


FQA10N80C 800V/10A/0.93Ω/TO3P
FQA13N80 800V/13A/0.58Ω/TO3P
FQA7N90 900V/7.4A/1.2Ω/TO3P
FQA9N90C 900V/9A/1.12Ω/TO3P
FQA11N90C 900V/11A/0.91Ω/TO3P
FQA40N50 500V/40A/0.085Ω/TO264
2N60 小 N-FET
30N120 1200V 30A TO-3PN IGBT
4N50 500V 4A 75W TO-220 N-FET
4N80 800V 4A 75W TO-220 N-FET
50N06 46A 60V 105W TO-220 N-FET
6N60 600V 6A 125W TO-220F N-FET
IRF9530 100V 12A 75W TO-220 P-FET
IRF9540 100V 19A 125W TO-220 P-FET
IRF9630 200V 6.5A 75W TO-220 P-FET
IRF9630 200V 6.5A 75W TO-220 P-FEቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
IRF9640 200V 11A 125W TO-220 P-FET
7N60 600V 7A 147W TO-220F N-FET
BUP203 1000V 23A 165W TO-220 IGBT
BUP304 1000V 35A 310W TO-3PN IGBT
GT40T101 1500V 40A TO-3PN IGBT
GT60N90 900V 60A TO-3PN IGBT
SGP20N60RUFD 600V/32A/195W/TO-3P



产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31180903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050660BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0903082 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030383 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030418 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司5#1单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31090903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050669BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030384 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 不明制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司5#1单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31060903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050657BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030578 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030577 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司5#2单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31070903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050658BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0904255 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030370 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 不明制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司5#2单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC311040903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050655BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0904260 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030591 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 不明制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司6#1单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC311050903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050656BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030399 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030572 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司6#1单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC311020903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050653BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030594 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030592 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司6#2单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC311030903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050654BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0904252 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030400 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030593 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司6#2单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31100903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050661BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 09年06月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030431 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030432 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司7#3单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31110903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050662BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 09年06月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030425 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030426 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司7#3单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31120903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050663BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 09年06月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030436 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030435 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司7#4单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31130903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050664BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0904263 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 09年06月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH42A1160 最大允许总重量 3000kg 最小允许总重量 600kg试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 额定速度 ≤1.5m/s 缓冲行程 160mm 制造日期 20081126 产品编号 08110280 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH42A1160 最大允许总重量 3000kg 最小允许总重量 600kg试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 额定速度 ≤1.5m/s 缓冲行程 160mm 制造日期 20081126 产品编号 08110281河北东方机械厂制造7#4单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人。






戴尔BIOS信息中英文对照表作者:stephen_jin | 发布日期:2012-09-10 | 浏览: 6,624 次标签:BIOS, Dell, 笔记本下面的BIOS中英文对照表适用于大部分戴尔笔记本。



