睡谷传奇Brom Bones的人物分析

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• “Ichabod prided himself upon his dancing as much as upon his vocal powers.” (P29) • “…while Brom Bones, sorely smitten with love and jealousy, sat brooding by himself in one corner.” (P29) • It shows Brom Bones‟ great jealousy to his rival.
The End:
• “Brom Bones, too, who, shortly after his rival„s disappearance conducted the blooming Katrina in triumph to the altar, was observed to look exceedingly knowing whenever the story of Ichabod was related, and always burst into a hearty laugh at the mention of the pumpkin; which led some to suspect that he knew more about the matter than he chose to mary:
The Characteristic of Brom Bones
In the story, it is true that Brom Van Brunt was a successor in pursuing Katrina’s love, but just as the comment above, he was not a hero in readers mind and was not remembered by readers. He may love the girl deeper than Ichabod Crane for his movement was deeply related to the girl’s attitude toward him, and he spared no efforts to demean his rival. He deserved to win his girl’s love though the methods he used were a little unfair. Moreover, a man like him is more suitable to live in the country.
• Who is the headless man? • Why?
Who is the Headless Horseman? Brom Bones
“the head, which should have rested on his shoulder, was carried before him on the pommel of the saddle” (P38) ●“…was found . . . a shattered pumpkin” (P40) ●“Brom Bones . . . was observed to look exceedingly knowing whenever the story of Ichabod was related, and always burst into hearty laugh at the mention of the pumpkin, which led some to suspect that he knew more about the matter than he chose to tell” (P42)
Ichabod Crane
The teacher in the village.However, he was forced to leave the sleep hollow by the tricks played by his rival. Failure as he was in the country, he became a successor in the city of New York.
Katrina Van Tassel
The only daughter of a rich farmer, the one Ichabod loves
Brom Bones A strong young man, a hero to all the young ladies. Finally,he married Katrina.
Excerpt of the Character Brom Bones
“Brom Van Brunt, the hero of the country round which rang with his feats of strength and hardihood. He was broadshouldered and double-jointed, with short curly black hair, and a bluff but not unpleasant countenance, having a mingled air of fun and arrogance. From his Herculean frame and great powers of limb he had received the nickname of BROM BONES, by which he was universally known. He was famed for great knowledge and skill in horsemanship, being as dexterous on horseback as a Tartar. He was foremost at all races and cock fights; and, with the ascendancy which bodily strength always acquires in rustic life, was the umpire in all disputes, setting his hat on one side, and giving his decisions with an air and tone that admitted of no gainsay or appeal. He was always ready for either a fight or a frolic; but had more mischief than ill-will in his composition; and with all his overbearing roughness, there was a strong dash of waggish good humor at bottom. ”(P17)
Brom Bones: ●He is another man
interested in Katrina. ●He is the exact opposite of Ichabod: strong, handsome, outgoing and rugged. ●He is known for his horseman skills.
• “Brom, who had a degree of rough chivalry in his nature, would fain have carried matters to open warfare and have settled their pretensions to the lady, according to the mode of those most concise and simple reasoners, the knightserrant of yore, by single combat” (P21) • It shows his way to flatter the lady.
“一个难以对付,四处吼叫。横行霸道的恶少年…… 布鲁姆是这村庄的英雄,以力大鲁莽和傲慢而臭名昭 著。”他也是‘一个既滑稽又傲慢’的人物。他有 “一种可笑与傲慢混杂的气质”而且“总是要么打架 斗殴要么狂欢聚会”但是,他的所作所为更多的是一 种淘气而不是恶意伤人。”他骑术高超。“他是最优 秀的赛手和斗鸡手”。“每当在附近发生疯狂的恶作 剧和村里的殴斗。村民们总是摇摇头,敢保证又是他 指使干的。”‘碘型的开拓者形象就是趾高气扬的自 吹自擂者、出色的猎手和强壮的男人、胆量过人的恶 作剧制造者。这种开拓者的形象早已在口头传说中建 立起来了。欧文只是给口头传说中的人物的性格增添 了新内容。布鲁姆・波尼就是欧文塑造的现实中的荷 兰开拓者。虽然他与美国本土民间传统中的人物相冲 突,但他吻合和超越了一个传统意义上的美国佬。