Causality, Indirect Effects and Triggers




《跨文化交际》课程教学大纲课程编号:ENGL2046课程类别:专业选修课程授课对象:英语专业、俄英双语、法英双语学生开课学期:英语第6学期、双语第8学期学分:2 学分主讲教师:指定教材:《跨文化交流入门》,浙江大学出版社,许力生主编,2004年。





















逻辑斯蒂增长(Logistic Growth)的英文是:Logistic Growth。








初三英语哲学思考问题单选题40题1. When we think about the nature of reality, which of the following statements is correct?A. Reality is only what we can see.B. Reality is determined by our thoughts.C. Reality is independent of human perception.D. Reality changes based on our feelings.答案:C。


选项A 过于局限,现实不仅仅是我们能看到的。

选项B 是主观唯心主义观点,不符合客观事实。

选项C 符合唯物主义观点,现实是独立于人类感知而存在的。

选项D 现实不会仅仅因为我们的感受而改变。

2. What is the essence of philosophy according to the basic concepts?A. The study of history.B. The exploration of science.C. The reflection on fundamental questions of life and existence.D. The analysis of language.答案:C。


选项 A 历史研究并非哲学的本质。

选项 B 科学探索也不是哲学的本质核心。

选项D 语言分析只是哲学的一个方面,而非本质。

3. In the philosophical view, which one is true about truth?A. Truth is relative and changes over time.B. Truth is absolute and never changes.C. Truth depends on personal belief.D. Truth is something that cannot be known.答案:A。




The first element of research ability is the depth and breadth of the research.2.对于一个问题或者主题的深入研究通常会产生更有价值的洞见。

In-depth research on a question or topic typically yields more valuable insights.3.同时,广泛的研究可以帮助研究者更好地理解整个领域的背景和相关因素。

Similarly, extensive research can help researchers better understand the background and related factors of the entire field.4.研究力的第二要素是研究方法的选择和应用。

The second element of research ability is the selection and application of research methods.5.合理的研究方法可以确保研究的可靠性和准确性。

Proper research methods can ensure the reliability and accuracy of the research.6.使用科学的研究方法也能够增加研究的可复制性和可验证性。

Using scientific research methods can also increase the replicability and verifiability of the research.7.此外,选择适当的研究方法还可以使研究过程更加高效和有效。

Furthermore, choosing the appropriate research methodscan make the research process more efficient and effective.8.研究力的第三要素是数据分析和解读的能力。




In the past, the world was a very different place. People lived in small communities and rarely traveled far from home. But with the advent of the Industrial Revolution, everything changed. The development of new technologies allowed for mass production and the creation of new modes of transportation, which 1 the way people lived and worked.1. [A] transformed [B] simplified [C] complicated [D] restrictedThe ability to travel quickly and easily meant that people could 2 to new places for work or to start a new life. This led to the growth of cities and the 3 of a more global society.2. [A] migrate [B] commute [C] settle [D] retreat3. [A] emergence [B] decline [C] dissolution [D] disappearanceHowever, this rapid change also brought about new challenges. The 4 of factories and the increase in population put astrain on resources and led to environmental issues.4. [A] construction [B] destruction [C] expansion [D]reductionDespite these challenges, the Industrial Revolution was a 5in human history, paving the way for the technological advancements we enjoy today.5. [A] milestone [B] setback [C] anomaly [D] catastrophe二、阅读理解(共40分)阅读下列四篇短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。



