Atom-wave diffraction between the Raman-Nath and the Bragg regime Effective Rabi frequency,


表面和界面-Surfaces and Interfaces

表面和界面-Surfaces and Interfaces

8. Surfaces and Interfaces8.1 IntroductionThere exist differences in the important parameters describing interfaces and surfaces:Surfaces Interfacesroughness composition conformation chain ends width (roughness) profile conformation fluctuationssnapshot of a coarse-grained moleculardynamics simulation of a block co-polymer double bilayer in waterGoundla Srinivas, IBM Almaden Research Centerthermodynamic: To allow contact between two different phases, an interface with a free energy between them is needed. Across this interface the intensive properties of the systems are changing from one phase to the other.Free energy of the interface ΔG = ΔW = 2σAA change of the interface requires a free energy ΔG, meaning a work ΔW, proportional to the area A and interfacial tension σ, is of cohesion W c = 2σwork of adhesion W c= σ1+σ2-σ12The process is assumed to be fully reversible.8.2 Polymer Surfaceair / vacuumpolymer surfacepolymer volume (bulk)Simple microscopic view: attractive forces between the atoms (spring-bead model) with force equilibrium in the volume, but missing partners at the surface→ attraction oriented towards the bulk→ surface tension / surface energy→ change of the structure at surfacea) Chain conformation in the vicinity of the surfaceComputer simulation: Structural properties of a dense polymer melt confined between two hard walls are investigated over a wide range of temperatures by dynamic Monte Carlo simulation using the bondfluctuation lattice model.The effect is present in a region close to the polymer surface. Deviation of the chain conformation is found in a region with an extension of ≈2R g .Baschnagel, Binder, Macromolecules 28, 6808 (1995)As the wall is further approached, the ability of the chains to reorient is progressively hindered, leading to an increase of R g|| and to a decrease of R g ⊥. Therefore the main effect of the wall is to reduce the orientational entropy of the polymers and to align them preferentially parallel to it.Experiments (GISANS): The samples consist of blend films of protonated and deuterated polystyrene (PS) spin coated onto glass substrates. A variation of the thickness of the blend films in a range of about 41 down to 0.66 times the radius of gyration R g of the chains in the bulk enables the determination of film thickness and confinement effects with the advanced scattering technique grazing incidence small angle neutron scattering (GISANS).The effect of the breaking of the translation symmetry by the presence of a surface is found in a more extended region of ≈8R g .Kraus et al., Europhys. Lett. 49, 210 (2000)The polymer molecule is altered in its conformation from an isotropic Gaussian chain (sphere) into an ellipsoidal shapechain segments are oriented in parallel to surfaceb) Chain end distribution Theory:Density of chain ends at the surface (de Gennes, 1992):φφρee N 2=with N length of chainφe number of ends at surfaceφ number of monomers per volume→ chain ends from a region 2R g are enriched in a layer of thickness d (typically 1-2 nm):N dae 2=ρ with segmental length aenrichment of chain ends at the surface due to entropic effects Experiments (NR): Mono-terminated polystyrenes (PS) are synthesized anionically to include a short perdeuteriostyrene sequence adjacent to the end groups for the purpose of selective contrast labeling of the end groups for neutron reflectivity (NR).The location of deuterium serves as a marker to indicate the location of the adjacent end group. Damped oscillatory end group concentration depth profiles at both the air and substrate interfaces are found. The periods of these oscillations correspond approximately to the polymer chain dimensions.contrast density depth profileKoberstein et al; Macromolecules 27,5341 (1994)c) Segment distribution in the vicinity of surfaceComputer simulation: Strong orientation of segments due to the breaking of the translational symmetry of the system by the presence of a surface. The effect is present in region close to surface only, with extension of ≈2R g.Experiments (Force balance): Strong modulation in the density in the vicinity of the surface (effect much more pronounced in case of a solid wall).transition region with significantly decreased densityd) Influence on the kineticsComputer simulation:At the polymer surface a very mobileand quasi-liquid layer is existing wellbelow a melting temperature T m. In thislayer the chain mobility is surface mobility in movement in parallel to the surface is increased in a thinlayer of thickness d (typically 2 nm)This behavior is similar to many crystal samples. The origin is the reduced number of entanglements at the surface.Experiments (FCS): Comparison of polymer diffusion, polyethyleneglycol (PEG), when adsorbed to a solid surface and in free solution(a) Flexible polymer chains that adsorb are nearly flat at dilute surface coverage (i.e., de Gennes pancake). The sticking energy for each segment is small, so no single segment is bound tightly, but the molecular sticking energy is large. (b) Diffusion coefficients (D) in dilute solution (blue circles) and at dilute coverage on a solid surface (red squares) plotted against the degree of polymerization (N) at 22°C.on surface: changed power law due to excluded volume statisticsDepending on the interaction between polymer and wall the mobility can by unchanged to bulk (neutral wall) or slowed down (attractive wall).How do polymer surfaces look in experiments?Examples:polystyrene machined titanium dual-acid-etched (DAE)titaniumSEMAFMNakamura et al, JDR 84, 515 (2005)Typically polymer surfaces are significantly smoother as compared to metal and metal oxide surfaces (independent of the surface treatment).PMDEGA after swelling in water vapor after 6 days storage in airZhong, PMB et al, Colloid. Polym. Sci. 289, 569 (2011)Homopolymer surfaces are only smooth with low surface roughness and good homogeneity if the homopolymer film is stable. If it is unstable the surface can roughen.If the polymer crystallizes a completely different polymer surface is observed. Due to the crystals present at the polymer surface, the surface roughness is significantly increased.8.3 Interface between polymerscase I: identical polymers A/A or compatible polymers A/B• interdiffusion of segments • adhesion • model of segment movementexample: PS/PS, PMMA/PMMA, PMMA/PVCcase II: incompatible polymers A/B• width of the interface in equilibrium • polymer-polymer interaction parameter (Flory-Huggins parameter) χexample: PS/PBrS, PS/PMMA, PS/PpMS, PS/PnBMAMathematical description of the interface:Rough interface j with mean z-coordinate set to zero and fluctuations in height z j (x)The rough interface can be replaced by an ensemble of smooth interfaces weighted by a probability density P j (φ)with a mean value ∫=dz z zP j j )(μand root-mean-square (rms) roughness ()∫−=dz z P z j j j )(22μσDifferent probability density function are possible and result in different interfaces: Normalized error-function (solid line) and hyperbolic-tangent (dashed line) have very similar refractive index profiles n j (z).Error function profile⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛−−−+=++j j j j j j j z z erf n n n n z n σ222)(11 results from Gaussian probability density (μi =0) ⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛−=222exp 21)(j jj z z P σσπand hyperbolic-tangent profile ⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛−−−+=++j j j j j j j z z n n n n z n σπ32tanh 22)(11results from probability density (μi =0) ⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛=−j jj z z P σπσπ32cosh 34)(2Both examples are based on symmetric probability functions, however, for real samples this symmetry is not ensured and thus asymmetric profiles can occur (e.g. polymer brush with exponential decay).a) Interface width of polymer interfacesComputer simulation (Monte-Carlo simulation by Binder, 1994):A symmetric binary mixture (polymer1, polymer2) below its critical temperature T c of unmixing is considered in a thin-film geometry confined between two parallel walls, where it is assumed that one wall prefers polymer1 and the other wall prefers polymer2. Then an interface between the coexisting unmixed phases is stabilized.with interface width χ6a L = yields rms-roughness πσ2L rms =only valid for smooth interfaces (σrmssmall) with qR g >1 and N →∞with segment length a scattering vector ()dq πλπ2sin 4=Θ=Not taking into account: - concentration dependence of χDifferent approximations in the framework of Mean Field theories:• Binder: expansion of free energy for φ=0.5 and N 1=N 2=N (with qR g >1 and χN>>1)()NaL 26−=χ• Brosetta: Integration of the quadratic gradient term in the vicinity of φ=0.5⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+−=21112ln 26N N aL χ• Stamm: minimization of the free energy using a "trial"-function⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+−=2121166N N aL πχ ⇒ It is possible to determine the polymer-polymer interaction parameter χ froma measurement of the interface width L, in case the degree of polymerization Nand the segment length a are known!• Frisch: modification of the profile on different length scales: deviation from the simple tanh-shapeb) entanglement density at the interface between two immiscible polymers The variation of entanglement density with interface width at an interface between two polymers is calculated using the relationships between chain packing and entanglement. The chain packing is obtained by the use of self-consistent mean-field techniques to calculate the average chain conformations within the interface region.calculated number of segmentsbetween entanglements as a functionof χassuming a bulk value of N e,typical for polystyrene, of 130Oslanec and Brown, Macromolecules 36, 5839 (2003)b) time dependent evolution of the interface widthHowever, all these models describe a time average and the final equilibrium interface. With experimental techniques it is possible to prepare interface between polymers far from equilibrium and to follow changes with time resolution.covering a large range of time and length scales the crossover between 4different regimes is observedt < τe: Rouse regimeτe < t < τf: Reptation regimeτf < t < τd: Blob movementτd < t: Fick diffusioncharacteristic power laws: tαRouse regime: α = 0.5Reptation regime: α = 0.25Fick Diffusion: α= 1.08.4 Rouse Model(P.E.Rouse 1953, extension B. Zimm 1956)The Rouse model describes the conformational dynamics of ideal chains. The main assumptions are: 1. no excluded volume interaction2. no hydrodynamic interactionTherefore one expects this model to work at Θ-condition or polymer melt condition.Polymers are interconnected objects with a large conformational entropy. As a consequence, the universal entropy-driven Rouse dynamics prevails at intermediate scales, where local potentials have ceased to be important and entanglements are not yet active. Key signature of the Rouse motion is the sublinear evolution of the segmental mean-square displacement2)(t2/1tr≈neutron spin echo (NSE) results on the single-chain dynamic structure factor: dynamics of poly(vinyl ethylene) on length scales covering Rouse dynamicsMean-square displacementof the protons, the solid linerepresents Rouse dynamicsRicher et al., Europhys. Lett., 66, 239(2004)Both molecular-dynamics (MD) simulations and MCT calculations on coarse-grained polymer models (bead and spring models)Bead-spring modelIn this model of a polymer molecule it consists of beads and springs forming a chain. The beads are hydrodynamics resistance sites that are dragged on by the suspending fluid. They also experience random Brownian forces caused by the thermal fluctuations in the fluid which are significant on the molecular scale. The spring is an entropic force pulling the adjacent beads together. In fact, the spring represents many monomer units that can coil and uncoil in response to the forces. This model is a reasonable representation of the polymer chain dynamics that actual polymer molecules undergo.8.5 Reptation Model(de Gennes, Doi, Edwards, 1971 + 1978)Reptation is the snake-like thermal motion of very long linear, entangled macromolecules in polymer melts or concentrated polymer solutions. It comprises:• entanglements with other chains hinder diffusion• each polymer chain is envisioned as occupying a tube of length L • movement of polymer chain is only possible within this fictive tube• special type of movement: diffusion only via movement of chain ends,keeping chain conformation unchangedtube diameter ddifferent types of movement:t < τe : no hindering in movement by tube (Rouse type movement)t = τe : density fluctuations within the chain are extended up to the length scale of the tube diameterτe < t < τf : polymer chain moves along the tubeτf < t < τd : chain starts to escape the tubet = τd : chain left the original tubet > τd : completely free movement of the chain with no remembering of the tubeExample:PE M w = 190k d = 49Å or PE M w = 17k d = 54ÅPS d ≈ 50ÅN R e , density ρ und temperature TInfluence on the interface profile:shown for different relative diffusion times t/t f 0.1 s mall →0.9 largeThe jump in the concentration profile is caused by the movement of the chain ends across the interface in the framework of the Reptation model.Attention: the profile needs to be convoluted with the tube diameter d8.6 Fick diffusionTranslation of the complete polymer chain is described as diffusion of the centerof masswith diffusion coefficient D Attention: different diffusion coefficients are existing D S self-diffusion coefficient (A moves in a matrix of A) D I inter-diffusions coefficient (A und B move with respect to each other) D T tracer-diffusion coefficient (marker T moves in matrix A)a) self-diffusion:Movement of chains in the identical environment → very difficult to detect experimentally, because no contrast between chain and environmentPossibility of marking individual chains (by deuteration or with fluorescent end-groups), but strictly this is a tracer experiment already Example: PS volume D S ≈4*10-14 cm 2/s thin film (300Å) D S ≈1.5*10-15 cm 2/s surface D S ≈9.3*10-16 cm 2/s⇒ slowing down of the diffusion due to the spatial confinementb) inter-diffusion:An interface between two polymers, which was prepared out of equilibrium (e.g. with the floating technique) is annealed above the glass transition temperature of both polymers→ broadening of the interface following the above arguments → late stages are caused by diffusion (t > τd )Experiment: X-ray- or neutron reflectivity measurementshydrogenated and deuterated polystyrene has been measured at 115 °C in-situ and in real time using NRdiffusion coefficientD = (1.7±0.2) × 10-17 cm 2/sBucknall et al., Macromolecules 32, 5453 (1999)• "fast-mode" theory B T B A A T A B I D N D N D ,,φφ+= • "slow-mode" theoryB T B A A T A B I D N D N D ,,111φφ+=Examples:Low molecular weight liquids D ≈10-6 cm 2/s polymers D ≈10-12-10-17 cm 2/s depending on temperaturec) tracer-diffusionusing small markers, e.g gold atoms in a well defined layered approachAnnealing the sample above the glass transition temperature of the polymer and probing the distances which the gold atoms had moved after defined times tReiter et al. Macromolecules 24, 1179 (1991)Dependence on molecular weight:Stamm et al., Macromolecules, 26, 2134 (1993)tracer-diffusions constant2−∝W T M D8.7 additional contributions to the interface widthIn addition to the width of the interface between two polymers which results from interdiffusion, contribution from other sources have to be taken into account. They arise from preparation: thickness variation of the filmwrinkles, dust particles, holes, impuritiesintrinsic: capillary wavesA capillary wave is a wave traveling along the phase boundary of a fluid, whose dynamics are dominated by the effects of surface tension. These waves are of thermal origin .Assuming a semi-infinite liquid with surface tension γLV a complex movement of the atoms makes a surface wavehaving a dispersion relation()g q q q LV rr r +=ργω32with ρ liquid density g Earth's accelerationSo thermal fluctuations cause a deviation from the ideal flat surface with an excess free energy density()()()()()Ζ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡ΖΔ+⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛−Ζ∇+=Ζ∫∫22111d l P h A h fA L LV L exr r r γ ()()()()()Ζ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡Ζ+Ζ∇≈Ζ∫∫221d h P h A h f A L L LV L ex r r r γ yielding the height-height-autocorrelation function and power spectral density()Ζ=Ζr r c LV B q K Tk C 02)(πγ and 22214)(c LV LV B q q T k q L γγπ+=rwith K 0 modified Bessel function of zero ordercapillary waves can only be excited in an interval between λmin and λc for T>>0KA gravitation cut-off of the larges possible wavelength being excited isc c q πλ2=with LVc g q γρ=2 with the capillary length gLVργξ=being the lateral correlation length characteristic for the liquid (on the order of mm)and a short-range cut-off on the scale of the molecule diameter a is needed to avoid divergence of C(Ζ)a q 22maxmin ==πλ with a q π=maxExample: ethanol-vapor interface, σ=6.9 Åx-ray reflectivity and longitudinal diffuse scattering x-ray transverse diffuse scatteringSanyal et al.; Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 628 (1991)Attention: in case of interfaces instead of surfaces the surface tension γLV is replaced by the interface tension γLL which is orders of magnitude smaller than the surface tension→ contribution of capillary waves to rms-roughness of interface increasedExample: Direct visual observation of thermal capillary waves at the free liquid-gas interface in a phase-separated colloid-polymer mixture imaged with laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) at four different state points approaching the critical point(2004) each image is 17.5 μm by 85 μmAarts et al. Science 304,847Simple liquid → polymer:For highly viscous liquids and polymer melts the capillary waves are overdamped, their amplitude reduced.While, in general, both damped and propagating modes exist, for highly viscous polymers all modes are overdamped, which can be characterized solely by relaxation times τ.physical meaning of the over-damped relaxation timeconstantSinha, University of CaliforniaRoughness measurements are time averaged and cannot reveal the dynamic behavior of the waves.→ Need to probe the dynamics!Experiments: XPCSExample: capillary wave dynamics on glycerol surfaces investigated with XPCS performed at grazing anglesnormalized time correlation function22)()()()(ttt I t I t I g ττ+=described by exponential behavior1exp )(002+⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛−=τττg g→ relaxation times τSeydel et al., Phys. Rev. B 63, 073409 (2001)The capillary wave is identified by its wave vector q and complex frequencyΓ+=i f p ωwhere the real part reflects the propagation frequency and the imaginary part the damping.At the transition from propagating to overdamped behavior f becomes purely imaginary; i.e., ωp =0.The transition from propagating (inelastic) to overdamped (quasielastic) behavior takes place at critical wave vector254ηργLV c q =with surface tension γLV , the dynamic viscosity η, and the density ρ of the polymerExample: Mixture of water and glycerol with 65% weight concentration of glycerolMadsen et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 096104 (2004)propagation frequency ωp (circles) and the dampingconstant Γ (squares) for the water -glycerol mixture at (a)30 °C and (b) 12 °C.8.8 Thin Film Preparation Techniques a) Solution-castingpreparation of thick polymer films (thickness from 100 nm to several μm)• polymer solution deposited on top of a horizontally oriented substrate• cover full substrate to have chance for uniform film if liquid is not spreading • solvent evaporates under controlled condition (T, p, atmosphere) → a solid film remains on the substrate→ allows for slow drying: films close to equilibrium can be preparedOn the scale of the capillary length the film at the substrate edges differs from the average film.Problems occur in case of pinning effects. If the contact line gets pinned during drying, no homogenous film is formed.Example: ternary blend PS, P αMS and PI cast from toluenePanagiotou, PhD Thesis TU Munich (2004)For complex fluids (highly viscous polymer solutions), the morphology is not determined by the evaporation process, the "coffee stain" effect but essentially by the capillary instabilities.Using the appropriate couple of polymer/solvent, a outward, inward or a lack of Marangoni flow in the droplets, leading to the formation of a rim, a drop or a uniform film, respectively, occurs.b) Spin-coatingpreparation of thin polymer films with thicknesses from 1 to 1000 nm• prepare polymer solution with desired concentration c • cover substrate entirely with polymer solution• select acceleration profile and spinning parameters (time, rotational speed) • start spin-coater after defined wait time → a solid film remains on the substrate→ due to non-equilibrium the film can have enrichment or lateral structuresDepending on rotational speed ω, concentration c, molecular weight Mw and apersonal parameter (wait time, person, machine)Attention: change in slope at entanglement concentration of solutionRuderer, PMB, Chem.Phys.Chem. 10, 664 (2009)Spin-coating is a complicated non-equilibrium processTheoretical description in the framework of a 3-step model (Lawrence, 1988) 1. step – start phasedeposition of solution with C 0 → strong height variationsacceleration of the substrate → most of the solution is flung-off the substrate → film thickness ≈100 μmEnd: Homogeneous film with thickness h 0 with concentration C 0 2. step – mass reduction by conventionevaporation can be neglected in comparison with the flow of solution towards to substrate edges → change of film thickness by convection2/102020341)(−⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛+=t h h t h ηρω 3. step – evaporation of solvent through film surfaceevaporation rate of solvent larger than change in thickness by convection at a film thickness h w → mass reduction only by solvent evaporation, no polymer can leave the substrate anymore → dry, solid film remains()0,1s w f h h φ−=With the initial amount of solvent φs,0Polymer surface depends on the used solvent and on the spin-coating parameters:I: problems with solvents which have very high evaporation rate: → formation of skin on solution surface→ elastic film surface has a changed flow field of the confined polymer solution → hydrodynamic instabilities→ resulting lateral structures which have a star-shape with the center in the center of rotationII: problems with solvents which are hygroscopic and attract water from the surrounding, but are non miscible with water:→ demixing of both components (solvent and water) gives rise to lateral structuresMüller-Buschbaum et al.; Macromolecules 31, 3686 (1998)c) Floating-techniquepreparation of single and multiple polymer films (on non-wetable substrates)Schindler, Diploma Thesis TU Munich (2010)• scratch film with scalpel at 2 mm from substrate edge • put substrate into float box (tilt angle optimal at 10-15°) • add 2-3 drops of deionized water per second • remove substrate after film had decoupled• put second substrate with larger tilt angle into the water • fix polymer film on upper edge of this second substrate • remove water with 2-3 drops/sec • dry films (e.g. 4 h at 50°C)→ typically the needed time is 3-6 hours depending on the M w and film thickness→ not possible for all film thickness (thinner films are more difficult, integer number of R g can work), not possible for heat treated filmsProblems occur in case of wrinkle formation, incorporation of dust particles or trapping of water.Example: freely floating polymer film, tens of nanometers in thickness, wrinkles under the capillary force exerted by a drop of water placed on its surfaceThe wrinkling pattern is characterized by the number and length of the wrinkles.The PS film thickness h was varied from 31 to 233 nm. As the film is made thicker, the number of wrinkles N decreases (there are 111, 68, 49, and 31 wrinkles in these images).Huang et al.; Science 317, 650 (2007)d) Adsorption from solutiondeposition of single molecules, thin layers or thick films from solution with a controlled concentrationSketch:Adsorption is usually described through isotherms, that is, the amount of adsorbate on the adsorbent as a function of its pressure (if gas) or concentration (if liquid) at constant temperature.Isotherms are described bydifferent models:Langmuir isotherm (red) andBET isotherm (green)Computer simulation:Adsorption and self-assembly of linear polymers on smooth surfaces are studied using coarse-grained, bead-spring molecular models and Langevin dynamics computer simulations. The aim is to gain insight on atomic-force microscopy images of polymer films on mica surfaces, adsorbed from dilute solution following a good-solvent to bad-solvent quenching procedure.Chremos et al., Soft Matter5, 637 (2009)Molecular Weight Competition: Upon initial mixing of a formulation, all chains attempt to adsorb on a surface. For adsorbing homopolymers, thermodynamics dictates a preference for adsorption of long chains, and so short chains, originally adsorbed, are displaced form the surface at longer times.Santore+ Fu, Macromolecules 30, 8516 (1997)Fu + Santore, Macromolecules 31, 7014 (1998) Large scale industrial applications involving substantial quantities of complex fluids such as paints, inks, and coatings employ water soluble polymers with a broad distribution of molecular weights: The likelihood that some fraction of the added chains impart the desired interfacial properties means that changes in molecular weight distribution from batch to batch can dramatically impact the properties of a formulation.Experiments: Adsorption of polymers is very common in case of polyeletrolytes and used to build up multi-layers.Layer-by-Layer (LBL) assembly: fabrication of multilayers by consecutive adsorption of polyanions and polycationsDecher et al.; Science 277, 1232 (1997)Fine-tuning the film thickness by ionic strength (addition of salt yields thicker layers; polyanion from salt, polycation from pure water)Decher + Schmitt, Progr. Colloid Polym. Sci. 89, 160 (1992) A small list of polyions already used for multilayer fabrication:e) Spray coatingdeposition of thick films from solution with a controlled concentration, depending on deposition conditions (wet droplets = spraying, dry polymer = airbrush)control parameters: number of depositions, deposition time, solvent, polymer concentration, distance nozzle-surface。



