Brand New Me中文歌词
i will be back 中文歌词

I will be backI’ll be back 嫩大喜那里恰就够呀裤袋大戏内嘎污垢呀股奴古兜no绿那bo大salang 哦苏那b gi也嘎b家gi 一楼欧豆凯难欧豆凯哈兰马俩你嘎斗得切欧豆凯一ron难你嘎哪r 仰望你salang还勾栏马米都探马俩呀k扫开加纳仰望hi 表那几买架构无力嫩蹦秒美叫林家gi拉钩不n妙hi骂他够你嘎古楼kei也gi唉加纳I’ll be back 嫩大喜那里恰就够呀裤袋大戏内嘎污垢呀股奴古兜no绿那bo大salang 哦苏那b gi也You’ll be back no嫩大喜斗啦污垢呀库来搜那不耐嫩狗牙那嫩拿啦你嘎那ong新某森但告苏I’ll be backno 那武林黑啊激素嘎ob扫你嘎恰嘎古拉拿把一棍怒古那汗本叫gyo嫩古币一步nia囧心擦料他西sing嘎开阿姆利马路来酒吧都一米nun马路毒计阿纳没阿里卤毒辣哦加纳I’ll be back(be back)嫩大喜那里恰就够呀(no拿恰就构呀)裤袋大戏内嘎污垢呀(那阿拉)股奴古兜no绿那bo大salang哦苏b那gi也(nor salang 哦苏b那gi也)You’ll be back (you)no嫩大喜斗啦污垢呀(系内给楼)(都拉污垢呀)库来搜那不耐嫩狗牙(那阿拉)那嫩拿啦你嘎那文b新某森但告苏(nor 新某森但告苏)Listen baby girl哭来都拉扫就r该马技改难m家大该no哈就该苦力够怒gi强开哈急杭开马ob西叫对也扫就滚队也扫扫巴拉不r该no嫩毛路该ku娘毛利扫阿就骂你都拉就扫那爱囧接路r 你嘎万军你一脚不离该UH~But you better know that I’m not giving you awayWill I ever stop waiting no wayIt’ll be the same in my world I’m your boy You’re my Girl.强m干哭带部内积满那你嘎他西毒辣哦高栏高拉拉骷髅你哭囧马拉你嘎苏楼记得I’ll be backI’ll be back(I’ll be back)嫩大喜那里恰就够呀(you know no头啦污垢呀)裤袋大戏内嘎污垢呀(哭带污垢呀)股奴古兜no绿那bo大salang 哦苏那b gi也(no nobody )You’ll be back(You’ll be back)no嫩大喜斗啦污垢呀(哦带来嫩狗牙)库来搜那不耐嫩狗牙(no也给那bo里嫩gor)那嫩拿啦你嘎那文b新某森但告苏(I know you know 度拉污垢呀)I’ll be backabracadabra是韩国组合brown eyed girls的歌中文音译的哦一落大米穷内噶哟里哟里恰哈那度罗内噶诺dei姆诶动拉内噶度卡嘛录表妹内噶度大们你牛耶大朱门内斗够落内噶古牛哇几JO就打啦够够every night I feel with youdo you love her do you love her难给那也古送给do you love me do you love mebring bring 诺录内给噶就他久摸啦动那哈给撒头啦摸度哈给撒bling bling 多怒那耶fantasy yeah母等girl 扣给搜弄内噶内噶噶忒搜母穷满拖落内噶一落大噶就心嗯梦穷内噶度得切位诺罗内噶内马尅没怕kio 你噶几giu句撒巨内大朱门内斗够落内噶古牛噶都落久耷拉够够every night I feel with youdo you love her do you love her难给那也古送给do you love me do you love mebring bring 诺录内给噶就他久摸啦动那哈给撒头啦摸度哈给撒bling bling 多怒那耶fantasy yeah母等girl 扣给搜弄内噶内噶噶忒搜I`m the Boo in the lsland 用dei切gi 位要plan位噶其要批那冷诺也噶马季吗step古落耶所诉那家过古牛哇一位吧去多哭落那怒桑桑巨恰ki西落一朱门内也摸嫩西落啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦哦多尅多梦走一多西落Let`s gouh uhuhuh! ha hahaha!内噶朱门dei 怕落吧I`m like a supervisor诺汗几哈嫩kaiser内看所本乃苏破哦破搜bring bring 诺录内给噶就他久摸啦动那哈给撒头啦摸度哈给撒bling bling 多怒那耶fantasy yeah母等girl 扣给搜弄内噶内噶噶忒搜一落大米穷内噶哟里哟里恰哈那度罗内噶诺dei姆诶动拉内噶度卡嘛录表妹内噶哭累穷噶冷内噶弄料哇大一落内噶啊你穷诺蛮难位噶都都《Again & Again》[峻秀] Again & Again & Again & Again[在凡] Again & Again & Again & Again[佑荣] Listen 一冷kei为内卡读 诺诶几吧配多 所诶嫩刚几 内太嫩怕bong几穷满 所过多所过多 糖哈古多糖黑多他西一恰里也哇一嫩几[俊浩] 内噶米桥那吧 恰囧心东吧嫩几 诺诶给do啦哇 切吧kei do冷西一乐 满堆嫩忒堆嫩忒 哈们所哦嫩do一乐苦一所no[峻秀]Again & Again & Again & Again 内诶给恰古do啦噶 喂苦冷几木啦 喂苦冷几木啦[在凡]Again & Again & Again & Again 内也马雷夺苏噶 喂苦冷几木啦 喂苦冷几木啦[Nichkhun]额穷米落开do怕不卡尼内噶 内卡喂一落开挺噶你 难噗米昂一可心嫩雷嫩忒哈苦多嘿嫩忒 喂诺诶可恰苦do啦吼嫩几[俊浩] 内噶米桥那吧 恰囧心东吧嫩几 诺诶给do啦哇 切吧kei do冷西一乐 满堆嫩忒堆嫩忒 哈们所哦嫩do一乐苦一所oh no[峻秀]Again & Again & Again & Again 内诶给恰古do啦噶 喂苦冷几木啦 喂苦冷几木啦[在凡]Again & Again & Again & Again 内也马雷夺苏噶 喂苦冷几木啦 喂苦冷几木啦[璨诚]弄dei切哦东那gi ki累 窟窿苏噶哦所那脱木垒 恰古内乐苦力木哈够 可苦开脱恰古 那噗牛家淫qio啦们so难都 那不妹按古撒狼恩雷 不拿嘛那波你大卡ong垒 一垒啊噗木大啊苦一搜们所 读啦所气木忒qie恰恩木垒yo[泽演]切抢那威一落你为一哟恰配脱一落你 读忒切miao bong切一几丝多嘿吧呀内噶穷 心落恰里龙几怒噶qiom那哦地诶大木鼓就哦色乔吧 she’s a bad girl I know (know) but here I go again oh no[峻秀]Again & Again & Again & Again (Again) 内诶给恰古do啦噶(I`m going back to you) 喂苦冷几木啦(mol'ra') 喂苦冷几木啦(mol'ra')[在凡]Again & Again & Again & Again (恰鼓do啦噶) 内也马雷夺苏噶(那do为内噶) 喂苦冷几木啦(mol'ra') 喂苦冷几木啦(mol'ra')[峻秀] oh oh yeahWithout youJyp【泽】可累黑油漆k套住瓦后墙p有jay内都挖一楼一一搜死狗噶退闹木孔庙一楼死给噶退可楼白牙恰那气课你丫那期Ki喷洒狼啊k古那阿七阿宁够他嫩楼送噶退可累搜I’m ok 【灿】喂猫嫩狗那ki闹戏桥搜闹你楼一类内抱嫩抱那桥搜嫩课内罢了搜I gave you my everything咳嗽一jay【峻】I’m gonna be ok (Gonna be ok)I’ll be ok (Gonna be ok)baby without youbaby without you【昊】闹西谋jay一耶(西谋jay一耶)哦谋jay一耶(西谋jay一耶)一楼那够呀(without u~without u~)撒狼噶狗牙(without u~without u~)【Khun】Listen everything happens for a reason everything happens for a reason他林闹加哦买林够呢一bang喊bang沟里那嫩买都(啊dei嫩)买楼(婆都那呢)他楼(那里给买狗)Ki你都拉搜那给闹木啊胖闹楼不嫩给K 闹哈不西剖【灿】每呢每恩那恩搜狗嫩楼搜搜内给哦都阿拉门机恰哦拉搜喂jay恩那拉搜闹撒狼恩谋拉可搜已给【峻】I’m gonna be ok (Gonna be ok)I’ll be ok (Gonna be ok)baby without youbaby without you【昊】闹西谋jay一耶(西谋jay一耶)哦谋jay一耶(西谋jay一耶)一楼那够呀(without u~without u~)撒狼噶狗牙(without u~without