MULTIVARIATE BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH,42(1),185–227Copyright©2007,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Inc.Addressing Moderated MediationHypotheses:Theory,Methods,and PrescriptionsKristopher J.PreacherUniversity of KansasDerek D.RuckerNorthwestern UniversityAndrew F.HayesThe Ohio State UniversityThis article provides researchers with a guide to properly construe and conduct analyses of conditional indirect effects,commonly known as moderated media-tion effects.We disentangle conflicting definitions of moderated mediation and describe approaches for estimating and testing a variety of hypotheses involving conditional indirect effects.We introduce standard errors for hypothesis testing and construction of confidence intervals in large samples but advocate that researchers use bootstrapping whenever possible.We also describe methods for probing sig-nificant conditional indirect effects by employing direct extensions of the simple slopes method and Johnson-Neyman technique for probing significant interactions.Finally,we provide an SPSS macro to facilitate the implementation of the recom-mended asymptotic and bootstrapping methods.We illustrate the application of these methods with an example drawn from the Michigan Study of Adolescent Life Transitions,showing that the indirect effect of intrinsic student interest on mathematics performance through teacher perceptions of talent is moderated by student math self-concept.186PREACHER,RUCKER,HAYESMediation,or an indirect effect,is said to occur when the causal effect of an in-dependent variable(X)on a dependent variable(Y)is transmitted by a mediator (M).In other words,X affects Y because X affects M,and M,in turn,affects Y.Mediation effect and indirect effect are often used interchangeably(as they are here),although some authors have drawn distinctions between them(e.g., Holmbeck,1997).Methods to assess mediation became particularly popular in psychology after publications by Judd and Kenny(1981)and Baron and Kenny (1986).Today,examples of this simple type of mediation effect are so numer-ous that one can open an issue of virtually any major social science journal and find at least one test of mediation.For example,Fredrickson,Tugade,Waugh, and Larkin(2003)hypothesized that positive emotions mediate the effect of psychological resilience on residual resources(life satisfaction,optimism,and tranquility).Calvete and Cardenoso(2005)demonstrated that the effect of gender on depressive symptoms is mediated by need for acceptance,positive thinking, self-focused negative cognitions,and negative problem orientation.Hundreds of new mediation hypotheses are proposed and tested in the literature every year.In response to high demand for appropriate methods,a large literature now exists that details methods by which mediation may be assessed in models of ever-increasing complexity.It is often of critical interest to determine whether or not a mediation effect remains constant across different contexts,groups of individuals,and values of the independent variable.For example,perhaps M mediates the X!Y rela-tionship for boys but not for girls.More generally,the strength of an indirect effect may depend linearly upon the value of a moderator(W)that is mea-sured on an interval or ratio scale.Of course,testing such additional hypotheses requires the development of appropriate statistical tests.In recognition of this requirement,this article aims to educate and help researchers with regard to how to analyze indirect effects that depend on other variables in the model un-der scrutiny.There are several ways in which hypotheses combining mediation and moderation may be modeled.Various sources refer to some of these effects as mediated moderation or moderated mediation(e.g.,Baron&Kenny,1986), but there is a fair amount of confusion over precisely what pattern of causal relationships constitutes each kind of effect and how to assess the presence, strength,and significance of these effects.For simplicity,we gather such effects under the general rubric conditional indirect effects.We define a conditional indirect effect as the magnitude of an indirect effect at a particular value of a moderator(or at particular values of more than one moderator).Examples of conditional indirect effect hypotheses are common in the litera-ture.For example,the mediation effects found by Calvete and Cardenoso(2005) mentioned previously were further hypothesized to be moderated by age.Al-though studies investigating mediation,moderation,or both are abundant,formal tests of conditional indirect effects are less common.We surmise that conditionalADDRESSING MODERATED MEDIATION HYPOTHESES187 indirect effects may be relevant and interesting in many settings,but generally may go unnoticed and unexamined because clear methods have not yet been articulated in the literature for investigating whether(and,if so,how)an indi-rect effect varies systematically as a function of another variable.In addition to introducing methods that can be used to investigate conditional indirect ef-fects,we illustrate these methods using an example drawn from the Michigan Study of Adolescent Life Transitions(MSALT).Specifically,we show how the indirect effect of intrinsic student interest in math(the independent variable)on mathematics performance(the dependent variable)through teacher perceptions of talent(a mediator)is moderated by student math self-concept.OVERVIEW OF OBJECTIVESWe have several objectives in this article.First,consistent with recent efforts to disentangle confusion over moderated mediation(e.g.,Muller,Judd,&Yzer-byt,2005),we provide a guide to help resolve the confusion that persists in the literature regarding conflicting definitions of moderated mediation.Second, as called for by Muller et al.(2005),we provide intuitive approaches for test-ing hypotheses of conditional indirect effects.To this end,we introduce stan-dard errors(SE s)for various conditional indirect effects and discuss the utility of bootstrapping and normal-theory methods.Third,we describe methods for probing moderated mediation effects by employing direct extensions of methods familiar to many researchers in the context of probing significant interactions. Specifically,we implement a direct extension of the simple slopes procedure (Aiken&West,1991)to probe moderated mediation effects.We also suggest that the regions of significance approach(or the Johnson-Neyman technique) be extended to probing moderated mediation effects,identifying ranges of the moderator for which an indirect effect is statistically significant.Finally,we provide an SPSS macro to facilitate the implementation of the recommended asymptotic and bootstrapping methods,illustrating its use with a real-world ex-ample.Our procedures are illustrated within a regression or path-analytic frame-work(with no latent variables),but our strategies can be easily applied in more complex structural equation models(SEMs).This article is aimed primarily at the applied researcher to whom the methods will be most useful,but there is also much that will be of interest to methodologists.The ultimate goal and contribution of this article is to offer researchers and practitioners an intuitive guide to construe and conduct complex mediation analyses involving conditional indirect effects.Before discussing conditional indirect effects,we briefly review simple me-diation and moderation and discuss methods traditionally used to investigate their presence.We then present methods for assessing the presence,strength,188PREACHER,RUCKER,HAYESand significance of conditional indirect effects to facilitate the understanding of moderated mediation.SIMPLE MEDIATIONMediation analysis permits examination of process,allowing the researcher to in-vestigate by what means X exerts its effect on Y.Although systems of equations linking X to Y through multiple mediators are possible to specify(MacKinnon, 2000),we focus on models in which only a single mediator(M)is posited.We term this three-variable system simple mediation.Simple mediation is illustrated in the path diagram in Figure1.In thefigure,a1refers to the(unstandardized) slope coefficient of M regressed on X,and b1and c0denote the conditional coefficients of Y regressed on M and X,respectively,when both are included as simultaneous predictors of Y.Letting c represent the effect of X on Y in the absence of M,the indirect effect is traditionally quantified as c c0,which is ordinarily equivalent to a1b1(MacKinnon,Warsi,&Dwyer,1995).The coefficients previously described are commonly obtained using least-squares regression.Specifically,coefficients a1and b1may be obtained from the regression equations:M D a0C a1X C r(1)Y D b0C c0X C b1M C r(2) where a0and b0are intercept terms and r is a regression residual.The coeffi-cients a1and b1are then used to assess the presence,strength,and significance of the indirect effect of X on Y via M.All of the models considered hereFIGURE1Simple mediation.ADDRESSING MODERATED MEDIATION HYPOTHESES189 may be assessed using SEM software or standard least-squares or maximum likelihood regression routines.ASSESSING THE PRESENCE,STRENGTH,ANDSIGNIFICANCE OF INDIRECT EFFECTSMacKinnon and colleagues(MacKinnon,Lockwood,Hoffman,West,&Sheets, 2002;MacKinnon,Lockwood,&Williams,2004)review a variety of strategies to gauge the extent and significance of indirect effects.The most popular of these strategies are the causal steps strategy,distribution of the product strate-gies,resampling or bootstrapping strategies,and various product of coefficients strategies.We do not dwell on all four approaches here.The causal steps strat-egy suffers from low power and does not directly address the hypothesis of interest(MacKinnon et al.,2002).Most methodologists agree that the product term a1b1,the quantity of interest in the remaining three strategies,is a proper quantification of the indirect effect.The distribution of the product strategy is probably the most accurate analytic method available for determining the signif-icance of,and confidence intervals(CIs)for,a1b1in simple mediation models (MacKinnon et al.,2004).However,extending this method to the study of con-ditional indirect effects will involve extensive analytic work and programming because the expressions for conditional indirect effects are more complex than those for simple mediation effects.We therefore limit our attention to the prod-uct of coefficients and bootstrapping strategies.We briefly explore each of these strategies in turn because each has implications for how conditional indirect effects can be appropriately assessed.Product of Coefficients StrategiesAn indirect effect is conceptualized as a population quantity that must be es-timated in the sample.Sample indirect effects are quantified as products of sample estimates of regression coefficients.In the case of simple mediation,the point estimate of the indirect effect is O a1O b1,where the hat notation denotes a sample estimate of a population quantity.Under the assumptions of maximumlikelihood and ordinary least squares,O a1and O b1are asymptotically independent and normally distributed.When it is further assumed that the product O a1O b1is normally distributed,the exact SE(Aroian,1947;Craig,1936;Goodman,1960) is:rSEO a1O b1D190PREACHER,RUCKER,HAYESThe result in Equation3can be obtained via the delta method using a second-order Taylor series approximation(MacKinnon et al.,1995;Mood,Graybill,& Boes,1974,pp.180,534).Further discussion can be found in the TechnicalAppendix.In most cases,the s2O a1s2O b1term is negligibly small and can be safelyomitted,yielding:SEO a1O b1DrADDRESSING MODERATED MEDIATION HYPOTHESES191 O a1and O b1but computed in the resampled data set rather than the original sam-ple.Repeated a total of k times and then sorting the k bootstrap values of O a C1O b C1 from low to high,the upper and lower bounds of a100.1 ’/%CI for a1b1is defined as the.’=2/k th and.1C.1 ’=2/k/th values in this sorted distribu-tion.Because no symmetry assumption is made about the sampling distribution, the CI can be(and often is)asymmetric in accordance with the skewness of the sampling distribution of O a1O b1.For hypothesis testing,the null hypothesis of no indirect effect is rejected at the’level of significance if0lies outside the CI.Such percentile-based CIs can be further improved through bias-correction or bias-correction and acceleration.These bias correction methods work by ad-justing the ordinal positions of the O a C1O b C1values in the sorted distribution of O a C1O b C1that are used as the upper and lower bounds of the confidence interval. MacKinnon et al.