(英文版)Two regulations promulgated for implementation is in the party in power for a long time and the rule of law conditions, the implementation of comprehensive strictly strategic plan, implementation in accordance with the rules and discipline to manage the party, strengthen inner-party supervision of major initiatives. The two regulations supporting each other, the < code > adhere to a positive advocate, focusing on morality is of Party members and Party leading cadres can see, enough to get a high standard; < rule > around the party discipline, disciplinary ruler requirements, listed as "negative list, focusing on vertical gauge, draw the party organizations and Party members do not touch the" bottom line ". Here, the main from four square face two party rules of interpretation: the first part introduces two party Revised regulations the necessity and the revision process; the second part is the interpretation of the two fundamental principles of the revision of laws and regulations in the party; the third part introduces two party regulations modified the main changes and needs to grasp several key problems; the fourth part on how to grasp the implementation of the two regulations of the party. < code > and < Regulations > revised the necessity and revised history of the CPC Central Committee the amendment to the Chinese Communist Party members and leading cadres honest politics several guidelines > and < Chinese Communist Party discipline and Punishment Regulations > column 1 by 2015 to strengthenparty laws and regulations focus. Two party regulations revision work lasted a Y ears, pooling the wisdom of the whole party, ideological consensus, draw historical experience, respect for the wisdom of our predecessors, which reflects the unity of inheritance and innovation; follow the correct direction, grasp the limited goals, adhere to the party's leadership, to solve the masses of the people reflect a focus on the problem. The new revision of the < code > and < rule >, reflects the party's 18 and the eighth session of the third, the spirit of the fourth plenary session, reflecting the experience of studying and implementing the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech, reflects the party's eighteen years comprehensive strictly practice. (a) revised two regulations of the party need of < the ICAC guidelines > in < in 1997 Leaders as members of the Communist Party of China clean politics certain criteria (Trial) > based on revised, the promulgation and implementation of January 2010, to strengthen the construction of the contingent of leading cadres play an important role. But with the party to manage the party strictly administering the deepening, has not been able to fully meet the actual needs. Content is too complicated, "eight prohibition, 52 are not allowed to" hard to remember, and also difficult to put into practice; the second is concisely positive advocated by the lack of prohibited provisions excessive, no autonomy requirements; the third is banned terms and discipline law, both with the party discipline, disciplinary regulationsrepeat and Criminal law and other laws and regulations repeat; the fourth is to "clean" the theme is not prominent, not for the existing problems, and is narrow, only needle of county-level leading cadres above. < rule > is in 1997 < Chinese Communist Party disciplinary cases (Trial) > based on revision, in December 2003 the promulgation and implementation, to strengthen the construction of the party play very important role. Along with the development of the situation, which many provisions have been unable to fully meet the comprehensive strictly administering the practice needs. One is Ji law, more than half of the provisions and criminal law and other countries laws and regulations Repetition; two is the political discipline regulations is not prominent, not specific, for violation of the party constitution, damage the authority of Party Constitution of misconduct lack necessary and serious responsibility to pursue; third is the main discipline for the leading cadres, does not cover all Party members. Based on the above situation, need to < the criterion of a clean and honest administration > and < rule > the two is likely to be more relevant regulations first amendment. By revising, really put the authority of Party discipline, the seriousness in the party tree and call up the majority of Party members and cadres of the party constitution of party compasses party consciousness. (II) two party regulations revision process the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China attaches great importance to two regulations revision . Xi Jinping, general books recorded in the FifthPlenary Session of the eighth session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, on the revised regulations < > made clear instructions. According to the central deployment, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection from 2014 under six months begin study two regulations revision. The Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection 4 review revised. Comrade Wang Qishan 14 times held a special meeting to study two regulations revision, amendment clarifies the direction, major issues of principle, path and target, respectively held a forum will listen to part of the province (area) secretary of the Party committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, part of the central ministries and state organs DepartmentThe first party committee is mainly responsible for people, views of experts and scholars and grassroots party organizations and Party members. Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, on 7 September 2015, the general office of the Central Committee of the Party issued a notice to solicit the provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) Party, the central ministries and commissions, state ministries and commissions of the Party (party), the General Political Department of the military, every 3 people organization of Party of two regulations revision opinion. Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of extensive solicitation of opinions, careful study, attracting, formed a revised sent reviewers. In October 8 and October 12, Central Committee PoliticalBureau Standing Committee and the Political Bureau of the Central Committee After consideration of the two regulations revised draft. On October 18, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China formally issued two regulations. Can say, two laws amendment concentrated the wisdom of the whole party, embodies the party. Second, < code > and < Regulations > revision of the basic principles of two party regulations revision work and implement the party's eighteen, ten eight plenary, the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee and General Secretary Xi Jinping important instructions on the revised < low political criterion > and < Regulations >, highlighting the ruling party characteristics, serious discipline, the discipline quite in front of the law, based on the current, a long-term, advance as a whole, with Bu Xiuding independent < rule > and < rule >. Main principle is: first, adhere to the party constitution to follow. The constitution about discipline and self-discipline required specific, awaken the party constitution of party compasses party consciousness, maintaining the authority of the constitution. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "no rules, no side round. Party constitution is the fundamental law, the party must follow the general rules. In early 2015 held the eighth session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee, Xi Jinping again pointed out that constitution is the party must follow the general rules, but also the general rules." the revisionof the < code > and < rule > is Method in adhere to the regulations established for the purpose of combining rule of virtue is to adhere to the party constitution as a fundamental to follow, the constitution authority set up, wake up the party constitution and party rules the sense of discipline, the party constitution about discipline and self-discipline specific requirements. 4 second is to adhere to in accordance with the regulations governing the party and the party. The Party of rule of virtue "de", mainly refers to the party's ideals and beliefs, excellent traditional style. The revised the < code > closely linked to the "self-discipline", insisting on the positive initiative, for all members, highlight the "vital few", emphasized self-discipline, focusing on the morality, and the majority of Party members and the ideological and moral standards. The revised < > Ji method separately, Ji, Ji Y an to Method, as a "negative list", emphasizing the heteronomy, focusing on vertical gauge. Is this one high and one low, a positive reaction, the strict party discipline and practice results transformation for the integration of the whole party to observe moral and discipline requirements, for the majority of Party members and cadres provides benchmarking and ruler. Third, insist on to. In view of the problems existing in the party at the present stage, the main problems of Party members and cadres in the aspect of self-discipline and abide by the discipline to make clearly defined, especially the party's eighteen years strict political discipline and political rules, organization and discipline andto implement the central eight provisions of the spirit against the four winds and other requirements into Disciplinary provisions. Not one pace reachs the designated position, focusing on in line with reality, pragmatic and effective. After the revision of major changes, major changes in the < code > and < rule > modified and needs to grasp several key problems (a) < code > < code > adhere to according to regulations governing the party and party with morals in combination, for at the present stage, the leadership of the party members and cadres and Party members in existing main problems of self-discipline, put forward principles, requirements and specifications, showing Communists noble moral pursuit, reflected at all times and in all over the world ethics from high from low 5 common requirements. One is closely linked to the "self-discipline", removal and no direct relation to the provisions of . the second is adhere to a positive advocate, "eight prohibition" 52 are not allowed to "about the content of the" negative list moved into synchronization amendment < cases >. Three is for all the party members, will apply object from the leadership of the party members and cadres to expand to all Party members, fully embodies the comprehensive strictly required. The fourth is prominent key minority, seize the leadership of the party members and cadres is the key, and put forward higher requirements than the ordinary Party members. Five is to simplify, and strive to achieve concise, easy to understand, easy to remember. The revised < code > is the ruling Party since the first insists ona positive advocate forAll Party members and the self-discipline norms, moral declaration issued to all members of the party and the National People's solemn commitment. > < criterion of a clean and honest administration consists of 4 parts, 18, more than 3600 words. After the revision of the < code >, a total of eight, 281 words, including lead, specification and Party member cadre clean fingered self-discipline norms, etc. Part 3 members low-cost clean and self-discipline, the main contents can be summarized as "four must" "eight code". Lead part, reiterated on ideal and faith, fundamental purpose, the fine traditions and work style, noble sentiments, such as "four must" the principle of requirements, strong tone of self-discipline, The higher request for 6 and supervised tenet, the foothold in permanent Bao the party's advanced nature and purity, to reflect the revised standards requirements. Members of self-discipline norms around the party members how to correctly treat and deal with the "public and private", "cheap and rot" thrifty and extravagance "bitter music", put forward the "four norms". Party leader cadre clean fingered self-discipline norms for the leadership of the party members and cadres of the "vital few", around the "clean politics", from civil servant of the color, the exercise of power, moral integrity, a good family tradition and other aspects of the leadership of the party members and cadres of the "four norms" < > < norm norm. "The Party member's self-discipline norms" and "party members and leading cadre clean fingered self-discipline norms," atotal of eight, collectively referred to as the "eight". "Four must" and "eight" of the content from the party constitution and Party's several generation of leaders, especially Xi Jinping, general secretary of the important discussion, refer to the "three discipline and eight points for attention" statements, and reference some embody the Chinese nation excellent traditional culture essence of epigrams. (2) the revised regulations, the main changes in the revised Regulations > to fully adapt to the strictly requirements, reflects the according to the regulations governing the law of recognition of deepening, the realization of the discipline construction and Jin Ju. < rule > is party a ruler, members of the basic line and follow. And the majority of Party members and cadres of Party organizations at all levels should adhere to the bottom line of thinking, fear discipline, hold the bottom line, as a preventive measure, to keep the party's advanced nature and purity. 1, respect for the constitution, refinement and discipline. Revised < rule > from comprehensive comb physical constitution began, the party constitution and other regulations of the Party of Party organizations and Party discipline requirements refinement, clearly defined in violation of the party constitution will be in accordance with regulations to give the corresponding disciplinary action. The original 10 categories of misconduct, integration specification for political discipline, discipline, honesty and discipline masses Ji Law and discipline and discipline and other six categories, the content of < rule >real return to Party discipline, for the majority of Party members and listed a "negative list. 7 2, highlighting the political discipline and political rules. > < Regulations according to the stage of the discipline of outstanding performance, emphasizing political discipline and political rules, organization and discipline, in opposition to the party's leadership and the party's basic theory, basic line, basic program and basic experience, the basic requirement of behavior made prescribed punishment, increase the cliques, against the organization such as violation of the provisions, to ensure that the central government decrees and the Party of centralized and unified. 3, adhere to strict discipline in the law and discipline In front, Ji separated. Revised < Regulations > adhere to the problem oriented, do Ji separated. Any national law existing content, will not repeat the provisions, the total removal of 79 and criminal law, repeat the content of the public security management punishment law, and other laws and regulations. In the general reiterated that party organizations and Party members must conscientiously accept the party's discipline, die van comply with national laws and regulations; at the same time, to investigate violations of Party members and even criminal behavior of Party discipline and responsibility, > < Regulations distinguish five different conditions, with special provisions were made provisions, so as to realize the connection of Party discipline and state law. 4, reflect Wind building and anti-corruption struggle of the latest achievements. < rule > the party's eighteen yearsimplement the spirit of the central provisions of the eight, against the requirements of the "four winds" and transformation for disciplinary provisions, reflecting the style construction is always on the road, not a gust of wind. In the fight against corruption out of new problems, increase the trading rights, the use of authority relatives profit and other disciplinary terms. Prominent discipline of the masses, the new against the interests of the masses and ignore the demands of the masses and other disciplinary terms and make provisions of the disposition and the destruction of the party's close ties with the masses.Discipline to protect the party's purpose. 8 of these regulations, a total of three series, Chapter 15, 178, more than 24000 words, after the revision of the regulations a total of 3 series, Chapter 11, 133, 17000 words, divided into "general" and "special provisions" and "Supplementary Provisions" Part 3. Among them, add, delete, modify the provisions of the proportion of up to nearly 90%. 1, the general general is divided into five chapters. The first chapter to the regulations of the guiding ideology, principles and scope of application of the provisions, highlight the strengthening of the party constitution consciousness, maintenance the authority of Party Constitution, increase the party organizations and Party members must abide by the party constitution, Y an Centralized centralized, would examine at all levels of the amended provisions implementing and maintaining Party discipline, and consciously accept the party discipline,exemplary compliance with national laws and regulations. The second chapter of discipline concept, disciplinary action types and effects of the regulations, will be a serious warning from the original a year for a year and a half; increase the Party Congress representative, by leaving the party above (including leave probation) punishment, the party organization should be terminated its representative qualification provisions. The third chapter of the disciplinary rules of use prescribed in the discipline rectifying process, non convergence, not close hand classified as severely or heavier punishment. "Discipline straighten "At least eighteen years of five years, these five years is to pay close attention to the provisions of the central eight implementation and anti -" four winds ". The fourth chapter on suspicion of illegal party disciplinary distinguish five different conditions, with special provisions were made provisions, to achieve effective convergence of Party and country 9 method. < rule > the provisions of Article 27, Party organizations in the disciplinary review found that party members have committed embezzlement, bribery, dereliction of duty dereliction of duty and other criminal law act is suspected of committing a crime shall give cancel party posts, probation or expelled from the party. The second is < Regulations > Article 28 the provisions of Party organizations in the disciplinary review But found that party members are stipulated in the criminal law, although not involved in a crime shall be investigated for Party discipline and responsibility shouldbe depending on the specific circumstances shall be given a warning until expelled punishment. This situation and a difference is that the former regulation behavior has been suspected of a crime, the feeling is quite strict, and the latter for the behavior not involving crime, only the objective performance of the provisions of the criminal code of behavior, but the plot is a crime to slightly. < Regulations > the 29 provisions, Party organizations in the discipline review found that party members and other illegal behavior, affect the party's image, the damage to the party, the state and the people's interests, we should depend on the situation Seriousness given disciplinary action. The loss of Party members, seriously damaging the party's image of behavior, should be given expelled from the party. At this article is party member is in violation of the criminal law outside the other illegal acts, such as violates the public security administration punishment law, customs law, financial laws and regulations behavior. The fourth is < cases > Article 32 stipulates, minor party members and the circumstances of the crime, the people's Procuratorate shall make a decision not to initiate a prosecution, or the people's court shall make a conviction and exempted from criminal punishment shall be given within the party is removed from his post, probation or expelled from the party. Party members and crime, sheets were fined in accordance with For acts; the principal Ordinance amended the provisions of the preceding paragraph. This is the new content, in order to achieve Ji method effectiveconvergence. Five is < > the thirty third article 10 of the provisions, the Party member due to an intentional crime is sentenced to criminal law (including probation) sheets or additional deprivation of political rights; due to negligence crime and was sentenced to three years or more (excluding three years) a penalty, shall give expelled punishment. Due to negligence crime is convicted and sentenced to three years (including three years) in prison or be sentenced to public surveillance, detention, shall in general be expelled from the party. For the individual may not be expelled from the party, should control Approval. This is followed and retained the original > < Regulations the provisions of punishment party authorization rules and report to a level party organizations. For is "party members with criminal acts, and by the criminal punishment, generally should be expelled from the party". The fifth chapter of probationary Party member of the discipline and discipline after missing members of the treatment and punishment decisions, such as the implementation of the provisions, clear the related party discipline and punishment decision made after, for duties, wages and other relevant alteration formalities for the longest time. 2, sub sub section will the original regulations of10 categories of acts of violation of discipline integration revised into 6 categories, respectively, in violation of the punishments for acts of political discipline "in violation of discipline behavior of punishment" in violation of integrity of disciplinary action points "of violation punishments for actsof mass discipline" "the violation of work discipline, punishment" in violation of discipline of life behavior punishment "6 chapters. 3, annex" Supplementary Provisions "clear authority making supplementary provisions of, cases of interpretative organ, as well as regulations implementation time and retroactivity etc.. 11 (3) learning understanding > < regulations needs to grasp several key problems The first problem -- about the violation of political discipline behavior > < new ordinance chapter 6 the political discipline column for the six disciplines, that is the main opposition to Party leadership and the opposition of the basic theory, basic line, basic program and basic experience, basic requirements of misconduct made provisions of the disposition, especially the eighteen since the CPC Central Committee put forward the Yan Mingzheng treatment of discipline and political rules requirements and practical achievements transformation for Discipline article, increase the false debate central policies, cliques, against the organization review, make no discipline of the principle of harmony terms. These are the party's eighteen years in comprehensive strictly Process combined with the practice of rich content. (1) false debate the central policies and undermine the Party of centralized and unified the problem is made in accordance with the provisions of the party constitution. Constitution in general programme requirements adhere to democratic centralism is one of the requirements of the construction of the party must adhere to the four cardinal. Applicationof this principle is not only the party the basic organization principle and is also the mass line in party life, it requires that we must fully develop inner-party democracy, respect for the dominant position of Party members, safeguarding the Party member democratic rights, give full play to the enthusiasm and creativity of the party organizations at all levels and Party members, at the same time, also must implement the right concentration, ensure the party's mission < the chaos in unity and concerted action to ensure that the party's decision to get quickly and effectively implementing. The Party Central Committee formulated the major principles and policies, through different channels and ways, fully listen to the party organizations and Party members of the opinions and suggestions, but 12 is some people face to face not to say back blather "" will not say, after the meeting said, "" Taiwan does not say, and nonsense ", in fact, not only disrupt the people thought, some causing serious consequences, the damage to the Party of the centralized and unified, hinder the central policy implementation, but also a serious violation of the democratic system of principles. There is no doubt that shall, in accordance with the Regulations > 4 Specified in Article 6 to give the appropriate punishment. For did not cause serious consequences, to give criticism and education or the corresponding tissue processing. (2) about the destruction of the party's unity < New Regulations > the forty eighth to fifty second article, to damage Party's unity unified and violation of political discipline, punishment situationmade explicit provisions. Article 52 of the new "in the party get round group, gangs seek private gain, cliques, cultivate private forces or through the exchange of interests, for their own to create momentum and other activities to gain political capital, given a serious warning or withdraw from their party posts disposition; if the circumstances are serious, to give Leave a party to observation or expelled from the party. (3) on against the organization review of the provisions of the constitution, party loyalty honesty is party members must comply with the obligations. Members must obey the organization decision, shall not violate the organization decided encounters by asking questions to find organization, rely on the organization, shall not deceive the organization, against the organization. For example, after the investigation does not take the initiative to explain the situation, but to engage in offensive and defensive alliance, hiding the stolen money is against survey organization, is a violation of the behavior of political discipline. Article 24 of the original > < Regulations, although the provisions of the interference, hinder group review the behavior of the fabric can be severely or 13 Aggravated punishment, but did not put this kind of behavior alone as a discipline for qualitative amount of discipline. > < new regulations increase the Article 57, "anti organization review, one of the following acts, given a warning or serious warning; if the circumstances are relatively serious, giving removed from or placed on probation within the party post; if the circumstances are serious, give。



标准配置时间50%负载备用时间(分)80%负载备用时间(分)100%负载备用时间(分) 1小时24AH x 1组78min38AH x 1组75min38AH x 1组52min 2小时38AH x 1组147min38AH x 2组166min38AH x 2组141min 4小时38AH x 2组274min65AH x 2组245min100AH x 2组272min 6小时24AH x 4组344min65AH x 3组406min100AH x 3组445min 8小时65AH x 2组460min65AH x 4组553min100AH x 4组574min标准配置时间50%负载备用时间(分)80%负载备用时间(分)100%负载备用时间(分) 1小时24AH x 1组110min24AH x 1组54min38AH x 1组80min 2小时38AH x 1组166min24AH x 2组141min65AH x1组141min 4小时65AH x 1组247min100AH x 1组231min65AH x 2组252min 6小时100AH x 1组359min38AH x 3组326min100AH x 2组372min 8小时24AH x 4组450min100AH x2组489min38AH x 5组483min 10小时24AH x 6组642min38AH x 5组577min100AH x 3组568min 12小时38AH x 4组786min100AH x 3组770min65AH x 5组768min标准配置时间50%负载备用时间(分)80%负载备用时间(分)100%负载备用时间(分) 1小时////24AH x 1组57min 2小时24AH x 1组151min24AH x 1组84min38AH x 1组124min 4小时38AH x 1组231min24AH x 3组263min100AH x 1组245min 6小时65AH x 1组365min24AH x 4组374min38AH x 3组366min 8小时100AH x 1组530min65AH x 2组487min100AH x 2组519min 10小时24AH x 4组587min38AH x 4组620min38AH x 5组600min 12小时38AH x 3组833min65AH x 3组784min100AH x 3组843min标准配置时间50%负载备用时间(分)80%负载备用时间(分)100%负载备用时间(分) 1小时24AH x 1组89min38AH x 1组98min38AH x 1组60min 2小时38AH x 1组153min24AH x 2组127min65AH x 1组128min 4小时38AH x 2组289min65AH x 2组277min100AH x 2组299min 6小时24AH x 4组381min100AH x 2组431min65AH x 3组350min 8小时38AH x 3组496min65AH x 3组479min100AH x 3组519min 10小时38AH x 4组635min100AH x 3组626min65AH x 5组626min 12小时65AH x 3组799min38AH x 7组779min100AH x 4组707min标准配置时间50%负载备用时间(分)80%负载备用时间(分)100%负载备用时间(分) 1小时//24AH x 1组65min24AH x 1组53min 2小时24AH x 1组133min38AH x 1组139min65AH x 1组160min 4小时65AH x 1组288min100AH x 1组270min100AH x 1组221min 6小时24AH x 3组393min65AH x 2组422min100AH x 2组470min 8小时100AH x 1组456min100AH x 2组568min65AH x 3组517min 10小时65AH x 2组687min65AH x 3组642min65AH x 4组720min 12小时65AH x 2组687min38AH x 5组740min100AH x 3组723min。



