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5.1 General BATconclusions for the refining of mineral oil and gas (石油及天然气炼制工业最佳可行技术汇总)
Theprocess-specific BAT conclusions included in Sections 5.2 to 5.19 apply inaddition to the general BAT conclusions mentioned in this section.
5.1.1Environmental management systems(环境管理体系)
BAT1. In order to improve the overall environmental performance of plants for the refining of mineral oil and gas, BAT is to implement and adhere to anenvironmental management system (EMS) that incorporates all of the followingfeatures:(为提升石油及天然气加工厂整体的环境,最佳可行技术将被实施,并遵循包含以下要求的环境管理体系)
i. commitment ofthe management, including senior management;
ii. definitionof an environmental policy that includes the continuous improvement for theinstallation by the management;
iii. planningand establishing the necessary procedures, objectives and targets, inconjunction with financial planning and investment;
iv.implementation of the procedures paying particular attention to:
(a) structureand responsibility
(b) training,awareness and competence
(d) employeeinvolvement
(f) efficientprocess control
(g) maintenanceprogrammes
(h) emergencypreparedness and response
(i)safeguarding compliance with environmental legislation.
v.checking performance and taking corrective action, paying particular attentionto:
(a) monitoringand measurement (see also the reference document on the General Principles ofMonitoring)
(b) correctiveand preventive action
(c) maintenanceof records
(d)independent (where practicable) internal and external auditing in order todetermine whether or not the EMS conforms to planned arrangements and has beenproperly implemented and maintained;
vi. review of theEMS and its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness by seniormanagement;
vii. followingthe development of cleaner technologies;
viii.consideration for the environmental impacts from the eventual decommissioningof the installation at the stage of designing a new plant, and throughout itsoperating life;
ix.application of sectoral benchmarking on a regular basis.
The scope (e.g. level of detail) and nature of the EMS (e.g. standardised ornon-standardised) will generally be related to the nature, scale and complexityof the installation, and the range of environmental impacts it may have.
5.1.2 Energy efficiency(能源效率)
BAT2. In order to use energy efficiently, BAT is to use an appropriate combination of the techniques given below:(为有效使用能源,以下技术将被适当的组合使用)
5.1.3 Solidmaterials storage and handling(固体物料的储存和转运)
BAT3. In order to prevent or, where that is not practicable, to reduce duste missions from the storage and handling of dusty materials, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below:(为阻止或减少粉尘在储存和转运过程中的排放,将采用以下一种或多种组合技术)
i. store bulkpowder materials in enclosed silos equipped with a dust abatement system
(e.g.fabric filter);
ii. store finematerials in enclosed containers or sealed bags;
iii. keepstockpiles of coarse dusty material wetted, stabilise the surface with crustingagents, or store under cover in stockpiles;
e road cleaning vehicles.
5.1.4 Monitoringof emissions to air and key process parameters(对大气污染物排放和重要参数进出监测)
BAT4. BAT is to monitor emissions to air by using the monitoring techniques with at least the minimum frequency given below and in accordance with EN standards.If EN standards are not available, BAT is to use ISO, national or otherinternational standards that ensure the provision of data of an equivalentscientific quality.(废气监测)
BAT 5.BAT is to monitor the relevant process parameters linked to pollutant emissions, at catalytic cracking and combustion units by using appropriate techniques and with at least the frequency given below. (与污染相关参数监测)
BAT 6.BAT is to monitor diffuse VOC emissions to air from the entire site by using all of the following techniques:(VOC监测)
i. sniffing methods associated with correlation curvesfor key equipment;
ii. optical gas imaging techniques;
iii. calculationsof chronic emissions based on emissions factors periodically (e.g. once everytwo years) validated by measurements.
The screening andquantification of site emissions by periodic campaigns with opticalabsorption-based techniques, such as differential absorption light detectionand ranging (DIAL) or solar occultation flux (SOF) is a useful complementarytechnique.
See Section 5.20.6.