(2004)showed that such corrections can improve CIs and in-ferences when used in the context of simple mediation models.For the complex computational details of these corrections to percentile CIs,see Efron(1987), Efron and Tibshirani(1998),Lunneborg(2000),Preacher and Hayes(2006),or Stine(1989).Only minor drawbacks are associated with bootstrapping.First,computation of the confidence limits is more time-consuming than in single-sample meth-ods.But with the increasing speed of computer processors,speed is no longer a serious limitation,and some statistical analysis programs have implemented bootstrapping methodologies.Those that have not often can be programmed to do so(e.g.,Lockwood&MacKinnon,1998;Preacher&Hayes,2004;Shrout& Bolger,2002).Thus,bootstrapping is more feasible now than in the past.Sec-ond,bootstrapping yields slightly different CIs each time the method is applied to the same data.Although it is true that different sets of k bootstrap resamples will yield different estimates,the variation due to random resampling diminishes as k increases.In what follows,we extend the product of coefficients strategy and describe in more detail how bootstrapping can be used to estimate conditional indirect effects.Butfirst,we provide an overview of methods used to investigate mod-eration.MODERATIONWhen the strength of the relationship between two variables is dependent on a third variable,moderation is said to be occurring.The third variable,or moder-ator(W),interacts with X in predicting Y if the regression weight of Y on X varies as a function of W.Moderation is typically assessed with the regression equation:Y D a0C a1X C a2W C a3XW C r;(6)192PREACHER,RUCKER,HAYESwhere W is considered the moderator.Equation6may be reexpressed asY D.a0C a2W/C.a1C a3W/X C r;(7) clarifying how the simple slope of Y regressed on X,.a1C a3W/,is a function of the moderator.If O a3is significant,the interaction effect may be probed to determine whether the simple slope of Y on X is statistically significant for chosen conditional values of W(typically the mean and˙1SD from the mean for continuous W, and coded values for dichotomous W).This approach is described in detail by Aiken and West(1991).The quantity.O a1C O a3W/may be divided by its SE to yield a critical ratio test statistic distributed as t with df D N q in small samples(where q is the number of estimated regression coefficients),or z in large samples.The SE of the simple slope is:SE.O a1C O a3W/D q1There is a distinction between simultaneous and nonsimultaneous confidence bands and regions of significance(Pothoff,1964).For nonsimultaneous bands,rejection rates are accurate for any given conditional value of the moderator.Simultaneous bands,on the other hand,describe regions of the moderator for which the simple slope will be significant for all values of the moderator100.1 ’/% of the time,in the long run.Only nonsimultaneous confidence bands and regions of significance are discussed here,as we consider them more practically relevant.For more information on the distinction between simultaneous and nonsimultaneous bands,consult Pothoff(1964)and Rogosa (1981).ADDRESSING MODERATED MEDIATION HYPOTHESES193MODERATED MEDIATIONIn both the applied literature and in discussions with colleagues,we have ob-served considerable confusion over what effects should be described as mediated moderation vs.moderated mediation and how to properly assess them.Baron and Kenny(1986)described a generally agreed-upon method for assessing me-diated moderation(a term they coined)that involvesfirst showing an interaction effect of X and W on Y,then introducing a mediator of that effect.In such models researchers may be interested in probing the interaction effects of X and W on M and on Y separately to clarify the nature of key relationships. However,because mediated moderation does not require the probing of con-ditional indirect effects,we do not further consider mediated moderation,but focus instead on moderated mediation.James and Brett(1984)coined the term moderated mediation,suggesting it for mediation models involving relations that“require the addition of a moderator for either the O m D f.x/or O y D f.m/relations,or both”(p.314).Moderated mediation models attempt to explain both how and when a given effect occurs (Frone,1999).Formally,moderated mediation occurs when the strength of an indirect effect depends on the level of some variable,or in other words,when mediation relations are contingent on the level of a moderator.There are multiple ways in which the magnitude of an indirect effect may be dependent upon a moderator.We enumerate several specific ways to think about moderated mediation effects,which we refer to as Models1through5.Relying on the symbolic representation of mediation in Figure1,1.The independent variable(X)functions as a moderator of the b1path.2.Some fourth variable(W)affects the a1path.3.W affects the b1path.4.W affects a1whereas yet another variable(Z)affects b1.5.W affects both a1and b1.These possibilities are presented in formal path diagrams in Figure2.This list does not exhaust the possibilities but contains models we have encountered in the literature and helps to illustrate a framework within which to discuss possible ways to address these and similar hypotheses.Several methodologists have defined or discussed moderated mediation,some-times with conflicting definitions.Baron and Kenny(1986)offer an example of moderated mediation that coincides with our Model5,using a causal steps strat-egy to gauge the presence of an indirect effect.Wegener and Fabrigar(2000) share James and Brett’s(1984)definition:“Moderated mediation could occur when a moderator IV interaction is observed(because of differences in IV to mediator and/or mediator to DV paths)or when no moderator IV inter-action is observed(because different mediators create the same magnitude of194PREACHER,RUCKER,HAYESFIGURE2Models1through5represented as path diagrams.effect or a mediator operates at some levels of the moderator but direct effects occur at other levels)”(p.437),roughly coinciding with our Models1,2,and 3.Morgan-Lopez and MacKinnon(2006)characterize moderated mediation as the case when“the path from the intervention to the mediator(i.e.,X!M) is constant,whereas the effect of the mediator on the outcome(i.e.,M!Y)ADDRESSING MODERATED MEDIATION HYPOTHESES195 depends on the level of Z”(p.78),or our Model3.Muller et al.(2005)asserted that moderated mediation“happens if the mediating process that is responsible for producing the effect of the treatment on the outcome depends on the value of a moderator variable,”encompassing our Models2,3,4,and5.A similar definition is given by Rose,Holmbeck,Coakley,and Franks(2004).We address conflicting definitions of moderated mediation by including all these as examples of the more general phenomenon of systematic variation in conditional indirect effects.We believe this choice is warranted because all of the effects described above represent mediation effects that vary in strength con-ditional on the value of at least one moderator variable.Because the strength of a simple mediation effect is quantified by a1b1,any moderation of this quantity by a moderator,by definition,results in an indirect effect that is conditional on some other variable.In models like Models1to5,the conditional indirect effect may be probed for significance using methods directly analogous to those used to probe significant interaction effects in regression(Aiken&West,1991;Morgan-Lopez,2003; Muller et al.,2005;Tein,Sandler,MacKinnon,&Wolchik,2004).This method requires that the researcher have in mind a few values of the moderator for which it would be meaningful to examine the magnitude and significance of the indirect effect.Muller et al.(2005)and Tein et al.(2004),in a clever extension of a procedure described by Aiken and West(1991),Darlington(1990),and Judd and McClelland(1989),further outline a procedure whereby the researcher may center the moderator at conditional values and use key regression weights to interpret mediation effects as if the model were a simple mediation model.Our extension of the J-N technique to conditional indirect effects has the advantage that it does not require choosing possibly arbitrary conditional values.We now discuss how the conditional indirect effect in each of the numbered models in Figure2may be quantified in terms of sample point estimates.We follow this discussion with two methods for testing hypotheses using these point estimates: bootstrapping and an extension of the product of coefficients approach. Model1:When the Independent Variable Is Alsothe ModeratorPanel A in Figure2depicts the case in which the effect of M on Y is moderated by the independent variable X.Such models were described by Judd and Kenny (1981)and were presented as one example of moderated mediation by James and Brett(1984).2Often a variable M is investigated to determine whether it196PREACHER,RUCKER,HAYESserves as a mediator,a moderator,or both.For example,Lambert et al.(2003)investigated the role of state anxiety as a mediator and/or moderator of the effectof context(private vs.public)on cognitive control over prejudiced reactionsusing separate mediation and moderation analyses.Such investigations couldtheoretically be conducted on the basis of a single path analysis.The relevantregression equations for this type of conditional indirect effect are:M D a0C a1X C r(9)Y D b0C c0X C.b1C b2X/M C r(10) Equation10clarifies how the regression of Y on M can be considered condi-tional on X.The conditional indirect effect of X on Y in Model1can be derived using an approach described by Sobel(1986)and Bollen(1987,1989),which we discussin detail in the Technical Appendix.The point estimate of the conditional indirect effect3of X on Y is in this case f.O™j X/D O a1.O b1C O b2X/.It is easy to see from the expression of f.O™j X/that the conditional indirect effect can depend on the chosen value of X.If the interaction effect between X and M is close tozero,then O b2will be close to zero,X will have little influence on the indirect effect,and the conditional indirect effect reduces to O a1O b1for all values of the moderator.Model2:When the a Path is Moderated by WFigure2,Panel B depicts the model used to investigate two types of conditional indirect effect.These indirect effects are hypothesized when theory suggests that (1)a moderation effect is mediated by M(an effect sometimes called mediated moderation,as discussed by Muller et al.,2005,among others)or(2)the a1 path of an otherwise simple mediation model is moderated by W(an effect traditionally termed moderated mediation).Paradoxically,the same model may be used to address either hypothesis,but different parameters are emphasized in each.Mediated moderation is addressed by examining the significance of the product a3b1.We restrict attention to the case when there exists an indirect effect of X on Y through M(the simplest form of indirect effect),with the pertinent question regarding whether mediation exists for different conditional values of W.For example,Tein et al.(2004)examined whether self-efficacy mediated the effect of cultural norms on cigarette use differently depending on the number of peers who smoked.Hodges and Perry(1999)demonstratedADDRESSING MODERATED MEDIATION HYPOTHESES197 that children’s internalizing and physical weakness influence physical and verbalvictimization,and that victimization in turn influences future internalizing andpeer rejection.They showed that thefirst of these effects is moderated by peerrejection.Using methods exactly analogous to those used in the previous section(seeTechnical Appendix),this conditional indirect effect of X on Y may be expressed as f.O™j W/D O b1.O a1C O a3W/.Similar to Model1,the conditional indirect effect here depends on W to the extent that the interaction coefficient O a3departs fromzero.Model3:When the b Path Is Moderated by WOften the b1path of an otherwise simple mediation model is theorized to bemoderated by another variable.The result is another process commonly re-ferred to as moderated mediation.For example,Madon,Guyll,Spoth,Cross,and Hilbert(2003)explored the mediating role of mothers’expectations in therelationship between several background variables and children’s future alcohol use.They hypothesized that several variables potentially moderated the effect of maternal expectations on alcohol use.Similarly,Mandel and Johnson(2002) found that the effect of prime(quality product preference was mediated by browsing behavior(in terms of looking time).Furthermore,the effect of browsing behavior on preference was moderated by expertise.Tein, Sandler,and Zautra(2000)investigated the role of psychological distress in mediating the relationship between major and minor stressors and mothers’par-enting,enriching their study by examining the role of coping in moderating the relationship between distress and parenting.Donaldson(2001)described a body of research showing that the effects of an intervention program on mental health and employment are carried by several mediators,but that the effects of these mediators on the outcomes are moderated by pretest mental health.Figure2,Panel C depicts the path model used to investigate such processes.Again using a method analogous to that used in previous sections,the conditional indirect effect of X on Y is expressed as f.O™j W/D O a1.O b1C O b3W/.Model4:When the a Path Is Moderated by W and the bPath Is Moderated by ZA simple extension of Models2and3may be imagined,in which the a1and b1 paths of an otherwise simple mediation model are moderated by different vari-ables.For example,Donaldson(2001)described a complex body of research investigating the effects of intervention programs on adolescent drug use.Direct effects were hypothesized to be mediated by programmatic effects on beliefs198PREACHER,RUCKER,HAYESabout acceptability,prevalence estimates,and refusal skills,with some a pathsmoderated by the type of school(public vs.private)and at least one b pathmoderated by negative intentions to drink.Slater,Hayes,and Ford(2006)reportevidence of an indirect effect of sensation seeking on adolescents’perceptionsof the risk of alcohol use through attention to news content about accidents,injuries,and crime.But the size of the indirect effect depends on prior bad experiences with alcohol and amount of exposure to news content.In this ex-ample of Model4,the path from sensation seeking to attention to news contentwas moderated by prior bad experiences,whereas the effect of attention on riskperceptions was moderated by exposure to general bining Models2and3yields the model in Figure2,Panel D.The indirect effect of X on Y is moderated by both W and Z,with f.O™j W;Z/D.O a1C O a3W/.O b1C O b3Z/. Model5:When the a and b Paths Are Both Moderated by WA special case of the preceding model exists when both the a1and b1paths of anotherwise simple mediation model are moderated by W.For example,Murray,Bellavia,Rose,and Griffin(2003)investigated the moderating effect of perceived regard on(a)the effect of relationship events on feelings of vulnerability andon(b)the effect of feelings of vulnerability on approach/avoidance responsesto romantic partners.Bauer,Preacher,and Gil(2006)examined this kind ofconditional indirect effect in the context of multilevel modeling,operationalizingmoderation of the a and b paths as cross-level interaction effects.The model in Figure2,Panel E is the same as the one Baron and Kenny(1986)described whenthey discussed moderated mediation and is also the model suggested by Mulleret al.(2005)to address both mediated moderation and moderated mediation.This conditional indirect effect is quantified as f.O™j W/D.O a1C O a3W/.O b1C O b2W/(Muller et al.,2005).As Muller et al.noted,this quantification of the indirect effect may be used to probe the indirect effect at conditional levels ofthe moderator,and even suggest that the methods examined by MacKinnon et al.(2002)could be extended to provide a formal hypothesis test.In a later sectionwe do just that.USING BOOTSTRAPPING TO ASSESSMODERATED MEDIATIONThe previous section described how to generate point estimates for conditionalindirect effects forfive possible moderated mediation models.We now turn tomethods that can be used to test hypotheses about these conditional indirect effects.One approach is to estimate the sampling distribution of the conditional indirect effect nonparametrically through bootstrapping and then use information。
































