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英语作文三年前的自己和现在的自己对比Three Years Ago and Now
Wow, it's hard to believe how much I've changed in just three years! When I think back to who I was back then, it almost seems like a different person entirely. I was such a little kid –innocent, clueless, and with so much still left to discover about the world and about myself. Now that I'm a few years older and wiser, the differences between my past self and present self are pretty huge.
Let me start by talking about what I was like three years ago as a bright-eyed youngster. I was a total goofball back then, always cracking silly jokes and doing stupid little dances to try to make my friends and family laugh. I loved being the class clown and putting on a show. I didn't really care about school or grades that much – I just wanted to have fun and goof around all day. My attention span was basically nonexistent too. Trying to get me to sit still and focus on something for more than 5 minutes was pretty much impossible.
In terms of interests and hobbies, I was really into all the typical kid stuff back then. Playing make-believe games, watching cartoons, collecting toys, you name it. I was obsessed
with superheroes and fantasy worlds full of magic and adventure.
I had a crazy vivid imagination and could get totally lost in those fantastical made-up realms for hours on end. I also loooooved anything gross, smelly, or dealing with bodily functions because of course I thought that was the funniest thing ever at that age. Fart jokes? I was allll about 'em.
Yep, I was definitely your classic hyper, giggly, can't-sit-still little kid back in those days. The kind who has a permanent smile plastered across their face and can find joy in the smallest, silliest things. I had basically zero responsibilities or worries weighing me down. My life was just a neverending playdate and I was perfectly content with that. No concept of the future or anything bigger than the present moment.
Man, have things changed since then though! These days, I'd say I'm a lot more...serious? Mature? Focused? I've started to really buckle down on my schoolwork and actually care about my grades. I've realized that doing well academically now is important for getting into a good college later, which will then lead to a good career, and so on. That drive to succeed and work hard is a pretty new development for me.
I'm not that hyper, bouncing-off-the-walls kind of kid anymore either. Don't get me wrong, I can still be goofy and
have lots of fun! But I've definitely gained the ability to sit still, concentrate, and stay on task for longer periods of time. I've discovered the joys of reading, creative writing, and more mentally stimulating hobbies that require patience and focus. Imagining intricate stories and fantasy worlds is still something I love, but now I try to capture those ideas through writing rather than just acting them out through play.
My interests overall have also started to mature and align more with adult passions. While I still enjoy the occasional cartoon, I've gotten way more into watching thought-provoking movies and shows that tackle real-life issues. I've developed an fascination with science, especially topics like outer space, dinosaurs, and natural wonders. I love researching new facts and gaining knowledge about how the world works. It's like a totally new world has opened up to me now that I'm not just satisfied with surface-level entertainment.
I'd say one of the biggest shifts has been my increasing sense of self-awareness and concern for the future. As a little kid, I was pretty oblivious and short-sighted, only caring about what was right in front of me in that moment. Now, I'm starting to think about bigger concepts like what kind of person I want to become, what I want to do with my life long-term, and how the
choices I make today could impact my future path. I'm worrying about things that never would have crossed my mind a few years back, like studying hard so I can get into a good college, being a good friend and community member, taking care of the environment, and so on.
With this increased self-awareness has also come more
self-consciousness at times. I used to be that kid who would blurt out whatever ridiculous thought popped into my head without a second thought. Now, I'll actually stop and consider whether what I want to say is appropriate or might inadvertently hurt someone's feelings before speaking up. Part of me misses that ability to just be completely unfiltered and in-the-moment without overthinking everything. But overall, I think developing more of awarenes of myself and how I'm perceived is helping me mature into a more socially calibrated person.
So while I may not be that carefree, happy-go-lucky tiny tornado of energy anymore, I'd like to think the growth and maturation I've experienced has been for the better. I'm starting to get glimpses of the kind of person I may one day become –someone more focused, driven, aware of myself and the world around me. While that little kid version of myself will always have a special place in my heart and memories, I know I can't stay that
way forever. Life moves on, and we have to grow and change along with it, even if it means leaving some of that youthful silliness behind.
It's been three years of pretty incredible evolution, and I can only imagine how much more I'm going to change and discover about myself in the years to come. For now though, I'm trying to appreciate exactly where I'm at in this moment: an older, wiser, more thoughtful kid who can still let loose and be spontaneous and have plenty of fun too. Yep, the silly goofball is still in there...he's just been joined by a more grounded, conscious companion. And they're both coming along for one heckuva ride.。
