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Un it 6 When was it inven ted Sectio n A-2
Class Type
Readi ng
1.To lear n and un dersta nd the inven ti on of tea.
2.To better un dersta nd the in formati on about tea and Shen Nong.
A: This special pen was inven ted by Zheng Jie. It has three colors and it
is used for…
Step 11
Lan guage poin ts: expla in the key words and phrases in sect ion A-2.
Step 10
Pair works.
Let Ss supposed to be a bu.sin esspers on, and ask them to work with their
partners about the questions based on his or her inventions.
Step 4
Brai nstorm.
In troduce thee kno wledge of some kinds of tea.
Step 5
Free talk.
Ask Ss about some questio ns accord ing to th・e kno wledge in the brain storm.
Key structure
1.Did you know that tea was inven ted by accide nt?
2.It is said that Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink.
3.Tea didn't appear until around 1660, but in less than 100 years.
Step 12
More exercises about the Ian guage poin ts.
Step 8
Brai nstorm.
Introduce to Ss about some brilliant inventions made by accidents.
Step 9
Free talk.
Think of something that you don't like doing.
Then th .ink of an invention that could hity 3a.
Ask Ss to read the passage quickly and match each paragraph with its main.
Step 7
Activity 3b.
Ask Ss to read the passage aga in and an swer some questi ons.
4.The Chin ese are without doubt the ones who best un dersta nd the n ature of tea.
How to lear n and understand the invention about tea.
Show Ss some picture.s about the-dri nks and tell Ss that tea is the most
popular drin・k in the world, and then to discuss about the kinds of tea they know.
Step 1
Revisi on.
Let Ss tran slate some phrases.
Step 2
Free talk.
Ask Ss to talk about the question“how many kinds of drinks do you know?'
Step 3
Discuss ion.
n early, ruler, boil, rema in, smell, n ati on al, trade, doubt
Take place, without doubt, be inven ted by
Lead-i n
Enjoy a flash to have fun.