内在价值:(英intrinsic value)哲学术语。








Conservation of Resources

Conservation of Resources

There are few areas of contemporary psychology that receive more attention than stress (Hobfoll, 1986, 1988; Kaplan, 1983; Lazarus & Folkman, 1984; Milgram, 1986). This literature reflects researchers' belief that stress is a major factor affecting people's lives, is intimately tied with mental health, and is very possibly linked with many problems of physical health. The interest in stress has also caught the attention of the popular press, illustrating that stress is of concern to the lay public as well as the academic community ("Stress," 1983). With all this great breadth of interest in stress, there has been a surprising paucity of work on related theory (Kaplan, 1983; Lazarus & Folkman, 1984). Although initial stages of any research direction may be strictly observational, this phase should give way to a more theory- or model-based stage that provides a web of insights and directions to guide research (Popper, 1959). Without a clear theoretical backdrop, it is difficult to create a true body of knowledge because there are no defined borders of theory to be challenged (Cook & Campbell, 1979). Newton's theory was generally accepted for some 200 years because of such a lack of rival theories. As stated by Kurt Lewin, "There is nothing as practical as a good theory." In this article, I will outline some of the stress models that have guided research and thinking on stress historically. This will lead to a discussion of current models that are relied on in framing the topic of stress for research. However, it will be argued that only a weak link exists between current stress models and the actual reMarch 1989 • American Psychologist

行为金融经典论文investor psychology and security market under and overreactions

行为金融经典论文investor psychology and security market under and overreactions
Investor Psychology and Security Market Under- and Overreactions
KENT DANIEL, DAVID HIRSHLEIFER, and AVANIDHAR SUBRAHMANYAM* ABSTRACT We propose a theory of securities market under- and overreactions based on two well-known psychological biases: investor overconfidence about the precision of private information; and biased self-attribution, which causes asymmetric shifts in investors' confidence as a function of their investment outcomes. We show that overconfidence implies negative long-lag autocorrelations, excess volatility, and, when managerial actions are correlated with stock mispricing, public-event-based return predictability. Biased self-attribution adds positive short-lag autocorrelashort-run earnings "drift,"but negative correlation between tions ("momentum"), The future returns and long-term past stock market and accounting performrance. theory also offers several untested implications and implications for corporate financial policy.

