Coherence Cube相干体分析技术
分频处理的技术主要是通过“Gabor-Morlet” 子波对复数地震道进行谱分解,类似于小波变换。
与以往常规的谱分解使用离散傅立叶变换不同,该方法使用Gabor-Morley 子波来提高时间-频率的分辨率。
帕拉代姆地震属性库包括丰富的地震属性,如振福包络、瞬时频率、吸收系数以及相对波阻抗等20多种复地震道(Hilbert )属性、多道几何属性,谱分解属性和用户自定义属性见图。
在这些属性体提取的基础上,利用PCA 主组分分析技术进行属性优化分析,同时也可借助多属性体交会VXPLOT 识别异常体。
第21卷第3期地球物理学进展Vol.21 No.3三维精细构造解释的方法流程和关键技术刘丽峰, 杨怀义, 蒋多元, 董宁, 王相文(中国石油化工股份有限公司石油勘探开发研究院,北京100083)摘要详细论述了三维精细构造解释的方法和流程.对层位标定、层位解释、断裂、速度解释及成图每个步骤的方法给以具体论述,重点分析了三维精细构造解释使用的关键技术如可视化技术、相干体技术、变速解释技术和真三维解释技术.本文可为从事三维精细构造解释的人员提供借鉴.关键词三维精细构造解释,相干体,变速解释,真三维解释,虚拟现实技术中图分类号P631 文献标识码 A 文章编号1004-2903(2006)03-0864-08PrimaryExplorationof3-DFineStructureInterpretationLIUL-ifeng, YANGHua-iyi, JIANGDuo-yuan, DONGNing, WangXiang-wen(Exploration&ProductionResearchInstitute.SINOPEC,Beijing100083,China)Abstract Thisarticlesystemicallysummarizesthemethodandflowof3-Dfinestructureinterpretatio nanddescibes,everystepsuchashorizondemarcate、horizoninterpretation、faulting、velocityinterpretationandcartography.Espe-ciallyltexplainsthekeytechnology-visua lizingtechnology、coherencecubetechnology、velocity-variedinterpretationtechnology.Thisarticlecanbeusedasthereferencetothen oviceof3-Dfinestructureinterpretation.Keywords3-Dfinestructureinterpretation,coherencecube,velocity-variedinterpretation,true3 -DinterpretationVR0 引言随着三维地震勘探技术的发展,构造解释技术在近年来已有较大的发展.传统的三维解释方法是把三维地震资料当作加密的二维地震资料进行解释,存在信息利用率低,工作效率低,成果质量不高等问题,解释人员需要在层位解释和断层识别、组合上花费大量时间和精力.随着地震资料属性处理和人机联作解释方法的不断发展和成熟,打破常规的三维资料二维解释,充分利用三维数据信息,获得更精细的构造形态,高效、高精度的三维精细构造解释已经切实可行.三维可视化(VoxelGeo)技术[2]的不断发展,更是推动了三维解释技术,出现了真(全)三维地震解释技术.近年来,虚拟现实技术(VR)应用于三维地震资料的可视化解释,使地震资料解释更为自动化、智能化[3].目前,三维精细构造解释的支[1]持软件是Landmark地震解释软件和虚拟现实技术,Paradigm地震解释软件及可视化技术.1 三维精细构造解释三维精细构造解释的步骤是层位标定,层位、断层解释,速度解释和构造成图.1.1 层位标定构造解释的第一步是层位标定,首先分析比较分层数据的各层位划分情况,使分层数据准确一致;之后对声波测井曲线进行编辑,剔除畸变.并结合自然电位、自然伽玛、电阻率、密度等曲线提取井旁道地震子波制作单井合成记录;制作完单井的合成记录之后,再制作联井合成地震记录.结合VSP叠加地震剖面,进行粗框架地震剖面追踪对比,检查各反射波闭合情况,当存在不闭合时,依据钻井分层数据调整少数不闭合井的合成记录,并根据声波速度、地收稿日期 2006-02-10; 修回日期 2006-05-20.基金项目中石化东北分公司《松辽盆地南部长岭凹陷所图探区滚动勘探开发一体化研究》项目资助.作者简介刘丽峰,女,1974年生,河南遂平人,2003年于中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所获博士学位,现于中石化石油勘探开发研究院工作,主要从事综合地质、地球物理及构造解释方面的研究工作.。
1. 1 相关算法相关算法是根据随机过程的互相关分析,计算相邻地震道的互相关函数来反映同相轴的不连续性。
这种算法只能有三道参与计算,则沿视倾角( p ,q) 的相干值C1 为:式中,Cii( i = 1 ,2) 为第i道的自相关量; Ci j( i = 1 ,2) 为第i道和第j 道的互相关量。
视倾角( p ,q) 中p和q分别为x 方向和y 方向上的地震道之间的时移量。
另外,每一道与其相邻道在任意时刻、任意延迟的互相关,形成了一个不同的 2 ×2 阶协方差矩阵,如果对方程进行扩充,使之适合于三道以上的数据,需要用特征插值分析方法对高阶协方差矩阵进行更全面的分析。
1. 2相似系数算法Neidell 和Taner定义的相似系数Sc 为:式中,j为道号; i为样点序号; f i ,j表示样点( i ,j) 的振幅值。
公司历史Coherent公司始于1966年,最初是由一个名叫詹姆斯·汉森(James Hobart)的物理学家和一群斯坦福大学的研究人员共同创立的。
关键词构造;三维相干体;断裂系统中图分类号te1 文献标识码a文章编号1674-6708(2010)21-0144-01三维相干体技术是通过比较局部地震道波形的相似性、求异存同、突出波形的突变点,利用三维体切片动态连续显示,达到识别断裂系统以及地质异常体等的目的。
根据这一认识,gersztenkorn 等提出了第三代[3]基于特征结构的相干体计算方法。
2 相干参数的选择相干参数的选取,决定着相干体计算的效果。
收稿 日期 :0 1 5 9 2 1 一O —1
作者简介: (95 )女(  ̄ 18- , 汉族)河南省巩义市人,08 , 20 年7 月西南石油大学勘查技术与工程专业本科毕业。 现为西
南石油大学地球探 测与信息技术专 业 20 0 8级的硕士 , 目前主要从事地 震资料 综合解释与地 震属性 提取 与技 术 方 法研 究 。
l 。 Ot
由于工区北部地表为沙漠、 戈壁 , 南部为农 田、
戈壁 和 山地 , 面高程 北低 南高 (5m-80 。地 地 5 0 - 0m)  ̄ 面激发接受条件较差 。工区内除B 3 8 井北三维资料 品质 相对较 好 外 ,Q5井南 、 8 区三维 资 料横 向 S B 3井
和纵 向分辨率均低于 B T连 片其它三维地震资料 , S 且信噪比相对较低 , 连续性差 , 断点不 清晰, 断裂的 平 面组 合存 在 多解 性 , 料 整 体 的可 对 比性 相 对 较 资
9 8
内 蒙古 石 油化 工
2 1 年第 1 期 01 4
相干体分析技术在 B T地区的应用 S
李 倩 朱仕军 文 中平。朱鹏 宇 , , ,
( .西南石油大学 , I1成都 1 l I  ̄J 6 0 0  ̄. 15 0 2 川庆钻探工程有限公司地球物理勘探公司 , 四川 成都 601) 1 2 3
震勘探区块 , 满覆盖面积总计约1 2k 。 区钻探 47m。 该 始 于二十世纪 5 年代 , o O 8 年代本 区迎来钻井勘探 的高 峰期 , 18 —1 9 间 , 施 勘 探 开发 井 达 在 9 5 90年 实 到了 2 8口, 占本 轮连 片 区井位 数的 1 2从 上个 世 约 /} 纪9 年代至今 , 0 本区又陆续完成2 o多口井的钻井工 作 。在 5 多 口井的钻探过程中, O 先后发现侏 罗系头 屯河组( 2 井)三工河组 ( 3 井) B7 、 B 4 油藏、 三叠系烧 房 沟组 ( 8 井) 韭菜 园子组 ( 8 井 ) 藏} 中 B0 、 B1 油 其 B 4井 区 于 19 3 97年 上 报 石 油 地 质 控 制 储 量 9 3 1×
相干反斯托克斯拉曼光谱(Coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy,CARS)是一种非线性光谱技术,用于分析物质的分子振动信息。
八 几种典型属性原理及应用
〔3〕基于体属性的相干算法 体属性相干算法实际上是将地震数据体微
分成很多个三维子体进展三维上的分析计 算,这样可以对任意道进展三维体属性以 及相像分析,估算其相干性。 CohTEEC〔第四代相干?〕
八 几种典型属性原理及应用
常规地震剖面和地震属性沿倾向的垂直剖面和断 层与同相轴切割的水平切片比较简洁解释,但是 沿走向的垂直剖面及平行断层同相轴的水平切片 却是很难解释的。
相干体不连续显示较好地解决了这些问题。它能 够准确的反映地下地层的不连续特征,进展定量 断层、岩性特别体和碳酸岩盐缝孔等地质与油气 储集体的解释。
八 几种典型属性原理及应用
〔3〕特征值分析算法C3: 1999年由Gersztenkorn.A.和
Marfurt,K.J.提出的,即通过计算协方差矩 阵的特征值来得到相干属性,C3相干算法 实际上是基于C2算法的协方差矩阵进展三 维地震数据体的相干值计算。可对任意多道 地震数据进展相干计算。 设λi( j=1,2,L,J)是协方差矩阵C的第j个特征 值,其中λi是其最大的特征值。C3相干算法 的计算公式为:
八 几种典型属性原理及应用
首先定义纵测线上t时刻、道位置在〔xi,yi〕 和〔xi+1,yi〕与地震道u之间延迟为L的相互 关系数Cx,下式中 2w为相关时窗的时间长度:
∑ w u(t-τ,xi,yi)u(t-τ-l,xi1,yi)
∑ ∑ Cx(t,l,xi,yi)≡wτw
u2(t-τ-l,xi,yi) u2(t-τ-l,xi1,yi)
八 几种典型属性原理及应用
相干计算可以在相干较弱或被噪声干扰的状况下,供给出 数据相像性的定量值。通过对地震数据体相干属性的量化 处理,针对波形进展相干运算,生成新的不同于常规地震 振幅数据体的相干属性体。这种数据体可以用于较为简单 的断层及隐蔽地层岩性的解释,而这些简单的地质特征在 常规地震数据中往往无法识别和解释。
相干体技术相干体技术由相干技术公司(CTC )和Amoco 公司发明,1997年获美国专利,名称为“信号处理和勘探的方法”。
设多道地震记录为Xj (n ),j=1,2,…M ,n=1,2,…N 。
为考察此M 道地震记录的相似性,假设有一标准道X (n ),将各道与其比较,使这M 道与标准道的误差能量达到最小。
()()[]∑∑-===M j Nn j n X n X Q 112(2-1)令()0=∂∂l X Q;l =1,2…N (2-2) 推导整理得 ()()∑==Mj j l X M l X 11, l =1,2…N (2-3)即标准道 (n )为原始M 道地震记录的算术平均。
