
国家开放大学电大专科《开放英语2》2023期末考试及答案(试卷号:2205)第一部分交际用18 (共计10分.<5小182分)1-5 fl: MX下面的小村话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当的携A I Right).不恰当的逸B (Wro邱).并将答察耳在答题蛾上•L —When did hr go to America?Two yearsA RiRht B. Wrong2. - Flow old are you?—Y E I am.A. RightB. Wrong■3. — Do you like coffee?1 prefer to hove MsA. Right A WrongL H E Prtcr finiKhrd his work?— Ye&He finished it • long lime Mgo-A. Right Wrong5. Would you be hnppy if you fiot thr job?—Yes. I would be vt^ry hnppy.A. Right & Wrong卵二部分iflft与tS构(共计30分.15小18 2分)6—20 a : nUK下面的句于,从A.B.C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的11佳选项.并在答艇纸上写出所谐的字母符号.6. 1 went to hi. houne I M H couldn't K E m・ Fhfrr was ___________ lh<?re.A no one B. nothingC> someone7. Pm not helping you. You must waah your MM?虹____________ ■A・ you B. yourselfC. itaelf8. 1 enn f t sit hem thisi chnir tn very ____ ____ ・A. uncomfonable R diiicamfortHhlrC. noncomfonableIf | you. rd »e|l rhxit enr g quickly ” powible.A. wereB. nm「・WASID, A> What doc* ?Bi ()h« »he*9 very bcnutifttl with long dark h»inA. look like B- mke MterC likeI L _______ in wrong with the cur. It won f t Mtnrt.A. Nothing R SomrfhingC< EverythingI2> If I _ Peter• 1 _________ h im about ihr rnecting tA.・《 . will tell He tellC. will 5rc. tr||13> 1( you ___ lhr licketBt I will do thr packing.A. will hook B, bookC, hookedM. He ________ mr hr wg K<)ing to Jnpuri nrxt Wrdnrhdny.A. midB. t<?ilC. told15t You _______ wenr A uniform ut tichuol. You enn went nnythifig you like.A. have to H. don f t have toC. hnvr18. The man _ . _ me i( I knew the way to guhwuy nintiuiuA. told B> nukedC. mid17. The pmntmKe ________ o n the wrtll over lhrrr t wan A pritr in ■ cornpetitimvA. whomB. who《:. whtrh18. A car hn her when »he WA* walking the road.N arrow R throughC. At19. hl _________ to learn how to piny tennisA. eMskly B・ coyC. taiy20e(ict up! Marya Tom Ims _________ cjtllcd you three ttmen thin morning,A ft yet Ik alreadyC\ never娘三BB分句lS»t«小113分)的胃季改写句于.并村菩事将在菩■峨上.2L They •mashed the window.(改为KG诵节)22. -Where h tny tug?- the asked.《将可于改成间援引谄)23. h was A phee. Ur wanted to go there.(用where 将第二切改为定诵从可)24. I*m I M I! and thin. My aimer i* too.(用so 改写旬于)25. Ahhaugh it rained* »he liked the trip. (Ml in Apitc of 将牌句逢成一句)第四册分侧诚HIM(共计20分,佃小H (分)26 3oa:««T列MI文,从A,B、C三个逸项中逃出一个正■答害.井在答nm±w出所逸的字缶将号. Polly t Ernncot who <lo you tnke alter in yaur fnmily?Fwi Dclinitely my mother. Wr*rc both quite moody nnd impHtivnt. We IKCC! to IHRUC U kn when 1 wnn growing up> hecauwe whr 1 % quick trmpd. AI M O I wc^re both (A II and fhm.Polly i Do you look like her ■■ well?Franco, No> 1 Inak like my dad • but heS very nihn< I nrn more romn!)iic> WtiHt about you?PS i Heoplr my I look like my niurn. Wc f vr got ihr Minnrunfortunntrly t Ihn 14 rn nut like her in other wnyn. She's ihy wherrn% 11ni much ninrr yocttthle I lovr being w”h my friends and meetingnvw people« but nhe hato ih Pm more like rny iUd« I think. Whoi «buu< you< Mury?Mary i Pnt a rintiira) optirrHUi* jum like my dnd. He iet never peM5imistic< I nlvvAyn think lh«t everything will work out wrl) in thr end nnd «iO iior« hr. 11 vc «ot the *ninc Mtnur of humour tny mum. We both laugh at •tupul thin「si・ 1 auppOM^ I look H hit hkr my grAndmothrr. We^vcR<H thr mmc xrnilr• and we both have very dnrk huir.26. Frnnco f M _______ k tall and thin.A. mumB. dudC. dnufi[htcr27. Franco,n dnd in _ _____ •A・ quick-tempered B> romanticC. calm .28. Polly、muni IN__ _____ and ____ _ nirHing new people.A. MociAbki loves KhmesC< Mhyi lovrw29. Mary iv «(n> ________ . |ust like brr dud.A> opiitniwi pmumiNtC・ urtSt30. Mnry h” rhr ______________ like her grnndmorhrr.A. eye* tk^nosc(L 5mtlc第五部分BIHH共计25分,fl!小Bl 5分)31-3Sflh英好仪.将下列英文句孑翩律成中文,并将答案岛在答・维上・31. They walked slowly A I OBH the rood.32. Pm in a meeting until LOO.33. Tht! nrcuuni^i which arc in n bit of have la be rrmly for next month.34. We hftvc enough money to impruvr lhe wrl>M!r.35. They enjoyed thcmrlvm al the pEy.试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)The window wan amn^hed by them. She MRkrd where her bng wn* h w^s o place where he wanted to RO .rm tnll nnd thm und »o i» tny MNfrr. She liked fhc trip in npnc of the rain. 第四IM 分阅It 理耕(Ml+20分.每小BM 分)26. A 第五部分■谭(共针25分.侮小|» 5分)他们沿目那条所慢慢地走朴・我歼会开到一点钟.34. 我们《1足郸的快改近网站・35. 他TIG 晚会上玩物很开心・ 第一部分 交际用(Mi+ IQ 分.每小IB 2分) 】• A 4. A 5. A 第二部分 国汇与携构快计30分.何小JB 2分) 8. A 9. A 10. A 15a B 氤三部分 句型变换(共计16分.部小JB3分)19. B 28. H 33. 现在讨点乱.必痢耍在下卜JI 整理野.。

英语1、英语2光盘作业答案英语 101单元1.manager / detail / secretary / company / mobile / British / America /flight / local /parent2.BAACB / CBAAC3.CBACAB4.34 / 302 / 2170569 / 240802单元pleased / shame / enjoy / start / colleague / sandwich / reservation / single / canteen /usuallyABACB / ACABABACACABACB03单元加班work late / 角落corner / 接待处reception / 工商企业business / 首都capita /个人电脑personal computer / 口信message / 复印机photocopier / 植物plant / 行李luggageBAACC / BAACBACABB / BCBCBCAC04单元company / retired / holiday / lawyer / immediately / important / customer interview / train / concertBACAC / BCACCBABCAHow / are / things / I’m / helpful / Have / got / parents / any / cousins / Do / have / I / do / 62 / in05单元搜寻hunt / 修理repair / 有吸引力的attractive / 寻找look for / 独立的separate / 神经紧张nervous / 打电话ring up/ 便利的convenient / 问题problem CAAAB/ CBACCABBACACBCB07单元接受accept 服务员waiter 往返的return 机场airport 疲惫的tired 车费fare 地铁tube 提建议suggest 邀请invitation 运气luck ACBBCBABCACABCABBtoo noisy / too far from the tabe / too expensive / not comfortable enough / not big enough08单元suitcase / calm / crowed / temperature / cheap / modern / financial / staff / chaotic / neighbourBCABA / BCAACBACACcrazy / chaotic / crowded / beautiful / cheap / expensive / safe / well-organised / clean / old09单元ACACA / CABCCBBABA / ABCABBABAABBBAC10单元prawn / vegetable / cream / carrot / container / packet / carton / mineral / cabbage / chocolateBCABA / BCAACBCAAABABBB11单元prefer / terrible / research / borrow / handwriting / history / continue / neither / millionaire / quizCCBBACBACABAABABBCAAB13单元令人兴奋的exciting / 选择choose / 健美操aerobics / 地址address / 令人厌倦的boring /包括include / 机会opportunity / 教练员trainer / 瑜伽功yoga / 信用卡credit cardCCBCB / ACBABABABAtomorrow gym two when aerobics month don’t class trainer do14单元ax si o du cu oi ea jo ie riBCACA / CAAABBABCCBBCAB15单元棒极了fantastic/ 加班do overtime/ 确认confirmation/ 发送deliver/ 核对check/订购order / 取决于depend on / 折扣discount / 有创造力的creative / 至少at least / 照例as usual / 主厨chefACBAC / BBABBCABBAABBAB16单元ai a oo y di a ea a er urACCBABACABABABAABCCA17单元nu ar ci ai a ss itu ou ee oCBCCBABCACBCBABBABCA英语 219单元in/ last/ this /time /sunny/food/ burned /up /live /over.C C B A C/ A A C B A/ C A C A CAC A B A / C A C C AB C C B A20单元don’t / idea / 6 / time / nice / no / more/ going / 3 / see BBCCC / ACCAA / CAABBCBAAB / CCBCACBABA21单元wrote / met / set / music / pop/ keen / next / set /for / student BCACA / AABBA / ACCAACCAAC /BABACABABC22单元do / go / play / go / a / do / play / play / with / play CCACB / ABBCB / CBCCBBCCCC / CABACABAAC23单元walking / begin / her / black / with / wine / been / huge / too / later BCBCB / CCBAA /BBACBCABCB / CCCCBBCBAC24单元一、语法与功能TASK 1:选择填空。

学前准备1.Mary is my best friend.She teaches English in ___A___school.A.aB.theC.an2.David is a manager.Now he ____B___ the emails in hisoffice.A.readsB.is readingC.read3.What about ____B___ a film tonight?A.to seeB.seeingC.see4.—— Can I speak to Franco,piease?——____B____.A.Good afternoonB.One moment ,pleaseC.How are you5.Mary runs to the bus stop and gets ___A____ the busNo.4.A.onB.offC.up6.There is no rice left.We ____ C _ _ to get some fromthe shop.A. wantB.needC.decide7.The gym is open ___C____ 10.00 am to 8.00 pm.A.betweenB.atC.from8.Which city is ___B____ ,Beijing or London?A.coldB.colderC.the coidest9.——What’s the matter?——I’ve got a pain ____C____ my chest.A. atB. fromC.in10.They are very happy together. They love __A___.A.each otherB.themselvesC.them学习记录卡1三种时态之1:一般过去时(unit 19)从你学过的动词中各找出两个规则动词和不规则动词,写出动词原形和过去式: 规则动词: work worked want wanted不规则动词:go went begin began写出下面句子的否定句和疑问句: Tom went to see his parents in the country.否定句:Tom didn’t go to see his parents in thecountry.疑问句: Did Tom go to see his parents in the country?三种时态之2:用现在进行时、will和be going to暗示将来(unit 21)将下面三个句子翻译成汉语:Dave’s picking up the van tomorrow.戴维明天要去接货车. I’m going to buy him a violin for his birthdaty.我筹算买一把小提琴给他过生日. I’m tired. I’ll take a taxi to go there.我累了,我要坐出租车去那儿.三种时态之3:现在完成时举例说明现在完成时的用法.(1)暗示过去发生的举措或事情对现在或将来的影响或发生的结果. 例:She has lost her wallet.她丢了钱包.(所以现在没钱买票.)(2)暗示某人的经历例:I’ve been to Beijing.我曾到过北京.三组近义词语的区分:(选择正确谜底)prefer;rent;do;play prefer 和ratherWould you like to go to the cinema?------I’d prefer (rather, prefer) to go to the theatre.Rent和 hireI’m going to rent (rent, hire ) a flat.Play, do, go 与运动项目搭配时的区别I do (do,play,go) KungFu every Friday.He likes to play ( do, play, go) chess in his free time.两个句型的用法:(翻译下面的句子) 他直到10点才起床.He didn’t get up until ten o’clock. A: 这件衬衫太小了.This shirt is too small. B: 不,我觉得够年夜了.No (I don't think so), I feel it’s big enough. 两个语言功能:如何点餐.Could we have the goat’s cheese and green salad, please? I’ll have a steak, please.The seafood pie for me, please. I’d like fried cod, please. 提出建议.Shall we go to the theatre tonight? Ok. 日积月累:动词stop/begin/start/finish/like/love/consider/think about 等后面可以直接跟动名词作宾语.