The Relative Universality of Human Rights ), pp. 281-306

The Relative Universality of Human Rights ), pp. 281-306

The Relative Universality of Human Rights Donnelly, Jack.Human Rights Quarterly, Volume 29, Number 2, May 2007, pp.281-306 (Article)Published by The Johns Hopkins University PressDOI: 10.1353/hrq.2007.0016For additional information about this article Access Provided by University of Michigan @ Ann Arbor at 08/25/10 2:20PM GMT/journals/hrq/summary/v029/29.2donnelly.htmlHUMAN RIGHTS QUARTERLYHuman Rights Quarterly 29 (2007) 281–306 © 2007 by The Johns Hopkins University Press The Relative Universality of Human RightsJack Donnelly*AbSTRAcTHuman rights as an international political project are closely tied to claims of universality. Attacks on the universality of human rights, however, are also widespread. And some versions of universalism are indeed theoreti-cally indefensible, politically pernicious, or both. This essay explores the senses in which human rights can (and cannot) be said to be universal, the senses in which they are (and are not) relative, and argues for the “relative universality” of internationally recognized human rights.INTRodUcTIoNThis essay explores several different senses of “universal” human rights. I also consider, somewhat more briefly, several senses in which it might be held that human rights are “relative.” I defend what I call functional, international legal, and overlapping consensus universality. But I argue that what I call anthropological and ontological universality are empirically, philosophically, or politically indefensible. I also emphasize that universal human rights, properly understood, leave considerable space for national, regional, cultural particularity and other forms of diversity and relativity.* Jack Donnelly is the Andrew Mellon Professor at the Graduate School of International Stud-ies, University of Denver. The tone of this essay owes much to a long conversation with Daniel Bell and Joseph Chan in Japan nearly a decade ago. I thank them for the sort of deep engagement of funda-mental differences that represents one of the best and most exhilarating features of intellectual life. I also thank audiences at Y onsei University, Ritsumeikan University, and Occidental College, where earlier versions of this paper were presented, and more than two decades of students who have constantly pushed me to clarify, sharpen, and properly modulate my arguments.Vol. 29 282HUMAN RIGHTS QUARTERLYCultural relativism has probably been the most discussed issue in the theory of human rights. Certainly that is true in this journal. I have been an active participant in these debates for a quarter century, arguing for a form of universalism that also allows substantial space for important (second order) claims of relativism.1 I continue to insist on what I call the “relative univer-sality” of human rights. Here, however, I give somewhat more emphasis to the limits of the universal.In the 1980s, when vicious dictators regularly appealed to culture to justify their depredations, a heavy, perhaps even over-heavy, emphasis on universalism seemed not merely appropriate but essential. Today, human rights are backed by the world’s preponderant political, economic, and cultural powers and have become ideologically hegemonic in international society. Not only do few states today directly challenge international hu-man rights, a surprisingly small number even seriously contend that large portions of the Universal Declaration do not apply to them. An account that gives somewhat greater emphasis to the limits of universalism thus seems called for, especially now that American foreign policy regularly appeals to “universal” values in the pursuit of a global ideological war that flouts international legal norms.1. coNcEpTUAL ANd SUbSTANTIVE UNIVERSALITYWe can begin by distinguishing the conceptual universality implied by the very idea of human rights from substantive universality, the universality of a particular conception or list of human rights. Human rights, following the manifest literal sense of the term, are ordinarily understood to be the rights that one has simply because one is human. As such, they are equal rights, because we either are or are not human beings, equally. Human rights are also inalienable rights, because being or not being human usually is seen as an inalterable fact of nature, not something that is either earned or can1. Jack Donnelly, Human Rights and Human Dignity: An Analytic Critique of Non-West-ern Human Rights Conceptions, 76 A m. P ol. S cience R ev. 303–16 (1982); Jack Donnelly, Cultural Relativism and Universal Human Rights, 6 H um. R tS. Q. 400 (1984); J Ack D on-nelly, u niveRSAl H umAn R igHtS in t HeoRy AnD P RActice (Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 1989);Jack Donnelly, Traditional Values and Universal Human Rights: Caste in India, in A SiAn P eRSPectiveS on H umAn R igHtS(Claude E. Welch, Jr. & Virginia A. Leary 1990); Jack Don-nelly, Post-Cold War Reflections on International Human Rights, 8 e tHicS & i nt’l A ff. 97 (1994); Jack Donnelly, Conversing with Straw Men While Ignoring Dictators: A Reply to Roger Ames, 11 e tHicS & i nt’l A ff. 207 (1997); Jack Donnelly, Human Rights and Asian Values: A Defense of “Western” Universalism, in t He e ASt A SiAn c HAllenge foR H umAn R igHtS (Joanne R. Bauer & Daniel A. Bell eds. 1999); J Ack D onnelly, u niveRSAl H umAn R igHtS in t HeoRy AnD P RActice (2d ed. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 2003); Rhoda E. Howard & Jack Donnelly, Human Dignity, Human Rights and Political Regimes, 80 A m. P ol. S cience R ev.801 (1986).2007The Relative Universality of Human Rights283 be lost. Human rights are thus “universal” rights in the sense that they are held “universally” by all human beings. Conceptual universality is in effect just another way of saying that human rights are, by definition, equal and inalienable.Conceptual universality, however, establishes only that if there are any such rights, they are held equally/universally by all. It does not show that there are any such rights. Conceptually universal human rights may be so few in number or specified at such a high level of abstraction that they are of little practical consequence. And conceptual universality says nothing about the central question in most contemporary discussions of universal-ity, namely, whether the rights recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Human Rights Covenants are universal. This is a substantive question. It will be our focus here.2. UNIVERSAL poSSESSIoN NoT UNIVERSAL ENfoRcEMENT Defensible claims of universality, whether conceptual or substantive, are about the rights that we have as human beings. Whether everyone, or even anyone, enjoys these rights is another matter. In far too many countries today the state not only actively refuses to implement, but grossly and systematically violates, most internationally recognized human rights. And in all countries, significant violations of at least some human rights occur daily, although which rights are violated, and with what severity, varies dramatically.The global human rights regime relies on national implementation of internationally recognized human rights. Norm creation has been interna-tionalized. Enforcement of authoritative international human rights norms, however, is left almost entirely to sovereign states. The few and limited exceptions—most notably genocide, crimes against humanity, certain war crimes, and perhaps torture and arbitrary execution—only underscore the almost complete sovereign authority of states to implement human rights in their territories as they see fit.Except in the European regional regime, supranational supervisory bodies are largely restricted to monitoring how states implement their international human rights obligations. Transnational human rights NGOs and other national and international advocates engage in largely persuasive activity, aimed at changing the human rights practices of states. Foreign states are free to raise human rights violations as an issue of concern but have no authority to implement or enforce human rights within another state’s sov-ereign jurisdiction. The implementation and enforcement of universally held human rights thus is extremely relative, largely a function of where one has the (good or bad) fortune to live.Vol. 29 284HUMAN RIGHTS QUARTERLY3. HISToRIcAL oR ANTHRopoLoGIcAL UNIVERSALITY2Human rights are often held to be universal in the sense that most societies and cultures have practiced human rights throughout most of their history. “All societies cross-culturally and historically manifest conceptions of human rights.”3This has generated a large body of literature on so-called non-western conceptions of human rights. “In almost all contemporary Arab literature on this subject [human rights], we find a listing of the basic rights established by modern conventions and declarations, and then a serious attempt to trace them back to Koranic texts.”4“It is not often remembered that traditional African societies supported and practiced human rights.”5 “Protection of hu-man rights is an integral part” of the traditions of Asian societies.6 “All the countries [of the Asian region] would agree that ‘human rights’ as a concept existed in their tradition.”7 Even the Hindu caste system has been described as a “traditional, multidimensional view[s] of human rights.”8 Such claims to historical or anthropological universality confuse values such as justice, fairness, and humanity need with practices that aim to re-alize those values. Rights—entitlements that ground claims with a special force—are a particular kind of social practice. Human rights—equal and inalienable entitlements of all individuals that may be exercised against the state and society—are a distinctive way to seek to realize social values such as justice and human flourishing. There may be considerable his-torical/anthropological universality of values across time and culture. No society, civilization, or culture prior to the seventeenth century, however,2. This section draws directly from and summarizes D onnelly, u niveRSAl H umAn R igHtS int HeoRy AnD P RActice (2d ed.), supra note 1, at ch. 5.3. Adamantia Pollis & Peter Schwab, Human Rights: A Western Construct with LimitedApplicability, in H umAn R igHtS: c ultuRAl AnD i DeologicAl P eRSPectiveS1, 15 (Adamantia Pollis & Peter Schwab eds., 1979);compare Makau Mutua, The Banjul Charter and the African Cultural Fingerprint: An Evaluation of the Language of Duties, 35 v iRginA J.i nt’l l. 339, at 358 (1995); David R. Penna & Patricia J. Campbell, Human Rights andCulture: Beyond Universality and Relativism, 19 t HiRD W oRlD Q. 7, at 21 (1998).4. Fouad Zakaria, Human Rights in the Arab World: The Islamic Context, in P HiloSoPHicAlf ounDAtionS of H umAn R igHtS 227, 228 (UNESCO ed., 1986).5. Dunstan M. Wai, Human Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa, in H umAn R igHtS: c ultuRAl AnDi DeologicAl P eRSPectiveS115, 116 (Adamantia Pollis & Peter Schwab eds., 1979).6. Ibrahim Anwar, Special Address presented at the JUST International Conference: Rethink-ing Human Rights (7 Dec 1994) in H umAn W RongS277 (1994).7. Radhika Coomaraswamy, Human Rights Research and Education: An Asian Perspective,in i nteRnAtionAl c ongReSS on tHe t eAcHing of H umAn R igHtS: W oRking D ocumentS AnD R ecom-menDAtionS 224 (UNESCO ed., 1980).8. Ralph Buultjens, Human Rights in Indian Political Culture, in t He m oRAl i mPeRAtiveS ofH umAn R igHtS: A W oRlD S uRvey109, 113 (Kenneth W. Thompson ed., 1980);compareY ougindra Khushalani, Human Rights in Asia and Africa,4 H um. R tS. l. J.403, 408 (1983); m Ax l. S tAckHouSe, c ReeDS, S ociety, AnD H umAn R igHtS: A S tuDy in t HRee c ultuReS (1984).2007The Relative Universality of Human Rights285 had a widely endorsed practice, or even vision, of equal and inalienable individual human rights.9For example, Dunstan Wai argues that traditional African beliefs and institutions “sustained the ‘view that certain rights should be upheld against alleged necessities of state.’”10 This confuses human rights with limited gov-ernment.11 Government has been limited on a variety of grounds other than human rights, including divine commandment, legal rights, and extralegal checks such as a balance of power or the threat of popular revolt.“[T]he concept of human rights concerns the relationship between the individual and the state; it involves the status, claims, and duties of the former in the jurisdiction of the latter. As such, it is a subject as old as politics.”12 Not all political relationships, however, are governed by, related to, or even consistent with, human rights. What the state owes those it rules is indeed a perennial question of politics. Human rights provide one answer. Other answers include divine right monarchy, the dictatorship of the proletariat, the principle of utility, aristocracy, theocracy, and democracy.