

ZEISS PRESBYOND 激光混合视力矫正手册说明书

ZEISS PRESBYOND 激光混合视力矫正手册说明书

Customized. All distances. Immediate.* I n r e f e r e n c e t o c l i n i c a l o u t c o m e s a s c o m p a r e d t o m o n o v i s i o n . D a t a o n f i l e .Blending vision into better outcomes *.ZEISS PRESBYOND Laser Blended VisionZEISS PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision A clear choice for patients with presbyopiaPRESBYOND ® Laser Blended Vision from ZEISS is an advanced method for treatingpatients with age-related loss of accommodation, also known as presbyopia. It offers the opportunity to achieve freedom from glasses by combining the simplicity and accuracy of corneal refractive surgery with the benefits of increased depth of field in retaining visual quality. As a surgical solution based on the naturally occurring spherical aberrations of the eye, this ZEISS software extends the scope of customized ablation beyond the limits of conventional monovision laser methods in several ways.Whether for its customized treatment profiles, its visual acuity at all distances, its indications range or its immediate impact, ZEISS PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision is a clear treatment choice for the fast growing demographic of patients with presbyopia.ZEISS PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision Customized. All distances. Immediate.ZEISS PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision lets you greatly expand your ZEISS MEL ® 80 or MEL 90 excimer laser treatmentrepertoire and your patient base354Conventional monovisionWith conventional monovision treatment methods, the dominant eye is corrected for distance vision to almost plano while the non-dominant eye is corrected for near vision, usually up to -3.0 D. Optimal vision is achieved at distance and near range, requiring the brain to contend with two separate images at different levels of correction which not all patients cantolerate.Patients that do tolerate the method are left with an uncorrected gap in the intermediate range, the so-called “Blur Zone.” In addition to the fuzzy image, it can also cause other side effects such as reduced contrast sensitivity and stereoacuity.ZEISS PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision As a physiologically optimized laser treatment method for patients with presbyopia, ZEISS PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision represents the next stage in eye care excellence. Similar to conventional monovision, the dominant eye is corrected for distance vision to almost plano, whereas the non-dominant eye is corrected to be slightly myopic for near vision to -1.5 D. This micro-monovision strategy is further enhanced by a decisive difference: an increase in the depth of field of each eye using a wavefront-optimized ablation profile to create a continuous refractive power gradient for the whole optical zone of the cornea. This ZEISS software is an absolutely individualized treatment plan based on the preoperative spherical aberrations and the functional age of the eye. As a result, a customized fusion of the two images for near and distance vision is created for each patient – the so-called “Blend Zone.”Although similar to conventional monovision laser methods in terms of the workflow, ZEISS PRESBYOND ® Laser Blended Vision takes customized vision correction a step beyond, particularly with respect to the outcomes.Next-level vision correction beyond conventional monovisionThe unique Blend ZoneEssentially, the Blend Zone makes it easier for the brain to merge the images of both eyes, thereby achieving true binocular vision. In addition to excellent near and far vision, ZEISS PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision patients also experience very good visual acuity and contrast sensitivity in the intermediate range.No increase in depth of fieldDominant eye±0.0 DNon-dominant eyeup to -3.0 DDISTANCEIncrease in depth of fieldIncrease in depth of fieldDominant eye±0.0 DNon-dominant eye-1.5 DNEARDISTANCENEAR67All distancesCustomizedImmediateOptimizing outcomes for patients with presbyopiaZEISS PRESBYOND Laser Blended VisionIndividualized ablationsZEISS PRESBYOND ® Laser Blended Vision is a truly customized solution for treating presbyopic patients. It incorporates preoperative wavefront data to fine-tune the depth of field for each eye individually. The functional age of the eye is also factored in. As a result, a personalized ablation profile is created per eye for optimized target refraction. The monovision component can be pre-adjusted for the patient’s tolerance level. Also, different optical zone sizes can be selected to account for the patient’s pupil size.Ideal for a growing demographic As an optimized laser method for age-related accommodation loss, ZEISS PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision is ideally suited for serving the needs of patients 40-60 years of age – a fast-growing demographic group interested in sophisticated options. It is also one of the least invasive methods for addressing this target group.Familiar procedureFollowing the same workflow as conventional LASIK procedures, ZEISS PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision combines the convenient binocular treatment planning of the CRS-Master ® with the proven comfort and workflow of the MEL ® 80 or MEL 90 excimer laser, all from ZEISS.Outstanding visual acuityBy customizing each eye individually,ZEISS PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision provides excellent visual acuity for near and distance vision. Unlike