不规则变动的形容词的比力级和最高级:good-better-best; bad-worse-worst; many/much-more-most等.开放英语(2)作业1第一部份交际用语(共计10分, 每小题2分)1-5题:阅读下面的小对话, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号.1.Shall we see a movie tonight?See your later.A. Right B wrong2. what would you like to drink, madam?Can I have a glass of white wine?A. Right B wrong3.When did you first come to China?10 years ago.A rightB wrong4.Do you like your job?I’m a nurseA rightB wrong5. What are you going to do this evening?I went there with some friendsA. right B wrong第二部份辞汇与结构(共计40分, 每小题2分)6-25题:阅读下面的句子, 从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号. 6.Today is busy. Let’s discuss it ____C___ next week.A. sometimesB. some timesC. some time7.A: I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.B: Oh, not at all, I ____A____ here only a few minutes.A. have beenB. wasC. will be8.His grandfather is very healthy. He ___B __ drinks______smokes.A. both,andB. neither, norC. neither, or9.As she ____B____ the newspaper, Granny ______asleep.A. read… was fallingB. was reading … fellC. read… fell10.The book was rather expensive, but I bought it ___B___.A. any wayB. anywayC.even though11.The buses, ____B___ were full of people, couldn’t go very fast.A.thatB. whichC. there12. I have no idea who stole his wallet. It ___A___ anyone.A. could have beenB. should have beenC.musthave been13. Mary said she __ _A __ all over the world.A.had been toB. has gone toC. went to14.Mary’s father is very pleased ___A____ her.A. withB. atC. for15. You’d better have your hair ___B___ before going to your friend’s wedding.A. cuttingB. cutC. to cut16. He stopped ____A___TV when the dinner was ready.A. watchingB. to watchC. watch17. Nice weather,_____C_____?A. doesn’t itB. hasn’t itC. isn’t it18. Mike offered to help and so ____C____John.A. doesB.isC.did19. Mary told Little Tom not____C____ all the money.A. spendB.spentC. to spent20. A: Have you finished your homework?B: _____________C_____________.A. No, I didn’t.B. No, I haven’t finished.C. No,I haven’t.21.He used to ___B___ very hard when he was young.A. workingB. workC. to work22.He has ____A___ gone out.A. justB. nowC. soon23.We enjoy ___C___ very much, because it is good to our health.A. swimB. to swimC. swimming24.March the 8th is ____B___ Day.A. Woman’sB. Women’sC. Womens’25.A concert will be held in the school hall ___C___ 4 pm______ Tuesday.A. on… atB. in…inC.at…on第三部份句型转换(15分)26-3026. Tim didn’t stay in the meeting. He left the office. ( 用instead of 将两句练成一句)He left the office instead of staying in the meeting.27. Where is the restaurant? (用asked改写成间接疑问句)He asked where the restaurant was.28. That cinema is very nice. The tickets are quite expensive.(用but连成一句)That cinema is very nice but the tickets are quite expensive.29. He’s gone to Shanghai. He’s negotiating a new contract.(用动词不定式连成一句)He’s gone to Shanghai to negotiate a new contract.30. He didn’t run fast. He didn’t catch the bus. (用enough…to 连成一句)He didn’t run fast enough.第四部份阅读理解(共计20分)26-30题:阅读下列短文, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确谜底, 并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号.(共计10分, 每小题2分)Mary began playing the violin when she was only six.Her father came across a really old instrument at his aunt’s house, and he brought it back home with him. Mary lovedit and immediately tried to play it. After a few months she began to have lessons. She got on very well with the violin. When she was about eleven, she began to have lessons. She really needed a better violin. One day she took part in a concert, and a man went up to her parents and talked to them about her. He said that she had real talent and pointed out that she needed a better violin. When he found out that they couldn’t afford one, he offered to buy one for her. Later, when she was about 16, she set up her own group. She named it after the man who gave her the violin--- she called it Eric Sound.31. Mary’s father ___C __.A. bought the violin from a shopB. borrowed the violin from a friendC. got the violin from his aunt32 B 33 A 34 B 35 B36-40 阅读下列短文, 根据短文内容判断句子是否正确.Tim: Hello. Where have you been? You look hot.Xiaoyan: Yes, I am. I’ve been to the tennis club. I’ve had a tennis lesson.Tim: How did you manage?Xiaoyan; Not too badly. I’ve never played tennis before. Tim; Don’t you play tennis in China?Xiaoyan: No. We don’t play much. I’ve played table tennis a lot. I play quite well, but I’ve never tried tennis.Mary: Would you like a drink?Xiaoyan: Yes, please. Could I have a fruit juice, please? Have you eaten yet、Mary: No. We haven’t.Xiaoyan:I had a sandwich before I played, but I’m very hungry now. I’d like to eat.Tim: Let’s go to Franco’s.36. Xiaoyan has had a tennis lesson.A. RightB. Wrong37. She has had a lesson at the public tennis courts.A. RrightB. Wrong38. She has played a lot of tennis in China.A. RightB. Wrong39 She has eaten a sandwich before she played.A.RightB. wrong40 Mary and Tim haven’t eaten yet.A.Right B wrong第四部份翻译(共计30分)41-45题:英译汉.将下列英文句子翻译成中文, 并将谜底写在答题纸上.(共计15分, 每题3分)41. Although it is very enjoyable, the film is too long.尽管片子非常有趣, 可是太长了.42. Sandy is wearing a long, black, silk dress.桑迪穿了条黑色的长丝裙.43. I need to be at the airport by 6.00 o’clock.我得在六点前达到机场.44. I must have left the camera in a shop.我一定是把相机丢在那家商店里了.45.The accounts, which are in a bit of a mess, have tobe ready for next month.帐目现在有点乱, 必需要在下个月清理好.学习记录卡2时态比力:现在完成时VS一般过去时选择合适的时态完成下列句子:I spoke (speak) with Max last night.Have you ever been (be) to China?I have already seen ( see) the film.时态连用:过去进行时+一般过去时翻译下面两句话: 1.I have drving along the motorway when my car broke down. 我在高速公路上驱车前行时, 车子抛锚了.2. While I was having a cup of tea, someone stole my wallet.我在喝茶时有人偷了我的钱包.“两者之一”、“两者都”和“两者都不”:从either/either of…/ either…or…;neither/neither of…/neither… nor…; both/ both of…/ both…and…中选词填空. The new web page can be either blue or red.新的网页可以是蓝色的, 也可以是红色的A: Which of the two books do you like? 两本书你喜欢哪本?B: Neither of them, thanks.两本都不喜欢.Both the Eiffel and the Corcorde have email facilities. Eiffel和Concorde酒店都有收发电子邮件设施.“自己做”还是“让他人做”:翻译含有have/get sth done句型的句子I have the car serviced every three months.我每隔三个月让人维护一下汽车.I am getting the TV repaired tomorrow.明天我得修一下电视.写出所有的反身代词:双数myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself 复数ourselves, yourselves, themselves介词用来描述地舆位置(unit25,unit29)、暗示移动方向(unit26):the hotel is surrounded by fields and woods. 这家旅店周围是田地和树林. My home is far from the cith centre.我家离市中心很远.he walks towards the window.他向窗户走去. They went down the road.他们沿着小路走下去.Beijing is an hour’s drive from Tianjing.从北京到天津搭车要一个小时.Chengdu is northwest of Chongqing.成都在重庆的西南方向.开放英语(2)作业2第一部份交际用语 (共计10分, 每小题2分)1-5题:阅读下面的小对话, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号.1. Hello, Xiaoyan. How was the party?--- Hi, Jack. We had a great timeA.right B wrong2. How are you feeling today?---I’d rather stay at home.A.right B wrong3. How old are you---Yes, I am.A. rightB. wrong4. Can I get you something to drink?---Yes, please. A coca-cola for meA. right B wrong5. How can I book a cheap hotel?---If I were you, I’d phone a travel agentA rightB wrong第二部份辞汇与结构(共计40分, 每小题2分)6-25题:阅读下面的句子, 从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号.6.Sally is looking for a new job. She has been bored___C___ her job as a secretary.A. byB. fromC. with7. A: ___C___ my glasses?B: Yes, I saw them on your bed a minute ago.A. Do you seeB. Would you seeC. Have you seen8.An application form will be sent to you __ A___.A. on requestB. on a requestC. in request9.I was watching TV ___B___ the telephone rang.A. whileB. whenC. since10.They named the island ____A___ its discoverer.A. afterB. inC. to11.Could you please tell us what kind of work ____A___ you have got experience?A. at thatB. in whichC. which12.You can remember what you do if you ___B __.A. take a diaryB. keep a diaryC. make adiary13.This morning I had my finger ___C___ when I was preparing breakfast.A. cuttingB. to cutC. cut14.A: Thank you for lending me your dictionary.B: You’re welcome. But could you ____A___ to me tomorrow?A. give it backB. give back itC. get back15.He is really good man, ___B___?A. doesn’t heB. isn’t heC.won’t he16.I’m going to buy Mary a birthday gift. Do you have____C____ in mind?A. special somethingB. special anythingC. anything special17.My father told me ___B___ his trip to Xin Jiang.A. ofB. aboutC. with18.I’ve always enjoyed ____A____.A. swimmingB. to swimC. swim19.We used to ___A___ bicycles to go to work.A. rideB. ridingC. to ride20.Don’t ___B __ him. He is writing a letter now.A. disturb toB. disturbC. disturbing21.A car hit her when she was walking ___B___ the road.A. throughB. acrossC. on22.A: Have you typed the letter for me?B: _____________A_____________.A. Yes, I have.B. Yes, I do.C. Yes, I’ve done.23.We haven’t seen such a beautiful film ___B___.A. since four yearsB. for the past four yearsC. four years ago24.My parents have ____C____ been to the Great Wall.A. as yetB. sometimeC. never25. Shirley ___C___ a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it.A. has writtenB. writeC. was writing第三部份句型转换26. I went shopping. I needed a new pair of shoes.I went shopping because I needed a new pair of shoes.27. “Can you phone me later, Susan?”said David.David asked Susan to phone him later.28. I’m a teacher and she is also a teacher.I’m a teacher and so is she.29.she forgot about the meeting yesterday.