掺镧锆钛酸铅陶瓷电致畴变过程中的相变杨凤娟;程璇;张颖【摘要】Variations of the peak intensities of (002) and (200) diffraction peaks (I (002) , I (200) ) with the applied electric fields were studied by in-situ X-ray diffraction method during the applications of different electric fields on the unpoled lanthanum-doped lead zirconate titanate (PLZT) ceramics. Considering the distribution of domain orientation, the quantitative analyses of peak intensities of I(002) and I(200) were performed. Based on the multi-peak curve fitting to the in-situ XRD spectra, the effects of the applied electric fields on the electric-field-induced domain switching and phase transition were preliminarily discussed. The results show that the electric-field-induced 90° domain switching occurs in PLZT specimens under the applied electric fields, at the same time, the electric-field-induced phase transition from tetragonal to monoclinic could also happen. The electric-field-induced domain switching and phase transition occur competitively in different electric fields. The major process is domain switching, while the minor process is phase transition.%利用原位XRD技术研究未极化掺镧锆钛酸铅(PLZT)铁电陶瓷在不同直流电场加载过程中(002)和(200)衍射峰峰强与电场强度的关系,基于铁电畴取向分布的考虑,对(002)和(200)衍射峰峰强进行定量分析。












四、参考书目录1 Physics 物理学 (1)Introduction to physics (1)Classical and modern physics (2)Research fields (4)V ocabulary (7)2 Classical mechanics 经典力学 (10)Introduction (10)Description of classical mechanics (10)Momentum and collisions (14)Angular momentum (15)V ocabulary (16)3 Thermodynamics 热力学 (18)Introduction (18)Laws of thermodynamics (21)System models (22)Thermodynamic processes (27)Scope of thermodynamics (29)V ocabulary (30)4 Electromagnetism 电磁学 (33)Introduction (33)Electrostatics (33)Magnetostatics (35)Electromagnetic induction (40)V ocabulary (43)5 Optics 光学 (45)Introduction (45)Geometrical optics (45)Physical optics (47)Polarization (50)V ocabulary (51)6 Atomic physics 原子物理 (52)Introduction (52)Electronic configuration (52)Excitation and ionization (56)V ocabulary (59)7 Statistical mechanics 统计力学 (60)Overview (60)Fundamentals (60)Statistical ensembles (63)V ocabulary (65)8 Quantum mechanics 量子力学 (67)Introduction (67)Mathematical formulations (68)Quantization (71)Wave-particle duality (72)Quantum entanglement (75)V ocabulary (77)9 Special relativity 狭义相对论 (79)Introduction (79)Relativity of simultaneity (80)Lorentz transformations (80)Time dilation and length contraction (81)Mass-energy equivalence (82)Relativistic energy-momentum relation (86)V ocabulary (89)正文标记说明:蓝色Arial字体(例如energy):已知的专业词汇蓝色Arial字体加下划线(例如electromagnetism):新学的专业词汇黑色Times New Roman字体加下划线(例如postulate):新学的普通词汇1 Physics 物理学1 Physics 物理学Introduction to physicsPhysics is a part of natural philosophy and a natural science that involves the study of matter and its motion through space and time, along with related concepts such as energy and force. More broadly, it is the general analysis of nature, conducted in order to understand how the universe behaves.Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines, perhaps the oldest through its inclusion of astronomy. Over the last two millennia, physics was a part of natural philosophy along with chemistry, certain branches of mathematics, and biology, but during the Scientific Revolution in the 17th century, the natural sciences emerged as unique research programs in their own right. Physics intersects with many interdisciplinary areas of research, such as biophysics and quantum chemistry,and the boundaries of physics are not rigidly defined. New ideas in physics often explain the fundamental mechanisms of other sciences, while opening new avenues of research in areas such as mathematics and philosophy.Physics also makes significant contributions through advances in new technologies that arise from theoretical breakthroughs. For example, advances in the understanding of electromagnetism or nuclear physics led directly to the development of new products which have dramatically transformed modern-day society, such as television, computers, domestic appliances, and nuclear weapons; advances in thermodynamics led to the development of industrialization; and advances in mechanics inspired the development of calculus.Core theoriesThough physics deals with a wide variety of systems, certain theories are used by all physicists. Each of these theories were experimentally tested numerous times and found correct as an approximation of nature (within a certain domain of validity).For instance, the theory of classical mechanics accurately describes the motion of objects, provided they are much larger than atoms and moving at much less than the speed of light. These theories continue to be areas of active research, and a remarkable aspect of classical mechanics known as chaos was discovered in the 20th century, three centuries after the original formulation of classical mechanics by Isaac Newton (1642–1727) 【艾萨克·牛顿】.University PhysicsThese central theories are important tools for research into more specialized topics, and any physicist, regardless of his or her specialization, is expected to be literate in them. These include classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, electromagnetism, and special relativity.Classical and modern physicsClassical mechanicsClassical physics includes the traditional branches and topics that were recognized and well-developed before the beginning of the 20th century—classical mechanics, acoustics, optics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism.Classical mechanics is concerned with bodies acted on by forces and bodies in motion and may be divided into statics (study of the forces on a body or bodies at rest), kinematics (study of motion without regard to its causes), and dynamics (study of motion and the forces that affect it); mechanics may also be divided into solid mechanics and fluid mechanics (known together as continuum mechanics), the latter including such branches as hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, and pneumatics.Acoustics is the study of how sound is produced, controlled, transmitted and received. Important modern branches of acoustics include ultrasonics, the study of sound waves of very high frequency beyond the range of human hearing; bioacoustics the physics of animal calls and hearing, and electroacoustics, the manipulation of audible sound waves using electronics.Optics, the study of light, is concerned not only with visible light but also with infrared and ultraviolet radiation, which exhibit all of the phenomena of visible light except visibility, e.g., reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction, dispersion, and polarization of light.Heat is a form of energy, the internal energy possessed by the particles of which a substance is composed; thermodynamics deals with the relationships between heat and other forms of energy.Electricity and magnetism have been studied as a single branch of physics since the intimate connection between them was discovered in the early 19th century; an electric current gives rise to a magnetic field and a changing magnetic field induces an electric current. Electrostatics deals with electric charges at rest, electrodynamics with moving charges, and magnetostatics with magnetic poles at rest.Modern PhysicsClassical physics is generally concerned with matter and energy on the normal scale of1 Physics 物理学observation, while much of modern physics is concerned with the behavior of matter and energy under extreme conditions or on the very large or very small scale.For example, atomic and nuclear physics studies matter on the smallest scale at which chemical elements can be identified.The physics of elementary particles is on an even smaller scale, as it is concerned with the most basic units of matter; this branch of physics is also known as high-energy physics because of the extremely high energies necessary to produce many types of particles in large particle accelerators. On this scale, ordinary, commonsense notions of space, time, matter, and energy are no longer valid.The two chief theories of modern physics present a different picture of the concepts of space, time, and matter from that presented by classical physics.Quantum theory is concerned with the discrete, rather than continuous, nature of many phenomena at the atomic and subatomic level, and with the complementary aspects of particles and waves in the description of such phenomena.The theory of relativity is concerned with the description of phenomena that take place in a frame of reference that is in motion with respect to an observer; the special theory of relativity is concerned with relative uniform motion in a straight line and the general theory of relativity with accelerated motion and its connection with gravitation.Both quantum theory and the theory of relativity find applications in all areas of modern physics.Difference between classical and modern physicsWhile physics aims to discover universal laws, its theories lie in explicit domains of applicability. Loosely speaking, the laws of classical physics accurately describe systems whose important length scales are greater than the atomic scale and whose motions are much slower than the speed of light. Outside of this domain, observations do not match their predictions.Albert Einstein【阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦】contributed the framework of special relativity, which replaced notions of absolute time and space with space-time and allowed an accurate description of systems whose components have speeds approaching the speed of light.Max Planck【普朗克】, Erwin Schrödinger【薛定谔】, and others introduced quantum mechanics, a probabilistic notion of particles and interactions that allowed an accurate description of atomic and subatomic scales.Later, quantum field theory unified quantum mechanics and special relativity.General relativity allowed for a dynamical, curved space-time, with which highly massiveUniversity Physicssystems and the large-scale structure of the universe can be well-described. General relativity has not yet been unified with the other fundamental descriptions; several candidate theories of quantum gravity are being developed.Research fieldsContemporary research in physics can be broadly divided into condensed matter physics; atomic, molecular, and optical physics; particle physics; astrophysics; geophysics and biophysics. Some physics departments also support research in Physics education.Since the 20th century, the individual fields of physics have become increasingly specialized, and today most physicists work in a single field for their entire careers. "Universalists" such as Albert Einstein (1879–1955) and Lev Landau (1908–1968)【列夫·朗道】, who worked in multiple fields of physics, are now very rare.Condensed matter physicsCondensed matter physics is the field of physics that deals with the macroscopic physical properties of matter. In particular, it is concerned with the "condensed" phases that appear whenever the number of particles in a system is extremely large and the interactions between them are strong.The most familiar examples of condensed phases are solids and liquids, which arise from the bonding by way of the electromagnetic force between atoms. More exotic condensed phases include the super-fluid and the Bose–Einstein condensate found in certain atomic systems at very low temperature, the superconducting phase exhibited by conduction electrons in certain materials,and the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases of spins on atomic lattices.Condensed matter physics is by far the largest field of contemporary physics.Historically, condensed matter physics grew out of solid-state physics, which is now considered one of its main subfields. The term condensed matter physics was apparently coined by Philip Anderson when he renamed his research group—previously solid-state theory—in 1967. In 1978, the Division of Solid State Physics of the American Physical Society was renamed as the Division of Condensed Matter Physics.Condensed matter physics has a large overlap with chemistry, materials science, nanotechnology and engineering.Atomic, molecular and optical physicsAtomic, molecular, and optical physics (AMO) is the study of matter–matter and light–matter interactions on the scale of single atoms and molecules.1 Physics 物理学The three areas are grouped together because of their interrelationships, the similarity of methods used, and the commonality of the energy scales that are relevant. All three areas include both classical, semi-classical and quantum treatments; they can treat their subject from a microscopic view (in contrast to a macroscopic view).Atomic physics studies the electron shells of atoms. Current research focuses on activities in quantum control, cooling and trapping of atoms and ions, low-temperature collision dynamics and the effects of electron correlation on structure and dynamics. Atomic physics is influenced by the nucleus (see, e.g., hyperfine splitting), but intra-nuclear phenomena such as fission and fusion are considered part of high-energy physics.Molecular physics focuses on multi-atomic structures and their internal and external interactions with matter and light.Optical physics is distinct from optics in that it tends to focus not on the control of classical light fields by macroscopic objects, but on the fundamental properties of optical fields and their interactions with matter in the microscopic realm.High-energy physics (particle physics) and nuclear physicsParticle physics is the study of the elementary constituents of matter and energy, and the interactions between them.In addition, particle physicists design and develop the high energy accelerators,detectors, and computer programs necessary for this research. The field is also called "high-energy physics" because many elementary particles do not occur naturally, but are created only during high-energy collisions of other particles.Currently, the interactions of elementary particles and fields are described by the Standard Model.●The model accounts for the 12 known particles of matter (quarks and leptons) thatinteract via the strong, weak, and electromagnetic fundamental forces.●Dynamics are described in terms of matter particles exchanging gauge bosons (gluons,W and Z bosons, and photons, respectively).●The Standard Model also predicts a particle known as the Higgs boson. In July 2012CERN, the European laboratory for particle physics, announced the detection of a particle consistent with the Higgs boson.Nuclear Physics is the field of physics that studies the constituents and interactions of atomic nuclei. The most commonly known applications of nuclear physics are nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons technology, but the research has provided application in many fields, including those in nuclear medicine and magnetic resonance imaging, ion implantation in materials engineering, and radiocarbon dating in geology and archaeology.University PhysicsAstrophysics and Physical CosmologyAstrophysics and astronomy are the application of the theories and methods of physics to the study of stellar structure, stellar evolution, the origin of the solar system, and related problems of cosmology. Because astrophysics is a broad subject, astrophysicists typically apply many disciplines of physics, including mechanics, electromagnetism, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, relativity, nuclear and particle physics, and atomic and molecular physics.The discovery by Karl Jansky in 1931 that radio signals were emitted by celestial bodies initiated the science of radio astronomy. Most recently, the frontiers of astronomy have been expanded by space exploration. Perturbations and interference from the earth's atmosphere make space-based observations necessary for infrared, ultraviolet, gamma-ray, and X-ray astronomy.Physical cosmology is the study of the formation and evolution of the universe on its largest scales. Albert Einstein's theory of relativity plays a central role in all modern cosmological theories. In the early 20th century, Hubble's discovery that the universe was expanding, as shown by the Hubble diagram, prompted rival explanations known as the steady state universe and the Big Bang.The Big Bang was confirmed by the success of Big Bang nucleo-synthesis and the discovery of the cosmic microwave background in 1964. The Big Bang model rests on two theoretical pillars: Albert Einstein's general relativity and the cosmological principle (On a sufficiently large scale, the properties of the Universe are the same for all observers). Cosmologists have recently established the ΛCDM model (the standard model of Big Bang cosmology) of the evolution of the universe, which includes cosmic inflation, dark energy and dark matter.Current research frontiersIn condensed matter physics, an important unsolved theoretical problem is that of high-temperature superconductivity. Many condensed matter experiments are aiming to fabricate workable spintronics and quantum computers.In particle physics, the first pieces of experimental evidence for physics beyond the Standard Model have begun to appear. Foremost among these are indications that neutrinos have non-zero mass. These experimental results appear to have solved the long-standing solar neutrino problem, and the physics of massive neutrinos remains an area of active theoretical and experimental research. Particle accelerators have begun probing energy scales in the TeV range, in which experimentalists are hoping to find evidence for the super-symmetric particles, after discovery of the Higgs boson.Theoretical attempts to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity into a single theory1 Physics 物理学of quantum gravity, a program ongoing for over half a century, have not yet been decisively resolved. The current leading candidates are M-theory, superstring theory and loop quantum gravity.Many astronomical and cosmological phenomena have yet to be satisfactorily explained, including the existence of ultra-high energy cosmic rays, the baryon asymmetry, the acceleration of the universe and the anomalous rotation rates of galaxies.Although much progress has been made in high-energy, quantum, and astronomical physics, many everyday phenomena involving complexity, chaos, or turbulence are still poorly understood. Complex problems that seem like they could be solved by a clever application of dynamics and mechanics remain unsolved; examples include the formation of sand-piles, nodes in trickling water, the shape of water droplets, mechanisms of surface tension catastrophes, and self-sorting in shaken heterogeneous collections.These complex phenomena have received growing attention since the 1970s for several reasons, including the availability of modern mathematical methods and computers, which enabled complex systems to be modeled in new ways. Complex physics has become part of increasingly interdisciplinary research, as exemplified by the study of turbulence in aerodynamics and the observation of pattern formation in biological systems.Vocabulary★natural science 自然科学academic disciplines 学科astronomy 天文学in their own right 凭他们本身的实力intersects相交,交叉interdisciplinary交叉学科的,跨学科的★quantum 量子的theoretical breakthroughs 理论突破★electromagnetism 电磁学dramatically显著地★thermodynamics热力学★calculus微积分validity★classical mechanics 经典力学chaos 混沌literate 学者★quantum mechanics量子力学★thermodynamics and statistical mechanics热力学与统计物理★special relativity狭义相对论is concerned with 关注,讨论,考虑acoustics 声学★optics 光学statics静力学at rest 静息kinematics运动学★dynamics动力学ultrasonics超声学manipulation 操作,处理,使用University Physicsinfrared红外ultraviolet紫外radiation辐射reflection 反射refraction 折射★interference 干涉★diffraction 衍射dispersion散射★polarization 极化,偏振internal energy 内能Electricity电性Magnetism 磁性intimate 亲密的induces 诱导,感应scale尺度★elementary particles基本粒子★high-energy physics 高能物理particle accelerators 粒子加速器valid 有效的,正当的★discrete离散的continuous 连续的complementary 互补的★frame of reference 参照系★the special theory of relativity 狭义相对论★general theory of relativity 广义相对论gravitation 重力,万有引力explicit 详细的,清楚的★quantum field theory 量子场论★condensed matter physics凝聚态物理astrophysics天体物理geophysics地球物理Universalist博学多才者★Macroscopic宏观Exotic奇异的★Superconducting 超导Ferromagnetic铁磁质Antiferromagnetic 反铁磁质★Spin自旋Lattice 晶格,点阵,网格★Society社会,学会★microscopic微观的hyperfine splitting超精细分裂fission分裂,裂变fusion熔合,聚变constituents成分,组分accelerators加速器detectors 检测器★quarks夸克lepton 轻子gauge bosons规范玻色子gluons胶子★Higgs boson希格斯玻色子CERN欧洲核子研究中心★Magnetic Resonance Imaging磁共振成像,核磁共振ion implantation 离子注入radiocarbon dating放射性碳年代测定法geology地质学archaeology考古学stellar 恒星cosmology宇宙论celestial bodies 天体Hubble diagram 哈勃图Rival竞争的★Big Bang大爆炸nucleo-synthesis核聚合,核合成pillar支柱cosmological principle宇宙学原理ΛCDM modelΛ-冷暗物质模型cosmic inflation宇宙膨胀1 Physics 物理学fabricate制造,建造spintronics自旋电子元件,自旋电子学★neutrinos 中微子superstring 超弦baryon重子turbulence湍流,扰动,骚动catastrophes突变,灾变,灾难heterogeneous collections异质性集合pattern formation模式形成University Physics2 Classical mechanics 经典力学IntroductionIn physics, classical mechanics is one of the two major sub-fields of mechanics, which is concerned with the set of physical laws describing the motion of bodies under the action of a system of forces. The study of the motion of bodies is an ancient one, making classical mechanics one of the oldest and largest subjects in science, engineering and technology.Classical mechanics describes the motion of macroscopic objects, from projectiles to parts of machinery, as well as astronomical objects, such as spacecraft, planets, stars, and galaxies. Besides this, many specializations within the subject deal with gases, liquids, solids, and other specific sub-topics.Classical mechanics provides extremely accurate results as long as the domain of study is restricted to large objects and the speeds involved do not approach the speed of light. When the objects being dealt with become sufficiently small, it becomes necessary to introduce the other major sub-field of mechanics, quantum mechanics, which reconciles the macroscopic laws of physics with the atomic nature of matter and handles the wave–particle duality of atoms and molecules. In the case of high velocity objects approaching the speed of light, classical mechanics is enhanced by special relativity. General relativity unifies special relativity with Newton's law of universal gravitation, allowing physicists to handle gravitation at a deeper level.The initial stage in the development of classical mechanics is often referred to as Newtonian mechanics, and is associated with the physical concepts employed by and the mathematical methods invented by Newton himself, in parallel with Leibniz【莱布尼兹】, and others.Later, more abstract and general methods were developed, leading to reformulations of classical mechanics known as Lagrangian mechanics and Hamiltonian mechanics. These advances were largely made in the 18th and 19th centuries, and they extend substantially beyond Newton's work, particularly through their use of analytical mechanics. Ultimately, the mathematics developed for these were central to the creation of quantum mechanics.Description of classical mechanicsThe following introduces the basic concepts of classical mechanics. For simplicity, it often2 Classical mechanics 经典力学models real-world objects as point particles, objects with negligible size. The motion of a point particle is characterized by a small number of parameters: its position, mass, and the forces applied to it.In reality, the kind of objects that classical mechanics can describe always have a non-zero size. (The physics of very small particles, such as the electron, is more accurately described by quantum mechanics). Objects with non-zero size have more complicated behavior than hypothetical point particles, because of the additional degrees of freedom—for example, a baseball can spin while it is moving. However, the results for point particles can be used to study such objects by treating them as composite objects, made up of a large number of interacting point particles. The center of mass of a composite object behaves like a point particle.Classical mechanics uses common-sense notions of how matter and forces exist and interact. It assumes that matter and energy have definite, knowable attributes such as where an object is in space and its speed. It also assumes that objects may be directly influenced only by their immediate surroundings, known as the principle of locality.In quantum mechanics objects may have unknowable position or velocity, or instantaneously interact with other objects at a distance.Position and its derivativesThe position of a point particle is defined with respect to an arbitrary fixed reference point, O, in space, usually accompanied by a coordinate system, with the reference point located at the origin of the coordinate system. It is defined as the vector r from O to the particle.In general, the point particle need not be stationary relative to O, so r is a function of t, the time elapsed since an arbitrary initial time.In pre-Einstein relativity (known as Galilean relativity), time is considered an absolute, i.e., the time interval between any given pair of events is the same for all observers. In addition to relying on absolute time, classical mechanics assumes Euclidean geometry for the structure of space.Velocity and speedThe velocity, or the rate of change of position with time, is defined as the derivative of the position with respect to time. In classical mechanics, velocities are directly additive and subtractive as vector quantities; they must be dealt with using vector analysis.When both objects are moving in the same direction, the difference can be given in terms of speed only by ignoring direction.University PhysicsAccelerationThe acceleration , or rate of change of velocity, is the derivative of the velocity with respect to time (the second derivative of the position with respect to time).Acceleration can arise from a change with time of the magnitude of the velocity or of the direction of the velocity or both . If only the magnitude v of the velocity decreases, this is sometimes referred to as deceleration , but generally any change in the velocity with time, including deceleration, is simply referred to as acceleration.Inertial frames of referenceWhile the position and velocity and acceleration of a particle can be referred to any observer in any state of motion, classical mechanics assumes the existence of a special family of reference frames in terms of which the mechanical laws of nature take a comparatively simple form. These special reference frames are called inertial frames .An inertial frame is such that when an object without any force interactions (an idealized situation) is viewed from it, it appears either to be at rest or in a state of uniform motion in a straight line. This is the fundamental definition of an inertial frame. They are characterized by the requirement that all forces entering the observer's physical laws originate in identifiable sources (charges, gravitational bodies, and so forth).A non-inertial reference frame is one accelerating with respect to an inertial one, and in such a non-inertial frame a particle is subject to acceleration by fictitious forces that enter the equations of motion solely as a result of its accelerated motion, and do not originate in identifiable sources. These fictitious forces are in addition to the real forces recognized in an inertial frame.A key concept of inertial frames is the method for identifying them. For practical purposes, reference frames that are un-accelerated with respect to the distant stars are regarded as good approximations to inertial frames.Forces; Newton's second lawNewton was the first to mathematically express the relationship between force and momentum . Some physicists interpret Newton's second law of motion as a definition of force and mass, while others consider it a fundamental postulate, a law of nature. Either interpretation has the same mathematical consequences, historically known as "Newton's Second Law":a m t v m t p F ===d )(d d dThe quantity m v is called the (canonical ) momentum . The net force on a particle is thus equal to rate of change of momentum of the particle with time.So long as the force acting on a particle is known, Newton's second law is sufficient to。