u~)【佑】胃内给一len米一外配齐内给喂可len米妹米一快呼里噶撒教都够大破里桥动楼卡不气啊嫩里你呀动够妈你屋里嘎喊k啊动西嘎嘟里嘟喊给啊素一素den西嘎嘟里哈吸气嘟啊泥闹len森马嫩里气跟闹哪有ok without me【峻】I’m gonna be ok (Gonna be ok)I’ll be ok (Gonna be ok)baby without youbaby without you【昊】闹西谋jay一耶(西谋jay一耶)哦谋jay一耶(西谋jay一耶)一楼那够呀(without u~without u~)撒狼噶狗牙(without u~without u~)2pm-TIK TOK 中文音译Nobody knows 内噶迷音闹路一咯尅我哪嫩够无您推给嗖NO 阿里嘚马达内噶粟米套技嫩够萨朗度哪怕扫屋里NO 撒咖给因萨哈急吗杜拉搜古那秒闹路JAY 加啦嫩故那恰那~尼弄比且落麻辣嫩给都苦给涂料内哭要谷类NO哇啦梦给哦木马冷给屋里撒冷也给里楼尅力求阿目睹木累萨朗哈嫩给尼噶囧玛丽giao叫嫩给没给那林梦某没器给黑鱼篓尅闹虑闹虑毛嘿里哇哇(Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok)欧码抱刘Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok哈鲁穷理Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok内噶粟米Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik TokNobody knows NO啊内噶米一楼尅萨朗哈给NONO啊gin怒咕NO 苦~佳艺偶内挂内卡粟米Tik 全部阿拉搜内~TIK 民够噶一艘艘NOTik 米噶那率普嫩苦旅必且~Tok 家李苦里萨朗诶~Tok 玛尼姆蒙噶泥歌儿Tok 阿目睹木累而那普切给耶~~~阿目睹木累萨朗哈嫩给尼噶囧玛丽giao叫嫩给没给那林梦某没器给黑鱼篓尅谋虑谋虑猫累里哇哇(Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok)欧码抱有Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok哈鲁穷理Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok内噶粟米Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok(泽演RAP部分)Neon namanui star amudo amugeotdo molla neoneun geogjeongma Nae du nuneul bwa naega jikyeojulkke naneun ireohge ni yeope isseo(It's our secret it's our secret it's our secret it's taking control of me)Moduui shiseoneul neomeo mannaneun mannam budameun naege deoreo Kkumsogeseon namdeulcheoreom neowa dangdanghi soneul jabgo georeoMaeil pappeun haru sog nae ilgwa kkum majeodo ijge mandeuneun uri sarang Meomchul jul moreuneun shigyebaneul阿目睹木累萨朗哈嫩给尼噶囧玛丽giao叫嫩给没给那林梦某没器给黑鱼篓尅闹率闹率毛嘿里哇哇(Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok)欧码抱有Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok哈鲁穷理Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok内噶粟米Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik TokTik Tok Tik Tok Tik TokTik Tok Tik Tok Tik TokTik Tok Tik Tok Tik TokTik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok, Tik Tok[音译歌词]2PM-讨厌你[俊昊]汗本都来马母阿拉久no we汗本母we怕大久撒狼恩怕啦几都哇那都古那耶gi 他起那耶gi yeah~[璨成]你噶米哇巨给大那一噶都内噶西落久给大一落内噶都[Nichkhun]汗本么都那冷偷汗本都帕拉吧now i'm crying[峻秀]你噶米他去故马酷米大米大洗他米奇都录内噶洗他no一落内噶no~~no~~~no~~ 系啊他[宰范]米他去故马酷米大米大他洗他米奇都录内噶洗他no一落内噶那~~那~~~那~~ 系啊他[祐荣]吐啦索尼马米孟穷久侬母嫩母比起怕大久撒狼恩怕啦几都哇那都古那耶gi 他起那耶gi yeah~ [璨成]你噶米哇巨给大那一噶都内噶西落久给大一落内噶都[Nichkhun]汗本么都那冷偷汗本都帕拉吧now i'm crying[峻秀]你噶米他去故马酷米大米大洗他米奇都录内噶洗他no一落内噶no~~no~~~no~~ 系啊他[宰范]米他去故马酷米大米大他洗他米奇都录内噶洗他no一落内噶那~~那~~~那~~ 系啊他[泽演]baby come back to my worldcome back and be my girl可落加泥泞大嫩no 就等比我够那go a hano一撒狼诶图马古米母以摸无米突他把ki一久来波多哇哦撒内给久蛮本拖哦那也gi耶[Nichkhun]汗本都那冷怕啦把嫩那出都汗本都那冷啊嫩把一那出都汗本都汗本都啊嫩把巴拉那那那那[峻秀]你噶米他去故马酷米大米大洗他米奇都录内噶洗他no~~~一落内噶no~~no~~~no~~ 系啊他[宰范]米他米他洗他洗他米奇都录no儿洗他no一落内噶那~~那~~~那~~ 系啊他heartbreakerA yo! finaly! Is this watch me waiting for?brand new G.D! I move by my self. your my heartbreaker DJ and YG. Let me take this song here那都欧底四古里基那诺哈吉斯马囊够起急呀欧弄哈那给摸内码噶及农撒啦集攻某恰那蛮NO位也搜啦蛮内页某那料你噶一嫩够西马大料哈吉吗哭dei内给啊你哦图啊你哦那没给西他够一遇噶摸捏够起急内你破穷一摸他够马来就苏破给黑哭来都囧他够ki为冷大累都航蹦度啦搜尼莫苏恰噶摸古梦憋起西落哟no noyo ma heart heart heart heart heart breaker 内噶摸家么汗嫩迹yo ma heart heart heart heart heart breaker no way no way内噶那都那刚那都那恩就马汤那够家撒囊波加够几根几根几根忒比克比克比克忒dei撒浪恩闭哭尅no way没头噶都梦dei 弄内噶表内大黑噶及四囊母大梦累桑给噶诺布几呀过麻黑那米奇out of control 红家四给苏米拖哭家里古破塞四啊你哦图啊你哦弄给尅西他够一遇噶摸捏够华康那尼莫所地摸他够马来就苏破给黑哭来都囧他够ki为冷大累都航蹦度啦搜尼莫苏恰噶摸古美苏给米我哟no noyo ma heart heart heart heart heart breaker 内噶摸家么汗嫩迹yo ma heart heart heart heart heart breaker no way no way内噶那都那刚那都那恩就马汤那够家撒囊波加够波本四黑内几根几根几根忒比克比克比克忒dei撒浪恩闭哭尅I'll still still be there(表价你假忙gi诶)I'll still still be there(内挤棒Q几行诶)那七都哭dei(一截那米罗黑都)I'll will still be there用我你昂ki哈酱哭忙图穷刚内强哭蛮不内那过古得位呀木果期亚拿过Hey! 那一内给哦不忒no noyo ma heart heart heart heart heart breaker 内噶摸家么汗嫩迹yo ma heart heart heart heart heart breaker no way no wayyo ma heart heart heart breaker breakeryo ma heart heart heart breaker breakerh.e.a.r.t. breaker no way。
Brand New Day 歌词 中英文对照