三相异步电动机铭牌数据和参数1.介绍铭牌中的数据和参数①型号(Y&lt;?xml:namespace prefix = st1 />112M-4)Y—异步电动机 112—机座中心高(mm)M—机座类别代号 S:短机座,M:中机座,L:长机座4—磁极数②额定功率PN(4.0千瓦):表示电动机在额定工作状态下运行时允许输出的机械功率,瓦或千瓦。









此外,铭牌上还标注了绝缘等级(B级绝缘)和噪声等级(LW 82 dB)。


2.例题讲解:求解其它数据[例1] 若U N=380v,cosφ=0.82,Ist/I N=7.0,效率η=0.84,求额定电流、起动电流。

解:[补充例题] 已知Y100Ll—4型异步电动机的某些额定技术数据如下:2.2kW 380 V 丫接法 1420 r/min cosφ=0.82 η=81%,电源频率为50Hz。


解 (1) 额定电流额定转矩(2) 额定转差率磁极对数p=2,故n1=1500 r/min,于是有sN=(1500-1420)/1500≈0.0533.三相异步机的选择合理选择电动机关系到生产机械的安全运行和投资效益。







BIOS信息中英文对照表文章编号:43377 2011-8-19 16:14:13BIOS中英文对照表Time/System Time时间/系统时间Date/System Date日期/系统日期Level 2 Cache二级缓存System Memory系统内存Video Controller视频控制器Panel Type液晶屏型号Audio Controller音频控制器Modem Controller调制解调器(Modem)Primary Hard Drive主硬盘Modular Bay模块托架Service Tag服务标签Asset Tag资产标签BIOS Version BIOS版本Boot Order/Boot Sequence启动顺序(系统搜索操作系统文件的顺序)Diskette Drive软盘驱动器Internal HDD内置硬盘驱动器Floppy device软驱设备Hard-Disk Drive硬盘驱动器USB Storage Device USB存储设备CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive 光驱CD-ROM device光驱Modular Bay HDD模块化硬盘驱动器Cardbus NIC Cardbus 总线网卡Onboard NIC板载网卡Boot POST进行开机自检时(POST)硬件检查的水平:设置为“MINIMAL”(默认设置)则开机自检仅在BIOS升级,内存模块更改或前一次开机自检未完成的情况下才进行检查。


Config Warnings警告设置:该选项用来设置在系统使用较低电压的电源适配器或其他不支持的配置时是否报警,设置为“DISABLED”禁用报警,设置为“ENABLED”启用报警。

Internal Modem内置调制解调器:使用该选项可启用或禁用内置Modem。

禁用(disabled)后Modem 在操作系统中不可见。



Manual v1.1Hardwired Electric Garage HeaterG73OWNERS MANUAL v1.0Read and save these instructions.A Name You Can TrustTrust should be earned and we will earn yours. Customer happiness is the focus of our business.From the factory to the warehouse, from the sales floor to your home, the whole NewAir family promises to provide you with innovative products, exceptional service, and support when you need it the most. Count on NewAir.As a proud NewAir owner, welcome to our family. There are no robots here, real people shipped your product and real people are here to help you. Contact Us:For questions regarding your product, please contact us at:Call: 1-855-963-9247Email: ******************Online:Connect with Us: /newairusa /newairusa /newairusa/newairusaR EAD AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS.Register Your Product Online (4)Safety Information & Warnings (5)Heater assembly (7)Heater Installation (8)Operation (10)Cleaning & Storage (11)Specifications (11)troubleshooting (12)Limited Manu facturer’s Warranty (13)P LEASE R EAD A LL I NSTRUCTIONS B EFORE U SING T HIS H EATER Note: There may be a trace of smoke or odor when this unit is first operated. Don’t be alarmed. This indicates that a drop of oil fell on the heating coil during the manufacturing process. It will quickly evaporate and should not re-occur.Make sure that the room in which the appliance is located is well ventilated during its operation. It is normal for the appliance to emit small cracking sounds when you turn it on for the first time. Do not be alarmed.S AVE T HESE I NSTRUCTIONSWARNING – RISK OF FIREDO NOT USE AS A RESIDENTIALOR HOUSEHOLD HEATERC AUTION: This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory, or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.Register Your NewAir Product Online Today!Take advantage of all the benefits product registration has to offer: Service and SupportDiagnose troubleshooting and service issues faster and more accuratelyRecall NotificationsStay up to date for safety, system updates and recall notificationsSpecial PromotionsOpt-in for NewAir promotions and offersRegistering your product information online is safe & secure and takes less than 2 minutes to complete:Alternatively, we recommend you attach a copy of your sales receipt below and record the following information, located on the manufacturer’s nameplate on the rear of the unit. You will need this information if it becomes necessary tocontact the manufacturer for service inquiries. Date of Purchase: ___________________________________________ Serial Number: ____________________________________________ Model Number: ____________________________________________SAFETY INFORMATION & WARNINGSWhen using any electrical appliance, basic safety precautions mustbe followed in order to reduce the risk of fire, electrical shockand/or injury to persons or property. Be sure to read allinstructions before using this appliance and observe the followingsafety tips:•This heater is hot when in use. To avoid burns, do not let bare skin touch the hot surface. Always use the handle when moving this heater. The trim around the air outlet grille becomes hot during heater operation. Keep combustible materials such as furniture, pillows, bedding, papers, clothes, and curtains at least 3 feet (0.9 m) from the front of the heater. •Extreme caution is necessary when any heater is used by or near children or invalids, and whenever the heater is left operating and unattended. •Do not install less than 6 feet (1.9 m) from the floor.•Do not operate the heater if the supplied wire is damaged, the heater malfunctions, or the heater has been dropped or damaged in any manner. Return heater to authorized service facility for examination, electrical or mechanical adjustment, or repair.•Do not use the heater outdoors.•This heater is not intended for use in bathrooms, laundry areas and similar humid indoor locations. Never put a heater where it may fall into a bathtub or other water container.•Connect to properly grounded outlets only. Check heater voltage and amperage on the back of the heater to make sure it agrees with the electric service supplied.•Do not insert or allow foreign objects to enter any ventilation or exhaust opening as this may cause an electric shock or fire, or damage to the heater. •To prevent a possible fire, do not block air intakes or exhaust in any manner. Do not use on soft surfaces, like a bed, where openings may become blocked.•All electrical heaters have hot, arcing, or sparking parts inside. Do not use in areas where gasoline, paint, or flammable liquids are used or stored or where the unit will be exposed to flammable vapors.SAFETY INFORMATION & WARNINGS•Do not modify the heater. Use it only as described in this Array manual. Any other use not recommended by the manufacturermay cause fire, electric shock, or injury to persons.•Always use a certified electrician should new circuits or outletsbe required.•Disconnect all power supply before performing any cleaning, maintenance, or relocation of the unit.•When transporting or storing the unit, keep in a dry place, free from excessive vibration, and store so as to avoid damage.•Make sure that no pieces of polystyrene or other packaging material have been left between one element of the appliance and another. It may be necessary to clean the appliance with a vacuum cleaner.•Do not run in locations when the heater will be left unattended for long periods of time.•Do not use attachments or filters. They are not recommended.•Use this heater only as described in this manual. Any other use not recommended by the manufacturer may cause fire, electric shock or injury to persons.S AVE THESE I NSTRUCTIONSHEATER ASSEMBLYYou will need to attach the heater cradle to the heating unit using the provided screws and washers.ing a wrench, remove the provided screws and washers from either side of the unit.2.Slide the heater cradle down over top the heater unit until the bottom holes of the heater cradle and heating unit are aligned on each side.ing a wrench, tighten each screw and washer through the heater cradle and into the heating unit.4.Ensure the screws are fully tightened and the heater cradle is tightly secured.Heater CradleHeating Unit Screw InstallationHEATER INSTALLATION• N OTE : To prevent personal injury always use a licensed electrician to installnew outlets or circuits.H EATER L OCATION AND C LEARANCESThe heater must be installed in a fixed location. Ensure that hot air discharge is parallel to or away from walls (Figure 1).I NSTALLATION OF W ALL /C EILING H ANGER BRACKETThe hanger bracket allows the unit to be rotated approximately 45 degrees in each direction from center, when attached to a wall and tilted in a 45 degree range while suspended from a wall or ceiling.N OTE : The hardware for mounting the hanger bracket to the wall or ceiling is included.! C AUTION : When turning and/or tilting the heater do not block the exhaustopening.The following steps are shown in Figure 2:1.Locate a stud or other suitablesupport and install hangerbracket on wall or ceiling. Select alocation where the control knobon the back of the heater is easilyreachable.2.Insert carriage bolt into squareopening of heater handle.3.Slide spacer over the carriage boltshaft and insert the hangerbracket opening and hold them inposition.4.Slide lock washer and thread nutonto carriage bolt. Turn andtighten with wrench.Do not install less than 6 feet (1.9 m)from the floor.E LECTRICAL C ONNECTIONW ARNING: Consult local electrical codes in addition to the followingrequirements:1.Turn off main power supply at the electrical panel.2.Route supply wires from circuit breaker to an approved junction box,located near compact unit heater. These supply wires must be twoconductor non-metallic sheath cable with ground wire. Each heater should be on an individual, properly fused circuit.3.Route supply wires from junction box to G73. These supply wires must betwo conductor metallic sheath (BX) cable with ground wire. Alternatively, appropriate conduit can be used.4.Remove junction box cover of G73 and remove one knockout hole. Insertapproved bushing into hole and feed wire cable through. Tighten bushing around cable.5.Make electrical connection to G73 according to relevant wire diagram.Make connections using approved wire nut connectors and secure thegrounding wire to the ground screw on the heater chassis.6.Replace junction box cover of G73.OPERATIONS ETTING THE T HERMOSTAT1.Before connecting orfully counterclockwise (Figure 4).2.Heater is equipped with athermostat. To adjusttemperature to your individualrequirements, turn thermostatcontrol knob clockwise all theway to turn heater on.3.When room reaches desired temperature, turn thermostat knobcounterclockwise until you hear a “click”. Leave in this position to maintain room temperature at this setting.4.For additional heat, turn clockwise until you hear “click” again and heaterwill turn on.5.To turn heater to the lowest setting, turn the thermostat knobcounterclockwise all the way.CLEANING & STORAGER EGULAR C LEANING:Before any cleaning: Array•Make sure the heater is turned off.•Disconnect power supply at source.C AUTION: Allow at least 30 minutes for the heater to cool before attempting any maintenance or cleaning.1.Do not spray cleaning liquid or other chemicals onto the unit.2.Interior dust can often be removed by using a vacuum cleaner with acrevice tool attachment.3.To clean housing, use a clean, soft and lightly damp cloth to gently wipe allthe dirt from the surface of the unit. Be sure not to wet the heatingelement and the switches. Allow the unit to dry completely before using it. Caution: Do not allow water to run into the interior of the heater as this could create a fire or electric shock hazard, damaging the unit.S TORAGE1.Perform the cleaning procedures described above.2.Wipe all parts dry.3.Pack the heater in a plastic bag and store it in a cool, dry place.SPECIFICATIONSTROUBLESHOOTINGPlease do not attempt to open or repair the heater yourself.Doing so could cause damage or personal injury.LIMITED MANUFACTURER’S WARRANTYThis appliance is covered by a limited manufacturer’s warranty. For one year from the original date of purchase, the manufacturer will repair or replace any parts of this appliance that prove to be defective in materials and workmanship, provided the appliance has been used under normal operating conditions as intended by the manufacturer.Warranty Terms:During the first year, any components of this appliance found to be defective due to materials or workmanship will be repaired or replaced, at the manufacturer’s discretion, at no charge to the original purchaser. The purchaser will be responsible for any removal or transportation costs. Warranty Exclusions:The warranty will not apply if damage is caused by any of the following: •Power failure•Damage in transit or when moving the appliance•Improper power supply such as low voltage, defective household wiring or inadequate fuses•Accident, alteration, misuse or abuse of the appliance such as using non-approved accessories, inadequate air circulation in the room orabnormal operating conditions (extreme temperatures) •Use in commercial or industrial applications•Fire, water damage, theft, war, riot, hostility or acts of God such as hurricanes, floods, etc.•Use of force or damage caused by external influences•Partially or completely dismantled appliances•Excess wear and tear by the userObtaining Service:When making a warranty claim, please have the original bill of purchase with purchase date available. Once confirmed that your appliance is eligible for warranty service, all repairs will be performed by a NewAir™ authorized repair facility. The purchaser will be responsible for any removal or transportation costs. Replacement parts and/or units will be new, re-manufactured or refurbished and is subject to the manufacturer’s discretion. For technical supportandwarrantyservice,********************************.。


