database) DCOM (distributed COM)分布式COMdead lock 死锁(for database)deallocate 归还debug 调试debugger 调试器decay 退化declaration 声明default 缺省、默认值DEFAULT constraint默认约束(for database)default database 默认数据库(for database)default instance 默认实例(for database)default result set 默认结果集(for database)defer 推迟definition 定义delegate 委托delegation 委托deploy 部署derived class 派生类design pattern 设计模式destroy 销毁destructor(dtor)析构函数、析构器device 设备DHTML (dynamic HyperText Markup Language)动态超文本标记语言dialog 对话框Dictionaries 字典digest 摘要digital 数字的directive (编译)指示符directory 目录disassembler 反汇编器DISCO (Discovery of Web Services)Web Services的查找dispatch 调度、分派、派发distributed computing 分布式计算distributed query 分布式查询(for database)DNA (Distributed interNet Application) 分布式网间应用程序document 文档DOM (Document Object Model)文档对象模型dot operator (圆)点操作符double-byte character set (DBCS)双字节字符集(DBCS)driver 驱动(程序)DTD (document type definition) 文档类型定义dump 转储dump file 转储文件Ee-business 电子商务efficiency 效率efficient 高效encapsulation 封装end user 最终用户end-to-end authentication 端对端身份验证engine 引擎entity 实体enum (enumeration) 枚举enumerators 枚举成员、枚举器equal 相等equality 相等性equality operator 等号操作符error log 错误日志(for database)escape character 转义符、转义字符escape code 转义码evaluate 评估event 事件event driven 事件驱动的event handler 事件处理器evidence 证据exception 异常exception declaration 异常声明exception handling 异常处理、异常处理机制exception specification 异常规范exception-safe 异常安全的exit 退出explicit 显式explicit specialization 显式特化explicit transaction 显式事务(for database) export 导出expression 表达式Ffat client 胖客户端feature 特性、特征fetch 提取field 字段(for database)field 字段(java)field length 字段长度(for database)file 文件filter 筛选(for database)finalization 终结finalizer 终结器firewall 防火墙flag 标记flash memory 闪存flush 刷新font 字体foreign key (FK) 外键(FK) (for database)form 窗体formal parameter 形参forward declaration 前置声明forward-only 只向前的forward-only cursor 只向前游标(for database) framework 框架full specialization 完全特化function 函数function call operator (即operator ()) 函数调用操作符function object 函数对象function template函数模板functionality 功能functor 仿函数GGC (Garbage collection) 垃圾回收(机制)、垃圾收集(机制) generate 生成generic 泛化的、一般化的、通用的generic algorithm通用算法genericity 泛型getter (相对于setter)取值函数global 全局的global object 全局对象grant 授权(for database)group 组、群group box 分组框GUI 图形界面GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) 全球唯一标识符Hhandle 句柄handler 处理器hard disk 硬盘hard-coded 硬编码的hard-copy 截屏图hardware 硬件hash table 散列表、哈希表header file头文件heap 堆help file 帮助文件hierarchical data 阶层式数据、层次式数据hierarchy 层次结构、继承体系high level 高阶、高层hook 钩子Host (application)宿主(应用程序)hot key 热键HTML (HyperText Markup Language) 超文本标记语言HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) 超文本传输协议HTTP pipeline HTTP管道hyperlink 超链接Iicon 图标IDE (Integrated Development Environment)集成开发环境identifier 标识符IDL (Interface Definition Language) 接口定义语言idle time 空闲时间if and only if当且仅当IL (Intermediate Language) 中间语言、中介语言image 图象IME 输入法immediate base 直接基类immediate derived 直接派生类immediate updating 即时更新(for database) implement 实现implementation 实现、实现品implicit 隐式implicit transaction隐式事务(for database)import 导入incremental update 增量更新(for database) Independent Set 独立集index 索引(for database)infinite loop 无限循环infinite recursive 无限递归information 信息inheritance 继承、继承机制initialization 初始化initialization list 初始化列表、初始值列表initialize 初始化inline 内联inline expansion 内联展开inner join 内联接(for database)instance 实例instantiated 