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My Awesome Day
Hi! My name is Alex and I'm going to tell you all about my super cool day. It was a Saturday, so I didn't have to go to school. Yay! I got to sleep in a little bit later than usual. Double yay!
When I woke up, I put on my favorite Spider-Man pajamas and went downstairs for breakfast. My mom had made my favorite - chocolate chip pancakes! She's the best cook ever. I ate them up so fast because they are just so yummy. I probably shouldn't have eaten them so quickly though because I got a little stomachache after. Whoops!
After breakfast, I went outside to play for a little while. I rode my bike around the neighborhood and played some basketball in my driveway. I'm getting pretty good at dribbling and shooting! Maybe I'll be in the NBA one day. That would be so awesome.
My friend Johnny came over around 11am and we played some video games together. We took turns playing this really fun racing game. I beat Johnny a few times, but he beat me way more. He's so good at that game! We had a snack of apple slices and pretzels while we played.
For lunch, we had grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. Grilled cheese is one of my favs but the tomato soup was a little too spicy for me. My mom makes everything from scratch though so it was still super good.
After lunch, Johnny and I went to the park near my house. We played on the swings and the seesaw for a while. Then we played tag and cowboys and indians. It was so much fun running around outside in the sunshine! The park was pretty crowded with other kids and families having picnics.
When we got back from the park, we had some popsicles as a treat. I got my favorite flavor - cherry! Then we played some more video games before Johnny had to go home for dinner. We made plans to have a sleepover at my house next weekend.
For dinner, we grilled hamburgers and hot dogs outside on the patio. We also had corn on the cob, baked beans, and watermelon slices. I put ketchup and mustard on my burger. Yum!
My little sister didn't want to eat anything except the watermelon though. Kids can be so picky sometimes!
After we cleaned up from dinner, we roasted marshmallows over
My Day
Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 8 years old. I go to Oakwood Elementary School. Today I'm going to tell you all about my day from when I wake up until I go to bed at night. Get ready because it's a long story!
My day starts bright and early at 6:30am when my mom comes into my room to wake me up. "Rise and shine, sleepyhead!" she'll say in a cheerful voice as she opens up my curtains. The sunlight floods into my bedroom and I squint my eyes because it's so bright. I never want to get out of my cozy warm bed!
But I know I have to get up and get ready for school. I drag myself out of bed and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get dressed. My mom lays out my school uniform for me - a white polo shirt, navy blue pants, and black shoes. I put it all on,
making sure to tuck in my shirt nice and neat like my teacher likes.
Once I'm all dressed, I head downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast. My dad is there cooking up something yummy - maybe pancakes or eggs and bacon. While he's making my food, I'll grab an apple or banana to munch on. I'm always starving in the morning!
After devouring my delicious breakfast, I put on my backpack and get my lunchbox from the fridge. My mom packs me a sandwich, a juice box, some carrots and grapes, and usually a cookie or granola bar for a treat. With my tummy full, it's time to head out the door for school at 7:45am.
I walk the six blocks to my elementary school with a bunch of other kids from my neighborhood. We laugh, talk, and sometimes even race each other to the school gates. Once I arrive, I head straight to my classroom to start my day.
My teacher, Mrs. Johnson, is one of the nicest people ever. She always has a big smile on her face and gives us fun assignments to work on. First up is usually some math problems or reading comprehension. My favorite subjects are science and art though. I love doing fun experiments and creating masterpieces to hang up in the classroom.
At 10am, we get a break and go outside to the playground for recess. I'll spend the whole time running around playing tag or kickball with my friends. We get so sweaty but we have a total blast! After recess, we go back inside and learn more subjects like English, social studies, and sometimes computer class.
Finally, at 12pm, it's time for lunch! I'll sit with my best friends Sarah, Michael, and Emma in the cafeteria. We talk about our favorite TV shows and video games while we munch on our sandwiches and snacks from home. Sometimes we'll trade food with each other if there's something we don't like.