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三星S7562:I8190 S7268 S7562 7针
三星S8500:S8530 I329 B7300C尾插


At TC = 25oC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC25 At TC = 110oC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC110 Average Rectified Forward Current at TC = 152oC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF(AV) Collector Current Pulsed (Note 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICM Gate to Emitter Voltage Continuous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VGES Gate to Emitter Voltage Pulsed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VGEM Switching Safe Operating Area at TJ = 150oC (Figure 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SSOA Power Dissipation Total at TC = 25oC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD Power Dissipation Derating TC > 25oC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TJ, TSTG Maximum Lead Temperature for Soldering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TL Short Circuit Withstand Time (Note 2) at VGE = 15V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tSC Short Circuit Withstand Time (Note 2) at VGE = 10V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tSC



同步带规格及型号参数大全时间:2010-02-18 02:00来源:未知作者:admin 点击: 729次一、橡胶同步带梯型齿橡胶同步带规格型号 MXL XL L H XH XXH T2.5 T5 T10 T20 AT5 AT10 AT20 梯形齿同步带参数含义例如: 1 ) 120XL037 表示节线长:12*25.4= 304.8mm 齿形参数型号: XL 宽度: 0.37*25.4= 9.4mm 2 ) T10 X 1250 X30 节线长: 1250mm一、橡胶同步带梯型齿橡胶同步带规格型号MXL XL L H XH XXH T2.5 T5 T10 T20 AT5 AT10 AT20梯形齿同步带参数含义例如:1) 120XL037? 表示???? 节线长:12*25.4=304.8mm???? 齿形参数型号:XL???? 宽度: 0.37*25.4=9.4mm2)T10 X 1250 X30???? 节线长:1250mm???? 齿形参数型号:T10???? 宽度:30mm圆弧齿同步带规格型号HTD 2M 3M 5M 8M 14M 20MSTS/STPD S2M S3M S4.5 S5M S8M S14MRPP/HPPD? RPP2M RPP3M RPP5M RPP8M RPP14M圆弧齿同步带参数含义例如:HTD 1040-8M-30 表示? 节线长:1040 mm? 齿形参数型号:HTD 8M? 宽度: 30mm?二、双面齿同步带DA 型双面齿同步带规格型号D-AXL D-L DA-H DA-T5 DA-T10 DA-T20 DA-3M DA-5M DA-8M DA-14M DA-S8M DA型双面齿同步带参数含义例如:DA 2000 X T10-40 表示?? 节线长:2000 mm?? 齿形参数型号:T10?? 双面对称齿?? 宽度: 40mm?DB 型双面齿同步带规格型号DB-XL DB-L DB-H DB-T5 DB-T10 DB-T20DB型双面齿同步带参数含义例如:DB 2000 X T10-40 表示? ?节线长:2000 mm?? 齿形参数型号:T10?? 双面错开齿? ?宽度: 40mm?三、汽车同步带规格型号R(MR) Y(MY) ZBS YU RU ZA S8M ZD ZR ZAS ZB RHD RHX RPP SL ... 汽车同步带参数含义例如:99 RU 22?? 表示? 齿数: 99? 齿形参数型号: RU? 宽度:? 22mm四、多楔带规格型号PH PJ PK PL PM多楔带参数含义例如:1)? 公制:10PJ1089?????? 楔数: 10?????? 有效长度: 1089 mm2)? 10PJ250?????? 楔数: 10?????? 有效长度: 25*25.4=635mm五、切割V带普通V带规格型号Y Z A B C D E普通V带参数含义:例如:1)? A 35???????? 表示? 型号:A?? 长度:35*25.4=889mm2)? 13 X 1000 表示? 宽度:13? 长度:1000mm窄V带规格型号SPZ SPA SPB SPC XPZ XPA XPB XPC 3V(9N) 5V(15N) 8V(25N) 窄V带参数含义:例如:1) SPZ 40???? 表示? 型号: SPZ? 长度: 40*25.4=1016mm2) SP 1016?? 表示? 型号: SPZ? 长度: 40*25.4=1016mm六、聚氨酯同步带规格型号MXL XL L H 2M S2M 3M S3M 5M 8M 14M T2.5 T5 AT5 T10 AT10 聚氨酯同步带参数含义例如:1) 120XL037? 表示???? 节线长:12*25.4=304.8mm???? 齿形参数型号:XL???? 宽度: 0.37*25.4=9.4mm2)T10 X 1250 X30???? 节线长:1250mm???? 齿形参数同步带型号:T10???? 宽度:30mm3) HTD 1040-8M-30 表示?? 节线长:1040 mm? 齿形同步带参数型号:HTD 8M? 宽度: 30mm七、开口PU同步带规格型号T5 T10 T20 AT5 AT10 AT20 XL L H XH HTD-5M HTD-8M HTD-14M STPD/STS-5M STPD/STS-8M开口PU同步带参数表示含义例如:?30T5?? 表示齿形参数: T5??? 宽度: 30mm?? 长度任意,根据客户来选型,一卷100米。



钛牌号对照表2007-06-07 11:25中国美国俄罗斯TAD 碘化钛 Grade1 1号纯钛 BT1-00 工业纯钛TA1 工业纯钛 Grade2 2号纯钛 BT1-0 工业纯钛TA2 工业纯钛 Grade3 3号纯钛 OT4 -0 Ti-0.8Al-0.7SnTA3 工业纯钛 Grade4 4号纯钛 OT4 -1 Ti-2Al-1.5MnTA4 Ti-3Al Grade5Ti-6Al-4V OT4 Ti-3Al-1.5MnTA5 Ti-4Al-0.005B Grade6Ti-5Al-2.5V BT5 Ti-5AlTA6 Ti-5Al Grade7Ti-0.2Pd BT5 -1 Ti-5Al-2.5SnTA7 Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Grade9Ti-3Al-2.5V BT6 Ti-6Al-4VTA8 Ti-5Al-2.5Sn-3Cu-1.5Zr Grade10 Ti-11.5Mo-4.5Sn-6Zr BT6c Ti-6Al-4VTC1 Ti-2Al-1.5Mn Grade11 Ti-0.2Pd BT3 -1 Ti-6Al-1.5Cr-2.5Mo-0.5Fe-0.3SiTC2 Ti-3Al-1.5Mn Grade12Ti-0.3Mo-0.75Ni BT9 Ti-6.5Al-3.5Mo-0.3SiTC3 Ti-4Al-4V A-1Ti-5Al-2.5Sn BT/4 Ti-5Al-3Mo-1.5VTC4 Ti-6Al-4V A-3Ti-6Al-2Nb-1Ta BT16 Ti-2.8Al-5Mo-5VTC6 Ti-6Al-1.5Cr-2.5Mo-0.5Fe-0.3Si A-4 Ti-8Al-1Mo-1V BT18Ti-8Al-0.6Mo-11Zr-1NbTC7 Ti-6Al-0.6Cr-0.4Fe-0.4Si-0.01B AB-1 Ti-6Al-4V BT19Ti-3Al-5.5Mo-3.5V-5.5Cr-1ZrTC9 Ti-6.5Al-3.5Mo-2.5Sn-0.3Si AB-3 Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn BT20 Ti-6Al-1.5Mo-1.5VTC10 Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn-0.5Cu-0.5Fe AB-4 Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo BT22 Ti-5.5Al-5V-5Mo-1.5Cr-1.0Fe TC11 Ti-6Al-3.5Mo-1.5Zr-0.3Si AB-5Ti-3Al-2.5V ПT-3B Ti-4Al-2VTB2 Ti-5Mo-5V-3Cr-3Al B-1Ti-3Al-13V-11Cr ПT-7M Ti-2Al性能好、工艺性能好等优点,是较为理想的航天工程结构材料。

氐斯炖鍋GAS TOP E700XP 零件目录说明书

氐斯炖鍋GAS TOP E700XP 零件目录说明书

8 50389LV00
8 50389LZ00
9 541813800 0C6171 RONDELLA SILICONE
G25 25mbar
ø1.15 3+3B/P G30 30mbar
ø1.10 3B/P G30 36mbar
ø1.10 3B/P G30 50mbar
0C2805 ø1.75/2.10 2S
G25.1 25mbar
ø2.25 No CE G20 10mbar
D - Vite di minimo / Min screw ø60
Ref./ Notes
003182 n°80 2H/2E+ G20 20mbar
003182 n°80 2H
G20 25mbar
003182 n°80 2ELL G25 20mbar
003182 n°80 2L
G25 25mbar
3 50389LM00 0C7705 GRIGLIA CAMINO
4 218912211 069567 MOLLETTA PER GHIERA