Prof. C. Pickard
Prof. R. Needs
…… 各位大家!
问题一: 金属与水的界面

Structural properties of the overlayer at 160 K
问题二: 核量子效应对氢键强弱的影响
Impact of quantum nuclear effects on H-bond strength?
Density function of a quantum system
第二部分: 金属与水的界面

Water-metal interface is an important issue at the core of several fields Corrosion Electrochemistry Catalysis Excess proton in liquid water +
In 1950s, Ubbelohde effect (replace H with D) in H-bonded crystals.
Liquids: water structure is weakened, and liquid HF is strengthened Clusters: (HF)n when n > 4, strengthened, otherwise, weakened; (H2O)n always weakened Biggest question: is there a unified picture?

Rule of Thumb
问题二: 核量子效应对氢键强弱的影响

Flexible monomer with anharmonic potential must be used if one want to use force-field method in PIMD simulations

Structural and Electronic Properties of Graphane Nanoribbons

Structural and Electronic Properties of Graphane Nanoribbons

Structural and Electronic Properties of Graphane NanoribbonsYafei Li,†Zhen Zhou,*,†Panwen Shen,†and Zhongfang Chen*,‡Institute of New Energy Material Chemistry,College of Chemistry,Institute of Scientific Computing,NankaiUni V ersity,Tianjin300071,P.R.China,and Department of Chemistry,Institute for Functional Nanomaterials,Uni V ersity of Puerto Rico,Rio Piedras Campus,San Juan,PR00931Recei V ed:June7,2009The structural and electronic properties of graphane nanoribbons,i.e.,completely hydrogenated graphenenanoribbons,were investigated by means of density functional theory computations.Because all the carbonatoms are sp3-hybridized and saturated with hydrogen atoms,graphane nanoribbons present completely differentelectronic properties compared with graphene nanoribbons.Independent of the chirality,graphane nanoribbonsare always wide-band-gap semiconductors.Graphane nanoribbons have favorable formation energies,andcan be realized by hydrogenating graphene nanoribbons or cutting experimentally available graphanes.Theseone-dimensional hydrocarbons willfind their potential applications to nanotechnology after further bandstructure tuning.1.IntroductionGraphene,a single layer of carbon atoms tightly packed in ahoneycomb sublattice,is the building block of graphite,fullerenes,and carbon nanotubes.1Once graphene was thoughtphysically impossible;however,the successful isolation of thistwo-dimensional(2D)crystal in2004by Geim and co-workers2wholly refreshed our minds and is bringing us a new revolutionto materials science3-5due to its outstanding mechanical,6electronic,7,8and magnetic properties.9The achievements inlarge-scale preparation of graphenes10-13make us more confidentin the wide application of these novel materials in the very nearfuture.Very recently,Elias et al.14experimentally realized thehydrogenated graphene,as named graphane,by exposinggraphene to hydrogen plasma discharge.Ryu et al.15demon-strated that hydrogenation of graphenes can also be realized by dissociating hydrogen silsesquioxane on graphene.The electronic properties of materials are closely associated with their dimensionality.When2D graphene is cut into one-dimensional(1D)graphene nanoribbons(GNRs),a nonzero band gap is opened in all GNRs.16Especially,the GNRs with zigzag edges are characterized with special localized edge states, which are ferromagnetically ordered at each edge but with opposite spin directions between two edges.15-20Moreover, further studies show that an external transverse electronicfield21 or chemically selective modifications22can realize half-metal-licity in zigzag GNRs,which opens possibilities for GNR-based spintronic devices.Stimulated by the intensive studies on GNRs, researchers have also extended the direction to inorganic nanoribbons,such as BN,23B,24BC3,25B2C,26SiC,27ZnO,28 and MoS229nanoribbons,and revealed intriguing electronic and magnetic properties associated with low dimensionality and edge states in these nanoribbons.Experimentally,graphane nanorib-bons can be obtained by cutting the graphane layer,or hydrogenating GNRs.Since the properties of GNRs are different from those of graphene,it is attractive to explore1D graphane nanoribbons.Sofo et al.30have performed a detailed theoretical study on a2D graphane layer.Boukhvalov et al.31systematically studied the hydrogenation of graphenes with defects.Very recently,Singh et al.32have investigated the electronic and magnetic properties of selectively hydrogenated GNRs,which still preserve some characteristics of GNRs.However,what about the properties of1D graphane nanoribbons with various edge types and widths?In this work,density functional theory (DFT)computations were performed to investigate the structural and electronic properties of graphane nanoribbons.putational MethodDFT computations were performed by using the plane-wave technique implemented in the Vienna ab initio simulation package(VASP).33The ion-electron interaction is described with the projector-augmented plane wave(PAW)approach.34,35 The generalized gradient approximation(GGA)expressed by the PW91functional36and a360eV cutoff for the plane-wave basis set were adopted in all computations.In a typical computation,the1D periodic boundary condition(PBC)was applied along the growth direction of nanoribbons,and the supercell is large enough to ensure a distance greater than10Åbetween two neighboring ribbons.Five Monkhorst-Pack special k points were used for sampling the1D Brillouin zone, and the convergence threshold was set as10-4eV in energy and10-3eV/Åin force.Finally,21k points were used to compute the band structures.*To whom correspondence should be addressed.E-mail:zhouzhen@ (Z.Z.);zhongfangchen@(Z.C.).†Nankai University.‡University of PuertoRico.Figure1.(a)Top(upper)and side(lower)view of a2D graphanelayer.Geometric structures of the(b)7-zigzag and(c)13-armchairgraphane nanoribbons.The ribbons are periodic along the z direction.The ribbon widths are denoted by W z and W a,respectively.J.Phys.Chem.C2009,113,15043–150451504310.1021/jp9053499CCC:$40.75 2009American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web07/09/20093.Results and Discussion3.1.2D Infinite Graphane Single Layer.We began our study with the 2D infinite graphane single layer.The most stable form of the graphane layer favors a chairlike conformation with hydrogen atoms alternating on both sides of the plane.30Thus,only the chairlike graphane layer and nanoribbons were considered in this work.Figure 1a presents the optimized structure of the graphane layer in a 6×6supercell,which includes 72carbon atoms and 72hydrogen atoms.The C -C bond length is 1.52Å,rather close to those in the sp 3-hybridized diamond (1.53Å),but longer than those in graphene with sp 2hybridization (1.42Å),in agreement with the expectation that all of the carbon atoms in graphane employ sp 3hybridization.The C -H bond length is uniformly 1.11Å.According to our DFT computations,the 2D graphane layer is a semiconductor with a direct band gap of 3.43eV at the Γpoint,which achieves good agreement with the previous finding of Sofo et al.,30but is much lower than the GW calculation value (5.4eV)reportedby Lebegue et al.,37since DFT usually underestimates band gaps;however,the basic physics should not be changed.3.2.Geometric Structures of Graphane Nanoribbons.Two types of graphane nanoribons can be obtained by cutting the optimized graphane layer with a zigzag or armchair edge.Figure 1shows two examples,7-zigzag (b)and 13-armchair (c)graphane nanoribbons,with respective widths of 20.34and 22.40Å.Following the convention of GNRs,15-19we define the ribbon parameter N as the number of zigzag chains for a zigzag ribbon and the number of dimer lines along the ribbon direction for an armchair ribbon.The edge carbon atoms are all saturated with H atoms to avoid the effects of dangling bonds;therefore,each C atom in the edges is bonded to two H atoms.After full relaxation,the sp 3-bonding networks are well kept at the edge regions of both 7-zigzag and 13-armchair graphane nanoribbons.The lengths of edge C -C (1.52Å)and C -H (1.11Å)bonds are equal to those inner C -C and C -H bonds.Note that both spin-unpolarized and spin-polarized computations were performed to determine the ground state of graphane nanorib-bons,and no energy difference was found.Thus,different from zigzag GNRs with a magnetic ground state,16-19graphane nanoribbons have a nonmagnetic ground state.Since the magnetism of GNRs is derived form the localized unpaired πstate,the disappearance of magnetism in graphane nanoribbons is attributed to the absence of an unpaired πstate as a result of sp 3hybridization of all of the carbon atoms.3.3.Electronic Properties of Graphane Nanoribbons.Figure 2presents the computed electronic band structures of 7-zigzag and 13-armchair graphane nanoribbons.These two nanoribbons are both semiconducting with a direct band gap of 3.82and 3.84eV,respectively.The valence and conduction band edge are both located at the Γpoint.The flat bands at the Fermi level associated with the edge states in zigzag GNRs are absent in 7-zigzag graphane nanoribbons.To get further insight,we computed the partial charge densities associated with the valence band maximum (VBM)and the conduction band minimum (CBM)of these two nanoribbons (Figure 2).For both 7-zigzag and 13-armchair graphane nanoribbons,the VBM mainly comes from the 2s2p-hybridized oribitals localized at the inner carbon atoms,while the CBM consists mainly of 1s electron states of the inner hydrogen atoms.Therefore,the electronic properties of graphane nanoribbons are predominantly determined by the inner carbon and hydrogen atoms.Edge atoms have no contribution to either VBM or CBM,which is quite different from GNRs and other inorganic nanoribbons.15-19,23-29All of the edge carbon atoms in graphane nanoribbons are completely saturated with H atoms;thus,the edge states are absent in graphanenanoribbons.Figure 2.Band structures (left)and charge densities of VBM (right lower)and CBM (right upper)for (a)7-zigzag and (b)13-armchair graphanenanoribbons.Figure 3.Variation of the band gap (a)and the formation energy (b)of zigzag (6e N z e 16)and armchair (10e N z e 27)graphane nanoribbons as a function of ribbon width.15044J.Phys.Chem.C,Vol.113,No.33,2009Li et al.Figure3a presents the variation of band gap as a function of ribbon width for a series of zigzag and armchair graphane nanoribbons.All of the graphane nanoribbons considered are semiconducting,and the band gap decreases monotonically with increasing ribbon width.Regardless of the chirality(zigzag or armchair),the graphane nanoribbons with similar widths have very close band gaps(Figure3a),which is vigorous evidence for the quantum confinement effect.3.4.Formation Energies of Graphane Nanoribbons.It is important to discuss the experimental preparation of graphane nanoribbons.Here,we evaluated the formation energy(E f), which is defined as E f)E C-x CµC-x HµH,where E C is the cohensive energy per atom of graphane nanoribbons and x i (i)C or H)is the molar fraction of the atom in the nanoribbons.µC is taken as the cohesive energy per atom of the graphene single layer,andµH is equal to the half binding energy of H2. This approach has been used to estimate the relative stability of GNRs with different chemical compositions.22,38The formation energy of both zigzag and armchair graphane nanoribbons increases monotonically with increasing ribbon width(Figure3b),which implies that narrow ribbons are more likely to form than those wider ones.The negative formation energies of all graphane nanoribbons considered here indicate that graphane nanoribbons are more stable than the experimen-tally available graphenes.However,favorable formation energies do not mean that we can get graphane nanoribbons by directly exposing GNRs to H2,since it is difficult to dissociate H2on GNRs.However,we can use hydrogen plasma or other H atom sources to transform GNRs to graphane nanoribbons,similar to the process of the formation of graphane,14or cut the experimentally available graphane layers in the same way of obtaining graphene ribbons.4.ConclusionIn summary,we have studied the structural and electronic properties of graphane nanoribbons with zigzag or armchair edges by DFT computations.Both zigzag and armchair nano-ribbons are semiconductors with wide direct band gaps.Since the band gap of graphane nanoribbons is determined by inner atoms instead of edge atoms,the band gap decreases monotoni-cally with increasing ribbon width due to the quantum confine-ment effect.Graphane nanoribbons have more favorable for-mation energies than experimentally available graphenes,and the formation energy increases with increasing ribbon width. Overall,graphane nanoribbons have quite promising applications in optics and opto-electronics due to the wide band gap.It is expected that chemical modifications may tune graphane nano-ribbons into p-or n-type semiconductors,which would widen the applications of this novel1D hydrocarbon. Acknowledgment.Support in China by NSFC(20873067) and NCET and in USA by NSF Grant CHE-0716718,the Institute for Functional Nanomaterials(NSF Grant0701525), and the US Environmental Protection Agency(EPA Grant No. RD-83385601)is gratefully acknowledged.References and Notes(1)Saito,R.;Dresselhaus,G.;Dresselhaus,M.S.Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes;Imperial College:London,1999.(2)Novoselov,K.S.;Geim,A.K.;Morozov,S.V.;Jiang,D.;Zhang, Y.;Dubonos,S.V.;Grigoreva,I.V.;Firsov,A.A.Science2004,306, 666.(3)Geim,A.K.;Novoselov,K.S.Nat.Mater.2007,6,183.(4)Rogers,J.A.Nat.Nanotechnol.2008,3,254.(5)Brumfiel,G.Nature2009,458,390.(6)Lee,C.G.;Wei,X.D.;Kysar,J.W.;Hone,J.Science2008,321, 385.(7)Zhang,Y.;Tan,Y.-W.;Stormer,H.L.;Kim,P.Nature2005,438, 201.(8)Ponomarenko,L.A.;Schdin,F.;Katsnelson,M.I.;Yang,R.;Hill,E.W.;Novoselov,K.S.;Geim,A.K.Science2008,320,324.(9)Kan,E.J.;Li,Z.Y.;Yang,J.L.Nano2009,3,433.(10)Kim,K.S.;Zhao,Y.;Jang,H.;Lee,S.Y.;Kim,J.M.;Kim,K.S.; Ahn,J.H.;Kim,P.;Choi,J.Y.;Hong,B.H.Nature2009,457,706.(11)Pan,Y.;Zhang,H.;Shi,D.;Sun,J.;Du,S.;Liu,F.;Gao,H.Ad V. 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不对称外磁场下两量子比特系统的几何相苏耀恒;陈爱民;王军;李跃文【摘要】研究了不对称旋转外磁场下具有 XXZ型海森堡相互作用的两量子比特系统的几何相。


研究结果表明:当极角保持不变,各向异性参数由0增加至无穷大的过程中,系统的哈密顿量由一种极限下的含外场的 XX 模型经过中间的海森堡模型,逐渐演化为另外一种极限下的 Ising模型。

4个本征态的 Berry 相都有各自独特的变化规律,且极角越小几何相趋于稳定越快。

通过对系统 Berry相的研究,可以得到系统在不同参数区间对应的模型的转化,并对本征态的几何性质有更进一步的认识。

【期刊名称】《河南科技大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2017(038)002【总页数】5页(P79-83)【关键词】量子信息;两量子比特系统;几何相;海森堡相互作用【作者】苏耀恒;陈爱民;王军;李跃文【作者单位】西安工程大学理学院,陕西西安 710048;西安工程大学理学院,陕西西安 710048; 西安交通大学理学院,陕西西安 710049;西安工程大学理学院,陕西西安 710048;中航光电科技股份有限公司光电设备事业部,河南洛阳471000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O469量子信息[1]是指在物理系统的量子态中所保存的物理信息。










%By solving the lamb wave dispersion equation for NiTi sheet, the dispersion curves were drawn. Lamb modes more sensitive in detecting phase transformation of NiTi alloy were selected on the basis of the dispersion curves. PZT transducers were used to excite and receive S1 and Sa Lamb waves on NiTi sheet. The wave group speed was measured whente.mperature of NiTi sheet changed. The results showed that some marked changes were observed in the dependence of the group speed versus temperature during phase transformation and phase transformation temperature of NiTi sheet might be examined by the change of the group speed.【期刊名称】《无损检测》【年(卷),期】2012(034)001【总页数】4页(P7-9,26)【关键词】兰姆波检测;模式;群速度;形状记忆合金;相变【作者】王开圣;赵志敏【作者单位】南京航空航天大学理学院应用物理系,南京210016;南京航空航天大学理学院应用物理系,南京210016【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TG115.28NiTi形状记忆合金是工程和生物医学领域应用日益广泛的新材料,也作为敏感元件和驱动器应用在智能结构中,其独特的形状记忆效应和超弹性与其热弹性马氏体相变紧密相关,工程和科研上常用示差扫描量热仪(DSC)、电阻法及变温X射线衍射(XRD)等方法测量NiTi合金相变,然而这些方法仅能检测较小的样品,很难对板、管、棒等大工件进行无损检测。





用vasp计算硅的能带结构首先要了解晶体硅的结构,它是两个嵌套在一起的FCC布拉菲晶格,相对的位置为(a/4,a/4,a/4), 其中a=5.4A是大的正方晶格的晶格常数。


VASP计算需要以下的四个文件:INCAR(控制参数), KPOINTS(倒空间撒点), POSCAR(原子坐标), POTCAR(赝势文件)为了计算能带结构,我们首先要进行一次自洽计算,得到体系正确的基态电子密度。



步骤一.—自洽计算产生正确的基态电子密度:以下是用到的各个文件样本:INCAR 文件:SYSTEM = SiStartparameter for this run:NWRITE = 2; LPETIM=F write-flag & timerPREC = medium medium, high lowISTART = 0 job : 0-new 1-cont 2-samecutICHARG = 2 charge: 1-file 2-atom 10-constISPIN = 1 spin polarized calculation?Electronic Relaxation 1NELM = 90; NELMIN= 8; NELMDL= 10 # of ELM stepsEDIFF = 0.1E-03 stopping-criterion for ELMLREAL = .FALSE. real-space projectionIonic relaxationEDIFFG = 0.1E-02 stopping-criterion for IOMNSW = 0 number of steps for IOMIBRION = 2 ionic relax: 0-MD 1-quasi-New 2-CGISIF = 2 stress and relaxationPOTIM = 0.10 time-step for ionic-motionTEIN = 0.0 initial temperatureTEBEG = 0.0; TEEND = 0.0 temperature during runDOS related values:ISMEAR = 0 ; SIGMA = 0.10 broadening in eV -4-tet -1-fermi 0-gausElectronic relaxation 2 (details)Write flagsLWAVE = T write WAVECARLCHARG = T write CHGCARVASP给INCAR文件中的很多参数都设置了默认值,所以如果你对参数不熟悉,可以直接用默认的参数值。






我们发布了质子的部分子分布函数数据库IMParton16,以及原子核的部分子分布函数数据库nIMParton16(nuclear IMParton)。
















关键词:高次谐波, 双层 MoS2, 堆栈方式, 波长定标 PACS:42.65.Ky, 42.65.–k, 68.65.–k
DOI: 10.7498/aps.70.20210731
1 引 言
近十年来, 强激光与固体材料相互作用产生的 高次谐波辐射逐渐成为国际强场激光物理研究领 域重点研究的课题 [1−4]. 高次谐波研究的主要动 力来源于其极有潜力的应用前景. 利用高次谐波 辐射可以获得相干的、脉冲持续时间短的极紫外 (XUV) 光源和 X 射线源. 由于固体材料的介质密 度远大于气体靶, 同等激光条件下固体产生的高次 谐波转换效率高于气体. 在气体介质中, 高次谐波 主要由电子电离、回碰产生, 而对于固体材料, 其 高次谐波主要由带内电流和带间极化贡献. 最近, 实验上已经证明 [5−11], 强激光与固体材料相互作用 能够提供一种全新的手段产生高效率的高次谐波, 将有希望实现一种新型阿秒光源.
本文针对固体高次谐波的转换效率问题, 以双 层 MoS2 为例, 研究其在不同堆栈方式下的高次谐 波辐射特性, 理论模拟发现, 层间原子错位堆栈能 够有效打破晶体对称性, 使得原有的部分带间禁戒 跃迁被允许, 带间跃迁激发通道增加, 从而提升了 载流子跃迁概率及高次谐波转换效率洛赫方程 组的方法 (SBEs) 开展强激光与双层 MoS2 材料相 互作用的理论研究 [33]. 模拟过程中, 晶体倒格矢坐 标可在直角坐标系中表示为 x||G – M, y||G – K, 和 z||G – A (光轴), 线偏振激光的传播方向沿着光 轴方向. 在单电子近似下, 多能带半导体布洛赫方 程组可以写为
高次谐波转换效率要比 G–M 方向低很多 [34], 因此 在本工作中只关注双层 MoS2 材料在 G–M 方向的 高次谐波辐射. 此外, 图 1(d) 和 1(e) 分别为 AA 型堆栈和 T 型堆栈双层 MoS2 材料在 G–M 方向的 能带结构, 图中所示共 12 条价带和 8 条导带. 对 比双层 MoS2 在两种不同堆栈方式下的能带结构, 发现不管是带隙还是能带的色散分布都几乎保持 一致, 也就是说堆栈方式对其能带结构影响很小.



