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1.The challenge forthe... fostering...
2.The old lady raved ...
3.Gene therapy——... holy grail ...
4.Through genetic engineering, mainstay
5. A news release... twenty-somethings
6.For many reasons, heterosexual ...
7.It is absolutely mandatory that every...
8.In today’s ... embracing the...
9.As a young man, ... meditating upon...
10.She really enjoyed ... fusion of...
11.In the Netherlands euthanasia has...
12.Some observers doubt... be salvaged.
ck of essential deformity in...
14.All the cars are tested for defects before
15.We help peoplewith... handicaps to...
16.She had a lingering sense of...
17.The Government has to grapple with...
18.He was arrested for allegedly stabbing...
19.To her relief she was acquitted of...
20.The frontier of medical konwledge...
21.It is not our desire to be provocative,but
22.Like all... —or ―notional balue‖—
23.Annoyed, ... to curb such abuses—
24.The day was, devastating market crash.
25.In an appalling demonstrationst of...
26.Even more interesting, ... perspective, is
27.She was at... her counterpart at the U.N.
28.Members of the NASA-led the...fray.
29.Negotiation could sometimes defuse these
30.It may not,...frustrated when his efforts..
31.Fathers are... involved with their families.
lennium, committed to ...
33.I couldn’t figure out who the lady with...
34.Researchers are convinced that there is...
35.Spatial mobility...affluent groups on the...
36.She didn’t wangt to be tied down by a...
37.She loves her life...quest for knowledge... 38.It seems like...for the end of the rainbow.
39.Some claim that...has therapeutic value...
40.She has lots of good...formulating them.
41.Gas lamps became obsolete when electric
42.It is very ...to wine when I see a nurse...
43.No one would... grueling event in the...
44.They whiz through the rehearsalso that...
45.The film star...pretentious speech to...
46.The senator squelched the reporters ...
47.It took a long time for him to mull over...
48.It was exciting to... jaded when our TV...
49.Jane hoped her...had some misgiving.
50.When the war...seeking sanctuary in ...
51.Fam happened...been unfazed by all the...
52.The man posed as a health-woker in order
53.Years ago, ...have scoffed at the nontion...
54.Mrs.Williams..had misbehaved at school.
55.He has such...still reverberates with ...
56.Officials of...and appropriate public...
57.For the time being,to dispassionately...
58.Although almosxt ...emphatically that...
59.During the period of...to be rationed.
60.Wide reading,... enlightened opinions....
61.Dru-reated crime...are proscribed by law.
62.The attempt to...is blameworthy and...
63.The Department of ...confidential agree-.
64.No matter what...the implication that be...
65.Part of the hostility...could usurp the...
66.This often helps ...avoid nasty surprises,
67.Decisions made on the infrastructure...
68.Unexpectedly people...toe the line on...
69.A few analysts...will dissipate
70.The marathon... a glamorous sport.It is...
71.Loyal Britons,still harbor seentment...
72.In essence,...argument boil down to...
73.In this story,Nunez stumble upon...
74.The wartime inflation..so impoverished...
1.They decided to perpetuate the memory of their leader by erecting a statue.
2.After young people step into the society, they will be beset with various temptations.
3.The gypsy girl swayed her hips in a sensuous way as she danced.
4.The protestant uttered a few commonplaces about peace and democracy.
5.The elephant’s trunk is a unique form of appendage.
6.By making a remark about the weather unobtrusively, she kept the conversation going.
7.His Hamlet was a(an) revelation to the critics.
8.When little Tommy could not get his way, his behavior became perverse and contrary.
9.Someone must have rummaged about among my papers, for my drawer is in a mess.
10.When choosing a job, don’t be swayed just by promises of high earnings.
11.You have to see these changes in context: they’re part of a larger plan.
12.She strongly denounced the government’s hypocrisy in dealing with the Israeli-Palestine issue.
13.He hopes to gain her favor by pandering to her desire for continuous praise.
14.The rain sent all the farmers who were working in the fields scurrying for shelter.
15.The police questioned the veracity of the suspect’s statement.
16.Each morning the priest spent an hour in quiet contemplation.