traditional monovision methods, PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision also offers good intermediate vision in the Blend Zone. According to clinical studies, there is virtually no loss of contrast sensitivity while stereoacuity is maintained. Also, side effects such as multiple images in one eye are almost eliminated.An all-natural approachZEISS PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision is a physiologically optimized solution and a true binocular method for treating patients with presbyopia.Wide indication rangeZEISS PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision is a proven and effective method for treating indications ranging from -8.0 D to +2.0 D, includingemmetropic and astigmatic patients (up to +2.0 cyl).Appropriate for most patientsA key advantage of ZEISS PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision is that it is proven to be tolerated by more patients than conventional monovision. It is effective for treating up to 97% of all presbyopia-related forms of impairment as compared to only 59–67% for conventional monovision. Even patients with presbyopia also affected by emmetropia and astigmatism can be treated. In fact, it has the potential to achieve a far greater success rate than any comparable treatment along with giving patients the wow effect of being able to read without glasses the very same day. Thus, it positively impacts patients and refractive surgeons alike – visually for the former, economically for the latter.1-5 A competitive edgeZEISS PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision allows practices already using a MEL 80 or MEL 90 excimer laser and CRS-Master from ZEISS to significantly expand their LASIK repertoire and increase the patient base. As such, this ZEISS software offers a decisive competitive advantage over other LASIK practices only specializing in monovision treatment methods.MEL 80 and MEL 90 from ZEISSType ArF excimer laser Wavelength 193 nmFrequency MEL 80: 250 HzMEL 90: FLEXIQUENCE ® 250 Hz / 500 Hz Dimensions (W x D x H)MEL 80:1550 mm x 800 mm x 1490 mmMEL 80 with patient supporting system: 3140 mm x 1800 mm x 1490 mm MEL 90:1360 mm x 730 mm x 1480 - 1700 mm MEL 90 with patient supporting system: 3230 mm x 2380 mm x 1700 mmSurgical microscope OPMI ® pico from ZEISS with integratedHD video camera Active eye trackerInfrared, pupil and limbus tracking, 1050 frames per second (fps), manual ablation center selection, automatic Pupil Center Shift Correction Beam dimensions0.7 mm FWHM (full width at half maximum), Gaussian beam profileVisuMax from ZEISSSystem components Patient supporting system, including platformIntegrated uninterruptible power supply (UPS)Surgical microscope with additional slit illumination Video camera with integrated recording Femtosecond laser parametersWavelength 1043 nm Laser pulse rate 500 kHzRecommended space requirements 180° setup with MEL 80 / MEL 90:4500 x 3800 mm90° setup with MEL 80 / MEL 90:4000 x 4000 mm89A perfect combination:The refractive system landscape of ZEISSTechnical dataDimensions (W x D x H)Max. 1060 x 420 x 1510 mmData transfer USB flash memory drive (USB memory stick)Data printoutVia network connection with Ethernet cable and optional network isolatorReferencesClaims made in this document are supported by information provided in the following publications:1. Reinstein DZ, Couch DG, Archer TJ. LASIK for Hyperopic Astigmatism and Presbyopia Using Micro-monovision With the Carl Zeiss Meditec MEL 80. J Refract Surg. 2009;25(1):37-58.2. Reinstein DZ, Archer TJ, Gobbe M. LASIK for Myopic Astigmatism and Presbyopia Using Non-Linear Aspheric Micro-Monovision with the Carl Zeiss Meditec MEL 80 Platform. J Refract Surg. 2011;27(1):23-37.3. Reinstein DZ, Carp GI, Archer TJ, Gobbe M. LASIK for the correction of presbyopia in emmetropic patients using aspheric ablation profiles and a micro-monovision protocol with the Carl Zeiss Meditec MEL 80 and VisuMax. J Refract Surg. 2012 [In Press].4. Reinstein DZ, Archer TJ, Gobbe M. Stereoacuity after Corneal Presbyopic LASIK in Myopic, Hyperopic and Emmetropic Patients. ESCRS Annual Meeting, Vienna, September 2011.5. Evans BJ. Monovision: a review. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2007;27(5):417-439.CRS-Master from ZEISSSimple upgradePRESBYOND ® Laser Blended Vision is an optional software upgrade for the CRS-Master ® from ZEISS. It forms a perfect fit with the ZEISS MEL ® 80 or MEL 90 excimer laser, expanding the repertoire of customized refractive laser corrections far beyond the limits of conventional monovision methods.PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision and CRS-Master from ZEISS are not intended for sale in the United States.Laser warning sign MEL 80/90Laser warning sign VisuMaxPrecise flapsThe ZEISS VisuMax ® creates flaps of a highly predictable thickness and of adjustable geometries for Femto-LASIK and ZEISS PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision – the recommended treatment option for patients with presbyopia.Carl Zeiss Meditec AG Goeschwitzer Strasse 51–52 07745 JenaGermany/contacts /presbyond EN_34_1_3IIIPrintedinGermanyCZ-IX/217Thecontentsofthebrochuremaydifferfromthecurrentstatusofapprovaloftheproductorserviceofferinginyourcountry.Pleasecontactourregionalrepresentativesformoreinformation.Subjecttochangesindesignandscopeofdeliveryandduetoongoingtechnicaldevelopment.PRESBYOND,CRS-Master,MELandVisuMaxareeithertrademarksorregisteredtrademarksofCarlZeissMeditecAGorothercompaniesoftheZEISSGroup.©CarlZeissMeditecAG,217.Allrightsreserved.0297。