而M 道与标准道的误差能量为()()[]()()()()[]∑∑+-=∑∑-=====M j Nn j j M j Nn j n X n X n X n X n X n X Q 11221122()()∑∑∑-====M j N n Nn jn X M n X 11212(2-4)此误差能量Q 与M 道地震记录总能量之比为()()()()()()∑∑∑-=∑∑∑∑∑-=∑∑==========M j Nn j Nn M j Nn j M j N n Nn jM j Nn j n X n X M n X n X M n X n X Q 11221112112121121 (2-5)称为M 道地震记录的相对误差能量。
005 、 2011ZX05009003 ) 和国家自然科学基金青年基金项目( 编号 40902035 ) 的成果。 注: 本文为国家科技重大专项( 编号 2011ZX050301217 ; 改回日期: 20130322 ; 责任编辑: 黄敏。 收稿日期: 20121985 年生。博士研究生。主要从事精细油藏描述及开发地质研究。Email: lin66yu@ 163. com。 作者简介: 林煜, 男,
图 3 单一水道的平面形态( 底图为研究区 某准层序内部相干体切片) Fig. 3 Plane shape of single turbidity channel ( The base maps are the slices of coherence cube inner a subsequence of study area)
关于单一水道的构型模式, 笔者主要从几何形 态、 定量规模、 平面砂体分布和内部充填样式几个方 面开展了研究。
图 4 尼日尔三角洲盆地深层局部密井网单一水道构型解剖成果 Fig. 4 Architecture characterization result of single turbidity channel using dense spacing well data of deep strata in the Niger Delta Basin
( a) 顺直型; ( b) 弯曲型 ( a) straight type; ( b) bending type
图 2 尼日尔三角洲盆地浊积水道体系构型级次划分 Fig. 2 Hierarchical division of turbidity channel system in the Niger Delta Basin
Paradigm (CORELab)相干属性手册
![Paradigm (CORELab)相干属性手册](
77 Coherence CubeContentsCoherence CubeOverviewThe Coherence Cube quantifies the measurement of local waveform similarity withina “global” aperture defined in space and time, utilizing dip and azimuth calculations.The process provides accurate maps of the spatial change in the seismic waveform thatcan readily be related to geologic features and depositional environments. Faults andfracture systems can now be spatially imaged and directly mapped from the CoherenceCube without the tedious and extremely subjective method of interpreting faults onselected vertical sections,then connecting the interpreted segments to give a completefault picture. Depositional systems can be more readily understood as the processhighlights such depositional features as channels,onlap,turbidite sequences,etc.Thequality of the Coherence Cube result depends upon selection of optimum processingparameters specifying dip constraints, temporal and spatial aperture and processingalgorithms.In addition to the coherence attributes derived by Eigen and Semblance, processingseveral multi-trace attributes may be derived via the Hilbert transform. Theseattributes (frequency, phase amplitude and dip attributes) can often help inunderstanding the geologic causes for the coherence variations.Getting StartedYou can access the Coherence Cube application from the Session Manager window.1.In the Session Manager click the Accessories tab and select Coherence Cube.2.The Project/Survey Selection dialog box appears. Select the desired survey, or theproject that contains your survey. Select the survey you want to specify as the active one and click Open.Note:The Project/Survey Selection dialog box does not appear if you have already selected an active project/survey.3.The Open File dialog box appears. Select an input seismic file. The selected filehighlights and the OK button becomes available. Click OK.4.The Coherence Cube Parameters dialog box appears.5.Set parameters as described in the various Coherence Cube Parameters Dialog Boxtables on the following pages.Note:You must specify the output datasets in Output Datasets to run the application.6.Click Run.Note:Selecting the Close button will close the application.Coherence Cube Parameters Dialog Box with Dip Parameters SelectedTable 77-1: The Coherence Cube Parameters Dialog Box - Dip ParametersField/Option DescriptionDip Method Select the Dip Method. The choices are: Bins, FX, and UserDefined.Dip Bins The Dip Bins method is the default.Number of dip/azimuth bins Enter the number of dip/azimuth bins.The higher the number of dip/azimuth bins givesbetter results, especially when the dip is in many different directions, but takessignificantly longer to process.Inline Maximum Dip (msec/trace)Enter the maximum reflector dip observed on the inlines—units are z-units per trace,unsigned real number.Xline Maximum Dip (msec/trace)Enter the maximum reflector dip observed on the crosslines—units are z-units pertrace, unsigned real number.FX Dip Parameters The FX Dip method is used to reduce dip banding that may be imparted by the binsmethods.Since it is a gated method,it should not be used when the true dip changesrapidly vertically, for example when the target is at an angular unconformity.FX Dip Half Aperture (traces)Increasing this to3or4traces half-aperture may give a more stable dip estimate if thedata is noisy, but the runtime will increase.User Defined Dip Parameters The User Defined Dip method is used when more dip control is needed than producedby the standard bins method.It is usually used for specific targets rather than for entiredatasets. The dip values are explicitly honored, that is there is an asymmetricdistribution of dip bins. Dip value is positive if event time increases as trace numberincreases, and negative if event time decreases as trace number increases. Number