(用What针对the meeting 改写句子)what did she forget about yesterday ?30. His neighbor heard them. They made a noise.His neighbor heard them making a noise.第三部份阅读理解(共计20分)31-35题:阅读下列短文, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确谜底, 并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号.(共计10分, 每小题2分)David: What’s happened about the tickets?Xiaoyan; I‘ve got them. Susan has just given them to me. She collected them on her way to work this morning. David: And the other arrangements?Xiaoyan;She reserved rooms at the Concord, and she’s collected my visa. I’ve asked Elaine for the list of participants and I’ve picked up the handouts from Debbie.David: Has Susan booked a taxi?Xiaoyan; I don’t know. I’ll ask her to book one. We need to be at the airport by 6.00. What about the conference? Has Susan fixed the time?David: I’ve told her not to worry about that. I spoke to Max in Paris last night myself. Everything’s ready, so there’s nothing for Susan to do now. He has had thefolders prepared. I have told him that I want a two-hour meeting with GuyAnd Rose, but we don’t need to fix the time until weget there. Shall we have lunch together?Xiaoyan; Yes, let’s. I’ve got some things to do, but I’ll finish them by 12.30.David: Ok. I’m in a meeting until 1.00, so I’ll cometo your office after that.31. Susan ______ the ticket this morning.A. bookedB. gotC. lost32. ___ has prepared the handouts for Xiaoyan.A. ElaineB. DebbieC. Susan33. We have to be at the airport by _____.A.7 B5 C634. David will have a tow hour meeting with_____.A. Guy and Rose B Max C. Xiaoyan35. David won’t be free for lunch until______.A. 1.00B.12.30 C 2.0036-40 题:阅读短文, 并选择Xiaoyan,I’m thought you’d like to know what has happened to your report about improving the website.Last week I had a meeting with designers. I gave them a copy of you report and I told them that we needed to have the website redesigned.-I’ve had the first page simplified.-I have asked them to make different too.-The colours are now different too.-There are more functions, as you suggested, so that customers will be able to transfer funds to an account in another bank.-Customers also find access slow, so I’m getting it speeded up.I’m going to make a presentation about these changes at the Paris conference and would like to talk to you about that. These are some things I can do myself, butI would like your help with some technical aspects. Imust get some slides made too, and would like youropinion about them.Have you got time for a coffee on either Wednesday or Thursday morning?David.36. David had a meeting with the designers yesterday.A. right B wrong37. David had made the icons larger.A. rightB. wrong38. The speed of access has been made quicker.A. rightB. wrong39. David is going to make a presentation in Paris.A. rightB. wrong40. David would like some help from Xiaoyan.A. right B wrong41-45题:英译汉.将下列英文句子翻译成中文, 并将谜底写在答题纸上.(共计15分, 每题3分)41. We have enough money to improve the website.我们有足够的钱改进网站.42. Do you take after your mother or father?你像你的母亲或父亲吗?43. I have to move out of my room on Friday because Franco has got another tenant.我周五得从房子里搬出来, 因为佛朗哥又招了一位房客. 44. One of the biggest sporting events in the world is the Olympic Games.奥运会是世界上规模最年夜的体育赛事之一.45. It would be great to see you to catch up on all our news.到时见了面咱们把这些日子发生的事聊一聊, 会多开心啊.学习记录卡3主动语态的用法和构成:把下面三个句子酿成主动语态:The room is cleaned by Mary every day.The laptop was stolen by his neighbor.The police have been contacted by them.与现在或将来情况相反的虚拟条件句:根据你自己的情况,写一段话,用到If I…,I would…句型. If I had more money ,I would buy a big flat.间接引语的用法和构成:Jim said that he liked swimming.Susan asked me how I liked the party.She asked me if I had got her bag.定语从句(非限定性和限定性):他买了那条我为他挑选的裤子.这是她住的屋子.去年加入我们的设计员工作很努力.反意疑问句:doesn’t she; shall we; did you.看到/听到/感觉到…某事正在发生:我看到她上了公共汽车.I saw her getting on the bus.动词-ing形式和动词不定式to do:下面哪句对,哪句错? (对;错;错.)暗示义务/责任/不允许/不用的have to, must和be allowed to, mustn’t, don’t have to的用法:选词填空:must; have to; mustn’t; don’t have to.介词词组in spite of, apart from和 except for:In spite of; Except for.对对方的说法暗示同感neither, nor, not…either, so:I don’t smoke, neither does he.Tim has lost his camera, so has Mary.短语动词:be worried about, give up, be fed up with, geton with, look after, look for, agree with, pick out,write out, help sb with sth, apply for, be patient with, be interested in.暗示方位的短语:on the right/left, at the back/front, inthe middle, top right, bottom left.暗示否定意义的前缀:un- im- in- dis-开放英语(2)作业3第一部份交际用语 (共计10分, 每小题2分)1-5题:阅读下面的小对话, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号.1. --- Are you ready to order?Yes. I’ll have a steak, pleaseA. right B wrong2.--- Is there a bank near here?Yes. There is one just down the roadA. right B wrong3. When did he go to America---Two years ago.A. right B wrong4.--- I went to a fashion show last night.What was it likeA. right B wrong5.Have you been to America、------ I’ve never been there but I hope to go there in the future.A.Right B wrong第二部份辞汇与结构(共计40分, 每小题2分)6-25题:阅读下面的句子, 从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号.6.Tom helped her mother ____C____the cooking.A. forB. onC.with7.I was A my to school when I saw the accident.A. on, wayB. in, wayC. on, time 8.A: C is at the door?B: It must be our new neighbour, Mrs Jones.A. WhatB. WhichC. Who9.It' s a long way to get there. This is A we started so early.A. whyB. whatC. how 10.A:I haven’t eaten all day.B: You ___A___be very hungry.A. mustB. shouldC. have to11.I don't want to watch____A___.A. anything sadB. something sadC. sad anything12. I am going to ___C __ a flat near the company I’m working at.A. hireB. borrowC. rent 13.Football is so popular that it is played Bmore than 20 million people in more than 140 countries.A.withB. byC. for14.The boy is wearing a ___B___ T- shirt.A. baggy longB. long baggyC. baggy black15. They are friends of ____C___. Please be nice to them.A. myB. mineC. I16.Guilin is C the west of China.A. toB. atC. in17. Mr smith has ___A___ gone out to meet an old friend.A. justB. onceC. yet18. He loved ____B___ basketball when he was young.A.doingB.playingC. going19.A: ___C___ one is yours, Julie?B: The blue one with flowers on it.A. WhoB. WhatC. Which20. She ___B___ to town last week.A. goesB. wentC. has gone21.Get up! Mary. Tom has B called you three times this morning.A. yetB. alreadyC. never22. ___B___ stole his camera while he is lying on the beach.A Anyone B. Someone C. Everyone23.I don’t know ____C___ to explain it to her.A. whatB. whyC.how24. I ____A___ him my bike last weekend.A lent B. hire C. returned25. ____B___ of her brothers came to the wedding. They don’t like her new hunsband.A. EitherB. NeitherC. All第三部份阅读理解(共计20分)26-30 小题26.He stole the laptop. (改为主动语态)The laptop was stolen by him.27.Tim didn’t go to work the next day. He cleared up the flat. (用instead of将两句合成一句)He cleared up the flat instead of going to work.28. “ I can’t find my notebook”, she said. (改为间接引语)She said she couldn’t find her notebook.29.It was a place. He wanted to go. (用where将两句合成一句)It was a place his where he wanted to go.30. Tim has lost his camera. I have lost my camera. (用so将两句合成一句)Tim has lost his camera and so have I.31-35题:阅读下列短文, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确谜底, 并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号.(共计10分, 每小题2分)Ivydale Guesthouse Bath Tourist Association Approved Ron and Ann welcome you to Ivydale, where modern comforts and traditional hospitality meet.Conveniently located a short walk from the city centre. Well-equipped all rooms have an en suite bathroom, colour TV with satellite channels, tea/coffee-making facilities, mini bar and phone.Excellent food we offer full English and buffet breakfasts. Vegetarian food available on request.Peace and quiet Ivydale is situated in its own gardens, offering the perfect atmosphere for business travelers and tourists.Please note that we operate a strict no-smoking policy. Mini-break deals available.For reservations or a brochure, please call (01225) 121235531. The owner of the guesthouse is/are ___A___.A. Ron and AnnB. IvydaleC. Bath32. The guesthouse is ___A___the city center.A.far from A. near to C. in33. Guests can ____C____.A. get online with their computerB.smoke in their roomC. make tea in their room34.The guesthouse is ___B___.A.boring but quietB.peaceful and quietC.noisy and busy35.People ___B___ smoke in the guesthouse.A. canB. are not allowed toC.don’t want to36-40 题:阅读下列短文, 并根据短文内容判断其后的句子是否正确(Right)、毛病(Wrong), 还是文字中没有涉及相关信息(Doesn’t say).