光电英语词汇(T1)光电英语词汇(T1)光电英语词汇(T1)t-beam 丁字梁t-bolt 丁字[形]螺栓t-head 丁字头t-head bolt 丁字螺栓,t形螺栓t-number t值光圈t-section 丁字[形]剖面t-slot 丁宇[形]槽t-square 丁字尺t-stop (transmission-stop)透射光阑,t光阑t-track t型径迹,锤形径迹t-union t型接管tab 翼片tab equipment tab实装装置tab tape automated bounding 积体电路接续用卷带引线架table (1)表,表格(2)台,工作台table mechenism 工作台机构table revolving movement 工作台回转运动table slide 工作台导槽,工作台滑板table stroke 工作台行程table travel 工作台行程table traverse 工作台横向进给tabular 扁平的tachograph 速度记录图tachometer 转速计tachometry 转速测量术tachylite 玄武玻璃tachylyte 玄武玻璃tachyon 超光速粒子tacitron 噪声闸流管tackifier 胶粘剂tackle 滑车tactical lidar 战术激光雷达tactical missile 战术导弹tactron 冷阳极充气管tagged atom 标记原子,示踪原子tagging 标记tail (1)尾,尾部(2)[电子管]引线(3)尾随脉冲tail pulley 导轮tail-end (1)尾端,尾部(2)曳尾tailing 跟踪tailstock 尾座taipei international optoelectronics show 台北国际光电展take-up spool 卷片轴takeup reel 卷片盘taking angle 物镜视角talbot 塔耳波特(=107流末格)talbot and 塔耳波特谱带talbot law 塔耳波特定律talc 滑石tall-tale lamp 信号灯tally 单位数tally hand 计数器tamm state 塔姆能态tan 褐色[的]tandem 串联的tandem drive 串联传动tandem grating pair 串联光栅对tang 柄舌tangency 相切tangent (tan tg)(1)正切[的](2)切线[的]tangent condition 正切条件tangent line 切线tangent plane 切平面tangent screen (campimeter)切线幕(视野计) tangent screw 切向螺旋tangential (1)切线的(2)切向的(3)正切的tangential close ray tracing 切向闭合光线跟踪tangential coma 切向彗形象差tangential distortion 切向畸变tangential focal line 切向焦线tangential focus 正切焦点tangential force 切向力tangential hole 切向孔tangential line 切线tangential ray 切向光线tangential ray focus 切向光线聚点tangential screw 切向螺旋tank (1)槽,箱(2)振荡回路tank for coolant 冷却液箱tank telescope 坦克望远镜tank-driver's periscope 坦克驾驶员[潜望]镜tank-gunner's periscope 坦克炮手潜望镜tankage (1)容积,容量(2)燃料箱tanning bleach bath 硬化漂白浴tantalum (ta)钽tantalum bolometer 钽测辐射热计tantalum box sourcs 箱式钽蒸发源tantalum nitride 氮化钽tantalum-oxide film 拼化钽膜tap (1)丝维,螺丝攻(2)刻纹器(3)螺塞(4)分支,抽头tap drill 螺孔钻,螺纹底孔钻tap for trapezoidal thread 梯形螺纹丝锥tap transformer 抽头变压器tape (1)卷尺,带尺(2)磁带(3)束,条tape data processing 磁带数据处理tape measure (1)卷尺(2)皮尺tape reader 带读出器,带读数器tape recorder 纸带记录仪tape red gap prism coupler 楔形隙镜耦合器taper (1)锥体(2)斜,斜度(3)锥度,退拨taper gauge 锥度规taper pin 锥形销taper roller 锥形滚柱taper roller bearing 锥形滚柱轴承taper washer 锥形垫圈taper work (1)锥形工件(2)斜度工作tapered (1)锥形的(2)斜的tapered lens 锥形透镜tapered plane 斜平面tapered slit 楔形狭缝tapered socket 锥形插座tapering cavity 锥形腔tapped (1)抽头的,分支的(2)带螺纹的tapped blind hole 螺纹盲孔tapped bore 螺纹孔tapped hole 螺孔tapper 攻丝机tappet (1)随行件(2)挺杆target (1)靶(2)目标target coordinator 目标座标方位仪target detection 目标检测target illuminator (1)靶子照明器(2)目标照明器target properties 目标特性target recognition 目标识别target voltage 靶电压target-designator 目标指示器tartrate 酒石酸盐taylor expansion 泰勒展开taylor power series 泰勒幕级数taylor series expansion 泰勒级数展开taylor triplet 泰勒三片型物镜tdm time division multiplexing 分时多工tea laser 横向受激大气压[气体]激光器tea laser rangefinder 横向受激大气压光测距仪teaching microscope 数学用显微镜tear (t)(=1012)太[拉](兆兆)teaser 受激辐射可调电子放大器technetium (tc)得technetron 场调管technical data 技术数据technical parameter 技术参数technicolo[u]r (1)彩色的(2)彩色[染印法](3)彩色电technicolo[u]r beam-splitter camera [染印法]彩色分光束电影摄影机technicolo[u]r film [染印法]彩色电视technicolo[u]r process 特艺色法technicolo[u]r three-strip camera [染印法]三色带彩色电影摄影机technics (1)技术(2)工艺学technic[al] 技术的,工艺的technique (1)技术(2)工艺学technirama "特艺拉码"宽银幕系统techniscope "特艺色"[染印法]宽银币系统technological 工艺的technological process 工艺过程,工艺规程technology (1)工艺,工艺学(2)技术technology satellite 技术卫星tee (1)t型,丁字型(2)t形接头,三通tee junction t形接头(波导)tee pipe t形管,丁字形管teflon 聚四氟乙烯tele-panchro lens 远全色照相头tele-xenar lens 望远克赛纳[照相]镜头teleammeter 遥测电流计telebit 二进制遥测系统telecamera 电视摄影机telecast (1)电视广播(2)电视节目telecentric (1)焦阑的(2)远心的telecentric beam 远心光束telecentric lens 焦阑透镜telecentric objective 焦阑物镜telecentric relay 远心转像系统telecentric stop 远心光阑,焦阑telecentric system (1)焦阑系统,远心系统telecine 电视电影telecinematography 电视电影术telecom 电信,远距通信telecommunication 远距通信,电信telecon (1)[电传]电报会议(2)硅靶摄像管telecontrol 遥控teleconverter lens 增距镜头telefax 光波传信法,光传真telefilm 电视影片telegauge 遥测计,测远计,测距仪telegoniometer 遥测角计telegraph-code 电码telegraphoscope 电传照相机telelectroscope 电传照相机telelens 远摄镜头telemechanics 遥控机械学telemeter (1)测距仪(2)遥测仪telemetering 遥测,遥测术telemetering device 遥测装置telemetry 遥测术telemicroscope 望远显微镜telemotor 遥控马达,遥控电动机teleobjective 望远物镜,远摄物镜telephonograph 话传电报telephonometer 通话记时计telephoto (1)传真电报(2)远摄照相telephoto camera lens 远摄照相机透镜telephoto lens 远距照相透镜telephoto lenses 望远镜头telephoto magnification 远距离摄影放大[率] telephoto objective 远距照相物镜,摄远物镜telephoto system 远距照相装置telephotography (1)传真电报术(2)远距照相术telephotometer 遥测光度计telephotometry 遥测光度学,望远光度量度学teleradiography 远距x射线照相术teleran 电视雷达导航仪telescope 望远镜telescope alidade 望远镜照准仪telescope compass 望远镜罗盘telescope finder 望远镜导像器telescope heliotrope 望远镜回照仪telescope level 望远镜水准器telescope objective 望远[镜]物镜telescope objectives lenses 望远镜对物镜telescope range finder 望远镜测距仪telescope sighting alidade 望远镜照准仪telescope system 望远镜系统telescope-axle mirror 望远镜轴镜telescopic (1)望远镜的(2)远视的(3)套筒的(4)伸缩的telescopic alidade 望远镜照准仪telescopic cover 伸缩罩telescopic diffraction 远焦衍射telescopic joint 套管接头telescopic objective 望远物镜telescopic shaft 伸缩轴telescopic sight 望远[镜式]瞄准器telescopic system (1)望远系统(2)远焦装置telescopically adjustable 套管调准的telescoping gage 伸缩规telescoping screw 套管螺旋telescopy (1)望远镜学(2)望远镜制造术telescreen 荧光屏teleset (1)电视[接收]机(2)电话机telespectroscope 望远分光镜telestar 体视望telestereoscope 体视望远镜teleswitch 遥控开关,遥控键teletalking 有声电影telethermometer 遥控温度计teletorque 自动同步机,交流自整角机teletron 显像管teleview (1)电视像(2)电视节目televised image 电视像television 电视television camera 电视摄像机television camera tube 电视摄像管television endoscopy 电视内窥镜检查television film projector 电视片放映机television fluorography 电视荧光屏照相术television microscope 电视显微镜television package 电视装置television picture tube 电视显像管television raster 电视光栅television telescope 电视望远镜television-directed 电视制导的televisor 电视机telewriter 打字电报机telluric band 碲谱带telluride 碲化物tellurium (te)碲tellurometer 微波测距仪tem mode (transverse electromagnetic mode)横向电磁波型temperature controller 温度控制器temperature error 温度误差temperature fluctuation 温度波动temperature gauge 温度计temperature gradient 温度陡度temperature homogeneity 温度均匀性temperature hysteresis 温度滞後temperature noise 温度噪声temperature radiation 热辐射temperature-coefficient 温度系数temperature-dependent phase matching 温度相关相位匹配temperature-sensing element 温度敏感元件,热敏元件tempered glass 回火玻璃tempering 回火,退火template (1)样板,模板(2)样规template eyepiece 目镜templet (1)样板,模板(2)样规temporal acuity 时间视觉锐度,时间视敏度temporal coherence 时间相干性temporal coherent beam 时时相干光束temporal filter 时间滤波器temporal modulation 时间调制temporal radiometer 瞬间辐射计temporal structure 瞬间结构ten-symbol 十进位的tenacity (1)轫性(2)轫度(3)粘度tenebrescence 曙光tenfold 十倍tenon 榫tensile 张力的,拉伸的tensile force 张力tensile strength 抗拉强度tensile stress 拉伸应力,拉应力tensiometer 张力计tension (1)张力,拉力(2)电压tension pulley 张力轮tension spring 拉簧tensometer 拉力计tensor 张量tensor ellipsoid 张量椭球tensor of polarizability 极化率张量,偏振率张量tentative (1)试验性的(2)试验标准tenuity [大气]稀薄度tenuous 稀薄的teratron 亚毫米波振荡器terbium (tb)铽terbium-activated 铽激活的term analysis 光谱项分析term scheme 项图term series 谱项系termal paper facsimiles 热感纸传真机terminal laser level population 终端激光能级粒子数terminal level 终端能级termination 终端ternary (1)三元的(2)三进制的ternary compound structure 三元化合物结构ternary counter 三进制计数器terrain avoidance laser radar 地面激光防撞雷达terrain avoidance sensor 地面防撞传感器terrain temperature 地体温度terrestrial eyepiece (1)地面目镜(2)正像目镜terrestrial globe 地球terrestrial laser communication system 地面激光通位系统,地面激光通讯系统terrestrial observation 地面上观察terrestrial refraction 地面[大气]折射terrestrial spectral radiance map 地球光谱辐射图terrestrial telescope 地面望远镜terrestrial-background measurement technique 大地背景测量技术tertiary spectrum 三重光谱terylene 涤纶,聚脂纤维tesha (t)忒斯接(mks制磁通密度单位)tessar lens 天塞镜头test (1)检验,测试(2)试验test chart 测试图test glass 玻璃样板test lenses 验光透镜test pattern 测试图样test plate of pin holes 针孔测试板test run 试运转test section 测试区test-piece 测试件testboard 测试台tester (1)检查仪,检验器(2)试验员tester tube 电子管特性测试仪testplate (1)检验片(2)光学样板tetartanopia 蓝黄色盲tetra-halogen 四卤[素]tetracene 四苯tetrachloride 四氯化物tetrachloroethylene 四氯乙烯tetracycline fluorescence 四环素荧光tetrad 四重轴tetragon 四角形tetragonal (1)四角形的(2)四角晶系tetragonal crystal system 四角晶系tetragonal prism 四角棱镜tetrahedral 四面体的tetrahedral angle 四面体角tetrahedral bonding structure 四面体键结构tetrahedroid 四面体tetrahedron 四面体,四面形tetrahexahedron 四六面体tetramorphism 四晶现象tetrode 四极管texture (1)组织(2)构造()晶体结构tft (thin film transistor)薄膜电晶体tgs crystal (triglycine sulfate srystal)硫酸三甘钛晶体thalamus 视神经床thallium (tl)铊thallium activated alkalihalide 铊激活卤化咸thallium bromide 溴化铊thallium bromo-iodide 溴碘化铊thallium chloride 氯化铊thallium fluoride 氟化铊thallium iodide 碘化铊thallium selenide 硒化铊thallium selenide infrared detector 硒化铊红外探测器theater projector (1)剧院聚光灯(2)电影院放映机theater-glass 观剧镜theodlites/transits 经纬仪theodolite 经纬仪theorem 定理theorem of lagrange 拉格朗日定理theoretical optics 理论光学theory 理论,学说theory of color vision 色觉学说thermal 热的thermal analyzer 热分析仪thermal blooming 热晕thermal cathode 热电子阳极thermal cautery unit 热烧灼器thermal conductance 热导率thermal conductivity (1)热导率(2)导热性thermal conductivity quanta 导热量子thermal conversion type optical power meters 光功率计(热转换型)thermal cycling 热循环thermal deflection 热偏转thermal deformation 热形变thermal depopulation 热致粒子减少thermal detector 热检测器thermal diffusion 热扩散thermal diffusivity 热扩散率thermal disturbance 热扰动thermal drift 热漂移thermal effect 热效应thermal electron 热电子thermal element 热敏元件thermal energy 热能thermal equilibrium 热平衡thermal excitation 热激发,热激励thermal expansion 热膨胀thermal fragmentation 热裂[作用] thermal gas lens 热气体透镜thermal gasdynamic laser 热气动激光器thermal image converter 热变像管thermal imaging 热成像thermal imaging equipment 热像仪thermal imaging system 热成像系统,热像仪thermal impedance 热阻抗thermal lens 热透镜thermal light 热光thermal noise 热噪声thermal radiation 热辐射thermal radiator 热辐射体thermal relaxation time 热弛豫时间thermal scattering 热散射thermal self-focusing 热自聚焦[过程]thermal shift 热漂移thermal shock 热冲击,热震thermal strain 热应变thermal stress 热应力thermal transfer fax 热转写传真机thermal transition 热跃迁thermal vibration 热振动thermal-blooming compensation 热晕补偿thermal-induced imagery 红外热图像thermal-isolating glass 隔热片thermal-lnesing effect 热镜效应thermal-optical distortion 热光畸变thermalization 热[能]化thermally coupled image amplifier 热耦合像放大器thermally engraved hologram 热雕全息图thermally sensitive resistance 热敏电阻thermally stimulated current 热激发电流thermion 热离子thermionic cathode 热电子阳极thermionic emitter 热离子发射体thermionic valve 热离子管,热阳极电子管thermionics 热明极电子学,热离子学thermistor 热敏电阻thermistor bolometer 热敏电阻测辐射热计thermite 铝热剂thermo electromotive force 温差电动势thermo-electron 热电子thermo-electronic emission 热电子发射thermo-element 温差电偶thermo-galvanometer 热电偶电流计thermo-generator 温差发电器,热偶发电器thermo-optical coeffecient 热光系数thermo-optical constant 热光常数thermo-optical instability 热光不稳定性thermo-optical property 热光性质thermochemical 热化学的thermochemistry 热化学thermochromatism 热色性thermochromic display 热色显示thermochromic materials 热色材料thermochromy 热色性thermocompression 热压thermocouple 温差电偶thermocouple detector 温差电偶探测器thermocouple detectors 热电偶检测器thermocouple heater 温差电偶加热器thermodiffustion 热扩散thermodynamic 热力学的thermodynamic entropy 热力学的熵thermodynamic equilibrium constant 热力学平衡常数thermodynamic limit 热力学极限thermodynamics 热力学thermoelectric 温差电的thermoelectric colorimeter 温差电色度计thermoelectricity (1)温差学,热电(2)温差电学,热电学thermofax 红外辐射热影印法thermogram 温度自记曲线thermograph 温度[自动]记录术thermoionic emission 热离子发射thermojet 热射流thermojunction 温差电偶thermology 热学thermoluminescence 热致发光thermoluminescence dosimeter 热致发光剂量计thermoluminescent 热致发光的thermomagnetic 热磁的thermometer 温度计thermometrograph 自记式温度计thermometry 测温学thermonegative 吸热的thermonuclear 热核的thermonuclear fusion 热核聚变thermonuclear microexplosion 热核微爆炸thermonuclear reaction 热核反应thermophotography 热照相术thermopile 温差电堆,热电堆thermopile detectors 热堆检测器thermoplastic (1)热塑性的(2)热塑性塑料thermoplastic cement 热塑性胶thermoplastic film 热塑胶片thermoplastic light valve 热塑料光阀thermoplastic memory system 热塑性存储系统thermoplastic tape 热塑带thermoplastic-photoconductor 热塑料–光导体thermopositive 放热的thermoregulator 调温器,温度调节器thermorelay 热电继电器thermoset 热凝固的thermosetting cement 热凝固胶thermosetting plastics 热凝塑料thermostability 热稳定性thermostat 恒温箱,恒温器thermostatic bath 恒温槽thermostatic chamber 恒温室thermostatic control 恒温控制thermoswitch 热敏开关,温度调节器thermovoltaic 热伏打的theta-pinch θ箍缩theta-pinch geometry θ箍缩形状theta-pinch plasma θ箍缩等离子体thick film 厚膜thick lens 厚透镜thick meniscus lens 弯月形厚透镜thick-film hologram 厚膜全息图thick-film liquid dye laser 厚膜液体染激光器thickness (1)厚度(2)浓度thickness gauge 厚薄规,厚隙规thimble (1)套管(2)顶针thin achromatic doublet 消色差薄双片透镜thin aluminum filter 薄铝滤光片thin dielectric film 电介质薄膜thin evaporated film 蒸发薄膜thin film capacitor 薄膜电容器thin film coating plant 镀[薄]膜机thin film composite structure 薄膜合成结构thin film detector 薄膜探测器thin film field-emission cathode 薄膜致发射阳极thin film hologram 薄膜全息图thin film hydrogen sensor 薄膜氢传感器thin film image converter 薄膜变像管thin film infrared detector 薄膜红外探测器thin film integrated circuit 薄膜集成电路thin film laser 薄膜激光器thin film light guide 薄膜光导thin film optical shutter 薄膜光学快门thin film optical switch 薄膜光学开关thin film optical waveguide 薄膜光学波导thin film optics 薄膜光学thin film photoresistor 薄膜光敏电阻thin film process chemical 薄膜制程化学品thin film semiconductor detector 半导体薄膜探测器thin film solid-state image sensor 薄膜固体像传感器thin film switch 薄膜开关thin layer 薄膜,薄膜层thin lens 薄透镜thin membrance mirror 薄膜镜thin metal film 金属薄膜thin pencil of ray 细光束thin polymer film 聚合物薄膜thin prism 薄棱镜thin sputtered film 溅射薄膜thin wafer-channel multiplier 薄片通道式倍增器thin-film-band pass filter 薄膜带通滤光片thin-window intensifier 薄窗增强器thiocyanate 硫氰酸盐thiophosgene 硫羰化二氯,二氯化朱third circle goniometer 三圆测角仪third decimal 第三位小数third harmonic 三次谐波third harmonic generation 三次谐波振荡third-order aberration 第三级像差third-order correlation 三谐相关third-order holographic aberration 第三级全息像差third-order light mixing 三阶光混频third-order nonlinearity 第三级非线性thollon prism monochromator 索仑棱镜单色仪thompson angle 汤普森角thompson cross-section 汤普森[散射]截面thompson effect 汤普森效应thompson scattering system 汤普森散射系统thompson's prism 汤普森棱镜thoria 氧钍thoriated tungsten cathode 敷钍钨阴极thoriated tungsten filament 敷钍钨灯丝thorium (th)钍thorium fluoride 氟化钍thorium oxide 氧化钍thorium oxyfluoride 氟氧钍thorium-free glass 无钍玻璃thou 英毫(=10-3英寸,=25.4微米)thread 螺纹thread micrometer 螺纹测微计,螺线千分尺thread pitch 螺距threaded 有螺纹的threaded ring 螺纹压圈threading 车螺纹,攻丝threadlike phase 螺线型相位three orthogonal displacement component 三向正交位移元件three phase connection 三相接头three primary colo[u]rs 三元色three-axis laser gyro package 三轴激光陀螺装置three-beam speckle pattern interferometer 三射束光斑图像干涉仪three-colo[u]r camera 三色照相机three-colo[u]r filter 三色滤光片three-component zoom lens 三组式变焦距镜头three-coordinates measuring machine 三座标测量仪three-dimensional 三维的,立体的three-dimensional appeal 立体电影three-dimensional camera 立体照相机three-dimensional cinema 立体电影three-dimensional film 立体影片three-dimensional fringes 三维条纹three-dimensional grating 三维光栅three-dimensional holography 三维全息术three-dimensional image 三维像,立体像three-dimensional imager 三维成像器,立体成像器three-dimensional imaging 三维成像,立体成像three-dimensional laser radar 三维激光雷达three-dimensional optical transform 三维光学变换three-dimensional photo [graph] 立体照片three-dimensional photography 立体照相术,立体摄影术three-dimensional projection 立体放映three-dimensional projection screen 立体投影屏three-dimensional projector 立体放映机three-dimensional reconstruction 三维重现,立体重现three-dimensional roughness 三维粗度three-dimensional scattering 三维散射three-dimensional scence 三维景象three-dimensional surface 三维面three-dimensional system of coordinate 三维座标系three-jaw chuck 三爪卡盘,三爪夹盘three-lens condenser 三透镜聚光器three-level fluorescent solid 三能级荧光固体three-level laser 三能级激光器three-level maser 三能级量子放大器three-level solid laser 三能级固体激光器three-level system 三能级系统three-mode laser 三模激光器three-mode stimulated emission 三模受激发射three-phase a.c. voltage source 三相交流电源three-phase a.c. voltage supply 三相交流电源three-phase carbon arc lamp 三相碳精灯three-phase induction 三相感应three-phase induction motor 三相感应电动机three-speed gear 三速齿轮,三档齿轮three-start screw 三头螺纹three-strip colo[u]r camera 三色带摄影机three-vidicon camera 三视像管摄像机three-way cock 三通旋塞three-way pipe 三通管three-wire measurement 三线测螺纹法threshold (1)阈(2)界值threshold condition 阈值条件threshold current 阈电流threshold current density 阈电流密度threshold degeneracy 阈值简关threshold detection 阈值检测threshold detector 阈值探测器threshold element 阈元件threshold energy 阈能threshold of detectability 检波阈,探测阈threshold of luminescence 发光阈threshold of sensitivity 灵敏度阈,灵敏度界值threshold population inversion 阈值粒子数反转threshold power density measurement 阈值功率密度测量threshold quantity 阈值threshold region 阈区threshold voltage 阈值电压threshold zonal filtering 阈值带滤波thrihedral reflector 三面体反射镜thrihedral tool-maker's straight edge 三棱直尺thrihedron 三面体throttle (1)节流(2)节流阈(3)风门through bolt 贯穿螺栓through-hole 通孔throughput (1)每秒流量(2)通过量throw (1)投掷(2)行程(3)摆辐thrower (1)投掷器(2)抛油环thrust 推力thrust ball bearing 推力滚珠轴承thrust bearing 推力轴承thulium (tu)丢thulium laser 丢激光器thumb nut 蝶形螺母thumbscrew 翼形螺钉thyratron 闸流管thyratron light source 闸流管光源thyristor 闸流晶体管,可控硅整流器thyristor diode 闸流二极管tickler 反馈线圈tide power station 潮汐发电站tie 拉杆tight binding approximation 紧束缚近似tightener 紧轮,紧线器tightness 密封度tilt (1)倾角(2)仰角tilt graticule 倾斜分划板tilt head 倾斜头(三角架上的)tilt table 倾斜台tilted electron lens 倾斜电子透镜tilted intracavity etalon 倾斜内腔标准具tilted mirror 倾斜[反射]镜tilted surface 倾斜面tilted-plate test 斜置底板检验tilting level 微倾水准仪tilting mirror 倾斜[反射]镜tiltometer 倾斜计timbre 音品,音色time base marker 时标time coherence 时间相干性time constant 时间常数time delay 时间延迟time dilation 时间扩展time division multiplexing 时间分割多路传输time domain display 时畴显示time element 时元time filtering 时间滤波time frame 时间量级time frequency filtering 时间频率滤波time gamma curve 时间–反差系数曲线time interval meter 时间间隔计time lag 时滞time mark generator 时标振荡器,时标[信号]发生器time modulation 时间调制time multiplexing 时间多路传输time normalization 时间归一化time of relaxation 弛豫时间time programmer 计时程序器time resolution 时间分辨率time response 时间响应time scale 时标time sweep 时间扫描time synchronization 时间同步time width 时间宽度time-averaged fringe pattern 时间平均条纹图样time-averaged holographic interferometry 时间平均全息干涉量度学time-averaged holography 时间平均全息术光电英语词汇(T1) 相关内容:。