They say that we\'re flying too high
Well get used to looking up
And from the moment I saw her
I was hell bent with heaven sent
I\'m throwing rocks at your window
We\'re leaving this place together
Let\'s open our eyes
To the brand new day
It\'s the brand new day
I\'ve taking hits like a brother
But I\'m getting back up again
I say this town\'s too small
Send me a sign
Turn back the clock
Give me some time
I need to break out
And make a new name
Call me maybe中英文歌词

Call me maybeI threw a wish in the well我在许愿池扔下了愿望Don't ask me, I'll never tell不要问我,我永远也不会告诉你I looked to you as it fell当他落下时我遇见了你And now you're in my way而现在你又出现在我面前I trade my soul for a wish我用我的灵魂换取一个愿望Pennies and dimes for a kiss用所有的金钱换一个吻I wasn't looking for this我要的不是这些But now you're in my way但是现在你出现在我的面前Your stare was holding你坚定地眼神Ripped jeans, skin was showing破旧的牛仔裤露出皮肤Hot night, wind was blowing风吹的性感无比Where you think you're going baby?你认为你可以去哪里吗,宝贝?Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy 嘿,我刚才见到你,这真是疯狂But here's my number, so call me maybe 但这是我的电话号码,也许可以给我电话?It's hard to look right, at you baby我很难见到你一次But here's my number, so call me maybe 但这是我的电话号码,也许可以给我电话?Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy 嘿,我刚才见到你,这真是疯狂But here's my number, so call me maybe 但这是我的电话号码,也许可以给我打个电话?And all the other boys, try to chase me 所有其他的男孩,都尝试追求我But here's my number, so call me maybe 但这是我的电话号码,也许可以给我打个电话?You took your time with the call你花些时间给我打电话I took no time with the fall我很短时间就被征服了You gave me nothing at all, but still you're in my way 你什么也没给我,然而你仍然出现在我的面前I beg and borrow and steal我千方百计的去预想这是真的At first sight and it's realI didn't know I would feel it, but it's in my way我不确定我的感觉,但是你出现在我的面前Your stare was holding你坚定地眼神Ripped jeans, skin was showing破旧的牛仔裤露出皮肤Hot night, wind was blowing风吹的性感无比Where you think you're going, baby?你认为你可以去哪里吗,宝贝?Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy嘿,我才刚见到你,这真是疯狂的But here's my number, so call me maybe但这是我的电话号码,也许可以给我打个电话?It's hard to look right, at you baby我很难见到你一次But here's my number, so call me maybe但这是我的电话号码,也许可以给我电话?Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy嘿,我才刚见到你,这真是疯狂的But here's my number, so call me maybe但这是我的电话号码,也许可以给我电话?And all the other boys, try to chase me所有其他的男孩,尝试追求我But here's my number, so call me maybe但这是我的电话号码,也许可以给我打个电话?Before you came into my life I missed you so bad 在你闯进我的生活之前,我是如此的想念你I missed you so bad... I missed you so, so bad我是如此的想念你,我是如此如此想念你Before you came into my life I missed you so bad 在你闯进我的生活之前,我是如此的想念你And you should know that... I missed you so, so bad这你应该知道,我是如此如此想念你It's hard to look right, at you baby我很难见到你一次宝贝But here's my number, so call me maybe但这是我的电话号码,也许可以给我电话?Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy嘿,我才刚见到你,这真是疯狂的But here's my number, so call me maybe但这是我的电话号码,也许可以给我打个电话?And all the other boys, try to chase me所有其他的男孩,尝试去追求我But here's my number, so call me maybe但这是我的电话号码,也许可以给我打个电话?Before you came into my life I missed you so bad 在你闯进我的生活之前,我是如此的想念你I missed you so bad... I missed you so, so bad我是如此的想念你,我是如此如此想念你Before you came into my life I missed you so bad 在你闯进我的生活之前,我是如此的想念你And you should know that这你应该知道So call me maybe也许可以给我打个电话?。
Brand new days(假名+中文)歌词