具现化、实体化(常应用于template) instantiation 具现体、具现化实体(常应用于template) integrate 集成、整合integrity 完整性、一致性integrity constraint完整性约束(for database) interacts 交互interface 接口interoperability 互操作性、互操作能力interpreter 解释器introspection 自省invariants 不变性invoke 调用isolation level 隔离级别(for database)item 项、条款、项目iterate 迭代iteration 迭代(回圈每次轮回称为一个iteration) iterative 反复的、迭代的iterator 迭代器JJIT compilation JIT编译即时编译Job Scheduling 工程安排Kkey 键(for database)key column 键列(for database)Lleft outer join 左向外联接(for database)level 阶、层例library 库lifetime 生命期、寿命Linear Programming 线性规划link 连接、链接linkage 连接、链接linker 连接器、链接器list 列表、表、链表list box 列表框literal constant 字面常数livelock 活锁(for database)load 装载、加载load balancing 负载平衡loader 装载器、载入器local 局部的local object 局部对象lock 锁log 日志login 登录login security mode登录安全模式(for database) lookup table 查找表(for database)loop 循环loose coupling 松散耦合lvalue 左值Mmachine code 机器码、机器代码macro 宏maintain 维护managed code 受控代码、托管代码Managed Extensions 受控扩充件、托管扩展managed object 受控对象、托管对象manifest 清单many-to-many relationship 多对多关系(for database)many-to-one relationship 多对一关系(for database)marshal 列集Matching 匹配member 成员member access operator 成员取用运算子(有dot和arrow两种) member function 成员函数member initialization list成员初始值列表memory 内存memory leak 内存泄漏menu 菜单message 消息message based 基于消息的message loop 消息环message queuing消息队列metadata 元数据metaprogramming元编程method 方法micro 微middle tier 中间层middleware 中间件modeling 建模modeling language 建模语言modem 调制解调器modifier 修饰字、修饰符module 模块most derived class最底层的派生类mouse 鼠标multi-tasking 多任务multi-thread 多线程multicast delegate 组播委托、多点委托multithreaded server application 多线程服务器应用程序multiuser 多用户mutable 可变的mutex 互斥元、互斥体Nnamed parameter 命名参数named pipe 命名管道namespace 名字空间、命名空间native 原生的、本地的native code 本地码、本机码nested class 嵌套类nested query 嵌套查询(for database)nested table 嵌套表(for database)network 网络network card 网卡Network Flow 网络流Oobject 对象object based 基于对象的object model 对象模型object oriented 面向对象的ODBC data source ODBC数据源(for database) ODBC driver ODBC驱动程序(for database) one-to-many relationship 一对多关系(for database) one-to-one relationship 一对一关系(for database) operating system (OS) 操作系统operation 操作operator 操作符、运算符option 选项outer join 外联接(for database)overflow 上限溢位(相对于underflow)overload 重载override 覆写、重载、重新定义Ppackage 包packaging 打包palette 调色板parallel 并行parameter 参数、形式参数、形参parameter list 参数列表parameterize 参数化parent class 父类parentheses 圆括弧、圆括号parse 解析parser 解析器part 零件、部件partial specialization 局部特化pass by reference 引用传递pass by value 值传递pattern 模式persistence 持久性pixel 像素placeholder 占位符platform 平台Point Location 位置查询pointer 指针polymorphism 多态pooling 池化pop up 弹出式port 端口postfix 后缀precedence 优先序(通常用于运算子的优先执行次序) prefix 前缀preprocessor 预处理器primary key (PK)主键(PK) (for database)primary table 主表(for database)primitive type 原始类型print 打印printer 打印机procedure 过程process 进程program 程序programmer 程序员programming编程、程序设计progress bar 进度指示器project 项目、工程property 属性protocol 协议pseudo code伪码Qqualified 合格的qualifier 修饰符quality 质量queue 队列Rradio button 单选按钮random number 随机数Random Number Generation 随机数生成range 范围、区间rank 等级raw 未经处理的re-direction 重定向readOnly只读record 记录(for database)recordset 记录集(for databaserecursion ——递归recursive 递归refactoring 重构refer 引用、参考reference 引用、参考reflection 反射refresh data 刷新数据(for database)register 寄存器regular expression 正则表达式relational database 关系数据库remote 远程remote request 远程请求represent 表述,表现resolution 解析过程resolve 