角膜塑形镜使用说明书 (3)

角膜塑形镜使用说明书 (3)


1. 清洁双手,确保其干净且无残留物。

2. 在使用角膜塑形镜之前请使用角膜润滑液进行润滑。

3. 取出镜片,并将之放在干净的手心中。

4. 使用指尖将镜片从手心拿起,轻轻地将其放在眼角膜上方。

5. 确保镜片平整地附着在眼角膜上,并不会移动或滑动。

6. 留意是否存在空气泡,如有需要及时排除。

7. 重复以上步骤来放置另一只镜片在另一只眼睛上。

8. 使用倒立冰箱放置角膜塑形镜,放在保存盒中,使用保存液进行保存。

9. 每天早上取出角膜塑形镜,并使用角膜润滑液将其清洗

10. 每天使用前请先进行视力检查,以确保角膜塑形镜仍然适合您的视力矫正需求。

11. 根据您的眼睛专业人员或医生的建议进行日常使用时间,以避免眼睛疲劳或不适。

12. 如有任何不适或不正常症状出现,请立即停止使用,并咨询眼科专业人员或医生的建议。






















































正常PD:64 小瞳正常PD:62
大方PD:70 小瞳大方PD:65
椭圆PD:64 小瞳椭圆PD:62
+1.00D 1型+0.50至+1.00D
+1.50D 2型+1.25至+1.50D
+2.00D 3型+1.75至+2.00D
+2.50D 4型+2.25至+2.50D
+3.00D 5型+2.75至+3.00D
+3.50D 6型+3.25至+3.50D
+4.00D 7型+3.75至+4.00D


