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作者单位: 516100 广东ꎬ惠州市博罗县中医医院骨科 作者简介: 周振辉(1970 - ) ꎬ男ꎬ大学本科ꎬ学士学位ꎬ副主任医师ꎬ研究方向:骨科疾病的诊治ꎮ E ̄mail:zhouzhenhui1970@ 163. com
[摘要] 目的 根据«肘后备急方» 制作“ 葛氏腰痛方”ꎬ研究古代方剂和治法对腰椎间盘突出症的疗 效ꎬ为下一步研究提供参考ꎮ 方法 选取 2015 ̄06 ~ 2017 ̄05 该院收治的 200 例确诊为腰椎间盘突出症的住院 患者为研究对象ꎬ随机分为两组ꎬ各 100 例ꎮ 对照组采用双氯芬酸钠缓释片 + 甘露醇治疗ꎬ观察组采用“ 葛氏 腰痛方” 治疗ꎮ 治疗 2 周后ꎬ采用日本骨科协会( JOA) 腰痛疗效评分标准评价两组治疗前后的症候积分ꎻ采用 视觉模拟评分法( VAS) 和 swestry 腰背、下肢功能障碍评分量表分别对两组治疗前后的腰背部疼痛程度及腰 背、下肢功能障碍进行评价ꎻ比较两组临床效果及不良反应情况ꎮ 结果 两组治疗后 VAS 评分及 swestry 腰 背、下肢功能障碍评分及症候总积分均较治疗前显著改善ꎬ治疗后观察组均明显优于对照组( P < 0������ 05) ꎮ 观 察组临床疗效优于对照组(Z = - 5������ 828ꎬP = 0������ 000)ꎬ观察组总有效率为 98������ 0% ꎬ明显高于对照组的 90������ 0% ( P < 0������ 01) ꎮ 两组治疗前后血尿常规、心电图、肝肾功能等均未见明显变化ꎬ治疗中也未有其他明显不良反应情况 发生ꎮ 结论 根据«肘后备急方»制作的“葛氏腰痛方” 能有效改善腰椎间盘突出症患者的临床症状及体征ꎬ 疗效显著ꎬ安全性高ꎬ可在临床推广应用ꎮ [关键词] 葛洪ꎻ 肘后备急方ꎻ 腰痛ꎻ 腰椎间盘突出症ꎻ 疗效 [ 中图分类号] R 681������ 53 [ 文献标识码] A [ 文章编号] 1674 - 3806(2018)09 - 0877 - 04 doi:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1674 - 3806. 2018. 09. 08
中国临床新医学 2018 年 9 月 第 11 卷论著
根据« 肘后备急方» 制作“ 葛氏腰痛方” 治疗 腰椎间盘突出症的临床应用效果观察
周振辉ꎬ 杨志生ꎬ 温晋华ꎬ 林杰文ꎬ 赖铁锋
基金项目: 惠州市科技计划项目( 编号:2017Y189)
Clinical application of Gzhi′s Lumbago Prescription in treatment of lumbar disc herniation based on “ Zhou ̄ hou Beiji Fang” ZHOU Zhen ̄huiꎬ YANG Zhi ̄shengꎬ WEN Jin ̄huaꎬ et al. Department of Orthopedicsꎬ Traditional Chinese Medicine of Boluo Countyꎬ Huizhou Cityꎬ Guangdong 516100ꎬ China [ Abstract] Objective To collect and sort out Ge Hong′s academic thoughtsꎬ and to make Gzhi′s Lumbago Prescription based on “ Zhouhou Beiji Fang” ( Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergency) and to study the effect of ancient prescription and treatment on lumbar disc herniation to provide reference for further study. Methods 200 hospitalized patients with lumbar disc herniation were selected as the study objects in our hospital from June 2015 to May 2017ꎬ and were randomly divided into two groupsꎬ with 100 cases in each group. The control group was treated with diclofenac sodium sustained ̄release tablets + Mannitolꎬ and the observation group was treated with Gzhi′s Lum ̄ bago Prescription. The syndrome scores were evaluated by the criteria for the evaluation of curative effect for lumbar intervertebral disc herniation( JOA) ꎬ and the Visual Acuity Score( VAS) and Swestry Lower Aack and Lower Limb Dysfunction Score Scale were used to evaluate the degree of lower back pain and back and lower extremity dysfunction before and 2 weeks after treatment. The clinical effects and adverse reactions were compared between the two groups. Results Compared with those before treatmentꎬ the VAS scores and Swestry scores were significantly improved in both of the two groups( P < 0������ 05) . The scores of the observation group were significantly higher than those of the con ̄ trol group after treatment( P < 0������ 05) . The clinical effect of the observation group was better than that of the control group after treatment( Z = - 5������ 828ꎬ P = 0������ 000) . The total effective rate of the observation group(98������ 0% ) was sig ̄ nificantly higher than that of the control group (90������ 0% ) ( P < 0������ 01) . Compared with those before treatmentꎬ the blood and urine routineꎬ electrocardiogramꎬ liver and kidney function were not significantly changed in both of the two