(共计10分, 每小题2分)Last week Polly decided to give up her job. She is fed up with it. She finds it boring and she wants to change her career. Her employers, ‘Lucky Shops”,are not too bad. They give her quite good benefits, such as free lunches and paid holidays, but she does not get on with her boss. Her salary is quite good, but, because she is not happy, she wants to look for something else. Last Saturday she talked about it with David and Xiaoyan. They agreed with her. They said she should resign and try another career, so she is not happy, she took action. She looked at advertisements in the paper and picked out three jobsthat looked interesting. She had to write out her CV to apply for a job, and she did that on Wednesday evening. Xiaoyan helped her with it. She has a lot of experienceof selling and good business and good business training but is worried about her lack of experience in some areas.36.Polly has decided to ask for a higher salary.A.RightB.Wrong37.She doesn’t like her boss.A.RightB.Wrong38.Her friends ageed that she should resign.A.RightB.Wrong39.She has experience of banking.A.RightB.Wrong40.She’s worried about her lack of experience.A.RightB.Wrong第四部份翻译(共计30分)41-45题:英译汉.将下列英文句子翻译成中文, 并将谜底写在答题纸上.(共计15分, 每题3分)41.I had the windows cleaned yesterday.我昨天叫人来擦了窗户.42. He used to play basketball every Sunday.他过去每周星期日经常去打篮球.43. They enjoyed themselves at the party.他们在聚会上玩得很高兴.44. She doesn’t like swimming and neither does her sister.她不喜欢游泳, 她妹妹也是.45.I’ve been learning English for three years.我已经学英语有三年了.开放英语(2)期末自测第一部份交际用语 (共计10分, 每小题2分)1-5题:阅读下面的小对话, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号.1.--- Have you ever tried windsurfing?A. right B wrong2.--- Where did you go in China?I went to Xi’an and GuilinA. right B wrong3. ------Can you remember the doctor’s telephone number? Yes. It’s 6825612A. right B wrong4. Can I help you?-------- Yes,please. I’d like to reserve a room.A. right B wrong5.--- How do you like the film?It’s very good. I like it.A.Right B wrong第二部份辞汇与结构(共计40分, 每小题2分)6-25题:阅读下面的句子, 从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号.6.Is the supermarket ___A___ the right or left?A. onB. inC. at7. My brother told me ___C___ his trip to Scotland.A. onB.inC.about8.He is a good friend of ___C___.A. ourB.our’sC.ours9.A: Have you hadyour breakfast?B: No, I haven’t had it ___B___.A. everB. yetC.just10. I’m really looking forward to ___B___ from you.A. hearB. hearingC. being heard11. Is it difficult to learn to ___C___ TaiChi?A. playB. goC.do12. I have to go now. I have to pick ___C___ my son from school.A. inB.withC. up13. I am having the TV ___A___ tomorrow.A. repairedB. repairC. to repair14. I had a sandwich before I played basketball,___A___ I’m very hungry now.A. butB.andC. so15. The hotel is famous ___C___ its delicious food.A. withB. inC. for16. The doctor told Mr.Smith that he wouldn’t get better if he didn’t ___A___ smoking.A. give upB. give awayC. give out17. She ordered the fish,___B___?A. doesn’t sheB. didn’t sheC. hasn’t she18. A: Which jacket do you like?B: The blue ___A___ over there.A. oneB. itC. that19. This idea hit me when I ___C___ this morning.A. awoke upB. wokeC. woke up20. There wasn’t ___C___ in the house when she got home.A. anyB. somebodyC. anybody21.Mr. Hilton is not good at music. Neither ___B __ his children.A. areB. isC. be22. I love travelling. I ___A___ most places in the world.A. have been toB. have gone to C went to23. The manager told all the empoyees ___C___ late for meetings.A. not beB. be notC. not to be24. We built the house ___A___. Nobody helped us.A. ourselvesB. oursC. myself25. Sorry, I’m not free this evening. ___A___ dinner with Mike.A. I will haveB. I’m havingC. I have第三部份句型转换(共计15分)26. I was too hot. I couldn’t open the window.I was too hot but I couldn’t open the window.27. Although it rained, the visit was a success.In spite of rain, the visit was success.28. I’ tall and thin. My mother is too.I’m tall and thin and so is my mother.29. They are going to look after the cat.What are they going to look after.30. He disturbed the burglars.The burglars were disturbed by him.31-35题:阅读下列短文, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确谜底, 并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号.(共计10分, 每小题2分)From: XiaoyanLin@To; Sharon Subject: Coming homeHi;I’ve only got 10 days left in England. Can you believeI’ve already been here for a year?There’s so much to do before I leave! I really must buy presents for my English friends o thank them for all their help. I haveto move out of my room on Friday because Franco has got another tenant. At least I don’t have to find somewhere else to live. I’ve going to spend a few days with friends. He is letting the whole flat because Mary is moving just before her marriage. The time has gone so quickly . I cannot believe that I’ve been here for whole year. And I must start packing too-I have bought a lot since I came, and I need another suitcase. I’ll give some things to charity shops I think.Anyway, I’m really writing to say that I’ll be back in Shanghai on 27 April, and it would be great to see you catch up on all our news. I’ll phone as soon as I get back.31. Xiaoyan has been in England for ___B__.A 10.days B. a year C. 5 years32. Franco is going to __B__A.sell his houseB.have a new tenant C move out of his house33.Xiaoyan needs to buy __A__-A. a new suitcaseB. something for the charity shopC. more books34. Xiaoyan going to be back in Shanghai___B__。

开放英语I(2) 期末复习题2205第一部分交际用语阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当的选择A(Right),不恰当的选择B(Wrong),并将答案写在答题纸上。
(B)1. -Where did you go for your holiday?-Two years ago.A. RightB. Wrong(B)2. -What are you going to do this evening?-I went there with some friends.A. RightB. Wrong(A)3.-Hello, Xiaoyan. How was the party?-Hi, Jack. We had a great time.A. RightB. Wrong(B)4. -Is there a bank near here?-Y es. I saw him this morning.A. RightB. Wrong(A)5. -How do you like the film?-Jt's very good. I like it.A. RightB. Wrong(B) 6.-Do you like your job?-I'm a nurse.A. RightB. Wrong(A) 7.-Have you been to America?-I've never been there but I hope to go there in the future.A. RightB. Wrong(B) 8.-Where did you go for your holiday?-Two years ago.A. RightB. Wrong(A) 9.-Hello.Is that Ivydale Guesthouse?-Y es,it is. Can I help you?A. RightB. Wrong(A)10.-Have you had a good day?-Y es,but I'm very tired.A. RightB. Wrong(B)11. --Is there a bank near here?--Y es. I saw him this morning.A. RightB. Wrong(A)12.--What does he look like?--He is tall and thin.A. RightB. Wrong(B)13.--Where did you go for your holiday?--Two years ago.A. RightB. Wrong(B)14. --What are you going to do this evening?--I went there with some friends.A. RightB. Wrong(A)15.--How can I book a cheap hotel?--If I were you, I'd phone a travel agent.A. RightB. Wrong(B )16. –Shall we go to a restaurant?--See you later.A. RightB. Wrong(A )17. -What would you like to have?-An orange juice, please.A. RightB. Wrong(B )18. -Where did you go for your holiday?-Two years ago.A. RightB. Wrong(A )19. -What time will the next train leave?-At 8.19.A. RightB. Wrong(B )20. -What are you going to do tomorrow morning?-I saw a film with my son.A. RightB. Wrong(B)21. –How is the weather today?--I‘m fine, thank you.A. RightB. Wrong(A)22. -what does he look like?-He is tall and thin.A. RightB. Wrong(B)23. -Can I help you?-Nice to see you.A. RightB. Wrong(A)24. -What‘s your job?-I‘m a nurse.A. RightB. Wrong(B)25. -Shall we have something to eat before we go?-Nice to meet you.A. RightB. Wrong以下100题请仔细阅读答案,参照上述类型题,然后对照选项,给出Right or Wrong 的选择。

学前准备参考答案1.B 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. C学习记录卡11.规则动词:talk talked work worked不规则动词:do didBuy boughtTom went to see his parents in the country.否定句:Tom did’t go to see his parents in the country.疑问句:Did Tom go to see his parents in the country.Dave’s picking up the van tomorrow. 戴夫明天去取车。
I’m going to buy him a violin for his birthday.我打算给他买一把小提琴作为生日礼物。
I’m tired. I’ll take a taxi to go there. 我累了,我得乘出租车去哪儿。
She has lost her wallet.2.表示某人的经历。
I have been to Beijing.prefer 和rather区分I’d prefer to go to the theatre.rent 和hire区分I’m going to rent a flat.Play, do, go 与运动项目搭配时的区别I do KungFu every Friday.He likes to play chess in his free time.他直到10点才起床。
He didn’t get up untill 10 o’clock.A:這件衬衫太小了。
This shirt is too small.B:不,我觉得够大了。
No, I think it is big enough.如何点餐:Can I help you, sir?B: Could we have cheese and bread, please?A: Yes.A: How about seeing a film tonight?B: Great. What’s on ?A:The TitanicB: It’s said to be very good.A: Shall we have something to eat after film?B: That’s a good idea. Let’s do it你对面授课的建议是:希望老师对语法讲解更透彻,重点更突出。

中央电大形考平台开放英语I(2)光盘作业全部答案__林泉河整理.doc英语2光盘作业答案英语219单元in/ last/ this /time /sunny/food/ burned /up /live /over.C C B A C/ AAC B A/ C AC ACAC A BA/ CACCABCCBA20单元don't/ idea / 6 / time / nice / no / more/ going / 3 / seeBBCCC / ACCAA / CAABBCBAAB/ CCBCACBABA21单元wrote / met / set / music / pop/ keen / next / set /for / student BCACA / AABBA / ACCAACCAAC /BABACAB ABC22单元do / go / play / go / a / do / play / play / with / playCCACB / ABBCB / CBCCBBCCCC / CABACAB AAC23单元walking / begin / her / black / with / wine / been / huge / too / later BCBCB / CCBAA/BBACBCABCB/CCCCBBCBACrather / not / far / Both / neither / near / either / of / less/ betterBBBCC / CAACA / ACBAACBABA/BABACBABCB26单元After / going / went / During / to / made / by / take / before / spite ABCCA/ BBACB/ ABCABBABAC/ BBABABABCB27单元18 / came / no / up /siblings / 4/ 2 / only / great / missedBCCAC / BABAB / BCAAACBCCA/BCCCABCCBA28单元just / yet / already / Have / yet / yet / busy / chosen / already / free CBBAA / BAACC / ACCABACBAB / CBAACBCCAB29单元please / Next / long / Can / take / walk / fine / shower / choice / note CCBBB / CAACA / AACCCBBAAA/AABACBAABC31单元ABABB/ABCAACACBC/CCABC/CAAABBCACA/AAACA32单元notice / stuff / off / van / laptop / damage / window / door / police / round ABCBA / CBCCB / ABBCCCACCA/CBACABCABB33元order / plenty / 20 / 7 /come / salad / cheeses / so / right / forget BBBCA / CABBA / BCBCACBACA/CABBBACBBB34单元sure / 14 / look / who / must / on / with / not / right / awful CACBB / BABAC / CBBCACBACA/ACBBABCBAB35单元far / learn / with / complete / fat / humour / five / nice / shy / ones BAACC/BABAB/AAAAAABCCB/CBAAACBABA开放英语I (2)光盘作业一、语法与功能TASK 1:选择填空。

