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名称 属人法
含义 主体的国籍、住所所在 地的法律
适用的领域 身份、能力、亲属、 继承等
物之所在地法 客体物所在国家的法律
行为地法 意思自治 法院地法 旗国法 法律行为发生地所属法 域的法律 双方当事人选择的法律 审理案例的法院所在地 旗帜所属国家的法律
物权,特别是不动 产物权
法律行为的形式和 相关的法律关系 合同等问题 诉讼程序等问题 因运输工具发生的 问题 合同、侵权、商事 等
一新加坡A公司向海南省一外贸公司B出口一批货物, 货物运抵海口海关后,因B公司涉嫌走私,主要负责人 逃走不知去向。后查明B公司以前有走私行为,但这次 交易属正当交易。3个月以后,海口海关根据《中华人 民共和国海关法》第21条将货物提取变卖。A公司要求 海口海关将变卖所得价款在扣除运输、装卸、储存等 费用和税款后返还给A公司。海口海关认为应返还给" 收货人",即B公司。A公司向海口市中级人民法院提起 确定货物所有权人之诉,海口市中级人民法院依据国 际贸易惯例判决A公司是该批货物的所有权人。A公司 拿着法院的判决要求海口海关将余款退还给它。 请问:海口海关是否应该将余款退还给A公司,为什么?
最密切联系地 与国际民商事关系有最 法 密切联系的国家的法律
Conflict between Federal and State law in U.S.
• If the case is one in which there is concurrent federal and state court jurisdiction, certain additional choice-of-law questions must be considered. If the action is filed in a state court, to what extent the state court bound to apply federal law? Conversely, if suit is filed in a federal court, will it apply the laws( including the choice-of-law rules) of the state in which it is located or some other “federal” rules? • If the litigation involves any claim or defense arising under the United States Constitution, statutes, or treaties, federal law alone will be applied to that issue. This follows from the Supremacy Clause of the U. S. Constitution (article VI) which provides: “ This Constitution and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof… shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby.”
6-2 冲突规范 Conflict Rules
• 6-2-1 冲突规范的概念 • the Definition • 6-2-2 冲突规范的结构 • the Structure • 6-2-3 冲necting Point
• 6-3-1 连结点的法律意义 • the legal meaning • 6-3-2 连结点的分类the Classification • 6-3-3 连结点的选择 the Choice • 6-3-4 连结点的发展方向 • the Developing Direction
第六章 冲突法的几个基本概念 Several Concepts on Conflicts
• • • • • • • • 6-1 法律冲突 Conflict of Laws 6-1-1 法律冲突的含义 the Meaning 6-1-2 法律冲突的种类 the Classification 6-1-3 法律冲突的解决办法 the Resolving Methods 6-1-4 国际民商事法律冲突的产生和解决 the Causes and Settlement of International Conflict of Laws in Civil and commercial Matters
Conflict between Federal and State law in U.S.
• If the claims or defenses in the lawsuit do not turn on any issue of federal law, the Supremacy Clause does not apply, and the question is whether plaintiff can expect more favorable treatment in state or federal court( i.e. in the typical diversity-of-citizenship lawsuit, can the plaintiff expect the federal court to apply different, and perhaps better, rules of law than would be applied in the local state court?)
6-4 系属公式 Formula of Attribution
• 6-4-1 系属公式的含义 the meaning • 6-4-2 几种主要的系属公式 • Lex personalis • Lex situs • Lex loci actus( lex loci contractus; lex loci solutionis; lex loci celebrationis; lex loci delicti) • Lex voluntatis • Lex fori • Law of the flag • Law of the place of the most significant relationship