5.1.5 Operation of waste gas treatment systems(废气处理系统操作)
BAT7. In order to prevent or reduce emissions to air, BAT is to operate the acidgas removal units, sulphur recovery units and all other waste gas treatmentsystems with a high availability and at optimal capacity.
Special procedurescan be defined for specific operating conditions, in particular:
i. during start-up and shutdown operations;
ii. during other circumstances that could affect theproper functioning of the systems (e.g. regular and extraordinary maintenancework and cleaning operations of the units and/or of the waste gas treatmentsystem);
iii. in case ofinsufficient waste gas flow or temperature which prevents the use of the wastegas treatment system at full capacity.
BAT 8.In order to prevent and reduce ammonia (NH3)emissions to air when applying selective catalytic reduction (SCR) or selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) techniques, BAT is to maintain suitable operating conditions of the SCR or SNCR waste gas treatment systems, with the aim of limiting emissions of unreacted NH3.(维持适宜SCR和NSCR适宜的操作条件,避免氨逃逸)
BAT-associatedemission levels: See Table 5.2.
Table 5.2:BAT-associated emission levels for ammonia (NH3)emissions to air for a combustion or process unit where SCR or SNCR techniquesare used
BAT 9.In order to prevent and reduce emissions to air when using a sour water steamst ripping unit, BAT is to route the acid off-gases from this unit to an SRU or any equivalent gas treatment system.(为减少酸性水气提装置废气排放,气提废气将被引至其他单元或废气治理系统)
It is not BAT to directly incinerate the untreated sour water stripping gases.
5.1.6 Monitoringof emissions to water
BAT10. BAT is to monitor emissions to water by using the monitoring techniqueswith at least the frequency given in Table 5.3 and in accordance with ENstandards. If EN standards are not available, BAT is to use ISO, national orother international standards that ensure the provision of data of anequivalent scientific quality.
5.1.7 Emissionsto water(水质监测)
BAT 11.In order to reduce water consumption and the volume of contaminated water, BAT is to use all of the techniques given below.
BAT 12.In order to reduce the emission load of pollutants in the waste water discharge to the receiving water body, BAT is to remove insoluble and soluble polluting substances by using all of the techniques given below.
BAT-associated emission levels: SeeTable5.3.
BAT 13.When further removal of organic substances or nitrogen is needed, BAT is to usean additional treatment step as described in Section 5.21.2.
Table 5.3:BAT-associated emission levels for direct waste water discharges from therefining of mineral oil and gas and monitoring frequencies associated with BAT(1)
5.1.8 Waste generation and management(废物产生及管理)
BAT14. In order to prevent or, where that is not practicable, to reduce wastegeneration, BAT is to adopt and implement a waste management plan that, inorder of priority, ensures that waste is prepared for reuse, recycling,recovery or disposal.
BAT15. In order to reduce the amount of sludge to be treated or disposed of, BATis to use one or a combination of the techniques given below.
BAT 16.In order to reduce the generation of spent solid catalyst waste, BAT is to useone or a combination of the techniques given below.
5.1.9 Noise(噪音)
BAT17. In order to prevent or reduce noise, BAT is to use one or a combination ofthe
techniques given below:
i. make anenvironmental noise assessment and formulate a noise management plan as appropriateto the local environment;
ii. enclosenoisy equipment/operation in a separate structure/unit;
iii. useembankments to screen the source of noise;
e noise protection walls.
5.1.10 BATconclusions for integrated refinery management(炼油厂综合管理技术)
BAT18. In order to prevent or reduce diffuse VOC emissions, BAT is to apply the techniques given below.(为阻止或减小VOC无组织排放,适宜采用以下技术)
BAT 52.In order to prevent or reduce VOC emissions to air from loading and unloading operations of volatile liquid hydrocarbon compounds, BAT is to use one or acombination of the techniques given below to achieve a recovery rate of at least 95 %.(为减少VOC在装卸过程中的排放,采用以下一种或多种技术组合能实现95%的回收率)