英语1、英语2光盘作业答案感谢学前教育专业周承松、刘玉婷、焦兴洪、苏晓莲同学整理英语1x01单元1.manager / detail / secretary / company / mobile / British / America /flight / local /parent2.BAACB / CBAAC3.CBACAB4.34 / 302 / 2170569 / 240802单元pleased / shame / enjoy / start / colleague / sandwich / reservation / single / canteen /usuallyABACB / ACABABACACABACB03单元加班work late / 角落corner / 接待处reception / 工商企业business / 首都capita /个人电脑personal computer / 口信message / 复印机photocopier / 植物plant / 行李luggageBAACC / BAACBACABB / BCBCBCAC04单元company / retired / holiday / lawyer / immediately / important / customer interview / train / concertBACAC / BCACCBABCAHow / are / things / I’m / helpful / Have / got / parents / any / cousins / Do / have / I / do / 62 / in05单元搜寻hunt / 修理repair / 有吸引力的attractive / 寻找look for / 独立的separate / 神经紧张nervous / 打电话ring up/ 便利的convenient / 问题problem CAAAB/ CBACCABBACACBCB07单元接受accept 服务员waiter 往返的return 机场airport 疲惫的tired 车费fare 地铁tube 提建议suggest 邀请invitation 运气luck ACBBCBABCACABCABBtoo noisy / too far from the tabe / too expensive / not comfortable enough / not big enough08单元suitcase / calm / crowed / temperature / cheap / modern / financial / staff / chaotic / neighbourBCABA / BCAACBACACcrazy / chaotic / crowded / beautiful / cheap / expensive / safe / well-organised / clean / old09单元ACACA / CABCCBBABA / ABCABBABAABBBAC10单元prawn / vegetable / cream / carrot / container / packet / carton /mineral / cabbage / chocolateBCABA / BCAACBCAAABABBB11单元prefer / terrible / research / borrow / handwriting / history / continue / neither / millionaire / quizCCBBACBACABAABABBCAAB13单元令人兴奋的exciting / 选择choose / 健美操aerobics / 地址address / 令人厌倦的boring /包括include / 机会opportunity / 教练员trainer / 瑜伽功yoga / 信用卡credit cardCCBCB / ACBABABABAtomorrow gym two when aerobics month don’t class trainer do14单元ax si o du cu oi ea jo ie riBCACA / CAAABBABCCBBCAB15单元棒极了fantastic/ 加班do overtime/ 确认confirmation/ 发送deliver/ 核对check/订购order / 取决于depend on / 折扣discount / 有创造力的creative / 至少at least / 照例as usual / 主厨chefACBAC / BBABBCABBAABBAB16单元ai a oo y di a ea a er urACCBABACABABABAABCCA17单元nu ar ci ai a ss itu ou ee oCBCCBABCACBCBABBABCA英语219单元in/ last/ this /time /sunny/food/ burned /up /live /over.C C B A C/ A A C B A/ C A C A CAC A B A / C A C C AB C C B A20单元don’t / idea / 6 / time / nice / no / more/ going / 3 / see BBCCC / ACCAA / CAABBCBAAB / CCBCACBABA21单元wrote / met / set / music / pop/ keen / next / set /for / student BCACA / AABBA / ACCAACCAAC /BABACABABC22单元do / go / play / go / a / do / play / play / with / playCCACB / ABBCB / CBCCBBCCCC / CABACABAAC23单元walking / begin / her / black / with / wine / been / huge / too / laterBCBCB / CCBAA /BBACBCABCB / CCCCBBCBAC25单元rather / not / far / Both / neither / near / either / of / less/ better BBBCC / CAACA / ACBAACBABA / BABACBABCB26单元After / going / went / During / to / made / by / take / before / spite ABCCA / BBACB / ABCABBABAC / BBABABABCB27单元18 / came / no / up /siblings / 4/ 2 / only / great / missedBCCAC / BABAB / BCAAACBCCA / BCCCABCCBA28单元just / yet / already / Have / yet / yet / busy / chosen / already / free CBBAA / BAACC / ACCABACBAB / CBAACBCCAB29单元please / Next / long / Can / take / walk / fine / shower / choice / noteCCBBB / CAACA / AACCCBBAAA / AABACBAABC31单元ABABB / ABCAACACBC / CCABC / CAAABBCACA / AAACACBACA32单元notice / stuff / off / van / laptop / damage / window / door / police / round ABCBA / CBCCB / ABBCCCACCA / CBACABCABB33元order / plenty / 20 / 7 /come / salad / cheeses / so / right / forgetBBBCA / CABBA / BCBCACBACA / CABBBACBBB34单元sure / 14 / look / who / must / on / with / not / right / awful CACBB / BABAC / CBBCACBACA / ACBBABCBAB35单元far / learn / with / complete / fat / humour / five / nice / shy / onesBAACC / BABAB / AAAAAABCCB / CBAAACBABA开放英语I(2)光盘作业Unit 24一、语法与功能TASK 1:选择填空。

软件中答案位置不会改变,大胆填入,完形填空请输入文章开头几个字即可搜出,阅读理解输入问题的前几个字即可搜出(不要搜文章本身)2.注意:参考答案如果是“I1523301”这样的代码以最后一位数为参照1、2、3、4分别对应A、B、C、D开放本科英语II(1)第6单元参考答案第一部分:阅读下面的小对话,从四个选项中选出一个最人佳答案(共10小题,每题2分,共计20分)– Nice weather, isn't it? C– I think the Internet is very helpful. A– What subjects are you studying? C– Which language do you speak at home? D– Must we hand in our homework now? C– Help yourself to the steak, Maggie. B– Go that way and take a seat. B– Are you sure about that? D– When does the next bus leave for Glasgow? C– There's a new cafeteria at the corner. How about going there for supper? A– Is the toilet on the ground floor or 2nd floor? C– I'd like to know something about your life in Paris. C– What do you find difficult in learning English? A– Hurry up. The lecture begins at 2:00. A– Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is? B– Look at the rainbow! What a view! B– Would you like to see the menu? A– Linda, can you give me a lift after work? D– I wonder if Tim could control the situation. D– Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow? B– Where are you from? B– Why are you so late? B– What's the weather like in your hometown? D– Can you tell me how much a radio like this costs? C– What a beautiful dress in the window! B– Do you know who telephoned me? A– Excuse me, which is the express train to Tokyo? D– Oh, you're back at work? How was your holiday? A– I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson. C– Do you know where I can repair my motorcar? C– Let's take a walk. A– Hello, could I speak to Don please? D– Do you think the exam will be put off? C– In my opinion, you'd better take a couple of days off.A– Would you mind if I open the window for a better view? D– Do you know if the Andersons are still living there? B– Would you like to order now? B– Is there anything serious, doctor? C– Do you like watching football matches? D– Excuse me, I didn't mean to bother you. C– Hello, Sally. How's everything? D– Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator? A– I don't like the sports programs on Sundays. B– What's the problem, Harry? D– What kind of TV program do you like best? C– What if my computer doesn't work? B– Can I take your order now? D– Have you got a table for four, Waiter? B– Hey, Barbara. You look so pale. A– I've got two tickets for the match. Shall we go and watch it together? C – May I give you a hand? B– Well, Mary, how are you? C– There is an hour to go. Could we sit somewhere to have a drink? B– I don't think I'm late. Excuse me, what's the time? A– Excuse me, how far is the airport from here? B– Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest supermarket? D– Look, 25% off. The $2,500 camera is on sale today. D– Wait here and I'll get my car and go there together. D– Hello! Can I get a seat on the 8 pm flight to Detroit? C– I'm trying to call Marie, but there's no answer. A– I wonder if you could help me. D– May I help you, madam? D– Ed said that his boy fell off a tree. A– Excuse me, does this bus go to the bookstore? C– Who has done your hair, Susan? B– Excuse me, when is the next flight from London due to arrive? A– How's the movie? Interesting? C– Must I do the washing-up tonight? B– How do I get to Cairo? B– Will you please turn down the TV? D– What about going for a walk? D– What do you think about this story? C– Joe will come to the party at Jane and Ian's, won't he? C– I haven't seen Belly for 10 years. B– Everyone knows where the shop is, but who's the owner? A– Oh, the box is too heavy. B– Don't take too long at the coffee shop. It's 14:15. B– Ami, I want this report typed today. A– Excuse me. Is this table taken? C– Is this the motel you mentioned? B– May I have a look at your photo album? D– Is there a drugstore near here? D– How long have you lived in London? B– I heard your motorcar was stolen. D– I'm sorry. Bob's not in his office. A– Afternoon, sir. Where to? A– I've ordered pizza and salad. What else do you want? C– I'm sorry to be late. Thank you for waiting. B– The lecture given by professor Smith was really interesting. A– I wonder if Henry will come to the party at 8:00 sharp as he's promised. C – What would you like, tea or coffee? B– Could I borrow your CD of English songs? B– Can I help you to get it down? C– May I know your address? A– Thanks a lot. You've gone to so much trouble. A– Jack, are you leaving now? It's 7:20. D– Where to? I'm so thirsty. B– Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver? D– Will you have some dessert, Judy? A– David, you've been losing your temper over nothing lately. C第二部分:阅读下面的句子,从四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项(共15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)We failed in our _____ to climb the mountain. DI am pleased to take _________ to exchange views with you. AShe has always ______ to her father, although he did not graduate from a famous university. DI don't want you to make