After lunch, it's time for even more learning in the afternoon. We'll read from chapter books, learn about history, and work on writing assignments. Around 2pm, we'll have another quick break to rest our brains and run around outside again.
At 3pm, the final school bell rings and we get to go home for the day. What a relief! I'm always so tired by then after using my brain so much. I meet up with my friends and we walk home together, talking about what we'll do over the weekend or our plans for summer vacation coming up.
Once I get home, I'll grab an after-school snack like goldfish crackers or a peanut butter sandwich. Then I get started on my homework for the night - finishing up any assignments or
studying for tests. My parents help me if I get really stuck on something.
Around 5:30pm, we'll have dinner as a family. My mom and dad are wonderful cooks so the food is always amazing. After dinner, I'll take a bath or shower to get all clean and fresh. Sometimes I'll read books or comic books before bedtime.
At 8pm, it's time for lights out and sleep. I snuggle up under my covers, shut my eyes, and drift off dreaming about all the fun I'll have tomorrow. And that's my typical day from start to finish! Phew, I need a nap just from talking about how busy I am. A kid's life is tough work but I'm loving every minute of it!
My Day Doing All the Fun Stuff!
Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 8 years old. I go to Oakwood Elementary School and I'm in 3rd grade. Today I'm going to tell you all about my daily routine and everything I did yesterday. It was a Friday, which is awesome because that means the weekend is right around the corner!
I woke up at 7am when my mom came into my bedroom and opened the blinds. The sunshine poured in and made me squint
my eyes. "Rise and shine, sleepyhead!" she said in a cheerful voice. I groaned and pulled the covers over my head. I'm definitely not a morning person!
After laying in bed for a few more minutes, I finally mustered up the energy to get up. I put on my favorite Paw Patrol t-shirt and a pair of jeans with a hole in the knee. Then I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I took a big whiff of the delicious aroma coming from the kitchen - mom was making pancakes!
I dashed downstairs and slid into my seat at the table just as mom was setting down a plate stacked high with fluffy pancakes drizzled with syrup. My mouth was watering just looking at them!
I dug right in, getting syrup all over my face. They were so yummy.
Once I was done eating, I put on my backpack and waited for the school bus. I'm lucky because the bus stop is just down the street from my house. The big yellow bus pulled up right at 8am like always. I ran to get in line and then climbed up the big steps to find a spot.
At school, my first class was math. I'm not a huge fan of math to be honest. We had to practice our multiplication tables, which I find pretty boring. Luckily it went by quickly.
Next up was reading class, which is one of my favorites! We got to read the next chapter of the book our teacher had been reading out loud, all about a group of kids who discover a hidden world of magical elves and unicorns. It was so exciting and full of adventure, I could barely sit still in my seat.
After reading we had science, where we learned about the life cycle of a butterfly. We even got to see some real caterpillars in a jar that we'll hopefully get to watch turn into butterflies over the next few weeks. I thought that was super cool!
Around noon it was time for lunch and recess, which is definitely the best part of the school day. I rushed through the lunch line to get my tray of pizza, carrots, a chocolate milk, and a cookie. My friends Jack, Emma, and Ryan were already seated at our usual table. We chatted and joked around as we wolfed down our food.
The second the recess bell rang, we raced out to the playground. I beelined for the swing set and pumped my legs hard to get going high into the air. The wind whipped through my hair as I soared back and forth. After a while, I jumped off at the height of the swing and landed (a little clumsily) onto the woodchip ground.
Jack and Ryan were playing basketball, so I joined their game. We were on opposite teams, trying to make basket after basket. I'm not very tall, so I had to put everything I had into my shots to get the ball high enough to go into the net. Somehow I managed to sink a few!
Too soon, the recess monitors were blowing their whistles to signal it was time to line up and head back inside. I was sweaty and out of breath, but had had a total blast.
In the afternoon we had gym class, art class, and music class. For gym, we played a bunch of fun running games in the gymnasium. I was pretty tuckered out after all that running around!