17.If one aids and abets a criminal, he is also considered culpable.
18.To put it bluntly, this article is too verbose, we must edit it.
19.Even though the evidence is overwhelming, if one juror is still skeptical, the case must be retried.
20.Although we are in different parties, his ideas on politics are exactly in line with mine.
21.The report make out its case for increased spending on education.
22.Celebrated the world over for his writing, he still refused to put himself in the foreground.
23.Producers of pornographic material often claim that they are catering to a psychological need.
24.By dint of sheer toughness and real courage, the expeditioners lived through the jungle difficulties and dangers.
25.―Could I impose on you for a little help with this letter? I don’t quite know the best way to phrase it without causing offense.‖
26.Racial discrimination and injustice are ubiquitous and deeply ingrained in this country.
pared with modern satellite dishes, ordinary TV aerials look positively antiquated.
mon sense and creativity are some of the intangibles we’re looking for in an employee.
29.His parents had settled in the crowded ghettoes of the big city, surrounded by desperate poverty and anarchic violence.
30.The Prime Minister had an in-depth exchange of views and reached broad agreement with his European counterparts on
questions of protecting environment for human survival and combating international crimes.
31.Graduates who intend to get on in state system have, in their own interests, to conform to the rules and take the additional
one-year course that is provided for them.
32.Do you think that Joy will get the award for this year’s best fashion designer? She is hard working and able, but no genius.
33.The new fashion soon lost its appeal, awaiting the next cycle.
34.Her pulse started throbing when she saw there were books scattered over the carpet and a bowl of roses was overturned.
35.It was a large house containing a spacious sitting-room, four separate bedrooms and a communal kitchen.
36.The big Yorkshire combine, John brewery, was reported to merge with Warwick and Richard, the brewers of Newark, Notts.
37.The increasing tempo of the new economic world could no longer afford to dispense with mechanics,.., navigation, etc.
38.This is an ambitious scheme to raise such a big sum of money in such a short time.
39.His reluctance to admit the failure outraged public opinion.
40.In some ways it will be a testing occasion for him, although some think his position unassailable simply because there is no
one else in sight to supplant him.
41.Rome was not built in a day: strongholds of tradition reinforced by stubborn religious conviction, often biased and
prejudiced, could not be broken down in a moment.
42.All the publicity stunts in an advertising campaign were contrived to promote the sales of the products.
43.When truth is mingled with falsehood, truth is no longer taken as truth.
44.Equally important have been the Hobhouse journals, a vast mass of material partly in the British Museum ,partly in the
possession of the Hobhouse family in Somerset.
45.Well prepared and confident ,Tim appeared unabashed by all the media attention.
46.The impact of computer has been likened to that of the printing press.
47.The 16th century decorative style is grotesque in that parts of human, animal , and plant forms are distorted and mixed.
48.He was reputed to be the real writer of the two epic poems.
49.The tyrannical ruling and heavy taxation nourished strong resentment from the oppressed.
50.During the presidential election campaign, strategies and oratory are both crucial for public debates.
51.The spreading scandalous rumors severely undermined his reputation as a fierce warrior and trustful leader.
52.Mrs.Robin was driven almost insane by the inconsolable grief at her husband’s sudden death.
53.The ancient epic written by the anonymous writer glorified the hero’s deeds in battle.
54.She seemed to be obsessed with irrational fear that someone was plotting to murder her.
55. A profound frightful stillness spread over the city .Suddenly weird shrieks were heard in the darkness.
56.Some contemporary musicians deliberately use dissonance to achieve certain effects.
57.The workers’ demand for higher wages was a catalyst which led to important social changes.
58.In a poem, cadences are arranged in regular sequence.
59.His earthy sense of humor often embarrassed the ladies in his audience.
60.In order to create vivid characters in his novel, a writer has to draw upon his imagination and experience.
61.The unskilled eye of the layman has difficulty in discerning the nuances of color in the paintings.
62.He would sit at the piano and improvise for hours in themes from Bach and Handel.
63.It as undeniable that this invention heralded the age of the computer.
