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雅典卫城(Acropolis of Ath 1. 帕提农神庙(Parthenon )
2. 雅典娜庙旧址(Old Temple of
3. 伊瑞克提翁神庙(Erechtheum
4. 雅典娜普罗玛琪斯之像(Statue
5. 卫城⼭门(Propylaea )
6. ⽆翼胜利⼥神庙(Temple of At
7. 厄琉希尼翁神庙(Eleusinion
8. ⽉神?阿尔特⽶斯?布劳罗尼欧的
9. 青铜室(Chalkotheke )
10. 潘朵席翁圣所(Pandroseion )11. 阿瑞封瑞翁(Arrephorion )
12. 雅典娜圣坛(Altar of Athena 13. 宙斯圣所(Sanctuary of Zeus 14. 潘狄翁圣所(Sanctuary of Pan 15. 海罗德斯?阿提卡斯⾳乐厅(Ode 16. 欧墨尼得斯拱廊(Stoa of Eume 17. 阿斯克勒⽪翁圣所(Sanctuary 18. 酒神?戴奥尼索斯剧场(Theatre 19. 佩利克雷斯⾳乐厅(Odeon of P 20. 酒神?戴奥尼索斯神殿(Temenos 21. 阿格劳洛斯神庙位置(
Aglaurei Athens )建筑群构成详解:
e o
f Athena )
eum )
tatue of Athena Promachos )
of Athena Nike )
ion )
尼欧的圣所(Sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia or Braur
hena )
Zeus Polieus )
f Pandion )
Odeon of Herodes Atticus )
Eumenes )
uary of Asclepius or Asclepieion )
eatre of Dionysus Eleuthereus )
of Pericles )
menos of Dionysus Eleuthereus )
aureion )
Brauroneion )。