Tasco 3×17 双眼镜用户指南说明书

Tasco 3×17 双眼镜用户指南说明书

Diopter Setting
brick wall, tree branches, etc.) until it appears as sharp as possible.
6. Uncover the objective lens on the diopter side, cover the other objective lens, then view the same object.
Fig. 1
Roll-Down Eyecups Fig. 2
Interpupillary Distance 3
Fig. 3
1. Adjust eyecups interpupillary distance as described in the previous sections.
7. Using the diopter adjustment ring, focus the image for the eye on that side. Caution should be used as over turning or forcing
the diopter ring can cause damage or cause the eyepiece to break away from the chassis.
tree branches, etc.). 3. Adjust your binocular for individual eye strength using the diopter adjustment
Zoom Lever
ring as outlined in the instructions for “DIOPTER ADJUSTMENT AND FOCUSING”.






1. 穿戴好验光镜架和准备好负度数的验光调节镜片。

2. 坐直并保持头部稳定。

3. 开始验光,医生会向你展示一系列的视力测试图表。

4. 当医生展示视力测试图表时,你需要在适当的距离上以直视方式注视图表。

5. 医生会向你逐渐添加负度数的调节镜片。

6. 你需要说出你看到的图表的清晰度变化,以及是否感到眼睛需要适应调整。

7. 医生会根据你的回答,逐渐增加或减少调节镜片的度数。

8. 医生会不断重复这个过程,直到你达到最佳的视力调节。

9. 一旦你的视力达到最佳调节,医生会记录下相应的负度数。



近 视 回 归 镜

近 视 回 归 镜



3B S CIENTIFIC 逆转眼镜说明书

3B S CIENTIFIC 逆转眼镜说明书

3B SCIENTIFIC ® PHYSICS1Instruction Sheet09/15 ALFWearing the inverting spectacles disrupts your sense of orientation and balance. Wearing them for long periods can cause dizziness and nausea.Another person must always be present to help a student doing the experiments if it becomes necessary.∙ Never allow an experimenter to wear theinverting spectacles without supervision. ∙ Always be in a seated position whenputting on or taking off the invertingspectacles. By experimenting with inverting spectacles it is not only possible to see how inverting prisms work but also to gain a better understanding of human vision and the role of the brain therein. The instrument consists of two 90° isosceles prisms set in an otherwise screened goggle frame made of flexible plastic such that the prisms can be rotated through 360°. This results in a lateral inversion of incoming light beams so that the image can be turnedupside-down or be transposed left to right. Ventilation holes are provided in the frame of the spectacles to stop the prisms misting up. An elastic strap that can be adjusted to match the circumference of the head holds the inverting spectacles in place. The spectacles are supplied in a carry case lined withfoam rubber. Scientists have carried out many experiments with inverting spectacles since the end of the 19th century. Many such experiments involve studying how the brain can adapt to the inverted image and learn how to correct its perception accordingly.When wearing the spectacles, the prisms can turn what you see upside-down so that the world itself seems to be standing on its head. This can cause unexpected problems in doing the simplest things, such as reaching for objects, drawing, or simply getting oriented in space.Nevertheless, it has been observed that after wearing the spectacles continuously for a sufficient time (about 2 to 3 days), people eventually become adapted to them and regain3B Scientific GmbH ▪ Rudorffweg 8 ▪ 21031 Hamburg ▪ Deutschland ▪ Technische Änderungen vorbehalten © Copyright 2015 3B Scientific GmbHthe ability to deal with things normally. Their view of the world rotates back into its normal position so that up is once again up and down is back to being down. Experimenters then see things exactly the same as before putting on the inverting spectacles. This indicates that the link between the sensing cells of the retina and the region of the brain that processes optical information is not fixed at birth but is formed by a learning process.If the spectacles are then removed after being worn for a long time, the world appears upside-down again. However, perception then returns to normal relatively quickly.∙When adjusting the prisms, do not touch the glass surfaces.∙Ensure that the prisms are set parallel toeach other.Adjusting the prisms:To make the image appear upside-down, set the prisms as shown above (side view of spectacles)To invert the image right to left, set the prisms as shown above (top view of spectacles)Should the prisms loosen in the frame after a while, tip the frame forward and tighten the securing ring.1. Drawing and writing on a blackboard2. Reading “mirror writing”3. Seeing, grasping and balancing objects4. Throwing and catching a ball5. Fill a container with water and pour water into another container∙ To clean use a soft damp cloth.∙Only use mild cleaning agents that do not contain alcohol or solvents.。

