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中氟含量不超过 10 mg∕L

[6 ̄7]
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[14 ̄16]
were at pH of 5 0ꎬ initial F - concentration of 125 mg∕L and adsorption temperature of 40 ℃ . (2) The experimental kinetic data were well
fitted by the pseudo ̄second ̄order modelꎬ which indicated that the dominant adsorption belonged to the chemisorption. The Temkin
作者简介: 严博文(1995 ̄) ꎬ男ꎬ四川南充人ꎬyanbw1995@ 163.com.
∗责任作者ꎬ叶长文(1983 ̄) ꎬ男ꎬ四川成都人ꎬ副教授ꎬ主要从事水污染控制研究ꎬyechwen123@ sina.com
基金项目: 四川省科技计划重点研发项目( No.2018SZ0321) ꎻ 中国博士后科学基金资助项目( No.2015M570277ꎬ 2017T100209)
1.State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protectionꎬ Chengdu University of Technologyꎬ Chengdu 610059ꎬ China
2.State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Synergetic Control and Joint Remediation for Soil & Water Pollutionꎬ Chengdu
粉煤灰漂珠的回收再利用探索新途径ꎬ从而达到“ 以
废治废” 的目的.
1 材料与方法
1 1 试验材料和仪器
试验材料:称取 2 21 g NaF 固体颗粒ꎬ溶入1 000
1996« 污水综合排放标准» 中一级排放标准规定废水
mL 容量瓶中ꎬ加入去离子水定容至刻度线ꎬ配置成质
7 10
环 境 科 学 研 究
第 32 卷
water by the fly ash cenospheres was mainly via the ion ̄exchange. These results showed that the maximum F - adsorption rate of the fly ash
Supported by Key Research and Development Projects of Science and Technology Plan of Sichuan Provinceꎬ China ( No.2018SZ0321) ꎻ China Postdoctoral
Science Foundation ( No.2015M570277ꎬ 2017T100209)
有显著影响ꎬ当 pH 为 5 0、初始 ρ( F - ) 为 125 mg∕L、吸附温度为 40 ℃ 时ꎬ改性粉煤灰漂珠对水中 F - 的吸附效果最佳. ②动力学试
验显示ꎬ改性粉煤灰漂珠对水中 F - 的吸附过程符合准二级动力学模型ꎬ说明该吸附过程主要以化学吸附为主ꎻ与 Langmuir 和
Freundlich 吸附等温模型相比ꎬTemkin 吸附等温模型更适合于描述该吸附平衡过程. ③SEM、EDS 和 BET 比表面积分析显示ꎬ改
( X 射线衍射) 、SEM( 扫的代谢均有促进作
. 少量的氟摄入对于龋齿的预防、骨骼的
1.成都理工大学ꎬ 地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室ꎬ 四川 成都 610059
2.成都理工大学ꎬ 国家环境保护水土污染协同控制与联合修复重点实验室ꎬ 四川 成都 610059
摘要: 为提升粉煤灰漂珠对水溶液中氟的吸附性能ꎬ以氧化钙为原料ꎬ采用煅烧法制备钙改性粉煤灰漂珠吸附材料. 通过响应曲
isotherm model was more suitable for describing the adsorption equilibrium than the Freundlich or Langmuir isotherm model. ( 3) The
SEMꎬ EDS and BET analyses indicated that Ca ̄containing cluster materials with irregular surface and porous structure were formed inside
with calcium were prepared by annealing method. Through the Box ̄Behnken response surface methodology design of adsorption fluorine
experimentsꎬ the effects of adsorption factors and their interactions were investigatedꎬ and the optimal adsorption conditions were