AFM-microRaman and nanoRaman TMIntroductionThe use of Raman microscopy has become animportant tool for the analysis of materials on themicron scale. The unique confocal and spatialresolution of the LabRAM series has enabled opticalfar field resolution to be pushed to its limits withoften sub-micron resolution achievable.The next step to material analysis on a smallerscale has been the combination of Ramanspectroscopic analysis with near field optics and anAtomic force microscope (AFM). The hybridRaman/AFM combination enables nanometrictopographical information to be coupled to chemical(spectroscopic) information. The unique designsdeveloped by HORIBA Jobin Yvon enable in-situRaman measurements to be made upon variousdifferent AFM units, and for the exploration of newand evolving techniques such as nanoRamanspectroscopy based on the TERS (tip enhancedRaman spectroscopy) effect.AFM image of nano-structures on a SiN sampleHORIBA Jobin Yvon offers both off-axis and on-axisAFM/Raman coupling to better match your sampleand analysis requirements.Off-axis and inverted on-axis configurations forAFM/Raman coupling showing the laser (blue) andRaman (pink) optical pathThe LabRAM-Nano Series is based on the provenLabRAM HR system providing unsurpassedperformance for classical Raman analysis. With theAFM coupling option, it becomes the platform ofchoice for AFM/Raman experiments. The off-axisgeometry offers large sample handling capabilitiesand is ideally suited for the analysis ofsemiconductor materials, wafers and more generallyopaque samples.For biological and life science applications, theLabRAM-Nano operates in inverted on-axisconfiguration with a confocal inverted Ramanmicroscope on top of which the AFM unit is directlymounted. This system is ideally suited for the studyof transparent biological samples such as singlecells, tissue samples and bio-polymers.In both systems, AFM and SNOM fluorescencemeasurements can be combined with Ramananalysis to provide a more completecharacterisation of sample chemistry andmorphology on the same area. Several AFMsystems from leading AFM manufacturers can beadapted on these two instruments. Please contactus to find out which one is best for you!AFM- microRaman dual analysisThe seamless integration of hardware and software of both systems onto the same platform enables fast and user-friendly operation of both systems at the same time. Furthermore, the AFM/Raman coupling does not compromise the individual capabilities of either system and the imaging modes of the AFM remain available (EFM, MFM, Tapping Mode, etc.)The operator has direct access to both the nanometric topography of a sample given by the AFM, and the chemical information from the micro-Raman measurement. An AFM image can berecorded as an initial survey map, in which regions of interest can be defined for further Raman analysis, using the same software.An example of such analysis is illustrated below by an AFM image of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) giving information on the CNTs’ length, diameters and aggregation state. A more detailed AFM image is then obtained in which Raman analysis can be performed.Carbon nanotubes AFM images with a gold-coated tip in contact mode. The diameter of the bundles of nanotubes is between 10 and 30 nm.NanoRaman for TERS experimentsSurface Enhance Raman Scattering (SERS) has long been used to enhance weak Raman signals by means of surface plasmon resonance using nanoparticle colloids or rough metallic substrates, allowing to detect chemical species at ppm levels.The TERS effect is based on the same principle, but uses a metal-coated AFM tip (instead of nanoparticles) as an antenna that enhances the Raman signal coming from the sample area which is in contact (near-field). Although not yet fully understood, the TERS effect has attracted a lot of interest, as it holds the promise of producing chemical images with nanometric resolution.The LabRAM-Nano offers an ideal platform,combining state-of-the-art AFMs with our Raman expertise to perform exploratory TERS experiments with confidence.Raman signal TERS enhancement on a Silicon sample with far field suppression thanks to adequate polarization configuration. Red : Far field + Near Field (tip in contact)– Blue : Far field only (tip withdrawn)Technical specificationsFlexure guided scanner is used to maintain zero background curvature below 2 nm out-of-planeFor non-TERS measurements, classical Raman measurements can be made on the same spot as AFM images by translating the sample with a high-accuracy positioning stage from the AFM setup to the Raman setup (and vice et versa). The AFM map can be used to define a region of interest for the Raman analysisusing a common software.LabRAM-Nano coupled with Veeco’s Dimension 3100 AFMThe on-axis coupling configuration enables both AFM-microRaman dual analysis and TERS measurementson transparent and biological samples. The AFM is directly coupled onto the inverted microscope and directlyinterfaced to the LabRAM HR microprobe. It can also be taken off the optical microscope to obtain AFMimages in a different location. Seamless software integration is realized to provide a common platform to bothsystems for both AFM and Raman analysis of the same area and TERS investigation.Bioscope II from VeecoLabRAM-Nano coupled with Park Systems(formerly PSIA) XE-120Off-axis coupling for AFM-microRaman and nanoRaman (TERS)For both dual AFM-microRaman dual analysis and TERS measurements, the off-axis coupling is ideally suited for opaque and large samples. For opaque samples, the inverted on-axis coupling is not possible as the sample will not transmit the laser beam. This can be solved by setting the microscope objective at some angle to avoid “shadowing” effects from the AFM cantilever. Here also, seamless software integration is realized to provide a common platform to both systems. The AFM can be controlled by the Raman software (LabSpec), and mapping areas can be defined on AFM images for further Raman analysis.France : HORIBA Jobin Yvon S.A.S., 231 rue de Lille, 59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq. Tel : +33 (0)3 20 59 18 00, Fax : +33 (0)3 20 59 18 08. Email : www.jobinyvon.frUSA : HORIBA Jobin Yvon Inc., 3880 Park Avenue, Edison, NJ 08820-3012. Tel : +1-732-494-8660, Fax : +1-732-549-2571. Email : raman@ Japan : HORIBA Ltd., JY Optical Sales Dept., 1-7-8 Higashi-kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0031. Tel: +81 (0)3 3861 8231, Fax: +81 (0)3 3861 8259. Email: raman@ LabRAM-Nano coupled with Park Systems (formerly PSIA) XE-100Combined polarized Raman and atomic force microscopy:In situ study of point defects and mechanical properties in individual ZnO nanobelts Marcel Lucas,1Zhong Lin Wang,2and Elisa Riedo1,a͒1School of Physics,Georgia Institute of Technology,Atlanta,Georgia30332-0430,USA2School of Materials Science and Engineering,Georgia Institute of Technology,Atlanta,Georgia30332-0245,USA͑Received8June2009;accepted23June2009;published online4August2009͒We present a method,polarized Raman͑PR͒spectroscopy combined with atomic force microscopy͑AFM͒,to characterize in situ and nondestructively the structure and the physical properties ofindividual nanostructures.PR-AFM applied to individual ZnO nanobelts reveals the interplaybetween growth direction,point defects,morphology,and mechanical properties of thesenanostructures.In particular,wefind that the presence of point defects can decrease the elasticmodulus of the nanobelts by one order of magnitude.More generally,PR-AFM can be extended todifferent types of nanostructures,which can be in as-fabricated devices.©2009American Instituteof Physics.͓DOI:10.1063/1.3177065͔Nanostructured materials,such as nanotubes,nanobelts ͑NBs͒,and thinfilms,have potential applications as elec-tronic components,catalysts,sensors,biomarkers,and en-ergy harvesters.1–5The growth direction of single-crystal nanostructures affects their mechanical,6–8optoelectronic,9 transport,4catalytic,5and tribological properties.10Recently, ZnO nanostructures have attracted a considerable interest for their unique piezoelectric,optoelectronic,andfield emission properties.1,2,11,12Numerous experimental and theoretical studies have been undertaken to understand the properties of ZnO nanowires and NBs,11,12but several questions remain open.For example,it is often assumed that oxygen vacancies are present in bulk ZnO,and that their presence reduces the mechanical performance of ZnO materials.13However,no direct observation has supported the idea that point defects affect the mechanical properties of individual nanostructures.Only a few combinations of experimental techniques en-able the investigation of the mechanical properties,morphol-ogy,crystallographic structure/orientation and presence of defects in the same individual nanostructure,and they are rarely implemented due to technical challenges.Transmis-sion electron microscopy͑TEM͒can determine the crystal-lographic structure and morphology of nanomaterials that are thin enough for electrons to transmit through,4,14–17but suf-fers from some limitations.For example,characterization of point defects is rather challenging.14–17Also,the in situ TEM characterization of the mechanical and electronic properties of nanostructures is very challenging or impossible.15–17 Alternatively,atomic force microscopy͑AFM͒is well suited for probing the morphology,mechanical,magnetic, and electronic properties of nanostructures from the micron scale down to the atomic scale.3,6,7,10In parallel, Raman spectroscopy is effective in the characterization of the structure,mechanical deformation,and thermal proper-ties of nanostructures,18,19as well as the identification of impurities.20Furthermore,polarized Raman͑PR͒spectros-copy was recently used to characterize the crystal structure and growth direction of individual single-crystal nanowires.21Here,an AFM is combined to a Raman microscope through an inverted optical microscope.The morphology and the mechanical properties of individual ZnO NBs are deter-mined by AFM,while polarized Raman spectroscopy is used to characterize in situ and nondestructively the growth direc-tion and randomly distributed defects in the same individual NBs.Wefind that the presence of point defects can decrease the elastic modulus of the NBs by almost one order of mag-nitude.The ZnO NBs were prepared by physical vapor deposi-tion͑PVD͒without catalysts14and deposited on a glass cover slip.For the PR studies,the cover slip was glued to the bottom of a Petri dish,in which a hole was drilled to allow the laser beam to go through it.The round Petri dish was then placed on a sample plate below the AFM scanner,where it can be rotated by an angle␸,or clamped͑see Fig.1͒.The morphology and mechanical properties of the ZnO NBs were characterized with an Agilent PicoPlus AFM.The AFM was placed on top of an Olympus IX71inverted optical micro-scope using a quickslide stage͑Agilent͒.A silicon AFM probe͑PointProbe NCHR from Nanoworld͒,with a normal cantilever spring constant of26N/m and a radius of about 60nm,was used to collect the AFM topography and modulated nanoindentation data.The elastic modulus of the NBs was measured using the modulated nanoindentation method22by applying normal displacement oscillations at the frequency of994.8Hz,at the amplitude of1.2Å,and by varying the normal load.PR spectra were recorded in the backscattering geometry using a laser spot small enough ͑diameter of1–2␮m͒to probe one single NB at a time.The incident polarization direction can be rotated continuouslywith a half-wave plate and the scattered light is analyzedalong one of two perpendicular directions by a polarizer atthe entrance of the spectrometer͑Fig.1͒.Series of PR spec-tra from the bulk ZnO crystals and the individual ZnO NBswere collected with varying sample orientation␸͑the NBs are parallel to the incident polarization at␸=0͒,in the co-͑parallel incident and scattered analyzed polarizations͒and cross-polarized͑perpendicular incident and scattered ana-lyzed polarizations͒configurations.For the ZnO NBs,addi-tional series of PR spectra were collected where the incidenta͒Electronic mail:elisa.riedo@.APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS95,051904͑2009͒0003-6951/2009/95͑5͒/051904/3/$25.00©2009American Institute of Physics95,051904-1polarization is rotated and the ZnO NB axis remained paral-lel or perpendicular to the analyzed scattered polarization ͑see supplementary information 25͒.The exposure time for each Raman spectrum was 10s for the bulk crystals and 20min for NBs.After each rotation of the NBs,the laser spot is recentered on the same NB and at the same location along the NB.Prior to the PR characterization of ZnO NBs,PR data were collected on the c -plane and m -plane of bulk ZnO crystals ͓Fig.2͑a ͔͒.In ambient conditions,ZnO has a wurtzite structure ͑space group C 6v 4͒.Group theory predicts four Raman-active modes:one A 1,one E 1,and two E 2modes.11,20,23The polar A 1and E 1modes split into transverse ͑TO ͒and longitudinal optical branches.On the c -plane ͑0001͒-oriented sample,only the E 2modes,at 99͑not shown ͒and 438cm −1,are observed,and their intensity is independent of the sample orientation ␸͓Fig.2͑a ͔͒.On them -plane ͑101¯0͒-oriented sample,the E 2,E 1͑TO ͒,and A 1͑TO ͒modes are observed at 99,438,409,and 377cm −1,respectively ͓Fig.2͑a ͔͒,and their intensity depends on ␸.Peaks at 203and 331cm −1in both crystals are assigned to multiple phonon scattering processes.The intensity,center,and width of the peaks at 438,409,and 377cm −1were obtained by fitting the experimental PR spectra with Lorent-zian lines ͑see supplementary information 25͒.The successful fits of the angular dependencies by using the group theory and crystal symmetry 23indicate that PR data can be used to characterize the growth direction of ZnO NBs.It is noted that the ZnO NBs studied here have dimensions over 300nm,so the determination of the growth direction is not ex-pected to be affected by any enhancement of the polarized Raman signal due to their high aspect ratio.24AFM images and PR data of three individual ZnO NBs are presented in Figs.2͑b ͒–2͑d ͒.These NBs,labeled NB1,NB2,and NB3,have different dimensions and properties assummarized in Table I .A comparison of the PR spectra in Figs.2͑a ͒–2͑d ͒reveals differences between bulk ZnO and individual NBs.First,the glass cover slip gives rise to a weak broadband centered around 350cm −1on the Raman spectra of the NBs ͓see bottom of Fig.2͑d ͔͒.Second,there are additional Raman bands around 224and 275cm −1for NB2and NB3.These bands are observed in doped or ion-implanted ZnO crystals.11,20Their appearance is explained by the disorder in the crystal lattice due to randomly distrib-uted point defects,such as oxygen vacancies or impurities.The defect peaks area increases in the order NB1ϽNB2ϽNB3.Since the laser spot diameter is larger than the width of all three NBs,but smaller than their length,L ,the NB volume probed by the laser beam is approximated by the product of the width,w ,with the thickness,t .ThevolumeFIG.1.͑Color online ͒Schematic of the experimental setup,showing the path of the laser beam.The ZnO NBs are deposited on a glass slide,which is placed inside a rotating Petridish.FIG.2.͑Color online ͒͑a ͒PR spectra from the c and m planes of a ZnO crystal,shown in blue and green,respectively.The wurtzite structure ͑Zn atoms are brown,O atoms red ͒is also shown,where a ء,b ء,and c ءare the reciprocal lattice vectors.͓͑b ͒–͑d ͔͒AFM images ͑3ϫ3␮m ͒of three NBs labeled NB1,NB2,and NB3and corresponding PR spectra.In ͑d ͒a PR spectrum of the glass substrate is shown at the bottom.All the PR spectra in ͑a ͒–͑d ͒are collected in the copolarized configuration for ␸=0and 90°.The spectra are offset vertically for clarity.TABLE I.Summary of the PR-AFM results for NB1,NB2,and NB3.w ͑nm ͒t ͑nm ͒w /t L ͑␮m ͒␪͑°͒E ͑GPa ͒Defects NB11080875 1.24028Ϯ1562Ϯ5No NB21150710 1.64972Ϯ1538Ϯ5Yes NB315104553.35966Ϯ1517Ϯ5Yesprobed decreases in the order NB1͑wϫt=9.45ϫ103nm2͒ϾNB2͑8.17ϫ103nm2͒ϾNB3͑6.87ϫ103nm2͒.This indi-cates that the density of point defects is highest in NB3,and increases with the width to thickness ratio,w/t,in the order NB1ϽNB2ϽNB3.The PR intensity variations of the438cm−1peak as a function of␸in the various polarization configurations were fitted by using group theory and crystal symmetry to deter-mine the angle␪between the NB long axis͑or growth di-rection͒and the c-axis͓͑0001͔axis͒of the constituting ZnO wurtzite structure21,23͑see supplementary information25͒.In-tensity variations of the377cm−1peak,when present,are used to confirm the obtained values of␪.The results are shown in Table I and indicate that growth directions other than the most commonly observed c-axis are possible,par-ticularly when point defects are present.Finally,the elastic properties of NB1,NB2,and NB3are characterized by AFM using the modulated nanoindentation method.6,7,22In a previous study,the elastic modulus of ZnO NBs was found to decrease with increasing w/t and this w/t dependence was attributed to the presence of planar defects in NBs with high w/t.6,7By using PR-AFM,we can study the role of randomly distributed defects,morphology,and growth direction on the elastic properties in the same indi-vidual ZnO NB.The measured elastic moduli,E,are62GPa for NB1,38GPa for NB2,and17GPa for NB3.These PR-AFM results confirm the w/t dependence of the elastic modulus in ZnO NBs,but more importantly they reveal that the elastic modulus of ZnO NBs can significantly decrease, down by almost one order of magnitude,with the presence of randomly distributed point defects.In summary,a new approach combining polarized Raman spectroscopy and AFM reveals the strong influence of point defects on the elastic properties of ZnO NBs and their morphology.Based on a scanning probe,PR-AFM pro-vides an in situ and nondestructive tool for the complete characterization of the crystal structure and the physical properties of individual nanostructures that can be in as-fabricated nanodevices.The authors acknowledge thefinancial support from the Department of Energy under Grant No.DE-FG02-06ER46293.1Y.Qin,X.Wang,and Z.L.Wang,Nature͑London͒451,809͑2008͒.2X.Wang,J.Song,J.Liu,and Z.L.Wang,Science316,102͑2007͒.3D.J.Müller and Y.F.Dufrêne,Nat.Nanotechnol.3,261͑2008͒.4H.Peng,C.Xie,D.T.Schoen,and Y.Cui,Nano Lett.8,1511͑2008͒. 5U.Diebold,Surf.Sci.Rep.48,53͑2003͒.6M.Lucas,W.J.Mai,R.Yang,Z.L.Wang,and E.Riedo,Nano 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Raman͑PR͒spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy͑AFM͒is usedto characterize the growth direction,the presence of point defects and the morphology of individual ZnOnanobelts.PR-AFM data reveal two growth modes during the synthesis of ZnO nanobelts by physical vapordeposition.In the thermodynamics-controlled growth mode,nanobelts grow along a direction close to͓0001͔,their morphology is growth-direction dependent,and they exhibit no point defects.In the kinetics-controlledgrowth mode,nanobelts grow along directions almost perpendicular to͓0001͔,and they exhibit point defects.DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.81.045415PACS number͑s͒:61.46.Ϫw,61.72.Dd,78.30.Ly,81.10.ϪhI.INTRODUCTIONControl over the morphology and structure of nanostruc-tured materials is essential for the development of future de-vices,since their physical properties depend on their dimen-sions and crystallographic structure.1–15In particular,the growth direction of single-crystal nanostructures affects their piezoelectric,1,2transport,3catalytic,4mechanical,5–9 optoelectronic,10and tribological properties.11ZnO nano-structures with various morphologies͑wires,belts,helices, rings,tubes,…͒have been successfully synthesized in solu-tion and in the vapor phase,14–19but little is known about their growth mechanism,particularly in a process not involv-ing catalyst particles.17Understanding the growth mecha-nism and determining the decisive parameters directing the growth of nanostructures and tailoring their morphology is essential for the use of ZnO nanobelts as power generators or electromechanical systems.1,2,5,6From a theoretical stand-point,a shape-dependent thermodynamic model showed that the morphology of ZnO nanobelts grown in equilibrium con-ditions depends on their growth direction,but the role of defects was not considered.20Experimentally,it was shown that the growth direction of ZnO nanostructures can be di-rected by the synthesis conditions,such as the oxygen con-tent in the furnace.19A previous study combining scanning electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction suggested a growth-direction-dependent morphology.20An atomic force microscopy͑AFM͒combined with transmission electron mi-croscopy also suggested that the morphology of ZnO nano-belts is correlated with their growth direction and highlighted the potentially important role of planar defects.5 Growth modes out of thermodynamic equilibrium and the role of point defects5,17are particularly challenging to inves-tigate experimentally,21due to the lack of appropriate experi-mental techniques.Electron microscopy can determine the crystallographic structure and morphology of conductive nanomaterials,3,17,22–24but is not suitable for the character-ization of point defects,especially when their distribution is disordered.17,22–24Raman spectroscopy has been used for the characterization of the structure of carbon nanotubes,25,26the identification of impurities,27and the determination of the crystal structure28and growth direction of individual single-crystal nanowires.29Recently,polarized Raman͑PR͒spec-troscopy has been coupled to AFM to study in situ the inter-play between point defects and mechanical properties of ZnO nanobelts.30Here,PR-AFM is used to study the growth mechanism and the relationship between growth direction,point defects, and morphology of individual ZnO nanobelts.The morphol-ogy of an individual ZnO nanobelt is determined by AFM, while the growth direction and randomly distributed defects in the same individual nanobelt are characterized by polar-ized Raman spectroscopy.II.EXPERIMENTALThe ZnO nanobelts were prepared by physical vapor deposition͑PVD͒without catalysts following the method de-scribed in Ref.17.The ZnO nanobelts were deposited on a glass cover slip,which was glued to a Petri dish.The rotat-able Petri dish was then placed on a sample plate under an Agilent PicoPlus AFM equipped with a scanner of100ϫ100␮m2range.Topography images of the ZnO nanobelts were collected in the contact mode with CONTR probes͑NanoWorld AG,Neuchâtel,Switzerland͒of normal spring constant0.21N/m at a set point of2nN.The AFM was placed on top of an Olympus IX71inverted optical micro-scope that is coupled to a Horiba Jobin-Yvon LabRam HR800.PR spectra were recorded in the backscattering ge-ometry using a40ϫ͑0.6NA͒objective focusing a laser beam of wavelength785nm on the sample to a power den-sity of about105W/cm2and a spot size of about2␮m. The incident polarization direction can be rotated continu-ously with a half-wave plate.The scattered light was ana-lyzed along one of two perpendicular directions by a polar-izer at the entrance of the spectrometer.The intensity,center, and width of the Raman bands were obtained byfitting the spectra with Lorentzian lines.The polarization dependence of the quantum efficiency of the Raman spectrometer was tested by measuring the intensity variations of the377,409,PHYSICAL REVIEW B81,045415͑2010͒1098-0121/2010/81͑4͒/045415͑5͒©2010The American Physical Society045415-1and 438cm −1bands from two bulk ZnO crystals ͑c -plane and m -plane ZnO crystals,MTI Corporation ͒.The PR data from bulk crystals were successfully fitted using group theory and crystal symmetry 28without further calibration of the spectrometer or data correction.III.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONAFM images and PR data of two individual ZnO nano-belts are presented in Fig.1.These nanobelts have different cross-sections,1320ϫ1080nm 2͑nanobelt labeled NB A͒FIG.1.͑Color online ͒PR-AFM results on individual ZnO nanobelts.͑a ͒AFM topography image,͑b ͒typical PR spectra for different sample orientations ␸and polarization configurations,and ͑c ͒–͑f ͒polar plots of the angular dependence of the Raman intensities for the nanobelt NB A.͑g ͒AFM topography image,͑h ͒typical PR spectra,and ͑i ͒–͑l ͒polar plots of the angular dependence of the Raman intensities for the nanobelt NB B.The Raman spectra in ͑h ͒exhibit peaks centered at 224and 275cm −1͑triangles ͒that are characteristic of defects in the nanobelt NB B.The Raman spectra are offset vertically for clarity.In ͑c ͒,͑d ͒,͑i ͒,and ͑j ͒,the nanobelt axis is rotated in a fixed polarization configuration ͑solid squares:copolarized;open squares:cross polarized ͒and is parallel to the incident polarization for ␸=0°.In ͑e ͒,͑f ͒,͑k ͒,and ͑l ͒,the incident polarization is rotated,while the analyzed polarization and the nanobelt axis are fixed.In ͑e ͒,͑f ͒,͑k ͒,and ͑l ͒,at the angle 0°,the nanobelt is perpendicular to the incident polarization and the incident and analyzed polarizations are parallel ͑solid squares ͒or perpendicular ͑open squares ͒.Typical Raman spectra of the glass cover slip in the copolarized and cross-polarized configurations are shown as a reference in ͑b ͒and ͑h ͒,respectively.LUCAS,WANG,AND RIEDO PHYSICAL REVIEW B 81,045415͑2010͒045415-2。