In art, we learned how to sculpt with clay and made little pinch pots. I shaped mine into what I thought was a pretty cool looking snake. It definitely didn't look like the example our teacher showed, but I liked my weird snake sculpture.
For music class, we practiced singing songs and even got to play some rhythms on drums, xylophones, and other instruments. My favorite was definitely the drums - I drummed so hard my hands were sore afterwards!
Finally, at 3pm, the final bell rang and school was over for the day. I gathered up my backpack and folders and headed out to the bus line. The bus ride home seemed to take forever, with what felt like a million stops to drop other kids off first.
When I reached my house, I flung off my backpack at the door and made a beeline for the kitchen. I was starving! I munched on an apple and some crackers with peanut butter while I did my homework at the kitchen table. It wasn't too much - just a sheet of math problems and some spelling words to practice.
Once I finished up my homework, I spent the rest of the evening just playing and relaxing. I built an awesome fort out of bedsheets and couch cushions in the living room. Then
My Awesome Day
Hi there! Today was such a fun day and I want to tell you all about it. I woke up at 7 AM because I was so excited to go to school. I hopped out of bed and put on my favorite shirt with the rocket ship on it. Then I went to the kitchen for breakfast.
My mom made me scrambled eggs and toast. I put syrup all over the eggs because I like them sweet and gooey like that. My little sister Katie didn't want to eat her eggs but I traded her my toast for her eggs. Score! I love having two eggy things instead of just one.
After breakfast, I brushed my teeth really well and got my backpack ready for school. I put in my pencil case, my reading book, my lunchbox, and my favorite stuffed elephant that I take everywhere. His name is Ele and he sits next to me in class.
The school bus came at 8:15 and I ran outside to get on it. My best friend Billy was already on the bus and we sat together. Billy and I have been best buddies since kindergarten. We always try to make each other laugh on the bus.
"Hey Jake, what's brown and sticky?" Billy asked with a big goofy grin.
"I don't know, what?" I replied.
"A stick!" We both cracked up laughing so hard. Isn't that just the funniest joke ever? We spend the whole bus ride telling jokes back and forth. The bus driver probably thinks we're crazy!
We finally got to Oakdale Elementary at 8:30. Billy and I walked to our third grade classroom together. Our teacher Mrs.
Park was already there and the morning routine was on the board:
Put away backpack and lunchbox
Get out reading folder
Do morning work sheet
I did all three things right away so I could have free choice time before the morning lessons started. I decided to play cars and ramps with my friend Marcus. We built the biggest ramp tower ever and sent matchbox cars zooming down it. It was epic!
At 9 AM, Mrs. Park rang the bell and we had to clean up and go to our desks. First we had reading class. We're learning all about rainforests and the cool animals that live there like jaguars, toucans, and sloths. I think sloths are the funniest animal ever because they move sooooo sloooooowly. I tried moving in slow motion like a sloth and it was really hard not to speed up!
After reading we had math class. We're learning about multiplication and division now. I actually think math is pretty fun, especially when we get to play math games. Today we played multiplication baseball where you have to multiply two numbers together to get a "hit." I got four singles and one double!
When math was over, it was snack and recess time - wahoo! I had an apple, some crackers, and a juice box for my snack. Then I ran outside to meet up with Billy, Marcus, and our other friends to play freeze tag. I was "it" first and I managed to freeze everyone except Billy. That kid is so fast! But then Marcus
un-froze me and I finally got Billy frozen too. Victory was mine!
We had to go inside after recess for science and social studies classes. In science, we're learning about physical and chemical changes. We did an experiment where we made little model volcanic eruptions by putting baking soda and vinegar together. It was so awesome watching them explode everywhere!
I got vinegar all over my shirt but I didn't even care.
In social studies, we're studying maps and geography. We had to locate all the continents and oceans on our big classroom map. I'm really good at remembering the continents but I still mix up the oceans sometimes. We also learned about the equator and Prime Meridian lines that help us read maps.