of Dip Bins This is a non-linear scalar to increase or decrease the number of dip bins calculated.Increase the number to obtain more bins, reduce it for fewer bins.Minimum Inline Dip (msec/trace)Enter the minimum reflector dip on the inlines in z-units per trace. This is a signed realnumber - usually a negative number.Maximum Inline Dip (msec/trace)Enter the maximum reflector dip on the inlines in z-units per trace.This is a signed realnumber - usually a positive number.Temporal ApertureThe Temporal Aperture (or window length)is the most critical parameter,and most of the testing involves getting the best temporal aperture for the dataset. The results suggest that best temporal aperture ranges from about one-half wavelength of the highest frequency to about one times wavelength of the lowest frequency of the reflection data. Longer temporal aperture may be used to suppress noise in the coherence result, but short-lived events such as channels are obscured with longer operators.In general,smaller apertures should be used when attempting to highlight stratigraphic features or very low angle faults,and longer apertures should be used to highlight features that are more persistent vertically, such as high-angle faults.Coherence Cube Parameters Dialog Box With Temporal Aperture SelectedMinimum Xline Dip (msec/trace)Enter the minimum reflector dip on the crosslines in z-units per trace. This is a signed real number—usually a negative number.Maximum Xline Dip (msec/trace)Enter the maximum reflector dip on the crosslines in z-units per trace. This is a signed real number—usually a positive number.Table 77-2: The Coherence Cube Parameters Dialog Box - Temporal ApertureField/OptionDescriptionSemblance half-aperture length in samplesEigen half-aperture length in samplesEnter the half-aperture for both the Semblance and Eigen operation.A half-aperture of 5indicates that 5samples above and 5samples below the center for all the traces in the aperture will be used in the calculations. This would result in a 40 milliseconds temporal aperture for Sample Rate = 4 ms.Separate values may be entered,for example,a larger number of samples might be entered for the semblance half-aperture in order to provide a more stable dip estimate. Normally they are the same.Table 77-1: The Coherence Cube Parameters Dialog Box - Dip ParametersField/OptionDescriptionSpatial ApertureSpatial Aperture is specified either as rectangular or circular. Increasing the number of traces may reduce noise, but it takes longer to process, and may also result in smearing the data since additional traces are further away.Coherence Cube Parameters Dialog Box with Spatial Aperture SelectedCoherence Output ScalingThe coherence output values normally range between 0 and 1.0 where 1.0 represents identical traces. The scaling capability allows the user to linearly scale the data to -128.0to +127.0so that there is no need to rescale data while loading to interpretation systems. Additionally, traces are always somewhat like their neighbors, with typical values are between .5 and 1.0, so the result may be “debiased” to retain optimumTable 77-3: The Coherence Cube Parameters Dialog Box -Spatial ApertureField/OptionDescriptionInclude Diagonal traces Toggle on Include Diagonal traces to include traces which are not on the same line or crossline as the central trace.Spatial Aperture Type Select Rectangular or Circular.Rectangular ApertureHalf-Aperture of 1 indicates that one trace on each side of the trace beingcalculated will be used, along with the central trace. Typical apertures are one to three traces on each side, both inline and crossline. Also toggle on the IncludeDiagonal traces to include traces which are not on the same line or crossline as the central trace.For the example above 5traces will be used,one from each side of the center trace in both the inline and crossline directions.Inline Half Aperture (traces)Enter the number of traces of the inline from each side of the center point.Xline Half Aperture (traces)Enter the number of traces of the crossline from each side of the center point.Circular ApertureCircular Aperture Radius (survey working units)Enter the radius in feet or meters.dynamic range. For example, a value of .5 would be -128 and a value of 1.0 would be127.0 Data below 0.5 would be clipped to -128.0.An optional scaling factor is also provided to non-linearly scale the coherence data.This option is provided in order to spread out high coherence values more than lowcoherence values, and may be useful in showing variations which may be related todepositional features (on lap, etc.) or fluid contacts.The following table shows the values after exponentiation and linear scaling for arange of calculated values.Table 77-4: Table 1: Coherence Cube Output ScalingCoherence Output ValueValue Afterexp - 1(default)Value AfterLinear ScaleValue Afterexp = 1.5Value AfterLinear ScaleValue