Brand new days -ftisland 作词:宋承炫I want to play the star I need to play the star いつだってそうやって任何时候都如此Causes a miracle Yeah Yeah Yeah You just…「waiting?」「waiting?」かな悲しみにはGo to meet Wanna make a bet 跟悲伤Go to meet Wanna make a bet かがや辉いてるBrand-new days 闪耀的Brand-new daysそこきみなよる少しわかってきた君が泣いた夜に我开始有点懂了你哭泣的那个夜晚はしそっと走るShooting star 悄悄溜走的Shooting starぼくまちが仆は间违ってた(Get up!) 是我错了(Get up)ひつよprideだって必要になってくるんだPride也变的必要了ゆずDaydream 让ってばかりにサヨナラさ总是屈从于Daydream 我要跟它说再见了でんわむふるこえ电话の向こうで震えてる声がする电话那头你颤抖的声音やさきみつた优しすぎる君に伝えておくよ我要告诉温柔的你いまむかで今迎えにゆくから出ておいで我现在来接你了出来吧Brand-new days My lovin’ぼくめざ仆らと目指そう我们一起努力吧はじまだ始まったばかりのWinding road 才刚开始的Winding roadI’m feeling good Go ahead すべてうまくゆくんだ一切都会很顺利もそんなイメ一ジを持ってゆこうよ带着好心情一起走下去(Would you join us yeah!)かぼくであ叶えるために仆らは出逢ったそうだろ? 我们是为了实现愿望而相遇的对吧さがきみわらずっと搜している君が笑うたびハピネス一直在寻找每次你微笑的幸福つぎきらき次のドアが开く气がしてる总觉得下一扇门就要开启了まどべきとりきみみとき窗边に一人君を见つけた时发现你一个人在窗边的时候ちいうごはじ小さなチカラが动き始めたんだ我心中的小小宇宙开始启动了きみでそのままの君でいいのさ出ておいで只要有你就好快出来吧Ok! My Girl!! Your lovin’ぼくし仆らは知っている我们都知道つきてなみだ月あかりに照らされた泪も月光照耀下的眼泪おこうときI’m feeling good Go ahead 落ち迂む时だってあるさ总会有情绪低落的时候こわそんなイメ一ジは坏してゆこうよ走出坏情绪(Would you join us yeah!)ぼくであわかってるだろ? 仆らは出逢ったそうだろ? 你知道的吧是为了我们相遇吧(Get back! Shining days!)ながきおしくず流れて消えた星屑が消逝的星尘かがやともど辉き取り戾すから总会重现它的光辉いまつよちかちか今强く誓ってDo it そう誓って现在我发誓Do it 发誓We will get a chance We will get a chance Way to go Brand-new days My lovin’ぼくまざ仆らと目指そう我们一起努力吧はじまだ始まったばかりのWinding road 才刚开始的Winding roadI’m feeling good Go ahead すべてうまくゆくんだ一切都会进展顺利もそんなイメ一ジを持ってゆこうよ带着好心情一起走下去(Would you join us yeah!)かぼくであ叶えるために仆らは出逢ったそうだろ? 我们是为了实现愿望而相遇的对吧Brand new days –ftisland 作词:宋承炫I want to play the star I need to play the star いつだってそうやってCauses a miracle Yeah Yeah Y eah You just…「waiting?」「waiting?」悲しみにはGo to meet Wanna make a bet 辉いてるBrand-new days少しわかってきた君が泣いた夜にそっと走るShooting star仆は间违ってた(Get up!) prideだって必要になってくるんだDaydream 让ってばかりにサヨナラさ电话の向こうで震えてる声がする优しすぎる君に伝えておくよ今迎えにゆくから出ておいでBrand-new days My lovin' 仆らと目指そうまだ始まったばかりのWinding roadI'm feeling good Go ahead すべてうまくゆくんだそんなイメ一ジを持ってゆこうよ(Would you join us yeah!)叶えるために仆らは出逢ったそうだろ? ずっと搜している君が笑うたびハピネス次のドアが开く气がしてる窗边に一人君を见つけた时小さなチカラが动き始めたんだそのままの君でいいのさ出ておいでOk! My Girl!! Your lovin'仆らは知っている月あかりに照らされた泪もI'm feeling good Go ahead落ち迂む时だってあるさそんなイメ一ジは坏してゆこうよ(Would you join us yeah!) わかってるだろ? 仆らは出逢ったそうだろ? (Get back! Shining days!)流れて消えた星屑が辉き取り戾すから消逝的星尘今强く誓ってDo it そう誓ってWe will get a chance We will get a chance Way to go Brand-new days My lovin'仆らと目指そうまだ始まったばかりのWinding roadI'm feeling good Go ahead すべてうまくゆくんだそんなイメ一ジを持ってゆこうよ(Would you join us yeah!) 叶えるために仆らは出逢ったそうだろ?。
《七色の明日 ~Brand New Beat~》歌词 宝儿

七色の明日~Brand New Beat~歌名:七色の明日~brand new beat~歌手:BoA专辑:七色の明日~brand new beat~/Your Color作詞: BoA 作曲: MIZUEFeel my brand new beat七色の表情で想いを描くからSo cool. So bright. (I)feel so goodSo cool. So bright. (I)feel so goodSo cool. So bright. (I)feel so goodDon’t look backBaby, always look at meどうしようもない交わるfeeling理性じゃ止められない一瞬唇に咲いた微睡(まどろ)み繰り返してる迷い抜けて開け放つ窓の向こう側にずっと見過ごしてたmy blue bird“love you” まだ早い“そう?” でももう“be friend?”って言う時機じゃないとしたら、触れ合える距離で愛を見極めたい誰よりも誰よりも輝いてる愛しさと向き合うよeyes to eyes七色の表情で想いを描くからSo cool. So bright (I)feel so goodDon’t look backBaby, always look at me埃たまるみたいに我慢したくないし会えない理由(わけ)はその胸の中にあるけど新しいクローゼット彩るred,blue,white...染められない存在でいたいヒトリだけわかっていて欲しい“love me”涙も受け入れるhappy end から始まるフタリを感じる時間重ねて塗りかえてく今、大切なヒトがいるそれだけで磨かれてくamazing 眩しい七色の明日へと飛び出そうwith brand new beat Because your love is so goodI’m truly yours.I’ve never felt this way before切なさが溢れるたびそっと心で寄り添えたら眠れない夜が明けてもなにげない優しさに気づけるように誰よりも誰よりも輝いてる愛しさと向き合うよeyes to eyes七色の表情で想いを描くから今、大切なヒトがいるそれだけで磨かれてくamazing 眩しい七色の明日へと連れ出してwith brand new beatSo cool. So bright. (I)feel so good So cool. So bright. (I)feel so goodSo cool. So bright. (I)feel so goodDon’t look backBaby, always look at meSo cool. So bright. (I)feel so goodSo cool. So bright. (I)feel so goodBaby, always look at me以上就是关于七色の明日~Brand New Beat~的歌词,感谢您的阅读!。

练习Laughalittlemore Lovemyselfalittlemore
在你眼中Iseethebetterinme CozIcanSmilealittlemore Singalittlemore
练习Laughalittlemore Lovemyselfalittlemore
不然今天就不能如此地有勇气NowIpromisetoyou AndIcansweartoyou
做一个值得你骄傲的Betterme 一个值得你爱的Betterme。

