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具有讽刺意味的是,不管今天这种无视法 律的风气源于何处,它却受到各级政府官 员的无可奈何的鼓励。
On a higher level, the Administration in Washington has dramatized its wish to nullify civil rights laws simply by opposing (instead of supporting )certain courtordered desegregation rulings
Unit Twelve
A Red Light for Scofflaws
From Group Four
Scofflawry of various forms is everywhere and seems to become the trend. The dangers and range of scofflawry.
para. 3
Unit Twelve
As a typical case of scofflawry: red-light running is so common, so overlooked but yet so harmful for the fundamentals of social order.
大麻是当今世界上最廉价、最普及的毒品。 大麻是地球上大部分温带和热带地区都能 生长的一种强韧、耐 寒的一年生草本植物, 然而大多数大麻,都没有任何有毒成分。 科学家从大麻的树脂中提取了400种以上的 化合物,其中有一种叫四氢大麻酚,是对 神经系统起作用的主要成分。四氢大麻酚 的含量越多,烈性成分越强,毒品的劲头 就越大。
If hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue, then furtiveness is the true outlaw's salute to the force of law-and-order. Here “if” is not equal to “on condition that”, but expresses some concession. It can be translated into“如果说”。
美国20年代国会立法颁布了禁酒令,理由就是酒 是犯罪的根源。简单的说是妇女运动造成的。由 于酗酒造成了很多家庭暴力问题,为了保护妇女 权益就实施了禁酒令。而且酒在宗教上也和罪相 联系,也是宗教组织所反对的。但是禁酒令反而 造成私酒泛滥,很多人通过贩卖私酒中饱私囊。 《了不起的盖茨比》中的主角盖茨比就是靠贩私 酒发家的(虽然小说里没有明说,但是所谓药房, 就是指私酒坊。因为唯一可以合法贩卖的酒精是 医用酒精)
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱcofflaw1、 a person who laughs at
or violate certain regulations藐视或违反 法令者 2、 one who habitually ignores te law and does not answer court summonses 3、 a person who flouts the law, especially by failing to comply with a law that is difficult to enforce effectively
更高一级的华盛顿美国政府则用反对(而不 是支持)某些己成为法律条文的取消种族隔 离的规定的办法,来实现其取消民权法律 的效力的愿望,这真是令人啼笑皆非。
(With considerable justification,) environmental groups,( in the words of Wilderness magazine, )accuse the Administration of "destroying environmental laws by failing to enforce them, or by enforcing them in ways that deliberately encourage noncompliance". 表并列
吸毒者如吸入大剂量大麻,会产生大麻 中毒性精神玻出现幻觉、妄想和类偏执状 态,伴有思维紊乱,自我意识障碍,出现 双重人格。 医学上,大麻经常被用来辅助某些晚期绝 症(癌症、艾滋病)的治疗,用来增进食 欲、减轻疼痛,可用来缓解青光眼和癫痫、 偏头痛等神经症状,以及两极情绪不稳, 可以减轻化疗病人的恶心症状。
It's about the nature and the cause of scofflawry.
Yet it is painfully apparent that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as lawbreakers, let alone criminals, are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society. 真正的主语是that引导的从句,在此从句中 分别又有两个定语从句,各有所修饰。
“as some do”是when引导的这个状语从 句的状语从句。
所以当有些学校发现,孩子们入学时经常 连最起码的集体生活规则都不懂时,就不 足为奇了(而有些学校的确认为不足为奇)。
Ironically, today„s scofflaw spirit, (whatever its undetermined origins,) is being encouraged unwillingly by government at many levels.
如果说虚伪是邪恶向美德呈献的赞美,那 么偷偷摸摸就是违法者向法律和秩序的威 力所表示的衷心的敬意了。
It is not really surprising when schools find, (as some do,) that children frequently enter (not knowing some of the basic rules of living together.) 结果状语
可卡因( cocaine)
可卡因,其化学名称为苯甲基芽子碱,是 最强的天然中枢兴奋剂。可卡因一般呈白 色晶体状,无臭,味苦而麻。毒贩出售呈 块状的可卡因,称“滚石”。吸毒者则把 可卡因称作“自由垒”或“快乐客”。
Background Knowledge
Frank Trippett: (1926~) now senior editor of Time magazine, has had a lifelong career in journalism. He has served as a writer and editor at such national publications as Look and Newsweek and is the author of three books: The States: United They Fall (1967), The First Horseman (1974), and Child Ellen (1975). The text first appeared in Time, in which the author takes a wider view of what happens when individuals bend small laws for their own convenience.
从1920年1月17日凌晨0时,美国宪法第18 号修正案——禁酒法案(又称“伏尔斯泰 得法案”)正式生效。 根据这项法律规定, 凡是制造、售卖乃至于运输酒精含量超过 0.5%以上的饮料皆属违法。自己在家里喝 酒不算犯法,但与朋 友共饮或举行酒宴则 属违法,最高可被罚款1000美元及监禁半 年。 21岁以上的人才能买到酒,并需要出 示年龄证明,而且只能到限定的地方购买。
然而,令人烦恼的显然是,数以百万计的 英国人尽管从没有认为自己会违反法律, 更不用说会成为罪犯了,却正在越来越随 便地破坏那些专为保护与造福他们的社会 所制定的法规。
Nothing could be more obvious than the evidence supporting Riesman.
据《荒原》杂志报导,环保组织以相当正 当的理由指责当局破坏环境保护法,因为 它未能推行该法规,或是虽然推行但却故 意怂恿人们违反法规。