64.As one of the greatest soloists in the world, Callas had an astonishing vocal range.
65.In terms of stellar distances a journey from the earth to the moon would appear very short.
66.The advertising of cigarette and tobacco is as insidious as it is dishonest because the advertisements on display always depict
virile, clean-shaven young men and suggest it is manly to smoke, even positively healthy.
67.Despite his great commercial success he still yearns fo r critical approval.
68.Several attempts to arrange a protest march failed to gather momentum.
69.It is believed that credit is the lifeblood of the consumer society.
70.Flighty women can not be relied on because they often have volatile dispositions.
71.Autism is a total lack of language, a pervasive lack of responsiveness to people, and peculiar speech patterns.
72.Brevity is essential when you send a telegram or cablegram; you are charged for every word.
73.There’s no use wailing over mistakes made in the past. You should pluck up courage to face the problems.
74.He failed the exam because none of his answers were pertinent to the questions asked.
75.Nothing he says is spontaneous; he always thinks carefully before he speaks.
76.Steel is highly resilient and therefore is used in the manufacture of springs.
77.We can meld our two small businesses into a larger one for further development.
78.In his farewell performance, the famous musician played a piano sonata of his own composition.
79.You can not deny the fact his business skill complements her flair for design.
80.The crude typewriter on display in this museum is the prototype of the elaborate machines in use today.
81.Her feeling of exuberance was so contagious that all the other patients were soon smiling or laughing.
82.This riot is only one manifestation of people’s discontent.
83.Bessie’s mind was not quite in tune with the profundities of that learned journal.
84.The funeral was interrupted by a burst of gunfire as the priest intoned the liturgy for the latest vicitim of the fighting.
85.The way the police treated him was akin to the worst sort of torture.
86.There is an analogy between the way water moves in waves and the way light travels.
87.The wounded soldier fell back in the river, and his blood mingled with its waters.
88.I can’t help closing my eyes when I see a bright light; it’s s reflex.
89.All attempts at rationalization at this time are doomed to failure; tempers and e run too high for intelligent thought to prevail.
90.The report is vitiated by continual spelling mistakes.
91.They could perfectly well defend this suit, or in good faith try to.
92.The skiers were in imminent danger as the snow started its started its pitch forward, reaching avalanche proportions.
93.By inadvertence, he omitted two questions on the examination.
94.It was a (an) audacious stunt to throw a tightrope line between the two skyscrapers and walk across the line.
95.What you have said is an instance of pedantry and reveals an unfamiliarity with the realities of life.
96.At the last election he abstained from the vote because he was discontented with the existing social system.
97.These recurrent attacks disturbed us and we consulted a physician.
98.One of the salient features of that newspaper is its excellent editorial page.
99.The journalist on the ―Daily Telegraph‖ gave a pedestrian description of events that were actually very exciting.
100.I do not feel that your limited resources will permit you to carry out such a pretentious program.
101.―Look at those pretty little girls’ dresses‖ is ambiguous, because it is not clear whether the girls or the dresses are ―pretty‖. 102.This report is filled with generalizations ;you must be more specific in your statements.
103.The two governments are completely in accord on the question of preserving peace.
104.A human being is quite a frail creature, for the gloss of rationality that covers his or her fears and insecurity is thin and often easily breached. 105.His extreme antipathy to dispute caused him to avoid argumentative discussion with his colleagues.
106.Sectarian politics are not a social phenomenon which can be disregarded; they are ruining the country’s economy.
107.The dilemma of the chronic balance of payments deficits which have plagued the US Treasury Department under three presidents is very real.
108.Ontology is the word now used in place of metaphysics, on the grounds that it is less theological and supernatural.
109.If you’re walking along a badly-lit road at night you should wear conspicuous clothes.
110.Much speculation over the cause of the air crash was not based on a sufficient foundation of fact.
111.The police are verifing the prisoner’s statement by questioning several witnesses.
112.The dying man designated his best friend, and also his lawyer, to take care of his legal affairs.
113.After repeated experiments, the door confirmed that poor food arrested the natural growth of a child.
muters approach subway stations warily when they must travel at night in large cities.
