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第一节: 单项填空共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分
21 --- David, I've ooed through our e out B came about C come acro D come round
30 _______to teaching, he coudn’t afford time to tae good care of hi oung chidren
A Devoting
B Having devoted
C Being devoted
D Devoted
31 --- Wi ou be thi afternoon, John
--- I am afraid not I have an aent with m dentit
A convenient
B uitabe
C avaiabe
D accurate
32 Hi ot of the time
A much
B omething
C anthing
D nothing
33 Statitic how that for ever mie the drive men have ______ a women do
A eriou accident a twice man
B twice eriou accident a man
C twice a man eriou accident
D eriou accident a man twice
34 The e in the at centur, and itte of the origina buiding _______now
A remain
B i remained
C i remaining
D ha been remained
35 Toda, we wi begin ________we to homiie布道and about the writer’ thought on the dai reading The 36 facinated吸引 me But it wa a ong time 37 I met the author of the note One Sunda morning, I wa tod omeone wa 38 for me in the office, a oung woman who aid he 39 a the note When I aw her I wa 40 , ince I had no idea that it wa he who wrote the note She wa itting in a chair in the office Her head wa 41 and when he raied it to oo at me, he coud bare 42 without iing wa ver 43 for her
We 44 for a whie that Sunda morning and agreed to meet for unch ater that wee A it 45 we went to unch evera time, and we hared thing about our 46 We a difigurement that cannot be made to oo 49 I now that her condition 50 her deee from a wounded but 52 heart She 53 inatter She found beaut and 55 and the befriended her, and howed her what i rea
36 A coection B note C idea D baet
37 A ince B after C before D when
38 A waiting B ie
43 A weet B bitter C difficut D ug
44 A dicued B chatted C ate D greeted
45 A turned out B turned to C came out D came to
46 A idea B ive C hobbie D beief
47 A nown B read C recognied D heard
48 A trave B 49 Aething B connection C in D
52 A cheerfu B intereting C oving D ecited
53 A regret B orrow C defeat D fear
54 A on B in C beond D within
55 A grace B ho a again The can’t ee that we ive on a dirt treet in a dirt houe among uch good But Johnn and chidren can’t ee thi What a ae ha chidren mut get out of thi The mone that we’ve aved in’t near enough
The McGarit have mone but the are o a bag of cand糖果whie a ring of hungr chidren watched her I aw thoe chidren ooing at her and cring in their heart; and when he coudn’t eat an more he threw the ret down the ewer下水道 Wh, i it on becaue the have mone There i more to haone in the word, in’t there
Mi Jacon who teache at the Settement Houe in’t rich, but he now thing She undertand ind I’d ie to ee the chidren be ie Mi Jacon when the grow uain ugget that the writer _______
A i ea to get aong with
B i unhaiundertood
58 In thi tet, the writer trie to te u that _______
A mone i the e to everthing
B the more mone ou have, the e haething more imone
D when taing to one
A Wh, i it on becaue the have mone
B There i more to haone
C Mi Jacon in’t rich, but he now thing
D The mone we aved in’t near enough
Now et u oo at how we read When we read a ove acro a ovement We recognie word uua when our ee are ti when the fiate Each time the fiate, we ee a groue of which the ee to iiarit with the tet Furthermore, it can be affected b uch factor a ighting and tiredne
Unfortunate, in the an reading iment coure have concentrated too much on how our ee move acro the ieading emerou eercie have been devied to train the ee to ee more word at one fiation For intance, in ome eercie, word are fahed on to a creen for, a, a tenth or a twentieth of
a econd One of the eercie ha required tudent to fi their ee on ome centra id o the reader
tae in more and more word at each ucceive fiation A thee eercie are ver cever, but it’ one thing to imReadingan e unie to he in reading a continuou tet
60 The time of the recognition iiarit with the tet B one’ a beieve that reading
A require a reader to tae in more word at each fiation
B require a reader to ee word more quic
C demand an deeind
D demand more mind than ee
62 What doe the author mean b aing the underined entence in the econd aragrah?
A The abiit to ee word i not needed when an efficient reading i conducted
B The reading eercie mentioned can’t he U.S.Americae from a home where it woud have been unheard
of to refer to one of m e amot outdated, but one houd eriou conider the vaue of thee idea before cating them aide It i ea to become unaware of thee behavior Tr to eemon in hi fami
D Such behavior ound funn
68 What advice doe the author give in the UKFrance---Thailandfortabe ience 73 After getting to now their wa better,I reaied that the thought I wa taing too much In m own cuture,
we eeaning main through word,but etime fee too man word are unnecear
74 Certain,Engih and German cuture hare imiar vaue;however,German ore quic We,
thin that the are rude In fact,thi i ut becaue one cuture tart dicuion and mae deciion more
75 However,if we can undertand them better,a muticutura environment(多元文
化环境)wi offer a wonderfu chance for u to earn from each other
A Even within Northern Europe,cultural difference can caue eriou
B Meeting another cuture can be difficut
C It i im when ou are in a foreign countr
D different etime thee vaue are quite againt each other
E For eame countrie i not e and mied
Toda i Sunda The i fu of unhine, o doe m ife At about 9:00 am, I go to the bootore with
m friend There were a great dea of new boo I didn’t now what one to bu becaue thee boo were
a uefu for me At 10:00, we went to cinema The fim wa caed The Earthquae of Tanghan but ome , everone wa deeoving Some friend even burt out tear That’ a rea wonderfu fim It i ver worth eeing
again What a haorrow I wi be even haore reorter