歌曲:《Supreme》所属专辑:《Supreme》歌手:Robbie Williams 罗比·威廉姆斯发行时间:2000/12/03Supreme 至高无上Oh it seemed forever stopped today 哦,今天似乎一切都永远的停止了All the lonely hearts in London 伦敦里所有孤独的心Caught a plane and flew away 搭上飞机,飞走了And all the best women are married 所有好女人都结婚了All the handsome men are gay 所有绅士的男士都是同性恋You feel deprived 你感觉很匮乏Yeah are you questioning your size 你质疑自己的尺寸吗Is there a tumour in your humour 你的体内有肿块吗Are there bags under your eyes 你的眼睛有眼袋吗Do you leave dents where you sit 你会在坐过的地方留下凹痕吗Are you getting on a bit 你又长胖一点了吗Will you survive 你想幸存吗You must survive 你必须幸存下来When there's no love in town 当这个城镇没有爱时All the places you have been 所有你去过的地方Trying to find a love supreme 尝试寻找至高无上的爱A love supreme 至高无上的爱Oh what are you really looking for 哦,你真正寻找的是什么Another partner in your life to abuse and to adore 你生命中用来辱骂与喜爱的另一半Is it lovey dovey stuff 它是爱人的填充物吗Do you need a bit of rough 你需要粗鲁一点吗Get on your knees 对你的膝盖Yeah turn down the love songs that you hear 将你听的那首情歌声音关小Cause you can't avoid the sentiment 因为你无法避免伤感That echoes in your ear 你耳里的回音Saying love will stop the pain 不停地说,爱会让痛楚停止Saying love will kill the fear 爱会击败恐惧Do you believe 你相信吗You must believe 你必须相信When there's no love in town 当这个城镇没有爱时This new century keeps bringing you down 这个新的世纪带给你沮丧All the places you have been 所有你去过的地方Trying to find a love supreme 拼命找寻至高无上的爱A love supreme 至高无上的爱I spy with my little eyes 我用我的小眼睛看到Something beginning with 有些事情开始了Got my back up 得到了我的支持And now she's screaming 如今,她在尖叫着So I've got to turn the track up 因此我必须找到踪迹Sit back and watch the royalties stack up 休息一下,看着版税堆加I know this girl she likes to switch teams 我知道这个女孩她喜欢变卦And I'm a fiend but I'm living for a love supreme 我是个魔鬼,但我却期盼至高无上的爱When there's no love in town 当这个城镇没有爱时All the places you have been 所有你去过的地方Trying to find a love supreme 常识寻找至高无上的爱A love supreme 至高无上的爱Come and live a love supreme 来吧,经历至高无上的爱吧Don't let it get you down 别让它令你沮丧Everybody lives for love 每个人都期盼爱Come and live a love supreme 来吧,经历至高无上的爱吧Don't let it get you down 别让它令你沮丧Everybody lives for love 每个人都期盼爱Come and live a love supreme 来吧,经历至高无上的爱吧Don't let it get you down 别让它令你沮丧Everybody lives for love 每个人都期盼爱Come and live a love supreme 来吧,经历至高无上的爱吧Don't let it get you down 别让它令你沮丧Everybody lives for love 每个人都期盼爱。

I lay my love on you(中英对照版) Westlife (singer) rain is gone 回眸一笑雨停日出 Just a smile and the ____________ hardly believe it (yeah)令人难以置信 can ______ standing next to me 身边天使 there's an angel _________ reaching for my heart 触动我心 back 回眸一笑至死不渝 just a smile and there's no way _____ can hardly believe it (yeah)令人难以置信 calling me 天使一语 but there's an angel _______ reaching for my heart 打动我心 I know, that I'll be ok now 我发现,一切是如此美好 this time it's ______ real 这一次一定不会错 I lay my love on you 我对你,深情不移 all I wanna do 这是我唯一的心愿 it's ___
oh-oh-oh sa-a-a-d movies___ make me cry oh-oh-oh sa-a-a-d movies always make me cry
and so I __up and slowly _____ on home and mama ____the _____ and said “what‟s wrong?” and so to keep from _____ her a ___ I just said "sa-a-a-d movies make me cry"

HigherBrothers(更高兄弟)《MadeinChina》的说唱歌词《Made in China》由是中国内地组合Higher Brothers、Famoux Dex作词、作曲并演唱的一首歌曲,发行于2017年03月29日。
《Made in China》歌曲歌词masiwei:hook:my chainz new gold watch made in chinawe play ping pong ball made in china给你买点儿奢侈品made in chinayeah higher brothers black cab made in chinashe said she didnt love meshe lied she liedshe all made in chinashe all made in chinashe all made in china闹钟把你叫醒 made in china牙膏牙刷上面挤 made in china把早餐放进陶瓷碗 made in china擦唇膏出门打起伞 made in china座到公司里 wu 旋转办公椅 wu360度熟悉的印记 wu钢笔画了一朵莲花 cookin需要放点盐巴相框里面框住全家全是made in china全身上下总有中国货亚历桑那(大学)也有中文课chinese入侵 loacl 口音野火燎原淋上酒精nono:made in China的冠军made in China别挑衅made in China的货老百姓用的开心made in China 的 knowknowmade in China 的 trapmade in China 的 Highermade in China 的帅抬头和观众Say Hallo 戴起拳套的我不会退后训练让我掌握节奏几分钟内裁判宣布K.Otell me, im good 音乐节舞台的正对面made in China 寓言般的歌词都兑现大晴天醒来我充满了力量和高傲的斗志走进录音棚肩膀上扛下的责任就像国家队赢得尊重用跳水游泳现实让我不断吸取教训才会不断出现重复做过的梦跨越了障碍那是我的工作别再抱怨起跑线有所不同hookfamous dex :......psy.p:she lie she lie she lie不要觉得意外女孩女孩女孩为什么要离开我的上辈子是李白看我写歌那么厉害所以不会感到奇怪十二点的时候叫我起来伴奏画龙点睛我们那么年轻不是和尚念经也不可能变心桌子上面放的麻将一瓶老干妈的辣酱外地人会受不了的辣嘴巴开始发烫咋个样麻辣烫回到属于我的Chinatown四只手舞狮子头点燃火炮现在是时候你无法预料被我吓一跳一直围到这个话题绕higher风格屌啥到弄得到你们家的东西全部都是中国造melo:阴阳风水made in China从太极两仪到八卦阵made in China万里长城made in China从秦始皇陵到紫禁城made in Chinayou don't really know me没有时间休息藏在我的抽屉捏在我的手里兄弟我欢迎你来到这五千年文化中创造着神奇的国度里made in China能折服你沦陷在nobody save mehookHigher Brothers 歌手介绍Higher Brothers,组建于2016年的中国内地说唱组合,由马思唯(MaSiWei)、丁震(DZKnow)、杨俊逸(Psy.P)和谢宇杰(Melo)四位成员组成。
lean on me中英文歌词

lean vi:倾斜 屈身 ;靠 倚 依靠;有倾向或偏见 vt: 使倾斜 ;使依靠 n:倾斜 a lean of 45 45度的斜角 a:瘦的;少脂肪的;贫瘠的;贫乏的;收益少的 lean on sb for help sorrow n : 悲哀 悲痛;伤心事 不幸的事;懊悔 遗憾 v: (at/for/over)悲伤 悲叹 怜悯 a : sorrowful ad: sorrowful to one’s sorrow 令某人(伤心)遗憾的事 carry on 继续 坚持下去 swallow vt:吞咽;轻信;承受 使不流露;取消收回(说的话 vi:(因恐惧)咽一下口水 n:吞 咽 ;燕子 need a hand = need help
Lean On Me 依赖我吧
Sometimes in our lives 在我们的生命中 We all have pain We all have sorrow总会有伤痛总会有悲戚 But if we are wise 但若我们足够智慧 We know that there's always tomorrow 我们会懂明天永远存在 Lean on me 请信赖我 When you're not strong 当你不够坚强 And I'll be your friend 我会是你的挚友 I'll help you carry on 助你坚持向前 For it won't be long Till I'm gonna need因为不久之后我也会需要 Somebody to lean on 需要一个可以依靠的人啊 Please 请 Swallow your pride 放下你的骄傲 If I have things 如果我拥有 You need to borrow 你需要借用的 For no one can fill 因为没有人可以给予你 Those of your needs That you wont let show那些你隐秘的需要 So just call on me brother 只需要叫我声兄弟 If you need a hand 如果你需要帮助 We all need somebody to lean on 我们总需要一个人来依靠 I just might have a problem that you understand 我或许有个问题而你恰好知道 答案