Afterexp = 2Value AfterLinear ScaleValue Afterexp = 3Value AfterLinear Scale 00-1280.00-128.000-1280-1280.10.1-102.50.03-119.940.01-125.450.001-127.745 0.20.2-770.09-105.190.04-117.80.008-125.96 0.30.3-51.50.16-86.100.09-105.050.027-121.115 0.40.4-260.25-63.490.16-87.20.064-111.68 0.50.5-0.50.35-37.840.25-64.250.125-96.125 0.60.6250.46-9.490.36-36.20.216-72.92 0.70.750.50.5921.340.49-3.050.343-40.535 0.80.8760.7254.460.6435.20.512 2.56 0.90.9101.50.8589.720.8178.550.72957.895 11127 1.00127.0011271127Coherence Cube Parameters Dialog Box with Coherence Output Scaling SelectedTable 77-5: The Coherence Cube Parameters Dialog Box -Coherence Output ScalingField/Option DescriptionMinimum Coherence Output Value Enter the minimum coherence output value.Maximum Coherence Output Value Enter the maximum coherence output value.Debias Coherence Minimum Enter the debias coherence minimum value. Data below this value will be clipped. Debias Coherence Maximum Enter the debias coherence maximum value. This value is rarely modified.Output Scaling Factor Enter the output scaling factor.Adaptive Eigen ParametersThe Adaptive Eigen parameters allow for strong noise reduction while maintaining theimportant low coherence features. Supply High for Adaptive Smoothing and High forAdaptation Rate for the greatest noise reduction. If the result has an “artificial” look,you should first reduce the Adaptation Rate,then the Adaptive Smoothing parameterif required. The default is for no adaptive processing.Coherence Cube Parameters Dialog Box with Adaptive Eigen Parameters SelectedTable 77-6: The Coherence Cube Parameters Dialog Box -Adaptive Eigen ParametersField/Option DescriptionAdaptive Eigen Processing Toggle on Adaptive Eigen Processing to get adaptive processing.Adaptive Sampling The choices are: None, Low, Medium, and High.Adaptive Smoothing The choices are: None, Low, Medium, and High.Adaptive Rate The choices are: None, Low, Medium, and High.High Resolution ParametersThe High Resolution parameters are Eigen and Semblance outputs are “sharpened”versions of the Eigen and Semblance, respectively. The sharpening is performed witha Laplacian operator, typically applied on a horizontal slice, that is, the output valueof any sample is based on the local neighborhood of adjacent traces.Coherence Cube Parameters Dialog Box with High Resolution Parameters SelectedTable 77-7: The Coherence Cube Parameters Dialog Box - High Resolution ParametersField/Option DescriptionHigh-Resolution Method The sharpening is commonly performed on horizontal slices, but you may selectvertical, in which case the sharpening will be performed on inlines.High-Resolution Sharpening Select Low, Medium, or High.Advanced ParametersCoherence Cube Parameters Dialog Box with Advanced Parameters SelectedTable 77-8: The Coherence Cube Parameters Dialog Box - Advanced ParametersField/Option DescriptionAdaptive Smoothing Value (0 - 1.0)This parameter is used if the user desires more smoothing than given with the Adaptiveparameters. A value of 1.0 provides the greatest amount of smoothing, with 0providing no smoothing.Seismic Resample (1 - 4)In conventional coherence processing, trace data is resampled to(SR/4) value toreduce aliasing, that is, sample rate of 4 ms is resampled to 1 ms or sample rate of 2ms is sampled to 0.5 ms. A very large memory requirement (very long lines) may bereduced by making the Seismic Resample smaller than 4; however, more aliasing ispossible. This parameter should not be changed unless the data is very flat, and thememory reduction is required to make the program run.FX Dip Half-Gate (8, 16, 32,64)The trace data is divided into n gates of length 2 * half-gate samples. A single dipvalue is calculated for each window and is applied to every sample within the gate.Shortening the FX Dip Half-Gate may result in a better geologic representation(i.e.,alldips in the window are the same), but it results in a less accurate frequencyrepresentation. This parameter should be used with caution. The default value is 16.High-Resolution Sharpening Value (.001 - 1.0)This parameter is used if the user wants more or less sharpening than provided by the high resolution parameters. A value of .001 provides the least sharpening and 1.0 provides the most sharpening.Eigen Aperture Enter All or Center 5. Eigen calculations are performed using All traces in the SpatialAperture or only the Center 5 traces. Default is All.Re-apply Start Times Mute This toggle can be used to reapply a mute at the input data start times. This is usefulin cases of rapidly changing water bottom.Output Volume LimitsSelect the appropriate parameter to process a subvolume of the entire dataset.Coherence Cube Parameters Dialog Box with Output Volume Limits SelectedTable 77-9: The Coherence Cube Parameters Dialog Box - Output Volume LimitsField/Option DescriptionInline LimitsFirst Inline Output Enter the first inline to be output.Last