An Analysis of Hydrodynamic Interaction of Floating Multi-Body Using Higher-Order BEM

An Analysis of Hydrodynamic Interaction of Floating Multi-Body Using Higher-Order BEM

An Analysis of Hydrodynamic Interaction of Floating Multi-Body Using Higher-Order Boundary Element MethodY.R. Choi & S.Y. HongKorea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering, KORDIYusong, Taejon, KoreaABSTRACTIn this study, a higher-order boundary element method is used to analyze hydrodynamic interaction of floating multi-body system. Perturbation scheme is adopted to tackle nonlinear problem. Linear problem is solved using wave Green function. To investigate interaction phenomena, the radiation and diffraction problems for two rectangular barges are solved. The motion responses and wave drift forces are calculated, also. In the case of a platform-shuttle system, the hydrodynamic wave loads and motion responses are evaluated and compared for two different off-loading arrangement, tandem and side-by-side arrangement.KEY WORDS: hydrodynamic interaction, floating multi-body, higher-order boundary element method, tandem and side-by-side off-loading systemINTRODUCTIONAs ocean development is growing up, various types of multi-body systems are putting into and being devised. For an example, FPSO-shuttle system is focused on, due to its active usage to exploit oil & gas resources. The feature of the performance and safety for multi-body systems is characterized by the relative phenomena, such as relative motions and collision, caused by hydrodynamic interaction. This interaction may result in unfavorable responses or risk of collision in multi-body system. Hence, the safety of mooring or link system should be evaluated considering hydrodynamic interaction.The intensive hydrodynamic interaction is attributed to locally resonated waves in confined fluid field. Its physical aspect is somewhat complicated and variable. So, use of numerically accurate scheme is highly recommended so as to catch up its complexity. As a scheme for solving boundary-value problems, the constant panel method (CPM) and higher-order boundary element method (HOBEM) can be utilized. Liu et al. (1990) and Choi et al. (2001) showed that the results of HOBEM are more accurate and convergent than those of CPM. For an comparative study of hydrodynamic interaction between a floating body and vertical solid quay, Hong et al. (1999) concluded that HOBEM is more efficient than CPM to solve hydrodynamic interaction problem. In the mean time, Lee & Choi (1998) and Huijsmans et al. (2001) applied CPM to FPSO-shuttle system of tandem and side-by-side arrangement, respectively.In this study, HOBEM is used to analyze hydrodynamic interaction of floating multi-body system. Perturbation scheme is adopted to tackle nonlinear problem and linear problem is solved using wave Green function.To investigate interaction phenomena, the radiation and diffraction problems for two rectangular barges are solved. The motion responses and wave drift forces are calculated, also. In the case of a FPSO-shuttle system, the hydrodynamic wave loads and motion responses are evaluated and compared for two different off-loading arrangement, tandem and side-by-side arrangement.NUMERICAL METHODOLOGYTo analyze fluid field, velocity potential is introduced and boundary value problem is formulated. Based on the perturbation method for small amplitude waves, the velocity potential and other physical quantities are expanded with respect to the mean position. The 1st-order boundary value problem is well known, for example in Newman (1977), which can be decomposed into radiation and diffraction problem. Normally, 6-degree of freedom is adopted for the motions of single rigid body. However, for a multi-body system which is composed of NB units, the concept of generalized mode leads to 6xNB degrees of freedom (Lee & Choi, 1998). The radiation boundary condition is expressed as below ;Proceedings of The Twelfth(2002)International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Kitakyushu,Japan,May26–31,2002Copyright©2002by The International Society of Offshore and Polar EngineersISBN1-880653-58-3(Set);ISSN1098-6189(Set)∑=−=∂∂NBk k j j S onn i n1,ωφ (1)In above equation, j is counted from 1 to 6xNB and generalized directional cosine (n j ) is expressed as directional cosine (N l ) of rigid body motions for each body.othersfork j k for N n l j ,061)1(6,=≤≤+−= (2)Boundary condition of diffraction problem is the same as that in the case of single body. That is, multi-body system is regarded as fixed one body.∑=∂∂−=∂∂NBk kI S Sonnn 1,φφ (3)With help of Green’s 2nd identity, the velocity potentials are solutions of boundary integral equation. In this study, wave Green function is used in the form of source and dipole. The irregular frequencies are removed with additional distribution of dipole on the interior water plane (Hong, 1987).Discretization of integral equation is performed using higher-order boundary elements, 2nd-order quadrilaterals and triangular elements. The hydrodynamic forces are calculated by integrating hydrodynamic pressure on each body surface (Pinkster, 1976). More details are shown in Choi et al. (2001).NUMERICAL RESULTSRectangular BargesTo investigate hydrodynamic interaction phenomena, the radiation and diffraction problems for twin rectangular barges are solved. The main particulars of a barge are shown in Table 1. Twin barges are freely floated without mooring facilities in 15m-deep water.Table 1. Main particulars of a barge Length (L) 30m Width (B) 22m Draft (D) 1.5m KG (Center of gravity from the keel) 2.56m Radius of gyration for roll 0.3B Radius of gyration for pitch 0.3L Radius of gyration for yaw 0.36LFigure 1 shows the arrangement of two barges and discretization scheme. The gaps between adjacent long sides are assumed 4, 8 and 12 meters.Hydrodynamic damping coefficients of surge and sway directions are shown in figure 2 and figure 3, respectively. To investigate hydrodynamic interactions, the results for single body are depicted, also. The interaction in surge direction is very weak. However, it occurs in sway direction, strongly. The sharp peaks shown in figure 2 are mainly attributed to locallyresonated waves in confined fluid domain. As gaps are narrow, the peaks move to high frequencies.ω (rad/sec) 11 /(ωm )Figure 2. Hydrodynamic damping coef. of twin barges (surge)ω (rad/sec)0.000.400.801.20B 22 /(ωm )Figure 3. Hydrodynamic damping coef. of twin barges (sway)Linear wave exciting forces in sway direction are represented in figure 4. The wave direction is beam and body 1, 2 are located in lee side and weather side, respectively. The force acted on body 1 is very small compared to body 2 and force level of body 2 is almost same in the case of single body.Figure 5 depicts linear roll responses in beam waves. Due to the hydrodynamic interaction, the fluctuation in the responses can be seen according to wave frequencies. And in some frequency bands, both responses of barge 1 and barge 2 are reduced. Hence one can design the arrangement scheme to minimize those responses through adjustment of gap, in due consideration of main directions and frequencies of incident waves.ω (rad/sec)0.000.501.001.502.002.50| F 2 L /(m g A ) |Figure 4. Linear wave exciting forces of twin barges (sway)ω (rad/sec)0.000.400.801.201.60| ξ4 /k A |Figure 5. Linear responses of twin barges (roll)Time mean drift forces in beam waves are shown in figure 6. The interaction phenomena are seen more clearly. It is due todramatic changes in phase difference between motion responses and waves. The force level of weather side body (body 2) is almost same to single body, except for sharp peak region. Andthat of body 1 is very small. In the frequency region of sharp peaks, drift forces act in the direction to separate the barges. However, the vector sum of each drift force is reached to the force in the case of single body.ω (rad/sec)-4.00- 2 / ρg B A 2Figure 6. Time mean drift forces of twin barges (sway)FPSO-shuttle systemConventional mooring arrangement of FPSO-shuttle system was tandem arrangement, by now. As the demand on LNG is growing up, LNG FPSO-shuttle system is being invested, actively. The mooring arrangement of this system is side-by-side arrangement due to usage of rigid loading arm. Hence, the effect of hydrodynamic interaction plays a important role in analysis of performance and safety for LNG FPSO-shuttle system.In this study, the wave loads and motion responses were evaluated for tandem and side-by-side moored FPSO-shuttle systems. To avoid cumbersome job in discretizing hull forms, FPSO (body 1) was considered as a vessel in full load condition and shuttle (body 2) was that in ballast condition. The main particulars of those are listed in table 2.Table 2. Main particulars of FPSO and shuttle tankerItem FPSO ShuttleLpp (L) 219.08m 219.08m Breadth (B) 42m 42m Depth 23.1m 23.1m Draft 14.5m 7.65mDisplacement 107516m 352269m 3KG (Center of gravity from the keel) 13.3m 6.2m Radius of gyration for roll 0.35B 0.35B Radius of gyration for pitch 0.25L 0.25L Radius of gyration for yaw 0.25L 0.25LThe mooring systems were counted as linear springs. Thestiffness of mooring systems is summarized in table 3. In thistable, 1 to 6 in the generalized modes mean the directions of 6-degree of freedom for FPSO and 7 to 12 mean those for shuttle tanker.Table 3. Mooring stiffnessTandem Side-by-SideK(1,1) 170 kN/m 782 kN/m K(1,7), K(7,1) - -612 kN/m K(2,2) 170 kN/m 4650 kN/mK(2,8), K(8,2) - -4480 kN/m K(6,6) 2040E3 kNm 21450E3 kNm K(6,12), K(12,6) - -19410E3 kNm K(7,7) - 612 kN/m K(8,8) - 4480 kN/m K(12,12) - 19410E3 kNm For the tandem arrangement, the distance between AP of FPSO and FP of shuttle is assumed as 55m. And the gap betweenadjacent long sides is set to 3.5m for the side-by-side arrangement. Figure 7 shows these two arrangements and discretization schemes.Figure 7. Discretization of FPSO-shuttle systemsSurge added masses are shown in figure 8 and pitch responses in head waves in figure 9 for the tandem arrangement. It can be seen that the effects of hydrodynamic interaction are negligible. Therefore, linear responses of tandem moored system can be estimated by the results of individuals. However, time mean drift force is quite reduced for the shuttle tanker (see figure 10). The drift force acted on FPSO is almost same as the force without interaction. So, the results without interaction effects may give the conservative design value.0.000.400.80 1.20 1.60ω (rad/sec) 11 /mFigure 8. Added masses of tandem moored FPSO-shuttle system (surge)ω (rad/sec)0.000.400.801.201.60| ξ5 /k A |Figure 9. Motion responses of tandem moored FPSO-shuttlesystem (pitch)0.000.400.80 1.20 1.60ω (rad/sec)-0.30-0.20- 1 / ρg B A 2Figure 10. Time mean drift forces of tandem moored FPSO-shuttle systemFor the side-by-side arrangement, figure 11 shows the intensive interaction effects on added masses of roll. If the resonant frequencies are located in the peak frequencies, it may be shifted due to interaction effects. Figure 12 shows the relative distance at the top of side hulls. In this figure, heading angle of 90 degrees means that shuttle tanker is located in weather side. Compared to two different beam wave conditions, 270 degree is more favorable than 90 degree. The peaks near 0.25rad/sec result from resonant sway motions.Time mean drift forces in head waves are represented in figure 13 and figure 14. The level of surge drift forces is higher than the level as individuals. In spite of head wave condition, a considerable amount of sway drift forces is acted on each body as repulsive force. However, net force is almost zero as a total system. Therefore, hydrodynamic interaction should be accounted to evaluate and design the safety and performance.0.000.400.801.201.60ω (rad/sec)0.000.400.801.201.60A 44 /I 44Figure 11. Added masses of side-by-side moored FPSO-shuttlesystem (roll)0.000.400.80 1.20 1.60ω (rad/sec) A O o f R e l a t i v e M o t i o n s b e t w e e n S i d e W a l l sFigure 12. Relative distance at the top of side hulls0.000.400.80 1.20 1.60ω (rad/sec)-0.60-0.40- 1 / ρg B A 2Figure 13. Time mean drift forces of side-by-side mooredFPSO-shuttle system (surge)0.000.400.80 1.20 1.60ω (rad/sec)-8.00- 2 / ρg B A 2Figure 14. Time mean drift forces of side-by-side mooredFPSO-shuttle system (sway)CONCLUSIONSUsing the higher-order boundary element method and generalized mode, the hydrodynamic interaction on multi-body system was studied. The numerical analysis for twin barges and FPSO-shuttle systems was carried out. This calculations leads to conclude that;- Hydrodynamic interaction causes rapid changes inhydrodynamic loads and responses along the wave frequencies.- As each body is closer up together, the peak frequenciesdue to interaction move to higher frequencies.- Hydrodynamic interaction is represented clearly in the driftforces. In the frequency range of intensive interaction, drift forces acted on each body in the repulsive directions.- For a tandem moored FPSO-shuttle system, interactioneffects on the linear responses are negligible. However, drift force on shuttle is quite reduced.- For a side-by-side moored FPSO-shuttle system, intensive interactions are found. Therefore, hydrodynamic interactionshould be accounted to evaluate and design the safety and performance.REFERENCESChoi, YR, Choi, HS, Shin, HS, and Yum, DJ (1994). “Analysis of Motion Response of a Moored Ship in Quay,” ProcAnnual Autumnal Meeting of SNAK, pp 238-243.Choi, YR, Hong, SY, and Choi, HS (2001). “An Analysis of Second-Order Wave Forces on Floating Bodies by Using aHigher-Order Boundary Element Method,” Ocean Eng,Vol 13, No 5, pp 117-138.Hong, DC (1987). “On the Improved Green Integral Equation Applied to the Water-Wave Radiation-Diffraction Problem,” J SNAK, Vol 24, No 1, pp 1-8.Hong, SY, Choi, YR, Kim, DJ, and Kim, MH (1999).“Responses of a Barge-Mounted Platform in Wave and Current,” J Offshore and Polar Eng, ISOPE, Vol 9, No 4,pp 283-292.Huijsmans, RHM, Pinkster, JA, and de Wilde, JJ (2001).“Diffraction and Radiation of Waves around Side-by-SideMoored Vessels,” Proc 11th Int'l Offshore and Polar Eng,pp 406-412.Lee, DH, and Choi, HS (1998). “The Motion Behavior of Shuttle Tanker Connected to a Turret-Moored FPSO,” Proc3rd Int'l Conf on Hydrodynamics, pp 173-178.Liu, YH, Kim, CH, and Lu, XS (1990). “Comparison of Higher-Order Boundary Element and Constant Panel Methods forHydrodynamic Loadings,” J Offshore and Polar Eng,ISOPE, Vol 1, No 1, pp 8-17.Newman, JN (1977). “Marine Hydrodynamics,” The MIT press. 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拉曼抑制光频梳微腔的设计与仿真薛莉,赵春播*(航空工业北京长城计量测试技术研究所,北京 100095)摘要:为了解决回音壁模式下的微腔在产生光频梳时受拉曼效应的影响,尤其在重频GHz时难以产生平滑的光梳谱的问题。