BSCOPE 单眼、双眼和三眼微观镜产品说明书

BSCOPE 单眼、双眼和三眼微观镜产品说明书

MONOCULAR MODEL BS.1151-XXX385 (h) x 195 (w) x 235 (d) | 6.3 kg BINOCULAR MODEL BS.1152-XXX 409 (h) x 195 (w) x 235 (d) | 6.5 kg TRINOCULAR MODEL BS.1153-XXX 459 (h) x 195 (w) x 235 (d) | 6.6 kgBS.1152-PLievólver porta-objetivos cuádruple o quíntuple orientado hacia el A SOculares de gran campo HWF 10x / 20 mm. Posibilidad de fijación. En los l bScope está equipado con un cabezal monocular (inclinado 45° y con tubo porta-oculare de Ø 23.2 mm) o un cabezal tipo Siedentopf, giratorioE mpuñadura para transporteBS.1151-EPL BS.1152-PLiBS.1153-PLPHiBS.1157-EPLi409 (h) x 195 (w) x 235 (d) | 7.1 kg BS.1157-PLiI C A SLos microscopios digitales bScope están equipados con una cámara CMOS de 5.1 MP 1/2.5 pulgadas USB-2.0, profundidad de color de 24 bits, 7 cuadros por segundo (2592 x 1944 píxeles) o 27 cuadros por segundo (1280 x 960 píxeles). El rango dinámico es de 76 db y relación señal/ruido 41 db. Se suministra con el software ImageFocus Alpha, cable USB-2.0 y un patrón de calibración deEl software ImageFocus Alpha de captura y análisis permite guardarimágenes en formatos .jpg, .tif, .bmp o .dicom, así como videos en formato.avi. Las mediciones y las anotaciones se pueden hacer en imágenes envivo o capturadas. Compatible con Windows 7, 8 y 10, configuraciones de| S O L U C I O N E S D I G I T A L E S || E D U C A C I ÓN || C I E N C I A S D E L A V I D A |FIC HA T ÉC NI C AA CC E S O R I O S PA R A CO N T R A S T E D E FA S EBS.9118 C ondensador Zernike para contraste de fase compuesto poranillos de fase para objetivos 10x/20x/40x/100x y posición para observación de campo claro, objetivos E-plan EPLPH 10/20/S40 (retráctil) y S100 (retráctil/inmersión en aceite), ocular telescópico para alineación de fases y filtro verdeBS.9120 C ondensador Zernike para contraste de fase compuesto poranillos de fase para objetivos 10x/20x/40x/100x y posición para observación de campo claro, objetivos con corrección a infinito (IOS) E-plan EPLPHi 10/20/S40 (retráctil) y S100 (retráctil/inmersión en aceite), ocular telescópico para alineación de fases y filtro verdeBS.9123 C ondensador Zernike para contraste de fase compuesto poranillos de fase para objetivos 10x/20x/40x/100x y posición para observación de campo claro, objetivos Plan PLPH 10/20/S40 (retráctil) y S100 (retráctil/inmersión en aceite), ocular telescópico para alineación de fases y filtro verdeBS.9126 C ondensador Zernike para contraste de fase compuesto poranillos de fase para objetivos 10x/20x/40x/100x y posición para observación de campo claro, objetivos con corrección a infinito (IOS) Plan PLPHi 10/20/S40 (retráctil) y S100 (retráctil/inmersión en aceite), ocular telescópico para alineación de fases y filtro verdeBS.9148 O cular telescópico de centrado de fases, por bScope IOS(objetivo corregido a infinito) con tubos de 30 mmBS.9149 O cular telescópico de centrado de fases,por bScope non-IOS (objetivo con corrección finita) con tubos de 23.2 mmBS.9156 K it de contraste de fase para condensador de Abbe con ranurapara laminas. Compuesto por objetivos de fase E-plan EPLPH 10x/S40x (retráctil), lamina con anillos de fase 10x y 40x, ocular telescópico para alineación de fases y filtro verdeBS.9157 K it de contraste de fase para condensador de Abbe con ranurapara laminas. Compuesto por objetivos de fase E-plan EPLPH 20x/S100x (retráctil/inmersión en aceite), lamina con anillos de fase 20x y 100x, ocular telescópico para alineación de fases y filtro verdeBS.9158 