Inline Output Enter the last inline to be output.Inc Inline Output N/AXline LimitsFirst Xline Output Enter the first xline to be output.Last Xline Output Enter the last xline to be output.Inc Xline Output N/ATime LimitsStarting Time Enter the starting time of the subset you wish to process.Ending Time Enter the ending time of the subset you wish to process.AzimuthOutput Datasets1.Click on the Select button to select a file name,file organization,and format.Youmay process any or all of the output datasets in the same run.The Create Output File dialog box appears.2.You can accept the default Logical Name and Comment names or provide yourown Logical Name and Comment name. Also, you can modify the Output Formatand Organization. You must select each file that you want to output.3.Click New . Click Run in the Coherence Cube Parameters dialog box.Inline AzimuthThis parameter is the direction of increasing crossline numbers on an inline.This shouldonly be modified if dip/azimuth volumes are to be output as absolute values. 0degrees is due north, 90 degrees is east, 180 degrees is south, and 270 is east.Xline Azimuth This parameter is the direction of increasing line numbers on a crossline.Input Spacing Inline Spacing N/AXline SpacingN/A Table 77-9: The Coherence Cube Parameters Dialog Box - Output Volume Limits (Continued)Field/OptionDescriptionCoherence Cube Parameters Dialog Box with Output Datasets SelectedHintYou will probably create quite a few datasets.It is useful to modify the defaultLogical Name to reflect the processing parameters, e.g., for processingparameters with Temporal Aperture +/-5 samples, and Spatial Apertureadjacent traces, the output name might be Eigen 5 sample 5 trace.A processing log is written in the xterm and a Work In Progress window is written tothe screen.You may stop the processing at any time.The partial datasets created are automatically saved, so data may be viewed immediately. These datasets may beoverwritten by subsequent runs, if desired, or they may be deleted using the FileManager from the Session Manager.The processing log contains useful information about the job as it is running. First alisting of the processing parameters is given. You may verify that the processingparameters are as expected.If not,you can stop the job,fix any problems and start from the beginning,if necessary.When processing has completed amplitude ranges for each output volume are listed inthe log, as well as the percentage of data which falls into each dip-azimuth bin. The“hit” distribution gives some indication of the “quality” of the dip-sampling, forexample,a list with many empty bins may show that the dip-azimuth is oversampled,and a better result might be obtained with different Dip parameters.Run times allow you to estimate run times for future runs. Amplitude minimum/maximum give you an indication that there may be problems with scaling forvisualization, e.g., Instantaneous Envelope Range of 0 1.0e10 suggests there will bedynamic range problems if output data is 8-bit integer.Running the Coherence CubePreconditioning the inputFiltering and ScalingThe Eigen outputs are relatively insensitive to amplitude so scaling has little effect onoutput coherence.Bandpass frequency filtering can make a difference in the coherenceoutput, however, the multi-sample, multi-trace aperture is already a very goodsuppressor of random noise, so bandpass filtering rarely makes a significant impact within the seismic frequency range.Acquisition FootprintUsers are often surprised at the magnitude of the acquisition footprint on the coherence result. While it appears to diminish in the seismic amplitude volume with depth, there are still present small systematic distortions of the seismic wavelet throughout the record. Coherence Cube highlights these changes; often they are the same order of magnitude as the target wavelet distortions related to faults and stratigraphy.In fact the periodicity is often measurable on the time slices and this measurement can be used to design predictive filters for noise removal.Reduction of the acquisition footprint before Coherence Cube processing usually helps the interpreter to understand the lateral coherence changes.FXY DeconFXY decon or other continuity enhancers run prior to Coherence Cube can produce better results in noisy data.In many cases;however,the adaptive process produces as good or better result.Non-zero Mean InputCoherence Cube is the measurement of the trace to trace changes in the input waveform with the assumption that the input data is zero-mean (such as seismic amplitude). Non-zero mean data, e.g., acoustic impedance, may need debias prior to computing coherence. This capability is not included in this software.Dynamic Range, Format and Display of Output DataYou should pay some attention to dynamic range of both the input and output data. Input data which has been heavily clipped when it was converted to 