any trouble, ________, I urge you to solve the problem. CHe was _______ about his new job. AThe president claimed the terrorists should be held responsible _______ the explosions that happened last month in London. AJohn Preston was tired ________ living in east London, in which he had moved after his wife's death. BSome of the citizens have been _________ medals for bravery. CThe public transport system in many cities in the world _______ by the local authority. DSadam __________ for 25 years. BAlthough I am a good swimmer, I don't like ________ in the sea. B________ you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened. DThe __________ is concerned with successful election, whereas the statesman is interested in the future of his people. BThe big man has always been eating on the go, ______ he has got stomachache. AIn China, children ________ school at seven. CMother was busy. Although she was not watching the basketball on TV, she _______ it on the radio. AMark is a clerk _______ a job in a top bookstore. BIn the fifties last century many, new cities __________ in the desert. CDid you have a neighbor who was always _________ your business? DWe lived on a __________ when my wife studied in Oxford. It is quiet there, so very suited for a student. BHe was _______ the preparation of an international conference when I arrived in Beijing. DAn adviser said in China _________ course should be developed in some Universities, one year at work, one year college. AMy parents are not interested in modern music. They are ______ the times. BPlease stop ______. It cannot help the situation. BHardly ____________ home when it began to rain. BWhy ________ the old block of flats _______ demolished next month? BWe are told that it is __________ we are born that decides our nationality. C_________ they are doing has never been done before. BJean could be a very attractive girl, but she _______ to her clothes. AOur Lab was being ________ when we visited the university. AThe beef I ate at the restaurant yesterday is delicious. I'd like to have it again even if it costs _________. DThe man ________ the gate when he realized that we had spotted him. BWe have kept _______our friendship by writing to each other, so we are true friends. BI haven't read ________ book, but I read half of it. At least I know something about the subject now. BThe act of speaking will also help to improve listening comprehension ______. CEdgar began _____ as an office boy years ago. BSmith drove all the ____________ to Los Angeles and was just in time for the opening ceremony of the 23rd Olympic Games. AThere are nations whose lack of contact with the outside world has ________ poverty. C People wandering in the fairground or park area _________ wear a uniform. DEverything ______ if Albert hadn't called the fire brigade. DMr Liu, ___________ at university in Changchun, works at Changhou Company now. AIt is assumed that students at an intermediate level will have a good ______ of the basic structures and vocabulary of English. AWhile _________ money, he had worked very long hours. AI tried _________ the book in a few days, but actually I couldn't, just because of too much work for me. BI thought that this would be a funny trick ___________ Jim. AThe mistake was ________ by the carelessness of the assistant. BIf you have made a decision, please stick ________ what you want. A________ majority of people are highly against the pollution in this city. CThis ancient letter was written ________ a pen. AMy aunt has lived in New York _______ 1995. DI prefer classic music _______ pop music. DA 15-year-old boy was _______ for stealing 22 charity boxes from local shops. CYou should make ________ your house or flat is secure. AIf I had more money, I _______ travel around the world. CSilk ________ by Chinese for thousands of years now. BYou _______ to lock the door at night. BWe have our house ________ every week by a cleaner. BLast week I bought a flat ________ biggest room faced south. BBefore I got to the cinema, the film ________. AThe roof of our house is broken, so it needs _______. BMore and more people in China now __________ to work regularly. ADon't you think the small donkey can really pull the heavy ___________? DIf you go to America, you will find that there are better ________ by road, rail and air than in London. CBush's farm ____ is said to be at bottom of the state of Texas in north America. C Parliament didn't think the Prime Minister did enough in the improvement of fair employment, ______ he was asked to write to Parliament for further explanation. BAll the team members tried their best. We lost the game, _________. AI was busy with my paper when I heard someone ________ in the room above. DJohn and Mary ____________ for years before they got married. AAt present, the most important thing is that Britain needs __________ more to improve the relationship with the USA. AJohn _______ to be a teacher before the war, but now he works in a hospital. CI am very surprised that even an expert on foreign affairs can know the painting is forgery.________ , he can tell who painted it. DWhen we were having a meeting, the director ____ the bad news by telephone. BThe volunteers started looking after other children _________ parents died of AIDS last year. ABoggis' little secret was that she wanted to see herself the _________ girl. CIf you don't promise to help build more houses, ordinary people _______ . AOn his first sea _____, he was still quite young but showed great courage to face the storms. DAncient Greece is the ______ of western civilization. AHis attitude toward us seems _____ . DLet me ____ the case carefully before I draw a conclusion. BI know this is the secret between you and me, and I promise never to _____ it to anyone else. AIn addition to rice, we need to _____ our diet with fish, meat and vegetable. A____, we keep records on all the experiments so that we may have enough data. BNo one can possibly recall any detail about the meeting. It is at least five years since it _______. CHe, as well as I, _____ a student. DLast month, he paid a visit to the village ___ he had once worked for five years. A Frank plays ____ Alex. CHe seldom does his homework at school on weekdays, _____ he? CThe farmer caught the boys ______ his apples. AThese plants are rather difficult ________. AWe advised him to give up smoking, ____ a lot of exercise. CWe failed in our _____ to climb the mountain. DWhat ____ of blood does Tom have? BThat's the ____ gentleman I've been telling you about. CI'd like to know what you ____ the plants I gave you. DHe speaks so quickly that I didn't _____ what he said. DHe ____ the children so badly that they were terrified of him. BAfter stopping for a few minutes, the bus moved _____ to its next stop. DIf the man ____ succeed, he must work as hard as he can. BHow the fire in the dance hall started _________ a mystery. BHistory is the story of _____ happened to the people before today. CIt is _____ that he has to ask for help. DIf there were life on Mars, such life forms ____ unable to survive on earth. CDo you feel like __________ today? BThe picture is pleasant _______. ADon't worry, your watch ____ and you can have it in no time. DI don't think this kind of medicine has any _____. CIf you want to learn something, you had better pay _____ in class. CThe refrigerator is _____; we must buy some food. DThe teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to ________ what he was saying. AShe _____ her success to hard work and strong will. CIt ______ that I met one of my old classmates on my way home yesterday. D_____ all we should put the theory into practice. COnce he starts a job, he won't stop _____ it is finished. DIn this factory each worker must receive a ______ training course. AA lecture hall is ____ where students attend lectures. COne of the benefits of the new model is that it is easier _____ than the old one. C Dr. Hoffman proposed that we _____ the meeting until next week. AWe consider __________ the instrument be adjusted each time it is used. BGood-bye, Miss Liu. I'm very pleased _________. DThree people, ________, were injured in the accident. COne day while Mr. King was working, he had a(an) _____ and his left leg was badly injured. BI prefer to live in the countryside. Country life has a lot of ____ over city life. CHe is a kind-hearted and _____ gentleman. BWhen a fire _______ at the National Exhibition, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed. BIt was well known that Thomas Edison _____ the electric lamp. AHe ____ himself quickly to the new condition of his work. CThey handed in their paper ______. DNot until most of the people had left the airport _________ his sister was there. C The population of the earth ____ increasing fast. One third of the population here ______ workers. AThis is the problem _____ we have no good solution as yet. DThey are _________ students that they all performed well in the nationwide examinations. BI don't think he will be back in an hour, ____? DOnce you're into basketball, you'll find ____ great fun to play as a way to relax. A The work ____ by the time you get there. ANot always ________ they want (to). BThe patient acted on the doctor's ____ and finally recovered. BI saw she was in a difficulty with all those parcels, so I offered my ______. AWe are _____ in the future of our motherland. BLet's not wait any longer, he might not _______ at all. BMr. Smith ______ a most important part in the development of our city. CIt is hoped that the weather will ____ warm for three more days. DIf you want to visit someone in England, you'd better make arrangement _____. CPlease leave the key under the door ______ you go out. AMr. Smith, together with his wife and children, _____ going to the party this weekend. BThe sun heats the earth, ____ is very important to living things. CThe definition leaves __________ for disagreement. BI'd rather stay at home than ______ a walk. CThe heavy rain stopped us _____ at the station on time. DBy next year he __________ in New York for five years. DHe is over fifty, but he looks as though he _____ only in his thirties. AWe'll __________ our discussion tomorrow. BThey all ____________ the job. BThe next train to Beijing ___________ here at 3'o clock. AHe goes to school by bike, and the __________ takes half an hour. BThat is the dog ___________ name is Henry. AHe _____________ in the laboratory the whole morning. AThe play _______ already _______ when we got to the theatre. DBefore she began to study at Beijing University, she _________ in a factory for five years.AJack enjoys __________ Peking Opera. DWe need ________ the machine. DWhen was the building _________ ? CShe was very concerned __________ her mother's illness. AHis parents will be _________ him if he fails the examination. CWho is responsible ___________ breaking the window? DIt was convenient ___________ close to work. BChina is ___________ the east of Asia. AIt's not safe ______ in the street. CWe __________ every day when we were children. AHe spends a quarter of the day ___________ . B__________ for the Olympic Games begins about ten years in advance. C Ann is studying ______ at university. BAfter __________ the bid, major construction began in Beijing. CYou look _______ . What ______ you ________ ? DShe has lived here ______________ three years. BI have given ______________ eating meat. CHe is the man ______________ dog bit me. DThose cakes look nice. Can I have ______________ ? AShe ______________ talking when I am watching TV. BI prefer the TV ______________ the radio. AI can do that job ______________ myself. ANext year, I ______________ plan to go to Italy. BThe road ______________ built last year. DShe has brought ______________ two children by herself. BI broke my leg when I ______________ skiing in America. CMy father______________ take me to work with him is when I was a child. C I'm in Greece at the moment. I like the weather _________. BI'm tired. I ______________ working very hard. DI am leaving for New York ______________ three days time. 6130I803The bedroom needs ____________ . 6130I901We have our office ____________ every day by a cleaner. CThat place is _____________ the south of the city. BIt's very convenient __________ here. DShe likes to spend time __________ with her grandchildren. C_________ majority of people agree with him. AHe has ___________ four successful books. BI have lived here _______ 1997. BThe policeman was attacked ________ a knife. DThe blue whale is _______ largest animal in the world. BCould you please pay me ________ advance? C________________ every day for 20 minutes. AIf he was fitter, he ___________ live longer. CI have spent a lot of time _________ working on this problem. BMy car was being __________ when it was stolen. DWhen I was a child, we _______ wear a uniform for school. DIf I get the new job, I _______ buy a better car. BI stopped _______ last year. AI prefer tea _______ coffee. AShe comes from _______ People's Republic of China. DA new hotel _______ in the centre of town at the moment. CGiven the high price, _______ it's not surprising they didn't buy it. C The problem is _______ by pollution. AYou _______ to exercise more. BShe was convicted _______ murder. DIf you go by car, you'll get there _______ 40 minutes. AI _______ her to marry me and she agreed. BYou like playing football, _______ you? D– Where ________ the recorder? I can't see it anywhere.– I ______ it right here, but now it's gone. B– Are you free in July?– No, I _________ with my parents in July. DThe restaurants ________ are good but the _________ here are much better. AI started looking after other children _______ parents went out to work. CThis is the house _______ he lived last year. C_______ I enjoy most is ______ I can have a holiday from work. DI'm leaving for New York _____ three day's time. BI'm in Greece at the moment. I like the weather ________. BHe is very keen ______ football. CWe _________ the bathroom and plan _________ the bedroom this year. DI __________ finish my homework now. I can do it at the weekend. B___ I got a first, I'd stay in university and I'd do a postgraduate research degree. D She paid the builder _________ the gate. AHe carried on ________ after his accident. CI tried ________, but the line was engaged. D______ all your money in the first week is not a sensible strategy. AThey walked _______ the woods. CHe is looking forward ___________ his thesis. BWhen I was a child, we __________ wear a uniform for school. DI regret _______ that I'm unable to help you. BAre you still here? You were here half an hour ago. Who ________ for? BAre trees __________ along the road right now? C– We want to sit at the table near the window.– I'm sorry, but ______ already. DWhen ____ the old block of flats _____________? C_____ the tree __________ down? AWhat ________________ all this morning? BThe boy _______ to school already. DThey ________________ for hours. A________ these children know the answer. CHe asked me where ________ from. BShe asked me whether _________ English. DMy teacher told me ______ to English people as much as I can to practise my English. D He asked me ______ English culture. ASomebody asked her, ___________? BThere wasn't any paper in the box, _________? BLet's go to the cinema, ________? DBy the end of this year, I _____ enough money for a holiday. CI have _____ finished the report. B第三部分:完型填空阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

英语I(2)光盘答案19单元in last this time sunny food burned up live over.C C B A C A A C B A C A C A C / AC A B A C A C C A / B C C B A20单元don’t idea 6 time nice no more going 3 see BBCCC ACCAA CAABB / CBAAB CCBCA / CBABA21单元wrote met set music pop keen next set for student BCACA AABBA ACCAA / CCAAC BABAC / ABABC22单元do go play go a do play play with play CCACB ABBCB CBCCB / BCCCC CABAC / ABAAC23单元walking begin her black with wine been huge too later BCBCB CCBAA BBACB / CABCB CCCCB / BCBAC25单元rather not far Both neither near either of less better BBBCC CAACA ACBAA / CBABA BABAC / BABCB26单元After going went During to made by take before spiteABCCA BBACB ABCAB / BABAC BBABA / BABCB27单元18 came no up siblings 4 2 only great missed BCCAC BABAB BCAAA / CBCCA BCCCA / BCCBA28单元just yet already Have yet yet busy chosen already free CBBAA BAACC ACCAB / ACBAB CBAAC / BCCAB29单元please Next long Can take walk fine shower choice note CCBBB CAACA AACCC / BBAAA AABAC / BAABC31单元ABABB ABCAA / CACBC CCABC CAAABBCACA AAACA / CBACA32单元notice stuff off van laptop damage window door police round ABCBA CBCCB ABBCC / CACCA CBACA / BCABB33元order plenty 20 7 come salad cheeses so right forgetBBBCA CABBA BCBCA / CBACA CABBB / ACBBB34单元sure 14 look who must on with not right awful CACBB BABAC CBBCA / CBACA ACBBA / BCBAB35单元far learn with complete fat humour five nice shy ones BAACC BABAB AAAAA / ABCCB CBAAA / CBABA24 单元一、语法与功能TASK 1:选择填空。

《开放英语2》《英语I(2)》网上作业Unit36参考答案Unit 36一、语法与功能TASK 1:选择填空。
1. He is a doctor, so is his wife.2. He stopped watching TV when the dinner was ready.3. Last weekend Mary helped her mother in the kitchen.4. You’ll be here tomorrow, won’t you5. You don’t come and see me like you used to.6. He went out with his friend lask weekend.7. I’ve lived in Chongqing for twenty years.8. Look out! The train is coming.9. I have been living here for almost 20 years.10.On her way to her office, she stopped to buy a newspaper.11.She will have the curtain changed before the guests come.12.While I was waiting for the bus, it started to rain.13.Mary didn’t turn up until the train left.14. A: Have you seen the film Life Without SteveB: No, I haven’t seen it yet.15.Tell her I’ll pick up the airline tickets tomorrow.16.I have no idea who stole his wallet. It could have been anyone.17.Mr. Smith has a five-year-old daughter.18. A: I didn’t have time for lunch today.B: I didn’t either.19.Mike offered to help and so did John.20.Because of the illness, she was kept in bed for a few months.21.Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday, I went to buy something special for her.22.If my brother calls, tell him to meet me at six.23.Look at the car! This is the most beautiful car I have ever seen.24.Tom’s computer is broken .He’ll have it repaired.25.He was singing when the teacher came in.26.I’ve always enjoyed swimming.27.We won’t have the rehearsal if it rains tomorrow.28.Everybody had a good tome at the party.29.Did Nick have a good time at the Party last night.30.Dalian is east of Beijing on the coast.31.It’s very easy to clean up the room-anyone can do it.32.Learning English well isn’t easy but I like it very much.33.Did you get up early this morning.34. A: I haven’t sat down all day.B: You must be very tired.35.If I had a lot of money, I would buy a boat.36.Someone stole his camera while he is lying on the beach.37.Do you know the people who came here this morning.38.The baby is named after the nurse who was looking after her.39.Jack used to take a walk after supper when the weatherwas fine.40.Jack and Jane have been married for 10 years.41.If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house.42.His teacher doesn’t know when John is,nor do his classmates.43.He was interviewed by different people in the company.44.I’m going to buy Mary a birthday gift. Do you have anything special in mind.45.They might tell him something interesting about their companies.46.That’s a really excellent idea.47. A: How about another piece of chicken, SallyB: No, thanks. It was delicious, but I’m really full.48.Mr. Hilton is not good at music. Neither are his children.49.She didn’t go to the party because she was tired.50.You’d better stop talking. We’re listening to the news.TASK 2: 选择填空.A 篇:Tom: Hi, Xiaoyan, How was your weekend about, their, of, up, all, What, Because, where, so , would ...Tom: You should come and see a match sometime.B篇:Polly now works for Green Fingers... As, which, at, do, at, sure, visits, talks, customers, whose...it will be a very good thing for the reputation of the company.C篇:I was a student at the time, and I didn’t have mush money... with, save,up, so, put, back, for, for, were, for... Then he told us that his wife was dead!D 篇:Last week Polly decided to give up her job... are, paid, with, but, talked, with,another, out, apply... She has a lot of experience of selling and good business training but is worried about her lack of experience in some areas.E篇:Mary has just returned to the USA after studying in England for three years...study, one, get,which, while, recommended, his... Mary told her friends that she was going to return to Europe to work because she had enjoyed her time in England so much.F篇:Hote l Concorde…… This hotel is ......Although, little,are, doubles, to, both, only, with, takes, f or...二、阅读TASK 1:选词填空。

《开放英语(2)形成性考核册》学前准备1.Mary is my best friend.She teaches English in ___A___ school.A.aB.theC.an2.David is a manager.Now he ____B___ the emails in his office.A.readsB.is readingC.read3.What about ____B___ a film tonight?A.to seeB.seeingC.see4.—— Can I speak to Franco,piease?——____B____.A.Good afternoonB.One moment ,pleaseC.How are you5.Mary runs to the bus stop and gets ___A____ the bus No.4.A.onB.offC.up6.There is no rice left.We ____ C _ _ to get some from the shop.A. wantB.needC.decide7.The gym is open ___C____ 10.00 am to 8.00 pm.A.betweenB.atC.from8.Which city is ___B____ ,Beijing or London?A.coldB.colderC.the coidest9.——What’s the matter?——I’ve got a pain ____C____ my chest.A. atB. fromC.in10.They are very happy together. They love __A___.A.each otherB.themselvesC.them学习记录卡1三种时态之1:一般过去时(unit 19)从你学过的动词中各找出两个规则动词和不规则动词,写出动词原形和过去式:规则动词: work worked want wanted不规则动词:go went begin began写出下面句子的否定句和疑问句:Tom went to see his parents in the country.否定句: Tom didn’t go to see his parents in the country.疑问句: Did Tom go to see his parents in the country?三种时态之2:用现在进行时、will和be going to表示将来(unit 21)将下面三个句子翻译成汉语:Dave’s picking up the van tomorrow.戴维明天要去接货车。

学习记录卡1:规则动词:worked, talked, studied, stopped;不规则动词:came, did, had, went. (只供参考)。
否定句:Tom did not go to see his parents in the country. 疑问句:Did Tom go to see his parents in the country? 翻译:1、戴维明天去取车。
现在完成时请参考unit 22。
Prefer, rent, do, play.He didn’t get up until 10:00.The shirt is too small. No, I think it is not big enough.作业1:1-5BAABB;6-10CABBB;11-15BAAAB;16-20ACCCC;21-25BACBC;26. Instead of staying in the meeting, Tim left the office.27. He asked where the restaurant was.28. That cinema is very nice, but the tickets are quite expensive.29. His gone to Shanghai to negotiate a new contract.30. He didn’t run fast enough to catch the bus.31-35CBABB;36-40ABAAB;41.尽管电影很有兴趣,但太长了。
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英语I(2)光盘答案19单元in last this time sunny food burned up live over.C C B A C A A C B A C A C A C / AC A B A C A C C A / B C C B A20单元don’t idea 6 time nice no more going 3 see BBCCC ACCAA CAABB / CBAAB CCBCA / CBABA21单元wrote met set music pop keen next set for student BCACA AABBA ACCAA / CCAAC BABAC / ABABC22单元do go play go a do play play with play CCACB ABBCB CBCCB / BCCCC CABAC / ABAAC23单元walking begin her black with wine been huge too later BCBCB CCBAA BBACB / CABCB CCCCB / BCBAC25单元rather not far Both neither near either of less better BBBCC CAACA ACBAA / CBABA BABAC / BABCB26单元After going went During to made by take before spiteABCCA BBACB ABCAB / BABAC BBABA / BABCB27单元18 came no up siblings 4 2 only great missed BCCAC BABAB BCAAA / CBCCA BCCCA / BCCBA28单元just yet already Have yet yet busy chosen already free CBBAA BAACC ACCAB / ACBAB CBAAC / BCCAB29单元please Next long Can take walk fine shower choice note CCBBB CAACA AACCC / BBAAA AABAC / BAABC31单元ABABB ABCAA / CACBC CCABC CAAABBCACA AAACA / CBACA32单元notice stuff off van laptop damage window door police round ABCBA CBCCB ABBCC / CACCA CBACA / BCABB33元order plenty 20 7 come salad cheeses so right forgetBBBCA CABBA BCBCA / CBACA CABBB / ACBBB34单元sure 14 look who must on with not right awful CACBB BABAC CBBCA / CBACA ACBBA / BCBAB35单元far learn with complete fat humour five nice shy ones BAACC BABAB AAAAA / ABCCB CBAAA / CBABA24 单元一、语法与功能TASK 1:选择填空。
I’d rather have a glass of coffee.Although he is over 70 years old, he still works very hard.Everything is ready now for the party.A: Can you help me with my homework?B: Nobody else can. You have to do it yourself.A: Thank you for lending me your dictionary.B: You’re welcome. But could you give it back to me tomorrow?A: Whose book is this? B: It’s mine.C an you help me clear up my desk?Come here quickly. The meeting will begin in five minutes.D id she take part in the meeting?Did you enjoy yourself when you stayed in Beijing.Did you happen to come across my old school tie?Don’t let anyone in. The doctor is operating on the patient now.H as it stopped raining, Mike? We have to do some shopping today.Have you got any books on Chinese painting? I want to borrow one.Have you visited Xi’an?_ Yes. I have been there many times.He has made a lot of money since he started his own restaurant business.He is a good friend of ours.He is going to visit the Museum of Chinese History tomorrow.He likes playing football very much.His mother as well as his father is busy with work.I don’t like coloured clothes. I like white ones.If you’re going to come, please let me know in advance.Is it difficult to learn to do Tai Chi?J une 1st is Children’s Day.L ast Saturday I met an old English friend of mine.Last Sunday I went to Mr Smith’s birthday party,and some other friends were there ,too.Let’s go to the Great Wall by bus, shall we?M ary found the keys to her bedroom at last.Money isn’t everything.My father is three years older than my mother.My parent work very hard in the farm. They always get up early in the morning.My uncle has lived in this city since 1980.O ur classroom is bigger than theirs.P eggy is picking up her granddaughter at six pm.S he goes jogging every morning.She has lived in America for many years. She hopes to go back to China next year.She went to town last week.T he child is named after his father.The day after tomorrow will be my birthday.The meeting has lasted for five hours. No one knows when it will end.This bridge is made of iron.This cake is really nice. I’d like to have more of it.This jacket is not big enough for me. I need a bigger one.This red bicycle is his, and that blue one is Tome’sThree books are interesting, but the rest are not very good.W e are having a chess competition tonight.We worked all day, but we didn’t finish it.Where’s today’s newspaper?When he woke up, he heard the sound of knocking at the door.Why didn’t you go to see the film yesterday evening?X iao Wang will be a university student nest year.Y ou’re d riving too fast, slow down.TASK 2:选词填空。
A 篇:A: Well, what have you done today? Have you done ?B: Yes. I have been very busy...everything all, made, loaded, in, of, for, for,met,had.B 篇:In this romantic comedy, Lucy Simms is a beautiful 30-year-old career woman, who…has, enough, her, of,husband, as, funny, at, at, will.C篇:Mary began playing the violin when she was only six. Her father cameacross, back, play, on, about, in, had, offered, up, after.D 篇:The party went very well and they all had a good time. Nearly all the peoplecame, because, also, in, played, drank, with, everyone, talking, anyone.E篇:Football, or soccer, is the most popular sport in the world. It is playedby, in, biggest, for, The, for, other, are, over, on.F篇:Tim: Hello. Where have you been? You look hot.Xiaoyan: Yes, I .am. How, before, No, a lot, like, have, before, but, Let’s.二、阅读TASK 1:选词填空。