115.I can recommend him for a position of responsibility, for I have found that he always does everything scrupulously.
116.With hard work and a bit of luck he quickly rose to affluence and established a computer empire all by himself.
117.She could find no plausible explanation for the disappearance of the documents; nor could she give any evidence for her whereabouts at the time they were stolen.
118.The people throughout the world are willing to work towards, and fight for, if necessary, the elimination of the terrorism from the world scene.
119.After a riot, drastic measures were taken to restore order in the city.
120.The government is planning to transform large areas of marginal land into land suitable for crop growing.
121.He mistakenly thought he had a permanent claim on the Party simply because he had performed some useful services in the past.
122.The military intervention by one country in the affairs of another should be strongly condemned and prohibited by international law and legitimate forces.
123.Journeying through the world is a hazardous business and it is a mistake to look for too much security.
124.Graham realized, nearly two hundred years ago, that alcohol diminished physical and sexual performance.
125.For many years they had worked without stinting to the best of their ability and knowledge for their job.
126.The foregoing precedent need not prejudice our assessment of Frank’s prospects unduly as there are extenuating circumstances in his case.
127.Owen returned to his native land and was soon in trouble with the magistrates of Edinburgh for giving a lecture deemed improper for public discussions.
128.Teaching is regarded by some as an unrewarding profession financially.
129.Can we solve the border conflict between the two countries without resort to force?
130.Of course there is some truth in all this, but only up to a point.
131.Stamp duty on share transactions is prohibitively high for the newcomer with less than 500 to invest and exemption could be made for sums under this.
132 .Cold and exhaustion at length forced the Indians to make for the shore under cover of darkness, with the leaves of aquatic plants as the camouflage for their heads.
133. It might well be that the foundations of the new field would be laid , and never before had such tremendous innovations and plans for the future been contemplated.
134. For a long time it was thought to be harmless substance but there’s recently been some proof to the contrary and you’re now warned off it.
135. The general grant takes account of the cost of local services and has been substantially increased each year since its introduction.
136 .Fixed to such a stand, the drill can be brought to the job with great precision, while pressure is increased easily by using the spring-loaded lever provided with the assembly.
137.Prima facie evidence is sometimes sufficient to establish a fact or to raise a presumption of the truth of a fact unless controverted.
138 .On his return to the council meeting attired in the mayoral robes, and after taking the oath of office, the new Mayor thanked the council for the honor they had accorded to him.
139. However impeccable her own behavior, she should avoid living with, or near, people who clearly have less regard for convention.
140. After a few sleepless nights surfing on the cyber-net he became so slack that he kept making silly mistakes.
141. In a dignity consonant with his rank he deports himself in public as if high rank automatically confers the right to be obeyed. 142. The increasing sale of luxury goods is a(n) index of the country’s prosperity.
143. Institutions like universities should indoctrinate young people with the morals and values generally accepted by the society. 144 .The last of the old man’s exiguous savings was donated to the Hope Project used for the education of a parentless teenager. 145. Martin Luther King was a leader of the movement of civil rights and an advocator of nonviolence, for violence was abhorrent to his gentle nature and the cause he pursued all his life.
完形填空(Unit 1)
The humanities are not a mere device but a form of knowledge. They indicate the human (1)achievement of the language, literature, history, philosophy, art and politices, etc. So the humanities are useful both in the cultural (2)sense and in the academic one and are intimate and permanent. They exert great (3)influence on our life and are indispensable to the development of the society. They give shape and color to the world. (4)Without the humanities we would be astonished to find that the colorful world would turn into (5)something bleak, dark, soundless, empty of any meaning(6) beyond \ except that of physical needs and mechanical products. The humanities are not (7)interested in proofs or in statistics, in place of proof they give clarity, and in place of averages they give uniqueness.
However, the humanities have some limitations. On the (8)surface, they appear more individual than social, more self-indulgent than unselfish. People have an unreasonable (9)liking for simple satisfaction of their own (10)choosing. Sometimes the humanities (11)gratify such foolish requests, giving more (12)temptations to our eye, ear and mind, even adding moral harm.