“[D]ifferent civilizations or societies have different conceptions of hu-man well-being. Hence, they have a different attitude toward human rights issues.”13 Even this is misleading. Other societies may have (similar or differ-ent) attitudes toward issues that we consider today to be matters of human rights. But without a widely understood concept of human rights endorsed or advocated by some important segment of that society, it is hard to imagine that they could have any attitude toward human rights. And it is precisely the idea of equal and inalienable rights that one has simply because one is a human being that was missing not only in traditional Asian, African, Islamic, but in traditional Western, societies as well.9. For detailed support for this claim, see D onnelly, u niveRSAl H umAn R igHtS in t HeoRy AnDP RActice (2d ed.), supra note 1, at ch. 5; R HoDA e. H oWARD, H umAn R igHtS in c ommonWeAltHA fRicA, at ch. 2(1986).10. Wai, supra note 5, at 116.11. Compare Asmarom Legesse, Human Rights in African Political Culture, in t He m oRAli mPeRAtiveS of H umAn R igHtS: A W oRlD S uRvey123, 125–27 (Kenneth W. Thompson ed.,1980); Nana Kusi Appea Busia, Jr., The Status of Human Rights in Pre-Colonial Africa: Implications for Contemporary Practices, in A fRicA, H umAn R igHtS, AnD tHe g lobAl S yStem: t He P oliticAl e conomy of H umAn R igHtS in A c HAnging W oRlD 225, 231 (Eileen McCarthy-Arnolds, David R. Penna, & Debra Joy Cruz Sobrepeña eds., 1994); for non-African examples, Abdul Aziz Said, Precept and Practice of Human Rights in Islam, 1 u niveRSAlH um. R tS. 63, 65 (1979); Raul Manglapus, Human Rights are Not a Western Discovery,4 W oRlDvieW(1978); Adamantia Pollis & Peter Schwab, Introduction, in H umAn R igHtS:c ultuRAl AnD i DeologicAl P eRSPectiveS xiii, xiv (Adamantia Pollis & Peter Schwab eds.,1979).12. Hung-Chao Tai, Human Rights in Taiwan: Convergence of Two Political Cultures?, inH umAn R igHtS in e ASt A SiA: A c ultuRAl P eRSPective 77, 79 (James C. Hsiung ed., 1985).13. Manwoo Lee, North Korea and the Western Notion of Human Rights, in H umAn R igHtSin e ASt A SiA: A c ultuRAl P eRSPective 129, 131 (James C. Hsiung ed., 1985).Vol. 29 286HUMAN RIGHTS QUARTERLYThe ancient Greeks notoriously distinguished between Hellenes and barbarians, practiced slavery, denied basic rights to foreigners, and (by our standards) severely restricted the rights of even free adult (male) citizens. The idea that all human beings had equal and inalienable basic rights was equally foreign to Athens and Sparta, Plato and Aristotle, Homer, Hesiod, Aeschylus, Euripides, Aristophanes, and Thucydides. Much the same is true of ancient Rome, both as a republic and as an empire. In medieval Europe, where the spiritual egalitarianism and universality of Christianity expressed itself in deeply inegalitarian politics, the idea of equal legal and political rights for all human beings, had it been seriously contemplated, would have been seen as a moral abomination, a horrid transgression against God’s order.In the “pre-modern” world, both Western and non-Western alike, the duty of rulers to further the common good arose not from the rights (entitle-ments) of all human beings, or even all subjects, but from divine command-ment, natural law, tradition, or contingent political arrangements. The people could legitimately expect to benefit from the obligations of their rulers to rule justly. Neither in theory nor in practice, though, did they have human rights that could be exercised against unjust rulers. The reigning ideas were natural law and natural right (in the sense of righteousness or rectitude) not natural or human rights (in the sense of equal and inalienable individual entitlements).Many arguments of anthropological universality are inspired by an admirable desire to show cultural sensitivity and respect. In fact they do no such thing. Rather, they misunderstand and misrepresent the foundations and functioning of the societies in question by anachronistically imposing an alien analytical framework.I am not claiming that Islam, Confucianism, or traditional African ideas cannot support internationally recognized human rights. Quite the contrary, I argue below that in practice today they increasingly do support human rights. My point is simply that Islamic, Confucian, and African societies did not in fact develop significant bodies of human rights ideas or practices prior to the twentieth century. The next section offers an explanation for this fact.4. fUNcTIoNAL UNIVERSALITYNatural or human rights ideas first developed in the modern West. A full-fledged natural rights theory is evident in John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government, published in 1689 in support of the so-called Glorious Revolu-tion. The American and French Revolutions first used such ideas to construct new political orders.1414. J oHn l ocke, t Wo t ReAtiSe on g oveRnment (London, W. Wilson 1821) (1689).2007The Relative Universality of Human Rights287 The social-structural “modernity” of these ideas and practices, however, not their cultural “Westernness,” deserves emphasis.15 Human rights ideas and practices arose not from any deep Western cultural roots but from the social, economic, and political transformations of modernity. They thus have relevance wherever those transformations have occurred, irrespective of the pre-existing culture of the place.Nothing in classical or medieval culture specially predisposed Europeans to develop human rights ideas. Even early modern Europe, when viewed without the benefit of hindsight, seemed a particularly unconducive cultural milieu for human rights. No widely endorsed reading of Christian scriptures supported the idea of a broad set of equal and inalienable individual rights held by all Christians, let alone all human beings. Violent, often brutal, in-ternecine and international religious warfare was the norm. The divine right of kings was the reigning orthodoxy.Nonetheless, in early modern Europe, ever more powerful and pen-etrating (capitalist) markets and (sovereign, bureaucratic) states disrupted, destroyed, or radically transformed “traditional” communities and their systems of mutual support and obligation. Rapidly expanding numbers of (relatively) separate families and individuals were thus left to face a grow-ing range of increasingly unbuffered economic and political threats to their interests and dignity. New “standard threats” to human dignity provoked new remedial responses.16The absolutist state offered a society organized around a monarchist hier-archy justified by a state religion. The newly emergent bourgeoisie envisioned a society in which the claims of property balanced those of birth. And as “modernization” progressed, an ever widening range of dispossessed groups advanced claims for relief from injustices and disabilities. Such demands took many forms, including appeals to scripture, church, morality, tradition, justice, natural law, order, social utility, and national strength. Claims of equal and inalienable natural/human rights, however, became increasingly central. And the successes of some groups opened political space for others to advance similar claims for their equal rights.The spread of modern markets and states has globalized the same threats to human dignity initially experienced in Europe. Human rights represent the most effective response yet devised to a wide range of standard threats to human dignity that market economies and bureaucratic states have made 15. See D onnelly, u niveRSAl H umAn R igHtS in t HeoRy AnD P RActice (2d ed.), supra note 1, at ch.4; compare Michael Goodhart, Origins and Universality in the Human Rights Debate: Cultural Essentialism and the Challenge of Globalization, 25 H um. R tS. Q. 935 (2003).A RvinD S HARmA, A Re H umAn R igHtS W eSteRn in o Rigin? A c ontRibution to tHe D iAlogue ofc ivilizAtionS(2006) extensively and critically explores the wide variety of senses in whichhuman rights have been held to be “Western.”16. H enRy S Hue, b ASic R igHtS: S ubSiStence, A ffluence, AnD u.S. f oReign P olicy 29–34 (1980).Vol. 29 288HUMAN RIGHTS QUARTERLYnearly universal across the globe. Human rights today remain the only proven effective means to assure human dignity in societies dominated by markets and states. Although historically contingent and relative, this functional universality fully merits the label universal—for us, today.Arguments that another state, society, or culture has developed plausible and effective alternative mechanisms for protecting or realizing human dig-nity in the contemporary world deserve serious attention. Today, however, such claims, when not advanced by repressive elites and their supporters, usually refer to an allegedly possible world that no one yet has had the good fortune to experience.The functional universality of human rights depends on human rights providing attractive remedies for some of the most pressing systemic threats to human dignity. Human rights today do precisely that for a growing number of people of all cultures in all regions. Whatever our other problems, we all must deal with market economies and bureaucratic states. Whatever our other religious, moral, legal, and political resources, we all need equal and inalienable universal human rights to protect us from those threats.5. INTERNATIoNAL LEGAL UNIVERSALITYIf this argument is even close to correct, we ought to find widespread active endorsement of internationally recognized human rights. Such endorsement is evident in international human rights law, giving rise to what I will call international legal universality. The foundational international legal instru-ment is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The 1993 World Human Rights Conference, in the first operative paragraph of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, asserted that “the universal nature of these rights and freedoms is beyond question.”Virtually all states accept the authority of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. For the purposes of international relations, human rights today means, roughly, the rights in the Universal Declaration. Those rights have been further elaborated in a series of widely ratified treaties. As of 6 December 2006, the six core international human rights treaties (on civil and political rights, economic, social, and cultural rights, racial discrimination, women, torture, and children) had an average 168 parties, which represents a truly impressive 86 percent ratification rate.17Although this international legal universality operates in significant mea-sure at an elite interstate level, it has come to penetrate much more deeply. Movements for social justice and of political opposition have increasingly17. Ratification data is available at /english/countries/ratification/index.htm and /english/bodies/docs/status.pdf.2007The Relative Universality of Human Rights289 adopted the language of human rights. Growing numbers of new interna-tional issues, ranging from migration, to global trade and finance, to access to pharmaceuticals are being framed as issues of human rights.18 States that systematically violate internationally recognized human rights do not lose their legitimacy in international law. Except in cases of genocide, sovereignty still ultimately trumps human rights. But protecting internationally recognized human rights is increasingly seen as a precondi-tion of full political legitimacy. Consider Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe. Even China has adopted the language (although not too much of the practice) of internationally recognized human rights, seemingly as an inescapable precondition to its full recognition as a great power.International legal universality, like functional universality, is contingent and relative. It depends on states deciding to treat the Universal Declaration and the Covenants as authoritative. Tomorrow, they may no longer accept or give as much weight to human rights. Today, however, they clearly have chosen, and continue to choose, human rights over competing conceptions of national and international political legitimacy.6. oVERLAppING coNSENSUS UNIVERSALITYInternational legal universality is incompletely but significantly replicated at the level of moral or political theory. John Rawls distinguishes “comprehen-sive religious, philosophical, or moral doctrines,” such as Islam, Kantianism, Confucianism, and Marxism, from “political conceptions of justice,” which address only the political structure of society, defined (as far as possible) in-dependent of any particular comprehensive doctrine.19 Adherents of different comprehensive doctrines may be able to reach an “overlapping consensus” on a political conception of justice.20Such a consensus is overlapping; partial rather than complete. It is politi-cal rather than moral or religious. Rawls developed the notion to understand how “there can be a stable and just society whose free and equal citizens are deeply divided by conflicting and even incommensurable religious, philo-sophical, and moral doctrines.”21 The idea, however, has obvious extensions to a culturally and politically diverse international society.2218. A liSon b RySk, H umAn R igHtS AnD P RivAte W RongS: c onStRucting g lobAl c ivil S ociety(2005).19. J oHn R AWlS, t He l AW of P eoPleS xliii–xlv, 11–15, 174–76 (1999); J oHn R AWlS, P oliticAl l ib-eRAliSm 31–33, 172–73 (1993).20. R AWlS, P oliticAl l ibeRAliSm,supra note 19, at 133–72, 385–96.21. Id. at 133.22. R AWlS, t He l AW of P eoPleS,supra note 19. Rawls’ own extension involves both a widerpolitical conception of justice and a narrower list of internationally recognized human rights. The account offered here is Rawlsian in inspiration but not that of John Rawls.Human rights can be grounded in a variety of comprehensive doctrines. For example, they can be seen as encoded in the natural law, called for by divine commandment, political means to further human good or utility, or institutions to produce virtuous citizens. Over the past few decades more and more adherents of a growing range of comprehensive doctrines in all regions of the world have come to endorse human rights—(but only) as a political conception of justice.23It is important to remember that virtually all Western religious and philosophical doctrines through most of their history have either rejected or ignored human rights. Today, however, most adherents of most Western comprehensive doctrines endorse human rights. And if the medieval Christian world of crusades, serfdom, and hereditary aristocracy could become today’s world of liberal and social democratic welfare states, it is hard to think of a place where a similar transformation is inconceivable.Consider claims that “Asian values” are incompatible with internation-ally recognized human rights.24 Asian values—like Western values, African values, and most other sets of values—can be, and have been, understood as incompatible with human rights. But they also can be and have been interpreted to support human rights, as they regularly are today in Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea. And political developments in a growing number of Asian countries suggest that ordinary people and even governments are increasingly viewing human rights as a contemporary political expression of their deepest ethical, cultural, and political values and aspirations.2523. Heiner Bielefeldt, “Western” versus “Islamic” Human Rights Conceptions?: A Critique ofCultural Essentialism in the Discussion on Human Rights, 28 P ol. t HeoRy90 (2000) makesa similar argument for overlapping consensus universality, illustrated by a discussionof recent trends in Islamic thinking on human rights. See also Ashwani Kumar Peetush, Cultural Diversity, Non-Western Communities, and Human Rights, 34 P HiloSoPHicAl f oRum1 (2003), which deals with South Asian views. Vincanne Adams, Suffering the Winds ofLhasa: Politicized Bodies, Human Rights, Cultural Difference, and Humanism in Tibet, 12 m eD. A ntHRoPology Q. 74 (1998) presents an account of the suffering of Tibetan women activists that stresses their instrumental adoption of human rights ideas to grapple with injustices and suffering that they understand in very different terms. For a looser account of cross-cultural consensus, see H umAn R igHtS in c RoSS-c ultuRAl P eRSPectiveS: A Q ueSt foRc onSenSuS (Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im ed. 1992).24. A ntHony J. l AngloiS, t He P oliticS of J uStice AnD H umAn R igHtS(2001) offers perhaps thebest overview. H umAn R igHtS AnD A SiAn v AlueS: c onteSting n AtionAl i DentitieS AnD c ultuRAl R ePReSentAtionS in A SiA(Michael Jacobsen & Ole Bruun eds., 2000); t He e ASt A SiAn c HAllenge foR H umAn R igHtS, supra note 1, are good collections of essays.25. “Confucians can make sense of rights out of the resources of their own tradition.” MaySim, A Confucian Approach to Human Rights, 21 H iSt. P Hil. Q. 337, 338 (2004). Compare Joseph Chan, Moral Autonomy, Civil Liberties, and Confucianism, 52 P Hil. e ASt & W eSt 281 (2002); Joseph Chan, Confucian Perspective on Human Rights for Contemporary China, in t He e ASt A SiAn c HAllenge foR H umAn R igHtS, supra note 1. On Confucianism and modern social and political practices, see c onfuciAniSm foR tHe m oDeRn W oRlD (Daniel A.Bell & Hahm Chaibong eds., 2003).。

