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StepII.Introdction:Lookatthepicture・ Iftheywanttobui ldaplatformforschool, whatwilItheyneedandhowcantheyd othat?
(suggestedanswers:bri cks, pieceso fwood, drill , paint, brus h ... )
StepI II. Listenan danswer:
( Now, closeyo urbooks,pie ase.Let ' sli stenandansw er)
1.W hat willtheydow iththewallb ehind?
2.H owlongshoul dtheywaitwh enthewallis painted?
3・ Whatwil 1th eydotostopp eoplewalkin gonthefloor ?
4.W hywil ltheydrilla holeinthewa 11?
StepIV . Now, openyo urbookandre adthedialog ueinpairs ・
StepV.Sile ntreading, c loseyourboo ksandfillin blanks・
1.Thewallbehi ndlooksabit greyanddull ・ Whatcanwed otomakeitlo oklessugly?
2.Nodrawi ngcanbedone untilthewal lisdry. That
maytakeabou taweek・
3.Yes, andwemu ststoppeopl ewalkingont hisfloorunt 订it,sfirm.
4.Itmaybe necessaryto putupanotic esaying “put
off” .Anothe rthing, we ' 1 lhavetodril laholeinthe wallforthee lectricwire s.
5.lough ttodosomest udying, asl ' vegotmasses ofworktodo, butlthinkV mtootired.
StepVI. Lan guagepoints :
1.keepoff 与keepaway
女口:keepoff thegrass. Ke epyourhands off.请勿触摸。
如:Ru naway. Break awaywithsb・与。
2.Oughttodo :含有“按道理应做莫事"之意,否定式为oug htnot (ought n,t) to,疑问式把oughtto 移置句首。
如:lought todosomestu dying, asl ' v egotmasseso fworktodo, b utlthinkl" m tootired.
---- Oughth etogo? ------ Yes, heought ・
3.m ass (n ):大量,大扌出。
ama ssofmasseso f 许多,大量
I,v eamassofthi ngstoseetot hismorning.今天上午我要处理很多事情。
Theship cut it sways 1 owl yt hrough massesof ice ・船划破大量冰层缓缓前进。
Therewa samassofchi ldreninthey ard・院子里有彳艮多小孩。
4.dull: (ofcolouror surface)not bright, stro
ng, orsharp. ; (ofweather , thesky, etc ) cloudy; gre y; dark It ' sdulltoday; Weshallhave rain. Adress ofsomeunint erestingdul lcolor・
Step VII. Exercis es:
1.T her e ____ muchn oiseintheho spita 1.
A. nototighttob e
B. oughtnot be
C. notou ghtbe
D. ough tn" ttobe
2 . I,msorry, I can,tgowith youforlhave
_______ work todo.
A. mass ofB・ masseso f
C. alarge numberofD・ a goodmany
3 ・ Afterhewat eredthegras s, he _______ anoticebyit
sside, _______ “KeepOff” ・
A.putup, o nwhichwaswr itten
B.puto n,onwhichwr iting
C. fi xup, bywhich waswritingD ・ fixon, inwh ichwrote
4・ Noone, whoe verheis, isa llowedtoent er ____ thee onstruction iscompleted ・
A. afterB ・ whenC・ unti ID. assoonas
5.A: Harry ! You _____ o nthephone・
B: Oh, I , mco ming・ Thanky ou.
A. wantB・ arewanting
C. are wan te d
D. arebeing wanted
StepV III. Homewor k
Exsl, 2onP9 7. Ex2ofP42
L esson26 教
学设计方案Stepl. Rev ision
Step II. Introduc tiomTherei safamoustem pleinCambod ia, whichisa swell-known astheGreatW allofChina・Doyouknowwh at, sitsname ? .................... Y es, it,s AngkorWat. T odaywewilll earnsomethi ngaboutit・
SteplII.Fa streadingan danswerTorF questionson
StepIII ・ Groupwork:
Divide the classintose veralgroups anddiscuss:
1.W hywast hetempleade sertedplace inl980?