But (13)despite these limitations and some skepticism about them in the modern world, the humanities are not a Cinderella who can be (14)neglected or disregarded. They are not a temporary or passing (15)phenomenon. Instead, the humanities are (16)ingrained in society. They are poor in wealth but rich in (17)intellectual capital. They are the treasure of human culture. They (18)explore man’s spiritual world, study human nature, (19)concern themselves with human interests and make our life colorful. They give us greater (20)insight into man’s role in nature as well as the societies that he has created. The humanities, which can help us to understand and explain the (21)reasons for our actions, are a form of knowledge that is (22)acquired through the study of man’s spiritual creations. With this knowledge the individual can come into (23)possession of his or her full powers. So they are an essential (24)part of knowledge of any person who wants to come to (25)terms with life.
完形填空(Unit 3)
Modern advertising is a form of magic, which creates a Promised Land. So, powerful is its magic power that people constantly get into the (1)ha bit of living in that future environment which ads have (2)promised. Advertising employs all the (3)techniques of symbolist art, which may not find its (4)place in the art gallery but (5)works perfectly in the market place. Advertising, with its (6)appeal to every heart, sets up national brands and totems for (7)communal participation. The advertisements give a person the (8)feeling of belonging and importance. It reinforces the (9)notion that you feel better satisfied if you use well-known brands. Today advertising is a major (10)industry absorbing most of the artistic talent of our world. The (11)connection between artists and advertising is old and profitable. The artistic works are being used to promote the (12)turn ove r of the industry .More intelligence (13)goes into the design and layout of the ad. Elaborate consumer (14)surveys and psychological studies are conducted to (15)establish the exact characteristics of the social groups whose money is to be magically extracted. It is true that advertisements (16)cost a large amount of money, but they represent an investment of multimillion dollars, let (17)alone the appetites they create and the impulses they stir in a vast reader mass, who are the (18)potentia l investors to the production plants and national sales networks. This is why the design or the layout of the advertisements is (19)geared to the reader mass. In a (20)word, advertising represents the main channel of intellectual and artistic effort in the modern world.
完形填空(Unit 4)
What is jazz? Jazz is vigorous and exciting rhythm and it is one of the freest and most demonstrative forms of (1)musical expression. The lifeblood of jazz is creativity. But how to maintain this (2)freedom of expression in modern times is a problem which jazz confronts. It is, (3)therefore, necessary to know where jazz originated from.
The origins of jazz can be credited (4)to the Negro slaves from the west coast of Africa. Viewed in historical (5) perspective, its sounds and moods reflect the struggle and growth of a people. Abolition of slavery (6)gave jazz the force that increased the rate of its development. For twenty years after Abolition, the Negro’s main (7)source of musical expression was still his voice. Then it grew into the blues which were the (8)foundation of jazz. The blues were a rich, social and personal musical (9)language which expressed man’s natural thinking and emotions. After the Civil War, instead of using traditional (10)methods to express himself, the Negro began to use the musical brass instruments to (11)replace the vocal wailing of the blues. He blew the blues into his horn. At the beginning of the twentieth century, jazz (12)spread quickly from New Orleans to the whole country and grew into (13)maturity. Although jazz faced the problem of reduced audience during the Great Depression, its spirit was kept (15)alive everywhere.
In the forties jazz developed into modern jazz, which is different from classic jazz. Modern jazz (16)features a style of economy and simplicity, but it also emphasizes emotional (17)qualities. Now jazz has virtually spread across the whole world, some people think it (18)necessary to make jazz become a larger form of composition. However, jazz is substantially different from the (19)composed music. It is primarily an aural music. Its creative nature is dependent upon the ear. Jazz, the (20)symbol of freedom and creativity, cannot be truly written down. Jazz is a creative and spontaneous music for the people and by the people.