8-bit for display will produce an inferior result to non-clipped data. Input data which has been significantly“integerized”may also produce an inferior result,e.g.,seismic amplitude data with a range+/1.0e08divided into the255bins for8-bit processing results in just 255 numbers which are 392,156 apart, which is a significant loss of accuracy. Coherence Cube output data is by default set to integer ranges. There is no loss of accuracy when outputting this data as8-bit.The attribute data may;however,show a loss of accuracy.The internal scaling performed during output assumes a symmetrical distribution of the data. The example above would produce an output Instantaneous Amplitude Envelope between0and1.0e+08.However,the output would be converted to 255 bins between - 1.0e+08 and + 1.0e+08; that is only 126 bins to define the true data range. It is recommended to output this data as 16 or 32 bit float format.Run Rates vs ParametersTotal run time for the Coherence Cube is highly dependent upon the parameters selected. The most significant impact to runtime is the number of traces in Spatial Aperture. Increasing the number of traces in the Spatial Aperture increases the run time, although fast processing paths are provided for 5 trace or 9 trace apertures. Increasing the sampling of the dip bins also significantly impacts the run time since it increases the number of semblance calculations which must be performed.The FX Dipmethod run time usually falls somewhere between the medium and high dip samplerun times for the same number of traces. Adaptive processing increases run times by30to40percent.Increasing the number of samples in the Temporal Aperture has littleimpact on runtime, and the addition of the High Resolution Parameters output alsohas little impact.Addition of Hilbert transform attributes only has a modest impact ontotal run time.The very fastest run time which can be achieved is semblance only, zero dip bins, Dipmethod, 5 trace, non-adaptive processing. This rarely produces the optimum qualityoutput.Analysis of ResultsResults must be analyzed in a visualization system, such as VoxelGeo or ReservoirNavigator. Traditionally, a gray scale color table is used with white representinghighest coherence and black representing lowest coherence.It is important to realize that,unlike features typically observed on seismic amplitudedatasets, the low coherence lineations may only be a few traces wide. Visualcompression of large datasets (i.e., zooming out) may completely misrepresent lowcoherence lineations because those traces are not displayed.Coherence Cube’s greatest advantage lies in highlighting the lateral extent of faults,channels,and other features.For this reason,more attention is necessary for the timeor horizon slices rather than vertical sections.Co-rendering of the seismic amplitude and Coherence Cube is a valuable tool withwhich to analyze results.Typical Testing Sequence1.Run VoxelGeo or Reservoir Navigator.Scan the volume and measure the maximumdip inline and crossline. Select an area(s) for parameter testing.2.Run the first job with+/-5samples,5trace aperture,low or medium dip sampling.Output Eigen, semblance, and high-resolution Eigen.3.Run two more jobs with lower and higher vertical aperture, same dip and spatialparameters as previous job. Output Eigen only.4.VoxelGeo or Reservoir Navigator determine best vertical aperture and whichoutputs are going to be useful.5.Run a9-trace job with best vertical aperture,same dip and spatial parameters asprevious job, Eigen only output.6.Run a test for better dip estimation, best vertical and temporal aperture.—If excessive dip banding shows in steep dip areas, run FX Dip method.—If high coherence areas seem gray rather than white, run with higher dipsampling.—If steepest areas are aliased, use higher dip maxima.If lots of areas show dark low coherence noise especially around faults, testadaptive processing with high samples,high smoothing,and high rate,low sample,high adaptive, and high rate.Technical InformationWaveform similarity is calculated along dipping planes which pass through the samplebeing computed. The local planes contain the traces described by Spatial Aperture.The waveform differences between the traces in the local plane are calculated over atime range centered at the sample being computed.Interpretive input is not requiredresulting in an unbiased calculation of waveform similarity.Several methods are provided to compute the dip. The standard method is the Binsmethod in which trial bins are computed and semblance measured for each trial bin—the bin with the highest semblance value is assumed to have the correct dip and dip-azimuth. The user must supply the maximum dip for the inline and the crosslinedirection in msec/trace (only the maximum of these, in msec/meter or msec/foot, ispassed to the program), as well as a dip-sampling factor. Dip/azimuth bins aregenerated symmetrically