《Beautiful》Lately I've been hard to reachI've been too long on my ownEverybody has a private worldWhere they can be aloneAre you calling me?Are you trying to get through?Are you reaching out for me?I'm reaching out for you....最近我变得无法让人接近我已经太久一个人每个人都有自己的天空好让自己来有片刻安宁你打电话找我么?想和我说说话么?你想了解我么?我也想了解了解你。
I'm just so fxxkin depressed,I just can't seem to get out this slumpIf I could just get over this hump,but I need something to pull me out this dump I took my bruises, took my lumps,fell down and I got right back upBut I need that spark to get psyched back up, in order for me to pick the mic back upI don't know how or why of whenI ended up in this position I'm inI'm startin to feel distant again,so I decided just to pick this penUp and try to make an attempt to ventbut I just can't admit or come to gripsWith the fact that I may be done with rap,I need a new outletAnd I know some shit so hard to swallow,but I just can't sit back and wallowIn my own sorrow, but I know one fact,I'll be one tough act to followOne tough act to followCopyOne tough act to followHere today, gone tomorrow, but you'd have to walk a thousand miles... 我就是感到很压抑似乎就是无法从萧条中逃出去除非我能把这座山头给翻过去我需要一些东西把我从忧郁里拉出去身上带着淤青和肿块摔倒了也立刻爬起来但我需要那种快(河蟹)感来使我的精神振作起来这样才能回到麦克风前不知道怎么做到因为什么或什么时候,我告别了处在这种状态中的我再次开始感到冷漠所以我便拿起笔来开火但我真的无法承认一个事实就是我可能会和饶舌一同去死我需要一个新的出口并且我懂有些事情无法吞的下喉但我会退后一步在我的伤感中颠簸但我知道一个事实,那就是跟随我的脚步可不是一件轻松的事别尝试跟随我的脚步不是一件轻松的事今日毕,明日始,漫漫长路即将开始ChrousIn my shoes, just to see,what it's like to be me,I'll be you, let's trade shoesJust to see what it'd be liketo feel your pain, you feel mine,go inside each others mindsJust to see what we'd find,look at shit through each others eyes用我的眼,去发现成为我是什么感觉交换灵魂,我是你看看我究竟能不能感受你的痛,我的痛深入彼此的灵魂中试试看会有什么新发现透过对方的眼看看彼此的世界But don't let them say you ain't beautifulThey can(河蟹)all get FXXKED, just stay true to youBut don't let them say you ain't beautifulThey can(河蟹) all get FXXKED, just stay true to you但别让任何人说你不够美让他们都去死你只需问心无愧但别让任何人说你不够美让他们都去死你只需问心无愧Verse 2I think I'm startin to lose my sense of humor,everythings so tense and gloom, IAlmost feel like I got to check the temperture of the room just as soon as I walk in, it's like all eyes on me, so I try to avoid any eye contactCause if I do that, then it opens the door for coversation, like I want thatI'm not looking for extra attention, I just want to be just like youBlend in with the rest of the room, maybe just point me to the closest restroomI don't need no fxxkin man servant, tryna follow me around and wipe my assAnd laugh at every single joke I crack and half of them aint even funny like "Ahh, Marshall you're so funny man you should be a comedian, god damn" Unfortunately I am, I just hide behind the tears of a clownSo why don't you all sit down,listen to the tale I'm about to tellHell, we ain't gotta trade our shoes,and you aint gotta walk no thousand miles我觉得我的幽默感已经开始离我远去所有事情绷得那么紧看起来那么忧郁刚踏入房间就觉得气氛不对想把它给换的干干净净就好像所有人都在盯着我看所以眼神的交流我尽量避免如果不这么做的话就打开了话匣子好像我希望如此我不是想吸引多余目光我只想成为你和大多数人关系融洽或许只是告诉我最近的休息室在哪里我TM不需要谁来做我的跟屁虫拍我马屁对我说的每个笑话都笑到面部抽筋,尽管它们中有一半根本就无聊透顶“哈哈哈哈marshall哥们你太逗了你TM该去当个喜剧演员”不幸被你言中,我只是藏在一个小丑的眼泪的后面所以说你们为什么不试试静静坐下来聆听我将要诉说的故事丫的,我们不用互换角色而你将无法知道我的苦涩In my shoes, just to see,what it's like to be me,I'll be you, let's trade shoesJust to see what it'd be liketo feel your pain, you feel mine,go inside each others mindsJust to see what we'd find,look at shit through each others eyes用我的眼,去发现成为我是什么感觉交换灵魂,我是你看看我究竟能不能感受你的痛,我的痛深入彼此的灵魂中试试看会有什么新发现透过对方的眼看看彼此的世界*Singing*But don't let them say you ain't beautifulThey can(河蟹) all get FXXKED, just stay true to youBut don't let them say you ain't beautifulThey can(河蟹)all get FXXKED, just stay true to you但别让任何人说你不够美让他们都去死你只需问心无愧但别让任何人说你不够美让他们都去死你只需问心无愧Verse 3Nobody asked for life to deal us what these bullshit hands with doubtWe gotta take these cards ourselves, and flip them, don't expect no help Now I could have either just sat on my ass and pissed and moanedBut take this situation in which I'm placed, and get up and get my ownI was never the type of kid to wait but I know(河蟹)to unpack his bags Or sat on the porch and hoped and pray for a dad to show up who never did I just wanted to fit in, in every single place, every school I wentI dreamed of being that cool kid, even if it meant actin stupidAunt Edna always told me, keep makin that face till it get stuck like that Meanwhile I'm just standin there holdin my tongue tryna talk like "thissss" Till I stuck my tongue on that frozen stop sign pole at 8 years oldI learned my lesson then, cause I wasn't tryin to impress my friends no more But I already told you my whole life story, not just based on my descriptionCause where you see it, from where you're sittin, it's probably 110 percent different I guess we would have to walk a mile in each others shoes at leastWhat size you wear? I wear 10's, let's see if you could fit your feet...没有人会要求生活来赐给自己那些狗屎事情我们得自力更生所以别寄希望会有人来帮你现在我可以呆在家呆坐着无病呻(河蟹)吟但身在我的处境只能振作起来靠你自己我从来不是那种只会等待的孩子我会收拾自己的行李或者坐在走廊里并祈祷老爸出现尽管他一直没有来我只是希望能融入我去的每一所学校每个地方我梦想我能做个酷小孩即便要表现的很傻XEDNA阿姨告诉我要不许说话直到面部僵化然后我就开始一言不发在那里试着“这样”说话接着我如同坠入冰窟走向极端不想言语,那年我才8岁啊那时我吸取了教训因为我不想再引起朋友的注意但我已经告诉了你们我生命中全部的故事不止是建立在我的笔墨文字上因为换个角度看你的看法将会110%不一样我猜我们至少该互换鞋子在彼此的生命里走上一英里你鞋码多大?我穿10号看看你的脚穿我的鞋能不能正正好ChrousIn my shoes, just to see,what it's like to be me,I'll be you, let's trade shoesJust to see what it'd be liketo feel your pain, you feel mine,go inside each others mindsJust to see what we'd find,look at shit through each others eyes用我的眼,去发现成为我是什么感觉交换灵魂,我是你看看我究竟能不能感受你的痛,我的痛深入彼此的灵魂中试试看会有什么新发现透过对方的眼看看彼此的世界*Singing*But don't let them say you ain't beautifulThey can(河蟹)all get FXXKED, just stay true to youBut don't let them say you ain't beautifulThey can(河蟹)all get FXXKED, just stay true to you但别让任何人说你不够美让他们都去死你只需问心无愧但别让任何人说你不够美让他们都去死你只需问心无愧Lately I've been hard to reachI've been too long on my ownEveryone has their private worldWhere they can be aloneAre you calling me?Are you trying to get through?Are you reaching out for me?I'm reaching out for you....最近我变得无法让人接近我已经太久一个人每个人都有自己的天空好让自己来有片刻安宁你打电话找我么?想和我说说话么?你想了解我么?我也想了解了解你。