完形填空(Unit 6): The scientific study of man can be traced back to ancient times, even beyond Aristotle and Hippocrates to indistinct beginnings. Since Hippocrates, the medical sciences have kept the tradition that (1)combines theory and practice. Hippocrates who taught medicine looked on the (2)adaptation of the doctor to his work, accurate observation of things and the wise construction of a theory as the (3)indispensable parts of effective work in any circumstances. He was (4)opposed to the ancient, traditional myths and superstitions (5)exist in the medical field of his day, and the pretentious systematization of knowledge that (6)lacked solid, objective foundation. However, the social sciences today suffer from the same (7)defects as those of the medical sciences to which Hippocrates was opposed, for social and political myths are everywhere (8)current and the social sciences consist of elaborate (9)speculation on an insufficient foundation of fact.
There are two kinds of human behavior.: one is thinking, talking and writing about subjects which are clearly and logically (10)related to concrete observations and experiences; the other kind of (11)behavior is completely the opposite of the former. The medical sciences mainly (12)emphasize classificatory, descriptive and systematic knowledge. Their theories are the result of the combined efforts of a great number of investigators. In the natural sciences, (13)testing of thought by observation and experiment is continuous. Thus, theories and generalizations of all kinds are (14)constantly being corrected, modified and adapted to the salient and recurrent phenomena.
However, the systems in the social sciences are (15)differen t. They lack in special methods and special skills. Neither theories nor descriptive systems (16)develop by adaptation to the increasing knowledge and experience of the scientist, but are (17)derived from the mind of one man. Theories are generally not held in (18)common by all investigators. So disagreement and controversy exist in the social sciences. Thinking in the social sciences (19)suffers chiefly from two defects: One is the fallacy of misplaced concreteness; the other, the intrusion of sentiments into the thinking. These defects make the theories of the social sciences hardly (20)applicable to practice.
完形填空(Unit 7):As the society becomes more and more (1)affluent, there appears a shrinking of workweek. The average hours worked per week have (2)declined drastically in the last century. This is because there is less (3)urgency for the production of goods as the individuals are (4)less urgently in need of income for their (5)purchase of goods. They may (6)choose to work fewer hours or to work less hard. On the other hand, the industry may recruit fewer workers (7)releasing the old and young of the hard toils. With the rapid change in the labor force, there has emerged a New Class, for whom, work is an important (8)source of satisfaction and is taken for (9)granted that it will be enjoyable. The pay for the job is not the principal (10)motivation but a prime index of prestige-the respect and esteem of others. The overwhelming (11)qualification for a member of the New Class is education, an (12)investment of money, time and energy. It is believed that education will enable them to gain an (13)access to the hierarchical world .Education is ,thus, (14)regarded as the central goal of the society ,But unlike the investment of (15)material capital, the investment of education is less (16)quantitatively measurable and tangible. The product can (17)neither be seen nor valued. Nevertheless, people’s efforts to join the New Class are general and obvious, so the New Class is (18)expanding rapidly. An interesting and rewarding (19) occupation is the aspiration of the society as a (20)whole.
Unit 1: 科学是一门知识,是解决工业、农业、战争和医疗方面技术问题的非常有用的工具。














Science is a kind of knowledge which is a very useful tool in solving the technical problems of industry, agriculture, warfare and medicine. To understand the width and depth to which science can be applied to the material and spiritual problems that confront individuals and nations requires and understanding of what science really is.
The word science comes to us from a latin word, scire, which means ―to know‖. Then, in a broad sense, science is simply what we know; the total of all human knowledge. But the definition of science as all human knowledge would not be a workable one, for it is obvious that there are different types of knowledge. The kinds differ according to how the knowledge was obtained, and also according to what frame of experience it fits. What we know of the arts, literature, law, religion, and technical know how, are more or less separate funds of information. They have little to do with what we commonly call science.
Science is also called natural science to distinguish it form other branches of learning. Science is concerned with nature, that is, with knowledge of the characteristics and operations of any all natural things and happenings. Science embraces all of nature, and espresses our best ineas of how natural phenomena are related to each other and are to be formed into what is called the universe.
Science has many characteristics, and to understand what science is requires a detailed examination of these properties and peculiarities. A number of writers have asserted that science is really only a method –the scientific method. Such a definition is an over simplification, but it is certain that the scientific method plays an important role in determining the nature of scientific knowledge.。