机顶盒配置资料大全机顶盒配置资料大全产品型号配置海尔2晶10芯IC:HI2023E+1108+5812海尔高清OST-6662晶6芯IC:M88VS2000+241674K.1+M88TS2020海尔高清OST-6663晶12芯IC:High032E+His121+M88TS2020海尔3晶10芯(9针接口)IC:HI2023E+1108+5812+ESMTM12L64164A-GNR1T80AB 海尔高清OST-6662晶6芯IC:Hi2023E+3160+TS2020欧视达ABS-209B3晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+LW37欧视达ABS-209B3晶11芯IC:GX3001+5037+8211欧视达ABS-309B3晶11芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+MGCE5037 欧视达AS-900S1晶11芯IC:GX6121+25L80+LW37城市之宝BEX868Y32S-93AT2晶10芯IC:HTV903F+AVL1108+TS2020通达Y35S-8BAT/Y35S-8CAT2晶10芯IC:HTV903+AVL1108+5812通达Y30S-01BT2晶12芯IC:HTV903+AVL1108+2020皇朝HSR-26810芯IC:Hi2023+AVL1108+5812小霸王TDX-668E ABS-S11晶6芯IC:Hi2023+Hi3102+FT8211+HT1117天地星小霸王TDX-328B1晶10芯IC:ALi M3328F+5810天地星小霸王TDX-668A(9针接口)IC:HI2023+1108+IC:HI2023+1108+夏普头夏普头天地星小霸王TDX-668B2晶振IC:HTV903+AVL1108EGA+RDA5812+25L8005天地星小霸王(三星数码王)天地星小霸王(三星数码王)TDX-668BTDX-668B单晶6芯.针脚定义①-TXD.②-RXD.③VCC.④-GND.⑤-BL(参考)IC:Hi2023E+RDA5812+AVL1108E+MXT8211a+25L 8005 天地星(原大盒中星九号)天地星(原大盒中星九号)33晶IC:Hi2023+1108+5037天地星TDX-668B2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+AVL1108+5812天地星小霸王TDX-668C2晶6芯IC:HTV903+AVL1108EGA+RDK5812+25F80小霸王TDX-328B1晶10芯IC:ALi M3328F+5810小霸王TDX-668B6芯IC:Hi2023+RDA5812+AVL1108E小霸王TDX-668B2晶6芯IC:HTV903+1108+5812小霸王TDX-668E1晶6芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+5812小霸王TDX-668E2晶6芯IC:HTV903+1108+5812小霰王XC-B2981晶12芯IC:HTV903-RDA5812-AVL1108小霸王ABS-13882晶10芯针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD ③-TXD ④VCC (亲测)IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+AV2020小霸王ABS-16882晶10芯针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD ③-TXD ④VCC VCC(亲(亲测)IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3122E+5812小霸王GF902IC:AVL1118a+AV2020+EN25F80索尼高清ABS-S 2582晶10芯针脚定义针脚定义①①-GND ②-RXD ③-TXD ④VCC (亲测)IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3122E+5812索尼高清ABS-S 2582晶10芯针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD ③-TXD ④VCC (亲测)IC:Hi3102E+Hi2023EC+AV2020太阳红TYH-279ABS/289ABS/299ABS 2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD ③-TXD ④VCC (亲测)IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+AV2020松下科技星TDX-668B1/TDX-668B1/松下科技星松下科技星松下科技星-668E -668E IC:Hi3102E+Hi2023EC+5812松下科技星TDX-668B 2晶6芯IC:HTV903FH42+AVL1108EGA+RGK5812松下科技星668B 2晶6芯Hi2023(E0908)+EVl1108EG2+5812松下科技星松下科技星-668C-668C 2晶6芯针脚定义针脚定义①①-RX .②-TX .③-GND .④VCC.⑤-BL (参考)IC:AVL1108EG+HTV903F+5812松下科技星668E 2晶6芯IC:HV903+AVL1108E+5812松下科技星松下科技星//海尔数码海尔数码//海信数码单双晶6芯IC:Hi2023E+Hi3102(Hi3121)+5812松下科技星TDX-668B 2晶6芯针脚定义①-RXD .②-TXD .③-GND .④VCC.⑤-BL (参考)IC:Hi2023+AVL1108+5812+25L8005松下高清SX1683晶6芯IC:HTV903F+AVL1108+AV2020松下数码王P-269A 2晶6芯IC:Hi2023E+Hi3122+AV2020松下高清OST1682晶10芯IC:Hi2023E+Hi3121+AV2020松下科技PS-22811芯IC:Hi2023+Hi3122+5812松下科技PS-2282晶6芯IC:M88VS2000+M88TS2020+ES261474K 松下科技PS-2281晶12芯N88VS2000+ES261344K+M88TS2020高频头+T25P80+S163816STS 松下科技PS-2282晶IC:HTV903+1108+2020松下科技PS-2282晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1211+5812松下数码王OST-26610芯(4针)针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD ③-TXD ④VCC (参考)IC:Hi2023E+Hi3106+2020松下数码王OST-2662晶6芯IC:M88VS2000+M88TS2020+261414k+25F80松下数码王OST-2662晶6芯IC:Hi2023E+Hi3102E+M88TS2020+MXT8211松下高清OST-4662晶10芯IC:Hi2023e+Hi3121+MBBTS2020+MBDA80CG 松下科技星3晶6芯IC:Hi2023+AVL1108+WGCE5037+6芯IC:Hi2023E+Hi3102(3121)+5812海信数码单双晶+6松下科技星海尔数码..海信数码单双晶松下科技星..海尔数码中星科技单晶14芯IC:Hi2023E+1108+5812+25L8单晶14芯中星科技ZG-N0212芯IC:GX3001+AV2020中星科技2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND②-RXD③-TXD④VCC(亲IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+5812+M12L64164A 测)中兴科技ABS-S3232晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+HI3102E+5812+M12L64164A村村通ABS-S323-2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND②-RXD③-TXD④VCC(亲IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3122E+5812测)村村通2晶6芯IC:HN4+0001+5812村村通ZL51881晶13芯IC:HTV903+1108+SHARP高频头村村通ZL-5188A2晶11芯IC:HTV903+AVL1108+RDK5812 村村通ZL-5188B2晶13芯IC:HTV903+AVL1108+RDK5812 村村通ZL-5188B2晶10芯IC:HTV903+AVL1108EGA+5812 村村通ZL5188B1晶13芯IC:HTV903+AV1108+SHARP6306 夏普头S7ZH6306村村通ZJ-11IC:HTV903+1108+IC:HTV903+1108+夏普头村村通wx-6663晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+RDK5812村村通ZL-61882晶10芯IC:HTV903+AVL1108EGA+5812村村通ZL-6188C10芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+RDK5812(铁壳)3晶12芯IC:AVL1108EG+HTV903F+AV2020村村通DTHDTH(铁壳)村村通0013晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+RDK5812村村通ABS-S GD-10083晶10芯IC:Hi2023E+AVL1108E+ZL10037+F16-100HIP 村村通ABS-S888A IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+ET8211+RDA5812+25X80视美人ABS-S PS-12882晶10芯IC:Hi3102E+Hi2023EC+AV2020视美人PS-1288ICM88VS2000+ES256454K+M88TS2020视美人2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+3106+AV2020太平鸟HJ3213晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+TS2020针脚定义①-GND.②-RXD.③-TXD.④VCC(参考)太平鸟HJ3213晶11芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812焦点yj58882晶10芯IC:HTV903+AVL1108+RDA5812幸运之星YJ59882晶10芯IC:HTV903F+AVL1108EGa+AV2020克莱尔HT7011晶10芯IC:AVL1108EG+HTV903F+M88TS2000中电电子J-6288ABS-S 3晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812小福星3晶11芯针脚定义①-GND .②-(空).③-RXD .④-TXD (参考)IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812东仕DIS-2000K 单晶10芯IC:HTV903F+AVL1108E+AV2020Souy Ericsson 英文机2晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+AV2020高斯贝尔高斯贝尔//歌德威尔ABS-208F 3晶14芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC .⑤-BL -BL(亲测)(亲测)IC:AVL1108EG+Hi2023+5812高斯贝尔ABS-2081晶14芯(5针).针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC .⑤-BL -BL(亲测)(亲测)IC:AVL1108EG+Hi2023+5812歌德威尔ABS-208H/ABS-208H/高斯贝尔高斯贝尔208P 3晶14芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC .(亲测)IC:M3330E+AVL1108EG+AV2020+M12L64164高斯贝尔ABS-208P/ABS-208P/歌德威尔歌德威尔208H 1晶14芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC .⑤-BL -BL(亲测)(亲测)IC:AVL1108EGi+Hi2023+5812高斯贝尔ABS-208P/ABS-208P/歌德威尔歌德威尔208H 1晶14芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC (亲测)IC:M3330E+AVL1108EG+AV2020+M12L64164A 高斯贝尔ABS ABS——208F IC:Hi2023+AVL1108EGA+M88TS2020高斯贝尔ABS ABS——2082晶14芯IC:HTV903+1108+5812吉祥ABS-208C IC:Hi2023+AVL1108EGa+GST GAIM-18R ABS-STUNER吉祥ABS-2009B3晶14芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+RDK5812吉祥ABS-2009大铁壳2晶IC:GX3001+GX1121+IC:GX3001+GX1121+夏普高频头夏普高频头ABS-20092晶12芯IC:HTV903+1108+GAIM-18R 歌德威尔ABS-2083晶6芯IC:D61216GJ+1108+5812歌德威尔ABS-2083晶14芯(9针接口)IC:M3330+1108+5812高斯贝尔ABS-2083晶(9针母串口)IC:AVL1108+Hi2023+GAIM-18R高斯贝尔ABS-208N 铁壳(9针母串口)IC:D61216GJ100+AVL1108EG+S29AL016D70TF102+ISSI IC42s16400F高斯贝尔ABS-208IC:D61216GJ+AV1108+29AL016D+5812高斯贝尔ABS-208S1晶IC:NEC D61216GJ+AVL1108EGa+D61216GJ+AVL1108EGa+高频头高频头高斯贝尔ABS-208Q 1晶14芯IC:AVL1108EGA+M3330E+M12L64164A+AV2020ABS-S LX-3688A 1晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812现代V4V4、、V53晶9芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812+EN25D80+HY57V641620ETP-6 集信科技V6铁壳(海尔机芯)3晶9芯针脚定义①VCC .②-TXD .③-RXD .④-GND (亲测)IC:1108EG(Hi3121)+Hi2023+5812.集信科技V4.V6V4.V6(铁壳)(铁壳)2晶9芯(B 型)针脚定义①VCC .②-RXD .③-TXD .④-GND(亲测)IC:0001(GX3001)+HN4F74+5812集信科技V4.V6.V6(铁壳)(铁壳)2晶10芯针脚定义①VCC.②-RXD .③-TXD .④-GND (亲测)IC:00001(GX3001)+HN4LSW+S6416AHTA+5812集信科技V4.V6V4.V6(铁壳)(铁壳)IC:HN4LSW+S6416AHTA-6BZH+EN25F80-1000CP+5812集信科技V4.V6V4.V6(铁壳)(铁壳)IC:0002P1M43700ta06+5812+EN25F80+TM8211+POL4558 集信科技V4.V51晶10芯(A 型)针脚定义①VCC .②-RXD .③-TXD .④-GND (亲测)IC:0002(GX6121)+5812+M12L64164A 艾雷特2晶10芯IC:M88VS2000+ES256454K+M88TS2020艾雷特V5IC:HN4F910931M2EE+0001G1K729-1TA060932+5812艾雷特ALT5812IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812艾雷特ALT600A 2晶11芯IC:M3330E+AVL108的+夏普高频头艾雷特ALT600A/ALT600A/吉祥吉祥ABS-20092晶IC:GX3001+GX1121-ES29L160FB+SHARP 高频头艾雷特ALT600G IC:HTV903+AVL1108+25L160+ST2020(Y32S-8BAT 081113)艾雷特ALT68121晶10芯IC:GX6121+RDA5812+ZB-1A 艾雷特ALT68151晶10芯IC:GX6121-RDA5812-2B-1A 艾雷特ALT78153晶10芯IC:GX3001+1121+TS2020艾雷特1000黑珍珠V4.V51晶10芯IC:0002(GX6121)+EEPLDA+5812+M12L64164A 艾雷特alt 78123晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812艾雷特ALT78123晶11芯针脚定义①VCC .②-RXD .③-TXD .④-GND (参考)IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812艾雷特ALT600c 2晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812艾雷特ALT600c 2晶11芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812艾雷特ALT600c 1晶11芯IC:CH216H+AVL1108+C6XS-8CA深圳亿通DVB-V510芯IC:HN4N46+EN25F80+G1N540-1TA06+IS42S16400-7T+5812亿通电子WS-3688ZL1晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+AV2020中大WS-3688ZJ (铁壳)1晶10芯针脚定义①-GND .②-RXD .③-TXD .④VCC (亲测)IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+AV2020中大WS-3688ZJ (铁壳)2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+AVL1108EG+IC:Hi2023+AVL1108EG+夏普高频头夏普高频头皇视HSR-208A 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023E+AVL1108EG+AV2020皇视HSR-208B 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+1108+2020皇视HSR-208B 单晶10芯IC:3330+1108+2020皇视HSR-208B 单晶10芯针脚定义①-GND ②-TXD ③-RXD ④-VCC (参考)IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102+AV2020皇视HSR-20902晶11芯IC:Hi2023+1108EGa+IC:Hi2023+1108EGa+夏普头夏普头夏普头++EN29LV160++EN29LV160皇视HSR-210A 单晶6芯IC:Hi2023ec+Hi3122e+AV2020皇视HSR-260A 铁盒2晶10芯IC:Hi+1108+SHARP 夏普头皇视HRS-2683晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+AV2020皇视HRS-2682晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+5812皇视HSR-268单晶10线IC:HTV903+AVL1108+5812皇视HSR-268单晶10线IC:Hi2023+Hi3121+AV2020皇视HRS-2683晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+AVL1108+5812皇视HSR-260B 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023+1108+2020皇视HSR-260B/HSR-260B/索尼高清索尼高清2581晶10芯IC:2023E+3121+AV2020皇视HSR-260B 3晶10芯IC:HI2023+1108+5812皇朝HSR-26810芯IC:Hi2023+AVL1108+5812凯恩斯KES-2066S 6芯针脚定义①-TXD .②-RXD .③VCC .④-GND .⑤-BL (参考)IC:Hi3122E+Hi2023ECE+N25F80凯恩斯KES-2077Z 1晶6芯针脚定义①-TXD .②-RXD .③VCC .④-GND .⑤-BL (参考)IC:Hi2023EC+3122E+5812凯恩斯2077ABS2晶10芯IC:M3330+AVL1108+5812凯恩斯2077ABS 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+1108E+5812+25L800凯恩斯KES-2088S 2晶6芯IC:Hi2023EC+HI3102E+RDA5812凯恩斯KES-2088S 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+HI3102E+RDA5812凯恩斯KES-2088S 2晶6芯IC:Hi2023EC+HI3122E+RDA5812针脚定义①-TXD.②-RXD.③VCC.④-GND.⑤-BL(参考)凯恩斯KES-2088Z(5针)IC:Hi2023EC+HI3102E+RDA5812针脚定义①-TXD.②-RXD.③VCC.④-GND.⑤-BL(参考)凯恩斯KES-2099S2晶6芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+5812+25L80凯恩斯KES-2188T3晶10芯IC:Hi2023+1108+5812凯恩斯KES-2188T3晶12芯IC:Hi2023+1108E+5037凯恩斯KES-2288S3晶10芯IC:M3330E+AVL1108+RDA5812+M12L64164A 凯恩斯KES-2688b2晶10芯IC:Hi2023e+1108e+5812凯恩斯KES-2688S2晶10芯IC:Hi2023e+1108e+5812凯恩斯KES-2788S3晶10芯IC:Hi2023E+AVL1108EGa+5812 凯恩斯KES-2788S2晶6芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3122E+5812凯恩斯KES-518811芯IC:HTV903+AVL1108EGA+AV2020凯恩斯KES-5188A铁盒2晶10芯IC:HTV903F+AVL1108+RDK5812+F80+PT8211凯恩斯KES-5188B2晶13芯IC:HTV903+RDA5812+AVL1108+8211+F80美路3晶13芯IC:Hi2023E+1108+2119美路2晶12芯IC:GX3003+GX1121+5812高频头MAX2119C美路MR-1809IC:Hi2023E+AVL1108E+IC:Hi2023E+AVL1108E+高频头美路MR-5598铁壳3晶12芯IC:GX3003+GX1121+5812美路MR-55983晶12芯IC:Hi2023E+1108+2119C针脚定义①VCC.