brandnewdaybrandnewday歌词brand new day 歌词歌词是诗歌的一种,入乐的叫歌,不入乐的'叫诗(或词)。
下面是小编给大家带来的《Brand New Day》歌词。
希望大家喜欢歌曲歌词On your lips is the kiss of sunrise you missWarm my arms heal you suffering dreamOn my hearts is a Marker the first charts you seenWe want to change not today not everIts a brand new dayIts a brand new dayThe future comes dancing like our riseHand over heals such a chartsCan you feel it comingyou shine all the world the hot spotlightEvery under cool dark nightenchant orange purple green forever seenChanging everything but us day and nightThis is this is this is a brand new dayYou are you are you are a brand new dayWow oh wow ohYou are a brand new dayWow oh Wow oh you are a brand new dayWow oh Wow oh Wow oh oh oh ohWow oh Wow oh Wow oh oh oh ohWow oh Wow oh Wow oh oh oh ohWow oh Wow oh Wow oh oh oh oh Wow oh Wow oh Wow oh oh oh oh Wow oh Wow oh Wow oh oh oh oh Wow oh Wow oh Wow oh oh oh oh Wow oh Wow oh Wow oh oh oh oh。

《改变自己》歌词今早起床了看镜子里的我忽然发现我发型睡的有点KUSO一点点改变有很大的差别你我的力量也能改变世界最近比较烦最近情绪很Down每天看新闻都会很想大声尖叫但脏话没有大家只会轻松我改变自己发现大有不同新一代的朋友我们好好的加油大家一起大声的说NO NO NO NO NO我可以改变世界改变自己改变隔膜改变小气要一直努力努力永不放弃才可以改变世界COME ON 改变自己今早起床了觉得头有点痛可能是二氧化碳太多氧气不足一点点改变有很大的差别你我的热情也能改变世界只能代表自己没有政治立场其实这世界让我看的'十分紧张要调整自己没想到一点就能画龙点睛新一代的朋友我们好好的加油大家一起大声的说NO NO NO NO NO 我可以改变世界改变自己改变隔膜改变小气要一直努力努力永不放弃才可以改变世界COME ON 改变自己我可以改变世界改变自己改变隔膜改变小气要一直努力努力永不放弃才可以改变世界COME ON 改变自己扩展资料:《改变自己》(change me)是王力宏2007年发行的一张国语专辑,专辑包含《改变自己》、《落叶归根》、《我们的歌》、《你是我心内的一首歌》、《爱在哪里》、《Cockney Girl》、《不完整的旋律》、《爱的鼓励》、《华人万岁》、《星期六的深夜》,共10首歌,王力宏自己写了九首歌的歌词。

学一首万众瞩目的霉霉刷屏新歌《me》MeI promise that you'll never find another like me 我保证你会发现我是无可替代的I know that I'm a handful baby uh我知道我是不好驾驭的那款亲爱的I know I never think before I jump我知道我向来不计后果就做决定And you're the kind of guy the ladies want你是名媛们梦寐以求的那种极品男人And there's a lot of cool chicks out there(外面的莺莺燕燕也都在虎视眈眈)I know that I went psycho on the phone我知道电话那头的我失了态I never leave well enough alone我从来无法保持风度独自收场And trouble's gonna follow where I go随后纷扰缠身如影随形And there's a lot of cool chicks out there(花花世界里到处都是花花蝴蝶)But one of these things is not like the others但这其中却有一只是全球限量版Like a rainbow with all of the colors就像一道汇集所有颜色的彩虹Baby doll when it comes to a lover亲爱的宝贝当你遇上那道彩虹I promise that you'll never find another like我发誓你再也无法找到另一个Me ooh我喔I'm the only one of me我是世上绝无仅有的一个我Baby that's the fun of me宝贝这就是我的魅力所在Me ooh我喔You're the only one of you你也是世上绝无仅有的一个你Baby that's the fun of you亲爱的那也是你的迷人之处And I promise that nobody's gonna love you like me 我发誓没有人会如我这般爱你I know I tend to make it about me我知道我有点膨胀了I know you never get just what you see我知道你在乎的不只是外表But I will never bore you baby但是亲爱的我绝不会令你厌倦And there's a lot of lame guys out there这世上有太多的凡夫俗子And when we had that fight out in the rain想起我们在雨中的那场争执You ran after me and called my name你追在我身后喊着我的名字I never want to see you walk away我绝不愿眼看你离我而去And there's a lot of lame guys out there这世上无趣的皮囊比比皆是'Cause one of these things is not like the others因为有些特质旁人无法复制Living in winter I am your summer我是你寒冬岁月里的温暖夏日Baby doll when it comes to a lover小可爱若你要寻一个爱人I promise that you'll never find another like我保证你再也找不到像我这样的灵魂伴侣Me ooh我喔I'm the only one of me绝无仅有的我Let me keep you company让我陪在你身边Me ooh我喔You're the only one of you独一无二的你Baby that's the fun of you这就是你的迷人之处And I promise that nobody's gonna love you like me 我保证不会有人像我这样深爱你Hey kids嘿小家伙们Spelling is fun拼写也太有意思惹Girl there ain't no 'I' in team妹妹这边没有“I”这个说法喔But you know there is a 'Me'但你知道这里藏着个“Me”Strike the band up 1 2 3音乐声起 1 2 3I promise that you'll never find another like me 我发誓你永远无法找到我的替代品Girl there ain't no 'I' in team妹妹这边没有“I”这个说法喔But you know there is a 'Me'但你知道这里藏着个“Me”And you can't spell awesome without me没有我你就拼不出完整的惊叹I promise that you'll never find another like我发誓你永远无法找到我的替代品Me ooh我喔I'm the only one of me我是世上绝无仅有的一个我I'm the only one of me我是世上绝无仅有的一个我Baby that's the fun of me宝贝这就是我的魅力所在Baby that's the fun of me宝贝这就是我的魅力所在Me ooh我喔You're the only one of you你也是世上绝无仅有的一个你Baby that's the fun of you亲爱的那是你的迷人之处And I promise that nobody's gonna love you like 我发誓没有人会如我这般爱你Me我Girl there ain't no 'I' in team妹妹这边没有“I”这个说法喔Ooh喔But you know there is a 'Me'但你知道这里藏着个“Me”I'm the only one of me我是世上绝无仅有的一个我Baby that's the fun of me宝贝这就是我的魅力所在Me我Strike the band up 1 2 3音乐声起 1 2 3Ooh喔You can't spell awesome without me没有我你就拼不出完整的惊叹You're the only one of you你是世上绝无仅有的一个你Baby that's the fun of you亲爱的那是你的迷人之处And I promise that nobody's gonna love you like me我发誓没有人会如我这般爱你01歌曲背景隔上张专辑《Reputation》发行一年半,上月底,霉霉携新单《ME!》强势回归。
《Count On Me》中英文歌词