for both the inline and crossline,that is if a value of4.0is thedip maximum,dip maxima will range from-4.0to+4.0in both the inline and crosslinedirections. The dip sampling factor controls the number of dip bins calculated. Thelow sampling is sufficient for most areas;however,the Dip Sampling factor should beincreased for steeply dipping data,and for data with many different directions of dip.The bins dip is allowed to vary from sample to sample,trace to trace,and thus producesa very good local dip estimate; however, for steeper dips there is often a dip bandingeffect along the inflection points of the wavelet.This banding can obscure some events,and so the second method is a FX dip estimation which is estimated over longerwindows of the trace, resulting in a more stable dip estimate; thus eliminating somebanding.This method uses a gated Fourier transform then measures the phase changein the frequency domain.The third method is to supply actual signed dip ranges for inline and crosslinedirections. Sign value convention: positive value for time increasing as trace (or linenumber) increases; negative value for time decreasing as trace (or line number)increases.This computes dip bins asymmetrically,honoring exactly the limits the userhas specified.Semblance is one measurement of waveform similarity calculated for each dip bin.Thedip bin with the highest semblance value is assumed to be the correct one, thesemblance value is output to the semblance file,and the dip bin is passed to the Eigenalgorithm.The Eigen algorithm outputs another measurement of waveform similarity using amulti-trace Eigen decomposition process which is more robust and has higherresolution than other measurements, including semblance. Consider two seismictraces whose amplitudes are crossplotted sample by sample on the Cartesiancoordinate system. The distribution of the general shape of the plotted points can berepresented by an ellipse and the pattern formed by these points is governed by thecoherence of the two input traces plotted.The ellipsoidal shape is not a measure of theindividual samples but more a measure of the overall waveform shape being input.Consider two traces with identical waveforms being plotted on a Cartesian coordinatesystem, described above. The plotted points lie along a straight line running 450through the origin. The ellipse, which describes these points, has a major axis lengthrelated to the maximum excursions on the trace.The minor axis has a value of zero.Ifwe now reverse the polarity of one of the waveforms and replot the points,again theylie on a straight line passing through the origin.If we now fit an ellipse to these pointswe see again that the magnitude of the axes are the same except the direction of themajor and minor axes has a 900 rotation. Thus, we can relate the length of and theorientation of these axes to the similarity of the two plotted input trace segments.Bothorientation and length of the major and minor axes describe the ellipse, which is controlled by the geometry of the two input traces. The directions and magnitudes of the major and minor axes of the ellipse can be represented by two scaled vectors,where the longer vector lies along the major axis and the shorter the minor axis. Mathematically the magnitudes of these two vectors correspond to the two Eigen values of the data covariance matrix and the normalised vectors correspond to the Eigen vectors.The coherency measurement output to the Eigen file is a ratio of the two eigen values.The Eigen decomposition process is only performed for the optimum dip bin.High Resolution Eigen and High Resolution semblance are calculated after the initial Eigen and semblance calculations. A Laplacian unsharp masking operator is applied on each sample of each time slice using a weighted average the adjacent traces on that time slice. The user can control the level of sharpening.Adaptive processing may be applied as the seismic data is read in to the covariance matrix. In the Kuwahara method of noise reduction, statistical measurements are calculated for local regions along the optimum dip plane. The central sample is replaced by the average of the region with the highest similarity.Coherence Cube provides for the computation of multi-trace Hilbert transform attributes.These are similar to conventional single trace Hilbert transform attributes except they are generally smoother since they are computed from a dip-consistent average of all the traces in the spatial aperture.ReferencesMarfurt, et al, 1998. 3-D seismic attributes using a semblance-based coherency algorithm. Geophysics, Vol 63 No4(July-August) pp 1150-1165.Marfurt, et al 1999. Coherency calculations in the presence of structural dip Geophysics. Vol 64 No 1 (January-February) pp 104-111.。
一.常规解释系统1.VoxelGeo—三维可视化解释系统VoxelGeo VI是一个真3D可视化解释系统。
VoxelGeo VI 主要功能:VoxelGeo的数据体显示技术提供最真实的三维显示。
1)VoxelGeo具有用于构造解释的特殊手段:多方向显示控制;追踪和提取振幅;可视化控制;数图3 数据三维显示字化; VCR控制;沿层位或层序以及断块雕刻等。