②-RXD.③-TXD.④-GND参考))(参考-5798IC:Hi2023E+1108+2119C美路美路-5798-5598IC:Hi2023+1108+GAIM-18R+29lv160美路美路-5598ZY5518A2晶10芯IC:Hi2023E+3102E+5812万利达ZY-5518A1晶6芯(5针)IC:Hi2023E+Hi3102E+5812 万利达ZY-5518A2晶10芯IC:CX3001+GX1121+5812万利达ZY-5518A3晶10芯(9针接口)IC:Hi2023+1108+5812 长虹新一代3晶10芯IC:HI2023E+1108E+FL016ALF长虹新一代,海尔数码、海信数码单双晶体IC:HI2023E+3102(3121)+58126芯长虹数码CH9303晶12芯IC:HTV903F+1108+AV2020+M80 长虹精品TC-6688ABS2晶10芯IC:HTV903+AVL1108EG+5812 长虹精工YJ59781晶10芯IC:HTV903F+1108EGa+2000+F80-100+8211长虹KES-2099S2晶5芯IC:Hi2023+Hi3102E+5812长虹KES2晶6芯IC:Hi2023+Hi3102+5812长虹CH9203晶6芯IC:HTV903F+1108EGa+AV2020+25L80 航天天信WTD198J2晶12芯(9针接口)IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812+ES29LV160FB-70TG 航天珠江WTD-198J2晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812航天珠江ABS-209B IC:GX3001+GX1121++WGSE5037航天数码ABS-38092晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812夏普头IC:Hi2023+1108+夏普头航天直播HT-1683晶12芯IC:Hi2023+1108+-HS-1662晶12芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+RDA5812航天高清王航天高清王-HS-166航天高清王HS-1692晶12芯针脚定义①-GND.②-TX.③-RX.④-VCCIC:Hi2023EC+3122+5812(参考)天诚TCD-2192晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+5812天诚TCD-219ABS2晶10芯IC:M3330E+AVL1108EGA+5812 天诚TCD-299Z2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+3206+5812天诚TD-299Z2晶5芯IC:Hi2023+3206+5812天诚TD-29922晶6芯IC:Hi3122E+Hi2023E+5812+F80+MXT8211天诚5392晶10芯IC:HTV903+AV1108+5812天诚519型2晶10芯IC:HTV903+1108E+5812天诚TCD-239ABS3晶10芯IC:M3330+1108+5812天诚TCD-239ABS2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+1108E+5812天诚TCD-2392晶10芯IC:M3330E+1108E+5812天诚TCD-2792晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+5812天诚TCD-299ABS2晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+5812天诚TCD-319ABS3晶10芯IC:Hi2023E0914+AVL1108EGa+RDA5812天诚TCD-319ABS3晶12芯IC:Hi2302+AVL1108+5037天诚TCD-369ABS3晶10芯IC:Hi2023+1108+5812天诚TCD-369ABS3晶10芯IC:M3330E+1108+5812天诚TCD-369ABS3晶5芯IC:Hi2023+1108+WCGE5037天诚TCD-509ABS3晶10芯IC:M3330E-AVL1108EGa-5812天诚TCD-509ABS10芯(5针)IC:Hi2023+AVL1108+5812+M12L6416A天诚TCD-539ABS2晶10芯(5针)IC:M3330E+AVL1108+25L80+5812针脚定义①-RX.②-TX.③VCC.④-GND.⑤-BL(参考)天诚TCD-579ABS 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+Hi1108+5812天诚TCD-579ABS 3晶10芯IC:HiM3330+AVL1108EGa+RDA5812天诚TCD-589ABS 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023+1108+5812天诚TCD-689ABS 铁壳机2晶12芯(9针接针接口口)IC:Hi2023+AVL1108+IC:Hi2023+AVL1108+夏普头夏普头天诚TC-ABS1108A11芯IC:Hi2023EC+AVL1108+5812TCD--239ABS 2晶10芯IC:M3330E+AVL1108E+5812TCD-339ABS 3晶10芯(9针接口)IC:Hi2023+1108+5812TCD-509ABS 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023E0915+AVL1108EGa+RDA5812TCD-509ABS 2晶10芯(5针)IC:Hi2023EC+HI3121+5812TCD-519ABS 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+AVL1108+5812TCD-5992晶10芯IC:M3330+AVL1008+5812TCD-219ABS 2晶振10芯针脚定义①-TXD .②-RXD .③-VCC .④-GND .⑤-BL (参考)IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+5812爱普思DVB-25683晶10芯IC:HTV903+1121+2020卓异5518A 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023E+1108+5812卓异5518A 5518A(铁壳)(铁壳)3晶11芯IC:Hi2023E+1108+5812卓异5518A 5518A(铁壳)(铁壳)2晶11芯(9针接口)IC:Hi2023+1108+IC:Hi2023+1108+夏普独立高频头夏普独立高频头卓异5518A G 1晶10芯爱百信针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC (参考)IC:HTV903+AVL1108+5812卓异ZY-5518A G 驰骋天下针脚定义①-GND .②-RXD .③-TXD .④VCC (参考)IC:HTV903+AVL1108+5812+F80卓异5518AG 2晶11芯针脚定义①-GND .②-RXD .③-TXD .④VCC ⑤-BL (参考)IC:Hi2023E+1108+5812卓异ZY-5518A H 春1晶6芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC (参考)IC:GX3001+5812+25L8005卓异ZY-5518A H 春2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-R XD .④VCC .⑤-BL -BL(参考)(参考)IC:Hi2023E+HI3121+5812+F25L008A卓异ZY-5518A H 秋针脚定义①-GND .②-RXD .③-TXD .④VCC (参考)升级接口在内部PCB 上IC:GX6121+5812+F80卓异ZY-5518A H 秋1晶10芯针脚定义①-GND .②-RXD .③-TXD .④VCCIC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+5812+F80-100⑤-BL (参考)卓异ZY-5518A H 至尊王牌2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC (参考)IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812+25L8005卓异ZY-5518A H 财富2晶6芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC .⑤-BL -BL(参考)(参考)IC:IC:芯片掩磨芯片掩磨芯片掩磨+5812+80L100 +5812+80L100绿达PS-12883晶12芯IC:Hi2023E+ABS090520+M88TS2020绿达PS-12882晶12芯IC:Hi2023+Hi3021+AV2020绿达视美人绿达视美人\\卓异1晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+2020绿达金统帅3晶10芯IC:M3330+1108+5812三星DQ88/DQ66IC:HTV903F+AVL1108+AV2020三星高清王2晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812三星高清DQ883晶12芯IC:HTV903F+AVL1108+AV2020三星数码王TDX668B 2晶6芯针脚定义针脚定义①①-RXD .②-TXD .③-GND .④VCC.⑤-BL (参考)IC:Hi2023+1108+5812三星数码王TDX668B 2晶6芯IC:HTV903F+AVL1108E+5812三星数码王668C 2晶6芯IC:HTV903F+AVL1108E+5812三星数码王TDX668E 1晶6芯IC:Hi2023EC+3102C+5812三星HSR-208C 1晶10芯IC:Hi2023E+Hi3102+MXT8211+AV2020+F25L08pA三星小霸王ABS-S 20092晶10芯IC:CX3001+CX1121+5812三星小霸王2900(9针接口)IC:Hi2023E+AVL1108+MAX2119三星王国三星王国-KL6350-KL63501晶11芯IC:HTV903+AVL1108EGa+EDA5812开门红KSP6382晶10芯IC:HTV903F+AVL1108E+AV2020开门红KSP6381晶10芯IC:CT216H+AVL1108EGa+AV2020日立创新TDX-668B 2晶6芯针脚定义针脚定义①①-RXD .②-TXD .③-GND .④VCC.⑤-BL (参考)IC:Hi2023+AVL1108+5812志高之星HS1662晶12芯IC:Hi3102+Hi2023+5812志高之星HS1692晶12芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3012E+RDA5812A+EM638165TS-6G金牛ABS-11083晶10芯IC:Hi2023+1108+5812小灵通2晶6线IC:Hi2023+1108+5812福临门ABS-S 3晶9线IC:GX1121+GX3001+5812C60S-93AT 单晶10芯IC:CT216H+AVL1108EGa+AV2020ABS-2301单晶10芯针脚定义①-GND.-GND.②②-TXD.-TXD.③③-RX .④VCC (参考)IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3211E+5812+25L8005其乐达CT2162晶10芯IC:CT216+1108+AV2020科海62281晶11芯IC:HTV903+AVL1108EGa+RDa5812+25X16AVSIG 科海6228-CT216H 1晶11芯IC:CT216H+1108EGa+M88TS2020科海C623S-91AT 单晶10芯IC:CT210H+AVL1108+2020科海炫彩6888 IC:HTV903+AVL1108EGa+RDa5812科海28882888(小天使)(小天使)(小天使)22晶10芯IC:HTV903+AVL1108EGa+RDa5812大旗9203晶12芯IC:HTV903+AVL1108+AV2020大旗DQ9203晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812+25X16大旗9303晶12芯IC:HTV903+AVL1108+AV2020众昌电子ABS ABS——20882晶10芯IC:Hi2023+AVL1108+5812众昌电子ABS-20872晶10芯IC:M3330+AVL1108+5812创维S6003晶IC:M3330E+AVL1108E+5812创维新一代3晶10芯IC:Hi2023E+1108+5037+FL016A 中广通XC-B1883晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812深圳知音ABSTAR KT-23093晶10芯IC:Hi2023+AVL1108E+5812知音科技ABSTAR KT1028H 2晶振10芯IC:Hi2023+AVL1108+GST GAIM-18R 铁壳ABS-20092晶11芯IC:Hi2023+1108+IC:Hi2023+1108+夏普头夏普头王牌数码OST-3662晶6芯针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD .③-TXD .④VCC (参考)IC:Hi3102+Hi2023EC+AV2020王牌数码王GM-ABS1108A 2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC (参考)IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812+25L8005王牌数码王GM-ABS1108A10芯IC:Hi2023+AVL1108+5812JIXIANG ABS-2082晶14芯(9针接口)IC:Hi2023+1108+GST GAIM-18R ABS TUNER 夏普头JIXIANG-ABS2082晶IC:D6121+1108+GST 高频头East Star2晶10芯IC:M3330-1108-GST GAIM-18R 高频头小福星abs 20083晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1211+5812通达C60S-93AT/C62S-91AT 1晶10芯IC:CT216H+AVL1108E+2020威特斯ZL-5188A 2晶13芯IC:HTV903+AVL1108+RDK5812威特斯ZL-5188B2晶11芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812迷你星3晶13芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812+F16-100HIP 高星HS-3123晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812北大高科3晶9芯IC:GX3001+GX1211+5812思达科ABS-S801型2晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5810思达科ABS-S802G2晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1211+5812思达科ABS-S803A1晶10芯IC:AVL1118+AV2020+25D80V 思达科ABS-S803G IC:GX3001+GX1211+5812思达科ABS-S806H IC:GX3001+GX1211+5812思达科ABS-S806H IC:AVL1118+AV2020+DSD4M16G思达科ABS-S806H IC:HN4J7G+G2A954+5812+25X80思达科ABS-S8071晶5芯IC:AVL1118a+AV2020+806H金霸王JBW-66882晶11芯IC:HTV903F+AVL1108EGa+AV2020+8211金霸王JBW-6688IC:GX3001+GX1211+5812阿德尔ADE-168IC:HY903+AVL1108EG+AV2020阿德尔ADE131金刚IC:HTV903F+AVL1108E+M88TS2020海西小霸王TD299Z2晶6芯IC:Hi2023E+Hi3122+5812同洲CY-668S1晶12芯IC:HM1512+1108+5812喜旺ABS5398IC:Hi2023+1108E+MAX2119C喜旺ABS-579812芯IC:GX3001+GX1211+5812喜旺ABS-38092晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+RDA5812希旺5982晶12芯(9针接口)IC:Hi2023+1108+SHRP高频头彩虹视霸CY841晶10芯IC:HTV903F+AVL1108+M88TS2020 彩虹视霸A10S-9AAT1晶10芯IC:AVL1118+SM42S16400B1-7+F80九洲村村通DVS-398F IC:CT216H+ALV1108+SHRP高频头铁壳高频头IC:Hi2023+AVL1108+铁壳高频头金星ABS-2081晶14芯IC:Hi2023+AVL1108+威克2晶6芯(5针)IC:HTV903+1108+5812华尔HR731A13晶12芯IC:CX3001+CX1121+SHARP高频头爱普斯3晶9芯IC:HTV903+AV2020+AVL1108EG爱普斯25683晶10芯IC:HTV903+AV2020+AVL1108EG爱普斯IC:GX3001+GX1211+AV2020+2J10X未来视佳ADEI883晶9芯IC:HTV903F+AV2020+AVL1108EG 黑金刚TRT0061晶10芯IC:AVL1118+AV2020+4558+F80-100 DX-6682晶10芯针脚定义①-RXD.②-TXD.③VCC.④-GND.⑤-BL(参考)IC:Hi2023EC_Hi3102E+5812+F80-100傲天海傲天海--吉祥2晶12芯针脚定义①-GND②-RXD③-TXD④VCC(参考)IC:GX3001+GX1121+RDA5812高频头高频头+P8075+P8075火星漫步LJ60081晶10芯IC:HTV903F+AVL1108+M88TS2020+F80-100王牌新一代TD-299Z针脚定义①-.②-TXD.③-RXD.④-GND⑤-(参考)IC:Hi2023E+Hi3122+5812王牌HJ3603晶10芯IC:GX1120+GX3001+TS2020TVWALKER ABS-20081晶6芯IC:D61216GJ+1108E+SHARP 头吉祥988(ZJ-111ZJ-111))1晶11芯IC:HTV903+1108++1108+高频头高频头北京北电科林3晶12芯IC:Hi2023+AVL1108EGa+SHARP高频头家家福BEX8111晶10芯IC:24645K2+M88VS2000+M88TS2020家家福ADE158IC:HTV903+AVL1108+M88TS2020华星科技2晶IC:Hi2023+AVL1108+5812亚视达ABR-SABR-S((H11H11))2晶10芯IC:HTV903+1108E+AV2020HSTAR3晶10芯IC:Hi2023+AVL1108EGa+M88IS2020长江电讯ABS-2008型铁壳(9针接口)IC:D61216GJ+AVL1108EG+IC:D61216GJ+AVL1108EG+夏普头夏普头全家福3晶IC:Hi2023E+AVL1108EG+M88TS2020畅想BEX8181晶10芯IC:HTV903+AVL1108+AV2020必佳GF-9012晶10芯针脚定义①-GND.②-RXD.③-TXD.④VCC(参考)IC:HTV903+1108+AV2020KSP600G飓风飓风((华亚华亚))2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND②-TXD③-RXD④VCC(参考)IC:HTV903+1108+M88TS2020+25D80万家乐TB002(5针)IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+M88TS2020+25X80AV 万家乐2晶6芯IC:M3330+ALi1108+5812+F80-75奥伟科技ABS-8003晶(9针接口)IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812 奥伟科技ABS-900E2晶12芯IC:CT216+AVL1108+IC:CT216+AVL1108+独立高频头独立高频头GAIR-08R 天眼HSTER3晶10芯IC:Hi2023E+AVL1108+5812飞翔ADE3512晶10芯IC:HTV903F+AVL1108EG+M88TS2000 星视通XC-B2681晶10芯IC:HTV903+AVL1108+5812星视通XC-C2681晶11芯IC:HTV903AVL11085812奥维科技ABS-6003晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+AV2020GM-210825A3晶10芯IC:Hi2023+AV1108+5812GM-210825A2晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812中国结TRT0051晶10芯IC:M88VS2000+256454K+M88TS2020万视达118S3晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121E+5812足球王国ADE2661晶10芯IC:HTV903F+AVL1108Ga+M88T52000摩托罗拉IC:HM1521+AVL1108+5812现代数码TDX-668B2晶6芯IC:AVL1108EG+HI2023EC+5812 国科广电GKA800(9孔串口)IC:GX3001+AVL1108+EN29LV160AB+IC:GX3001+AVL1108+EN29LV160AB+夏普头夏普头心语BEX83810芯IC:HTV903F+AVL1108+5812心语BEX8382晶10芯IC:HTV903F+AVL1108+m88ts2020+GH8211美万嘉MJ-518S3晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+RDK5812SVA CH-67882晶IC:M88VS2000+ES255624K+M88TS2020+EN25F80 +AMS1117 数码新一代HT7022晶10芯IC:HTV903F+1108+M88TS2020 飓风KSP600G2晶10芯IC:HTV903+AVL1108+2020板号CH-ABS-S-VS2000-V1.12晶6芯IC:2000+2020+255624K 斯威特ZL-5188A1晶13芯IC:2HTV903+AVL1108EGA+IC:2HTV903+AVL1108EGA+夏普高频头夏普高频头中国星2晶6芯IC:ALI3330+ALi1108+5812+F80-75Ji Xiang208版号ABS-A005B.M3晶6芯IC:D61216GJ100+AVL1108+S29AL016070TF102+ MAXIM2119C 欧士达209B10芯IC:GX1121+GX3001+5037。