通过仿真分析得出,相较于一般的直波导微环耦合结构,设计的弯曲波导微环在短波长处拉曼阈值增加了3倍,且在短波长处产生的光频梳功率提高了20 dB。


关键词:光学频率梳;回音壁模式;波导耦合;拉曼效应;非线性光学效应中图分类号:TB96 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-5795(2023)02-0064-07Design and simulation of Raman suppression optical comb microcavityXUE Li, ZHAO Chunbo*(Changcheng Institute of Metrology & Measurement, Beijing 100095, China)Abstract: In order to solve the problem of the Raman effect on the generation of optical frequency comb in microcavi⁃ties under whispering gallery mode, especially at GHz repetition frequencies, which makes it difficult to generate a very smooth optical comb spectrum. Firstly, design and adjust the coupling length between the waveguide and the microring. Then, optimize the coupling angle, adjust the matching mode between the waveguide and the microring, the coupling Q value in the long wavelength is reduced, the threshold of Raman generation is increased, and the Raman effect is sup⁃pressd. According to the simulation analysis, compared with the general straight waveguide microring coupling structure, the designed pully waveguide microring has three times increase in the Raman threshold at the short wavelength, and the optical frequency comb power generated at the short wavelength has increased by 20 dB. This provides a certain reference value for the design of whispering gallery mode microcavity structures.Key words: optical frequency comb; whispering gallery mode; waveguide coupling; Raman effect; nonlinear optical effect0 引言早在20世纪70年代,Teets R等人提出了相干双光子激发的概念,并利用激光锁模技术进行光频的精确测量[1-3],同时期的德国物理学家Theodor W H 和美国物理学家John L H首次提出了光频梳的概念,将光频测量推向了一个新的高度,对光谱学领域的发展做出了重要贡献。

Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing第14章

Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing第14章

CHAPTER14DIRECT CURRENT(DC)DISCHARGES 14.1QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OFGLOW DISCHARGESThe dc glow discharge has been historically important,both in applications of weakly ionized plasmas and in studying the properties of the plasma medium.A dc discharge has one obvious feature,its macroscopic time independence,that is simpler than rf discharges.However,the need for the current,which provides the power for the discharge,to be continuous through the dc sheath provides an additional complication to the operation.This complication is not present in rf or microwave discharges where displacement current provides current continuity through the sheath.To understand the glow discharge,we consider the usual con-figuration of a long glass cylinder with the positive anode at one end and a negative cathode at the other.Although not necessarily the configuration used in processing applications,it has the advantage of symmetry and has been well studied.The usual pressure range of operation is between10mTorr and10Torr.Typically,a few hundred volts between cathode and anode is required to maintain the discharge. The approximate characteristics of the discharge are shown in Figure14.1.It is clear from the many light and dark regions identified in Figure14.1a that the beha-vior is quite complicated.The length of the positive column region can be varied by changing the distance between electrodes at a constant pressure and approximately constant voltage drop,while the other regions maintain their lengths.It is therefore Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing,by M.A.Lieberman and A.J.Lichtenberg. ISBN0-471-72001-1Copyright#2005John Wiley&Sons,Inc.535apparent that the positive column can be analyzed per unit length,while the other features must be analyzed in their entirety.All of the regions are gas,pressure, and voltage dependent in their size and intensity,with some of the smaller features being essentially absent over various parameter ranges.We now describe qualitatively the essential operation of the various regions in maintaining the discharge.The treatment follows most closely that in Cobine (1958)where additional material and references can be found.Positive ColumnThe axially uniform plasma is maintained by the JÁE power integrated over the cross section,which balances the loss of energy per electron–ion pair created, which,in the axially uniform model,is assumed to be radial.The dynamics are very similar to that of the bulk rf discharge,with the power lost per electron–ion pair created going to excitation(the glow),ionization,electron–neutral elastic scat-tering energy losses,and kinetic energy of the electrons and ions striking the walls. The normal glow discharge tends to have a negative voltage–current characteristic (negative differential resistance(d V=d I)which is stabilized by an external resistor, which is varied to adjust the current to the desired value.The power balance deter-mines the(weak)axial Efield required to maintain the positive column.Once E isknown,the drift velocity of the electrons along the column can be found using the dc14.1QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF GLOW DISCHARGES537 electron mobility and then,from J,the density can be determined.We use this prescription in Section14.2to calculate the characteristics of the positive column.Cathode SheathThis region,known also as the cathode fall or Crookes dark space,is the region over which most of the voltage drop occurs.The electrons,which carry most of the current in the positive column,are,of course,prevented from reaching the cathode.The massive ions,however,are incapable of carrying the full current. The discharge is maintained by secondary electrons produced at the cathode by the impact of the energetic ions.This process,which is incidental(although often important)in rf discharges,is essential for the operation of the dc discharge.The current is built up by ionization within the sheath,which is generated by the second-ary electrons accelerating in the large electricfields of this region.The electron density andflux grow exponentially from the cathode,with the exponent known as thefirst Townsend coefficient.This mechanism is important,not only for the steady-state discharge,but also for understanding the breakdown that initiates the discharge.In breakdown the entire region between the cathode and the anode par-ticipates in the process,which requires a much higher voltage and therefore leads to hysteresis in the voltage–current characteristic.We analyze this dynamics in Section14.3.Negative Glow and Faraday Dark SpaceThe exponentially increasing density of high-velocity electrons near the cathode leads rapidly to a bright cathode glow in which intense ionization and excitation occurs.The electricfield must decrease rapidly at the end of this region,where the transition to the positive column occurs.However,the high electron velocities must be dissipated by elastic and inelastic collisions before the equilibrium conditions of the positive column can be established.This is done in a rather com-plicated process in which the electronsfirst lose almost all of their energy and then are reaccelerated in a weakfield over approximately a mean free path(the Faraday dark space).We give a simple approximate analysis of this behavior at the end of Section14.3.Anode FallThe drift velocity of the electrons in the weak electricfield of the positive column is typically less than their thermal velocity.This requires a retarding electricfield in the neighborhood of the anode to prevent the full thermal electron current from reaching the anode.However,the anode itself must clearly be positive with respect to the positive column to maintain the current.The result is a double layer,which is also seen in various other types of discharges,for essentially the same reason.Since the total voltage drop in this region is small and plays little role in the overall dynamics,we will not analyze it quantitatively.538DIRECT CURRENT(DC)DISCHARGESOther EffectsThe various other regions indicated in Figure14.1are not of particular significance for an overall understanding of the discharge behavior.In addition to the axial variations there are,of course,radial variations.In a long cylindrical discharge, we shall obtain the usual Bessel function radial variation as part of our solution for the positive column given in Section14.2.We may assume qualitatively similar radial variations of density in other regions,but quantitative calculations are very difficult.Additional radial features exist,such as an incomplete coverage of the cathode surface by the discharge,as we discuss in Section14.3.In the previous discussion we have considered the typical characteristics in the normal glow,which occurs over a range of current densities,typically between 10À5and10À3A=cm2.Considering current density as the controlling variable,the voltage–current characteristic of a dc discharge is shown in Figure14.2.Theflat region with slightly negative slope d V=d I is that of the normal glow.From low currents,the region below I A is called a dark or Townsend discharge.The glow gradually builds up until a transition is reached,with hysteresis,entering the normal glow at a voltage V S.The voltage remains constant as the current increases until I B,at which point there is an increasing voltage–current characteristic called the abnormal glow.A further increase in current results in a rather abrupt transition at I C,again characterized by hysteresis,to a considerably lower voltage discharge known as an arc discharge.The voltage continues to decrease with increasing current,approaching an asymptote.For a typical pressure(say1Torr)and a typical discharge tube of a few centimeters cross section,the transitions might occur at I A%10À6A,I B%10À2A,and I C%10À1A,but these currents dependon various other factors such as gas and electrode surfaces.There areapplications Array FIGURE14.2.Typical voltage–current characteristic of a dc glow discharge.14.2ANALYSIS OF THE POSITIVE COLUMN539 of these various regions,particularly for high current arc discharges,which wedo not consider.The reader canfind further descriptions of the behavior and theapplications in various monographs,for example,in Cobine(1958)and in Roth(1994).In some pressure and voltage ranges there are also interesting time-varyingphenomena,such as moving transverse striations and longitudinalfilaments.Athigh pressures,arc spots can form at the cathode,which correspond to an entirelydifferent range of operation,not considered here,in which the secondary emissionprocess is thermionic.For further study,the interested reader is referred to the litera-ture(Cobine,1958;Franklin,1976;Raizer,1991;Roth,1994).Sputtering and Other ConfigurationsA phenomenon that is not part of the discharge dynamics,but is important bothfor applications and in limiting the use of glow discharges,is cathode sputtering.The potential drop across a cathode sheath is typically several hundred volts.These ion-bombarding voltages lead to severe sputtering of the cathode surfaceand consequently deposit material on other surfaces.We describe physical sput-tering in Section9.3and its application to the deposition of thinfilms in Section16.3.Since there is little control over the large voltage drop in the cathodesheath,the existence of sputtering is important in defining appropriate appli-cations.Low aspect ratio dc discharges have been used for sputtering.Toenhance sputtering efficiency,other configurations of dc discharges have beenemployed.One configuration that has proved to be important for optical radiationsources and for metal-ion lasers is hollow cathode discharges.We treat this con-figuration in Section14.4.Another method of enhancing sputtering,used primar-ily for depositing metallicfilms on substrates,employs a nonuniform dc magneticfield.This configuration is called a dc planar magnetron discharge and is ana-lyzed in Section14.5.14.2ANALYSIS OF THE POSITIVE COLUMNAs in the analysis of rf and microwave discharges,there are various pressureregimes for which different dynamics apply.We will assume the following:(1)The pressure is sufficiently high,l i(T i=T e)R,that a diffusion equation with a constant diffusion coefficient D a applies.The low-pressure(collisionless)limit with freely falling ions,l i&R,was described very early by Tonks and Langmuir(1929);and the intermediate pressure regime,R!l i!(T i=T e)R,is discussed in Godyak(1986).In fact,as described in Section5.3,the radial dis-tributions in the low and intermediate regimes tend to look quite similar.Franklin (1976)describes these various solutions and relations between them.(2)As dis-cussed in Section14.1it is often adequate to assume only radial variation,which we do here.Calculation of T eThe calculation of T e follows from the particle balance as described in Section10.2. Ion particle balance is obtained from the diffusion equation(5.2.21)ÀrÁD a r n¼n iz n(14:2:1) where n¼n e¼n i is the plasma density,D a is the ambipolar diffusion coefficient, and n iz¼K iz n g is the ionization rate as defined in(3.5.1).In cylindrical coordinates (14.2.1)becomesd2n d r2þ1rd nd rþn izD an¼0(14:2:2)Equation(14.2.2)is Bessel’s equation with solution given by(5.2.35)n¼n0J0(b r)(14:2:3) where b¼(n iz=D a)1=2and J0is the usual zero-order Bessel function.If the ion mean free path l i and the sheath thickness s(s%few l De)are both small compared to the column radius R,then the boundary condition n(R)%0can be used,with the solution approximately given by(5.2.36)b¼n izD a1=2¼x01R(14:2:4)where x01%2:405is thefirst zero of the zero-order Bessel function.Although (14.2.4)does not give a completely self-consistent solution,since thefinite ion flux at the wall implies infinite velocity at zero density(see Section5.2),it can give a reasonably accurate value of T e.The reason is that n iz is a very sensitive func-tion of T e of the form(see Chapter3)n iz/p expÀE iz T e(14:2:5) with p the pressure and with the ionization voltage E iz)T e.Thus,T e depends only weakly on all parameters except for E iz.A more accurate solution is obtained by setting the radial particleflux G r equal to n s u B,where,as previously,n s is the density at the sheath edge and u B¼(e T e=M)1=2is the Bohm velocity.For this case,since G r¼ÀD a d n=d r,we can take a derivative of(14.2.3)to obtain a transcendental equation for the electron and ionflux to the wall(see also Section10.2):À(D a n iz)1=2J1(b R)¼J0(b R)u B(14:2:6) 540DIRECT CURRENT(DC)DISCHARGESBecause l i(R for this constant D a solution,(14.2.6)essentially reduces to(14.2.4).In the intermediate-and low-pressure regimes,l i&(T i=T e)R,the radial profile becomes relatively uniform,and the estimate for n iz(5.3.14)applies,n iz%2:2u BR4þRl iÀ1=2(14:2:7)An additional issue at low pressures is the deviation of the electron distribution froma Maxwellian.In using(14.2.5)we have assumed a Maxwellian,thus ignoring theelectron drift motion u e.This motion can readily be included(see Franklin,1976);with u e((e T e=m)1=2this does not appreciably change the results.More important, particularly at low densities,there are various kinetic effects and particle losses,thatcan affect the distribution at high velocities.We discuss these qualitatively at the endof this section.Calculation of E and n0The electricfield E along the z axis(anode-to-cathode)of the discharge is calculatedby equating the input power absorbed to the power lost.In the rf discharge this wasused to determine the density.Here the density cancels,leaving an expression for theelectricfield.However,once thefield is known,a subsidiary condition immediatelygives the density.Equating the ohmic power absorbedP abs¼2p ðRJÁE r d r(14:2:8)to the power lostP loss¼2p R G r e E T(14:2:9) where e E T is the total energy lost per electron–ion pair created,and substituting our radial density solution(14.2.3),we haveen0m e E22p ðRJ0(b r)r d r¼2p R(D a n iz)1=2n0J1(b R)e E T(14:2:10)where we have assumed a constant mobility m e,substituted for the current density J along z usingJ¼en m e E(14:2:11) and have taken E out of the integral by assuming that it is a constant in the long thin approximation.We see that n0cancels from(14.2.10)giving an equation for E14.2ANALYSIS OF THE POSITIVE COLUMN541alone.Performing the integration we find that J 1cancels,and we can solve for E to obtainE ¼n iz E T m e 1=2(14:2:12)Substituting m e ¼e =m n m ,from (5.1.4),then (14.2.12)can also be written in the formE ¼m e n iz n m E T 1=2(14:2:13)We note that n iz and n m are both linearly dependent on pressure,and that the only other dependence on the RHS is T e .Although (14.2.12)gives E as a function of p and as an exponentially sensitive function of T e through its dependence on n iz ,we can eliminate n iz using (14.2.4)to obtainE ¼x 01R D a E T m e 1=2¼x 01R mK m MK mi T e E T 1=2(14:2:14)which shows that E depends only on T e ,independent of p .Integrating (14.2.11)over the discharge cross section yieldsI ¼2p en 0R 2x 01J 1(x 01)m e E (14:2:15)which can be solved to determine n 0for a given discharge current I ,with E given by (14.2.14).Kinetic EffectsAlthough the preceding subsections give a qualitative description of the positive column,various quantitative discrepancies,particularly at lower pressures,have led to more sophisticated treatments.Particular phenomena to be explained are significantly higher average temperatures than predicted from (14.2.7)(with n iz cal-culated for a Maxwellian distribution),higher average energies near the column edge,an excess of local ohmic heating near the column edge compared to the local power dissipated in collisional processes,and a somewhat higher axial electric field.A full kinetic theory including the radial density variation is very complicated,so that various approximate kinetic methods have been employed.One important method is the nonlocal approximation,which we describe in Chapter 18.The basic idea is that,if the pressure is sufficiently low that l E =R .1,where l E isthe electron energy relaxation length,then the total energy e E ¼12m v 2þe F (r )542DIRECT CURRENT (DC)DISCHARGES14.3ANALYSIS OF THE CATHODE REGION543 can be taken to be a constant.For a Maxwellian electron distribution the conserva-tion of total energy is equivalent to the Boltzmann assumption that the temperature is constant and the potential and density are related in the usual logarithmic manner F(r)¼T e ln n(r)=n(0)ðÞ,with F(0)¼0at the plasma center.In this case a local macroscopic theory applies,as it does at high pressure for any distribution. However,we will see in Chapter18that the electron distribution in the positive column tends to be Druyvesteyn-like,falling more rapidly at high energies than a Maxwellian,with the high-energy electrons further truncated by the inelastic processes.Because of the non-Maxwellian distribution the average energy is significantly higher near the plasma edge than in the discharge center,since the lower energy electrons are confined by the potential,while the higher energy electrons can over-come the potential hill.The average energy is significantly higher than predicted by a Maxwellian because overall there are fewer high energy(ionizing)electrons. These effects have been confirmed by comparison with a more complete kinetic theory by Busch and Kortshagen(1995).Because the nonlocal method is limited to low pressures,other methods valid at higher pressure have been proposed(see Ingold,1997for another method of analysis and comparison among various methods).14.3ANALYSIS OF THE CATHODE REGIONConsidering the analysis of the previous section,we take as an example an argon glow discharge at p¼100mTorr and T e¼4V.The current density carried by the electrons in the glow is calculated from(14.2.11)J(r)¼en(r)m e Ewith m e%103m2=(V s)and E¼60V=m.Continuity of current requires the same current at the edge of the cathode sheath region,where the current is carried only by the ions.This can be approximated byJ i(r)¼en s(r)u Bwhere for argon at T e¼4V we calculate u B¼(e T e=M)1=2%3Â103m=s.This is considerably less than the electron drift velocity j u e j¼m e E¼6Â104m=s,and thus,even ignoring the difference between n s and n,it is not possible for the ions to carry the current in the cathode sheath.The resolution of this contradiction is that secondary electrons,created by ion impact at the cathode,are required to sustain the discharge.The process is similar to that involved in vacuum breakdown, and wasfirst analyzed in that context.Wefirst consider the more straightforward case of vacuum breakdown and then discuss the modifications required to treat the cathode sheath.Vacuum BreakdownConsider electrons emitted from a cathode at z ¼0being accelerated by an electric field and ionizing a neutral background.For a flux G e in the z direction (the direction of the field)a differential equation for the increase in flux can be writtend Ge ¼a (z )G e d z(14:3:1)with the solutionG e (z )¼G e (0)exp ðz0a (z 0)d z 0 !(14:3:2)where a (z );1=l iz (z )is the inverse of an “ionization”mean free path,analogous to the collisional mean free path defined in a similar way in Section 3.1.By continuity of total charge (creation of equal numbers of electron–ion pairs)the electron flux leaving the sheath edge at z ¼d ,minus the electron flux emitted at z ¼0,must be equal to the ion flux striking the cathode at z ¼0,minus the ion flux that enters at z ¼d :G i (0)ÀG i (d )¼G e (0)exp ðd0a (z 0)d z 0 !À1&'(14:3:3)where we have substituted for G e (d )from (14.3.2).For breakdown,the discharge must be self-sustaining.That is,setting G e (0)¼g se G i (0)where g se is the secondary electron emission coefficient at the cathode z ¼0,then (14.3.3)must be satisfied with G i (d )¼0.Solving for the exponential,we obtainexpðd0a (z 0)d z 0 ¼1þ1g se (14:3:4)as the self-sustaining condition.For a vacuum region,E is a constant and the electron drift velocity j u e (z )j ¼m e E ¼const.Hence the electron energy is a constant,allowing us to set a ¼const in (14.3.4).Taking the logarithm of both sides,we havea d ¼ln 1þ1g se (14:3:5)the usual form for the breakdown condition of a dc discharge.The quantity a is known as the first Townsend coefficient .As might be expected from our knowledge of cross sections,a is a complicated function of the pressure and the accelerating field,which is very difficult to calculate.However,we might expect a to be 544DIRECT CURRENT (DC)DISCHARGESexpressed in the forma ¼const l e exp ÀE iz E l e(14:3:6)where l e is the mean free path for inelastic (mainly ionization)electron–neutralcollisions,E l e is a typical electron energy gain in the field between collisions,and E iz is an energy for ionization.Here E l e plays the role that T e plays in (14.2.5).Recognizing that l e /p À1,then (14.3.6)can be written in the forma p¼A exp ÀBp E(14:3:7)where A and B are determined experimentally and found to be roughly constantover a restricted range of E =p for any given gas.Some experimental values of a =n g versus E =n g are shown in Figure 14.3.Here the gas density n g (m À3)¼3:25Â1022p (Torr)at room temperature from (2.3.18).The quantity a =n g is a field-intensified ionization cross section.The reduced field E =n g is often specified in units of townsends (1Td ;10À21V m 2).Fitting the form (14.3.7)to data such as shown in Figure 14.3,the coefficients in Table 14.1are constructed.Combining (14.3.7)with (14.3.5),and setting the breakdown voltage V b ¼Ed ,we have the relationApd exp ÀBpd V b ¼ln 1þ1g se(14:3:8)E nnFIGURE 14.3.Field-intensified ionization cross section a =n g versus reduced field E =n g(1Td ;10À21V m 2)(data provided by Petrovic´and Maric ´,2004).14.3ANALYSIS OF THE CATHODE REGION545Solving (14.3.8)for V b ,we obtainV b ¼Bpd ln Apd Àln ln 1þ1=g seÀÁÂÃ(14:3:9)We see that the breakdown voltage is a function of the product pd .For large values of pd ,V b increases essentially linearly with pd .For small pd there is a limiting value of pd ¼A À1ln (1þ1=g se )below which breakdown cannot occur.The breakdown voltage is a minimum V min at some intermediate value pd ¼(pd )min .The curve V b (pd )is called the Paschen curve ,and is a function of the gas and weakly a function of the electrode material.Typical breakdown curves for plane-parallel electrodes are shown in Figure 14.4.As we shall see,the values of V min and (pd )min play an import-ant role in the more complicated problem of the cathode sheath.Cathode SheathWe now consider the cathode sheath region of a discharge for which the electric field,and consequently a ,is not a constant with position.For a large sheath multiplication,we can still take G i (d )¼0in (14.3.3).Taking the logarithm of (14.3.4)we haveðd0a (z )d z ¼ln 1þ1g se (14:3:10)An exact solution for a (z )would involve an integral equation for the field and bevery difficult to solve.A simpler alternative is to measure the electric field distri-bution,which then becomes a known variation in determining a (z ).Somewhat surprisingly (Cobine,1958),it is found that the matrix sheath (constant ion space charge density,see Section 6.3)well approximates the region,giving a linearTABLE 14.1.Constants of the Equation a /p 5A exp(2Bp /E )AB Range of E /p Gas (cm21Torr 21)(V cm21Torr21)(V cm 21Torr 21)He 2.87730–250Ne 4.4111100–400Ar 11.5176100–600Kr 15.6220100–1000Xe 24330200–800H 2 4.813615–600N 211.8325100–600O 2 6.519050–130CH 417300150–1000CF 41121325–200Source :Fits to data supplied by Petrovic´and Maric ´(2004).546DIRECT CURRENT (DC)DISCHARGESfield variationE%E01Àz d(14:3:11)with z¼0at the cathode and z¼d at the sheath edge.Substituting(14.3.11)in (14.3.7)we havea p ¼A expÀBpE0(1Àz=d)!(14:3:12)and substituting(14.3.12)in(14.3.10)we obtainðd0Ap expÀBpE0(1Àz=d)!d z¼ln1þ1gse(14:3:13) FIGURE14.4.Breakdown voltage for plane-parallel electrodes at208C:(a)noble gases;(b)molecular gases(data supplied by Petrovic´and Maric´,2004).14.3ANALYSIS OF THE CATHODE REGION547which can be evaluated to give E0as a function of d.Integrating E in(14.3.11)from 0to d,we can express E0in terms of the cathode sheath(cathode fall)voltage V c as E0¼2V c=d,which when substituted in(14.3.13)givesAB(pd)2 2V c S2V cBpd¼ln1þ1gse(14:3:14)whereS(z)¼ðzeÀ1=y d y(14:3:15)is a known tabulated integral.If one plots V c(pd)for a given gas(given A and B)and given electrode material(given g se)wefind,as expected,curves that have a minimum V c¼V cmin at some(pd)min.We might expect the discharge to adjust itself to this stable value of d,and this is indeed the case in the normal glow region(see Fig.14.2).Some values of the cathode fall voltage are given in Table14.2a,and some corresponding normal glow cathode fall thicknesses are given in Table14.2b.These values are similar to the values for breakdown.We have not quite reached the end of the story.It is also possible to eliminate d in favor of the current density and gain both new insight into the operation of the normal glow region and also understand the abnormal glow operation.The total current density at the cathode is given byJ(0)¼en i(0)v i(0)(1þg se)(14:3:16)TABLE14.2a.Normal Cathode Fall in VoltsCathode Air Ar H2He Hg N2Ne O2Al229100170140245180120311Ag280130216162318233150C240475Cu370130214177447208220Fe269165250150298215150290Hg142340226K18064945917068Mg22411915312518894310Na2001858017875Ni226131211158275197140Pb207124223177210172Pt277131276165340216152364Zn277119184143216354Source:After Cobine(1958).548DIRECT CURRENT(DC)DISCHARGESwhere n i is the ion density,v i is the ion velocity,and g se gives the fraction of the current due to secondary ing Poisson’s equation with the assumption of constant charge density,we can write en i in terms of the cathode fall potential en i (0)¼e 02V c =d 2.Similarly,assuming a collisional sheath,we have v i (0)¼m i 2V c =d ,where m i is the ion mobility.Substituting these values in (14.3.16)we obtainJ (0)¼4e 0m i V 2c (1þg se )d 3(14:3:17)from which we can eliminate d in favor of J (0).Hence we can determine a Paschen-type curve of V c versus J (0).This is shown in Figure 14.5in terms of normalized parameters.It is clear that with a fixed external voltage source V T and resistance R T ,the dashed curve is unstable,such that if J ¼I =A ,J min ,where A is the effective cathode area;that is,ifV T ÀV cminR T A,J min(14:3:18)then the cathode fall area will constrict to a smaller value.This is the normal glow region.On the other hand,forV T ÀV cminR T A.J min(14:3:19)the solution is stable,and V c will increase with increasing current density.It is this region that is called the abnormal glow ,but as we can see,it is just as normal as the normal glow.TABLE 14.2b.Normal Cathode Fall Thickness pd in Torr cm Cathode Air Ar H 2He Hg N 2Ne O 2Al 1.320.330.310.640.24C 0.90.69Cu 0.520.330.9 1.300.340.420.720.31Hg 0.9Mg 0.61 1.450.350.25Ni 0.90.4Pb 0.84Pt1.0Source :After Cobine (1958).14.3ANALYSIS OF THE CATHODE REGION549。