Individual Learner Differences

Individual Learner Differences

Individual Learning Techniques
• First group—those involved in studying the L2 • Techniques used to develop vocabulary in the L2(Naiman et al.1978; Pickett 1978) • 1.Peparing and memorizing vocabulary lists. • 2.Learning words in context
Personal Factors
• The methodological problem has been solved in two ways. • First, through the use of diary studies. • e.g. Schumann1977;F.Schumann1980; Bailey1980&1983. • Second, by using questionnaires and interviews. • e.g. Pickett1978; Naiman et al.1978
Personal factors
• The aim of this chapter is to examine the relationship between factors (including personality, motivation, learning style, aptitude, age)and second language acquisition(SLA).
Personal Factors
• One, the subject tend to say what they think the researcher wants to hear, or indulge in self-flattery. • Two, such techniques can reveal only those factors of which the learner is conscious. • Both the diary studies and the questionnaires/interviews have provided insights into the personal nature of language learning ,particularly classroom language learning.

中文翻译-what constitutes a theoretical contribution

中文翻译-what constitutes a theoretical contribution

























Linguistic relativity stems from a question about the relationship between language and thought, about whether one's language determines the way one thinks. This question has given birth to a wide array of research within a variety of different disciplines, especially anthropology, cognitive science, linguistics, and philosophy. Among the most popular and controversial theories in this area of scholarly work is the theory of linguistic relativity(also known as the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis). An often cited "strong version" of the claim, first given by Lenneberg in 1953 proposes that the structure of our language in some way determines the way we perceive the world. A weaker version of this claim posits that language structure influences the world view adopted by the speakers of a given language, but does not determine it.[1]由萨丕尔-沃尔夫假设的这种强假设可以得出这样的结论:根本没有真正的翻译,学习者也不可能学会另一种文化区的语言,除非他抛弃了他自己的思维模式,并习得说目的语的本族语者的思维模式。



互为因果的计量证明英文回答:Mutual causality is a complex concept that has been studied by philosophers, scientists, and social scientists for centuries. It refers to the idea that two or more events or factors can cause each other, creating a feedback loop. This can be a difficult concept to understand, as it seems to violate the principle of causality, which states that every event has a single cause.However, there are a number of examples of mutual causality in the world. One example is the relationship between poverty and crime. On the one hand, poverty can lead to crime, as people who are desperate for money may turn to crime in order to survive. On the other hand, crime can also lead to poverty, as people who are convicted of crimes may lose their jobs and have difficulty finding new ones. This creates a feedback loop, where poverty and crime both contribute to each other.Another example of mutual causality is the relationship between climate change and war. On the one hand, climate change can lead to war, as people who are displaced by climate change may become refugees and end up in conflict with the local population. On the other hand, war can also lead to climate change, as the burning of fossil fuels and the use of other military technologies can release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This creates a feedback loop, where climate change and war both contribute to each other.Mutual causality is a complex concept, but it is an important one to understand. It can help us to see how different factors in the world are interconnected, and how they can influence each other.中文回答:互为因果是一种复杂的观念,几个世纪以来一直受到哲学家、科学家和社会科学家的研究。

吉尔特 霍夫斯塔德

吉尔特 霍夫斯塔德

G·霍夫斯坦德教授对世界五十多个国家的文化进行过调查、分析、比较。在国际学术领域,G·霍夫斯坦德 教授被视为研究文化差异及文化差异如何影响管理策略的权威。他说:“在全球经济一体化中,世界各公司的策 略都着重发展如何能够满足最大市场、最多顾客的产品及其服务。而对不同文化及价值观的研究,是此类策略成 功的关键。”霍夫斯坦德说过:企业文化是一种软的、以完整主义理论为依据的观念,但其结果是坚实的。他曾 经称其为“一个组织的心理资产,可以用来预测这个组织的金融资产在5年内将会发生什么变化”。而国内则有人 称“企业文化譬若水势,可载舟亦可覆舟”,可见企业文化在一个企业中所具有的无形效力。企业文化则是企业 在生产经营实践中,逐步形成的,为全体员工所认同并遵守的、带有本组织特点的使命、愿景、宗旨、精神、价 值观和经营理念,以及这些理念在生产经营实践、管理制度、员工行为方式与企业对外形象的体现的总和。它与 文教、科研、军事等组织的文化性质是不同的。企业文化是企业的灵魂,是推动企业发展的不竭动力。它包含着 非常丰富的内容,其核心是企业的精神和价值观。这里的价值观不是泛指企业管理中的各种文化现象,而是企业 或企业中的员工在从事商品生产与经营中所持有的价值观念。
个人主义是指一个松散的社会结构,假定其中的人们都只关心自己和最亲密的家庭成员;而集体主义则是在 一个紧密的社会结构中人们分为内部群体与外部群体,人们期望自己所在的那个内部群体照顾自己,而自己则对 这个内部群体绝对忠诚。
所谓“不确定性的规避”,是指“一个社会对不确定和模糊态势所感到的威胁程度,试图保障职业安全,制 订更为正式的规则,拒绝越轨的观点和行为,相信绝对忠诚和专业知识来规避上述态势。
权力差距在组织管理中常常与集权程度、领导和决策在一起。在一个高权力差距的组织中,下属常常趋于依 赖其领导人,在这种情况下,管理者常常采取集权化决策方式,管理者做决策,下属接受并执行。而在低权力差 距的组织中,管理者与下属之间,只保持一个较低程度的权力差距,下属则广泛参与影响他们工作行为的决策。



1. However, none of these high-technology methods are of anyvalueif the sites to which they are applied have never mineralized, and tomaximize the chances of discovery the explorer must therefore payparticular attention to selecting the ground formations most likely tobemineralized.但是,如果这些方法所应用的地点没有被矿化的话那么这些高科技方法就毫无价值。


2. Rather,the coincidence of increased United States governmentantidiscrimination pressure in the mid-1960s with theacceleration inthe rate of black economic progress beginning in 1965argues againstthe community theorists 'view.20世纪60年代中期,美国政府反对歧视的压力不断升高,与此同时,从1965 年开始,黑人经济状况改善的步伐越来越快。


3. Although at first the colonies held little positive attractionfor theEnglish—they would rather have stayed home—by the eighteenth century people increasingly migrated to America because theyregarded it as the land ofopportunity.虽然起初对于英国人来说没有什么正面的吸引力,他们宁愿呆在家里,但是到了18 世纪的时候,越来越多的人移民到美国,因为他们将美国视为一片充满机会的土地。



2023年考研英语二真题及答案(考生回忆版)1.A:purchaseB:profitC:connectionD:bet答案:A2.A DefineB.PredictC.PrioritizeD.Appreciate答案:B3.A.exclusivelyB.temporarilyC.potentiallyD.initially答案:C4.A.ExperimentB.ProposalC.DebateD.Example答案:D5.A.DenticalB.MarginalC.ProvisionalD.Traditional答案:A6.A RumorB.SecretC.MythD Problem答案:D7.A DespiteB.UnlikeC.ThroughD Beside答案:D8A.moreoverB.HoweverC.ThereforeD.Again答案:A9A.inspectedB.createdC.expandedD.reformed答案:B10.A.CulturalB.ObjectiveC.FreshD.Personal答案:B11.A.EndB.BurdenckD.Decrease答案:C12.A.PolicuyB.SuggestionC.PurposeD.Insight答案:C13.A.ContributingB.AllocatingC.PromotingD.Transforming 答案:D14.A.As a resultB.At any rateC.By the wayD.In a sense 答案:A15.A.UniteB.FinanceC.FollowD.Cloose答案:A16.A.shareB.identifyC.divideD.broaden答案:C17.A.AnnouncementB.AssessmentC.AdjustmentD.Accomplishment答案:C18.A.FamousB.ResponsibleC.AvailableD.Respective答案:B19.A.BeforeB.onceC.whileD.unless答案:C20.A.serveB.limitC.summerizeD.alter答案:D21.the RHS thinks that plastic grassA. is harmful to the environment.B. is a hot topic in gardening circles.C. is overpraised in ruining the view of WEST London.答案:A22.the petitions mentioned in para 3reveal the campaigner'sA.disapoint with the RHSB.resistance too fake grass useC.anger over the proposed taxD.concern about real grass supply答案:B23、In para 4,supporters of fake grasspoint outA.the necessity to lower the costs of fakegrass.B.the cdisadvantages of groeing realgrass.D、the challenges of iinsect habitat protection.24.what would the government do withregard to artificial grass?A.urge legislation to restrict itsuse.B.take measures to guarantee its qualityC.remind its users to obey existing rules.D.replace it with suatainable alternatives25.It can be learned from the text thatfake being improved continuous;yB.has been a market share becoming affordableD.has been a controversial product阅读理解It's easy to dismiss as absurd the Trump administration's ideas for plugging the chronic funding gap of our national parks. Can anyone really think it's a good idea to allow Amazon deliveries to your tent in Yosemite or food trucks to line up under the redwood trees at Sequoia National Park? But the administration is right about one thing: U.S.national parks are in crisis. Collectively,they have a maintenance backlog of more than $12 billion. Roads,trails, restrooms, visitor centers and other infrastructure are crumbling.But privatizing and commercializing the campgrounds would not be the panacea that the Interior Department's Outdoor Advisory Committee would have us believe. Campgrounds are a tiny portion of the overall infrastructure backlog, and concessionaires in the parks hand over on average only about 5% of their revenues to the National Park Service. Moreover,increased privatization would certainly undercut one of the maior reasons why 300 million visitors come to the parks each year: to enjoy nature and get a respite from the commercial drumbeat that overwhelms daily lite.The real problem is that the parks have been chronically starved of funding. We conducted a comprehensive survey examining how U.S. residents view their national parks,and we found that Americans place a very high value on them ——whether or not they actually visit them. The peer-reviewed economic survey of 700 U.S.taxpayers, conducted by mail and internet also found that people would be willing to pay a significant amount of money to make sure the parks and their programs are kept intact. Some 81% of respondents said they would be willing to pay additional taxes for the next 10 years to avoid any cuts to the national parks.The national parks provide great value to U.S residents both as places to escape and as symbols of nature. On top of this, they produce value from their extensive educational programs, their positive impact on the climate through carbon sequestration,their contribution to our cultural and artistic life, and of course through tourism. The parks also help keep America' s past alive, working with thousands of local jurisdictions around the country to protect historical sites ——including Ellis Island and Gettysburg——and to bring the stories of these places to life. The parks do all this on a shoestring. Congress allocates only S3 billion a year to the national park system — an amount that has been flat since 2001 (in inflation-adjusted dollars) with the exception of a onetime boost in 2009 as part of the Obama stimulus package. Meanwhile, the number of annual visitors has increased by more than 50% since 1980,and now stands at 330 million visitors per year.26.What problem are us national parks faced with?A.decline of business profitsB.inadequate commercializationck of transportation servicesD.poorly maintained infractructure答案:D27.Increased privatization of the campground mayA.spoil visitor preserve natureC.bring operational pressureD.boost visits to parks答案:A28、According to paragraphs5 most respondents in the survey wouldA、go to the national parks on a regular basisB、advocate a bigger budget for the national parksC、agree to pay extra for the national parksD、support the national parks'rrecent reforms答案:C29、The national parks are valuable in that theyA.lead the way in tourismB.have historical significanceC.sponsor research on climateD.provide an income for the locals答案:B30、It can be conclude from the text that the nationalpark able to cope with staff able to meet visitor' in need of a new pricing in need of a funding increase答案:D31.It can be learned from the first two paragraphs that dark patternsA、iimprove user expenenceB、leak user information for profitC、undermine users'decision-makingD、remind users of hidden costs32.The 2019 study on dark patterns is mentioned to showA、their major flawsB、their complex designsC、their severe damageD、their strong presence33.To handle digital deception,businesses shouldA、listen to customer feedbackB、talk with relevant teamsC、turn to independent agenciesD、rely on professional training34.The additional regulations under the CCPA are intended toA、guide users through opt-out processesB、protect consumers from being trickedC、grant companies data privacy rightsD、restrict access to problematic content35、According to the last paragraph,a key to copingwith dark patterns isA、new legal requirementsB、businesses'self-disciplineC、strict regulatory standardsD、consumers'safety awareness36.Scientists generally believe that the effects of ethics classes areA、hard to determineB、narrowly interpretedC、difficult to ignoreD、poorly summarized37.Which of the following is a reason for the researchers to study meat-eating?A、It is common among students.B、It is a behavior easy to measure.C、It is important to students'healthD、It is a hot topic in ethics classes.38,Eric Schwitzgebel's previous findings suggest that ethics professorsA、are seldom critical of their studentsB、are less sociable than other professorsC、are not sensitive to political issuesD、are not necessarily ethically better39、Nina Strohminger thinks that the effect of the intervention isA、permanentB、predictableC、uncertainD、unrepeatable40.Eric Schwitzgebel suspects that the students'changein behaviorA、can bring psychological benefitsB、can be analyzed statisticallyC、is a result of multiple factorsD、is a sign of self-development阅读理解Directions:Read the following text and answer the questions by finding information from the left column that corresponds to each of the marked details given in the right column.There are two extra choices in the right column.Mark your answers on the ANSWERSHEET(10 points)Net-zero rules set to send cost of new homes andextensions soaring. Now building regulations aimed at improving energy efficiency are set to increase the price of new homes as well as those of extensions and loft conversions on existing ones.The rules,which came into effect on Wednesdayin England are part of government plans to reduce the UK's carbon emissions to net zero by 2050. The moves are the most significant change to building regulations in years,and industry experts say they will inevitably lead to higher prices at a time when a shortage of materials and high labour costs are already driving up bills.Brian Berry,chief executive of the Federation of Master Builders,says the measures will require new materials,testing methods.Gareth Belsham of surveyors Naismiths,says people who are upgrading or extending their home,will be directing affected.Windows and doors will have to adhere to higherstandards.Thomas Goodman,of MyJobQuote,says this willbrig in new restrictions for extensions.As the rules come into effect last Wednesday property developers Builders which have costed projects,but have not filed the paperwork,my Materials prices are already up 25%in the last two years.John Kelly,a construction lawyer at Freeths lawfirm believes prices will eventually come down.However,the long-tern effects of the changes willbe more comfortable.41.Briam Beny42.Gareth Belsham43.Marous Jefford44.John kelly45.Andrew MellorA.the rise of home prices is a temporary matter.B.Builders possibly need to submit newestimates of their....C.There will be specific limits on home extesibusto premit heat lossD.The new rules will take home price to an evenhigher levelE.Many people feel that home prices are alreadybeyond what they can afford.F.The new rules will affect people whose homeextensious include new windows or doorsG.The changes will benefit homeownerseventually.翻译46.Directions:Translate the following text into Chinese. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.(15 points)In the late 18th century,William Wordsworth became famous for his poems about nature. And he was one of the founders of a movement called Romanticism,which celebrated the wonders of the natural world.Poetry is powerful. lts energy and rhythm can capture a reader,transport them to another world and make them see things differently. Through carefull selected words and phrases,poems can be dramatic,funny,beautiful,moving and inspiring .No one knows for sure when poetry began but ithas been around for thousands of years,even before people could write. It was a way to tell stories and pass down history. It is closely related to song and even when written it is usually created to be performed out loud. Poems really come to life when they are recited.This can also help with understanding them too,because the rhythm and sounds of the words become clearer.18世纪晚期,威廉·华兹华斯因其关于自然的诗歌而闻名。

