3)VoxelGeo应用3D定位即自动椅式切割,可变的透视度控制,立体观察,子体 (异常体)追踪等方法,保证用户能快速方便地完成地层解释。
2.SeisEarth XV—基于体的三维可视化解释系统SeisEarth XV 是基于体的三维可视化解释系统,包括SeisEarth LI+ 、Reservoir Navigator、3D Propagater产品及模块其中:SeisEarth-是基于线的地震解释系统,在合成地震记录、井震标定、2D/3D联合解释、剖面的各种显示方式等功能上都更加强大和方便,并且SeisEarth与 VoxelGeoXV等体解释软件有非常好的结合,从而使构造解释工作更加容易和精确。
相干傅里叶散射测量(Coherent Fourier Scatterometry)是一种
相干光模块(Coherent Optical Module)是一种用于光通信的装置,它可以将传输的光信号转化为电信号进行处理,并将处理后的电信号转化为光信号再次传输。
C2算法引入了协方差矩阵,使其可对任意道数进行相似分析,估计其相干性。C2 相干算法除了在噪声环境下更稳健地测量相干之外,垂直分析时窗能被限制在只有几 个时间样点范围内,能够精确做出薄而小的地层特征图。优点:稳定,抗噪性强,一 定范围的可变时窗;不能反映地层倾角。
Hale Waihona Puke 相干技术的原理|地震相干数据体的算法比较|相干计算的模式选择和时窗大小选择
一般情况下,现在所作的相干都是基 于振幅的计算,利用多道相似性将三维振
上强调不相关异常,突出不连续性。它的 前提假设是地层连续的,地震波有变化也 是渐变的,因此相邻道、线之间是相似的。 当地层连续性遭到破坏发生变化时,如断 层、尖灭、侵入、变形等,导致地震道之 间的波形特征发生变化,进而导致局部道
改进的体属性算法 改进的体属性相干算法实际上是将地震数据体微分成无数个三维子体进行三维 上的分析计算,这样可以对任意道进行三维体属性以及相似分析,估算其相干性。
举例来说明地震倾角对相干的属性影响 水平扫描 (1-3)种算法进行的是水平的相似性处理
他的缺点是:突出了倾角方向上的断层,消弱了反倾 角方向上的断层
地层边界、特殊岩性体的不连续性会得到 低相关值的轮廓。
Ⅰ砂组 Ⅲ砂组
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t z
trace 1
trace 2
Value at Zero lag time (z) measure of similarity Zero lag time (t) measure of dip
z3 t3
t1 z1 X X X
for normalization
t2 z2
t4 z4
C1 Correlation
The Semblance(c2) Algorithm
“Energy of a summed trace divided by the mean energy of the components of the summed trace; equivalent to crosscorrelation zero lag vealue”
Coherence Cube 相干体技术
• • • • • Coherence Cube History Coherence Cube Definition Coherence Cube Uses Coherence Cube Algorithms Coherence Cube Hands-on
The Eigenstructure (c3) Algorithm
High Resolution Enhancement
• Laplacian Edge Enhancement applied on time slices of coherency output • Both signal and noise are boosted
The Eigenstructure (c3) Algorithm
• Decomposition of covariance matrix which contains these samples results in two eigenvalues and two eigenvectors.
• The two eigenvalues correspond to the lengths of the major and minor axes of the ellipse.
+/- 9 samples
+/- 5 samples
Coherence Cube Uses : With Inversion
Conventional seismic Coherence Cube
Coherence Cube Uses: With Inversion
Coherence Cube Uses: With Inversion
Coherence Cube Temporal Aperture
Greater continuity, faults Greater continuity, Channel system
+/-3 samples +/-9samples
Sharp internal details, Channel systems
Coherence Cube Dip Methods
-dip method bins (sign not used, gives symmetric dip bins) -ildip_max #.# msec/trace –cldip_max #. # msec/trace -dip_sample high (options are low, med, high) -dip_method fx (no other parameters required) -dip method bins (sign must be specifed, more exact control) -pmin #.# -pmax #.# (inline dip min and max, msec/trc -qmin #.# -qmax #.# (crossline dip min and max, msec/trc) -dang # (# dip angles)
• Stratigraphic Interpretation
• Structural Interpretation
• Reservoir Characteristics
– With Inversion – With Offset Processing – With Azimuth Processing
identical traces
tr 1 tr2 tr 1
“ 1”
major axis
“ 0”
minor axis
tr 2
The Eigenstructure (c3) Algorithm
different traces
tr 1 tr2
“ 1”
minor axis tr 1
“ 0”
major axis tr 2
Coherence Cube Temporal Aperture
+/-3 samples
Coherence Cube Temporal Aperture
+/-6 samples
Coherence Cube Temporal Aperture
+/-9 samples
Coherence Cube Dip Accuracy
Measured Dip Max 2.2ms/trc
Dip features
19 dip bins
Coherence Cube Dip Accuracy
Supplied Dip Max Too Small
Max dip 3msec/trace 19 dip bins
Noise Adaptive Eigen
Coherence Cube Algorithms
Байду номын сангаас
Hi-res. eigen
Coherence Cube Critical Parameters
• Temporal Aperture
• Dip Accuracy
• Spatial Aperture
Coherence Cube Dip Accuracy
Supplied Dip Max Too Large
19 dip bins—8.5 dip max
37 dip bins—8.5ms dip max
Coherence Cube Dip Accuracy
Temporal Aperture
_ _ _ _ +/-3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
-w=semblance half temporal aperture
-lentgate = eigen half temporal aperture
Trace samples
Coherence Cube Temporal Aperture
Coherence Cube History
• 相干体技术原来是Amoco公司的专利,1995年由Amoco公司的Mike Bahorich引进石油勘探业。 • 该技术揭示了波场的空间变化情况,直接从3D地震数据体中定量地得 到断层和地层特征,不受任何解释误差的影响,极大地提高了解释精度, 并能得到很多通常被忽略的重要信息,因而很快得到了广泛认可。 • 1996,相干技术公司(CTC)成功地将相干体技术商业化并拥有该技术 唯一的许可证。 • 1999年,CoreLab公司收购CTC公司 • 2000 Core Lab 从BP Amoco公司购得相干体技术全套专利。 • 2001 1st corporate software license to major oil company • 2004 Paradigm Geophysical acquires Core Lab Reservoir Technology Division, and license to use and sell Coherence Cube software (Core Lab retains IP) • 2005 Coherence Cube integrated into epos environment
Coherency Definition
Measurement of local waveform similarity in a 3D seismic volume which often represent significant geologic changes
Coherence Cube Uses
Extract Coherence at constant time (time slice view)
Coherence Cube Algorithms
• • • • • Correlation Semblance Eigenstructure Dip Estimation Image Processing Enhancements
index trace
dip traces
The Eigenstructure (c3) Algorithm
trace 1 trace 1 trace 2
trace 2
Crossplot of Trace Amplitude at each sample
The Eigenstructure (c3) Algorithm
Max dip 1msec/trace 19 dip bins