面分析中的 Box ̄Behnken 设计吸附氟试验ꎬ探讨各吸附因数及其交互作用对吸附效果的影响ꎬ确定最佳吸附条件. 利用 SEM( 扫
描电镜) 、EDS( 能量散射光谱) 、XRD( X 射线衍射) 以及 BET 比表面积等手段对吸附材料进行表征ꎬ并结合吸附动力学、吸附等
温试验探讨钙改性粉煤灰漂珠吸附剂的除氟机制. 结果表明: ①初始 ρ( F - ) 和吸附温度对改性粉煤灰漂珠吸附水中 F - 的去除率
优点ꎬ成为最受关注的方法之一. 常见的吸附剂有活性

. 因此ꎬ研制出价格较低、适
Cenospheres Modified with Calcium Using Response Surface Methodology
YAN Bowen 1ꎬ2 ꎬ YE Changwen 1ꎬ2∗ ꎬ GONG Rui 1ꎬ2 ꎬ HUANG Yancai 1ꎬ2 ꎬ XIE Yanhua 1ꎬ2
the fly ash cenospheresꎬ which led to increases in porosity and specific surface area. The XRD analysis showed that the removal of F - from
收稿日期: 2018 ̄04 ̄18 修订日期: 2018 ̄08 ̄27
adsorption were investigated by means of adsorption kinetics and isothermal adsorption experiments. The results suggested that: ( 1) The
initial F - concentration and adsorption temperature significantly affected the removal efficiency of F - ꎻ the optimal adsorption conditions
关键词: 粉煤灰漂珠ꎻ 响应曲面分析ꎻ 含氟废水ꎻ 吸附动力学模型ꎻ 吸附等温模型
中图分类号: X703 文章编号: 1001 ̄6929(2019)04 ̄0709 ̄09
文献标志码: A
DOI: 10 13198∕j issn 1001 ̄6929 2018 09 20
Optimization Study of Adsorption Parameters for Removal of Fluoride by Fly Ash
[2 ̄3]
因此ꎬ欧 盟 理 事 会 ( 1998 年) 、 世 界 卫 生 组 织 ( 2011
年) 和国际清算银行( 2012 年) 共同规定饮用水中氟
含量的可接受上限为 1 5 mg∕L
ꎬ 我国 GB 8978—
谱) 以及 BET 比表面积等手段对改性粉煤灰漂珠的
性后的粉煤灰漂珠内部生成了具有不规则表面和多孔结构的含钙团簇物质ꎬ从而增加了 BET 比表面积ꎬ改善了孔隙结构. XRD
分析显示ꎬ钙改性粉煤灰漂珠主要通过离子交换作用吸附去除水中的 F - . 研究显示ꎬ以工业废物为原料制备的钙改性粉煤灰漂
珠吸附剂的最大除氟率为 93 59%ꎬ是一种具有应用潜力的低成本吸附材料.
determined. Scanning electron microscope ( SEM) ꎬ energy dispersive spectrometer ( EDS) ꎬ X ̄ray diffraction ( XRD) and specific surface
area analysis ( BET ) were employed to characterize the physicochemical properties of the adsorbents. The mechanisms of fluoride
第 32 卷 第 4 期
环 境 科 学 研 究
2019 年 4 月
Research of Environmental Sciences
严博文1ꎬ2 ꎬ 叶长文1ꎬ2∗ ꎬ 龚 锐1ꎬ2 ꎬ 黄艳采1ꎬ2 ꎬ 谢燕华1ꎬ2
University of Technologyꎬ Chengdu 610059ꎬ China
Abstract: In order to improve the adsorption efficiency of adsorbent for removal of fluoride in wastewaterꎬ the fly ash cenospheres modified
cenospheres modified with calcium and prepared from industrial waste is 93 59%ꎬ and the low ̄cost adsorption material has potential
Keywords: fly ash cenospheresꎻ response surface methodologyꎻ wastewater containing fluorideꎻ adsorption isothermꎻ adsorption kinetic
量浓度为 1 g∕L 的 F - 储备液ꎬ试验中所用 F - 污染液均
主要试验仪器:ZMF ̄1200C ̄M 箱式电阻箱( 安徽
贝意克设备技术有限公司) ꎻPE ̄28 数显酸度计( 上海