解析、决议result set 结果集(for database)retrieve data 检索数据return 返回return type 返回类型return value 返回值revoke 撤销right outer join 右向外联接(for database) robust 健壮robustness 健壮性roll back 回滚(for database)roll forward 前滚(for database)routine 例程row 行(for database)rowset 行集(for database)RPC (remote procedure call)RPC(远程过程调用) runtime 执行期、运行期、执行时、运行时rvalue 右值SSatisfiability 可满足性save 保存savepoint 保存点(for database)SAX (Simple API for XML)scalable 可伸缩的、可扩展的schedule 调度scheduler 调度程序schema 模式、纲目结构scope 作用域、生存空间screen 屏幕scroll bar滚动条SDK (Software Development Kit)软件开发包sealed class 密封类search 查找Searching 查找semantics 语义sequential container序列式容器serial 串行serialization/serialize 序列化server 服务器、服务端session 会话(for database)Set and String Problems 集合与串的问题Set Cover 集合覆盖Set Data Structures 集合Set Packing 集合配置setter 设值函数side effect 副作用signature 签名single-threaded 单线程slider滑块slot 槽SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) 简单邮件传输协议snapshot 截屏图snapshot 快照(for database)SOAP (simple object access protocol) 简单对象访问协议software 软件Sorting 排序source code 源码、源代码specialization 特化specification 规范、规格splitter 切分窗口SQL (Structured Query Language) 结构化查询语言(for database) stack 栈、堆栈standard library 标准库standard template library 标准模板库stateless 无状态的statement 语句、声明static cursor 静态游标(for database)static SQL statements 静态SQL语句(for database)status bar 状态条stored procedure 存储过程(for database)stream 流string 字符串String Matching 模式匹配stub 存根subobject子对象subquery 子查询(for database)subscript operator 下标操作符support 支持suspend 挂起symbol 记号syntax 语法system databases 系统数据库(for database)system tables 系统表(for database)Ttable 表(for database)table-level constraint 表级约束(for database)target 标的,目标task switch 工作切换TCP (Transport Control Protocol) 传输控制协议template 模板temporary object 临时对象temporary table 临时表(for database)text 文本Text Compression 压缩text file 文本文件thin client 瘦客户端third-party 第三方thread 线程thread-safe 线程安全的throw 抛出、引发(常指发出一个exception)trace 跟踪transaction 事务(for database)transaction log 事务日志(for database)transaction rollback 事务回滚(for database)traverse 遍历trigger 触发器(for database)type 类型UUDDI(Universary Description, Discovery and Integration)统一描述、查询与集成UML (unified modeling language)统一建模语言unary function 单参函数unary operator 一元操作符unboxing 拆箱、拆箱转换underflow 下限溢位(相对于overflow)Unicode 统一字符编码标准,采用双字节对字符进行编码Union query 联合查询(for database)UNIQUE constraints UNIQUE约束(for database)unique index 唯一索引(for database)unmanaged code 非受控代码、非托管代码unmarshal 散集unqualified 未经限定的、未经修饰的URI (Uniform Resource identifier) 统一资源标识符URL (Uniform Resource Locator) 统一资源定位器user 用户user interface 用户界面Vvalue types 值类型variable 变量vector 向量(一种容器,有点类似array)vendor 厂商viable 可行的video 视频view 视图(for database)view 视图virtual function 虚函数virtual machine 虚拟机virtual memory 虚拟内存WWeb Services web服务WHERE clause WHERE子句(for database)wildcard characters 通配符字符(for database)wildcard search 通配符搜索(for database)window 窗口window function 窗口函数window procedure 窗口过程Windows authentication Windows身份验证wizard 向导word 单词write enable 写启用(for database)write-only 只写WSDL (Web Service Description Language)Web Service描述语言XXML (eXtensible Markup Language) 可扩展标记语言XML Message Interface (XMI) XML消息接口XSD (XML Schema Definition) XML模式定义语言XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language) 可扩展样式表语言XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation)可扩展样式表语言转换xxx based 基于xxx的xxx oriented 面向xxx。