K it de contraste de fase para condensador de Abbe con ranurapara laminas. Compuesto por objetivos de fase corregidos a infinito (IOS) E-plan EPLPHi 10x/S40x (retráctil), lamina con anillos de fase 10x y 40x, ocular telescópico para alineación de fases y filtro verdeBS.9159 K it de contraste de fase para condensador de Abbe con ranurapara laminas. Compuesto por objetivos de fase corregidos a infinito (IOS) E-plan EPLPHi 20x/S100x (retráctil/inmersión en aceite), lamina con anillos de fase 20x y 100x, ocular telescópico para alineación de fases y filtro verdeBS.9162 K it de contraste de fase para condensador de Abbe con ranurapara laminas. Compuesto por objetivos de fase corregidos a infinito (IOS) Plan PLPHi 10x/S40x (retráctil), lamina con anillos de fase 10x y 40x, ocular telescópico para alineación de fases y filtro verdeBS.7220 Objetivo Plan PL 20x/0.40. DT 8.6 mm BS.7240 Objetivo Plan PL S40x/0.65. DT 0.56 mm BS.7260 Objetivo Plan PL S60x/0.85. DT 0.25 mmBS.7200 Objetivo Plan PL S100x/1.25 (retráctil/inmersión en aceite) DT 0.33 mm BS.7510 Objetivo E-Plan Phase EPLPH 10x/0.25. DT 6.61 mmBS.7520 Objetivo E-Plan Phase EPLPH 20x/0.40. DT 1.85 mmBS.7540 Objetivo E-Plan Phase EPLPH S40x/0.65 (retráctil). DT 0.64 mm BS.7500 O bjetivo E-Plan Phase EPLPH S100x/1.25 (retráctil/inmersión enaceite). DT 0.19 mmBS.8204 O bjetivo corregido a infinito (IOS) E-plan EPLi 4x/0.10. DT 18.9 mm BS.8210 Objetivo corregido a infinito (IOS) E-plan EPLi 10x/0.25. DT 5.95 mm BS.8220 Objetivo corregido a infinito (IOS) E-plan EPLi 20x/0.40. DT 2.61 mm BS.8240 O bjetivo corregido a infinito (IOS) E-plan EPLi S40x/0.65(retráctil). DT 0.78 mmBS.8200 O bjetivo corregido a infinito (IOS) E-plan EPLi S100x/1.25(retráctil/inmersión en aceite). DT 0.36 mmBS.8404 Objetivo corregido a infinito (IOS) Plan PLi 4x/0.10. DT 21.0 mm BS.8410 Objetivo corregido a infinito (IOS) Plan PLi 10x/0.25. DT 5.0 mm BS.8420 Objetivo corregido a infinito (IOS) Plan PLi 20x/0.40. DT 8.8 mm BS.8440 O bjetivo corregido a infinito (IOS) Plan PLi S40x/0.65 (retráctil).DT 0.66 mmBS.8460 O bjetivo corregido a infinito (IOS) Plan PLi S60x/0.85 (retráctil).DT 0.46 mmBS.8400 O bjetivo corregido a infinito (IOS) Plan PLi S100x/1.25(retráctil/inmersión en aceite). DT 0.36 mmBS.8510 O bjetivo corregido a infinito (IOS) E-Plan Phase EPLPHi 10x/0.25.DT 5.95 mmBS.8520 O bjetivo corregido a infinito (IOS) E-Plan Phase EPLPHi 20x/0.40.DT 2.61 mmBS.8540 O bjetivo corregido a infinito (IOS) E-Plan Phase EPLPHi S40x/0.65(retráctil). DT 0.78 mmBS.8500 O bjetivo corregido a infinito (IOS) E-Plan Phase EPLPHiS100x/1.25 (retráctil/inmersión en aceite). DT 0.36 mmBS.8710 O bjetivo corregido a infinito (IOS) Plan Phase PLPHi 10x/0.25.DT 5.00 mmBS.8720 O bjetivo corregido a infinito (IOS) Plan Phase PLPHi 20x/0.40.DT 8.80 mmBS.8740 O bjetivo corregido a infinito (IOS) Plan Phase PLPHi S40x/0.65(retráctil). DT 0.66 mmBS.8700 O bjetivo corregido a infinito (IOS) Plan Phase PLPHi S100x/1.25(retráctil/inmersión en aceite). DT 0.36 mmCO N D E N S A D O R E S Y A CC E S O R I OSBS.9102 C ondensador de Abbe N.A. 1.25 con ranura para laminasopcionales de campo oscuro (máximo 400x) y contraste de faseBS.9170 L amina con campo oscuro (máximo 400x) para condensadorde Abbe con ranura para bScope. Requiere condensador con ranura ((BS.9102)BS.9105 Condensador Abbe de lente abatible N.A. 0.9/1.25EuromexMicroscopenbv•Papenkamp20•6836BDArnhem•TheNetherlands•T+31(0)263232211•****************•AE.9919AE.9916BS.1153-PLicon cámara。