《Doo-Wops & Hooligans 》个人首张专辑《Doo-Wops & Hooligans 》,在2010年10月5日发行。
同时来自新专辑的首支单曲《Just The Way You Are》已经在2010年7月19日发行,在美国Billboard Hot 100单曲榜上榜9周后终于不负重望夺得了冠军。
《Count On Me》是该专辑中的一首歌曲。
Count On Me作词:Philip Lawrence、Ari Levine、Bruno Mars作曲:Philip Lawrence、Ari Levine、Bruno MarsIf you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea,I'll sail the world to find youIf you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see,I'll be the light to guide youFind out what we're made ofWhen we are called to help our friends in needYou can count on me like 1 2 3I'll be thereAnd I know when I need it I can count on you like 4 3 2And you'll be thereCause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeahWooooh, Woooohyeah YeahIf you toss and you turn and you just can't fall asleepI'll sing a songbeside youAnd if you ever forget how much you really mean to meEveryday I willremind youOhhFind out what we're made ofWhen we are called to help our friends in needYou can count on me like 1 2 3I'll be thereAnd I know when I need it I can count on you like 4 3 2You'll be thereCause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeahWooooh, WoooohYeah YeahYou'll always have my shoulder when you cryI'll never let goNever say goodbyeYou can count on me like 1 2 3I'll be thereAnd I know when I need it I can count on you like 4 3 2 You'll be thereCause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah You can count on me like 1 2 3I'll be thereAnd I know when I need it I can count on you like 4 3 2 You'll be thereCause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah you can count on me cos' I can count on you中文歌词如果你发现自己被困在海的中央,我会游过世界,去找你。

我回忆起当时间开始变得模糊的每个瞬间Like a startling sign that fate had finally found me1、startling ['stɑrtlɪŋ]adj.令人吃惊的2、sign [saɪn]n.记号;信号;预兆3、fate [fet] n.命运;命中注定的事(尤指坏事)4、finally ['faɪnəli]adv. 最后;终于;5、found [faʊnd]–find的过去式就像令人吃惊的预兆的那样,命运已找寻到我And your voice was all I heard而我唯一能听到的就是你的声音Did I get what I deserve?1、deserve [dɪ'zɝv] vt. 应受;应得;值得我得到我应得的了吗?So give me reason to prove me wrong1、reason ['rizn] n. 理由;2、prove [pruv]vt.证明,证实;那么给我个理由证明我是错的To wash this memory clean去洗刷我的回忆Let the thoughts cross the distance in your eyes1、thought [θɔt]n.思想;想法;2、distance ['dɪstəns] n.距离;间隔让思想跨越你眼中的距离Give me reason, to fill this hole, Connect the space between1、fill[fɪl]vt.& vi.(使)充满,(使)装满2、hole [hol]n.洞;洞穴,缺陷;3、connect [kə'nɛkt]vt. 连接;联合;关连给我理由去填补这个缺陷,连接我们的空间Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies让谎言足够的接近真相(谎言成真)Across this new divide1、across [ə'krɔs]prep. 穿过;横穿2、divide [dɪ'vaɪd] n.分界线;跨越这新的分界线There was nothing inside, but memories left abandoned1、abandon [ə'bændən]vt.放弃;丢弃;使屈从;终止2、memory ['mɛməri]n. 记忆内心里什么也没有,除了终止的回忆There was nowhere to hide, the ashes fell like snow1、ash [æʃ] n.灰烬;灰色,苍白;骨灰;废墟身躯无处躲藏,灰烬像雪一般飞扬And the ground caved in between where we were standing1、ground [ɡraʊnd]n. 地面;土地;战场2、cave [kev]vt.& vi.使凹陷,使塌落;n.洞穴;大地就在我们脚下坍塌And your voice was all I heard而我唯一能听到的就是你的声音Did I get what I deserve?我得到我应得的了吗?So give me reason to prove me wrong那么给我一个理由证明我是错的To wash this memory clean去洗刷我的回忆Let the thoughts cross the distance in your eyes让思想跨越你眼中的距离Across this new divide跨越这新的分界线In every loss, in every lie, in every truth that you deny1、loss [lɔs]n. 减少;亏损;失败;2、deny [dɪ'nai] vt.否认;拒绝承认;在每次失去,在每个谎言,在每次你拒绝承认的事实And each regret and each goodbye1、regret [rɪ'ɡrɛt] vt.遗憾;哀悼;后悔以及每个遗憾和每次离别Was a mistake too great to hide1、mistake [mɪ'stek]n. 错误;误会;过失2、hide [haɪd]vt.隐藏;遮蔽;掩盖都是一个无法掩盖的错误And your voice was all I heard而我唯一能听到的就是你的声音Did I get what I deserve?我得到我应得的了吗?So give me reason to prove me wrong那么给我个理由证明我是错的To wash this memory clean去洗刷我的回忆Let the thoughts cross the distance in your eyes让思想跨越你眼中的距离Give me reason to fill this hole给我让我填补这空缺的理由Connect the space between连接我们的空间Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies让苦楚收手,直接到达真理的彼岸Across this new divide 跨越这新的分界线Across this new divide 跨越这新的分界线Across this new divide 跨越这新的分界线。
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Brand New Me(全新的自我)
Alicia Keys(艾莉西亚·凯斯)
It's been a while, I'm not who I was before
Y ou look surprised, your words don't burn me anymore
Been meaning to tell you, but I guess it's clear to see
Don't be mad, it's just the brand new kind of me
Can't be bad, I found a brand new kind of free
Careful with your ego, he's the one that we should blame
Had to grab my heart back
God know something had to change
I thought that you'd be happy
I found the one thing I need, why you mad
It's just the brand new kind of me
It took a brave, brave girl to try
It took one too many excuses, one too many lies
Don't be surprised, don't be surprised
If I talk a little louder
If I speak up when you're wrong
If I walk a little taller
I'd be known to you too long
If you noticed that I'm different
Don't take it personally
Don't be mad, it's just the brand new kind of me
And it ain't bad, I found a brand new kind of free
Oh, it took a long long road to get here
It took a brave brave girl to try
I've taken one too many excuses, one too many lies
Don't be surprised, oh see you look surprised
Hey, if you were a friend, you want to get know me again 嘿,如果你是我的朋友,你会愿意重新认识我
If you were worth a while
Y ou'd be happy to see me smile
I'm not expecting sorry
I'm too busy finding myself
I got this
I found me, I found me, yeah
I don't need your opinion
I'm not waiting for your ok
I'll never be perfect, but at least now i'm brave
Now, my heart is open
And I can finally breathe
Don't be mad, it's just the brand new kind of free
That ain't bad, I found a brand new kind of me
Don't be mad, it's a brand new time for me, yeah