2.H owdoeswate rdamagethet emple?
3.W hyareboards laidonthegr ound?
4.w h yisnorepair workdonefor sixorsevenm onthsofthey ear?
5.Why domengotoci tiesleaving womentocarr yonwiththew ork?
6.W hy isthetemple notaquitepl aceduringth eday?
Step IV.Fillinbl anks・(giveS sseveralmin utestogothr oughthetext , payattenti ontothedeta ils・ Thenc losethebook andfillinbl anks・)
1.T hecountryha dbeenatwarf ormanyyears andthetempl ewasdeserte dandfalling topieces・
2.T oday,the templeisthe sceneofabus yrepairprog ramme・
3.T herainyseas onlastsfors ixmonthsand watergetsin amongthesto nes・
4.Asl walkedthrou ghthethecou rtyards, Ino ticedhowthe Cambodianwo mendevotedh ourstoclean
ingcarefull yatinyareao fstone. Boar dsarelaiddo wntoprotect theprecious paintedston eswhilether epairworkis goingon.
5 . Theworkofc leaningthes tonesiswatc hedoverbyth
reelndianch emists>
6. Works tartse verydaya. t7a. nuntillatea fternoonsix daysaweek, w
midday •
crossthecou rtyard>
StepV. L anguagepoin ts:
分析:句中的beside s 是副词,作“还有,而且”
(moreover )解,通常置于句首。
It' stool atetogototh econcert .Be sides, it ?
2. Nowhe reelseinthe worldcanthe rebesuchaqu iet, beautif ulplace.世界上再没有这样优美、恬静的地方 To • m. andgoeso
ithabreakat 7. Asthesunsin
kslower, sha dowsspreada
8. Nowhereelse
intheworldc antherebesu chaquiet, be autifulplac e.
1- Besi des, therear everyfewski
lledstonewo rkersleftaf terthewarye
ars ・(二Also, therearever yfewskilled stoneworker sthatarelef taftert hewa. ryears ・止匕夕卜, 战争年代过后,技术熟练的石匠已所剩无几。
分析:Wh ere与no, any, some等词构成复合词,女口:nowhere (没有任何地方),any where (任何地方,somewhere (某个地方)everywh ere (到处)它们都是副词,以nowhere开头的句子往往为了强调,常引起句子倒装。
女口:Nowhereelse canyouenjoy suchbeautif ulmusic・女口果n owhere不放在句首,句子则不倒装。
Hewentnowh erelastSund ay.(二Nowher edidhegolas tSunday)上星期天,他什么地方也没去。
3.Pilesof stonesliein acornerofth ecourtyard, waitingtobe replaced(=P ilesofstone sareinacorn erofthecour tyard, andar ewaitingtob ereplaced.)
分析:句中-ing 短语(waitingt obereplaced )用作状语,表示伴随状态。
H esatinachai r, readingne wspapers・(二Hesatinocha irandread
S tepVI. Exerc ises:
1・ Th eproject _____ __ fouryear sand __________ a lotofdollar s.
A. wento n;worth
B. la sted;cost
C・ keptonjpa idD・ lasted;valued
2・ T hedoctorsan dnurses _________ _theseriou slywoundedw orkerdayand night.
A・ w atchedoutB・ watchedover
C・ looked。
verD・ looked out
3・ Ifou ndabookmork edwithdatea ndname ____________ onthegroun dwiththebac kcover ________ off.
A. laying ;to rnB ・ lying; teari ng
C. lying ; tornD・ lain ; tearing
4. Hetoldmeth athe _____ fo ranewspaper whenlfirsts awh i m・
A. wor kedB・ hadwor ked
C. wasw orking
D. has worked
5.S hefinisheda llherwork _________ quite ________ ・
A. felt, satisf iedB・ feelin g, satisfied
C. felt, sa tisfying
D. f eeling, sati sfying
StepV II. Homework :
Exs3ofP9 8Exsl, 3ofPl 00