HE407K-GR X2 反射瞄准镜 用户手册说明书

HE407K-GR X2 反射瞄准镜 用户手册说明书

12User's ManualFig 1 HE407K-GR X2 Reflex sightFig 46.3.Battery Replacement(Fig4):a. Removing the battery :I. Remove the battery tray screw.ii. Use the included tool asa lever in the battery tray1) Ultra compact size for concealed carry applications.2) 6MOA Dot.TM 3) Shake Awake - Motion on with last setting recall.4) Parallax free, unlimited eye relief. 5) CNC milled 7075 Aluminum Housing.6) 10 day light and 2 night vision compatible brightness settings.7) Window Size 0.58x0.77 inches.8) IP67 Certified.Fig2A canted objective lens is part of the design ofreflex/reflective optical sights. In order to create a proper reflection of the reticle/dot the objective lens must beperpendicular to the LED. Because the LED is mounted to the side of the internal tube the objective lens will be canted in that direction.slots to remove the battery tray and battery.b. Battery installation :I. Insert the battery into the battery tray with the POSITIVE side facing DOWN.ii. Insert and press the tray into the battery compartment.iii. Tighten the battery tray screw.Caution:The loss or damage of the seal ring may cause water to leak into the compartment which could damage the product.Thank you for purchasing the HOLOSUN HE407K-GR X2 Open Reflex sight. This open reflex sight is sized for use on either a pistol or rifle. The stream lined design and compact sizemake it the ideal sight for concealed carry. Before operation, please read the User's Manual carefully.NOTE: HE407K-GR is compatible with some standard mounting solutions currently available. For a footprint drawing, contact Holosun.1. Place the HE407K-GR on a compatible slide cut or adapter plate (this varies based on your slide configuration).2. Use either the included screws or screws supplied with your slide or from your gunsmith and tighten to 15 INCH/lbs using a non-permanent (medium/blue) thread locker. (Fig5)3. Verify proper clearances and firearm function prior to use.1. One high quality CR1632 Lithium battery is included with purchase.Caution: Do not use a rechargeable battery.2. A high quality battery can power this device for up toFig 56 MOA DotHE407K-GR34Fig 61.Switch on: Press and release either brightness button ("+"or"-") to turn on the sight, See Fig 6.2.Power off: Press the"+"and"-" buttons simultaneously to turn the power and motion sensor off (this will disable Shake Awake).3.Operation mode: Two modes are available in the following order: Manual Mode -> Lockout Mode.1) Manual mode:Brightness adjustment: There are 12 reticle brightness setting levels in manual mode. Settings 1 and 2 are NVcompatible and setting 12 is the brightest. Press ”+” or ”-” to increase or decrease the brightness.2) Lockout Mode:Lock Mode Activation: Hold the “+” button for 3 seconds (until the LED blinks once) to activate Lock Mode. In lock mode buttons are locked out preventing any setting changes.To deactivate Lock Mode, hold the “+” button for 3 seconds , the LED will blink once to confirm Lock Mode is deactivated.4. Sleep time setting:1) Please note that your red dot will automatically enter into sleep mode after 10 minutes of no movement.2) The sight will instantaneously wake up and turn on with any motion detection to last saved settings.3) The default sleep timer setting is 10 