Finally, it was time for lunch and recess again! I had a turkey and cheese sandwich, baby carrots, a banana, and a small bag of baked potato chips. My favorite part was definitely the potato chips. For recess, we just had free play on the playground. I spent most of the time on the swings and monkey bars with my friends.
After lunch and recess, we had writing class. We're working on writing personal narratives. A personal narrative is a true story about something that happened to you. I wrote about the time I lost my first tooth and the tooth fairy came. That was such an exciting day! I can't wait to read my story to the class tomorrow.
Our last class of the day was art. We've been making clay sculptures and mine is starting to look really good. Today I added the final details like a smiley face and some decorations. I can't wait to have it fired in the kiln so I can take it home and show my parents!
At 3:00, it was finally time to go home. I packed up my backpack and waited for the bus while Mrs. Park read us a chapter from the book we're reading out loud as a class. On the bus ride home, Billy and I told more silly jokes to each other. Here's one I came up with:
"Hey Billy, what do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back?"
"I don't know, what?"
"A stick!"
We both laughed so hard at my joke. When I got home, my mom asked me about my day at school. I told her all the things
we learned and fun stuff we did. Then I had a snack, did my homework, and played outside for a little while.
For dinner, we had chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, and green beans. My favorite! After dinner, I took a bath and got ready for bed. I read a chapter of my book, brushed my teeth, and said goodnight to my parents and sister.
As I was falling asleep, I thought about what an awesome day it had been. I love going to school and spending time with my friends and teachers. I enjoy learning new things every day too. Third grade really is the best! I can't wait for another fun day tomorrow.
What I Did Today
Hi, my name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. Today was a really fun and busy day for me! I'm going to tell you all about it.
I woke up at 7am when my mom came into my room and opened the blinds. The sunshine was super bright and made me squint my eyes. "Rise and shine, sleepyhead!" my mom said in a cheerful voice. I groaned and pulled the covers over my head
because I didn't want to get up yet. But then my mom tickled my feet and I couldn't stop giggling. "Okay, okay, I'm up!" I laughed.
After getting dressed, I went downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast. We had pancakes which are my favorite! My little sister Lily made a mess as usual by spilling syrup all over. After cleaning her sticky face and hands, it was time for me to brush my teeth. I really don't like brushing my teeth but my mom says it's important to have good dental hygiene.
By 8:15am, my dad had dropped me off at school. My best friend Jake was waiting for me at the front doors. "Hey Jamie, did you finish the math homework?" he asked. "Oh no, I forgot all about it!" I said, feeling a bit panicked. Just then, the bell rang so we had to rush to class.
My first few classes went by quickly. I found math kind of hard today because we were learning division. No matter how many times I tried, I kept getting stuck. After math was reading time which I love! We're reading the classic novel Charlotte's Web right now and it's so good. I enjoy reading about Wilbur the pig and all the animals.
Finally, lunchtime came around 12pm. Jake and I raced each other from our classroom down to the cafeteria. We got stuck behind some slow kids though, so I lost. Oh well, there's always
next time! My lunch today was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, some baby carrots, a chocolate chip cookie, and a juice box. Yum!
After lunch was my favorite part of the day - gym class! Today we played dodgeball which I'm awesome at. I managed to get a bunch of people out by hitting them with the ball. Haha! I also didn't get hit by any balls because I'm a pro at dodging. Jake and I were two of the last players standing.
When gym was over, we headed back to our classroom for more lessons like science and social studies. Science was interesting because we got to look through microscopes at different specimens. Social studies was pretty boring though as we just had to take notes from the textbook.
At last, the final bell rang at 3:30pm to signal the end of the school day. Freedom! I met up with my friend Grace and we walked to her house to play for a bit. We had a running race in her backyard and I won that time. We also played some Pokemon games on our Nintendo Switches. Her mom makes the best after-school snacks too - we had apple slices with caramel dip.
Soon it was time for me to head home around 5pm. My dad picked me up and asked "How was your day, champ?" I replied
"It was awesome! I had so much fun." For dinner, we ordered pizza which is my favorite food ever. My mom let me watch some TV shows while eating it in the living room.