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Causality,Indirect Effects and TriggersPreliminary ReportJavier A.PintoDepartamento de Ciencia de la Computaci´o n,Escuela de Ingenier´ıa,PontificiaUniversidad Cat´o lica de Chile,Casilla306,Santiago,CHILEjpinto@AbstractCausality plays an essential role in reasoning about actions,and much of the research on the area deals with the problemof formalizing causality.In this article we pursue the idea thatcausality can be understood as an abstraction,and that onecan write theories in which causality can be left implicit inthe formalization of dynamic worlds.In particular,we iden-tify one form of causality,which we call triggered causality,and illustrate it with a simple standard example taken fromthe literature on ter,we relate our approach tocausality to the one proposed by Lin in his recent research.We establish the proposition that,for a restricted class of the-ories based on explicit causation,it is possible tofind a trans-lation of a causal theory into a theory with embedded causa-tion and triggers.Introduction.In a recent article(Pinto1998c)we proposed to treat causa-tion as an abstraction that can be extracted from theories ofaction as opposed to treat it as a primitive notion from whichtheories of action should be built.Furthermore,we postu-lated that causation is an abstraction that hides a complexor unknown reality.For instance,the statement“cigarettesmoking may cause cancer,”should not be taken to meanthat the act of smoking sometimes has cancer as a directconsequence.Rather,it states that,by some complex pro-cess,that we do not care,or are not prepared to elaborate,cigarette smoking leads to a state in which cancer may de-velop.Research in Knowledge Representation has led to the dis-covery of several problems that are inherent to the enter-prise of building theories of action.In(Pinto1998c)we dis-cussed the modeling of indeterminate actions and the rami-fication problem.In this article,we elaborate on our discus-sion of the ramification problem(Ginsberg&Smith1988;Lin&Reiter1994;Kartha&Lifschitz1994;Thielscher1997);i.e.,the problem that arises when one needs to rea-son about indirect effects of actions.For example,flippinga switch might turn a light off,making the room dark.How-ever,the indirect effect,like causality,cannot be used in theThe Modeling ApproachIn this article we explore the consequences of viewing cau-sation as an abstract notion.In particular,if one models a particular dynamic reality,and the model fails to give the expected results,the reason might be that the level of ab-straction used for the model is too coarse.Instead of in-troducing explicit causality and minimization to differenti-ate between good and bad models of a theory,we change the level of description allowed by the language,and re-build the theory accordingly.We discuss a simple example used in the research literature on the ramification problem (for example,(Kartha&Lifschitz1994;Thielscher1997; Gr¨u nwald1998)).Our treatment of the switches example can also be applied to other classical problems used to il-lustrate the ramification problem;for instance Lin’s suitcase example(Lin1995)and the stuffy room example of Ginsberg and Smith’s(Ginsberg&Smith1988).A common approach to the representation of knowledge about dynamic worlds recognizes actions/events and states to be primitive classes of objects in the world.States can also be associated with metric time.In this article,we work in the Situation Calculus tradition(McCarthy&Hayes 1969).In particular,we work with an extended Situation Calculus that incorporates several essential notions,like ac-tion occurrence and concurrency.Theories of action are written in the Situation Calculus taking the following notion of a situation:A situation is a sequence of actions,along with an initial situation(S0).The state of the world in any given situation is described with a set offluents(properties), whose truth values do not change within a situation. Thesefluents describe the state of the world after per-forming the sequence of actions that lead to the situa-tion,starting in S0.Thefluents may be called static,because their truth values do not change within a situation.However,flu-ents may also describe a dynamic situation.For ex-ample,afluent could represent the assertion“the ball is falling due to the gravitational attraction to earth.”These assertions can hold throughout the state of a sit-uation.At the heart of the situation calculus ontology is the notion of action.The world changes from one situation to another as the result of executing actions.In particular,we consider that:Actions are instantaneous.Actions with durations can be modeled as pairs of instantaneous actions;one action starts the action with duration,and the other ends it.This approach to represent actions with durations is discussed in(Baier&Pinto1998).Actions can be initiated by agents or they can be natural.Natural actions are triggered by nature.Thus, they occur when the state of the world is such that the actions must occur.As discussed later in the article,we need to extend the on-tology of actions to allow for concurrency.Given that the language of the extended Situation Calcu-lus is used to write theories of action,it is natural to ask whether causation appears in the Situation Calculus lan-guage.From our point of view,a form of causation,that we we call elementary causation,is implicit.Elementary causation is:A relation between an action andfluents.This elementary causation is specified with effect axioms.A relation betweenfluents,implicitly expressed in ramifi-cation state constraints.The ramification state constraints are logical statements that,along with some original set of effect axioms,imply some derived effects.For instance, switching the light off,has as a derived effect to make the room dark.The state constraint would state that the room is dark if and only if the light is off.A relation between the state of the world and actions(or events).For example,if the state of the world is such that the pressure inside a container exceeds the pressure ca-pacity of the container,then the container explodes.In this case there is a causal relationship between the high pressure condition and an action occurrence.This type of elementary causation is modeled with natural actions, along with the constraint that natural actions occur when-ever they are possible.We refer to this type of causation as triggered causationWe regard other forms of causation as abstractions(or compositions)of elementary causation.Thus,one way to interpret the assertionfluent f causesfluent g to be true,is to state that there is a process that is started when f is true,and this process leads to a state where g is true.The Light and Switches ExampleThe light and switches example(seefigure1)belongs to a class of examples used to describe a form of the ramification problem.The circuit is modeled with a propositional lan-LightSw1Sw2˜Figure1:The Light and Switches Exampleguage.The language includes propositional symbols Sw1, Sw2(the propositions are true if the corresponding switches are connected)and Light(which is true if the light is on). The state of the system is modeled with a truth assign-ment to the propositional letters.Naturally,it seems,some constraints need to be placed on the truth values of proposi-tions.In particular,we need to state:Sw1Sw2Light(1) Therefore,any truth assignment to the propositional sym-bols that is consistent with(1)can describe the state of thecircuit.One problem arises when one starts with the state1:Sw1Sw2Lightand Sw1is toggled.The only immediate effect of togglingthe switch is that Sw1becomes true in the new state.How-ever,there is an indirect effect of the toggle action.Thiseffect is that the light comes on.Thus,the resulting stateone wants is:Sw1Sw2Light(2)Due to the symmetry of the formalization,if one uses a min-imal change policy,one would end up with two candidatestates,represented by(2)and:Sw1Sw2Light(3)Both states have minimal change with respect to the startingstate.Clearly,if one understands the behavior of electricalcircuits,the state represented by(3)is not wanted.Quite ob-viously,the problem arises because the theory lacks certainessential information.What is missing?One answer to the question is that we need some way tostate thatflipping one switch cannot affect the other switch,but that it affects the light.To incorporate this information,one can appeal to causation.Thus,one can say that Sw1causes Light if Sw2.This may be taken to mean that if theswitch Sw1is connected,then it would cause Light providedthat Sw2is also connected.Similarly,(flipping switches)onewould have an analogous causal rule for Sw2causing Light ifSw1is on.This causal information,if properly used,wouldallow us to compute yet another state(Thielscher1997).Af-ter a stable state is reached,the state of the world should beone in which the light is on.However,there are other ways to deal with this problem.First,observe that the constraint(1)is not really faithful tothe reality we are modeling.Rather,it is a simplification.Light bulbs take time to heat up and emit light.Therefore,there will be states of the world where two switches and alight,connected as depicted byfigure1,contradict constraint(1).The key here,is that the passage of time introduces anaspect not accounted for in the propositional model.Thisis the notion of state.After toggling the switch,the circuitchanges state to a new state(perhaps unstable).In the newstate the light might be off and the two switches might beconnected.In these circumstances,the light comes on and anew state is generated.Therefore,we take the causal relations between theswitches and the light to be an abstraction.However,in-stead of explicitly introducing this abstraction to overcomeshortcomings of our models,we can improve the modelinglanguage and decrease the granularity.If a model fails tocapture reality,we can attempt to decrease the level of ab-straction and be more faithful to the reality we want to cap-ture.In the next section we propose a different way to modelthe circuit example,were we show that the type of ramifi-cation where causation seemed necessary can be modeled2All free variables that appear in formulas are assumed to beuniversally quantified with maximum scope.of the world.Thus,these actions are naturally triggered by the state of the world.One characteristic of these actions is that they must occur whenever they are possible.Thus,we write:Poss a s natural a occurs a s(9) I.e.,if a natural action is possible,it must occur.There are several ways in which occurrences can be modeled in the Situation Calculus.One approach is to consider that there is a single branch in the tree of situations,such that the ac-tions that occur fall in that branch(Pinto&Reiter1993; Miller&Shanahan1994).An alternative is to consider oc-currences as constraints that limit the situations that can be considered legal,as in(Pinto1998b).Here,we use a sim-plified version of what was proposed in(Pinto1998b).We define the predicate legal for situations,such that:legal s s S0s c a s s occurs a sdo c s s a c(10)Thus,a situation is considered legal if all the actions that lead from S0to it are possible(expressed with the s S0 literal),and if all occurrences within the branch S0s are present in the branch.Therefore,to reason with occurrences, we focus on the situations that are legal.To model the circuit offigure1,we introduce constants Sw1and Sw2.We assume that these constants denote distinct individuals.Thus:Sw1Sw2(11) Also,we use thefluent connected to describe the state of a switch.Thus connected Sw s would be true of a situation in which the switch were connected.Similarly,Light s is meant to state that in a given situation the light is on.We use thefluent f lowing,which is true of situations where there is currentflowing in the circuit.We also add new actions Start f low.These are the natural actions in this domain:natural a a Start f low(12) The basic toggle action is modeled with the function toggle that takes one argument(the switch to be toggled). Below,we specify the sets of axioms structured accord-ing to the style of axiomatization proposed by Reiter(Reiter 1991).Unique Names Axioms Uniqueness of names is assumed for actions.In the example:Start f low(13) toggle x Start f low(14) toggle x toggle y x y(15) Action precondition axioms The action precondition ax-ioms are necessary and sufficient conditions for actions to be executable.We have:Poss toggle x s x Sw1x Sw2(16) Poss Startf low s connected Sw1sconnected Sw2s f lowing s(18)Axiom(16)states that only the two switches can be tog-gled.Axioms(17)and(18)state the circumstances under which theflow of current may start and may end.Effect axioms To describe the effect of toggling a switch, we add the effect axioms:Poss c s toggle x c connected x sconnected x do c s(19) Poss c s toggle x c connected x sconnected x do c s(20) The effects of End f low are described as: Poss c s Endf low c f lowing do c s(22) State constraints The state constraint:Light s f lowing s(23) states that the light is on if and only if there is currentflow-ing.This state constraint is a ramification state constraint. Thus,it establishes a truth condition of all states.When an action affects the f lowing or the Lightfluents,the action also has,as ramification,an effect on the otherfluent.This state constraint does not accurately model the be-havior of the light.Assuming that the light works properly, it is not generally true that theflowing of current instanta-neously turns the light on.Instead,the light bulb will take some time to heat up and emit light.This behavior can also be modeled with the introduction of a natural event,that re-sults from a continuous process(Pinto1994;Kelley1996; Reiter1996).Therefore,state constraint(23)is a simplifi-cation,which,for the purposes of the example,yields the expected results.Following(Pinto1994),we can derive new effect axioms from the state constraint(23)and the effect axioms(21)and (22):Poss c s Endf low c Light do c s(25)Successor state axioms The successor state axioms em-body completeness assumptions on the domain description. These axioms are derived from all the effect axioms for the domain.Therefore,for this example,we replace axioms (19)-(25)with:Poss c s Light do c sStart f low c(26) Poss c s f lowing do c sStart f low c(27) Poss c s connected sw do c stoggle sw c connected sw s(28)toggle sw c connected sw sThe initial situation The only constraints on the possible values assigned to thefluents in the initial situation are the state constraints.Therefore,one should add the state con-straints(particularized to S0)to the theory.We omit this step,and assume that in the initial situation,S0,the state is one where the second switch is connected,thefirst switch is disconnected and the light and currentflow are off.Thus: connected Sw1S0connected Sw2S0f lowing S0Light S0(29) Now,we have the following proposition:Proposition1LetΣdenote the theory with axioms(4)-(18) and(26)-(29).Then:Σc1c2slegal s s do c2do c1S0toggle Sw1c1toggle Sw2c1StartExplicit Qualifications We assume that the qualification problem is solved,and that it yields the axioms:Poss toggle x s x Sw1x Sw2Poss Startf low s connected Sw1sconnected Sw2s f lowing s Causal Rules The following rules are used to derive indi-rect effects:connected Sw1s connected Sw2sCaused Light True sconnected Sw1s connected Sw2sCaused Light False s Domain KnowledgeSw1Sw2Unique Names Axioms Uniqueness of names is assumed forfluent and action names.Minimization of Caused As pointed out by Lin,the min-imization of Caused can be computed with Clark’s comple-tion when the causal theory(direct effect axioms along with the causal rules)is stratified.In this case,the minimization yields:Caused connected x v sv False s s do toggle x sconnected x s Poss toggle x sv True s s do toggle x sconnected x s Poss toggle x s andCaused Light v sv True connected Sw1sconnected Sw2sv False connected Sw1sconnected Sw2sUsing the pseudo successor state axiom:Poss a sholds p do a sCaused p True do a sholds p s Caused p False do a s(37)we can derive the successor state axiom for connected: Poss a s connected x do a sa toggle x connected x sconnected x s a toggle x(38) Analogously,we can obtain:Poss a s Light do a sconnected Sw1do a s connected Sw2do a sLight s connected Sw1do a sconnected Sw2do a s which reduces to:Poss a s Light do a s connected Sw1do a sconnected Sw2do a sBy using regression(Reiter1991)and the successor state ax-iom for connected,we obtain thefinal successor state axiom for Light:Poss a s Light do a sa toggle Sw1connected Sw1sconnected Sw1s a toggle Sw1a toggle Sw2connected Sw2sconnected Sw2s a toggle Sw2which can be rewritten as:Poss a s Light do a sa toggle Sw1connected Sw1sconnected Sw2sa toggle Sw2connected Sw2sconnected Sw1sconnected Sw1s connected Sw2sa toggle Sw2a toggle Sw2(39)Given the successor state axioms(38)and(39),it is straight-forward to see that using Lin’s method for modeling causa-tion yields the right conclusions.Comparing Both Approaches to ModelingCausalityLet T be a theory of action in Lin’s style,that includes the foundational axioms,axioms(34)-(36),along with a set of direct effect axioms,explicit qualifications,domain knowl-edge,causal rules and unique names axioms.We assume that the causal rules are stratified.Also,for simplicity,we assume that T includes a complete description of the ini-tial situation(that is,for everyfluent there is an explicit ax-iom stating whether or not thefluent holds in S0).Further-more,let L T denote the theory that results from extending T with:(1)a circumscription axiom to minimize Caused and leaving everything elsefixed;(2)successor state axioms for eachfluent in the language,obtained by using the pseudo successor state axiom(37).We want to define a translation P T from Lin’s causal theories to our situation calculus the-ories that incorporate natural actions and triggers.To perform the translation from T to P T,we take the direct effect axioms and re-reformulate them in the stan-dard approach(without Caused).The explicit qualifications and domain knowledge is retained in the same form3.At the heart of the matter is the translation of the causal rules, which,along with the direct effect axioms in T,form a strat-ified theory.Given that the causal theory is stratified,we have in T causal rules of the form:Φs Caused p1V1s Caused p n V n sCaused f x V s(40)where f is afluent,andΦs is a formula simple in s4.Also,we assume that the terms V i and V are constants(eitherTrue or False).For each causal rule r of the form(40),we introduce anew natural action A r,and an enablingfluent F r,along withthe following:Natural action:natural A r(41)Precondition axiomPoss A r s F r s(42)State ConstraintΦs p1s p n s F r s(43)where the p i s literals correspond to p i s if the causalrule has the literal Caused p i True s,and p i s if thecausal rule has the literal Caused p i False s.Effect AxiomsPoss A r s A r c F r do c s(44)Poss A r s A r c f do c s(45)where the f do c s literal is either f do c s orf do c s depending upon the value of V in(40).Given these new axioms,we now need to derive successorstate axioms for the newfluents F r.The state constraintsof the form(43)correspond to what we called stratifieddefinitions(Pinto1994),where we showed a mechanism,also based on the use of Reiter’s regression operator(Reiter1991),to obtain successor state axioms for the definedflu-ents.Let P T denote the theory that results from replacingthe new effect axioms(definitions)with the correspondingsuccessor state.The result that we want is the following:Proposition2Let T,L T and P T be as described above.Also,let f be anyfluent,and A be an arbitrary action in thelanguage of T.Then:L T f do A S0(46)if and only ifP T leads A S0s f s(47)Proof Intuitively,the theory P T is built by taking thecausal rules and replacing them with sets of natural actions.Given that the causal rules in L T are stratified,they rep-resent a causal behavior that can be analyzed in stages.Ineach stage,one takes consequences from one stratum andinfer new consequences for the next.The natural actionsthat are defined to replace these causal rules mimic this de-ductive process.In the theory P T,each stratum is relatedto a situation.Thefirst stratum corresponds to the situationwhere the direct effects of action A hold.In this stratum5We assumefinite axiomatizations.granularity of the axiomatization is defined by primitive cau-sation,expressed with direct action effects,state constraints, and natural occurrences.One question that Sandewall raised regarding this ap-proach6has to do with the generality of the approach,since it was originally justified in terms of a small set of exam-ples.Here,we have attempted to address this concern,by showing that,for a class of causal theories,we can do as well as the method proposed by Lin.However,this is a rather technical result which does not necessarily shed any light on the more philosophical question:which approach is more natural?When we write theories of action(for exam-ples,see(Pinto1998a)),we attempt to describe reality at a level of abstraction that would allow an automated reasoner to reach the correct answers for given reasoning tasks.For our description of a dynamic reality,we define the objects of discourse(fluents,situations,actions and domain objects) and relations between them,perhaps at different moments in time(or different situations).One essential aspect of our approach to writing theo-ries of action is the use of natural actions,which can be seen as defining dynamic processes that follow a natural course that might be disturbed by agent’s actions.The need for integrating these processes into theories of action has arisen in other frameworks as well(e.g.,(Thielscher1997; Lin1998)).In our future research,we would like to extend this work (which we consider preliminary)by completing the compar-ison between our framework and Lin’s framework,which has been extended in(Lin1998).We are also interested in establishing comparisons with other approaches already mentioned in the article.AcknowledgementsI would like to thank many people that contributed to the ideas presented in this article.Among them,I would like to give explicit thanks to Leo Bertossi for his support and guid-ance.Also,thanks to one of the anonymous reviewers for a very careful review,and for pointing out shortcomings of the original submission.Any shortcomings left in the article are,of course,my own fault.ReferencesBaier,J.,and Pinto,J.1998.Non-instantaneous Actions and Concurrency in the Situation Calculus.To be presented at the ESSLLI-98Workshop on Reasoning about Actions: Foundations and Applications.Doherty,P.1994.Reasoning about action and change us-ing occlusion.In Cohn,A.,ed.,ECAI94.11th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence.Ginsberg,M.L.,and Smith,D.E.1988.Reasoning about Actions I:A Possible Worlds Approach.Artificial Intelli-gence35(2):165–195.Gr¨u nwald,P.1998.Ramifications and Sufficient Causes. 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