min, but can be adjusted.i. Press and hold the “+” button for 10 seconds to enter time adjustment mode. There are 4 options: 10 min, 1h, 12h or the sleep mode is disabled.ii. Press and release either “+” or “-” button to set the time.The LED will blink (1=10 min, 2=1h, 3=12h, or 4=disable sleep mode).iii. Press the “+” and “-” buttons simultaneously to save the time setting and power off the sight.5. Note:1) Memory function: The sight will remember the last saved brightness setting when powered on and off.2) Low battery Warning: If the battery voltage is below 2.2Vdc, the reticle will blink slowly.Caution: If you feel the knobs can no longer be rotated, you may have reached the mechanical limit of the adjustment turret. Do not try to rotate the knobs further if you feel a bind or you may cause damage.Fig 75) The maximum adjustment range is ±30MOA.HE407K-GR X2Reflex SightWe provide a limited lifetime warranty from the date of purchase on parts and workmanship to the originalpurchaser. At our sole discretion, we will repair or replace products found to be defective under normal use without charge, excluding any delivery costs, which will be born by purchaser. We will not be liable for incidental,consequential, or special damages arising out of or in any connection with the use or performance of this product. This warranty is void if the product has been misused, modified, neglected, or disassembled prior to its return. Please refer to for current and complete warranty information and other conditions.This device is a precision instrument that deservesreasonably cautious care. The following tips are provided to ensure a long product life. The optical lenses are multicoated optical glass. When cleaning the lenses, blow away the dust on the surface, wet the lens with lens cleaner or clean water, then wipe away smudges with lens tissue, soft cotton or a microfiber cloth. Avoid touching the glass surface with dry cloth or tissue paper. Do not use organic solvents such as alcohol or acetone. No special maintenance is needed for the housing surface. Do not try to dismantle the device as the internal parts are specially cleaned and sealed and with an anti-fog treatment. Any such attempt will void the warranty.Included Tool:1. Flat tipped end is used to adjust the Windage & Elevation.2. T10 Torx tool for screws.Fig 81) The sight has been factory zeroed to approximately 25 yards and should require minimal adjustment to achieve zero.2) The Elevation adjustment is located on the rear section of the housing and the Windage adjustment is located on the right side of the housing.3) Adjustment can be performed by inserting the flat tipped end of the included tool into the turret slot and rotating, See Fig 7.4) Each adjustment click has a value of approximately 1 MOA or 1 inch at 100 yards (1/2" at 50y; 1/4" at 25y). When zeroing at 25 yard, if your impacts are 2 inches low and 1 inch right, you will need to adjust Elevation 8 clicksUP(counterclockwise) and 4 clicks LEFT (clockwise)Phone: (909) 594-2888Fax: (909) 598-4888E-mail:********************Ver:A0Windage AdjustmentElevationAdjustmentBrightness increaseBrightness decrease②①。












看得清近视控制镜杰出的功能亦源于其五层结构模式:第1 光量子层:透过镜片上特有的光量子涂层活跃视网膜黄斑区域的视觉细胞的敏感性(光敏感层,可增加光敏感度25% 以上)。













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