After dinner, I finished up my homework and then got ready for bed around 8:30pm. I put on my cutest pajamas with the unicorns on them. My bedtime isn't until 9pm but I read quietly to myself until then. Tonight I read more of Harry Potter which is a book series I'm obsessed with right now. I can't wait to be a wizard too when I'm older!
Once 9pm hit, I brushed my teeth again and finally went to bed. I was pretty tired after such an active day at school and running around outside. As I closed my eyes, I thought about what dreams I would have tonight. Maybe I'll dream about being a famous dodgeball player or making friends with a talking pig!
Anyway, that was my day today. It was just a normal day for a kid like me, but I always try to make the most of it and have as much fun as possible. Every day is an adventure when you're 10 years old! Thanks for reading all about what I did - I'll talk to you next time!
What I Do All Day
Hi there! My name is Timmy and I'm going to tell you all about my day. I'm 8 years old and in 3rd grade. Every day is different but they are all pretty fun!
I wake up around 7am when my mom comes into my room. "Rise and shine sleepyhead!" she says as she opens the blinds. The bright sunlight makes me squint my eyes. I groan and pull the covers over my head. "Five more minutes?" I beg. But mom just laughs and pulls the covers off of me. "No way, you need to get ready for school."
Grumbling, I drag myself out of my warm cozy bed. I get dressed, putting on my favorite red t-shirt with the race car on it and a pair of jeans. In the bathroom, I brush my teeth and try to tame my crazy bedhead hair. No matter what I do, it still sticks out in all directions!
For breakfast, mom makes me scrambled eggs and toast. As I eat, I read some of the comics from the newspaper. Mom packs me an apple, a sandwich, and a juice box for my lunch. I put on my Velcro sneakers and my backpack and I'm out the door.
The school bus picks me up at 8am. I sit with my best friend Jacob. On the bus, we talk about Lego sets we want and compare trading cards. When we get to school, Jacob and I line up with our class and our teacher Mrs. Taylor leads us inside.
Our first class is math. I don't mind math, especially when we get to play games and do activities to learn. Like today, we used colored blocks and counting bears to learn about adding and subtracting. After math is reading time. We take turns reading out loud from fun stories. I like reading adventure books best.
At 10:30 we get a snack break and some time on the playground. I run around and play tag and tetherball with my friends. All that running makes me pretty hungry for lunch!
Speaking of lunch, after recess we go to the cafeteria. I eat my sandwich, apple, and juice box. For dessert, I trade my cookies to Jacob for his fruit snacks. He always makes that trade!
In the afternoon, we have science class where we get to do experiments. Today we learned about how plants grow by putting grass seeds in a clear cup with soil and water. I can't wait to see the seeds start sprouting!
We also have gym class in the afternoon. I love climbing the rock wall and playing dodgeball and kickball. I'm one of the fastest runners in my class. Sometimes we just go outside and run laps or play on the playground equipment too.
At the end of the day, we have storytime. The teacher reads us a chapter from a exciting book and we all listen closely, sitting
on the carpet. Then it's time to pack up our backpacks and get ready for the bus ride home.
On the bus ride, I'm tired from my busy day. Jacob and I read comics or play simple games. When I get home around 4pm, I have a snack like fruit or pretzels. Then I spend some time playing outside if it's nice out or doing homework if I have any.
For dinner, we'll have something like chicken nuggets or spaghetti or tacos. My favorite is pizza night on Fridays! After dinner, I take a bath to get good and clean. Sometimes I watch a show like SpongeBob or play some video games for a little while.
Around 8pm, it's time for bed. I put on my PJs, brush my teeth again, and snuggle under the covers. Mom reads me a bedtime story and I drift off to sleep. Before I know it, my day starts all over again!
I have so much fun during my days. Playing at recess, doing cool projects, spending time with friends, and learning new things. Being a kid is the best! I can't wait for tomorrow's adventures.。