3.3V 400mA/250mA +Low Dropout RegulatorFeaturesDropout voltage typically 0.8V @ I O = 400mA/250mA +Output current in excess of 400mA / 250mA +Output voltage accuracy +2%Quiescent current, typically 0.6mA Internal short circuit current limit Internal over temperature protectionGeneral DescriptionThe G910/G911 positive 3.3V voltage regulator fea-tures the ability to source 400mA/ 250mA + of output current with a dropout voltage of typically 0.8V. A low quiescent current is provided. The typical quiescent current is 0.6mA.[+For µTO-92 & TO-92 package ]Familiar regulator features such as over temperature and over current protection circuits are provided to prevent it from being damaged by abnormal operating conditions.Ordering InformationPIN OPTIONORDER NUMBERPACKAGE TYPE1 2 3G910T21U SOT 89 V OUT GND V IN G911T24U SOT 89 GND V IN V OUT G910T65U SOT 223 V IN GND V OUT G910TD 1B TO92 V OUT GND V IN G911TD 4B TO92 GND V IN V OUT G910T81B µTO92 V OUT GND V IN G911T84B µTO92 GND V IN V OUT G911T85B µTO92 V IN GND V OUT* For other package types, pin options and package, please contact us at sales @Order Number IdentificationType Pin Option Type Part NumberPACKAGE TYPEPIN OPTIONPACKINGT2 : SOT 89 1 2 3U & D : Tape & Reel DirectionT6 : SOT 223 1 : V OUT GNDV IN T : Tube T7 : SOT 23 2 : V OUTV IN GND B : Bag T8 : µTO92 3 : GND V OUTV IN TD : TO924 : GND V IN V OUT5 : V IN GNDV OUT6 : V INV OUT GNDTypical Application Package Type[Note 4]: Type of C OUTµTO 92 SOT 89V 3、TO92SOT 23、223OUTAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)Input Voltage………………………………………….10V Power Dissipation Internally Limited (Note2) Maximum Junction Temperature…………………150°C Storage Temperature Range..……-65°C ≤ T J ≤+150°C Lead Temperature, Time for Wave SolderingSOT89, SOT223, µTO92 Package……..…...260°C, 4s Continuous Power Dissipation (T A = + 25°C)SOT 89(1)………………………….…………………..0.5W SOT 223(1)……………………….……………………0.8W µTO 92 & TO 92 (1)…………….……………………..0.5WNote (1): See Recommended Minimum Footprint.Operating Conditions (Note 1)Input Voltage…………………………..…..………4V ~ 7V Temperature Range………………….….0°C ≤ T J ≤125°CElectrical CharacteristicsV IN =5V, I O = 400mA/250mA+, C IN =10µF, C OUT =10µF. All specifications apply for T A = T J = 25°C.[Note 3]PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS5mA < I O <400mA Output Voltage 5mA < I O <250mA + 3.234 3.3 3.366 V Line Regulation4V < V IN < 7V, I O = 10mA10 30 mV 10mA < I O < 400mA 42 60Load Regulation 10mA < I O <250mA +28 45mVOutput Impedance 100mA DC and 100mA AC, f O = 120Hz 102 m Ω Quiescent Current V IN = 5V 0.6 mA Ripple Rejection f i = 120 Hz, 1V P-P , Io = 100mA 42 dBI O = 400mA 0.65I O =250mA +0.35 V Dropout VoltageI O = 50mA 50 100 mVV IN = 4.5V, mounted on SOT 89 rec-ommended minimum footprint400 Output Current Continuous TestT A = 25°C, T J < 125°C, V OUT within ±2% (Note 2) V IN = 5.2V, µTO 92 & TO 92 package 0.53 inch leads soldered to PC Board250+mAShort Circuit Current 0.77 A Over Temperature 125 °C [+for µTO-92 & TO-92 Package ]Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings are limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Conditions areconditions under which the device functions but the specifications might not be guaranteed. For guaranteed speci-fications and test conditions see the Electrical Characteristics.Note 2: The maximum power dissipation is a function of the maximum junction temperature, T Jmax ; total thermal resis-tance, θJA , and ambient temperature T A . The maximum allowable power dissipation at any ambient temperature isT jmax -T A / θJA . If this dissipation is exceeded, the die temperature will rise above 150°C and IC will go into thermal shutdown. For the G910 in SOT 89 package & µTO 92,TO 92, θJA is 250°C/W and in the SOT-223 package is 156°C/W (See Recommended Minimum Footprint). The safe operation in SOT 89,µTO 92,TO 92 & SOT 223 package, it can see “Typical Performance Characteristics” (Safe Operating Area).Note3: Low duty pulse techniques are used during test to maintain junction temperature as close to ambient as possible. Note4: The type of output capacitor should be tantalum or aluminum.DefinitionsDropout VoltageThe input/output Voltage differential at which the regu-lator output no longer maintains regulation against further reductions in input voltage. Measured when the output drops 100mV below its nominal value, dropout voltage is affected by junction temperature, load cur-rent and minimum input supply requirements.Line RegulationThe change in output voltage for a change in input volt-age. The measurement is made under conditions of low dissipation or by using pulse techniques such that av-erage chip temperature is not significantly affected.Load RegulationThe change in output voltage for a change in load current at constant chip temperature. The measure-ment is made under conditions of low dissipation or by using pulse techniques such that average chip tem-perature is not significantly affected.Maximum Power DissipationThe maximum total device dissipation for which the regulator will operate within specifications.Quiescent Bias CurrentCurrent which is used to operate the regulator chip and is not delivered to the load.(V IN =5V , C IN =1µF , C OUT =10µF, T A =25°C , unless otherwise noted.)Ch1: Vout (offset=3.30V)Ch1: Iout (400mA/div)Ch2: Vin (offset=5.0V)Ch2: Vout (offset=3.30V)Iout=100mAGround Current vs. Load CurrentLine TransientLoad Transient(V IN=5V, C IN=1µF, C OUT =10µF, T A=25°C, unless otherwise noted.) Recommended Minimum FootprintPackage InformationSOT- 89 (T2) PackageDIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS DIMENSIONS IN INCHESSYMBOLSMIN NOM MAX MIN NOM MAXA 1.40 1.50 1.60 0.055 0.059 0.063 A1 0.80 1.04 ----- 0.031 0.041 ----- b 0.36 0.42 0.48 0.014 0.0160.048 b1 0.41 0.47 0.53 0.016 0.018 0.020 C 038 0.40 0.43 0.014 0.015 0.017 D 4.40 4.50 4.60 0.173 0.177 0.181 D1 1.40 1.60 1.75 0.055 0.062 0.069 HE ----- ----- 4.25 ----- ----- 0.167 E 2.40 2.50 2.60 0.094 0.098 0.102 e 2.90 3.00 3.10 0.114 0.118 0.122SOT-223 (T6) PackageMILLIMETERS INCHES SYMBOLSMIN MAX MIN MAXA 1.551.80 0.061 0.071 A1 0.02 0.12 0.0008 0.0047 B 0.60 0.80 0.024 0.031 B12.903.10 0.114 0.122 C 0.240.32 0.009 0.013 D 6.30 6.70 0.248 0.264 E 3.30 3.70 0.130 0.146 e 2.30 BSC0.090 BSC e1 4.60 BSC 0.181 BSC H 6.70 7.30 0.264 0.287 L 0.90 MIN0.036 MINL2 0.06 BSC 0.0024 BSCα0º 10º 0º 10º°(4X)α(4X)SOT-23 (T7) PackageNote:1.Package body sizes exclude mold flash protrusions or gate burrs2.Tolerance ±0.1000 mm (4mil) unless otherwise specified3.Coplanarity: 0.1000mm4.Dimension L is measured in gage planeDIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERSSYMBOLSMIN NOM MAXA 1.00 1.10 1.30 A1 0.00 ----- 0.10 A2 0.70 0.80 0.90 b 0.35 0.40 0.50 C 0.10 0.15 0.25 D 2.70 2.90 3.10 E 1.40 1.60 1.80 e ----- 1.90(TYP) ----- H 2.60 2.80 3.00 L 0.37 ------ ----- θ11º 5º 9ºθ1A1µTO-92 (T8) PackageDIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS DIMENSIONS IN INCHESSYMBOLSMIN NOM MAX MIN NOM MAXA 2.40 2.50 2.60 0.094 0.098 0.102 A1 0.70 0.80 0.90 0.028 0.032 0.036 b 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.014 0.018 0.022 C ----- 0.40 ----- ----- 0.016 ----- D 2.80 3.00 3.20 0.110 0.118 0.126 E 3.80 4.00 4.20 0.149 0.157 0.165 e ----- 1.27 ----- ----- 0.050 ----- F 1.91 2.11 2.31 0.0750.083 0.091 G 3.35 3.55 3.75 0.132 0.1400.148 H 0.00 ----- 0.15 0.000 ----- 0.006L 13.80 14.00 14.20 0.543 0.551 0.559 θ1 ----- 2° ----- ----- 2° ----- θ2 ----- 5° ----- ----- 5° -----TO-92 (TD) PackageMILLIMETERS INCHESSYMBOLSMIN MAX MIN MAXA 3.35 3.86 0.132 0.152 A1 1.0414 1.55 0.041 0.061 b 0.254 0.508 0.010 0.020 E 4.34 4.85 0.171 0.191 C 0.254 0.508 0.010 0.020 L 14.53 15.04 0.572 0.592 e 1.143 1.397 0.045 0.055 G 3.683 4.191 0.145 0.165 D 4.29 4.80 0.169 0.189 D1 4.34 4.85 0.1710.191Package OrientationGMT Inc. does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described, no circuit patent licenses are implied and GMT Inc. reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.SOT 89、223 Package Orientation SOT 23 Package Orientation。