[摘要] 目的 根据«肘后备急方» 制作“ 葛氏腰痛方”ꎬ研究古代方剂和治法对腰椎间盘突出症的疗 效ꎬ为下一步研究提供参考ꎮ 方法 选取 2015 ̄06 ~ 2017 ̄05 该院收治的 200 例确诊为腰椎间盘突出症的住院 患者为研究对象ꎬ随机分为两组ꎬ各 100 例ꎮ 对照组采用双氯芬酸钠缓释片 + 甘露醇治疗ꎬ观察组采用“ 葛氏 腰痛方” 治疗ꎮ 治疗 2 周后ꎬ采用日本骨科协会( JOA) 腰痛疗效评分标准评价两组治疗前后的症候积分ꎻ采用 视觉模拟评分法( VAS) 和 swestry 腰背、下肢功能障碍评分量表分别对两组治疗前后的腰背部疼痛程度及腰 背、下肢功能障碍进行评价ꎻ比较两组临床效果及不良反应情况ꎮ 结果 两组治疗后 VAS 评分及 swestry 腰 背、下肢功能障碍评分及症候总积分均较治疗前显著改善ꎬ治疗后观察组均明显优于对照组( P < 0������ 05) ꎮ 观 察组临床疗效优于对照组(Z = - 5������ 828ꎬP = 0������ 000)ꎬ观察组总有效率为 98������ 0% ꎬ明显高于对照组的 90������ 0% ( P < 0������ 01) ꎮ 两组治疗前后血尿常规、心电图、肝肾功能等均未见明显变化ꎬ治疗中也未有其他明显不良反应情况 发生ꎮ 结论 根据«肘后备急方»制作的“葛氏腰痛方” 能有效改善腰椎间盘突出症患者的临床症状及体征ꎬ 疗效显著ꎬ安全性高ꎬ可在临床推广应用ꎮ [关键词] 葛洪ꎻ 肘后备急方ꎻ 腰痛ꎻ 腰椎间盘突出症ꎻ 疗效 [ 中图分类号] R 681������ 53 [ 文献标识码] A [ 文章编号] 1674 - 3806(2018)09 - 0877 - 04 doi:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1674 - 3806. 2018. 09. 08
中国临床新医学 2018 年 9 月 第 11 卷论著
根据« 肘后备急方» 制作“ 葛氏腰痛方” 治疗 腰椎间盘突出症的临床应用效果观察
周振辉ꎬ 杨志生ꎬ 温晋华ꎬ 林杰文ꎬ 赖铁锋
基金项目: 惠州市科技计划项目( 编号:2017Y189)
Clinical application of Gzhi′s Lumbago Prescription in treatment of lumbar disc herniation based on “ Zhou ̄ hou Beiji Fang” ZHOU Zhen ̄huiꎬ YANG Zhi ̄shengꎬ WEN Jin ̄huaꎬ et al. Department of Orthopedicsꎬ Traditional Chinese Medicine of Boluo Countyꎬ Huizhou Cityꎬ Guangdong 516100ꎬ China [ Abstract] Objective To collect and sort out Ge Hong′s academic thoughtsꎬ and to make Gzhi′s Lumbago Prescription based on “ Zhouhou Beiji Fang” ( Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergency) and to study the effect of ancient prescription and treatment on lumbar disc herniation to provide reference for further study. Methods 200 hospitalized patients with lumbar disc herniation were selected as the study objects in our hospital from June 2015 to May 2017ꎬ and were randomly divided into two groupsꎬ with 100 cases in each group. The control group was treated with diclofenac sodium sustained ̄release tablets + Mannitolꎬ and the observation group was treated with Gzhi′s Lum ̄ bago Prescription. The syndrome scores were evaluated by the criteria for the evaluation of curative effect for lumbar intervertebral disc herniation( JOA) ꎬ and the Visual Acuity Score( VAS) and Swestry Lower Aack and Lower Limb Dysfunction Score Scale were used to evaluate the degree of lower back pain and back and lower extremity dysfunction before and 2 weeks after treatment. The clinical effects and adverse reactions were compared between the two groups. Results Compared with those before treatmentꎬ the VAS scores and Swestry scores were significantly improved in both of the two groups( P < 0������ 05) . The scores of the observation group were significantly higher than those of the con ̄ trol group after treatment( P < 0������ 05) . The clinical effect of the observation group was better than that of the control group after treatment( Z = - 5������ 828ꎬ P = 0������ 000) . The total effective rate of the observation group(98������ 0% ) was sig ̄ nificantly higher than that of the control group (90������ 0% ) ( P < 0������ 01) . Compared with those before treatmentꎬ the blood and urine routineꎬ electrocardiogramꎬ liver and kidney function were not significantly changed in both of the two