Franck-Hertz ExperimentPurposes1. Measure the first excitation potential of argon atom, and prove the existence ofatom s energy level, thereby strengthen the understanding of energy quantization.2. Learn the microcosmic graphic of the energy exchange which occurs with thecollision of electron and atom, and then explore the main physical factors influencing the process.3. Excise to operate oscilloscope skillfully. EquipmentFranck-Hertz experiment instrument, digital oscilloscope. PrincipleAtom in normal state can neitherradiate nor absorb energy, which is in astable state called stationary state. The energy value to which a certain stationary state corresponds is energy level. The stationary state corresponding to the lowest energy level is called ground state, and others are named excited states.Atom only can jump from one certain energy level to another if its energy changes.Normally, the change of atom stationary state occurs in two situations. The first isU G2KU G2A图 1 夫兰克—赫兹实验I AU G1KA G 2 G 1 KFFigure 1when atom absorbs or radiates energy. The second is when atom is collided by other grains with energy exchange. In order to make atom jump from low energy level to a higher one, this experiment is carried out making an electron run into atom exchanging energy.We can assume that an electronwhich has no initial velocity obtain energy equaling to e*U in an accelerating field. When this electroncollides with atoms in thin argon gas, the energy exchange would happen. Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of whichcore part is a tetrode filled with argon gas, and electron can be emitted from hot cathode "K ". The main effect of the first grid is to prevent space charge to influence the emission of electron. Accelerating field between anode K and the second grid G 2 can accelerate electron. There is rejection electric field between "A" and "G 2". Figure2 shows the distribution of the potential in the tetrode. If a electron with plenty of energy (more than e *U G2A ) runs into space between "G 2" and "A" through space between "K" and "G 2" , it wouldpush through the rejection field arriving at anode, which can form current thatFigure 2U/VX/cmU G2K /VFigure 3can be detected by galvanometer (GALV). But if a electron loses energy because of colliding with atoms and making them jumping in space "K G2" , the electron wouldn't have enough energy to get over the rejection field, in final, it cannot arrive at the anode, at this time, current go through GALV will decline notably.Observing data showed on GALV carefully while improving the voltage of "U G2K" slowly. If the atom energy level really exist and there is a certain difference between ground state and the first excited state, we can see a section of curve as same as that showed in figure 3.The curve in figure 3 reflects situation of the energy exchange between electron and atoms in space "K G2". Electron in "K G2" would have more and more energy when the voltage in "K G2" increase gradually. At initial stage, electron has a little energy because of a low voltage so that the energy exchange is slight even if it collides with atoms (elastic impact) . Electron going through the second grid would form current "I A " which will increase following the growing of voltage of the second grid "U G2K"(showed by curve "oa" in figure 3). When the voltage in "K G2" equals to the atom's first excitation potential, the electron would collide with atom near the second grid and give all energy obtaining in accelerating field to the atom, which makes the atom jump from ground state to the first excited state. Meanwhile, the electron cannot get over the rejection field and will return to the second grid since it give all its energy to atom. So the anode current decline notably (showed by curve "ab " in figure 3) . Next, electron will have more and more energy following to the increase of voltage of the second grid, so that after a first collision it still has enough energy getting over therejection field to arrive at the anode. Therefore the current go up again, which will not continue until the voltage between K G2is twice the amount of the first excitation potential of atom. It’s electron’s twice collision with atoms that result in the decline of current.(showed by curve “cd”in figure 3). So we can conclusion that as long as in the condition of “U G2K= n* U0(n=1,2,3...)”,the anode current must decline and there will be a curve rising and falling regular which reflects the change of anode current.As showed by the curve, the anode current would not decline suddenly, instead, there is a process of current change. The reason is that the electrons emitted by cathode have different initial velocity(they are not different too much). Otherwise, while most electrons collide with atoms, there are still some electrons arrive at the anode directly without collision, so the anode current will not decline to zero.StepsAbove all, learn the frame of experiment instrument and drill how to use it, next, join the electric wire basing on the requirement of this experiment, at last, switch on the instrument after a careful inspection. The following are some relevant settings: U G1K(between anode and the first grid)=1.3V, U G2K(rejection electric field)=7.5V(1) Choose "manual operation " gears, record data of I A and U G2K while improve the value of U G2K slowly, so that can we calculate the first exciting ( ), and compare that result with the theoretical value(11.5V). Finally, figure out the relatively percentage error.(2)Choose "auto" gears. Measure the first excitation potential of argon atom through observing the curve on digital oscilloscope.Data s dealingFollowing is the data of voltage.n 1 2 3 4 5 6V oltage(V)24.0 35.0 46.5 59.0 72.0 84.0 Calculate the first excitation potential V0.V0=(84-46.5+72-35+59-24)/(3×3)=11.72VCalculate the relatively percentage error.V r=| V0r -V0i |/ V0r *100%=1.93%Result analysisThe relatively percentage error is not too much. The possible reasons for the error are listed as following. 1. We only measure six groups of data, this is not enough.2. The data always changed quickly while we read the data, this would result in errors.。



Electron diffraction techniquesand applications(part 1)Beata DubielAGH University of Science and TechnologyInternational Centre of Electron Microscopy for Materials ScienceKraków, PolandContentsIntroductionElectron diffraction‐basicsElectron diffraction techniques•Selected‐area electron diffraction•Convergent beam electron diffraction•Nanodiffractionamorphous carbon Al single crystalpolycrystalline Au convergent beam electron diffraction“Transmission Electron Microscopy”, Williams“Transmission Electron Microscopy”, Williams Scattering from a plane of atomsWW“Transmission Electronincident wavefront normaldiffracted wave normaldifference vector (= k D –k I)k Iat the Bragg angle|K|= |K B|= g“Transmission Electron Microscopy”, Williams & Carter, SpringerThe Bragg description of diffraction in terms of the reflection of a plane wave (wavelength l)incident at an angleθto atomic planes of spacing d.The path difference between reflected waves is AB+BC.“Transmission Electron Microscopy”, Williams & Carter, Springer“Transmissionin the direction of the diffracted beam from all points shown will be in phase if 2d sinθ= nλ“Transmission Electronset of planes a distance d apart.oriented in the Bragg diffracting condition.are labeled G, 2G, etc.the origin (O) to the first diffraction spot G is normal to the“Transmission Electron Microscopy”,denotes the cross product between two vectors volume of the unit cell:/resources/4111/download/2008.02.20‐mse640‐l4.pdf /~che241/y3‐2002/2009lec19.pptk–k0= g + scuts the reciprocal‐lattice point, the Bragg condition isdiffraction: radius of sphere is very large compared to reciprocal circumference is almost flat.…Principles and practice of electron diffraction”,rods(relrods)…Principles and practice of electron diffraction”, Duncan Alexander, EPFL 2010“Transmission Electron Microscopy”, Williams & Carter, Springer 2009cuts relrodsEwald sphere cuts a relrod,we still see a diffraction spot,condition is not satisfied.…Principles and practice of electron diffraction”,sphere interceptsnegative value of sThe intensity of the diffracted beamof where the Ewald sphere cuts“Transmission Electron Microscopy”,A[011][200][311][111][022]Zone axis DP, [011] beam directionSurroundingserieskinematical and dynamical…Principles and practice of electron diffraction”, Duncan Alexander, EPFL 2010area electron diffractionthe area if the beams do not traveldue to spherical aberration in the objectiveposition for a perfect lens and C is the spot“Transmission ElectronTypes of SAED patternsSingle crystalSmall number of grainsLarge number of randomly oriented …Electron microscopy and microanalysis”, Goodhew et al., Taylor & Francis 2001amorphous carbon0.5 μm [110]A A matrixtwindouble common 2111100211211000b011b 1101Orientation 200 nmγ’γ{100}γ//{100}γ’ 〈010〉γ// 〈010〉γ’[001]γ// [001]γ’Dark‐field image in (011)γ’’1 0 0 n m 2 0 0 n m[100]γ[100] γ"[010] γ"[001] γ" Crystallographically oriented precipitatesRing diffraction patternsIf selected area aperture selects numerous, randomly‐oriented nanocrystals,SAED pattern consists of rings from all possible diffracting planes, like powder X‐ray diffractionExample: nanocrystalline nickel‐base superalloy500 nm100 nmKikuchi linesdiffracted because they travel at the Bragg electrons form Kossel cones centered at to the incident beam direction are dark (deficient)bright (excess).“Transmission Kikuchi lines“Transmission Electron the Ewald sphere, creating parabolas which approximate because B is small.SAEDCBEDexact Bragg condition(2h2k2l) spot strongly excited(3h3k3l) spot strongly excited the excess Kikuchi at(hkl)“Transmission Electron Microscopy”, Williams & Carter,Pair of Kikuchi linesExperimental Kikuchi map for fcc crystalsand indexed Kikuchi lines in the schematic map“Transmission Electron Microscopy”, Williams & Carter, Springer 2009diffractionconverged illumination“Transmission Electron Microscopy”,“Transmission Electron Microscopy”, Williams & Carter, Springer Thickness determination using CBED000112••Bragg and HOLZ lines superimposed defocus image are used for:‐Burgers vector analysis:splitting of by dislocations‐orientation relationships:lines continuous/discontinuous across interfacesNanodiffractionNanodiffraction(nano‐beam diffraction) =Imaging the condenser aperture using a third condenser lensgives the nanometer‐sized beam with parallel illuminationZuo et al. Microscopy Research and Technique 64 347Nanodiffraction patterns from a multi‐walled carbon nanotube“Transmission Electron。


Si/Ti=400 SBA-15
Volume Adsorbed (cm3/g, STP)
a b
c d
2 theta (degree)
Relative Pressure (P/P ) 0
Framework site in TS-1 1125 cm-1
=244 nm ex
Fe/Si molar ratio
516 1110
800 1005
Intensity /A.U. 380
0.02 0.01 0.05 0.025
RamanShift /cm-1
Relative Intensities/I(380 cm -1)
O O Si
Isolated site in mesoporous
materials 1100-1110 cm-1
Isolated site on SiO2 1085 cm-1
1125 cm-1 谱峰的位置对Ti的配位环境非常敏感
1125 cm-1
Fe-silicalite: 520, 1005, 1165 cm-1



混合波原子和双边滤波的纹理图像滤波方法刘国军;马月梅【期刊名称】《计算机应用研究》【年(卷),期】2013(30)3【摘要】This paper proposed a novel diffusion scheme by hybridizing wave atoms thresholding for textural images. Also designed a denoising algorithm based on the relationship between solution of nonlinear diffusion equation and bilateral filtering method. Numerical experiments illustrate the good performance in comparison to the state-of-the-art denoising algorithms, such as wave atoms shrinkage method, and the bilateral filtering method, scale mixtures of Gaussians ( GSM) method, non-local mean ( NLM ) method, by using two objective measures: peak signal-to-noise ratio ( PSNR) and structural similarity ( SSIM).%为了更好地去除纹理图像中的噪声,提出了一种新的混合波原子阈值的振荡纹理图像扩散模型;利用扩散方程和图像滤波方法的理论联系,给出了联合双边滤波的图像去噪算法;最后,利用峰值信噪比(PSNR)和结构相似度(SSIM)两个客观图像质量评价指标,与目前流行的图像去噪方法(包括波原子阈值、双边滤波、高斯尺度混合(GSM),以及非局部滤波(NLM))进行比较.实验结果验证了新方法的有效性.【总页数】5页(P942-945,949)【作者】刘国军;马月梅【作者单位】宁夏大学民族预科教育学院,银川750002【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391.41【相关文献】1.基于联合双边滤波器上采样的纹理图像修复合成算法 [J], 解慧2.波原子纹理图像阈值算法 [J], 刘国军;冯象初;张选德3.一种基于曲线波的改进自交叉双边滤波方法 [J], 邱宇;王世元;余勇志4.Fisher-Tippet分布拟合的超声图像联合双边滤波方法 [J], 李蒙蒙; 邵良志; 崔文超; 孙水发5.利用波原子分解系数自适应Wiener滤波方法压制地震数据随机噪声 [J], 刘彦萍;张乃禄;仵杰;严正国;高建申因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



一种基于单片机数字式调幅波信号发生器马 俊,陈学煌,段新文(青海师范大学物理系,青海西宁 810008)摘要:分析了调幅波形成的数学原理,结合单片机设计了一种数字式调幅波信号发生器,并给出硬件连线图、软件初始程序和相应的程序流程图,可实现频率20H Z ~20KH Z ,分辨率为1H Z 。

关键词:单片机;调幅波;信号发生器中图分类号:T N702 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1006-8996(2005)01-0082-04A kind of numberical amplitude modulation w ave signal generatorbasis on single chip computerMA -Jun ,CHEN Xue -huang ,DUAN Xin -w en(Department of Physics ,Qinghai Normal University ,X ining 810008,China )Abstract :Through analysing the mathematical principles of am plitude m odulation wave ,a kind of signal generator with numberical m odulation wave was designed by using of principles of single chip com puter.The electronic circuit diagram and the s oftware program were disigned and diagramed.The frequency of the com puter was 20H z ~20KH z ,the res olution was 1H z.K ey w ords :single chip com puter ;am plitude m odulation wave ;singnal generator信号发生器在电子测量和自动控制领域应用十分广泛,常用的信号发生器大多由模拟电路构成。

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tion, behavior very similar to Bragg scattering, in particular very low losses and phase shifts, can be obtained for scatterers that substantially violate the assumptions of the simplified theory. Bragg diffraction famously provides us with the basic knowledge of the structure of crystals, including proteins. It is also important for many technical applications, like acousto-optic modulators (AOMs) [3], distributed Bragg reflectors (DBR) in diode [4] and fiber lasers as well as photonic bandgap crystals [5]. Moreover, Bragg diffraction is a basic method for making surface acoustic wave (SAW) filters in radio frequency technology. In atomic physics, Bragg diffraction is a special case of the KapitzaDirac effect [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]. Bragg scattering is used as a tool for experiments with Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) [11, 12, 13]. For example, Kozuma et al. [14] have shown experimentally that thirteen subsequent first-order Bragg diffractions of a BEC can still have good efficiency. More exotic applications include the generation of a collective frictional force in an ensemble of atoms enclosed in a cavity, due to Bragg scattering of a pump light an a self-organized atomic density grating [15], much in the same way as stimulated Brillouin scattering by self-organized acoustic waves in optical fibers [4]. Moreover, Bragg diffraction can act as a beam splitter for matter waves [7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]. The highest order diffraction so far achieved with matter waves seems to be by Koolen et al. [21], who obtained up to eighth-order Bragg diffraction. Atom interferometers based on Bragg diffraction include the one by Giltner et al. [22, 23], who built a Mach-Zehnder atom interferometer using up to third order diffraction. Miller et al. [24] achieved high contrast in a two-pulse geometry with first-order diffraction and a sufficiently short time between pulses. Torii et al. [25] have used first order Bragg diffraction in a Mach-Zehnder geometry with a
Atom-wave diffraction between the Raman-Nath and the Bragg regime: Effective Rabi frequency, losses, and pha-wey Chiow, and Steven Chu†
PACS numbers: 03.75.Be; 32.80.Lg; 32.80.Wr; 03.75.Dg
arXiv:0704.2627v3 [physics.atom-ph] 6 Dec 2007
Diffraction by a point scatters light or matter waves into all directions. A two-dimensional grating produces a few diffraction orders at those angles where the scatter from all of the grating adds coherently. Bragg diffraction by an infinite three-dimensional lattice can produce a single diffraction order, which happens when the scatter from all layers adds constructively, as described by the Bragg condition. When this happens for a higher scattering order (“high-order Bragg diffraction”) virtually all incident radiation can be scattered into this high order, in contrast to the two-dimensional case. By quasiBragg diffraction, we refer to the intermediate regime where the infinite lattice assumption is no longer valid but approximately true. Using the nomenclature of, e.g., [1], this regime is the transition between the shortinteraction Raman-Nath regime and the long-interaction Bragg (weak potential) and “channelling” (strong potential) regimes. In this region, the Bragg condition softens and there may be significant scattering into other than the desired orders. Moreover, couplings between the nonzero diffraction orders may lead to phase shifts of the diffracted waves [2], which is undesirable in many applications. In this work, we present an analytic treatment of such quasi Bragg scattering. We will find that by prudent choice of the scattering potential and its envelope func-
Physics Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA94305. (Dated: February 1, 2008) We present an analytic theory of the diffraction of (matter) waves by a lattice in the “quasiBragg” regime, by which we mean the transition region between the long-interaction Bragg and “channelling” regimes and the short-interaction Raman-Nath regime. The Schr¨ odinger equation is solved by adiabatic expansion, using the conventional adiabatic approximation as a starting point, and re-inserting the result into the Schr¨ odinger equation to yield a second order correction. Closed expressions for arbitrary pulse shapes and diffraction orders are obtained and the losses of the population to output states otherwise forbidden by the Bragg condition are derived. We consider the phase shift due to couplings of the desired output to these states that depends on the interaction strength and duration and show how these can be kept negligible by a choice of smooth (e.g., Gaussian) envelope functions even in situations that substantially violate the adiabaticity condition. We also give an efficient method for calculating the effective Rabi frequency (which is related to the eigenvalues of Mathieu functions) in the quasi-Bragg regime.