1.静环O型圈2.静环座3.静环4.动环5.动环O型圈6.动环座7.传动座8.弹簧9.石墨静环或碳化硅静环 10.静环橡胶座主要技术参数适用压力:≤1 Mpa适用温度:-20℃~180℃电机转速:轴径≤45≤3000转/分轴径≥50≤1450转/分GM122系列机械密封件M122系列机械密封件是一种内装内流单端面单弹簧非平衡型结构,符合ISO-3069、JB1472-75。








C 热水中浸泡10分钟。


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©2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation
HGTD7N60B3S, HGT1S7N60B3S, HGTP7N60B3 Rev. B
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Gate to Emitter Plateau Voltage On-State Gate Charge
• 14A, 600V, TC = 25oC • 600V Switching SOA Capability • Typical Fall Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120ns at TJ = 150oC • Short Circuit Rating • Low Conduction Loss
oC oC
µs µs
CAUTION: Stresses above those listed in “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress only rating and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied.
NOTE: When ordering, use the entire part number. Add the suffix 9A to obtain the TO-252AA and TO-263AB variant in tape and reel, e.g., HGTD7N60B3S9A.
Electrical Specificatiess Otherwise Specified SYMBOL BVCES BVECS ICES TEST CONDITIONS IC = 250µA, VGE = 0V IC = 3mA, VGE = 0V VCE = BVCES TC = 25oC TC = 150oC TC = 25oC TC = 150oC MIN 600 15 3.0 VCE = 480V VCE = 600V 42 35 TYP 28 1.8 2.1 5.1 MAX 100 2.0 2.1 2.4 6.0 ±100 UNITS V V µA mA V V V nA A A
IC = IC110, VGE = 15V
Gate to Emitter Threshold Voltage Gate to Emitter Leakage Current Switching SOA
IC = 250µA, VCE = VGE VGE = ±20V TJ = 150oC RG = 50Ω VGE = 15V L = 100µH
Data Sheet January 2002
14A, 600V, UFS Series N-Channel IGBTs
The HGTD7N60B3S, HGT1S7N60B3S and HGTP7N60B3 are MOS gated high voltage switching devices combining the best features of MOSFETs and bipolar transistors. These devices have the high input impedance of a MOSFET and the low on-state conduction loss of a bipolar transistor. The much lower on-state voltage drop varies only moderately between 25oC and 150oC. The IGBT is ideal for many high voltage switching applications operating at moderate frequencies where low conduction losses are essential, such as: AC and DC motor controls, power supplies and drivers for solenoids, relays and contactors. Formerly Developmental Type TA49190.
TC = 25oC, Unless Otherwise Specified ALL TYPES Collector to Emitter Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BVCES Collector Current Continuous At TC = 25oC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC25 At TC = 110oC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC110 Collector Current Pulsed (Note 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICM Gate to Emitter Voltage Continuous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VGES Gate to Emitter Voltage Pulsed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VGEM Switching Safe Operating Area at TJ = 150oC, Figure 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SSOA Power Dissipation Total at TC = 25oC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD Power Dissipation Derating TC > 25oC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reverse Voltage Avalanche Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E ARV Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TJ, TSTG Maximum Lead Temperature for Soldering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TL Short Circuit Withstand Time (Note 2) at VGE = 15V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tSC Short Circuit Withstand Time (Note 2) at VGE = 10V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tSC 14 7 56 ±20 ±30 35A at 600V 60 0.476 100 -55 to 150 260 2 12 W W/ oC mJ
Ordering Information
Collector to Emitter Breakdown Voltage Emitter to Collector Breakdown Voltage Collector to Emitter Leakage Current